2 minute read

2. MS Access Queries – II


In this session, students will apply what they have learned from the previous session -

● What is a query

● Advantages of using a query

● Types of query


● Query: A way to specify multiple conditions to search for data

● Say: Do you remember what we learned in the previous session?

● Invite responses from some students.

● Say: Let’s revise what we have learned.

● Instruct: Go to the Panel and open the Lab on Queries in MS Access II.

● Show slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slide in the panel.

● Say: Let me explain Queries in MS access, and the advantages of using a query and types of query.

CS Concepts Demonstrate

What is a query Learning Slides on Tekie platform

Advantages of using a query Learning Slides on Tekie platform

Types of query Learning Slides on Tekie platform

● Discuss the following questions one by one to check students’ understanding:

■ When is a single table query used in MS Access?

Possible responses: When you need to search for data within a single table; It can be used to create reports or forms that display data from a single table.

■ When is a multi-table query used in MS Access?

Possible responses: It’s useful when you need to retrieve data that is related across multiple tables; It can be used to create reports or forms that summarise data from different tables.

■ How does using a query improve the performance of a database?

Possible responses: Query can help reduce the amount of data that needs to be retrieved from a database; By making searches and calculations faster; It can also help reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored; By improving the overall efficiency of the database.

■ Where can you use a query to calculate something in your database?

Possible responses: Sum; Average; the statistical measures for a specific field.

● Invite answers from as many students as possible.

● Address any other doubts students may have related to the concepts presented in the slides.

15 min

● Instruct: We know what a quer y is, the advantages of using a quer y and types of quer y

● Instruct: We know what a query is, the advantages of using a query and types of query.

● Now let’s practise our learning Click on the Practice button on the Assignment page to attempt the activity

● Now, let’s practise our learning. Click on the Practice button on the Assignment page to attempt the activity.


● Make the students practice the activity till the concepts covered in the session.

● Walk around in the classroom and obser ve the activity done by the students

● Walk around in the classroom and observe the activity done by the students.

● Instruct: Click on the Confirm button to submit your work when you are done with the activity.

● Instruct: Click on the Confirm button to submit your work when you are done with the activity

● Conclude: Today, we have learned what a query is, the advantages of using a query and types of query.

● Instruct: Practise the same activity at home.

● Conclude: Today, we have learned what a quer y is, the advantages of using a quer y and types of quer y

● Assign the following as homework:

■ Project: Labtime on Page 112


● The project is optional, assign it only if feasible.

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