My personal weight loss and fitness success

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Content 1. My Personal Weight Loss and Fitness Success 2. Weight Loss and Fitness Success: Why Less Is More 3. Swimming For Weight Loss and Fitness 4. Weight Loss and Fitness - Muscle Building 5. Weight Loss and Fitness - Exercise Alternatives and Catalysts

1. My Personal Weight Loss and Fitness Success I want to talk to you about my journey into weight loss and fitness. Last year I went on a cruise and there was a lot of pictures taken. When I got home to look at them I realized that I was getting very fat. I looked like I was eight months pregnant and had about a size B man boobs. My wife decided that we should go on a diet. We decided to try one of the big weight loss plans that you see on television all the time. The weight loss plan consists of their meals which are balanced just right to lose weight. You also get a meal planner which basically tells you how much vegetables, fruits, proteins, and dairy you can have with each meal. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I would do this weight loss plan for five days straight and then take the weekends off. This does not mean that you go crazy on the weekends though. I did this diet for two months and lost thirty pounds. Yeah, I know that it seems like a lot of weight to lose in two months but I really did. This diet really worked great for me. I also learned how to eat a lot healthier. After losing weight I was worried about gaining it right back. I figured that I better start exercising. I used to lift weights but that always seemed to hurt my joints. I decided that I would do some simple exercise routines. My exercise routine consisted of pull ups, sit ups, push ups, dips and cardio on my elliptical trainer that used to be my coat rack. I started

slow because basically I could not do much of these exercises at first. Eventually though, I could do more and more of each exercise. Within a month I got to where I could do a decent exercise routine. Believe it or not, I also lost another ten pounds. I went from being a fat two hundred and twenty five pounds to a moderately slim one hundred and eighty five pounds. I did not want to lose anymore weight so I started eating more food. Yeah I know that stinks, I had to eat more food so I could stay at my current weight. Just remember that exercise is key to keeping the weight off. You do not want to diet forever, you just want to diet to lose weight. I definitely changed my eating habits but I still have an occasional burger and steak. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I am by no means a health freak now. I still like to drink my beer and smoke a cigar once in a while. Life is too short to be perfect. I really think that any middle aged guy who wants to lose their man boobs and beer gut can do this just by following what I did. I am just an average thirty eight year old guy who wanted to lose weight and this is what worked for me. If you want to see my results then visit my web page at

2. Weight Loss and Fitness Success: Why Less Is More Weight loss and fitness success were no concern of the hunters and gatherers in past ages. They were too busy surviving. The gatherer's walked, bent down, stooped and picked things up from the ground. They stretched to pull down fruit from trees and bushes. They may even had to climb a tree in order to reach the higher places. Hunters walked, ran, spied until they saw the animal, then readied themselves for the kill. Once prepared, they exploded with massive amount of muscle to kill the prey and carry the heavy animal back to their families. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What does that tell you? They worked hard or they worked long. They didn't do both at the same time. Our bodies, muscle and other systems haven't changed that much since the cave days. Our habits have changed. We spend hours sitting, instead of walking, bending climbing, sprinting and carrying heavy objects. Obesity develops. Gyms develop. Yo-yo diets develop. We gain weight, lose weight. We get gym memberships and hate the workouts. We quit. We make promises. We try and try and try. But you know what? The fitness industry has it all wrong.

How many of us could stay with the Gwyneth Paltrow or Madonna program, workout 3 hours a day, 6 days a week for those marvelous bodies? Of course, they are paying a lot of money to the same trainer, whose job it is to push, push, push them, or they would have stopped long ago. But that method works for the time that they are training. In other words, calories are burnt only while working out, but don't continue burn after the workout. How would you feel if I told you there is a way to workout that would enable you to burn calories for 10 days after the workout and have a permanent effect on success of your fitness regime and you'd lose weight? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Well there, is. It's been around for a long time, but almost no one at the gym uses it. Why? heaven only knows. Why Less is More... The system is based on the following facts. 1. Muscle is denser than fat. 2. Exercising the same body parts more than once every 10 days leads to over training and injury. 3. Muscles burn calories after the workout is over because they are heavier and take more calories just to carry them. 4. Training the way most people are taught results in staying in a catabolic state. (Read on for more on that).

Work Hard or Long, But Not Both Your body was meant to work long or hard, just as in the cave days, but not both. So instead of doing the same workout every day or 3 times a week for long periods of time, you need to work your muscles for short periods of time, but to the point of... Positive, Momentary, Muscular Failure So what does that mean? Positive, momentary muscular failure occurs when you can no longer do another similar move. Your muscles just refuse to do it. You should do that within 7-10 reps. If you go longer your muscles will fail, but it will be due to build up of lactic acid, not PMMF. Then, you do not exercise that part of the body for another 10 days. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Why 10 days Rest? Anabolic vs Catabolic States When you exercise, your body goes into a catabolic state. That part of the body hurts. After about 4-5 days, most people start exercising again, but that just keeps you in a catabolic state. You want to go into an anabolic state, which is where the muscle repairs itself and builds itself up stronger. That starts to occur only after you stop hurting or in about 4 or 5 days. You rest your body for another 5 days or so. During the catabolic state, the muscle breaks down; during the anabolic state the muscles builds itself up stronger.

It's as though the body tells the muscle, "Wow, you really hurt. Don't like that. I'm going to build you up so that never happens again." So it spends the next several days building itself back up. The exercise works the muscles; it's the rest that builds the muscles. Anything else is keeping you in a catabolic state.

3. Swimming For Weight Loss and Fitness Swimming is a low impact exercise that will get you in shape and losing weight. Even if someone does not know how mot swim a pool can still be used to help them fit. Water aerobics are one of the most popular activities for obese and over weight people since the water creates buoyancy and supports the extra weight while allowing them to move around. For those that already know how to swim, the lap pool will do wonders for helping them lose weight and work on their fitness. Water aerobics are a fun activity that does not require swimming per se. Most of the exercises done are above the water. Movements can include running, jumping, leg raises, arm raises and others that use the water's natural resistance to help build muscle tone. Faster movements will begin to work on a person's cardiovascular system. Most classes last for an hour and you can expect to see people of all sizes and ages attending them. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Lap pools are great for losing weight. If the person knows how to perform various strokes like freestyle and breaststroke they can really get in a great workout without the impact of an activity like running. Swimming is great for people that have injuries that hinder them from more rigorous activities like the aforementioned running, cycling, weight lifting and other muscle toning and cardio exercises. Like most physical activities the beginner will have to build up their stamina over time. They may only be able to swim 400 meters the first time in the pool. But the next time they go they should strive to swim 425 meters. Distance will build stamina. If you hope to swim for fitness for an hour perhaps you will achieve over 1,000 meters.

Maybe if you can already do 1,000 meters you will hope to reduce the time it takes to complete that goal. Like many sports time and distance are what counts when getting in shape. It may be of value for the swimmer to utilize a heart rate monitor to ensure they are staying within a zone that maximizes their efforts. Simply floating down to the other side with your heart rate barely pumping really will not do much for your weight loss and fitness goals. But if you maintain a Zone 3 or even 4 for the duration of the swim then you will know that you are achieving your goal.

4. Weight Loss and Fitness - Muscle Building Putting on some muscle mass is key in order for your weight loss and fitness program to be most effective. Since it requires 40 to 50 calories each day to sustain one pound of muscle, adding several pounds of muscle mass will create a calorie deficit that can burn fat quickly. Conversely, losing muscle tissue as part of your overall fitness program is not effective weight loss. Ideally, calorie intake is used to feed muscle. With less muscle mass, it takes less calories to maintain body weight, therefore excess calories are turned into fat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< One of the easiest ways to add muscle is to perform progressive resistance type training. Since new muscle growth requires up to 48 hours between workouts to repair and regenerate, this training only takes place 2 - 3 times per week. However, during these "breaks" between exercise, your body will use up calories and burn fat as your muscles develop. Steady state endurance training, and variable cyclical training are two common categories of exercise that will build muscle. A three mile jog at a fixed pace would fall into steady state while changing up tempo and momentum during that jog would put it into the variable class. Variable intensity training is a more effective weight loss means than steady endurance because it builds muscle faster, increases cardio health, and it's just not as tedious or mundane. Also, with steady state endurance training, you are more susceptible to get stuck at one level and impede your advancement.

Here are some methods to add variance to existing training: -change up the number of reps in a set -change up the number of sets in a workout -change up sequences -alternate the order of exercises -rearrange the grouping -substitute the type of routine or alter the number of exercises -adjust the amount of resistance and vary the time spent under certain tensions -modify the number and length of rest periods between sets -try different repetition speeds and range of motion -adjust exercise angles and positions, standing/sitting, equipment settings, inclines -revise how frequent you train and the duration of workouts

5. Weight Loss and Fitness - Exercise Alternatives and Catalysts It can become a real chore to work at your weight loss and fitness routine consistently week in and week out. Monotony sets in, your pattern begins to feel redundant, and it can become very easy to just let things slide, allowing your program to get off track. Here are a few "golden oldies" to keep in your repertoire that you can pull out now and then to break up the boredom, and they can actually be fun. Squats: You may be surprised to learn how many muscle groups are used just by doing simple squats. They can be done using only body weight for resistance, or use can add some extra weight like dumbbells. And this type of exercise can burn fat quickly. Swimming: Not only an enjoyable activity, swimming applies resistance to muscle groups from the entire body. And, that burning muscle feeling prevalent after conventional resistance training doesn't arise after a good swim. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Cycling: A pleasant bike ride can actually be an effective way to burn fat and build muscle in the legs. The dynamics of natural intensity changes make it a great cardio workout as well.

Skipping Rope: Professional boxers don't skip rope because they're regressing into childhood. This is one great warm up technique that many people never use. Set your own pace or change up the intensity and give your whole body a workout. Rock Climbing (outdoor or indoor): Depending on availability of course, this activity will work your mental state as well as pushing your physical limits. Again, you set the pace... your grip strength, shoulders, arms, legs, back, and mind all get utilized. Using Body Weight: No need for expensive or specialty equipment when doing exercise with only body weight for resistance. As well as the above mentioned squats, push ups, sit ups, chin ups, and even rope climbing all can be done in varying degrees, depending on your fitness level. If your advanced enough, using one hand, or one leg will intensify the workout, making it a very effective weight loss tool. Don't just exercise to lose weight, mix it up and have fun. Variety and enjoyment can have a profound affect on the mental aspect when it comes to the motivation of staying the course in a weight loss and fitness program.

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