Natural remedies for uterine fibroids

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Content 1. Natural Remedies For Uterine Fibroids 2. How to Eliminate Uterine Fibroids Naturally 3. Natural Remedies For Fibroids 4. Fibroids Treatment 5. Are Fibroids Preventing You From Having Children?

1. Natural Remedies For Uterine Fibroids Thousands of women worldwide, including myself, have used natural remedies for uterine fibroids as an alternative to surgery or hormonal treatment. Surgery can be painful and carries risks. Hormonal treatment is usually short term only treatment due to the side effects and is only normally used to pre-treat uterine fibroids prior to surgery. What many women do not realize is that neither surgery nor hormonal treatment are necessarily permanent treatments. With the exception of hysterectomy, fibroids can regrow unless the cause has been removed. In most cases, no thought whatsoever is given to prevent their return. It was this stark fact which made me decide to try natural remedies for uterine fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I had suffered from terrible uterine fibroid symptoms for many years but was totally ignorant of what was causing them. I was totally bloated and looked very pregnant and just couldn't seem to lose weight no matter how hard I tried. I experienced "flooding" during my periods and often had to wear two thick incontinence pads at a time. I also suffered from urine leakage when I coughed or attempted to exercise. I was often breathless and anemic and yet several visits to the doctor did not diagnose fibroids-indeed when I mentioned my concerns about my bloated stomach to one doctor, he examined it and said it was abdominal fat! Now I know I was overweight, but even so, my stomach felt "hard" and looking back now, all my symptoms put together should have added up to one thing-fibroids.

One of my best friends said that my stomach didn't look right. All of a sudden it was as if she had turned on a lightbulb in my head. Of course it wasn't "normal"! I booked an appointment with another doctor and almost straight away, uterine fibroids were diagnosed. Apparently my abdomen was the size of a seven month pregnancy! I was relieved that I finally knew the cause, but also very scared, as a hysterectomy was advised and subsequently booked. I was also told that I would have to take some powerful drugs to reduce the size of two of the largest fibroids as this would make the surgery less risky. I asked at the time if there were any natural remedies for uterine fibroids that I could use rather than having surgery, but was told that there was nothing I could do and was scheduled to begin drug treatment a few weeks after that appointment, with the operation booked for around 16 weeks after that. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Like many people once they have a diagnosis, I went on the internet! Sometimes what you read is very scary, but I felt quite excited. I found true stories about hundreds of women who had managed to use natural remedies for uterine fibroids very successfully-with many avoiding any further treatment at all. I decided to give it a go, as I had absolutely nothing to lose. During my research, I found various remedies for uterine fibroids. What came across was that finding out the cause is important as it is not the same for every woman and what has caused the fibroids determines the correct treatment. One widespread theory about fibroids is that some women's bodies are naturally prone to "inflammation" and that this wasn't as a result

of anything they were doing wrong. In fact it is probably hereditary. For these women, eating foods which are naturally anti-inflammtory would be beneficial. Such foods include rosemary and hops. The spice cumin, is also beneficial. Estrogen is also known to be a cause of uterine fibroids so it follows that women who have an excess of this hormone are more likely to suffer from fibroids. It is thought that estrogen is produced by fat cells so it is wise to make efforts to say at a healthy weight and to exercise regularly. In addition, certain pollutants can mimic estrogen and this is stored in the liver. Some natural remedies for uterine fibroids include detoxification, to rid the liver of these substances. Chinese medicine is well known for its healing properties and has been shown to play an active role in the cleansing of the reproductive organs and removing toxins. Sometimes this alone can help the fibroids begin to reduce in size. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In my own case, I knew within a couple of weeks that something was happening. At first I wondered if the bloating was just going down. However, within 2 months, my clothes were looser and I didn't look as pregnant! I went back to my doctor for a further examination to supposedly receive my hormone treatment and upon examining me, the doctor thought she was confusing me with another patient! She got out my original scans and was amazed at how much the fibroids had shrunk. I decided there and then to carry on with the natural remedies for uterine fibroids and postponed the hysterectomy. To cut a long story short. I eventually canceled it altogether and my doctor confirmed that it was just not necessary. The fibroids were so small that they

were not causing me any symptoms-indeed the scan showed that some of the smaller ones had gone altogether. Fibroids are an ideal condition to treat naturally because they are very rarely life-threatening. This means that delaying conventional treatment should have no ill effects, although you may wish to confirm that this is the case in your individual circumstances. Just A Few Of The Things I Found Out-And Which You Can Learn Too * The shocking truth about conventional medical treatments * How to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain immediately * Which foods cause fibroids and which foods help fight them * Supplements which immediately halt fibroids growth * Supplements which shrink fibroids * Common household substances which are bad for your health * Herbal remedies which shrink fibroids and cure the root cause If you would like to learn how I used natural remedies for uterine fibroids to cure my condition, you can find full details of the system I used from Natural Fibroid Treatment. For further extensive information about the different types of fibroids and their symptoms, visit Types Of Fibroids

2. How to Eliminate Uterine Fibroids Naturally If you have been looking at how to to eliminate uterine fibroids, naturally you will have looked at many options. Standard medical treatments for fibroids include surgical options and drug treatment. There are also natural treatments for fibroids to consider and indeed, many women prefer this option. In many cases, women decide to take no action with fibroids which are not troublesome, preferring to just keep an eye on the situation, taking action if the symptoms become difficult to manage. This is all very well, but unless something is done to alter what has caused the fibroids in the first place, chances are that they will get larger and larger until they become more difficult to treat. If you are aware that you have fibroids, it makes complete sense to make lifestyle changes which will prevent the fibroids growing any larger. There are also treatments which will eliminate uterine fibroids naturally. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Surgical Options For Fibroids There are three main types of surgical procedures to treat uterine fibroids. Abdominal Myectomy-This is the removal of individual or groups of fibroids. The uterus is left intact but can be weakened by surgery Uterine Artery Embolisation-This is where the blood supply to individual fibroids is interrupted, causing them to wither Hysterectomy-The complete removal of the womb The problem with surgery to eliminate uterine fibroids is that unless you do something to stop the cause of the fibroids, they will simply

regrow. (Of course this excludes hysterectomy) This is why it is of the utmost importance that you consider what has cause the fibroids in the first place and take steps to alter your lifestyle. In addition, surgery always comes with inherent risks, such as excess blood loss, infection and anesthetic risks. Drug Treatment Uterine Fibroids Due to the nature of the hormonal drugs which can help shrink fibroids, they can only ever be a temporary measure and are used exclusively as a way of reducing the size of fibroids prior to surgery. They bring on the symptoms of the menopause, such as hot flashes, dry skin, a thinning of the vaginal skin coupled with a lack of lubrication. One of the most disturbing risks from these drugs is osteoporosis, so if these are used, steps should be taken to ensure that extra calcium supplements are taken. Once the course of drugs are finished, the fibroids will quickly return to their original size which is why they can only ever be a short term fix. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How To Eliminate Uterine Fibroids Naturally There are various self-help measures to be considered when trying to eliminate uterine fibroids. It is believed that one of the causes of fibroids is the fact that some women are simply "prone" to inflammatory conditions and that this can cause fibroids in vunerable women. It has been shown that eating foods which have anti-inflammatory properties can help. Such foods include hops, rosemary and curcumin. As fibroids are know to be related to the amount of estrogen in the body, reducing this makes sense. This can be done by maintaining a healthy weight as excess estrogen is produced by fat cells. In

addition, it is believed that certain pollutants which are commonly found can mimic the action of estrogen in the body and therefore many women have found that detoxing the liver, where these chemicals can be stored, has been a useful way to eliminate fibroids naturally. Certain herbs used mainly in Chinese medicine has also worked for some women. Many of these remedies are hundreds, if not thousands of years old and conventional practitioners are increasingly seeing the value of these and are incorporating natural remedies into their treatment plans. Another option is to simply leave the fibroids alone. If they are not causing too many problems, you can choose to leave the fibroids alone as they will naturally shrink during the menopause. However, if your fibroids are large or you are some years away from the menopause this will not be an attractive option! If you would like to learn all-natural methods which will show you how to eliminate uterine fibroids naturally,by using a 7 step treatment method which comes with a complete guarantee, visit Shrink Fibroids Naturally

3. Natural Remedies For Fibroids Many women have successfully used natural remedies for fibroids to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms. This is a fantastic alternative to surgery and I bless the day when I finally decided to try a natural remedy. For me it happened almost by accident. I was scheduled for a full hysterectomy after having terrible fibroids symptoms for years. I was reasonable fit, and took regular exercise but could not understand which I could not lose my belly fat. I was totally ignorant about fibroids and when I went for a routine medical examination about 5 years ago I mentioned that my stomach looked big. Although the doctor performed an abdominal palpitation, he said it was fat! I looked pregnant though and upon the advice of a friend who said that "something wasn't right" I went to see a gynecologist who declared that I had fibroids even before the scan. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The scan showed that I had "lots of fibroids" including two very large ones and that my womb was the size of a 7 month pregnancy. I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and was told I would need drugs to reduce the size of the fibroids before surgery could take place. I was warned that I would effectively have symptoms of the menopause and that I could not take the drugs for longer than 3 months as they could cause osteoporosis... Great! I asked her if there were any natural remedies for fibroids which I could try and she said that as far as she was aware there was nothing which would help. Not satisfied with this, I started searching the internet, devouring every bit of information I could, until I came

across a system for treating fibroids naturally which I really liked the sound of. It was September and I was scheduled to start my drugs after Christmas and the surgery was due for late March. I decided that I had absolutely nothing to lose by trying the natural remedies for fibroids. The system was backed up with a full money back guarantee so I made my mind up to grab a refund if it didn't work. It also felt better to be doing "something" rather than just waiting for the drug treatment to start. I admit I was very excited when I downloaded the book-it was great as I'm very impatient and I got the book right away, within just a couple of minutes of ordering it. I literally devoured it-I could not believe some of the things I was reading, yet it all made complete sense. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Just A Few Of The Things I Found Out-And Which You Can Learn Too * The shocking truth about conventional medical treatments * How to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain immediately * Which foods cause fibroids and which foods help fight them * Supplements which immediately halt fibroids growth * Supplements which shrink fibroids * Common household substances which are bad for your health * Herbal remedies which shrink fibroids and cure the root cause I wondered at first if it was my imagination-within no time at all, my stomach seemed to be shrinking and I didn't look quite as pregnant! I

started to feel better and my symptoms were disappearing. When I visited my doctor-I wanted her to see for herself what had happened. She examined my stomach and agreed that it wasn't as swollen. A scan showed that the fibroids had reduced considerably and she agreed that I could postpone the drug treatment and she would examine me in a couple of months. I left the surgery date as it was though, as I couldn't dare to believe that natural remedies for fibroids would mean I didn't need a hysterectomy. When I returned, a further scan showed that the fibroids had shrunk to an extent where they were simply not a problem any longer. I did not have the hysterectomy and bringing things right up to date, I know I still have fibroids, but they are very small and do not cause symptoms at all. Some of the smaller ones seemed to have gone altogether according to the scan, so I am delighted. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Knowing the cause is important when looking at natural remedies for fibroids as this is not necessarily the same for each woman. It therefore follows that the natural remedies which are appropriate for one woman could well be different for the next. One theory for the growth of fibroids is that some women are "prone" to inflammation and that this could be hereditary. For these women, treatments to reduce this inflammation would be a good starting point. Adding the spice "curcumin" to cooked foods can help, as can eating hops and rosemary-both of which have antiinflammatory properties. In addition, a healthy balanced diet plus exercise will undoubtedly help. Excess estrogen is also known to be a cause of fibroids and many doctors believe that this is produced by fat cells. It therefore follows

that maintaining a healthy weight is important, so diet and exercise should be considered if you are overweight and have problem fibroids. Certain pollutants can also mimic the effects of estrogen so other natural remedies for fibroids include detoxification (particularly of the liver). Excess estrogen can also be present in the body as a result of a general "imbalance" of hormones and this is often lifestyle induced. It therefore follows that a general healthy lifestyle can help self-balance the body. Other possible remedies for fibroids include the use of herbal preparations. Chinese medicine in particular has been shown to be particularly helpful in aiding the cleansing of the reproductive organs, thereby helping remove toxins and prevent further growth of the fibroids and in some cases shrink them. Fibroids are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and they are an ideal condition to treat because as they are so rarely life-threatening. It makes complete sense to try out a natural treatment for fibroids before resorting to surgery or any of the hormonal drugs which can cause their own side effects. If you would like to learn about the types of fibroids and the different methods of treatment, you can find extensive details on this informative site

4. Fibroids Treatment Fibroids treatment varies depending on individual circumstances. It is estimated that between 50 and 80% of women will have fibroids. However, many of these will never be aware of the fact as in some women the fibroids are very small and cause no symptoms. Before deciding on fibroids treatment, it is essential to consider the following:* The size of the fibroids * The location of the fibroids * If you are near to the menopause * Whether you would like to have more/any children * If the fibroids cause you any problems >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If the fibroids are not causing you any problems, you may be advised against fibroids treatment. For mild symptoms, you may be advised to take a painkiller during your period and an iron supplement if the bleeding is particularly heavy to prevent anaemia. Hormonal fibroids treatment is sometimes prescribed. However, many women prefer not to take medication and would rather use alternative methods if available. Other drugs used include those which suppress hormone production. These can have severe side effects, such as hot flashes, depression, insomnia, decreased sex drive and joint pains. For this reason they are only normally used for a few weeks prior to surgery to help shrink the fibroids to a manageable size. Once you stop taking these drugs, the fibroids usually grow back very quickly.

If your symptoms are moderate to severe, surgery may be an option. There are four standard forms of fibroids treatment:* Myomectomy-This is surgery just to remove the fibroids, leaving the uterus intact. It can be performed by abdominal incision or laparoscopy. The size of the fibroids can determine the outcome. Many women can go on to have successful pregnancies after this procedure although some may need cesarian sections. After this surgery, new fibroids can readily grow. * Hysterectomy-This is the complete removal of the uterus. This is the only surefire surgical method of preventing the growth of new fibroids. Although this is usually a safe procedure, it does carry the risks associated with any major operation. Often the woman's ovaries are left intact to prevent an early menopause although despite this, sometimes an early menopause will happen. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< * Endrometrial Abalation-This is the removal of the lining of the womb by using laser, boiling water, hot wires, electric currents, microwaves and freezing. This is considered a minor procedure. Most women will recover quickly but this is not a suitable procedure for women wishing to have children. * Myolysis-A needle is inserted into the fibroids and either freezing or an electric current is used to destroy the fibroids. * Uterine Fibroid Embolization-This is the blocking of the artery supplying the fibroids using a needle which injects tiny particles directly into the blood vessel. The fibroid will then wither. Occasionally women will experience an early menopause. This fibroids treatment ensures that those injected will not grow back but new fibroids can form.

With the exception of hysterectomy, all the surgical options for fibroids treatment can result in the fibroids returning. This, along with the fact that surgical procedures should not be taken lightly can mean that women are reluctant to consider surgery but often feel they have little option. However, there are natural fibroids treatment methods which are extremely successful not only in quickly reducing the size of existing fibroids and curing the symptoms which they cause, but also in preventing new fibroids growing. The action plan which I recommend for treating fibroids has been used extremely successfully by many thousands of women worldwide. If you are thinking about surgery to get rid of your fibroids it may be worth you considering this alternative method of treatment first. As most women would prefer to avoid surgery under any circumstances, this natural fibroids treatment is a great starting point for women to take charge of the condition themselves. Please visit How To Shrink Fibroids for full details of the natural fibroid treatment.

5. Are Fibroids Preventing You From Having Children? Fibroids are sometimes found during an infertility evaluation when tests such as a pelvic ultrasound, hysterosonogram or hysterosalpingogram are ordered. Fibroids or leiomyomas are benign smooth muscle tumors of the uterus. They are classified according to their location in three types: (1) subserosal - when the fibroid grows under the outer layer or serosa of the uterus; (2) intramural - when the fibroid grows within the muscular wall of the uterus (myometrium), and (3) submucosal or intracavitary- when the fibroid grows just under the lining of the uterine cavity (mucosa) or it occupies the inside of the uterine cavity. Submucosal or intracavitary fibroids can change the shape of the uterine cavity. Large intramural fibroids may alter the blood flow to the uterine lining and may also alter the shape of the uterine cavity. Subserosal fibroids usually don't alter the shape of the uterine cavity, but when large can cause discomfort. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Most fibroids are usually small, asymptomatic, and don't require treatment. These benign tumors only need close gynecological observation to document changes in size or the early onset of symptoms. Common symptoms associated to fibroids are back pain, abdominal pressure or discomfort, urinary frequency, rectal pressure or discomfort, and periods that can be painful, heavy and prolonged. Fibroids are associated with infertility in 5 to 10% of cases. Nevertheless, when all other causes of infertility are excluded fibroids may account for only 2 to 3% of infertility cases. Fibroids may cause reduced fertility or infertility by:

1. Creating an abnormal uterine cavity. An enlarged or elongated cavity could interfere with the sperm transport, and a cavity with an abnormal contour could prevent normal implantation. 2. Fibroids can result in a markedly distorted uterus and cervix. The distortion could result in decreased access to the cervix by the ejaculated sperm preventing its effective transport to the uterus. 3. The uterine segments of the fallopian tubes could be obstructed or distorted by fibroids. When infertile women present with uterine fibroids every effort should be made to exclude any other possible causes of infertility. A standard infertility evaluation should take place and an assessment of the uterine cavity should be performed by hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or "fluid" ultrasound (hysterosonogram). Only then a decision should be made regarding the management of the fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Most uterine fibroids don't need to be removed except in select cases. The medical literature suggests that removal can be beneficial when the uterine cavity is distorted by the fibroids. In addition, some reports suggest that their removal may also be indicated when they are 5 centimeters or more in diameter and are located within the wall of the uterus (intramural). Otherwise, expectant management is recommended when the uterine cavity is normal, the fibroids are small, or when they are located on the surface of the uterus. Fibroids are removed in a surgical procedure called a "myomectomy". Three types of myomectomy can be performed: abdominal myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, and hysteroscopic myomectomy. The abdominal myomectomy requires an abdominal incision usually of the "bikini" type, and through the

incision the fibroids are removed from the uterus. This abdominal approach is the best procedure when fibroids are large, numerous, and or located deep within the muscle of the uterus. Fibroids can also be removed by laparoscopy, and this type of myomectomy is best when fibroids are few in number, superficial in location and small in size. Hysteroscopic myomectomy is recommended when most of the fibroid is located within the cavity of the uterus. Through the uterine cervix an operative hysteroscope is inserted and the myomectomy is then performed. Endoscopic scissors, laser or electrocautery are employed to perform this type of myomectomy. A myomectomy is a relatively safe procedure that results in few serious complications. Postoperative adhesion formation is a common complication and good surgical technique combined with adhesion-prevention barriers should be routinely used at myomectomy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< There are other options for the treatment of uterine fibroids, but these alternatives are not recommended for women who desire fertility. Some of these options are: 1. Uterine artery embolization (UAE) - results in the obstruction of blood flow to the fibroids, which then causes them to shrink. This procedure is quite successful in reducing tumor size and decreasing symptoms. Pregnancies have been reported after UAE but the safety of this procedure in women who want to get pregnant has not been established. 2. Medical therapies with agents such as GnRH agonists, progestational agents, and RU486 (mifepristone). These agents can decrease uterine size and symptoms, but once the treatment is

discontinued the fibroids can grow back to their initial size. The use of these drugs is not effective in promoting fertility and is not recommended when women are attempting pregnancy. 3. New techniques are being developed for the treatment of uterine fibroids. One of these new techniques is laparoscopic myolysis in which a needle is used to apply electric current directly to fibroids. The goal is to disrupt the blood flow of fibroids and cause them to shrink over time. A similar laparoscopic procedure uses super cooled cryoprobes to destroy the fibroids. Another technique uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to target a high intensity ultrasound waves to destroy the fibroids. Again, the safety of these procedures in women who want to get pregnant has not been established.

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