Plantar fasciitis education prevention and cures

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Content 1. Plantar Fasciitis Education Prevention and Cures 2. Plantar Fasciitis Causes 3. Choosing the Right Plantar Fasciitis Orthotics 4. What You Need To Know Before Getting Plantar Fasciitis Surgery 5. Use a Plantar Fasciitis Boot For Faster Healing

1. Plantar Fasciitis Education Prevention and Cures Did you know that over 15 million people suffer from Plantar Fasciitis? Most common cases of PF are found in middle aged people. Plantar Fasciitis often occurs in athletes, walkers, runners, people who stand for long periods of time and also inactive people who start to become active again. Education The plantar fascia is the flat band of tissue also knows as a ligament that connects the heel bone to the toes. The fascia supports the arch of your foot so it is very important to always wear a shoe or shoe insert with a great arch support. When the fascia is strained it becomes weak, swollen and irritated and causes pain in the heel or bottom of your foot when you walk or stand. Most people who suffer from Plantar fasciitis experience the most pain in the morning when they first get out of bed they feel a stabbing, burning pain in the heel area. Overnight or after long periods of inactivity such as working at a desk sitting for long periods of time the Plantar Fascia will tighten up causing pain when you get up to walk around. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Prevention For the lucky people who are out there who don't suffer from PF it is very important to prevent PF because this is one ailment you never wan't to experience. With over 15 million sufferers most people have talk to someone who suffers from Plantar Fasciitis and I'm sure they had nothing nice to say about it. Plantar fasciitis can be so painful I have heard many stories that people can't work or that Plantar Fasciitis has taken control over their life. Don't let this be you educate yourself and prevent it from happening to you. To prevent

Plantar Fasciitis it is very important to have a good arch support for your shoes I would recommend a removable insole so you can trade it in and out of different shoes. The insole that I would recommend would be Superfeet. Superfeet offer ESS which stands for encapsulating stabilizer system which provides ideal biomechanical support which allows the foot to move through its full range of motion which will lower the risk of fatigue and injury. Superfeet offers many different insoles according to what type of arch you have, and with a perfect fit arch support you will alleviate plantar fasciitis pain and help reduce pronation. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1.) Wear shoes that offer the proper arch support. 2.) Always stretch and warm up before any sports activities. 3.) Keep your body at a healthy weight. 4.) Stretch your legs, ankles and feet every morning before stepping out of bed. Cure The number one cure for Plantar Fasciitis is the HTP heel seats for day time therapy and a night splint when you sleep to keep your foot at a 90 degree angle. The heel seats are a deep heel cup that uses an acupressure bar that keeps the fascia stretched all day with every step you take. The pressure that's placed on the plantar fascia works as a day time therapy to actually cure the fasciitis. The heel seats are a cure they don't just cover up symptoms they cure it for good. The heel seats are a day time therapy so at night when you sleep or when your feet are in a resting position you will need to wear a night splint to get rid of your morning foot pain. Morning foot pain is most common with Plantar Fasciitis. What happens is your feet are under

blankets they are positioned where the fascia is shortened so with the first few steps out of bed the muscle that has been contracted all night stretches and pulls causing the severe pain in the morning. The night splint is made to keep the foot at a 90 degree angle while you sleep. The foot only needs a gentle stretch to the plantar fascia by positioning the foot in a controlled amount of dorsiflexion. The night splint reduces the muscle contracting back and also reduces inflammation from plantar fasciitis. The night splint will help promote healing to the injured muscles and tendons in the foot. If you are interested in Plantar Fasciitis Prevention Visit

2. Plantar Fasciitis Causes Heel pain is commonly a result of plantar fasciitis. This means that the long ligament on the bottom of the foot (the plantar fascia) is inflamed. Plantar fasciitis causes are varied, however overuse and foot structure are top on the list. In fact, plantar fasciitis occurs so often with runners that many know the condition simply as "runners heel." Whether we call it plantar fasciitis (plan-tar fash-ee-eye-tiss) or runners heel, it is an extremely painful condition of the foot. Plantar fasciitis heel pain can begin when the plantar fascia ligament becomes inflamed. (Ligaments connect bones to bones, tendons connect muscles to bones). The plantar fascia ligament is very strong, like an industrial strength rubber band. Due to the excessive movement of the bones in the foot walking, running and jumping, the plantar fascia receives tremendous pull, especially at the end attaching to the heel bone (calcaneus). While pain can manifest anywhere along the the plantar fascia, from the heel to the ball of the foot under the toes, it is most commonly this heel area that announces with pain that the ligament is inflamed. Often, the first shot of this sharp heel pain is often when weight is first put on the foot after getting out of bed. The pain on attempting to walk after a period of foot rest is due to the band shortening during rest. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Risk factors include: -High foot arch -Low foot arch (flat foot) -Tight calf muscles -Lack of proper arch support and inner sole cushioning in shoes

-Chronic overdoing walking, running, jumping, climbing -Sudden weight gain -More common in people over 40 -More common in diabetics -More common in people with arthritis -More common in pregnant women -Underuse/overuse syndrome: infrequent but vigorous or walking, hiking, athletics, shopping, etc.) -Dehydration: neglecting to sip water during sports, training, hiking, walking, etc The sooner appropriate plantar fasciits treatment is started after the first symptoms, the faster the healing phase usually is. Your doctor may diagnose plantar fasciitis and make recommendations, but it is what you do (and don't do!) that will make the difference in how fast you heel pain is resolved and whether you avoid a recurrence in the future. It's advisable to see your doctor rather than self-diagnose your heel pain as plantar fasciitis. Though it is the most common cause of heel pain, other conditions can cause it, too. Ellen Graves is a certified massage therapist who has helped many clients with plantar fasciitis and other conditions. Plantar Fasciitis Information and Foot Pain Help

3. Choosing the Right Plantar Fasciitis Orthotics Plantar fasciitis or inflammation of the plantar fascia happens when the plantar fascia suffers very small tears at its insertion into the heel bone, or along its length. With poor biomechanics, excessive use or the presence of other triggers, the force on the plantar fascia during the process of walking and running and the shift of body weight from one foot to the other can twist the fascia from the heel and lead to microscopic tears. Wearing an orthotic device or special plantar fasciitis insole is an great way of reducing plantar fasciitis pain and help the healing process. Orthotics and insoles are effective because they flex during walking or running, providing just the appropriate amount of pressure and support for the damaged heel as your weight shifts without interfering with the fit of the shoe. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< A number of patients settle for a normal padded shoe insert from the drug store to relieve pain. The problem with this is that normal shoe inserts are designed only to provide added padding to a shoe, and nothing more. Basic cushioning is not enough to support the affected area and supporting the affected ligament which is essential to protect the damage and swelling in the tissue. Plantar fasciitis insoles serve to straighten any misalignment in the patient's foot, cutting down the pain and even correcting the posture issues that contributed to the plantar fasciitis in the beginning. Patients have commented that after wearing plantar fasciitis orthotics, their feet feel more supple and find standing, walking, and even running much less painful and after some time, pain free.

Insoles or orthotics provide an effective cost-effective treatment as opposed to buying several different pairs of shoes. One set of insoles can be taken from the shoe and put into another set. Early diagnosing and a structured treatment plan are important for curing the condition. If treatment is delayed or inadequate in the initial stages of plantar fasciitis, the condition can take up to eighteen months or more to be fully treated. Nevertheless by sticking to a properly detailed treatment plan and merging several of the individual treatments available, thankfully in the vast majority of cases, non-invasive treatment cures the condition. Only in the most extreme cases is surgery required.

4. What You Need To Know Before Getting Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Plantar fasciitis is the result of an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of connective tissues connecting the heel bone to the toes. It is associated with long periods of weight bearing, deficient foot biomechanics, and the normal aging process. This disorder can be treated using non-invasive options including rest, massage, night splints, orthotics, etc. In more extreme cases, it can be treated with surgery. The plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue originating from the bottom of the heel bone and extending along the sole of the foot toward the toes. It supports the arch of the foot while working as a shock absorber. When these tissues are injured or inflamed, it can lead to plantar fasciitis. The pain associated with this condition is usually caused by tiny tears in the ligaments where it attaches to the heel bone. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Plantar fasciitis affects an estimated 10% of the American population over a lifetime. It is often caused by uneven distribution of body weight on the foot, and is a common foot disorder in athletes, especially runners. Pregnant women, elderly people, and women who wear high heels are at risk of developing this disorder. Surgery for the foot disorder is rarely required. Non-invasive treatment methods are frequently used to successfully treat more than 90% of patients, relieving the symptoms within 12 months from the start of treatment. Surgery is needed only in the worst cases and is to be considered only when all other treatments have failed.

Patients must also fully understand the potential benefits and dangers of plantar fasciitis surgery. Unlike other surgical procedures such as knee or hip replacement surgery where a 95% success rate is common, plantar fasciitis surgery is less predictable. The success rate is not very high, and complications can happen. One common complication is excessive release of the plantar fascia. The surgery should release about 30% to 50% of the ligament. Excessive release can cause a lowering of the arch of the foot. This could lead to a flat foot and result in chronic foot problems that are just as bad as the original disorder. Another possible complication to plantar fasciitis surgery is foot nerve injury. During surgery, the nerves along the sides of the ligament may become damaged, resulting in loss of sensation or irritation in parts of the foot. It is also possible that the persistent pain may not caused by plantar fasciitis. Thus, surgery will not relieve the symptoms. Plantar fasciitis surgery has a few complications and the results are not 100% guaranteed. You will have to give it a lot of thought before deciding to proceed with surgery. It is better to protect your foot in the first place. Maintain the ideal weight and correct posture, wear proper shoes, and make sure that your body weight is distributed uniformly on your feet.

5. Use a Plantar Fasciitis Boot For Faster Healing The plantar fascia is the thick band of connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot. If it is subjected to excessive wear and tear due to repetitive strain, the plantar fascia can become inflamed, leading to plantar fasciitis. To relieve the severe and chronic heel pain, a patient may wear a plantar fasciitis boot designed to stretch the tendons and ligaments on the foot to prevent future discomfort. The pain from this condition is often described as a shooting or burning pain in the inside area of the heel. It is most severe in the morning when you take your first few steps. This happens because the plantar fascia is in a relaxed position (toes pointed downward) during sleep and has contracted during the night. Dorsiflexion or pointing the toes upward stretches the fascia and produces the morning pain associated with plantar fasciitis. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< To treat this painful condition, patients may wear a plantar fasciitis boot or night splint while sleeping or during periods of extended inactivity. This helps to maintain the ideal orientation of the foot and lower leg while keeping the Achilles tendon stretched. A plantar fasciitis boot also prevents additional micro-tearing of the tissues in the arch caused by walking activities. A night splint is typically thin and lightweight to provide a comfortable sleep. It is not designed for walking or weight-bearing activities. On the other hand, a walking boot attachment which includes a sturdy sole may be used to temporarily convert the night splint to a walking boot.

Two types of foot night splints are available for home treatment. The boot night splint is the most popular. It is made of a rigid plastic outer layer. The inner layer is soft and provides an adjustable angle of flexion. It is designed for the back of the leg and has been found to be highly effective in relieving heel pain. The second type of splint is the dorsal night splint. It goes on the front of the foot. Straps are used to pull the toes upward. This provides dorsal flexion and stretches the plantar fascia ligament and Achilles tendon. This type of foot night splint is very comfortable to wear. A night-and-day plantar fasciitis boot can also be purchased to aid the patient in walking around during the day. It comes with a night cover to use on the boot when sleeping at night. Therapy techniques that involve the use of orthotic devices and maintaining the foot in a dorsiflexed position while sleeping at night are often prescribed in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Using the most comfortable night splints and plantar fasciitis boot promotes patient compliance and results in faster healing. Do you have Plantar Fasciitis? Learn more about the best Planters Fasciitis treatment

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