Weight loss spa a relaxing way to lose weight

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Content 1. Weight Loss Spa - A Relaxing Way to Lose Weight 2. Lose Weight Naturally - 9 More Weight Loss Tips 3. Hypnosis Weight Loss Is The Best Natural Diet Program 4. Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau 5. Looking For New Weight Loss Tips?


1. Weight Loss Spa - A Relaxing Way to Lose Weight It is common knowledge that the best way to lose weight is to make sure you get a healthy dose of daily exercise paired with the perfect diet. It's never a good idea to go without them both, but many people find it a difficult if not impossible to keep up with either. Some people lack the will power required to resist consuming fattening foods. Others just can't seem to find the motivation they need to get up and go to the gym or take a daily jog around the neighbourhood. Worst case scenarios are at a loss for both. Now, various fat loss organizations are coming to the aid of these individuals with spas. Weight loss spas will provide the weak and weary dieters with a positive and motivating weight loss environment where they can relax and burn fat at the same time. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What is a weight loss spa? It is quite simple. A spa is a facility that will assist you in losing weight by through the various meal management and exercise programs they offer. Not only will they help you lose the weight but they will help you make the lifestyle changes necessary to keep it off.

Is that like a fat camp? You'll be invited to stay at the facility for the duration of the program much like a "fat camp," and will be assisted by the staff in getting maximum fat loss results through a well balanced mix of both physical and leisurely activities. At the beginning of your stay you will participate in a physical assessment of your body's health and composition and set achievable goals for yourself with a target date.

A common weight loss spa program will last anywhere from three to four weeks. What is their weight loss philosophy? Attending a weight loss spa vacation does not simply involve losing weight, but it also involves understanding a healthy body and a healthy diet. Most weight loss spas follow the philosophy of balancing diet and exercise. Weight loss spas aren't for those simply eager to drop a couple dress sizes or look good in their favourite swim suit. By attending the spa you will be involving yourself in a much larger agenda. You will learn how to lose weight not simply through diet and exercise but through a deeper understanding of your health in general and how to change the lifestyle that allowed you to become unhealthy in the first place. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< At a weight loss spa you will learn that long term weight management relies on the following: 1. Knowing how to balance your body 2. Eating in a pattern that works for you 3. Recognizing the consequences of overeating 4. Ignoring unnecessary hunger signals 5. Keeping up with your body mass 6. Exercising with an effective program that suits you 7. Making the best of every day 8. Boosting your confidence

In any fight there is always strength in numbers. This is why weight loss spas will have you participating in group discussions where you will share your experiences and goals. Through the consultation and council of your peers your weight loss will become a group effort and your new team will work with you to make sure you fight the fat. What's the program like?

Once you've enrolled in the spa program you will be paired with a dietician who will work with you directly to help you develop a customized diet and exercise program specifically designed to suit your daily lifestyle. Many factors will be taken into consideration, but the main goal is to make sure you are comfortable and confident in the program. For a more forward approach you will also be offered diet and exercise plans that must be followed exactly. During these programs you will be closely monitored by your advisors and weighed regularly to make sure you are productively reaching your weight loss goals. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So when do I get to relax and have fun? Though the prospect of losing weight should be the most appealing feature of the spa there are numerous activities and therapies available to you to ensure you enjoy your stay regardless of your weight loss goals. From light aerobics and sports to a gentle message or nature walk, you will find plenty of ways to positively spend your time and relax. Are all weight loss spas like this? Keep in mind that while the majority of weight loss spas exist to help you lose weight the most relaxing and healthy way they can manage

there are those that off gimmicky or fad diets that are considered no more than quick fixes for the overweight. These diets are not only unhealthy but also will not help you keep the weight off. Therefore, you should always exercise precaution when choosing a weight loss spa and research each one diligently to make sure it offers a positive and productive weight loss program. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< You'll also want make sure that whichever weight loss spa you choose to attend offers a program that suits your personal preferences. Some spas such as Hippocrates Health Institute offer very programs that cater to a very specific type of individual. HHI will focus your diet around enzyme-rich, vegetarian foods and help you achieve a vegan lifestyle. HHI would obviously not suit those of us who enjoy meat in our diets and would prefer to continue to do so. What's this going to cost me? Every individual facility will offer different programs at different rates and most are not cheap. You will want to shop around to find a facility that you can comfortably fit into your personal budget. However, don't forget that your dreams of losing weight, confidence, and long term health are priceless.


2. Lose Weight Naturally - 9 More Weight Loss Tips Everyone has a desire to rid themselves of their weight as quickly as they can. I wish that I had a magic wand that I could wave over every obese person out there and his/her excess fat would be gone forever. This simply is not the case. Here are some easy to follow weight loss tips to help you slowly and methodically get to your goal. So I hope you enjoy reading these 9 weight loss tips. Weight Loss Tips #1: Want It! In order to be successful at weight loss you have to want to lose the weight. You must commit to this want, not just say that you want to lose the weight. The best way to commit to losing weight is to make a goal, write it down, then stick to it. A goal does not have to be just about the weight you lose or want to lose. You could write a goal using your body measurements or percentage of body fast lost, or it may be your desirable clothing size. Set your goals in a way that they are attainable. For example, I want to lose 15 pounds by Christmas or I want to drop 2 dress sizes by my sister's wedding. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<<

Once you have set your larger goals, you need to set smaller ones to make sure you are on schedule to achieving your long-term goal. Keep track of your goals by using a weight loss chart, a food journal, or an exercise chart. Keeping a journal is the best way to track the foods you eat, the amount of water you take in, the amount of daily exercise, and to daily write out those goals. You can even track how you are feeling throughout the day. This will help in knowing whether you are eating because of a particular mood or not. Keeping a journal is good way to stay committed to your weight loss.

Weight Loss Tip #2: Keep it in the Kitchen The of the worst habits that people have is not eating at the kitchen table. They are either standing to eat while doing other things or they are in front of the television. Experts say that generally people who eat while watching television eat larger servings of food. Our focus is on what we are watching, not what we are eating.

We need to move away from our family rooms and back into the kitchen. During this time eat slowly and spend some time with your family. Talk to the spouse and children. Pay attention to what you are eating as well as how much you are eating. When you eat slower, your stomach will have the time needed to signal you that you are full and you will not have over-eaten and feel miserable. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight Loss Tip #3: Throw Out Temptation In order to remain faithful to your weight loss regime, you must remove all temptation from your cabinets, freezer, and vehicle. Replace the candy and fatty foods with the right foods. Sugar-free gelatin and pudding is a wonderful way to take care of that sweet tooth in a correct portion without adding a lot of calories. Low-fat popcorn or low-fat flavored popcorn is another wonderful replacement to fatty snacks. Try not to eat unhealthy snacks for a couple of weeks. Keep a bag of crunchy vegetables, like carrots handy to help with hunger. Most crunchy veggies tend to satisfy you more and are lower in calories. Weight Loss Tip #4: Find Support Weight loss is a challenge alone, but with a partner, it will seem much easier. Look for a weight loss support group on-line or a forum.

Facebook even has support groups. If you prefer, not to have someone on-line then start your own support group in your home or someone else's home. Otherwise, all weight loss companies offer a support group or sometimes a little one-on-one counseling. Your support groups can include family, friends, coworkers or even your neighbors. Your group could be as large or as small as you like. Ask everyone you know to support you in your weight loss endeavors with some encouragement. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight Loss Tip #5: Stop Bad Habits Most learned or old habits are hard to break. It's time we make a change. We do not have to eat everything that is on our plate. Most of grew up knowing that we must eat everything on our plates because there are starving children in Africa. It is okay to leave a little food on our plates every now and again. We need to listen to our bodies and stop eating when we are full. We must eat smaller portions of our food. We need to avoid having seconds. Try to eat 6 small meals instead of three large ones. Eat breakfast, have a morning snack, eat lunch, have an afternoon snack, eat dinner, have an evening snack. When you eat out at a restaurant either order from the children's menu or ask when you order for the waitress to bring you a to go box. When the food arrives, place half or more of the food into the to go box. Weight Loss Tip #6: Add Variety You need a little variety in your life. This goes for food too. You will get bored eating the same thing week in and week out. Once this

boredom hits, you will slip back into your old habits. Eat a little something from each of the major food groups, including fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, whole grains, and fats. In order to stay energized, eat five to six small meals everyday. This also helps your metabolism. Eat a protein with most meals, including eggs, beans, lean cuts of meats as well as fish. We need to try to eat a minimum of five servings and up to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. If you are watching your sugars, also watch the amount of fruit you are consuming. You really need to eat more vegetables than fruit. Also you need to eat a variety of both fruits and vegetables. Don't just eat the same foods daily. Remember the key is variety. The bread, pasta, and cereal you consume needs to be whole grain. If you have never had whole grain pasta, then mix with regular pasta and gradually add more and more whole grains until you are used to it. It holds true for bread especially if you make your own. The complex carbohydrates and high fiber in whole grain bread and pasta help to speed up your metabolism. The dairy products you consume should be low-fat or fat-free. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<<

Also make sure you are eating good fats, such as olive or safflower oil. Your body needs a certain amount of the good fats. Make sure that you read your labels and stay away from foods that have transfats. Trans-fats are extremely bad for you. Weight Loss Tip #7: Satisfy the Sweet Tooth On your weight loss journey there will be times when you will crave something sweet. If you want it then have a small piece of whatever you are craving. It is better to have a small piece of it than ignoring

your craving and then bingeing because you have deprived yourself from it for so long. Don't get into a habit of eating this way daily though. It is okay to give into the craving from time to time, but not daily. Weight Loss Tip #8: Watch What You Drink Of course the number one choice to drink is water clean of chlorine. You need a minimum of six glasses of good water. You can also drink green tea. Consumption of green tea can help with weight loss. Several people do not track or think about the amount of calories in their beverages. A regular flavored cola has more than 100 calories and 10 teaspoons of sugars. Fruit drinks are also high in sugar and calories. Switch to diet drinks and drink more green tea and water. Beware of your alcohol consumption. Most alcoholic drinks have lots of sugar and are high in calories. Alcohol turns to fat and sugar in your body. Limit how often you have a drink. Save it for special occasions and try to consume lower calorie beer or wine. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight Loss Tip #9: Get Active Getting active is an import key to weight loss. We need to get moving if we want to lose weight and keep it off. However, sometimes when you start an exercise program, you go from couch potato to exercise fanatic. You want to gradually start the exercise regime over time. Start off with just walking. Walking takes no special equipment other than a good pair of shoes. Walk at a pace that is good for you and walk for twenty minutes, three times a week. As time goes on, walk a little faster and add more time. You can add strength training twice a

week. Start with something light like two cans of soup then gradually move to light hand weights. Exercising will burn excess fat and calories. The strength training helps build lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you have the more calories you burn due to your higher metabolic rate.


3. Hypnosis Weight Loss Is The Best Natural Diet Program Is weight loss hypnosis the best weight loss program for you? Maybe the following article will help you decide whether weight loss hypnosis is the best natural weight loss method available for you to attain healthy weight loss, fast weight loss, and to lose weight easily and permanently. You are overweight. You have attempted to lose excess weight in the past. Most likely, you've tried many times to do this, maybe even being successful at losing weight... for awhile. Probably, what happened was that any weight you lost has gradually come back, and even more weight has come back with it. Don't feel badly You're not alone. I'm sure of this because...I've been there myself! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I was always a chubby kid. I never became morbidly obese, but I continued to carry around about 25 to 30 pounds more than I should have. I loved to eat, and my family encouraged me to do so. When a plate of food was placed in front of me, I was expected to completely finish it, and I was never discouraged from asking for more, which I did quite often. I was, however, the only child, out of the four in our family, that became overweight. I grew up when there was no internet, no computers, or video games, no MySpace, Facebook or YouTube, or any 24 hour movie and TV downloads to keep me constantly anchored at home in a chair. Most of my spare time was spent outside riding my bike, swimming, roller skating, and playing with my friends. I was always very active, and yet I was always overweight.

I was always fed well prepared, nutritious meals by my parents. I just ate too much. I didn't even realize I was doing this. During my childhood I became used to eating a certain amount of food. I became an habitual overeater. I kept overeating, automatically, and never thought about changing my behavior. Yet, I never did become morbidly obese. I simply continued to carry around the extra 25 to 30 pounds that I always had carried around. It is now thought that the major factor controlling how much you weigh is not your level of physical activity, but how much food you eat in relation to your level of physical activity. If you consume more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight and you will keep it on. Also, your body tends to remain at a fairly consistent level of weight, no matter what that level happens to be.. If you are now at your ideal weight, you will tend to remain that way. If you are 10 or 20 pounds overweight, you will tend to remain that way. If you weigh 40, 60, or 150 pounds more than you should, you will tend to continue carrying that same excess weight. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Just like most of the rest of our behavior, our eating habits are dictated by our beliefs, expectations, thoughts, and emotions. All of these are controlled by our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind programs us to maintain a certain level of weight, and we will continue to eat the amount of food that is needed to keep us at that level. All of this is done automatically. In order to weigh less, we must eat less. In order to eat less, we must reprogram our subconscious mind, and use our subconscious power to believe, feel, and think, like a thin, lean person. If we can do this, our eating habits will change, and we will achieve rapid weight loss, natural weight loss, and healthy weight loss, permanently.

I finally decided to lose weight during my second year of high school. I started on a "crash diet." I severely restricted my intake of food, and lost about 30 pounds fairly quickly. I was not even exercising. After I lost the weight, I noticed my appearance had changed. My forearms had become much thinner. My face was a bit drawn. I was lighter, and people complimented me on how skinny I had become, but I had the feeling that something was just not right. At the time I was not aware of the fact that that whenever we loss weight, we not only lose fat tissue, we also lose muscle tissue. If we are not exercising, and we severely limit our food intake in order to lose weight quickly, the amount of muscle tissue that is destroyed increases dramatically. Using a fad fast weight loss diet, or one of the many weight loss pills often bring on this effect. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Also, I noticed that when I stopped my crash diet, my old eating habits returned. Because I hadn't gone about exercising in order to replace any of my depleted muscle tissue, I easily gained back all the weight that I had lost. Not only did all the lost weight return, but I also gained back even more weight. I had gone back to my normal overeating habits. Doesn't this sound familiar? I could have tried, once again, to severely restrict my diet and lose weight, but I was certain that I would just gain it all back like before. Instead, I decided to have my father help me with my weight loss problem. My father was a dentist. He had gone about studying the methods of hypnosis during the early part of his career, and he had used hypnosis with a great deal of success on many patients in his dental practice. He also used hypnosis many times on all us kids.. He would

amuse our family by having us bark like a dog, or quack like a duck He also used hypnosis to help us with our study skills, and to keep us focused and relaxed when we took exams at school. For this reason, I was very familiar with the practice of hypnosis. I was not afraid of hypnosis, and I knew it could be a useful tool. I requested him to use weight loss hypnosis on me because I knew that it would work. During the following few months my father and I spent a number of short hypnosis sessions together. He would first induce a trance state in me, and then he would make some positive suggestions that I become a trim, lean, fit person. Gradually, that is just what I became. My beliefs, feelings, and thoughts changed. Slowly, my eating habits also changed. I began to exercise on a regular basis, and I was able to lose the weight I wanted to, and I have been able to permanently keep it off. This was all accomplished without a lot of effort on my part. It just seemed to happen naturally. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I have been overweight. I have experienced the difficulties involved in trying to lose excess weight, and how hard it is to keep it off.. I was able to change my life. I was able to become a trim, lean and fit person. I accomplished all of this by using weight loss hypnosis. Countless others beside myself, have used, and are now using, weight loss hypnosis to achieve fast weight loss, healthy weight loss, and to lose weight easily and permanently. You can too! Make the commitment to use the best weight loss program, hypnosis weight loss. You can lose weight and change your life forever. Start today!

4. Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau One of the most frustrating aspects of weight loss is reaching a weight loss plateau. Thankfully, breaking the weight loss plateau is a relatively simple task once you know what causes it. When we first undertake a weight loss goal we tend to lose a lot of weight initially then the amount slowly declines over a period of weeks or months until we reach the point where we stop losing weight altogether, and it's not that we don't need to lose more weight either. This is referred to as a weight loss plateau. You know you're doing all the right things but you're just not losing the weight. In the first week of your program you tend to lose the largest amount of weight. Much of the weight loss this first week is actually excess fluid and can constitute as much as 9 lb (4 kg) or more depending on your starting weight. Fluid loss can represent as much as 50% of total weight lost in the first week. There are several factors that contribute to a weight loss plateau including (but not limited to); >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Insufficient Calories Consumed Muscle Loss Weight Loss Lack Of Discipline Physical Adaptation Exercise Ability Over Exercise Enhanced Fitness Levels Lets deal with these one at a time.

Insufficient Calories Consumed The human body requires a MINIMUM of 1200 calories per day to function. If you consume less than that (on a crash diet for example), your body will interpret that as being in a famine and will reduce your metabolism (the bodies ability to burn calories) in order to protect itself and be able to survive for longer. This will stop it from burning fat stores. Solution: Maintain a reasonable calorie consumption. Use a BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calculator to determine how many calories your body requires per day to maintain itself. Once you have determined approximately how many calories your body requires to operate, reduce you calorie consumption to 500-700 calories less than that without going under 1200 calories. More than a 700 calorie deficit may lead to muscle loss which is the next cause of a weight loss plateau. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Muscle Loss All bodily tissue requires energy to maintain itself, including fat. Muscle requires FIVE TIMES the amount of energy to maintain itself than fat does. The higher the muscle percentage in your body the greater your caloric needs. Unfortunately, diets sometimes lead to muscle loss. The bodies primary source of energy is carbohydrates, followed by protein then fat. Your muscles are made of protein so if your body runs out of carbs it may turn to muscle as an energy source if those muscles are no being maintained by exercise. Unfortunately, muscle loss leads to a lower metabolism. Solution: Eat a diet rich in protein and exercise in conjunction with your reduced calorie diet to maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss. If necessary, vitamin supplements may be utilized to ensure correct nutrition.

Weight Loss Huh? Isn't losing weight the whole point? Yes it is! But as you lose weight the number of calories your body requires to maintain itself also reduces. As mentioned earlier, even fat needs calories to maintain itself. Solution: As you lose weight, check your BMR regularly to see how many calories your body requires per day and maintain a calorie consumption around 500 calories less than that. But remember, don't consume less than 1200 calories. Lack Of Discipline After several weeks of a new weight loss program many people tend to lose focus. They start indulging their cravings for unhealthy foods more than they should and they cut corners on exercise, skipping one day under the pretense of exercising twice as much the next day etc. This decreases the BMR and increases calorie intake which effectively stops weight loss. Solution: Staying motivated during a weight loss program can be a challenge. One of the best ways to overcome this issue is to find a weight loss buddy. Having someone to exercise with and be answerable to can be an effective motivator. Another great motivational tool is a printable weight loss goal setting worksheet. Print it out, fill it out and place it on the fridge, where you will see it regularly and it will remind you of what you are trying to achieve >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Physical Adaptation Our bodies adapt themselves to our calorie consumption and physical activity levels. When we begin an exercise regime, our body is required to make several changes to adjust to changing workloads. Our muscles have to rebuild themselves and this requires many calories. But, over time the body finishes adapting and burns less calories for the same activities. Solution: Don't allow you body to adapt. Vary your exercise program by changing the intensity, duration, frequency and type of exercise. If you always do

weights then go do some cardio, grab a jump rope and skip for 15 minutes. You can also utilize interval training where you swap and change between different types of exercise for set amounts of time. Exercise Ability Whenever you do an exercise regularly you become better at it and your body requires less calories to perform it. A trained athlete burns less calories playing their sport than someone who isn't trained in that sport. Solution: Once again, don't allow your body to adapt to a single exercise. Mix it up, if you're always doing weights then go for a run, switch from the treadmill to a rowing machine etc. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Over Exercise If you exercise too much your body adapts and reaches a point where the extra energy consumed in exercise is offset by a DECREASE in the amount of energy used when not exercising. In other words, when you increase exercise intensity, your body decreases the number of calories consumed during the rest of your day. Solution: Allow yourself recovery time. Take a break for a few days with some low impact exercise like swimming or tai chi. When you return to your normal exercise routine, pull back a little and only increase intensity when needed to maintain weight loss. Enhanced Fitness Levels As your fitness level increases, your body efficiency increases and requires less calories to operate. Enhanced fitness causes a reduced resting metabolic rate and fewer calories required for normal daily activities. This is partially because your cardio-pulmonary efficiency is increased and your resting heart rate is lower. Solution: Congratulations! You're officially fit and healthy. You can justifiably feel proud of yourself. Concentrate on mixing up your routine to maintain progress and life will just get better and better! Another thing to keep in mind is that weight loss is not the

only aspect to increasing your fitness. It is possible to lose inches without losing weight. This is because if you build muscle through resistance training that muscle weighs MORE than fat but requires LESS space. A person who weighs 200 lbs with 25% lean muscle will be smaller than another person of the same height and weight who only has 20% lean muscle. So in summary there are four main things to remember: Keep track of your BMR (how many calories per day your body needs to maintain itself). Maintain a calorie consumption of 500-700 less than your BMR without going below the 1200 minimum. Engage in exercise to prevent muscle loss. Mix up your exercise program to prevent your body from adapting.


5. Looking For New Weight Loss Tips? The problem with a quick, easy solution to losing weight is that it usually leads to quick, easy weight gain shortly thereafter. There are hundreds of weight loss tips out there, and you may be tired of hearing the same advice repeated over and over. The truth is, there are no new weight loss tips. The same honest truth of yesterday is the truth today. Losing weight requires that you change your eating habits, exercise more, and live a generally healthy lifestyle. A particular weight loss program can help you lose the initial pounds you need to shed, and give you advice on how to keep them off, but the rest is up to you. Going straight back to your old habits is not going to help you stay in shape, or stay healthy. Before you choose a weight loss program, let's go through those tips one more time. This time, put them into practice - lose the weight, and keep it off. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1. Lose weight for the right reasons Before you even look at a diet plan or exercise schedule, look at why you want to lose weight. If you want to improve your health, look and feel better - great! If you want to be able to play with your kids more, that's super. Trying to get your ex back, look better than the next door neighbour, or because your partner says you should - not so good. The best motivation to lose weight is to do it for yourself nobody else. Health reasons should be foremost, because being overweight can cause health issues that will be with you for the rest of your life.

2. Choose a weight loss program carefully You must be realistic when you choose how you are going to go about losing weight. Your lifestyle may not suit every type of program or diet, and choosing one that you cannot adjust to or cope with is setting yourself up for failure. Look at your current eating habits, level of physical activity, work schedule, family and social life. Think realistically about how much change each of those areas can withstand. For example, if you do no exercise at all, you're going to struggle with a weight loss program that requires intense exercise from the get-go. If you eat out regularly, you'll need a diet that allows you a wider choice of food types to accommodate that. Counting calories can be time consuming, so if you have a busy schedule, you may want a diet that either lays it all out for you, or gives you more flexibility. Try not to be sucked in by the promise of losing a certain number of pounds in a specific time period everyone loses weight at a different rate, and the only way to guarantee you will lose any weight is by following instructions to the letter. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3. Set realistic goals This cannot be repeated enough. Setting goals that are nigh impossible to reach just sets you up for failure, disappointment and misery. Break your goal up into smaller, more achievable steps. Monthly or weekly goals are easier to achieve. Make sure that your goals represent a healthy weight loss - which most often means gradual weight loss leading to a healthy weight for your age, gender, height and body type.

4. Write it all down Whether you call it a food diary or a success journal (personally I prefer the latter), get into the habit of recording your eating habits and preferably start doing this before you go on a weight loss program. Record what you eat, when you eat - and why you eat. Why you eat will help you identify what triggers the unhealthy eating habits that may have led to your weight gain. Boredom, loneliness, anger, frustration and stress can often lead us to unhealthy snacks and comfort food, even though we know it's not good for us. Use your diary or journal to record your goals, and your progress. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 5. Program for success, but expect some bad days Forget about all the diets you've been on in the past! Program yourself for success on this one, but accept that there will be bad days - and even bad weeks. Nobody is perfect, and you will have a day or two where it just gets too much for you. You may skip a workout, or find yourself unable to resist the donuts your colleague brought to work. It's okay to slip up! It is NOT okay to give up. One bad day, one poor decision, or even a string of them, does not mean you have failed. It just means you had a bad day. Tomorrow does not have to be the same, so just get started right away. 6. Get support Whether it's friends, family or an online group, make sure you have people to support and encourage you - especially on those bad days. There are thousands of people in online groups who share their experiences with different diets and weight loss programs, have been through the same difficulties you may be facing, and many who

have succeeded. Read their stories, chat to them, and learn from their mistakes. 7. Exercise Whether you like it or not, some form of physical activity must be included in a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it help you lose weight, but it will help you maintain the weight loss. Of course, the health benefits are a big factor - even if you're thin, exercise is good for you. You will find that the usual recommendation is between 30 and 45 minutes of exercise three times a week. Recent research indicates that those thirty minutes can be broken up into three 10 minutes sessions, with the same results. 10 minutes is often easier to fit into a busy schedule, and the exercise you do will keep your metabolism boosted throughout the day. Your exercise program should involve activities that you enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy it, you're going to find any excuse not to do it, or be miserable when you are. One of the three factors most likely to lead to successful weight loss is having home exercise equipment, so that may be an avenue to investigate too. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 8. Eating Whether you are following a specific diet plan, counting calories, or just cutting down on the 'bad' food, there are a couple of things that can help you. Eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes from the time you start eating, for your brain to register feelings of fullness. If you gulp your food down in less time, you won't know you're too full until it's too late. Stop eating when you feel satisfied - not full.

Watch those portions - especially when you are eating out. Eat half the meal and take the rest home in a take out box. At home, use smaller plates - a great way to make sure you don't serve too much, but your plate will still look nice and full. Go easy on the salt, limit high fat foods, replace red meat with lean poultry and fish, and drink lots of water. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast, as that's the meal that wakes up your metabolism and gets it going for the rest of the day. 9. Chart your progress Keeping track of your progress, including any slow or stalled loss periods, will let you see what helps you to succeed, what causes problems, and when to celebrate. Don't compare yourself to anyone else, even if they are following the exact same plan as you. Everyone loses weight at a different rate, due to metabolism, muscle tone and body type differences. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If your progress has stalled, particularly towards the end of your diet, you may have hit a plateau. The best way to overcome this is to change something. Exercise in the mornings instead of the evenings, swop carbs for proteins and vice versa in a few meals, or even take a few days break altogether. A plateau means your body has settled into a routine, and often all it needs is a little jolt to get it working at losing weight again. 10. Maintain, maintain, maintain! It is common sense that once you've lost weight, going back to your old habits will bring the weight back on, but so many fall into that trap. Either their diet was so radical it is impossible to continue in real life, or the weight loss program failed to explain how the dietary

changes made to lose weight can be adapted to maintain your new weight. After your 'diet' is finished, you should have a better idea of what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat it. You should be feeling the benefits of regular exercise, and in fact be able to do more exercise because you are now fitter and stronger. Adapting your weight loss program to a weight loss maintenance program and a new healthy lifestyle should be a priority. Although these tips may seem like common sense, old hat or just another repetition, that doesn't mean you'll take heed. Most of us know when we're eating the wrong food or not exercising enough, but that isn't always enough. You have to take action in order to change your life, and there is no shortcut. A weight loss program can help you get the weight off, but you have to keep it off. It is not easy to lose weight, and no-one takes kindly to change, but if you want to improve your health and well-being, you are going to have to put some effort into becoming healthy. The results will, however, definitely be worth it.


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