How to be a millionaire

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Content 1. How to Be a Millionaire 2. The Millionaire Mindset: How Self Made Millionaires Think 3. Simple Truth Can Help You Become a Millionaire 4. 7 Core Beliefs of Millionaires 5. How To Become A Millionaire - The 3 Untold Secrets

1. How to Be a Millionaire Two of the main searches on Google in the wealth creation arena are "how to become a millionaire" and "how to become a millionaire". Hmmmm, that's interesting isn't it? Just think for a second about what people are doing when they type those two search terms into Google, or their search engine of choice. The phrase "how to become a millionaire" implies that people are searching for the "how to" of becoming a millionaire and indeed there are many seminars and workshops nowadays, that can teach what you need to do to become a millionaire from property investing, the internet or from building your own business. When you look closely at the phrase "how to BE a millionaire" however, it implies something different. There are shades of "how to be famous" or "how to be beautiful" or "how to be loved" and there is an element of just wanting it to happen, to just be, without having to become. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Because being something, like a millionaire, implies you are already there, you have made it, you have succeeded. And let's be clear here, I'm going to talk about self-made millionaires here, not people who have inherited millions, like Prince Harry did today, on his 25th birthday. 6.1 million left to him originally, which has grown with interest to 9 million plus apparently. (Today while flying helicopters on his birthday, Prince Harry is being a millionaire without having had to become a millionaire. I wish him happy birthday and all the happiness in the world because no amount of money can replace his mum!)

Whereas becoming something like a millionaire implies that you know there is some effort, some work, and even, dare I say it, some changing involved. So more people want to be a millionaire, than become a millionaire. I'm a bit obsessed with this topic at the moment and have started a series of articles on "The Secrets Of Success" on our blog and you can read them here as they unfold week by week. Because I have realised that it's actually easy and quite simple to find out how to become a millionaire. The bit I'm most interested in now is learning how to BE a millionaire or even a billionaire if that's what you want! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Because I have learned that you have to BE one, before you can BECOME one, at least in terms of attitude, thoughts, feelings, decisions, the people you surround yourself with, your actions and most of all the quality and amount of those actions. Let's look at those things, those requirement if you like, one by one, shall we? Being A Millionaire - The Attitude What kind of an attitude do you think a millionaire would need to have? Open minded? That's quite likely as you would need to be able to listen to new ideas without dismissing them out of hand. Generous? Possibly, there are probably mean ones too, but you often hear of millionaires and multi-millionaires being great philanthropists. Look at the programme "The Secret Millionaire" on

which my first ever wealth creation mentor Gill Fielding appeared those millionaires are actually giving away their own money. A "Can Do" attitude would certainly help because in order to become a millionaire, you would need to have overcome problems, bust through challenges and above all, to have never, never, never given up. The Thoughts What kind of thoughts do you think you would need to have in order to be a millionaire? Upbeat thoughts would help you overcome those "grey days" everyone gets and I would imagine someone who has become a millionaire has got pretty good control over the kind of thoughts they would allow in their heads. This is tough at first, but the more practice you get at it, the more easy it gets. Excited? Yes, I would imagine a millionaire would have many excited thoughts, as every day must be a new adventure. From the next business venture to the next holiday, there must be many exciting things to think about when you can do just about anything you want to and have complete freedom of choice. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Creative thoughts, definitely. You don't get to be a millionaire without having been creative at some time...perhaps you created a product or service that filled a need or solved a problem. Perhaps you saw a great solution to something and took that idea from the original thought, through a trial to launch - that's a creative process right there.

Positive? In order to be a millionaire you most definitely have make sure your thoughts are more often positive than negative. Negativity is the lethal enemy of creativity and of taking action and taking action regularly. The Feelings Feeling Optimistic? Yep, because if you are not optimistic you would never start a project. It's different feeling optimistic from choosing to have positive thoughts by the way, just think about it for a moment. Can you say you both feel optimistic AND have positive thoughts? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Feeling Responsible Feeling responsible is a bit of a double edged sword actually, but master the proper grip and you will become very strong indeed. You need to feel responsible for yourself, and take responsibility for your own success, but you need to be careful of shouldering responsibility for others, their results and their happiness. First born children in families - while more likely to succeed - need to be especially careful of this, as they often had to take responsibility for siblings, and parents struggle a little bit too. Of course you are responsible for your children's safety and getting enough love, but you are not responsible for the happiness and success of other adults around you. That's their job. The Decisions Being a millionaire involves making decisions, They don't even have to be great decisions or the right decisions but making decisions is absolutely crucial. Making decisions means creating momentum and

all millionaires have created massive momentum at some point. They made decisions knowing that they could correct course later if they needed to, but that it was important to get going! The People Being a millionaire means surrounding yourself with great people, people you can trust, people you love, people who, ironically, don't care that you are a millionaire. It also means being around people who inspire you, who challenge you to be your best, and who you can continue to learn and grow from. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Actions - The Quality I once read in a Steven Covey book that you should always do the right thing, not the easy thing. That really struck home and it's served me well in many tricky situations because most of the time, the action you want to take is the easy action (for you) but not necessarily the right action. Of course "right" can be defined in many different ways - what is right for you might not be right for someone else (in their opinion!) So you have to decide what action is right for you, by whatever criteria you define. Is it right for your business? Is it right for you? Is it right for your wealth creation? I think most people have a deep sense of fairness and are inherently good people, so I try and decide if the action I'm about to take is fair to as many people as possible and I ask myself if Nicola as a child would think it was a good thing to do - kids have a great sense of fairness and goodness I think. So, you have to take good quality actions to be a millionaire so that you can live with yourself and sleep well at night, in your luxury mansion.

Actions - The Amount Here's the big one. I've come to the realisation that both becoming AND being a millionaire means doing much, much more than most people would do. When we went to T.Harv Ecker's event in New Jersey, there was an exercise that he got us all doing (and made us promise not to tell) which made me realise that I always used to only ever do the BARE MINIMUM (much like employees only ever do the minimum required to keep their jobs), and that successful people aim way beyond doing the minimum - they take MASSIVE ACTION. In conclusion, I hope that this article has made you think about the difference between becoming a millionaire and being a millionaire. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< More importantly I hope it's made you realise that you are much more likely to become a millionaire if you act like you are ALREADY a millionaire. Because being a millionaire involves a whole different set of decisions, people, actions - both the quality and amount of, thoughts, attitudes and feelings and you can start to cultivate and practice those today. Nicola Cairncross is Europe's leading Wealth Creation Expert helping bright energetic people become financially free since 1999. She is also the "Wealth Coach In Residence" at Visa Int'l and Pampers iVillage. Nicola can show you how to make more money, attract new sales leads, create abundance via passive income flows using business, property, the stock market and by harnessing the power of the internet to reach the 35 million people on broadband right now!

2. The Millionaire Mindset: How Self Made Millionaires Think Do you dream of becoming rich someday, but are not sure how to go about it? There is a myth that rich people are born with an innate talent to strive for excellence and think creatively, but it is all nonsense! Being a millionaire is not about having more than one million in your bank account. It is about the mindset which creates wealth for you. Similarly, it is the mindset (the wrong one) that prevents you from being a wealthy person. Think about it.. why is it when some people win a huge amount of money in a lottery, they go back to square one and become broke yet again within a couple of years? It is because they never learned the mindset of a millionaire. So, how much money you have right now does not determine you future financial status. Your future depends on your thinking; it's all about changing your psychological approach towards money, success and happiness. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When you think of the word 'millionaire' what image flashes in your mind? For many, it is a flashy type of a guy who lives an ultraluxurious lifestyle, travels in a private jet, and so on. Surprisingly, typical millionaires are not the image that Hollywood and the media in general has created. Many modern-age millionaires work full-time, live in middle-class homes and shop in discount stores like common people. They are not driven by the material possessions that money can buy. What drives them is the power to make choices; it is about the 'freedom' to make any decision! For instance, being able to quit a job they dislike or sending their kid to a school of their choice.

The number of millionaires has almost doubled in the last decade! There are more and more people getting rich. Millionaires are turning into billionaires! Perhaps, a lot of people are living the good life, so why can't you? Anyone can become a millionaire, but it asks for The Millionaire Mindset: How self-made millionaires think, can help you get there too! Millionaires have more in common with each other than just their bank accounts, it is their mindset. Although, becoming a self-made millionaire is NOT easy, adapting their way of thinking can put you on the right track. Here's how1. Whatever You Think About, You Bring About The beauty of being human is that you can reason and you can choose your thoughts. Thoughts become your actions and actions lead you to your reality. So if you're poor, that's YOUR choice. Maybe you think it's not possible to be a millionaire because you don't have the skillsets, capital, education etc. But most self-made millionaires didn't have any of these, either. Self-made millionaires want to have lots of money and earn it while doing what they enjoy doing the most! They think of multiple ways by which they can attract money. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2. The Universe Doesn't Give You Money Don't make the mistake of expecting the universe to bestow riches upon you, if that would have been the case you would have been born rich! If you are not rich, it only means that wealth is something that you need to CREATE with creativity and hard work. The first step is of course, the mindset which breeds wealth. Self-made millionaires know that they MUST work harder than everyone else. They don't wait for luck. They make a strong plan on how they will make things

happen and execute it. They take a huge 'calculated' risk (could be anything) and hence, reap rewards. 3. Chase Anything But The Money The idea of being a self-made millionaire sounds great, but most millionaires believe that chasing money will take you nowhere. They all have chased 'something' in their lives and the money came along as a reward. What is it that you would do if you were already a millionaire right now? What are your talents? And are you skilled/educated enough to do your work excellently? Understand that money will always come as a fruit of your hard work. You must be productive and give results. For instance, walking in the hot sun is a LOT of hard work but won't make you a millionaire. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 4. Stop Spending, Start Investing If your goal is to make a million dollars and buy an expensive car, you won't be a millionaire for very long. Millionaires know the importance of investing instead of spending. They earn to save (and that's their habit) and not just to spend. They earn to keep and not blow their hard-earned money away by buying expensive items. They know the fact that money, if saved today, may serve a bigger purpose tomorrow. Moreover, self-made millionaires reinvest the money they make. And they further use it to create new opportunities to be more successful. 5. Strive for Success on a Daily Basis Earning abundantly means you have loads of knowledge about your work, plus, a strong passion to learn new things and improve your skills. These traits are not something you practice once in a blue moon, they are meant to be a part of your daily routine. Self-made

millionaires are passionate about learning and reaching new heights. Just like a child gets excited to learn something new in his/her favorite subject, YOU need to have that passion to excel no matter what gets in your way - emotional traumas, financial setbacks, or whatever. 6. Live Well Beneath Your Means This is something that you must have read a hundred times, but this is THE golden rule. But why is it so? When you work hard enough to buy that Ferrari, you DESERVE it right? Well, that's for you to decide, but millionaires don't function that way. The reason behind this golden rule is - Gradually, a person starts spending more money than he/she earns. Thus, the real self-made millionaires don't spend more than they earn. As simple as that. As a matter of fact, as parents, they don't pay for everything. They give their kids a monthly allowance and that's it. Hence, they cultivate the 'smart spending' and 'saving' habit in themselves, as well as in their children. As you can see from the list above, just wanting to be a millionaire is not enough. Self-made millionaires have a different mindset and most live a special lifestyle way before making all that money. By doing some of the things listed above, you too can put yourself on the right path to achieve more!

3. Simple Truth Can Help You Become a Millionaire The old adage that "the truth will set you free" is still as applicable today as it was eons of ages ago when this simple grain of wisdom was taught by a renowned leader of that era. If indeed truth literally can set me free, then it means that it can give me freedom from all of my wants and give me abundance. If truth is indeed as powerful as this, then discovering truths can help me become a millionaire. This conjecture leads to a lot of questions such as: - What are the simple truths about millionaires? - Where can I find the simple truths that will help me become a millionaire? - How can I use the simple truth to help me become a millionaire? - These actually are the simple questions asked about the simple truth that can help me become a millionaire. So the secret really is to know the right answers to these simple questions. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What are the simple truths about millionaires? It is the very simple truth that anyone determined enough can improve his lot in life. Aside from determination, of course, is the willingness to live out the truths that can help one really become a millionaire. It's evident that anyone can accumulate wealth, if they are disciplined enough, determined to persevere, and have the merest of luck. The following are the simple truths about millionaires that you can follow as a guide for yourself in the pursuit of wealth: 1. Millionaires live a very simple life.

2. Millionaires allocate funds efficiently in ways that build wealth, and they avoid conspicuous consumption. 3. Millionaires are proficient in targeting marketing opportunities. 4. Millionaires are proficient in choosing the right occupation. 5. Millionaires are mostly self-employed, in other words, most of them are entrepreneurs. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The traits above are the general characteristics or traits of millionaires. If you live your life in accordance with these simple truths about millionaires, living a simple life, living below your means, and grabbing opportunities as they come, then you are well on your way and are ready to digest the other set of truths that can help you become a millionaire. Where can I find the truth that can help me become a millionaire? We have already delved on the simple truths about millionaires, but there are still other truths to find. We need not look far and wide to know our way to becoming a millionaire. The simple truth is that in our day and age, the means to becoming wealthy are just around the corner. For example, the net is full of opportunities to earn an income. You just have to develop your skills at detecting an earning opportunity that you can find in the net. You may ask, how does this truth about income opportunities in the internet ever help me accumulate wealth and help me become a millionaire? Very simple. You just have to grab all the opportunities that you can, and of course as you grab it, so you earn money. Now is that enough to make you wealthy? The answer is no! You have to stick by those simple truths above concerning millionaires if you ever

are to become a millionaire yourself. That is, never spend what you earn as soon as you earn it. Live way below what you make. That is how millionaires live. Follow their cue and you can become one of them yourself. A simple reminder, no matter how much you want to become a millionaire, without hardwork, patience, self motivation and confidence reaching your dreams of becoming a millionaire is far from reality.

4. 7 Core Beliefs of Millionaires There are millionaires in every industry, from computer software to even shoe shiners. Millionaires come from all walks of life. Some were immigrants like Andrew Carnegie and some have even been bankrupt several times such as Mark Victor Hansen. Then what made them eventually come out on top? All have earned their wealth in different ways, but all of these millionaires that I've described to you share at least 7 essential core beliefs, and I've outlined them for you right here. 1. Millionaires Believe in Having Balance in their Lives Most millionaires work only a few hours a week every few weeks at a time, how? Millionaires do first things first. They ask themselves, "What is the most important thing that I can be doing right now?" or what Brian Tracy asks, "If I were to leave tomorrow for a month with nobody having a possible way of getting a hold of me, what would I be doing right now?" Example: Tim Ferris, author of the New York Times Bestseller The 4Hour Work Week goes on vacation for two months at a time travelling the world. After his 2-month vacation, Ferris comes home, works a little for about a month before leaving on yet another twomonth vacation. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2. Millionaires Know They Can't Make it on Their Own Millionaires leverage the power of the mastermind group. Millionaires surround themselves with other like-minded people to help them achieve far more than they could have done on their own or thought possible. Mastermind groups help brainstorm new ideas

to generate wealth and also help with networking through potentially thousands of influential people and companies. Example: Andrew Carnegie studied the life of Jesus in the New Testament and the impact Jesus had on the world and what He was able to accomplish in only 3 years of His ministry. Carnegie saw that Jesus had surrounded Himself with 12 men and called them "Apostles", so Carnegie gathered around him a group of men and called them "executives". Carnegie knew nothing of the steel industry initially, but through the help of his executives became one of the wealthiest men of all time through that same industry. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3. Millionaires Believe They Have No limitations Millionaires don't believe that the sky is the limit; that would be silly to believe such a thing. Millionaires believe there are no limits. The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves. Millionaires also understand that all roadblocks to success are mental roadblocks. All problems and solutions rest within our own minds. Example: Robert G Allen and Mark Victor Hansen wanted to do what nobody has ever done before and that is pre-sell one million copies of a single book. Everyone thought they were crazy, but they did it. By the way, that book is the One Minute Millionaire. 4. Millionaires Believe They are the Makers of Their Own Destiny Millionaires choose to live and run their own lives. They do this by not letting setbacks and unwelcomed circumstances hold them back. Millionaires have a winner's way of thinking; they go forward with the attitude that "Failure is not an option". Robert G. Allen has referenced himself many times asking, "Could I do it if a loved one

depended on me accomplishing this task or goal?" and you'll find that the answer is always a resounding YES. Example: The number of millionaires have nearly doubled in the past decade and nearly 80% are self-made millionaires. Do I really need to give a specific example? 5. Millionaires Believe in Giving Millionaires believe in the law of abundance. Millionaires know that there will always be plenty to go around. They also know that as they give, the universe will give back to them in greater abundance. Millionaires believe the more they give of their time, talents, knowledge, and wealth, the universe will give back exponentially to what is given. Example: Mark Victor Hansen donates a minimum of 10% of his earning each year to various churches and non-profit organizations; on top of that each of his Chicken Soup for the Soul books has a charity attached to it. Hansen and his business partner Jack Canfield currently hold the world record for selling more books than any other author in the history of the world. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 6. Millionaires Believe That at the Root of Every Problem is a Seed of Opportunity Millionaires believe they can turn any negative situation to a positive situation. Whether it's personal, family, or financial; they see problems as an opportunity of improvement. Example: When computers were first created they filled an entire room and required a group of trained individuals to run them. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs saw this and sought to fill the void by

creating the first personal computer and as a result the Apple I was invented. 7. Millionaires Believe in Education Millionaires don't believe in having solely college education, they believe also in self-education. The average person reads less than one book per year; the average millionaire reads two books per week. I'm not talking about books such as Harry Potter either, rather, books such as Think and Grow Rich and 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. Millionaires become successful through their reading habits. Example: Zig Ziglar reads 3 hours per day; two hours out of self help action books and one hour out of the Bible. Brian Tracy and Mark Victor Hansen (along with many other noted authors) take it one step further by suggesting listening to educational tapes in your car wherever you go. By listening to educational tapes and CD's in your car you will have an equivalence of a college education in less than one year. Conclusion There is a new millionaire made every 60 seconds in America, and by diligently applying these principles, you could very soon be one of them.

5. How To Become A Millionaire - The 3 Untold Secrets "Who Wants To Know How To Become A Millionaire In A Year!" These are the common statements you will find in most websites or perhaps headlines in some financial books or magazines. Most of the time they are merely eye catching titles made to draw your attention. This is due to the fact that we as humans crave increase and discovering how to become a millionaire is something exciting. Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects in your adventure to discovering in detail how to become a millionaire in a year or less is this. There is too much information out there trying to feed you rudimentary steps on how to become a millionaire. I have found out that indeed there are 3 "Untold Secrets" that the average millionaire has: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Secret #1: The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind If you have been an avid reader on topics relating to how to become a millionaire and millionaire insider secrets probably you have come across Mr. Thomas J. Stanley. I particular like his books because he is a student of factual statistics. The point is, you should read books authored by people who have made actual life accounts on how to become a millionaire or interviews made with actual millionaires. Then, try not to think too much about the millionaire lifestyle but about how they think. Get inside the millionaire mind.

Secret #2: Think Like A Millionaire, Act Like One It is really easy to think like a millionaire before you read about how to become a millionaire. Yes, you may not have that much cash reserves in your bank account but the state of the millionaire beginnings is in your mind. Here are few exercises you can do: A) Imagine that you are living the life of your dreams. What kind of car, house or material things you want? Then, write them down or cut up your local newspaper pieces to paste on your fridge door, etc. B) Make the most time for your family. Ensure that whatever you do at work or in your business put your family in the top priority. Good emotional support begins from home and that is your foundation on how to become a millionaire in a short time. C) Act like a millionaire. One day you walk into a store and see your favourite jacket. Don't say "It is expensive". Instead practice by saying "how can I earn some extra cash to afford it?". This is the beginning of your creative thoughts on learning how to become a millionaire. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Secret #3: How To Become A Millionaire Fast Apart from telling you what to do to be a millionaire, you must first understand the principal behind the millionaires that already exists today. They don't sleep in a better bed or have a happier family than you. While poverty isn't good for the soul as well you should pay attention here. The world has an abundance of wealth to be made over the Internet. This can be achieved by generating lots of business by the

minutes even while you sleep. Books written on how to become a millionaire usually will not tell you in detail but it's true. Actually, the authors who tell you how to become a millionaire will always say it is a state of mind. Your mission is to sift through the junk information and gather a journal of useful points to start your journey on how to become a millionaire. On a personal note, I believe you have a great potential to become a millionaire. The only thing you need to do is take the secrets above that shows you the first step in how to become a millionaire and apply it. Develop a millionaire mind for your financial future. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below. Vern How has been earning online back in June 2006. He is a professional affiliate marketer who believes in giving back by helping others. To find out how Vern can help you work from home go to... Simple Riches [] For more information on a perfect wealth formula to profiting massively on the Internet, just check out How To Become A Millionaire In Less Than A Year

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