2 minute read
1. MS Access Queries – I
In this session, students will learn about –
● What is a query
● Advantages of using a query
● Types of query
● Query: A way to specify multiple conditions to search for data
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Revise the story and CS concepts covered in the previous session
Invite students to brief the class on the story and CS concepts covered in the chapter
Discuss MS Access Queries, Advantages of using a query, Types of query
● Recap the story and CS concepts covered in the previous chapter.
● Invite students to:
Conclude the concepts Assign homework
5 min Warm-Up 10 min Engage
■ Brief the class on the story covered in the previous chapter with the CS concepts covered.
■ Brief the class on the story to be covered in the current session with the CS concepts covered.
● Explain MS Access Query, Advantages of using a query and types of query
CS Concepts Explain
MS Access Query
As given in Panel 1 on Page 97
Advantages of using a query As given in Panel 5 on Page 97 and Panel 1 on Page 98
Types of Query – One table Query As given in Panel 1 on Page 99
● Present the scenario: You are a student in charge of organising a class project where you need to collect information about your classmates.
● Discuss:
■ What kind of information will you store in the database?
Possible Responses: Name; Age; Favourite Subject; Grade point average.
■ Which software can be used to create a database?
Possible Responses: MS Access; MySQL; Oracle Database; FileMaker Pro.
■ What are some reasons why you might want to use a query in MS Access?
Possible Responses: To find specific information quickly and accurately; To customise the query to fit your specific needs; To update or delete specific records; To sort or filter data.
■ How can using a query improve efficiency when working with a database?
Possible Responses: Queries can retrieve specific information quickly and accurately; Queries can reduce the need to manually search through data; Queries can automate repetitive tasks.
● Conduct Tick the Correct Answer on Page 108:
■ Say: Let’s help Conji to tick the correct answers.
■ Read Q1 and 2 aloud, one by one.
■ Invite some students to share responses.
■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.
■ Instruct: Mark the correct answers in your books.
● Conduct Find the Truth on Page 109:
■ Say: Let’s help Conji to escape the secret chamber by marking the statements as true or false.
■ Read Q3 and 4 aloud, one by one.
■ Invite some students to share their answers and others to validate their peers’ answers.
■ Instruct: Write the correct answers in your books.
● If time permits, discuss Q1 from the section Brain Teaser - Answer in Detail or assign it as homework.
● Conclude: Today, we learned about MS Access Queries, the advantages of using a query, and types of query.
● Ask the following probing questions:
■ How can you customise the design of a query in MS Access?
Possible Response: You can add or remove fields from a query; You can sort or filter the data in a query; You can use expressions or functions to calculate values in a query.
■ How can you test a query to make sure it is working correctly?
Possible Responses: You can preview the results of a query before running it; You can run the query and review the output to ensure it is accurate; You can modify the query to adjust the results if necessary.
● Assign the following from Brain Teasers as homework:
■ Answer in Detail – Q1