Ways to stop drinking alcohol on your own

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Content 1. Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own 2. Steps to Stop Drinking Alcohol - What You Need To Know 3. Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol - Essential Tips To Give Up Drinking 4. How to Stop Drinking Alcohol 5. Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own - Helpful Tips


1. Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own People who drink an excessive amount of alcohol generally have more health problems and life problems than people who do not drink alcohol. Some of the health problems caused by the consumption of alcoholic substances include cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer and anemia. The life problems caused by alcohol include poor work performance, isolation from friends and isolation from family. If you are already experiencing some of these problems, then you must quit drinking alcoholic drinks and start changing your life for the better. There are many ways to stop drinking alcohol, but the most important thing is that you must be willing to cure your addiction. Get a sheet of paper and list down all of the reasons why you need to stop drinking. You should also write down the problems that alcohol has caused in your life. Every time you feel tempted to drink an alcoholic drink, read your list so that you will be reminded why you should not drink. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< It is almost impossible for anyone to just suddenly stop drinking alcohol especially if one has been drinking alcoholic substances regularly for a long time. To quit your drinking habit more easily, gradually reduce the amount of alcohol that you consume each. For example, if you used to drink 5 cans of beer each day, reduce it to 4 cans on the first week, then to 3 cans on the next week, and so on. Continue reducing the amount of beer cans that you consume per day until it becomes "zero cans of beer per week". If you really want to stop drinking alcohol, then you must remove all traces of alcoholic drinks in your house. Clean up all of the empty

beer cans and throw them out so that you won't be reminded that you used to drink them. If you are gradually reducing the amount of alcohol you consume, ask a friend to keep the drinks for you and tell him to give you the proper amount of alcohol each day. There are other ways to make it easier for you to quit drinking alcohol. One method of curing alcohol addiction is by consuming one teaspoon of wild thyme extract 3 to 4 times per day. Wild thyme extract causes vomiting and nausea when taken with alcoholic substances. Wild thyme extract acts as a deterrent and helps cure your addiction. You can also resist the temptations and cravings more easily by keeping yourself busy during your free time. Instead of staying at home, join a support group that helps alcoholics so that you will be able to meet other people who are in the boat. You can also keep yourself busy by going to the gym and working out. Exercise will also help reduce the excess weight caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. There are many other ways to quit drinking alcohol. Visit your doctor and ask him for advice on how to cure your addiction. Your doctor can also prescribe medications that will help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. You can discover may proven ways to stop drinking alcohol on your own and also find out what is the best way to stop drinking alcohol by visiting


2. Steps to Stop Drinking Alcohol - What You Need To Know Drinking too much alcohol is harmful to your health and your life. The effects of alcoholic drinks to your health can affect your relationship with your family and your performance at work. If you want to stop drinking alcoholic drinks, but you don't know how to do it, then this short guide may be able to help you. Here are some of the steps to stop drinking alcohol that can help you cure your addiction and improve your health. You must learn to recognize the signs of alcohol addiction so that you will know that you are already addicted and you should do something about it. One of the most common signs of addiction is the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite negative consequences. For example, if you avoid important obligations such as school or work in order to drink alcohol, then you are already addicted to it. Other signs of addiction are bad temper, bouts of moodiness, cravings, depression, poor focus, anger, frustration, resentment and bitterness. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The first step is to recognize that you have a drinking problem and that you must do something about it. Most people fail to cure their addiction because they don't want to admit that they have a problem. Think about the problems that alcohol has caused and decide that you must quit drinking in order to get rid of those problems. You will only be able to get rid of your addiction if you believe that you have a problem and that you are doing this for your own good.

The next step is to ask your family and friends to support and help you cure your addiction. Tell your friends that you want to quit drinking so that they won't invite you to go out drinking and tempt you. Ask your family to stop you when they see you drinking an alcoholic drink and tell them to avoid bringing alcoholic drinks into the house. To cure your addiction, consider joining an alcohol addiction support group that will allow you to meet other people who are also trying to stop drinking alcohol. A support group can give you some advice and teach you techniques that can help cure alcoholism. Surrounding yourself with people who are in the same situation as you will make it easier for you to stop drinking alcohol. In order to cure your addiction to alcoholic drinks, you must avoid alcohol completely. Remove all of the alcoholic drinks in your fridge so that you won't be tempted to drink. Clean up your house and remove empty alcohol bottles, beer coasters, and other objects that remind you about alcohol. You should try to avoid people who drink alcoholic beverages. Also avoid places that serve alcoholic drinks such as bars and nightclubs. When dining at a restaurant, do not even look at the alcoholic drinks section of the menu. If you are craving for alcohol, drink water or healthy drinks such as fruit juice. Here the exact steps to stop drinking alcohol by yourself. Visit


3. Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol - Essential Tips To Give Up Drinking While drinking alcohol for some may be the highlight of their week, you may be looking for ways to stop drinking alcohol. Being in a different mental place than your family or peers can make a decision like this difficult. However, there are ways that you can help you begin the process to stop drinking alcohol. Exploring your drinking habits and then working on cutting back slowly or methodically can make the process of quitting smoother and easier on your social life. Quitting drinking is very healthy for your physical, emotional and mental health. Before you have a drink, whether it is at home with a meal or out at the bar, drink a large glass of water. Staying hydrated is not only a healthy habit to form, but it will also aid in cutting back on alcohol. Often people drink faster or more because they are thirsty, but if you have a large glass of water prior to drinking, you will find yourself drinking less. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Think about when you drink and what you are drinking. A simple way to slowly cut back on alcohol intake is to simply have a smaller drink. If you usually have a 16 oz. beer, go for 12 oz. If you typically have two shots on ice, have one shot of alcohol and top it off with water or soda. If mixed drinks are your choice, use half the alcohol and add more soda or juice. Using smaller glasses also aids in cutting back. It is human nature to fill a cup up all the way and it is difficult to only fill it half. However, if you have a smaller glass to begin with, you can still fill it up, but you will be getting less alcohol in the long run. Make sure to take the

same amount of time to finish the smaller glass as you do a large drink. Similarly, you can also use a lower strength alcohol as a way to stop drinking. Weaning yourself from your normal drinking habits is a great first step in the quitting process. If you usually drink hard liquor, choose a lower proof or switch to beer or wine. If you usually drink beer or wine, choose one that is lower in alcohol content. Make sure that you do not increase the number of drinks because it is lower in alcohol content. If you typically have four cocktails in an evening, do not switch to wine and then have six glasses. The key here is that you are cutting back by lowering the amount of alcohol in your system. As you continue to cut back on alcohol content, eventually you will cut back on the number of drinks. Then you can combine all three by having a large glass of water, drinking from a smaller glass and choosing a lower content beverage. Sticking to your plan and utilizing these ways to stop drinking alcohol will enable you to continue your social life during the beginning stages of your goal. Remain aware of what you are drinking in different situations and respond appropriately. Do you want to know how to stop drinking alcohol? Then here are some effective and proven remedies to stop drinking alcohol on your own which will help you overcome your dependence on alcohol quickly. Click on the above link and discover some of the most powerful techniques to give up liquor.


4. How to Stop Drinking Alcohol Drinking alcohol is a widespread addiction. There are conflicting counsels about how to stop drinking alcohol. You have to chart your own course from the myriads of crisscrossing ways to stop drinking alcohol. Have a Clear Vision A clear vision about an alcohol free life can motivate you and strengthen your efforts to stop drinking alcohol. If you stop drinking alcohol, you will improve your general health and quality of life. Your relationship with your parents, spouse, children, friends and relatives will improve. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Adverse Effects of Addiction Addiction to alcohol may increase your chances of injuring yourself and others under its influence. Alcohol addiction ruins the life both physically and emotionally. It reduces the man to be his caricature. You set bad example before your children and forfeit moral authority to check them if they do anything wrong. There are numerous steps about how to stop drinking alcohol. Self Help-Introspection Think hard and try to see the benefits of abstaining from drinking alcohol. You may have been discarded by your boy/girl friend you loved most just because you are an alcohol addict and are given to repeated relapses. You may not have been able to realize your dream of distinguishing yourself, for example, as an art designer just because of your alcoholism. Try to analyze the outcome of your past drinking and envision your future. How it would change if you

stopped drinking. Make a determined effort to stop drinking once for all. When you do so, you may be having conflicting thoughts about the benefits of stopping to drink alcohol and your helplessness in giving it up altogether. Ambivalent Thinking This ambivalence about drinking comes naturally to all the alcohol addicts. On the one hand you want to stop drinking alcohol and on the other hand you are terrified of giving it up. You may be afraid of failure. "What if I relapse again? My hopes will be dashed. It would be greatly demoralizing. I would be depressed more than ever before." These dilemmas are faced by every addict trying to give up drinking. You may even deny your disease is chronic, incurable and progressive. Then there is one part in you that wants to drink for ever. A voice in you may also say that you are doomed for ever to this life of drinking. This voice may urge you to take a peg right now. This self denying pessimistic stance may impel you to continue drinking since it is impossible for you to quit it for ever. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The 'Voice' and You However you must try to distinguish between 'that voice' and you, that is, your own real person. 'That voice' does not care anything about you, your values, welfare, dreams and ambitions for a good, happy and healthy life. Make up your mind to fight that voice and you are sure stop drinking alcohol once for all. Support Groups-Alcoholics Anonymous If self help does not succeed, there are numerous other resources to help you about how to stop drinking alcohol. One such popular resource is Alcoholics Anonymous-AA- that organizes meetings all

over the world for those who wish to stop drinking alcohol. This group is comprised primarily of those persons who have been alcohol addicts. It may be noted that these persons are more qualified in offering useful tips and advice based on their own efforts, agonies, experiences and success stories. How can a person who has never touched alcohol throughout his life tender an effective and practical advice against taking it? Alcoholics Anonymous keeps your identity anonymous. They have a 12- step universal program about how to stop drinking alcohol. It works for every alcohol addict. It is being presented to the public practically through every treatment program. Besides AA you can contact your family physician, psychologists, health professionals in outpatient and inpatient treatment centers and hospitals. You can also log on to internet to find many voluntary organizations that are only too happy to help you about how to stop drinking alcohol. Discover How To Permanenlty Stop Drinking Alcohol With In 21 Days Visit


5. Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own - Helpful Tips Learning how to stop drinking alcohol on your own is important for anyone who drinks alcohol. Even if you are not really an alcoholic but you drink alcohol regularly, you should consider stopping your drinking habit. Consuming alcohol can lead to various health problems such as excessive weight gain, liver disease, heart condition, and strokes. You should learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own so that you can avoid these health problems. If you don't learn how to stop drinking alcohol on your own, you might become an alcoholic and you may need to be admitted into a rehabilitation center. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Great Tips on How to Stop Consuming Alcohol on your Own Before you decide that you want to learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own, consult your doctor for advice. Your doctor can provide a schedule that will help you quit consuming alcohol more easily and effectively. He can also provide some health care tips that will help you avoid doing things that could endanger your health. Also, before you learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own, remove all traces and sources of alcohol inside your home. If you use wine or cooking sherry for cooking your food, look for a nonalcoholic substitute. A good tip by experts is that you should get a piggy bank or a jar and put money in it whenever you think about buying and taking alcohol. By doing this, you can prevent yourself from buying alcohol. At the end of the week, you take all the money you have saved and buy a nice present for yourself. You can also use the money to keep yourself busy during your free time by using it to watch a movie or to

go to an amusement park. This will help you learn how to stop drinking alcohol on your own and will make you realize how alcohol deprives you of many fun things in life. Other Tips on How to Stop Drinking Alcohol on your Own You can also learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own by identifying the problem points in your old drinking habit such as the specific times and places where you previously drank alcohol. Once you have identified these problem points, avoid these circumstances in the future. You should avoid the bar where you used to drink and plan something fun for the time of the day where you used to consume alcohol. Try taking up a hobby or a pastime so that you will be too busy to think about taking alcohol. A good pastime is exercising at the gym or jogging at the park because you will improve your health while also preventing alcohol urges. Taking up a hobby will also help reduce the agitation and depression caused by alcohol withdrawal. Learning how to stop drinking alcohol on your own is not enough to make you quit alcohol. You will need to make sure that you really want to quit consuming alcohol and that the whole process is always fun and enlightening. It is easy to stop drinking alcohol yourself with these easy tips on how to quit drinking alcohol yourself.


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