How to stop drinking alcohol in 7 days or less

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Content 1. How to Stop Drinking Alcohol in 7 Days or Less 2. Simple And Effective Strategies To Stop Drinking Alcohol 3. Promising Secrets to Effectively Stopping Drinking Alcohol 4. If I Stop Drinking Alcohol, How Much Weight Will I Lose? 5. Stop Drinking Alcohol Today

1. How to Stop Drinking Alcohol in 7 Days or Less Consider the many reasons why one should stop drinking alcohol - it affects work, daily activities, relationships, social ties, and various other external aspects in life. Research has also shown that drinking too much can shrink your brain size, and can negatively impact other organs; it can slow down reaction time, impair memory, and depress the inhibitory centers of the brain causing other behavioral problems. Now we've established the many reasons why one needs to stop drinking alcohol, let us look at some of the ways to achieve this• Take it one day at a time and then incentivize each day that you go without a drink. Understand that each day being alcohol free should be treated as the achievement that it is! • When you first determine to give up alcohol and are wondering how to stop drinking alcohol, your first step should be to remove all the bottles of booze from your house. Yes that means the secret stash you have hidden away as well; the one that you think no one knows about. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< • Change the company you keep and the places that you frequent. There could be some people in your life that may unknowingly or otherwise, derail your efforts to remain on the wagon. Hanging with them may tempt you to drink and may create situations that entail drinking. If your favorite hangout is a pub where also your friends are to found, pick up a new hobby or acquaintances that will help you avoid this. Try and be around people who are supportive and encouraging of your decision to kick the habit and who will help you on your way.

• Keep goals realistic. If you think you cannot give up drinking cold turkey then set yourself smaller goals - one less drink than the previous day and then one less the day after and so on. unrealistic goals are doomed to disappointment and will de-motivate a person disrupting the process of recovery. • Confront underlying issues that make you drink. Drinking is often simply a symptom of a deeper problem. If alcohol is used to escape issues and so on, it helps to confront these. Get help by joining a support group, getting into therapy or seeing a counselor to work through the issues. • Finding something meaningful to do in life - learn a new skill or take up a new hobby, do volunteer work that gives purpose to life, or try and give back to society in other ways. • Also get help from external aids to help you quit the habit redressing chemical and nutrient imbalances within the body can help in staying off the harmful substances by reducing and helping to control craving and improving chances of success • Last but not least, don't give up!

2. Simple And Effective Strategies To Stop Drinking Alcohol The question of how to stop drinking alcohol excessively has haunted men and women for generations. So far, there has not been one highly successful or full proof program for people except for certain support groups like alcoholics anonymous. However, not one program is suitable for everyone. The path to sobriety still lies in learning and applying solid strategies for staying sober. Follow these simple strategies, and you'll be ahead of ninety percent of alcoholics who try all sorts of "alcohol programs" and fall out. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1) Create a sobriety plan Just like how an architect plans to build a house, he needs a floor plan first. If you wish to build a beautiful house (or stay sober), you'll need a plan. This could be sticking to a maximum of one drink a day or staying sober everyday. When you are clear of what you want to achieve, you will be much more likely to achieve it. 2) Rope in you friends and family Our peers play an integral role in our success in quitting alcohol. Let them know of your plans of quitting alcohol and they will gladly support you in any way towards your success! Be wary because your peers can also be your downfall, so kindly ask them not to invite you for any social drinking events or any activities which involve alcohol. 3) Reward yourself Our mind works in funny ways. The more we reward ourselves for certain behaviors, the easier it gets. Hence, by rewarding ourselves in

anyway that does not involve drinking for staying sober, we inherently "train" ourselves to want to stay sober! 4) Invest in tools Just like how a carpenter has tools to create his trade, an alcoholic should also invest in tools to motivate themselves to stay sober. These tools could be anything from meditation courses to e-books that share powerful insights for staying sober. 5) Join a support group If quitting alcohol alone is too hard, join others who are in a similar journey so that you can motivate each other towards sobriety success. This could be your local counselling centre or an Alcoholics Anonymous group. In short, these solid strategies can help you jump start your curve to achieving sobriety if you implement them diligently. Remember, always start with a plan and commit yourself to it. Also, a good way to improve your results is to see what works best in helping you stay sober and focus on those instead.

3. Promising Secrets to Effectively Stopping Drinking Alcohol Stopping drinking alcohol is a hard task and a long battle. It is not a thing that you can do alone successfully or meaningfully. The problem is, most people will have ruined so many valuable relationships, or at least damaged them, before they get to the point where they decide to stop drinking. That is why it is important to make amends and not to alienate people. You need to surround yourself with a solid support group. You need something or someone you can draw strength from when you're feeling weak. And the people you love and truly care about are the ones who can most genuinely give you that. Before you start on this journey, you must expressly list the help and support of the people who are important to you to help get you through this ordeal. Surround yourself with hands that pull you forward. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< While it is important that you do not isolate yourself from the people around you, it is also equally important to choose your company wisely. Surround yourself with the right people. Stopping drinking alcohol entails not only surrounding yourself with people who will give you the push to carry on but also staying away from the ones who push you into the habit. This seems simple enough, but it very seldom is. When choosing the ones to keep around you, think about the relationship you have with that person. It's hard to imagine yourself being impressionable, but you are. To a certain extent, we are all still impressionable, just in different ways. There are people in our lives who influence us, sometimes for the good, but many times for the

worse. It is essential to know the difference and to act on that difference. Examine your relationships and see how the people around you influence you. The last and most difficult ingredient in stopping drinking alcohol is being independent. It might sound odd, given that the first two involve counting on other people, but it is actually not. Being independent means making your choice to quit solid and unwavering regardless of what happens. It must not be based on any kind of contingency nor should it be affected by any. The reason you have for doing this should come from a steely resolve within yourself and a consistent commitment to realize that resolve. Your reason must come from you and not from anybody else. A commitment to stop drinking grounded on something outside yourself is a vulnerable and, therefore, tenuous one. Placing your drive on something other than yourself will put it subject to things that are beyond your control. For example, if you're doing it to win your wife back, you will have less reason to keep it up when she is finally back and will have no reason at all if her return will be impossible. The reason you must give yourself must have for the subject and object yourself. Do it for yourself; do it because you want feel better about yourself. Do it, ultimately, because you want to.

4. If I Stop Drinking Alcohol, How Much Weight Will I Lose? If I stop drinking alcohol, how much weight will I lose? If you are a moderate to heavy drinker, then this is probably one question that you want to get answered. Many of the alcoholic beverages out there such as beer and wine are high in calories. The worst kinds of alcoholic drinks are frozen cocktails that are also mostly high in sugar. You've heard of the beer belly right? Well it is not a myth. Some of the beers out there are also high in carbohydrates which can also make you fat. Even light beer, when drank excessively will cause you to gain weight. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So if you are asking the question if I stop drinking alcohol how much weight will I lose, you need to know that the answer will depend on how much are you currently drinking in the first place. If you are currently drinking a lot then just a small reduction to your daily alcohol intake will most likely to produce positive results. What you need to know about alcoholic drinks though is that it is not simply beverages that can make you gain weight. Alcohol itself can be an impediment to weight loss. For one, heavy alcohol consumption can compromise your health. It can affect some organs of the body, specifically the liver and the stomach. To lose weight, you need to have a healthy functioning body. Alcohol is actually poison which means the body gets taxed every time you go for a drink. If you really want to lose weight, you should at least limit your alcohol intake to two drinks or servings a day. It is OK to have fun and drink every now and then but you need to do it in moderation.

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5. Stop Drinking Alcohol Today The first step in recognizing you have a problem with booze is to begin gathering information on how to stop drinking alcohol. First of all, I am happy for you that you are taking the time to seek help for yourself. Whether you know it or not, that is a huge step and you need to be congratulated for it. In this article, I will try to help you by providing you with some ideas that may help you in the alcohol recovery process. These steps may help you avoid having to look for alcoholism treatment centers right off the bat. The first thing you have to remember is that you must stay positive as you seek ways to improve yourself. Being positive attracts positive things in your life. Believe in yourself and see your goals as if they had already occurred. Instead of wishing your life was alcohol free, think about it as if it were already a reality. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< As you try to turn your life around, you will need to do some things that may be difficult at first, but which will have positive consequences on your life in the long run. You can do these things before you start searching for alcoholism treatment centers. Do not put yourself in situations where you might be tempted to take a drink. Also, if you associate with folks who like to drink, you need to stop hanging around them. If they are good friends, be honest with them and explain the battle that you are undertaking. Ask to socialize with them in places that don't serve alcohol. If they can't do that for you, then maybe it's time to find new friends. Try to stay active. If you fill your day up with activities, you will have less time to drink. Some ideas of things you can do is go shopping,

join a bowling or softball league, exercise, develop a hobby, or be active in a church. If you need professional help, there are many alcoholism treatment centers that are available, some probably close to you. These alcohol facilities will provide you with assistance you may not be able or capable of providing for yourself. They will teach you how to stop drinking professionally. I hope you are able to turn your life around and that I was able to provide you with information that has helped you. Do you want to stop drinking? Follow The Link

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