Importance of a dropship forum

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Content 1. Importance Of A Dropship Forum 2. 5 Reasons to Avoid Dropshipping When Selling on eBay 3. Considering a Wholesale Dropship Supplier? Check These 5 Sites First 4. How to Get a Reliable Dropshipping Review 5. Dropshipping Or Affiliate Marketing - Which Is Better?

1. Importance Of A Dropship Forum A dropship forum is a great place for merchants to network with other retailers and look for solutions and ideas for establishing, running and expanding their dropshipping businesses. The economic crisis, which began in 2008, has forced many retailers to shun conventional methods of doing business and move to the dropshipping business model. Dropshipping allows online retailers to sell their products without the need of buying supplies and hiring manpower to take care of packaging and shipping. As a result, this business model has become quite popular. Having said that, dropshipping has its own problems. The most common one is getting a good dropshipper on whom you can rely for quality products and good customer service. As a result, many dropship forums have come into being so that online retailers can come together, share their views and experiences, and overcome the problems posed by dropshippers. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Here Are The Key Benefits Of A Dropship Forum: Get References Often, the retailers who are new to the dropship business do not know who to contact for dropshipping services. These retailers could get references from a dropship directory or a dropship forum. Get Feedback Getting references alone is not sufficient. Before dealing with a dropshipper, you should get feedback about them from retailers who have used their services. There have been a number of dropshipping scams, and therefore, getting feedback is absolutely essential to

know more about a dropshipper and what to expect while dealing with them. Get Expert Opinions A dropship forum usually has several experienced and successful retailers that can help you solve your problems. For example, if you are facing dropshipping problems, like late delivery of items, items out of stock, or no response from customer service, you could get expert opinions on how to sort out these issues. Dropship forums help you get mentors that can help you make your business successful. Get Honest Opinions The ideas and opinions expressed in forums are usually genuine. Unlike newspapers and magazines where reporters and writers have their vested interests, forums consists of retailers that express their true opinions and experiences. However, the instance of a dropshipper posing as a retailer to advertise and promote their services cannot be ruled out. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Networking Dropship forums allow you to expand your business network. Networking is important to get business and the latest updates and news of the business world. All this helps you in long run. Though there are many advantages of a dropship forum, you have to be careful while forming networks and following the advice of retailers on a forum. They could have a vested interest, and therefore, you should guard yourself. However, if you work and act smartly, you could benefit a lot from dropship forums.

2. 5 Reasons to Avoid Dropshipping When Selling on eBay Every day I get people asking me why dropshipping is not good for eBay and every day I give them the same list of five reasons. So, I thought I would post it as an article so everyone can learn. Here are the 5 reasons eBay sellers should avoid dropshipping (in reverse order). #5 - Out of Stock Equals Bad Feedback Dropshippers often run out-of-stock on popular items. This means that after you sell the item on eBay and then go to your supplier to have the item dropshipped you learn that the item is not in stock. You then have to tell your buyer the bad news and will usually get some bad feedback in return. The eBay forums are filled with sellers who have been destroyed by the bad feedback they received by trying dropshipping. They are also filled with complaints from buyers who did not receive the item they ordered because the seller was using a dropshipper -- and after the sale informed the buyer that the item was not available. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< #4 - PayPal Will Hold Your Funds About a year ago, in January of 2008, eBay and PayPal issued some new policies. One of which is to put a HOLD on funds. Here is the quote from eBay's policy: "In a small percentage of cases where it has been determined the risk of dissatisfied buyers is higher, PayPal may delay release of the payment funds to the seller until the buyer has left a positive

feedback or 21 days have passed without a dispute, claim, chargeback or reversal filed on that transaction." Any new eBay seller who tries using dropshipping as a method for sourcing their products will find that they cannot access their funds until after the product has arrived at their customer's door. This eliminates one of the most appealing aspects of dropshipping - the ability to sell a product and THEN use the buyer's payment to fund the purchase. With PayPal holding your money for 21 days this will not be possible. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< #3 - Direct from the Source Competition This is a relatively new phenomenon that has come about by the recent explosion of "direct from China" dropshippers. Simply put, this means that many of these dropshipping companies are actually selling the items on eBay directly themselves. They are "double dipping". While they provide a website that will dropship products to your eBay customers direct from China, they are also selling the same products on eBay themselves. To witness this one only needs to look in the electronics category on eBay. Many of the listings have the item location show Hong Kong or some other location in China. Yes, the dropshippers themselves are competing with their customers. #2 - Profit Margin is Below $0 That is not an error. The profit margin you will face when using dropshipping to sell on eBay is most often zero. Nothing. Nada. In fact, most people who first try using a dropshipper to supply their eBay products end up getting frustrated and crying "the price my dropshipper is selling the product for is MORE than the price the

product is selling for on eBay." And they are correct. You see wholesale is all about buying in quantity. When you use dropshipping you are buying just one of an item and cannot expect a wholesale price. Now why paying a bit more for an item may not be a big deal if you're selling it for top dollar at your local store, it is a HUGE deal when trying to sell on eBay. eBay is a place people go to get a deal. They do not want to pay full retail price, and chances are they can find the item at a rock bottom price if they just look around eBay for a bit. Because even if you cannot sell an item for the lowest possible price (because you are using dropshipping), there are thousands of other eBay sellers who can. So it is true. The price you get from your dropship supplier will often be more than the product sells for on eBay. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< #1 - Dropshipping Does Not Work on eBay Considering the other four reasons not to use dropshipping when selling on eBay this might seem obvious. And it should be! The bottom line is that dropshipping and eBay are a toxic combination. While eBay is the place to sell products to people who want a deal, dropshipping is the way to buy products at the highest possible "wholesale" price. And, while your dropshipper may offer thousands of products -- they probably have thousands of clients like yourself who are also listing the items on eBay. It simply doesn't work. Well, I hope I have convinced you to stay away from dropshipping when it comes to selling on eBay. For more information on why dropshipping on eBay is a bad business decision please visit DropShipping Sucks and read the page. Not only will it explain in

detail why dropshipping will never lead you to eBay success, it will also offer you an alternative that works. That's all for now and remember the age-old wisdom. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This is definitely the case when it comes to eBay and dropshipping.

3. Considering a Wholesale Dropship Supplier? Check These 5 Sites First To dropship or not to dropship, that is the question. If you're thinking of using a wholesale dropship supplier as part of your supply chain management technique and you look one way then you see glowing reviews of the system with people saying their customers are happier, they're making more money and it cleans 90% of all difficult carpet stains. But if you turn the other way you hear horror stories about how a particular eBay trader's seller reputation went down the toilet simply because they had chosen to chance their arm with a particular dropship company. So what's the real story? Is dropshipping a blessing or a curse and who should you believe? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Much like cooking the secret of dropshipping successfully, whether it's electronics you're dropshipping or clothes, is in where and how you get the source and how much work you put into the preparation. In fact doing background research into potential wholesale dropship firms is often the difference between a successful partnership and a sunk business. Here are 5 websites and internet services that will not only save you money when tracking down a wholesale dropship supplier but cost absolutely nothing to use: 1) Whois: While the internet may seem like a big world of anonymous entities there are several whois services online that will let you know which website belongs to who, the best-known of

which is probably Simply by entering the URL of the wholesale dropship service into the search bar you'll be able to see who owns the site, how long they've owned it and if they own any other sites. If you want to do any more detailed analysis a paid report will give you more information but you should get most of what you need from the free search. 2) Reseller rating: is a website where you can check out user reviews of sites and see what vendors like you think of products and how well they sell. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3) Dropship Forum: A UK based e-commerce forum,, has a fantastic section, dropship watch where you can check out to see if anybody else has had any unpleasant experience with a particular China dropshipping company or wholesale dropship company.... Another forum which casts it's net a little wider is: 4) The Wholesale will help you out with more than peer reviews on wholesale dropship sources, there's a whole raft of useful information on the site. 5) The destination if you want to see what anybody thinks of anything. Rateitall has reviews on everything from China dropship companies, electronic appliances, phone companies, movies and many many more topics.

4. How to Get a Reliable Dropshipping Review If you are reading this article, it probably means that you are in the hunt for a good dropship firm and a reliable dropshipping review source. Though there are many websites that provide reviews on wholesalers and dropshippers, you should not trust them blindly, as the reviewers could have vested interests. So, the question is, where can you find reliable dropshipping reviews? 1. Get opinions from your acquaintances You must have some friends and acquaintances in the retailing or wholesaling business. You should consult them before signing up with a dropshipping firm in order to get reviews and feedback about the firm. It might be that some of them have used its services. Some may not have used its services but may have heard about it. Therefore, family, friends, and colleagues could be reliable dropshipping review sources. They could give you honest and unbiased opinions. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2. Visit dropship forums Retailers are increasingly using dropship forums to get references and reviews on dropshippers. Apart from enabling them to hire the right dropshippers, dropship forums also help retailers in expanding their business networks and getting solutions to their dropshipping problems. You could become a member of a dropship forum to get reviews and opinions on a given dropshipping service. If you are not interested in becoming a member, you could just check the review threads as a visitor at their websites.

3. Visit dropshipping review websites To find the websites that provide reviews on dropshippers, just type "dropship review" in Google or any other search engine. You will get a list of websites that provide reviews on dropshipping firms. You could visit some of them to read reviews about dropshippers. But, remember that all such websites are not trustworthy. Therefore, you should not form your opinion by visiting just one website. Instead, you should visit a couple of them to get complete information about dropshippers and their products and services. 4. Get references of the clients of dropshippers You could ask the dropshipping firm to give references of their clients. This would enable you to speak to their clients and get their opinions. If the dropshipping firm is not keen on sharing this information, then it is likely that they do not provide good service and therefore do not like their prospective clients to interact with their past and present clients. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Getting a reliable dropshipping review source is difficult but not impossible. There are some wholesale review esources that provide true and extensive information about dropshippers, which is required by retailers in hiring decisions. These websites ensure that they collect information from several reliable sources rather than from middlemen and scammers. Apart from reviewing the services of dropshippers, they also review their products. It is important for a retailer to do some research on a dropshipping firm before using the services. If you are looking for a reliable dropshipping review source, please visit

5. Dropshipping Or Affiliate Marketing - Which Is Better? On the face of it, dropshipping and affiliate marketing have a number of similarities. They take little or no investment to get started, and both allow you to make a profit by having someone else ship the product to the customer. However, if you're looking to build and grow a business that will be profitable for the long term, there are a few reasons why dropshipping may be a better opportunity for you. Dropshipping can mean you see a profit sooner With a dropshipping business, once you sell a product, you keep the difference between the price you sold it for and the price you paid your dropship supplier as profit. With affiliate marketing, you are rewarded with a percentage of every sale you refer to a merchant. With dropshipping, you see your profit as soon as you make a sale, but with affiliate marketing, you are reliant on the merchant paying you your commissions in order to get your profit. When merchants will pay you can vary, from a couple of weeks to a few months, so dropshippers could be getting the profits they can use to grow their business a lot sooner. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< More control over pricing With your own dropshipping business, you can control how much you want to sell your products for, where as affiliate marketers have to sell the product at the price set by the merchant. A Dropship Business that can be flexible on price, has a better chance of being competitive, particularly in a crowded market.

Dropshippers who know they can sell plenty of a particular dropship product may decide to adjust their price up or down, in order to make more overall profit. Affiliate marketers don't have this flexibility, and it can therefore be harder to compete, especially when just starting out. The only way they can improve their profit margin is by trying to keep costs as low as possible, which could make it even harder to compete. Some affiliate schemes come with restrictions As an affiliate marketer, there might be certain restrictions on the way you can promote products, depending on what it is you are selling. Bigger merchants aren't that keen on you using their company or brand names in your marketing, and they may even restrict the channels you can use to try and attract customers. When you're promoting someone else's business, you have to do so by their rules. With your own Dropship Business however, you can pretty much promote your dropship products any way you want because it's your own business. Dropshippers have much fewer restrictions on the use of brand and company names (within reason), and can use a variety of promotion methods that will enable them to use the best ways to attract customers for their dropshipping business, and make more profit. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Building a longer term business Because of the way dropshipping works, dropshippers have a much better opportunity to develop their customer base and grow their dropship business over the long term. Affiliate marketers simply refer customers to a merchant, who captures all their customer

information so he can market to them and make more money in the future, without the help of the affiliate. Some affiliate marketers try to capture potential customers' details by offering free giveaways, but it's the buyers' names, addresses and e-mails you need in order to really make money, and dropshippers get these every time they make a sale. Marketing to customers who've already spent money, rather than those who simply signed up for a free offer, means dropshipping businesses can grow bigger, by selling more dropship products to existing customers, as well as new ones. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< To many, it might look like dropshipping and affiliate marketing are very similar business opportunities, but in reality, affiliate marketers are helping someone else grow their business in return for a few dollars in commission. Dropshippers are promoting and building their own dropshipping business, with more control over the products they promote, how they market them, and more importantly, the profit they are able to make from them. If you would like to know more about Dropship Business, please visit

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