Weight loss and its benefits

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Content 1. Weight Loss and Its Benefits 2. Weight Loss and Exercise Programs - What Exercises Are Best? 3. Impact of the Human Brain on Weight Loss and Muscle Gain 4. Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss and Health...You CAN Do It! 5. Choosing the Best Weight Loss and Exercise Program for You


1. Weight Loss and Its Benefits Weight loss and its benefits are incredible. You might not imagine the number of diseases that you can reduce by shedding off that extra weight. It is so important to lose weight and stay fit that if you do, you stay healthy and increase your life expectancy. Now let us have a look at the diseases that you will reduce the risk, probably to a zero if you lose that weight. Firstly, we will take a look at osteoarthritis. A good number of middle age to elderly people is suffering from osteoarthritis. It is important for you to know that one of the major risk factors for developing osteoarthritis is obesity. Okay, let us take a look at cardiovascular diseases. We have cardiac arrest, hypertension, ischemic heart diseases, and atherosclerosis. All these above mentioned diseases can be improved if you just decide to shed that weight. Now we will take a look at cancers. It has been found that increase in weight is associated with increase in death rates from all cancers combined. It is bad enough that cancer is a difficult thing to fight but it is surely easier if weight is reduced in the first place. It is also good to know that some cancers are directly associated with diet (low fibre diet), like colonic cancer. Usually the low fibre diet also consists of food that are fattening. There is also diabetes lets we forget. Diabetes is said to be prevalent at epidemic levels in many places. Cause of diabetes (type 2) is decrease insulin secretion and insulin resistance associated with obesity. Part of the management plan for diabetes includes weight loss, healthy eating and exercising.


2. Weight Loss and Exercise Programs - What Exercises Are Best? Weight loss and exercise programs. Yes, these share a positive relationship but exercise helps you to lose your excess weight in more ways than one. Exercises can be divided into aerobic and anaerobic exercises. I shall go into detail on both so that you are informed so that you can make informed choices on which exercises to do to aid your weight loss. What are aerobic exercises? Aerobic exercises hinge on you breaking into a sweat as you work at moderate intensity over a period of half to one hour. This works your heart and lungs, taking in more oxygen for you to deal with the exercise. The energy used will come from your body fat and the fat burning process will continue a few hours after your workout. Thus, to some it up, weight loss and exercise programs is true because aerobic exercises burn fat directly. Suitable exercises are jogging, swimming or singles tennis. Team sports are not very ideal aerobic exercises since you unwittingly get periods of rest, allowing your heart rate to drop. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Anaerobic exercises on the other hand, allow you to rest in between due to the high amount of elbow grease needed. You also may or may not perspire. Think of doing repetitions in an air-conditioned gym and the time lapsed and the few minutes rest required between each set. For anaerobic exercises, you do not take need to take in as much oxygen. As a result, it is carbohydrates (not fat) that is burnt, but is also essential in any weight loss program. This may not seem in line with your equation of weight loss and exercise. However, you are burning fat, but indirectly. Due to the explosive nature of

anaerobic exercises, it builds up your muscles, revving up your metabolic rate and burning fat even after your exercise! From experience, weight resistance training is definitely more effective in weight loss than aerobic exercise. Hitting the gym regularly made me hungry and I could help myself in all my favourite foods without gaining weight. Weight training gives you a higher metabolic rate 24hours of the day, Why? Muscles need to be "maintained", and these "feed" on fat. Thus, the reason why some people feel hungry all the time yet they do not gain weight. On the other hand, the relationship between weight loss and exercise programs was less for aerobic exercises,. I found out that my appetite shrunk when I switched to doing only aerobic exercises. As fat is burnt only during the workout and a awhile after. you have to exercise frequently and for longer periods to cast off weight. Knowing this, one should not run to the gym and start training like a ferocious animal. A improvement in fitness should be attained gradually to prevent injury. Slow and steady is the way to go for weight loss and exercise programs.


3. Impact of the Human Brain on Weight Loss and Muscle Gain Do you know that there is an "inner game" in the area of muscle development and weight loss, one in which your thoughts is affecting weight loss and muscle gain? Can you really "think" your self into shedding fat and building muscle, and employ the power of your psyche to enhance weight loss and muscle gain? The answer is a definite yes! The simple fact is that your thoughts are as vital to the mechanisms for bodybuilding as the diet and weights. Don't underrate the power of the mind when it comes to transforming your body. It's your choice if you see your self being a 100 pound skinny person and act consequently, or visualize yourself being a solid gladiator who is able to pump heavy duty weights effortlessly. Your mental picture of yourself will not just determine how much effort and hard work you put in your workout routines but will also influence how much time you put in setting up the eating routine. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Visualization can be an approach that really helps to take advantage of this strength of the brain, which is quite popular amongst all of top sportsmen. Picture your self achieving weight loss and muscle gain and you're simply bound to get it done; likewise, you should picture your self following a good diet plan in case you really need to do so. Keep in mind, weight loss and muscle gain starts in the brain. Simply try this.

Suppose you are a 100 pound skinny person and honestly genuinely feel this. And then make an effort to lift a heavy weight and find how far you'll be able to go. There after, imagine you're the worlds most powerful man. Try to lift that identical weight and then judge the results. If you're able to established your brain to attaining weight loss and muscle gain and think of yourself as someone who can achieve this target, you have a substantial advantage when it comes to developing a fit body. When you are aware of that you could accomplish your ultimate goal, you will try much harder. In order to achieve your goals, you have to give attention to your "inner game" and believe that you can attain these. Allow your mind to manage your weight loss and muscle gain and then your body will follow. To start with, lots of how you "see" yourself is all in the brain. Behave as having already accomplished your goal of weight loss and muscle gain, and you will find yourself working harder with more passion. Ultimately, you'll actually accomplish those goals, whilst your visual appearance is going to match the mental picture which you have of your self. In order to achieve weight loss and muscle gain, you have to picture it first and foremost.


4. Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss and Health...You CAN Do It! We've all heard a hundred times that the key to weight loss and a healthy body is a sound diet and exercise. Many of us work hard to keep our diets in check, but have a hard time when it comes to exercise. Either we're short on time, feel too tired, or just don't have the motivation to get up any earlier. Well, if you're one of those that has a hard time with exercise, I've got good news for you. Exercise doesn't have to be that hard! You don't have to spend an hour at it, and you don't have to join a gym or buy expensive equipment. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In fact, just 20 minutes of exercise per day can give you great health benefits over the long haul. Even if you only do 5 or 10 minutes at a time, you're still doing your heart--and your physique--a lot of good. When you're short on time, you can sneak your exercise in just about anywhere you are. It's amazing what a little heart-pumping here and there will do for your health AND your mood. Pulling a stressful 9-to-5 shift? Take a 15-minute break twice a day and go for a walk...even around the office or up and down the stairs. The exercise will not only burn a few extra calories, but it will also help you avoid that afternoon slump and put you in a better frame of mind. Got too much laundry to worry about exercise? Use your chores as a workout. Take a few extra trips up and down the stairs, dance while you dust, or vacuum whether you need to or not. Load the

dishwasher in a squat position to tighten those glutes, and keep those abs pulled in no matter what you're doing. While you're out doing your regular errands, get a little exercise as well. Park at the far end of the parking lot to do a little walking. Contract your arm and back muscles while you push that shopping cart. Carry your toddler instead of having her walk. If you only have a few items to get at the store or have a neighborhood delivery to make, walk! If you can, set your alarm just 20 minutes earlier and grab your dumbbells. Find a few exercises on the Web and alternate working different parts of the body on different days. Weight-bearing exercise is the best way to increase your lean muscle mass, which will boost your metabolism and help you stay fit. You'll also get stronger bones! No dumbbells? Use soup cans or gallons of milk. If you're trying to lose weight, exercise will get you to your goal much faster, and you'll form a healthy habit along the way. It takes just 21 days to form a habit, so if you can commit to exercise several times a week for just the next three weeks, it will become easier to keep it up. You will probably even decide you enjoy it! Remember, exercise is any activity that gets your heart rate into its target zone. You don't have to sweat it out in front of a video or in an organized class. Your exercise can be walking, dancing, tennis, football, biking, or any other sport or physical activity you enjoy. As long as you keep it up and use variation to keep from getting bored, exercise can be an enjoyable, permanent part of your new healthy lifestyle.


5. Choosing the Best Weight Loss and Exercise Program for You When trying to lose weight, choosing the right weight loss program can be confusing and even frustrating for most people. Of course, everyone is different and every weight loss program is unique. Choosing the right one for you is a personal choice that only comes from careful research of the many programs and diets available in the marketplace. Some people, fortunately, are able lose weight on their own. But this is more the exception than the rule. Others are more successful when they experience the structure, accountability and support of a diet or exercise program that is supervised by a fitness professional such as a Certified Personal Trainer. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< There are so many weight loss programs out there today, it can be difficult and confusing to choose the right one. If you are online like most people are these days, the list of diets and programs is endless, and the pros and cons of each are buried in hype and sales copy. So how do you choose? First of all, finding a realistic plan that you can follow for a long period of time is crucial. A common problem in weight loss is that it is often short-term or temporary. People lose weight but cannot keep it off and continue the bouncing game of fluctuating weight gain and loss, which can slow down metabolism, decrease muscle and tone, and make it even harder to maintain or lose weight over a longer period of time.

Second, it must be a plan that incorporates both diet AND exercise. Merely changing the way you eat is not enough. And a weight loss program that includes exercise does require a commitment and will take time out of your schedule to devote to your weight loss program. It's hard to stay on a routine when you are busy at work and caring for the kids. It doesn't leave much time for you. But finding the time to incorporate cardiovascular exercise and resistance training is important, if you want to maintain a healthy weight loss, and preserve the muscle tone and aesthetic look of your body. Third, it is important to make sure that you have a good support system and work with someone with a great deal of expertise in fitness and nutrition. Working with a personal trainer (and not just any trainer, but a Certified Personal Trainer with credentials, experience and references) can make all the difference in whether or not you will be successful with weight loss. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When choosing the program or the trainer, make sure the staff consists of qualified fitness professionals and health professionals such as registered dietitians, medical doctors, and exercise physiologists or personal trainers, or at least have access to those should you need them. Whatever the program you decide it should be a slow and steady weight loss program. Don't fall for programs offering easy, fast weight loss, because although we are seeking weight loss, the TRUE goal is not weight loss, but FAT LOSS. And a lot of programs will deliver weight loss, but at the expense of losing valuable muscle instead of fat. So seek out fat loss programs - not just weight loss programs.

Another factor to consider when choosing a program is to make sure that expectations are clear - right from the beginning. When inquiring about any commercial weight loss program, be sure you are provided with a detailed statement of fees and costs of additional items such as dietary supplements or foods. How often will you meet with a personal trainer? Will you be doing personal training 2 days a week? 3 days a week? And how long will your personal training sessions be? 30 minute and 60 minute sessions are the norm in the personal training industry but be sure to ask. Don't assume that a "session" is the same everywhere. A lot of inexpensive personal training programs that are more affordable consist of 30 minute sessions, which can be an adequate amount of time to get a quality workout, if you have a well qualified and experienced personal trainer. And if that's what you want - great. But if you really want an entire hour long personal training session with a trainer to cover nutrition, diet and stretching, for example, be sure that what you are being sold is a full hour; not just a half hour session. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you plan to lose more than 15 pounds to 20 pounds, have any health problems, such as diabetes, your doctor should evaluate you before you start a weight loss program. Your doctor may even suggest some specific weight loss programs that would be good for you. Being overweight is too often viewed as a temporary problem that can be treated for a few months with a diet. But as most overweight people know, weight control must be considered a lifelong effort. To be safe and effective, any weight loss program must address the

long-term approach of diet AND exercise, or else the program is largely a waste of money and effort. To lose weight and maintain the weight loss it's really a mindset for most. It's a new way of thinking. Do you eat to live or do you live to eat? Think about it. By choosing smart and working with a qualified personal trainer or other medical or health professional to guide you in your weight loss journey, you can lose weight safely, effectively, and keep it off for life. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Life Coach and Author Jana Beutler Holland, M.Ed., is a former English Teacher, Therapist, and Juvenile Probation Officer. After years of working in the fields of Education and Law Enforcement, Jana's interest in helping delinquent youths led naturally into a graduate program in Counseling. She received a Masters in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Counseling in 2001. She is a National Board Certified Counselor, and is 2005 President of the Adlerian Society of Arizona (an affiliate of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology). She is founder and Director of Life in Motion Coaching, a company providing life coaching, health, fitness, and wellness coaching. She and her husband own SWAT (Strength Wellness Athletic Training), a personal fitness training company in Tucson, Arizona.


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