The best exercises to build muscle and create your ultimate body

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Content 1. The Best Exercises to Build Muscle and Create Your Ultimate Body 2. Finding the Best Foods to Build Muscle 3. So Just How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle? 4. 7 Ways to Build Muscles Fast - From Skinny to a WellToned Body 5. Build Muscle Up - 3 Bulk Up Exercises to Build Muscle Fast

1. The Best Exercises to Build Muscle and Create Your Ultimate Body In the world of muscle building, there are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be done to add muscle. But if you're looking to really pack on some brawn, the best exercises to build muscle can be identified as belonging to one category. That category is...compound moves. Now if you're new to muscle building, or even if you've been around for awhile, you may find a few questions coming to mind about compound exercises regarding the statement above. One for example could be "what are compound moves?" Simply put, compound moves are those that incorporate several different muscles within the exercise. Another question may be, "What's so special about them that make them the best exercises to build muscle?" It's a valid question. Actually, there are several aspects of compound movements that rank these exercises higher than the rest when it comes to building muscle and getting great results. Three of the most important are: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Effective and efficient workout get the most work in the shortest time frame Maximizes the metabolic rate during the workout to help burn fat as well as build muscle Works core stabilizer muscles including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back when performed correctly. Are you now saying, "That's all good and well, but what exercises are considered as compound moves?" Well, here is an abbreviated list of

the primary muscle building compound exercises that you can use to get started with... squat deadlift tricep dip pull-ups clean and jerk pushups chest press In addition to these moves, you can incorporate two exercises together to work the whole body as a compound move. An example of this would be a split squat with an overhead press. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Not all compound moves require the use of weights in order to be effective. There are several that only require the use of your own body weight in order to get results. To test this theory, during your next workout try a hanging leg raise with abdominal curl. You can get back with me and let me know how that works for you. It is important to remember as with any exercise, proper form and technique are critical to get the best results from these moves. Once you have that down, start including compound exercise routines in you're workout regimen. In doing so you'll be on the fast track to getting your ultimate muscle bound body because your using the best exercises to build muscle.

Trying to build muscle? Learn about all the best exercises to build muscle and get 10 free "mega muscle, fact-filled"muscle building videos at build muscle bulk Taught by a guy who packed on 40 pounds of muscle in less that 6 months using the best exercises to build muscle. If you're serious about building muscle, I definitely recommend checking him out at

2. Finding the Best Foods to Build Muscle Diet is one of the most important components of a good program for developing muscles. Eat right, and the muscles will grow. Some use a simple formula: eat, eat, and then eat again. That advice has some value, but it should include the caution to "eat right." Eating right is a matter of balancing the proper amount of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. The following article describes and recommends some of the best proven foods for building muscles. The Best Muscle Building Foods Nearly any foods that are high in carbohydrates and protein can be categorized as good muscle building foods. In fact, high protein, high carbs, and low fat are the three most important characteristics that define a good muscle building diet. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< High Quality Muscle Building Carbohydrates Carbohydrates provide you with the energy that your body needs to perform the vigorous workouts that you need to develop muscle mass. Complex carbs are the best because they release their energy slowly over time. Simple carbohydrates, such as energy drinks and fruit juices should be consumed only when you need a quick energy boost during exercise. They provide quick energy without becoming stored as body fat. The Best Complex Carbs Some of the best complex carbohydrates for providing that needed store of energy are:

* Pasta * Bread * Brown rice * Bagel * Oatmeal * Cereals * Potatoes The Best Simple Carbohydrates Simple carbs that provide a quick energy boost are: * Apples * Oranges * Mangos * Grapes * Honey * Raisins * High energy drinks >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The Protein Building Blocks Proteins build muscles. They are the fundamental building materials needed to build muscle mass. Focus upon foods that are high in protein. If you eat a vegetarian diet, combine foods that will provide complete protein. If your protein intake is insufficient, your body

building efforts will certainly fail. Be sure to eat protein from the list below at every meal. The Best Protein Foods * Chicken breast * Egg whites * Turkey * Cottage cheese * Tuna * Yogurt * Protein Shakes >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< High Quality Fats Essential fatty acids are responsible for the production of testosterone and for supporting many other of the body's biological functions. One of the most important fatty acids, omega-3, is found in the foods listed below. The Best Fat Foods * Flaxseed oil * Udo's choice * Olive oil * Cod-liver oil H2O - The High quality Energy Drink

For refreshment and hydration, water is king. It has no peer. Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages are not a substitute. Only water can do the job effectively. Most people do not drink enough water. It is as important as diet in building up muscle. One Last Tip Remember - Eat, eat, and eat, but eat the proper foods. If you eat right, your exercise regimen will bear fruit. If you want to find more information about the best foods to build muscle visit

3. So Just How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle? If you are a younger man who is just starting to train, one of the main questions that you are likely to ask is, "how long does it take to build muscle?". There will be several elements that figure into the answer to this question. We have put together some helpful information to address the essential factors involved with building muscle and how long it will take to build muscle. How Long it Takes to Build Muscle will be Influenced by Age Proper muscle development requires the appropriate hormonal make-up, as well as maturity, therefore, if you have not reached a level where both of these elements exist, you will not be able to build satisfactory muscles. You will need to be about 16 years old in order to begin gaining muscle. The largest muscle gain in males will generally be between the ages of 18 and 21, if they are working diligently at it. Although this is the normal range, I have seen a 17 year old whose muscle development was very striking. Additionally, before the filming of "New Moon", Taylor Lautner was able to increase his muscle mass substantially. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The Amount of Muscle You Have Built Previously is a Factor Each individual has an "upper limit" of muscle that they are able to attain, without the assistance of drugs, and this limit is determined by a genetic predisposition. As you reach this genetic limit, building additional muscle will become more challenging and take longer. An indication of this is when you notice that a workout that was highly effective when you were in the beginning stages of gaining muscle, is not as productive after you have been training for a while. Therefore, you should understand that gaining 15 pounds of additional muscle,

when you have already increased your body's muscle by 15 pounds, will be a slower process. These general guidelines will not hold true if steroids are being used, however. Learning how to build muscle will not be an issue if steroids are being used. What Type of Effort and Time Commitment Will You Make to Building More Muscle? If you are willing to spend a substantial amount of time and energy each week on gaining muscle, then "how long does it take to build muscle", will be a process that takes much less time. Take for example the seemingly overnight transformations that can be observed in some actors that are preparing for specific film roles. These types of dramatic results will only be possible when training is a very big part of your weekly routine. The actors that we mentioned commonly train 7 days per week, twice each day, when getting ready for a film. This is fine if you're an actor, but if you lead a normal life, this type of regimen isn't very practical. Although the objective of gaining muscle is reasonable, you should not allow it to become an obsession that rules all aspects of your existence. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Let's Take a Look at Some Practical Time Frames for Gaining Muscle In the first 2 years that a novice is training, 15-20 pounds is a reasonable goal for muscle gain. This standard applies to individuals 17 years of age and older. Subsequently, 2-3 pounds of muscle growth each year is typical, for the next several years. These numbers are general guidelines, and your genetics will play a role in your specific results. Therefore, the question of "how long does it take to build muscle?", doesn't have one simple answer. We can only look at what is typical.

So how long does it take to build muscle? Visit

4. 7 Ways to Build Muscles Fast - From Skinny to a Well-Toned Body Indeed, there are people out there who want to gain muscles and gain weight, and it can be a little difficult to find great resources in these times that a lot of people are looking for ways to lose weight. If you are too skinny and you want to find ways to build muscles fast, read on to find out how. 1. Do weight lifting. Weight training is one of the exercise programs that can help you build muscles and make you stronger as well. You can lift free weights to help you build natural movements as well. Of course, you have to start gradually from an empty bar and gradually add weights to push your body to its limits. 2. Build muscles with your barbells. Indeed, you can build muscles even at the comforts of your own home. Free weights such as barbells help in developing your muscles naturally than using machines. Free weights also lets you avoid injuries as it goes with the flow of your natural movement. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3. Do full body workouts as well as compound exercises. Squats, deadlifts, bench press and pull-ups are among the exercises you can incorporate in your exercise training. Exercises that focus on several muscles can be good choices if you are starting to build muscles. 4. Get enough rest after your workout. Keep in mind that one of the ways to build muscles fast is to get enough rest after your exercise. It is important to know that muscles grow while you are resting thus you have to allow your muscles to rest to develop it.

5. Have enough sleep as well. Sleeping also helps in the development of muscles especially that growth hormones are released during sleep. Along with a good exercise, you have to make sure also that you get at least 8 hours of sleep at night to help make your muscles recover and grow more. 6. Check your diet. Make sure you also watch your diet if you want to get more muscles. Add more protein and carbohydrates in your diet. After a long and intense muscle-building training, it is important that you also add more fuel to your system, but make sure also that you are getting healthy nutrition from the foods that you eat. Add more vegetables and fruits as well as red meat and proteins in your diet. 7. Boost your metabolism by eating more frequent meals. A boost in your metabolism can help get rid of excess fat aside from giving you more energy to facilitate muscle growth and recovery. Of course, you have to eat your breakfast as well. Do not skip breakfast too. Make sure that you get a complete meal and not skip any meal especially breakfast. Indeed, you can find a lot of ways to build muscles fast - but you have to keep in mind also to do your part. In muscle building, you have to be consistent as well. Do your exercises regularly and you have to make sure too that you watch what you eat and avoid foods that can build you more fat than muscles.

5. Build Muscle Up - 3 Bulk Up Exercises to Build Muscle Fast For skinny guys and "hardgainers" who struggle to build muscle up, there a usually a few things that they are doing wrong. Lack of attention paid to following a solid diet and nutrition is one of the big mistakes that most skinny guys make. Your fast metabolism creates an environment where you need high calorie intakes on a consistent and frequent basis in order to ensure that your muscles are able to develop and grow. However, even if you're getting the right nutrition for your body type, you can still be making mistakes when it comes to the time that you spend down at the gym...are you performing the right kind of exercises that will ensure maximum muscle growth in the shortest possible time? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Yep, that's right...not every exercise is created fact, many of the exercise routines you'll find in the bodybuilding magazines are not ideally suited to your "hardgainer" body type, and will probably have you doing high-rep exercises on individual muscle groups that don't give you the most bang for your buck. Below, I'm going to show you 3 of the best exercises to build muscle up quickly for skinny guys. These are compound exercises that employ multiple muscle groups per rep, helping you to get your workout completed sooner and with better results, since you'll be able to lift heavier weights (more muscle = more power). So they are especially ideal for you if you struggle to build muscle up and don't have all day to spend down the gym (who does?!)

Barbell Deadlifts These are a super exercise to help you to build muscle up quickly since you'll be able to lift heavy weights with these. Lifting heavy is one of the best ways to stimulate and build lean muscle mass so deadlifts are a great way to achieve this. Deadlifts will target your hamstrings, lower back and core muscles, so aim to make these a part of your muscle building workouts two to three times per week. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Clean and Press This is one of the best "all-body" exercises around to build muscle up. You'll be targeting the quads, hamstrings, core, shoulders, triceps, and biceps, which in turn will cause a huge hormonal response in the body, leading to faster and bigger muscle growth and strength. Make the clean and press a core part of your training routine and you'll know that your working all the major muscle groups of your body in one exercise, helping you to shave a HUGE amount of time off your gym workout. Barbell Bench Press This golden oldie is a great one to help skinny guys build muscle up fast, and targets the chest, shoulders, triceps and biceps. Aim for around 6 reps on this one to ensure that the weight level is heavy enough (any more reps than this and you'll know the weight is too light).

Mix things by inclining the bench too so that you can work the upper chest too (this is a major gripe among skinny guys who want to get a big barrel chest and rock hard pecs). Also, try keeping your abs tight throughout the exercise...this will give your abs an extra little workout and gives some serious results. The most important thing to build muscle up though is following these right kinds of exercises and getting your diet and nutrition plan sorted. See my hardgainer meal plan for more on what to eat and when to eat it.Visit

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