Think fat loss not weight loss

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Content 1. Think Fat Loss - Not Weight Loss 2. Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss - What's the Difference and Which One is Better? 3. The Science of Weight, Fat Loss 4. 14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide 5. The Best Nutrition Plan for Fat Loss

1. Think Fat Loss - Not Weight Loss If you're considering going on a weight loss program, it can be confusing and even a little scary. Questions come to mind and you aren't sure of the answers. Which programs or products really work? Are they safe? Do they really get the results that they claim? Shall I use supplements or diets or exercise? What's the best program for me? Well, I'm going to give you some guidance in this area. I'll be discussing why you should be focusing on fat loss not weight loss. When you focus on fat loss, instead of weight loss, you're headed in the right direction toward a sensible and effective fat loss program. Let me explain. The weight loss industry is a $55 billion a year business. The marketing of diets, diet foods, supplements, weight loss products, and exercise systems to help people lose weight is a very competitive business. As such, many misleading and false claims are offered by some companies to gain the sales advantage in this lucrative market. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< For instance, many weight management or diet programs entice you to use their program with claims such as "you will lose 30 pounds in 30 days". The most ridiculous claim I've seen was made by a diet supplement company who claimed that their product could "blast up to 49 pounds off user in only 29 days, obliterate 5 inches from waistlines, and zap 3 inches from thighs, without dieting or exercising". Needless to say, the FTC slapped a restraining order against this company for their obviously false claims. There are many weight loss or diet programs that claim that you can lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. Some of these claims are false. Also, some of them are true, but the fast weight loss is

unsafe and unhealthy for you. If you're in the "market place" looking for solutions to reducing your weight, then you need to be educated about which approach is the most effective, healthiest and safest for you. The ultimate goal in losing weight is to lose body fat exclusively. Many weight loss programs will help you to lose weight fast. However, many of the fast weight loss programs cause you to lose muscle along with the fat. Any fast weight loss program that claims you can "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" will most likely cause you to lose muscle along with the fat loss. This is self-defeating since muscle uses energy to function and the additional muscle loss will cause your metabolism to drop which reduces your fat burning capacity. This why you must participate in a program that focuses on fat loss instead of weight loss. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Losing body fat is all about creating an energy deficit. To lose body fat, you must expend more energy than you ingest (in food and drink). This situation creates an energy deficit that must be made up from stored carbohydrates, stored fat or muscle tissue. The trick is to create an energy deficit in a manner that spares the muscle and uses primarily fat to make up the deficit. "Crash" or starvation diets cause an excessive energy deficit which results in consuming fat and muscle to satisfy the deficit. An effective fat loss program should be specifically designed to remove body fat in a sensible and safe manner with the main focus on losing body fat and losing inches, not just pounds. To accomplish this, the fat loss program must be designed with three key components:

Resistance Training - to create an energy deficit while sparing the muscle from being used to satisfy the energy deficit and also building muscle to increase the metabolism. Cardio Training - to create an energy deficit while improving endurance, energy and cardiovascular health. Sensible Diet - to create a moderate caloric intake deficit through proper food selection and portion control. An effective fat loss program should be designed to induce a bodyweight loss of about 1-2 pounds per week (or 1% of your bodyweight per week). Weight management experts, weight loss doctors, and obesity experts recommend these guidelines for any sensible, safe and effective weight/fat loss program. Higher weight losses per week can result in muscle loss. I hope this "sheds some light" on the confusing and complex subject of weight loss. If you want more information, check out my website for more detailed information on the features and benefits of an effective and safe fat loss program.

2. Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss - What's the Difference and Which One is Better? It is important to know healthy weight loss facts. It can sometimes be hard to tell what is real from what is fake. I have had clients who have, in the past, spent many thousands of dollars on what can only be called weight loss scams. Weight loss and fat loss is a MULTI-BILLION dollar industry. In the United States alone, this industry is estimated to be worth over 100 Billion US dollars in the year 2007. That is one country, in one year! The truth is, the weight loss and fat loss market is so incredibly huge, that it is possible to be profitable by simply selling a scam and leaving a customer or client disappointed, upset, frustrated and worst of all... too scared to try again. Thus damning them to a life of poor health and low quality. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So what is it about fat loss vs weight loss? If you search for either of these terms in an online search engine, you will get millions of hits. Many from the same websites. It may seem slightly obvious to some, but fat loss and weight loss are not the same. I say that I can help a person "lose weight" simply because weight loss is what most people commonly ask for and it is a term they easily understand. But as soon as I get the chance, I educate them that FAT LOSS is the key issue not weight loss. Once you start reading the articles on this site, it will become very clear that I don't actually care about weight loss. Why is this so?

Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: Round 1 Weight loss simply means "being lighter on the weighing scale" (scale weight). While it's true that overweight people do tend to carry a lot of fat, we cannot just consider "scale weight" when we set goals for ourselves. I don't care that much about my client's scale weight. I couldn't care less if they lost 30 pounds. 20 or 40 or even NONE would have been fine as well. Why is that? The simplest way I explain it to people is as follows: You see, most of us want to look good and perform well, whether in daily tasks, or as an athlete who needs to control their own body to play a sport well. In general, this means having more muscles and less fat. Fat doesn't help us at all in most sports, muscles do. Fat doesn't look good on our hips, thighs or tummies, muscles do. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: Round 2 In general almost all of us need to gain some muscle and lose some fat to get to our fitness goals. Here is where scale weight comes in. Muscles have a large amount of water in them. Fats well... they are fats. Have you ever seen oil (fats) and water (muscles) in the same glass? Which one floats? Yup it's the oil. Oil is less dense that water. It takes up less space. Fat is about 20% less dense than muscle (0.9g/ml vs 1.1g/ml) if you want to be calculative about it. Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: Round 3 In practice all this means that if you are following a good exercise and diet plan, you can gain muscles and lose fat at the same time. The increased muscles will offset the "weight loss" from the reduced

fat resulting in a "disappointing" change in scale weight. This can be discouraging but in reality it's great news! So if scale weight doesn't matter, what then should we look for to check our progress? I look for 2 things. Appearance: This can be easily seen: "hey my arms don't jiggle when I wave at my friends". Easily touched: "wow my stomach feels a lot firmer now". And changes easily measured via fat measuring calipers. Seeing and touching is enough for most people to notice progress. Calipers just give a more consistent way to quantify it. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Performance: Simply put, you can do more with respect to your bodyweight if you are not carrying a lot of fat around. A good example is the chin-up. The chin-up exercise is all about strength to weight ratio. Fat doesn't help at all. If a person increases his/her ability to lift their bodyweight, we can be pretty sure that they have gained some muscle and probably lost some fat. Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: Round 4 Society as a whole has to get off the "weight loss" bandwagon and onto the "fat loss" one. Eating disorders, fad diets and slimming centers focus on weight loss. But usually the quality of their nutrition is doubtful, and they don't do ANY proper training so the majority of the weight loss is muscle. It's even shown that when we go on a lousy weight loss plan, to body PREFERS to lose muscle weight rather than fat weight because its biologically efficient to do so. It's a never ending cycle: Client comes in--> Client uses scam product-->

Client achieves weight loss (but this is actually muscle loss)--> Client's reduced amount of muscle means lower calories burnt per day thus making fat gain easier--> Client goes back to his/her regular lifestyle but now that they use even less calories due to the muscle loss from the poor product--> Client gets fatter than ever--> Client goes back to the slimming center or fad diet--> Unscrupulous makers of bad products/services have a never ending supply of "satisfied" clients Fat Loss VS Weight Loss: CLEAR WINNER! Fat loss is king. So remember, if you are looking better and performing better, you are on the right track. Let the scale weight fall where it may, it really doesn't matter because we are going for performance and appearance.

3. The Science of Weight, Fat Loss We no longer require proof that the majority of America is either overweight or obese, most of us are. Our nation is more than a billion pounds over the ideal fat threshold and that number is climbing to uncharted astronomical proportions daily. Pandora's Box has been opened concerning the most pressing health epidemic in our history; what we don't realize is that we have propped it open and are about to rip the lid off. Fat loss is a highly complex issue that is more than pushing yourself away from the table, eating healthy, or regular exercise. Not one person on this planet gains or loses fat in the exact same way or rate. Each person has a different and highly individualistic fingerprint or fat loss metabolism that is based on their current health, age, genetics, hormones, stress, readiness level, and environment. As a fat loss expert and personal trainer in Denver, CO, I have helped hundreds of people achieve the solution to the elusive goal of weight loss and permanently keeping it off. The secret is science, and it is so simple that all you have to do is change what you have been taught to believe. However, you must reeducate yourself on what works in reality, not myth. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Before I show you how the science of fat loss works, I want to you to think about a few key principles and thoughts that I consider to be bedrock doctrine. First, there is no magic pill, not one. Repeat that to yourself and invest in something with a return. Really look at the word diet, it spells die with a tombstone at the end. I have never known a successful one that lasts very long. You measure real progress by showing up, not your current weight on the scale. Though, a measuring stick is necessary for continued improvement

and using the appropriate compass keeps you pointing true. You must be conscious of everything that goes into your mouth; is it for fat loss or against it? 90% of all food that comes with a nutrition label is no longer food for weight loss. You read correctly. Weight loss food and frankenfood that has been engineered with a flavor attractant are like oil and water, they don't work well together. They can coexist with one another but there relationship is based upon tension and repulsion, counterproductive to your fat loss goals. The reason why most people can never keep the weight off is that we are hardwired to eat things that taste better, regardless of the gradual toxicity that leads to obesity related diseases. If you understand that you are no longer eating real food, you have half of the formula. Once you know what food is keeping you fat, don't bring it in the house any longer or visit that aisle in the grocery store. For you to have any chance of success, start with a very large plastic bag and clean out your pantry and your refrigerator. You have to change the pattern of what you eat or you will always get the same result. Lastly, and this is important, eating "healthy" does not mean or translate into weight loss. Let's begin there. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The above principles are all addressed in the nutrition plan that I recommend to most of our clients. This plan is oriented toward fat loss through complete lifestyle change. We don't focus on counting calories, although fat loss is always about calories in calories out, always. I teach portion management of the right kinds of food, and awareness of every eating environment. Satiation or fullness at every meal is vitally important and taste should be its equal. You must learn to enhance the flavor of your food through spice. Think of weight loss food as the right kind of drug or the wrong kind of drug. If you are obese or overweight, more than likely, it is the wrong kind.

If your physician prescribes a drug for a medical condition, it may or may not work. Food works in much the same way. It either works for you or it doesn't. Once you become overweight or obese the impairment and function of your body is compromised. Take a look at your BMI score in a different way. If your BMI score considers you overweight, you are approaching disease state. If your BMI considers you obese, then you have arrived. Food is a chemical combination that that will affect your metabolism, hormones, and the way you store fat in a dramatic way on your journey to disease state. The more impaired your body becomes through fat gain, the more poisonous processed chemical laden food becomes. Let's undo what you have learned about eating "healthy." >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When I ask most people to name a healthy juice they can include in their weight loss nutrition plan, I hear orange juice as the most quoted product. Orange juice has more than 60 phytonutrients and many of them are identified as flavonoids, which research has shown to be natural antioxidants that help support a healthy cardiovascular system and immune system. Of course it also packs 100% of our daily vitamin C needs as well as many other vitamins and minerals. However, an 8 oz glass of orange juice takes about 4 oranges to make when a portion size is 1 orange. Have you ever seen anyone pour just 2 oz of orange juice? It never happens. The real problem with orange juice is the sugar content of four portions, about 24 grams or half a soft drink. The take-home is this; Regardless of the phytonutrients, flavonoids, antioxidants, or vitamins & minerals in a glass of orange juice, if you're trying to lose fat, orange juice is not the best choice. Once the fiber has been removed it becomes a sugar bomb and is no longer healthy. We can thank marketing for this long held belief.

So how do you do it? Change your belief system. First I help clients replace sugars (candy, cookies, wine, alcohol, processed foods, etc.) in their diet with low glycemic foods (lean meats, green vegetables, and healthy oils). Essentially, they begin eating whole unprocessed foods. It is not a low carbohydrate diet; it is a low starch and no sugar nutrition plan. We help them choose thermic foods that require more calories to digest. A lean cut of meat will use approximately 30% of the total calories to digest it. Anything processed is around 5%. The difference is that processed food is easily broken down and speeds more blood sugar to your fat cells for storage. Think of thermic food as time released food that slows the release of blood sugar and in turn the release of insulin. It's about making better food choices or substitutions that lower the level of blood sugar (glucose) circulating in your blood stream. This decreases the release of insulin, a fat/muscle storage hormone secreted by your pancreas. In turn, this helps balance your hunger and helps make you feel satiated longer. Because of the macronutrient manipulation, you ingest fewer calories that make you feel fuller and take longer to digest. Consequently, those calories will not be stored as fat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Again, insulin is a fat storage hormone. Think of insulin as a key that opens a door. It literally opens the door for your muscle/fat cells to absorb the required glucose. When there is a rapid increase in blood glucose (morning muffin) there is also a corresponding release of insulin from your pancreas. When the level of blood glucose exceeds the demand (muscle cell full of glucose), insulin facilitates entry into the fat cells, where the glucose is stored as FAT!

Less insulin release means less fat storage in your adipose tissue (fat cells). When there is excess glucose in the blood (morning muffin), your body is not burning fat at all. Instead, the body is in fat storage mode. This is not what you want. Starchy foods and sugar (white flour, white rice, white sugar, and alcohol) should be eliminated from your diet if fat loss is the goal. If you don't do this, even if you're working out three to four times per week, your body will continue to utilize the glucose in your blood, glycogen (stored carbohydrate) in your muscles and liver before it ever taps your fat cells for energy. When you eat starchy carbohydrates, your glucose levels are high and your insulin levels are high. High insulin levels keep your adipose cells from releasing its energy to be used by the body, and the fat just stays put. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< To reiterate, you want your body to start utilizing your fat stores. So you must eat foods that are low glycemic or eat foods that don't get broken down quickly and absorbed into the lower intestine and liver at a high rate. A morning muffin on a scale of 1-10 will be absorbed into the blood stream very quickly (about an 8); a steak or piece of chicken breast will be a 3-4. This means that your insulin levels don't sky rocket and glucagon (balance hormone of insulin that assists in breaking down fat) is released, which tells your body to start utilizing fat as an energy source. It is literally a fat burning hormone. If insulin levels are high, glucagon is not secreted, meaning you are not burning fat. Glucagon secretion is stimulated by the intake of protein and suppressed by the intake of starchy carbohydrates, especially processed carbohydrates. After blood glucose spikes, it deceases dramatically below where your blood glucose levels were before you

ate the morning muffin. When this happens, your body essentially crashes or is in a state of low blood sugar and releases a cascade of counter regulatory hormones throughout your body (cortisol, adrenaline, growth hormone, and glucagon). This resulting cascade results in hyperphagia (strong hunger drive). This feeling of hyperphagia will last for several hours or all day if you didn't eat breakfast or lunch. So what do you do after starving yourself? You overeat something, because you're hungry, and you make a poor food choice. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< From that poor choice (i.e. drive through meal), there is a spike in glucose. Glucagon (fat burning hormone) is suppressed, and you stop burning fat entirely. Upon satisfying your insane hunger, your body will crash in the next couple of hours. This process becomes cyclical. You eat more, starve, eat more, starve, and eat more. Think of this process as a see saw slamming up and down; it is wear and tear (oxidative stress) on the cells in your body and insulin secretion sky rockets, which can lead to insulin resistance (muscle cell has down regulated and will not allow the current level of insulin to activate cell receptors that allow nutrients in). When this happens your body will only store fat, because it can't get into the muscle cell (insulin resistance). When you reach this stage of insulin resistance, you are not burning fat and the weight and fat keeps piling on. Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, atherosclerosis, high triglyceride levels (fat in the blood), high blood pressure, high LDL (lipo density lipoprotein) cholesterol (which is the bad cholesterol), low HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol which helps transport of LDL out of your body ) are sure to follow if your nutrition is left unchecked.

The fundamentals of weight loss are simple. Follow a medium to high protein, low starch, medium to high fibrous carbohydrate, no sugar nutrition plan. Eliminate all white flour, white rice, white sugar, and alcohol. Once your diet is in balanced we focus on burning calories and encourage low glycemic starchy carbohydrates (i.e. sweet potatoes, Dreamfields pasta) within an hour of post workout. This is called the golden hour and instead of storing fat, the food you eat after the workout is stored as muscle glycogen (stored carbohydrate) and used to repair your muscles. This is good, because you are not storing fat and instead replenishing your muscles to recover quickly. Another time is right when you get up in the morning (within a half hour). >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If workouts are added, your body will maximixe a process called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL). This process hydrolyzes (releases what resides inside the fat cell, which are three fatty acids and a glycerol molecule) triglycerides. Think of HSL as a key that opens the door from the inside of the fat cell. If insulin levels are low, glucagon levels rise which signals HSL to unlock the fat cell and release its energy (fat) to the body. Now your body is prepared to release energy (because you're working out and eating correctly) from stored fat instead of using the glucose in your blood from that morning muffin or stored carbohydrates (glycogen) in the muscles and liver. So, fat burning is a two step process. The first part is -- fat mobilization. Fat mobilization is regulated by levels of HSL or Hormone Sensitive Lipase (remember, the key that opens the door from inside the fat cell and instructs it to releases its stores). If we increase HSL we create more fat mobilization. How do we increase

HSL? Produce higher catecholamine levels through exercise. But HSL will not increase if insulin levels are high. If insulin levels are high glucagon levels are low, which equals low fat mobilization. The second part is transport and oxidation. When Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) is increased, free fatty acids and glycerol are released from your fat tissue. These FFAs (fat) and glycerol molecules can now be used as an energy source and burned off. However, The FFAs must be transported to the mitochondria of the cell (think of the mitochondria as the engine of the cell) before it can be burned off (oxidation). That transport is regulated by the carnitine shuttle system. When carnitine levels are increased fat transport is increased. Think of increased carnitine levels by comparing a 1000 people entering single file into a stadium turnstile or 1000 people entering through a 40 foot gate. Faster or improved access to the cell mitochondria means accelerated fat burn off (oxidation). We increase carnitine levels (faster access) by decreasing muscle and liver glycogen. This is accomplished through high intensity interval training and metabolic work that sends your metabolism through the roof. Combine the benefits of correct exercise and insulin management and you create a highly effective system of fat mobilization, transport, and oxidation. This all adds up to accelerate fat loss.

4. 14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide I recently stopped by the new house of an ol' college buddy to meet his fiance and new baby boy. He's getting married in 5 months time and we had to have a serious chat. You see, he's gained 25 pounds since birth of his son. He really fell off the wagon. But he's taken the first and most important step by admitting things have to change and so we sat around for over 2 hours in his backyard on a beautiful day and hammered out this plan. I could have wrote a 5-month plan, but I wanted to fast-track his results - and YOUR results - because research shows people who start losing fat quickly get better long-term fat loss results as well. So here's your complete 14-day FAST-TRACK guide to fat loss (if you like it, please forward it to a friend or print them off a copy too): >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Day 1 - Stop Everything to Plan, Shop, & Prepare This Meal Plan I hope you're reading this on Sunday, because I want you to plan, shop, and prepare today. If it's Monday, skip your workout and do this instead - its THAT important. And I don't just mean planning what you are going to eat for dinner. I mean planning what you are going to eat for every meal for the next 2 weeks. Don't tell me that's too hard. After all, most people with lean physiques stick to a relatively similar diet for 90% of their meals and then enjoy a random cheat/reward meal 10% of the time. So your schedule might go like this: Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 slice rye toast, 1 apple, Green Tea, fish oil

Snack - 1oz raw almonds, 1 pear, Green Tea Lunch - Grilled chicken/salmon or black bean salad with spinach, onion, peppers, mushrooms, etc., 1 banana or bowl of cherries, 2 cups unsweetened iced tea with lime or lemon Snack - Unlimited raw vegetables and hummus Dinner - Protein and vegetables and this could be a small piece of steak, chicken, or fish, along with your favorite vegetables, and a bowl of your favorite fruit. Or it could be the veggie dinner I had last Monday of quinoa with red pepper-cashew sauce and avocado wrapped in kale leaves. Or it could be wild rice with beans and avocado and salsa. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< That schedule won't change much, with the exception of a slight variation in your main course at dinner, right? And then once per week schedule a meal of your favorite food. Everyone can stick to this plan for 14 days, and this tip alone will help you lose 5-12 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks. And this is also how you'll need to eat for the rest of your life. It's not hard, it just requires a little practice. Keep at it and never, EVER give up. Alright, so to review, here's your 3-step guide to Day 1. i) Plan your meals. ii) Shop for the food. iii) Prepare the food (cut everything up, put in the proper trays, cook food if necessary, and get it all packed up for work)

In addition to planning out all of your meals, you must also start keeping a food journal (you could do it online too), because studies show that keeping a food journal will help you lose fat faster. Next, make sure you do 60 minutes of activity today AND take a "before" photo along with your weight, body fat (if possible), and measurements of your waist, hips, arms, and thighs. Continue to weigh yourself every other day, as research shows that frequent check-ins lead to greater weight loss. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Day 2 - Attend An "Online Fat Loss & Fitness Seminar" You must set EVERY workout and activity session as an appointment with yourself that you must keep - just like a doctor's visit. Let nothing, except real emergencies, come between you and your workouts. Today you're going to do a short, burst exercise workout. Now if you are currently using long, slow, boring cardio to lose f at, stop that bad habit immediately and switch to short, burst workouts. If you need to learn more about short, burst workouts, go to YouTube and search for interval workouts. While you are there, look up my "Diet vs. Exercise" video series to see why diet is much more effective for fat loss than cardio. If you are a beginner, please start conservatively. But if you have been working out for a while, the next 3 weeks are your time to step your workouts up a notch. Day 3 - Write Your Way to Fat Loss

First, you must schedule 60 minutes of easy to moderate activity. I'll talk about that in a second, but you can do anything from a 60 minute walk, a yoga session, a light bodyweight and stretching session, an hour of playing with your kids, or playing an easy game of your favorite sport. Don't go too hard, but stay active. You must also carve out 30 minutes to sit down and write out 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish in these 14 days. After that, write down what you want to accomplish in the following 90 days. Once you've done that, you're going to prepare a contract with yourself promising to take the steps necessary to achieve these goals. Sign the contract and review it everyday to keep you on track. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Day 4 - Recruiting Day Today's another short burst workout. Make sure you are using a professionally designed structured and proven fat loss workout, rather than just "winging it" or using long slow cardio for fat loss. You'll also spend time today recruiting for these 3 components of your fat loss social support team: - Nutrition buddy - Workout partner - Fat loss forum accountability buddies Research shows that recording your nutrition in a food journal and having someone review your meals increases your chance of losing fat.

Another study found that if you workout with a partner who is losing fat, then you'll have a greater chance of losing fat as well. And finally, a third study found that the more often subjects checked in to an online fat loss forum, the more likely they were to lose a lot of fat. Get your team together and you'll get more results - faster. Day 5 - The 60 Minute Solution Why am I telling you to get 60-minutes of activity on your off days? Well, to be honest, I do NOT expect you to burn massive amounts of fat with easy, off-day activity. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< However, every minute you spend moving, you are NOT snacking! I know the biggest problem you will have is your diet. So instead of snacking in front of the computer or TV, spend your free time away from food. That's the simple secret to the 60 minute solution. So get 60 minutes of activity on Day 5. Day 6 - The Challenge Your 3rd workout needs to be a challenge workout so that you can improve your performance each week. In fact, you should set at least one personal best in each workout. If you improve your performance, your physique will improve as well. Day 7 - Diet Check-In and Reward Meal Congratulations, you've made it through 7 amazing days of fat burning. Today you're going to double check your nutrition plan by reviewing your food journal.

If you haven't already done so, eliminate all liquid calories and replace with water and Green Tea. If you need to learn more about nutrition, start using the free service called It will help you track your calories. And if you're really struggling to avoid night eating, try this tip. Place a small mirror on your fridge door. Research shows that subjects consumed fewer calories when they did this because it will remind you to make smarter choices. Finally, as a reward for all of your hard work, you can treat yourself to your favorite meal. But that doesn't mean gorging. It simply means having a normal meal of your favorite foods to give you a mental break from your plan. When the meal is over, don't go back for seconds. Get right back on the 14-day plan instead. Days 7 & 8 are also 60 minute off-day activity days. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Day 8 - Review your goals. It's no good to write your goals down and then forget them. Review them at least weekly, if not daily. Heck, carry them around in your pocket and look at them at every meal. As you workout, visualize yourself reaching your goals. Believe in yourself, keep a positive attitude, stay motivated and you'll continue to make fast fat loss progress every day. This will also be another great day to plan, shop, and prepare. Day 9 - Take It to Another Level Week one was great, but with only 5 days left it is time for you to step it up again. This time I want you to hire a trainer for just one

session to make sure you are doing all the exercises correctly and training as hard as you can (safely, of course). Add this trainer to your support team. And by the way, a good trainer should be able to estimate your body fat better than any of those "fat scales" you can buy at a get them to check that too. Day 10 - Plan Your Next Shopping Trip Today is another 60 minutes of off-day activity, and you'll also work on improving your nutrition even more. What I want you to do is focus on eating more from the Fat Loss Foundation. The 3 components of my Simple Nutrition Fat Loss Foundation are raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Research shows that eating more of these 3 foods will help you lose weight better than a diet that is low in fruits, vegetables and nuts. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Make an effort to eat one new fruit, vegetable, and nut each week during your between meal snacks. If you aren't already eating grapefruit, try one today and see how it helps fill you up (because it contains a lot of soluble fiber called pectin). Add a new vegetable - such as broccoli, cauliflower, or asparagus - to your dinner. And try walnuts or pecans instead of almonds at your morning break. Slowly but surely increase the fiber in your diet until you hit the recommended amount of 35 grams per day. And I hope this goes without saying, but you should have eliminated all foods that contain added sugar. That is one the simplest yet most effective nutrition changes you can make.

Day 11 - Recruit Again Add a new member into your social support team, such as a new workout partner or healthy-eating partner. This will add strength to your commitment. If possible, join a transformation contest online, or start one among your friends or co-workers. But when you do that, keep in mind that you want to help other people succeed. The more you can help others lose fat, the more you will help yourself as you share what's working with your friends and they show you their fat loss secrets too. Stay positive, and you'll build a powerful fat loss team. Today is also another fat loss workout day, so give it your best. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Day 12 - Check-In Time Today you'll re-measure your weight, body fat, and measurements. Take a look in the mirror to compare yourself against your before photo to see big changes that will motivate you to stay strong. I also want you to start thinking about getting a tan. Yes, I said getting a tan. Why? Because simply adding a little bit of color to your body can make you look leaner. There's a reason all those models in supplement ads are tanned, you know. Finally, if there is a "big day" at the end of the 14-days, make sure you try on the outfit you are going to wear to double-check that it is going to look great on you. Make sure you do this check-in either before your 60 minutes of activity or a few hours after so that exercise does not mess-up the numbers.

Day 13 - Mental Performance Review Write down all obstacles that are still in your way of success, and then brainstorm 2 solutions to overcome each. Get some help from your social support team on this. The more you and your team share solutions, the more fat you - and everyone else - will lose. For example, you might come up with rules like, "No eating in the car" to help cut down on bad food choices. Someone else might suggest "brush your teeth after dinner to avoid night-time snacking". Those are simple yet powerful tips to keep you on the fast-track to fat loss. Follow up this positive session with your best TT workout yet! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Day 14 - Review, Plan, & Prepare Congrats on making so many powerful changes in just 2 short weeks. By now, you'll probably have lost 5-12 pounds of fat and just as importantly, you'll have developed proven, life-long fat burning habits that will be easy for you to stick to forever. Keep this weight loss train moving by reviewing your original goals. Next, do your planning, shopping, and preparing for another week, and get ready for even more fat loss. Enjoy your 14-day results and celebrate with a reward meal (and show off your firmer, leaner body at the big event too!).

5. The Best Nutrition Plan for Fat Loss What's the Best Nutrition Plan for Fat Loss? As you may or may not know (if you don't know, this article is exactly what you need), the majority of fat loss happens in the kitchen. You're welcome to run and run and run until you can't run anymore (this post explains why that isn't efficient though), but if you're not eating correctly, you won't see the fat loss results you want to see. Even if you're eating all healthy foods, you STILL might not be seeing the fat loss you want to see. Why is this? It has to do with macronutrients. While eating healthy foods is a good start, at some point, you'll have to move to a more precise diet to really get the level of definition you might want. This article will explain in detail why fat loss occurs and the nutrition plan you should follow to achieve it. A Quick Overview of Fat Fat serves many purposes in the body, but the main function of fat is as an energy reserve. Fat is an efficient source of energy because it stores over two times the calories per gram that carbohydrates and protein do (9 cal vs 4 cal, respectively). The average lean adult stores enough fat to sustain life for over two months. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Why Does Fat Loss Occur? Fat is primarily stored in adipocytes, which can take up or store fat depending on energy levels. Energy levels are determined primarily by food intake. When energy levels are high, fat tends to stay inside the adipocytes. When energy levels are low, such as when fasting or

during exercise, insulin levels drop, and epinephrine levels increase. Epinephrine causes the fatty acid to be released from the adipocyte. The resulting fatty acid then goes through a long journey throughout the body through various processes and cells. If you're interested in learning more about the details of that, check out "The Physiology of Fat Loss" by Dr. Len Kravitz on Google. If you're more interested in how nutrition leads to fat loss, continue reading. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The Fat Loss Nutrition Plan There is a lot of debate about the right nutrition plan for fat loss. The hard part about it is that it varies from person to person because there are so many variables involved. Your exercise, daily activity level, age, and gender all play a part in how you should structure your fat loss nutrition plan. The most important thing to remember is that no calculator or formula will give you exactly what you need. Your body is unique and every formula will require some tweaking. This is something only you will be able to figure out. Luckily, I'll provide a great place to start right now. In my personal experience, with clients and with my own body, I've found a lot of success with a macronutrient ratio of 40% Fat: 40% Protein: 20% Carbs. I'll go into a little more detail in a second, but I want to reiterate that this should be used as a starting point. It's likely you'll have to adjust the ratio to find one that works for your body. When it comes to the 40% Fat, I make sure to incorporate a lot of mono- and saturated fats because these have been found to increase testosterone. I also include polyunsaturated fat. If you're a woman, this is obviously less important for you, so you can stick to leaner

meats with less saturated fat. Trans fat should be avoided at all costs. The 40% protein can be basically any kind of protein your body can tolerate. Whey protein is my preferred option. For some people, Whey concentrate can be harder on the stomach, so Whey isolate should be substituted. If you're trying to avoid dairy, Egg or pea protein is a great option. I would strongly recommend investing in protein powder, as getting 40% of your total calories strictly through food will be a challenge (plus it's expensive!). Protein powder is cheap, effective and makes reaching your protein goals simple. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The 20% carbs are the smallest part of your diet, but the most complicated part to deal with. When it comes to fat loss, keeping your blood sugar stabilized is super important, but having enough energy to get a killer workout and recover is also important. I avoid starchy carbs like sugar (including fruit) unless it's before or immediately after my workout. Starchy carbs spike blood sugar levels, which is helpful for energy and recovery. If you eat a lot of starchy carbs, then do nothing, it's likely your body will store the glucose as fat. Pre- and post- workout I eat starchy carbs, the rest of the day I stick to non-starchy carbs like veggies and other high-fiber foods. A good rule of thumb that I follow is to stick to foods that have a starch:fiber ratio of 3:1 or less. For example, a serving of broccoli has 6g carbs and 2g of fiber. This is a 3:1 ratio, which would be acceptable to eat any time during the day. What To Do If This Ratio Doesn't work? There's a pretty good chance that this ratio will stop working for you at one point or another. Like I said earlier, a lot of things go into

finding the right ratio of macronutrients. If you begin to feel like you don't have enough energy to get a good workout, you may need more carbs. If you don't feel like you're progressing because you aren't recovering quickly enough, you may need more carbs. I wouldn't lower your carb intake any less than 20% as this could lead to hormonal imbalance and a screeching halt in your fat loss. When it comes to changing your ratio, make small changes. Don't adjust any greater than 5% at a time. For starters, if you increase your carb intake by 5%, lower your fat intake by 5%. Monitor your progress for a couple weeks, if you see success just stick with it. If you still don't see progress, make another small adjustment. For more helpful tips about obesity, nutrition, weight loss and how to maximize your workouts visit

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