How to build muscle with bodyweight exercises

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Content 1. How to Build Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises 2. Build Muscle, Lose Fat, Get a Six Pack 3. Lose Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time - How To Get Buff And Ripped 4. Gain Muscle Diet Plan - Special Diet To Build Muscle 5. Push Ups To Build Muscle - A Realistic Idea?

1. How to Build Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises The most common mistake made by people who endeavour to build muscle with bodyweight exercises today is they fail to follow the principles of muscle growth and instead perform high repetition sets of simple exercises. For example, you cannot build an impressive chest by doing sets of 30, 50 0r even a 100 press ups as this brakes the rules of muscle growth and can only result in improved muscular endurance. The number of sets and reps required for muscle building After nearly 100 hundred years of experimentation it has been proven time and time again that the best way to build muscle size is a routine that consists of 4 exercises of 3-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions for each muscle. This is the system that practically all professional body builders use today and is the same system that Legends such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane used 35 years ago and that is because it works. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Your body does not differentiate between the resistance offered through weight training or your own body and therefore, if you follow the same number of exercises, sets and repetitions for building muscle with bodyweight exercises as you would with weights you will get the same results. So the secret is to continually increase the difficulty of your bodyweight exercises so that a set of 610 reps is as taxing as an exercise with weights would be. The two methods of making bodyweight exercises more demanding.

The first method used to increase the intensity of a bodyweight exercise and therefore enable you to keep within the 6-10 rep range needed for muscle growth is to change the position of your body slightly to alter the leverage being offered. For example, in an exercise such as press ups you can progress from the standard version, to diamond, hip and then planche press ups. Each of these exercises is more difficult than the previous one and you are therefore able to use the principal of progression to develop increasing levels of strength and muscle. If you consider that in over 20 years of owning gyms I could count the number of people that can do 10 planche press ups on one hand you can see how with a little imagination you can always keep the number of reps within the 6-10 range needed. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The second method of increasing the intensity of bodyweight exercises is to gradually progress from the two limbed to one limb version of an exercise. If you take pull ups as an example, you can progress from standard two arm pull ups, to negative one arm pull ups to finally doing one arm pull ups. I have never seen any one who is able to do 10 consecutive one arm pull ups so remember it is always possible to keep the repetition range in the 6-10 range needed to build muscle with bodyweight exercises. The number of times per week you should train We are all limited by time restrictions in life and with work, family and the general necessities of day to day living it is sometimes hard to fit in your training sessions. However, if you want to build muscle with bodyweight exercises you need to train as often as body builders who use weights do and that means you need to do 4

sessions per week using a split routine which enables you to train both the top and bottom part of your body twice per week. Quality of training It does not matter what type of training you do or how many times a week you train, if the intensity is not there you are wasting you time. You can only encourage muscle growth if you constantly make the muscles work harder. The muscle building Diet The diet you implement is arguably the most important factor for muscle growth and it is fair to say that you will only succeed if you follow certain rules. To protect you from possible injury your body adapts to your exercise program by building more muscle so that it can cope better with the demands you place on it the next time you train. However, nothing can be built from nothing and your body cannot build muscle unless you provide it with the nutrients it needs so include the following. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Calories, you need to make sure you consume 500 more calories per day than your body would need to maintain your present weight. Protein, apart from water, muscle is made up almost entirely of protein and it follows that in order to build more muscle you have to consume more protein. The recommended guide line for protein is that each day you have 1.5 to 2 grams of protein for every kilogram that you weigh. It is also recommended that you eat only good quality food and that your diet is made up of 50 % carbohydrates (mainly complex ones

such as brown rice and green vegetables), 25 % protein such as lean meat, fish and eggs and 25% fats (Mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds and sunflower oil. If you follow these guidelines you should increase your bodyweight by approximately 1 pound per week. However, everybody is unique so it is not cast in stone and some experimentation maybe necessary to get the right balance. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Sleep Sleep is when all your hard training pays off because it is when you sleep that your body repairs itself and makes you bigger and stronger. Try to get at least 7 or 8 hours sleep per night. If you still be young enough to want to party all weekend then the odd late night won't hurt you but if you constantly party you will not make as much progress as might otherwise be the case. Motivation Motivation is with out doubt the single most important thing needed for building muscle or anything else in life. Regardless of any other factor if you do not have enough motivation to implement the changes necessary you simply cannot succeed. Genetics How important your genetic make-up is in reaching your goal depends on what goal you have set yourself and how your genetic make-up fits in with it. The first thing to say is regardless of your genetic history everybody is capable of building a body to be proud of with the right training

methods, diet and motivation. The only variable is that it can take longer for some than for others. However, if you want to be the new Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dorean Yates I'm afraid it is only those who are fortunate enough to have the perfect genetics for building muscle that can achieve that level of success. Whilst it is true that these legends have unbelievable motivation, drive and intelligence so do many others who will never be as successful. Building muscle is easy but to be the best you need the best genetics. For example, the great Tour De France rider Lance Armstrong's heart is one third bigger than the average persons. You can see he had the perfect genetics for his sport. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Steroids In my years as a gym owner and instructor I have seen many young men put on huge amounts of muscle very quickly through the use of steroids The people who do go down this road will never gain the same respect given to those who have built there bodies through hard work and dedication and neither should they. Anything which can dramatically alter your body must also have dramatic side effects. As the saying goes, every action has a reaction. If you doubt this check out the chronic illness and premature death rates of the body builders of the 60s and 70s. Steroids are a definite no, no.

Remember You can build muscle with bodyweight exercises if you follow the principles of weight training and include the same number of exercises, sets, repetitions and continually progress to more demanding exercises. All muscle building programs depend on the correct diet to ensure success. If you have the dedication and motivation to follow all these recommendations you will succeed and that is a scientific fact. The only variable is the time it will take the individual.

2. Build Muscle, Lose Fat, Get a Six Pack Building muscle takes a great amount of commitment. You can't expect to see results over night or even over a few weeks. Building pounds of lean solid muscle takes months if not years. This might sound scary and unattainable for you but there is hope. Here we will teach you how to build muscle effectively in the least amount of time. This however does not mean that you will be looking like a bodybuilder after a month. Like said before this process takes time and a strong mental attitude. We can teach you techniques, strategies, and facts about reaching your goals however we cannot force consistency nor will power upon you. Those factors will be up to you, however the rest of the formula is written below! Read on and let your muscles grow! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Your first step is to find an exercise program in other words a list of workouts for the weeks you will be training (you can find many effective workouts under our workouts tab). There are many ways to create your own workout. You can work out 3,4,5,6, or even 7, times a week. You can do full body exercises, you can do a few muscle groups a day, or you can even do one muscle group a day. You can incorporate cross fit training, super sets, and isolation exercises. You can do 12 sets a day or if you want even 25 sets a day. There are limitless possibilities in creating a workout and that is why it is very hard to answer the question of "which workout will be the best for me"? Everybody's body reacts differently to every workout and what might be fantastic for one person may not be nearly as effective for you. So with all these possibilities of workouts where do possibly start? This question once again plays into the type of goal your seeking,

your schedule, and your will. Yet there are a few key points that every workout should follow. These include: ¡ Never working out the same muscle group two days in a row. During a workout the targeted muscles will break down, you may think that your muscle is growing during your workout but it in fact is being destroyed. The time you spend after your workout is actually the time when your muscle will be repairing itself and growing. This can be called your recovery time. If you workout the same muscle group to often you will never allow your muscle a chance to repair and therefore it will never be allowed to grow. The amount of time needed for recovery varies among many people and is usually around 2-4 days depending on how intensely you worked that muscle out. Finding out your specific recovery time is usually done best by trial and error. When you first start training always allow at least two full days before you exercise the same muscle group again. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< ¡ Never workout for more than 2 hours! Just because you do 100 more reps doesn't mean your muscles are going to get 100 times bigger You shouldn't even be working out close to two hours. In reality the amount of time you workout is dependent upon many things, intensity, diet, how long you've been training, routine, even genetics. The higher the intensity of your workout the shorter it should be (generally). When you workout too long you will actually be counterproductive. Two very bad things can happen when you workout too long. One is, due to the extreme depletion of energy during your workout, your body might actually start breaking down your muscle for energy use. This is rare and you wouldn't lose a lot of muscle but you see the point of counter productivity.

The other is much more common and it is overtraining. Overtraining happens over a small extended period of time where you train your muscles before they are allowed to recover. During a period like this you gain no muscle at all. Overtraining is very common among beginners. They go into the gym every day doing set after set after set thinking they are going to get huge however their workouts have a worse effect on them then just staying at home would. In bodybuilding working out does get you strong and muscular but working out too much gets you nowhere. The main signs of overtraining are: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< o Trouble sleeping o Strength Plateau (your strength is not increasing) o Elevated resting Heart Rate o Fatigue o Loss of appetite o Lower concentration Switch up your routine every 3-4 weeks. During your workouts your muscles start to get accustomed to the routine you are doing. In order to stimulate and shock the muscles switch an exercise for one you've never done or one you haven't done in a while. For example for biceps instead of doing barbell curls do seated alternate dumbbell curls. Keeping your routine fresh and updated will help you increase your muscle mass and strength. Lift to failure and increase resistance. In order for your muscle to grow it has to be stressed. Make sure that your muscle is burning and exhausted by the time you finish a set. Make sure you cannot do a single more repetion before you put the weight back down. Also do

not constantly use the same amount of weight. In order for your muscles to grow bigger you have to periodically be increasing the weight that you are lifting. Heavier weight equals bigger muscles. Benching 135 lbs. 30 times will not give you the same effect as benching 250 lbs. 4 times. The last key point is to limit the use of machines. Machines control the weight for you limiting the amount of various muscles you put into the exercise. Free weights also stimulate stabilizer muscles which are muscles that keep all your other muscles and other parts in place. Stabilizer muscles also very effectively prevent damage and injury to your main muscles. Some machines are very effective for isolation exercises (one joint movement exercises such as the barbell curl) such as the bicep curl machine and the chest fly machine. Yet, the majority of your workout should be done using free weights, they will make you stronger and make you less prone to injury. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< For beginners we recommend a 3-4 days a week workout that involves many compound exercises. (see beginner workouts under our workout tab). To find specific exercises for certain body parts visit our exercise tab in the menu. Now you got your workout on track so it's time to change the way you eat. Many people think that in order to obtain maximum results during their training they should eat thousands of calories more than their body requires. They always brag about how much muscle they've gained when they fail to see that most of their new weight is fat. Under ideal conditions you can AT THE MOST gain.25-.5 lbs of muscle per week! I know that is not what you would like to hear, but spread out over a year that is 12-24 lbs. of solid muscle! As you gain muscle your body will also naturally retain more water. Per about

every pound of muscle gained you will also gain about half a pound of water weight. So throughout the year you can gain 18-36 lbs.! So back towards your diet, eating thousands of calories extra will have no effect on your muscle growth. Yes you are required to eat more in order to obtain muscle mass however you want to do this with obtaining as little fat as possible. There is a point where the extra calories won't be used towards building muscle and they will just be stored on as fat (read our myth of bulking/cutting cycles article for more information). So step 1 in your diet is to eat more calories than you burn in order to sustain and build new muscle. Remember that no one is the same and this number can vary slightly from individual to individual. A general guide is to eat about 250-500 calories more than you burn. (to find out how much you burn you can use our BMR calculator located under our tools tab in the menu). If you notice that you are gaining more than one pound per week than that extra weight is most likely being put on as fat. You should constantly monitor your weight and bodyfat percentage to know how many calories you should ideally consume. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Once you've figured out your required calorie intake for building muscle you should incorporate a protein, carbohydrate, fat ratio designed to build muscle. A standard ratio for muscle building is 40%, 40%, 20%. Meaning that 40% of your calories should come from protein, 40% should come from carbohydrates, and 20% should come from healthy fats. Always make sure that you are getting around 1.5-2grams of protein per lb. of lean body mass (the 40% of protein should cover that). Lean body mass = Your weight-your weight from fat. You should split your calories up into six smaller

meals throughout the day making sure each one has a good amount of protein with it. If you eat six smaller meals a day you provide your body with nutrients all throughout the day so it's easier for your body to rebuild it's broken down muscles. One of these meals should be eaten right after a workout, and about an hour after a workout. During this time the body will absorb protein and other nutrients more quickly to rebuild and refuel itself. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Meals should not be eaten right before a workout. Many people drink a protein shake before their workout but they fail to realize that it takes up to 4 hours for protein to be digested and broken down. Therefore their shake has no positive effects during the workout. In fact it robs them of energy, since your digestive system requires a lot of energy to break down food it takes their current energy and uses it for food digestion. What should be eaten before a workout is a small carbohydrate filled snack. Since carbohydrates breakdown within an hour of consumption eating a granola bar an hour before your workout will supply you with energy that will be able to be exerted into your training. The last meal you eat should be right before bedtime, it should be high in protein preferable casein protein (slowly dissolving protein). During sleep you go 8-10 hours without any nutrients so eating right before bed and right when you wake up is very important! Now you got your diet set up so it's time to look at other aspects that are important for building muscle. You should sleep preferably 10 hours a day, never less than 8. During sleep is when your muscles are recovering the most efficiently. Lack of sleep can easily lead to overtraining and fatigued muscles. Sleep is crucial to growing muscle.

Drink a lot of water! Your muscles are made up of about 70% water. Keeping your body hydrated is extremely important in trying to build muscle. The amount you should drink varies from person to person but general rules are that if your urine is clear and if you're urinating every hour to hour and a half than you are hydrated. A formula that estimates required water intake is bodyweight x.6 =amount of water (in ounces). Keep in mind that you will sweat during your training and you will be required to drink more during your workout sessions. Stay stress free! It has been proven that high levels of stress can affect muscle gains. Stay calm and enjoy life! Limit alcoholic beverages. Alcohol drastically dehydrates the body and hydration is very important in building muscle. Squat!! Many people want to get a huge upper body and neglect legs. Squatting is extremely important to gaining all around size. Squats use very many muscles in your body, big ones and small ones, the stimulation of many muscles creates a high increase in testosterone production. More testosterone will equal quicker and bigger muscle gains. Take breaks! During constant exercise our body's testosterone levels slowly reduce. You should take a week break every month and a half or so to increase testosterone levels and to give your muscles a break. Many times you will notice that after the week break you are able to lift more and lift longer! Lifting heavier equals bigger muscles! Take supplements! Supplements are not necessary but can provide a huge performance boost.

3. Lose Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time - How To Get Buff And Ripped Is it really possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time? I wanted to pack on some rock solid muscle but I didn't want to start getting fat at the same time. I mean really, a lot of us skinny guys might hate being skinny. We hate being called anything that even implies that we're thin. We hate being the smallest guy in our group of friends and we hate wearing those baggy clothes that hide our bones. But we don't want to get fat with a pot belly either, do we? I know all this because I was a skinny guy not too long ago, and in the process of putting on muscle I didn't want to end up getting fat. Fortunately, I found the right way to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. well maybe not at the SAME time. AND I had chubby friends who wanted to slim down to a muscular physique and they too can relate to this article. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Now here's simple science for you. If you gain muscle your bodies basal metabolism goes up. If your metabolism increases you burn more fat. So essentially by the simple act of gaining muscle, you can burn fat. However, the problem lies in the diet. You see to burn fat your diet needs to have a shortage of calories, while to gain muscle you need a surplus. This is the simplest factor involved and the only one I'm going to mention right now. That and the fact that there isn't a "lose fat and build muscle at the same time" meal plan. So when you're on a hard-core muscle-building routine, you will be consuming so many calories that your body will put on fat. And

sometimes it puts on fat faster than your muscle burns it. So while you're gaining muscle, you are also gaining a little bit of fat. To lose fat and build muscle at the same time, you will have to cycle between periods of caloric surplus and caloric deficit. The problem here is that while you're able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time you are slowing each individual process down. Here's the conundrum simplified. - On the one hand, to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, you have to cycle between caloric surplus and deficit and so it will take a longer time for you to reach your goals of getting a buff, ripped body. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< - On the other hand, while gaining muscle at full speed, your caloric intake also results in you gaining a certain amount of fat. These are 2 undeniable truths. So here's where you have to choose. You can either decide to reach your goals slower and take the lose fat and build muscle at the same time path. OR you can go crazy building muscle first, and then change your diet so you lose the fat you've gained after you reach your muscle gain goals. Personally, I'm not the "lose fat and build muscle at the same time" kind of guy. Not if it's going to take ages anyway. So, I went full steam ahead putting on muscle, and once I had gained 25+ pounds of muscle, I cut back on my caloric intake started doing a fat loss training routine, and got to my buff and ripped state. PS: I still have some more work to do before I get my body to where I want it, but I know it can be done and more importantly I know how to do it.

My opinion is that it is unnecessary to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Build muscle as fast as you can. That tiny bit of fat that you will have for a while will be a tiny price to pay when sooner than you know it you start getting complimented by all your friends, family and those girls about how much more buff and ripped you have gotten.

4. Gain Muscle Diet Plan - Special Diet To Build Muscle What does a great "Gain Muscle Diet Plan" consist of? What are the essential components to any meal plan that is catered to muscle building? This article will answer these questions and address the importance of carbohydrates, proteins, oils, water and caloric intake to the gain muscle diet plan. But first we need to understand how important the right nutrition is for building muscle. One of the best analogies to building muscle I have heard is that of building a house. Your work out plan is like your gym work out and your exercise routine. working out essentially gives your body a blue print of what to build. By exercising chest today, you are telling your body to repair your chest muscle fibers. But this alone isn't enough. Your body needs time to carry out this repair, just like it takes time to erect a house. While you sleep and rest is when growth happens and so this is essential to building muscle too. Finally, and VERY IMPORTANTLY, to build a house you need bricks, and cement and other raw materials, and your body is the same. It needs some excellent nutrition to start building muscle and here's where your gain muscle diet plan comes in. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Bottom Line - No bricks cement and other materials - no house, no nutrition - no muscle. Now that you know how important a gain muscle diet plan is lets look at the essential components to such a plan. Caloric intake is a vital portion of any gain muscle diet plan. Gaining muscle requires a lot of energy and this is why your caloric intake must be high if you want to increase muscle weight. But remember, if you don't have a good work out routine, you might put on more fat

than muscle. So working out and nutrition go hand-in-hand. It is recommended that to gain muscle you need around 20 cals per pound of muscle mass. This will however vary slightly from person to person. Protein, this is the building block or the precursors that your muscle tissue is made up of. Without protein you cannot build muscle. Some of the best muscle building programs recommend that you take in as much as 2g of protein for every pound of your body weight. The best protein sources are poultry, fish, beef and other meats, eggs and milk. There are plenty of other foods with protein in them, but these are your top guns. They should be a major component of your gain muscle diet plan. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 150lb guy = 300g of protein (Yes, that is a LOT) Carbohydrates are the next most important part of a good gain muscle diet plan. I know that a lot of people say carbs are the enemy, but there are good and bad carbohydrates. Whole grain foods, potatoes, fruits and veges are a pretty good source of good carbohydrates. Try to stay off the sweets and sugars, because instead of huge guns, you might end up with a pot belly instead. Fats and oils are a very important portion of a gain muscle diet plan too. This is because they are the precursors for testosterone. And testosterone is your best friend if you want to put on muscle. The more testosterone in your blood the easier it is to gain muscle. This is why a lot of people take steroids as they simulate the effects of testosterone, but since I assume most of you are staying away from needles to the butt good oils like olive and coconut oil will be an integral part of your gain muscle diet plan.

Water is extremely important. Try and drink about: Your body weight (lbs) X 0.6 ounces of water that's quite a bit its true, but since you're on a gain muscle diet plan and you're more active than the ordinary folk out there you need more water to keep you hydrated. Also, with such a high protein intake your body environment can get highly acidic and toxic and water and green veges help flush these toxins out. So you understood how important a good gain muscle diet plan is. No ordinary nutrition would do as the demands on your body are higher. You also know the most important components of a gain muscle diet plan.

5. Push Ups To Build Muscle - A Realistic Idea? Is it possible for push ups to build muscle? Can this simple exercise that requires no special or expensive equipment, that can be done by children and adults alike, that has so many variations it is used by pro-builders and fitness models, really help to build muscle? This article will answer the question with an affirmative and continue to discuss how this exercise can be done to gain muscle, and other advantages of doing it. Is it possible to do push ups to build muscle? The resounding answer YES. Now, a pro body-builder is not going to gain muscle by doing 20 reps. But a complete beginner can. That body builder isn't left hanging though, because with about 500 reps in 40 minutes, even a pro-builder can notice a significant change in muscle form. Like in any exercise stress the muscle fibers and on the eccentric portion of the contraction cause tearing of muscle fibers. When the body repairs these fibers and replaces them an increase in muscle mass is noticed. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How do you do push ups to build muscle? If you're a hot-shot, unless you try to do several hundred push ups in a short period of time you're probably not going to notice anything. But for a beginner, even 50 reps of push ups done with proper form across the period of the day can result in muscle soreness later on. So, the first thing to do is find your starting point. Find the maximum number of reps you can do. If you really challenged yourself you will notice muscle soreness all over your body. This is a great sign that your work out was effective and your body will then go into a state of repair.

Once you find your minimum push up number and heal from your soreness get right back on it but increase the frequency with which you do the exercise. Gradually increase intensity by increasing rep number, set number and by decreasing break time. Once you reach a significantly high rep number, focus on doing the same number of reps in a short period of time and really feel the burn. There are many advantages of doing push ups to build muscle. The first one is that it involves multiple muscle groups. Therefore you train muscles in several different positions at the same time. This can be felt by the soreness in multiple places after doing the exercise for the first time. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< A high intensity is required for push ups to build muscle, and the high rep and set number greatly improves the appetite and allows for a larger caloric intake, which is essential for body building. Finally, these exercises can be used with a variety of grips, speeds, and methods to target different muscle groups. For instance a close grip and a wide grip affect the muscles in completely different ways. Finally, doing push ups to build muscle not only helps to increase size and weight but also to strip down fat. While it is indeed possible to do push ups to build muscle, the amount of weight gained from such a routine is greatly limited as compared to a more all-round muscle-building program. It must also be noted that, though I say it is possible for push ups to build muscle, this will not happen efficiently if the right nutrients, rest, and hormonal balance aren't provided. So eat good quantities with good carbohydrates and oils, and plenty of protein packed in too. Do things right and you'll definitely use push ups to build muscle. But for

a whole other level of building and lot more muscle, push ups along might not cut it.

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