Telit Communications S.p.A. | Telit2Market international | Issue 01 | July 2006 |
2Market The Telit m2m Magazine
by Oozi Cats:
Telit pushes on the global m2m market Telit’s unique BGA modules Telit World: Applications Analyst Berg Insight: Telit – main challenger on the European m2m modules market wireless solutions
Telit and SIRF join their forces
EUR 25.5 million for Telit from the Italian Ministry of Industry
Making machines talk.
01|06 CONTENT 04
is in it.
Dominikus Hierl, President Telit wireless solutions Oozi Cats, CEO Telit Communications PLC
Telit and SiRF join their forces
The development path Telit’s unique BGA modules Telit’s quality process TTSC - Telit’s technical support centre
How to develop your own m2m application –
Telit continues its success, EUR 25.5 million from the Italian Ministry of Industry
Customer Applications
m2m and automated meter-reading by Chicco Testa, former Chairman of the Board of ENEL
Telit worldwide Distributors corner: Round Solutions
Berg Insight: Abstract of the latest m2m market report
Born from the Friulian tradition Enrico Ruffi
NEWS +++ NEWS +++ NEWS +++ Change of fronts – Telit brings Wavecom sales expert on board. Felix Marchal becomes Telit’s new Vice President Global Sales +++ Tommaso Pompei, CEO of Tiscali and f ormer CEO of Wind It aly has been announc ed as Chairman of the Boar d of Telit Communications SpA +++ Chicco Testa, former Chairman of the Boar d of ENEL, has been announced as Director of Telit Communications SpA +++ The Italian Ministry of Industry has awarded Telit to receive a EUR 11.4 million grant, and has secured a EUR 14.1 million ol an facility. The funds, totaling EUR 25.5 million, were awarded to Telit to invest in a new R&D centre +++
INTRO Dear m2m professional, Telit proudly presents the first issue of T elit2Market,
The globalisation of the m2m business is in full swing
our new customer magazine covering information on
right now. Telit, as a leading pla yer in the mar ket,
the m2m mar ket, introducing new technologies and
understands the ch allenges emanating from this
of course on Telit, who is your competent partner for
wireless solutions.
a global presence to support our customers all around the world is in the process of being set u p. Telit offers
Our magazine will be a pla tform for our partners to
cost-optimised solution packages dedicated to the
present their prod ucts and sol utions to our global
needs of high v olume m2m a pplications, in or der to
readership, in or der to fac ilitate the ex change of
put our partners in a position to cope with the cost
Telit-based applications between global mar kets
pressures arising through new competition from low-
and promote the further business gro
cost markets.
wth of our
customers. In our next issue, w e will be presen ting our updated The market for GPRS products is in a transition period;
global structure and will u pdate you with the la test
market positions are being redefined r ight now. Telit,
product developments from Telit wireless solutions.
with its updated product portfolio offering substantial
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Dominikus Hierl President Telit wireless solutions
cost and performance benefits to customers, is extremely well positioned to accom plish its mission – to become a global leader in most rele
vant m2m
market sectors. Telit has recently opened 10 dedicated sales offices in major European loca tions as w ell as in the US A and Asia to support customers locally and understand the
Dominikus Hierl
specific requirements of the indi vidual markets. The
President, Telit wireless solutions
offices have been staffed with seasoned experts from the wireless m2m industry.
Trieste lighthouse
Join the Vision:
TELIT PUSHES ON THE GLOBAL M2M MARKET by Oozi Cats, CEO Telit Communications PLC
Telit Communications, long established as a man u-
market leader. We are already creating the foundation
facturer of mobile phones, is no
w conquering the
for this with our global mar ket strategy, for example.
global m2m market. This has become possible thanks
Telit markets its products worldwide via sales offices in
to our global stra
Trieste, Tel Aviv, Munich, London, Rome, Madrid, Milan,
tegy, our innov ative products
and our con tinued commitment to research and
Paris, Raleigh North Carolin a, Seoul and C openhagen.
In addition, a global netw ork of leading distr ibutors
m2m mar ket
and is
covering some 50 countries.
demonstrating continuous growth. According to the
Oozi Cats Chief Executive Officer of Telit Communications PLC
latest Gartner report en titled “m2m Cellular Module
Telit targets Asia and the Americas
Market Overview”, the n umber of m2m units sold
Of course, we will not be resting on our successes th at
worldwide rose in 2005 to 9.6 million. This is 63 per
we have enjoyed in Europe. This is beca use, in or der
cent more th an 2004. For 2008, the firm of an alysts
to fulfil our ambitious goals reality , a global mar ket
predicts that the number of units sold will reach 30. 7
presence is essen tial. The core com ponent is our
million – more th an three times as man y as in 2005.
recently announced acquisition of the Sou th Korean
The market will gro w to a v alue of around Euro 914
company Bellwave (Telit APAC). The man ufacturer of
million by then.
CDMA modules currently holds around h alf of the Korean m2m mar ket. With the acquisition, T elit is
On the way to the top
augmenting its portfolio of GSM/GPRS prod ucts with
The consolidation of the global mar ket is progressing
CDMA modules. This is essential in order to address the
– and T elit has now worked its w ay up to fourth
US and APAC markets. Thanks to its extensive expertise
position. In Europe, w e are alread y among the top
in the development of CDMA products, Telit APAC will
3. Tobias Ryberg, Senior An alyst at the m2m an alyst
also in the future act jointly as a mutual R&D partner
firm Berg Insigh t, says about Telit: “Meanwhile, Telit
to our Trieste R&D centre for the development of UMTS
has emerged as the main ch allenger on the European
products. Moreover, Telit APAC will serve as our gateway
wireless modules market with an aggressi ve growth
to the promising m2mM markets in South Korea, China,
strategy. Telit ranks as the thir d largest su pplier of
Taiwan, India, Australia and New Zealand.
wireless m2m modules on the European market.”
In parallel with our acti vities in Asia, w e have also
We have a clear roadma p: in 2010, w e aim to be the
established a foothold on the Amer ican market and
This reduces effort, time and costs assoc iated with
By Yossi Moscovitz
development. As a resul t, we are able to set oursel ves
apart from the com petition, which generally changes the size and sh ape of its mod ules with ne w models. Our customers, ho wever, need mod ules that can be used for years in their applications. Take the atomotive industry, for exam ple: a car alarm should w ork with
Telit has three major technical advantages compared
the same mod ule for as long as the model of alarm
to its com petitors: we are so far the first and onl
is produced. This may be more th an five years. After
By Yossi Moscovitz,
m2m manufacturer that offers its clients a form factor
all, the in vestments in de veloping such an alarm
CTO of Telit
and family concept. All mod ules in a famil y have the
application are high. S ubsequent adaptations would
Communications PLC
same form factors and function ality – the same size,
be extremely expensive. Our family concept provides
the same sh ape, the same connectors and the same
long-term availability of the modules in the market.
SW interface. The advantage for users is self-e vident: all modules in a famil y are in terchangeable. Above
Scalable portfolio
all, customers can easil y replace the mod ules with
Our modules are tailored to v
successor products without changing the application.
and different production lot sizes: for quan tities of
opened a sales office in J un 2006 in Raleigh, North
now access all these functions with a single mod ule.
Carolina. Traditionally the Amer ican market was
This saves our customers time and money in terms of
dominated by Wavecom and Sony Ericsson.
integration and in terms of the production of devices.
Since Wavecom purchased Sony Ericsson in Q1 2006,
In addition, Telit has its own protocol stack. This means
arious applications
there was a lac k of com petition. Telit Americas is bringing competition back to Amer ica with a strong and aggressive offering of a GPRS and CDMA portfolio and some well-known m2m experts.
m2m cellular mobile market forecast through 2008 Millions of Euros
Market advantage through state-of-the-art products Telit now offers the four different product families EZ, GM, GE and GC. From our prod ucts, it is e vident that
Millions of Euros
Millions of Units
600 500
demands perfectly. We also use innovative technologies
from market-leading companies such as Infineon
or SiRF. Our cost-optimised prod ucts are tailored to
the demands of v arious markets and applications. In
the spring of 2006, for exam ple, Telit introduced the
GE864, the w orld's smallest quad-band GSM/GPRS y
30 707.6
functionality and pr ice, they ma tch our customers’
Telit has its finger on the mar ket's pulse. In terms of
module. With this mod ule, we are so far the onl
Millions of Units
555.7 450.0 345.0 270.0
20 20.3
5.9 3.7
5 0
Source: Gartner (May 2006)
Estimated 2005
Estimated 2006
Projected 2007
Projected 2008
module manufacturer to offer a GSM/GPRS mod ule with a BGA assembly concept. that we own the software that we need to de velop or What’s more, w e were one of the first providers
adapt the modules. Unlike many of our com petitors,
worldwide to develop modules that combine GSM/GPRS
we can thus respond flexibly to our customers' wishes.
and GPS in the smallest possible space. Applica tions
This protocol stack is the culmination of a development
that previously depended on se veral modules can
time of more than 400 man-years.
a few thousand units, w e developed the GM famil y,
from the module to the application server – an essential
which offers low outlay and costs for in tegration. For
function for security applications.
applications that are produced in the several hundred thousands, low production costs are the prime concern.
Quo vadis
In this case customers can turn to the GE prod uct range
Our goal is to in tegrate GSM/GPRS, EDGE, CDMA and
with its BGA assembl y concept. The mod ules can be
UMTS products into our prod uct family concept.
assembled like electronic components and integrated
Users can then choose betw een various technologies
easily into the production line. Connectors and cables
for each module – depending on the mar ket in which
are obsolete. For the last two or so years, Telit has been
their application is being used. The main ad vantage
the only manufacturer to offer BGA modules.
is that no ch anges are required to the a pplication. Consequently, Telit supplies modules that can be used
Special features
worldwide without restriction.
One of our key USPs is our embedded function alities.
Thanks to the acquisition of the K orean CDMA expert
One of these is the jamming detection fea
ture, for
Bellwave, we now have access to sophistica ted CDMA
example, which we have integrated into our modules.
technology. We are also working on the development of
This enables users to detect immediately if there is an
UMTS modules that will be launched onto the market
interference preventing the transfer of informa tion
at the end of 2007.
Building on extensive R&D activities
for official certification procedures such as R&TTE/FCC,
Telit has been investing continuously in research and
CE/UL and GCF/PTCRB. This increases the probability
development for many years. In Apr il 2006, we were
for customers of passing certifica tion procedures on
declared eligible to recei ve Euro 25.5 million from
their first attempt.
the Italian Ministry of Ind ustry, comprising a gran t of Euro 11.4 million and a loan of Euro 14.1 million.
Winning team = winning company
We are in vesting this sum in the expansion of a
Telit is a grou p of 250 people and gro
new R&D cen tre in Sar dinia that will be in tegrating
employees feel happy with us since the man agement
complementary technologies such as GPS , Wi-Fi, Wi-
consists of execu tives that made it from the bottom
Max, Bluetooth, ZigBee and RFID. In combination with
up in the m2m mar ket. Those executives understand
these technologies, m2m mod ules are inc reasingly
the market and are able to c reate a winning stra tegy
making their mar k on the ind ustrial and consumer
with respect to prod uct definition and de velopment
electronics market – something th
as well as customer support. This winning team gi ves
at harbours
wing. Our
significant potential for us.
us a tremendous market advantage.
Our commitment to R&D , together with the global
Join Telit wireless solutions
rollout of our stra tegy, is also fin anced by the I PO on
As you can see, the next fe
the London AIM stock exchange in April 2005.
exciting and ch allenging time for us. I in vite you to
w years will be a v ery
join us on our way to the top of the m2m market – as an
Customer is king
investor, customer or employee. We are proud of what
For Telit, the customer al ways comes first. And th at’s
we have achieved so far. The global expansion of our
not just an em pty claim. W e accompany them ov er
sales activities, our con tinuous and high in vestment
the course of se veral years in the de velopment of
in R&D, and last but not least our innovative products
their applications. It should also be remembered th at
all highlight our progress to wards the position of the
Telit has 20 years of expertise in the de velopment of
market leader.
handsets and communications equipment. As a result,
we know and understand the concerns and needs of
system integrators. Customers can also test their
Oozi Cats
terminals in Telit’s own laboratories and prepare them
CEO Telit Communications PLC
wireless solutions TELITNEWS
Telit and the l eading supplier for GPS-location technology SiRF together created a currently unique GSM/GPRS-mo dule with an integrated GPS receiver.
wireless solutions
SiRF and T elit follow the same objecti ves. “Our cooperation was very productive. We intend to provide exceptional sensivity GPS sign al detection while ensuring reliability e ven under ch allenging conditions”, explains K anwar Chadha, founder and vice president of mar keting for SiRF . The in tensive cooperation between the two companies' results in the innovative modules GE863-GPS and GM862-GPS T elit presented at CeBIT 2006 for the first time. “The combination of our T elit GSM/GPRS-technology with the innov ative SiRF GPS function ality in one module and with an ul tra-compact size en ables us to significantly reduce integration efforts and costs” , comments Dominikus Hierl, Presiden t of the T elit wireless solutions Business Unit. This mak
es the
modules very attractive for cost-sensitive applications. Solutions that so far needed to access several modules are now able to retr ieve the GSM/GPRS and the GPS functionalities with one mod ule. With its mod ules, Telit enables cost-effective, easy to use de
vices in
pocket size and th us takes this trend further to the price-sensitive end user market.
SiRFstarIII-technology guarantees increased performance Key element of the unique T elit modules is a highsensivity SiRFstarIII 20-Channel Singlechip GPS receiver of the latest generation developed by the GPSexpert SiRF T echnology. “The SiRF technology is the most innovative and powerful solution available at the market. Moreover it is v ery well compatible with the GSM/GPRS chipsets con tained in the T elit modules”, explains Dominikus Hierl. W ith its small size of 7 mm x 10 mm the chip w as easy to in tegrate into the compact Telit modules. SiRF combines a com plete AGPS digital baseband processor with a RF front end in a single chip. The SiRF receiver is able to track more than 20 satellites at once. Thus, the SiRFstarIII-architecture achieves TTFF (time to first fix) of onl
y one second
in outdoor GSM environments. As it acquires sign als down to -159 dBM, real-time navigation is also possible in challenging environments such as urban can yons and dense foliage. E ven in closed rooms the recei ver yields amazing results.
TELITCOMPETENCE Competencies of Telit Communications S.p.A.
Product Development
Testing and Certifications
Product Specification
Field testing
HW Design
R&TTE/FCC testing
SW Design
CE/UL testing
Mechanical Design
GCF/PTCRB testing
PCB Design
Operator approvals
Production Support
AT commands
Production – Line design and set up Production support
Integration of customerspecific features
Full customisation
Test Equipment for production
Proprietary GSM/GPRS Protocol Stack
THE DEVELOPMENT PATH AT TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A. by Sandro Spanghero Technical development at Telit Communications
Telit wireless solutions - modules
S.p.A. is the fruit of earlier exper ience at Telital and
In this mar ket the most im portant characteristics
subsequently at Telit Mobile Terminals. From 1996 to
are the ability to w ork on the prod uct, total con trol
2002 the engineers working at Telit Communications
of the prod uct, the ability to ada pt it to the clien t’s
S.p.A. were involved in projects th at enabled them
needs and, in con trast to the telephon y market, the
to acquire the kno w-how and technologies th at are
product’s service life. The GSM/GPRS modem th at we
currently the basis of the com
sell is not actually a finished product, but a component
pany’s intellectual
property, its main asset.
of an application that the client develops around the modem itself. This is why in this market it is important
It quickly became a pparent that being dependen t
to rely on in-house skills onl y, so th at products can
on external software houses for the de velopment of
evolve technically, be updated from the technical point
essential components of the prod uct was a ser ious
of view and costs cut, while avoiding all the problems
limitation, so the com pany decided to implement an
of incompatibility with previous versions that would
in-house software development platform.
inevitably occur if a stra
This programme took place in a highly complex series
external products were adopted.
of phases which were only gradually integrated into the
In this con text, the R&D team, curren tly comprising
product, beginning with the user-oriented application
110 engineers with 420 man-y ears of exper ience in
part, followed by the protocol la yers implementing
the field, is working both to maintain and update the
communication with the cell ular network and finally
current product range, and to extend the functions
with the lo west layers of the code con trolling the
built into the current technology platform, developing
new software functionality to expand the com pany’s
In recent years the company updated its plans and in
intellectual property. The curren t in-house pla tform
2002 brought its first GSM / GPRS prod uct to market,
uses Infineon hardware.
all the software of which was developed in house.
tegy based on mar keting
by Bruno Vittori
Advantages – disadvantages
is required. T o bake the mod ules properly, put the
One of the most commonly used packages for the latest
units at 125 ±5° C for 48 hours. All the GE mod ules are
generations of chipsets in consumer electronics is the
compatible with the relevant standard reflow process;
BGA. The main advantages of BGA components are the
this means th at no spec ial requirements are needed
high density of in terconnection for surface unit, the
for applying the thermal profile.
possibility of being used in SM T processes and their good behaviour in high frequency en vironments. For
the same reasons, Telit decided to use the BGA solution
The reflow profile to use is process dependent; anyhow
for its GSM/GPRS modules.
a standard profile gave good results. The only restriction
BGA also h as some aspects, mainl y the difficul ty in
on the SMT process is that the Telit modules can accept
reworking and some particular skill th
only one reflow: so the modules must be assembled on
at needs to
be taken into consideration during the solder ing
the last step of the SMT process of the host PCB.
process. As we shall see, these skills are v ery simple and easy to implement in the assembl y process. First, please
all the technical information you need to know to use Telit products correctly.
Critical Zone TL to Tp
product you are going to use, in w hich you will find
read carefully the Product Description of the relevant
Tsmax Tsmin
Features and handling Let’s now have a look at the BGA Telit modules’ current
ts preheat
t 25°C to Peak
features. The com plete GE famil y is provided with a
Full Grid Array package (different pitches for different models) with lead-free finishing of the solder balls
Profile Feature
Sn-Pb Eutectic Assembly
Pb-Free Assembly
Average ramp-up rate (TL to TP)
3°C/second max.
3°C/second max.
Preheat: - Temperature Min (TSmin) - Temperature Max (TSmax) - Time (min to max)(tS)
100°C 150°C 60-120 seconds
150°C 200°C 60-180 seconds
TSmax to TL: - Ramp-up Rate
3°C/second max.
Time maintained above: - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL)
183°C 60-150 seconds
217°C 60-150 seconds
Peak Temperature (TP):
225 +0/-5°C
245 +0/-5°C
Time within 5°C of actual Peak Temperature (tP)
10-30 seconds
10-30 seconds
you have received the mod ules, check the h umidity
Ramp-down Rate
6°C/second max.
6°C/second max.
indicator first: if the 10 % mar k is coloured, baking
Time 25°C to Peak Temperature
6 minutes max.
8 minutes max.
(some models are a vailable also in the SnPb v ersion). The special packaging of the GE famil
y permits
automatic processing in SMT, and to facilitate this, the modules are provided in tra ys suitable for pic k and place machines; if such opera tions are not possible, the modules can be placed on the host PCB by a BGA reworking machine before proceeding to the ov
Due to the n ature of their com ponents, the modules are moisture-sensitive devices at level 3. For this reason they are provided in moisture-proof barrier bags with desiccant pouches and a humidity indicator card. Once
The typical solder past used toreate c the balls is a Sn/Ag/
For the PCB pad design, the“Non Solder Mask Defined”
Cu alloy. For correct processing of the LF modules, some
(NSMD) type is recommended. Not recommended
rules must be taken into consideration: for example,
is the placemen t of mic rovias not cov ered by solder
using an electroformed and laser-cut electro-polished
resist near the pad, unless the microvia carry the same
stencil will produce the best pr inting characteristics.
signal as the pad itself.
A reduction of stenc il apertures is recommended for minimising solder balling and br idging. The amount
Solder Resist
5-15 % is common. Belo w are some general rules for stencil printer optimisation:
Solder Resist
of reduction required is process-dependen t, however
Non Solder Mask Defined PCB pad
p Solder past bead size: 20-25 um diameter
It is recommended not to place mic rovia without solder
p Print speed: 25-50 mm
resist cover under the GE mod ule and no mic rovia
p Stencil thickness: 120-150 µm
around the pads (see following figure; inner red line).
p Squeegee pressure: 0.018-0.027 Kg/mm (blade length) p Underside stencil wipe: once every 10-25 prints
Solder Resist Opening
Solder Resist Opening
22-28° C
p Solder past stencil life: > 8 hrs @ 30-60 % RH & 1,
One aspect th at has to be tak en into consideration during the design of the a pplication while using a
Solder Resist
Solder Resist
BGA module is the compatibility between the alloy of the BGA pins (solder balls) and the solder paste used for the PCB a pplication. The two types (lead-free and
Recommendations for PCB pad dimensions Ball pitch [mm]
not possible to solder a lead-free mod ule onto a SnPb
Solder resist opening diameter A [mm]
application and vice versa.
Metal pad diameter B [mm]test
1 ± 0.05
By looking at the rules for the development of the PCB
non-lead-free) are not compatible; this means that it is
on which the GE mod ule will be placed, y ou have to note that the surface finishing should be Ni/Au in the case of either Sn/Pb or lead-free solder pastes. The PCB must be able to resist the higher tem
peratures that
Layer Properties thickness (µm) good solderability
Electroless Ni / 3 - 7 / Immersion Au
0.05 - 0.15
protection, high shear force value
occur during the lead-free process. This matter should be discussed with the PCB su
pplier. Generally, the
wettability of tin-lead solder paste on the desc
surface plating is better than lead-free solder paste.
A lot of a pplications for GE mod ules have been developed on some PCBs with differen
t lay-up
structures: 6 la yers with mech anical through-holes (sketch A), 6 la yers with inner via holes and mic rovia holes (sketch B) and a sim ple 4 layer with mechanical through-holes (sketch C).
sketch A
sketch B
sketch C
In order to understand the behaviour of the solder joints between a Telit GE module and an a pplication, some environmental qualification tests were performed.
High temperature test
16h + 85°C
Low temperature test
16h -40°C
Change of temperature test
10 cycle; -40°C / +85°C; t1=t2=2 h (∆T≤5°C/min)
performed before the tests and after; by com paring
Free Fall
height = 1 m, 2 falls on each face
the metallographic sections it is possible to poin
Shock test
30g - 10ms - 20 per axis
out any alterations in the solder join t structure. After
Bump test
25g - 10ms - 4000 per axis
To check the sta tus of the solder join environmental tests, some c
ts after the
ross sections w ere
the complete set of tests, no c racks or other kind of
5 ÷ 10 Hz +30 dB/oct
problems were found, as the pictures show. Random vibration test
10 Hz ASD = 20.5 m2/s3 (0.213 g2/Hz) 10 ÷ 1000 Hz –3 dB/oct 8 hours per axis 5 ÷ 12 Hz 5 mm
Sinusoidal vibration test
12 ÷ 200 Hz 30 m/s2 Swap: 5 ÷ 200 Hz @ 1 oct/min 8 hours per axis
Damp heat test
+ 40°C 95%RH 5 days
X-ray needed or not? Another myth is the fact th at an X-ra y machine is
all the pins of the BGA m ust be in con tact with the
essential for processing BGA com ponents; this is not
relevant solder paste. By follo wing the indica tions
strictly true. Of course, doing an X-ra
y inspection
on the Product Description regarding the pad design
during the first run of the process will hel p ensure a
and process requirements, there is no reason w hy the
quicker definition of the optimal parameters, bu t it
module should not solder correctly.
is not manda tory. Due to its self-cen tring behaviour, incorrect positioning of the com ponent (in a sk ewed
In short, all this information shows that processing a BGA module is not as difficult as some might believe
and in a straigh t direction). The onl y aspect th at
and offers a lot of advantages in terms of re ducing
must be k ept under con trol during the set u p of the
production costs.
the solder process will be also be useful in the event of
processing line is the vertical descent during placement;
by Guido Walcher
Telit’s quality mission in company
processes. F
volves all ocusing
contributions on the wireless sol utions Business Unit’s operations, it provides all the rele vant processes, polic ies and procedures to assure the adherence
Taking care of the emerging wirel ess solutions BU‘s mission vis-à-vis the automotive segment market, quality intends to consolidate the enh ancement of the Quality Management System within Telit towards the ISO/TS 16949 standard.
Telit’s manufacturing processes, directly controlled by
consistent with certifica tions, approvals
the company, are managed by contract manufacturers
of m2m de vices to quality standar
that are certified to ISO-9001:2000 and ISO-14000.
and contractual obligations. Telit,
its highl
consolidated know-how, intends to achie ve best-
High reliability products The high reliability of prod
ucts is assured from
all m2m prod ucts through a sy stematic approach
that emphasises quality in e very phase of prod uct
through a w aterfall phase’s structure, con trolling
development and man ufacturing: from the initial
the quality. All selected com ponents achieve a fin al
in-class quality and reliability performance on
conception to fabr
test and
measurement, monitoring of the
product product
inspections, ne w qualifications
reliability monitoring of finished products. The quality procedure also encompasses all products and services provided to customers; spec ifically the distribution, design and in tegration of services for m2m solutions and customer support. By focusing on the com plete overview of the m2m value chain, the wireless sol utions Business Unit allows us to im plement feedback at every step of the process, enhancing the level of quality of the whole business. The Telit Quality S ystem is modelled on the
lifetime of our clients’ m2m applications. Continuous monitoring of fa ults permits us to im
corrective actions and to furthermore improve product reliability. System Requirements Software Requirements Analysis Program Design Coding
Quality Standar d.
In effect from 1999, it is committed also to en vironment, health and safety
excellence, meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements.
Since 2005, T elit has been im plementing
Multiple testing ph ases during the man ufacturing
programs to red uce the use of h azardous
process until the fin al test of the prod uct guarantee
substances and/or emissions in accor dance
that all our mod ules’ functions are tested properl y
with European Directives ROHS (Restriction
on a 100% basis. Therefore early death is dramatically
of the Use of Certain Hazar dous Substances
reduced and means th at Telit’s products are join tly
in Electrical and Electronic Equipmen t) and
designed with global contract manufacturers in order
is approaching the WEEE (W aste Electrical
to exceed the requirements of an average and usually
and Electronic Equipment) directive.
very low outgoing quality limit.
TELIT´S TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTRE The abovementioned results are a der ivative of Telit’s
m2m integrators require reliable
know-how applied to m2m prod ucts. This is assured
modules and spec ific, professional
by the organisa tional structure th at harmonises
our quality and in tellectual property mission and
The applications that use GSM/GPRS
as a resul t we offer a v alue added sol ution that, in
technology are numerous, varied and
conjunction with con tinual improvement processes,
technically demanding. For this reason
After-sales phase
consolidates our high le vel of quality as one of T elit’s
In the after-sales phase, our Customer
intangible assets.
intensive support in different phases:
Wireless Solutions Business Unit
Acquisition phase
process. A dedica ted support line
Telit manages its wireless sol utions business using a
In the acquisition ph ase by Technical
answers all the enquir ies by email or
process-based approach consisting of da ta analysis,
Sales: a dedica ted team of experts
with metrics that are based on curren t needs, fu ture
offers technical su pport during the
plans and past performance. T elit’s performance is
pre-sales product selection process.
measured and analysed on a periodic basis, favouring
Telit’s sales engineers ad
vise you
Pre-approval measurements in Telit’s R&D facilities
implementations of coun termeasures to achie ve the
in selecting the a ppropriate radio
Our Support Teams, working in
stated objective.
modules for y our application. Our
cooperation with the T
Technical Sales departmen t works
experts, are able to offer further
wireless sol utions
Support and the After-Sales teams help you even after the in tegration
elit R&D
with our customers to coordinate their
technical support such as:
performance metrics that are monitored and analysed
project requirements and hel p put
for conformity and continual improvement.
together the most suitable su pport
Metric variables include:
p Manufacturing pass-through-rates
In order to help our customers to learn
p Internal audits
more about wireless technologies,
p Preventive and corrective action activity
Telit experts sh are their kno wledge
p Customer satisfaction
and experience through a range of
p Warranty failure rates / occurrence of DOA
educational training courses.
Implementation phase
In our anechoic chamber it is possible
During the im plementation phase,
to perform: C onducted RF T est,
our Customer Support Team provides
Radiated RF Test, EMC Emission T est,
support during the en tire module
EMC Immunity Test, Radiated Power
integration phase. Very professional
and Radiated Receiver Sensitivity.
people are assigned to your project and
Telit offers its extensi ve laboratory
share their expertise and kno wledge
facilities to help customers in the pre-
to ensure y our project is com pleted
homologation phase.
plans iden
process and prod
(Dead On Arrival) p After-sales service performance
Product’s Reliability Report Failure Rate (failures per million hours)
FR vs Temperature 6,5 6,0 5,5 5,0
successfully and the time to mar ket
is shortened. C ustomer Support is
Thanks to the comprehensive range of
the interface between customers and
Telit’s support services, you are able to
Telit’s R&D experts and coor dinates
reduce your development times, costs
activities with Hardware and Software
and risks, and remain competitive with
engineers to speed up the integration
products that meet mar ket demands
process of in tegrating Telit products
and employ the latest technology.
20 30 40 Temperature (C)
into the final application.
by Max Lonzar TELIT 2 MARKET
Telit’s customers are companies that design applications and that mak e use of the mos t advanced and suitable technology according to their r equirements. We take this r esponsibility seriously, and all the members of our team, the product managers and the engineers, keep a constant control of the market, to identify the new requirements and to create specific lines of products and maintain their leading position. At the same time, w e are developing our ideas in line with cus tomers’ expectations, a method that often leads us to completely new concepts.
by Marco Contento TERMINAL
EZ10-GPRS Terminal
EZ10-QUAD-PY Terminal
The experience
The features
Telit is a multinational, high-tech company focused on
Making use of a common h
the m2m market, with a know-how of over 20 years in
platform on all products, Telit has been able to optimise
the design, manufacturing and marketing of more than
the development costs, making T
10 million handsets based on different technologies.
extremely competitive from the price point of view.
In 1988, Telit developed the first cellular phone based
The common platform has allowed the main features
on RMST 450 MHz an alogue technology, followed by
that Telit has developed to be available on all products.
ETACS in 1990 and GSM in the 1996. Telit was also one
Quad-band GSM/GPRS class 10 capabilities, integrated
of the pioneers in the GSM Vehicular Communication
TCP/IP/UDP/FTP/SMTP stack, jamming detection, Easy
Systems with its VT125 model in 1996, and in d
Scan®, Easy Sc ript® in P ython (PY and GPS v ersions
mode GSM/Globalstar in 1999.
ardware and softw are elit’s solutions
only) are available on all models, giving the customer’s application extended functionalities at no additional
The technology
With its o wn IPR and its GSM/GPRS protocol stac k software platform, Telit is no w an innov ative and
Protecting the customer’s application
flexible partner for any potential machine-to-machine
The technology of the GSM chipsets is in constan
application. Its length y experience in the h andset
evolution, making curren t technologies quic kly
market has enabled Telit to design com petitive m2m
obsolete. In this regar d, Telit has been able to define
products. The full control of its own GSM/GPRS protocol
a strategy that has proven a demonstrable success.
stack and the AT command in terface allows Telit to
As a ma tter of fact, despite the ch
be at the cutting edge of softw are technology, and to
technology of the com ponents, Telit has been able to
respond very quickly if an y specific customisation
keep the form factor and pin-ou t of the GM862 and
should be necessary.
TRIZIUM, now GE863, unch anged. As a resul t, Telit’s
Telit understands the current and future requirements
solutions allow customers to protect their applications
of the industries, and thus is able to offer a com plete
and make their investments effective.
portfolio of cost-optimised and scalable sol
Telit has understood th at the mar ket requires high
delivering the la test technology from the leading
quality and stable products, not only from a functional
suppliers, such as Infineon and SiRF.
point of view, but from the point of view of mechanical
GM 862-GPS Modem
and electrical characteristics too.
anging internal
The GM862
The GC864
When Telit presented the first GM862 module in 1999,
The new GC864 is der ived from the GE864 and
it was just a simple GSM-enabled device.
represents the smallest GSM/GPRS quad-band module
Now, at the top of the family, the GM862-GPS combines
with an industrial connector on the mar ket. With its
a quad-band, class 10 GSM/GPRS modem with a 20
ultra-compact form factor, it is the perfect engine for
channel, 200,000 correla tor, high sensiti vity (-159
medium-volume m2m a pplications and mobile da ta
dBm) SiRFstarIII™ Single Chip GPS recei ver, for faster
start times and fix.
The GC864 is equipped with an 80-pin Molex boar d-
The GM862-GPS provides access to a full RS232 CMOS
to-board connector and a 50 Ohm Murata GSC type RF
UART, GSM 07.10 compliant, and a ser ial port for GPS
connector. With its 36 x 33 mm dimensions and lo w
NMEA 0183 output. It supports 1.8 and 3 volt technology
profile, the GC864 fac ilitates the design of extremel y
SIM cards and SIM access profiles. Moreov
compact applications.
er, the
GM862 is equipped with an embedded SIM car
GE 863-GPS Embedded
The EVK2
The GE863 famil y represents the e volution of the
The Telit Evaluation Kit E VK2 provides a read y-to-
successful TRIZIUM module. Just like the GM862, a t
go, future-proof and flexible en vironment for the
the top of the family, the GE863-GPS combines a quad-
quick and easy de velopment of a pplications with
band, class 10 GSM/GPRS modem with a 20 ch annel,
Telit’s GSM/GPRS mod ule families, drama tically
200,000 correlator, high sensiti vity (-159 dBm)
reducing the time to mar ket. The kit com prises a
SiRFstarIII™ Single Chip GPS receiver.
motherboard, on top of w hich an adapter board with
The unique Ball-Grid-Array (BGA) mounting technology
the related module is pl ugged. This concept allo ws
of the GE863-GPS offers a v ery low profile and small
it to be used ac ross the boundar ies of v arious form
size; this fac ilitates the design of extremel y compact
factors and prod uct generations, in the fu ture too.
applications. Since all connectors are elimin
The motherboard holds all the basic in terfaces, such
from the connection, the solution cost is significantly
as several power input facilities, a SIM holder , audio
monitor outputs, 2 x RS232 and USB 1.1, as well as Reset
to con ventional
GE863-QUAD Embedded
GE863-PY Embedded
GE 864-QUAD Embedded
GE 864-PY Embedded
and ON keys, representing a reference design for the module’s peripheral circuitry. Jumper settings define
The GE864 – the smallest on the market
the routing of the ser ial interfaces, audio signals and
At the cu tting edge of T elit technology, the GE864
power supply. The PC or D TE sending and recei ving
represents the frontier in terms of size. W ith its 30 x
information over the AT command in terface can be
30 mm dimensions and BGA moun ting technology,
connected to a USB or RS232 socket.
together with its lo w profile, it fac ilitates the design
Adapter boards convert the connection technology
of extremely compact applications. Telit continues to
of the mod ule (board-to-board or BGA solder) in to a
enhance and improve its wireless modules that enable
PTH pin connector. The part of the basic in terfaces is
the customers to design competitive products, reducing
played by the motherboard, whereas specific interfaces
the cost of ma terials. The GE864 is the perfect de vice
according to the type of the module (antenna, general
for dedicated data, voice and telema tics applications
purpose inputs/outputs (GPIO), ADC/D AC, UART
such as telemetry and telecon trol, security systems,
etc.) are a vailable on the ada pter board to connect
automated meter reading, POS terminals, PDAs, mobile
to the user’ s application, extension boar ds or other
computing and others.
development tools or measurement equipment.
GC 864-QUAD Compact
GC 864-PY Compact
EVK2 with GM862 Interface
Evaluation Kit EVK2 for Telit GSM/GPRS-Modules
For detailed information about the product-range, please go to > products > modules TELIT 2 MARKET
M2M APPLICATION? by Milena Miloševi´c
software applications on m2m mod ules has grown
No licence fees or dependence on manufacturers‘ technology
over recent years. The Telit engineers were among the
Easy script is a complete software platform that enables
first to in troduce GSM/GPRS mod ules supporting a
you to develop m2m applications without additional
revolutionary feature called “Easy Script®”.
investment in hardware, licence fees and dependence
It offers the fac ility to run a customer program on
on other man ufacturers‘ technology. It is aimed a t
the Telit modules, writing the controlling application
low-complexity applications where the application is
directly in a high level open-sourced language:
usually handled by a microcontroller that manages I/O
Python ( )
pins through the AT command interface.
The importance of embedding and running proprietary
In order to elimin ate this extern al controller and further simplify the programming of the sequence of operations, Telit modules supporting Easy Script® offer: For programming, Telit chose Python above others since it is known as a dynamic, object-oriented programming
p Python script interpreter engine
language that can be used for various kinds of software
p Around 3MB of non-v olatile memory for users’
development. It offers strong su pport for integration
scripts as well as for data
with different tools, comes with extensi ve standard
p 1.5 MB of RAM reserved for Python engine usage
libraries and can be learned in a few days’ time.
p Integrated TCP/IP stack
Python scripts are text files stored in the NV M inside the Telit module.
FLASH ROM Available User NVM FLASH Memory (3Mbyte)
GSM-GPRS Protocol Stack FLASH ROM memory
Available RAM for Python Interpreter (1.5Mbyte)
RAM for GSM-GPRS modem Protocol Stack
licence + royalty costs
FREE: No licence costs
FREE: No licence costs
not m2m dedicated
dedicated to m2m
Needs powerful processor
Needs powerful processor
and a lot of memory to
and a lot of memory to
low power processor =
be executed
be executedd
low power consumption
Built-in custom modules dedicated to m2m
Operates efficiently with
Reduces the total cost of modules
Over-The-Air update modules is the possibility of updating the customised
This combination makes the mo dule the smallest complete hardware platform for individual customer solutions
application, using the Over-The-Air (OTA) interface. It
Apart from sa ving development time, T elit’s Python
permits even more effic ient remote control systems,
modules supporting Easy Script reduce your costs, as
allowing system integrators to change or update their
the module requires no additional hardware such as a
program wherever and whenever it is needed.
controller, memory or a TCP/IP stack.
Built-in interfaces
This combination makes the mod ule the smallest
Built-in interfaces are dedicated to the communication
complete hardware platform for individual customer
between the P ython script and the T elit module
solutions and the first choice for prod uct developers
functionality. These in terfaces provide the follo wing
looking for an intelligent plug & play solution for m2m
applications. With new features, the T elit module is
p sending and receiving of the data from the network
perfectly designed for a pplications in fields such as
p reading and writing information from the
security and alarm sy stems, meter readings, fleet
Another issue of crucial importance supported by Telit
serial port in the case of GPS or other additional
management, tracing / trac king, remote con trol and
device connected
many others.
p handling general purpose I/O m
uch faster with
direct control of the pins p and finally selecting appropriate timers for customers applications
Over EUR 25 million for Telit: Italian government backs establishment of a new research and development centre
TELIT CONTINUES ITS SUCCESS The Italian Ministry of Industry is providing Telit Communications S.p.A. with a total of EUR 25.5 million to set up a new research and development centre. The sum is comprised of a donation worth EUR 11.4 million and a loan worth EUR 14.1 million. With this move, the Italian government is acknowledging the telecommunications specialists' commitment to the field of machine-to-machine (m2m) communication.
On a market which, according to the latest study by ABI
wireless solutions Business, in order to push ahead the
Research, will grow by 33 per cen t year on year from
development of ne w and sophistica ted products for
2005 to 2010, Telit has already successfully established
wireless communication.
itself with a wide portfolio of versatile m2m modules. The communications experts, who thus far have been
The support that we are getting from the Italian
known primarily for their mobile telephones, h ave
government is hel ping us main tain our position as
their own protocol stac k with GSM / GPRS netw ork
specialists on the l ucrative m2m mar ket. With our
protocols. It is in vesting around 400 man-y ears in
technology expertise and our o
the development of this softw are platform, which
we are able to focus on the further de
enables the company as the sole owner of its software
innovative products for this growth market.
wn protocol stac k, velopment of
to respond flexibly to individual customer needs and
The investments we are currently making in research
The Italian gov ernment is no w supporting Telit's
and development are br inging our goal of becoming
project, which involves expanding its research and
the market leader in the most important vertical m2m
development capacities. Telit wants to use the financial
market sectors e ver closer. Our strong commitmen t
support to expand its team of experts involved with its
to this mar ket is also demonstra
ted by our
€ 86.4m high-profile appearance at the m2m forum in Milan in May, explains Dominik us Hierl, Presiden t of Telit
2005 Revenues Growth of 16% from last year.
2005 Semi Annually (CM)
wireless solutions.
Million Euro
m2m applications can no w be found in a range of industries and sectors – incl uding vending machines, remote reading sy stems (automated meter reading
or AMR), transport and logistics, heal thcare, security
technology and a w ealth of other a pplications. In this context, the requirements on m2m mod ules are growing: they need to be v ersatile in use and th us satisfy users’ increased needs. The in tegration of
complementary technologies a t module level, for
example, will pla y an inc reasingly important role (GPS, Bluetooth, Zig-Bee, etc.). Demand for small and
compact modules for ne w terminals geared to wards the consumer market will also grow (e.g. body function monitoring, localisation and alerts for sick people and
36.6 20.0
navigation). Only by using mod ules that satisfy these c riteria system integrators can develop reliable end prod ucts with an optimised cost-benefits ratio.
2005 Total
Mr. Oozi Cats, CEO:
»We have focused our company’s wireless solutions business unit on the m2m market. This will give Telit an outstanding position and growth in the next years.« TELIT 2 MARKET
System: Know Where Jacket Product: GE863-GPS
Andreas Röpert, CEO:
»We are looking always after components that are very small and provide best-in-class power consumption. With the integrated Telit module, we achieve a seemless integration and very good operation times.«
logistics systems. Data is transmitted from the jac ket by a small, energy-saving Telit module. This integration offers clear benefits for n umerous application scenarios. The w hole textile-integrated system has been minia turised and is u p to 30% lighter than standalone sol utions. It is comfortable and discreet to wear, easy to opera te, protected, safe and therefore less prone to fa ults – not to men tion practically impossible to lose. The integration of electronics in textile prod
opens up new market opportunities in man y areas
Wearable Electronics – a new application for communication solutions
such as leisure and sport, medic ine and health, work
Suits with buil t-in BlueTooth headsets, ruc ksacks
Electronics". The added v alue for the user lies in the
with video control and a jacket that knows where it is
increased mobility and freedom of mov ement and
– electronics is offering a whole range of new functions
the straightforward, convenient operation. These
for our clothing. Interactive Wear AG, founded in 2005
benefits lead to a general inc rease in quality of life
as a resul t of the "W earable Electronics" acti vities of
and well-being, and in the case of w
Infineon T echnologies AG, presen ted innovative solutions for fashion, sport and work clothing at CeBIT.
and security. These products are known as "Wearable
ork clothing
boost productivity and enh ance the secur ity of work processes.
Its portfolio ranges from the multimedia rucksack with "campack" video camera remote control and the "Know
Wearable Electronics unite tw o completely different
Where Jacket" with integrated GPS, GSM, Bluetooth and
industries. The semicond uctor industry is quite
MP3 functionality to "Augmen ted Reality Slee veless
young – the first semiconductor was unveiled in 1947,
Jackets" for the automotive industry which can be used
and so the ind ustry was born. Its innov ations act as
to link the virtual to the real world.
a driving force behind man y other ind ustries such as the aerospace, a utomotive, communications and
The "Know Where J acket", a sol ution from partners
industrial sectors. Modern in tegrated circuits boost
Interactive Wear and GPSov erIP, was one of the
progress in man y areas and en able applications that
highlights at this y ear's CeBIT. The jac ket combines
were dismissed as inconceivable in the past.
functions from the infotainmen t sector (MP3 pla yer and Bluetooth communication) with an in tegrated active GPS an tenna on the shoulder . The GPS da ta is sent using the GPSov erIP open protocol via a GPRS connection to a serv er. The position can be read and displayed via the In ternet using v arious systems, from Google Earth and route planners to professional
Communicationbox with Telit GE863-GPS
EL ECT R ON I C S Studies by the V enture Development Corporation
The solutions from Interactive Wear are highly reliable,
report sales of ov er US$ 1 billion w
easy to use and a ttractively designed. They are easil y
orldwide for
the "intelligent textiles" mar ket in 2008. The base
integrated by the man ufacturer and do not affect the
technology available from Interactive Wear opens up
wearing comfort of the textile end product.
new markets and sales ch annels which the com pany aims to significantly expand from its curren t leading
p Sports Jacket with integrated electronic systems
As one of the largest ind
ustries whose potential
p MP3-Player
customers include every human being, the textile
p Bluetooth Headset/Handsfree Profiles
industry is poised to harness the benefits of intelligent
p Active GPS-Antenna integrated on the shoulder
functions, now that electronic elemen ts can be integrated in textiles for the first time. The numerous potential applications include not just infotainmen t and communications but also logistics, medic ine and security, Bluetooth, GPS and GSM sol
RFID solutions and biometr ic sensors. Work clothing (uniforms, functional and protecti ve clothing) also offer tremendous potential.
p Telit GPRS Modem for Data Transfer p Textile Switches on the sleeve to control the system p Alarm-button for emergency calls
About interactive Wear Interactive Wear develops electronic systems for integrating in textile products. Its portfolio includes: p Development and marketing of electronic solutions and components for integration in textile products (e.g. clothing, accessories, technical textiles) p Advising textile com panies on electronic sol utions and components for clothing (e.g. feasibility studies, design, prototype development) The solutions for clothing and accessor ies include communication,
applications, sensors for bod
and m
y and en vironment
monitoring, and systems for active climate regulation (heating and cooling). In the technical textiles sector , an increasing need for com plete system solutions is expected, such as in tegrated seating solutions in automotive and aircraft construction.
In Latin, Certus means r eliable, secure, which is the main mott
o of our c ompany.
Certus was established in 2000 as a company for the engineering, development, production and implementation of remote management and control. In less than five years, Certus has grown into a regional leader in the field of remote control and management using analogue and digital telephony and GSM/GPRS mobile telephony as well.
Certus AutoTrack Automatic Vehicle Location system which allows positioning, control, management and trac king of mobile objects from any location using GPS and GSM/ GPRS technologies, without reducing the functionality, reliability and flexibility of the sy
stem itself. The
vehicle could be located at any time and detailed data of its current position and sta tus (longitude, latitude,
altitude, the time of measurement, etc.) are stored in the device's local memory. This same data is sent through the GSM/GPRS netw ork to our monitor ing centre, where it is recorded in the database on the local server. Users can obtain informa tion regarding the position
System Certus GPRS POS Terminal Certus AutoTrack
and status of the v ehicle easily at any time through
Product GM 862-GPRS
p Locate the vehicle and view its status via SMS
the GSM/GPRS netw ork using SMS messages or the Internet.
Features Certus AutoTrack: p Notification by mobile phone in the event of an attack on the vehicle (alarm) p Real-time vehicle tracking on the Internet
Certus d.o.o. Company: Implementing up-to-date technological sol utions, our development team constan tly improves our products, in or der to gain more function
and to provide more services to end users. The latest version of the Certus Au
totrack device
communicates with monitoring centres through GPRS, which enables tracking of vehicles in real time.
p History of the vehicle's movements on the Internet p Independent power source which recharges automatically while driving p Internal (EPROM) memory capable of storing positions of the monitored vehicle together with the most significant information, enabling the reconstruction of the vehicle trajectory and its conditions p Complete device programming is done remotely from a PC using the AutoTrack software package (over-the-air functionality) p Once installed in the vehicle, its presence cannot be detected
p No special maintenance is required after installation in the vehicle
POS-TERMINALS Certus GPRS POS Terminal Certus GPRS POS T erminal is the latest Certus prod uct dedicated to various online fin ancial and other specialist services (mobile accoun t top-up, mobile pa yment for goods and services, c redit card payments, internet time top-up, ticketing, etc.). The
for all these services is the GSM/GPRS mobile network, which represents the main technical enhancement to the Certus GPRS POS Terminal compared to the classic POS terminal. Together with an embedded battery, this feature facilitates total mobility of POS termin als. It is possible to perform wireless transactions totally
of public switched
telecommunications networks (PSTN). Another important practical fea ture of the Certus GPRS POS termin al is its m ultifunctionality – a t one point-of-sale you are able to provide a lot of services in a single, easy-to-use, mobile de
vice. And GPRS
data transfer mak es transactions extremel y fast (it takes only a cou ple of seconds, incl uding the time required to pr int the bill). The time required to serve the customer is th
us reduced to the
minimum possible. Until now, our termin als have been used for recharging prepaid c redits of both GSM opera tors in Serbia – T elekom Serbia and Mobtel Serbia, as well as a uthorisation and pa yment using Diners Card. We are also de veloping additional services which could be performed using our termin (mobile
time top-u
Features: Certus GPRS POS Terminal p Does not require the communicational resources of the sale locations at which it is implemented p thanks to GPRS technology Certus GPRS POS Terminals are fully independent from both analogue and digital terrestrial telephony networks p Working autonomy – in terms of both the regular power supply and battery charging, we can proudly say that the Certus GPRS POS Terminals are completely autonomous wireless POS terminals p Lower implementation costs – using Certus GPRS POS Terminals does not require extra investments in infrastructure, which result in a decrease in the costs of their implementation p Drastic efficiency increase – Certus GPRS POS Terminals manage all transactions within few seconds, which drastically increases the service provider’s efficiency p Remote reprogramming option Certus GPRS POS Terminals allow remote downloading using the GPRS network (over-the-air), meaning that the addition of new functions to POS terminals is possible at any time p Additional serial port An additional serial port enables communication with magnetic card readers as well as smart card & non-contact readers
postpaid bills payment, ticketing, etc.).
F L E E T M AN AGEM ENT XL-one: After we used the Telit GM862-GPRS with external high sensitive GPS modules in automotive Track & Tracing, we have decided to develop a new unit using the latest GM862-GPS module of Telit.
System: XL-one
Without the need for an extern al processor d ue to the Python scripting and using the high sensiti vity SiRFstarIII chipset which is embedded in this mod ule
Product GM 862-GPS
we are designing a com pact and lo w-cost Track & Tracing device for years to come. Python scripting is used to run the application, internal memory for da ta storage, GPIO’ s for LED indica tors indicating GPRS connection, system running, GPS on/
The DTT Group is a fast growing, Pan European player
off or fix. Also a vailable are remaining GPIO’s for any
in the Au tomotive Market. With our headquarters
other customer needs. The PCB is already designed and
based in Almere, the Netherlands, w
is only 75 x 75 mm in a housing of 35 x 85 x 80 mm and
e are ra pidly
growing the in ternational markets. The combin ation
this includes the battery and SMA/FME connectors.
of, having our own R&D department in combination
We have implemented an USB port for configura tion
with our in ternational sales and a v ery experienced
and possible firm ware updates. It is also possible to
management team mak es the D TT Group an
upgrade and configure the de vice over the air . This
organization which it is good to do business with.
increases the flexibility and also pro hibits the need
The DTT Group was established se veral years ago by
for service at the dealers.
merging the kno wledge of se veral companies with
Together with the unit our dealers recei ve Windows
independent knowledge of Secur ity, GIS and Car
based configuration and upgrade software tools.
Telematica. Now a days we provide total solutions with our own products, our OEM prod ucts and with GPS
AVE delivered us one of the 1st a vailable GM862-GPS
Buddy fleet management systems.
units together with the E VK2 enabling a fast time to the market with the new module.
We are not onl y selling a single prod uct but we are selling a total solution.
Telit Product:
GM862-GPS unit together with the EVK2 enabling a fast time to market.
DTT XL-one
Windowsbased configuration tool.
TE L EMAT I C S Punch Telematix is a telematics service provider
offering ‘total’ solutions (inclusive of airtime) for:
Main features of the solutions are: p track & trace p route planning p task planning p driver identification p extensive journey reports p alarm monitoring on e.g. unauthorized movement, speeding, geo-fence violation, temperature, doors and battery
p fleet and remote assets management p field force management p truck & transport management (see pyramid graphic) The telematics devices (with or without board computer), installed in the v ehicle or attached to a remote asset, send data over the wireless mobile network or through satellite connection, to the secured Punch T elematix framework. The frame work is accessible from an y computer with an in ternet access through the Punch Telematix web application the clients subscribes upon
p fuel delivery registration p hours worked and wage calculation p integration with other applications
System: Telematics Solutions for Fleet&Assets, Field Force and Truck & Transport Management Product: GM862-GPS
or their own integrated application. The Punch T elematix solutions enable customers to locate their remote assets, find out their status in realtime, communicate with them in an effective and cost efficient manner and generate comprehensive reports encouraging pro-active management. All the abov e result in improved productivity, reduced operational costs, increased revenues and inc reased security for the customer. By offering total solutions inclusive of airtime at a fixed monthly fee, the clients can benefit from upfront cost predictability and a lower cost of ownership and service level agreement improving their competitiveness. Moreover, Punch T elematix can guaran tee coverage in Europe, the Middle East, North Afr ica, Russia and South-East Asia, also in areas w
here GSM or GPRS
coverage is limited or non-existent, this thanks to their SpaceChecker Satellite system. The SpaceChecker Satellite system based solutions are mainly used for trailer man agement or remote assets management requiring international coverage.
Paul Schillebeekx, CEO , Punch Telematix: Supported by:
»The emerging telematics market lies ahead and Punch Telematix will be leading it, together with its partners and customers.« TELIT 2 MARKET
t+t netcom offers individual solutions in the mobile business sector. The main focus of t+t netcom is its handheld series tt7000 which is suitable for fields of road accounting, mobile business and delivery services as well as stock and warehouse logistics. The handheld series tt7000 is developed as a modular
The BackPack kit is designed to connect the additional
product range. This concept allo ws the integration of
module directly to the C OM5 interface by sim ple
a wide v ariety of com ponents for almost all mobile
change of battery cover.
applications with significant reduction of costs at the
The COM5 also provides the power supply.
same time. The standar d device is the common basis
The lateral ribbed structure guaran tees secure fit
for the entire product family. The basic configuration
of the Bac kPack on the basic de vice. The in tegrated
is designed flexibly to be suitable for v arious fields of
seal provides d ust and splash w ater protection. The
application, for exam ple, all the la test technology in
BackPack has eyelets to fix the regular hand strap. The
data transmission such as GSM, GPRS,WLAN, Bluetooth
standard vehicle or desktop cradle can be used without
and infrared.
Customer specific demands and wishes can be tak en
The biggest advantage of the Bac kPack concept is the
in account as w ell as addition al expansion by using
independence of the basic de vice. Using the BackPack
card slots or the unique Bac kPack technology. Instead
kit the tt7 000 series can be extended a t any time to
of replacing the com plete device only modular
meet subsequent upgrading requirements in mobile
extensions are required for la
computing. No devices have to be replaced; the existing
ter on demands in
mobile applications. This concept is the guaran ty for
devices can be extended by using the BackPack.
minimizing the spare part stock as well as accessories and consumables. All cables and ba
tteries can be
For using the tt7 000 in the car or on the desktop t+t
used in all de vices; one cradle supports the complete
netcom offers a special solution:
product family.
The universal cradle specifically developed for the
The tt7000 series is designed for use in extreme
tt7000 series is the ideal solution for in-vehicle mobile
working conditions. No protruding an
computing. A simple change of base plate enables the
tennas, no
unnecessary ports, protection against drop, d ust and
cradle to be used on the desktop and this mode also
splash water guarantee a long life time.
provides numerous communication options (2 ser ial
In addition to the in tegrated Telit modem for GSM/
interfaces, USB connection and power supply).
GPRS/Easy-GPRS, the tt7 000 series offers models
The cradle is suitable for each tt7 000-series device
with WLAN, Bluetooth, CCD or laser scanner , camera,
irrespective of whether with or without hand strap or
imager, internal GPS recei ver, RFID reader, magnetic
BackPack. With this comprehensive solution the cradle
and/or chip card reader.
can be used freel y even for subsequent upgrading to
The standard rechargeable battery guarantees an
the tt7000.
exceptionally long period of use. t+t netcom has developed a multi-functional BackPack solution which allows the in tegration of di verse components. The Bac kPack can accommoda te the internal GPS module, different make RFID readers with diverse frequencies and ranges as w ell as magnetic card or chip car d readers. Radio mod ules as w ell ultrasound measuring devices can be in tegrated for special applications.
System: tt7000 Product GM862-GPRS
Features tt7000: p Modular configuration, subsequent upgrading or extension possible p Telephony/GSM/GPRS/WLAN p Scanner/RFID reader/card reader p Stability provided by aluminium core p Three serial interfaces, USB and Infrared p Standard long-life rechargeable battery p Ribbed housing surface guarantees non-slip handling p Customised software with all options in the Windows CE.NET速 range
Telit Product: GM862-GSM-GPRS Triband Modem (GM862-PCS) t+t netcom has chosen a Telit modem in The cradle is designed for one-h
and operation to
guarantee fast insertion and removal of the device. The
the handheld tt7000 for various reasons: p Easy GPRS stack
dynamic storage of the plug-in connection guarantees
For our customers Easy GPRS is the ideal solution for
continuous good contact even in bad road conditions
programming their comm unication environment
and the stop spr ings provide stable reten tion of the
on their own.
device in the c radle. In the v ehicle version the cradle
The customer can use a multiprocessor environment
is fitted with a uni versal assembly plate which can
and independent functionalities in terms of
be connected to all the common v ehicle mountings. The cable connections are in conformity with the international automotive standard (Molex plug).
communication. p Wide technical support by Telit in Italy and Round Solutions in Germany p The flexibility of Telit in terms of service p Good cost/performance ratio Supported by: TELIT 2 MARKET
V ENDING System: Mobile payment solutions in machinerelated environments like vending machines as well m2m solutions
Finland’s leading mobile/fixedline operator TeliaSonera (www.
Product GE863-QUAD
developed by 2001, when a MBO took place concerning machine started a mobile payments business unit back in 1998, and many kinds of mobil e payment solutions had been related mobile payments. Since then, Uphill Oy has been oper ating this business as a service provider (mobile payments) particularly in vending machines, automated equipment, car washing machines etc. We are an independent, privately-owned company that has close cooperation with Elisa (one of the l eading mobile operators in Finland and the Vodafone partner). We are expecting to h ave the same kind of customers
The revenue-sharing model desc ribed above has
in other countries as we have in Finland and to market
worked to the sa tisfaction of all parties. The mobile
and support the system locally. We are therefore looking
operator has experienced an inc rease in airtime,
for new partners to establish a local presence/office in
the vending operator reports inc reased sales (d ue to
appropriate countries. First of all, we would like to agree
alternative, more flexible method of pa yment) and
the revenue-sharing arrangement with local operators
cost saving (banks charge for handling the coins, plus
in co-operation with local partners. Our intention is to
collecting the money could presen t a problem), and
have thousands of mobile payment machines handled
the Uphill/local partner h as naturally taken its share
via premium rate numbers or premium sms numbers
as system supplier and manager). Therefore we would
quickly (here in Finland, an end user could buy a soda
like to find local partners h aving contacts/experience
with Euro 1.50 in coins and Euro 1.64 - 1.80 with mobile
of the vending machine sector ou tside Germany and
payment, for example. It is always clearly stated on the
vending machine what the cost of the product is when bought using a mobile phone).
MACHINES Our customer base in Finland includes: p The one and only Pepsi vending machine operator
Every vending machine will need mobile subscription
(hundreds of mobile payment-equipped vending
and a voice call or sms will send the commands to that
subscription.Uphill operates the system via premium
p One and only Coca-Cola vending operator,
rate calls. End users pa y for their purch ases via their
hundreds of mobile payment-equipped
mobile phone bills, regar dless of their opera tor. Our
vending machines)
role as service provider is:
p Funworld distributor Pelika (touchscreen
p To have customer contacts as B2B
playmachines) having hundreds of mobile
p Make all the necessary contracts
payment-equipped machines
p Maintenance, which means maintaining all the requested premium rate numbers
p Shell, who have mobile payment facilities in all their own car washing stations
p Sell and develop all the required hardware (each vending machine needs to be furnished
p Esso (car washing machines)
with a GSM/GPRS modem, antenna, charger
p Mars chocolate vending machines
and a specially-made external card)
p Selecta p Buying lunch with your mobile payments, e.g. pizzas p Parking systems for several cities
We are currently looking into introducing this concept to other mar kets in Europe other th an Finland and Germany.
Please contact: Mr. Risto Ihalainen mob. +358 400 500824
TELITWORLD IRISTM is a ‘Carrier Class’ wireless da ta pro-
Pedagog ( is a small wireless
position aimed a t the v olume consumer
multimedia development team and this project, which
market. It is the largest global deploymen t of
rapidly acquired in ternational dimensions, required
wireless data outside ringtones, texting and
financial backing, consumer knowledge and channels
the Blackberry (
to market. To gain this Pedagog en tered into a join t venture with Br idisco Ltd (, Uk’s
System: IRISTM Product GM 862-GPRS
It is the provision of a wireless service in volving
no. 1 electrical distributor to independent retailers with
a range of 2G/3G cameras aimed tathe domestic
an own Micromark brand ( that
user allowing live video to be transmitted
dominates the self-install C CTV UK market with 95%
to ordinary colour mobile phones, and
monopoly. Backed by this substantial partner, quality
gaining recurring revenues from the airtime
volume manufacturing was sourced through Celestica
provision. Easy to articula te but difficult to
do. Main a pplications are for poin t-to-point applications such as Security providing peace
Although the service mak es a reason able margin on
of mind to the user (w atching family, kids,
camera sales where we are trying to dr ive sales pr ice
spouse, and assets such as car , boat, etc) as
down to domin ate our mar kets, the real u p side is
well as point-to-multipoint applications such
the annuity from recurr ing airtime re venues which
as Entertainment (traffic, clubs, tourism, adult,
are cumulative. Then there are other re venues from
sports, etc) where many mobiles dial in to the
premium content, advertising, OTA charges of the
same camera.
player to mobiles, premium rate SMS to alert users of
alarm events, upgrades to 3G and bundling options that makes IRISTM a hypergrowth opportunity. We have found rou tes to mar ket are predomin antly
through major Mobile Netw ork operators, national
No requirement for broadband, in ternet account,
electrical Retailers, and White Label ch
PC, router, or technical kno wledge of I P addresses
annels such
as insurance com panies. We operate a licensing
• Consumer priced • w orks with all mobiles (mid p
business and found ra pid global success in Sou th
1.0/2.0, PPC, WMM5, Smart phones • integrated PIR and
Africa (, UK (,USA
VMD • 10 hour standby ba ttery • 8-18v for transport
(, Hong Kong (www.simcam.
boats/cars/lorries/caravans • single bu tton operation
hk), Malaysia ( with a further
• Push menu for con tent management • Middl eware
9 territories recently signed and 27 in
that controls provisioning/security/recording/ billing/
networks who have made enquiries.
TETRA It’s key success h as been to hit the 3 ‘Holy Grails’ of mass Wireless Data usage appealing to the Netw orks, of consumer C CTV into the home, and targeted personalised content direct to the mobile. This h as been
Telit Product:
achieved through a cle ver combination of pa tented
Pedagog chose T elit because it w as necessarily
technical innovation, a robust re venue model from
competitively priced in a consumer proposition, it
the mobile ind ustry, and com prehension of the k ey
offered an integrated IP stack to reduce development
channels to market.
time and a very helpful GPRS interface.
Mobile operators have generally found themsel ves
Prototyping was carried out wi th the T elit GM862
unable to persuade their v
PCS module, then migra ted over to the Tr izium in
oice customers to use
their mobiles to do wnload volume content. Texting,
a BGA package as i t was smaller and better sui ted
ringtones and logos are not da
to surface moun t mass pro duction. The Tr izium
ta rich and fail to
fulfil the massive US$ 350 billion in vestment into 3G
is not available in a RoHS com pliant package, s o to
licenses to date. We have used the sale of the camera
accommodate this and to cov er the 850MHz part of
as the hook to place the IRISPlayer on consumers’ own
the US market Pedagog will use the GE863-QU AD in
phones and thereby use it as a portal to provide other
future production.
kinds of compelling content to the customer (see www. 30
content • Netw ork agnostic GPRS/CD MA/EDGE/3G/
Supported by:
alogue GSM/UMTS gateway
Telit Product:
developed to com plement Tellink solutions for Call
Tellink Sistemas h as selected the GE863-QU
Shops, supporting the interconnection of the Call Shop
module because it can be used in all GSM netw
to the GSM netw ork quickly and easil y and w orking
that currently exist in the w orld, which means th at
with any mobile carrier existing in the country.
UNICOCEL equipment can be marketed in all countries where our Rou tel public billing sy stem is installed
The Routel public billing sy stem will rou te the calls
(America, Europe, Africa).
made to mobile telephones through the installed UNICOCEL, so th at the comm unication will be made
The reduced size of the GE863-QU AD and its po wer
as a mobile to mobile comm unication, obtaining the
consumption makes the installa tion of our GSM
maximum benefit in every call.
adapter UNICOCEL easy, as well as supporting low cost maintenance.
This device enables any company to sa ve money on calls from fixed to mobile phones, interconnecting the
The automatic scan of the GE863-QU
analogue PABX with the GSM network using your own
GSM frequencies allows its quic k installation. The
cellular network provider.
voice quality obtained with the GE863-QU AD module
AD module’s
is excellent, even in situa tions of lo w GSM sign al It allows communication between remote places
and the C ontrol Centre, eliminating fixed line costs and installing U NICOCEL devices to replace old PS TN modems. In general, this de vice is used for differen t applications where there is no option to install fixed lines (houses, business, remote units, etc.)
System UNICOCEL – analogue GSM gateway Product GM863-QUAD
Features: p Substantial cost reduction
p Easy control with handset
p Compatible with any
p AT command set
GSM carrier in every country p DTMF dialling p Answer incoming call p Caller ID p Reversal polarity generation
p Band: EGSM 900/1800 and GSM 850/1900 MHz p Wall mountable or desktop compatible p Optional 2x16 line display TELIT 2 MARKET
Health In 2001, Medical In telligence started to w ork on a bracelet to prevent wandering for people suffering from
The secure zone is personalized to each individual and
Alzheimer’s disease and a wireless wearable automated
go, knows is whereabouts, and can roam freely without
cardiac alarm sy stem integrating Global Positioning
triggering an automated alert. The area does not h ave to
System with a 12 lead electrocar diograph for people
be circular around the residence. It can have the shape
suffering from car diovascular diseases. In its vision,
you want to include the nearby house of a fr iend, but
mobile telephony worldwide was going to improve to
not the w ood behind the residence, for instance. The
come up to its vision of carrying th at much data and
secure zone is then programmed by the medical call center and integrated inside the COLUMBATM bracelet
it did. Three de vices have been developed by Medical Intelligence: the VPS TM (Vital Positioning S ystem)
consists of an outdoor area where the wearer is used to
from a distance.
and the W -ECGTM (Wearable ElectroCardioGraph) for cardiovascular diseases as well as the COLUMBATM.
Should a C OLUMBATM wearer move beyond the predefined secure z one, an a utomatic alert is sen t to a
(Latin name of the rac ing pigeon,
specialized monitoring center which, in turn, alerts
which comes bac k home) is made
the caregiver or the famil y according to the pre-
especially to secure people suffering
established protocol.
from cognitive disorders and those
With the integrated two-way voice module, the medical
who take care of them. It is an
call center or the caregiver can communicate with the
outdoor geolocation system
wearer and/or people around him to validate the alarm
with automated alert and
and the necessity to intervene.
audio communication to
By accessing a secure W eb Site or through our 24 /7 phone line, the C OLUMBATM system allows the
prevent a disappearance.
geolocation of the person w earing the bracelet a t all The COLUMBATM is a very user friendly system
that consists in a small
The COLUMBATM bracelet also incl udes an indoor/
wrist worn bracelet (one
outdoor panic bu tton (which can be remotel y de-
and a h alf the size of
activated if needed), th
a watch and w eighing
communication with the medical call center.
at allows for a direct
54 grams). Besides the regular battery charger,
Wandering is very common for people suffering from
there is no need for an y
a cognitive disorder and can be triggered by a number
other home base de vice
of factors. They will not c ry out for hel p or respond
or home ada ptation or
to shouts and will not lea ve many physical clues.
modification of any sort.
Critical wanderers are people with demen
tia who
To utilise the the family or caregi ver of
have wandered away of their own free-will from their
the wearer predetermines a
local authorities with special problems. Someone with
‘secure zone’.
caregiver(s). It ca uses worry and stress and presen ts Alzheimer's, for instance, is disor ientated and unable to judge potentially dangerous places and situa tions. Time is critical when a life is a t risk and increasingly so in cold weather.
The COLUMBATM can be used to im prove the safety
they usually still live at home or in a grou p home, to
and security of indi viduals with a utism, Alzheimer’s
more severe forms, w here the indi viduals live in a
or developmental disabilities w ho may be a t risk of
nursing home or a chronic care hospital. It is also for
technology gi ves more
the healthy active person who just wants to feel secure
freedom to the person suffer ing from a cogniti ve
knowing he can call for assistance by the pressure of a
disorder knowing that to confine him/her just mak es
button and someone who knows where he is will talk
matters worse. It also gi ves more freedom to the
to him.
wandering. The
caregiver who will be alerted immediately if the loved one wanders away from his secure surroundings.
In a time when the prevalence of degenerative diseases is increasing and when there are fewer places available
hen someone The COLUMBATM does not send an alarm w leaves home to step in to the garden for instance and
in homes and hospitals, a caregi ver might be incline
launches a rescue effort. If a w earer comes out of his
to keep a loved one at home, wearing a COLUMBATM bracelet, without looking him up and without fear of
secure zone, then the C OLUMBATM sends an alert
immediately. That prevents for lost time to recuperate the loved one. With the two-way wireless voice module, one can communicate with the wearer or anyone who might be with him to v alidate the alert. Furthermore, it eliminates the problematic of a potential false alarm and useless intervention.
Moreover, if the indi vidual has in fact w andered off, the Assisted Global Positioning S ystem (A-GPS) te of the C OLUMBATM will permit his immedia geolocation; thus rendering the loss of a person virtually impossible. The COLUMBATM bracelet h as a panic bu tton which works inside and outside. We thought of senior citizens, in the early stages of Alzheimer’ s, who might not be lost but in somewhat of a trouble. If they fall, or h ave a chest pain, they can tr igger an alarm v oluntarily to ask for hel p. Remember th at we can immedia tely be
System ColumbaTM Product Trizium / GE863-QUAD
in audio contact with them as well as knowing exactly where they are. If a person is in an advance stage of the disease, the panic button can be deactivated from the medical call center upon request by the caregiver. The COLUMBATM system is a freedom device adapted to operate and benefit the users in man y different settings
Supported by:
and in a user fr iendly manner. From individuals with the more benign forms of cognitive impairment, where TELIT 2 MARKET
In the Wireless Sensor Network area, Temix has consolidated a leadership position Meter
System: LegoGAS
in AMR (Au
Reading) a pplications,
focusing on gas, energy and water distribution networks for utilities companies. Automated
Product GM 862-QUAD
meter reading is gro wing rapidly in the new competitive environment created by the deregulation of European energy markets. The use of AMR sy stems has resulted in an improvement in operational efficiency and quality of
service, with a high reduction in logistic costs compared
to conventional meter reading services. Temix solution is n amed LegoGAS: it is the most integrated, flexible and cost-effective AMR solution on Temix is a leading global sol utions provider dedicated to
the market, with important customer references and
the research, design, development and manufacturing
currently over 6000 units w orking in the field and
of wireless da ta solutions for Broadband W ireless
25,000 more will be installed in this year.
Access, Satcom Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks as well as v arious mobile da ta applications. Since its
LegoGAS units are designed for high reliability and will
beginning, Temix has outshone the com petition by
operate from batteries for many years, even in severe
focusing on its goal, w hich is to deli ver quality, high-
weather conditions. In telligent signal processing in
performance and yet cost-effective wireless networking
the devices ensures reliable readings and provides
end devices to our very valued OEM/ODM customers.
enhanced, secure communications using auto recovery and time synchronisation routines.
Temix’s mission is focused on supporting customised solutions in or der to guaran tee the maxim um
Temix devices are com pletely autonomous. Solar
integration between various technological areas:
panels and lithium cells deliver power in any condition. Links between nodes and remote terminals are wireless
Satcom Data and DVB-S Broadcasting
in ISM band. The de vices can collect sched uled reads
Wireless ISP, Public and Enterprise Wireless LAN
(meter reads) and/or provide instan
Wireless Automated Meter Reading System
of alarm e vents via sms, fax and e-mail, for a lo
VSAT Network and Digital Satellite News Gathering
monthly fee.
Advanced Video Surveillance System
t notification w
The Wireless Meter Reader is based on a v
ery low-
power, highly integrated system-on-chip solution. Bi-
Features: p Low unit cost; Intrinsically safe
directional communication ensures data integrity. ISM
and environmentally protected;
868 MHz and 915 MHz fac ilitate worldwide operation.
p Completely power-autonomous;
The readings are detected by an electromech
p Long battery life;
transducer (switch reed), stored locall y in a LegoGAS
p Reliable measures and communications;
reading terminal and are subsequen
p Records tank fill and usage;
tly sent via
radio frequency to the concen trator at pre-scheduled
p Instant alarm events notification;
times. The readings da ta is recei ved by the h ub unit
p Minimum installation effort;
(concentrator) from w here it is sen t to local storage
p User-friendly WEB interface.
and recorded readings are relayed to the data centre at
Telit product:
scheduled times using GMS SMS.
Communication records tank fill and usage. C
the concen trator
data centre is performed by a T elit GM862 modem.
omprehensive sets
We have chosen the T elit module due its sim ple
A GPL le vel meter connected to the concen
of self-diagnostic informa tion are sen t to the da ta
centre with each call-in, providing notifica
reliability in field opera tion.
tion of
and high
any performance changes and allowing scheduling of battery replacement. The concentrator is based on a smart radio de
Completely autonomous, supplied by an in tegrated solar panel, it is installed near the users, generall y in the building area, and it h as an operating coverage of about 100 m radius.
MAIN UNIT This device is powered by a solar panel and can manage: -via radio an unlimited number of transponder (meters); -via cable one meter and up to 120 fuel level detectors.
FUEL LEVEL DETECTOR This device it's used for the remote monitoring of the fuel level of the fuel tanks. The system is designed in order to send an alarm to the operating when the fuel level crosses the threshold.
SETTING TERMINAL This device is used onl y during the ins tallation an maintenance activities. Thr ough this t erminal it is possible to setup the netw ork and verify the status of the network itself.
TRANSPONDER This device records the meters' values and sends them via Radio (ISM Band).
M 2 M A N D A U TO M AT E D M E T E R -
This is not com pletely new. Already today we are unlocking the car or opening the garage door with a
remote control, the modern equivalent of saying “open sesame!�. What until recently we were doing manually is now being taken over by a virtual butler, that unlocks the door for us, opens the ga te and switches on the house lights. But this is prehistory, that we can already regard as in the past. The development of transmission capabilities and the a vailable technologies, cou pled with all the other elements of IT, will mak e an inc reasingly wide range of a pplications possible. The mar ket is just waiting for good ideas, new products and services. It was certainly a good idea th at inspired Enel to undertake the project of replac ing the old electr icity meters, which was not onl y a grea t success, bu t also placed Italy at the cu tting edge in ternationally. This
Machine-to-machine communication will undoubtedly be one of the most important developments over the
example of the meters sho ws the poten tial of m2m communication in terms of con trol, speed, sa vings, transparency and efficiency.
coming years. It will open up an infinite number of
Until a fe w years ago, electricity meters w ere read
possible relationships in communications. Between
the readings on the meter . These w ere then en tered
machines, between people, from machines to people
Several thousand meter readers carr ied out this work
and vice versa.
manually. Someone w ent to the site and transc ribed into the company’s database and processed for billing. with all the assoc iated disadvantages, ranging from incorrect reading to in accessible meters. Any missing
A huge grid destined to further liberate humans
readings made billing difficult and inaccurate. In cases
from tasks regarded as dumb and repetitive, increase
manually, with all the assoc
overall productivity and improve quality of life.
of non-payment the electricity had to be disconnected iated problems. The
same applied to the subsequen t reconnections. An y contractual operation requiring a change or work on
the meter also required human intervention.
throughout the world. And the sy stem could also be
In some sense it w as strange th at this instrumen t,
extended to incl ude gas and w ater meters: a h uge
the main in terface between the electr icity utilities
network and a huge market.
and the customers, w as so “dumb”. All it could do
But we can already imagine enormous new markets. An
was count kilowatt-hours. But probably only a large
existing one is remote payment systems. The next one
company, like Enel, could affor d the in vestment and
will probably be motor vehicles, able in future not only
time needed to install a com pletely new and m uch
to receive signals but probably also to transmit them.
more sophisticated instrument. It w as a da unting
One of the irrational elements of road traffic sy stems
task. First of all to develop a new combined measuring
is the lac k of “organised” information. However, the
and communication instrument. Secondly, to replace
ability to combine information with mobility can lead
something like 30 million meters, one in every Italian
to substantial time and energy savings.
house, was an ambitious logistical exercise.
And then there is telemedic ine, safety, and industrial
The device now installed in millions of Italian homes
processes. More “bits”, in other w ords, to hel p the
is no longer just a meter bu t something com pletely
“atoms” work efficiently.
different: more lik e a com puter that meters, and
A vast market built on innovation and intelligence.
Chicco Testa Director Telit Communications SpA, former Chairman of the Board of ENEL, Italy
transmits and recei ves signals and commands. And its potential is not e ven fully exploited. For instance,
Chicco Testa
it could e ven receive and transmit messages (SMS) and images. But the main thing is th at all the functions are in tegrated
Sales of m2m modules vs. handsets
together. The meter reads the electricity consumption and sends it to the company’s system, which feeds it in
and prepares it for billing (though still on paper). From the company’s system it is also possible to acti vate
W. Europe mobile phones
and cut off users, and u pgrade the power rating. The charging system can also be changed, and is now much
more flexible. This has made it possible to introduce a multi-hour tariff system, which helps to save money and optimise energy consumption.
W. Europe m2m devices
100 m units
It was a huge investment, but well worth it in terms of reduced operating costs, system reliability and more effective revenue collection. There are h undreds of millions of electr icity meters
Source: ABI Research – Cellular Machine-to-Machine (m2m) Networks 2004
TELITWORLDWIDE ARGENTINA Cables Opticos Contact: Marisa D´Onofrio E-Mail: AUSTRALIA Glyn Ltd Australia High Tech Distribution E-Mail: AUSTRIA Round Solutions Contact: Harald Naumann BELARUS Microdis E-Mail: BELGIUM AVE Contact: Michiel Vercauteren E-Mail: BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Bojan Zaletelj E-Mail: BRAZIL Mobix Contact: Avedis Balakdjian E-Mail: BULGARIA Electroninvest Contact: Victor Tsenkov E-Mail: CROATIA Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Bojan Zaletelj E-Mail: CZECH REPUBLIC Microdis E-Mail: DENMARK Arrow Denmark Contact: Pernille Thorsen E-Mail:
Microdis Contact: Arturas Taicas E-Mail:
Round Solutions Nordic Contact: Ben Hoelke
LITHUANIA Arrow Lithuania Contact: Kestutis Bilius E-Mail: E-Mail:
FRANCE Tekelec Europe an Arrow Company Contact: Henri Kharoubi E-Mail: GERMANY Azzurri Technology GmbH Contact: Wolfgang Erhart E-Mail: Round Solutions Contact: Harald Naumann E-Mail: GREECE Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Constantino Danos E-Mail: HUNGARY Microdis E-Mail: Wireless Market Rendszerház Kft. Contact: Kovács Balázs E-Mail: INDIA Hynetic Contact: Rangaprassad M.A. E-Mail: Navion Group Contact: Manoj Thorat E-Mail: IRELAND Round Solutions Contact: Edward McLaughlin E-Mail: Sequoia Contact: Zorik Danelian E-Mail:
IEC Contact: Claus Ostenfeld E-Mail:
Spectre/Flint Group Contact: Maria McGreal E-Mail:
Round Solutions Nordic Contact: Ben Hoelke
ISRAEL Dai Telecom Ltd. Contact: Gideon Rogovsky E-Mail:
ESTONIA Arrow Electronics Estonia OÜ Contact: Olev Tope E-Mail: Microdis E-Mail: FINLAND Arrow Finland Oy Contact: Paul Ojanen E-Mail:
IEC Contact: Kari Järveläinen E-Mail:
ITALY Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Marco Sangalli E-Mail: Comprel/Esprinet Group Contact: Alberto Caimi E-Mail: LATVIA Arrow Latvia Contact: Santa Gile E-Mail: E-Mail:
Microdis Contact: Arturas Taicas E-Mail: NETHERLANDS AVE Contact: Johan Bickel E-Mail: NEW ZEALAND Glyn High Tech Distribution Ltd. Contact: Mike Benson E-Mail: NORWAY Arrow Norway Contact: Jan Erik Engemoen E-Mail: E-Mail: IEC Contact: Claus Ostenfeld E-Mail: Round Solutions Nordic Contact: Ben Hoelke POLAND Euro Elektronika Contact: Robert Gal E-Mail: Microdis E-Mail: PORTUGAL Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Juan José González E-Mail: ROMANIA RCS Ventures Contact: Burt Scott/Monica Georgescu E-Mail: / monica. RUSSIA Microdis E-Mail: SERBIA & MONTENEGRO Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Bojan Zaletelj E-Mail: SINGAPORE Navion Communications PTE Ltd Contact: Nikesh Sanghivi E-Mail: SLOVAKIA Microdis E-Mail:
SLOVENIA Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Bojan Zaletelj E-Mail: SOUTH AFRICA RF Design Contact: Andrew Hutton E-Mail: SPAIN Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Juan José González E-Mail: SWEDEN Arrow Sweden Contact: Andreas Persson E-Mail: IEC Contact: Claus Ostenfeld E-Mail: Round Solutions Nordic Contact: Ben Hoelke SWITZERLAND Azzurri Technology GmbH Contact: Wolfgang Erhart E-Mail: Round Solutions Contact: Harald Naumann Telion AG Contact: Patrick Eggenberger THAILAND Industrial Technology Supply Co. Ltd. Contact: Karl-Heinz Pierz Nuntasak Laohawiroj E-Mail: TURKEY Arrow Southern Europe Contact: Suleyman Tuccar E-Mail: Epsilon Teknoloji Contact: Ersen Bilgic E-Mail: Microdis Contact: Sinem Perili E-Mail: UKRAINE Microdis E-Mail: UNITED KINGDOM Round Solutions Contact: Edward McLaughlin E-Mail: Sequoia Contact: Zorik Danelian E-Mail: Spectre/Flint Group Contact: Maria McGreal E-Mail:
DISTRIBUTORSCORNER THIS ISSUE: ROUND SOLUTIONS Round Solutions is a leading global provider of products, services and concepts to ind ustrial users of electronic com ponents with focus on wireless technologies such as GSM, UMTS, GPS, Bluetooth, ZigBee, WI FI, UWB and ISM. Offices are in German y and UK. Round Sol utions compact and innovative
The latest “Round Solution” is a reference design for the smallest and cheapest GSM / GPS tracking device in the world. The BOM of the tracker is less than 100 Euro even in small quantities. Based on our know-how we continuously develop new
Starter Kits, technical studies and a pplication notes,
system integrators to de velop
as well as footpr ints for PCB la youts and softw are.
The moderators in our user f orums are spec ialist
easier and to a lo wer cost. In
engineers in wireless communication, IT technology
other words Round Sol utions customers are more prod
and automation of technical processes.
uctive, ket than
The latest “Round Solution” is a reference design for
their competitors. The right mix of selected high-tech
the smallest and cheapest GSM / GPS tracking device
suppliers plus a portfolio of o wn special electronic
in the world. The BOM of the tracker is less than 100
products together with ex
Euro even in small quantities. Developers around the
efficient, and h ave a shorter time to mar
cellent customer- and
technical support makes it happen.
world will get a complete, ready to use device including all RF com ponents like Quad band GPRS mod
Round Solutions offers you a com plete and
low power GPS mod ule, embedded GPRS an tenna,
economical concept th at covers all k ey electronic
integrated GPS an tenna, slim mic ro controller, LI-
components such as wirel
ess modules, high
Battery, security electronic, charging electronic,
performance RF ca bles and high g ain antennas.
LEDs, switcher, plastic enclosure with clip and
Customers get a full service from ordering of Starter
a lot of more.
Kits up to deliveries for mass production.
Based on the extension connector th
Ben Hoelke CEO Round Solutions
supports four UARTs, I2C-Bus, SPI-Base, Out of the on-site warehouse Round Solutions deliver
GPIOs, RTC, AD con verters and D A
engineering samples, components for prototypes and
converters customers can migra te the
the first ba tches for mass prod uction. Just in time
reference to a de vice to trac k people, animals,
delivery services can be offered, too.
assets, cars, truc ks or con tainers. Without
Round Solutions international order management
using the GPS mod ule the prod uct can
team supports customers in six languages (English,
be redesigned to a telemetr ic device for
German, Swedish, Italian, Spanish and French). Or der
burglar alarm, meter reading and e ven
processing and dispa tch of goods is usuall y done
other applications. Based on its licence
within one day, i.e. orders placed during the morning
free Python interpreter the source code
hours will be shipped the same day.
for the de vice can be de veloped ten times
Based on the vast number of shipments worldwide and
faster than with C+ + . Nobod
the special conditions in place customers can benefit
re-invent the wheel.
y has to
from low prices and first class carriers. We support system integrators in all continents, in any time zone, 7 days a week and of course ou tside of the regular working hours. Round Solutions technical support team are pioneers in GSM da ta communication with more then 7
man years of exper ience in wireless comm unication including antenna design. TELIT 2 MARKET
EVENTS 08. - 11.06.2006
TRANSPORT-AR, Arad, Romania
29. - 02.07.2006
Bucharest, Romania
05. - 07.09.2006
ELECTRONIX. Gothenburg, Sweden
Telit at ARROW B 04.02 Telit at IEC C 01:41
12. - 14.09.2006
ELEKTRONIK-06, Odense, Denmark
Telit at ARROW # 3136 Telit at IEC # 4539
03. - 07.10.2006
TIB, Bucharest, Romaia
10. - 13.10.2006
ELO SYS, Slovakia
Telit at Microdis
14. - 17.11.2006
ELECTRONICA, Munich, Germany
Telit at Azzurri Booth Hall A5. 359
14. - 17.11.2006
Radel-EXPO, St.Petersburg, Russia Telit at Microdis
16. - 19.11.2006
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
21. - 23.11.2006
Wireless and Mobile Technology
Telit at Microdis
Moscow, Russia
ITF - Infomobility Telematics Forum Turin, Italy
TELITPRESS In the latest market report “Strategic Analysis of the European Wireless m2m Market” issued by the leading m2m mar ket analyst Berg Insight,
Since 1989, Maisberger Whiteoak
s has focused on providing
Senior Analyst Tobias Ryberg states: “Meanwhile, Telit has emerged as
different sectors, from the IT and telecomm
the main challenger on the European wireless modules market with
industry and professional services. The services include corporate and
an aggressive growth strategy” and “Telit ranks as the thir d largest
financial communications and market research as well as marketing
supplier of wireless M2M modules on the Euro pean market behind
and sales consultancy.
Siemens and Wavecom”
Since the beginning of 2006 Maisberger Whiteoaks has been working
consultancy services in PR to leading in
ternational companies in unications market to
with Telit to comm unicate its m2m mod ules and sol utions in the Berg Insight states that Shipments during 2005 reached around 3.4
vertical B2B target markets.
million units on the European mar ket and the ann ual growth rate is forecasted to be in the range of 35 to 40 percen
t annually in the
coming years. By 2009, annual shipments are expected to h ave nearly
Press contact:
quadrupled and reached a level of around 13 million units.
Maisberger Whiteoaks, Anja Willkommen,
Publication, Country
Date, Issue
Circulation Headline
Italia Oggi, Italy
El Mundo, Spain
16.2.2006 308.618
Pompei presidente di Telit “Tommaso Pompei è sta to nominato presidente non esecu tivo di Telit communications, la con trollata italiana dell’omonima società specializzata nello sviluppo di soluzioni per la comunicazione cellulare, nata dall’incontro della tricolore Telit e dell’israeliana Dai Israel.” Comunicación inalámbrica entre máquinas
“La firma italiana Telit presenta el mód ulo GSM/GPRS cua tribanda más pequeño de los que se comercializan actualmente en el mercado.”
ITC & Tech Solutions, 20.2.2006 Italy
Da Telit il modulo m2m più piccolo del mondo
„Telit, società specializzata nello sviluppo di soluzioni per la com unicazione wireless, r ivoluziona la tec nologia per la com unicazione „machine to machine“ e h a presentato al 3GM World Congress di Barcellona il nuovo GE864 che, con un a dimensione di 3 per 3 c m, è il pi ù piccolo modulo GSM-GPRS quadri-banda oggi sul mercato.”
Industriens Dagblad, 24.2.2006 40.000 Denmark
Verdens minaste GSM-modul
“Den italienske telekommunikationsvirksomhed Telit Communication kunne på 3GSM-messen i Barcelon a præsentere verdens mindste quadband GSM/GPRS-modul, GE 864.”
Wireless, Italy
March 2006
Il modulo m2m più piccolo del mondo
“GE864, nuovo modulo di T elit, società operante nello s viluppo di soluzioni per la com unicazione wireless e a pplicazioni m2m, è sta to presentato in anteprima al 3GSM World Congress di Barcelona.”
Electronics Weekly, UK
GSM/GPRS module makes ’smallest’ claim
“Italian telecoms fi rm Telit Communications claims to h ave the world’s smallest quadband GSM/GPRS module.”
Moviles Magazine, Spain
El modulo GSM/GPRS más “La empresa italiana de Telecomunicaciones Telit Communications ha pequeño del mundo presentado en el C ongreso Mundial de Barcelona el módulo GSM/GPRS cuatribanda más pequeño del mundo.”
VDI-Nachrichten, Germany
Kleinstes GSM/GPRSModul der Welt
„Die italienische Telekommunikationsfirma Telit stellt auf der CeBIT das nach eigenen Angaben kleinste GSM/GPRS-Modul der Welt vor.“
Elektronikk, Norway
25.3.2006 9.722
Alt i en modul
“Første gang alt i ett, påstår T elit Communications, som lanserte GSM/ GPRS og GPS på én modul på CeBIT nylig.”
Maschinen im Dialog
„Machine-to-Machine (m2m)-Kommunikation meint die Kommunikation von technischen Geräten auf Basis von Standards aus dem Bereich der Telekommunikation. Nun gibt es auch ein Modul des Unternehmens Telit, das GPS-fähig ist und so auch für die Verortung sorgt.“
Business Geomatics, 3.4.2006 Germany
The Friuli Venezia Giulia is a small area of the countryside in the north-east of Italy that, among its many traditions, includes the production of fine wines. The terrain of the region means it can be subdivided into zones of very specific characteristics that produce a wide range of different wines.
BORN The Terrano from Carso
FROM THE FRIULIAN TRADITION by Stefano Sabatti laboriously taken shape as a resul t of the
The Carso is the eastern zone,
The Collio Bianco Molamatta
characterised by rocky terrain
The zone of the C ollio
generations of grape growers. As a result, the
and rich red soil th at gives a
observer sees wide terraces full of grapes. It
wine, the T errano, that looks
hectares of viney ard
is in this z one that the Picolit is prod uced,
just like the soil it gre w from,
hills that are deserted
a wine of stra w yellow colour, often gold
and perfect for gro wing grapes of high
coin yellow, old gold yellow or nearly amber
yet with an a ppealing, rich character. It
value. The zone extends into the province of
after a number of years in storage.
boasts all the ch aracteristics of a ma ture
Gorizia, beyond the border with Slovenia. It
With a scent reminiscent of the honeycomb
wine. It h as an in tensely red colour , with
is in this zone that the agricultural company
of bees, overflowing with honey prod uced
vivid violet hues, and a scent of forest fruits,
Marco Felluga (http://www.marcofelluga.
with all the flo wers of the fields. A wide
a mostly acidic taste and a ra ther vigorous
it) produces the C ollio Bianco Molama tta,
body. It is the perfect accom
with a distinctl y sour taste,
of ex ceptional
elegance, an
a wine that has received various prizes for
to the dishes of the region, in particular
its quality. Its gra pes come from tendr ils
incredible diversity of aroma tic nuances:
meats, and especially ham. Although is part
of Tocai Friulano, Ribolla Gialla and Pinot
field flowers, without a doubt. A sw eet yet
of the grand family of Refosco, the Terrano
Bianco and are collected betw
een mid-
sour taste, of noble race, an ar istocrat with
is confined solel y to the v ery special area
September and mid-October, depending on
a long, lingering tradition. Not a single off-
of the Carso , a region th at rises directly
their maturity, and are allo wed to ferment
key note. One of the viney
from the coast of Tr ieste and one w hich
in separate barrels un til finally being
Bernarda (,
is tempered primarily by the con tinental
bottled. Its ch aracteristics are the y ellow
which harvests grapes by h and from the
climate of the plateau. The vineyards lie in
golden colour and a scen t of ex otic fruit,
end of October. There then follows a period
an area where the red soil fea tures a high
which evolve over time to assume sw eet
in which the grapes are placed on gr ills in
concentration of iron compounds.
notes reminiscent of v anilla. It is serv ed
ventilated areas before they are pressed
The agricultural company Castelvecchio
with plates of fish and v egetables and is
and then left to fermen t. It tak es a total
( suggests
best drunk at a temperature of 10°-12°C.
of eighteen months from the gra pe being
two different ways of sa vouring the
fusion th at
offers an
ards is Rocca
harvested to it ending up in the bottle. It is difficult to describe this wonderful wine
features of the T errano wine and is best
The Picolit of the Colli Orientali of the Friuli
suited to those who appreciate such classic
Continuing towards
evolving notes th at marry bea utifully
characteristics. The aged wine adopts a
with piquant cheeses. It is best serv
Terrano: young of vintage year (red cap) or aged. The y oung wine h as all the typical
patient efforts of locals, among them
the north, w
in adequate terms – its bouquet eman ates scents that linger for hours, with constantly ed
more traditional note. The acidity subsides,
arrive in an area called the C olli Orientali
fresh but not cold. The Picolit gra pes are
the colour is less in tense and the taste is
of the Friuli, a region with a rather unusual
also used to prod uce a w onderful grappa,
more rounded, making it more suitable for
name famed for its gra pe growing. Over
which concentrates and exal ts the fruit’ s
a wider audience.
the course of cen turies, the slopes h ave
characteristic fragrances.
ENRICO RUFFI was born in Cagliari (Sardinia) in 1948. He attended the Liceo Artistico di Cagliari and the Faculty of Architecture in Rome. He ta ught design a t a college in Cagliar i after
spending a short time a t his home to wn‘s Liceo Artistico. His tutors included Rossana Rossi, F oiso Fois, while his peers incl uded the scul ptors PINUCCIO SCIOLA and MARIO OLLA. In 1982, he opened the „ ORIZZONTI D‘ARTE“ gallery. There w ere few exhibitions and few staff, e ven though his w orks had been obtained from collectors in Holland, England, Mal ta, Italy and Spain and w ere used to com plement the décor in famous hotels (C ALA VINAS in Palma de Mallorca or the Apollo Hotel in Amster dam, for exam ple). He gained experience as an ad vertising graphic designer and illustrator and w orked on a n umber of Italian magazines. His work revealed the infl uences of abstractionism and pop art, with the use of images gathered from the mass media or reprod uctions of works from the past enhanced with v arious recycled materials, unusual materials, altered photographs, images from the la te 1800s and the early years of the 1900s (sepia images, enlarged photographs, grainy and bl urred images), altered with con trasting colours, together with exhibitions featuring neon ligh ts using both the art of the past and the abstract languages of meta physics and the neo-avant-garde movement. Nowadays, he li ves and w orks in Cagliar i. Two exhibitions are in the pipeline - one pa ys homage to Federico Fellini, while the other is a reflection of the modern world. Enrico Ruffi can be contacted if you wish to have your product pictures reworked or any other requests. contact:
Telit Communications S.p.A. Telit wireless solutions
The global magazine for clients and partners of Telit wireless solutions
Published by
Telit Communications S.p.A. Oozi Cats, CEO Telit Communications PLC
Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, I-34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy Ph: +39 040 4192 200 Fax: +39 040 4192 289
Chief Editor
Alexander Bufalino, VP Marketing
Concept and Design
Djermester und Lindner,
© by Telit Communications S.p.A.
15.000, bi-annual
Reader service TELIT 2 MARKET
Making machines talk. Embedded TCP/IP Stack
Embedded FTP and SMTP Client
GPRS Class 10
Quad Band
PYTHON* Script Interpreter
GM 862-GPS
BGA Package
RoHS Compliant
+ Ultra Compact
BGA Package
Quad Band
PYTHON* Script Interpreter
On Board SIM Holder
GPRS Class 10
20-Channel High Sens. GPS Receiver
Quad Band
On Board SIM Holder
RoHS Compliant
SiRF® Powered
SiRF® Powered
RoHS Compliant
GPRS Class 10
GPRS Class 10
PYTHON* Script Interpreter
20-Channel High Sens. GPS Receiver
GE 863-GPS
Serial Port Multiplexer (GSM 7.10)
GE864-QUAD Embedded
PYTHON* Script Interpreter
GE864-PY Embedded
GC 864-QUAD Compact
GC864-PY Compact
Ultra Compact
PYTHON* Script Interpreter
Quad Band
RoHS Compliant
GPRS Class 10
80 PIN
80 Pin Board to Board Connector for Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Alexander Bufalino E-Mail:
for Israel, Greece, Turkey: Gideon Rogovsky E-Mail:
for Iberia, South America: Carlos Pérez E-Mail:
for Italy: Nikola Balj E-Mail:
for South-East Europe: Nikola Balj E-Mail:
for UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand: Philip Collins E-Mail:
for Nordics, Baltics, Benelux: Mads Kring E-Mail:
wireless solutions Telit Communications S.p.A. Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B I-34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy