Content 1. Good Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol 2. Tips To Stop Drinking Alcohol - Powerful Strategies To Quit Booze 3. Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own With These 3 Proven Solutions 4. Stop Drinking Alcohol - Successful Tricks To End Alcoholism 5. Stop Drinking Alcohol - Methods To Give Up Drinking
1. Good Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol There are three types of people when it comes to alcohol, 1) Those that avoid alcohol completely, 2) Those that consume alcohol moderately, and 3) Those that resort to heavy drinking.
When a person comes under the third category it is important they seek help from a how to stop drinking alcohol expert and safeguard their health and improve their lifestyle. Alcohol consumption is not essential for our health. Hence those who have not tasted alcohol so far need not get into the habit of drinking alcohol. Because they avoid alcohol, they are not going to lose anything. However, it's not wrong to consume alcohol moderately and one can have a few health benefits from moderate drinking of alcohol. It is believed that alcohol reduces the risks of various cardiac ailments, diabetes and also ischemic stroke that occurs when blood flow to the brain is reduced as a result of the arteries that take blood to the brain getting blocked. However, there is no guarantee that everyone who drinks alcohol gets these health benefits. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Heavy drinking makes alcohol a killer Those who develop the habit of uncontrolled drinking of alcohol should first of all keep in mind that the health benefits from drinking alcohol are rather insignificant when compared to the health risks involved in heavy drinking. Even moderate drinking of alcohol is not good for pregnant women, cardiac patients, diabetic patients, those who had stroke and those who undergo medication for various ailments. Drunken driving can lead to fatal accidents.
Heavy drinking will not provide any health benefits but can considerably increase the risks of cancers of breast, mouth, pharynx and esophagus, fatal cardiovascular problems, pancreatitis, cardiac failure, stroke, high BP, liver ailments, brain damage for the unborn child, accidental injuries or even death and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Why one should reduce alcohol consumption? Those who take alcohol strictly in moderation and remain healthy may continue with the same moderate doses. Those who consume too much of alcohol, certainly invite disasters. Unrestricted, prolonged drinking negatively affects the brain, heart and various other vital organs in the body. Thinking capabilities and motor skills of a person are gradually impaired as a result of heavy drinking. The other bad consequences include violent behavior, unwanted pregnancy and getting affected by sexually transmitted diseases. Those who refuse to reduce amount of alcohol they drink are prone to severe health hazards and also they have the great risk of alcohol poisoning that may even cost them their life. Reliable and factual reports reveal that in the US around 88,000 people each year die due to alcohol related illness. In the UK that figure stands to over 8,000 deaths each year.
>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Those who drink heavily are more susceptible to alcohol poisoning which will gradually impair the most vital functions of the body such as heart beat, breathing and maintenance of body temperature. Those who drink alcohol heavily should watch-out for the various alcohol poisoning symptoms like repeated vomiting, seizures and poor coordination. Untreated alcohol poisoning leads to choke on
vomit, dehydration, irregular breathing as well as heartbeats, hypothermia and hypoglycemia. Effects of alcohol poisoning on women are more severe and lead to irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, miscarriage, premature delivery, memory loss and increased risks of breast, liver, mouth and throat cancers. When women are under the influence of alcohol the risks of rape and sexual assault are much more. Hypnotherapy is helping people to reduce the amount of alcohol they drink As a matter of fact there are tens of thousands of men and women in the US who make sincere efforts to reduce their alcohol consumption. A lot of those people use hypnotherapy, which has become a positive solution to cut down on drinking. It has become so popular, hypnotherapy to stop alcohol drinking has been featured in the media all over the world, showing people that hypnotherapy is a powerful tool.
2. Tips To Stop Drinking Alcohol - Powerful Strategies To Quit Booze Those with a persistent desire to drink are classified as alcoholics and would often seek tips to stop drinking alcohol. Alternatively those who are constantly preoccupied with the thought of drinking or alternatively need to drink through the day are evidently suffering from alcoholism. Statistics indicate that well over 14 million people are suffering from alcoholism in the US and the numbers continue to grow. If wondering as to how to diagnose this alcohol misuse disorder, then all that one would need to do is look for symptoms like a progressively increasing consumption over a period of time and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when deprived of drinking.
>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When seeking tips to stop drinking, the first step is about setting up a goal with a timeline. To further elaborate this could be about determining a specific date for total abstinence. The timeline is flexible and this could be tomorrow, within a week or even six months. The time period is not important however it needs to be specific if the commitment is to be met. Once the quit date is set it is now time to communicate and announce. Communicating to relatives, friends and co-workers strengthens the commitment and there is now a need to ensure that the goal is achieved.
Concurrently requesting friends to support your cause and to avoid drinking in your presence helps break the habit. Saying 'no' to temptation is not easy however removing all barware and alcohol related reminders from the home are a significant help.
Yet another innovation which returns encouraging results is to set the ground rules in the house and on a social front. These could range from ensuring that alcohol is not served or consumed in the house and also by avoiding attending functions where alcohol is being served. In a crux eliminating temptation cues from home and social commitments alike can increase the success rate for most. Modification of social and professional networks is equally effective when the context is to stop drinking. To further elaborate, all that one would need to do is to give up friends and professional groups which continue to drink with little regards for the ground rules. Success can be difficult and often a bumpy ride for some, thus if you are one of those who have tried and failed in the past then it is logical to learn from past mistakes. Once you recollect as to what worked and what countermeasures failed in the past, all that is needed is the will to avoid the pitfalls and adopt the more effective countermeasures. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When scouting for tips to stop drinking alcohol, you will definitely come across the extremely popular option of a gradual cut down rather than sudden withdrawal. The process is simple, all that you would need to do is to maintain a diary and record the date, time and quantity consumed. A record maintained for 3 to 4 weeks would help chart the course and gradual withdrawal for alcohol is ensured. Yet another innovative method would be taking a break for a day when you do not drink. The break can then be gradually increased from one day to three days to finally even a week. Then think about the feeling of emotional and physical well - being that you experienced during the
period when you did not consume alcohol. This will help you stop drinking with relative ease in the weeks to come.
3. Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own With These 3 Proven Solutions After years of abusing alcohol, losing memories, and creating a life run by alcohol, you have finally reached the point where it is time to stop drinking on your own. This decision to change your life will bring out a healthier you, with more energy and clarity as you begin to repair your body, your mind and your relationships. Creating a new life without alcohol involves making big changes by bringing in new habits and healthier decisions. Your choice to improve your life by quitting drinking alcohol is also a choice to extend your life, heal your body and create a new mental state of stability and happiness. Cutting alcohol out of your life will enable you to let go of excuses that have been holding you back and keeping the bottle in your hand.
>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< While you have been drinking alcohol, you have probably been letting your diet turn into a daily routine of fatty fried foods, snacks and booze. It is time to reclaim good eating habits. Putting the proper foods in your body will help curb cravings for alcohol because your body will feel fuller and more fulfilled. Make sure to eat three solid meals a day with fruits, vegetables and protein. Also plan to have healthy snacks available to combat cravings for alcohol. Giving your body plenty of fiber and protein will help to give you energy to keep up your strengths and stamina while quitting drinking.
Along with a balanced diet, you need to start drinking more water. It is recommended to drink eight glasses of water per day. At the
beginning of your journey to stop drinking alcohol on your own, you should drink as much water as possible. Drinking water helps to flush toxins out of your system. The less alcohol you have lingering in your body, the less you will crave alcohol. By drinking plenty of water, you are enabling the alcohol to leave your bloodstream, liver and fat cells quicker, which means less intense cravings. After the first week or two, you can cut back on water, but still make sure to drink enough. Stick to the eight glasses per day rule to stay properly hydrated. If your body believes it is full and healthy, you won't crave alcohol as much, which will make the quitting process far easier. When you quit drinking you will find that you have time on your hands. One very healthy way to fill this time is to exercise. Not only will it make your overall lifestyle better, but it is a key component to quitting drinking alcohol.
>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Even if you haven't exercised in years, you can start small. Go on a walk around the block the first day. Then go two blocks the second day. Keep increasing your exercise. You will enable your body to get rid of harmful toxins faster.
When you decide to stop drinking alcohol on your own it is important to maintain healthy exercise. It keeps you busy when you otherwise would be drinking and it helps you to remember to eat better and drink water. Exercising also comes with the added benefit of weight loss and a boost in confidence.
Discover exactly how you can stop drinking alcohol on your own by visiting
4. Stop Drinking Alcohol - Successful Tricks To End Alcoholism Given all the pressures in life, it may be hard to wrap your mind around how to stop drinking alcohol. Knowing that you want to stop drinking alcohol is an important step. Taking that next move, however, can seem impossible. One way to make a big decision seem easier is to break it down into smaller goals. Regardless of lifestyle, there are methods to cut back or completely stop drinking alcohol. Limiting social situations that involve alcohol, ridding your home of alcohol products and choosing an important date to quit will all put you on the track to sobriety.
>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Think about your life and the most important days so far. Maybe a graduation or marriage or birth of a child comes to mind. The day you choose to stop drinking is also one of the most important days of your life. It doesn't have to be any particular day of significance, but it should be a day that you will remember. Once your quit date is set, prepare your home by ridding it of all alcohol and alcohol related products. This includes old bottles, tshirts, posters about drinking, special alcohol glasses and, of course, the alcohol. Do not drink the alcohol. Instead, throw it away or give it away.
This may prove to be quite difficult, so prepare. Have something special for yourself waiting such as a new movie or your favorite meal. Reward your positive decision and begin new habits to spend your time that do not include drinking alcohol.
This process may be easier if you have a trusted friend or family member with you. They should be someone who can offer encouragement and help you follow through with your goal. It can also be someone to share in your celebration by sharing a meal or joining you in an activity. Whoever you choose as your trusted person through your process of quitting drinking alcohol should also be someone you can call in times of need. You may crave a drink at unexpected times and having someone to talk to either in person or on the phone will be very important. Discuss this with your trusted friend, preparing both you and that person that it will not be easy; however meaningful conversations will come out of the process. Creating new habits will be very important and one of these new habits will need to be avoiding social situations that include alcohol. If you normally meet friends at a bar, suggest that you meet at your house or a coffee shop instead. You will probably find that your friends will support you in your new goal and will be happy to enjoy your company in a way that does not include you drinking alcohol. You can also turn to your trusted friend for help with this. They can talk to your social group on your behalf and encourage them to meet in a healthier environment. Trust in others and in yourself to be strong and stick to your new routine. Remember that those that care about you will support you to accomplish your goal to stop drinking alcohol.
If you want to find out what is the best way to stop drinking alcohol then go to
5. Stop Drinking Alcohol - Methods To Give Up Drinking When drinking alcohol becomes a habit, the trouble starts and that is when you need to look at ways to stop drinking alcohol. There are many ways to quit alcohol depending upon the extent to which a person is addicted to alcohol.
One of the most popular ways to give up drinking alcohol is to use subliminal audio and video tapes that are made for people with addictions. You could listen to these when you are on your way to the office or when you are asleep. You could even choose to leave the earphones in your ear while you fall asleep. This actually works pretty well for smokers too. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Of all the ways, another effective method is to talk to people who have recently stopped drinking. Read up on your favorite celebrities who have recently given alcohol the boot. Look up information on people who you can relate to. Talk to them and this would give you hope because you'd know that you can quit too.
Let people know about the fact that you are an alcoholic. Tell the guy at the store that you have a problem. Tell him he cannot under any circumstances give you alcohol. Let your friends and family know and these guys would give you the strength to fight the urge to drink. Every time you touch alcohol in front of people who know about your issue, they would stop you from drinking again. Remind yourself of the aftereffects. This is another of the many ways to stop drinking alcohol. Did the hangover or headache make your experience worth it? Remembering how sick you felt after the last
time you drank would help you get over the habit. Surely you would know how bad you felt after you drank the last time. Look at your bank account. You would be shocked by how much money you are spending on booze and alcohol for yourself. Alcohol is so expensive and when you see how this is affecting your bank account and finances the chances of you quitting would be much higher than they are already. The worst part is that you are the only one consuming all the alcohol! Another of the various ways to stop drinking alcohol is to keep a diary. You could try not drinking only for a couple of days. Then, after a day of indulging compare how much better you feel on days when you don't drink as opposed to the days when you did drink. This would motivate you further because you would understand the impact of alcohol on your health, mind and body. Share your feelings and decisions with people online. There are countless websites where there are forums regarding alcoholism. People on these forums would help you by supporting you and telling you of ways that worked for them.
Drink lots of water. Drink two liters a day at least. Have different flavors of chewing gum in the pocket. Find a substitute for those times when it is very difficult for socially refusing to drink. Drink coffee with milk, sparkling water, juice, a cola, tea or lemonade instead of alcohol at parties. It is possible to uncover how to stop drinking alcohol on your own with these simple and effective techniques. To read more on how to quit drinking alcohol just click the link now and discover how you can get rid of your thirst for alcohol.