Stop drinking alcohol free yourself from the bottle

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Content 1. Stop Drinking Alcohol Free Yourself From The Bottle 2. Stop Drinking Alcohol Now 3. Stop Drinking Alcohol - Methods For Getting Over The Addiction

4. How To Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own? 5. Amazing Tips to Stop Drinking Alcohol For Good

1. Stop Drinking Alcohol Free Yourself From The Bottle If your habit of drinking alcohol is starting to affect your relationships, job, or your family, then maybe it is time to stop consuming alcohol. There are many online guides, books, and professionals out there who can teach you how to stop drinking alcohol. You can teach yourself how to stop drinking alcohol without medical or professional help, but you will need a lot of willpower and discipline to succeed. This simple guide will teach you how to stop drinking alcohol without professional help. Once you know how to quit consuming alcohol, your discipline and willpower will be the key to your success.

>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The First Steps To Stop Drinking Alcohol on your Own The first step is to learn how to stop drinking alcohol by avoiding temptation. You need to stop buying alcohol at all so that you will not be tempted to drink. If you have developed a habit of stopping at a store to buy alcohol when you are on your way home from your job, then break this habit. When buying groceries, buy everything you need at once so that you won't have to stop at a store during the rest of the week. You can also prevent temptation by going to places that don't have alcohol such as churches, ice skating, and movies. The second step is to learn how to stop taking alcohol by keeping yourself busy during your free time. You can keep your mouth busy by eating small candies, mints, and chewing gum. Develop a new habit of eating mints and chewing gum to replace your bad habit of consuming alcohol. Another good habit that can replace your bad habit of consuming alcohol is exercise. Start working out by going to

a gym after work or buy some exercise DVDs and exercise at home to keep your body busy and prevent alcohol temptations. Additional Tips to Stop Drinking Alcohol on your Own If you really want to stop your bad habit of consuming alcohol, then stop hanging out with friends who drink alcohol. You can talk to your friends on the phone or hang out with them at places that don't have alcohol such as gyms and movie theaters, but do not go with them if you know they plan to consume alcohol or they are going to a place that has alcohol such as bars and parties. Doing this may end your friendship with them, but if they really care about you, then they will support you. According to experts, you can also prevent alcohol urges by eating fruits and candies that contain fructose. Keep a journal and try to identify what causes you to consume alcoholic beverages and what makes the alcohol urge to appear. Once you have identified the sources and situations that cause your alcohol urge, try to avoid those situations. Hopefully, this simple guide has helped you learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own. Remember that learning how to quit consuming alcohol is not enough because you will need willpower and discipline in order to get rid of your addiction. You can discover how to stop drinking alcohol for good with these easy to follow tips on how to quit drinking alcohol.

2. Stop Drinking Alcohol Now Just ask yourself one simple question are you drinking to much Alcohol? If you are how can you stop it and improve your lifestyle and your health. Here are a few questions which might help you decide:

- When you drink alcohol do you drink when you are depressed, sad, or alone? - Are your family and friends very worried about you because you're drinking to much? - Does alcohol make you forget things? - Are you always late for things because you have been drinking the night before? - Are you always falling out with friends and family because of your drinking problem? - Does your health suffer from your drinking problems? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you have read the above questions and answered yes to any them, than you a have serious drinking problem, or it's the beginning of one. If you find that your health is suffering from alcohol then you need to stop drinking right now, as this could and will lead to an early death bed. Also seek advice from your doctor.

If you are reading this article then you either want to stop drinking now, or you want to cut down on your drinking habit Here are three questions you should be doing to help you stop drinking now:

1 - You should write all the wrong and write reasons why you want to stop or cut down on your drinking habit. ie: Is it for your health? Will it improve your lifestyle? Will it make you sleep better? Will it improve your family life. I am sure your list will be a lot longer 2 - Goal Setting.

First let me tell you without setting any goals you'll never stop or cut down on your drinking habit, it's that simple. First you need write down small goals, like cutting down on your drinking habits, just maybe you can cut out drinking one night a week. The thing here is you need to start and get into good habits and get rid of the bad ones. OK now you need to write your goals down and have then in front of you as much as you can. Put them on every door in the house if you have to, or even have them on your refrigerator so you will read them before you open it. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Your paper should look something like this: - Goal - 1: I will cut down on my drinking problem starting from (Date) - Goal - 2: I will also not drink on (day of the week) - Goal - 3: Week 2 I will not drink on two days of the week - Goal - 4: I will always drive when we go out, so I can't drink You must fill these in at all costs.

3 - Always keep a Day to Day Diary.

I know this sounds very easy but you must do this every day and not miss any out. Make sure you set your goals for your first 4 weeks, and then have a look at then after 4 weeks have gone by and see the difference, trust me you'll be very surprised by the results, I have done this myself when I was an alcoholic, and it works. It's not easy but it's very rewarding. You could even make up your own drinking diary: Week:1 Day of Week---------#of drinks--------type of drinks--------place consumed Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Anyone can stop drinking alcohol with the right help, it's a simple process, but like I said you now need to get into the good habits and get rid of the bad ones. Here are a few tips which will help you along your journey. Stay At Home: Try to keep a very small amount of alcohol at home.

You must learn to say NO to Alcohol: Learn to become a designated driver if you go out anywhere, also you don't have to drink to have a great time, you'll find people who a funny don't drink at all. Try and stay away from the people who give you a hard time, remember it's your life and not there's that there poisoning. Always stay active: This is a great way to stay away from alcohol, go and join a gym, walking club, or even take up golf. They all keep you very health and there all fun, plus it's a great way to meet new people. Try taking a break from alcohol: This a great way to completely stop drinking alcohol altogether, just try and stop drinking one day a week and on that day try and find a different drink to drink, I found when I started doing this I started to feel healthier and this means spending more time with the people I love.

>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Beware of the demons: You will at some stage come across the demons, which are people trying to get you to drink, yes it hard to say NO, but just remember why you are doing this, because it's not for them, it's for you and your family and they come first in your life.

Never ever give up: Bad habits are hard to break and it's not easy to change things all at once, so don't give up at your first hurdle. "Why do we fall, so when

we get up we know next time not to make the same mistake". It's not a race it's about the end result SO DON'T GIVE UP. If you would like a FREE REPORT on how to stop drinking alcohol try there simple and very easy to follow steps have helped over two thousand people cure there drinking problems. Discover How To Permanently Stop Drinking Alcohol With In 21 Days - Guaranteed. Click Here For Details. Stop Drinking Now

3. Stop Drinking Alcohol - Methods For Getting Over The Addiction Drinking too much alcohol can damage your relationships, affect your job performance, and cause various health problems. If you just decided that you should stop drinking alcohol, then you have made a very good decision. If you stop drinking alcohol, you can enjoy many benefits such as reducing your weight, preventing liver disease, avoiding hangovers, and preventing strokes. Here you will find some useful tips on how you can stop consuming alcohol without seeking professional help or taking medications. However, knowing how to stop consuming alcohol is not enough because you will need to be determined to quit drinking alcohol if you really want to succeed.

>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Useful Tips on How to Stop Drinking Alcohol The first thing you have to do if you really want to stop drinking alcohol is to turn yourself into a person who really wants to quit consuming alcohol. If you are only forcing yourself to stop because someone is forcing you to stop consuming alcohol or because your job demands you to quit consuming alcohol, then you have a slim chance of success. To really succeed in quitting alcohol, you need to do it because you want to and you are doing it for yourself. Quit drinking alcohol when you feel you are truly ready to do it and not because you are forced to do it. If you truly believe that you are doing it for yourself, then you are more likely to succeed and you are less prone becoming tempted and returning to your old habit. You should also change your lifestyle if you want to stop consuming alcohol. Get rid of the alcohol cans and bottles inside your home. If you are having guests over at your home, remember that you don't

always have to serve them wine, beer, or cocktail. You can serve them coke, lemonade, or tea so that you will avoid getting tempted to drink alcohol. If your friends are inviting you to a party where alcohol is being served, be brave and tell them that you will not be able to join them this time. Remember that your health is more important right now and don't worry about your social life for now. Other Tips on How to Stop Drinking Alcohol According to experts, it is easier to stop consuming alcohol if you reward yourself for your efforts. Reward yourself with a prize for each day that you didn't drink alcohol. You can reward yourself with a bar of your favorite chocolate or a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Do not reward yourself with a can of beer or a glass of wine because those will only make it harder for you to stop consuming alcohol. It will also be easier for you to quit consuming alcohol if you keep yourself busy during your free time. Go to the movies or exercise at the gym to prevent the temptation of consuming alcohol. Spend your drinking money on other things such as a cheap new bracelet or ring so that you won't have the money to buy alcohol.

You can read more tips on how to stop drinking alcohol at

4. How To Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own? How to stop drinking alcohol on your own is this possible? Can you really do it? Can you give up the glass and turn your back? Can you regain control of your life? These are just some of the questions that plague your mind once the idea of alcoholism gets to you. Social drinking is one thing but being an alcoholic is different. When can you say that you are an alcoholic? You can say that you are an alcoholic when you cannot seem to get on the day without drinking alcoholic beverages. You are an alcoholic when without drinking you lose focus on everything. You may be used to it, but you will need to put a stop to this very destructive habit.

>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How to stop drinking alcohol on your own: Self-empowerment is one of the many things that you need to do if you want to drop the habit completely. Self-empowerment is about believing in what you can do. It is about believing that you have the capacity to turn your back on this nasty habit. You tell yourself that you are the one who has the power and not the spirit of alcohol. You are the one who is in control. Therefore, you get to decide what beverage to drink and what beverage to avoid. How to stop drinking alcohol on your own: Thinking about the bad memories when you are drunk may help you push yourself to stop drinking completely. The reason why you tend to hang on to this habit is that you always remember the fun times. You always think about how fun the weekend was while you were out on a drinking binge with your college friends or how fun the other night was while you were out on a drinking spree with your officemate. To counter this, think about the bad times you had when you were out drinking like the time you almost got into an accident or the time when you

trashed a bar and was jailed for 24 hours. Think about these bad experiences and reflect on them. You are not a bad man but alcohol is making you do some nasty things. How to stop drinking alcohol on your own: Know the reasons why you want to quit and why you need to quit. When coming up with a list of reasons, come up with your own reasons. Do not base you reasons on other people's opinion. Do not copy the reasons you found on another alcoholic's list. The reason why you need to come up with your own reasons is that you need to have reasons that really matter to you. When these reasons matter to you, you will feel motivated and inspired to stop drinking alcohol completely. These reasons can be deep, personal, and private. In fact, some of these reasons may be shameful. That is not a probably because no one else has to know about these reasons. It is best that you list these reasons down and whenever you feel like giving up, review these reasons to renew your commitment to stop. How to stop drinking alcohol on your own: Hangout with the right people. Sometimes the reason why it is hard for you to give up drinking is that you hang out with people who are also addicted to alcohol. If you go with friends who drink too much then it is probably time that you start hanging out with another group of friends, those who can help you recover from your dependency because they themselves are either recovering or they do not drink at all.

5. Amazing Tips to Stop Drinking Alcohol For Good Finally, you've come up with the resolution that you are going to stop drinking alcohol. Perhaps, you already thought of cutting down your alcoholic consumption and you wanted to be more sensible about drinking like other people you know. However, your success is often short term like a week or a month. Then you are back to the drinking scene again. Anyway, now you are seriously quitting. So, how do you do this? If you are really serious to stop drinking alcohol, you should focus on this mission. Set your mind that you are never ever going to take even one drink. It can also help that you avoid stress from work or personal life because most habitual drinkers when feeling stress make them want to drink alcohol.

>>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Again, you put in your mind that, once you stopped from drinking alcohol, you can have the perfect and ideal weight for your body. It is actually effective if you maintain a daily exercise routine while avoiding alcohol. Instead of buying a drink, get yourself a delicious Caesar salad or a body massage. You can even consider one healthy drink as substitute from alcoholic drinks like having a green tea when there is an urge to drink alcohol. Just imagine how it can improve your health and, of course, your appearance. You can also help yourself to quit drinking alcohol by helping other people do the same thing. The battle against alcohol cravings is not easy but you should take time to help other people too because this can be the source of your strength to deal with your own problem. Maybe, you can give friends who are also heavy drinkers some pointers on why alcohol is bad. If they are not interested about it, it

is fine. Also, make sure that you are not going to be swayed by their persistence that you take another sip. Although it sounds ridiculous, hypnosis can also work if you want stop alcohol drinking. What you are about to do is self-hypnosis so you can quit drinking. Affirm repetitively to yourself that you are never going to drink and focus your mind why you should stay away from alcohol. Your will is as strong and effective as whatever selfhypnosis you are going to do. There are several techniques to have a successful self-hypnosis. Lastly, you can stop your cravings to get an alcoholic drink if you create a blog about your several experiences on your struggle to stop drinking. Let the world know all the difficulties that you are currently facing and all the effort you are putting into your goal to quit drinking. By expressing yourself, you can be free from the stress of dealing with the alcohol cravings. You can also help readers who might be struggling like you by letting them know that there is someone who feels, thinks and suffers like them because of the battle against alcohol. So, once you feel the craving to have a drink, write on your blog. The tips mentioned can work effectively if you are really serious that you want to stop drinking alcohol. If you are not ready to focus with this goal, none of these things can help you. So, ask yourself again. Are you ready to quit drinking? Visit

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