Treatment of plantar fasciitis and heel pain

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Content 1. Why We Should Treat Plantar Fasciitis 2. How to Identify Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms 3. The Facts on Plantar Fasciitis 4. Getting the Best Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis 5. How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis With 2 Simple Exercises

1. Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain Heel pain is a common complaint. There are several reasons for heel pain and the most common cause is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is the ligament which connects the toes to the heel bone. When this ligament becomes inflamed it can cause pain, tenderness, and swelling. Many athletes experience this condition as well as people who spend a lot of time on their feet. While this can be a very painful condition, the good news is it does respond well to treatment. What is Plantar Fasciitis? A ligament is different from a muscle or a bone. It is fibrous tissue which acts as a support and a connection between bone and other tissues. The plantar fascia is a flat band of tissue supporting the arch of the foot. Excessive pronation (inward rolling of the foot when walking) is the most common cause of plantar fasciitis. People with high arches or flat feet may also be at a greater risk for developing this condition. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you spend a lot of time on your feet or walking, or wear footwear that doesn't give you enough support these things can also cause stress on the ligament. Athletes with tight Achilles tendons or calf muscles also put a greater strain on the ligament and may develop inflammation. Plantar fasciitis causes swelling and pain when walking or standing, and if not treated may develop tears in the ligament itself.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis You may first notice pain when you start to walk after resting. The pain may increase during the day, and be worse when you have to climb stairs or stand for long periods of time. Pain is focused near your heel and it can be a stabbing pain. You may experience symptoms in just one foot, or in both feet. As the condition progresses you may hear a snapping or clicking sound, and the area will become very swollen. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Treatment Options Plantar fasciitis responds very well to treatment. The earlier you start treatment, the faster you can get relief from pain. The first step in treatment should be a visit to your chiropractor. They will note how you stand and walk, examine your legs and feet, and discuss your general health and health history. They will then develop a plan to treat the condition and help prevent it in the future. Ice packs, reduction in activity, and over the counter antiinflammatory drugs help most people recover. Your chiropractor will show you calf and toe stretches to perform several times each day. These will be done in the morning upon rising and several times during the day. Always wear shows with cushioned soles and good arch support, and you can also get shoe orthotics to wear if you stand or walk a lot. Your chiropractor may also recommend physiotherapy to help heal the ligament and reduce pain and inflammation. You don't have to suffer with the pain of plantar fasciitis. With proper treatment and prevention you can get relief and prevent

further inflammation. Talk to your chiropractor if you experience heel pain; he or she can help you fine the relief you need.

2. Plantar Fasciitis Facts Plantar fasciitis is a common complaint among athletes and anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet. If you are overweight or a woman you have a greater chance of developing plantar fasciitis. The first step to relief is to understand this condition and know your treatment options. If you feel pain in your heel or foot when you first stand up after sitting for a long period, or you feel pain first thing in the morning which gets better after you move around, you may have plantar fasciitis. Why Does It Hurt? The plantar fascia is a long fibrous tissue located in the sole of your foot and it extends from the heel to your toes. This tissue connects the heel bone to the toes and helps you stand, walk, and stay balanced. This tissue can become inflamed and irritated causing pain, swelling, and tenderness. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Who is at Risk? While anyone can develop this condition and people who carry more weight are at greater risk. More women than men develop this condition as well as people who have very tight calf muscles. Athletes, especially runners, are also at greater risk to develop plantar fasciitis. If you have very flat feet or very high arches you may also be at greater risk to develop the condition. If your job requires to you to stand or walk on very hard surfaces for long periods of time, this also puts you at a greater risk.

Symptoms Most people complain of heel pain upon rising after sitting for long periods of time. Pain may also be more severe right after getting out of bed, but gets better after you move around a bit. You may also feel pain after exercise. The pain is described as feeling like you've stepped on a large stone and is centered in the heel of the foot. As the condition worsens the pain becomes more severe and pronounced. Treatment Options The first treatment option is rest and anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil, Motrin, or Alleve. Ice may also give you some relief and reduce swelling. Your doctor may prescribe stretching exercises to help stretch your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Shoes with shock absorbing insoles or rubber heel caps may also be recommended by your doctor. Most cases of plantar fasciitis respond well to treatment within a few months. If not your doctor may elect to inject steroidal antiinflammatory shots into your heel. Very rarely does the condition require surgery. In severe cases however the surgeon will release the plantar fascia from the heel bone to give you relief. Plantar fasciitis is a common complaint, but it is usually not serious. With proper treatment and care you can return to your normal activities in a few months. If you follow your doctor's recommendations you can also avoid any further inflammation and damage to your foot.

3. Painful Plantar Fasciitis Healed by Active Release Techniques Treatment From Chiropractor Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition, in which a person feels heel pain (or pain elsewhere on the bottom of their foot) that is usually at its worst first thing in the morning. This condition can persist for months to years, and may cause the person to limit their normal work, athletic, and recreational activities due to the severe pain. It is named after the connective tissues on the bottom (plantar side) of the foot. Traditional treatments such as ice, stretching, and self massage are limited in their effectiveness. Fortunately, a new treatment technique called Active Release Techniques (ART) is gaining popularity as an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis and other foot conditions. We will first look at how plantar fasciitis develops, and then discuss how Active Release Techniques works. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How plantar fasciitis develops: When the load placed on the body is greater than the capacity of the body's tissues to handle that load, the result is dysfunction. Any time a muscle is overworked (repetitive motions, repeated contractions) or acutely injured (fall or collision causing a tear or crush), it receives a decreased amount of bloodflow (read: oxygen flow). If this condition continues, the hypoxia (lack or oxygen flow) causes adhesions to form in the muscles. These are sticky areas, almost as if someone poured glue into the muscle, which limit range of motion, alter your biomechanics, and cause pain. Adhesions remain until they are treated. Rest, ice, stretching, and ibuprofen will not make them go away! You may get some temporary relief, but once you resume your activities, the issue will make itself known once again.

Plantar fasciitis treatment with Active Release Techniques: Active Release Techniques is a manual therapy technique that is effective in reducing the adhesions so that you can get back to your activities! With plantar fasciitis, the structures that typically require treatment are the plantar fascia, gastrocnemius and soleus (calf muscles), and the posterior tibialis, flexor hallicus longus, and flexor digitorum longus (deep calf muscles). Certain hip muscles may also require Active Release Techniques treatment if they have developed adhesions that are impairing with their proper function, and thus throwing off the biomechanics of the whole lower extremity chain. Your sports chiropractor will also be able to examine all the joints in your feet and ankles to make sure nothing is fixated. The two most common foot subluxations in a patient with plantar fasciitis are talus fixation and calcaneus fixation. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Home care for plantar fasciitis: There are several things you can do in conjunction with Active Release Techniques treatments and chiropractic care, that will loosen up tight muscles, improve circulation, and reduce your heel pain. -Stretch calf muscles by standing facing a wall and leaning in. -Tennis ball pressure on bottom of foot upon waking; stand with one foot on a ball, make slow circles focusing on the tight and tender spots for one to two minutes. -Night splint may be worn overnight to help keep the plantar fascia and the calf muscles stretched out.

-Gluteal and hip strengthening: aberrant motion in the foot/ankle is often a result of weak gluteal and hip muscles. -Ice for 15 minutes after activity: the research is currently mixed regarding the effectiveness of this, but for some people it makes a big difference. -Nutrition: choose whole clean foods, anti-inflammatory diet. -Remove excess load; losing weight if overweight, cutting back on marathon running sessions, make changes in footwear or running surfaces gradually, etc.). For more information about Active Release Techniques or Graston technique, including how they can help you get out of pain and back to your activities, please visit us at

4. Plantar Fasciitis Support Tips on Discovering Why Plantar Fasciitis is a serious issue that needs treatment fast. However, that is not enough. Once you tear the tender tissue that is the plantar fascia, connecting your heel and your toes, the chances of it happening again increase, unless you take preventive measures and get Plantar Fasciitis Support tips on discovering why it happened in the first place. So what are the top three reasons that cause Plantar Fasciitis? Obesity or carrying excess weight Poor gait and/or shoes Activity (too intense or too little) So what do you do if you fall within one of these top three reasons that could be the cause of your pain? Well, first, always consult with a doctor. Finding the best podiatrist is a key step that can mean the difference between a few months recovery time and years - or never. Once you've received advice from your doctor, the next step is to address each of the top three leading causes and get the Plantar Fasciitis Support you need. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Reason 1: Obesity or Carrying Excess Weight If you want to prevent this intense, sharp pain from being a constant companion that lessens your ability to move and enjoy life, you must make every effort to lose the weight.

Your feet are your support system, your shock absorbers and your ticket to mobility now and later in life. Not taking care of them means setting yourself up for crippling pain and a life of inactivity. Extra weight on the body needs to be shed so that your feet are supporting only what is "do-able" for your frame size. A healthy weight range can be determined by your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is based on your height and age. A key point to remember is less energy in and more energy out. Food is what gives you energy, therefore less of it must go in and more energy in the form of movement or exercise must be released. Now, obviously, if you are suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, activity can be difficult and yet not impossible with the right support and therapy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Reason 2: Poor gait and shoes The list of foot-related problems is intense and leads right up to the lower back when talking about the way your foot steps - also known as bio-mechanics. A proper or normal foot gait, when pressure is applied, will be evenly distributed between all toes with the majority on the pad of the foot, thinning to the outer edge and then evenly on the heel. Too much of an imprint of the entire foot equals flatfoot (Pronator) and too little along the outer edge indicates high arches (Supinator). Neither condition is good. Pronator is caused by an inward rotation of the foot which puts pressure on the arch and can irritate the tissue.

A high arch can create the need for extra shock absorption with each step. This can affect weight distribution and cause the tissue from heel to toes to work hard in absorbing the impact. Take a look at the soles of your shoes - ones you wear most often and see how the tread is worn. Is it evenly dispersed or is one side of the heel more worn? Having your gait, or step, checked by a professional is best. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Reason 3: Activity that is too intense or not enough The feet and soft tissue are meant to be used and stretched so they can support the body. It is vital to keep the body moving, not only to keep your weight at a healthy level, but also to keep muscle tone. There is a saying that "movement is medicine" and it's true. Immobilization or inactivity can cause the muscles to weaken and fatigue easily. However, there is also overuse of these same muscles that can lead to injuries - "no pain, no gain." Learn how to listen to your body and know when enough is enough. If you experience foot pain, it's a wake-up call that something is wrong. And if left ignored, that pain can become chronic and lead to a condition with further complications. Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that requires support and immediate care.

With the proper tools and care, you can get your feet into healthy shape and minimize the effects of torn tissue that leads to Plantar Fasciitis. There are answers to help you reduce your risk, recover and prevent Plantar Fasciitis. Don't wait for the pain to become immobilizing before you take action. Why not protect your feet today? Interested in hearing more? Discover the *secrets* to putting out the fire in your feet far faster than you could ever imagine. There are techniques... and tools... that can help. But how do you know which work and which don't? Simple, start here:

5. Helpful Plantar Fasciitis Treatments For Everyone Normally, the ligament has been frequently stretched beyond its limit that's why it has grown to be painful. This tenderness is primarily caused by the chronic microscopic tears that are affecting the plantar fascia which is connected to the heel bone. The throbbing is usually very sharp, bothersome, and fiery as if it is being pricked by pointed stones. The pain can be greater when walking and after a strenuous activity. Likewise, extreme sports can cause terrible pain as well as regular activities like gardening. And since this condition can really happen to anyone at any given time, knowing about the different plantar fasciitis treatments will make a big difference and is especially helpful. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The first step is to do something to stop the root cause of the pain. Additionally, the afflicted person must make changes in his or activities in order to lessen the pressure on the plantar fascia ligament. And if you are following a regular exercise program, you must see to it that the routines will not stress the heels. In case your foot is in pain right now, you must give it a rest to alleviate the painful sensation. What you can do is to lift up your foot and stay in that position for a while. Next, as the first part of the plantar fasciitis treatments, apply ice on the affected area. The coolness will relax the ligament and the dwindling of the soreness will follow. As you now know that certain activities including walking and running can trigger the symptoms, therefore, you must minimize or avoid them if you can. You can slowly intensify your activity level

after being in the treatment for some time and when your condition has already improved. The use of anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and aspirin is normally included in the plantar fasciitis treatments because they are effective in diminishing the pain. But still, sufferers must make sure to ask for professional medical advice prior to taking of any medication. After taking a rest which is the first step of the treatment, you will now be in the point of recovery for complete healing. In this stage, you must take on some holistic system of treatment so that the plantar fasciitis can be treated from all angles. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Some of these holistic treatments are: 1.Physical therapy 2.Taping 3.Intense tissue massage 4.Use of special shoes for plantar fasciitis or shoe orthotics 5.Wearing foot braces at night At any rate, serious cases of this condition should be examined by a medical doctor to know if intensive plantar fasciitis treatments are needed. And in case the common cures did not improve your condition, the doctor is likely to suggest an x-ray therapy, steroid injections, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For the last resort and in extreme cases, surgery is a must.

Early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment plan are crucial for stopping plantar fasciitis. A few months may past before the plantar fascia can be fully mended and for the symptoms to fade away. Nonetheless, through abiding by a well devised treatment plan, you will avoid the need to undergo rigorous treatment and you will be cured soon.

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