The secrets to fat loss

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Content 1. The Secrets to Fat Loss 2. 5 Easy Fat Loss Tips For Busy Men and Women 3. Fat Loss Versus Weight Loss! 4. Fat Loss Tips - The Power of Interval Training, Workouts and Proper Nutrition 5. Fat Loss Without Drugs

1. The Secrets to Fat Loss What's the Secret to Fat Loss? To many people, fat loss can seem like a magical phenomenon that only occurs when the planets align while you're standing at the end of the leprechaun's rainbow. Other people believe that they just can't achieve the fat loss that other's can because of slower metabolisms, genetics, or a number of other reasons. While fat loss isn't magic, there is a certain degree of truth to the second statement. Every person's body is different and responds differently to different modalities of exercise and nutrition. If there is any secret to fat loss, it's just that. Maximum fat loss stems from finding the right combination of exercise and nutrition that works with your body. With that said, just because some people respond to certain things, doesn't give you an excuse to say, "Well I just can't lose fat because I have a slow metabolism." Oftentimes, when I work with clients who tell me that (which is ALWAYS an overweight client), I also find out their diet is packed with fried foods, lots of starchy carbs, sugary treats or some other substandard diet item. I also find out that when it comes to exercise, oftentimes, they don't want to push themselves or they don't know what it feels like to really work your body. Let's talk about how your diet and how you exercise can effect fat loss. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< A Healthy Diet (Not Starvation) Leads to Fat Loss When I say healthy diet, I do not mean NO diet. Extreme low calorie diets (a.k.a. starvation) will lead to temporary, short-term fat loss followed by a regaining of most of the weight, if not MORE. One surefire way to get a slow metabolism is to stop eating or eating very

low amounts of calories on a daily basis. This attempt to create a calorie deficit will work initially, but eventually, your body will enter into starvation mode. Your body will recognize that it is in a state of very low calorie intake and will start to actually store MORE fat from less food. Your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy. The reason for this is because your body thinks it is in danger of not having enough nutrients, so it stores excess fat thinking it won't be fed again for a while. In addition to this, your hormones will get all out of whack. Your hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods will sky rocket, your energy and mood will sink to new lows, and, basically, you'll be a giant GRUMP. More importantly, you will not get the desired fat loss you're looking to achieve, because your body will be working against you. This will also affect your ability to work out at a high enough intensity to achieve maximum fat loss. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When it comes to diet, you need to nourish your body with the RIGHT foods, not NO food. Focus on improving your hormonal balance to reduce your hunger and cravings while improving your energy level. Fill your diet with non-starchy vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, consume protein through beans and leans meats like turkey and fish, and avoid starch like potatoes, white bread and white rice. Obviously, there are many other things you can eat and many other things you shouldn't eat. The key is to consume mostly non-starchy vegetables and low sugar fruits, followed by lean meats and a very small portion of non-starchy carbs like brown rice. Focus on fiber, protein and water. Avoid sugary foods and drinks, starchy carbs and high fat foods. For an exact meal plan, consider consulting a nutritionist or dietician to help you with a full nutritional plan.

How Does Exercise Affect Fat Loss? I think most people understand that burning calories during exercise helps to lose weight. However, losing weight isn't always a good thing. If you're only losing muscle, your weight will decrease, but that isn't necessarily a good thing. We want to focus on fat loss, and the only way to measure fat loss is to find your body fat percentage. Consult a trainer at your gym or seek out a way to find an accurate body fat percentage. Once you've determined your body fat percentage, you now have a good way to track your progress. The easiest way to think about how exercise affects fat loss is to picture a marathon runner and a sprinter. Both athletes have very low body fat percentages, but their bodies look very different. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The marathon runner trains specifically for cardiovascular endurance by running long distances at a moderate intensity. Think of this as jogging long distances or on the treadmill for an hour. On the other hand, the sprinter trains at absolute maximum intensity for a very short duration, training their bodies to be able to exert max effort as efficiently as possible for a short time. This method of training is called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Moderate intensity jogging promotes gains in cardiovascular endurance and some fat loss but doesn't promote muscle growth. HIIT promotes muscle growth while training cardiovascular endurance and fat loss. This is why sprinter look very toned and muscular, while marathon runners have very low body fat percentages but don't look sculpted. The way you train should align with your goals. If you're having trouble toning your body and losing fat, ask yourself, are you training like a marathon runner or a sprinter?

If you're interested in more tips, advice, and guidelines about fat loss, weight loss, building muscle, nutrition and more, then check out my website at

2. 5 Easy Fat Loss Tips For Busy Men and Women You want to lose fat right? That's probably a pretty stupid question considering you're reading this article. I'll skip all the formalities and get right to the point. Here are 5 fat loss tips that anyone can integrate into their daily lives right now. 1) Kick the habit on liquid calories. Liquid calories are useless calories. You don't need to drink things like soda (pop, Coke, or whatever you call it), calorie-rich coffees, and alcohol. All these drinks do is make you gain fat. There is no arguing the statement. If you drink a lot of these, or even a little, you are severely limiting the amount of fat you can lose. Liquid calories are, without a doubt, the worst calories you can possibly consume if you want to lose fat. They just are. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The good thing is that by giving them up, they are also the calories that come off the quickest. I have had clients lose over 10 pounds in a week just by getting rid of their daily soda intake. 10 pounds just by giving up soda! That's unreal, but true. I've heard stories about people losing more because they drink so much. Part of the reason is because that's so many calories consumed with no nutritional value, and another reason is that many people retain water when they consume lots of liquid calories. To be honest, I don't know why this is, but it's true. I, in fact, am one of those people. If I have a couple sodas, I will retain water and I can tell the next day. It's not good.

2) Add more fiber.Fiber is king when it comes to fat loss. Most foods that are high in fiber are also low in calories, plus they act as a "bulker" in your stomach which makes you feel full/satisfied faster, which means you won't eat as much. If you don't eat as much, you'll lose weight. Simple as that. 3) Stay out of the health club and do your workouts at home. This may seem odd, but it's true for many people. Some people don't get very good workouts in at health clubs because they have to wait too long for equipment, or because their programs are just horrible. There are also those people that pay for health club memberships and don't use them. That's why I tell people to save their money and buy some dumbbells, resistance tubing and medicine balls and create a mini-gym in their home. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< It's cheap and you'll get a much better fat burning workout in because you won't waste any time and you don't have as many excuses keeping you from your workouts like commute time. 4) Steer clear of white flour and sugar. This should go without saying, but unfortunately I have to keep pounding this home. White flour and sugar will do nothing but make you fat. It has no nutritional value and will wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels and just make you fat. To make that easier, stay away from most things that come in a bag or box and white breads. Most foods found in bags or boxes are highly processed carbohydrates that lack any nutritional value.

I know they're tasty, but once you get away from them for a while, you'll come to realize that they don't taste that good. 5) Do lots of full body exercises like push-ups and squats. These movements use a lot of muscle which means they burn lots of fat. Plus they help to strengthen your core, which is weak on pretty much every person alive today due to our sedentary society. So not only will you lose lots of fat by doing this type of exercise, but you'll lessen your back pain and feel better because of them. Learn how to lose body fat quicker than you ever thought imagineable by going to

3. Fat Loss Versus Weight Loss! Fat loss is no big deal-right? Everyone knows that to lose fat you consume fewer calories than your body burns. No big deal. WRONG! Often we tend to confuse weight loss with fat loss. The two are not the same. When we consume fewer calories than we burn we often experience weight loss but in actuality we are creating a smaller version of the fat person we once were. Let's say that we are attracted to the latest fad diet built around chocolate. How great it is. We eat chocolate three times a day, being careful to consume only one thousand calories a day rather than the usual twenty five hundred to which we have been accustomed. At the end of the first week we step on the scales and viola--much to our ecstatic joy we discover that we have lost two pounds. We are overjoyed. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What the scale is not telling us is that because we are not consuming the proper nutrients that our body requires we are losing muscle tissue, bone mass and water. Yes, we are losing weight but to have real fat loss we must ramp up the metabolic rate while consuming the appropriate nutrients. The right exercise component will build lean muscle needed for a favorable metabolism but it has to be properly balanced. An overly ambitious exercise regimen on a low calorie diet may overly stress the body, creating high cortisol levels, halting fat loss and cannibalizing muscle tissue to cover the energy demand. So the real secret to fat loss is to have the right diet coupled with a proper exercise program. Exercise in this instance is not necessarily

equated to aerobic types of activities. (walking, jogging, bicycling, rowing, etc.) Studies have shown that aerobic activity contributes much less to fat loss than most people realize. In a study by Dr. Wayne Miller at the George Washington University it was discovered that adding aerobic exercise to a low calorie diet provided only a very marginal benefit when compared to diet alone. This study covered a twenty-five year period and revealed that over fifteen weeks of a low calorie diet combined with aerobic exercise the average weight loss was roughly twenty pounds while the dieting control group saw a seventeen pound drop. The added aerobic exercise contributed only an additional three pounds over the fifteen weeks. It is clear in this and other studies that aerobic exercise is not the component we need for real fat loss. The secret is to have a proper exercise regimen that elevates the metabolic rate coupled with a diet that pumps out the appropriate nutrients that the body requires. The result will be the fat loss we seek. To lose up to 20 pounds in 28 days with a safe, balanced fat loss program check see

4. Fat Loss Tips - The Power of Interval Training, Workouts and Proper Nutrition In life, it is important to maintain a positive body image and be happy with what you are. However, if you want live a healthier lifestyle and look more fabulous than you are now, there's no harm in trying to lose some extra pounds. Whatever diet and exercise routines you do, be careful not to consume any potentially dangerous supplements or overstrain yourself. The goal to a slim and fit body can be easily achieved if you know the right fat loss method for you. The key to a good weight loss method is consistency. You should also pay no attention to unusual diets, unheard of supplements, or over the top workout routines that offer a fast fat loss solution, as they can pose a danger for your health. What you should do instead, try to follow a well-proven method that's already been known to be successful, as laid out in the following tips. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Instead of doing numerous sets of boring cardio workout, try doing interval training instead. Interval training is actually a better workout option for those who want to lose weight faster. By doing so, you will be able to intersperse the intense workout sessions with longer recovery periods. Also, try going for a complete body exercises and workouts instead of relying solely on rigid gym machines. Push ups, squats, lunges and rows are just some examples of a great complete body workout. These types of body workouts can use your muscles to the max and thus, burn off the fats faster.

Another important point to note is, you will be sorely disappointed if you think you can breeze through a diet without proper nutrition planning. With careful nutrition planning, you will be able to fend off temptations that can veer you off track, especially during the weekends. Hence, you should always properly plan your meals and stick to the plan that you have set. Once you lose some pounds off your body, don't succumb to short term fat-inducing cravings and eat unhealthily. Set a regular weekly meal routine for your breakfast, lunch and dinner. These are the three tips that you can use to get that slim and fabulous body you desire so. Next time you feel like giving up on your weight loss program, remember that interval training, regular exercises and proper nutrition are the three keys that will make your weight loss goal a reality.

5. Fat Loss Without Drugs Fat loss without drugs would always be my first choice if I were looking to lose fat, whether I wanted to do it quickly or simply as a long term goal for my life. Drugs are man made chemicals that introduce toxins into our bodies and, while some may have immediate fat loss effects, in the long run you do not know what harm you may be doing to your body. Ideally then you should look for options for fat loss without drugs. Humans in general are lazy creatures and typically look for a quick fix. If you have been looking at the fat on your body and longing to get rid of it you may also tend to look for the no exercise, swallow a pill type of solution to your excess fat. I highly recommend against this for your own long term health. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< First you need to understand how you managed to accumulate the excess fat that you are carrying around. Most times it is due to poor eating habits whether that be eating the wrong foods or eating at the wrong times of the day. One tip that I can share with you that has worked wonders for me is making sure that I eat nothing for at least 2 hours before bedtime. Life is very hectic these days and sometimes it is hard to maintain proper eating habits. The worst thing you could do though, in my opinion, is to eat poorly as in a lot of fried foods or fatty foods and then take drugs to help you lose the fat. You need to eat a balanced diet with the weight being more towards raw fruits and vegetables. There are many diet or fat loss guides in the marketplace today. There are also many drugs for weight loss in the marketplace. I think that if you are looking for a permanent solution then you want

to make sure you work at your fat loss without drugs and investigate some of the worthwhile fat loss guides available as many have excellent tips on how to eat properly both in terms of what and when you should eat.

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