Weight loss and water how important is it

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Content 1. Weight Loss And Water - How Important Is It 2. Weight Loss and Energy 3. Tip on Juicing For Weight Loss and For Your Physical Fitness 4. Weight Loss and Dieting Secrets 5. Insider Tips On Weight Loss and Keeping Fit!


1. Weight Loss And Water - How Important Is It? Everyone knows the importance of water and the role it has on the human body. The tragedy is many people are not drinking enough. Those who should pay close attention to their water intake are people who are trying to lose weight, body build and stay fit. Not many know that other than keeping our bodies fully hydrated, drinking ample water has many other advantages like - water helps speed up the metabolism of a human body, water improves the skin, water helps in better digestion and water hydrates muscle cells to help body builders lift more weight. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Research has resulted that approximately 80% of the population is acutely dehydrated and is thus suffering from low energy, pale skin and mood swings. Mild dehydration is also the most common cause for daytime fatigue in offices and schools. What needs to be done to avoid this condition is to drink about 10 to 12 glasses of water everyday. The truth about water is that water is the single most vital nutrient which our body requires more than anything else in the world. Scientifically speaking, a human brain is 95% water, the muscles are 75% water, the lungs are almost 90% water and blood is 82% water, and is therefore critically important for proper health, growth, and development of a human body. It is one of the most important nutrients required by our body to balance all our body systems, including the heart, muscles, brain,

kidneys and lungs. To more about the value of water and weight loss, read on... Drink water for beautiful skin. Drinking adequate amount of water helps prevent sagging of skin at an early age. And in case you are working on losing weight, sagging skin can be a very normal after effect which can be avoided by drinking ample water to keep your skin firmer. When you drink ample water, the body cells which are shrinking due to weight loss are buoyed by water, which makes your skin plump, keeping it clear and healthy. Generally, water also acts like a natural beautifier keeping your skin soft, supple and glowing naturally. Always ensure a proper intake of water for a glowing and healthier skin, free of spots and wrinkles. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Water helps increase energy levels in a body. Water plays a very important role in energy transformation, since water is the medium through which all the energy reactions take place in a human body. If you drink less quantity of water, you will become dehydrated. Dehydration often leads a human body to become lethargic, leading to a low strength and endurance performance by you. Water and weight loss and digestion If you want to lose weight drinking water is one of the most important activities to be included in the list of your things to do. Drinking lots of water will make you feel less hungry, thus curbing your habit to snack every now and then. Also, drinking water during a meal helps the food to get digested easily, hence naturally

suppressing your appetite. Drinking excess water also helps shedding of the stored fat inside the body which led to weight gain. Water also helps in detoxifying your kidneys and liver and hence enhancing the internal digestive system of the body. Excess water intake also carries out with it, the extra waste stored in the body. Proper intake of water reduces stress and fatigue. By providing refreshing an exhausted human body, water reduces stress and fatigue. Day fatigue which is most common to creep into you when you are working all day long in an office or school or working out in gym, can be avoided by immediately drinking a glass of cold water to keep your body fully hydrated and fresh. A dehydrated body is bound to be more stressed and weak than a hydrated one. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Water speeds up the metabolism rate of the body Drinking adequate amount of water helps improve the digestive process of the body and also help's in keeping a healthy urinary tract and digestive system by detoxifying the waste which might be stored inside the body. Water also helps burn fat in the human body, making it easier for the food to be digested and hence reduce constipation. This is especially important in the case of bodybuilders who often consume amounts of food, vitamins and supplements, which are much larger than the intake of a normal human body. Drinking water decreases the risk of diseases. Studies have shown that an increased intake of water has been helpful in decreasing the risk of colon cancer by 45%. Drinking

adequate amount has also been proved to reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50% alongside reducing the potential risk of breast cancer in women. Consuming lots of it also keeps your blood pure and free from its impurities alongside keeping your blood pressure normal and makes your body, muscles and bones healthier. Proper intake and hydration is also believed to prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections. So next time you feel like drinking a coffee, tea or soda, remind yourself that you have another natural and much safer option to decrease your fatigue and feel fresh. And that option is, to have a chilled glass of water!


2. Weight Loss and Energy One of the most common complaints dieters have is the lack of energy, zest or vitality they feel when on a diet. This is the most classic symptom of a poor nutrition plan and it should be the red flag warning you to halt whatever it is that you're doing. In reality, the best way to gauge the effectiveness of your weight loss system is through the energy and motivation you feel while taking it on. If you are not actively engaged, excited and active in your health and fitness goals, you will never achieve weight loss success. This article explains how weight loss and energy, when applied properly, are an essential pairing in the pursuit of your goals. Think of your body as a battery that recharges every night when you go to sleep. Most people require 6-8 hours of sleep every night to attain the absolute best restorative benefits that sleep offer, but for a lot of us that much time off is out of the question. Our busy lives have made it almost impossible to give our bodies everything it needs in one way; the good news, however, is that this problem is easily solved through the foods you eat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Most flash diets 'work' by isolating and/or eliminating the elements of your meals; we see this most prominently in the low carb, high protein diets that so many have tried and ultimately failed with. These diet food plans inevitably come up short because they leave us exhausted, depressed and therefore liable to return to the poor habits that brought you to the diet in the first place. Further, they deny the fundamental principle that energy and weight loss go hand in hand.

The first indicator that anyone should have to know that they are losing weight properly is not on the scale; rather, it is in their liveliness and energy. It is absolutely crucial to fill your body with the right mix of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat. A generally good guideline is to make your meals high in carbs (yes, carbs), moderate in protein and low (but not depleted of) fat. Your meals should fall within 100 calories of each other; that means no small breakfasts, no evening feasts and absolutely no skipped meals, in fact you should be eating 5 meals daily. This is about sustaining a consistent and efficient fat burning machine within your body, it's not about fancy foods or miracle drinks; it's real, scientific, systematic weight loss. And it lasts. Fuel your energy and the weight will stay off.


3. Tip on Juicing For Weight Loss and For Your Physical Fitness Protein shakes and juices are good for the most part. But, if you were to buy those protein shakes or juices at the store, they usually have additives and other stuff that you do not need. I have always made my own protein shakes. I know exactly what is in it. There are no surprises. Now, juices are another story. If you were to buy many of the juices, it is filled with sugar and other additives. It cost a lot also. It is a good idea to your weight loss and physical fitness program to add juicing into your nutritional and diet program. It does not cost much to buy one of those juicers. I have the same one for several years and it works well. It cost less than $60.00 and is well worth the investment to your health and fitness. The best vegetables and fruits that I use include celery, carrots, and apples. You can be creative by making other juices using mangoes, watermelon, cabbage, pears and other fruits and vegetables. But, I have always enjoyed the celery, carrot, and apple combination. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I drink a glass of this combination which gives me energy but also gives my body a great cleanse. Celery has always been a great vegetable that is high in fiber and other nutrients. Carrots are a great snack and go well with this juice. Now, apples are the only fruit in this combination- but they give this juice a great natural sweetener. When you do this juice combination, make sure that you end with the apples. The natural enzymes of the apples clear the remaining juices from the celery and carrot that are still in the juice machine. If you have an issue of having low iron in your body, you can even add spinach to this juice combination. Spinach is rich with iron. As usual,

you can try a combination of fruits and vegetables for your juicing. Some fruits do not work in juicing such as bananas. They are best eaten than being drank in a juice. Juicing using a juice machine is a great addition to your weight loss and physical fitness program. It will give your body all the nutrients and give your body a great cleanse especially if you use apples and celeries which are high in fiber. In addition to making your own protein shakes, you can try making your juice to give you more energy during the day. Now, when you do make you own juice, it is best consumed right after you make it.


4. Weight Loss and Dieting Secrets The thought of weight loss and dieting may create mixed emotions for you. Perhaps you've tried several weight loss and dieting plans but haven't been able to lose the weight or keep it off. On the other hand, maybe you'd love to find a solution that delivers the results that you have always hoped for. If you find weight loss and dieting frustrating, you're not alone. Losing weight can seem like a never-ending journey. How many times have you started a diet, dropped a few pounds, and then gained the weight (plus more) back? Unfortunately, that's the experience that many people have. The fat-loss industry earned more than $46 million in profits in 2007. If their products work so well, why do people keep coming back for more? Once they've lost the weight, shouldn't they be able to maintain that weight loss for life? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Think about it. How many of these diets have you tried? * The Reduced-Fat Diet: Did you know that reduced-fat diets set you up for yo-yo dieting? It's true! For a period of time, you'll do great by limiting your calories. However, limiting your calorie intake makes you tired and frustrated. One day you'll reach for that comfort food and before you know it, you've overindulged. This is where most people fail. They'll sabotage their efforts because they're hungry, then feel frustrated when their "will power" fades away, and give up on their weight-loss plan. You don't have to spend your life counting calories.

* The Low-Carb Diet: Here's the kicker: You need carbohydrates for energy and brain power. Low-carb diets will yield quick results, but over time they will ruin your health. You'll also lose lean muscle mass, which is exactly what you DON'T want to do. * The "Exercise Until You Drop" Diet: How many times have you decided to work out like crazy, only to find yourself sore and frustrated? Unless you've committed your life to fitness, it's not likely that you'll go from zero to 100 and stay there. The truth is that you can exercise less than 12 minutes a week and still burn fat. Do you really want to spend your life obsessing over every calorie? What if there was a way to take off the weight and keep it off without strenuous exercise or food deprivation? Weight loss and dieting don't have to be difficult. Losing weight is a goal that's well within your reach, as long as you stay away from crazy fad diets that are unhealthy for you. Don't buy into plans that will have you digging into your wallet for the rest of your life; choose a proven program that teaches you how to build a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain on your own. The secret to any weight loss and dieting program is that it should transform your life so that you can focus on living instead of eating.


5. Insider Tips On Weight Loss and Keeping Fit! In the past articles I have been talking about weight loss and keeping fit. I have been telling you several things. Among them, that you must want to lose the weight for yourself. Not for your boyfriend, husband, parent or anyone else. You have to want to do it for no one else, but you! When you have been on this road several times, it is because you have been trying to overcome some common road blocks. These are some of them: You read about all the failure rates, about how 95 percent of the people who have lost weight, tend to gain the weight back and then some, how it just doesn't last very long. And the reality is that yes, in a lot of cases that happens, but, approximately twenty-five percent of those who lose the weight, keep it off for at least three years or more. There had to be a reason for that and a common thread. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Let me tell you about those common threads: They had faith in themselves. They believed they could lose the weight and although they might have been on this road several times before, they just did not give up. After a while of repeating the yoyo pattern, they got tired of it and at that point decided to take control of their situation. The majority of those who were able to keep their weight off, exercised regularly without becoming fanatics about it. They simple found a way to include the exercise that worked for them; like walking, which is one of the most recommended, into their daily routine, whatever that might be.

They think in a positive way, and feed their brains positive thoughts even when they overindulge. Rather than punishing themselves by eating more and more, they forgive themselves and tell themselves..I overdid it that time, but I'll be extra careful the rest of the day. Another difficulty is getting the proper support from those around you. They don't understand what you are trying to do, and therefore, constantly ask you to.."try this", or "a little taste is not going to kill you", and so forth, you know the pattern. You have to stay strong, make them understand that losing the weight is important to you and ask for their support. This one is what I consider at the top of the list. We must be willing to learn new ways of eating. We must learn to eat low fat foods as a way of life. We must learn to enjoy fruits, vegetables and grains. Our ancestors did not know of fats, fried foods or processed anything. They had a diet of grains, fruits, legumes and vegetables. The people in countries that maintain this habit, you have read about them, live into their hundreds and in pretty good health, especially mental health. As I said at the beginning, you lose the weight for yourself not for anyone else. They enjoy life. A number of those who are successful today, used to take care of others and neglected themselves, food being their only satisfaction and companion. They have overcome that, and although they still take care of others they have learned to take care of themselves also. Do not give up!


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