Who wants to be a millionaire a review of my millionaire mentor

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Content 1. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? A Review of My Millionaire Mentor 2. Have a Millionaire Attitude - It Is Key! 3. 5 Steps To Become A Millionaire 4. Millionaire Mindset: Cedrick Harris and Todd Falcone Have It 5. The Elements of a Millionaire Mindset


1. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? A Review of My Millionaire Mentor My Millionaire Mentor Review Who wants to be a millionaire? Everyone! And yes, this opportunity promises to make you one in a matter of months. But hey, don't we know that if there is something that sounds too good to be true, it is likely to be not true? Whenever we see any opportunity that promises a lot of money very fast, and with minimal efforts, it is natural to feel a little skeptical about it. There are thousands of such scams on the internet which claim to let you into a secret which will make you a millionaire in a matter of months. But eventually, you just end up spending your precious time and your hopes are dashed when time passes by and you make no money at all. However, My Millionaire Mentor seems to be slightly different from all those false promises that are strewn around the internet. So let's try and figure out whether this is actually a good opportunity or yet another internet money making scam. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< What is My Millionaire Mentor? My Millionaire Mentor is Ryan Matthew's personal website where he offers to train fifty internet newbies and teach them a six step secret which will make them earn anything from $1000 to $5000 per day. Wow! That's a lot of money, right? But what does one have to do in order to earn this kind of money? That is precisely what millionaire Ryan Matthews wants to teach you.

He is going to personally coach the first fifty people who sign up for this program, and he promises to let them in on the secret which has made him earn around $11 million in just two years. He adds that in order to make that whopping amount of money, he had to work for only an hour per day! When you see his San Diego beach house and his neat set of supercars, it seems like a fantasy. And when he promises that you can have all of that, it seems to be an even more unlikely proposition. Ryan Matthews also adds that this process is completely risk free, and does not involve going to your friends and family to sell a particular product. He makes it very clear in his promotional video that you will not be a salesperson of any kind. Moreover, he guarantees that there is no way that you can lose money by participating in this program. So what is this program all about? Read on to find out more. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Is My Millionaire Mentor A Good Opportunity? In the promotional video for the company, we find people from different walks of life thanking Ryan Matthews for completely transforming their lives. One instantly identifies with those people. All of us have debts and mortgages that we struggle to pay, even though some of us work on two jobs. We spend all our days working hard to pay off our debts, while the best times of our lives just pass us by. Who wouldn't want to spend more time with their kids rather than working in office on a Saturday night? Moreover, there are so many other financial pressures that we have on our shoulders - like college funds, home loans, health worries - that we hardly find time to follow our dreams and live our lives to the fullest.

Thus, when an opportunity like My Millionaire Mentor comes to us, it is absolutely alluring. But the thing is, the internet is full of many financial scams which claim to transform your lives, but end up taking money from you. All of us have been disappointed many times through various such programs that claim to make us millionaires but end up taking our own hard earned money. So we need to be very careful before getting into any such program which offers easy money. My Millionaire Mentor states it very clearly that it is a scheme which has long term returns. On the plus side, that means that your grandchildren can enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, on the other hand, it means that it will take some time before you can earn some real money for yourself. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< How Does My Millionaire Mentor Work? It is clear from the promotional video on the website that the product is basically a free traffic source that you will get unlimited access to if you become a member of this program. The other benefits include special coaching by Ryan Matthews over the phone. He will personally mentor you on how to best use his product and maximize the profits for yourself. Once you become a member of what Matthews calls a secret millionaire club, you will have access to the various tips and tricks that will help you to make money. It is also mentioned in the video that the way in which you will make money is 100% legal, moral and ethical. So once you have access to the free traffic source, you will get clients who will pay you $1000 to $5000 a day for sending them traffic over the internet. Internet traffic is basically all the clicks that lead people to different website. According to Ryan Matthews, he has access to

clients who are ready to pay that much amount of money for access to your traffic. In effect, you will be an internet traffic broker who will work with millionaire Ryan Matthews to coordinate internet traffic and redirect it to your clients. Basically, it is an opportunity where you will be doing affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an actual money making source on the web where you get paid for traffic that you send to your client's website. And if you have access to a good traffic source which you can turn on or off at will, it is possible that you will make a lot of money online. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< There are six steps to making this work - but that is classified information which you will get access to once you become a part of this program. How Can You Make the First $500 Through My Millionaire Mentor? In the promotional video, Matthews promises you that once you become one of the private members of the My Millionaire Mentor program, you will earn $500 and much more in the first month. In fact, you can around $5000 a day, without even leaving the comfort of your home. And to top it all, you just need a computer with an internet connection to do this job. In order to become a private member, the entry fee is $1000. But in effect, you pay only $49 because you are refunded $500 immediately. You get your money back immediately, and Ryan Matthews guarantees that you don't have to spend a penny more than $49 to get into this program.

Matthews also tells that by becoming a private member, you will get to be a part of a highly regarded company that is going to be the next big billion dollar internet empire in times to come. Though it is a speculation, in the internet age, anything is possible. The process which Ryan Matthews is going to teach you is actually a very simple process which many people have used on the internet in order to make money. It is called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is basically a process through which you send traffic to the websites of your clients. And for each click that leads a person to your client's website from your source, you get paid a certain amount as commission. And if you have access to a source from where you can send millions of clicks to your clients, you will seriously earn a lot of money online. So, technically, My Millionaire Mentor is a concept that could actually earn if you serious money if Ryan Matthews actually handed out a free traffic source to you. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Pros and Cons of My Millionaire Mentor It is evident that this is a program which appears to have some sort of risk. But then, that is life. There are certain risks that one has to take, especially if you want to be a millionaire. Technically, Ryan Matthews is asking for just $49 from you for getting access to a private group where you will be coached on the secrets of making money on the internet. This scheme does not have an MLM structure, and you need not sell anything. It is absolutely legal, and all you have to do is broker internet traffic. Moreover, once you sign up, you get an immediate return of $500, which is a very good proposition. If you really get that money, it is a

fantastic deal. Especially since you could go on to make more money in following months. One of the cons of this entire program is that by watching the promotional video, you get to know very little about the process. There are many things which are not spelled out clearly, which makes it difficult to take the plunge and actually subscribe to the scheme and be a part of the millionaire mentor club. However, the testimonials from the various people who have tried this out spells out that there are people out there who are making money from this program. And that is exactly what makes you want to go ahead and try it. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Another con of this program is that earning money through affiliate marketing can sometimes be a very slow process. But this is something that Matthews tells you in the promotional video itself. It is a long term investment plan whereby you will take some time to earn money. But on the other hand, Ryan Matthews is also promising to let you on into a secret six-step process which will make the money making process much faster. So once become a part of the secret millionaire club and get to know the secret process which gives you access to more traffic, you might be able to make serious money online. And the success stories that are shared in the promotional video clearly say that people are making money quite fast. In fact, one woman said that she made more money through My Millionaire Mentor in two months than she had made in two years. Now, that is something!

The biggest minus of this entire project is previous experience. Whenever we hear about something that promises to give us a lot of money without working hard, it raises our suspicions. Also, there are thousands of scams on the internet which make a fool of people who do not have sufficient knowledge about the topic and subscribe to various programs hoping to make money. In the end, they realize that all of it was a scam. Conclusion The good thing about My Millionaire Mentor is that you get to see people for whom this process has worked, and that tends to give you some courage to go ahead and take the plunge. What you need to do is hear Ryan Matthews for yourself. Go to his website and have a look at his promotional video. If you feel that what he is saying is worth giving a try, you can go ahead and become a private member of the millionaire club. It is a conscious decision that you need to take for yourself, now that you already know the pros and cons of the program. If you think that this is yet another money-making scam on the internet, don't sign up for it. However, if you think that this program really has the potential to completely turn your life around, go ahead and become one of the protĂŠgĂŠs of Ryan Matthews. After all, every one of us dreams of having a Lamborghini parked at our garage, and a wonderful, spacious home from where we can see the sunset with our loved ones. There are some dreams that can be fulfilled when you become a millionaire, and if you are a person who nurses such dreams, you might want to try out My Millionaire Mentor to see what's in store for you.


2. Have a Millionaire Attitude - It Is Key! The thought that "I can become a millionaire" is an impossible concept to most of us. In fact, for years, I never even considered the idea. My name is Bette Laughrun, and I am a millionaire. I want to help you become one too. I know it may sound farfetched, but believe me, if I could do it at the age of 70, so can you. You can learn more of the steps to becoming a millionaire at my website. Let me start with a couple of basic ideas that can help you begin the journey toward being a millionaire. Think like a millionaire How can I become a millionaire by thinking like a millionaire? How does a millionaire think? Did you ever consider that millionaires really do think differently than most people? Are you living day-today? I was! I was only thinking of how to get my next meal. If you think month-to-month or paycheck-to-paycheck you are probably worried about having too much month at the end of your paycheck. Right? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< A millionaire plans year-to-year. What assets (things that bring money to you) am I going to buy this year? They become richer by consciously planning on making more money each year by buying more income producing assets each and every year. A billionaire plans decade to decade and thinks in terms of leaving a legacy. So answering the question, "How can I become a millionaire" is in how you think in terms of time. To change our status we must first change how we think. If you want to be a millionaire, start thinking in

terms of what assets you can buy this year. Set a goal and make it happen. In my Millionaire Apprentice program I will help you set goals, and move forward in a positive way. I know if I could do it, you can too! Stop complaining If you are complaining it means you are focusing on the problem and not the solution. Complaining about how things have not gone your way or you haven't had the good luck that successful people have or even how others have caused all your problems is negative and self-centered. It will not help you get what you want. It becomes all about your bad luck, your problems. When you are focused on the negative and how bad it is for you, then you are not focused on the positive and how you can help yourself and others. There are actually people out there who want to help you. I am one of them. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you want to really say and believe " I can become a millionaire " you have to change the way you think. You will not get there by dwelling on the negative. Even if you did make millionaire status, you would be an unhappy millionaire. The way out of that thinking is to begin looking at helping others be successful. The richest people in the world provide products and services that help other people. They become leaders in their field and blow away the competition because they help more people. It becomes more about others and less about them. Being a millionaire is all about being generous and it pays you big rewards in the end. What's really amazing about this is that if you are focused on the positive things in life, you will be happier now and in

the future when you do reach millionaire status. I would love to help you get there, visit my website for access to Free information and videos about my Millionaire Apprentice Program.


3. 5 Steps To Become A Millionaire Ever thought about you being a Millionaire? Ever thought about what it would take to become a Millionaire? Anyone ever shared with you how you can become a Millionaire? Interesting questions right? I'm not sure about you, but no one ever sat me down and said, "Steve, this is what you need to do if you want to be a Millionaire." I've had to struggle through my life just like everyone else. The only difference is I've made many sacrifices in my life to learn from the correct people, I've read lots of books to expand my knowledge and value to the world and now I would like to take a few minutes to share with you 5 Steps to get you started so you can become a Millionaire. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1) See Yourself already As A Millionaire Long before you can ever become a Millionaire, you need to start visualizing yourself as a Millionaire. Who will benefit from you being a Millionaire besides you? How will you help people? What will you do with the money? These are important questions. You can't just want to be a Millionaire and poof you are one. Sit down and create a vision that you can see in your own mind of you as a Millionaire. Think about is so much that you can see what you are wearing, what you drive for a car, who you are surrounded with and what house you are in. The more details you can clearly see in your vision the more your mind will be able to help you start making it your reality.

2) Change Your Friends This one may be really tough for a lot of you who are reading this. I don't want you to suddenly tell your existing friends they're not worthy of your time. But you do have to understand that you will stay at a success level of your closest friends. If your closest friends make minimum wage, pick apart your dream and have none of their own, how likely do you think that you will become a Millionaire? If you start hanging around with people who want success, who strive for their goals in life and make a ton of money, you'll be forced to change. This will really help change your mindset and help you to start thinking like a Millionaire. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3) Stop Concerning Yourself With What People Think About You Many people never take action because they are afraid that their closest friends and family will find out what they are doing. They are afraid they may even make fun of them. When they find out you actually have dreams and are working towards them, some of your friends may slam your dreams and be jealous. Stop concerning yourself with what they think. You and only you know what you want, what you desire in life, that you want to be a Millionaire. Just because they are not willing to put in the time and effort to become a Millionaire, doesn't mean that you can't go for it. You have to look out for yourself. Besides, when you become a Millionaire, think about how you'll be able to help inspire others to do the same as you did. How would that feel?

4) Believe In Yourself OK, so you now have a vision for yourself of you being a Millionaire. You've reached out to some new friends who are more successful than you and never give up on their goals. You have stopped concerning yourself with what others think. Now, you need to start believing in yourself. One good way to start believing in yourself is to use affirmations. Think about the steps you need to go through to become a Millionaire. Write down the first few that will be easiest to accomplish on a piece of paper. Then re-write them every night before you go to bed and again when you first wake up. This is when your brain will best use the information. Write them as a question and form the question as you have already accomplished them. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< This will start training your sub-conscious that you already have accomplished these affirmations and your mind will help you start making them your reality. The sooner you believe you can really become a Millionaire, the sooner it will really happen. The only person who can make you a Millionaire is you. Start believing in yourself today!!! 5) Take Massive Action Once you have your vision of you becoming a Millionaire, it's time to take Massive Action. It's not time to tip toe around and think about how to become a Millionaire. It's time to get started and really go for it.

Remember though, this will not happen overnight. This is a marathon, not a sprint. So please pace yourself. Do you think Tiger Woods became the world's best golfer by hitting 1,000,000 balls in a month. No! He hits thousands of balls every single week. He took massive action every single day to get to where he wanted to be. You can do the same. Imagine working less than an hour per day and growing an online business that will enable you to become a millionaire. Imagine attracting 10-20 brand new leads every day. Imagine sponsoring 5-10 new team members per month, without ever bothering your family and friends or making an cold calls to an unmotivated generic business opportunity leads. Imagine finally utilizing a proven attraction marketing system literally guaranteed to produce result after result once you have it set up.


4. Millionaire Mindset: Cedrick Harris and Todd Falcone Have It Millionaire Mindset: A Top 10 Takeaway This past Thursday night Todd Falcone had a one hour call about his top 10 'takeaway's' he received by being the Emcee at the NESII Event; one of those takeaways was the Millionaire Mindset and this takeaway resonated with me when he talked about it because it's the key to why he's still in the business 22 years later. The Millionaire Mindset is the key to why he's approachable, why he's never stopped learning, why he keeps working on himself and his brand to create more value each and every day and why he always asks, "What do you want me to cover so that you can learn and become a success? What is it you want to know?" As a bonus to those who attended NESII Todd gave away his LBB of Scripts something I've wanted for quite some time now and I'm reading it diligently - a valuable resource to create a valuable business. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Todd Falcone talks about a Millionaire Mindset on his Monday night calls and has decidedly coupled his efforts with another millionaire mindset Mrs. Susan Sly. But, that's another story for another blog post. I want to tell you about an experience I had with this millionaire mindset: Cedrick Harris. A Great Example of a Millionaire Mindset: Cedrick Harris A Millionaire Mindset is what you have when you show up at conferences, summits, events and speaking engagements and YOU'RE NOT SPEAKING! Millionaires were all over the No Excuses

SummitII; walking around, mingling and having valuable conversations with the likes of people like you and me. They were connecting and networking and amazingly enough LEARNING. Because a Millionaire Mindset doesn't start and stop on the stage it keeps working 24/7. I first met Cedrick Harris in North Las Vegas in early 2010 at a very small gathering. I had no idea who he was or why I should care, but I liked his completely nonchallant style that served everyone around him. As if to say, "You know being a millionaire isn't a big deal, anyone can do it." That's why I resonated with Cedrick Harris; because he has the millionaire mindset. He exudes his passion for helping others because inevitably it's going to help the greater good, e.g., our country's broken down economy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< He spent a great deal of time with our group and was gracious and grateful throughout his entire presentation. There were no expectations and there was no dissension based on who would become a part of his Team or not. He treated everyone with deference and created a really awesome 'vibe' in the room. Of course, it helped that the people who were hosting Cedrick also had a pleasant vibrational energy. Both Todd Falcone and Cedrick Harris have been at every event I've attended. Somehow I've found my way, through my economic debacle to attend these events such as riding my bicycle 50 miles round trip in 110 degree heat to the first NES, having to sleep in my car for the CCPro Mastermind Event 6, and multiple other sacrifices I've had to make in order to network and connect with the Millionaire Mindset.

You want to be a millionaire Nicole? You must learn to network with the millionaires and get to know them. Through my tenacity, drive, determination and sheer will I've not only met Todd Falcone and Cedrick Harris, but I actually know them and have had conversations with these Millionaires. A Millionaire Mindset: How It Works So, I walk in to the breakout session for Susan Sly at the NESII and it's packed, there are no seats and everyone's excited. Conversation is at an all time decibel high and some guy walks up to me and says, "What's your name? Where are you from? What do you do? and multiple other questions. I don't know him, he doesn't know me and all of a sudden, we have about 5 things in common. It was organized chaos Susan Sly Style. As the crowd settled down and Susan started to present dressed in her off the shoulder black dress with these cool black boots on I started taping on my little video recorder. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Lo and behold, who's standing next to me?! Like right next to me?! Cedrick Harris. He's taping too. Yep, he's got his camcorder out and he's listening intently. A multi-millionaire listening to another multimillionaire, standing in the back of a breakout session with everyone else, just like everyone else and ready to get in the game, just like everyone else. Now that's how a Millionaire Mindset works! As Susan instructed us to do in our 'play the game of live prospecting', Cedrick and I traded places pretending we were on the phone and of course, he displayed his professional phone etiquette succinctly and with style as I fumbled all over myself to achieve the

first two questions and then I slammed down my pretend phone and exclaimed "dammit I screwed up!" Cedrick assured me I was doing the right thing and that I just needed a little practice. He was in the game. He was there, experiencing, learning, doing, being and get this, BUYING Susan Sly's information! Cedrick was just like everyone else in the room: getting in the game. At the conclusion of the breakout session Susan yells to the back, "Coach Nic can you help them?" Immediately I ran to the table and did whatever I could to help achieve the handing out of papers. I was so excited to be called upon to 'get in the game' I almost ran over a few people! As I handed out the paperwork on behalf of Susan, Cedrick collected one of the sheets and started filling it out, getting in line with everyone else to purchase her cd's, books, or better yet, become an attendee of one of her amazing private summits she holds once per year - for women only. I don't know how he'll pull that one off, but he's very savvy that Cedrick Harris. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The Takeaway: A Millionaire Mindset Starts Before You're A Millionaire After listening to Todd's call on Thursday night while driving to coach my triathletes at the pool I realized that a millionaire mindset is what you have when you listen. Listening to hear, not listening to judge, lay blame, defeat the other or create dissension. Listening to hear what your prospect has to say - that's the millionaire mindset. A great example of this? Todd, at the end of his call says, "I want to go through the questions to see if I didn't answer anyone's question." he read through the questions and answered them in Todd Falcone Style - purely off the cuff and so very clear and concise.

A Millionaire Mindset is what I'm striving to achieve in this business and I truly believe it must start now.


5. The Elements of a Millionaire Mindset What's a millionaire mindset? The answer of the question is simple; it's a basic ingredient that you must possess to become wealthy as well as successful. Thinking, acting and taking decisions like a millionaire is what you may call a millionaire mindset. You don't need to be a millionaire to possess a mindset like it rather it's a necessary element to have in case you wish to become one. A millionaire mindset is a great deal different than usual. Here you will learn what attitudes make up the millionaire mindset and in what way it differs from average. Millionaires think ahead of time; they plan their funds and financial plan for long-term and saves money to make investments for upcoming projects. If you don't have capital now, begin saving and in 6 months or in a year you will possess enough money to begin your own business. 'I am delighted with what I am receiving' won't make you a millionaire even in hundred years. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< One important aspect of millionaire mindset is setting goals as well as priorities. Millionaires fix their goals plus are ready to give up their comfort to achieve the goals while average people decline to sacrifice anything. A millionaire makes things turn out for him, an average man wants things happen for him. Millionaires have faith in their abilities and spend plenty of time to perfect their abilities. They continuously try to learn new stuff and make use of those things to perfect their business. Learning does not end at the time you leave the school rather real education takes place after the school.

Millionaires spend some time for doing things they prefer best. If you're not enjoying your life you will not be able to devote yourself in achieving your goals. Most individuals do not have a clean idea about what they actually desire. They leap forward with uncertainty while a millionaire knows precisely the things that he wishes and can take steps and plan his moves with an unmistakable view in mind. Waiting for opportunities is not what millionaires do, they create opportunities for themselves. Millionaires think big but they are aware that initially it's good to start small and they do not shy away from challenges. Millionaires will take their chances to earn money. If they fail they don't lose their attitude. They realize the fact that no one can be successful all the time. Try persistently is what the millionaire mindset tells you to do. average men do quite the opposite of this. They are scared of losing their money and remain with the exact same earning for the whole life. With the same qualifications as yours, many people have had success and gained plenty of money in their life. Haven't you questioned if that individual was you! Well, stop questioning and try to learn from them. And begin with changing your mindset because it is the first move in the way to become one of them. Being a millionaire is more than just the money in your bank account or the assets you have. It is an attitude and lifestyle that complete or create the millionaire. Greg P Sofio wants to help you to live a millionaire lifestyle and invites you to visit his new


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