Energy drink health concerns

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Content 1. Energy Drink Health Concerns 2. Energy Drinks 3. History, Growth, Projections, Trends and the Uncertain Future of Energy Drinks 4. Real Energy Or Bad For Your Health? 5. A Different Kind of Energy Drink

1. Energy Drink Health Concerns Energy drinks are huge in the United States and other parts of the world. As our lives get busier, the first thing we always seem to sacrifice is our sleep. Designed to proved both a shot of energy and act as a source of nutrients, these drinks allow us to make it through the day without passing out before lunch time. In recent years so many people have adapted their lifestyle around these drinks that stories have started to surface of the possible negative attributes of these drinks. Alleged death from consuming these drinks in clubs and during other activities have raised the red flag to legislatures worried about energy drink health concerns. What about these drinks is cause for alarm, and how much of these claims are accurate? A Short History The modern day energy drink evolved from a drink that was first marketed in Japan during the 1960's. This drink, called Lipovitan-D (still available in Japan), contained a mix of B vitamins and taurine. Taurine, an amino acid, is a metabolic agent that is used to boost energy and concentration. The drink was originally created as a medical tonic for people suffering from chronic fatigue, but it grew in popularity as it was quickly adopted by the clubbing scene in Tokyo. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< From Japan the energy drink was taken up by several Asian countries as it made its way towards Europe and the United States. The first commercially sold drink in the US was Red Bull. Taking the basic drink formula used in Japan, the creator of Red Bull added caffeine and sugar to the mix, a staple of energy drinks to this day. The energy drink market exploded once Red Bull hit the scene, and several other

companies threw their hat in the ring to vie for the consumer's dollar. Energy Drink Health Concerns i. The Ingredients If you were to individually look at each ingredient common to most energy drinks, you wouldn't find anything too harmful. Taurine is an amino acid commonly found in meat and fish proteins. It stabilizes cell membranes in the brain and heart, and is essential in newborns since they cannot make it. Some studies even say that taurine can help improve athletic performance. Up to 3,000 milligrams a day of supplemental taurine is considered safe. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< B-vitamins help your body make energy from the food you eat. They are also critical nutrients for improving mood, memory, and other brain related functions. These vitamins can be found in the proteins of fish, poultry, mean, eggs, and dairy products. Leafy green vegetables also contain B vitamins. Caffeine is no stranger to most people as it is the feature ingredient in coffee. Coffee is consumed by millions of people with no ill effects, and most people require the caffeine to make it to work every morning. As most people know, caffeine is a stimulant which causes your heart rate to increase, your pupils to dilate, and your muscles to tighten up. Small doses of this substance can actually by quite beneficial to you by helping your metabolism or curbing chronic fatigue.

Sugar is probably the most harmful substance (at least isolated individually) found in these drinks. Sugar is the slow, silent killer as it is the main culprit in obesity and diabetes. Those sugary treats that you use to reward yourself or your child should be the first thing cut for those looking to improve their health lifestyles. II. The Mix If you're drinking one energy drink every once and a while, then you should be fine. Taking Red Bull, the leading drink, as an example, it contains 1000 mg of taurine and 80 mg of caffeine. The consensus is that about 3000 mg of taurine and 200 to 300 mg of caffeine a day isn't harmful. This of course does not apply to those who may suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, or other ailments. The problem, however, is that not enough research has been done on the combination of all of these ingredients, such as the interaction between taurine and caffeine. Also, while the adverse effects of too much caffeine intake is well documented, such is not the case for taurine. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Energy drink health concerns are present in countries such as Germany, Australia, and New Zealand that have reported liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory disorders, agitation, confusion, seizures, psychotic conditions, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rhabdomyolysis, tachycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias, hypertension, myocardial infraction, heart failure, and death from excess consumption. One of the chief energy drink health concerns is that many teens and adolescents are drinking them like they used to drink their juice boxes in elementary school. A culture is developing in which these

drinks are consumed not for their intended purpose (to provide energy!). One report estimates that 46% of the caffeine overdoses in the US reported in 2007 occurred in people younger than 19 years. Many energy drink companies market their drink toward athletes under the guise of performance enhancing. Many athletes have used caffeine to give them that extra energy before a match long before energy drinks have hit the market. Many athletes don't realize the entire extent of the stimulant, however. Caffeine acts a diuretic that can actually cause dehydration if consumed in large quantities. For this reason, athletes should avoid drinking energy drinks after competition as it will not replenish all of their lost nutrients and may just exacerbate things for them. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< III. The Alcohol Factor One of the more popular drinks for the clubbing scene is mixing energy drinks with alcohol. This combination seems to allow your body to get high without that nasty feeling of sleepiness. If you're a frequent club goer who consumes this drink, you should probably stop. The drink Four Loko, one part energy drink another part alcoholic, was recently banned in many states because of the energy drink health concerns it posed. Many people believe that the depressant effects of alcohol can dampen the stimulating effects of energy drinks or vice versa. This is not true, however, and the stimulating effects of the energy drink may have you feeling less intoxicated than you actually are at the time. The fatigue you feel from drinking too much alcohol is your bodies way of saying, "Hey time to slow down." If you continue drinking (since you don't feel that fatigue) you only magnify the

effect of the alcohol on your body as well as consume a potentially dangerous amount of caffeine (if you continue to drink the energy drink mix). This probably accounts for many of the club/energy drink related deaths. Conclusion Every persons' body is different, and no one should know your body better than yourself. Energy drink health concerns are being looked at in many places and it may or may not be heavily regulated in several US states. No one can really force you to quit drinking these drinks, but hopefully this article has provided you with enough information to make an informed decision. Clinton is an independent distributor for the health and wellness company, Kyani. Please click on the link to learn about the company and the amazing health products that have been changing the lives of many people

2. Energy Drinks Energy drinks are simply soft drinks which are marketed to be as those drinks boosting up the energy when compared to other ordinary drinks. The usual calorie count or the quantitative energy is estimated to be much lesser than those found in normal soft drinks. The major ingredients present in these energy drinks are a blend of Vitamin B complex, herbal constituents and methylxanthines including caffeine. Some other elements are maltodextrin, guarana, carnitine, ginko biloba, inositol, ginseng, glucuronolactone, taurine and creatine. Like coffee and tea, the major stimulant included in the energy drink is none other than caffeine. The energy drinks are marketed to be as those products providing the extra boost up to the body. There are several contradictions on the use of these drinks as they are considered to be harmful to the body. It acts on our body by providing enough vitamins and minerals to enhance the physical and mental situation of the body. During periods of strain and stress, the energy drinks works to be just fine for the body to keep it alert and steady. The reaction speed as well as the concentration is spontaneously worked out to be improved. To be precise, the entire metabolism of the body is increased to a remarkable level. Such an elevation would have great effects on the performance of the body. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The controversies convey the different side effects caused by energy drinks. Seizures are commonly experienced in people who already suffer from any kind of epilepsy. This is due to the increased elevation in the energy which results from the consumption of the same. Many countries have banned certain brands of energy drinks due to the stimulated health problems with which it is related. Some

other countries have already warned the consumption of energy drinks by pregnant ladies as it might prove very harmful to the baby inside. Some of the energy drinks like Red Bull is regarded to be increasing the pace of heart pace to an abnormal level which is very dangerous to people who are already suffering from cardiac diseases. It could seriously affect the clinical condition of such individuals. Prolonged and deep study states that people with heart conditions should avoid taking any kind of energy drinks. There are several other natural ways by which you can boost up your energy and it is highly recommended to follow the safest path. Exercise could be constituted as one of the most important alternative when compared to taking in energy drinks. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< There are different brands available in the market and newer ones are increasing these days. Even though many of them are being banned and warned in most of the countries, the number of people into such drinks is increasing day by day. Some of the drinks which are marketed in most of the Western and Eastern European countries include YJ Stinger, Red Bull Energy Drink, Diablo Energy Drink, Impulse Energy Drink, Red Dragon Energy Drink, Dark Dog, Red Rain, Shark Energy Drink, AMO Energy Drink, Hype Energy Drink, EAS Piranha Energy Drink, NOS and SoBe Adrenaline Rush. Energy drinks are being increasingly introduced to the market these days. The competition between them is being getting tighter as the days get over. The Red Bull energy drink is marketed in way conveying the fact that they stimulate the complete metabolism, increase the speed and concentration of the mind and body and stimulate the overall performance and speed.

Yet another energy drink is XS Citrus Blast is said to follow the "No Sugar" rule as it has lowered calorie count of sugar. The 8 calories present in the drink consists of protein and amino acid calories. The ingredients present in the drink are Acesulfame Potassium (Ace K), Sucralose and fruit essences. These constituents give the real essence of the drink without any added sugar. Impulse is another energy drink which have the ability to stimulate the over all performance. It states the ability to elevate the physical and mental effectiveness of the person to boost up the energy level. Thus enhancing and directly affecting your health. The source of energy comes from vitamins, nutrients and minerals and other important ingredients which are consumed daily. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The statements conveyed by each brands used their own words where many of them did not convey any meaning. The energy drink called as XS Citrus Blast boasted of inducing energy even though it did not contain any calorie. It was just against the biological aspects which were already proved. For this, it is highly advised by people all around the globe by the experts to check out the ingredients before they depend on any of the drinks. Also keep your ears open and keen to the latest news in town about those drinks which are banned or warned for. This could have a greater effect on the overall health of your body.

3. History, Growth, Projections, Trends and the Uncertain Future of Energy Drinks The energy drink market does not seem to stop its rapid growth. Energy drinks have made themselves a staple in certain sectors and has begun to branch successfully into several other niche sectors. When a large number of consumers jumped into the energy drink craze, the big energy drink companies began producing more extreme (and some might say, more shameless) products. When another group voiced their opposition to what they saw as big companies pushing unhealthy drinks to the youth, the companies began producing alternatives that were marketed towards the health-conscious sector looking for natural and healthy benefits. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Now it seems there is a specific type for everyone. Although the growth of the energy drink market has slowed since the original explosion a few years back, it has yet to stop. It seems the market has been established and these drinks are here to stay. Despite the continual surfacing of numerous reports indicating the dangers of the high levels of caffeine in these drinks, it seems the energy drink companies feel the health dangers and concerns are worth the risk considering the massive profit. The History of the Energy Drink Market Athough energy drinks have been around for a long time, the explosive birth of the energy drink market in the United States happened in 1997 when Red Bull was brought to the masses. This product was originally made by a company in Thailand called Krating Daeng, but has been marketed worldwide by the Austrian company

Red Bull GmbH. Ever since its introduction in 1997, Red Bull has been the top-selling drink of its kind with about 65% of the market share. Originally marketed towards students and young people who wanted a boost to help them stay up studying for tests or for endurance during sports, Red Bull soon infiltrated an even bigger sector when it established itself as the newest and hottest cocktail mixer. Today, the Red Bull Vodka is one of the most popular cocktails amongst young clubbers and bar-hoppers as it provides a stimulant to counter the depressant that is alcohol. Because the primary consumers of the drink were young and "extreme" people, any and all health concerns that began to be raised about the caffeine levels and dangerous ingredients in energy drinks only helped to make the product more appealing to its primary targets. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Brands like Rockstar and Monster began to emerge, targeting themselves towards the young, extreme crowd through their names and packaging and by sponsoring music festivals and extreme sporting events. The young, urban hip hop market was won over by the energy drinks sponsored by hip hop artists, including Nelly's Pimp Juice, Lil Jon's Crunk!!! and Kanye West's TBD Guru Energy. Seeing the success of many companies playing up the illicit nature of these products, even more extreme brands have since emerged, including Cocaine Energy (which has been banned and re-released twice since its conception), Blow Energy Mix (which is labeled as "pure uncut energy" packaged in a vial of white powder) and Pussy Energy Drink (which really requires no introduction).

In addition to these, healthy and natural versions of these thinks have also emerged on the scene, appealing to those people who feel they need an energy boost but cannot ignore the many new stories about people collapsing of heart failure and seizures upon excessive consumption. FRS Healthy Energy, ACT Energy, Verve Energy and XS Energy have begun to take the alternative energy drink market while the more mainstream brands release low-carb, sugar-free and diet versions of their drinks. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Growth and Projections of the Energy Drink Market After its birth in the US in 1997, this market grew to about 400 million per fiscal year by the year 2001. By 2005, it had reached about $4 billion and now that it's growing at an annual rate of approximately 12%, it is projected to surpass the $9 billion mark by 2011. It is estimated that the current United States market share for Red Bull is approximately 40%, with Monster behind at about 23%, Rockstar at around 8% and Full Throttle in at about 4%. The general demographic for this market as a whole is under 35 years of age and predominantly male. Diet energy drinks as well as the natural and healthy alternatives are skyrocketing in sales as they're pulling the health and fitness market as well as the female and slightly older demographic. Trends in the Energy Drink Market The explosion of energy shots proves that this niche market boom is not ready to die down just yet. In 2008, sales of this specific sector of the market came in at approximately $560 million and continues to

grow. These tiny 2 or 3 ounce drinks are selling for up to $3 per shot with 5-Hour Energy leading the pack in sales and popularity. On the exact opposite end of the spectrum, we've seen a growth since 2002 of these drinks being packaged in larger cans. Many countries (including the U.S. and Canada) have limited the amount of caffeine per serving in these drinks. In response to this, we've seen many companies (including Monster and Rockstar) sidestepping this by simply packing two servings into one can. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2007 saw the emergence of energy powders and tablets marketed as the more convenient and portable form of energy for athletes and people on the go. The Future of the Energy Drink Market With brands like Cocaine, Blow and Pussy still catching the eye and loosening the purse strings of consumers, we'll likely see the birth of more and more outlandish and extreme brand names designed to piss off parents and make young people feel cool and wild enough that it's worth the $2-3 a pop. Enough people will remain skeptical, steadfast and outspoken enough that the healthy energy supplement market will likely continue to grow with more and more featuring herbal ingredients like green tea extract, ginkgo biloba and ginseng. The companies will continue to appear more transparent with the truth about energy supplement nutrition as well as the real ingredients they contain. Whether pure truth will actually surface and whether consumers will actually take caution is another story.

Will we see enough publicity surrounding the dangers of these drinks to actually give their market a good scare? Unlikely. Our country is obese and dying of diabetes and heart disease too, but we don't seem to change our ways despite our awareness. It's the weakness of human nature up against the power of the market. And it doesn't seem the energy drink market is any different.

4. Real Energy Or Bad For Your Health? There sure are a lot of energy drinks out there now days. I went to the store recently and counted 17 different energy drinks. And this is probably only of fraction of the total number of energy drinks on the market today. And just the sound of the names of these energy drinks is enough to wake up the most lethargic person: Venom, Amp, Red Bull, Full Throttle, Rush, Shark, Piranha, Fuse, Hype, Back Mamba, and Atomic X, just to name a few. There also seems to be a lot of controversy these days about the health effects of energy drinks. So, out of curiosity I recently did a little research on the ingredients contained in these energy drinks and their health effects. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Energy Drink Ingredients The ingredients contained in the different brands of energy drinks are many. The ingredients common to most energy drinks are taurine, glucuronolactone, inositol, B vitamins, caffeine, sugar, carbonated water, natural flavors, and natural ingredients. Taurine is a derivative of the sulfer-containing amino acid cysteine. Taurine is often found in infant milk formulas. Taurine helps carry minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium throughout the cells. This helps generate nerve impulses. It is also an antioxidant and is believed to steady irregular heartbeats.

Glucuronolactone is a naturally occurring carbohydrate produced by the human metabolic system. It is believed to improve memory and concentration. It can have stimulant and anti-depressant effects. Inositol is instrumental in how the brain uses serotonin, a chemical that is the same that is boosted by the anti-depressant drugs prozac and zoloft. B vitamins are necessary for a variety of things. Vitamin B-3 (niacin) metabolizes energy from fat and carbohydrates and can help the body use energy by releasing it from food. Vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid) improves mood and boosts energy. Vitamin B-6 helps in the formation of red blood cells, which provides better oxygen utilization. Vitamin B-12 also helps in the formation of red blood cells and helps break down sugar stored in the body to use as energy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Natural ingredients found in energy drinks include ginseng extract, Lcarnitine, guarana extract, milk thistle extract, green tea extract, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, L-trosine, fruit juices, and citric acid. The amount of these natural ingredients varies among energy drinks, and is usually a proprietary blend. One could do a Ph.D. dissertation on the ingredients contained in energy drinks. Because of time limitations, this article focuses on the ingredients that receive the most attention regarding health effects: caffeine and sugar. Caffeine Caffeine is a stimulate. The chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7trimethylxanthine. Caffeine is found in many products (coffee, soda, chocolate, etc.) including energy drinks.

Caffeine does not provide true energy. It injects adrenaline into your system, which gives you a temporary boost but leads to a feeling of fatigue after it wears off. Caffeine increases the body's level of cortisol, a hormone released into the body during times of stress. Cortisol is good when needed, but can have damaging effects if high stress is continually present. Some of these damaging effects include a suppressed immune system, impaired cognitive performance, high blood pressure, and a decrease in bone density and muscle tissue. Increased levels of cortisol lead to stronger cravings for fat and carbohydrates. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Caffeine also increases the body's level of dopamine, which acts similar to an amphetamine. As with adrenaline, it makes you feel good after it gets into your system. But, as with adrenaline, after dopamine wears off, feelings of having low energy and even mild depression take over. As is well known, caffeine inhibits the adsorption of adenosine, which is necessary for sleep. Caffeine does have some benefits. A small amount at the beginning of the day can give you good concentration and focus. A small amount before exercise can actually enhance physical performance and endurance. It can help the body break down fat approximately 30% more efficiently if taken before exercise. The typical energy drink contains approximately 80 milligrams of caffeine per 8.4 ounces. The average cup of black coffee also contains 80 milligrams of caffeine.

Sugar Sugar that is present in fruit is fructose; refined sugar (table sugar) is sucrose. When sucrose is taken into the body, it is broken down into equal amounts of fructose and glucose. Glucose is the sugar that the body uses for both physical and mental energy. Insulin from the pancreas enables the body to burn glucose to produce energy. If there is too much glucose in the bloodstream for the body to use as energy, it is converted to glycogen and placed in temporary storage. If the temporary storage capacity is exceeded, the remaining glucose will be converted to long term storage (fat). Fructose is broken down by the body SLOWLY into glycogen, which is placed into storage in the liver and muscles. When glucose levels get low in the bloodstream, the liver can readily convert the stored glycogen into glucose. Insulin is then needed to burn the glucose. The demand for insulin when it is needed to burn glucose is reasonable. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Conversely, a big dose of sucrose provided by candy, soda pop, or cake, puts a big strain on the pancreas, especially on an empty stomach. The pancreas has to provide a lot of insulin FAST to stabilize the blood sugar level brought on by the candy or cake. If the pancreas doesn't provide enough insulin to handle a large influx of sucrose, a diabetic condition exists. If the pancreas provides too much insulin, a hypoglycemic conditions exists. Blood sugar levels either too high or too low can cause serious problems.

Fructose obtained by fruit is beneficial for diabetics because it does not place a huge demand on the pancreas for insulin in a small amount of time. The pancreas can handle the insulin requirements imposed by fructose being converted SLOWLY into glycogen then glucose. However, fructose does have a down side to it. Excess fructose that cannot be used by the body is easily converted into fat. Many experts believe that fructose is the main cause of Americans getting fatter. Fructose in concentrated forms (e.g. high fructose corn syrup) is especially bad. Excess fructose can also raise the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How About These Energy Drinks? Energy drinks have indeed created quite a stir, especially regarding health effects. Even a few countries (Denmark, Malaysia, and France) have banned the sale of Red Bull because of high caffeine levels. I wonder what the caffeine content is in the coffee sold in those countries. As far as producing energy, energy drinks do provide at least some energy because they all have sugar and other energy producing ingredients. The "kick " for which these drinks are famous comes not from the energy, but from the big doses of caffeine provided by consuming not one, but multiple energy drinks in a short period of time. You would get the same kick drinking 4 or 5 cups of coffee. Too much caffeine and too much sugar consumed day after day over a long period of time will increase the likelihood of some bad health effects. Common sense.

Too much caffeine will increase the likelihood of addiction, which will cause the stress hormone cortisol to be always present in your body. Too much cortisol leads to increased chances for a suppressed immune system, high blood pressure, and less bone mass. Too much refined sugar day after day and year after year will put a big strain on your pancreas, which could increases your chances of getting diabetes. Your chances of getting fat are also much greater. The fatter you get, the more of a strain that puts on your heart. I do not think energy drinks are harmful unless you just plain drink too many of them. I would recommend using them sparingly. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I like energy drinks. I am also concerned about good health. It seems the older I get, the more I care about good health. Therefore, I am a little more selective these days when it comes to energy drinks. I now look for energy drinks that have little or no refined sugar. I look for one that tastes good and provides real longlasting energy, the kind of energy that helps me concentrate and stay focused. I don't need a "kick" provided by stimulants. I have found an energy drink in particular that meets the above criteria. It is made of all natural ingredients, one of which is the acai berry. It also contains other antioxidant-rich fruits, which also provide the sugar. This energy drink is also lightly carbonated.

5. A Different Kind of Energy Drink Would a Healthy Energy Drink be a different kind of energy drink these days? The answer to that question is a resounding yes, there are over five hundred different energy drinks in the marketplace today, and the vast majority of them are not good for you, little lone considered to be a healthy energy drink. Really how could they be when they are loaded with sugar, loaded with caffeine and preservatives? How can anything be considered healthy that comes with a warning label? Cigarettes come with a warning label from the Surgeon General and energy drinks for the most part come with a warning label as well. So we should be able to connect the dots, and realize if they have to put a warning label on the can it cannot be healthy, or to our benefit to consume. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So does that mean that you should not drink energy drinks? I don't think so, but what I do think is the energy drinks you drink should be healthy and beneficial, not possibly detrimental to your well being. We all need that extra boost of energy at some point in our day, the question is not whether we could use more energy, but where is that energy going to come from? I think we would all agree, that it should come from a source that is considered to be healthy, not just a boost of energy that last a few hours, but leaves you crashed and jittery later. If the population who smokes, does not quit smoking when the Surgeon General issues a warning, then we can safely assume that people are not going to stop drinking energy drinks. That we can be certain of, it is a multi-billion dollar industry with no signs of slowing down. So if you want to consume energy drinks make certain they are healthy energy drinks.

There are now energy drinks on the market that contain Quercetin. Quercetin is a phytochemical that is part of the coloring found in the skins of apples, red onions, red grapes and berries. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and antiinflammatory. It is actually possible that it may help relieve allergy symptoms. There is now a drink that actually provides you the equivalent of eating 27 medium sized apples in one 8.4 oz can, it's called Efusjon Dawn. There is another healthy energy drink that is available as well, that contains Mangosteen. The mangosteen fruit contains over 40 different xanthones, each having specific leading properties, these xanthones are some of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature. So what are antioxidants and what do they do? Antioxidants are nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, it produces free radicals which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. If you are going to consume some type of drink, why not make certain that it does not come with a warning label. Drink an alternative that has benefits and is a plus to drink. The drink I recommend with mangosteen is the Efusjon Breeze, it tastes great and is loaded with antioxidants. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< There other healthy energy drinks that are made with the now famous acai berry (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee"). The acai berry is believed to have up to thirty times the anthocyanins found in red wine, it is also considered to be one of the top ten super foods in the world containing folic acid, magnesuim, calcium, iron, potassium, protein, phytonutrients, vitamin C and E, amino acids, and omega

3,6, and 8. All which make this berry a powerful source of energy. We recommend the Efusjon Edge, no warning label and it is actually a healthy energy drink, you can enjoy without the concern of a warning label. There is one drink we would like to mention for those who do not drinks with caffeine. There is acai berry drink that does not have caffeine, is not loaded with sugar or preservatives. This drink is the Efusjon Raw and again this is a great drink that the entire family can enjoy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So we have provided you with four alternatives, four healthy energy drinks that you can consume without guilt, without the jitters, without crashing and yet still get the extra boost of energy we all need. If you are going to drink energy drinks then drink one that is a healthy energy drink and tastes great!These are the best energy drinks in the market place but not just energy drinks these are the best healthy energy drinks available, period.

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