Quick weight loss diets make you gain weight

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Content 1. Quick Weight Loss Diets Make You Gain Weight 2. Healthy Weight Loss - A Step-by-Step Guide 3. Weight Loss Programs - Medical Benefits of Losing Weight 4. Selecting the Right Weight Loss Program 5. Weight Loss? Who Are You Hanging Out With?


1. Quick Weight Loss Diets Make You Gain Weight Wait, what? Diets make you gain weight? Kind of contradictory isn't it? Diets are meant to make you lose weight! Unfortunately, it is true, if you are starting one of those instant gratification, popular, fad weight loss programs., before you know it, you'll quit because it is unsustainable, and you'll end up with more weight than what you began with! The weight loss industry is a money maker, and too many 'experts' are out there trying to sell you a 'rapid weight loss' plan in order to meet the huge demand the market has. These rapid weight loss diet plans promise you quick weight loss. Of course, most of them will deliver on making you lose a few quick pounds, but that weight loss is only temporary, as they ignore the basic foundations of healthy weight loss. Before you know it, you've gained that weight back as quickly as you lost it, you'll be less healthy than you were when you started it, and you'll feel weaker. There are some weight loss scams out there than can actually result in health complications that could be severe. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< There are three ways these so called 'quick weight loss' schemes make you fatter: 1. These diets slow your metabolism to a crawl. When you are on a restrictive diet, your metabolism rate will be unsteady. It will go from very low to a sudden spike. You will probably drop a couple of pounds but that really isn't fat loss. You are losing weight because you are not eating enough. The pounds you lost initially was a combination of water weight and lean muscle loss.

When your body loses its water you become dehydrated, which slows your metabolism to practically a halt. Your metabolic rate also slows down when you lose lean muscle mass. Muscles play a direct role in keeping your metabolism high; and the more muscles you have, the higher your rate will be, and the more fat you will shred. Loss of muscle mass have the opposite effect, and will make you feel drained, weak, and tired. 2. These diets are not sustainable. You can't possibly starve yourself on restrictive calorie diets or practically fasting for any reasonable or healthy long term weight loss. Not to mention, those liquid diets are even more impossible. Before you know it, you'll start to feel uncontrollably hungry and you'll be tearing up the junk food isle in the grocery store. Which, you'll gain all those pounds back, and likely, plus some. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3. "Diet" is an evil word. Most of us that have tried 'dieting' fail at it. Why? Because it isn't sustainable, or realistic. Diets are a short term solution to a lifelong problem. Diets have the reputation of a quick weigh loss solution, but in reality, they are one of the causes of the program. There's been numerous studies that show that people who don't diet, but rather choose to focus on healthy eating and lifestyle are more likely to lose weight, and see life changing results. Do your research, complete your prequesites, and choose a weight loss system that focuses on healthy choices, eating smaller, more frequent meals (so you aren't starving yourself), incorporates physical fitness, and can be something you can not only fit into your lifestyle, but something you can enjoy!

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2. Healthy Weight Loss - A Step-by-Step Guide Almost 64% of Americans were overweight or obese in 2008. A whopping 27% of American's are classified as obese. Obesity is responsible for nearly 325,000 deaths every year! Obesity will continue to be a serious problem and is predicted to reach epidemic levels by the year 2020. Awareness, outreach, and education are some of the ways to prevent this epidemic. People who are overweight are putting themselves at risk for the following diseases: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< heart disease stroke diabetes cancer arthritis hypertension Common sense indicates that losing weight is a sensible thing to do to prevent and control these diseases. But why do so many people fail to lose weight? The quick weight loss methods, which have taken over the internet and TV commercials like wildfires these days, do not provide lasting results. These programs usually consist of dietary drinks, special order foods and supplements or pills, or some fad and unrealistic weight loss method. Even if these programs work at all, it is only temporary.

Rapid weight loss isn't sustainable or healthy for your body. It is much more realistic to rely on a healthy weight loss plan that will provide life changing results, and easily be sustainable to fit into your life. Healthy weight loss isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Each pound you lose is another milestone toward your goal, and if done properly, you will permanently keep the weight off for a much more enhanced quality of life. Here are some tips on how you can lose those unwanted pounds the healthy way: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1. Establish your weight loss goals. Everyone would love to lose 20 pounds in a week - but that is virtually impossible to do healthy way. Make realistic goals for yourself. Goals that are attainable. Be in the mindset that your weight loss goal is for the long term - a life changing weight loss goal to get and stay healthy for the rest of your life. Research and find the best weight loss program for you....one that fits into your lifestyle. One that is enjoyable, and adaptable to your life. Then commit and stick to it, and make sure you follow your own set of dieting rules. 2. Kick start your day with breakfast. You're Mom's old saying is right - breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It will jump start your metabolism and have you physically and mentally ready to start your day. A healthy breakfast, consisting of lean proteins, low glycemic carbohydrates (whole grain breads, steel-cut oats, etc...), and healthy fats, will give your day a jump start that will boost your metabolism and calorie burn for the rest of the day!

3. Don't "diet". The key to a healthier way of losing weight is: Eat healthy, but don't starve. The typical weight loss plan has you barely eating, and you may seem happy and feel that you are losing those unwanted inches on your belly and thighs by skipping meals. But remember that this would not last long. Your body cannot tolerate having insufficient food to fuel the energy that you use up every day. This actually can have the opposite effect. Your body can go into 'starvation mode' and store any food it receives as fat deposits in your body, anticipating a lack of food later. 4. Drink a lot of water. Proper hydration, preferably through water, is a crucial element in healthy weight loss. Your body needs water not only to operate at peak proficiency, but to lose weight - don't worry about fears of gaining 'water weight'. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 5. The 'Eat like a bird' meal plan. Five to six small-healthy meals per day is better than three big meals. It evens out your metabolism and keeps it at a high level throughout the day, which keeps your daily caloric burn at a high rate. Additionally, eating frequent, small meals will prevent over-eating and mentally keep you from feeling that you are 'dieting'. 6. Eat fats, but only the right fats. Fats are not the devil they have been made out to be in the last 20 years. You need some fats to keep your weight at the proper level. There are such things as healthy fats. Olive, peanut and canola oil

have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart. Raw almonds and flaxseeds are other fats that are amazing for your body and boost your calorie burning plans. 7. Stay away from simple sugars. Your meals should be built with a foundation of fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, rice or whole wheat pasta for those much needed carbohydrates. Then add some lean proteins and meats. Sweets, sodas, and donuts should be only a rarity in your diet and for an indulgence and reward only. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 8. Exercise. You knew this would be a component. You just can't escape the incredible effects that a good routine exercise program has on your weight loss plan. Not only will it help you melt away the pounds, it will make you feel better, give you more confidence, and keep you energized throughout the day. Get to the gym, or sign up for exercise classes. If that isn't your thing, here are some other ideas: If you only have a few blocks to go, leave your car and walk. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Get outdoors and job, or bicycle, or skate. Get into sports! Play some basketball with your kids or the neighborhood kids, join a softball team, or play racquetball with friends. There are many active things you can do that is fun and exciting.

Use these types of activities, along with your home chores to put some good activity in your life. It really doesn't matter how much weight you want to lose - the important thing is that you set realistic goals for yourself. Your goals should be attainable, yet doable and sustainable. Go slow. Once you lost that first 5 or 6 pounds, reward yourself with a good 'cheat' meal, then get back on the program with all the vengeance you had when you started. Eat frequent healthy meals, drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and stay on your exercise program. You do these things, you will lose weight, and you will be well on your path to a newer, healthier you! StripThatFat is rated the best up and coming diet system of 2008!! The reasons are simple: -- No Crazy Diet Plans that Nobody can Follow -- Workout Programs Anyone Can Do -- Long Lasting, 100% Natural Weight Loss -- Iron Clad 60 Day Money Back Guarantee Is StripThatFat everything it claims? Go to this website to read a comprehensive review on this new weight loss system:


3. Weight Loss Programs - Medical Benefits of Losing Weight If you are overweight, you are not alone. In 2007, 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese. As a society, we are becoming increasingly mindful that decreased activity coupled with increased caloric intake and poor nutrition slowly but inevitably overwhelm our bodies' ability to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese puts you at serious risk for developing many obesity related diseases. That's the bad news. The good news is that reducing your weight dramatically reduces these same risks. For those patients who suffer from these conditions, weight loss can significantly improve or completely correct these conditions. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus Obesity leads to insulin resistance, a diminished biological response to the hormone insulin. This resistance is characterized by an elevation of circulating insulin, a diminished ability to store glucose, and a propensity to store fat. In patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, serum glucose levels improve within days after starting a weight loss program. One study showed that the average fasting blood glucose levels in persons with type 2 diabetes decreased from 290 mg/dL to 110 mg/dL in 3 days in response to a very low calorie diet. Medication (oral agents or insulin) can be greatly reduced or eliminated in such cases. Another study reported that, after a 23-kg weight loss (22% of initial body weight), all patients taking oral agents and 82% of patients taking insulin were able to discontinue medication. Similar results were reported with weight losses of 9.3

kg. In general, patients with a 15% reduction in total body weight may consider stopping oral agents. Smaller decreases in total body weight may even cure "pre-diabetes", a significant cardiovascular risk. Hypertension Hypertension improves with weight loss in overweight persons. In patients following Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD's), one study reported a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure in 81% of patients and in diastolic pressure in 62% of patients (6). Patients receiving a diet of 800 to 1200 kcal who averaged a weight loss of 10.5 kg showed decreases in both systolic and diastolic pressures of about 20 mm Hg. In about three quarters of these patients, blood pressure returned to normal. Adding an exercise regimen to weight loss led to even greater improvements in blood pressure. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Dyslipidemia Obesity is often associated with an elevation of serum triglycerides and total cholesterol. The ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol is usually elevated, resulting in an even greater risk of heart attacks and strokes. All of these values generally improve with weight loss. Often, fasting triglyceride levels that may be as high as 1000 to 1500 mg/dL will return to normal levels (Sleep Apnea Obesity can be associated with mild to severe respiratory functional impairment. Increasing obesity is associated with decreasing oxygen saturation. Two primary disorders ensue: obesity-hyperventilation syndrome and sleep apnea.

Patients with hypoxemia (low blood oxygen levels) and sleep apnea improve quickly with weight reduction. For every 1 percent decrease in weight, sleep apnea patients decrease their apnea-hypopnea indices (the amount they stop breathing at night) by 3 percent. In fact, many sleep apnea patients who sleep with CPAP machines are able to stop using their breathing machines at night after weight loss. A disturbance of ventilation-perfusion (a mismatch in breathing vs. circulation) is common in obese persons. This disturbance can result in heart failure. These conditions also improve with weight loss. With significant weight loss, essentially normal pulmonary function can be achieved and cardiac function can be normalized. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Metabolic Syndrome Intra-abdominal fat is metabolically active and associated with serious health risk. Metabolic Syndrome describes a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors which combine to produce a proinflammatory and pro-thrombotic (hypercoagulable) state. This condition leads to vascular diseases that result in heart attacks and strokes and a pro-inflammatory state associated with an increased incidence of a number of cancers. It is estimated that over 50 million Americans are currently at risk, but that less than 5% are diagnosed. To qualify for Metabolic Syndrome, one needs 3 out of 5 of the following components: 1. increased intra-abdominal fat defined by a waist circumference greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women 2. high blood pressure 3. elevated triglycerides 4. low HDL cholesterol 5. diabetes or pre-diabetes. Abdominal obesity is present in 84% of patients with Metabolic Syndrome.

In summary, fat location matters. Intra-abdominal fat is metabolically active and dangerous and can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and more. Fortunately, 1st-line treatment for Metabolic Syndrome is weight reduction and increased physical activity. Waist circumference and intra-abdominal fat decrease markedly with the type of weight loss typically experienced by patients at Jumpstart Medicine. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects 5 - 10% of reproductive age women. It occurs in association with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and anovulatory infertility. As noted above, weight loss improves diabetes. Weight loss in PCOS patients can also significantly improve their reproductive potential (fertility). >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Degenerative Joint Disease Low back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee are both more common in obese persons. Obese women are 4 times more likely and obese men 5 times more likely to develop osteoarthritis of the knees. Fortunately, the associated knee pain and disability improve or resolve with weight loss. According to the Framingham Study, an 11 pound weight loss in women decreased their risk for knee osteoarthritis by 50%. The degree of improvement varies with the amount of structural damage but relief can oftentimes be complete with moderate weight loss. Social Stigmatization and Prejudice In addition to suffering from health risks, obese individuals also suffer discrimination and decreased competitiveness in our society. Compared to a normal weight counterpart with otherwise equal

credentials, an obese person is less likely to be hired for a job and more likely to be paid less if he or she receives the job. Obese individuals are less likely to be admitted to competitive colleges than their otherwise equal normal weight candidates. Other Benefits Because the risks attending general surgical procedures are greater in obese patients, it is often beneficial to reduce a patient's weight before attempting a major elective procedure such as an orthopedic operation, cholecystectomy, or gastric bypass. A 5% to 10% reduction in body weight or a 5-unit change in body mass index (BMI) can reduce the duration of hospitalization and the incidence of postoperative complications.


4. Selecting the Right Weight Loss Program There are a number of people at present, who wants to lose weight or to maintain their weight. But how do you choose the right weight loss program for you? How sure you are that the diet program you are in would truly give the desired weight that you are looking for? There are a lot of diet plans available on the market: low fat diet, high protein diet, fixed menu, packaged meal, formula diet, etc. So how do you choose the best program for you? In choosing a diet plan, you must keep in mind a program with a healthy long term weight loss plan is the best program for any individual. Unfortunately, there are a lot of programs out there that do not have this plan. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In looking for a weight loss program, the program must ensure that you will lose weight permanently and in a healthy manner. First thing you must consider in choosing is that the diet should be safe. The food that you are taking in should contain all of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals, and protein. A diet plan can be low in calories but should not be low on essential nutrients that your body need. And it should not be very restrictive on the food you eat or else you will not be able to stick with the plan. It should also include plans for weight maintenance after the weight loss phase is over. It is not practical or logical that you lose a large amount of weight after a few days or weeks and only to regain it afterwards. Weight maintenance may be the most difficult part of controlling weight and it is not consistently implemented in most diet programs.

And also, the weight loss program you choose should provide behavior modification. It must include education in healthy eating habits and long term plans to deal with weight problems. Now to help you choose with a program, here are some reviews of the available diet programs out there that you can choose from. 1. Low Fat Diet Program recommends low fat or no fat foods. The principle behind this diet program is that by reducing fat intake with regular exercise can lead to lasting weight loss. This program can be effective if properly produced or administered by weight loss experts and the result can be steady and long term weight loss. The disadvantage of this program is that reduce fat consumption too much can become harmful to your health. Some even recommend a high consumption of carbohydrates, which is also not good for the body. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2. High Protein Diet requires high consumption of protein and low on carbohydrate foods. The principle of this program is that carbohydrates can make people fat and reducing its consumption can lead to fat loss. This program can cause rapid weight loss in the beginning but not in the long run. Though this kind of program can lead to a steadying of blood sugar levels, which is healthy. But this program also encourages over consumption of saturated fats, which can also increase the risk of heart disease. And the rapid burning of fatty acids due to the lack of carbohydrates can cause the kidney to work overtime and may lead to serious health problems. 3. Fixed Menu Diet provides you with a fixed menu of foods that you can eat. It may keep track of your calorie needs and some stresses that the same calorie count is good for most dieters. This weight loss program is easy to follow because the foods are already selected for

you. And most of the time there is no need to keep the calorie count. The problem with this program is that it can fail in the long run because the food choice is very limited, which makes it hard to follow in the long run. And some of the plans can be harmful due to a lack of balanced diet. 4. Packaged Meal Diet requires you to buy a packaged meal. This weight loss program stresses on taking appropriate portion sizes of food. This is an easy to follow diet plan but it can produce a fad diet effect. It can cause an initial weight loss due to a loss of water from the body but the dieter will not probably lose more than 10 or 15 pounds. And it can be costly. 5. Formula Diet replaces one or more meals with a liquid formula. This program contains a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and a small amount of fat. This can be effective in the short term though it cannot produce a long term effect. And people can regain weight as soon as they stop using the formula. These are just a few weight loss programs available. There are still other programs that you can look into but before you decide to try any program, be sure to consult your doctor first.


5. Weight Loss? Who Are You Hanging Out With? One of the great influences that we humans imitate is that of our friends, acquaintances, books and articles we read, school mates, fellow workers etc. The people we have to be with and those we choose to befriend usually help make up the person we are. Qualities we have will likely rub off on our friends. Qualities and attitudes that others portray will likely rub off on us to some degree. Good qualities and mannerisms can be destroyed when gathering with individuals with poor and slovenly qualities. Individuals with no goals and no desires or ambitions can influence us to abandon our purpose and goals for achievement. Thus raises the question... >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< "Who are you hanging out with? To be successful in weight loss and proper diet venture you must have goals with purpose and the positive mindset to put those goals in to action. This reminds me of a friend who was overweight and trying to lose weight. He is well mannered worked hard in school and received A's & B's in all his classes. He had several goals and ambitions formulated and ready when he completes his schooling. He was dedicated fun loving and a pleasure to be around. His school mates and acquaintances liked him and looked up to him as a good example. In time he started to hang around some older students and there was a shift in his attitudes as he began taking on the influences of the new friends. His mother very disappointed noticing a new negative

trend in his thinking. She approached him one day on arriving home from school. OK Sonny, "Who are you hanging out with?" Good question. Who are you hanging out with? What do we mean? You know the people that say there is no need to correct your overweight condition. That's the way you are. Weight loss can't be done. It's all a weight loss scam. You will never lose weight so there's no need to try. You put in all that time and effort and you haven't lost any real weight. And so it goes the negative comments, attitudes, and outlook will turn you away and discourage you from what you really need to do Loose Weight. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Do not let that happen to you. Remember this example about "Henry Ford". You know the guy who built cars. Well Henry (after a few years of car building and manufacturing) came up with the idea that an automobile engine did not have to be straight in formation like 4, 6, 8, etc. Henry put to his engineers that he wanted them to design and develop a V-8 engine for his cars. What were the engineer's conclusions after three years of designing? They told good old Henry that it was impossible to develop a V-8 engine. What would Henry do? Henry stood firm "go back and design the V-8". It took thirteen years but Henry got his V-8 engine. Henry could have crumbled and abandoned his goal and purpose due to negative thoughts of others.

So what is the upshot of this? Stop running around buying one weight loss promise after another. Save your money! Save your disappointment! The right approach is ...getting a natural weight loss product. Natural weight loss for everyone is not as they say "rocket science" but is achievable and needs to be carried out for your good health and happiness. You can conquer your overweight condition and it first starts with your positive attitude. Even those individuals that have previously tried and failed can be successful. These individuals with failed diets and the so called yo-yo diets can be successful. It starts with the mind - positive thinking and taking action. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< One practical step right now is to take care of you physically and otherwise. A healthful diet, proper rest, and adequate exercise all help you to look and feel your best. Being neat, clean, and wellgroomed not only makes you more desirable to be around but also gives you a healthy measure of self-respect. What you should be developing and looking for is the inner person. After all, our innermost thoughts and feelings about weight loss affect what we talk about and even how we look. Do you have a confident outlook on your life? This will help you to have a happy expression on your face. Case in point you want to HANG AROUND with successful weight loss and let that rub off on you. That being said you now need to examine the natural programs available. Not all weight loss programs are equal. Some are very costly. Some do not provide the right guidance. However there are good ones available. I recommend the best.

To your good health and happiness, John Schmidt - Weight Loss Nutritionists John Schmidt is regarded as a leading weight loss and nutritionist expert. John has written many informative books and articles on the subject of weight loss. John takes the subject deeper into the inner person. The emotions, fears and past histories need to be addressed for successful and permanent weight loss. The field of weight loss is becoming more important each year. The world is experiencing an epidemic with overweight and obese individuals on the rise. John recognizes the problem occurring from modern day processed foods. Each article is devoted to aid persons in their efforts to win the battle of weight loss. Many factors are taken into consideration and there are many more yet to consider. Weight loss becomes for the individual a mental and emotional game that must be played and win. Articles from John Schmidt are designed to address the many intricate factors involved in weight loss. Overweight patterns are usually well rooted over years but can be broken.


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