LC Waikiki’nin Rusya Ata¤›
Bir Dü¤ümle Hayatlar› De¤iflti
10 Russaian attack of LC Waikiki
29 Their Whole Life Changed With One Knot
GÜNDEM NEWS Brezilya Tekstil Endüstrisi, Alman Tekstil Makineleri Konferans› Baflar›l› Bir fiekilde Sona Erdi
Successful Conference on German Textile
Suni Çimen Monofilamentleri Dünya
Machinery for the Brezilian Textile Industry
Kupas› Sahalar›n› Güçlendirdi
Artificial Turf Monofilanets Strengthen
Technical Absorbents’ten Hindistan Ata¤›
World Cup Pitches
Technical Absorbents Takes in 2010 ICTN held at IIT Delhi, India
IGATEX’te ‹lkler Yafland›
Tekstil Sanayiinde Spektrofotometre’nin
20 First Things Took Place at IGATEX
Kullan›m› ve Önemi
Spectrophotometer of use and Importance in Textile Industry
EFFE END. .....................40-41
fiANAL PLAST‹K.............50-51
AKBAfi PLAST‹K..................47
MONFORTS. ....................A.K.
fiENER MAK‹NA..................27
ASYA PAS‹F‹K................24-25
ESY GROUP........................65
ÖZDEM‹R KEÇE ..................35
TEKN‹K FUARCILIK..............71
BENTEKS .....................Ö.K.IÇI
ITMA 2011 TUR...........A.K.IÇI
PICANOL ............................15
TEXMAC ............................31
COLIN. ...............................53
SARTEKS ............................21
THIES .................................23
DORNIER ............................13
LEHWA ..............................17
SANAYI.BIZ ............................
TÜTÜNCÜLER .....................31
Bak›fl / View ‹mtiyaz Sahibi ve Genel Yay›n Müdürü / President Publisher Necip GÜNEY Sorumlu Yaz› ‹flleri Müdürü / Editorial Director Ümit VURAL
2010 Y›l›n›n Ard›ndan…
After the Year 2010… e are leaving the year 2010 y›l›n› geride b›rak›yoruz. Bu y›l 2 010 içinde ülkemizdeki tekstil ve kon- W behind. When we evaluate the sitfeksiyon sektörünün durumunu genel olarak de¤erlendirdi¤imizde, baz› iyi geliflmelerin yan›s›ra gerilemelerin de oldu¤unu görebiliyoruz. Örne¤in, Sanayi Bakanl›¤› taraf›ndan haz›rlanan 2010 Y›l› Pamuk Raporu incelendi¤inde, 2003-2010 y›llar› aras›nda Türkiye’nin pamuk ekim aç›s›ndan, ülkemiz 2004 y›l›nda dünyada 7. s›rada yer al›rken, 2009 ve 2010 y›llar›nda ekim alan› en çok düflen ülkelerden biri olmufl ve 13. s›raya gerilemifltir. Pamuk verimi aç›s›ndan inceledi¤imizde, ülkemiz dünyada 3. s›rada yer alm›flt›r. Üretim ve tüketim de¤erleri incelendi¤inde, 2006 y›l›na göre 2009-2010 y›l›nda hem üretim, hem de tüketim de¤erleri tüm dünyada oldu¤u gibi ülkemizde de düflmüfltür. Genel olarak sektörlerdeki durum gözlendi¤inde, 2010 y›l›nda geçen y›l›n ayn› dönemine göre ihracatta art›fl kaydedildi¤i görülmektedir. ‹TK‹B taraf›ndan yay›nlanan raporlar Ocak-May›s döneminde tekstil ve hammaddeleri ihracat›n›n % 24.8, haz›r giyim ve konfeksiyon ihracat›n›n ise % 14.9 art›fl kaydetti¤ini belirtmektedir. Sonuç olarak, 2010 y›l›n› art›da kapatt›¤›m›z› söyleyebiliriz. Krize karfl› ülkemiz sa¤lam durmay› baflarm›flt›r. Özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinde yaflanan kriz bu ülkelerdeki al›mlar›n azalmas›na sebep olmufl ve bu da bizim AB ülkelerine yapt›¤›m›z ihracat› olumsuz olarak etkilemifltir.
uation of the textile and clothing sector in this year generally, we see that there are regressions as well as improvements. For example, when we examine the 2010 Cotton Report, prepared by Ministry of Industry, with regard to the cotton plantation areas between 2003 and 2010, we see that our country was the 7th in 2004. However, it was tone of the countries with sharpest decrease between 2009 and 2010 and moved back to 13th level. When we consider the situation with regard to cotton productivity, our country is at the 3rd rank in the world. As production and consumption values are considered, we see a decrease in 2009-2010 periods in comparison to 2006, as similar to the other countries in the world. When we observe the sector in general, we see an increase in export in 2010 as compared to the same period of the previous year. The reports published by ‹TK‹P state that the export of textile and raw materials increased by 24.8% and ready-made garment and clothing export increased by 14.9% in JanuaryMay period. As a result, we can say that we closed 2010 in a positive way. Our country managed to stay stable in spite of the crisis. The crisis in EU countries has especially led to the decrease in buying and this has effected our export to EU countries negatively. However, companies have tried hard and looked for new markets.
Best Regards…
Yay›n Müflaviri / Editorial Adviser Doç. Dr. Hale Canbaz KARAKAfi Uluslararas› ‹liflkiler / International Relations Murat ÇAVDAR Reklam Müdürü / Advertisement Manager Nihat DURMUfi Matbaa Sorumlusu / Printing Responsible fienol YALIN Mali ‹fller Müdürü / Financial Manager Nefle DURAK Yay›n Kurulu / Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Mehmet TASMACI - Prof. Dr. Erdem KOÇ Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKALIN - Prof. Dr. Bülent ÖZ‹PEK Doç. Dr. Özcan ÖZDEM‹R - Dr. Vedat B‹LG‹N Doç. Dr. Filiz KARAOSMANO⁄LU - Doç. Dr. Fatma ÇEKEN Yard. Doç. Dr. Merih SARIIfiIK - Doç. Dr. Ender BULGUN Dr. Peter HARDT Grafik Servisi / Design and Art Direction Temel EMECAN Abone ve Da¤›t›m / Subscription and Distribution Furkan GÜNEY Bask› - Cilt / Publishing House Euromat Entegre Matbaac›l›k Yap›m - Yönetim / Publisher Teknik Fuarc›l›k ve Yay›nc›l›k Reklamc›l›k Dan›flmanl›k Ticaret Limited fiirketi Merkez / Head Office Yakuplu Merkez Mahallesi Osmanl› Caddesi Güney Konaklar› A-Blok No: 1 Kat 3 D. 6 34524 - Beylikdüzü - ‹STANBUL - TURKEY
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Uster Quantum3 Ak›ll› Temizleme Teknolojisini Sunar Uster Technologies üçüncü nesil Uster® Quantum temizleyicisini piyasaya sürdü.
ster Technologies 盤›r açan ve çok satan Uster® Quantum temizleme sisteminin üçüncü neslini piyasaya sürdü¤ünü duyurdu. Bu son modern kalite kontrol teknolojisi, tekstil üreticilerinin üretim etkinli¤ini optimize etmelerini ve maliyeti azaltmalar›n› sa¤l›yor ve kalite odakl› iplik fabrikalar›n›n vazgeçilmez bir parças› oluyor. Ak›ll› temizleme teknolojisi Uster® Quantum 3 yeni iplik kalitesi dünyas›na gidifl bileti sunuyor. Uster® Quantum 3 ölçüm ve analiz yap›yor, ve sar›m makinelerindeki ipli¤in e¤irme makinesinin kalite ve verim ihtiyaçlar›na en uygun flekilde nas›l uyarlanaca¤›n› söylüyor. Uster® Quantum 3 gelecek odakl› teknolojiye sahip ve Uster®’in en geliflmifl temizleyicisi olma özelli¤i tafl›yor. Güçlü ve yeni kapasiteli optik ve yabanc› madde sensörleri Uster® Quantum 3’ün en temel özellikleri aras›nda yer al›yor. Eski nesil iplik temizleme sistemlerine göre bu sensörler her fleyi detayl› olarak alg›layabiliyor. Güçlü iflleme elektroni¤iyle birlikte bu sistem ilk defa tüm iplik gövdesini gösteriyor (iplik gövdesi, normal iplik ve tolere edilebilen tahmini do¤al varyasyonlar›ndan oluflur). Yeni yabanc› madde sensörü birçok ›fl›k kayna¤›na sahip oldu¤undan renkli yabanc› elyaflar› tespit edebiliyor ve bu renkli elyaflar›, büyük ço¤unlu¤u rahats›zl›k vermeyen bitkisel maddelerden ay›rt etmeye yard›mc› oluyor. Uster® Quantum 3’ün güçlü at›k paketi yeni Polipropilen temizleme seçene¤iyle tamamlan›yor. Teknolojik geliflmeleri sayesinde Uster® Quantum 3, yap›lan deneylerde PP tespit oran›n› katlad›¤› görülüyor. Sistemi bir üst seviyeye ç›kartan tek
özellik sensör teknolojisi de¤il. Uster® Quantum 3 14-inç dokunmatik ekran içeren, yeni ve merkezi bir temizleme ünitesiyle ve daha büyük ve h›zl› bir haf›zayla donat›l›yor. Bu ünite gerçek zamanl› olarak yeni nesil Uster® Quantum Uzman Sistemi’yle iletiflim kurarak herhangi bir sar›m makinesinde de¤ifltirilmifl temizleme ayarlar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›, benzer iplik lotlar›nda senkronizasyon sa¤lanmas› gibi ifllemlerin yap›lmas›n› sa¤l›yor. Zorlu ortamlar için güçlü temizleyiciler Uster® Quantum 3 önceki temizleyicilere göre daha büyük ve daha güçlü. Sert görünüflüyle bu yeni tasar›m en zorlu fabrika koflullar›na dayanabiliyor ve uzun bir hizmet ömrü sunuyor. Ürünün gelifltirilmifl özellikleri aras›nda kiri ve tozu d›flar›da tutan yal›t›lm›fl temizleyici çekirde¤i ve titremeyi engelleyen güçlendirilmifl sensörler yer al›yor. Bir di¤er önemli özellik ise öncekilere göre daha genifl tasarlanan Yabanc› Elyaf sensörü. Yeni hava üfleme tertibat›yla birlikte bu sensör,, iplik ve hava beslemesinde kirin birikmesini önlüyor. Ak›ll› ve kolay kullan›m Uster® Quantum 3 ifllenen iplik hakk›nda bilmesi gereken her fleyi iki dakika içinde ö¤reniyor. Sonras›nda, Uster® bilgi ve beceresini kullanarak talep edilen kalite düzeyine ulaflmak için gerekli uygun temizlik s›n›rlar›n› belirliyor. Ak›ll› teknolojisi sayesinde Uster® Quantum 3 kalite hedeflerine ulaflmak için ne kadar kesinti yap›lmas› gerekti¤ini öngörüyor. Tahmin edilen kesinti say›s› fabrika sahiplerine tekstil teknoloji 4
kalite ve verim aras›nda mükemmel bir denge kurmalar›n› sa¤layacak en uygun temizleme limitlerini belirlemeleri için de¤erli bilgiler veriyor. Kapasitif ve optik sensörler En geliflmifl kapasitif ve optik sensör teknolojileriyle donat›lan Uster® Quantum 3 her koflul ve uygulama alan› için haz›r. Kapasitif teknolojinin avantajlar› biliniyor olsa da, Uster® Quantum 3’ün optik sensörleri yeniden tasarland› ve önemli ölçüde gelifltirildi. Hem kapasitif hem de optik temizleyici tüm iplik gövdesini görüyor, ve iplik gövdesine göre temizleme limitleri öneren ve kesinti tahminleri yapan ak›ll› temizlik özellikleri sunuyor. Uster® Quantum3, karde iplik, kompakt e¤irme, hava ya da su ba¤lamal› ipliklerin temizleme performans› konusuna yeni standartlar getiriyor. Uster Technologies Ltd. CEO’su Dr. Geoffrey Scott: “Ç›¤›r açan Uster® Quantum temizleme sisteminin yeni neslini piyasaya sürerek Uster’in teknoloji liderli¤ini bir kez daha göstermekten büyük memnuniyet duyuyoruz. Optik ve kapasitif sensörlerle üretilen bu ürünün kalite ölçümüne yeni standartlar getirece¤inden eminiz,” dedi
Uster® Quantum 3 featuring Smart Clearing Technology Uster Technologies launches third generation of Uster® Quantum clearer
ster, Switzerland – September 28,
new Polypropylene clearing option.
achieve the required quality level.
2010 – Uster Technologies today
Thanks to technological improve-
Smart technology enables the Uster®
announced the market introduction
ments, Uster Quantum 3 has proven
Quantum 3 to forecast exactly how
of the ground-breaking third genera-
in several trials a multifold increase in
many cuts will need to be made to re-
tion of its best-selling Uster® Quan-
PP detection rates.
ach quality goals. The number of esti-
tum clearer system. This latest state-
It’s not only the sensor technology
mated cuts gives spinners valuable in-
of-the-art quality assurance techno-
that has progressed to the next level.
formation to help them define the op-
logy allows textile manufacturers to
The Uster® Quantum 3 also has a new
timum clearing limit for the perfect
optimize production efficiency and re-
central clearing unit with 14-inch to-
balance of quality and productivity.
duce costs, making it an indispensab-
uchscreen and a bigger and faster
le tool in quality-oriented spinning
memory. This unit can communicate
Capacitive or optical sensors
in real-time with the new-generation
With a choice of the most advanced
Uster® Quantum Expert System– allo-
capacitive and optical sensor techno-
Smart Clearing Technology
wing, for example, comparisons of
logies, Uster® Quantum 3 is ready for
The Uster® Quantum 3 is the passport
changed clearing settings at any win-
any application and environment.
to a new world of yarn quality. Uster®
der, and synchronization across simi-
While the advantages of the capaciti-
Quantum 3 measures, analyzes and
lar yarn lots.
ve technology are well known, the
proposes how the yarn on the win-
Tough clearers for tough environ-
optical sensor of Uster® Quantum 3
ding machines can best be tailored to
has been redesigned and has been
the spinner’s quality and productivity
The Uster® Quantum 3 is both larger
substantially enhanced. Both the ca-
needs. Uster® Quantum 3 is USTER®‘s
and more robust than any previous
pacitive and the optical basic clearer
most advanced clearer yet, packed
clearer. Tough on the outside, its new
‘see’ the full yarn body and provide all
with futureoriented technology.
design will stand up to the most de-
smart clearing features, which include
Powerful new capacitive, optical and
manding mill environments and provi-
proposing clearing limits based on the
foreign matter sensors are at the core
de a long service life. Improvements
yarn body and providing cut fore-
of the Uster® Quantum 3. They can
include a better sealed clearer core to
casts. Uster® Quantum 3 sets a new
see everything, in greater detail than
keep out dirt and dust, as well as re-
benchmark for clearing performance,
any previous yarn clearer generation.
inforced sensors to cope with vibrati-
whether for carded yarns, compact-
In combination with powerful proces-
on. Another improvement is the Fore-
spun, air-spliced or water-spliced
sing electronics, for the first time
ign Fiber sensor, which is wider than
ever, the system shows the full yarn
before. Along with new air blowing
Dr Geoffrey Scott, CEO of Uster Tech-
body. (The yarn body is the normal
arrangements, this reduces dirt build-
nologies Ltd., comments: “We are de-
yarn with its set of expected tolerable
up at the sensor from both the yarn
lighted to demonstrate Uster®’s tech-
natural variations). The new foreign
and the air supply.
nological leadership with the launch
matter sensor has multiple light sources, to detect new colored foreign fi-
of the ground-breaking new generatiSmart and radically simple to use ®
on of our Uster® Quantum
bers and to help separation of colored
Uster Quantum 3 learns everything
We are confident that this product,
foreign fibers from mostly non-distur-
it needs to know about the running
available with optical and capacitive
bing vegetable matter. The powerful
yarn in just two minutes. Then, dra-
sensors, will set new accuracy stan-
contamination package of the Uster®
wing on its built-in Uster® know-how,
dards in quality measurement within
Quantum 3 is completed by a brand
it proposes suitable clearing limits to
the industry.”
tekstil teknoloji 6
LC Waikiki'nin Rusya Ata¤› Çocuk ve genç haz›r giyimin öncülerinden LC Waikiki'nin Rusya genelinde dev yat›r›mlar yapaca¤› ve 50 yeni ma¤aza açaca¤› belirtildi
ürkiye'de çocuk ve genç haz›r giyi-
yap›s› var. ‹ki ülke siyasi iliflkilerinin
ayd›r perakende sektöründe ifllerin yo-
min öncü firmalar›ndan olan LC
geldi¤i noktay› düflündü¤ümüzde ya-
lunda oldu¤u bilgisi veren Küçük, Tür-
Waikiki, Rusya'da dev yat›r›ma haz›r-
t›r›mlar aç›s›ndan önümüzün aç›k ol-
kiye ile ilgili hedeflerini de aç›klad›:
lan›yor. 2012 sonuna kadar Moskova,
du¤unu görüyoruz" dedi.
"Türkiye'de haftada bir ma¤aza aç›-
St. Petersburg ve Rusya'n›n farkl›
yoruz. 2011 sonunda 360 civar›nda
kentlerinde 50 ma¤aza açmay› planla-
Gelifl gidifller daha da artar
ma¤azaya ulaflm›fl olaca¤›z. 2010 so-
yan LC Waikiki toplam 75 milyon do-
‹ki ülkenin önümüzdeki befl y›l içinde
nunda 1,4 milyar dolar olmas›n› bek-
larl›k bir yat›r›m yapacak. fiirketin Rus-
100 milyar dolar ticaret hacmi hedefi
ledi¤imiz ciromuz da, 2011 sonunda
ya'daki ilk ma¤azas› da St. Petersburg
koydu¤unu hat›rlatan Küçük, vizelerin
2 milyar dolara ulaflacak.
kentinde 25 Aral›k'ta aç›l›yor.
Mevcut on bin çal›flan›m›z›n say›s›n›
Moskovski Vokzal semtinde Galeriya
da art›raca¤›z. Gelecek y›l en az bin
ticaret merkezinden faaliyete bafllaya-
kifliye daha istihdam sa¤lamay› hedef-
cak LC Waikiki, bin 400 metrekarelik
bir alanda müflterilerine hizmet verecek.
Kaliteli ürünler krizi bitirir
Romanya, Bulgaristan, Arnavutluk,
Türkiye'de parekende piyasas›nda kri-
Kazakistan ve Irak'ta açt›¤› ma¤aza-
zin afl›ld›¤›n› ve çok olumlu geliflmeler
larla Türk ihracat›na büyük katk› sa¤-
yaflad›¤›n› ifade eden Küçük, "Önü-
layan flirket yurt d›fl›ndaki faaliyetlerini
müzdeki dönemde de herhangi bir k›-
19 ülkeye ç›karacak. Almanya, Fransa,
r›lganl›k görmüyoruz. Genel tekstil
Rusya, Suudi Arabistan ve Suriye'de
sektörü aç›s›ndan bakt›¤›m›zda girdi
çal›flmalar›na bafllayan LC Waikiki,
maliyetlerinin yüksek oluflu rekabet
2020'de Avrupa'n›n en baflar›l› ilk üç
flans›n› azalt›yor. Türk haz›r giyim sek-
flirketi aras›na girmeyi hedefliyor.
törünün h›zl› ve esnek yap›s›n›n yan› s›ra katma de¤eri yüksek kaliteli ürün-
Küçük: Rusya önemli bir pazar
lere yönelik çal›flmalar› ile krizden ç›-
LC Waikiki markas›n›n yer ald›¤› Tema
Lc Waikiki Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Vahap Küçük
kaca¤›n› düflünüyorum" tavsiyesinde
Ma¤azac›l›k Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan›
kalkmas›n›n ard›ndan gidifl gelifllerin
Vahap Küçük, Rusya ve Türkiye ara-
h›zl› bir flekilde artaca¤›n› kaydetti.
s›nda son dönemde iliflkilerin ciddi bir
Rus turistlerin tatil için Türkiye'ye yo-
Avrupa için 2020 hedefi
flekilde geliflti¤ini ve Rusya'da önemli
¤un bir flekilde geldiklerini de ifade
2020 y›l›na kadar Avrupa'n›n en bafla-
f›rsatlar gördüklerini söyledi.
eden LC Waikiki'nin ortaklar›ndan Kü-
r›l› üç firmas›ndan biri olmak gibi bir
Rusya piyasas› ile ilgili de¤erlendirme-
çük, markalar›n›n Ruslar aras›nda bili-
vizyonlar› oldu¤unu kaydeden Küçük,
de bulunan Küçük, "Rusya'y› öncelikli
nirlikle aç›s›ndan da avantajlar› oldu-
buna tam inan›yoruz dedi.
yat›r›m alan› olarak belirledik. Mosko-
¤unu söyledi.
De¤iflime h›zl› tepki vermek, kendi
va d›fl›ndaki bölgelerde henüz al›fl ve-
sektörüne odaklaflmak, kazand›¤›n› yi-
rifl merkezleri alt yap›s› tamamlanm›fl
Haftada bir ma¤aza aç›yor
ne sektöre yat›rmak, insan kayna¤› ve
Türkiye'de 300'ün üzerinde ma¤aza
teknoloji yat›r›mlar›na da önem ver-
Buralarda yer alabilmek halen müm-
ile çal›flmalar›n› sürdüren LC Waikiki,
mek LC Waikiki'nin benimsedi¤i temel
kün. Pazar aç›s›ndan da büyüyen bir
haftada bir yeni ma¤aza aç›yor. 6-7
prensipler aras›nda yer al›yor.
tekstil teknoloji 8
Russian attack of LC Waikiki One of the leading manufacturers of children and teen ready-wear garments,
ne of the leading manufacturers of children and teen ready-wear garments in Turkey, LC Waikiki is preparing to make significant investments in Russia. Until the end of 2012, LC Waikiki plans to open up 50 new stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other different cities of Russia and the company will invest a total of 75 million dollars in the country. The first store of LC Waikiki will be opened in St. Petersburg in December 25th. LC Waikiki will offer its products to customers in a 400 meter square area in Galleria trade center in Moskovski Vokzal. The company contributed to Turkish exports with its stores in Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Kazakhstan and Iraq and now it will continue to operate in 19 countries. LC Waikiki started its operational studies in Germany, France, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Syria and aims to be among top 3 most successful companies of Europe by 2020. Küçük: Russia is an important market Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tema Ma¤azac›l›k, which includes LC Waikiki brand as well as others, Vahap Küçük said that the relationship between Russia and Turkey has been improving significantly in the recent period and that they see important opportunities in Russia.While evaluating the Russian market, Küçük said; “we have defined Russia as our priority investment field. In areas other than Moscow, the infrastructure of shopping center has not yet been completed. However, it is still possible to exist in these areas. The country is growing in marketing terms. When we consider the political relationship between the two countries, we know that we have important investment opportunities.” The number of round trips will increase Küçük reminded that both Turkey and Russia aim to increase their trade volume to 100 billion dollars in 5 years and
since visa requirements between the countries have been lifted, the number of round trips will increase. He also mentioned that Russian tourists come to Turkey very often and Waikiki brand has many advantages such as popularity.
Quality products put an end to the crisis Küçük mentioned that the crisis has ended in the retail market in Turkey and positive improvements are observed for the future: “We do not expect any breakdown in the business. When we consider textile sector, competition is redu-
A store is opened once a week Operating with more than 300 stores in Turkey, LC Waikiki opens up a store once a week. Küçük said that retailing sector has been improving for 6-7 months, and announced the targets of the company related to Turkey: “We open up a new store every week. We will have nearly 360 stores at the end of 2011. Our turnover is expected to be 1,4 billion dollars in 2010 and it will reach to 2 billion dollars by the end of 2011. We will increase the number of employees, which is currently ten thousand. We aim to employ at least a thousand persons next year.”
ced due to high input and raw materials. I believe that Turkish ready wear garment sector will overcome crisis with its fast and flexible structure and studies related to quality products with high added value.
tekstil teknoloji 10
2020 targets for Europe Küçük said that they have a vision of becoming the top 3 most successful companies of Europe by 2020 and that they believe it is possible. Main principles of LC Waikiki are adapting to changes, focusing on the specialized sector, investing in the sector and prioritizing human resources and technological investments.
Oasis SAF’a Çin’de Tam Not Süper emici elyaf teknolojisi Oasis Süper Emici Elyaf (Oasis SAF®), CinteTechtextil Çin’de ziyaretçilerin ak›n›na u¤rad›. ngiltere merkezli flirket Technical
Limited flirketinin bir alt kuruluflu. Bu
sine uygulama alan› sa¤layan genifl bir
Absorbents taraf›ndan üretilen
flirket ise, Çin Ulusal Bluestar (Grup)
pazar taban›nda bulunan ve tedarik
Oasis Süper Emici Elyaf (Oasis SAF )
fiirketi’nin bir parças› olarak faaliyet
zincirinde yer alan önemli oyuncularla
gösteriyor. Bu grup flirketi de Çin’in
bir araya gelmek için flirketimize mü-
uluslar aras› CinteTechtextil Ticari
en h›zl› büyüyen kimyasal gruplar›n-
kemmel bir platform sundu. Technical
Fuar›’nda ziyaretçilerden tam not ald›.
dan biri olan ChemChina’ya ba¤l› bu-
Absorbents’›n çok genifl bir uygulama
320’den fazla stand› bulunan ve üç
alan›nda kullan›lan süper emici ürün
gün süren uzman ticari fuar›, ayn› za-
Technical Absorbents stand›nda ayr›-
portföyü büyük ilgi topluyor ve Çin’in
manda, teknik tekstil, nonwoven ve
ca, Agrotech, Indutech, Sporttech,
yerel pazarlar›nda kendine yer edini-
makineler konusunda Çin’de türünün
Packtech ve Medtech sektörlerinde
yor” dedi.
tek örne¤i olma özelli¤i tafl›yor.
uygulama alanlar› bulunan süper emi-
Fuar›n yan› s›ra fuar organizatörü
18.000’den fazla uluslararas› ziyaret-
ci teknolojiler ve bu teknolojilerin çe-
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited, içinde
çi, Cinte ad›yla tan›nan ve dinamik bir
flitli kullan›mlar› da ziyaretçilere tan›-
ürün sunumlar› ve sempozyumun yer
flekilde kaynak bulmaya, iletiflim kur-
t›ld›. Bu ürünler birçok ziyaretçiyi ve
alan bir program düzenledi. Bu prog-
maya ve bilgi al›flverifline olanak sa¤la-
potansiyel müflteriyi bu standa çek-
ramla Çin’de giderek büyüyen tekno-
yan bu platform için Çin’e geldiler.
meyi baflard›.
loji taleplerini karfl›lamak isteyen en-
düstri oyuncular›ndan olumlu tepkiler
Technical Absorbents, Oasis SAF elyaf›n›n yan› s›ra, bilindi¤i gibi, tamam› ®
Oasis SAF elyaf› içeren nonwoven, iplik, dokuma kumafl ve terbiyeli müflte-
“Mükemmel bir f›rsat oldu”
ald›. David Hill bu programda, ayr›ca,
‹fl Gelifltirme Yöneticisi David Hill,
“G›da Paketlemede Emici Ürünler”
“CINTE’ye kat›lmam›z, SAF teknoloji-
ri ürünleri de üretiyor. Bu baflar›, flirketin uzun y›llar boyunca dünyan›n öncü uzman elyaf dönüfltürücüleri, kumafl ve son ürün üreticileriyle yapt›¤› iflbirli¤inden kaynaklan›yor.
Asya’da hamleye haz›rlan›yor fiirket Asya’daki pazar yollar›nda ilerlemek için bu bölgedeki flirketlerle de benzer iliflkiler kurmaya haz›rlan›yor. Çin’de gerçeklefltirilen bu etkinlik ayn› zamanda flirketin Asya’daki varl›¤›n› güçlendirmek için önemli bir f›rsat sunuyor. Technical Absorbents, BluestarFibres tekstil teknoloji 12
bafll›¤› alt›nda bir sunum yapt›.
Technical Absorbents takes part in 2010 ICTN held at IIT Delhi, India Super absorbent fiber technology Oasis Super Absorbent Fiber (Oasis SAF®) Cinte Techtextil attracted visitors' attention
Delegates attending the recent In-
legates entitled ‘Innovative fluid ma-
e different monomers) of acrylic acid
ternational Conference on Tech-
nagement solutions for advanced
(AA) methylacrylate (MA) and a small
nical Textiles & Nonwovens, held in
technical textiles’ which was very well
quantity of a special acrylate/methacr-
New Delhi, were keen to find out
received by the industry and research
ylate monomer (SAMM). The reaction
about the various applications for Su-
fellows attending.
between the acid groups in acrylic
acid and the hydroxyl groups in
per Absorbent Fibre (SAF ), manufactured by UK-based company, Techni-
Mr Hill said:
hydroxpropylmethacrylate result in
cal Absorbents (TAL).
“The Indian Technical Textiles sector
ester groups. These are formed as a
The 3-day conference aimed to bring
presents a tremendous market deve-
result of cross-links between polymer
together industry, research organisa-
lopment opportunity for Technical
tions and academia in the field of
Absorbents. The extremely diverse
• SAF® is white, odourless and has the
technical textiles for meaningful dis-
application areas for TAL’s superab-
appearance and improved handling
cussions on the existing technical textile products, possibilities for new product development and domestic
TAL’s presence at this year’s IIT event was very favourably received. TAL’s
and global market potentials for these products, along with coming up
sorbent product technology, lends it-
characteristics of a textile fibre, while
with a suitable strategy for the deve-
self perfectly to the manufacturing
offering the possibility of being used
lopment of technical textiles in India.
capability and high people skill base
to produce a wide range of soft hand-
Enquiries received by TAL at the event
present within the Indian domestic
le fabrics.
included interest in the technology
technical textiles sector. TAL’s presen-
ges of easy handling, it also possesses
developed for both washable super
ce at this year’s IIT event was very fa-
enhanced containment ability and in-
absorbency and evaporative cooling,
vourably received. TAL’s collaboration
creased compatibility with different
both used in the performance apparel
with the New Delhi based BCH Gro-
processing techniques and machinery.
markets. Leading yarn manufacturers
up, continues to provide a sound sup-
• SAF® is an extremely effective and
came forward to learn how they can
port base to its development activities
versatile super absorbent technology,
utilise the unique absorbency features
within India.”
and the company behind the product
of SAF® for enhancing their product
Along with the advanta-
– Technical Absorbents – is at the foNotes for Editors
refront of the industry.
sector were interested to learn about
• Technical Absorbents is owned by
• Applications for the super absor-
the rapid absorption rates of SAF®
Bluestar Fibres Limited, a wholly-ow-
bent technology include food packa-
within fuel filtration for separating
ned subsidiary of China National Blu-
ging, hygiene, medical and dental go-
water and the absorption of moisture
eStar (Group) Company Limited,
ods. SAF® is regulated by the United
in air filtration.
which in-turn is wholly-owned by the
States of America Food and Drug Ad-
Mr David Hill, Business Development
ChemChina Group.
ministration (FDA) for use as a fluid
Those from the filtration
Manager, gave a presentation to de-
• SAF is a cross-linked polymer (thre-
tekstil teknoloji 14
absorbent in food contact materials.
Brezilya Tekstil Endüstrisi, Alman Tekstil Makineleri Konferans› Baflar›l› Bir fiekilde Sona Erdi. São Paulo’da düzenlenen konferansda son teknolojiler izlendi.
ão Paulo ve Blumenau’da gerçek-
yer ald›.
Endüstrinin yorumlar›
lefltirilen “Brezilya’da Tekstil için
Brückner Tekstil Terbiye Makineleri,
Alman Teknolojileri Konferans›”na
ABBT – Brezilya Tekstil Teknisyen-
Pazarlama ve Reklam Departman› Bafl-
Brezilya’n›n büyüyen tekstil endüstri-
leri Derne¤i’nden konferansa mü-
kan› Verena Ruckh;
sinden 430 temsilci kat›ld›. Hem karar
kemmel notlar
“Bu sempozyum, tüm ilgili müflterile-
mercileri hem de tekstil teknisyenleri;
ABBT Baflkan› Reinaldo A. Rozzatti;
rimize ve ziyaretçilerimize en yeni tek-
enerji, su, tedarik ve hammadde kulla-
“ABBT – Brezilya Tekstil Teknisyenleri
nolojilerimizi tan›tmak ve Brezilya pa-
n›m› gibi etkin bir tekstil üretimi ger-
Derne¤i olarak, São Paulo ve Blume-
zar›ndaki oyuncularla iliflkimizi gelifl-
çeklefltirmenin araçlar›na yönelik en
nau’da gerçeklefltirdi¤i “Brezilya Teks-
tirmek üzere önemli bir f›rsat sundu.”
yeni teknoloji trendlerini ö¤rendiler.
til Endüstrisi için Alman Teknolojisi”
IRO GmbH Müflteri Hizmetleri Müdü-
Konferanslar Alman VDMA Tekstil
bafll›kl› konferans ve konuflmalar için
rü Walter Letzgus:
Makineleri Derne¤i taraf›ndan organi-
VDMA- Tekstil Teknolojileri Derne-
“VDMA sayesinde flirketimiz en yeni
ze edildi ve Alman Federal Ekonomi ve
¤i’ne teflekkür ediyoruz.
ürün gam›n› Brezilya’daki örgü fabri-
Teknoloji Bakanl›¤›’n›n deste¤iyle 3-4
Tekstil alan›ndaki flirketlere ve Brezil-
kalar›na tan›tt›.”
Kas›m 2010 tarihlerinde São Paulo ve
yal› endüstri temsilcilerine yeni tekno-
8-9 Kas›m 2010 tarihlerinde Blumena-
lojileri getiren bu etkinli¤i destekle-
ERBATECH GmbH Yöneticisi Ulrich
u’da gerçeklefltirildi.
mek flirketimiz için önemli bir onur-
von Christen:
“Brezilya tekstil endüstrisine uygun
Federal Alman Cumhuriyeti’nde mer-
birçok geliflmifl ürünümüz bulunuyor.
Kat›l›mc› fiirketler Teknoloji bafll›¤› alt›nda 22 ünlü flirket taraf›ndan yap›lan konuflmalar tüm tekstil zincirinde yer alan makine, aksesuar ve hizmetleri kapsad›. Bunlar
Hohenstein Enstitüsü’nün kimya endüstrisindeki müflterilerimiz için ne kadar önemli oldu¤unu Brezilya’daki potansiyel müflterilere göstermifl oldu
aras›nda; e¤irme, dokuma, örgü & ço-
kezi bulunan yirmi iki flirketin, tüm
Brezilya’n›n ekipmanlar›m›za gösterdi-
rap, nonwovenlar, terbiye (y›kama,
tekstil zinciri için ürettikleri makine ve
¤i ilgi ise muazzam.”
beyazlatma, boyama ve kurutma dâ-
ekipmanlar›n› sunmak üzere Brezil-
hil) ve tekstil testlerini yer ald›.
ya’ya gelmesi ve böylece ülkenin mev-
Hohenstein Enstitüsü Latin Ameri-
Konuflmalara kat›lan flirketler aras›nda
cut yeni teknolojileri inceleme ve göz-
ka Müdürü Fritz V. Herbold;
ise Brückner Textile Finishing Machi-
lemleme flans› bulmas›yla yerel flirket-
“VDMA’n›n São Paulo ve Blumena-
nery, Erbatech, Hohenstein Textile
ler endüstriyel makinelerini yenilemek
u’da gerçeklefltirdi¤i etkinlikler hiz-
Testing Institute, Groz-Beckert, Jakob
için daha fazla seçene¤e sahip oldular
metlerimizi tekstil dünyas›na sunmak
Müller, Karl Mayer, Lindauer Dornier,
ve sat›n alma kararlar›n› buna göre
için önemli bir f›rsat sundu. Böyle bir
Mahlo, Memminger Iro, Monforts,
verme flans› buldular.
f›rsat Hohenstein Enstitüsü’nün kimya
Oeko-Tex, Oerlikon Neumag, Oerli-
Bu etkinlikte Brezilya endüstrisinin da-
endüstrisindeki müflterilerimiz için ne
kon Schlafhorst, Pleva, Reseda Binder,
ha rekabetçi olmas›n›, pazara daha
kadar önemli oldu¤unu Brezilya’daki
Rieter Ingolstadt, Textechno, Then,
uyumlu ürünlerle hizmet vermesini ve
potansiyel müflterilere göstermifl oldu.
Trützschler Nonwovens Group - Fle-
ekolojik standartlara uygun bir flekilde
Organizatörleri böyle bir etkinli¤i biz-
issner, Trützschler Spinning, Welker
üretim yapmas›n› sa¤layacak yeni
lere kazand›rd›¤› için teflekkür ediyo-
Spinntech and XETMA Vollenweider,
ekipmanlar üreticilere tan›t›ld›.
tekstil teknoloji 16
Successful Conference on German Textile Machinery for the Brazilian Textile Industry Latest technologies were followed at the conference in Sao Paulo
rankfurt am Main, 22nd November
Rieter Ingolstadt, Textechno, Then,
tile area companies and to the indus-
2010 – 430 delegates from the
Trützschler Nonwovens Group - Fle-
trial Brazilian public.
Brazilian textile industry attended the
issner, Trützschler Spinning, Welker
The twenty two companies headquar-
“Conference on German Technology
Spinntech and XETMA Vollenweider.
tered in the Federal Republic of Ger-
for Brazilian Textiles” in São Paulo and
many delighted to present their mac-
Blumenau. Both decision makers as
Excellent notes from ABTT- Brazi-
hines and equipment to the entrepre-
well as textile technicians informed
lian Association of Textile Techni-
neurs from the textile chain, here in
themselves about the latest techno-
Brazil, so that they could observe
logy trends e. g. for efficient textile
Reinaldo A. Rozzatti, President of
what could be offered in terms of
production in terms of energy, water
ABTT states: “The ABTT-Brazilian As-
new technologies available, and in
supply and raw material use.
sociation of Textile Technicians con-
doing so they could have more argu-
The conferences – initiated by the
gratulates VDMA – Textile Machinery
ments for their purchasing decision
German VDMA Textile Machinery As-
Association for the realization of the
looking for renewal of their industrial
sociation and supported by the Ger-
Brazilian Editions in São Paulo and
machines. At this event the public be-
man Federal Ministry of Economics &
Blumenau of the Conference and Ex-
came aware of new equipment, that
Technology - took place in São Paulo
position Cycles “German Technology
are to help the Brazilian industry to be
for the Brazilian Textile Industry”. It
more competitive, serving the market
has been a great honour for our asso-
with more adequate products and
ciation to support this event that has
manufacturing under ecological stan-
brought new technologies to the tex-
(3 – 4 November 2010) and Blumeth
nau (8 – 9 November 2010).
Participating companies The technology lectures given by 22 renowned companies covered machinery, accessories and services along the complete textile chain: Spinning, weaving, knitting & hosiery, nonwovens, finishing (incl. washing, bleaching, dyeing, drying) and textile testing. The following companies participated: Brückner Textile Finishing Machinery, Erbatech, Hohenstein Textile Testing Institute, Groz-Beckert, Jakob Müller, Karl Mayer, Lindauer Dornier, Mahlo, Memminger Iro, Monforts, Oeko-Tex, Oerlikon Neumag, Oerlikon Schlafhorst, Pleva, Reseda Binder,
tekstil teknoloji 18
Technical Absorbents’ten Hindistan Ata¤› Hindistan’da düzenlenen ICTN 2010 etkinli¤ine kat›lan Technical Absorbents Delhi, özellikle Süper Emici Elyaf ürünü ile büyük ilgi gördü
echnical Absorbents Delhi, geçti¤imiz günlerde Hindistan’da gerçeklefltirilen ICTN 2010’da yer ald›. Yeni Delhi’deki Uluslararas› Teknik Tekstiller & Nonwoven Konferans›’na kat›lan temsilciler, ‹ngiltere merkezli Technical Absorbents (TAL) flirketi taraf›ndan üretilen Süper Emici Elyaf’a (SAF®) ve uygulama alanlar›na büyük ilgi gösterdi. Temsilciler, ürünün özellikleri karfl›s›nda hayranl›klar›n› gizleyemediler. Üç gün süren konferansta tekstil endüstrisi, araflt›rma organizasyonlar› ve teknik tekstil alan›ndan akademisyenler mevcut teknik tekstil uygulamalar›n› tart›flmak üzere bir araya geldi. Kat›l›mc›lar, ayn› zamanda, yeni ürün geliflimleri üzerine konuflmak, bu ürünlerin yerel ve küresel pazar potansiyellerini ortaya koymak ve Hindistan’da teknik tekstillerin ge-
liflmesi için uygun bir strateji bulmak üzere de fikir al›flverifli gerçeklefltirdiler. Konferansta TAL’a yöneltilen sorular performans giyimi pazarlar›nda kullan›lan ve y›kanabilir süper emicilik özelli¤i için gelifltirilen teknolojiler ve buharl› so¤utma tekni¤i üzerine oldu. David Hill: Yerelde potansiyel var Lider iplik üreticileri, kendi ürün portföylerini zenginlefltirmek için SAF®’›n eflsiz emicilik özelliklerini nas›l kullanabileceklerini ö¤renme f›rsat› buldular. Özellikle filtreleme endüstrisi temsilcileri yak›t filtrelemede suyu ay›rmak ve hava filtrelemede nem emilimi sa¤lamak için SAF®’›n h›zl› emicilik oranlar›n› ö¤renmek istediler. ‹fl Gelifltirme Müdürü David Hill, burada, endüstri temsilcilerine, “‹leri düzey teknik
tekstiller için yenilikçi s›v› yönetim çözümleri” bafll›¤› alt›nda bir sunum yapt›. Bu sunum kat›l›mc› endüstri üyeleri ve araflt›rmac›lar taraf›ndan oldukça be¤enildi. Hill konuflmas›nda, “Hindistan Teknik Tekstil sektörü Technical Absorbents flirketine pazar gelifltirme konusunda büyük f›rsatlar sunuyor. Sektörde TAL’in süper emici ürün teknolojisi için birçok uygulama alan› bulunuyor. fiirketin, Hindistan’›n üretim kapasitesini ve yetenekli çal›flan say›s›n› artt›rmak üzere yerel teknik tekstil sektöründe önemli bir potansiyeli var. TAL’in bu y›l gerçeklefltirilen ITT etkinli¤indeki varl›¤› ise büyük ilgi toplamay› baflard›. fiirketin Yeni Delhi merkezli BCH Grubuyla yapt›¤› iflbirli¤i, Hindistan’da gerçeklefltirece¤i kalk›nma etkinlikleri için önemli bir temel oluflturuyor” dedi.
Technical Absorbents Takes Part in 2010 ICTN held at IIT Delhi, India Leading yarn manufacturers came forward to learn how they can utilise the unique absorbency features of SAF® for enhancing their product portfolio. elegates attending the recent International Conference on Technical Textiles & Nonwovens, held in New Delhi, were keen to find out about the various applications for Super Absorbent Fibre (SAF®), manufactured by UK-based company, Technical Absorbents (TAL). The 3-day conference aimed to bring together industry, research organisations and academia in the field of technical textiles for meaningful discussions on the existing technical textile products, possibilities for new product development and domestic and global market potentials for these products, along with coming up with a suitable strategy for the development of technical textiles in India. Enquiries received by TAL at the
event included interest in the technology developed for both washable super absorbency and evaporative cooling, both used in the performance apparel markets. Leading yarn manufacturers came forward to learn how they can utilise the unique absorbency features of SAF® for enhancing their product portfolio. Those from the filtration sector were interested to learn about the rapid absorption rates of SAF® within fuel filtration for separating water and the absorption of moisture in air filtration. Mr David Hill, Business Development Manager, gave a presentation to delegates entitled ‘Innovative fluid management solutions for advanced technical textiles’ which was very well received by the industry and resetekstil teknoloji 19
arch fellows attending. Mr Hill said: “The Indian Technical Textiles sector presents a tremendous market development opportunity for Technical Absorbents. The extremely diverse application areas for TAL’s superabsorbent product technology, lends itself perfectly to the manufacturing capability and high people skill base present within the Indian domestic technical textiles sector. TAL’s presence at this year’s IIT event was very favourably received. TAL’s collaboration with the New Delhi based BCH Group, continues to provide a sound support base to its development activities within India.”
IGATEX’te ilkler Yafland› IGATEX, 22 - 24 Ekim tarihleri aras›nda gerçekleflti
IGATEX Fuar› ilk defa Lahore,
yap›lan aç›klamada, “SSM ve bölge
dairesel örgü paketleri haz›rlama ko-
Pakistan’da yeni aç›lan Expo
temsilcisi AHS Tekstil Makineleri fuar-
nusunda ekonomik bir çözüm sunan
Center’da gerçeklefltirildi. 22-24 Ekim
da bir stand› paylaflt›. Onlara mükem-
CW 8-W, SSM stand›na birçok müflte-
tarihleri aras›nda yap›lan fuara özellik-
mel bir organizasyon yapt›klar› ve bu
ri çekmeyi baflard›.
le Punjab bölgesinden birçok ziyaretçi
fuar› baflar›yla gerçeklefltirdikleri için
SSM olarak, gelecekteki projeleriyle il-
geldi. Igatex Pakistan böylece gi-
teflekkür ediyoruz.
gili görüflmeler yapmak ve son ekip-
yim&tekstil makineleri ve aksesuarlar›
Fuar›n flirket için baflar›l› geçmesinin
manlar› incelemek üzere fuar stand›na
konusunda Güney Do¤u Asya’daki en
en önemli sebebi flirketin, yeni piyasa-
gelen tüm ziyaretçilere teflekkür edi-
büyük ve en baflar›l› fuarlardan biri ol-
ya sürülen CW 8-W ClassicWind™ sis-
du¤unu kan›tlad›.
temini ilk defa Pakistan’da tan›t›yor
Bize güvendi¤iniz için teflekkürler”
SSM SchärerSchweiterMettler AG’den
olmas›yd›. Dokuma, çözgü örme ve
First Things Took place at IGATEX IGATEX took place between 22 - 24 October
he 6th IGATEX took place at the
one of the largest and best establis-
to make this show a successful one. A
newly opened Expo Centre in La-
hed Garment & Textile Machinery and
fact that was also influenced by the
hore, Pakistan for the first time. From
accessories exhibitions in South East
recently launched CW8-W Classic-
22 to 24 October the exhibition at-
Asia. SSM shared a booth with their
Wind™, that SSM was showing for
tracted a large number of visitors,
representative AHS Textile Machinery.
the first time in Pakistan. The CW8-
mainly from the Punjab province.
We would like to thank them for the
W, a very economical solution for the
Igatex Pakistan confirmed its place as
perfect organization and for helping
preparation of packages for weaving,
warp knitting and circular knitting helped to draw a large number of visitors to the booth. Thanks to all visitors: Furthermore, SSM would like to take this opportunity to thank all visitors that visited our booth for discussions concerning imminent projects or just for checking out the latest equipment. Many thanks for giving us your trust. tekstil teknoloji 20
Shanghai’den Dönüfl ITMA ASIA + CITME bir kez daha Asyal› Tekstil Üreticilerinin en önemli platformu oldu¤unu kan›tlad›.
hanghai’de ikincisi gerçeklefltirilen
Savio, stand›n› ka¤›t fenerle süsleme
len olumlu geri dönüfller Savio’nun
ITMA ASIA + CITME fuar› 26 Tem-
karar› ald› ve fuarda sundu¤u makine-
baflar›l› bir fuar geçirdi¤ini gösteriyor.
muz’da sona erdi. Fuar, Asyal› tekstil
lerinin üzerine büyük fenerler ast›. Bu
Savio’nun ziyaretçileri genelde Çinliy-
üreticilerinin en önemli platformu ol-
fenerler dünyan›n en büyük tekstil pi-
di ancak flirketin yabanc› ziyaretçi ora-
du¤unu ve dünya çap›ndaki tekstil pi-
yasas› olan Çin’i simgelerken, dekora-
n›n›n artmas› küresel tekstil piyasas›-
yasalar›n›n geliflme sürecinin h›zland›-
tif özelli¤iyle olumlu tepkiler ald› ve
n›n tek gücünün Çin olmad›¤›n› kan›t-
¤›n› kan›tlad›. Özellikle Cematex ve
büyük ilgi gördü. Büyük boyutlar› sa-
lad›. Standa özellikle Hindistan, Tay-
ACIMIT gibi kat›l›mc›lar ve ticari der-
yesinde bu fenerler, benzer etkinlikler
van, Taylan, Kore, Pakistan ve Bangla-
neklerden al›nan izlenimler ve fuar
için kullan›lan en büyük fenerler olma
defl’ten ziyaretçiler gelirken, Türkiye,
boyunca birçok flirketin ald›¤› siparifl-
özelli¤ini tafl›d›.
Orta Do¤u ve Güney Amerika’dan da
ler, tekstil endüstrisinin 2009 y›l›yla
Stand›n iç alan› düflünüldü¤ünde, du-
ziyaretçi ak›fl› sa¤land›.
karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda h›zl› bir büyüme ya-
varlardaki büyük resimler, Savio’nun
Shanghai’ye gelen yabanc› ziyaretçile-
flad›¤›n› gösteriyor. 30 farkl› ülkeden
makineleriyle donat›lan iplik fabrikala-
rin say›s›n›n artmas›n›n sebebinin, ar-
gelen 1200 kat›l›mc› ikincisi düzenle-
r›ndan bir kesit sundu ve fuar alan›na
t›k inkar edilmeyen ve giderek daha
nen bu önemli fuara kat›ld› ve “Yeni
derinlik ve boyut kazand›rd›. Ziyaretçi-
da kabul gören bir gerçeklik yaratan
Shanghai Uluslararas› Expo Center”da
leri duygusal bir yolculu¤a ç›karan bu
Çinli üreticilere olan merak ve ilgi ol-
100,000 m fazla alanda ürünlerini zi-
stand, onlar› flafl›rtmay› ve ilgilerini
du¤u söylenebilir.
yaretçilere sundu. ITMA ASIA, befl
çekmeyi baflard›.
Fuar 22 Temmuz’da, Çin Tekstil En-
düstrisi Baflkan› Du Wang Zhou’nun
gün boyunca 94 ülkeden 100,000 ziyaretçinin ak›n›na u¤rad›.
ziyaretiyle onurland›r›ld›. Zhou, fuarda
ITMA ASIA + CITME 2010 fuar›nda
Müflterilerden ve operatörlerden ge-
sunulan makineleri tan›t›rken, enerji tasarrufu, verim ve otomasyon konular›na odakland›. Müflteri ve operatörler Savio ürünlerine büyük ilgi gösterdi. fiirket iki sar›m makinesini ve yeni ikiye-bir büküm makinesini ilk defa ITMA ASIA 2010 fuar›nda tan›tt›. Çin’deki yeni “Savio (Shandong) Tekstil Makineleri” fabrikas›nda üretilen Otomatik sar›m makinesi SAVIO ORION SHANDONG, yüksek verimli ve kaliteli iplik, düflük enerji tüketimi, düflük bak›m ve yat›r›m masraf› özelliklerini talep eden Uzak Do¤u piyasas› için özel olarak gelifltirildi. Bu makine-
Fuara çok say›da yerli ve yabanc› ziyaretçi kat›ld›.
tekstil teknoloji 22
yi yeni yatak tasar›m›yla ve Leopfe Zenit X ile donat›lan yeni açma sistemiyle sunuyoruz. POLAR/I – Do¤rudan Ba¤lant›l› Sistem Otomatik “ba¤lant› türü” sar›m makinesi “Polar/I DLS, Çin pazar›ndan da büyük ilgi topluyor. DLS, otomatik sar›mda ergonomiyi ve kullan›c› dostu çok yönlü özellikleri bir araya getiren yeni bir konsept sunuyor. POLAR/I DLS’nin bilezikli makine bobinlerinin do¤rudan beslemesi bulunuyor ve böylece makinenin bir uzant›s› haline gelerek materyallerin tamamen ba¤›ms›z bir flekilde akmas›n› sa¤l›yor. Bu özellikleri sayesinde bu özel makine Çin piyasas›n›n önemli segmentlerinden büyük övgü al›yor. Bunun en önemli sebebi ise eleman bulma konusunda giderek daha fazla s›k›nt› yaflayan Çin pazar›n›n bu tür makinelere talep göstermesi. Çin’de iplik makineleri alan›nda yaflanan önemli geliflmeler ba¤lant›l› sar›m makinelerinin yayg›nlaflmas›n› sa¤l›yor. Polar I/DLS, en iyi kullan›m özellikleri sunan modüler ve yüksek verimli bobin iflleme sistemiyle geliyor ve Avrupal›, Hint, Çinli ve Japon iplik makinesi üreticilerine do¤rudan ba¤lanabiliyor. SIRIUS Elektronik Tahrik Sistemi Yeni büküm makinesi nesli olan SIRIUS ilk defa ITMA ASIA 2010’da tan›t›ld› ve fuar›n en önemli yenili¤i oldu. Fuarda sunulan sürümü, mekanik sürüme göre ayarlar konusunda daha fazla esneklik sunan, elektrikli akslara sahip Elektronik Tahrik Sistemi (EDS) oldu. SIRIUS EDS modelinde bulunan ba¤›ms›z motor ve invertörler tüm iflletim parametrelerinin bilgisayarla ayarlanabilmesini sa¤l›yor. Bu yenili¤i sa¤layan elektronik bilgi ve beceri, Savio’nun di¤er geliflmifl makinelerinde kulland›¤› bilgi birikiminden geliyor. Bu inovasyonun en önemli özelli¤i makineni haz›rl›k süresini k›saltmas›, tek bir makineye gereken operatör say›s›n› azaltmas› ve son olarak de¤iflim ve ayarlar›n kolay ve do¤rudan yap›lmas›n› sa¤lamas›. Dahas› yeni sistem, ayarlar›n t›pk› mekanik sürümde oldu¤u gibi aflama aflama de¤il, sürekli olarak de¤ifltirilebilmesine imkan tan›yor ve müflterilerin en iyi sonuçlar› elde edebilmeleri için tüm parametre kombinasyonlar›n›n kullanmas›n› sa¤l›yor.
tekstil teknoloji 23
Back From Shanghai ITMA ASIA + CITME has proven once more that is the most important platform for Asian Textile Producers.
he second edition of ITMA ASIA +
New International Exhibition Centre�.
machines installed by Savio, giving a
CITME held in Shanghai, ended
Visitors were approximately 100,000
sense of depth and extension of spa-
on June 26, has been confirmed as
from more than 94 countries during
ce. A stand created for an emotional
the most significant platform for the
the five days of ITMA ASIA. For ITMA
journey able to surprise and hit the vi-
Asian textile manufacturing commu-
ASIA + CITME 2010, Savio wanted to
nity, certifying the ongoing recovery
present itself with a booth characteri-
The turnout and the positive feedback
in the key worldwide textile markets.
zed by the Chinese lantern element,
from customers and operators confer-
In general, collecting impressions of
proposed as a huge item suspended
red a successful edition upon Savio.
exhibitors and trade associations, pri-
on the machines on display. These
Savio visitors were mostly Chinese,
marily Cematex and ACIMIT, the or-
lanterns, born from the inspiration to
but there has been an increase in the
ders received by many companies at
pay tribute to the major world textile
percentage of foreign visitors, confir-
the exhibition confirms the sharp re-
market, have given a very positive fe-
ming that not only China is a driving
covery with respect to previous levels
edback especially for the scenic effect
force for the global textile markets. In
for 2009.
and the large size, making them the
particular, have been registered Indi-
1200 exhibitors from 30 different co-
largest lanterns ever produced in simi-
an, Taiwanese, Thai, Korean, Pakista-
untries of origin were present at this
lar events.
ni, Bangladeshi operators and Asian
second edition, occupying a total are-
As for the interior area of the stand,
in general, with a discrete inflows al-
a of more than 100,000 square me-
big prints on the walls tried to recrea-
so from Turkey, the Middle East and
ters in the new fairgrounds "Shanghai
te the spinning mills atmosphere with
South America. The increased participation of foreign visitors to Shanghai can be mainly attributed to a growing interest and curiosity about Chinese manufacturers, who now represent a reality always more recognized, which cannot be ignored. The opening day of the fair, June 22, was honoured by the prestigious visit of the Chinese Minister of Textile Industry, Du Wang Zhou, who was introduced to the machines on display, describing with particular emphasis the characteristics of energy saving, productivity and automation. The turnout and the positive feedback from customers and operators confer-
Many visitors attenaled the exhibition
tekstil teknoloji 26
red a successful edition upon Savio.
productivity, low energy consumpti-
US, was the real novelty of the fair,
Savio visitors were mostly Chinese,
on, low maintenance and low invest-
debuting as world premiere at ITMA
but there has been an increase in the
ment costs.
ASIA 2010. The version displayed was
percentage of foreign visitors, confir-
We presented this machine with a
the electrical axes one, Electronic Dri-
ming that not only China is a driving
new headstock design and a new
ve System (EDS), which is characteri-
force for the global textile markets. In
clearing system with Leopfe Zenit X.
zed with respect to mechanical version for the complete flexibility of set-
particular, have been registered Indian, Taiwane-
Polar/I-Direct Link System
tings adjustment. Sirius EDS model
se, Thai, Korean, Pakistani, Bangla-
Polar/I DLS, the automatic winder
has independent motors and inverters
deshi operators and Asian in general,
"link type" is attracting increasing in-
that allow you to adjust all operating
with a discrete inflows also from Tur-
terest also in the Chinese market.
parameters through the interface of a
key, the Middle East and South Ame-
Polar/I - DLS has introduced a new
PC. This innovation comes from elec-
concept in automatic link winding: er-
tronic knowledge which Savio already
The increased participation of foreign
gonomics and user friendly sophisti-
used in other sophisticated products.
visitors to Shanghai can be mainly at-
The main impact of this innovation is
tributed to a growing interest and curiosity about Chinese manufacturers, who now represent a reality always more recognized, which cannot be ig-
This innovation comes from electronic knowledge which Savio already used in other sophisticated products. The main impact of this innovation is to decrease strongly the machine set-up time
nored. The opening day of the fair,
The POLAR/I DLS has a direct feeding
to decrease strongly the machine set-
June 22, was honoured by the presti-
of the ring frame bobbins and beca-
up time, thus reducing the number of
gious visit of the Chinese Minister of
me an extension of the ring frame it-
operators for each machine, while in-
Textile Industry, Du Wang Zhou, who
self, ensuring total free flow of the
troducing a simple and direct way to
was introduced to the machines on
materials. These features have recei-
change any setting. Moreover, the
display, describing with particular
ved considerable interest from visi-
new system allows to change settings
emphasis the characteristics of energy
tors, as some important segments of
continuously and not “step by step”,
saving, productivity and automation.
the Chinese market are increasingly
as in the mechanical version, allowing
looking for this kind of machines, be-
customers to try any parameters com-
Savio ORION Shandong
cause of increasing difficulties in fin-
bination, in order to obtain the best
Customers and operators have shown
ding workers. The big development of
results. The partnership with custo-
considerable interest in the Savio pro-
spinning machinery in China, has po-
mers and markets is an essential ad-
ducts. The company has displayed
pularized the use of linked winders.
ded value for the development of
two winders and the new two-for-
Polar I/ DLS comes in a modular hief-
technology in Savio products. Tech-
one twister, debuting for the first ti-
ficiency bobbin processing system,
nological growth is achieved only if
me at ITMA ASIA 2010.
ensuring the best utilization, and can
the customer needs are fully explored
The automatic winder SAVIO ORION
also be linked to European, Indian,
and evaluated.ITMA ASIA + CITME
SHANDONG, manufactured in our
Chinese and Japanese manufactures
2010 was an important moment whe-
Chinese plant "Savio (Shandong) Tex-
spinning frames.
re feedback could help us to further implement our products, thus repre-
tile Machinery", was designed specifically for the market of Far East in se-
SIRIUS Elcetronic Drive System
senting an appointment that Savio
arch of high quality yarn with high
The new generation of twisters, SIRI-
could not miss.
tekstil teknoloji 28
Bir dü¤ümle Hayatlar› De¤iflti Kahramanmarafl'›n Pazarc›k ilçesine ba¤l› Sal›r Köyü'nde aç›lan hal› kursunda dokunan "Anadolu Motifli" el hal›lar›n›n tamam› ABD'ye ihraç ediliyor.
ahramanmarafl'›n Pazarc›k ilçesine ba¤l› Sal›r köyünde hal›c›l›k kursuna devam eden genç k›zlar›n yapt›¤› Anadolu motifli el hal›lar› ABD'ye ihraç ediliyor. Att›klar› dü¤ümlerle hayat› de¤iflen genç k›zlar kimi çeyizini yapt›, kimi kardeflini okuttu kimi ise evlerini yeniledi. Pazarc›k Halk E¤itim Merkezi Müdürlü¤ü taraf›ndan Sal›r köyünde 2004 y›l›nda aç›lan hal›c›k kursu genç k›zlar›n kaderini de¤ifltirdi. Kendilerine sunulan f›rsat› de¤erlendirerek meslek sahibi olan genç k›zlar flimdi el hal›s› dokuyarak ailelerine yard›mda bulunuyor.
7 y›ldan bu yana kurs ö¤retmenli¤i yapan Aysen Uzuntok, kursun baflar›l› bir flekilde devam etti¤ini belirterek, "fiu anda 18 gencimiz burada hem meslek ö¤reniyor hem de çal›flarak ailelerine destek oluyor. Çal›flma flartlar›m›z güzel ve kursiyerlerimiz çok azimli. Ben de böylesi bir ortamda ö¤retmenlik yapt›¤›m için çok mutluyum" dedi. Hiç bofl vakitleri olmuyor Dokunan el hal›lar›n›n yüzde 90'n›n›n yurt d›fl›na gönderildi¤ini anlatan Uzuntok, flöyle konufltu: "Kurs aç›l›rken Halk E¤itim Müdürlü-
Pazarc›k Halk E¤itim Merkezi Müdürü fierif Ak›nc›
tekstil teknoloji 29
¤ü özel bir flirketle protokol imzalanm›flt›. Bu protokol çerçevesinde burada dokunan el hal›lar› bu flirkete teslim ediliyor. Böylece genç k›zlar›m›z hem para kazan›yor hem de Sal›r'da yap›lan bu hal›lar›m›z ABD'ye ihraç edilmifl oluyor. Bir kifli ayda 4 ila 5 aras›nda hal› yapabiliyor. Kendisi de ortalama 500-600 TL para kazan›yor. Hiç bofl vaktimiz olmuyor. Sipariflleri de özel flirket veriyor. Hem motiflerini bize bildiriyor hem malzemeleri kendisi getiriyor. Ayr›ca el hal›lar›m›z›n malzemeleri kök boyadan yap›l›yor ve rengi hiç solmuyor. Orijinal motifler kullan›yoruz ve yurt d›fl›n-
dan büyük talep geliyor'' Her dü¤üm yeni bir hayat Genç k›zlar›n dü¤üm bafl›na para ald›¤›n› belirten Uzuntok, atölyede 13 adet tezgah bulundu¤unu ve y›l›n 12 ay› kursun devam etti¤ini belirtti. Meslek sahibi olan genç k›zlar›n büyük bir hevesle çal›flt›¤›n› ifade eden Uzuntok, "Para kazand›klar›n›n fark›na vard›lar. Köyde ailelerin büyük bölümü çiftçilik yaparak geçimini sa¤l›yor. Genç k›zlar ise bugüne kadar evde oturuyorlard›. fiimdi ise babalar›na maddi olarak ta destek oluyorlar. O yüzden aileler gönül rahatl›¤› ile k›zlar›n› kursa gönderiyorlar. Öyle ki zaman zaman yerimiz olmad›¤› için kursa alamad›¤›m›z kifliler oluyor. Onlar da bir y›l beklemek zorunda kal›yor. ‹nflallah gücümüz yetti¤ince atölyemi-
zi ayakta tutmaya çal›flaca¤›z. E¤er tezgah say›s› art›r›l›rsa çok say›da kifli burada el hal›s› okuyabilir" diye konufltu. Pazarc›k Halk E¤itim Merkezi Müdürü fierif Ak›nc› ise uzun zamand›r devam eden kursun herkesin dikkatini çekti¤ini ve di¤er bölgelerde de bu tip kurslar› açmay› planlad›klar›n› ifade etti. Çeyizler düzüldü evler al›nd› Üç y›ldan bu yana hal› kursuna devam eden Fatma, Meryem ve Zeynep Uzuntok kardefller kazand›klar› paralarla evlerini yeniledi. Birbirlerine destek olarak para kazanman›n keyfini yaflad›klar›n› dile getiren Fatma Uzuntok, "Kardefllerimle beraber ayda ortalama 1500 TL para kazan›yoruz. Hayat›m›zdan çok mem-
tekstil teknoloji 30
nunuz. Daha önce oturdu¤umuz ev toprakt› flimdi yeni betonerme bir ev yapt›rd›k. Evimizin eflyalar›n› yeniledik. Hatta LCD ekran televizyon ald›k. Ayr›ca kardefllerimizle beraber çeyimizi tamamlad›k. Böyle bir f›rsat verildi¤i için herkese teflekkür ediyoruz" fleklinde konufltu. Annesi ile birlikte hal› kursuna gelen Fatma Uzuntok ise Gaziantep'te e¤itimlerine devam eden 3 kardeflinin okuttu¤unu söyledi. Kendisinin ilkokuldan sonra e¤itimine devam edemedi¤ini vurgulayan Fatma Uzuntok, "Okuyamad›¤›m için büyük bir eziklik yafl›yordum. Ama flimdi kardefllerimin okumas›na yard›mc› oluyorum. Ailemin maddi durumu iyi de¤ildi. Annemle beraber çal›flarak kardefllerimin masraflar›n› karfl›l›yoruz. Bu da benim için büyük mutluluk" dedi.
Their Whole Life Changed With one Knot A carpeting course was opened in Sal›r, the village of Pazarc›k district, Kahramanmaras. Now, all the hand-made carpets manufactured at the course with Anatolian designs are exported to the USA.
and-made carpets with Anatolian designs manufactured by teenage girls attending the carpeting course in the village of Sal›r, are exported to the USA. The girls, whose destiny changed by a knot, did a lot of great things with the money they earned. The carpeting course opened up in 2004 in the village of Sal›r by Pazarc›k Directorate of Public Education Center changed the destiny of girls living the village. By taking advantage of the opportunity they were offered, the girls can now support their families with the hand-made carpets they produce. Aysen Uzuntok, who has been the teacher of the course for 7 years says that the course still continues with success and adds; “our 18 students acquire an occupation and support their families by working here. The working conditions are fine and our trainees are quite tenacious. I am really happy to be a teacher of such a lovely class.” They do not have any free time Uzuntok mentioned that 90% of the carpets are exported and said: “While the course was being opened, the Directorate of Public Education Center signed a protocol with a private company. Within the context of this protocol, the carpets woven in the course are delivered to the company. Thus, the village girls earn money and carpets woven in Salir are exported to the USA. A person can produce 4-5 carpets a month and earn 500-600TL. We do not have any free time left. The orders are given by the private tekstil teknoloji 32
company. They let us know about the designs of carpets to be produced and send us the materials to be used. Also, the content of our hand-made carpets are made of madder and the colors never fade. We use original designs. There is a huge demand from foreign countries to our carpets.” A knot, a new life Young girls earn money per the knot and there are 13 looms in the atelier. Uzuntok added that the course continues for 12 months of the year. She also mentioned that the girls are ambitious and working hard; “they realize that they can earn money. Most of the families in the v illage make a living from farming. Young girls were at home doing the housework until today. Now, they can financially support their families. Thus, the families send their girls to courses
with a peace of mind. There are too many girls who want to attend to the course, and due to lack of looms we cannot accept everyone who wishes to come. That is why they wait for the next year to attend. I hope we will keep the work going. If the number of looms is increased, many more girls can study carpeting in here.” The president of Pazarc›k Public Education Center fierif Ak›nc› said that the ongoing course had taken the attention of everyone and that the neighboring districts planned to open up similar courses, as well. Furnitures bought, homes purchased Fatma, Meryem and Zeynep Uzuntoklar sisters has being attending the course for 3 years and they have renewed their homes since then. Fatma Uzuntok, who is happy to support her
family with her sisters said; “we earn an average of 1,500TL a month with my sisters. We are quite contented. We used to live in a earth-sheltered home, now we reinforced it with concrete. We renewed the furniture in our homes. We even got an LCD TV. We bought everything we need for our dowry. We thank everyone for offering us such an opportunity.” Fatma Uzuntok, who attends the course with her mother, said that she helped her sisters studying at school in Gaziantep. She pointed that she could not continue studying after primary school due to financial problems and said; “I feel terrible about not being able to study. Now I am supporting my sisters. My family did not have the financial means to support me. I and my mother work together to cover the expenses of my sisters. This is a real bliss for me.”
Suni Çimen Monofilamentleri Dünya Kupas› Sahalar›n› Güçlendiriyor 11 Haziran’da Güney Afrika’daki FIFA Dünya Kupas›’n›n bafllama düdü¤ünün çal›nd›¤› sahalarda, suni çimen monofilamentleri dünyan›n en büyük ve önemli turnuvas›n›n oyun alanlar›nda kullan›l›yor ve sahada stabilite sa¤l›yor
008 y›l›nda gerçeklefltirilen son
sekiz Dünya Kupas› maç› suni çi-
Özel PE formülü yumuflak bir sür-
Avrupa futbol flampiyonas› s›-
mende oynand›. Çimenler Arsenal
tünme kuvveti sa¤l›yor. Özel bir
ras›nda futbol organizasyonu UE-
Londra ve FC Liverpool sahalar› da
profille üretilen bu monofilament-
FA, Berne ve Saltzburg stadyumla-
dahil birçok stadyumda test edildi.
ler sa¤laml›k ve afl›n›m korumas›
r›ndaki suni çimeni, do¤al çimenle
Dünya Kupas›’nda kullan›lan suni
konular›nda en zorlu gereksinim-
kaplayarak tüm tak›mlar›n ayn›
çimen giderek daha fazla ilgi top-
leri karfl›l›yor. ‹çi doldurulmufl las-
koflullarda oynamas›n› sa¤lad›. ‹ki
luyor, ancak genç yetenek Alman-
tik granüller oyunculara iyi bir sür-
y›l sonra, suni çimen giderek daha
ya y›llard›r suni çimen üzerinde
tünme kuvveti sa¤laman›n yan› s›-
fazla kabul görmeye bafllad›. Özel-
antrenman yap›yor. Alman futbol
ra gerçekçi top hareketi sunuyor.
likle Afrika k›tas›ndaki futbola me-
derne¤i taraf›ndan desteklenen
Spor alan›ndaki uygulamalar
rakl› ülkelerdeki sahalarda suni çi-
bir projeyle Almanya’da yap›lan
çevre düzenleme piyasalar› için
men mant›kl› bir alternatif olmaya
1000 mini saha gençlerin ve ço-
gelifltirilen bu granüller giderek
bafllad›. Futbol stadyumlar›n›n iç-
cuklar›n favorisi olmaya devam
me suyuyla sulanmas› ve su kay-
bantlarla de¤ifltiriliyor. Bu ürünler
naklar›n›n azl›¤›, ekoloji düflünüldü¤ünde pek de akla uygun de¤ildi.
Bu hibrid teknoloji, yerin 20 cm alt›nda gömülmüfl 20 milyon suni çimen elyaf› kullanarak do¤al çimeni güçlendiriyor.
Sonuçta Nelspruit ve Polokwa-
Alman flirket Polytan, 13x20m sa-
ise Oerlikon Barmag sistemleri
ne’deki stadyumlar, Belçikal› suni
halar›, çevre uzunlu¤unu reklam
kullan›larak do¤al olarak üretili-
amac›yla “Liga-Grass” ile kaplad›.
Systems taraf›ndan üretilen Gras-
En yeni Oerlikon Barmag monofi-
Bu hibrid teknoloji, yerin 20 cm al-
master® sistemiyle donat›ld›. Des-
lament sistemleri kullan›larak üre-
t›nda gömülmüfl 20 milyon suni
so dünya çap›ndaki ilk suni çimen
tilen yeflil lifler spor fizyolojisinin
çimen elyaf› kullanarak do¤al çi-
üreticisi ve Belçikal› flirket,1990’l›
gereksinimlerini karfl›l›yor ve do¤al
meni güçlendiriyor. Çim kökleri
y›llardan beri Oerlikon Barmag ta-
çimenin aksine 24 saat boyunca
monofilamentlerle birlikte büyü-
raf›ndan üretilen monofilament
üzerinde futbol oynan›labiliyor.
yor, tutma ve kayma gibi manev-
ekipmanlar›n› kullanarak suni çi-
Üstelik suni çim bak›m ve su ge-
ralar›n istikrar›n› sa¤l›yor. Sahada-
men üretiyor.
ki suni çimen miktar› %7 gibi yük-
Sonuçta, Yunanistan ve Arjantin,
Polytan LigaGrass’›n üst yüzeyi
sek bir oranda olmas›na ra¤men
Fransa ve Meksika aras›nda oyna-
200’um kal›nl›¤›ndaki tekstüre
oyuncular do¤al çimende oynu-
nan maçlar da dahil olmak üzere
yormufl gibi rahat hissediyorlar.
tekstil teknoloji 34
Artificial Turf Monofilaments Strengthen World Cup Pitches Remscheid / Chemnitz, September 20th, 2010 –When the whistle sounded to start the FIFA World Cup in South Africa on 11 June, artificial turf monofilaments is used to provide additional stability on some of the playing fields of the largest and most important tournament in the world.
uring the last European football
were played on artificial turf, inclu-
rass consists of textured monofila-
championship held in 2008, the
ding the matches between Greece
ments with a fiber thickness of 200
football organization UEFA had the
and Argentina, and France and Mexi-
Ìm. The special PE formula provides
artificial turf in the stadiums in Berne
co. The turf was tested on pitches in
soft traction.
and Salzburg covered over with natu-
stadiums including the home pitches
Designed with a special profile, these
ral turf to ensure that all of the teams
of Arsenal London and FC Liverpool.
monofilaments fulfil the highest requ-
would be playing under the same
Use of artificial turf at the World Cup
irements in terms of durability and
conditions. Two years later, the level
is garnering a great deal of attention,
abrasion protection. The filled-in rub-
of acceptance for artificial turf has ri-
yet young football talent in Germany
ber granules provide the players good
sen further.
has already been training on artificial
traction while offering realistic ball
Particularly for the countries so ent-
turf for years. In a project sponsored
husiastic about football on the Afri-
by the German football association,
Still required for applications in the
can continent, fields with artificial
1000 mini-pitches built throughout
sports area, in the landscaping market
turf are a sensible alternative. Wate-
Germany quickly became a favourite
segment these granules are increa-
ring football stadiums’ fields with
gathering place for children and te-
singly being replaced by textured mo-
drinking water that is frequently in
scarce supply does not seem to make
A German company, Polytan, the 13 x
much sense from an ecological view
20 m pitches were fitted with ‘Liga-
Grass’ along with goals and perimeter
Consequently, the South African sta-
advertising systems. Produced using
diums in Nelspruit and Polokwane are
the very latest Oerlikon Barmag mo-
fitted with the Grasmaster® system
nofilament systems, the green fibers
produced by Desso Sport Systems, the
fulfil all of the requirements for the
artificial turf producer from Belgium.
physiology of sports and – unlike na-
Desso is one of the first producers of
tural turf – can support football play
artificial turf worldwide; since the
24 hours a day; they also need little
proved stability for tackling and sli-
1990s, the Belgian company has been
care and no water.
ding manoeuvres.
nofilaments or tapes – both naturally also produced using Oerlikon Barmag systems. This hybrid technology strengthens natural turf with 20 million artificial turf fibers implanted 20cm deep in the ground. The grass roots grow together with the monofilaments and provide im-
Despite the enormous effect of the
manufacturing artificial turf using monofilament equipment by Oerlikon
Structure of Artificial Turf on the
7% artificial turf fibers, players have
the feeling they are playing on natu-
In all, eight of the World Cup matches
At its upper surface, Polytan LigaG-
ral turf.
tekstil teknoloji 36
T›pta Panagenesi Devrimi Biyomedikal sektörü için yepyeni bir bulufl: Panagenesi… Panagenesi ile fibrin yap›lar› kullan›larak pankreas ada hücrelerinin nakli sorunsuz hale geliyor.
edikal sektörde tekstillerin kulla-
manlaflan ‹talya’n›n en ünlü araflt›rma
kezi de kat›l›yor. Verilen bilgiye göre,
n›m alan› y›llar geçtikçe giderek
bir donörden al›nan kemik ili¤inin di-
art›yor. Bu alan, ekonomik avantajlar›
LE PER LA SETA (Deneysel ‹pek Merke-
yabetli bir hastaya yerlefltirilmesiyle,
nedeniyle teknolojilerin önemli bir uy-
zi) ve insan dokular›n›n yenilenmesine
pankreas kök hücreleri ilk kez 2005
gulama alan› olma özelli¤i tafl›yor. Bu
odaklanan histoterapi alan›nda ‹tal-
y›l›nda baflar›l› bir flekilde nakledilmifl
alanda yap›lan araflt›rmalar ise olduk-
ya’n›n en önemli medikal araflt›rma
oldu. Bu ifllem Miami Üniversitesi Hüc-
ça fazla…
merkezi NiguardaCa’ Granda hasta-
re Nakil Bölümü Baflkan› CamilloRicor-
Medikal/hastane sektörünün ihtiyaçla-
nesi ile iflbirli¤i içinde çal›fl›yor. Bu
di taraf›ndan Florida’da gerçeklefltiril-
r›n› karfl›lamak üzere tasarlanan say›-
projeye dünya çap›nda tan›nan ve ‹tal-
di. Pankreas ada hücreleri günümüzde
s›z tekstil tasar›m fikirleri bulunuyor.
yan araflt›rmac› Dr. CamilloRicordi’nin
bir tür diyabet hastal›¤› için olas› bir
Bu konuda en ilginç projelerden biri
öncülü¤ünde diyabet hastalar› için te-
tedavi yöntemi olarak görülüyor. Bu
de fibrin yap›s› kullanarak pankreas
davi yöntemleri üzerine deneyler ger-
nedenle bilimsel çevreler gelecekte
ada hücrelerinin naklini kolaylaflt›ran
çeklefltiren Florida’daki Miami Üniver-
gerçekleflecek klinik geliflmeler aç›s›n-
“PANAGENESI” adl› bir proje. Lom-
sitesi’ne ba¤l› Diyabet Araflt›rma Mer-
dan bu yönteme büyük ilgi gösteriyor.
bardiya Bölgesi bu projeye mali destekte bulunuyor ve proje önemli bilgi ve sektör tecrübesine sahip befl ayr› flirket taraf›ndan hayata geçiriliyor. Bu araflt›rma ortaklar› aras›nda tekstil sektöründe bulunan üç ‹talyan üretici yer al›yor. Bunlar; ‹pek iplik bükme flirketi olan TORCITURA DI MENAGGIO, 3D kumafllar›n üretimi konusunda uzman flirket GAETANO ROSSINI HOLDING ve Cilavegna (PV) merkezli, dar kumafl teknolojileri ve makineleri üreten küresel alanda öncü flirket COMEZ...
‹lk baflar› 2005’te elde edildi Bu üreticiler, tekstil sektöründe uz-
tekstil teknoloji 37
Ada hücrelerinin nakli olay›
r›l› olmas› için gerekli olan pankreas
- Ak›ll› tasar›m, esnek iflletim ve çoklu
Pankreas ada hücrelerinin nakliyle ilgi-
ada hücrelerinin say›s›n› azaltarak ifl-
tekstil yap›lar›n›n yarat›lmas› konusun-
li birçok avantaj bulunuyor. Ancak yi-
levlerini artt›rmak. Bu yap›lar küçük
da çok yönlü olmas›.
ne de nakledilen hücrelerin tutunma-
çapl› tüplü tekstil materyalleri olma
Bu makine özellikle medikal/hastane
s›/köklenmesi konusunda hala çözül-
özelli¤i tafl›yor. Ayn› zamanda yumru-
alanlar›nda, teknik ve endüstriyel sek-
mesi gereken sorunlar var. Günümüz-
lu yap›lardan olufluyor (t›kanm›fl böl-
törlerde kullan›lan karmafl›k materyal-
de hücrelerin tutunmas› sürecinin iyi-
geler ve genifl/aç›k bölgeler arka arka-
lerin üretimini gerçeklefltirmeye uy-
lefltirilmesi önemli bir araflt›rma alan›
ya geliyor). Çapraz kesitler ve üç bo-
gun bulunuyor. Çift i¤ne yatakl› bu
olarak görülüyor. Bu zamana kadar
yutlu iç yap›lar (iç çaprazlama) fibrin
makine, iki d›fl kumafl›n bir araya gele-
bu sorun için önerilen stratejiler nakil
iplik kullan›larak üretiliyor.
rek kumaflta iki yüz oluflturmas›yla ve
bölgesinde iltihaplanmay› azaltan mo-
‹flte bu tüplü tekstili üretmek amac›yla
bir iç yap›n›n eklenmesiyle elde edilen
leküllerin kullan›lmas›n› içeriyor.
‹talyan firmas› COMEZ yenilikçi ve
aral›kl› (3D) kumafllar üretebiliyor. ‹ki
Çevreye uyumlulu¤u, yavafl parçalan-
elektronik, çift i¤ne yatakl› çözgü ör-
i¤ne yata¤›n›n birbirinden uzaklaflt›ra-
mas› ve önemli mekanik özellikleri sa-
me makinesi tasarlad›¤› bildiriliyor. Bu
bilmesi olas›l›¤›, iki d›fl kumafl aras›n-
yesinde ipekten elde edilen bir prote-
makinenin 800 mm çal›flma eni,
daki bofllu¤un artt›r›l›p azalt›labilmesi-
in olan fibrin, doku mühendisleri tara-
20n.p.i i¤ aral›¤› ve ba¤›ms›z olarak
ni sa¤l›yor.
f›ndan biyomedikal uygulamalarda
kontrol edilebilen desenler yaratmak
kullan›lmak üzere araflt›r›l›yor. Günü-
için 8 örgü çubu¤u bulunuyor.
Çok ince iplikler ifllenebiliyor
müzde fibrin birçok biçimde flekillen-
Terbiyeli ürünlerin sökümünde ve iplik
Dairesel bölgenin de¤iflkenli¤iyle, 3D
dirilebiliyor (film, elyaf, a¤, dokuma,
besleyicilerde oldu¤u gibi örgü çubuk-
tüplü materyal, kumafl yap›s›n› olufltu-
membran, iplik ve sünger) ve canl› do-
lar› mükemmel ve dinamik perfor-
ran a¤ örgüsü hareketinin modifiye
kular›n onar›lma sürecini destekledi-
mans sunan ve konumland›rmay› has-
edilmesiyle elde ediliyor, iplik besle-
¤inden, fibrinin çeflitli hücre türlerinin
sas bir flekilde gerçeklefltiren çok yön-
mesi ve her santimetreye düflen dikifl
tutunma kapasitesini artt›rd›¤› gözle-
lü elektronik kumandalarla kontrol
say›s› de¤ifltirilebiliyor. ‹pliklerin pozi-
niyor. Dahas› moleküler ve yüzeysel
ediliyor. Bu makine çözgü örme tek-
tif beslenmesiyle, fibrin gibi mekanik
özellikleri bu proteini çevreye uyumlu
nolojisine yeni uygulama alanlar› ka-
eylemlere dayan›kl›l›¤› az olan çok in-
hale getiriyor ve nakil ifllemi s›ras›nda
ce iplikler ifllenebiliyor. Lombardiya’da tekstil ve t›p alanlar›ndaki mükemmel
iltihaplanma riskini azalt›yor. Yeni makinenin özellikleri
bilgi ve beceriler bir araya gelerek
Panagenesi’nin getirdi¤i avantaj-
- En geliflmifl mekanik ve elektronik
tekstil endüstrisi için yeni çözümler
teknolojilerin uygulanmas›.
yarat›yor. Bunun en iyi örne¤i ise saf
PANAGENESI projesinin amac›, fibrin
- Çok yüksek hassasiyet oran›yla çal›fl-
fibrin ve ipek kumafllar›n biyomedikal
içerikli dairesel yap›lar› kullanarak ada
uygulamalarda ve giysi kalitesinde
hücrelerinin nakil alan›nda köklenme-
- Çok çeflitli türde, yap›da ve birleflim-
kullan›lmas› olarak kendini ortaya ko-
sini sa¤lamak ve böylece naklin bafla-
de iplikleri iflleyebilmesi.
tekstil teknoloji 38
Panagenesi Revolution in Medicine Panagenesi, aims to optimize the implanting of human pancreatic islands through the use of fibrin scaffold.
he use of textiles in the medical
mentale per la Seta (Expermental Silk
rimenting with treatments for diabe-
sector has been expanding conti-
Centre), one of Italy’s most renowned
tes patients, headed by an Italian re-
nuously for a number of years now, a
research centres specializing in the
searcher, Dr. Camillo Ricordi.
high technology field of application
textile sector, and Milan’s Niguarda
The first successful transplant of pan-
whose economic viability is undispu-
Ca’ Granda hospital, which is Italy’s
creatic stem cells occurred in Septem-
ted. Research in this area is currently
most important medical research cen-
ber 2005, from the bone marrow of a
extremely active, with countless ideas
tre in the field of histotherapy, focu-
deceased donor to a woman with di-
for innovative textiles designed to res-
sing on in vitro regeneration of hu-
abetes. The procedure was performed
pond to the needs of the medical/hospital sector. One interesting project in course, dubbed "Panagenesi," aims to opti-
The first successful transplant of pancreatic stem cells occurred in September 2005, from the bone marrow of a deceased donor to a woman with diabetes.
mize the implanting of human pan-
man tissue.
in Florida by Camillo Ricordi, head of
creatic islands through the use of fib-
Also involved in this project are the
the cell transplant division at the Uni-
rin scaffold. This project is financed
Diabetes Research Center of the Uni-
versity of Miami. The transplanting of
by the Region of Lombardy and is be-
versity of Miami in Florida, a world re-
pancreatic islands currently represents
ing developed by five different entiti-
nowned centre researching and expe-
one of the possible treatments for cu-
es bringing together their respective
ring a type of diabetes, and is genera-
know-how and multi-sector expertise.
ting interest in the scientific commu-
Among the research partners are
nity for the clinical successes obtained
three Italian manufacturers operating
thus far and concrete prospects for
in the textile sector: Torcitura Di Me-
future improvements.
naggio- a silk yarn twisting company;
There are numerous advantages asso-
Gaetano Rossini Holding- specializing
ciated with the transplanting of is-
in the production of 3D fabrics; and
lands with respect to that of the pan-
Comez, based in Cilavegna (PV), a
creas altogether, however a variety of
global leader in the manufacturing of
issues must still be resolved, one of
narrow fabric technology machinery.
which is related to the difficulty of
These manufacturers are partnering
transplanted islands in taking root.
their efforts with the Stazione Speri-
Improving the process through which
tekstil teknoloji 39
islands take root today represents an
structures (choked sections alterna-
suited for the production of complex
important research sector, and the
ting with broader sections), with a va-
articles that can find applications in a
strategies being proposed include the
riable cross-section and three-dimen-
variety of medical/hospital fields, and
use of molecules which reduce inf-
sional type internal structure (internal
technical and industrial sectors in ge-
lammation in the implant area. Fibrin,
criss-crossing), produced using fibrin
neral. The double needle bed machi-
a protein extracted from silk, has be-
yarns. For the manufacturing of this
ne can create spaced (3D) fabrics
en studied extensively by tissular engi-
tubular textile, Comez has designed
comprising two external fabrics for-
neering for biomedical applications
an innovative electronic double need-
ming the two faces of the fabric itself,
due to its biocompatibility, slow deg-
le bed warp knitting machine, with a
combined by an internal structure.
radability and considerable mechani-
working width of 800 mm, in gauge
The possibility of distancing the two
cal properties. Today, fibrin can be modelled into a variety of forms (film, fibre, netting, weaves, membranes, yarns and sponges), and has demons-
Furthermore, its molecular and surface characteristics make it highly biocompatible, and its implanting causes a reduced incidence of inflammation.
trated significant support and adhesi-
20 n.p.i. and with 8 knitting bars, for
needle beds allows for the gap bet-
on capacities for various types of
independently controlled pattern ma-
ween the two external fabrics to be
cells, promoting the repairing of live
king. The knitting bars, as for the fi-
increased or decreased. The variability
tissue. Furthermore, its molecular and
nished product take-down and yarn
of the circular section 3D tubular ar-
surface characteristics make it highly
feeders, are controlled by versatile
ticle is obtained by modifying the in-
biocompatible, and its implanting
electronic actuators which provide ex-
terlacing movement which constitutes
causes a reduced incidence of inflam-
cellent dynamic performance and po-
the fabric’s structure, varying the fee-
sitioning accuracy. This machine
ding of the yarns and number of stitc-
The goal of the PANAGENESI project
opens up new fields of application for
hes per centimetre. The positive fee-
is to optimize the rooting of islands in
warp knitting technology:
ding of the threads allows for the pro-
the transplant site through the use of
* applying the most advanced mecha-
cessing of very fine yarns with very
fibrin variable circular section scaf-
nical and electronic technologies
little resistance to mechanical action,
folds, consequently reducing the
* capable of operating at a very high
such as fibrin. Two points of excellen-
number of pancreatic islands neces-
accuracy rate
sary for the transplant’s full success
* can process yarns of various types,
“know-how” in the fields of textiles
and prolongation of their function
structure and composition
and medicine, are combined to create
over time.
* sophisticated construction design,
new solutions for the textile industry,
The scaffold is essentially a tubular
yet flexible in its operation and versa-
specifically, fabrics in pure fibrin and
textile article with a small diameter,
tile in the multiple textile structures it
silk for both biomedical applications
comprising a sequence of lobated
can create. This machine is especially
and quality garments.
tekstil teknoloji 42
Yüksek Performansl› Tekstiller için Nanoteknoloji Uygulamalar› Meltem Yan›lmaz
Özet Tekstil endüstrisi de di¤er endüstriler gibi nanoteknolojiden etkilenmifltir. Tekstil sektöründe büyük oranda karl› nanoteknoloji uygulamalar› vard›r. Birçok nanoteknoloji uygulamas› ile tekstil üretiminde makinalarda ve ifllemlerde performans iyileflmesi sa¤lan›r. Tekstil sektörü Dünya da en büyük müflteri taban›na sahip sektördür. Araflt›rmalar kumafllar›n kir, k›r›fl›kl›k, çekme dirençleri özelliklerini iyilefltirmeye, s›cakl›k kontrollu k›yafet ve kokusuz iç çamafl›r› gelifltirmeye odaklanm›flt›r. Biomedikal ve askeri uygulamalar için güçlü lif ve kumafllar gelifltirilmesinde büyük ilerlemeler sa¤lanm›flt›r.
Girifl Tekstil endüstrisi de di¤er endüstriler gibi nanoteknolojiden etkilenmifltir. Performans iyilefltirmeye yada yeni fonksiyonel tekstil malzemeleri yaratmaya yönelik nanoteknoloji araflt›rmalar› devam etmektedir [1,2]. Nanoteknoloji, tekstil kimyasallar› endüstrisi, leke tutmaz, alev almaz giysiler, k›r›flmaya dayan›kl› bitim ifllemleri, nem yönetimli, anti-mikrobik, UV koruyucu, kir itici vb. kumafllar›n üretiminde çok çeflitli uygulamalara sahiptir[3,4]. Muazzam teknolojik, ekonomik ve ekolojik yararlar› ile nanoteknoloji ile gelifltirilen malzemelerin önümüzdeki on y›lda trilton dolarl›k endüstri oluflturmas› beklenmektedir [5]. Nanoteknolojinin tekstil uygulamalar›ndaki geliflimi iki koldan devam etmektedir(fiekil 1): tekstil malzemesinin mevcut fonksiyonelli¤inin ve per-
ka¤›t yaklafl›k 100 000 nm kal›nl›¤›ndad›r. Nano ölçekte bilim mühendislik ve teknolojiyi kapsayan nanoteknoloji bu boyutta malzemeyi görüntüleme,
formans›n›n iyilefltirilmesi ve yeni fonksiyonlara sahip ak›ll› tekstillerin gelifltirilmesi. Bu yeni fonksiyonlar giyilebilir günefl pilleri ve enerji depola-
Tekstilde Nanoteknoloji
Nanolifler ve ‹plikler
Geliflmifl bitim ‹fllemleri
* Tek ve çok duvarl› nanoliflerin geliflimi, karbon nanotüp kompozit lifler
* Nanoteknoloji ile yüzey özellikleri ve ifllevselli¤i
* Elektrospinning yöntemi ile nanolif üretimi
iyilefltirilmifl kumafllar
* Mekanik, kimyasal ve fonksiyonel özellikleri
* Birçok kimyasal bitim ifllemleri ve kaplamalar
iyilefltirilmifl nanolifler
fiekil 1. Tekstilde nanoteknoloji geliflmeleri[5]
r›, sensorler, bilgi edinme ve transferi, çok yönlü ve karmafl›k bulma ve koruma, sa¤l›k hizmeti, yara iyilefltirme fonksitonu, kendi kendini temizleme ve tamir etme fonksiyonlar›d›r [6]. Ulusal bilim ve teknoloji komitesi nanoboyutta bilim, mühendislik ve teknoloji alt kurulu (The national Science and Technology Council’s Subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology , NNCO) nanoteknolojiyi flöyle tan›mlar: “ Nanoteknoloji 1-100nm aras›ndaki boyutlarda maddeyi anlama ve kontrol etmedir, bu ola¤anüstülük yeni uygulamalara olanak sa¤lar. Nanometre metrenin milyarda biridir. Bir yaprak tekstil teknoloji 44
ölçme, modelleme ve de¤ifltirmeyi içerir. Bu boyutta malzemelerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özellikleri, tek bafl›na atomlar›n, moleküller›n yada büyük boyuttaki malzemelerin özelli¤inden farkl›d›r. NanoteknolojiArGe çal›flmalar› bu üstün ve yeni özellikleri kullanarak geliflmifl malzeme, cihaz ve sistem yaratmaya yöneliktir.”[7]. Nanomalzemeler ilgili malzemenin geleneksel boyutundaki özelliklerinden farkl› üstün ve yeni özellikler gösterirler. Bu elektronlar›n quantum mekanik özellikleri ve maddenin içerisindeki atomik etkileflimler nanometre ölçe¤indeki malzeme çeflitlili¤inde etkilidir.
Polimer sistemlerine katk› malzemesi olarak inorganic nanoparçac›klar›n kat›l›m›; geleneksel katk›l› malzemelerin sahip olmad›¤› çok ifllevsellikli, yüksek performansl› polimer nanokompozitlerini oluflturur. Düflük oranda karbon nanotüp katk›l› (~1%) karbon nanotüp-nylon kompozitleri yüksek karbon siyah› katk›l› (~30%) karbon siyah›-nylon kompozitlerinden daha iyi mekanik özellik gösterirler. Çok fonksiyonel polimer nanokompozitleri ›s›l direnç, alev direnci, nem direnci, geçirgenlik,yük da¤›l›m›, kimyasal direnç ve di¤er malzeme özelliklerini iyilefltirir(fiekil 2).Teknik yaklafl›m nanoparçac›klar›n seçilmifl polimer matrix sistemine ilavesini içerir.Nanoparçac›klar yüzeyi su itici özellik kazanmas› ve su itici polimer sistemine daha iyi dahil olmas› için ifllem görmüfl olabilir [7,8]. Nanolifler Tipik tekstil liflerinin çap› 10 000 nm yada daha genifltir. Tipik bir nanolifin çap› 10 nm yada daha genifltir. Lifli malzemelerin spesifik yüzey alan› lif çap› ile orant›l›d›r. Nanoölçekli lifler mikro ölçekli tekstil liflerinden 1000 kat fazla spesifik yüzey alan›na sahiptir. Nanolifler çap› 1mm yada 1000nm den daha küçük olan lifler
olarak tan›mlan›r. Nanolifler büyük oranda elektorpinning ifllemi ile üretilir. Bu prosesde yüklü polimer eriyi¤i yada çözeltisi küçük bir i¤neden geçirilir. Yüklü çözelti yada eriyik topraklanm›fl toplay›c›ya do¤ru hareket eder. Jetin hareketi esnas›nda çözücü buharlafl›r, non woven nanolif keçe toplay›c›da birikir [9]. Nano boyutta gözeneklere ve yüksek yüzey alan›na sahip nanolif keçeler nanoboyuttaki parçac›klar› ve mikroplar› tutmas›ndan dolay› filtre uygulamalar›nda kullan›l›r.Nanolifler deniz ada ekstrüzyon tekni¤iyle de üretilebilir. Elektrospun nanolifler fonksiyonel bitim ifllemleriyle kimyasal ve biyolojik ajanlar için nötürleme ve doku mühendisli¤i için iskelet olarak kullan›labilirler [7,10]. Elektrospinning/elektrospraying ifllemleri polimer çözeltisi beslenmifl yüklü fl›r›nga ve topraklanm›fl toplay›c› ile gerçeklefltirilir(fiekil 3). S›v› yüksek voltajl› güç kayna¤› yard›m› ile oluflturulan elektrik alana maruz kal›r. Yüzey gerilimi sebebiyle fl›r›nga ucunda duran yüklü damla yüzey gerilimini yener, konik bir flekil al›r. Elektrik alan daha da artt›r›ld›¤›nda s›v› jet toplay›c›ya do¤ru hareket eder. Düflük viskoziteli çözeltilerde jet yüzey gerilimleri sebebiyle parçalan›r ve
kendi kendine Renk hasl›¤› temizleme afl›nma
su iticilik
renk de¤ifltirme
alev geciktirici
Nanolifler ve ‹plikler
veri depolama
kontrollü sal›n›m
enerji depolama
UV absorpsiyonu
mikrop itici
fiekil 2. Nanoteknoloji ile tekstillerin kazand›¤› yeni özellikler[8].
tekstil teknoloji 45
elektrospraying ifllemi gerçekleflir [2]. Güneflo¤lu nanokimyasallar›n y›¤›lma problemini yenmek için elektrospraying yönteminde oluflan elektrostatik güçleri kulland›. SEM görüntüleri sonuçlar›n iy oldu¤unu göstermifltir. Di¤er taraftan elektrospraying ifllemi görmüfl kumafllar iyi ya¤ iticili¤inin yan›nda yetersiz su iticili¤i göstermifltir. Sonuç olarak elektrospraying ifllemi görecek kumafl›n ön yüzey ifllemi gör-
Güç kayna¤› Yüklü Damlalar Yüklü Lifler
Figure 3 Elektrospinning/spraying ifllemleri[2]
mesi, önceden elektriklenmesi gerekti¤i belirtilmifltir [2]. fiekil 4 nanoliflerin potansiyel uygulama alanlar›n› göstermektedir. Nanoteknolojinin tekstildeki uygulamalar›ndan biri de polyester, poliamid ve polipropilen gibi geleneksel liflerin nanoboyutta üretilmesidir. Bu nanolifler yüksek yüzey alan›, küçük lif çap›, iyi filtrasyon özelli¤i ve yüksek geçirgenlik gibi üstün özelliklere sahiplerdir. Bu liflerin yayg›n üretim metodlar› elektrospinning ve iki bileflenli ekstrüzyondur [13]. Yüksek performansl› iplikler çok iyi oryante olmufl karbon nanotüp s›ralar›ndan üretilirler. Bu iplikller üstün mekanik özellik gösterirler;200 GPa mukavemet, elastik uzama 5%, TPa seviyelerinde Young modülü, Kopma uzamas› 20%. Uygun ›s›l ifllem sonras›nda elektrospinning ile üretilen bu lifler kumafl›n mukavemetini ve iletkenli¤ini artt›r›rlar. Bu nanolifler süper
Kimyasal sentez & Nanospinning teknoloji
Nano yap›/özellik ölçüm teknolojisi & yüzey nanokaplama teknolojisi
Bilgi Teknolojisi
Bio teknoloji
* EL ekran * Akustik malzemeler * Elekromanyetik dalga kalkanlama malzemeleri * Lif lazer * Batarya ay›r›c›
* Biyomolekül cihazlar * hücre teknolojisi * yeni ilaçlar * biyosensörler * çal›flt›r›c›, uyar›c› * yapay kas * gen tedavisi
Çevre teknolojisi
* yüksek mukavetli ve hafif malzemeler * yerli nanohibritler * çevre temizleme malzemeleri * kendi kendini yenileyen malzemeler
fiekil 4. Nanolif teknolojisi üzerine projeler[12].
kapasitör olarak elektronik tekstil bileflenlerinde kullan›l›rlar [5]. Bu uygulamalar›n yan›nda boyalar, metal parçac›klar, metal tuzlar›, polimerler elektospinning ifllemi s›ras›nda liflere kat›labilirler yada yüzeye kaplanabilirler[11]. Tablo 1 özellikleriyle ba¤lant›l› olarak nanoliflerin kullan›m yerlerini göstermektedir.
uzaklaflt›r›r ve kompozit liflerin mukavemetini artt›r›r [1,11]. Tablo 1. Nanoliflerin kullan›m alanlar› [12] De¤iflik etkileri
Yüzey alan› etkisi
Kayma etkisi Boflluk etkisi
Nanokompozitler Polimer nanokompozitler kaplama ve bitim ifllemleri için çok ifllevlili¤i sa¤layan nanoparçac›k/polimer sistemleriyle düzenlenebilir [7]. Nanoboyutta dolgu malzemelerinin bafll›ca fonksiyonlar›:mekanik mukavemeti artt›rma ve iletkenlik, antistatik gibi fiziksel özellikleri iyilefltirmedir. Genifl yüzey alanlar›ndan dolay› nanokatk› malzemeleri polimer matrislerle daha iyi etkileflim halindedirler. Bu dolgu malzemeleri nanoboyutta olduklar›ndan polimer zincirlerinin hareketlerini etkileyerek, zincir hareketlili¤ini düflürürler. Bu malzemeler matriste öylesine iyi da¤›l›r ki nanoparçac›klar yük tafl›ma, tokluk ve sürtünme direncini artt›r›r; nanolifler gerilmeyi polimer matristen
Literatürde en çok kullan›lan nanoparçac›klar: montmorillonite organoclay(MMT), karbonnanolifler(CNF’s), polihedral oligomerik silsesquioxane(POSS), karbonnanotupler (çok duvarl› ve tek duvarl›), nanosilika, nanometal oksitleri(ZnO,TiO2, Al2O3 ,etc). Toyota araflt›rma grubu inorganik katk›lay›c›larla haz›rlanan nylon nanokompozitlerin termal ve mekanik özelliklerinde art›fl oldu¤unu rapor etmifltir. Giannelis organik çözücü kullanmadan eriyik polimerle klay nanopartikülleri kar›flt›rm›flt›r. Toshniwal, ara fazlarda oluflan yüksek enerjili yüzeyler ve dispers boya molekülleriyle klay partikülleri aras›ndaki van der waals ba¤lar› sebebiyle PP nanokompozitlerinin boyanabilirli¤inde art›fl rapor etmifltir[5]. Yap›sal s›k›l›¤›(compactness) ve yetersiz boya afinitesi se-
Geleneksel liflerden 100 kat daha fazla Yüksek adsorpsiyon
Adsorpsiyon Malzemeleri Biyokimyasal tehdit önleyiciler ‹yon de¤ifltirici malzemeler
Moleküllerin ak›fl› de¤iflir ve bas›nç kayb› Hava fitresi Biyokimyasal tehdit önleyiciler azal›r Ay›rma malzemeleri Küçük boflluklar sayesinde eleme Sensörler Çap› görünür ›fl›¤›n dalga boyunda küçük Organik EL Electronik Ka¤›t liflerin transparan renk görüntüsü Moda malzemeleri Kutuplaflt›r›c›
Ifl›k etkisi
Yüzey gerilimi etkisi Düflük yüzey gerilim kuvveti, su iten polimerler
Kaplama malzemeleri Boya Elektromanyetik dalga kalkanlama malzemeleri Yüksek mukavemetli yap› malzemeleri Nem tutucu malzemeler Kir tutmaz malzemeler
Alafl›m etkisi
Nanometre düzeyinde alafl›m
Boflluk etkisi
Nanoboflluklu lifler
Üç boyutlu etki
Nonwoven tekstilin üzerinde üç boyutlu Reklamasyon malzemesi hücre büyümesi
Kayd›rma etkisi
Kayma etkisinde art›fl
Mikronalt› malzeme Mikronalt› parçac›klar› yakalama yakalama etkisi
Hücre, canl› organizma, malzeme tan›ma etkisi
Kompleks malzemeler Uçak Biyo kimyasal tehdit önleyici, Motor filtresi, Kazan, Hava temizleyici ‹klimlendirici
Reklamasyon malzemesi, Tan›ma ve hücreye ba¤lanma için üstün biosensör yap› Tailor made meddel
tekstil teknoloji 46
TEKNOPLAST Fitil Makaralar Flyer Tubes
Delikli Boya Bobinleri Dyeing Cones
Katlama Makaralar Doubling Bobbins
Konik Bobinler Conical Bobbins
önil ve Jüt Makaralar Chenille and Jute Bobbins
Ring Masuralar Ring Spinning Tubes
Çobançe me Mahallesi Sanayi Caddesi No: 7 34530 Yenibosna / STANBUL / TÜRK YE Tel: +90 212 551 37 37 pbx - 503 37 37 - 503 40 91 - 451 15 60 • Fax: +90 212 639 95 64 e-mail: akbas@akbas.com • web: www.akbas.com
bebiyle boyanamaz olarak bilinen polipropilen liflerin klay nanoparçac›klar›yla kompozitleri haz›rland›¤›nda, klay nanopartikülleri boya afinitesi yüksek k›s›mlar oluflturur ve boya tutucu alanlar yarat›r [1]. Karbon nanolifler ve karbon siyah› nanopartikülleri en çok kullan›lan nanodolgulardand›r. Karbon nanolifler yüksek en boy oran› sebebiyle kompozit liflerin mukavemetini artt›r›r. Karbon siyah› nanopartiküllerü ise sürtünme direnci ve toklu¤u artt›r›r. Atr›ca bu malzemeler yüksek kimyasal dirence ve elektriksel iletkenli¤e sahiptir [1]. Ekranlar, sensörler, uçak malzemeleri, patlamaya dayan›kl› battaniye ve elektromanyetik kalkanlama olas› uygulama alanlar›ndand›r [9]. Kim ve Patra çal›flmalar›n›n sonunda MWNT/nylon 6 nanokompozit liflerin mekanik özelliklerinin belirgin flekilde artt›¤›n› belirtmifllerdir. 0.5%oran›nda MWNT kat›lan %400 çekilen kompozitin mukavemet de¤erinde %46, modül de¤erinde %41 art›fl gözlenmifl ve kopma uzamas› %7 oran›nda düflmüfltür. Inan ve arkadafllar› alev geciktirici nylon6/laponit ve nalon6/mont-
Figure 6. Sol-jel ifllemi[16].
morillonit nanokompozitleri haz›rlam›fllard›r. %5 oran›nda kat›lan nanoklay % 30 oran›nda geleneksel alev koruyucudan daha iyi sonuç vermifltir [7]. Hidrofobik/hidrofilik fonksiyonlu polimer matrisler ve nanopartiküller kullan›larak haz›rlanan nanokompozitlerin ba¤lanma özelliklerinde, ›slanma ve farkl› fonksiyonel özelliklerinde-UV koruma, antimikrobiyellik, alev almazl›k gibi iyileflme gözlenmifltir[14]. Tablo 2 de nanokatk› malzemelerinin etkileri görülmektedir. Klay nanopartikülleri elektriksel, ›s›l ve kimyasal dirence sahiptir ve UV ›fl›¤›n› engelleme özelli¤ine sahiptir. Klay nanopartiküllerle kuvvetlendirilen kompozit lifler alev geciktirici, anti UV, antikorozif özelliklere sahiptir.%5 klay kat›l›m› ile nylon kompozit liflerin mukavemeti %40 artar [1,9,10]. fiekil 5 te polimer nanokompozitlerin baz›
UV koruma
su, ya¤, leke iticilik
nem yöntemi
anti mikrobiyellik
sürtünme direnci
Polimer nanokompozitler
antistatik özellik
biyo uyumluluk
alev geciktirci
elektrik iletkenli¤i
fiekil 5. Polimer nanokompozitlerle elde edilen baz› tekstil fonksiyonlar›[14].
tekstil teknoloji 48
fiekil 7. Polielektrolit katl› lifin enine kesiti [17]
fonksiyonel özellikleri görülmektedir. Nanokaplama Nanokaplama 100 nm den ince atomik yada moleküler biriktirmeyle yap›lan yüzey mühendisli¤i ifllemidir. Atomik/moleküler biriktirme için birçok teknik vard›r: fiziksel buhar biriktirme, kimyasal buhar biriktirme, elektokaplama, lazer buharlaflt›rma, plazma destekli kimyasal buhar biriktirme [7]. Nanobitim ifllemleri Nanoteknoloji çok yönlü lif kompozitleri yap›m›n› etkilemenin yan›nda, yeni üstün özellikli aprelerin yap›m›ndada etkisini gösterir. Nanoapre lif yüzeyinin üzerinde fonksiyonel kat oluflturma olarak tan›mlanabilir. Çok katl› apre ve kaplamalar›n avantajlar›; iplik yap›s›nda yetersiz lif tutunmas› nedeniyleoluflan mükemmel dökümlülük ve yumuflak tufledir. Sentez ifllemlerinde bir yöntem de nanoboyutta emülsiyon oluflturup tekstil malzemesine uygulamakt›r. Bu apreler nanomisel, nanosol yada na-
Tablo 2. Nano katk› malzemelerinin etkileri [17] Kazand›rd›¤› Özellikler
Mekanik (mukavemet, modül, tokluk) Viskozitede art›fl, ifllenme güçlü¤ü Gaz difüzyon bariyeri
Dispersiyon güçlü¤ü
Boyutsal stabilite
Optik problemler
Is›l sünme
Karbon nanopartiküllerinin siyah rengi
Sürtünme direnci
askeri uygulamalar, kamuflaj, görünmezlik teknolojisi vb, için yararl› olabilir. Yeni gelifltirilen mikro kapsülasyon tekni¤i tekstil endüstrisinde alev ve yanmay› geciktirici ajanlar›n tafl›nmas›nda kullan›lmaktad›r. Gümüfl nanotanecikleri içeren mikrokapsüller anti mikrobiyel etki sa¤lamaktad›r[5].
Kimyasal direnç Kuvvetlendirici
nokapsül içinde emülsiyon oluflturabilir ve tekstil yüzeyine tutunabilir. Bu apreler kir tutmazl›k, hidrofillik, antistatik, k›r›flmazl›k özellikleri kazand›r›rlar [1,7]. Sol-jel ifllemi Sol jel ifllemi ö¤ütmeyle yap›lamayacak 20-40 nm aras›ndaki parçac›klar› üretme tekni¤idir.Paarçac›klar›n ön maddesi çözücü içerisinde çözülür, genellikle alkol, sonra su daha sonrada asit yada baz eklenir(fiekil 6). Kar›fl›m kaplanacak yüzeye uygulan›r. Ön madde çok küçük seramik tanecikleri oluflturmak için parçalan›r. Parçac›k konsantrasyonu yeterince yüksekse kar›fl›m jelleflir. Jel kurutulur, serami¤i sinterlemek için yüksek s›cakl›klara ç›k›l›r.‹stenen seramik film yada lif bu flekilde oluflturulur. Çözücü ve hava kayb› sebebiyle kurutma ve sinterleme ifllemi süresince çekmeler oluflabilir.Bu proses kir tutmazl›k yada tufleyi iyilefltirmek için uygulan›r[10,15]. SiO2 na-
noparçac›klar›, çapraz ba¤lay›c› ile birlikte matris ön maddesi olarak kullan›labilir ve fonksiyonel katk›lay›c›lar seramik kaplama eldesi için kullan›l›r. Kuvvetlendirme, çizilmezlik, antistatik, yap›flmazl›k, UV koruma, IR absorpsiyonu, antimikrobiyel özellik istenen uygulamalarda bu yöntem kullan›labilir [16]. Bitim ifllemleri için di¤er bir teknolojide kimyasal oksdatif biriktirme teknolojisidir. Bu yöntemle iletken elektroaktif polimerler farkl› tekstil ve lifler üzerine biriktirilir. Sonuçolarak yüksek mukavemet ve s›l dirençte kompozit malzemeler oluflur. Üstelik iletken elektroaktif polimerlerin yüzey polimerizasyonu elektriksel direnci düflürerek iletkenli¤i 10 kat artt›r›r. Bu kaplamal› polimerik kompozitler mikrodalga zay›flat›c›, EMI kalkanlama, elektriksel yük da¤›t›m› uygulamalar›nda kullan›l›rlar. Bu malzemeler
microfiber silver coating braced silver coating on the fiber surface
fiekil 8. Gümüfl kapl› mikrolifin enine kesiti [16].
fiekil 9. Lotus yapra¤›n›n ve nano yap›da yüzeyin AFM yüzey topografileri[16]
tekstil teknoloji 49
Nanotanecikler Nanoölçekli doldu malzemeleri üç grupta toplanabilir: lif, plaka ve üç boyutlu dolgu malzemeleri. Üç boyutlu inorganik nanotanecikler fonksiyonel bitim ifllemleri ile, elektriksel iletkenli¤i, antimikrobik özelli¤i, UV absorpsiyon davran›fl›n›, mukavemeti, transparanl›¤›, liflerin kapl› veya apreli kumafllar›n koku nötürleme karakterlerini iyilefltirir. Nanotanecik sentezleme ve fabrikasyonunda iki yaklafl›m vard›r. Afla¤›dan yukar› yaklafl›mla üretilen taneciklerde daha az hata daha homojen k›myasal yap› elde edilir. Yukar›dan afla¤› yaklafl›mda içsel gerilim, yüzey hatalar› ve safs›zl›klarla karfl›lafl›labilir. Nanotanecikler bitim veya kaplama ortam›nda düzgün da¤›t›l›r ve uygun sol jel tekni¤iyle filmler oluflturulur. Inorganik nanotanecikler latter tekni¤iyle aerosol ifllemiyle birlikte üretilebilir: alev hidrolizi(nanosilicka, titanya,alumina, zirkonyum oksit), piroliz(karbon siyah›), gaz yo¤unlaflt›rma (TiO2, Al2O3, CuO, CeO2, ZnO, ZrO2, Fe2O3,),lazer ablasyonu,vb. TiO2 veMgO nanotaneciklerinin fotokatalitik etkisi ile zararl› ve tooksik kimyasallar ve biyolojik ajanlar parçalanabilir. Bu tanecikler spray kaplama yada elektrostatik methodla tekstil yüzeyine tutunabilir. Nanotanecikler kumafla sensor taban› özelli¤i verebilir. Nanokristalin piezoseramik tanecikler kumaflla birlefltirilirse, oluflan kumafl
mekanik kuvvetleri elektrik sinyallerine dönüfltürerek, kalp ritmi, a¤lama gibi vücut fonksiyonlar›n›n görüntülenmesini sa¤layabilir [1,7]. Antimikrobiyel ve koku kontrolü özellikli gümüfl nanotanecikler iyon beam sputtering yada gümüfl tuzu çözeltisinin çöktürülmesiyle elde edilebilir [7]. Gümüfl nano tenecikler antibakteriyel özllik sa¤larken alt›n nanopartikülleri moleküler ligandlar›n kullan›m›na izin verir ve çevredeki biolojik kompoundlar›n varl›¤› h›zl›ca belirlenir. Platinyum ve paladyum nanopartikülleri katalitik özellikleriyle zararl› gazlar› ve toksik endüstriyel kimyasallar› parçalar. Metal oksit nanotanecikler fotokatalitik , antibakteriyel aktivite ve ultraviole absorplama özelliklerine sahiptir[18]. Antimikrobiyol bitim ifllemleri Gümüfl iyonlar› antimikrobiyal aktivi-
Ultraviole-koruma ZnO nano tanecikleri fiyat›, beyazl›¤›, UV bloklama özellikleriyle di¤er nano taneciklerden daha iyi sonuç vermifltir. Artan yüzey alan› ve yo¤un absorpsiyon özelli¤iyle nanoformdaki ZnO taneciklerinin UV koruma özellikleri art›fl göstermifltir[18]. Anti-statik fiekil 10. Nanotaneciklerle kaplanm›fl yüzey[20]
teye sahiptir.. Gümüfl iyonlar›n›n protein moleküllerine ba¤lanarak, hücresel metabolizmay› durdurdu¤una ve mikroorganizman›n büyümesini durdurdu¤una inan›l›r. Toksik olmayan yap›s› sebebiyle bio uyuludur ve nonwoven hava ve su filtrelerinde, t›bbi k›yafetlerde ve dokuma kumafllarda insan derisiyle direkt temas halinde kullan›labilir [18].
fiekil 11. Photocatalyst [21]
Statik yük genellikle naylon polyester gibi sentetik liflerde birikir çünkü bu lifler çok az su absorplar. Selülozik lifler daha fazla nem içerirler. Böylece static yükleri da¤›tabilirler. Yük birikmesi yaflanmaz. Sentetik liflerin zay›f antistatic özelliklerini gelifltirmek için nanoteknoloji kullan›lm›flt›r.
oksit, nano antimony doplanm›fl tin oksit ve silan nanosolun sentetik liflere antistatic özellik kazand›rd›¤›na karar verilmifltir. TiO2, ZnO ve ATO anti static etki sa¤lam›flt›r çünkü bu malzemeler iletkendir. Bu tarz malzemeler kumafl üzerinde birikmifl static yüklerin da¤›t›lmas›nda
fiekil 12. Tekstilde nano uygulama örnekleri[22].
Nano boyutta titanyumdioksit, zink
rol oynar. Di¤er taraftan lif üzerindeki
silan nanosol amino ve hidroksil gruplar› sayesinde havadan su ve nem absorplar anti static özelli¤i iyilefltirir. K›r›flmazl›k Kumafla k›r›flmazl›k özelli¤i sa¤lamak için reçine ve geleneksel yöntemler kullan›l›r. Ancak reçine uygulamalar›nda mukavette, sürtmee direncinde su alma ve boyanmada ve nefez alabilirlikte düflüfller gözlenmektedir. Bu k›s›tlamalar› yenmek için baz› araflt›rmac›lar nanotitanyum dioksit ve nanosilika y› k›r›flmazl›k özelli¤i kazand›rmak için pamuk ve ipek liflerine uygulam›fllard›r. Nano titanyumdioksit karboksilik asit katalizörü ile UV alt›nda selülozla asit aras›nda çapraz ba¤lanma sa¤lam›flt›r. Di¤er taraftan nanosilika ve maleikanhidridipek lifine k›r›flmazl›k özelli¤i kazand›rm›flt›r [19].
fiekil 13. Lotus effekti mekanizmas› [23].
Kolay bak›m Kumafl›n kritik yüzey gerilimi s›v›n›n yüzey gerilimine eflit yada büyükse s›v› kumafl› ›slat›r. Florokarbon organik bilefli¤i perfluorinated karbon zincirleri içerir. Florokarbonlar malzemenin yüzey gerilimini düflürme e¤ilimindedirler. TiO2 kaplamalar fotokatalist olarak purifikasyon,koku giderme, sterilizasyon, kir tutmaz kendi kendini temizleyen cam uygulamalar›nda yüksek oksidasyon kabiliyeti, toksik olmayan yap›s›, uzun suren stabilli¤i ve fiyat› sebebiyle büüyük ilgi görmektedir. Titanyum kapl› pamuk kumafllar fotokatalitik kendi kendini temizleme, bakteriyel aktivite, leke parçalama, k›rm›z› flarap ve kahve lekesini parçalama özelli¤ine sahiptir [18]. Lotus yapraklar› mikro ç›k›nt›lar› ve wax kapl› yüzeyi sayesinde su itici ve kir itici özelliktedir (fiekil 9).Yüzeyin suyla kontak aç›s› 1500 dir ve super hidrofobik olarak düflünülebilir. Gerçekte düzgün yüzey ç›k›nt›lar› ve düflük yüzey enerjisiyle bu kontak aç›s›na ulafl›labilir Pürüzlülük ve yüzey enerjisi yüzeyin ›slanmas›n› etkileyen faktörlerdir. Yüzey pürüzlülü¤ünün hidrofilik yüzeylerde hidroofilli¤i hidrofobik yüzeylerde hidrofoblu¤u artt›rd›¤› kan›tlanm›flt›r. Nanotaneciklerin hidrofilik hidrofobik
fonksiyonel polimerlere kat›lmas› polimerlerin özelliklerinde iyileflmeye sebep olmufltur(fiekil 10)[14]. Alay pamuklu kumafla florokarbon bazl› kimyasallarla yap›lan plazma iflleminin etkisini incelemifltir. ‹fllem sonras›nda kumafl›n hidrofobik özelli¤i artm›fl ve bus u itici özellik 5 y›kamadan sonra bile de¤iflmemifltir. Kontak aç›s› 1200 den buyuk olarak olçulmustur. Superhidrofobik kumafllar su itici özellikleriyle teknolojik uygulamalarda yer bulmufllard›r. Bu yüzeyler büyük kontak aç›lar›yla kendi kendini temizleme özelli¤ine sahiptirler. Su itici super hidrofobik kumafllar nanotaneciklerin pürüzlülü¤ü ve polimerlerin hidrofobik özelliklerinin birlefltirilmesiyle oluflturulabilir [14,16]. Fotokatalitik kendi kendini temizleyen tekstiller Nanokristalin TiO2 kaplamalar gün ›fl›¤› alt›nda kimyasal olarak yüzeye tutunmufl organik kirleticileri parçalar(fiekil 11) bu özelli¤iyle pencere camlar›ndan çimentoya tekstil yüzeylerine kadar bir çok uygulama alan›nda ilgi görmüfltür. Nano ölçekli titanyumdioksit yüzeye tutunmufl organic kirleticileri parçalar bakterileri öldürür [21]. Ticarileflmifl ürünler Nano-TexTM nanoteknolojiyi uygulayan flirketlerden biridir.anti static, k›-
r›flmazl›k, leke ve ya¤ iticilik sa¤layan apreler, bioaktif, ilaç, t›bbi ,günefl kremi, boya tafl›y›c› nanoboncuk ve üstün nano teknolojiler gelifltirmifllerdir (Nano-Care, Nano-Pel, Nano-Touch and Nano-Press technology)[5]. Nanocare leketutmaz k›r›flmaz s›v› itici pamu¤a uygulanan apredir. Nano pel s›v› ve leke itici, nefes alabilen kumafllar. Nanodry teri uzaklaflt›ran h›zl› kuruyan kumafllar. Nanotouch sentetik lifler için do¤al lif tufle ve konforu sa¤lar. Nanofresh vücut kokular›n› hapseder. Nano tex uygulamalar› kumafla banyo içerisinde uygulan›r. Kumafl banyodan geçerken nanotanecikler kumafl›n lifleriyle temasa geçer. Kumafl kürlendi¤inde yada ›s›t›ld›¤›ndananotanecikler liflere yap›fl›r. Apreler kal›c›d›r ancak kumafl›n estetik ve mekanik özelliklerini etkilemez. Bu apreler pamuk d›fl›nda polyester ipek ve yünede uygulan›r. Nanoapreli bu kumafllar s›v› itici, leke tutmaz, k›r›flmaz ve antistatik özellikler kazan›rlar [9]. S›v› iticilik pamuk polyester yün ipek ve rayona uygulan›r. Leke iticilik lotus yapra¤›n› taklit ederek gelifltirilmifltir. Yapra¤›n yüzeyi hidrofobiktir. Ya¤mur damlalar› yapra¤›n üzerine düfltü¤ünde kirlerle birlikte kayar(fiekil 13). Yapra¤›n yüzeyi pürüzlüdür, yüzeyin su emme kabiliyetini düflürür. Nano ifllemler kumafl› yaprak gibi super hidrofobik yapmaya yöneliktir. Bu flekilde kendi kendini temizleyen kumafllar geleneksel su itici florokarbon bazl› aprelerin yerini alabilir. Bu s›v› itici apre uyguland›ktan sonra kumafl hem su itici hemde kendi kendini temizleme özelli¤i kazan›r (fiekil 14). Kahve ya¤ flarap gibi s›v›lar kumafla s›zmadan yüzeyden kayarak uzaklafl›r. Coolest Comfort Sentetikler için 2000 y›l›nda gelifltirildi. Hidrofobik yüzeylere üstün wiking
fiekil 14. Lotus efekti [24].
tekstil teknoloji 52
Conferences, San Antonio, Texas - January 3 - 6, 2006 Tekstiller için nanoteknoloji uygulamalar›
[6]http://www.landofcotton.com/fc/files/nanodev.pdf [7] William C. Smith, Smart textile coatings and lami-
Fonksiyonel apreler (k›r›lmaz, leke tutmaz, antistatik kumafllar)
Kimyasal ve biyolojik tehditlere karfl› koruma
nates, Woodhead publishing limited, 2010 [8]http://ftp.rta.nato.int/public//PubFullText/RTO/EN/RTO-EN-AVT-129bis///EN-AVT-
Fonksiyonel nanolifler
129bis-05.pdf Üstün Özelilkli nanokompozitler
‹klim kontrollü ak›ll› ve t›bbi tekstiller
Fonksiyonel tekstiller, UV koruma, koku giderme özellikli
[10] V Parthasarathi, Nano technology adds value to textile finishing, The Indian Textile Journal January 2008 issue.
Tekstil üretim proseslerindeki uygulamalar
[11] http://www.ripublication.com/ijna/ijnav3n2_5.pdf [12] Tatsuya Hongu, Glyn O. Phillips and Machiko Ta-
fiekil 15. Tekstiller için nanoteknoloji uygulamalar›[5].
özelli¤i kazand›r›r. ‹fllem görmüfl kumafllar teri h›zla vücuttan uzaklaflt›r›r, kuru ve konforlu kalmay› sa¤lar. Bu apre reçineli pamu¤a uygulanabilir. Reçine pamuklu kumafl›n k›r›flmamas› için uygulan›r. Ancak reçine muamelesi pamu¤un do¤al nem çekme kabiliyetini k›s›tlar. Bu apre reçineli pamu¤un wiking özelliklerini gelifltirmek için tasarlanm›flt›r. Resists Static Sentetik lifler için antistatic apredir. Bu apreli kumafl sadece static yükü de¤il kopek tüyü toz gibi static olarak çekici malzemeleride iter ve birçok farkl› kumafla uygulanabilir.
kigami, New Millennium Fibers, Woodhead publishing
Güçlü grafit nanolifler ode s›cakl›¤›nda büyük yüklere ve yüksek bas›nca dayanabilirler. Alev geciktirici nonwoven kumafl, ka¤›t ve filaman lif, kaplamalar için klay ve de¤iflik selülozik kökenli liflerle nanokompozitler haz›rlanmaktadir [5,26]. 1997 den itibarennanotanecikler iplik lif ve kumafllar› kaplamada kullan›lm›flt›r. 2005 te nanoteknoloji $32 milyar dolarl›k üründe yer alm›flt›r. 2012 de notaneciklerin elektronik tekstillerin ve giyilebilir elektroniklerin pazar›n›n $115 milyar dolar olaca¤› tahmin edilmektedir [4, 27].
Id=2402 [14] Sorna Gowri et al, Polymer Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Finishing of Textiles - a Review, Textile Research Journal, Vol 80(13): 1290–1306, 2010 [15]http://www.exzellenz.nrw.de/nocl/noth/clusters/highlights/nanotechnology-in-textile-finishing/?L=1 [16]
ger.pdf [17]http://www.czech-in.org/enf2009/ppt/C1_Schollmeyer_Y.pdf [18] Q. Wei, Surface modification of textiles, Woolhead publishing in textiles,2009 [19] http://www.autexrj.org/cms/zalaczone_pliki/1-061.pdf
References [1]http://www.landofcotton.com/fc/files/nanodev.pdf
Repels and Releases Stains Bu apre pamuk ve pamuk polyester kar›fl›mlar›na uygulan›r. S›v› kumaflla temas etti¤inde yuvarlanarak uzaklafl›r. E¤er s›v› lifler aras›na girerse patntli sal›n›m teknolojisi s›v›y› uzaklaflt›r›r.[18,22,23,24,25]. Bugatti Nanosphere apre ile nem yönetimli ceket gelifltirmifltir. Nanotech gümüfl nanotanecikli çorap üretmifltir. Nanofiltrasyon membranlar› boya at›k sular›n›n ar›t›m›nda kullan›lmaktad›r. Bu membranlar boyay› sudan ay›rarak suyun tekrar kullan›lmas›n› sa¤lamaktad›rlar.
in textiles,2005.
[2] Cem Günesoglu, Dilek Kut and Mehmet Orhan, Performing the Electrospraying Process for the Application of Textile Nano Finishing Particles, Textile Research Journal, Vol 80(2): 106–115, 2010 [3] http://www.fruitstree.com/article/the-role-of-nanotechnology-in-textile-chemicals-industry/ Enhancement
[20] http://www.flickr.com/photos/basf/4837720180/ [21] http://www.autexrj.org/cms/zalaczone_pliki/1-061.pdf [22] http://www.scint.nl/docs/Smarttextilesscint.pdf [23] http://www.autexrj.org/cms/zalaczone_pliki/1-061.pdf [24] http://minatuse.eu/pdf/Nanotechnology_applications-5-_-_nanotechnology_and_textile.pdf [25]
of textile [4] Tatiana Laschuk; José Nascimento & Fernando Oliveira, Nanotechnologies as improvement of fashion textile design, 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference – Magic World of Textiles, October 05th to 08th 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia [5] Kumar Vikram Singh et al, Applications and future of nanotechnology in textiles, 2006 Beltwide Cotton
tekstil teknoloji 54
Id=2402 [26] http://www.nano.org.uk/articles/28/ [27]http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServl
mal&id=ASMECP002008042940000761000001&idtype =cvips&gifs=yes&ref=no [28]http://www.sampasnano.com/nanotechnology.htm
Nanotechnology Applications for High Performance Textiles Meltem Yan›lmaz
The textile industry has already impacted by nanotechnology like other industries. There is a significant po-
Nanotechnology in textiles
tential for profitable applications of Nano-technology in textiles. Several applications of Nano-technology can be extended to attain the performan-
Nanofibers and yarns
Improved fabric finishing
ce enhancement of textile manufacturing machines & processes. The textile industry has the biggest customer base in the world.The researches have been targeted on developing improved dirt, crease and shrink resistance properties in fabrics, temperature adaptable clothing and odor-less undergarments. Several advances have
* Development of single and multiwalled nanofibers, carbon nanotube composite fibers
* Nanotechnology can also improve surface properties
* Production of nano fibers using electrospinning
and functionalities of fabrics
* A variety of chemical finished and coatings can be
* Enhancement of the mechanical, chemical and func-
tional properties of nanofibers
also been made towards the development of strong fibers and fabrics for
Figure 1. The developments of nanotechnologies in textiles[5]
biomedical and military applications.
developments of nanotechnologies in
100 nanometers, where unique phe-
textiles will have a two ways (Figure
nomena enable novel applications. A
1): increasing existing functions and
nanometer is a one-billionth of a me-
The textile industry has already im-
performances of textile materials and
ter; a sheet of a paper is about
pacted by nanotechnology. Research
developing smart and intelligent texi-
100000 nanometers thick. Encompas-
involving nanotechnology to improve
les with unprecedented functions.
sing nanoscale science, engineering
performances or to create unprece-
The new functions to be developed
and technology, nanotechnology in-
dented functions of textile materials
include wearable solar cell and energy
volves imaging, measuring, modelling
are flourishing[1,2]. Nanotechnology
storage, sensors and information ac-
and manipulating matter at this
has versatile applications in textile
quisition and transfer, multiple and
length scale. At this level the physical,
chemicals industry in manufacturing
sophisticated protection and detecti-
chemical, and biological properties of
garments with stain resistance, flame
on, health care and wound healing
materials differ in fundamental and
retardant finishes, wrinkle resistance
functions, self cleaning and repairing
valuable ways from the properties of
finishes, moisture management, anti-
individual atoms and molecules or
microbial qualities, UV protection,
The national Science and Technology
bulk matter. Nanotechnology R&D is
and soil release properties, etc.[3,4].
Council’s Subcommittee on Nanosca-
directed towards understanding and
Materials are developed by nanotech-
le Science, Engineering and Techno-
creating improved materials, devices
nology is expected to become a trilli-
logy defines (NNCO, 2004) nanotech-
and systems that exploit these new
on dollar industry in the next decade,
nology as follows: “Nanotechnology
with tremendous technological, eco-
is the understanding and control of
Nanomaterials demonstrate
nomic and ecologic benefits[5]. The
matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to
and novel properties different from
tekstil teknoloji 55
their corresponding bulk materials due to the fact that quantum mechanical properties of electrons and ato-
color fastness
self cleaning abrasion
weter repellent
mic interactions inside o the matter are imfluenced by nanometer scale material variations. The introduction
color changing
fire retardancy
Nanotechnology in textiles
of inorganic nanoparticles as additives into polymer systems has resulted in
controlled release add.
polymer nanocomposites exhibiting multifunctional, high performance
data storage
energy storage
UV absorption
polymer characteristics beyond what traditional filld polymeric materials possess. Mechanical properties of low
Figure 2. The new functionalities of textiles by nanotechnology [8].
1000nm. The majority of nanofibers
the syringe, which is kept in place by
bes/nylon composites are dramatically
are produced by the electrospinning
the surface tension of the liquid, is al-
improved over high loading(~30%)
process. In this process a charged
so charged and overcomes the forces
carbon black/nylon. Multifunctional
polymer melt is extruded through a
of surface tension resulting in elonga-
polymer nanocomposites may impro-
small nozzle. The charged solution is
tion of the droplet into a conical sha-
ve their thermal resistance, flame re-
drawn toward a grounded collecting
pe. Further increase in the attractive
sistance, moisture resistance, decrea-
plate. As the jet of charged melt tra-
force of the electric field by means of
sed permeability, charge dissipation,
vels, the solvent evaporates, leaving a
increased voltage produces a charged
chemical resistance and other materi-
non-woven nanofiber mat on a subs-
jet of liquid that is channeled to the
al properties(Figure 2).
ground. When the jet breaks up into
The technical approach involves the
Nanofiber webs are used for filtration
droplets as a result of surface tension
incorporation of
nanoparticles into
media to capture nanosize particles or
in the case of low viscosity, electros-
selected polymer matrix systems whe-
microbes by exploiting nanosize pores
pinning becomes electrospraying[2].
reby nanoparticles may be surface
together with the large surface area
Güneflo¤lu et al investigated the use
treated to provide hydrophobic cha-
of nanowebs. Nanosize fibers can al-
racteristics and enhanced inclusion in-
so be manufactured by sea island
to the hydrophobic polymer mat-
conjugate extrusion techniques. Elec-
trospun nanofiber membranes with functional finishes can be used for ne-
data storage
Electrosp ray
High Voltage P o w e r Supply
utralizing chemical biological agents
The diameter of a typical textile fiber
or scaffolds for tissue enginee-
is 10 000 nm or larger, while the di-
ameter of typical nanofibers is 10 nm
The electrospinning/electrospraying
or larger. Since the specific surface
process (Figure 3) has a conventional
area of fibrous material is inversely
configuration consisting of a charged
proportional to the fiber diameter,
syringe fed with polymer solution and
nanoscale fibers have 1000 times of
a grounded collector plate. When a li-
of an electrospraying process for the
specific surface area increase from
quid (or emulsion) is subjected to an
application of commercially available
the micro scale textile fibers. Nanofi-
electric field of several kilovolts pro-
nano chemicals to use the electrosta-
bers can be defined as fibers with a
duced by a high-voltage power sup-
tic force produced in the process to
diameter of less than 1mm or
ply, the droplet at the capillary tip of
overcome the surface energy of the
tekstil teknoloji 56
Charged Fibers
Charged Drops
Grounded Plate
Figure 3 Electrospinning/spraying process[2]
hibit extraordinary mechanical properties, the Young’s modulus in the
Convertional microfiber
TPa range, tensile strength of about Nanostucture / property evaluation technology & Surface nanocoating technology
Chemical synthesis & Nanospinning technologies
200 GPa, elastic strain up to 5 %, and breaking strain about 20%. Such synthetic nano fibers that are being produced by electrospinning process
can significantly enhance the strength and conductivity of the fabric after IT Technology
Bio technology
Environment technology
suitable heat treatment. Hence, these nano fibers and yarns can also be ef-
EL display Phonics materials Elctromagnetic wave shielding materials Fiber laser Battery sparator
Biomolecule device cell technology regeneration medicine biosensor actuator artificial muscle gene therapy
light and high strength materials green nanohybrid environment cleaning materials Self repairing materials
ficiently used as super capacitors in electronic textile components[5]. Besides these, dyes, metal particles, metal salts, polymers etc were directly incorporated into fibers during spinning or
Figure 4. Proposal and research projects on nanofiber technology[12].
it can be coated on the surface [11].
resulting agglomeration. SEM images showed the promising results. On the other hand, the electrosprayed fabrics
Table 1. Uses of nanofibers utilizing its properties [12] Properties
gave acceptable oil repellency, along with unacceptable water repellency .
Surface area effect
It is also concluded that the electrical
Slip effect
properties of the electrosprayed surface will be an important factor and a
Light effect
shows another potential applications of nanofiber. One of the applications of nanotechnology in the textile industry is in
Surface tension effect
Fiber surface area per weight is over1000 Adsorption material Biochemical hazard times larger than that of usual fibers preventor Very large adsorption Ion exchange materials Flow of molecules changes and pressure Air filter biochemical hazard preventor loss becomes much smaller Sieving by small holes
Hole effect
cotton fabric should be pre-electrified to ease the process [2]. Figure 4
Varios effects
Separation material Sensor
Structure color appearance with transparent fiber with diameter less than wavelength
Organic EL Electronic paper Fashion material Polarizer
Low surface tension force, water repelling of hydrophilic
Coating material Paint Electromagnetic wave shilding material High Strength structure material
Amalgamation effect
Amalgamation in nanometer order
polyamide and polypropylene in na-
Void effect
Giving nanovoid fiber
noscale. Nanofibres have good pro-
Reclamation material
perties such as high surface area, a
Three dimensional Three dimensional growth of cells on effect non weaved textile
small fibre diameter, good filtration
Sliding effect
Complex material Air plane
polymeric materials for producing conventional fibres such as polyester,
Increment of sliding of materials
properties and high permeability. Common production methods are electrospinning or bicomponent extrusion[13]. High-performance yarns can be produced through super-aligned arrays
Submicron object Catching submicron sized particles catching effect
Humidity keeping material Fouling preventin material
Biochemical hazar preventor, Suit Engine filter, Boiler, Air cleaner, Air conditioner
Cell, living body, Having unique structure for recognition material recognition and bond with cell effect
of carbon nanotubes. Such yarns extekstil teknoloji 58
Reclamation material Biotip, Biosensor Tailor made medical
black nanoparticles are the most commonly used nanofillers. Carbon nano-
water oil soil repellency
UV protection
strength of composite fibers due to its high aspect ratio, while carbon black
antimicrobial activity
moisture management
nanoparticles can improve their abrasion resistance and toughness. They
abrasion stability
have high chemical resistance and biocatalysis
IT Technology
electric conductivity [1]. Possible applications include screen displays, sensors, aircraft structures, explosion-
antistatic property
proof blankets and electromagnetic shielding [9]. A significant improvement in mecha-
electrical conductivity
flame retardancy
nical properties of MWNT/nylon-6 nanocomposite fibers were reported by
Figure 5. Some possibilities of textile functionalization using polymer nanocomposites[14].
Kim and Patra. By adding 0.5% Table 1 shows uses of nanofibers uti-
organoclays (MMT), carbonnanofibers
MWNTs, it was found that the nano-
lizing its properties.
(CNF’s), polyhedral oligomeric silses-
composite fiber drawn 400% showed
quioxane (POSS), carbon nanotubes
a 46% increase in tensile strength
(multiwall nanotubes(MWNTs) and
and 41% stiffer modulus, while the
Polymer nanocomposites for coating
single nanotubes (SWNTs)), nanosilica
strain at break was reduced 7%. The
and finishing can be engineered to
flame retardancy of nylon-6/laponite
meet multifunctional requirements by
Al2O3,etc). Toyota research reported
and nylon-6/montmorillonite nano-
selecting a nanoparticle/polymer sys-
nylon nanocomposite, where modera-
composites was investigated by Inan
tem[7]. The main function of nanosi-
te inorganic loadings resulted in con-
etal. For traditional flame proofing
ze fillers is to increase the mechanical
current and remarkable enhance-
treatment of synthetic fibers, very
strength and improve physical proper-
ments of thermal and mechanical
high loading(~30% ) of flame retar-
ties such as conductivity and antista-
properties. Giannelis demonstrated
dant is applied, but nanocomposite fi-
tic. The nanofillers have a better inte-
the possibility of melt mixing poly-
bers with low loading(~5%) of nanoc-
raction with polymer matrices due to
mers and clays without using organic
lays such as MMT are found to be as
their large surface area. The fillers can
solvents. Toshniwal reported that the
interfere with polymer chain move-
increase in dyeability of PP nanocom-
bic/hydrophilic functional polymer
ment and thus reduce the chain mo-
posite is also due to the formation of
matrices as the dispersion medium for
bility due to being in the nanometer
interphase high energy surfaces and
the nanoparticles will result in poly-
range. They can be distributed evenly
existence of van der waals forces bet-
mer nanocomposites (PN) with
in matrices so nanoparticles can carry
ween the disperse dye molecules and
improved bonding properties and im-
load and increase the toughness and
the clay particles[5]. Clay nanopartic-
part desired wettability with different
abrasion resistance; nanofibers can
les can introduce dye attracting sites
functional properties like ultraviolet
transfer stress away from polymer
and creating dye holding space in
(UV) resistance, antimicrobial and fla-
matrices and enhance tensile strength
polypropylene fibers, known as nond-
me retardancy which are unique cha-
of composite fibers[1,11].
yeable fiber due to its structural com-
racteristics of different nanopartic-
The most commonly used nanopartic-
pactness and lack of dye attracting si-
les[14]. Table 2 shows effects of na-
les in literature are: montmorillonite
tes[1]. Carbon nanofibers and carbon
tekstil teknoloji 59
resistant, hydrophilic, anti static, wrinkle resistant and shrink proof abilities[1,7]. Sol-gel processing Sol-gel processing
is a process for
making very small particles 20 to Figure 6. Sol-gel processing[16].
40nm that are virtually impossible to make by conventional grinding. A li-
Table 2. Effects of nanoadditives [7].
quid precursor of the particle is dissol-
Properties Improved
ved in a solvent, usually alcohol, wa-
Mechanical (tensile strengh, modulus, toughness) Gas diffusion barrier
Mechanical (tensile strengh, modulus, toughness) Dispersion difficulties
ter is added and then acid or base(Fi-
Flame retardancy
Optical problem
Dimensional stability
Black color from carbon nanoparticles
gure 6). The mixture is coated or cast. The precursor then decomposes to form the fine ceramic particles. If the
Thermal expansion Thermal conductivity Abrasion resistance Chemical resistance Reinforcement
Clay nanoparticles possess electrical,
heat and chemical resistance and an
Nanotechnology not only has exerted
ability of blocking UV light. Composi-
its influence in making versatile fiber
te fibers reinforced with clay nano-
composites but also has had impact in
Figure 7. Cross section of a fiber with polyelectrolyte layers [17]
particles exhibit flame retardant, anti
making upgraded chemical finishes.
particle concentration is high enough,
UV, anti corrosive properties. The
Nanofinishing is loosely defined as
the mixture gels. The gel is dried, and
mechanical properties of nylon com-
forming a functional molecular layer
then heated at high temperature to
posite fibers withh 5% exhibits a 40%
on fiber substrate. The advantages of
sinter the ceramic, giving the desired
higher tensile strength, 68% greater
surface finishing/coating with various
ceramic film or fibre. During this dry-
tensile strength[1,9,10].
nanolayers is that the finished fabric
ing and sintering process, shrinkage
has excellent drape characteristic and
occurs through loss of solvent and air,
soft touch because of the lack of in-
and this shrinkage must be carefully
Nanocoating is a surface engineering
ter- fiber adhesion in the yarn structu-
controlled to avoid cracking. This pro-
process by atomistic or molecular de-
res. One of the trends in synthesis
cess can be employed for the creation
position of less than 100 nm thin
process is to pursue a nanoscale
of micro-rough surfaces for a dirt-re-
films. There are many techniques to
emulsification, through which finishes
pellent effect or for modification of
accomplish the atomistic/molecular
can be applied to textiles in a more
the feel [10,15]. SiO2 nanoparticles
deposition on a given substrate:
throughand even manner. Finishes
with cross-inking compounds can be
physical vapor deposition , chemical
can be emulsified into nanomicelles,
used as matrix precursor and functio-
vapor deposition,electroplating, laser
made into nanosols or wrapped in na-
nal additives are used to obtain cera-
vaporization, plasma enhanced che-
nocapsules that can adhere to textile
mic coating. Reinforcing, scratch resi-
mical vapor deposition[7].
substrate. These finishes provide stain
tent, antistatic, antiadhesive, interfe-
tekstil teknoloji 60
rence colors, UV protection, IR ab-
and MgO nanoparticles can break harmful and toxic chemicals and bi-
sorption, antimicrobial properties can silver coating
be obtained with this method[16].
braced silver coating on the fiber surface
Self assembled nanolayers
ological agents. These nanoparticles can be preengineered to adhere textile substrates by using spray coating or
The self assembly process begins by
electrostatic methods. Finishing with
exposing a charged surface to a solu-
nanoparticles can convert fabrics into
tion of an oppositely charged polye-
sensor based materials. If nanocrystal-
lectrolyte(Figure 7). The amount of
line piezoceramic particles are incor-
adsorbed material is self limiting by
Figure 8. The cross section of silver coated microfiber[16]
porated into fabrics, the finished fabric can convert exerted mechanical
the charge density of the substrate [1].
particles in 3D inorganic nanopartic-
forces into electrical signals enabling
For finishing purposes, another lea-
les for functional finishes can improve
the monitoring of bodily functions
ding technology is chemical oxidative
electrical conductivity, antimicrobial
such as heart rhythm and pule if they
deposition technology, which deals
properties, refractive index, UV ab-
are worn next to skin[1,7].
with the deposition of Conducting
sorption behavior, strength, transpa-
Silver nanoparticles used in antimicro-
Electroactive Polymers (CEP) onto dif-
rency and odor-neutralization charac-
bial and odor control finishes are ma-
ferent kinds of fibers and textiles, re-
teristics of fibers, coated or finished
nufactured either from ion beam
sulting composite materials with high
fabric surfaces. There are two main
sputtering of a silver target or from
tensile strength and good thermal
approaches for the synthesis and fab-
precipitation of a silver salt soluti-
stability .Furthermore, Surface poly-
rication of nanostructures. The bot-
on[7]. Deposition of silver nanopartic-
merization of CEP (Graft copolymerization) of polymer fibers has a potential to increase the conductivity almost 10 times by decreasing the elec-
Platinum and palladium nanoparticles impart catalytic properties such as decomposition of harmful gases or toxic industrial chemicals.
trical resistivity . Such coated polyme-
tom up approach promises obtaining
les imparts antibacterial properties
ric composite materials can be used in
nanostructures with fewer defects
while gold nanoparticles allow the
microwave attenuation, EMI shiel-
and more homogenous chemical
use of molecular ligands so that the
ding, and dissipation of static electric
structures. The top down approach is
presence of biological compounds in
charge. Hence, they can be useful for
more likely to introduce internal
the surroundings is rapidly detected.
military applications, e.g., camoufla-
stress, surface defects and contami-
Platinum and palladium nanoparticles
ge, stealth technology, etc. The newly
impart catalytic properties such as de-
developed micro encapsulation tech-
Nanoparticles are dispersed in finis-
composition of harmful gases or toxic
nique is being used in textile industry
hing or coating media, and then fi-
industrial chemicals. Metal oxides na-
for flame or fire retardant (FR) agents.
nish or coating films are formed by a
noparticlespossess photocatalytic and
Microcapsules containing silver nano-
suitable sol/gel technique. Inorganic
antibacterial activity and ultraviolet
particles (Silver Cap) are also being in-
nanoparticles are manufactured by
absorption properties[18].
vestigated for providing anti-microbi-
the latter technique with aerosol pro-
al effects[5].
cesses: flame hydrolysis(nanosilica, ti-
Antimicrobial finishes
Silver ions have a broad spectrum of
pyrolysis(carbon black), gas conden-
antimicrobial activities. They are belie-
Nanoscale fillers can be grouped into
sation(TiO2, Al2O3, CuO, CeO2, ZnO, ZrO2, Fe2O3,), laser ablation, etc. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2
ved to get bound to protein molecu-
three categories: fiber, plate like and three dmensional,3D, fillers. Nano-
tekstil teknoloji 62
les, inhibiting cellular metabolism and leading to the termination of the
ter. Cellulosic fibres have higher moisture content to carry away static charges, so that no static charge will accumulate. As synthetic fibres provide poor anti-static properties, research work concerning the improvement of the anti-static properties of textiles by using nanotechnology were conducFigure 10. The surface of material coated with nanoparticles[20]
ted. It was determined that nano-sized titanium dioxide, zinc oxide whis-
growth of microorganisms. On acco-
kers, nano antimony-doped tin oxide
unt of its nontoxic nature, nanosilver
(ATO) and silane nanosol could impart
is a biocompatible and can be used to
anti-static properties to synthetic fib-
reduce bacterial counts on nonwoven
der UV irradiation to catalyse the
materials such as air and water filters,
res. TiO2, ZnO and ATO provide antistatic effects because they are electri-
medical clothing and textile woven
cally conductive materials. Such mate-
cellulose molecule and the acid. On
fabrics that come into direct contact
rial helps to effectively dissipate the
the other hand, nano-silica was appli-
with human skin[18].
static charge which is accumulated on
ed with maleic anhydride as a ca-
Ultraviolet-protection finishes ZnO nanoparticles score better than
Figure 10. The surface of material coated with nanoparticles[20]
cross-linking reaction between the
The nanoform of ZnO will enhance UV blocking properties due to the increased surface area and intense absorption in the UV region
other nanoparticles in terms of cost effectiveness, whiteness and UV bloc-
the fabric. On the other hand, silane
talyst; the results showed that the
king properties. The nanoform of ZnO
nanosol improves anti-static properti-
application of nano-silica with maleic
will enhance UV blocking properties
es, as the silane gel particles on fibre
anhydride could successfully improve
due to the increased surface area and
absorb water and moisture in the air
the wrinkle resistance of silk[19].
intense absorption in the UV regi-
by amino and hydroxyl groups and
bound water.
Easy care finishes If the critical surface tension of a solid
Wrinkle resistance
fabric is greater than or equal to the
Static charge usually builds up in
To impart wrinkle resistance to fabric,
surface tension of a liquid, the liquid
synthetic fibres such as nylon and pol-
resin is commonly used in conventio-
will wet the fabric. Fluorocarbons are
yester because they absorb little wa-
nal methods. However, there are limi-
organic compounds consisting perflu-
tations to applying resin, including a
orinated carbon chain. They tend to
decrease in the tensile strength of fib-
decrease the surface tension of the
re, abrasion resistance, water absor-
bency and dyeability, as well as breat-
TiO2 coatings have received much at-
hability. To overcome the limitations
tention as photocatalysts in practical
of using resin, some researchers emp-
applications such as environental pu-
loyed nano-titanium dioxide and na-
rification, deodorization, sterilization,
no-silica to improve the wrinkle resis-
antifouling and self cleaning glass,
tance of cotton and silk respectively.
owing to their high oxidizing ability,
Nano-titanium dioxide was employed
non toxicity, long term stability and
with carboxylic acid as a catalyst un-
low cost. Titania coated cotton texti-
Figure 11. Photocatalyst [21]
tekstil teknoloji 63
by introducing proper roughness on a material’s boundary having low surface energy .The roughness as well as surface energy are the factors that determine wettability of a surface. It was proved that increasing the surface roughness enhances both hydrophilicity of hydrophilic surfaces and hydrophobicity of hydrophobic surfaces. Therefore, addition of nanoparticles to the hydrophobic/hydrophilic functional polymers will improve the properties of the polymer with additional incorporation of the functional properties of nanoparticles(Figure 10)[14]. Alay et al. studied the effect of plasma treatment of cotton fabrics on fluorocarbon-based water-repellent finishing. It was found that the hydrophobicity of the fabric is significantly improved after plasma pretreatment and the hydrophobic character is maintained even after five washings with contact angle higher than 120°. Superhydrophobic surfaces have considerable technological potential for textile applications due to their extreme water repellent properties. Finished surfaces with a high contact angle can also exhibit a self-cleaning effect. Extremely waterrepellent superhydrophobic surfaces can be produced using roughness of nanoparticles combined with hydrophobicity of polymer matrix[14,16].
Figure 12. Examples of nanoapplications in textiles[22].
les possess significant photocatalytic
micro protrusions and hydrophobic
self cleaning propertiees such as bac-
wax covering the surface(Figure 9). A
tericidal activity, colourant stain de-
surface with receding and advanced
composition and degradation of red
water contact angle above 150° is
wine and coffee stains[18]. Lotus lea-
considered to be ultrahydrophobic. In
ves are unusually water-repellent and
fact, surfaces with water contact ang-
keep themselves spotless due to
le more than 150° can be developed
tekstil teknoloji 64
Figure 9. AFM surface topography of lotus leaf and nanostructured surface[16] Photocatalytic self-cleaning textiles based on nanocrystalline titanium dioxide The nanocrystalline TiO2 coatings(Fi-
notreated fabrics can be spill resistant, stain proof, wrinkle resistant and static proof[9]. Resists Spills was one of the first nanotreatments offered by Nano-Tex. It can be applied to cotton, polyester, wool, silk or rayon. Stain release was designed to mimic the natural characteristics of a plant’s leaves. The surface of most leaves is hydrophobic. In a rain shower, water droplets roll off the leaf’s surface—carrying away contaminants(Figure 13). A leaf’s surface is also rough, decreasing the surFigure 13. Mechanism of lotus effect [23].
face’s ability to soak up water. Like a
gure 11) that can chemically break
free treatment using moisture-wic-
leaf’s surface, treatments have been
down adsorbed organic contaminants
king technology; (c) stain resistance
developed to make the fabric ultra-
in sunlight have received much atten-
and oil repellent treatments; and (d)
tion1 due to their potential applicati-
“nanobeads” to carry bioactive or an-
might eventually replace conventional
ons ranging from window glass and
ti-biological agents, drugs, pharmace-
fluorochemical based finishes cur-
cement to textiles. Self-cleaning paint
uticals, sun blocks, and even textile
rently used to provide water repel-
is currently available in Europe, and
dyes by developing the novel nano-
lency. After applying the Resists Spills
self-cleaning window glass has made
technologies (Nano-Care, Nano-Pel,
treatment, the fabric becomes both li-
an impact, with several multinational
Nano-Touch and Nano-Press techno-
quid repellent and stain resistant(Fi-
glazing companies marketing pro-
logy)[5]. Nano-Tex treatments are
gure 14). Without ever penetrating
Resists Spills was one of the first nanotreatments offered by Nano-Tex. It can be applied to cotton, polyester, wool, silk or rayon.
the fabric, liquids such as coffee, wine, water and salad oil bead up and roll off the fabric.
ducts. In recent years, some other
applied to a fabric in a "bath." As the
Coolest Comfort
TiO2-based self-cleaning products
fabric goes through the bath, nano-
Coolest Comfort was released in De-
such as ceramics and plastics have be-
particles come in contact with the fi-
come commercially available. The na-
bers of the fabric. When the fabric is
noscaled TiO2 contained in these products can decompose organic conta-
cured or heated – the nanoparticles
minants and kill bacteria adhering to
bers. Treatments are permanent and
the surfaces under UV irradiation[21].
do not jeopardize the aesthetic cha-
Commercialization of nanofinishing
racteristics or mechanical properties
and nanofibers in textiles
of the fabric. Treatments can be app-
One of the leading companies to imp-
lied to a number of fibers including
lement the nano-technology is Nano-
cotton, polyester, silk and wool. A va-
TexTM. They have developed several
riety of enhancing characteristics can
fabric treatments such as (a) perma-
be imparted to the fabric through the
nent anti-static treatment; (b) wrinkle
application of special treatments. Na-
spread out evenly and bond to the fi-
tekstil teknoloji 66
Figure 14. The lotus effect [24].
Figure 15. Shark-skin swimming suit[18].
cember 2000. It was initially designed for synthetics. A Coolest Comfort treatment imparts superior wicking properties to a previously hydrophobic synthetic. The treated fabric pulls away perspiration from the body allowing the wearer to stay dry and com-
barrier and into the fabric, the paten-
lency on cotton
ted release technology frees it from
NANO-PEL for fabric that breaths yet
the fibers during a typical home laun-
remains liquid and stain repellent
dering cycle.
NANO-DRY for enhanced fabrics able
Products which utilize Nano-Tex treat-
to move perspiration awa from the
ments meet environmental, health
body, while drying quickly
and safety standards mandated by
NANO-TOUCH which gives man made
the U.S. Environmental Protection
fabrics the feel and comfort of natu-
Agency, the Occupational Safety &
ral fabrics
Health Administration and the Consu-
NANO FRESH capture body odor
mer Product Safety Commission.
NANO-CARE for stain resistance,
Perhaps one of the most widely re-
wrinkle resistance and liquid repel-
cognized applications today is the
fortable. Coolest Comfort is now being applied to resin treated cotton.
Nanotechnology applications in textile fabrics
Resins are applied to cotton fabric to make them wrinkle free. Unfortunately, the resin treatment blocks cot-
Functional finishes (wrinkle, stain and static ressitant fabrics)
Protection against chemical and biological threads
Spinning of functional nanofibers, yarns
Developments of nanocomposites for superior properties
ton’s natural ability to absorb moisture. Coolest Comfort has been specially formulated to restore the natural wicking properties of resin treated cotton.
Smart and medical textiles to support climate control in garments
Functionalized fabrics for UV protection and deodorizing properties
Applications in textile manufacturing processs
Resists Static Resists Static is the first permanent anti-static treatment for synthetic fibers. Not only does it repel static, but the treatment also repels statically at-
Active and casual dresses military combat outfil
tractive substances such as dog hair, lint and dust. Resists Static can be applied to a variety of fabric constructions including rough textured fleece and slick suit linings.
climate control garments electronic textiles jackets, glovs etc
Applictions of nanotechnology in textiles
Camouflage and tents sports wear under garments
Repels and Releases Stains Repels and Releases Stains is applied to
blends. As the name implies, Repels and Releases Stains has a built-in dual treatment. Once liquid comes in
medical fabrics tissue engineering
contact with the fabric, it beads up and rolls off. If liquids get around this
Figure 16. Nanotechnology applications in textile fabrics[5].
tekstil teknoloji 68
composite fabrics and materials protective clothing
shark-skin swimming suit in which the
bility of the cellulose and it could lead
rences, San Antonio, Texas - January 3 - 6, 2006
Olympic swimming champion Michael
to the development of a flame retar-
[6] http://www.landofcotton.com/fc/files/nanodev.pdf
Phelps won several new world re-
dant end-products such as nonwo-
[7] William C. Smith, Smart textile coatings and lamina-
cords. This suit contains a layer depo-
vens, papers, filament fibers, coa-
tes, Woodhead publishing limited, 2010
sited by plasma coating to repel water
tings, etc [5,26].
molecules, designed to help the
Starting 1997, textile industry pione-
swimmer to glide through the water
ers with foresight already using the
with minimum resistance[25].
nanometer particles to coat on yarns,
has developed
fibre and fabric to give innovation to
technology for dynamic climate con-
the industry. There was estimation
[10] V Parthasarathi, Nano technology adds value to tex-
trol, known as “soft shells”, for clot-
that in 2007, the market for the na-
tile finishing, The Indian Textile Journal January 2008 is-
hings and gloves manufacturing that
nometer particles application, electro-
are extremely air-permeable, light,
nic textiles and wearable electronics
[11] http://www.ripublication.com/ijna/ijnav3n2_5.pdf
Recently, Scholler
[12] Tatsuya Hongu, Glyn O. Phillips and Machiko Taki-
A research group in Belgium is exploring the possibility of developing novel yarns by melt extruding a range of nano-additives .
gami, New Millennium Fibers, Woodhead publishing in textiles,2005. [13]
and water & wind resistant. A new
had reached US$13.6 billion and pro-
jacket has been developed by Bugatti
jected to hit US$115 billion in 2012
[14] Sorna Gowri et al, Polymer Nanocomposites for
with a Nanosphere finish, which has
Multifunctional Finishing of Textiles - a Review, Textile
the moisture management features .
The nanotechnology has incorporated
Research Journal, Vol 80(13): 1290–1306, 2010
Nanotech has developed socks contai-
into $32 billion in manufactured go-
ning nanoparticles of silver.
ods in 2005 – more than twice than
Moreover, Nano-filtration membranes
the previous year. In 2014, $2.6 trilli-
[16] http://www.nanomat.de/pdf/nanovision-beringer.pdf
are being used successfully for the
on in global manufactured goods will
[17] http://www.czech-in.org/enf2009/ppt/C1_Schollme-
treatment of dye effluents. These
incorporate nanotech, or about 15%
grafted membranes are capable of re-
of total output[4].
[18] Q. Wei, Surface modification of textiles, Woolhead
moving dyes so that the processed
publishing in textiles,2009
water can be recycled and reused.
[19] http://www.autexrj.org/cms/zalaczone_pliki/1-06-
Strong graphite nanofibers have been
[1] http://www.landofcotton.com/fc/files/nanodev.pdf
developed, which can support large
[2] Cem Günesoglu, Dilek Kut and Mehmet Orhan, Per-
[20] http://www.flickr.com/photos/basf/4837720180/
loads and high pressure at room tem-
forming the Electrospraying Process for the Application of
[21] http://www.autexrj.org/cms/zalaczone_pliki/1-06-
perature. A research group in Belgium
Textile Nano Finishing Particles, Textile Research Journal,
is exploring the possibility of develo-
Vol 80(2): 106–115, 2010
[22] http://www.scint.nl/docs/Smarttextilesscint.pdf
ping novel yarns by melt extruding a
[3] http://www.fruitstree.com/article/the-role-of-nano-
[23] http://www.autexrj.org/cms/zalaczone_pliki/1-06-1.pdf
range of nano-additives . Recently, in-
technology-in-textile-chemicals-industry/ Enhancement of
[24] http://minatuse.eu/pdf/Nanotechnology_applicati-
vestigators at USDA have developed a
technology by which the nanocompo-
[4] Tatiana Laschuk; José Nascimento & Fernando Oli-
sites can be developed by using vari-
veira, Nanotechnologies as improvement of fashion texti-
ety of types/sources of cellulose, such
le design, 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design
[26] http://www.nano.org.uk/articles/28/
as grass, kenaf, cotton fiber, cotton
Conference – Magic World of Textiles, October 05th to
plant material, etc with clays, which is
08th 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia
l e t ? p r o g = n o r m a l & i d = A S -
used as the nanofiller material . Such
[5] Kumar Vikram Singh et al, Applications and future of
composites improve the thermal sta-
nanotechnology in textiles, 2006 Beltwide Cotton Confe-
tekstil teknoloji 69
Tekstil Sanayiinde Spektrofotometre’nin Kullan›m› ve Önemi Menderes Koyuncu Y.Y.Üniversitesi, Van Meslek Yüksekokulu, Tekstil Program›, 1. Girifl
da sinestezi (duyum ikili¤i) iliflkisini
lar›n› gelifltirmifltir[3], [4],[5].
‹nsano¤lu’nun varl›¤›ndan bu güne
Renge görsel alg› olarak yaklaflan
kadar, renk hadisesine bir kullan›m
renk kuramlar› bugünkü anlay›fla ya-
araflt›rmac›lar ise temel alg›lanan
arac›, bir obje olarak bakm›flt›r. Ne gü-
renklerin k›rm›z›, sar›, yeflil, mavi oldu-
zel k›rm›z› bir etek, veya ne tatl› bir sa-
1731 y›l›nda J:C Le Blon boya madde-
¤unu öne sürmüfllerdir. Renkler çö-
r› kazak deyip geçmifltir. ‹lerici görüfl,
si (pigment) k›rm›z›, sar› ve mavinin
zümlendi¤inde renklerin özü sar› ya
hissedifl sahipleri (empresyonistler)
temel renkler oldu¤unu bulmufltur. Le
da mavi oldu¤u, tonu parlakl›¤›, aç›k-
rengin farkl›l›¤›n› hissederek çal›flma-
Blon 1759 y›l›nda yay›mlad›¤› renk ko-
l›¤›, koyulu¤unu, renk de¤eri (yo¤un-
lar yapm›fllard›r. Hepsinin temel ç›k›fl
nusundaki tezi bugünkü üç temel
lu¤u) ise ar›l›¤› ve gücü belirtti¤ini
noktas› ›fl›k sistemidir.
renk kuram›n›n kaynad›¤› olmufltur.
söylemifllerdir. Renkler s›cak ve so¤uk
Eski ça¤larda Pythagoras, platon, Aris-
Bu kuram bir çok bilim adam›, sanatç›
renkler olmak üzere ve birincil, ikincil,
totales ve Plinius gibi yazarlar rengin
ve düflünür taraf›nda tart›fl›lm›flt›r.Bu
üçüncül renkler olmak üzere s›n›flan-
do¤as› üzerinde tart›flmalar ve temel
tart›flmac›lardan ressam Philippe Otto
d›r›l›r. Örne¤in, sar›, k›rm›z›, turuncu
renklerin toprak, atefl, hava ve su gibi
runge ve flair Johann Wolfgang Von
s›cak renkler olarak tan›mlan›r ve alg›-
temel ö¤elerin biçimleri oldu¤unu ile-
Goethe iser yaln›zca mavi ve sar›y› te-
lan›rken, mavi, yeflil, mor so¤uk renk
ri sürmüfllerdir. Rönesas’ta Leonardo
mel renk olarak kabul etmifllerdir.[2]
olarak tan›mlan›r. ‹nsan gözü so¤uk
Da Vinci ayn› görüflü savurarak, sar›-
1756 y›l›nda Morris Harris a tüm renk-
renk ayr›m›n› daha az yapabildi¤inden
n›n rengin topra¤a yeflil rengin suya,
leri içeren ilk dairesel flemay› Natural
görebildi¤i s›cak renk say›s› daha faz-
mavi rengin havaya, k›rm›z› rengin
Systen of Colours adl› kitab›nda yay›n-
atefle ve siyah›n karanl›¤a ait oldu¤u-
lam›flt›r. 1810 y›l›nda Goethe bir da-
Gelifltirilmifl bir renk küresinde orta
nu yazm›flt›r. [1]
iresi ve üçgeni, Runge ise tüm renk,
çizgide birincil ve ikincil renkler, mer-
Buradan anlad›¤›m›z ve ç›karma yap-
ton, pastel ve gölgelerin bir arada dü-
keze do¤ru üçüncül renkler, merkez-
t›¤›m›z olgu, rengin; bir yerde tabiat›n
zenli bir biçimde yer ald›¤› renk küre-
de gri, kutuplar›n birinde beyaz, di¤e-
ve bir anlamda da hayat›n kendisi ol-
sini tasarlam›flt›r. 1839 y›l›nda Frans›z
rinde siyah vard› [5]
du¤unu söyleyebiliriz.
kimyac› Michel- Eugene Chevreul te-
Renklerin sistematik olarak s›n›fland›-
r›lmas› ilk olara 1666 y›l›nda Isaac
1898’de Albert H. Munsell renk flema-
1.1. Renk Kavram› Ve ‹nsan Yaflam›nda Etkisi
Newton renk çemberi ile bafllar. New-
Renk; göze gelen bir ›fl›k tesiridir. Ifl›-
ton tüm renklerin beyaz ›fl›k içinde
¤›n bir materyale çarpmas› ve yans›-
atom ›fl›nlar› olarak içerdi¤ini öne sür-
yan ›fl›nlar›n gözümüzde meydana ge-
müfltür. Yedi temel rengi yedi gezege-
tirdi¤i duyumlar›n her birine renk de-
ne ve müzikteki yedi notaya ba¤lam›fl
nir. Üç sistemde ele al›n›r. 1) Psikolo-
ve k›rm›z›, turuncu, sar›, yeflil, mavi,
jik sistem: Bu sistemde renk, beyinde
mor’u temel renkler olarak göstermifl-
uyarlanan bir duyumdur. 2) Fizyolojik sistemde renk; çeflitli dalga boylar›n-
tir. Kandinsky ise, renkler ve sesler aras›n-
fiekil.1. Rengin üç sistemde ele al›n›fl› ve rengin beyinde alg›lanmas›
tekstil teknoloji 70
daki ›fl›klar›n göz retinas› üzerinde sinirler vas›tas›yla meydana getirilen bir
¤› görülecektir.
dü¤ünüzde de o kadar zevkli ve renk-
3) Fiziksel sistemde renk; ›fl›k spektru-
Düflünüldü¤ünde, insan›n zekas›, ye-
lisiniz. Kaderin s›n›rlar›ndan biridir
mu ile ölçülen rakamlarla belirtilen bir
tene¤i, zevkleri, hangi tatlardan hofl-
renk. Hepimiz s›n›rlar›m›zla do¤ar›z,
olayd›r. Ifl›¤›n hangi dalga uzunlu¤u-
lanaca¤› ve hangi renklere düflkün
büyüdükçe bu s›n›rlar›m›z› alg›lar›z.
nun hangi oranda bulundu¤u esast›r.
olaca¤› daha do¤du¤unda bellidir.
‹nsan bu s›n›rl›l›klardan büyüdükçe bi-
Fizikçiler, rengi optik bir hayal olarak
De¤iflmez bunlar, çocukken ne ise bü-
raz s›k›l›r yapamad›klar› için üzülür ve
tan›mlar ve fizik bak›m›mdan renk,
yüdü¤ünde de odur. Bir insan yedisin-
kadere yüklenir. Zevkler ve renklerde
titreflimde ›fl›k dalgalar›ndan ibarettir.
de ne ise yetmifline de odur atasözün-
böyledir. Öyle e¤itimli insanlar görü-
Her renk belirli dalga boylar›nda görü-
deki gibi. Kader denilen fleyde bu, biz
rüz ki zevksizdir[6]. Belki, onun için
lürler örne¤in k›rm›z› 700nm dalga
do¤arken çizilen s›n›rlar. Hangi alan-
derler, zevkler ve renkler tart›fl›lmaz
boyunda mor 380-400nm dalga, ye-
larda dolaflaca¤›m›z daha bafltan belli-
diye. Çünkü renk bir kaderdir, do¤ufl-
flil 550 nm dalga boyunda görülür[5].
tan bellidir. Bunu içindir ki birçok
Bu nedenle renk anlam› üç sistemde
Zaten insanlar, binlerce y›llardan beri
renkle ilgi çal›flmalarda, renk tan›m›n-
ele al›n›r:
bunu tart›fl›r. Hayat›m›z›n ne kadar›
dan bahsedilirken renk bir hayatt›r de-
a) Ifl›k kayna¤›
kader taraf›ndan belirlenir, ne kadar›
b) Madde
bizim taraf›m›zdan kendi hayat›m›z›n
c) Sa¤l›kl› bir göz
ak›fl›nda ne kadar söz sahibiyiz. Kade-
2. Spektroskopi:
Günümüzde birçok kurulufl renklerin
rin daha a¤›r bast›¤›na inan›yorum.
Spektroskopinin temelleri 1665-1666
gizemli gücüne inanm›fl ve bu gücü
Örne¤in yetenek do¤du¤umuzdan
y›llar›nda, ›fl›¤› bir prizmadan geçire-
gerek ürün ve gerekse de hizmet pa-
daha fazlas› olamaz. Büyüdü¤ümüzde
rek K›rm›z›dan, Mor’a do¤ru yedi ren-
zarlamada kullanm›fllard›r. Örne¤in;
onu biraz gelifltirebiliriz, belki kullan-
ge ay›ran Newton taraf›ndan at›lm›fl-
kasaplar›n et reyonlar› duvarlar›n›n ye-
may› ö¤renebiliriz ama sahip oldu¤u-
flil renk olmas›, etin taze ve k›rm›z› gö-
muz yetene¤i ne azaltabilir nede ço-
19 yüz y›l›n›n sonu do¤ru ‹ngiliz fizik-
rünmesini sa¤lamas›ndan ötürüdür.
¤altabiliriz. Açaca¤›n›z çiçek tohumu-
çi James Clerk Maxwell ›fl›¤›n elektro-
Lokantalar›n, pastanelerin turuncu,
nuzun içinde tafl›d›¤›ndan büyük ola-
manyetik teorisini kurarak, elektro-
ve siyah tonlarda boyanm›fl
maz. Yani çocukken hangi zevkler-
manyetik dalgalar›n varl›¤›n› matema-
olmas› ifltah› art›raca¤› bilindi¤inden-
den, renklerden hofllan›yorsan›z büyü-
tiksel olarak kan›tlad›.1888 de Alman
dir. Ma¤azalar›n dekoru ve ambalaj
fizikçi Heinrich Hertz taraf›ndan de-
renkleri olmak üzere bilerek veya bil-
neysel olarak gösterildi. Bu çal›flmalar
meyerek uyum yakalamaya ve ürünle-
sonunda trikromatik renkli re prodük-
ri belli renkler ile özdefllefltirmeye çal›-
siyonun ve kolorimetrenin temelini or-
flarak sat›fl› art›rm›fllard›r. Birçok kuru-
taya koymufltur[7].
lufl da fark›nda olmadan renklerin gü-
Elektromanyetik spektrumundaki ›fl›n-
cünü kullanmaktad›r Herhangi bir al›fl
lar›n madde ile etkileflmesinin incelen-
verifl merkezinde bir sürü ürünün ba-
mesine spektroskopi denir. Spektros-
fl›nda durup bir seçim yaparken bilin-
kopi ile çok bileflenli kar›fl›mlar›n kim-
çalt›m›z› renkler yönlendirmektedir
yasal analizi çok k›sa surede ve en az
[5]. En basit bir flekilde, içeceklerin ve-
hata ile yap›labilmektedir.
ya yiyeceklerin üzerindeki renkli am-
manyetik ›fl›ma ile madde aras›ndaki farkl› etkileflmelere dayan›larak geliflti-
balaj ka¤›d›n› ç›kar›ld›¤›nda, içme veya yeme iste¤inin kendili¤inden kalkt›-
fiekil 2. Ifl›¤›n prizmadan geçirilmesi ile k›rm›z›dan- mora do¤ru renk tayft›
tekstil teknoloji 72
rilen spektroskopilerden baz›lar›; IR
(K›z›l ötesi) spektroskopsi, .UV-VIS (mor ötesi ve görünür bölge) spektroskopisi, RS (Raman) spektroskopisi, MS (Mössbauer) spektroskopisi, NMR (Nük.Mag. Res.) spekroskopisi,ESR (elektron spin rezonans) spektroskopisi, AS (auager) spektroskopisi [8] Is›t›larak ya da ›fl›nlanarak yani fotonlarla bombard›man edilerek uyar›lan bir maddenin yayd›¤› ›fl›nlar›n analiz edilmesine yayma (emission) spektrumu, madde üzerine sürekli gönderilen ›fl›nlardan maddeyi geçebilenlerin analiz edilmesinden ise so¤urma (absorption) spektrumu elde edilir. ‹flte spektroskopik çal›flmalar s›ras›nda madde taraf›ndan absorplanan veya yay›lan ›fl›nlar›n dalya boylar›n›n belirlenmesine spektrofotometri denir[8]. 3. Tekstil Sanayinde Spektrofotometrenin Kullan›m› Tekstil sanayi iflletmelerinde, boyahanenin ayr› bir önemi vard›r. Bu sanayi bir vücut gibi düflünülürse, boyahane bu vücudun kalbidir. Di¤er üniteler, buradan gelecek boyal› elyaf›n durumuna göre üretime bafllar. Bu nedenle boyahane de boyanacak elyaf›n daha önce bir reçetesi haz›rlanmam›fl ise, laboratuarda istenilen renkte numune h›zl› bir flekilde tutturulmas› ve reçetesi haz›rlanmas› zorunludur. Bu ifllem, ne kadar tecrübeli elemanlar taraf›ndan yap›lsa da zaman almakta çok küçük de olsa bazen hedef numune aras›nda nüans farklar› olabilmektedir.
fiekil 3. Spektrofotometre ile renkli elyaf›n L?a? b? de¤erlerinin ölçümü
tekstil teknoloji 73
de¤erler yard›mc› olabilmektedir.
Kakynaklar [1] www.wikipedia.org. (01/03/ 2007) [2] www.geocities.com (01/03/2007) [3]www.munecc›m. com (19/01/2009) [4] www.renkcenter.com (16/01/2009) [5] Dölen, E., 1992. Tekstil Tarihi, Marmara üniv. Teknik E¤itim Fak. 92/1. 458-475.‹stanbul. [6] Altan, A., 2007. Çocukluk ve kader, Pazar Hürriyet, Hürriyet gazetesi,29 Temmuz, 2007. [7] Dölen, E., Reprodüksiyon Kimyas›, Marmara Üniv. Teknik E¤itim Fak. 94/11. 47- 49. ‹stanbul. [8] Gündüz, T., 1986. Instrümental Analiz Ders kitaTablo 1. Standart numune ile hedef numunenin CIE L*a* b* uzay sisteminde L*a*b* ölçüm de¤erleri
b›, Ankara Üniv. Fen Fak. Yay›nlar›,46 -154. Ankara. [9] Konica minolta,2004. Prec›se Color Communica-
Spektrofotometre cihaz› ve yaz›l›m
Bu ölçümlerin anlam› CIE L*a* b*
program›, yukar›da belirtilen boyaha-
uzay sisteminde anlam› fludur: delta L
ne olumsuzluklar›n› ve çal›flandan
= 0.50 yani + de¤erde oldu¤u için he-
meydana gelebilecek hatalar› minimu-
def numune standart numune göre
ma indirgemektedir.
daha koyuda, delta a* = -2.22 hedef
Cihaz›n ilk önce siyah ve beyaz kalib-
numune standart numune göre daha
rasyonu yap›larak s›f›r noktas› tesit
yeflil ve delta b* = -3.00 hedef numu-
edilir. Hedef numune flekilde görüldü-
ne standartta göre daha mavi oldu¤u
¤ü gibi cihaz›n numune k›sm›na konu-
yorumu yap›l›r[10], [11]
larak okumas› yap›l›r ve ölçümün L*a* b* c*h* de¤erlerine ulafl›l›r.
[10] Koyuncu, M., Kul, A.R., Van ve Hakkari ‹li kilimlerinde kullan›lan bitkisel boyamalardan kök boya, ceviz kabu¤u, sumak, k›z›la¤aç, nane, ve so¤an kabu¤u ekstrakt› ile boyanan atk› ipliklerinin y›kama hasl›klar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›, Tekstil Teknolojileri ve Tekstil makineleri kongresi, 11-12 kas›m 2005, Gaziantep, Turkey, 2005, pp.177-183. [11] Koyuncu, M., 2007. Investigation of Colorimetric Properties of Woolen Yarn Dyed with Rheum Ri-
4. Sonuç
bes Plant Root Extract, Asian journal of chemistry.
• Spektrofotometre cihaz› ve yaz›l›m Burada L (Lightness); Aç›kl›k-Koyuluk
program›; gözün ve beyinin ortak ça-
eksenindeki noktas›, a* (Green- Red
l›flmas› sonucu oluflan rengi, say›sal
axis); Yeflil - k›rm›z› eksenindeki nok-
de¤erlere dökerek, rengin özel de¤er-
tas›, b? (Blue – Yellow axis) mavi - sa-
lendirmesini, nesnel de¤erlendirebil-
r› eksenindeki noktas› c* ( Chromati-
me haline getirmifltir.
• Tekstil sanayiinde, boyahane Labo-
noktas›, h*(Hue); CMC-LCH Renk
ratuar›nda renk tutturma ve reçete
uzay›nda rengin aç›sal olarak bulun-
haz›rlama iflinde çal›flanlar, nüans
du¤u noktay› gösterir.
farklar›n› say›sal de¤erlerle yani somut
Bu verilerden yola ç›k›larak tablo 1’de-
ifadelerle aç›klamak flanslar›na sahip
ki verilerde görüldü¤ü gibi örnek ve
hedef numune aras›ndaki delta L, del-
• Spektrofotometrenin kullan›m› ile
ta a ve delta b de¤erlerinin fark›na
hedef numunenin, CIE L*a* b* de-
¤erleri okunarak renk tutturmada bu
tekstil teknoloji 74
Vol.19(5) 4043-4051.
fiekil 4.L?a? b? Lightness ve kromatik diyagram
Spectrophotometer of use and Importance in Textile Industry Menderes Koyuncu Yuzuncu Y›l University, Van Vocational School of Higher Education, Department of Textile 1.Introduction Mankind's existence to this day, use of color incident to a vehicle, has been regarded as an object. What a beautiful red skirt, or a yellow jersey in the history of what is sweet. Progressive point of view, leaving owners feeling (in Impressionists) were conducted by feeling the color difference. All of the main starting point is the lighting system. In ancient times, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, and authors like Plinius debate on the nature of color and basic color of earth, fire, air and water are the basic elements of the format suggested. Leonardo Da Vinci Rönesas'ta tossing the same view, the yellow green color, the color of the ground water, the blue color, air, fire red and black belong to the darkness has written. [1] We do understand and remove the case here, the color and one location in a sense of nature and life itself seems to be The first systematic classification of color in 1666 to Isaac Newton's color circle that starts with. Newtonian atoms of all the colors in white light rays have been suggested as containing., the seven Seven basic colors notes of music and connect to the seven planets, and red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple has been shown as the main color Kandinsky, the color and tone between synesthesia (a sense of duality), current understanding of color theory in relation to the start kurmufltur.18yüzy›ldan become close In 1731 J: C. Le Blonde dye (pigment) in red, yellow and blue primary colors are found. Le Blonde, released in 1759 for a thesis about the color of today's three basic color theory that has been boiled. A lot of this the-
ory, scientists, artists, painters and thinkers from contention by Philippe Otto Runge tart›fl›lm›flt›r.Bu poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe isere and only the basic colors of blue and yellow were considered. [2] In 1756 Morris Harris, a first circular diagram containing all the colors of the Natural System of Colours in her book published. In 1810, a circle and triangle of Goethe, Runge all the colors, tones, and pastel shades in one color on a regular basis, where the spheres were designed. French chemist Michel-Eugene Chevreul in 1839 developed the basic color theory. In 1898, Albert H. Munsell color chart developed [3], [4], [5]. Visual perception of color as close to the perceived color of the researchers, the basic red, yellow, green, blue, they argued. Is resolved in the colors yellow or blue color is the essence of the tone of the brightness, clarity, consistency, color value (density) indicates the purity and strength were saying. Warm and cold colors to color and primary, secondary and tertiary colors to be classified. For example, yellow, red, orange, while warm colors and perception is described as blue, green, purple color is described as cold. Human eye could see, it can be less cold color sepa-
Fig. 1. Illumination, Eye, Brain and Red is perceived.
tekstil teknoloji 76
ration is more than the number of hot colors. The center line of a color developed in the sphere of primary and secondary colors, tertiary colors to the center, central gray, and white on one of the poles, there was black on the other [5] 1.1. In Living Color Concept and Influence People Color, a light from the eye is affected. Shock and the reflected light rays into a material that has caused our eyes to each of the color sensations are called. In the three systems will be discussed Psychological System: This system color, a sensation in the brain is adapted. 2) Physiological system colors various wavelengths of light on the retina of the eye is an event that brought to the nerves by caused . 3)The physical system colors in the light spectrum is measured by an event specified in figures Physicists, color, optics and physics, described as a dream of my care, color, vibration consists of a light wave Each color can be seen in certain wavelengths such as violet red 380-400nm wave at a wavelength of 700nm, green is at a wavelength of 550 nm [5]. Because of these three systems are taken in color meaning: a) Light source b) Material c) A healthy eye Today, many organizations believe in the power of color, and this mysterious power of both product and service markets, both were used. For example, the butcher of the wall of the booth to be green, red meat, make it appear fresh. Restaurants, bakeries and oran-
ge, is painted in shades of pink and black are known to increase appetite Packaging colors and decor of the stores to knowingly or unknowingly, and compliance products to capture specific colors were associated with trying to increase sales. Unconsciously, many organizations are using the power of color. A lot of the product in any shopping center, standing and making a selection of our subconscious directs colors [5]. The most simple way, over drinks or food is off-colored wrapping paper, drinking or eating on the request will automatically be lifted. Given that human intelligence, talent, taste, which tastes like and what colors will be keen to be born again he is certain They do not change, what it is, as a child when he is grown. What is a man seventy-seven is the byword on that as well. This thing called destiny, we plotted limits when born Is clear from the outset in which areas we will move. People are already thousands of years to discuss it.Fate is determined by how much of our lives and how much by us in the flow of our own lives what we are up to have a say I believe that the fate of the more serious. For example,
the taste and color is such We see that educated people are so jaded [6]. Perhaps, will say to him, he will not discuss tastes and colors.Because the color is a destiny, is evident from birth. Interest for this study is that in many colors and color definitions are talking about is called a life colors.
Fig. 2 The electromagnetic Spectram.
more talent we can not be born. When we grow we can improve it slightly But perhaps we can learn to use what we have to reduce the ability of what we can multiply.Flower seeds can not be larger than you would carry in your. So what pleasures as a child, when he grows up, if you like colors are fun and colorful This is one of the fate of the border color. We are all born with our limitations we grow our borders as we perceive it. People doing this are limited grow a little tired and sad fate for not loaded
Table.1. The Values of L* a* b Color Space
tekstil teknoloji 78
2. Spectroscopy The foundations of spectroscopy in the years 1665-1666, through a prism of light from the red, purple towards separating into seven colors have been taken by Newton. Towards the end of 19th century British physicist James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light, the existence of electromagnetic waves to the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. 1888 mathematically as shown by the experiments. Trikromatik colored resin production at the end of this work and reveal the basis of the colorimeter [7] Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation interaction with matter is called spectroscopy to examine Spectroscopy and chemical analysis of multicomponent mixtures in a very short period of time and be done with a minimum of errors Electromagnetic radiation and matter between the different interactions based on the developed spectroscopy Some of the IR (infrared) spektroskopsi. UV-VIS (ultraviolet and visible) spectroscopy, RS (Raman) spectroscopy, MS (Mössbauer) spectroscopy, NMR (Nük.Mag. res.) Spectroscopy, ESR (electron spin resonance) spectroscopy, AS (auager) spectroscopy [8] Heating or by radiation by that fotonlarla bombarded by warnings of a substance emitted radiation to analyze emission (emission) spectrum, matter on the continuous delivery of radiation from the material passed analyzed the absorption (absorption) spectra are obtained Here is the article during the
the color of materail so is more slightly. ¢a = -2.22 means that the color of material is more green as target color. ¢b = -3.00 means that the color of material is closer to the +b axis, and so si more yellow as target color.
Fig.3. The L* a* b values measuring with using spectrophotometer
spectroscopic study of radiation emitted by absorplanan or dahlia called spectrophotometry to the determination of size [8]. 3. Spectrophotometer use in Industry Textile industry enterprises, the dye has a different significance This industry is considered as a body, paint shop is the heart of this body Other units, according to the state where the future production of dyed fibers begins. Therefore, to dye the fiber before the dyeing is a prescription not prepared in a laboratory and kept in the desired color in the sample to be quickly prepared and is to be prescribed This procedure, performed by experienced personnel how to take very small, even though it sometimes nuanced differences between the samples can be targeted. Spectrophotometer device and software program, the above-mentioned disadvantages of dye may occur, and employee errors are minimized The first done in black and white zero-point calibration is tesit. As shown in the target sample is placed in the reading portion of the device is value of h is reached? ? b c ? ? ?samp-
ling and measurement of L* a* b* c* h* Where Lightness variable L* Chromaticity coordinates a* and b* Figure 4, shows some of the terms used to describe differences in lightness and chroma , the terms shown in this figure indicate the direction of color difference, but unless an additional modifier is uded , they do not indicate the degree of color difference. –a is the gren direction, +a is the red direction, b is the blue direction and +b is the yellow direction As snown Table 1 . The value of ¢L* = + 0.50 which means that
4. Conclusions Spectrophotometer device and software program, the eye and the color of the brain as a result of joint work, put into numerical values, the color of a special assessment, objective assessment has been made toTextile industry, dye lab and prescription preparation of color keep employees at work, the nuances of difference in numerical values that may have the chance to explain with a concrete expression Spectrophotometer b aware that the values held with the use of the target samples, a CIE L* a* b by reading color values can help References [1] www.wikipedia.org. (01/03/ 2007) [2] www.geocities.com (01/03/2007) [3]www.munecc›m.com (19/01/2009) [4]www.renkcenter.com (16/01/2009) [5] Dölen, E., 1992. Tekstil Tarihi, Marmara üniv. Teknik E¤itim Fak. 92/1. 458-475.‹stanbul. [6] Altan, A., 2007. Çocukluk ve kader, Pazar Hürriyet, Hürriyet gazetesi,29 Temmuz, 2007. [7] Dölen, E., Reprodüksiyon Kimyas›, Marmara Üniv. Teknik E¤itim Fak. 94/11. 47- 49. ‹stanbul. [8] Gündüz, T., 1986. Instrümental Analiz Ders kitab›, Ankara Üniv. Fen Fak. Yay›nlar›,46 -154. Ankara. [9] Konica minolta,2004. Prec›se Color Communication [10] Koyuncu, M., Kul, A.R., Van ve Hakkari ‹li kilimlerinde kullan›lan bitkisel boyamalardan kök boya, ceviz kabu¤u, sumak, k›z›la¤aç, nane, ve so¤an kabu¤u ekstrakt› ile boyanan atk› ipliklerinin y›kama hasl›klar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›, Tekstil Teknolojileri ve Tekstil makineleri kongresi, 11-12 kas›m 2005, Gaziantep, Turkey, 2005, pp.177-183. [11] Koyuncu, M., 2007. Investigation of Colorimetric Pro-
Fig.4. Lightness and Chromaticity Diagram
tekstil teknoloji 79
perties of Woolen Yarn Dyed with Rheum Ribes Plant Root Extract, Asian journal of chemistry. Vol.19(5) 4043-405
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