How to have the millionaire mind

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How to Have the Millionaire Mind

Content 1. How to Have the Millionaire Mind 2. Wealth Creation Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset 3. Learn How Real Millionaires Manage Money 4. How to Have the Millionaire Mindset and Become Wealthy Fast 5. You Already Have the Online Millionaire Mindset You Just Don't Know it Yet!

1. How to Have the Millionaire Mind The millionaire mind doesn't belong to a only a few chosen few. Although it might seem like that since only 0.1% of our population in the US are millionaires. What are the reasons for this? Well 10% of the reason is because of education and talent. And access to information and education is increasing daily with the continuing growth of the internet. The other 90% is simply not having a millionaire mindset or a lack of an individual's belief in themselves to be a millionaire. Now you notice I used the word "simply". If it were actually so simple, why isn't a much larger percentage than 0.01% of the population millionaires? Our economy should be booming and cash should be flowing easily and effortlessly. So what's going on? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The answer is conditioning. We live in the United States, the land of opportunity, prosperity, and capitalism. However, 99.9% of us live in a prison of our minds. We are the product of other peoples' habitual way of thinking. Go to school, be quiet, don't day dream, pick a career and stick to it, get a degree and a "good" job, don't go beyond your station in life, etc, etc... Let me back up just a bit because to really understand this you have to know how results are actually achieved for those that have the millionaire mind. Every millionaire will tell you that their success is a result of their attitude and their attitude consists of these three things in this order; thoughts, feelings and actions. Again, this seems really simple. Just think different thoughts and we should all have a millionaire mind and be millionaires, right? Well unfortunately, as James Allen puts it, "People are anxious to improve

their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound." Changing your thoughts is not as simple as it sounds. You have to be courageous enough to actually become aware of the self-defeating noise that is going on in most (99.9%) our heads. This noise is like the sound of an air conditioner, we just get used to it and we really don't hear it. But it is responsible for our thoughts, our feelings and ultimately our results. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Here's the good news, you can change your thoughts through having a vision and becoming aware of that noise that arises when you think about it. Awareness and the smallest change or improvement in your thinking will dramatically affect your results in every aspect of your life. You and only you develop or choose your thinking; no one can do it for you. However, working alongside someone who has been there and will help guide you through to the other side is invaluable. They have the millionaire mind and you can watch and listen to how differently they approach life and make those changes for yourself. When you are ready for real change, begin the journey and then listen carefully to that little quiet voice in your head become a screaming giant. Then take control! Become aware that it is only past conditioning and you have the power and ability to have the millionaire mind.

2. Wealth Creation Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset Do you wish you were independently rich? Well shall I reveal some deep millionaire secrets that will help you create and fashion the future of your dreams? Yes, it's entirely possible for you to learn to become a millionaire by using the same wealth creation methods used by the world's richest elite. Little known millionaire secrets, knowledge and the simple techniques they guard so jealously because they can thrust your own wealth quotient into the stratosphere to enable you to join their ranks and believe me, they don't want the competition. Goals If you research how to develop the millionaire mindset, you'll find that setting long- and short-range goals always comes highly recommended. It is said that for enduring wealth creation, it is necessary to set and develop firm goals. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you write down and read your goals every day, you will soon notice what's called 'an upturn in your vision of the future'. This vision will draw you towards it and things will start to happen. If you take advantage of those 'things' as they come along, you will gradually move towards your chosen goals. This is one of the most basic wealth secrets of the millionaire mind. Back to Broke But how is it we can achieve great success, even become a millionaire and yet somehow blow it all? End up broke again?

Something mysterious can happen that loosens our grip on what we've built up and it can all slip through our fingers. We may find ourselves sliding down a great, long snake to end up right back at square one. Why does such self-defeating behaviour occur? What are the causes of these undesirable phenomena? If you do not do what I'm about to share with you, you will come to a sticking point and go no further. Oh, your millionaire mindset will still be intact but 'something' will start to feel funny. Strange. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Ring Any Bells? Maybe this rings a few bells? For instance, this strange feeling will cause you to say to yourself "I'm okay as I am. What's the point in going further? It's only money..." If, after this, you persist in moving forward, you'll start saying things like "I don't need all this money. In fact, I'm feeling flush so I think I'll treat myself..." After this, let's say your business activities start to produce very good results. At this point, you may find yourself starting to blow money like it's going out of fashion. You may also make 'accidental' mistakes that cost you. You may become over-generous. Less wary of speed cameras. Pay less attention to your overdraft. Neglect your customers... In short, you'll find ways to offload this 'extra money' on fruitless activities and 'accidents' rather than investing it wisely for the future.

How Can This Be Possible? Why would you do this? Well...'s NOT because you don't believe that you're worth it.'s NOT because you lied when you were seventeen.'s NOT because your mother or father withheld their approval. is NOT because you are predisposed to a life of struggle. IS because of your memories! For example, think of that friend of yours who you keep making excuses not to go and see any more. The real reason you don't see them is because of your last memory of what happened with them. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Influence of Memories It was the very last memory of that person that makes you think up excuses not to go. If your last memory of that person was of pleasure then you would be making excuses TO go. See? You can't sit down and close your eyes and imagine it being pleasurable to go and see them because your brain knows the difference between real memories and made up visualisations. (Visualisations inspire you. Memories control you.) Rubbish! So your mind says "RUBBISH! We rowed and he said this and he was out of order. He should apologise. Not me!" So you don't go... and what's more, this reasoning is perfectly logical!

But if you DID go and see him, you'd probably find that he was sorry and you'd sort it all out and soon become firm friends again. But your mind won't allow it because your last memory of that person is very unpleasant. In other words, a negative experience. In order to become a millionaire and to remain a millionaire, it is necessary to deepen your understanding of this and other negative emotions that can block your path to ongoing wealth creation. Compelled to Overcome Another secret of the millionaire mindset is that in order to create and retain wealth, we are compelled to overcome all unconscious forces that trigger negative responses and behaviours that affect our business. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The negative sequence described above actually represents an outmoded survival mechanism. If you meet someone who threatens you, then your last memories of them are bad and you will avoid that person (and people like them). That person (or type of person) then has less chance of doing anything harmful to you. This mechanism may have been very useful back in the day when we were killing each other in violent cave raids for food. Happily, things are different now. But the brain hasn't caught up yet and this stuff still acts upon us in the same way as it did in our long gone caveman days. So, even today, we all still have these ancient unconscious drives. Two Million Years

For two millions years, women have chosen their men for their ability to remember who their enemies are. If a woman chose a man who was 'forgiving' regardless of what people had done to him or his family, then her offspring would be much less likely to survive. So the genes of the men who were best at doing this were passed down to us all though our common gene pool. To answer the question that probably just occurred to you, no, we can't switch off this mechanism. It just carries on its workings - absolutely automatically! But you CAN make it work FOR you. Before I tell you how to make it work - but in your favour - you need to understand exactly how the mechanism works... >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How it Works If someone makes you feel good then your memories of that person are also good. You will make any flimsy excuse to see that person. But if that same person makes you feel bad then you go away with a bad feeling and... you PONDER for hours and hours over what happened. Am I right about the pondering or what? You spend hours thinking about that one time when they made you feel bad and hardly a second thinking about the good things they made you feel before. This makes the bad memory huge in your awareness and it becomes the main thing you think about when you think about that person.

What Went Wrong? Your brain does this because it needs to work out what went wrong... which is a good thing... but it causes you to make excuses not to see them and so you don't experience any good things from that person. The point here is... you spent a long time thinking about the bad things that caused you to make excuses not to go and hardly any time thinking about the good things that caused you to make excuses TO go. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So you don't go. No matter what anyone says. This means you have a strong mechanism. (Women call it stubbornness but it is an essential survival strategy for men. Interestingly, women say they hate stubborn men but the reality is that they choose stubborn men to have children with because deep down, their unconscious mind tells them it means their offspring have a far greater chance of survival.) However, when the bad memories of that person fade, you start to remember the good things and at that point, you start making excuses to go and see them again. "Water under the bridge", you may say. If the bad memory was too bad, you never 'get over it'. I'm not saying that you should go round to your enemy's house. I'm saying that this mechanism is controlling your actions. Same With Financial Goals Now (and I'm glad you've been patient with me so far), it works exactly the same with financial goals. But there are two sides to this

particular coin. Even though you may not have achieved millionaire status yet, you still have memories of being broke (we all do) and you also have memories of having lots of money too (or at least feeling rather flush). You will have good and bad memories of each. For example, if you were broke once, you will have felt awful about talking to the bank and putting off your bills, etc. and you will also remember how your friends were all extra nice to you. But one memory will dominate the other. The one you spent the most time thinking about. If you were loaded (or flush) at some point in your life then you will have been on cloud nine, buying expensive clothes and stuff, but your friends may have been a bit hostile. Jealous. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Yes? I'm not saying that if your friends were hostile when you had money that you will never get rich, I'm saying that you have those memories. Good AND bad. I'm also saying that the extent to which you thought about those events when they happened is the extent to which you think about them now. Thoughts Can Keep You Stuck!!!! And those thoughts can keep you stuck wherever you are now financially. It's not you. It's not your spouse. It's not your upbringing. It's not even the economy... no, with your new millionaire mindset you now understand that it's the memories of having money and of having no money that you think about the most.

If you spent a lot of time thinking about how your friends were really nice to you when you were broke and how funny (weird, not ha ha) they were when you were flush then you will hover just above 'enough'. If you spent a lot of time thinking about the embarrassment of being broke and also a lot of time thinking about how good it felt to be flush then you will automatically do the things to make your finances rise. Control The point we need to grasp is the necessity to gain control over our thoughts so they influence our behaviour positively and not negatively.

3. Learn How Real Millionaires Manage Money Why do the majority of the population find it difficult to be a millionaire? Let us start with a simple exercise. What images come to your mind when you think of millionaires? If you are like most people, you will probably think of in a big houses, posh cars, branded clothes, fine dining in high-class restaurant, etc. The truth is, very few self-made millionaires live this lavish, self-indulgent lifestyle. Those who do, are probably the minority who inherited their wealth. In order to be a self-made millionaire, we must learn to manage our money like the real millionaires. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< One key factor that sets the rich apart from the poor is their ability to create wealth. However, what determines whether a wealth creator can become a millionaire is the way he manage his money. Now, just take a moment to recall, what did you do with the extra money when you get your last bonus? Did you go out to buy the latest handphone model? Or did you buy a round at the bar to celebrate? Those with poor mindset will tend to spend whatever they earn. They just live for the moment without thinking twice about the future. Others who more sensible or money-conscious will save all their money in the bank. Saving is a good virtue. However, saving all your money in the bank is hardly a good way to become a self-made millionaire. So, how do real self-made millionaires manage their money? A selfmade millionaire has a millionaire mindset. They set a portion of their income into savings and spend the rest. Now, that is not the end. In order to grow their wealth, they use a portion of their savings to invest regularly in revenue-generating assets. Note that the

emphasis here is "revenue-generating". It is important to distinguish what are the real assets and what are actually liabilities. A luxury sport car, for example, is not an asset but a liability. On the other hand, a dividend-yielding stock portfolio is a revenue-generating asset that increases your wealth. Self-made millionaires diligently save and invest their money until the cash flow generated by their assets becomes sufficient to meet their monthly expense. Do you know what this means? When all your expenses are taken care of by the cash flow generated by your assets, that means you will no longer be dependent on your job. You are free to quit and choose to work only if you want to. This is real financial freedom!

4. How to Have the Millionaire Mindset and Become Wealthy Fast What is the millionaire mindset? Who can have it? How can you have it? Before I answer those questions, let me tell you something about millionaires in general. Most millionaires aren't really afraid of anything. Sometimes, even against their advisers, they make a decision and end up being all the better for it. Most millionaires also tend to have an amazing amount of energy whether it's directed at their work or at their peers. Now that you know it, doesn't it seem fun to become a millionaire? I'm not just talking about acquiring millions of dollars here. That comes later. The first and most important requirement is to have the millionaire mindset. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Aggressiveness in Business Aggressiveness is part of the millionaire mindset. After all, you're not going to get anywhere unless you pursue something in a big way. For example, you want to earn millions by setting up your own coffee shop. But if you stay meek and quiet in your little corner, how could you expect to compete with the more established brands just across the street from you? You have to turn on your aggressive switch, start advertising and marketing your product. Make some noise and you'll make yourself some money. Love for Craft

Having the millionaire mindset does not mean you have to work hard at a job you hate. That's not how it works. Most millionaires earn the big bucks when they genuinely love what they do. Find your interest and work that angle. This way, you won't get tired of it soon; and you'll be many times more eager to pursue it. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If working on a certain job or project has a high earning potential but you end up being unhappy, it's just not worth it. You'll probably quit one day before you even achieve anything worthwhile. Relentless Positivity Millionaires don't waste their time worrying that something might go wrong, or that a screw is going to loosen. Instead, they direct all their energies into attracting abundance and success in their business. Having a positive mindset is having the millionaire mindset. Think of yourself as a fortunate person; luck and wealth will soon find their way to you. Having the millionaire mindset will help make every day of your life richer, fuller and altogether more satisfying. You may not be a millionaire now; but once you adopt the millionaire mindset, you'll be as good as one!

5. You Already Have the Online Millionaire Mindset You Just Don't Know it Yet! You've heard the expression "it's all in the mind", right? Well, in online marketing, it really is all in the mind. Successful online entrepreneurs have what is known as the online millionaire mindset. This is an intrinsic manner that should you should have to creating a huge income on internet. So what exactly is the internet millionaire mind? Basically, it's an unwavering belief in you. The internet millionaire mindset doesn't allow distractions to sidetrack them from achieving their goals. The online millionaire mind sees get-rich-quick schemes for what they really are - scams. But is it possible for you to develop an online millionaire mind? Not only is it possible, it's highly likely you have already started to become part of the millionaire mindset. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How can we make a statement like that, when we don't even know you? We can tell you have excellent potential to develop an internet millionaire mind because you are reading this, and in doing so are seeking quality information about online marketing. That's a great start. See, you are already on the periphery of the millionaire mind you just didn't realize it! Alright so far, but what should you do now? Go for it! You don't need a load of expensive gizmos and gadgets to start an online business venture. Just a computer will do for starters. What's much more important is what's in your mind. Some people never acquire the online millionaire mindset. They rush around, flitting from one get-rich-quick scam to the next. They fail to realize that what you get out of a web marketing venture depends on what you put into it.

You don't need a huge amount of money to set up an online venture but you do have to put time and effort into it. People with the internet millionaire mind have always known this. Many newbie online marketers fall by the wayside because they rush in without first having a step-by-step system - or business plan, if you like - in place. This won't happen to you, because you already have the online millionaire mindset. And this mindset is going to be your greatest asset as you grow your online venture into an ever-evolving moneymagnet. It will be hard work at first but very soon you will be able to sit back and watch the cash come flooding in. This is all because you understood the importance of the online millionaire mindset.

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