Weight loss and fat loss

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Content 1. Weight Loss and Fat Loss 2. Weight-Loss and Self Image 3. Weight Loss and Exercise - What Will Work For You Today and in the Future 4. Weight Loss and Behavior Modifications - A Simple Path to Weight Loss 5. What Do Weight Loss and Exercise Have to Do With Each Other?


1. Weight Loss and Fat Loss The diet industry is saturated with literally thousands of pills, plans and procedures that all claim to do the exact same thing: make you lose weight. While it is common for people to notice some results early on, most cases ultimately leave the frustrated dieter back where they started -disappointed, discouraged, and sometimes even heavier than before! This struggle is indicative of one of the most prominent misunderstandings about achieving life-changing health and fitness. This article will explain the important difference between weight loss and fat loss. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What is Weight Loss? If you have ever gone on a flash diet, lost weight only to gain it right back, or starved yourself to get results you are one of the many frustrated dieters in the weight loss category. The first important thing to understand about weight loss is a break down of the words. Weight really refers to the mass of your entire body; your bones, your organs and your fluids all count as weight that your body is carrying. Knowing this, it is pretty easy to deduce how diet programs make you lose weight. Most diets operate by significantly reducing or eliminating your intake of carbohydrates, which, by design, are used by your body to store and hold water. Remember, roughly 60% of your body weight is just water. So, when your water-storage is depleted, the water has nowhere to go but out of your body and you lose weight. That doesn't sound like a very reliable weight loss plan does it? It raises too many questions about dehydration and other potentially harmful

symptoms. And most of the time the water weight you lose isn't all that significant; maybe 10-15 pounds maximum and it's only a matter of time before it comes right back. What is Fat Loss? Now we know what weight is, and most of us have a pretty good idea of what fat is already, so let's elaborate on what we know. Excess fat, whether it's on our bellies, legs or arms is a nuisance and can be a significant threat to our health. In other words, it's fat that overweight people want to lose more than just any kind of weight. The best way to gauge our fat is through determining our body fat percentage. For women, a healthy range is between 20-35% and for men it's between 8-22% depending on age. It's a valuable tool because it helps you understand where you are and where you need to go to achieve real and lasting fat loss. Losing fat mass is what makes you leaner and more athletic. Further, losing fat improves virtually all aspects of your general health, especially your metabolism, which makes it harder for the weight you've lost to return! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Let's conclude with a revision of the key points - Weight Loss and Fat Loss are two different things - Losing water weight actually makes your weight problem worse in the long and short term. It leaves you hungrier and more likely to go back to poor eating habits that make you gain weight. - Reducing your body fat percentage will yield the physical improvements you seek and improve your overall health.

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2. Weight-Loss and Self Image The dieting industry is without doubt a lucrative, manipulative, occasionally informative, breeding ground for broken dreams. he pursuit of an ideal body weight, is driven by any number of factors. Psychological well being Health Celebrity or peer group modeling Attractiveness Sport Anorexia Pleasing a "feeder" >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Many of the above overlap. and are often largely (no pun intended) related to issues of self concept. All motivations are driven by the desire to feel better about ourselves. there is no reason to pursue a goal if there is no perceived benefit from the exercise. The apparent benefit is often elusive to all but the devotee. The issue with traditional Diets, and the reason that so few have long term positive outcomes, is that they are mostly based on food strategies. Technique strategies are generally doomed to failure, as motivation is primarily psychological. Observe a naturally well balanced friend or peer and identify what is the core difference in their approach to life. Inevitably it will relate to belief systems.

Obesity is not about poor eating strategies, if it were, then the solution is easy. Eat Less! No, the issue is the association of food with pleasure. What does the word diet mean to you?. What is the word you most associate with it? Pain? Effort? Frustration? Failure? Imagine associating a little hunger with well being. Ridiculous? Not really. It's a mental gear shift. I read recently a headline that stated "We've forgotten how to be hungry" Try a paradigm shift such as the following: For one week cut all your meal sizes in half. Note, this is not a diet. It's an experiment. Get busy, as eating is a substitute for boredom, and when you feel a tad hungry, embrace the experience. Maybe it's a new sensation. Observe your feelings dispassionately. Instead of declaring, "I'm ravenous, absolutely starving, could eat an elephant...etc"Change the self talk to "isn't it interesting not being full all the time?" Gradually the focus becomes less about denial and more about embracing new sensations. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Exercise. If exercise isn't fun, you're doing something wrong! How can running a marathon, swimming the English Channel or cycling up a mountain be fun? It's got to do with Endorphins A brief diversion. i spent years competing in one of the toughest events in Track. Running 400 meters. Unless you've done it, you won't relate to it. the pain involved is unique, it's got to do with lactic acid. Imagine walking up a flight of narrow stairs with a fridge on your shoulders, well that's similar to the feeling of the last 80m of 400m race. If you're fit! The only thing harder, is the training.

Where's the fun? Well, the focus is not on the pain, but rather the process. Pain tolerance builds up slowly and you adapt. 90% exhilaration, 10% pain. After a while you come welcome the pain as a signal that you've crossed a threshold. It's not pervasive, and incrementally it takes more and more effort to reach the pain barrier. Seems bizarre, but it's built in to our DNA. Humankind is built on the accomplishments of driven people. Driven by the buzz of shifting a comfort zone, until it becomes a passion. Walk once around the block for a couple of days. Then twice then three times. Within a very short space of time, you'll become cranky if you miss a day. 90% fun 10% pain. Most failure in weight loss and fitness pursuits, are because of the focus being totally focused on pain. Pain is not fun. Diets and strategies and techniques are impotent in the absence of embracing change from the perspective of enjoying the experience.


3. Weight Loss and Exercise - What Will Work For You Today and in the Future Many people adapt a weight loss program based purely on diet modification. They fail to consider that in order to achieve the desired healthier body, one has to put weight loss and exercise together. If you separate one from the other, you lose the essence of your goal. Exercise is always an important aspect of reducing the excess pounds. By doing workouts, you can maintain your figure and even enhance the curves in your body. Others disregard its importance because of inconvenience. They think that you have to spend too much time and money to enroll in fitness programs. However, contrary to the notion, here are some ways you can achieve weight loss and exercise by simply adapting your old routines. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Home Weight loss and exercise do not have to require you to leave your home. You can burn calories by simply staying at home and doing your regular household chores. Sweeping and mopping the floor are good ways to burn fats. By the constant movement of your body, the cells increase their metabolism to supply you with a regular burst of energy. Instead of hiring a professional to mow your grass, you can do it yourself, burn calories and save money at the same time. Simple gardening is a great way to weight loss and exercise as well. Outdoor Outdoor activities are other ways to achieve weight loss and exercise simultaneously. You can play your favorite sports with your friends and relatives. Enjoy activities like swimming, basketball, soccer, or

tennis. While enjoying bonding with them, you nourish sportsmanship and achieve your desired body. With the enjoyment you get, you will not even notice that you are on a weight loss and exercise program. If you do this once or twice a week, you can burn calories without sacrificing quality time with your loved ones. Other outdoor activities include walking on your way home or in the park instead of using your car. Aside from the health benefits, you also lessen your contribution to environmental pollution. Office Some businesses offer physical activities in their offices. Before starting their work, employees can take advantage of stretching exercises provided by the administration. If your office does not provide such activities, you can lose weight and exercise by simply moving from your seat. Every few hours, you can stand up and stretch your muscles. Instead of asking someone to do errands for you, you can do them yourself. Prepare your own coffee, photocopy your own documents or type your own letter. These simple things can help you lose weight and exercise while working. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fitness Gym Lastly, a great weight loss and exercise place you can go to is the fitness gym. If you have the time and extra budget, enrolling in their program is worth it. The monthly membership allows you to enjoy their amenities which you cannot find in your home. Use the machines to lose weight and exercise. To drive more motivation, ask your friends or officemates to enroll with you. This way, you are achieving a goal as a group

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4. Weight Loss and Behavior Modifications - A Simple Path to Weight Loss I am going to share how weight loss and behavior modifications can fit together for you to make your weight loss path easier. The problem many people face when they go on a diet is that they try to follow the diet without ever addressing the behaviors that caused them to gain weight in the first place. If you can spare just a couple of minutes right now to read this article you will discover how easy weight loss can be once you change a few key behaviors. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight Loss And Behavior Modifications 1. Get in the habit of recording your food intake. A recent study showed that participants who recorded their food intake over a 6 month period were able to lose twice as much weight as those who didn't keep track. This is a simple way of keeping your accountable. 2. Eat foods mindfully. The best behavior modification for losing weight is to learn to eat mindfully. Try this simple trick, eat your foods using all 5 of your senses. Simply pause before you eat your next meal and look at your food, and notice the aroma. Now take a bite of your food and listen for any sound it makes, pay attention to how it feels inside your mouth and lastly notice the taste. 3. Rate your hunger to make better eating decisions. Take a few seconds before you eat to ask yourself, "how hungry your stomach feels." With a little practice this will help you tune into times you are tempted to eat but not physically hungry and you will find it easier to eat less or pass on a snack completely.

Weight loss and behavior modifications fit together perfectly, stop trying to diet alone and start using these simple modifications, you will love the results!


5. What Do Weight Loss and Exercise Have to Do With Each Other? If you have been reading about weight loss for any length of time, you probably realize that it is a matter of taking calories into your body and burning them. Since 3500 calories equals a pound of body weight, you need to either be at a deficit of that many calories in order to lose a pound or at a surplus of that many calories in order to gain it. Although it may seem like a simple matter of cutting down on the amount of food that you eat, weight loss and exercise actually go hand in hand quite nicely. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< It is going to be necessary for you to watch what you eat to a certain extent in order for you to lose weight. If you throw some exercise into the mix, however, you're going to find that you are much more successful with your weight-loss efforts. It is not only the amount of exercise that you are getting but at times it is the type that you are getting as well. Some exercise is conducive to getting physically fit but others is going to specifically help you to lose some body fat. Of course, any type of exercise is going to help you reach your weightloss goals but weight loss and exercise that is specific to it is going to help you to reach that goal much faster. A lot of people focus on cardiovascular exercise in order to help them to lose the weight. Although this certainly is going to go a long way in taking the pounds off of you, if you put a little bit of weight training into the mix, you're going to see some results much faster. Many people tend to shy away from this, especially women because they do not want to bulk up. The fact of the matter is, a little bit of muscle mass is going to make you look sleek and sexy and is not going to make you look as if you're ready for a bodybuilding competition. Not only that, it is also

going to help you lose weight because having lean muscle mass is going to help you to burn a lot more calories. If you really want to drop a few pounds, remember that weight loss and exercise are two things that always go together. Yes, you need to watch what you eat but make sure that you are exercising a regular basis and you will be happy with the results that you achieve.


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