Guide to buying superfood powder

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Content 1. Guide To Buying Superfood Powder 2. 5 Key Superfoods to Energize Your Green Smoothies 3. How Live Superfoods Improve Health 4. How To Make Superfood Smoothies 5. The Top Superfoods For Your Diet

1.Guide To Buying Superfood Powder Unlike before when you had to look for an individual superfood, nowadays you easily get all of your favorite superfoods in powder form. Presence of the foods in a bottle is not only convenient, it's also affordable. For you to buy the right food powder you need to consider a number of factors: Nutritional quality The main reason of taking superfoods is for the benefits that they come with. Some help you lose weight, while others help you stay alkalized and hydrated. The reason for taking the foods solely depends on your needs. To achieve your target take superfoods with the ingredients that you are interested in. To know the ingredients in the foods you should read the labels. The common ingredients in most foods are: Digestive enzymes: These help you with digestion and absorbance. They are ideal for you if you have a sensitive digestion. The enzymes have also been found to be important in improving the nutritional impact of other ingredients. When making the purchase, look out for products with papain, cellulose, bromelain, and amylase. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fibers: Fibers are mainly found in fruits and play a vital role in digestion. While they are good, be wary of a product that has more than 750 mg of fiber in one serving. Greens: They include: kale, parsley, spinach, and bok choy. They serve important functions including giving you vitamins and fiber. To reap the benefits provided by the greens, go for a product with at least 200 mg of greens.

Lecithin: Lecithin is found in almost all superfoods. It provides the foods with a smooth, creamy taste. It's made up of fatty acids and phosphatides which are important in the central nervous system. Studies have also shown that the ingredient also aids in cognitive performance, longevity and improvement of memory. Antioxidants: They have different functions including killing cancerous cells and keeping you looking younger for longer. When making the purchase go for products with MSM, dandelion root, green tea, Alpha Lipoic Acid, stragalus and resveratrol. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Cost of the product Just like when buying any other product, the cost of the product plays a huge role in determining whether you buy the superfood or not. For you to buy a product it should have value to you. To determine the value of the product determine the total number of servings per container, number of the grams per serving, and presence of enzymes and probiotics. If you do your calculations and find that the product has value to you, go ahead and make the purchase. As rule of thumb buy a product that provides a wide range of high quality ingredients. Taste To enjoy taking the superfood it should have a great taste. Before making the purchase, ask to have a sample so that you can taste it. Conclusion This is a guide on how to buy superfood powders. Experts recommend that you avoid buying products that are more than $70. Also avoid buying from retail stores as retail prices are usually

marked up. The best brands also often avoid the stores. To be safe buy online, or in wholesale stores.

2. 5 Key Superfoods to Energize Your Green Smoothies If you and your family do not eat enough healthy fruits and green vegetables on a daily basis, try drinking green smoothies as a simple and easy way to make sure that you consume the recommended daily amounts of vitamin rich and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Smoothies enable you to consume fruits and vegetables in their raw form, thereby, retaining all of their nutritional value and strength. Several foods are classified as super foods: Spinach, wild Salmon, berries, pumpkin, Turkey and beans to name a few. I want to show you how to boost the benefits of the smoothies you drink by adding what I classify as the 5 key superfoods in their pure and natural form: Chlorella, Spirulina, Alfalfa, Wheat grass and Barley grass powders. This article teaches you about their benefits and how to add them to your smoothies for a power packed, vitamins, minerals and enzymes rich that should increase your vitality, boost your immune system and increase your red blood cell count. You can purchase the following list of superfoods in powder form from your local health food store or order it from a reputable Internet vendor. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Key #1: Chlorella - is renowned for its detoxification properties. It can aid your body to breakdown heavy metal toxins such as mercury, cadmium, and lead. It helps you to flush out any toxicity to pesticides such as DDT and PCB at the same time that it boosts your immune system. Chlorella is green algae whose name derives from the word, Chlorophyll. It contains more of this substance per gram (3% to 5%) than any other plant.

Key #2: Spirulina - is a single cell blue-green algae whose name derives from it spiral shape. It is an excellent source of protein, nonanimal source of vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E; minerals such as, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It also contains amino acids and chlorophyll. Spirulina is used as an immune system booster, energizer and a non-toxic, all natural and vegetarian method to add extra nutrition to your diet. Key #3: Alfalfa - is an Arabic word that translates as "the father of plants". It is rich in protein and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It also contains calcium, potassium, carotene, iron, and zinc. Alfalfa plays a role in strengthening bones and boosting the overall maintenance of your health. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Key #4: Wheat grass - is one of the cereal grasses that can be consumed as juice or in a powder form. It builds red blood cells, boosts the immune system, detoxifies your body by draining your lymph system and carries away many toxins from body cells. Wheat grass is power packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, as many as 30 enzymes and consists of up to 70% raw chlorophyll. Key #5 Barley grass - like wheat grass, barley grass is another of the cereal grasses that can be consumed as juice or in powder form. When compared to wheat grass, some sources claim that wheat grass contains more B6, B12, Iron and Chlorophyll; but barley grass is reputed to contain double the amount of all the other vitamins, minerals and amino acids not listed in the previous sentence, than wheat grass. This is why I recommend adding both of them to your green smoothies.

If you are not familiar with how to make a green smoothie, here is what you do. Basic Green Smoothie Recipe 1. Fresh raw greens (Kale, Spinach, Salad greens, Water Cress, etc.) should make up about 40% of the smoothie 2. Fresh fruits (Bananas, Apples, Papaya, Mango, etc.) should make up 50% to 60% of the smoothie. Add powdered superfoods mixture in the blender, see instructions, below. 3. If the fruit is not sufficiently sweet enough for your taste, you can add 3-4 dried dates or a handful of raisins to add a natural sweetener. I do not suggest that you sweeten with regular sugar, brown or otherwise. 4. Put all of the ingredients in a blender, add some water and blend to a smooth consistency. Add more water as you blend, if necessary. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Mixing and Adding Superfoods Powders to Green Smoothies 1. Mix a week's supply of the powder by combining 2 tsp. of each powder for each day, in a container with a lid. Stir it until it is mixed together, well. Refrigerate the mixture or at least, keep in a cool place. 2. After adding the ingredients of the green smoothie of your choice to the blender, add 2 tsp. of the powder and blend well. 3. Drink an 8 oz. glass or more per day to achieve optimal benefits. Add these nutritious, vitalizing and energizing superfood additions to your green smoothies right away and start enjoying the overall health benefits they provide for you and your family.

3. How Live Superfoods Improve Health Live superfoods have probably been around since the dawn of man. However, though once a fundamental component in everyone's diet they lost their popularity after the birth of the Industrial Age which introduced processed food. Today, live superfoods are making a comeback. We are once again understanding their importance in everyday eating. Moreover, the health benefits of superfoods are second to none. Not even conventional medicine can match superfoods in effectiveness. What are live superfoods? Live superfoods are those unprocessed foods high in phytonutrient content. These foods are antidioxidant rich, provide the human body with longevity, high energy, and low risk of illness and disease. You can consume live superfoods in a variety of ways. For instance, superfood powders may be added to smoothies, yogurt or juice and absorbed as a liquid. You may also consume live superfoods as a dried fruit or berry for a convenient, nutrient-rich snack. There are many types of live superfoods ranging from berries to seaweeds. Among them are: Spirulina- a member of the algae family, spirulina is the highest protein food in the world. It's an anti-aging food as well as an antidioxidant and an immune enhancer. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Cacao bean- also known as raw chocolate, the cacao bean is a major source of magnesium. It's also good for weight loss, asthma and mood enhancement for persons suffering from anxiety and depression. Maca powder- best known for it's amazing health benefits. Maca powder is used as a natural viagra, minus the side effects. It is

additionally useful as an energy and strength enhancer and to raise low pressure and lower high blood pressure. Goji berries- is an excellent source of Vitamin C and fiber. It's also a powerful anti-bacterial food. Wheatgrass- is a natural raw detoxer. It is made of 70% chlorophyll, which builds the blood and also contains protein, about 30 enzymes, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Kelp- is a sea vegetable. It is helpful for iodine deficiency and has over 70 minerals and trace elements, growth hormones, vitamin enzymes and proteins. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Acai berry- is one of the favorites and it best known for it's heart health benefits and weight loss. Goldenseal- is popularly known as the herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer. In the U.S. goldenseal is one of the highest revenue-producing superfoods. Echinacea- is most often associated with its ability to relieve common cold symptoms. Nettle- commonly referred to as "the stinging nettle" because of the tiny stinging hairs and bristles on the leaves and stems has been used to treat allergy symptoms, arthritis, eczema, and more.

4. How To Make Superfood Smoothies Superfood smoothies are not only easy to make, but they are also highly nutritious and very filling. They are perfect for helping in weight loss, as they can help to curb the nasty food cravings that are often associated with the process of losing weight. Superfood smoothies are also great for helping the body to stay healthy and disease free, as they contain high amounts of antioxidants that help eliminate harmful toxins that contribute to disease. Really, there are no rules when it comes to making superfood smoothies, as long as you like what you are drinking, and your body likes it, then you can drink whatever you like. Basically, there are three types of superfood smoothies, which are green smoothies, fruit smoothies and hot smoothies, and you can have lots of fun experimenting with them all. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Green Smoothies Green smoothies are very simple to make, as all you do is take your favorite greens and blend them together into a smoothie. These smoothies are generally bitter, but you can neutralize the bitterness by adding some sweet fruit, or the juice of lemons. You can also add a bit of sea salt, which also helps to take away the bitterness. Fruit Smoothies Fruit smoothies are usually a hit with everyone, as they are naturally sweet. They are also quite refreshing and nourishing to help curb food cravings. Therefore, they are a great alternative to any snack, or even a meal.

To make fruit smoothies, simply take your favorite fruits and berries and blend them together for a nutritious smoothie. You can also add nuts and seeds for a natural nutty flavor. Avocados and coconut oil are also excellent additions to any fruit smoothie, as they can help to enhance the flavor as well as provide you with a rich texture. Hot Smoothies

Hot smoothies are a great substitute for those who enjoy hot drinks. They are a great alternative for those who are trying to quit coffee, as they too are hot drinks that you can sip in the same way that you would a cup of coffee. Thus the only thing missing is the high amount of caffeine. To make the hot smoothies, all you need is some hot water and your favorite superfood powder such as raw cacao, maca, acai and ashwagandha. You can also add a natural sweetener, as well as some coconut oil for a rich and creamy texture. And instead of just using hot water, you can also use tea, or warm nut milk. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The Benefits Not only do superfood smoothies taste good, but there are also many health benefits of the smoothies. These include weight loss, better mind function, heart health and they are good for keeping the hormones in balance as well. The reason superfood smoothies are so good for weight loss, is that they are generally low in calories, but yet high in essential nutrients. Many superfoods such as acai and raw cacao are especially helpful in weight loss, as acai helps to clean out the digestive tract, and raw cacao is able to help stabilize the emotions.

As for heart heat and better mind function, the smoothies help to eliminate toxins from the body, which can contribute to excess fat cells in the body. As a result, the arteries can potentially become clogged, which in turn can contribute to heart problems as well as a poor memory. The mind requires plenty of blood in order to be healthy, as the blood helps to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the brain. If the brain does not receive these nutrients, then it begins to malfunction.

5. The Top Superfoods For Your Diet If you're interested in increasing the amount of superfoods in your diet, you might want to start by incorporating some of the ones which provide the most health benefits. These top superfoods can do wonders for your body and your health in many ways. Here's a look at some of the ones you should be eating now. Fish While most of the top superfoods come from the produce section, fish is one striking exception. The reason comes down to a powerful nutrient known as Omega-3 fatty acid. This compound can be found in fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and herring. Thankfully, these same fish are the ones less likely to contain high concentrations of mercury. By eating fish twice per week, you can cut back on your risk of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even Alzheimer's disease. Soy Another of the non-produce aisle top superfoods is soy. Soy is rich in protein which makes it the perfect replacement for red meat in your diet. However, some research has also found that soy can reduce the risk of cancer, kidney disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Part of the benefit comes from the isoflavones, these powerful antioxidants, can help prevent cancer, aging, and possibly heart disease. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Tomatoes Lycopene is one of the most well-known antioxidants, and it can be found in large amounts in tomatoes and tomato-products. Thanks to

lycopene, you can greatly reduce your risk of cancer, particularly if you make a habit of eating your tomatoes with olive oil. Pumpkin Although you might have always thought pumpkin pie was super, pumpkins are among the top superfoods for a couple of reasons. First, they are rich in carotenoids. These are antioxidants proven to reduce the risk of cancer. They also contain large quantities of betacarotene, as well as alpha-carotene. These antioxidants can help your immune system work better and can actually prevent you from getting cataracts. Blueberries In terms of top superfoods, you don't get much better than blueberries. These delectable fruits contain a wide range of healthful compounds. Their blue color means they are rich in anthocyanidins, these chemicals can help improve brain functioning and can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Blueberries are also rich in amhocyanidins which promote heart health and reduce cancer risks. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Other Top Superfoods In addition to the five listed above, your health will benefit if you add some of the other top superfoods available, including broccoli, walnuts, green tea, spinach, and more. Remember that you'll always get the most benefits by choosing the freshest foods and combining the most colorful foods on your plate. Your health is directly related to what you put into your body. Not all supplements are created equal. View our choice for the best superfood powder here.

Don't settle for inferior superfood, demand the best. From our testing this is our top superfood recommendation. To Your Health!

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