Best protein sources for muscle building

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Content 1. Best Protein Sources For Muscle Building 2. Building Muscle - Which Are the Best Muscle Building Exercises? 3. Muscle Building Routine - Overall Approach to Building Muscle Mass 4. The Top 10 Muscle Building Facts You Need to Know! 5. Top 3 Muscle Building Supplements to Gain Muscle Fast

1. Best Protein Sources For Muscle Building Seasoned bodybuilders are more than aware of the fact that the most important nutrient for muscle growth is protein. Novices take heed: You will not see any significant gains, regardless of the effort you put into your workouts, if you don't supply your body with the right amount of muscle building protein that it needs to sustain muscular growth. So, why is protein so important, and what are the best muscle building protein sources? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Let's figure it out. Protein comprises a chain of smaller monomers called amino acids, and it is a macromolecule. Protein, once it is consumed and digested, is broken down into individual amino acids, and these are used for thousands of bodily functions. Getting the ideal muscle building protein is very important for people who are looking to build their muscle size and strength. Protein is important because it optimizes the muscle building process and repairs damaged muscle tissue. So we now know that can't get bigger and stronger without muscle building protein; the next step is to find out the best source of it. A list of foods that not only help you maximize your muscle gains but also provide you with a powerful protein-packed punch have been listed below. Eggs - One of the best quality sources of muscle building protein is eggs, and they need not be consumed in the raw form. Adding eggs to your breakfast, be it scrambled, hard boiled, or fried, is a great

way to jumpstart the day and ensure that your muscles get their protein fix. Lean Red Meat - Lean red meat is an ideal muscle building protein, so forget what you've read in all those diet blogs. The concentration of growth-supporting nutrients is the highest in red meat, more than any other protein source out there. The best choices are sirloin cuts or extra lean ground beef. Poultry - Chicken and turkey are equally important. These are perfect protein sources. Keep in mind that when eating poultry, you should focus on the white meat portions. The white portions are extremely high in muscle building protein and very low in fat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Milk - This is another excellent source of muscle building protein, offering a variety of muscle-building benefits. About 8 grams of protein is contained in every 250 ml cup of milk. Casein is the slowest absorbing form of protein available, and 80% of milk is made up of it. It can take up to 4 hours to completely digest casein, which forms a gel in the stomach. Casein helps your body stay in an anabolic state for longer periods of time, owing to its timed release. Milk supports muscle growth by providing a great spectrum of amino acids; it also contains short-chain fatty acids. One advantage of milk is that it can be added to your protein shake or to any other recipe. Why not sport a milk mustache today? Fish/Seafood - You can provide your body with a good 30 grams of muscle building protein by simply consuming a can of tuna. The great thing is that it has zero carbs and fat. Some of the other great choices are salmon, cod, and halibut. Fish and seafood can offer you more

than just protein. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit in muscle building. Peanut Butter/Peanuts - Peanut butter/peanuts contain a lot of unsaturated fat, and this can be actually beneficial to your health. Peanuts are also a good muscle building protein source. Instead of opting for the commercial stuff, opt for natural peanut butter that does not contain saturated fat. Cottage Cheese - Like milk, cottage cheese is also casein protein. As a result, it is digested very slowly. It is contains a lot of natural glutamine, which is the most abundant amino acid in your body. Whey Protein - Whey protein is the highest quality muscle building protein that you can put in your body, and it is one of the most popular and effective supplements in the bodybuilding industry. Check out website below for more information on muscle building protein sources. My goal is to promote a healthy mind with a healthy body and bodybuilding or muscle building is an excellent way of achieving a healthy body so that it can host a healthy mind. If you want to learn more on Muscle Building, visit

2. Building Muscle - Which Are the Best Muscle Building Exercises? Have you been wondering why you can not seem to build muscle? Do you think it is something to do with the exercises you have chosen for your workout? The reason you are not building muscle is because you have been doing isolation exercises all this time. Isolation exercises move your body through a single joint movement or are using one muscle group. These are exercises that are using the least amount of muscles. Examples of these exercises that are going to produce small results for muscle building: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< -- Tricep Kickback -- Bicep Curl -- Calf Raises -- Cable Crossovers -- Shoulder lateral raises -- Leg Extentions -- Hamstring Curls Notice these are the exercises that you have been lifting the least amount of weight for. If you are serious about building muscle then cut out these waste of time exercises from your workout.

Your workout should contain compound exercises if your looking to build muscle. Compound exercises are multi-joint exercises which are using multiple muscle groups. GREAT muscle building exercises include: Exercises (Muscles worked) -- Chest Press (triceps, chest, shoulders) -- Squats (back, arms, gluts, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, traps, shoulders, core muscles) -- Deadlifts (back, arms, gluts, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, traps, shoulders, core muscles) -- Pull downs or chin ups (arms, back) -- Dips (triceps, chest, shoulders) -- Clean and Press (back, arms, gluts, hamstrings, calves, traps, shoulders) -- Shoulder Presses (shoulders, arms) -- Weighted Lunges (hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, arms, core muscles, traps) -- Weighted Step-ups (hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, arms, core muscles, traps) In addition to building more muscle these exercises will also help burn more calories, decrease your risk of injury, build strength, improve co-ordination and keep your heart rate up during your workout.

If you are looking for more Muscle Building exercises check out Lean Body Fitness Articles. For more Muscle Building tips check out Lean Body Fitness Articles.

3. Muscle Building Routine - Overall Approach to Building Muscle Mass Building muscle mass is an approach which requires a proper mass building workout routine, proper nutrition, sufficient rest and good supplements. When it comes to selecting the proper workout method, the best way to build muscle mass is by using free weights. Any serious weightlifter will tell you that dumbbells and barbells are the key to building up mass. In addition to working your primary target muscle, free weights such as barbells and dumbbells involve secondary muscle groups as well and force your body to exert more effort and engage more muscles. Machines have more muscle-isolating kinetics to them and are mainly used in routines when you are looking to get muscle definition and separation. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< To build mass and allow for enough recovery time you should be exercising between 2 to 4 times per week. More than 4 times per week will not give you enough time to rest and will force your muscles into cannibalizing themselves. Mass building workouts are ones where you do a low number of sets (2 to 3 max) and go super heavy on the weights where you perform 4 to 6 (sometimes 8) repetitions. Thus, these workouts are demanding and sufficient rest is paramount! Another element involves changing-up your routine every 3 weeks. This keeps your muscles guessing and avoids hitting plateaus in development. Proper nutrition is another piece of the mass building puzzle. You need to add to your daily calorie intake, and consume more calories than you burn. Then you will take those calories and meld them into

super strong and massive musculature by doing proper and frequent exercise. Begin by consuming about 1.5 grams of protein for each pound of your body weight. Later, you can up the intake if you want to further your results. Proteins build and rebuild tissue and without them you cannot achieve any muscle growth. It is also important to consume carbohydrates in sufficient quantities, for three purposes. First, your body draws on them as the fuel to burn in the furnace. They provide you energy during your workouts. Second, when you are burning carbohydrates, you are not burning the proteins that you need to build mass. Third, you need them after a workout to spike your energy levels. You should eat a small serving of carbohydrates at every meal, and snack on them both before and after your workout. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Just remember when you are choosing carbohydrates to stick with the complex rather than simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates, from fruit and dairy products, are not the kind you need. You want the complex carbohydrates from whole grains, pasta, rice, and legumes, or beans. They are full of fiber and your body will burn them slowly. Mass Building Routines - The Importance of Recuperation When you are focusing on mass building it is important to rest enough. If you are a novice, begin with two workouts per week; eventually you can advance to four. But it is important to rest muscles for 48 hours between workouts. If you train too often, or if you fail to give muscle groups adequate rest, then your body will draw on protein as fuel and will actually eat-up your hard earned muscle. Furthermore, getting sufficient hours of sleep every night is

also important because this is the time when our body goes into rebuild and recovery mode. Finally, proper bodybuilding supplements in the form of whey protein and vitamins are also a key component of building muscle. Unless you are a great cook and have time to cook 4 to 6 meals a day, you will be hard pressed to achieve your goals without taking protein shakes before and after your workouts. Of course there are other supplements that you can use to build muscle and enhance your strength and energy, but whey protein is the absolute foundation upon which you build your supplement intake. Eating 4 to 6 meals per day that are evenly spaced will get you on the right track to achieving your muscle building goals. In conclusion, building muscle mass requires are synchronized approach where you need to incorporate different elements which all act in perfect synergy to help you achieve you goal of building muscle mass. A good workout routine coupled with proper nutrition, rest and supplementation are all key components. Take away one and you will have crippled your efforts and subsequent results. For more articles and information on proper workouts, supplements and dieting regimens visit

4. The Top 10 Muscle Building Facts You Need to Know! 1. Building muscle has a lot to do with genetics. If your parents are naturally thin or have a small body frame then most likely you will have the same traits. This doesn't mean you have no chance of building a strong muscular body. It just means you are going to have to work hard. 2. Your metabolism has an effect on your size. If you have difficulty gaining weight whether it's fat or muscle, then you most likely have a fast metabolism. Your body is burning calories faster than you can consume them. 3. There is no universal weight training program that is going to get massive results for every individual person. The best way to find a program that works for you is to find someone who had the same type of body as you before and start walking their walk. There are certainly standard exercises that will build muscle but there is more to building muscle than weight lifting. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 4. More training doesn't mean more muscle. This is one of the most difficult concepts for many to grasp. The purpose of weight training is to stimulate muscle growth... that's all. Once that has been done, your muscles need to repair and new muscle needs to be built which only happens when you are resting. 5. Isolation exercises aren't going to get you big fast. The best exercises to put on the most amount of overall size are multi-muscle exercises. These are exercises that require more than one muscle or muscle group to get the job done. These lifts put the most amount of stress on your body. This is the stress that will shock your nervous

system into releasing the greatest amount of muscle building hormones. 6. Free weights build muscle quicker. Free weights are preferred over machines because they make your body work harder. They require greater concentration and allow the stimulation of supporting muscles. Machines are good for beginners to help with form and basic control, but limit the effectiveness of the exercise. 7. No Pain, No Gain. Lifting the same weights over and over isn't going to get you big. In fact it will do the exact opposite. To build muscle you need to go heavy. This stimulates Type IIB muscle fibers which cause the most amount of muscle gain. Lifting heavy is when your body fails after 4-8 reps. 8. Long training sessions are a NO-GO. The idea is to stimulate muscle, not hit it from every angle possible. This is only a concern for developed body builders looking to tone muscle. Long training sessions cause catabolic hormone levels to rise dramatically. Catabolic hormones are responsible for breaking down muscle tissue resulting in MUSCLE LOSS. Your weight training sessions should go for no longer than 60-75 minutes maximum. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 9. You don't need aerobic activity to lose fat. The time spent running or swimming is muscle building and recovery time lost. Building muscle is the fastest way to lose fat. Aerobic activities will help you lose fat but not so if you are on a high calorie mass diet for building muscle. 10. 3 square meals a day isn't going to help you build muscle. Eating is an important part of muscle building. You need to eat more often and eat more protein. You should be eating roughly every 2.5 hours

which is about 6 meals per day. Spreading your meals throughout the day will improve muscle assimilation, and make sure that your body always has the calories it needs for muscle building and repair.

5. Top 3 Muscle Building Supplements to Gain Muscle Fast There are some great muscle building supplements out there to gain muscle fast. The best way to gain muscle is through a proper training routine that is constantly changing and adding greater loads to force your body to adapt. A proper nutritional program is the other major factor for success but there are a muscle building supplements that can give you a big boost to add to your muscle gaining goal. BCAA's - Brached Chain Amino Acids Branched chain amino acids have recently become one of the most popular muscle building supplements in the last couple years for adding muscle mass. They have been around for a long time but it is only until recently that they have been properly implemented making them one of the best steroid alternatives. BCAA's are the three amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. They are the amino acids that are broken down the quickest during intensive weight training. When taken pre workout and during workout they give your muscles a phenomenal boost since they don't break down as quickly and they will not break down as much. When taken post workout they quickly help to rebuild your muscle tissue. BCAA's are part of protein but when taken separately from a protein drink during your workout you can really add to your muscle building gains. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The dosage for BCAA's is as low as 5grams pre workout to as high as 20grams. It's tough to get the higher dosage in capsules so it is highly recommended to take a powder form that can be mixed into a drink like Scivations Xtend. The reviews on Xtend have been great as the

most common complaint on BCAA powder is the taste. Xtend has high solubility in water and has a great taste. If you are looking for muscle building supplements that are safe and effective adding a BCAA supplement like Xtend can help you get to the next level. USP Labs Prime USP Prime comes from a special tribulus extract. Tribulus has been used for centuries to increase natural testosterone levels and libido. The tribulus found in Prime is called Tribulus Aquaticus and does not seem to work by a hormonal means which is very interesting. I've personally used this one and it is one of my favorites. I admit the only downside is the price but considering it gives real gains and has zero side effects it is my one of my favorite muscle building supplements. Check out the USP Labs Prime Reviews out there to get a feel for what people are saying. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Creatine Creatine Monohydrate came out back in the mid 90's and it made a serious impact on the supplement world. Finally there was a muscle building supplement that delivered on its claims of actually working to add strength and muscle. There are so many versions of this out now but I recommend the cheapest which is creatine monohydrate. A decade ago it was still pretty expensive but now it's possible to take this for a little as $5 per month. This should be a staple for anyone really serious about gaining muscle mass fast. It is one of the great muscle building supplements because it works. It will give you great gains in strength and will volumize your muscle tissue making them appear a little bigger. When your muscles are hydrated they are in a better environment for creating new growth and creating

maximal power output. Creatine doesn't work in about 10% of people that try it. If you don't get a response from creatine monohydrate you can try a more expensive version like creatine ethyl ester which seems to absorb better in non responders. If you are looking for effective muscle building supplements to gain muscle fast you should be looking for something safe but effective enough to warrant spending your money. I can personally vouch for each one of these supplements and include them in my steroid alternatives arsenal for rapid muscle growth and recovery. Get the Best Muscle Building Workouts visit

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