ICSE_Computer Science_G1_Teacher Manual - Part 1

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NEP 2020 aligned ICSE compliant Digital coding platform included
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Teacher Manual Grade 1


Teacher Manual
THE AVORA ADVENTURES 1 Introduction to Computers 3 1. Introduction to Computers 2. Types of Computers 3. Uses of Computers 2 Using a Computer 11 1. Using a Computer - Rules 1 to 4 2. Using a Computer - Rules 5 to 8 Appendix – Answer Key 17 BLOCK CODING I 1 Introduction to Coding 21 1. Block Based Coding 2. Drag and Drop Contents iii


Introduction to Computers

Story Time

Note: Use the following points to prepare for the session beforehand. Avoid reading the points in the class.

In this Chapter…

● A planet named Avora is home to wizards and robots.

● Wizards and robots used magic and technology to build Avora.

● Wizards teach magic and robots teach technology in the Avora School.

● Conji, a junior wizard, is friends with Mel, a junior robot.

● Conji and Mel promise to share their knowledge about computers and magic.

The content covered in this chapter is aligned with the following CSTA Standard

● 1A-CS–02 Computing Systems

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

1. Introduction to Computers

2. Types of Computers

3. Uses of Computers


1. Introduction to Computers


In this session, students will learn about –

● A type of computer – Desktop


● Desktop: A computer that can fit on a desk and is made up of different parts like a CPU, monitor, mouse, keyboard and speakers

WEBS at a Glance

Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-Up

Read the story aloud Discuss the Destopa type of computer Word Search - Q2 - 5 Conclude the concepts Homework

5 min 12 min 10 min 3 min

● Say: Let me tell you a stor y about a planet named Avora, which is home to wizards and robots

● Introduce: Mel and Conji to the students

Action Plan


5 min

● Say: Let me tell you a story about a planet named Avora, which is home to wizards and robots.

● Say: Let me tell you a stor y about a planet named Avora, which is home to wizards and robots

● Introduce: Mel and Conji to the students.

● Introduce: Mel and Conji to the students

● Read the story aloud from page 2 to panel 3 of page 7, up to Mel’s words, “Yes! …. our desks.”


● Say: Let me explain what a desktop is.

CS Concepts


● Read the stor y aloud from page 2 to panel 3 of page 7, up to Mel's words, “Yes! our desks ”

12 min

● Say: Let me explain what a desktop is

As given in Panel 4 on Page 7

● Read the stor y aloud from page 2 to panel 3 of page 7, up to Mel's words, “Yes! our desks ”

Parts of Desktop

● Say: Let me explain what a desktop is


Write the word “DESKTOP” on the board.

As given in Panel 4 on Page 7

Write the names of parts of a computer in capitals on the board.


● Present the scenario: Consider you are watching videos online.

● Discuss:

■ What device will you use to watch videos online?

Possible Responses: Tablet, Laptop, Phone or Desktop

■ What will you do if you want to watch another YouTube video?

Possible Responses: Use mic or type the name of another video in the search bar to find it

■ Where will the video that you searched for be displayed?

Possible Responses: On the Monitor, Screen

■ Name the computer device you will use to search for a video by speaking and typing its name.

Possible Responses: Keyboard, Speaker


● If time allows, discuss all four questions, or discuss the first two.

● Conduct Word Search on Page 9:

■ Say: Let us help Mel fill in the missing letters to complete the words.

■ Instruct students to skip the first word and complete the words given in points 2-5.

■ Instruct: Look at the pictures on the right and identify the words.

■ Discuss and validate the answer with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Fill in the missing letters in your books.


● If time permits, Complete the Word Search Q6, 7 on Page 9, or, assign it in the homework.

● Conclude: Today, we learned about a desktop.

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ Why do we use a computer?

Possible Responses: To watch Videos, Listen to Songs, Play games, etc.

■ Name an app you use to watch videos.

Possible Responses: Youtube, Prime Video, Instagram, etc.

● Assign the Q2 of Section A – Fun Time from DIY on Page 16 as Homework.

5 Chapter 1 • Introduction
to Computers
Build 10
Sum-Up 3

2. Types of Computers


In this session, students will learn about –

● Type of Computer


● Laptops: Foldable Computers that are smaller than a Desktop computer

● Tablets and Smartphones: Touchscreen Computers that can be operated using our fingers

WEBS at a Glance

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Recall the story and CS concepts covered in the previous session.

● Read the story aloud in panel 1 on page 8.

● Say: Let me explain the types of computer.

CS Concepts

Types of Computer

As given on Page 8 and 9 Write the words “LAPTOP”, “TABLET”, ”SMARTPHONE” and “SMARTWATCH” on the board.

● Present the scenario: Consider that you want to play a video game.

Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-Up
Recall the story Read the story aloud Discuss the Types of Computer Word Search – Q1 Tick the Correct Answer – Q1, 2, 3 Find the Truth - Q1, 2 5 min 10 min 10 min 5 min Action Plan 5 min Warm-Up 10 min Engage

● Discuss:

■ Name the devices you can use to play a video game.

Possible Responses: Tablet, Laptop, Phone or Desktop

■ What part of a computer will you use to play the video game?

Possible Responses: Keyboard, Mouse, Screen, Touchpad

■ Do we need a mouse to play video games on a laptop, tablet, and smartphone?

Possible Responses: Yes, No

■ Name your favourite device to play video games.

Possible Responses: Tablet, Laptop, Phone or Desktop

● Conduct Word Search section on Page 9:

■ Say: Let’s us help Mel fill in the missing letters to complete the first word.

■ Instruct: Look at the pictures on the right and identify the words.

■ Discuss and validate the answer with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Fill in the missing letters in your books.

● Conduct Tick the Correct Answer section on Page 13:

■ Say: Let us help Mel tick the correct answer.

■ Read Q1, 2 and 3 aloud, one by one.

■ Invite students to share answers and other students to validate the answers.

■ Instruct: Tick the answer in your books.

● Conduct Find the Truth section on Page 14:

■ Say: Let us help Mel identify if the statements are true or false.

■ Read Q1 and 2 aloud, one by one.

■ Discuss and validate the answer with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Write the answers in your books.



● If time permits, instruct students to attempt Find the Truth Q3, 4 and 5, or take them in next session.


● Conclude: Today, we learned about computers.

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ What type of computer can you carry while travelling?

Possible Responses: Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone

■ What type of computer will you use to get directions to reach a place?

Possible Responses: Smartphones, Tablets

● Assign the Match Me from Brain Teasers at Page 13 as Homework.

7 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Computers
Build 10
Sum-Up 5

3. Uses of Computers


In this session, students will learn about –

● Smartwatch

● Uses of a Computer


● Smart watch: We can wear this particular type of computer around our wrists

● Computers: They are machines that make our life easy

WEBS at a

● Recall the story and CS concepts covered in the previous session.

● Read the story aloud in panel 1 on page 10.

● Say: Let me explain smartwatches and uses of a computer.

CS Concepts


Uses of a Computer

As given in Panel 2 on Page 10

As given in Panel 1 on Page 11

Computer As given in Panel 2 on Page 11

Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-Up Recall the story Read the story aloud Discuss Smartwatch and uses of Computers Fill Up – Q1, 3, 4 Answer in One Word – Q2, 3, 4, 5 Conclude the concepts Assign homework 5 min 10 min 10 min 5 min Action Plan 5 min Warm-Up 10 min Engage

● Present the scenario: Consider your school is hosting a racing competition.

● Discuss:

■ Which computer will you use to know how far you have come while racing?

Possible Responses: Smart Watches

■ Which computer will you use to ask your friends if they are prepared for the race?

Possible Responses: Desktop, Laptops, Smartphones or Tablet

■ Which computer will tell you the number of steps you have taken?

Possible Responses: Smartphone, Smartwatch

● Conduct Fill Up on Page 14:

■ Say: Let’s help Conji fill in the missing letters.

■ Read aloud Q1, 3, 4 one by one.

■ Invite some students to share their answers and others to validate their peer answers.

■ Instruct: Fill in the missing letters in your books.

● Conduct Answer in One Word on Page 15:

■ Say: Let’s help Conji answer some questions.

■ Read aloud Q2, 3, 4, 5 one by one.

■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Write answers in your book.


● If any of the additional activity mentioned in earlier session is left unattempted, guide and instruct students to complete them.

● Additional Questions given in earlier sessions:

● Find the Truth Q3, 4 and 5

● Conclude: Today, we learned about smartwatches and uses of a computer.

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ Which computers are smaller than Smartphones?

Possible Responses: Smartwatch

■ Which machine has made our life easier?

Possible Responses: Computer

● Assign the Q1 of Section A – Fun Time from DIY at Page 16 as Homework.

9 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Computers
Build 10
Sum-Up 5

Using a Computer

Story Time

Note: Use the following points to prepare for the session beforehand. Avoid reading the points in the class.

In the Previous Chapter…

● Wizards and robots used magic and technology to build a planet named Avora.

● Junior wizard Conji and junior robot Mel promised to share their knowledge of computers and magic with each other.

In this Chapter…

● Conji tries everything to type in Notepad but nothing works.

● Mel identifies the issue and connects the keyboard properly with the computer.

● Mel teaches Conji the rules of using a computer.

The content covered in this chapter is aligned with the following CSTA Standard

● 1A-CS–03 Computing Systems

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

1. Using a Computer - Rules 1 to 4

2. Using a Computer - Rules 5 to 8


1. Using a Computer - Rules 1 to 4


In this session, students will learn about –

● The first four rules to follow while using a computer


● Rules: The instructions you follow to keep things or others safe around you

WEBS at a Glance

Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-Up

Revise the Previous story Read the story ahead aloud

Conclude the concepts Assign homework 5 min 10 min 10 min 5 min


Discuss the first four rules of using a computer Fill Up – Q1, 2, 3, 5 Fill the Truth - Q4, 5

Action Plan

● Recap the story and CS concepts covered in the previous chapter.

● Instruct: Let’s learn how the story moves ahead. We will read from page 20 to 21.

● Read the story aloud.


● Say: Let me explain the first four rules to follow while using a computer.

CS Concepts Explain

5 min

Rule 1

Rule 2

Rule 3

Rule 4

As given in Panel 1 on Page 22

As given in Panel 2 and Page 22

As given in Panel 3 and Page 22

As given in Panel 5 and Page 22

● Present the scenario: Consider you are in a computer lab.

● Discuss:

■ What will you do if you see some food and water near a computer?

Possible Responses: Tell the teacher; keep food and water away from a computer.

10 min


■ What will you do if you see your friend pulling and playing with the computer mouse?

Possible Responses: Tell my friend not to do it; inform the teacher.

■ What will you do if you come to the lab right after washing your hands and they are still wet?

Possible Responses: I will dry my hands before touching any computer device; I will sit on the chair and wait for my hands to dry.

■ What will you do if you walk into the lab and see wires coming out of a computer?

Possible Responses: Inform my teacher; try to reconnect the wires to the computer.


● If time allows, discuss all four question, or discuss the first two.

● Conduct Fill Up on Page 28:

■ Say: Let’s help Conji complete the sentences by filling in the blanks.

■ Read Q1, 2, 3 and 5 aloud, one by one.

■ Invite some students to share their answers and others to validate their peers’ answers.

■ Instruct: Fill in the final answers in your books.

● Conduct Find the Truth on Page 29:

■ Say: Let’s practise more to revise what we have learned.

■ Read Q4 and 5 aloud, one by one. After each sentence, ask if it is true or false.

■ Invite some students to share responses.

■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Write answers in your books.


● If time permits, instruct students to attempt DIY - Fun Time activity or, assign it in the homework.

● Conclude: Today, we learned the first four rules of using a computer.

■ Rule 1: Use the parts of the computer with care.

■ Rule 2: Do not pull the parts away from the computer.

■ Rule 3: Never touch the computer with wet hands.

■ Rule 4: Do not pull any wires. Inform the teacher if you see any loose wires.

■ Also, do not eat or drink anything near a computer.

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ What will you say to someone using a keyboard with wet hands?

Possible Responses: Dry your hands; don’t use the keyboard; you should not touch any parts of the computer with wet hands.

■ Why is it important to tell your teacher if you see any loose wires?

Possible Responses: So that we don’t get an electric shock; so that we don’t connect them in the wrong socket; so that the teacher can connect them properly.

● Assign Fun Time from DIY as homework:

13 Chapter 2 • Using a Computer
Build 10
Sum-Up 5

2. Using a Computer - Rules 5 to 8


In this session, students will learn about –

● The next four rules to follow while using a computer


● Rules: The instructions you follow to keep things or others safe around you

WEBS at a Glance


● Recap the story covered in the previous session.

● Instruct: Let us see what rules we will learn in this session with Mel and Conji.

● Read the story aloud from page 24 to page 25.

● Discuss and explain the next four rules to follow while using a computer.

Rule 5

Rule 6

Rule 7

Rule 8

As given in Panel 2 on Page 23

As given in Panel 5 and Page 23

As given in Panel 6 and Page 23

As given in Panel 1 and Page 24

● Present the scenario: Consider you see your younger sister or brother using a computer.

CS Concepts Explain
Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-Up
the pervious
Discuss the next four rules when using a computer Tick the Correct Answer – Q1, 2, 3, 4 Find the Truth – Q1, 2, 3 Conclude the concepts Assign homework 5 min 10 min 10 min 5 min Action Plan 5 min Warm-Up 10 min Engage
story Recall the story ahead aloud

● Discuss:

■ What will you do if you see them trying to put their finger in to an open slot?

Possible Responses: Tell my mother; stop them from doing it; tell them to move away from the computer.

■ What will you do if they are sitting with a bad posture while using the laptop?

Possible Responses: Tell them to sit properly; guide them to sit upright and maintain one hand’s distance from screen; tell my mother.

■ What will you do if you see them finish using the computer and leaving it uncovered?

Possible Responses: Tell them to cover the monitor; cover the monitor; tell my mother.

■ How will you help them if the screen is dirty and they are finding it difficult to work on it?

Possible Responses: Clean the screen with a dry cloth; give them a dry cloth to clean the screen; call mother to help.

● If time allows, discuss all four questions, or discuss the first two.

● Conduct Tick the Correct Answer on Page 28:

■ Say: Let’s choose the correct answers to maintain peace in your lab.

■ Read Q1, 2, 3 and 4 aloud, one by one.

■ Invite some students to share their answers and others to validate their peers’ answers.

■ Instruct: Tick the correct answers in your books.

● Conduct Find the Truth on Page 29:

■ Say: Let us help Conji identify if the given statements are true or false.

■ Read Q1, 2 and 3 aloud, one by one.

■ Invite some students to share responses.

■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Write answers in your books.


● If time permits, discuss Match Me from Brain Teasers or, assign it in the homework.

● Conclude: Today, we learned the remaining four rules of using a computer.

■ Rule 5: Never put your fingers into any open slot.

■ Rule 6: Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the computer.

■ Rule 7: Cover the computer once you have finished using it.

■ Rule 8: Sit upright at a one-hand’s distance from the computer. Adjust your chair to the proper height.

■ Also, use headphones to listen to music or watch a movie.

15 Chapter 2 • Using a Computer
Build 10
Sum-Up 5 min

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ What will you do if you see dust on your computer?

Possible Responses: clean it; not use it; use a dry cloth to wipe the dust.

■ Why is it important to use headphones while watching a movie on the computer.

Possible Responses: So that we don’t disturb others; so that there is no noise; so that others can do their work.

● Assign the following as homework:

■ Brain Teasers – Match Me

■ DIY Activity – Tick the Correct Answer


● If students are not able to do the homework on their own, use the next class as a revision class.

● In the revision class, help them recall the concepts covered in this chapter and complete the remaining activities or questions.


Chapter 1

Appendix – Answer Key A
Brain Teasers Section Section Name Answer A Tick the Correct Answer 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b B Match Me C Find the Truth 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T D Fill Up 1. machine 2. games 3. rockets 4. learn E Answer in One Word a. Desktop b. Smartphone/Smartwatch c. Smartphone/Tablet d. Touchscreen e. Tablet/Smartwatch DIY Section Section Name Answer B Fill Up In-Class Activity Section Section Name Answer A Word Search 1. LAPTOP 2. MONITOR 3. DESKTOP 4. PRINTER 5. KEYBOARD 6. MOUSE 7. CPU

Chapter 2

Brain Teasers

Section Section Name Answer A Match Me B Tick the Correct Answer 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A C Fill Up 1. bang 2. loose 3. wet 4. open slot 5. eat or drink D Find the Truth 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T E One Word Answers 1. Headphones 2. Eat/drink 3. Switch it off 4. Dry 5. One hand distance DIY Section Section Name Answer B Tick the Correct Answer C Fun Time

Introduction to Coding

The content covered in this chapter is aligned with the following CSTA Standard

● 1A-AP–08 Algorithms

This chapter is divided into the following classroom and lab sessions

1. Block Based Coding

2. Drag and Drop


1. Block Based Coding


In this session, students will learn about –

● Coding

● Purpose of Learning Coding

● Block-based Coding


● Coding: Telling the computer what to do in a language the computer understands

● Visual Programming: A method that uses graphics or blocks instead of text

● Block-based Coding: Uses a drag-and-drop learning environment to create animated stories or games

WEBS at a Glance

● Say: Today, we will learn about Coding. What does the word “coding” mean?

● Invite 1 or 2 responses from the students, but don’t give the correct answer yet.

● Say: Let’s read the chapter story to understand in simple words and afterwards we will come up with a definition of “coding”.

● Read the text aloud on page 1.

● Say: Computers do not understand human languages. That is why we need to learn to code so that we can communicate with computers.

Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-Up Introduce students to the word “Coding” Discuss block-based coding Conduct the “Build a House” scenario Conclude the concepts 5 min 15 min 8 min 2 min
Action Plan 5 min Warm-Up 15 min Engage

● Explain the following concepts -

CS Concepts Explain


As given on Pages 1 and 2

Why should we learn coding? As given on Page 3

Block-Based Coding

As given on Page 4

● Present the scenario: Consider you are playing with Lego.

● Discuss:

■ What do we need to play Lego?

Possible Responses: Blocks, Boxes, Shapes

■ How will you make a number 1 with blocks?

Possible Responses: I will join 1 block below another; join 1 block above another.

● Draw one triangle and two rectangles of different shapes on the board.


● Present the scenario: Consider these shapes as blocks. Now, build a house in your notebooks using these shapes.

1. Allow some time for kids to do this activity.

2. Once most of the students have drawn the house, summarise the learning outcomes as follows –

■ Blocks in block-based coding are like the shapes given to you.

■ Just as you have simply arranged the shapes to build a house, we have to arrange the blocks to make computers do a task. That is Block Coding.

■ Block-based coding is fun and easy to learn.

● Conclude: Today, we learned about Coding and Block-Based Coding.

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ Do you think a computer would understand my instructions if I give the instructions in any language?

Possible Responses: Yes; No.

Explanation: No. The computer does not understand all the languages. It will only understand my instructions if I use a language the computer understands.

■ How would learning coding help us?

Possible Responses: Understand problems; think of solutions; make a computer do a task; solve a question in many ways.

23 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Coding
Build 8
Sum-Up 5

2. Drag and Drop


In this session, students will learn about –

● Drag and Drop

● Jigsaw Puzzle


● Code.org: An educational platform where we learn how to code

WEBS at a Glance

Revise the concepts from the previous coding class

Tell them about Code.org

Show the video “Drag and Drop” on the panel

Discuss the key concepts covered

Puzzle Solving Challenge Conclude the concepts

● Say: Do you remember what we learned in the previous session?

● Invite responses from some students.

● Revise the concepts learned in the previous class.

● Read the text aloud on Page 4 from “Exploring Code.org”.

● Introduce Code.org and help the students log in.

● Show the video, “Say Hi to Koi!” on the panel and discuss the key concepts covered.

5 min 8 min 15 min 2 min Action Plan 5 min Warm-Up 8 min Engage

● Open Puzzle 1: https://bit.ly/elephant-e

● Discuss and perform the activity as guided on Page 6 and 7.

● Click on the cross to close the Congratulations message once done.

● Help the students open the activity under the heading “Solve the Jigsaw Puzzle” on the panel.

● Guide them to drag and drop the image blocks to solve the puzzle as needed.


● If time allows, ask students to attempt the additional activity “Coding Challenge” on the Panel.

● Allow them some time to complete the challenge.

● Walk around in the classroom and observe the activity done by the students.

● Conclude: Today, we explored the Code.org platform and learned to drag and drop blocks in Puzzle-Code Editor to solve jigsaw puzzles.

25 Chapter 1 • Introduction
to Coding
Build 15
Sum-Up 2

About this teacher manual

This Teacher Manual has been designed to implement Tekie, the storytelling-based Coding and Computer Science program. The manual consists of lesson plans within each chapter that teachers transact within classrooms and computer labs. Each lesson is based on a research-based ‘WEBS’ framework that simplifies pedagogical practices for teachers and enables them to deliver effectively.

‘WEBS’ Framework

W E B S Warm-Up Engage Build Sum-up

Special features

• Sharp Lesson Planning: Each lesson plan focuses on specific sub-learning outcomes within a chapter and are designed for delivery within the stipulated class or lab time.

• Real-life and Application-based Questions: Additional questions that link Computer Science to real-life contexts and assist teachers to develop learners’ conceptual understanding and application skills.

• Support and Detailed Solutions: In-depth solutions for in-class and post-class activities to reinforce learning.

About Uolo

Uolo partners with K12 schools to bring technology-based learning programs. We believe pedagogy and technology must come together to deliver scalable learning experiences that generate measurable outcomes. Uolo is trusted by over 8,000 schools with more than 3 million learners across India, South East Asia, and the Middle East.

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