The amazing effects of using turmeric for fibroids

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Content 1. The Amazing Effects Of Using Turmeric For Fibroids 2. A Natural Cure For Fibroids 3. How To Reduce The Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroid Tumors 4. Herbs To Stop Heavy Bleeding With Fibroids - The Case For Cinnamon 5. Natural Treatment Of Fibroids Using Castor Oil Packs

1. The Amazing Effects Of Using Turmeric For Fibroids Using turmeric for healing various diseases and conditions goes back thousands of years and it is an important feature of Ayurvedic medicine. However, using turmeric for fibroids is only a recent development but you need to jump on this immediately since turmeric has such amazing healing properties. What's the big deal about Turmeric? The many health benefits of turmeric are nothing new. It is simply that science is just now catching up to the age-old secrets of turmeric but research into turmeric is still not that extensive. Turmeric is an amazing spice that is native to India and is a common feature of Indian cuisine (curries). Spices usually come from the bark, fruits, roots, seeds or buds of a plant. In this case, turmeric is derived from the rhizomes (underground stems) and roots of the Zingiberaceae tree that is native to India and is part of the ginger family. Turmeric is the spice that is included in curry in order to make it yellow and is also a part of yellow mustard. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< It's all about one key ingredient The age old secrets to amazing turmeric is the active ingredient that it contains which is known as curcumin and has been noted to have very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is amazing that not only can turmeric help with fibroid tumors but there are many other conditions for which there has been some benefit when turmeric is used as a treatment method which include;

Cardiovascular disease Diabetes Digestive problems Alzheimer's disease Arthritis Cancer Liver damage Crohn's disease Osteoporosis Weight loss And so on and so forth If you also deal with any of the above conditions in addition to fibroids, turmeric can actually help you "kill two birds with one stone" so to speak. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Turmeric for fibroids One of the important features of turmeric is its work on the liver as discussed above that it can help to treat and prevent liver damage. A properly functioning liver is important for natural fibroid treatment. Why? Because the liver is an important organ that helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body. It is also important for removing excessive estrogen from the body. Excessive estrogen leads to a state of estrogen dominance which has been blamed not only for the development of uterine fibroids but

also for the increase in size of the tumors as well as the development of various symptoms of uterine fibroids. Learning to manage your hormone levels in order to prevent estrogen dominance is an important aspect of naturally shrinking fibroids as well as preventing them in the first place. This is why the liver is so important and why turmeric is so important. In addition to preventing liver damage from various factors such as toxins in the body, it also stimulates the liver so that it performs at its fullest potential causing it to remove toxins, waste and excessive estrogen which can help to promote hormone balance and help to shrink fibroids and reduce the various symptoms of uterine fibroids. Turmeric for fibroids is also to be considered because turmeric stimulates the immune system which helps the immune system better fight against various diseases and conditions including uterine fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< You can use turmeric in various ways for fibroid natural treatment such as; 1. In your food and drink You can add this spice to food and drink on a daily basis. You can add it to milk, to cereal, to coffee or any other way in which you ingest it. If you decide to drink it though, do remember to use a straw in order to avoid the yellow stains to your teeth and use 1 teaspoon of the powder per cup and make sure that you drink at least three cups a day.

BUT: The powdered turmeric found in most grocery stores that most people use does not contain adequate amounts of curcumin when you drink or use the powder in food. This turmeric typically only contains about 3 percent of curcumin which is inadequate for natural treatment purposes. You would need six to eight teaspoons of this store bought turmeric per day in order to compare to what you would get in 1 to 3 turmeric capsules. This will be hard to accomplish as you would need at least three meals a day that call for significant amounts of turmeric and who's got time for that! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Drinking it is also not as pleasant and can really stain your teeth. This makes obtaining the benefits of this key ingredient from capsules much better and easier. But if you do take it this way by using the store bought turmeric, make sure that you add black pepper in order to increase the absorption of turmeric by the body because turmeric can be difficult to be absorbed into the body. Without adding black pepper, the body will metabolize this herb quickly and you will not enjoy many of the health benefits of this spice. Adding black pepper will significantly improve the body's ability to use it. 2. Capsules or tinctures Taking turmeric in pill or capsule form may be the best way as it is less messy and very convenient. Turmeric will also stain everything and it may take several washes to rid yourself of the stains which means that you may prefer using turmeric or curcumin capsules to avoid the stains from turmeric spice usage.

Turmeric capsules have been found to be just as effective if not more so than the raw spice since they contain more concentrated amounts of curcumin so do try any of the above turmeric or curcumin capsules in order to get your daily needs to enable turmeric to have a positive effect on your fibroid tumors. When using turmeric for uterine fibroids natural treatment, the commonly recommended dosage is about 1,200 milligrams a day made up of 400 milligrams of curcumin taken three times a day or you can follow the manufacturer's guidelines on the label of the capsules you choose. A turmeric tincture is another option and you would need about 1 teaspoon three times a day of the tincture. A tincture is an alcohol extract. The alcohol is used to extract the full benefits of the herb and is also used as a preservative. If you want to avoid alcohol, you can remove it from the tincture using various methods you can find by searching online. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Caution with Turmeric Usage Some of the side effects of turmeric usage include the following; You may experience an allergic reaction to turmeric that may result in a rash or liver enzyme elevation. Talk to your doctor first if you are using other medications as turmeric may react badly to the medications so examine any medication you are taking and talk to your doctor first. This spice may also increase the risk of developing kidney stones in some people because it increases oxalate in urine.

Using turmeric for fibroids as an important step you should consider implementing in your natural fibroid treatment regimen because it is an amazing natural remedy that is also supported by scientific evidence. If you do not have a natural treatment regimen in place for fibroids yet, you may want to consider the Fibroids Miracle guide which will show you step by step how to eliminate all types of fibroids and their symptoms for good using natural methods only. You must definitely get turmeric for fibroids but it is only one key ingredient in beating fibroids naturally. The other key ingredients that you need will be found in this holistic fibroids treatment guide which costs less than what you spend a week on coffee, on lunch or dinner, on a manicure or pedicure, on a girls' night out, etc, and none of these are as beneficial as this guide. Visit

2. A Natural Cure For Fibroids There is little doubt that most women would prefer a natural fibroid cure rather than surgery or drug treatment. However, when visiting a doctor to discuss treatment options, alternative methods are very rarely mentioned as most conventional doctors have very little experience of these types of treatment. However, there are many alternative practitioners who have very high success rates when they have used a natural fibroid cure. It is thought that over half of women have fibroids. Many women will be unaware of this fact as the fibroids are small enough not to cause any symptoms. For others though, the situation is very different. The symptoms can be very uncomfortable or even debilitating and include heavy bleeding during periods, bloating, bowel and bladder problems, pain during intercourse and even infertility. Fibroids can range in size from the size of a tiny seed to the size of a melon. When you realize this, it is easy to understand why problems can occur. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Having said this, the problems which can occur from fibroids are very rarely dangerous. Most doctors prefer to leave them alone unless they are causing serious complications. One of the reasons for this is that the conventional treatments which are available are not permanent (with the exception of hysterectomy) and fibroids can regrow. It is important to understand that unless the causes of fibroids is considered, no cure or treatment will be permanent as the condition which caused them to grow in the first place is still there. Understanding what causes fibroids is a good starting point when looking at a natural cure for fibroids. There are two main theories which explain why fibroids might grow. Many doctors believe that

the cause is genetic and that some women are simply prone to inflammatory conditions within the body and that although there is nothing which can be done to stop this, there are ways of reducing the inflammation by eating foods which have anti-inflammatory properties, such as cumin, rosemary and hops. The second known cause is an excess of estrogen within the body. Although the cause of this is not known in all cases, it is known that estrogen is related to the number and size of fat cells within the body, so it makes sense to eat a healthy diet and exercise. In addition, it is thought that certain pollutants can mimic estrogen and another fibroid cure is thought to be detoxification of the liver. Another fibroid cure which has been used with some degree of success is the use of Chinese herbs. They are known to be effective in helping with cleansing the body and, in particular, the reproductive organs. Further growth of fibroids and the formation of further fibroids can often be prevent by certain herbal preparations. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fibroids usually begin to shrink naturally after the menopause, but many women are not prepared to suffer the symptoms for that long and this is understandable. If your fibroids are unbearable or causing symptoms which you would like to be rid of, you could consider trying a natural fibroid cure. Fibroids respond very well to natural treatments and if followed correctly, a natural cure for fibroids can be very effective indeed. If you are considering surgery, it makes complete sense to try out a natural fibroid cure first as fibroids are rarely life threatening so you would not be putting yourself at any risk. (Obviously, if you are at all worried, it would be sensible to confirm with your doctor that your fibroids are harmless)

There is a fibroid cure which comes with a risk-free guarantee and follows a simple seven step plan. It contains extensive information on all aspects of fibroids, from the causes, to exactly how you can use a natural cure for fibroids to get rid of the symptoms fast. Click Here for details.

3. How To Reduce The Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroid Tumors Fibroid symptoms are common in 50% of women with uterine fibroids, and can range from mild to severe. The most common symptoms of uterine fibroid tumors include: Pelvic pain - large fibroids can put pressure on the other pelvic organs, causing pain and discomfort Heavy periods - this affects about 33% of women with fibroids, and can lead to significant monthly blood loss and even anemia Bleeding in between periods - this can range from spotting to a significant amount of blood Painful intercourse - if a fibroid is growing near the cervix, this can cause pain while having sex Digestive complaints - large fibroids pressing on the intestines can cause constipation, IBS symptoms and painful bowel movements Frequent need to urinate - a large fibroid pressing on the bladder can reduce the bladder's capacity, making you want to urinate more often Bloating - fibroids are often accompanied by inflammation of the uterus, or a particularly large fibroid can make some women appear pregnant Infertility - fibroids that grow within the wall of the uterus (submucosal fibroids) can make implantation difficult, resulting in difficulties in getting pregnant with fibroids It is possible to reduce the symptoms of fibroids, simply by avoiding the foods and substances that cause fibroids to grow out of control.

Although many foods, cosmetics and cleaning substances contain chemicals that encourage the growth of fibroids, there are costeffective alternatives that will stop fibroids from growing and manage the symptoms of fibroids. Combining these dietary and lifestyle changes with herbal remedies for fibroids can help you shrink fibroids, and reduce fibroid symptoms significantly. The main types of herbal remedies for fibroids include those that cleanse the body of the chemicals that cause fibroid tumors to grow, and those herbs that work proactively in shrinking fibroids, and reducing the symptoms of fibroids for example, the FibroidClear formulation.

4. Herbs To Stop Heavy Bleeding With Fibroids - The Case For Cinnamon Heavy bleeding is one of the symptoms of having certain types of fibroids. The bleeding can be so severe that it depletes the body of iron leading to anemia which can be life threatening if not treated promptly. If you suffer from heavy bleeding associated with fibroids, there are many ways that are effective for the natural treatment of uterine fibroids including the use of herbs. There are a number of herbs that can be used to treat this symptom including yarrow, red raspberry, shepherd's purse, lady's mantle, cranesbill, etc. If you cannot get your hands on these herbs, you can easily reach into your kitchen cabinet and use cinnamon which is also another of the effective herbs used to stop heavy bleeding with fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Why Do fibroids Cause Bleeding? About 30 percent of women who have uterine fibroids will experience heavy bleeding or irregular bleeding. A lot of this heavy bleeding is blamed on submucosal (submucous) fibroids that grow just under the uterus lining. This is one of the less common types of fibroids but since they are so close to the lining of the uterus (endometrium or mucosa), they affect the blood vessels in the uterine lining causing prolonged and/or heavy bleeding. Submucosal fibroids lead to heavy bleeding when they prevent the uterus from being able to close the blood vessels around the uterus due to the location of this type of tumor.

Intramural fibroid tumors that grow within the muscular walls of the uterus may also cause heavy bleeding as they increase in number or size. This type of fibroid tumor is the most common and usually does not produce any symptoms or cause any problems unless as mentioned previously they increase in size and number. Heavy bleeding from intramural fibroids results when these tumors within the uterine wall interfere with the normal rhythmic uterine contractions and prevent the uterus from closing the blood vessels in the uterine lining as is normal when these tumors are not present in the uterine wall or when the fibroids are harmless and symptom free which occurs only when they are located away from the uterine cavity. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< While submucosal and intramural fibroids are commonly to blame for causing heavy bleeding, other types of fibroids may also cause excessive blood loss. By their nature fibroid tumors require a heavy blood supply to grow. This causes blood vessels to expand with the increased need by fibroids for blood. With more blood coming to the uterus area, heavy bleeding may result. Some of the indications that you have excessive bleeding associated with fibroids include; The need to use two tampons or two pads at the same time or saturating a pan or tampon within an hour. Flooding leading to accidents resulting in embarrassing stained clothing. Needing to wear adult diapers in order to comfortably contain the blood flow.

Needing to get up at night frequently in order to change the pad or tampon while also still having accidents resulting in stained bedclothes. Needing to also change your social schedule as well as work commitments due to this heavy menstrual cycle. In addition, you will experience heavy blood loss if your menstrual cycle lasts for at least a week and/or occurs more frequently than every 21 days and if you bleed between periods. Heavy Bleeding and Anemia If you are experiencing any of the above or other irregularities signifying heavy blood loss, this could create a state of anemia since you are losing too many red blood cells with the heavy blood loss. This condition could become fatal if the excessive bleeding is not controlled. Heavy blood loss can also lead to dizziness and weakness. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Heavy and prolonged bleeding is one of the main reasons that hysterectomies are performed each year. Before taking such a drastic step, it is important to remember that heavy and prolonged bleeding can be controlled naturally including with the use of certain herbs such as cinnamon. An anemic state results because heavy blood loss leads to the body not having enough iron due to the loss of iron that is normally carried in red blood cells. The heavy bleeding is not usually sudden. It will usually build gradually over several months. When in an anemic state, there will be less oxygen being carried by the red blood cells to vital organs. With less oxygen reaching vital

organs such as the brain, you may experience fatigue, shortening of breath, ringing in the ears, light headedness, headaches, dizziness, etc. At worst, heart failure or heart attack may occur. Cinnamon For Fibroid Bleeding Why Cinnamon? Cinnamon which is also known as cassia, Saigon cinnamon or Ceylon cinnamon is a common spice used in the home but it is also one of the oldest natural healers known to man and is commonly recommended by various herbalists for the treatment of various health conditions including; Pain, due to the antimicrobial properties found in cinnamon through the action of eugenol which is a natural anesthetic oil found in this herb. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< To treat infections which is one of the reasons that cinnamon is included in toothpaste and dental floss. Cinnamon which contains very powerful antiseptics can kill various disease causing bacteria, fungi as well as viruses. High cholesterol can be reduced by consuming about a teaspoon of cinnamon a day. Cinnamon has been found to be a great help in reducing blood sugar which is great news for those with diabetes. Some studies have shown that cinnamon can reduce blood pressure so if you suffer from high blood pressure, it cannot hurt to try cinnamon.

Cinnamon can also help if you have any digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, gas, etc. Cinnamon for Heavy Bleeding Many herbalists endorse cinnamon for various uterine problems including heavy bleeding. They believe that cinnamon works on the uterine muscle fibers by calming the uterus and its astringent properties help to close the blood vessels and prevent heavy bleeding. While there are many other herbs that may be considered more effective for heavy bleeding that were previously mentioned such as shepherd's purse, yarrow and red raspberry, cinnamon works nearly as well if you do not have access to the other herbs because of cinnamon's astringent (blood controlling) properties. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Caution with Cinnamon Use Some herbalists do not agree that cinnamon can calm the uterus. They believe that it can cause uterine contractions so pregnant women should only consume cinnamon when it is as part of the normal preparation of various savory dishes. While powdered cinnamon is generally safe, cinnamon oil can cause vomiting, nausea, kidney damage, etc, when taken internally. Avoid ingesting cinnamon oil for this reason. Cinnamon oil can also cause burning or redness when applied to the skin. Cinnamon can also cause an allergic reaction in some people. If symptoms persist for longer than two weeks or worsen, seek a health care professional immediately.

While experiencing heavy bleeding from fibroids can be frightening, do remember that there are many effective ways for the natural treatment of fibroids including with the use of various herbs to stop heaving bleeding with fibroids including using cinnamon. For step by step guidance on how to use cinnamon to stop heavy bleeding with fibroids, visit

5. Natural Treatment Of Fibroids Using Castor Oil Packs Growing on the uterine walls or out from the uterus, uterine fibroids are usually non cancerous growths that comprise of smooth muscle fibers and connective tissues. While there are many treatment options for these growths, natural treatment of fibroids has been found to be effective and one of the ways to get rid of fibroids naturally is through the use of castor oil packs. Uterine Fibroid Symptoms These benign growths on the uterus can produce symptoms and there are also circumstances when symptoms are not evident and they are usually discovered during routine cervical exams. When symptoms are produced, they usually include lower abdominal pain, pain during the monthly menstrual cycle and heavy menstrual cycles that last longer than the usual. Fibroid tumors grow very slowly and can vary in size and shape. When they become quite large, they can press upon the intestines as well as the bladder leading to constipation or the need to urinate frequently. For very advanced tumors another of the symptoms of uterine fibroids is that the stomach will appear larger. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Treatment For less severe fibroids, doctors simply monitor whether there is a change in size or properties of the tumors. If the fibroids remain unchanged, remain small and if they produce no symptoms, then nothing is usually done besides regular monitoring.

If however, the fibroids continue to increase in size and cause symptoms, medical intervention may be necessary. The two most commonly recommended surgeries are the myomectomy when only the tumor(s) is(are) removed or a hysterectomy in which case the entire uterus is removed making it impossible for any fibroids to ever grow again. No uterus means no fibroids. With a myomectomy, there is always a chance of fibroids growing again although the woman will still remain reproductive. With a hysterectomy, pregnancy is no longer possible as no uterus will exist in the body after surgery. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Natural Treatment of Fibroids Leaving fibroids alone may work for some women especially without the presence of any symptoms but even this position will lead to problems later especially if you wish to become pregnant. While the causes of fibroid tumors remain unknown, it is thought that the presence of the female hormone estrogen is to blame which is why fibroids usually recede when menopause rolls around when estrogen production decreases. The female reproductive years means the estrogen production is at its height and when you get pregnant and as the baby grows, you will find that even dormant fibroids will begin to increase in size which can cause complications and even require surgery which is why it is important to seek treatment for all fibroids and natural remedies for fibroids may help. Treating fibroids naturally is also a great alternative to surgery due to surgery being expensive and also having various unpleasant side effects.

One of the most common natural treatments of fibroids is through the use of castor oil packs. Castor Oil The use of this oil to treat various ailments besides constipation or to induce labor that most people know about goes back many centuries. The science behind the health benefits of castor oil is very little requiring caution to be used if you do decide to use castor oil to treat fibroids or other ailments. The use of this oil as a natural remedy dates back centuries and there are many glowing reports from the use of this oil to treat various conditions. Castor has various anti-viral, anti-bacterial as well as antifungal properties that help with the treatment of various conditions, in order to reduce pain as well as to stimulate the immune system. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Stimulating the immune system is the part that is important for fibroid tumor treatment through the characteristic of pure castor oil. 90% of the fatty acids found in castor oil are made up of ricinoleic acid which is thought to be the reason behind castor oil's healing properties. This oil supports the immune system when it is applied topically and not ingested as you would do with constipation or to induce labor. The external application of this oil allowing it to be absorbed through the skin gave rise to castor oil packs that were popularized by the natural healing guru Edgar Cayce who died in the 1940s. Castor oil packs are thought to improve the thymus gland in addition to other areas of the immune system.

A few studies using castor oil packs have shown that castor oil packs applied to the abdomen cause significant increase in lymphocyte production. Lymphocytes found in the lymphatic tissue are disease fighting cells and when these cells are increased, they drive out more of the toxins that lead to sickness and disease in the body such as fibroid tumors. This oil as a natural remedy can be applied topically any number of ways such as simply rubbing the oil on the affected area. However, these oil packs are the ones for which most people looking for natural remedies give the most positive feedback for. A castor oil pack features a flannel cloth soaked in pure castor oil and applied to the stomach area for a period of time with a heating pad allowing the healing properties of the oil to be absorbed through the skin. Natural treatment of fibroids almost always leads to the use of castor oil packs. For step by step guidance on using a castor oil pack as well as tips on finding the right castor oil, visit

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