How to shrink uterine fibroids naturally

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Content 1. How to Shrink Uterine Fibroids Naturally 2. Herbal Treatment For Uterine Fibroids 3. Is There a Natural Fibroid Cure? 4. A Natural Cure For Fibroids - Shrinking Fibroids Naturally 5. Shrinking Fibroids Naturally - How to Eliminate Fibroids

1. How to Shrink Uterine Fibroids Naturally If your fibroids are causing you unbearable symptoms but you do not want to go down the conventional route of surgery or unpalatable hormonal treatment, you may have been wondering how to shrink uterine fibroids naturally. There are certainly ways in which this can be done, but before even considering this method, there are a few points which you need to consider first. The very nature of fibroid formation means that there is no easy way of shrinking fibroids naturally-despite what some may lead you to believe. However, that is not to say it cannot be done. There is no one specific cause for fibroids, but they are believed to form as a result of the subtle interaction of a number of factors which interact in a woman's body. In isolation, it is unlikely that these factors would cause fibroids to grow, but combined together, fibroid growth is sparked and the cumulative effect of the causes of fibroids means that left unchecked, they will grow larger and larger. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Who Gets Fibroids? * Overweight Women-Women who are overweight are more likely to have fibroids than those who are of a normal weight. This is because estrogen plays a part in fibroid formation and can act as a "fuel". Estrogen is both stored in and formed by fat cells and this means that overweight women naturally have more. * Women Over 35-Age is definitely a factor as after the mid-thirties, the chances of having fibroids increases significantly. * Afro-Caribbean Women-Ethnic origin also plays a part, with AfroCaribbean women being more likely to have fibroids.

* Women With A Family History Of Fibroids-Hereditary factors definitely play a part and can predispose women to fibroids * Processed Meat-Eaters-It is thought that women who eat a significant amount of processed meats are more likely to have fibroids. Conversely, a diet rich in green vegetables is thought to have a protective effect * Women who inadvertently consume pesticides or certain pollutants which can mimic estrogen in the body >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you would like to know how to shrink uterine fibroids naturally, thinking about your estrogen levels is a sensible starting point. If you are overweight, losing excess fat will naturally reduce estrogen in the body and this will both prevent further growth and depending on the factor played by estrogen in your particular case, may begin to shrink the fibroids. In addition, the estrogen situation can sometimes be helped by following a robust liver detox plan which can help eliminate the pollutants which are mimicking estrogen as these are stored in the liver. Eating a very healthy diet which is rich in fresh fruits and vegetablesparticularly leafy green vegetables can be helpful as part of an overall strategy as can taking herbal supplements such as Agnus Castus and Milk-Thistle, both of which have proved to be helpful. Reducing your consumption of processed and red meats is undoubtedly beneficial as is eating only organic produce which will not have the addition of pesticides or pollutants. One very important thing to bear in mind is that as there is very often no definitive cause of a woman's fibroids-normally only supposition-this means that to be effective, any treatment must be

all-encompassing. This therefore means that there are very often many facets to successful treatment and that women must be motivated and accept that if they want to shrink uterine fibroids they will have to be prepared to make changes and to be rigid about following these through to guarantee success. There is generally very little help for women who are wanting to know how to shrink uterine fibroids naturally and this often prompts women to consider surgical options which may not always be the best option. It was the lack of real help for women with fibroids led an alternative practitioner who specializes in teaching women how to shrink uterine fibroids, to develop a complete 7 step system which is completely guaranteed. Her busy clinic left her unable to take on many additional patients but the demand was clearly there. As a result, she has now helped thousands of women worldwide who she has never met. Please bear in mind though, this requires you to be proactive and take charge of your own healing by making dietary and lifestyle changes and following a systematic program-it is not suitable for women who simply want to take a tablet and be cured. I have had great success in using this system personally-indeed it has saved me from the trauma of a hysterectomy. Are you ready to get rid of your fibroids once and for all? To see details of her methods, please visit this

2. Herbal Treatment For Uterine Fibroids Herbal treatment for uterine fibroids has been used with varying degrees of success for many years. It has had particular prominence in Chinese medicine, but herbs for fibroids are used increasingly by more and more alternative practitioners in the Western world. It is very important to be realistic when looking at any natural treatments for uterine fibroids. Although there are sites which will claim to have discovered a "wonder cure" for fibroids, this is highly unlikely and when you consider the nature of fibroids, it is easy to see why it is not as straightforward as some would lead you to believe. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fibroids are thought to be cause by the subtle interaction of a number of factors which happen to be present in a woman's body. There is no one "cause" of fibroids, but there are certain factors which predispose women to this condition. Firstly, estrogen, or the excess of it is thought to be a large contributory factor. To complicate matters further, estrogen mimicking compounds originating from pesticides and pollutants are thought to lock themselves in the liver and feed fibroids indefinitely. Other factors include your age and weight, your race and diet. In addition, women who suffer from inflammatory conditions are also prone to fibroids. As you can see, this is not a simple condition and even surgical removal of fibroids is not a permanent solution. The key is to eliminate what is likely to have caused your fibroids and this can help them to shrink and prevent the formation of new growths. The role which herbal treatments for uterine fibroids play is multifaceted. Firstly, certain herbs, such as Milk Thistle, Dandelion

Root and Artichoke Extract are excellent for detoxing the liver, which is where the estrogen mimicking compounds are stored. Ordinary detoxes do not always address this issue, but this is an essential element. Another role of herbs for fibroids treatment is to treat their symptoms. Fibroids often cause unpleasant menstrual symptoms and Yarrow, Nettles and Cinnamon are all excellent at relieving cramps and helping with excessive bleeding and bloating. Herbs which are known to help reduce the size of fibroids include Yam, Ginger and Willow. These are well known at reducing inflammation generally in the body. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Until a couple of years ago, I had suffered from terrible symptoms caused by my fibroids. By using all-natural methods which were recommended by an alternative practitioner, I managed to shrink the largest of my fibroids to a size which meant I did not need surgery. In addition, I was completely free of all the symptoms which the fibroids had caused. I used an approach which dealt with all the likely causes of my fibroids, such as controlling my weight and altering my diet and general lifestyle and taking herbal supplements and I cannot stress how important it is to understand that herbal treatments for uterine fibroids are an excellent, if not essential component of natural remedies to shrink fibroids, but only one part. There is an excellent ready-made herbal preparation which can be used to supplement natural treatments for fibroids. Containing all the essential herbs to help to both shrink and treat the symptoms of fibroids, this is available from Herbs For Fibroids.

If you would like to see details of the natural treatments which I followed in addition to the herbal treatment for uterine fibroids, then please visit

3. Is There a Natural Fibroid Cure? Women suffering from the most intolerable symptoms of fibroids often wonder if there is a natural fibroid cure. Unfortunately, the options offered to them by conventional medicine are disappointing and very often, doctors recommend doing nothing with fibroids and waiting until the menopause arrives as fibroids shrink naturally at that time. However, it is not always as simple as that. The symptoms endured by some women are debilitating and prevent them going about their normal daily activities. When I had fibroids myself, my abdomen was the size of a seven month pregnancy and my symptoms were, quite simple, terrible. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I was classed as "severely anemic" and often breathless and as a result was always on iron tablets. I was semi-incontinent, caused by a small group of fibroids pressing on my bladder and always felt bloated and uncomfortable. Indeed my fibroids were so large that the only recommendation made by my doctor was a hysterectomy. I asked the doctor at the time if I had any alternatives and whether there was such a thing as a natural fibroid cure. He was totally disinterested and I went away feeling very depressed. At home I began searching the internet. After fighting my way through a mass of information (some helpful, some not so!) I became frustrated that I only seemed to have part of the picture. There did seem to be various natural fibroid cure options, such as using herbal remedies and dietary options but the results were patchy. Eventually, I found a system I liked the sound of. Not least because it was guaranteed to work and offered a full refund if it didn't! As I

read through the masses of information that night, I simply could not believe all the possible causes of fibroids which I had never really considered before. I was a little overwhelmed but at the same time, I saw this natural fibroid cure as my last chance to do something before having to go for my hysterectomy. After a couple of weeks, I was disappointed that my abdomen seemed to be the same size. However, I had started to notice that my period was lighter and less painful, but thought this could have been a coincidence. A few weeks down the line I became pretty excited as I could really tell that something was going on. I had stopped wearing my panty pad as I didn;t seem to be leaking urine. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I visited the doctor after a couple of months for a scan and he confirmed that the largest of my fibroids, which had been "melonsized" was now the size of an apple and that some of the smallest fibroids had all but disappeared. A few months down the line and I still have fibroids. Having said this, they are so small now in comparison to how they were that there is no way I would consider a hysterectomy or any other treatment. The natural fibroid cure which I used had a multifaceted approach for treating fibroids and is not for women who cannot spare a little time and effort to really concentrate on what they really need to do to shrink fibroids naturally. As the causes of fibroids are known to be as a result of a combination of factors which subtly interact to begin fibroid growth, then the treatment is not straightforward either! One of the main areas the natural fibroid cure focuses on is the regulation of estrogen in the body. Even though there will be other

causes of your fibroids, estrogen is the one central feature for most women. A natural way of regulating estrogen includes weight control. As estrogen is both stored in, and manufactured by fat cells, maintaining a healthy weight will bring levels down. What can be more difficult to control is an estrogen-mimicking compound which can become "locked" in the liver. This compound originates from pollutants and pesticides and will go on, functioning in a way similar to estrogen, causing fibroids to grow. One of the few ways to eliminate this from the body is to carry out a thorough liver detox using herbal remedies such as Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root and Artichoke Extract. You will need to be focused and willing to adjust your diet and, to a certain extent, your lifestyle. What I would say is that for me, it was totally worth the effort as a hysterectomy simply doesn't bear thinking about and the other surgical procedures which are sometimes offered to women with less severe symptoms do nothing to treat the causes of fibroids so they will simply regrow in a short space of time. If you feel that you might be interested in using natural treatments to shrink your fibroids, then you may like to take a look at

4. A Natural Cure For Fibroids - Shrinking Fibroids Naturally The limitations of conventional treatment options lead many women to wonder if there is a natural cure for fibroids. Unless your fibroids are particularly severe and you opt for a hysterectomy, which I consider to be the treatment of last resort, then your options generally offer temporary rather than permanent solutions. In general, medical treatments which either remove fibroids by surgery, or shrink them by hormonal treatment cannot be classed as "cures". This is because unless you remove what has actually caused the fibroids to develop in the first place, they are very likely to regrow. For some women, this can take a couple of years, for others, it can be in just a few short months. Whereas when shrinking fibroids naturally, you are taking into account what has caused them to grow in the first place and eliminating it. Very often the causes of fibroids are not isolated to one simple factor. More often than not, fibroid growth is sparked by the subtle interaction of a number of factors which, for various reasons, happen to have coincided within the body to spark off fibroid growth. In many cases, the presence of just one or two of these factors may or may not cause fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In lots of cases, doctors are unable to say exactly what has caused fibroid growth in an individual. However, there are number of circumstances which increase the likelihood tremendously and by eliminating these factors, most women are able to experience success in shrinking their fibroids.

Many women feel that the very fact that fibroids are highly unlikely to be life-threatening has given them a lower priority in terms of treatment options than other conditions. Indeed, there are very few doctors who specialize in teaching women a natural cure for fibroids. Very often women are advised to "live" with the condition as the fibroids will naturally shrink around the time of the menopause. Now this advice is all well and good if you are in your late forties and your symptoms are not severe. However, for younger women and those experiencing terrible symptoms caused by their fibroids, this is an unacceptable option. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The conditions which predispose women to having fibroids include:* Being overweight * In your thirties onwards * Being of Afro-Caribbean descent * Women who eat a larger quantity of red meat * Women who eat processed meats * Those who do not eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables * Women who might have consumed large amounts of foods containing pesticides * Being exposed to environmental pollutants * Women who are prone to inflammatory conditions This is not an exhaustive list but it does cover some of the main factors. What many of these have in common is their relation to

estrogen. It is well-known that estrogen acts as a "fuel" for fibroids and as estrogen is both manufactured by, and stored in, fat cells, then the relationship between fibroids and being overweight is obvious. In addition, many of the pesticides and environmental pollutants can mimic estrogen compounds in the body. If you are not eating a healthy diet which can assist the liver with the natural detox process, then these false estrogens can be stored in the liver. A natural cure for fibroids will usually focus first on removing the sources of excess estrogen from the body. One of the simplest ways to do this is to try to maintain a healthy weight. Although this in itself is unlikely to naturally shrink fibroids, what it can do is to help prevent further growth of existing tumors. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Environmental pollutants and pesticides which are stored in the liver can remain there for years gradually influencing the size of fibroids. For many women, a robust, controlled liver detox diet has helped to remove these naturally, thus helping shrink fibroids. For women prone to inflammatory conditions, it can often be helpful to eat foods which have natural anti-inflammatory properties, such as oats, hops, the spice cumin and the herb, rosemary. It was the lack of real help for women with fibroids led Shola Oslo, an alternative practitioner who specializes in teaching women how to use a natural cure for fibroids, to develop a complete 7 step system which is completely guaranteed. Her busy clinic left her unable to take on many additional patients but the demand was clearly there. As a result, she has now helped thousands of women worldwide who she has never met. Please bear in mind though, this requires you to be proactive and take charge of your own healing by making dietary

and lifestyle changes and following a systematic program-it is not suitable for women who simply want to take a tablet and be cured. Are you ready to get rid of your fibroids once and for all? To see details of her methods, please visit

5. Shrinking Fibroids Naturally - How to Eliminate Fibroids If you are on the lookout for ways of shrinking fibroids naturally, then you will be pleased to know that there are ways to eliminate fibroids without surgery. Very often, there are very few or no treatment options given by doctors other than surgery and whilst surgery will get rid of the fibroids, they are highly likely to grow back, unless you have a full hysterectomy. This can therefore be classed as nothing more than a temporary treatment and many women believe it is simply not worth it only to have fibroids return a few months after surgery. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< However, one of the drawbacks of shrinking fibroids naturally is that it does require some effort and a little determination. Looking at the theory behind natural treatments, it is easy to understand why. Fibroids are caused largely by the lifestyle of the sufferer and also sometimes as a result of certain pre-existing conditions which may have been inherited or which could have developed over time. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to determine exactly why fibroids have grown in certain cases, and here lies the problem. The only way to successfully eliminate fibroids is to determine the root causes and then remove these. This will naturally cause the fibroids to shrink, in combination with other specific treatments. As the causes of fibroids are very often multi-faceted, in that they are often caused by the subtle interaction of a number of factors, it can be very difficult to determine the exact ones which are applicable in many cases. This means that most treatments for shrinking fibroids naturally must encompassed many different elements to ensure success

What this means in practice is that if you are determined to shrink your fibroids, you must be prepared to sometimes alter a number of aspects of your diet and lifestyle to ensure success. For many women, they are simply not prepared to put in the effort. For the ones who do though, they very often experience very dramatic results. Indeed almost 90% of women who follow an approved regime for shrinking fibroids naturally will see measurable success. One of the vital elements in any system which shows how to eliminate fibroids it the management of estrogen. This is often thought of as the "fuel" for fibroids and indeed an excess is thought to spark off fibroid growth. Estrogen is stored in, and manufactured by fat cells so a good starting point for many women is to take a look at their diets and see if modifications can be made if they are overweight. For some women, weight is not a problem, but estrogen can still play a part as many pollutants in the environment and certain pesticides can mimic the action of estrogen in the body. Once these enter the body, they can be difficult to eliminate as they are stored in the liver. A thorough, robust liver detox can combat this and is one element of many good treatments for shrinking fibroids naturally. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< For other women, another factor may be inflammation. It has been shown that women who are prone to inflammatory conditions have a higher likelihood of having fibroids. Simple treatments for this can be eating foods which have natural anti-inflammatory properties, such as oats, hops, cumin and rosemary. It has long been known that Chinese medicine can play a part in helping to shrink fibroids, with herbs such as Semen Litchen, Spica Prunellae and Fructus Corni being beneficial.

The lack of real help for women with fibroids led Shola Oslo, an alternative practitioner who specializes in teaching women about shrinking fibroids naturally, to develop a complete 7 step system which is completely guaranteed. Her busy clinic left her unable to take on many additional patients but the demand was clearly there. As a result, she has now helped thousands of women worldwide who she has never met. Please bear in mind though, this requires you to be proactive and take charge of your own healing by making dietary and lifestyle changes and following a systematic program-it is not suitable for women who simply want to take a tablet and be cured. Are you ready to learn how to eliminate fibroids? To see details of her methods, please visit

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