How to eliminate uterine fibroids

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Content 1. How to Eliminate Uterine Fibroids 2. Symptoms of Fibroids As Well As Finding Treatment for Fibroids 3. Fibroid Symptoms, Treatment, Surgery and Removal 4. Uterine Fibroids Symptoms and Finding Fibroids Treatment 5. Fibroid Diet - Help Eliminate Fibroids Naturally

1. How to Eliminate Uterine Fibroids After suffering from progressively worsening symptoms over a number of years, I decided to try once and for all to see if there was a natural cure for fibroids which I could try before going for what I considered the "treatment of last resort" - a hysterectomy. When I first visited my doctor about my enlarging abdomen, fibroids were never even mentioned. Indeed he incompetently advised me that I had abdominal fat and that I should diet! Although I admit to being a little overweight, I wasn't obese and looking back now, the fact that I had fibroids should have been glaringly obvious. I was suffering from anemia and breathlessness and my periods were really heavy. I also had problems with painful intercourse (although I didn't tell him that at the time). >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< By the time my fibroids were diagnosed, an ultrasound examination revealed that I had one fibroid which was the size of a small melon, a number of orange-sized ones and several smaller groups. In fact the radiologist said that my abdomen resembled a 7 month pregnancy. As they were so large, I was given no real treatment options. I couldn't go for the procedures which simply cut away fibroids or those which shrank individual fibroids by blocking the blood vessels and cutting off the blood supply. Strong hormonal treatment to block off estrogen was recommended, which would temporarily shrink the fibroids followed by a hysterectomy about 3 months later, depending on the success of the treatment. At that time I asked if there was a natural cure for fibroids, but the doctor kind of brushed off my request, saying that a hysterectomy was the best option and as far as he was concerned,

he had only heard anecdotal evidence and could not recommend a way to naturally eliminate uterine fibroids. I had severe reservations about surgery. Firstly, I was concerned about having such a major operation with such a long recovery time. Also I was really concerned that it would put me through an early menopause as although the doctor promised to save my ovaries if possible, there was a chance they would have to be removed and the shock to the body of the removal of the uterus can sometimes bring on the menopause. Finally, I was worried about taking the drug treatment to shrink the fibroids beforehand to make the surgery safer-apparently these drugs can only be taken for a short time because they effectively bring on a temporary menopause with all the accompanying symptoms, such as hot flashes, drying, thinning vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and long term osteoporosis. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I told the doctor I needed a few days to think about this. One thing which heartened me was the fact that fibroids were not dangerous. As horrible as the symptoms were, I knew that they were not cancerous and this gave me "thinking time". When I was first told I had fibroids, I started to do a little research and had come across a system which claimed to be a natural cure for fibroids. Although I had been skeptical, now faced with surgery I decided to take a closer look. There are very few doctors who specialize in ways to eliminate uterine fibroids naturally and those who do tend to have very long waiting lists and can be very expensive as they are in such high demand. I found one such doctor who had her own practice, who had had immense success in helping women to use a natural cure for

fibroids. It had been so successful that she has developed a downloadable system which women can use to treat their own fibroids, with the support of free online help if necessary. For me, it was a no-brainer really, I decided that the hysterectomy was a possibility, but before committing to it, I wanted to give this a try. I figured that I had absolutely nothing to lose as with fibroids, I had the luxury of being able to try it without the cloud of, say a terminal illness hanging over my head. Sure, my fibroid symptoms were unbearable at times, but I figured I could live with them a bit longer if this natural cure for fibroids would work. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What surprised me was the fact that the treatment took quite a bit of work! It really is no good if you are after a quick-fix. With a natural cure for fibroids you have to be reasonably motivated and take charge of your own treatment and be prepared not to deviate from the recommendations for best results. I would honestly say that if you are not prepared to put in the effort, then don't even bother. For me it included fairly significant changes in both diet and lifestyle which were quite a pain at times. However, a few months down the line and I can say now it was all worth it. At first I though it was all a bit of a waste of time-I had lots of self doubt. However, within a few days, I began to realise that the bloating in my abdomen was reducing and my periods were lighter. It took about 2 months before I could say I noticed significant changes and since then, scans have confirmed that my fibroids have greatly reduced-so much so that I am not considering any further treatment. I still have some fibroids but they are small enough to cause no symptoms at all.

The principles of naturally treating fibroids are based around the fact that in order to reduce them, it is necessary to remove the very causes. Now identifying causes can be difficult as they can be different in each woman and in some cases, there can be no obvious causes. Having said this, there are a number of factors which predispose women to having fibroids, for example, being AfroCaribbean, being in your thirties onwards and being overweight. There are also a number of other more subtle factors which can also come into play and it is equally important to take these into account. One often very important principle in a natural cure for fibroids is based around the fact that excessive estrogen in the body can "fuel" fibroid growth. Sometimes this estrogen is natural and may be because the woman is overweight-in which case steps to lose weight can also result in a degree of fibroid shrinkage. For others, it's not so much natural estrogen which causes the problems, but estrogen-like substances which build up in the liver which are present in everyday pollutants and pesticides which can cause problems. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In summing up, you need to understand that once you have fibroids, there is no "quick-fix". Even if you decide that surgery to remove individual fibroids is the right treatment for you, it is likely that you will have to take hormonal treatment to shrink the fibroids for months before surgery and you must consider the side effects of this, which include hot flashes, thinning vaginal tissues, aging of the facial skin and osteoporosis. Then once you have surgery, it could take a good few weeks before you are back to normal-and then within months, the fibroids could regrow (with the obvious exception of a hysterectomy for which recovery is months). So, all-in-all, you are

probably looking at a 6 month timeframe without guarantee of success. What I tend to say to women is that before considering such a radical, expensive and potentially painful treatment is that they consider looking at a natural cure for fibroids. There is a complete, systematic approach which you can try completely risk-free. It is totally guaranteed to work, but I always give a word of warning. If you are the type of person who is not prepared to invest some time and effort into your own treatment, then this will not work. There is no magic "pill" you can take to eliminate uterine fibroids. However, if you are prepared to follow the guidelines, this will shrink your fibroids. The good thing is that although your fibroids might take a few weeks to begin to shrink significantly, this is still much less time than the start to finish of surgery. Plus, you will begin to banish some of the symptoms of your fibroids within days. To see the exact natural cure I used, visit Stop Fibroids For further general information, please visit

2. Symptoms of Fibroids As Well As Finding Treatment for Fibroids Uterine fibroids are one of the most common tumors of the uterus. They are usually benign (not cancerous). Although most fibroids do not produce any symptoms, many other women deal with various fibroid symptoms that can be very trying in some cases. This article addresses the symptoms of fibroids as well as finding treatment for fibroids. Fibroid Tumors These tumors are usually found in the muscle found in the wall of the uterus. These fibroid tumors may develop as a single tumor or as a cluster of tumors in the uterus. They can also vary from being small sized to large tumors that do not contain any cancer properties in most cases. Estrogen production and other hormonal changes usually determine fibroid growth. This explains why uterine fibroids usually decrease in size after menopause when estrogen production is decreased. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Causes Although the exact cause for uterine fibroids remains unknown, women that have a family history of these tumors are at risk of developing fibroids. Another factor is that although fibroid tumors affect all races of women, black women are affected by these tumors at greater rates than women of other races. The exact reason for this occurrence remains unknown. Other risk factors include never having given birth, being overweight or obese, if the menstrual cycle started before the age of 10, etc.

Symptoms of Fibroids 1. If you experience pressure on the bladder leading to the increased need to urinate or frequent urination. 2. You may experience constipation due to the pressure placed on the rectum by the fibroid tumors. 3. Another of the symptoms of fibroids is experiencing irregularities in the menstrual cycle including excessive bleeding that may include clots. 4. You may experience pain or pressure in the pelvic region which is another one of the common symptoms of fibroids. 5. Fibroid tumors may also lead to an increase in your waist circumference. 6. Infertility is also another of the symptoms of fibroids that some women may suffer from. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Treatment for Fibroids Since most fibroids do not lead to any significant problems, doctors may simply use a watch and wait method. This involves the use of an ultrasound usually on an annual basis to determine whether there has been any change in size of the fibroid tumors or if there are any cancer producing cells in the tumors. Traditional medicine related to the treatment for fibroids also involves the use of various prescription or over the counter anti inflammatory medications as well as birth control pills to control hormonal levels, various drugs to reduce bleeding, fibroid size, etc.

When all other avenues have been exhausted, surgery may be prescribed. The most common is the hysterectomy that involves the remove of the uterus. Without a uterus and uterus wall, no fibroids can be produced. While this permanently eliminates fibroids, women who undergo this procedure lose the ability to ever have biological children. Other surgical procedures include a myomectomy, clotting of the blood supply to the tumors, etc. A myomectomy relates to the removal of the fibroids only while leaving the uterus intact. Clotting of the blood is a newer procedure which involves a surgical procedure to starve the tumor of blood to hopefully reduce the size of the tumor. All these surgical procedures, medications, etc all come with risk factors and side effects in addition to being costly for most women. A less expensive method that also leads to no side effects and is an effective treatment for fibroids is the natural or holistic approach that has been shown to be very effective in many women that are plagued by fibroids and is able to provide long term relief from fibroids. Natural methods use various approaches including making lifestyle changes, natural herbs and vitamins, diet changes, etc, to deal with the root cause of the tumors as a way to cure fibroids for good.

3. Fibroid Symptoms, Treatment, Surgery and Removal What are they? Uterine Fibroids (leiomyomas) are common noncancerous (benign) tumors that occur within the muscle walls of the uterus (womb). Uterine fibroids can be the size of a pinhead and show no signs or symptoms that they are there, or they can be very painful and grow to a 10 inch diameter. There are four types of uterine fibroids: Subserosal Fibroids, develop under the outside uterine covering. Intramural Fibroids, develop within the uterine wall. Submucosal Fibroids, develop under the uterus lining. Pedunculated Fibroids, develop on a "stalk" or stem-like structure attached to the inside or the outside of the uterus. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fibroids may grow as a single nodule or in clusters. They may range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. Fibroids in the uterus are a common cause of heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain and pressure in women. During pregnancy, fibroids can greatly increase in size. What are the Symptoms? Some women with uterine fibroids experience no symptoms at all. Symptoms may include excessive and prolonged menstrual bleeding, pain, abdominal mass effect, frequent urination or urgency or constipation and many others.

When symptoms appear, they can vary greatly, depending on the size and exact location of the fibroid tumors. Women sometimes underestimate the impact of their symptoms because they have become accustomed to the excessive bleeding, pain and the pressure that fibroids can cause. Also, for some reason African-American women develop symptoms faster and with greater severity than other women. What does one do about them? Uterine fibroids often do not require treatment, but when they are problematic, they may be treated surgically, non-surgically, with medication or with alternative treatments. The very heavy menstrual bleeding, clotting and pelvic pain, that fibroids sometimes cause leads many women to seek treatment. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What about treatment? There are several different types of treatments: Hormonal: Uterine fibroid tumors require estrogen and progesterone to grow, and without these hormones, fibroid tumors usually shrink in size. Hormonal treatments (such as birth control pills) may help control excessive menstrual bleeding caused by fibroids in some patients. Non-surgical: Uterine Fibroid Embolization, UFE - Known medically as uterine artery embolization, approaches the treatment of fibroids by blocking the arteries that supply blood to them causing them to shrink or disappear. Uterine fibroid embolization is a more permanent solution than hormone therapy. When hormonal treatment is stopped the fibroid tumors usually grow back. UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolization) isn't considered to be surgery, but it is

generally done at a hospital or specialized clinic. This uterine fibroids treatment procedure usually takes between 1 and 3 hours, depending on how long it takes to position the catheter and how easily the catheter can be positioned in the arteries to the uterus. Although uterine artery embolization has been in use for two decades to treat bleeding after childbirth, it wasn't until early 1997 that the technique was introduced as a potential treatment for uterine fibroids. Follow-up studies have shown that nearly 90 percent of women who have their fibroids treated by uterine fibroid embolization experience either significant or complete resolution of their fibroid-related symptoms. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Surgical: Surgery for uterine fibroids involves either removing the fibroids (myomectomy) or the entire womb (hysterectomy). Surgery has risks, including bleeding and infection. About a third of the more than 500,000 hysterectomies done in the U.S. each year are done because of fibroids. A large majority of the women having these hysterectomies are probably unaware of the other, non-surgical alternatives. Alternative treatment: Alternative treatments for uterine fibroid tumors also abound. Naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other alternative health care providers have treatments to offer as well. Some of these are new and less wellestablished than others, but the treatments are usually safer, less traumatic, less invasive and less expensive than surgery.

Remember that some medical treatments for uterine fibroid tumors can affect your fertility. So it is important to consider alternative uterine fibroid treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

4. Uterine Fibroids Symptoms and Finding Fibroids Treatment Uterine fibroids affect many women and are considered to be the most common non cancerous or benign tumors found on a woman's uterus. Many of these fibroids do not cause any symptoms and may not require treatment and the women affected rarely know that they have fibroids. For some other women affected, fibroids can cause various problems. This article discusses fibroids symptoms and finding fibroids treatment. Uterine fibroids affect many women who are mainly of childbearing age and almost never show any cancerous properties. Fibroid tumors are usually found in the smooth muscle found in the uterine wall and can form as a single fibroid tumor or as a cluster of fibroid tumors inside the uterine wall or attached to the uterine wall. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Causes There are many causes of these tumors including never having given birth, being overweight or obese, if the menstrual cycle begins before the age of ten, etc. Fibroids are also known to affect more black women than women of other races. In addition, if a woman has a family history of these tumors, she may develop them at some point in life. Fibroids Symptoms As mentioned previously, some women with the tumors may not produce any fibroids symptoms at all. If fibroids symptoms are produced, the most common are;

a. having an irregular, prolonged or excessive menstrual cycle, b. rectal pressure resulting from constipation, c. pressure or pain in the pelvic area is another of the fibroids symptoms, d. some women with fibroids can develop infertility, or if pregnant, be at risk of having a premature baby, separation of the placenta from the uterine wall and so forth, e. increase in the size of the waist, f. frequent urination due to the pressure on the bladder is another of the fibroids symptoms, g. backache, h. pain in the legs, etc. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fibroids Treatment The first step with fibroids treatment when using traditional medicine methods, is that the doctor will simply observe the fibroids over a period of time to ensure that they do not increase in size or develop cancerous properties. Additional fibroids treatment options include being prescribed certain medications that may include birth control pills, antiinflammatory medications, other pain medications, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists and so forth, some of which may have side effects in addition to being expensive. Another of the fibroids treatment options that may be recommended as a last resort include surgery. The most common

one is a hysterectomy which represents the entire removal of a woman's reproductive organ, the uterus. Without a uterus, no uterine fibroids can develop. This surgery may lead to depression with many women who may ed up feeling less like women because they are without a uterus which will affect the ability to have children ever again or for the first time. This surgery can also lead to a woman becoming menopausal. Other surgeries that form part of fibroids treatment include a myomectomy which is the surgical removal of the fibroids only. Only certain fibroids qualify for this surgery. Other medical procedures for fibroids treatment include uterine artery embolism which involves the clotting of the blood supply to the fibroid that may lead to the tumor shrinking if it is starved of blood. These are only a few procedures for fibroids treatment. As mentioned, these medical procedures can lead to various side effects and can be very expensive options for fibroids treatment. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Natural Fibroids Treatment Options The good news is that there are many alternative, natural approaches that are being used for fibroids treatment that have proven to be very successful and have none of the side effects associated with traditional medicine. Natural remedies for fibroids seek to treat the root cause of the fibroids and not merely treat the fibroids symptoms. Holistic methods work with the body and not against it and are fairly inexpensive using methods and ingredients that are easily available at local health stores as well as available in your home.

Get rid of the pain and discomfort caused by uterine fibroids once and for all using natural methods without resorting to a hysterectomy or other expensive surgeries. Try the natural methods for fibroids treatment visit

5. Fibroid Diet - Help Eliminate Fibroids Naturally A fibroid diet is one which is tailored to meet the specific needs of women who have symptoms caused by their fibroids. We all know the importance of healthy eating and this is particularly significant for women with this condition. There are also guidelines for items which should be both included and excluded for a fibroid diet. The reason why fibroids are so difficult to treat is because of their very nature. Fibroids are not caused by an infection or disease, both of which can be relatively easily treated by medication, but are thought to be caused by lifestyle. Having said this, doctors still do not unanimously agree on the exact causes but there is general agreement on the following points:>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< * Fibroids are affected by estrogen levels and grow more when there is an abundance of this hormone * Fibroids are much more common in Afro Caribbean women * Women in their mid-thirties onwards are more likely to suffer from fibroids * Fibroids are more common in overweight women * There is a genetic connection-fibroids tend to run in families * There is a definite sensitivity to environmental chemicals and fibroids have been known to grow in response to certain toxins which mimic the effect of estrogen * Fibroids seem to be more common in women who have a tendency to inflammatory condition

When conventional treatments for fibroids are used, such as removal of the individual fibroids or reducing their size by surgically blocking the blood vessels, the fibroids are very likely to return. When you consider the factors which we do know about fibroids, it is easy to understand why this is. These standard treatments take no account of what may have caused the fibroids and so they will simply grow back. A fibroid diet looks at the general causes of fibroids and takes these factors into account. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< One of the most important aspects of a fibroid diet is to look at ways of naturally reducing estrogen levels. A simple way of doing this is to ensure that a healthy weight is maintained as fat cells are known to be one of the ways that the body produces estrogen. Another way to reduce estrogen is to undergo a liver detox. This works by getting rid of environmental chemicals which are stored in the liver and some of which can mimic the action of estrogen. Eating a generally healthy diet which is low in fat and which concentrates in organic foods which are produced without hormones, pesticides, chemicals or additives is also known to be beneficial. In addition, you should avoid artificial sweeteners, caffeine and processed foods. In addition to eating a diet which helps with fibroids, certain herbs and foodstuffs are thought to both ease the symptom and help to shrink fibroids. These include motherwort, cleavers ,eaves, prickly ash bark, ginger root and red raspberry leaf. There is a complete plan which guarantees that you can eliminate fibroids naturally by using a multi-faceted approach which takes care of all the different aspects of what can cause fibroids.

Fibroids are very rarely dangerous and once you have received confirmation that your fibroids are not life threatening, there is every reason to try to shrink your fibroids naturally by using a fibroid diet in combination with other methods. The investment of time and effort can pay huge dividends and most women who correctly follow the given advice will find the symptoms of fibroids (even large ones) banished forever. For general information on the different types of fibroids and treatment options, please visit Types Of Fibroids To see full details of the fibroid treatment, visit Shrink Fibroids Naturally You can eliminate fibroids naturally by following the comprehensive advice, and there is extensive information on the fibroid diet which is at the heart of the treatment.

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