Reboot your system with green drinks

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Content 1. Reboot Your System With Green Drinks 2. How Green Drinks Improve Your Health 3. Green Drink and the Alkaline Diet 4. Green Drink - The Benefits Of Green Drinks For Maximum Health & Energy 5. Green Drink: The Simplicity of Fruits and Vegetables

1. Reboot Your System With Green Drinks If you feel sluggish, every task is a chore and exercise is exhausting then you should think seriously about whether your pH balance is too acidic and concentrate on regaining the correct balance with having a green drink. pH is the scientific name for the level of acidity in your body, running on a scale of one to 14; pH 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, greater than 7 is alkaline. The ideal pH balance for the human body is 7.4 and slightly alkaline. When pH is below this rate the body falls prey to common complaints, such as sore throats, headaches, head colds, flu, chronic fatigue, general aches and pains. Green drinks, made from a variety of green vegetables, quickly begins eliminating the acidic toxins from the body restoring the body's pH balance to the ideal level and aiding the whole metabolic process. All green drinks contain a potent blend of organic grasses, leaves, green vegetables and vitamins - over 125 in total. The entire list is way too long to mention so here is a snapshot of the organic ingredients: Aloe Vera Leaf Concentrate, Alfalfa Leaf, Black Walnut Leaf, Blackberry Leaf, Boldo Leaf, Broccoli Floret, Cornsilk, Couch Grass, Cabbage Herb, Celery Seed and Dandelion Leaf - to mention a few. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Prime pH acts as an oxygen catalyst In the bloodstream and this formula reportedly has a positive oxygenating, alkalizing, and pH balancing effect on the body. This is taken in conjunction with a green drink, using one level teaspoon of any green drink per liters of spring or distilled water, then adding 16 drops of Prime PH. This can

be enjoyed, after shaking, wherever you like - using a screw top container. It is essential to have these nutritional drinks regularly throughout the day. Women should drink three liters and men four liters every day. The general rule is one liter for every 42 pounds of body weight. Once you have drunk your daily intake you may want to drink some more which is fine, as is drinking water with a drop of lemon or some Prime PH drops. Some detox symptoms may occur which are normal - flu-type symptoms, fatigue and even diarrhea. This is all good, proving that the body is getting rid of the stored toxins. Feeling less hungry is a positive symptom and any hunger pangs should be satisfied with another liter of a nutritional drink to counter the cravings, which are usually attributable to dehydration rather than hunger. Another positive change will be noticed in eating habits. Cravings for coffee, bread, soft drinks, candy and meat will be replaced with yearnings for salads, vegetables and fruit. Once your body settles and begins to alkalize body fat should start to shed - continuing to drink three liters of any green drink and Prime PH a day can lose up to 20 pounds in a four week period. Drinking green will also boost energy, making sleeping a deeper and more refreshing experience. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The Green Drink regime will also sharpen the thinking process and eliminate that 'foggy headed' scenario, which will in turn help handle stressful situations. Another bonus is that your skin will improve and start to look sparkling rather than tired. A green drink is a very positive life-enhancing health boost for anyone feeling stressed and unwell, and any initial outlay will be

rewarded handsomely with the greatest gift of all, a healthier, leaner, body, sparkling skin and renewed energy. InnerLight SuperGreens are an exclusive, synergistic blend of 49 organic grasses, grains, and green vegetables. This nutrient-rich, alkaline formula helps to gently pull the blood and tissue balance from an acid base to an increasingly healthy alkaline state.

2. How Green Drinks Improve Your Health For the health fanatics, you have probably heard of the term "green drink" and are aware of the benefits. For those who are not in the know, a green drink is a drink that uses vegetables and other green plants that work to make up the lack of nutritional values that are in our diets and help to alkalize the body. A regular use of green drinks will increase energy, reduce infections, reduce yeast and get rid of toxins that are finding themselves in our bodies. You will find yourself waking up earlier in the morning and will no longer have the urge for caffeine or sugar-based products to create a pick-me-up. You can purchase green drinks in powder form, which is mixed with liquid, some mix this powder in fruit smoothies for a delicious, refreshing morning breakfast or snack. Or you can buy capsules which is ideal for those who are on the go. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Green drinks have 49 green vegetables, grains and whole grasses, in a power drink, that will allow your body to easily digest over 125 minerals, amino acids and vitamins. With this formula being highly rich in nutrients it will alkaline the body by pulling tissue and blood balances, therefore maintaining an increasing strong alkaline function. Dr. Young makes sure that each plant is pulled when they are at their nutritional peak, then every ingredient is concentrated at to make sure that it is at the cleanest and most pure state. Being so used to foods that are artificially flavored, sweetened and extremely processed, it can take a little while to get use to the natural and rich taste of green drinks. You will find that using these nutritional drinks on a regular basis, you will start to crave the taste

of it, which is naturally sweet. This will also happen as your body will become more cleansed by purging the toxins with green drinks. Some of ingredients that are packed into this green drink include; Kelp, Kamut Grass, Alfalfa Sprouts, Dandelion Greens, White Willow, Rosehips, Broccoli and Kale. So many ingredients that provide so many benefits such as, lowering cholesterol, adding protein, anticancer, strengthen blood, improving digestion and immune systems, joint health, mental acuity, improving sore throats and allergies. And the list goes on and on. Green drinks usually come in either a Ÿ lb. or 1 lb. Micro-Fine Powder or 90 Colloidal Capsule. This green drink (or capsule) should be taken four times daily - equaling to four liters of water daily. The scoop equals out to be one teaspoon, which in the beginning, one should only use a half a scoop, then increase to the full serving amount after a week. For the maximum benefits use distilled water or add anywhere from six to eight drops of Prime pH into your water. For some it may be hard to drink four liters of water every day, you can always start with 1 ½ liters slowly moving yourself up to four. It shouldn't take too long before you start feeling the effect of the SuperGreens. One day you will find yourself with increased energy, feeling fresh and energized in the morning, and do not be surprised if you start to wake up for the alarm clock goes off. You will notice your overall health will improve and will feel grateful when you are able to ward off illness. You will feel clean, energized, mentally sound and just overall great!

3. Green Drink and the Alkaline Diet So what is a Green Drink? Simply put it is a powder or capsules of Green vegetables or leafy greens that are super concentrated with the most nutrient rich ingredients. Working in this constantly hectic world, where you just don't have the time or the effort to prepare meals containing green vegetables, and instead opting for convenience foods it is easy to miss out on those vital vitamins and minerals that give us energy and health. This has resulted in feeling sluggish all the time and wanting to just put my feet up -If this is you, it may be time to get yourself revitalised and energised with a Green Drink - I did and wow what a difference. If you would love to feel energized and revitalized, and have the feeling that you can work all day and still have enough energy to carry on, then get yourself a Green Drink. A Green Drink is a green powder, which once added to water becomes a convenient and effective way to give your body vital vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants plus cleanse and purify the body. They can instantly help to kick start you, by giving your body all this good stuff while also aiding in getting rid of the bad. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Green drink supplements are a mixture of different grasses that have been dried in one of the following ways; flash, freeze, dehydrated, slow. They can be made of just one type of grass however you are best off aiming for a mixture. While some brands aim to squeeze as many ingredients in as possible, others try to focus on just a core selection of four or five, however there are special options of which are made of one grass. You should try to make sure that at least

some of the following are included: Wheatgrass, Barley grass, Watercress, Soy Sprouts, Alfalfa, Kamut Grass. The Alkaline Diet says to eat mainly alkaline foods and cut out as much as possible on the following: dairy, sugars, caffeine, meat and saturated fats. The best way to do this is to follow a strict alkaline food chart, and once you have some recipes under your belt is actually really an easy diet to follow. The food that is eaten can be done following the 80/20 rule of 80% alkaline and 20% alkaline, once I did this it became a lot easier. The results from following this diet can be mind blowing and I personally found I had bundles of energy and helped me shift those last few pounds. But how does a green drink fit in with the alkaline diet I hear you say, well by supplementing your alkaline 80% of course. They are super alkalising and by a daily intake of your favourite green drink up to 3 times a day, you will notice the impact. Why spend ages juicing, chopping etc to make a green juice, when taking a scoop of green drink is, if not more alkalising and nutritious and quicker to make. Even saves on the cleaning as well! To know more about green drinks visit my website guide to green drinks

4. Green Drink - The Benefits Of Green Drinks For Maximum Health & Energy When was the last time you had some fresh food. Days go by before some of us eat something fresh. In today's hectic life we are prone to having processed foods. All processed foods are acidic and take us towards illnesses. The solution lies in the green drink which is highly alkalizing and helps strengthen our immune system as well as energize us. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The green drink seems to be a dime a dozen. There are so many to choose from depending on your taste buds as well as your requirements. Each is a warehouse of alkalinity. So many varied highly alkaline ingredients are to be found in these drinks that their benefits are plenty. The common green drink available has kamut grass, alpha sprouts, broccoli, Dandelion greens, kale, kelp, wheat grass and many more such green vegetables and fruits. These ingredients have many benefits on the body. Kamut grass and alpha sprouts are known for decreasing cholesterol levels as well as weight. It is also a great way of adding proteins to ones diet. Since most of us consume protein in animal flesh form, which is acidic kamut grass protein is a better alternative. Including broccoli also helps fight cancer. Since broccoli is known as a cancer fighting food. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin c, a, b6 and b2. This drink with broccoli can boost ones immune system by many folds. Iron potassium and magnesium are all introduced in the system with this product. Kelp containing green drink is very useful in cell regeneration as well as developing the immune system. Such drinks are highly useful in fighting off several diseases like cancer, arthritis, coronary diseases or even the common cold. Finishing just one drink instantly

strengthens our immune system and thus arms the body with a great weapon for fighting off all the viruses. Toxins which are released by the blood cells are easily disposed by the body and one feels energetic and healthy all through the day. One might wonder as to why a green drink should be a better bet than consuming vegetables and fruits. Well simply put one would have to eat huge amounts of vegetables to derive similar benefits that one gets from just one glass of these drinks. The green drink powder can be consumed easily by mixing it with water. Since this powder is highly alkaline and made from living supplements one could have it for a week in half the recommended dosage and then eventually work up to a full dose. The green drink should be consumed four times a day. Needless to say that using alkaline water instead of plain water will enhance the benefits you receive. The green drink is the most natural and easy way to consume alkaline substances. The benefits of green drink are amazing and one can within days feel the energy surge from within.

5. Green Drink: The Simplicity of Fruits and Vegetables Studies have shown that a diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits helps to fight heart disease, hypertension, and certain cancers and speed the healing of digestive problems. The extra bonus is the affects that they have on the skin and bones, including the ability to level blood sugars while actually reducing cravings for sweets. Reportedly, the servings for a combined daily diet of fruits and vegetables are for at least a total of eight servings a day. Leafy greens and dark-skinned vegetables are the richest in antioxidants and hold the most nutrients. Low-sugared fruits like cranberries can level off sugars in the body and aid in keeping that sweet tooth at bay. Often time, individuals develop digestive problems when it comes to leafy greens and fruits because of the fibrous content they hold. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The key to the easy consumption of leafy greens and low-sugar content fruits are to use them in creative and delicious green drinks. These individuals have found that green drinks made from the leafy greens and fibrous fruits are easy to make and consume. The leafy greens and fruits they love to eat can be more readily consumed in a nutritious drink. The simplicity of fruits and vegetables are found in the expansive varieties of green drinks an individual can create from these fruits and vegetables. Healthy drinks with fruits and vegetable blends are being marketed by companies for the general public. An Individual who likes to experiment with combinations of fruits and vegetables will enjoy creating green drinks for consumption.

This allows them to know just what gets put into their healthy drink as they make green drinks for the whole family. Minerals and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables contain B-complex vitamins and anti-cancer compounds that are needed by the body to fight off autoimmune diseases. They also provide the needed allotted amounts of trace minerals and vitamins the body needs to fight off chronic flu and colds that attack their immune system. Green drinks take full advantage of the simplicity of daily fruit and vegetable intakes by quickly introducing them into the body. The circulatory system and digestive system greatly benefit from the liquid goodness of green drinks. Individuals who regularly combine leafy greens and low-sugared fruits for green drinks lose weight and keep chronic diseases at bay. Fruits and vegetables also contain what is known as carotenoids, which are rich antioxidants that lower the chances for strokes and heart diseases. With the consumption of a simple blend of leafy green vegetables and low-sugared fruits, individuals can lower their risks of the development of blood clots, which have been known to cut off oxygen supply to the brain, causing ischemic strokes. These strokes are the most common type of strokes that affect individuals who do not regularly keep check on their blood pressure or sugar levels. Experts agree that individuals should try to simplify their daily intake of fruits and vegetables by diversifying the ways that they consume these fruits and vegetables. Green drinks are a creative diverse way to utilize the daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

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