What are fibroids and how to treat them

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Content 1. What Are Fibroids and How to Treat Them 2. Ways to Shrink Fibroids Naturally Without Risk of Complications 3. A Complete and Final Review for Fibroids and Pregnancy 4. Fibroid Pain - Diagnosis 5. Overcoming Uterine Fibroids - Symptoms and Treatment Options for Fibroids


1. What Are Fibroids and How to Treat Them Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus composed of muscle and fibrous tissues. When the normal uterine cells grow abnormally, it will develop into a benign tumor. Fibroids are also called fibromas, myomas, or leiomyomas. These are not associated with uterine cancer and in fact, they usually do not develop into a cancer. Uterine fibroids are very common, due to the fact that many women have fibroids at some point in their lives. As their growth is dependent on estrogen and progesterone, they occur during the middle and late stages of the woman's reproductive years. They do not grow until puberty ensues and usually appeas at 30 to 50 years of age. After menopause when the estrogen levels drop, they just shrink or disappear. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The composition of all fibroids is the same. They are all made up of uterine muscle cells growing into a tight mass. They can be classified based on the location of their growth. Myometrial or intramural fibroids are found in the uterine muscular wall, and are the most common type of fibroids. Submucosal fibroids develop beneath the interior surface of the uterine wall but may project in the uterus. Subserosal fibroids can grow very large on the outer wall of the uterus into the pelvis. Pedunculated fibroids grow and attach to the outer wall of the uterus by a narrow stalk. Cervical fibroids develop in the cervical wall. In some cases, uterine fibroids are asymptomatic and treatment is not needed. However, in other cases, they can be symptomatic. The symptoms are produced in relation to size and location. These

include heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, back or leg pain, urinary frequency, difficulty emptying the bladder, constipation or painful defecation, abdominal discomfort or sensation of fullness, or pain during intercourse. Iron deficiency anemia may also be present due to the heavy vaginal bleeding. Fibroids may also occur along with endometriosis which causes infertility. The urinary and gastrointestinal problems are due to the compression effect of the fibroids. In rare cases, they can develop into malignant cancers called leiomyosarcomas. When these symptoms are present, women should immediately see their doctors. Large fibroids can be palpated during pelvic examination. However, imaging studies such as ultrasound, hysteroscopy or hysterosonography may be performed to confirm the presence of the fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Asymptomatic fibroids are usually discovered incidentally during pelvic examination. Since they do not produce symptoms, the best action is to just observe and monitor. However, for symptomatic fibroids, non-operative and operative treatment options are available depending on the severity. Non-operative treatment options include: Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) help control the heavy bleeding, but they do not reduce the size of the fibroids; Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to relieve the pain; Progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD) can be used for non-distorting fibroids. They can relieve the symptoms, but they do not make the fibroids disappear.

Finally, gonadotropin-realesing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists reduce the estrogen and progesterone levels making the fibroids shrink and eventually disappear. These are only used for a short period of time, either before surgical removal of fibroid or when a woman is nearly menopausal. Operative treatment options include: Myomectomy can be opted for women who still want to have babies. The fibroids are removed sparing the uterus. For multiple and large fibroids, the surgeon may perform an open abdominal myomectomy. However, for small and only few fibroids, a laparoscopic myomectomy can be done wherein the surgeon creates a small incision to allow the instrument to enter the uterus with a small camera attached and uses a surgical robot to remove the fibroids. For submucosal fibroids, a hysteroscopic myomectomy can be done. A scope is passed through the vagina and into the uterus where the surgeon can view and remove the fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Hysterectomy is a major surgery, where the uterus is removed and is one sure way to permanently remove the fibroids. Endometrial ablation is effective in stopping the bleeding but does not affect the fibroids outside the inner uterine wall. This treatment uses heat, hot water, microwave energy, or electric current to destroy the inner surface of the uterus by utilizing an instrument inserted into the uterus. Uterine artery embolization is efficient in shrinking the fibroids and relieving the symptoms. This can be done by injecting embolic agents into the arteries supplying blood to the uterus to cut off the flow to the fibroids.

Myolysis is a laparoscopic procedure in which a laser or electric current is utilized to shrink the blood vessels supplying the fibroids and eventually destroying them. In the case of cryomyolysis, a liquid nitrogen is used instead to freeze the fibroids. Some women may experience no symptoms with fibroids, and some do not even know they have one. During pregnancy, the fibroids may increase in size due to the increased estrogen level and blood flow. However, they shrink back to their normal size after childbirth. For women who are experiencing symptoms, they should seek medical attention. It is also important that they discuss their treatment options well with their families and doctors before deciding. They have to weigh the pros and cons of each treatment and choose the option that best suits their situation.


2. Ways to Shrink Fibroids Naturally Without Risk of Complications Uterine fibroids are the most common non-cancerous kind of tumors found in females. Typically, they occur during the middle and late reproductive years (30-40) and don't have symptoms. Although fibroids are non-cancerous, they would cause various health complications and complications while carrying a child if not treated. Due to the an undeniable fact that standard medical treatments for fibroids are unpleasant and intrusive, many women search natural paths to shrink fibroids. Uterine fibroids form from the muscle tissues of the uterus and consist of muscle and sinewy tissue. They vary in size and might form without any symptoms. Uterine fibroids affect one 5th of all females at some particular point during their life. Usually women between thirty and 50 years of age, as well as overweight females are at more serious risk of fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The primary problem associated with uterine fibroids management, including natural methods to shrink fibroids, is absence of information regarding the exact reasons behind their development. Doctors believe that genetic predispositions, prenatal hormone exposure, the effect of hormones, growth factors including certain health conditions can make a contribution to fibroids formation. Though most fibroids do not need treatment unless they're causing health problems, finding out the best way to shrink fibroids naturally is something each woman diagnosed with uterine fibroids should think about.

There are various holistic approaches to uterine fibroids treatment. Commonly, these approachess focus on decreasing the levels of estrogens as these hormones promote the formation of fibroids. Some natural cures for uterine fibroids include special nutrition diets and routines designed to detox the body and therefore speed up natural healing processes, and assorted herbs. A popular natural fibroid therapy is keeping a healthy diet. A diverse and well balanced diet may help to shrink fibroids and prevent them from reoccurring. Such eating plan should include organic fruit and veg, and particularly foods that are known to block estrogen secretion. Commercially manufactured foods must be fully eliminated from the eating plan as they can contain chemicals and hormones that plug fibroids development. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Several herbs are also thought to be able to shrink fibroids in a natural way. Herbs generally used in alternative fibroids treatment include Yellow Dock Root, Chasteberry, Milk Thistle, Dandelion, and so on. Some of these herbs can also be used to alleviate the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Regardless of the exact strategy you may opt to shirk fibroids naturally, you need to check with your GP first so as to confirm your condition isn't dangerous. Although fibroids barely cause complications, on some occasions they have to be managed in an efficient fashion. Additionally, you need to realise that natural uterine fibroids cures aren't an exact activity and you could need to try several natural fibroids cures prior to finding one that is efficient. Eventually, natural fibroids cures don't work instantaneously. Similar to conventional treatments with medicines, you will need to attend

some time before experiencing improvements. You have to remain motivated and focused on your work to for the natural fibroids cures you are attempting to be useful. If you want to learn how to shrink fibroids in uterus by using natural remedies for fibroids visit


3. A Complete and Final Review for Fibroids and Pregnancy When talking about fibroids and pregnancy, the most common worry that women will have is the health condition that their babies can have while they are suffering the pains of the condition. Fibroid Uterus is the condition wherein women will have non-cancerous tumors in their wombs or in their uterus. Most women who are undergoing such problem are always in the worry of producing babies for their partners in life. Women who find out that they have these tumors would not go for any treatments for the fear of not going through pregnancy. It is essential that women who want to safely get pregnant will have a talk with their gynecologists in to make sure that they can safely give birth with a healthy baby even when they have fibroid. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Women who are affected with this kind of conditions are those that are in the range of 40-50 of age. These women may have several kids with this age but are not yet aware unless they feel severe pain in their abdominal area. When these women have not yet undergone any regular checkups especially when they are just starting to experience pregnancy symptoms, they would normally have no idea about the tumors that they are having. Because these tumors don't have any symptoms especially in the early stages, there is a great chance that women will have a hard time to tell if they are suffering from these tumors unless they have undergone any examinations. Fibroids and Pregnancy - When Does these Tumors Start to Grow? Uterus tumors usually start when the reproductive system of a woman starts from 16 up to 50 years where a woman starts to

undergo menopause. These tumors develop when the female hormones are increasing especially when signs of pregnancy are developing. There are certain complications when treating fibroids and pregnancy is expected from a woman. These fibroids are known to shrink if a woman will be under the process of menopause where the hormones are slowly getting low that makes the tumors shrink and soon disappear without doing any treatments. How Fibroids are treated? Even if there would be some complications in dealing with fibroids and pregnancy, there are still treatments available that can be included if a woman really wants to get rid of these tumors. For prevention of these tumors from recurring, hysterectomy will be the only option. Because fibroids and pregnancy are complicated to deal with especially that the baby's condition should be considered, this kind of treatment is chosen by most women for them to be free from the pain that they would feel in their lower back. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< But for those women who still want to have a baby and just want the tumor to be removed, there is another treatment called UAE or Uterine Artery Emobilization. This treatment makes the tumor shrink and help in providing a place where the baby can develop freely especially when they are just starting to have symptoms of pregnancy. With getting a regular checkup from specialist will make it easy for every woman to know everything they need to know regarding the health condition. A Complete and Final Review for Fibroids and Pregnancy Fibroids and pregnancy has the same symptoms - they commonly cause abdominal pain to women. Fibroids is a lump or non-cancerous

tumour that develops in the uterus of a women causing it to produce red degeneration that tends to occur during the first trimester of the pregnancy that may cause premature delivery and miscarriage. Because Fibroids and Pregnancy have the same symptoms most women who have fibroids tend to disregard the pain causing it to have a high chance of experiencing more serious problems like losing their baby. Fibroids are common in women during pregnancy though it does not change their size during pregnancy there is a possibility that they grow bigger in the first trimester because of the presence of oestrogen. There are rare cases that fibroids affecting pregnancies however it is associated with placenta abruption, postpartum haemorrhage, spontaneous miscarriage, malpresentation, caesarean delivery, preterm labor and labor dystocia. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How Fibroids Develop in Pregnant Women Fibroids are commonly slow-growing tumours and usually microscopic which can be associated with a size of a pea. However, fibroids may grow rapidly because of the high level of oestrogen hormone to pregnant women. It may produce symptoms like abdominal pain, cramping, the feel of need to urinate and nausea. Its growth during the period of pregnancy occurs on the first trimester and may grow depending on the blood supply. Aside from the high level of oestrogen there are other factors that affect fibroids to develop in the uterus that includes birth control pills, menopausal stage, weight, age, diet and more. When Does Fibroids Occur

Fibroids occurs when a women reaches the age of 40 and above which they normally feels abdominal pain yet disregard it especially women that already has kids and are familiar with pregnancy symptoms. It is more likely for them to mistakenly think that the symptoms are just a sign of pregnancy. Pain is one of the most common sign and complication of fibroids during pregnancy especially for those pregnant women with large fibroids. They are those who don't have regular check-up or not aware that they have fibroid tumours. Effects of Fibroids in Pregnancy Outcome There are approximately 30% of pregnant women that has uterine fibroids complications during their pregnancy. These complications include miscarriage which is relatively high compare to pregnant women who does not have fibroids. Though there are pregnant women who have fibroid tumours who do not experience miscarriage. The location of the fibroid tumour plays an important part if the non-cancerous tumour is located in the uterine corpus or uterine lining there is a high possibility of miscarriage because of the red degeneration that causes to the fibroids to bleed. There are few number of pregnant women suffers fibroids complications and these are the women that are not aware of having fibroids. It is best recommended for pregnant women to have a regular check-up for early detection of possible case of fibroid tumours to prevent miscarriage, bleeding, severe abdominal pain and more and to know the suitable treatment to eliminate the fibroids. For more information about fibroids and how to treat them visit


4. Fibroid Pain - Diagnosis The more I learn about fibroids the more fascinating I find the subject. Fibroid pain can be difficult to diagnose. With fibroids you may experience pelvic pain, discomfort or heaviness. Fibroids may also cause lower abdominal pain, low back pain, hip pain, groin pain or pain in the upper legs. How do you make a correct diagnosis of fibroids? Fibroids are often present without symptoms (instead of causing fibroid pain or heavy periods). They may therefore be diagnosed during a routine pelvic examination or when an ultrasound is carried out for another reason, e.g. during pregnancy. An ultrasound can be used to diagnose fibroids and also rule out other causes of pain or symptoms. A trans-vaginal scan may be used to diagnose fibroids. It involves inserting a small ultrasound scanner probe into the vagina to obtain a clearer image of the uterus. This is useful if fibroid pain is suspected. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< It may be possible to see vaginal fibroids directly or uterine fibroids that are close to the mucosa (inner lining) of the womb (intramural fibroids), and those within the cavity of your uterus (sub mucosal fibroids) with a hysteroscope. A hysteroscope is a small telescope used to examine the inside of your womb. This is a useful investigation for fibroid pain. Sometimes laparoscopy is performed as one of the investigations for fibroid pain. A laparoscope is a flexible, thin endoscope with a light on the end that is used to look inside the abdominal cavity. It may

also be used to examine the shape, size and appearance of the outside of the uterus. During a laparoscopy it is useful to be able to take a tissue sample (biopsy) of the inside lining or the outer layer of the womb or uterus fibroid. This tissue sample is then sent to the laboratory for close microscopic examination to make a precise tissue diagnosis. This is important in the differential diagnosis of fibroids. Fibroids on the uterus are easy to see with a laparoscope. Use of MRI scanning: Sometimes, particularly if fibroids are very large, more information is necessary. An MRI scan provides detailed images of the uterus. It will indicate the location and position of the fibroids which are resulting in fibroid pain. An MRI can usually tell the difference between adenomyosis and fibroids. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Adenomyosis is one of the most common conditions confused with fibroids when fibroid pain is present. This is a serious error, as the treatment may be quite different. Adenomyosis is a different disease in which the lining of the uterus infiltrates the wall of the womb. This causes the uterine wall to thicken and the uterus to enlarge. The result may be severe uterine pain similar to fibroid pain, and heavy uterine bleeding. The advantage of MRI scanning is that the exact type, size and position of the fibroids causing fibroid pain can be seen, as well as the size of the uterus or womb. In addition to adenomyosis other diseases can be diagnosed such as endometriosis. In endometriosis the tissue lining the uterus is present outside the uterus. Endometriosis leads to pain and infertilty.

Once a diagnosis of fibroids has been made then a decision needs to be made whether to treat or not. Fibroids are benign tumours (not cancerous) and often require no treatment. Please see this website for further information about fibroids and fibroid pain at


5. Overcoming Uterine Fibroids - Symptoms and Treatment Options for Fibroids If you suffer from fibroids periodically it can be frustrating when you try to obtain permanent relief from fibroids without resorting to surgery that may include a hysterectomy. While fibroids affect women of all races, black women develop fibroids in greater numbers than women of other races. In your quest to overcoming uterine fibroids, this article discusses symptoms and treatment options for fibroids. Fibroids as defined as benign (non cancerous) growths that develop as single tumors or clusters of tumors on the smooth muscle that is found in the uterine wall. These usually develop in women of childbearing age and decrease or disappear after menopause due to the decrease in estrogen production during this phase in a woman's life. Fibroids usually do not lead to or increase the risk of developing cancer (e.g. uterine cancer). >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Although as many as three out of four women will develop uterine fibroids, most are unaware of having these tumors because they may not produce any symptoms. They may usually be detected in this case only during a normal pelvic exam or ultrasound. While the exact cause for uterine fibroids remains unknown, there are several risk factors that can lead to the development of fibroids. Besides black women being at a greater risk that other women of developing these tumors, if a woman has a family history of fibroids, this will increase her risk of developing these tumors.

Other risk factors include not having been pregnant and given birth. Pregnancy and having given birth has been identified as one of the protective factors against the development of fibroids. Other risk factors include being obese, starting a menstrual cycle before 10 years old, etc. Uterine Fibroid Symptoms Some of the most common symptoms of fibroids in women that develop symptoms are as follows; a. Pelvic pain and pressure or other pelvic discomfort b. Heavy menstrual cycles or experiencing unusually prolonged menstrual cycles that usually last at least seven days c. Pressure on the bladder leading to difficulty urinating or frequent urination d. Pressure on the rectum leading to constipation e. Leg pains or backache >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< It may be time to consult a doctor when you experience pelvic pain that will not go away, spotting between menstrual cycles, very heavy and/or painful menstrual cycles, experiencing pain during sexual intercourse, having trouble urinating or constipation problems, etc. Treatment for Uterine Fibroids There are many methods that a doctor may implement to treat these tumors. The first step that the doctor may perform is to simply monitor the fibroids using an ultrasound to see whether there are any changes in size or the properties of the tumors.

Various medications may also be prescribed that include pain medications, various hormonal medications, etc. If you are still having trouble with the fibroids, the doctor may recommend surgery. Surgery should always be considered a last resort when all other methods fail to work. The most common surgical procedure for fibroids is the hysterectomy. A hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus which eliminates the possibility of ever having children. It can also lead to early menopause in addition to various other side effects such as depression. The logic behind a hysterectomy is that without a uterus, there is no possibility of developing a fibroid tumor. There are few other surgeries that may be performed on less severe fibroid tumors. Traditional methods of treatment for fibroids can not only be very expensive, but they also lead to various side effects. An alternative to traditional methods of treatment is the use of natural methods and remedies for the treatment and cure of fibroids. Natural treatment seeks to not only treat the symptoms of fibroids so that the recurrence of fibroids is eliminated. Natural methods have been found by many women that are plagued by fibroids to eliminate and cure these tumors. Get rid of the pain and discomfort caused by uterine fibroids once and for all using natural methods without resorting to a hysterectomy or other expensive surgeries. Try the natural methods for fibroids treatment visit


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