Uterine fibroids treatment, causes and symptoms

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Uterine Fibroids Treatment, Causes and Symptoms

Content 1. Uterine Fibroids Treatment, Causes and Symptoms 2. Common Symptoms and Treatments of Fibroids 3. Find Out The Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids 4. Delicious Foods To Help Shrink Fibroids 5. Fibroid Fighting Diet - Uterine Fibroids Saints and Sinners


1. Uterine Fibroids Treatment, Causes and Symptoms Uterine fibroids are uterus growths that occur during the reproductive phase of a woman's life. These are non cancerous growths and are also known as fibromyomas. They are usually not associated with increasing the risk of cancer. Many women are unaware that they have this condition because they do not experience any symptoms. Uterine fibroids may be discovered while performing an ultrasound or a pelvic exam. Fibroids can range in size from very tiny to bulky masses. They can occur singular or in multiples. A woman having uterine fibroids may experience symptoms like pelvic pain, pelvic pressure, heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, urge to urinate frequently, constipation, discomfort while urinating and pain in legs and back. The location of the fibroid can enhance certain symptoms. The subserosal fibroids are the kind which project to the outside of the uterus can put pressure on the bladder resulting in urinary problems. If the fibroids bulge out from the back of the uterus, it can cause constipation or backache. Submucosal fibroids are the kinds which grow into the inner cavity of the uterus causing heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. Fibroids usually do not cause acute pain when it begins to die. One should visit the doctor if you experience pelvic pain which does not go away or pain during lovemaking. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The factors responsible for the cause of uterine fibroids are as below: 1. Hormones: The two hormones namely estrogen and progesterone stimulate the development of the lining of the uterus which prepares

it for pregnancy. These hormones promote the growth of uterine fibroids. 2. Genetic Alterations: Fibroids contain alterations in genes. 3. Chemicals: Chemicals that aid in maintaining tissues may affect the growth of fibroids. 4. Heredity: If your close relative has fibroids, you are also likely to have it. Fibroids in pregnant women raise the risk of miscarriage and premature labor. The doctor may perform some tests or ultrasound to diagnose the condition of uterine fibroids. There is no specific treatment for fibroids and many options are available like the following: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1. Medications: There are medications available that help to regulate the menstrual cycle. These medications may shrink the fibroids. The medications include Gn-RH agonists which stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone. When taken as therapy, Gn-RH agonist produces opposite effect. A progestin releasing IUD can aid in bringing relief from heavy bleeding. This doesn't shrink or eliminate the fibroids; it only helps in reducing the symptoms. Androgen is the male hormone and when given as a therapy it helps to reduce the symptoms. Oral contraceptives can also aid in controlling heavy bleeding. 2. Hysterectomy: The process of removing the uterus is called hysterectomy. This is a permanent treatment for uterine fibroids. But the major problem associated with this surgery of total hysterectomy is the inability to have children.

3. Myomectomy: In this surgical procedure, the fibroids are removed not the uterus. This is a better option if you wish to have children in future. The risk of recurrence of fibroids is present in this procedure. For multiple fibroids, abdominal myomectomy may be done and for small fibroids, laparoscopic myomectomy may be performed. 4. Ultra sound surgery: FUS or forced Ultrasound Surgery may be performed. 5. Myolysis: In this an electric current is used to destroy the fibroid. The choice of treatment may depend of your symptoms and other factors.


2. Common Symptoms and Treatments of Fibroids Fibroids are growths or benign tumors that form inside the uterus, mostly of women of childbearing age. The exact cause of this health condition is quite unknown but the disease is known to be associated with certain symptoms. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms are similar to those of other infections or diseases and as a result of this many women are often unaware that they are suffering from this condition. It is therefore important that you understand the common symptoms of fibroids so as to seek for proper treatment. The followings are the common symptoms of fibroids: Constipation This is one of the major symptoms of fibroids. As the fibroids become bigger it tends to press on the colon and this can prevent regular bowel movement thereby causing painful digestion. This condition is often mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore immediate check up is necessary in order to ascertain the true cause of this particular symptom. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Abdominal swelling If your stomach is protruding unnecessary and feels hard to touch, then you need to seek medical attention. Women suffering from fibroids often experience swelling in their stomach which makes them look pregnant when they are actually not, and this tends to grow bigger with time.

Heavy menstruation Fibroids can also result in heavy bleeding during menstrual period. Sometimes the bleeding can be so severe that it cause anemia and in rare cases blood transfusion may be requires as a result of heavy blood loss. Irregular periods Apart from heavy menstruation, many women often experience irregular periods as a result of fibroids. If your menstrual period stays longer than necessary or starts before your normal cycle then you should know that something is wrong. Though this could be normal in some women, it should be a source of concern especially if you are on birth control pills. Urinary problems Women with fibroids often experience difficulty when urinating and in some cases there could be blood in the urine. As the fibroids grow bigger it then presses on the bladder and this can block the urinary system. This can also prompt frequent urination by reducing the size of the bladder. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Infertility and Miscarriage Untreated or prolonged fibroids can result in inability to conceive. As they become larger, they can block the fallopian tube thereby preventing implantation in the uterus. In pregnant women, fibroids can slow down the development of the fetus or cause miscarriage. Other symptoms of fibroids include painful intercourse, pelvic pain and cramps. If you experience any of these symptoms then you

should seek medical attention in order to confirm whether you are having fibroids or any other health conditions. If you think you may have fibroids or you are diagnosed with this condition, then you should consider appropriate treatments. Treatments often depend on several factors which include the type of fibroids, size and location. Surgery is one of the treatment options for fibroids. Though it can be effective, it is often expensive and sometimes painful and risky. There are also natural treatments which are the preferred options for most women. They provide relief from heavy menstruation, irregular period and can help you to shrink and completely get rid of your fibroids. To get rid of fibroids permanently, there is a Best Treatment for Fibroids which consists of natural treatment to cure this condition within a few days. To learn more about this treatment option in order to cure your fibroids completely visit


3. Find Out The Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids Uterine fibroids are very common illness amongst women in all countries around the world and women should be aware of the most common fibroids symptoms. Knowing the symptoms of uterine fibroids can help stopping further health complications while its time. Very often, mainly at the early stages when the fibroids are small, women may experience no fibroids symptoms at all. Lacking the symptoms may be the main reason why women don't know they have them. The best way to find out whether you do or do not have the uterine fibroids is simply visiting your gynecologist regularly for a preventative check up. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When the fibroids symptoms appear, they often manifest during the menstruation, causing unusually heavy and long lasting bleeding. Fibroids in uterus that are larger size often cause cramps and abdominal pain. The pain is often described as heaviness similar to pregnancy pain. The pain caused by this illness can be very intense and limiting your life. It can force you to take too many days off your work and result in problems at work. You may go through embarrassing experiences like having a stain on your clothes due to heavy bleeding. You may also suffer from anemia because of the blood loss. Pain during intercourse also belongs to the fibroids symptoms. What appears too is frequent and urgent urination. Also blocked urine flow can appear when the fibroids are too close to the bladder. This can sometimes result in uncontrollable leakage of urine. Fibroids too close to rectum can cause a constipation. Because the fibroids

growth develops a pressure on organs around them, they can squeeze nerves and cause a back pain too. To rarer symptoms belongs edema (the accumulation of fluid) in the feet and ankles followed with legs pain. Infertility is also connected to uterine fibroids problems. This varies case to case and is dependent on the exact fibroids' location. Getting pregnant with the fibroids still can happen but often result in pregnancy complications. Fibroids in pregnant women can cause a heavy bleeding and affect the position of the fetus. Another uterine fibroids symptom for pregnant women is higher risk of miscarriage and/or premature labor. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If your fibroids are small, you will probably not have the fibroids symptoms present in their worse manifestation. In any case, if you would like to elude the awful fibroids symptoms, infertility problems and future health complications (that could include fibroids removal during the surgery or hysterectomy), investigate available fibroids treatment as soon as possible. Get a complete check list of the fibroids symptoms


4. Delicious Foods To Help Shrink Fibroids Early detection of uterine fibroids is beneficial to women suffering from it simply because fibroids natural cures are actually available right at their homes, and they can make use of these to prevent the progress of the condition. These remedies will greatly help lessen or relieve the pain of the fibroid symptoms and may even stop its growth. But first, what really is a uterine fibroid? Fibroids or myomas (as it is commonly known to people) are non-malignant tumors growing in the uterus thought to be partly caused by an excessive amount of estrogen produced by the body. Usually, women in their 20s to 40s suffer from this ailment. Fibroid symptoms include excessive menstrual bleeding coupled with tenderness, bloating, frequent urination, and pain during sexual intercourse. The level of discomfort varies based from the size, number, and location of the fibroids themselves. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< For remedies, aside from surgery and medications available, women can turn to their kitchen for fibroids natural cures. Below are some of the foods to help shrink fibroids that a fibroid patient can use to alleviate her symptoms and shrink those fibroids. • Legumes (fiber-rich food). These foods help flush out wastes and toxins from the body. Legumes are excellent fibroids natural cures. They also contain copper and zinc that are very important when a woman is having a heavy flow during her period. Examples of these foods are: pinto beans, lima beans, lentils, black beans and kidney beans. More so,

sprouted beans are a good source of phytoestogens that help lower estrogen levels in the body. • Soybeans. Soybeans contain bioflavonoids that are very helpful in lowering the levels of estrogen in the uterus. Examples of soybean-derived food products are tofu and soymilk. • Dark leafy veggies. Dark leafy vegetables are excellent fibroids natural cures. These vegetables are good sources of Vitamin A, C, and E; as well as fiber that are very important in controlling the excess estrogen in a woman's body. Furthermore, dark leafy vegetables also contain iron. Iron-rich foods help in replacing the iron eliminated in the body during a heavy menstrual bleeding and are excellent foods to help shrink fibroids. Good sources of iron are kale, spinach and broccoli. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< • Fresh fruits are a good source of fiber. The oranges, bananas and strawberries on your table are a good source of magnesium, potassium and calcium and it's one of the best remedies for bloating. • Fish Oils. Fish contains essential fatty acids. Salmon, tuna and mackerel is a good source of the very important Omega3. On the contrary, avoid animal fats, as these are estrogen lovers. • Whole grains, nuts and seeds are also good sources of fiber and Vitamin E.

• Herbal Teas. Spices and herbs are generally used as herbal teas. They are often said to have medicinal properties and cure various ailments related to fibroids. Some of these useful herbs are ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion, yarrow, cinnamon, nettles, yam, and willow. In addition, milk thistle, artichoke extract, dandelion, calendula, damania and thuja are some herbs labeled as effective in shrinking fibroids. • Seaweeds (Particularly Arame) Seaweeds can be used as foods to help shrink fibroids because it contains phytohormones that normalizes menopausal symptoms. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Try using some of these fibroids natural cures to alleviate your symptoms. They often work best when combined with other natural strategies to shrink fibroids. If you would like to see more information on treating fibroids and the foods to help shrink fibroids then there is a guaranteed system which can really make a difference. For further details, please visit Fibroids Natural Cures. Fibroids Miracle, the system I recommend was written by a nutritionalist (who is a former sufferer herself) and includes 3 months one to one expert email support. It is the perfect solution for women who are prepared to take charge of their own healing and make the necessary changes.


5. Fibroid Fighting Diet - Uterine Fibroids Saints and Sinners Your diet can do wonders in shrinking your uterine fibroids. That is why knowing the foods that will help you decrease the size of your tumor and the foods that will aggravate it is essential in pursuing a fibroid fighting diet. A fibroid fighting diet will help you eliminate the toxins in your body and contribute to the decrease in the uterine fibroid's size. The dishes served on your table each day can make a great difference in your health. Knowing what foods can help you and what can worsen your problem is essential. Let us look into these different types of foods that are usually eaten everyday and categorize them as fibroid saints or sinners. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Uterine Fibroid Saints These foods are particularly helpful to the body when you have fibroids:* Fiber-rich foods. Fiber helps in eliminating estrogen out of the body. Since estrogen is considered as one of the causes of uterine fibroids, eating beans, cereals, pineapples, avocado, carrots, peas, and green-leafy vegetables are important to keep the estrogen level balanced. * "Whole" foods. A fibroid fighting diet must consist of whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Whole foods that are rich in lignins (chemical compounds in wood)

have antiestrogenic properties. Rye, flaxseed, oats, wheat, corn, rice and millet are foods rich in lignin. * Iron. Iron-rich foods can prevent anemia when heavy bleeding occurs due to the uterine fibroids. Beans, molasses, pumpkin, and bitter gourd are rich sources of iron. Iron should be coupled with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to increase its absorption, so do eat citrus fruits too! * Water. Water flushes away the impurities in the body and it can also decrease the pain related to uterine fibroids. * Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are low-potency estrogen substances that are safe to eat when one has fibroids. Foods that are rich in bioflavonoids are tofu, beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, soybeans, and soy milk. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Uterine Fibroid Sinners If there are saints, there are also sinners. In order to maintain a fibroid fighting diet, the following food groups are to be avoided:* Pro-estrogen foods. As mentioned, estrogen is one of the causes of uterine fibroids. Avoiding foods that supports its proliferation is important. Foods which have been produced with growth hormones or with the use of pesticides can have estrogen mimicking properties.

* Meat. Meat can intensify symptoms of fibroid such as abdominal pain and bleeding. Beef, pork, and lamb should be strictly taken in very small portions. * Coffee. Perhaps doing away with a morning cup of java can save you the pain thereafter. Coffee, even decaffeinated, has phytoestrogen (natural estrogen), and therefore it must be excluded in the diet. Fighting fibroids take time, effort, and discipline. Now that these foods are on the table, it is your choice to pick. Remember, the perfect start of a fibroid-fighting diet begins with the choices you make everyday. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you would like tried and tested strategies to help you learn about natural fibroid treatment, there is a guaranteed system which guarantees to shrink your fibroids and eliminate all symptoms. Fibroids Miracle was written by a nutritionalist (who is a former sufferer herself) and includes 3 months one to one expert email support. It is the perfect solution for women who are prepared to take charge of their own healing and make the necessary changes.


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