Building muscle a great diet for gaining weight

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Content 1. Building Muscle - A Great Diet For Gaining Weight 2. Building Muscle - A Plan For Skinny Guys to Pack on Muscle 3. Building Muscle With Today's Strength Training Methods 4. How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle? The Truth About Building Muscle 5. Importance of Workout Schedule for Building Muscle

1. Building Muscle - A Great Diet For Gaining Weight Building muscle mass means that you'll have to consume more calories than your body burns on a daily basis. In this article, I'll outline an effective sample muscle building diet and proven guidelines that you can use to pack on muscle mass and gain weight fast. Too many guys make the mistake of training too frequently in the gym and not feeding their body's properly to in order to support muscle growth and recovery. Eating to build muscle and gain weight is not rocket-science, but there are certain guidelines that you'll need to follow in your diet to ensure optimal muscle growth and recovery. When you eat the correct muscle building foods, your mass gains will increase almost overnight because certain foods produce an anabolic environment in the body, which means that your body will be very efficient at building new muscle tissue. Here are some proven guidelines that you'll want to follow when you're looking to design your own muscle mass building diet. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Guideline #1: To gain weight and build muscle fast, eat at least 2 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight each day. So for example, if you weight 160 pounds, you should be consuming at least 320 grams of carbohydrates every day to support energy production and muscle growth. Guideline #2: To support an anabolic or muscle building environment in your body, strive to eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight every day. Taking the example from above, you should

be eating at least 160 grams of protein every day in order to pack on muscle size. Protein helps to re-build damaged muscle tissue from intense weight training and speeds up to recovery as well as the muscle growth process. Guideline #3: In order to support muscle growth and reduce muscle inflammation that's caused by intense weight training, eat plenty of healthy omega-3 fats in your diet. If you weigh 160 pounds, you should consume at least 70 to 80 grams of fat every day which comes out to roughly 0.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. Now that you know how much protein, carbohydrates and fats you should be eating every day to gain weight and build muscle, let's design a sample muscle building diet based on the guidelines above. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Breakfast: 2 Whole Eggs (Boiled) 21 grams Protein powder 1 cup Low-Fat Milk 1 cup Oatmeal 2 tsp Olive, Flax or Salmon Oils Pre-Workout Snack: 28 grams Protein powder 1 cup Low-Fat Milk 2/3 cup Oatmeal

1 ounce of mixed nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts) Post Workout Snack 30 Grams of protein powder mixed with 3 cups of fruit juice Post Workout Meal (Lunch): 6 oz Tuna Steak with Rice and Vegetables 1 cup of rice. Season the rice and vegetables 2 Bell Peppers 2 tsp Olive, Flax or Salmon Oils >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Dinner: 6 oz Chicken breast, skinless. Chicken with Salad and Applesauce 1/4 cup Cucumber. Baking the chicken is an easy way to cook it. 1 Pepper. Can make a tasty salad dressing from balsamic 1/8 head Lettuce, iceberg, vinegar, olive oil, garlic and any spices of your choice 1 cup Cherry tomatoes and a side of rice. Dessert 1/2 cup Applesauce 1 Ounce of almonds or walnuts Before Bed Protein Shake: 28 grams Protein powder. Late Night Protein Shake with Oatmeal

1/3 cup Oatmeal. Put all ingredients in a blender over ice and blend. 2/3 tsp Olive, Flax or Salmon Oils. Adding water to create desired consistency. 1 cup Low-Fat Milk Total Daily Calories = 2500 to 2700 Total Carbohydrates = 340 to 360 grams Total Protein = 160 to 180 grams Total Fats = 65 to 80 grams >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The diet above is an a good example of what your day to day diet should look like if your goal is to build muscle and gain weight through healthy foods and high-protein snacks. Notice that the diet above includes pre and post workout protein shakes. Although protein shakes are not essential to build muscle, they're very convenient and allow you to easily meet your daily protein requirements. You can substitute some foods that you don't like or don't have access to with foods that are similar. The muscle building diet that I've outlined above is a great example for someone who weighs 150 to 170 pounds and wants to pack on muscle mass quickly with very little fat gain. If you weigh more than 170 pounds, you'll have to increase the portion size of each meal in the sample above in order to meet your daily carbohydrate, protein, fat and calorie requirements.

To sum up, building muscle and gaining weight means that you'll have to eat plenty of muscle building foods on a daily basis. Foods that are high in protein, healthy carbohydrates as well as healthy fats will all support weight gain and muscle growth if they're eaten in the proper amounts every day.

2. Building Muscle - A Plan For Skinny Guys to Pack on Muscle Body type, courtesy of genetics, can wreak havoc on your muscle building efforts, particularly if you are a skinny guy. Genetics alone do not dictate that you cannot gain muscle it just means you have to work harder to get those big guns than the average heavyweight you might see traipsing around the gym. Somatotype, the concept of human physique, coined in the 1940s by psychologist Dr William Sheldon, categorizes three main types of muscle gainer: the endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph. Skinny guys that work hard to gain muscle but just don't are of the ectomorph variety, which means you have a long and thin build that is not predisposed to storing fat or building muscle efficiently. Most women would kill for this problem, but if you are a man that wants to flex those biceps in pride, your hard-gainer status is problematic. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< More Calories In Than Out Muscles grow on calories and calories are the key to weight gain or loss. If you want to gain muscle, it has to come from a surplus of calories consumed exceeding those you burn during exercise and regular daily activity. On average, consume at least 500 to 1,000 more calories a day than you normally would, which yields a gain of 1 to 2 pounds per week. A simple way to determine your exact calorie intake for sustaining your current weight is multiplying weight x 15 and then adding 500 or 1,000 to that number. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds x 15 = 2,250; add 1,000, to equal 3,250 calories per day to gain 2 pounds per week. The exact pounds you need to

add per day is specific to your starting weight and activity level but should be discussed first with your physician before implementation. Add Calories with Healthy, Muscle-Building Food You cannot munch on any old thing to gain muscle. Keep a sensible head and consume foods targeted at building muscle without causing your body health complications. Muscle building foods include those containing protein and carbohydrates. Protein is the basic building block of muscle and adding a savory portion of lean protein to each meal and snack increases muscle mass. Make at least 35 percent of your total daily calorie intake come from a protein source, which ranges from 40 to 60 grams per day if you weigh less than 200 lbs before you begin your bulking plan. Eat a lean protein at least two hours before intense exercise and within two hours after, for optimal muscle recovery. Examples of lean proteins to add to your daily meals: egg whites, skinless poultry, baked or grilled fish, low-fat dairy and lean red meat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Carbohydrates fuel all the cells in your body and particularly the muscles. You need plenty of carbohydrates daily to conduct normal activities and boost the intensity of your workouts. Consume healthy carbohydrates from fresh produce and whole grains to sustain energy without experiencing a sugar-crash. Try to add a carbohydrate to each meal or snack and consume 60 to 80 grams, which is approximately 40 to 75 percent of your total daily calorie intake. Examples of carbohydrates to add to your daily meals: brown rice, oatmeal, leafy greens and berries. Fat is a part of the diet but choose unsaturated fats like olive oil, nuts and seafood instead of butter, margarine, potato chips and fried

meat. Consume no more than 30 percent of fat from total calories in your muscle building diet. Fat insulates your muscle cells to maximize muscle growth. However too much fat, can also cause arterial damage. Additional Considerations Eat frequent, smaller meal portions up to six times a day. Feed your machine and muscles will develop. But as you feed your machine you must also include strength-building exercise. Food is the basis of energy for muscle bulking but without exercise you will not grow rock hard muscle. During strength training workouts, lift the heaviest weight you can at high repetitions without compromising form. Alternate muscle groups every other day to allow muscle recovery, which inspires growth. Add cardiovascular exercise to maintain heart health but do not emphasize cardio in every workout. The goal is to build muscle and bulk up, not burn the extra calories you just consumed. Face it if you are a predisposed skinny guy, you might not ever be the desired mesomorph who builds muscle without storing fat. But your skinny guy status does not doom you to a life of puny muscles either. With the right combination of determination, planning, diet and exercise, you can transform into a lean, albeit mass building muscle machine.

3. Building Muscle With Today's Strength Training Methods It's a pathetic reality that throughout the years there has been a growth of strength training methods for building muscle that have no scientific proof to back them up. Take a look at the facts and principles presented below for building muscle and make up your own mind. Below you will discover Scientific Guidelines for strength training which have been around for years but aren't adopted by a large number of training techniques these days. 1. Building Muscle Before Depleting Energy Levels A strength-training routine ought to be short and uncomplicated. Most of us simply have a limited amount of energy per work out, let alone time. Scientific studies demonstrate that blood glucose levels (energy) start to deplete after 30 mins, so exercise selection as well as the time taken to execute them is vital. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What you should be targeting towards is stimulating as many muscle fibres in the shortest period of time available. While you're building muscle during your workout routine your glucose levels deplete after a high intensity training session (generally between 20 - 30 minutes). And keep in mind that you require energy to recuperate following any workout routine, so your diet for building muscle must be considered as well. The fastest way to build muscle is to give yourself a high intensity training session before your blood glucose (energy) level disappears. At that point you should have provided your body the workout which it needs to gain the maximum amount of muscle possible. So, how do we do that?

2. Building Muscle Through Progressive Overload Progressive Overload is the key workout principle you need to incorporate in order to get the results that you're looking for with regards to strength training and the best way to build muscle. The two most significant factors are: a) It's crucial to finish workout routines with excellent technique and form. b) Continue your workout to complete failure when doing a set. Also overload the weight on the bar progressively during your routine. (Overload your focused muscles to beyond what thy are used to). Essentially this means that once the body is pressured by high intensity training over and above its normal demands, the body will adjust to these new demands with improved strength. When I say "normal demands," I'm talking about just what degree of stress/strength your body is used to now. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< As an example: The set that you executed last week by employing the same technique and weight, your body will now have adapted to. If you stay at this level your muscles won't become stronger or bigger. This is when the Progressive Overload plays an important part in strength training and building muscle. When your muscles have adjusted to a certain weight then it'll be time to overload them even more (increase the weight, speed, repetitions). You need to continue repeating this process of progressive overload in order to become stronger. NOTE:

Always use "GOOD TECHNIQUE" during your workout routines to build muscle. Technique should never be sacrificed for additional load. 3. Training Frequency The sad fact is that the popular high volume kind of training which you find in bodybuilding books and magazines (as well as what's being utilized by the celebrities) is irrelevant for the majority of the populace and possesses a surprising failure rate. What is perfect for Joe Superstar with his muscle building program, is probably not good for you. Everybody has got unique genetics. Many of us have poor genetics and we are not taking steroids like the stars to boost our muscle mass. The only way a lot of us tend to make any gains at all is to perform short intense workouts followed by lengthy periods of rest making sure that we don't overtrain. Our bodies need to rest and recuperate from these high intensity workouts. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 4. Over-Compensation Quite a few studies carried out around the world have shown positively, that recuperation from muscle building demands considerably more rest time than previously thought. Infrequent, brief, high intensity weight training routines, followed by the necessary length of time to recover and grow stronger is necessary for you to increase your functional muscles. Here's what you need to do... provide your body sufficient recovery time for over compensation to happen, so that the muscles can adapt to their new strength and growth.

5. Workout selection for intensity I can't stress enough of how exercise selection is so totally critical to strength training and how to build muscle quickly. There really are only a few exercises that you actually need to perform. These kind of workouts incorporate multi-joint big muscle workouts. These particular exercises are way better than that of isolation exercises (working 1 group of muscles at one time) as you will have to employ more muscles from each muscle group. By employing these types of exercises your entire body is going to be worked harder. 6. Visualization I have noticed that this subject is by far one of the most overlooked by well known health and fitness professionals...The majority of books or courses on building muscle concentrate on the physical part of muscle gain or fat loss and entirely ignore the mental aspect. By training your mental state ( not just building muscle) along with your physical body you can make even more progress in muscle growth.

4. How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle? The Truth About Building Muscle How long does it take to build muscle? This is a question that is often asked by beginners, who want to build muscle mass. It is a legitimate question, but answering this question is not that easy, because it depends of several factors. Too often young guys set themselves impossible goals and get frustrated when then can't achieve them. How long does it take to build muscle - Your goals One of the most important factors of building muscle is your goals. How much muscle you want to gain in a certain period of time. If your goal is to gain 10 pounds in 3 months, then with a decent workout routine and diet plan it is easily achievable for most beginners. But when your goal is to gain 20 pounds in 3 months, then it is much more difficult to achieve. If you have this kind of a goal, then your workouts and diet plans have to be very effective. So the goals you set yourself, greatly determine how long does it take to build muscle. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How long does it take to build muscle - Motivation The mind is a very powerful thing and most people don't know how to use it. For most people, the mind is the enemy that sabotages their efforts, rather than a fuel that keeps them on track. The more motivated you are the more gains you can make. In the long run, every workout, every set, rep and meal, can lead to success or failure. When your mind is weak, then in a period of 3 months for example, you will have skipped a lot of workouts. "Ahh, I don't feel 100% today, besides I am busy, so I'll just skip my workout today." Finding excuses is easy. Do you give 100% effort during every

workout? The one who has very high motivation, may build muscle many times faster, then someone with average motivation. How long does it take to build muscle - Dedication One of the things that people, mostly young guys, have trouble understanding is that long-term dedication is the key to success. There are so many guys who come to the gym with the desire to build muscle, they workout a couple of months and disappear. Why? Because they have no dedication. If you are not dedicated to your workouts and diet, then it may take you a very long time to build muscle. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Success is also relative. If someone is able to gain 20 pounds of muscle in only 3 months, then for most this would be a success. If some other guy only gains 5 pounds of muscle in 3 months, then that is a failure. But if the first guy has no motivation and dedication and very soon gives up and loses the 20 pounds, while the other guy keeps pushing and in 2 years gains 40 pounds of muscle, then it would be considered a success. How long does it take to build muscle? As you can see, it depends on so many factors and it is basically impossible to answer it. I think the main thing is to just start weight training on a regular basis, eat the right foods and if you have motivation, goals and dedication, then the muscle will come.

5. Importance of Workout Schedule for Building Muscle There are many tools not that talked about in the muscle building world and an important one is on having a workout schedule for building muscle. It is of great importance of having a schedule for building muscle, as it will help you stay consistent and focused throughout your muscle building journey. We will in this article go through the benefits of having a workout schedule for building muscle and what it can look like. Why do you need a workout schedule for building muscle The obvious reason for having a workout schedule for building muscle is that it will be harder to get side tracked. Once you have a schedule, you will know exactly when to train, how to train and on which days. Furthermore, if you have a workout schedule for building muscle and exercise the same time each day, you will create a habit in your mind and it will be a lot easier packing your bag and going to the gym. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< A simple workout schedule for building muscle could look like the following: Monday: Chest Tuesday: Back Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Shoulder Friday: Arms

Saturday: Legs Sunday: Rest Benefits of having a workout schedule to build muscle The above schedule for muscle building is just one of the many you can find. But by having a workout schedule like the one above or any other, you won't look like a question mark when entering the gym, because you know exactly what to work on and you have probably visualized your whole session before entering the gym. A mistake a lot of people make when starting to workout and not having a schedule for muscle building, is that they a lot of times hit the same muscle twice or more. Your muscles need rest to grow and it is actually on your rest days that your muscles grow to become muscular. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When you don't have a workout schedule for building muscle, the chance for hitting the same muscle repeatedly is increased and by working on the same muscles, your body will adapt to your routines and you will not experience the accelerated growth that you want in your muscle building journey. However, if you have various schedules for muscle building, with different exercises to choose from, you will keep on surprising your body and surprising the body is the best way to increase your muscles. If there is one thing I want you to get out of this article, it is the importance of having various training schedules for muscle building. This will not only help your muscles grow faster, but it will also be more exciting to work out. We as human beings like variation and

having different exercises in your workout schedule for building muscle is the best way to stay consistent and ensuring yourself your dream physique. You can either do this by gathering different workout schedule for building muscle from various sources or you can invest in a muscle building program that offers a lot of variety, both in exercises and also in nutrition, which is as important as working out. So make sure to get a workout schedule for building muscle and enjoy the results for yourself.

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