Telit Communications S.p.A. I telit2market international I Issue 05 I May 2010 I
E as one MAGAZIN ed by M2M worldwide ct le se been 2m Telit has nies in m 0 compa the top 10
05 10
2market The Telit m2m Magazine
Vodafone: Interview with an Expert >> 36
T-Mobile – Strategic Partnership for Innovative Solutions >> 90
AT&T Emerging Devices Organization >> 93
Telit’s Way into the Future of m2m by Oozi Cats >> 04
Telit, the New Leader in the Automotive Segment by Dominikus Hierl >> 32
Telit World
Customer Applications >> 45
Audi adopts UMTS/HSDPA Technology from Telit for its New Infotainment System >> 31
40 TELITglobal
• Chicco Testa, Chairman of the Board Telit Communications PLC • Oozi Cats, CEO Telit Communications PLC
• Telit EMEA: 2009 a year of turmoil, and now looking forward to 2010 and beyond with innovation
• Yossi Moscovitz, COO Telit Communications PLC
• Telit North America Update
• Dominikus Hierl, Managing Director Telit Communications PLC
• Telit Latin America: The Future is now • Telit APAC Update
10 TELITcompetence
44 TELITworld
• R&D at Telit • SE 867-AGPS: The new AGPS Module from Telit • Premium Fota Management – Scope Technologies Case Study
• Isabella Products Wins Best Embedded Mobile Device • Customer Applications
78 TELITmarket
14 TELITProducts • Telit’s Operations & Supply Chain Strategy • The GE864 Evolution
• The m2m Value Chain: Getting to Market
81 TELITdistribution
• Telit’s Remote AT Feature
• Telit Worldwide
• Telit Product Overview: Cellular • New Opportunities for Short Range Device Technologies • Short Range Technologies Provide Innovative Solutions for m2m Applications • Telit Product Overview: Short Range • Infineon Technologies AG: The Innovative and Reliable Partner for the m2m Industry • Mobile Devices: m2m Toolkit for Optimized Applications Deployment
82 TELITsales • Telit’s Sales Force • Telit’s Sales Network and Customer Focus
84 TELITcompetence center • TES and Telit • Telit Competence Centers
86 TELITPress • The Wisdom of Crowds
31 TELITstory
• Global Clippings
• Audi adopts technology from Telit for its infotainment system
88 TELITpartnerships
• Telit, the New Leader in the Automotive Segment
• Cetecom – The Type Approval Procedure in Russia
• Interview with Vodafone Global Enterprise
• T-Mobile – Strategic Partnership for Innovative Solutions
• ETSI Standardizes m2m Communications
• ESMIG – Enabling a Smarter Energy World • AT&T Emerging Devices Organization
94 TELITliving • The Power of Magical Thinking – Imagine the Possibilities in the Decade of Teens ahead
EMEA Telit Communications S.p.A. Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, 34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy Ph: + 39 040 4192 200, Fax: +39 040 4192 289,
North America Telit Wireless Solutions Inc. 3131 RDU Center Drive, Suite 135, Morrisville, NC 27560, USA Ph: +1 888 846 9773, Fax: +1 888 846 9774,
Latin America Telit Wireless Solutions Inc. Rua Cunha Gago, 700 – cj 81, Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, 05421001, Brazil Ph: +55 11 2679 4654, Fax: +55 11 2679 4654,
APAC Telit Wireless Solutions Co. Ltd., APAC 12th floor, Shinyoung Securities Building, 34-12, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul, 150-884, Korea Ph: +82 2 368 4600, Fax: +82 2 368 4606,
E as MAGAZIN ed by M2M ide en select in m2m worldw be s ha Telit nies 0 compa the top 10
one of
+++ +++ +++ NEWS
+++ AUDI adopts UMTS/HSDPA technology from Telit for its new infotainment system +++ Telit reaches the mark of two million GE864 modules sold +++ Telit and Eurocomposant sign distribution contract +++ Telit integrates eCall in-band modem capability into GE864-Quad Automotive V2 module +++ Telit’s m2m module selected by USA Technologies for e-Port EDGE cashless vending device +++ Telit’s m2m module selected by Quake Global for rugged vehicle remote tracking & control devices +++ Vitality selects Telit’s m2m module for glow cap cellular connectivity enabling medication adherence programs +++ Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile and Telit sign global agreement to work together in the growing m2m market +++ Telit introduces an extremely powerful and cost-effective GPS module: its first standalone GPS product, the SE867-AGPS +++ Magneti Marelli and Telit sign a memorandum of understanding in the field of telematic devices for automotive +++ Telit‘s CC864-DUAL m2m module certified on Aeris Communications‘ CDMA Network in North America +++ Isabella Products selects Telit‘s m2m module to enable two-way cellular communication for its 'vizit' digital photo frames +++ Telit delivers m2m innovation in consumer electronics at CTIA Wireless IT & Entertainment 2009 +++ British utility firm ASL Holdings Ltd. develops AMR solutions with support from Telit‘s m2m technology +++ Telematics expert TES Electronics becomes new Telit Competence Center +++
Dear Reader,
Chicco Testa Chairman of the Board Telit Communications PLC
From the economic standpoint, we are experiencing a difficult period. The great concern triggered by the 2008 financial crisis has not yet completely abated. All market players and business enterprises having to decide on their investments and strategic choices are well-acquainted with this reality and continue facing difficulty, seeking to interpret signs arriving from all over the world. How does one exit from a difficult financial period such as this has been? The best way is through innovation which can be applied to increase the productivity of economic interests and services from our companies. This was the basis for the extended growth experienced in the past decade, and the point from where we must make a new start. We believe Telit stands to be a significant part of this innovative process. m2m (machineto-machine) communication can increase
productivity by substantial measures fostering the improvement of entire management systems from traffic to sanitation, logistics to security, metering to payment systems; and many other segments of business activity. This is why we continue making the decision to invest. Notwithstanding this difficult period, our forecast data and an improvement trend in market share continue reassuring us with comfort and confidence. At Telit, we count on outstanding and motivated human capital, the powerhouse of a corporation whose driving force stems from its research and development activities. The solutions we develop now will demonstrate their power in the market for years to come. Filled with enthusiasm, we look ahead to the coming months with great optimism.
Chicco Testa
Telit’s way into the
future of m2m Dear Friends,
OO Z I c at s C EO Telit Communications PLC
So glad you’re here! In your hands you have the latest issue of telit2market where, as always, you will find fascinating facts and nuggets of information from the world of m2m and touching on Telit’s latest developments and successes.
contrast to the steady growth of previous years, the overall market experienced growth in terms of units shipped, but a decline in average sales price led to an effective shrinkage in the market in 2009 – from € 750 million in 2007 to around € 500 million in 2009.
This past year, virtually all areas of the economy were in the grip of a recession, with the m2m sector also facing major challenges. In
On the other hand, this decline in average sales price has created a strong surge in new designs, as m2m comes more within reach of
Total Market
Source: Wavecom and Telit public fillings and company's estimates Notes: Wavecom was acquired by Sierra Wireless (Nasdaq: SWIR) in March 2009. The total market shrank during 2007 - 2009 due to a decline in ASP.
new participants. Telit is engaged in over 2,000 discussions, design-wins and design-ins. We estimate our success rate at as much as 25% of all new designs over the last few years. Additionally governments are mandating devices to be connected: The regulation recently passed by the Brazilian government requires a safety box in every car sold in Brazil starting in 2011, which will lead to a demand of 6 million units annually. There are decrees all over Europe and the USA in the power and gas utilities market regulating the change from simple meter reading to the complex emerging smart grid. Another growth area stems from the requirements from finance ministries – mainly in Eastern Europe – that online communication be used between POS and the VAT office and the IRS.
saw record sales and was the best in the company’s history. Long-lasting Partnerships
ring cellular as well as short range technologies and a highly qualified workforce, Telit is able to meet squarely all of the m2m market requirements and to leverage all opportunities of a market expected to grow at 20% 30% per year thru 2013.
Tight and long-term customer relationships are among the most crucial success factors – and therefore essential for Telit’s growth. So Innovation and Continuity is providing comprehensive value added services which will continue increasing in rele- At Telit, research and development are alvance. To that end we are making significant ways an absolute priority, which is one of the strides to be able to provide our customers reasons for our continued success even in with an end2end platform including but not difficult times. Our customers can rely on a steady development partnership with prolimited to: • Connectivity: Sales of seamlessly con- ducts of the highest level – as demonstrated nected product packages which include yet again by the launch of the GE865 module, hardware, software, and connectivity allow- the world’s smallest GSM/GPRS module and ing our customers to concentrate on their a masterpiece of engineering. service side. • Backend server: Delivering a set of “common-denomina35 1800 Revenues (5m) 1600 tor” backend blocks across Average unit price (5) 30 1400 vertical segments including 25 1200 end2end seamless connecti20 1000 vity to our different mo800 15 dules. 600 10 • V.A.S.: Providing Premium 400 5 FOTA Management and Ex200 tended Hardware Warranty 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 soon to be augmented by adSource: Beecham Research ditional Value Added Services (VAS) such as remote Global M2M revenues and average selling price network management and services related to the vario90 us verticals.
As a lean and extremely focused m2m wireless solution provider, Telit was able to leverage all its opportunities and to increase market share from 10% in 2008 to almost 13% in 2009. As in recent years, Telit recorded positive growth in terms of both value and volume. Compared to € 59 million in 2008, turnover increased by 8.5% to € 64 million in 2009, and revenues grew at 23% from 2007. Market share doubled against a market contraction of 33%, and for 2010 we expect continued increase to € 79 million.
Our target: Building a high margin and recurring revenue business, to guarantee not only products with highest quality and best service to our customers, but also a solid and long-lasting partnership.
Despite the global economic crisis, Telit was the most successful company in its segment in 2009. The fourth quarter, in particular,
Telit has prepared for the future in all best possible ways. With a product range cove-
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
30.1 18.3 5.8
Telit Revenues (5 mil) Revenue Growth of 11% Y2009 compared to Y2008 (excluding one-time royalities) Gross Profit increased by 11% in Y2009 compared to Y2008
+++ 370 employees +++ 5 regional headquarters +++ 4 R&D centers with more than 250 engineers +++ 16 sales offices and more than 30 indirect distribution partners covering 56 countries supporting more than 1,000 current customers with over 2,000 more in discussions +++ 13% global market share with consistent growth, doubled in 2 years +++
The requirements facing m2m modules are becoming increasingly more complex. Quality, support, and long-term availability are factors that are critical for our clients’ businesses. For this reason, the importance of maintaining our high quality standards and of investing, now more than ever, in the development of new technologies and products, cannot be overstated. Telit set its course in this direction early on, and has considerably increased its R&D capacity since. In addition to the R&D
Telit’s technical benefits
➔ The only m2m company in the world to develop, manufacture, and market wireless m2m modules of both cellular (GSM / GPRS / UMTS / WEDGE / HSDPA, CDMA) and short range technologies (Wi-Fi / ZigBee / GPS). ➔ Own proprietary GSM/GPRS software stack and IPR portfolio. ➔ All modules in a family have same form factors and backwards compatibility. ➔ All products manufactured since Q4-08 include FOTA (Firmware Over The Air upgrade). ➔ Design period of 2-3 years non-automotive, 3-5 years automotive.
centers in Trieste, Sardinia, and Seoul, another center has been opened in Sophia Antipolis, enabling us to meet increased demand for R&D in the future. The expansion of Telit’s product portfolio to include short range technologies such as ZigBee, Wireless M-Bus, and short range RF has proven to be a step in the right strategic direction, and these technologies will be the focus of development at the R&D Centre in Sophia Antipolis. This makes Telit the only m2m company in the world to offer wireless m2m modules of both cellular and short range technologies. This, too, contributed to our success last year, and demonstrates that Telit is globally well equipped to manage ever more stringent customer demands. In order to satisfy the requirements of the global market, during the course of last year, Telit entered into a partnership with a manufacturing solution provider in China, which not only offers competitive terms but also guarantees high quality. The establishment of a logistics and distribution hub in Hong Kong complements this strategic initiative and safeguards global supply of products for our clients. Acting Local One of the most decisive factors in Telit’s success is our local market presence and absolute customer focus. In and extremely prescient move, the successful establishment of a regional headquarters in São Paulo two years ago, has aggressively increased our penetration in the Latin American market, and in 2009 reaffirmed its role as a market lea-
der in Brazil. In order to retain this strong position in the steadily growing m2m market – particularly in the largest segment by far, “automotive” – Telit expanded production into Brazil enabling it to perfectly satisfy specific customer requirements on a local basis. Telit has also asserted its position in the North American market. This was achieved in part due to our expertise in the technology of consumer market applications, such as eReaders, and digital photo frames that include cellular modules. While on that topic, we are pleased to join the industry and the market in congratulating Isabella Products for their award at Mobile World Congress 2010 for the Vizit™ Digital Photo Frame, winner of “Best Embedded Mobile Device” – and are proud to be a part of this success with our GE864QUAD module. This result also reflects the breadth, and therefore the farsightedness, of Telit’s product range strategy. In EMEA Telit’s position has improved despite the difficult economic market situation. After the first complete year, TELIT RF Technologies SaS has shown the strategic importance of this 2008 acquisition. The partnership with ELECTROLUX in Italy, a leading white electronic goods company in Europe, is only one of several such positive results.
Telit APAC 2009 enjoyed a successful year as well. Two noteworthy achievements were the E-post project, won in cooperation with Bluebird, and the DaeKyo project, won in cooperation with M3Mobile. Our two operating centers in Shenzhen and Shanghai proved to be important assets for our future direction. Despite a stagnation of the AMR market in China in 2009, Telit logged successes in this industry. With its offices in Korea, Taiwan, and China and with the new distribution hub in Hong Kong, Telit is outstandingly prepared for Asia’s future markets – first and foremost China. Leadership in Automotive The largest growth potential in the near future is expected in the Automotive and associated segments. With the GE864-AUTOMOTIVE and UC864-E-AUTO modules, Telit is perfectly prepared and poised for expanding into this market. Governmental regulations like those in Brazil and the European eCall initiative, as well as growth in emerging markets such as China will increase the demand immensely. Telit’s foresighted R&D strategies are a guarantee for what is to become a remarkable success in this area. (See also article on page 32 )
for comprehensive R&D expertise and capacity becomes immediately obvious. Realizing m2m Visions The m2m market will continue its strong growth. Many more companies now than just two years ago are considering stepping into the m2m market and are likely to do so in the near future. m2m technology will become indispensable in numerous aspects of our everyday life. Whether you consider the use of intelligent gas, water, and electricity meters, which is set to become mandatory in some countries this year, or the demand by the EU to install an Emergency Call (eCall) system in all new cars – the possibilities for m2m communication will flourish, and every industry will require its own solution. Less expensive production will ensure that m2m technologies will also move into areas of the consumer market for which they were previously too expensive. And here, Telit has a major advantage: in this market, too, we bring the necessary expertise based on our wealth of experience. We expect our business to continue to see strong growth in 2010 – and beyond. As a
sole-source supplier, Telit has positioned itself successfully in the m2m market and is currently involved in around 2,000 client projects worldwide. Our clients have developed business models based on a major expansion in m2m and expect their technology partners such as Telit to provide them solutions that will stand the test of time. As the most technically innovative company in the m2m market, the backwards compatibility of our products guarantees protection for our clients’ investments, and this is a prerequisite for the lasting success of future-oriented applications. Together with a healthy pattern of finance, a recently completed placement of 28 million shares for a consideration of € 6 million and a solid shareholder structure, Telit is excellently prepared for future market trends. We have the right solutions, the right people, and the necessary capacity to keep pace with market developments, and we have the spirit to make m2m visions come true. With best wishes for a successful future, Oozi Cats Chief Executive Officer Telit Communications PLC
“Service” as a Key Factor
C ore M arket s expected unit shipment CAGR 2008-2013
transportation Buildings
Consumer/ Professional
security/ public safety
Source: Beecham Research, May 2009
Telit is not just a supplier of modules. Very early on, we realized that intensive, personalized customer service is a crucial factor and have developed new m2m services accordingly. The huge success of our Premium FOTA Management update services demonstrates the opportunities such services offer, and Telit will continue to work towards increasing value added offerings in more areas in the future. The growing complexity of m2m applications means that the modules face ever more exacting requirements, entailing an even longer and more complex design process. Providing our customers with individual support during this development phase is increasingly more vital and demands continuous strategic and technological development from Telit in this area. With this in mind, the need
The Technological Advantage,
Leadership by Innovation by Yossi Moscovitz
>> 2009 was indeed a very challenging year. Nevertheless, the m2m industry maintained a positive momentum throughout this difficult period. So, let’s look at the positive aspects: A recent report by research firm IDC shows that while the wireless chipsets market is set to grow by an annual average of 9.3% over the period 2009-2014, the mobile applications segment (for laptops, smartbooks, industrial machines, m2m, automobiles, healthcare, e-readers, MIDs, and games consoles) is estimated to surge by 35%. By 2013, the mobile applications segment is expected to account for 16% of the total wireless semiconductor volumes versus 7% in 2009. This trend can be very well observed through the numerous new products and applications launched recently, especially in the field of connected consumer devices (cellular-enabled photo frames, e-readers, fitness monitors, connected PNDs, and others).
In this fast moving technology environment Telit strengthened its position as one of the market leaders. We are proud and elated to state: Telit has the most complete product offering for the m2m market covering all relevant Cellular technologies (GSM/GPRS, WCDMA/ HSPA, CDMA) and Short Range (ZigBee, Wireless M-bus, unlicensed mesh, and Wi-Fi) combined with embedded or stand alone GPS. With 370 employees worldwide, Telit has the largest m2m-dedicated workforce, which enables us to continually develop our product offering and to intensively support our customers. Telit offers local support in every regional sales office allowing us to be close to our customers with no language barriers. Having 13% of the m2m market share positions Telit as third-ranked in terms of revenue and quantities of
yo s s i M o s c ov i tz C OO Telit Communications PLC
products delivered globally in 2009. Telit has been the fastest growing company in the m2m market over the last 5 years. The quality of the Telit products is strictly controlled by a fully automated testing process developed by Telit engineers. Telit production, in any location in the world, utilizes the same processes and testing stations, thus assuring the same level of quality regardless of production site. Telit design rules restrict the use of components in our m2m modules, to a limited list of qualified suppliers well recognized for their quality and leading position in the cellular market. This approach guarantees that the quality of Telit modules is not compromised. In our fast evolving markets, time-to-market is becoming the most critical factor in the success of our customers. Making the wrong choice for your communication module partner might result in an unrecoverable situation to your business. Telit is well positioned to support your needs and support you, as another valued customer, achieving your goals. <<
The Next Stage of Market Orientation by Dominikus Hierl >> Telit’s Key Account Management Initiative introduced in 2009 is already resulting in substantial new business for Telit. Many customers who are market leaders in their segments have selected Telit with its superior integrated products and with its full range of relevant technologies to create m2m products out of one single competent partnership. The large number of new solutions presented in this issue of teilt2market demonstrates our continuous ability to gain momentum in the market. We are reaching the next stage of market orientation with the implementation of vertical organization units to serve some of the
Telit could already win one of the most prestigious OEM car projects in Europe by offering the broadband HSDPA connection which is to equip the multimedia-focused infotainment system to be equipped in several car lines of a high-profile automotive brand. The solution integrates the Telit UC864-AUTO, the first fully automotive compliant HSDPA module in the global market. Please refer to the article entitled “Telit, the new force in the Automotive Segment” to learn more about our new Automotive Business Unit and the latest market developments in this sector. Telit is currently heavily involved in the Smart Grid and Intelligent Metering segments where we are building competence by developing new innovative technical solutions and contributing to the development of technical standards. Evidence of this involvement is Telit’s recent memberships in the ESMIG – an industry group promoting Smart Metering in Europe, in the ETSI Technical Committee for m2m, and in the GSMA Embedded Guidelines initiative.
D o m i n i k u s H i e rl Managing Director Strategic Accounts and Business Development Telit Communications PLC
Please refer to the article from Mr. Andreas Umbach, Chairman of the ESMIG, on page 92 where he introduces the work of the ESMIG to the readers of telit2market. Telit’s positive results and continued growth in very adverse market conditions further demonstrate the success of our long-term strategy and relentless market orientation. We will continue striving for best-in class products, superior support, and economical solutions as a sustainable and reliable partner for you, our customer, in the years to come. Please feel free to send me feedback on our overall strategy and specific initiatives. << Yours, Dominikus Hierl
most demanding market sectors. According to Berg Insight, a leading m2m market research firm, the automotive segment consisting of OEM (Cars) and Aftermarket Products (Fleet Management, Asset Tracking, PNDs) represents 43% of the overall global market. In order to satisfy specific quality and process requirements from this industry sector, Telit has moved to establish a dedicated Automotive Business Unit, aggregating all relevant disciplines from within Telit into one team of experts. TELIT2MARKET
R&D at Telit by Sandro Spanghero, VP Global R&D
>> Developing efficient products for the
m2m market is not an easy task. Several aspects, which are normally not important in the development of consumer products, must be considered here. Customer and market requirements are, of course, the most important criteria. Every product Telit develops is defined with consideration to market and customer input from around the world. Sometimes requests are customer specific, sometimes they have general value for most customers, and sometimes there is conflict between requests; however, it is always important and our mission to fulfill them. The next area of consideration, which plays a valuable role in the product development process, is roadmap continuation. The most important aspect of this process to Telit is compatibility: Telit is dedicated to providing compatible products that allow long-time, new, and future customers to support their application with minimal effort. Accomplishing this goal requires deep knowledge of how communication devices are used in the field and a clear understanding of customer design requirements. The final consideration, but clearly an extremely critical one, is price for value. Telit continuously strives to offer the best product to price ratio, without compromising quality. Achieving this objective requires Telit to implement several redesign activities throughout the product’s lifespan and to select the best components in an optimal cost range. Our customers can state with conviction that Telit has never abandoned its products, once handed over from development to mass production, and has always sup10 TELIT2MARKET
ported them throughout the life of the platform, which is normally five years and beyond. Additionally, Telit is committed to migrating existing products to new platforms without changing product specifications, thus enabling customers to reap all benefits from updated technology without the requirement of redesigning to them. Further, Telit commits to supporting its existing products and to constantly updating them to a newer technology platform while maintaining the original product specifications and taking advantage of the benefits from updated technologies. Telit’s global R&D group is organized to support current and future needs of the m2m market. Different from the past, the competence and responsibility of R&D within Telit is more than pure product development. There are, of course, groups solely responsible for product development and maintenance, but within the same organization, product management groups are accountable for product definition and documentation maintenance. These groups are organized under the umbrella known as R&D Services. Telit’s product development organization is comprised of the 2.5G team, headed by Antonino Sgroi, the 3G team, by SeongWhan Kim, and the Short Range & Solution team, headed by Giuseppe Surace. All three teams
have complete responsibility for their product portfolios, from development to mass production, also for offering consultancy to end customers through the R&D Services organization headed by Max Lonzar. The R&D Services team acts as Telit’s customer interface offering general support during the design phase and during preparation for the certification phase. The team also collects customer requests for product changes and new features and offers documentation and production testing services. The product development organization also includes product management groups, which are divided into EMEA, led by Marco Contento and APAC, led by Jinkyu Kim. The Telit global R&D team is currently about 165 people strong and distributed over four offices around the world. The 2.5G team is the core of Telit’s global R&D group. This team is located in Trieste and is responsible for the development and maintenance of the 2.5G modules. Thanks to the extensive experience derived from handset development which was incorporated into m2m more than eight years ago, this group serves as central reference to other Telit R&D teams for project guidelines, procedures, and processes. The second development team, which is located in Seoul, Korea is responsible for CDMA and WCDMA development. The CDMA and WCDMA team also honed their core experience from handset
development but subsequently acquired extensive global m2m market expertise. The two teams are closely aligned on all common specifications and development efforts and often share resources on common projects. This level of cooperation will increase in the future with the development of new generations of 2.5 and 3G platforms. The most recent addition to Telit’s development team is Short Range & Solutions, based in Cagliari (Sardinia) and in Sophia Antipolis. These resources are allocated to the development and validation of modules using ZigBee or Mesh networking technologies and their integration with cellular technologies. This group works closely with the other two development teams for application software development and for cellular product development and testing, thus maximizing the utilization of resources. Last year, Telit reorganized R&D activities to include product management and R&D services. The responsibility of product management clearly includes defining product specifications, maintaining product documentation, and serving as the link between sales and development. R&D Services, however, is a different structure. The team located in Trieste has basically two different tasks. It provides internal services to development teams, but mainly provides external services to customers for facilitating the integration of Telit modules into final applications. Having these two groups under the responsibility of R&D enables Telit to create a more direct link between the market and development, which is to the benefit of both. The future will be quite challenging for Telit’s entire technical structure. The first task is updating existing products to the new V2 platform. The introduction of the GE865-QUAD marks the first offering of what is to become a Telit supported form factor family for a long time to come. Telit is confident that GPRS will be the leading technology, in terms of price to value, in the next ten years; therefore V2 platforms and products will be the answer. During 2010, Telit will also launch a new gene-
ration of 3G products with HSPA, HSDPA, and UMTS capability. The 3G product offering will be comprehensive and will cover all product ranges from high performance devices to cost effective ones. Low cost 3G solutions will drive the future m2m market, and Telit will be prepared to offer competitive products for long-term applications. Finally, the product portfolio will be complemented with EDGE technology, based on the GE864 and GC864 form factors. In addition to the technology offering, the other major Telit advantage is that customers have the chance to select the appropriate product for each application, and Telit’s portfolio will continue
Undergoing thorough testing, following automotive requirements, and meeting ETSI and internal standards is a common task for all Telit products. Normally every software release, including the first build, is tested using automated procedures before being delivered to the customer for evaluation. If the release includes a critical modification, then the product is tested over a live network – in a mobility environment, if needed – stressing the specific functions. The validation of an official production release requires extensive time and activities in the field, over different networks, and in a test house for regression testing and approval of new imple-
Global R&D Sandro Spanghero
2.5 G R&D Antonino Sgroi
3G R&D SeongWhan Kim
SR & Solution Giuseppe Surace
providing them this advantage. It is clear that product compatibility is a must, offering the same logic, electrical, and mechanical interfaces for all different technologies, including CDMA. Automotive grade products are in a class of their own. In 2009 Telit launched the GE864QUAD Automotive module and for 2010, an HSDPA product will be available for this market segment. Even if these products share the same technology platform as Telit’s standard products, the manufacturing process, testing process, and qualification are different; therefore, Telit will produce the GE864-QUAD Automotive and the UC864-E Automotive in two automotive certified plants rendering a fully compliant solution to this segment. In terms of product testing, in addition to standard certifications, Telit qualifies all automotive grade products following a specifically designed path which includes HALT and PPAP testing. This testing stresses a set of 60 units over temperature, humidity, vibrations, and shock – in some cases for more than 3,000 hours – with check points at the beginning, after 1,000 hours, after 2,000 hours, and at the end of the testing time. The GE864-QUAD Automotive has successfully completed this test, as well as the UC864-E Automotive.
R&D Services Max Lonzar
Product Management Marco Contento Jinkyu Kim
mentations. Testing is clearly a cost, but it is also a guarantee for our customers. Years ago, during a meeting, a European customer once asked: “Why should I spend more because you are PTCRB approved if I’m going to sell my application in my country only?” The answer was simple and is more and more valid today: the fact that Telit tests its products following Automotive, GCF, PTCRB, SRRC, or any standard is a benefit for overall product quality and for all end customers. Telit’s next step into the future is through providing services as this represents a quantum leap for the m2m market. There is much discussion regarding the commoditization of m2m modules. Is it going to happen? Is it far away? The answer is in Services. Telit is currently offering a product portfolio that can fulfill most customer requirements, but the demand is not limited to the module itself. Telit’s R&D Services team, independently or through consultancy with development teams, works daily with our customers in support of integration, certification, and requests from the field. Telit’s Infinita Services launched by offering FOTA on a large scale with Remote AT being its next offering. Service is truly much more comprehensive, including everything that allows the customer to concentrate on his own business, and at Telit, we want to be ready for that! << TELIT2MARKET
SE867-AGPS: the New AGPS Module from Telit by Juri Iurato, Project Leader
18 x 18 x 3.5mm
host application requires is a UART interface and a NMEA interpreter in order to get position data for use.
>> The SE867-AGPS module is a new highperformance Telit GPS solution in the m2m device market. The concepts of ease of integration, flexibility, high performance, and cost optimization have driven the design, leading to the development of a stand-alone A-GPS module able to meet most of today’s market requirements in the Location Based Services segment of the m2m world. Sensitivity level of -160 dBm, 44 channel operation, less than 35 sec Time to First Fix (TTFF) and a -30°/85° operating temperature range place the SE867-AGPS module among the best-in-class GPS modules in the market place. Moreover, the SE867-AGPS functions on Assisted GPS functionality, where the GPS data needed for position calculation is received from the cellular network (typically through a data connection) rather than from GPS satellites, thus lowering significantly the TTFF and making the SE867-AGPS
module an ideal solution for applications operating in tough-reception conditions, like very low satellite signal areas (e.g. indoors, tunnels, underground garages) or multipath generating environments (e.g. urban canyons). In addition, a long-term assistance for position fix is available thanks to the “28-day extended ephemeris” feature, which provides, for 28 days after the last data acquisition, an estimate of the ephemeris GPS data. This feature does not require any connection to the cellular network to work. The SE867-AGPS is a full stand-alone solution: the module encompasses an internal processor and an 8Mb flash memory so that all the computation and memory storage attributes needed to calculate position data are integral to the module, dispensing with the need for any additional external signal processing or memory support. All that the
What differentiates and makes the SE867AGPS very attractive for several applications, is its ease of integration combined with a cost-optimized design for active antenna solutions. The BGA ball-out has been devised so that the module can be easily placed even in a simple 2-layer PCB and the integration with existing Telit products is straight and simple. In order to further facilitate and speed up SE867-AGPS based design, reference schematics are available, together with a dedicated Evaluation Board. The power supply scheme presents a higher degree of flexibility as well, allowing the designer to choose between power-saving oriented configurations and single-source schemes. In order to optimize the cost structure, the SE867-AGPS module was designed for active antenna applications. The majority of GPS applications make use of antennas with embedded Low Noise Amplifier (active antenna), thus making redundant the additional LNA placed inside the module to support passive antenna configurations. Therefore, the SE867-AGPS module internally implements a direct antenna path to the receiver chip input, achieving active antenna-optimized performances with a reduced BOM. Combined with the broad range of m2m cellular Telit products, the SE867-AGPS module is the ideal solution for m2m applications and services, such as fleet management, asset tracking, e-call, traffic data collection, and pay-as-you-drive insurance, where having access to data position and status information of a physical asset is a key business benefit or a mandatory requirement. <<
Premium FOTA Management – Scope Technologies case study by Paolomaria Schiratti, EMEA Application Engineering Manager
>> With the implementation of RedBend’s FOTA client concluded in Telit modules listing software versions at or higher than 07.03.XY0 or 08.01.XY6 (for 3G models) or 10.00.XY1 (for new GSM/GPRS models), these products are now capable of supporting the range of Telit Infinita Services. This Premium FOTA Management Service is used to upgrade the software in Telit modules, over-the-air, quickly, and reliably eliminating the need for physical site visits to the units in the field. To enhance reliability, Telit has developed a comprehensive certification process to verify that the communication procedure between the host controller and Telit module during the FOTA process is working correctly. Overthe-air updating of field units matching hardware and firmware versions can then proceed once the customer application has completed this certification process. FOTA updating is scheduled and controlled by Telit according to customer request. Results are reported to the customer at the end of each session.
During 2009, many customers used this service, participating with their application in the certification program or upgrading units in the field, but one major effort and challenge was truly noteworthy: the extension of the FOTA process to the SIRF-GPS chipset as requested by Scope Technologies.
Scope Technologies is one of the world’s leading technology providers for the Fleet Telematics and PAYD market segments, operating in 37 countries. The company integrated the Telit GE863-GPS into its MHub platforms and in order to enhance GPS performance of its application in the field, a request was made for Telit to develop a process to upgrade the SiRF GPS chip (part of GE863-GPS) software over the air.
To satisfy this requirement, Telit had to extend the FOTA process and protocol on both the module and server ends. To accomplish this, Telit created a special build version which acts like a “FOTA bridge” to complete the full FOTA upgrade. The way this “bridging” works,
Telit Wireless Solutions EMEA Telit UK Telit Wireless Solutions North America
Telit Nordics Telit Germany Telit ITALY Telit Turkey Telit Israel Telit CHina
Telit Wireless Solutions Latin America Fota server at Telit Global Headquarters Fota server at Telit Regional Headquarters Telit Sales Offices
Telit South Africa
it starts by upgrading the Telit GSM/GPRS part from version 07.03.XY0 to 07.03.XY0-B00Z, this software version allows the SiRF-GPS to then be upgraded; once this is done, the Telit GSM/GPRS part downgrades from version 07.03.XY0-B00Z back to 07.03.XY0. Scope Technologies had to upgrade its application platform as well to support the “FOTA GPS extensions” and to use new GPS functionalities provided by the upgraded GPS software version. Development, testing, and extension of the certification program took only a few months to complete due greatly to the excellent technical skills and support from the engineering staff at Scope Technologies. With this effort concluded in record time, by September 2009 Scope Technologies was set to start upgrading devices in the field. In 2009 Telit also increased its server FOTA capacity in Brazil by installing four new FOTA satellites in Sao Paulo, Brazil and two new FOTA satellites in Italy, significantly reducing upgrade times per unit. To date, Telit has upgraded a large volume of devices for Scope Technologies across many regions and countries from China to Brazil.
Telit Wireless Solutions APAC Telit central and Northern CHina Telit Taiwan
This example clearly demonstrates the speed, capacity, and reliably of the Telit Premium FOTA Management Service as well as Telit’s flexibility, knowledge, and customer orientation which made it possible to satisfy in a very short time these complex requirements from Scope Technologies. << TELIT2MARKET
Telit‘s Operations & Supply Chain Strategy by Mathi Gurusamy, Global VP Operations
>> Telit’s manufacturing strategy was developed to be flexible and agile to meet our customer requirements in ever
changing market conditions. Telit employs a virtual manufacturing business model through outsourcing to various contract manufacturers in Germany, Italy, Israel, Brazil, South Korea, and China. Also, Telit continues to build up its manufacturing competence in the automotive sector in Germany, Brazil, and Korea. These manufacturing locations provide solutions for specific customers and will continue to grow and mature over time. The outsourcing business model has been the cornerstone of Telit’s supply chain strategy. Due to an exhaustive testing platform and comprehensive quality processes, Telit is able to maintain consistent quality levels for every product it delivers from any of its various contract manufacturers.
Over the last year, Telit has intensified its efforts to build a supply chain that is flexible as well as cost competitive. After an extensive and laborious search, a manufacturing solution provider in China was selected which will manufacture the majority of its products in 2010 and beyond. As production volumes continue to grow year over year, it became very important for Telit to reach this milestone of consolidating its manufacturing base into a low cost manufacturing hub such as China. The key criterion for the supplier selection was first and foremost, proven quality management capabilities along with vast manufacturing experience. The GSM products manufactured in Italy and the CDMA and HSDPA products manufactured in Korea have now been transitioned to China. The goal during this period was to ensure a seamless
transition without any impact to Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s customers. Additionally, this shift has also allowed Telit to take advantage of local sourcing opportunities. Along with the manufacturing transition to China, Telit has also established a logistics and distribution hub in Hong Kong to facilitate direct shipments to customers around the globe. The key role for the logistics and distribution hub is to enable speedy product delivery to customers and their respective manufacturers. Telit has continued to strengthen its presence in China by recruiting resources in the area of test engineering, production, quality, and logistics management.
supply in order to attain the highest level of responsiveness. The implementation of the Adaptive Manufacturing Model will decrease product lead times, thus decreasing dependency on inventory to absorb fluctuation in product demand. The aspiration is to have a closed loop, end-to-end process that tightly links the forecasting process to the manufacturing facilities and vice-versa. Key to Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission is the continued commitment to enact and solidify the manufacturing footprint so that it is able to adapt to dynamic market conditions, thus satisfying the diverse needs of our customer base. <<
During the next phase of supply chain development, Telit will focus on creating a manufacturing concept that shifts away from the traditional Push-Based to an Adaptive Manufacturing Model. The key ingredient in an Adaptive Model is the decoupling of inventory at integral points in the
The GE864 Evolution by Marco Contento, Manager, Product Management EMEA
>> The proliferation of m2m applications
has led Telit to develop modules for specific market sectors, in particular for automotive applications and for use in explosive-hazardous environments (ATEX). The form factor best suited to these two specific areas is the GE864. The GE864, introduced in 2006, has proven to be a great workhorse for Telit and has become the best-selling product in its portfolio. At the time of its introduction, the GE864 was the first GSM/GPRS module to use the Ball-Grid-Array (BGA) mounting technology. With no connectors necessary for mounting this solution, the product cost is reduced compared to conventional mounting concepts, making the GE864 the perfect platform for high-volume m2m applications and mobile data devices. Additionally, with its compact form factor of just 30 x 30 x 3 mm, the GE864, when launched, was and for some years after, the smallest GSM/GPRS module on the market. Despite its initial success, Telit continued enhancing and improving
the GE864 family, introducing two new variants, the GE864-QUAD ATEX and the GE864-QUAD Automotive. The ATEX Directive and the GE864-QUAD ATEX ATEX (ATmosphères EXplosibles) is the name of directive 94/9/CE of the European Union, governing equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive environments, also known as “Ex” areas. The directive was enacted on March 1st, 1996 and beginning July 1st, 2003 became mandatory for all members of the European Union. Examples of locations where an ATEX certified transceiver may be needed are: • Off-shore - oilrigs and oil/gas production platforms
• Off-shore - gas and oil tankers • Off-shore - ships or vessels dealing with flammable or combustible substances • On-shore - refineries and oil/gas productions plants • Transportation and fill up areas for oil and gas • Petro-chemical plants To that end, the CENELEC (European electro-technical standardization committee) issued the EN 60079 series on the designing, testing, and manufacturing of electrical apparatus and components intended for use in Ex areas. There are different levels of protection given by different temperature and energy classes. The three main methods of protection are: • Explosion containment: The only method that allows for an explosion to occur but confines it to a well-defined area.
• •
Segregation: A method that attempts to physically separate or isolate the electrical parts or hot surfaces from the explosive mixture. Prevention: A method that limits the energy, both electrical and thermal, to safe levels under both normal operation and fault conditions. Intrinsic safety is the most representative technique in this method.
The prevention concept best represented by the protection method is intrinsic safety, which is based on the principle of limiting energy stored in the electrical circuits. An intrinsically safe circuit is virtually incapable of generating arcs, sparks, or thermal effects that can ignite an explosion in a dangerous mixture, both during normal operation and during specific fault conditions. The GE864-QUAD ATEX is a GSM/GPRS quad band module (850/900/1800/1900) derived from Telit’s GE864-QUAD. The product’s main feature is an ATEX compliant design for operation in Ex applications. ATEX requirements are not limited to the product however, extending to the quality systems involved in the production process. The GE864-QUAD ATEX has been assigned the highest level of intrinsic safety (ia) making its use suitable in the most critical environments (Group II, Category 1) thus allowing it to be integrated into devices used in potentially explosive environments and/ or in devices electrically connected to others located in such environments.
In addition to the features and benefits already offered by the GE864 family, the ATEX variant provides the additional benefit of being rated an intrinsically safe (ia) component, which does not require the final application to be further certified. Therefore, the time and costs involved in certifying the final application are reduced because dedicated ATEX testing is not needed for the wireless module, which in turn reduces the total cost of ownership. Additionally, adopting the GE864-QUAD ATEX module enables customers already using the same form factor from Telit to experience a smooth integration process ensuring compliance with electrical and radio-frequency ATEX constraints for the final wireless application section. GE864-QUAD AUTOMOTIVE
The GE864-QUAD Automotive The GE864-QUAD Automotive is the extra-rugged member of the GE864 product family designed for automotive environments where heat and vibration constraints are at the most stringent levels. Thanks to the BGA technology, which enables a reduction of components such as the board-to-board and RF connectors, the vibrating mass is also reduced. The use of electronic components appropriate for the temperature range of automoti-
GE864-QUAD ATEX Hazardous Areas Classification Device Group
Protection to be Ensured
Hazardous Area Characteristics
Zone Comparison
Very High
Present continuously – equipment cannot be de-energized
Present continuously – equipment can be de-energized
Very High
Present continuously, for long periods or frequently
Zone 0 Zone 20
Likely to occur in normal operation and for short periods of time
Zone 1 Zone 21
Not likely to occur in normal operation or infrequently
Zone 2 Zone 22
Device Category
Type of Atmosphere
M1 I (mining)
II (all areas exept mining)
G (gas, vapor, mist) 2
D (dust)
ve environments, and in particular the use of an RF amplifier capable of maintaining performance in frequency and power, up to the temperature of +85 °C, allows for integration into automotive and other applications requiring the assurance of an extended operating temperature range and mechanical ruggedness within the ever-shrinking space inside the electronics bays of trucks, automobiles, and other mobile platforms. Moreover, the automotive requirements are not limited to the product but extended to the quality system involved in the manufacturing and design processes as outlined in the ISO/TS 16949 norm. The certification of the management system for automotive quality according to ISO/TS 16949 is applicable to all organizations providing components for assembly into a vehicle and to vehicle manufacturers themselves. ISO/TS 16949 is recognized internationally and has replaced various other national specifications on quality systems previously adopted by car manufacturers worldwide. This represents, for those certified such as Telit, a real and tangible advantage. << TELIT2MARKET
Telit´s Remote AT Feature
by Dietmar Staps, Technical Sales Manager
>> The newly developed remote AT service for Telit modules allows users to run AT Commands via SMS, or via TCP. In a typical scenario, both can be used. An AT command execution can be requested by the user sending a simple SMS text string from any mobile phone; the command is executed remotely at the module and the output is sent back, via SMS to the cellular device that originated the remote command SMS. When an AT command execution is requested via TCP, the AT interface input and output is redirected to the TCP socket.
SMS at Run When an “SMS AT Run” AT command is sent to the module in the field from a mobile phone via SMS, responses and errors are sent back to the mobile via SMS. GPRS Network
Module in the field
Mobile Phone
There are two types of Remote AT Command SMS messages: Simple AT Run SMS Protected AT Run SMS
HAT – the AT command response is not sent to the sender. d) The SMS coding alphabet has to be 8 bit. TCP Remote AT Command Run In TCP mode AT commands are requested via TCP/IP to the module. Responses and IP protocol related traffic are redirected via TCP/IP to the remote PC or device acting as the TCP/IP terminal. GPRS Network
Module in the field
1. Simple AT Run SMS: a) The SMS originating mobile number needs to match a number defined in a white list in the module. b) The text has to begin with the string “AT” or “HAT”. c) Text starting with AT – the AT command response is sent to the sender by one or more response SMS. Text starting with HAT – the AT command response is not sent to the sender. d) The SMS coding alphabet has to be default GSM 7 bit or 8 bit.
There are two alternative TCP AT Run services: SERVER mode: The module remains listening for an incoming connection from a client. Once connected, the client has to authenticate himself before issuing AT commands. The TCP access to the module is controlled by a firewall. The service is also protected by the authentication parameters, Username and Password.
2. Protected AT Run SMS: a) The user data contains a header encrypted in an MD5 hash algorithm generated from the command text string and with a password which is found in a white list of passwords in the module. b) The command string has to begin with the string “AT” or “HAT”. c) Text starting with AT – the AT command response is sent to the sender by one or more response SMS. Text starting with
CLIENT mode: The module opens a connection to the server and then it is ready to receive AT commands. In case of reboot (as soon as the context is reactivated) or disconnection from the remote, the module will try to reconnect to the server. The number of attempts and the delay between attempts are specified in a special command.
Transparency: Using the TCP-based Remote AT service, it is possible to connect directly to a serial port on the module, in transparent mode. Data is thereby transferred directly between the TCP ATRUN and the serial port specified. This allows for any data input into the module selected serial port to be sent to the remote PC via TCP/IP (and vice-versa). Example: The UART of the GT864 is connected to the console port of a PABX/Router or other such equipment. The company providing the maintenance for the equipment receives a fault alarm. An SMS is sent to the module requesting it to attach and enable GPRS and to activate an instance of AT command through TCP. The technician then connects to the TCP port, asking the module to place the serialport in transparent (tunnel) data mode. He can now work remotely as the console to the Router and proceed with his diagnostics routines to find the problem. If he is not able to find the problem, he can try to cycle power the Router by using the AT#GPIO command which could be wired to activate a power on/ off relay into the Router. <<
P2P communication protocol TCP2RS232 Gateway
Example for TCP AT Run
FORM factor and family concept
Same logical interface
Same logical interface
10mm Versatz
Same form factor, same connectors
For detailed information about Telit's products, please visit
New Opportunities for Short Range Device Technologies by Tony Spizzichino, President Telit RF Technologies SaS m2m Markets and New Opportunities in Short Range Devices (SRD) >> When talking about m2m markets, it is quite evident that the different machine categories which can be connected do not all present the same level of market maturity and penetration. This is essentially due to the nature of m2m and the optimization of the relevant, individual ROI processes that have driven the evolution of these different categories. The result is that some m2m vertical segments such as Security, Track & Trace, Automotive, and to a lesser extent Automated Utility Meter Reading are already settling into their full potential with healthy and growing penetration rates. This is however, only a small part of the total m2m addressable market which is estimated at some 800 million machines per year.
term strategy, entered this arena one year ago with the acquisition of ONE RF (now Telit RF Technologies), clearly positioning the company as the only wireless m2m technology provider covering nearly all m2m commercially viable wireless transmission technologies. What are the challenges for SRD technologies? As a general statement, project costs as well as the quality and efficiency of the services are largely dependent on the optimization level of the local wireless area network which in turn depends principally on: • Network topology and configuration • Frequencies adopted • Capabilities for remote and self configuration • Capabilities for remote and self repairing (alternate path)
Major Home Appliances Energy Meters HVAC Equipment Motor Vehicles
In fact, whenever the area to be covered presents physical obstacles such as concrete walls, etc., the signal attenuation, which directly impacts power consumption (and thus battery size and cost), is a function of the ratio between the wavelength and the dimension of the obstacle to be penetrated (see figure 2). It is also clear that the ability to self and/or assisted configure and repair the network as well as the possibility to remotely control all the machines in an IP fashion is not only a “nice to have” but more likely “a must have” when the magnitude of the system reaches several thousands or millions of connected devices. Telit is well on its way to provide the right market answers to all these issues with an extensive portfolio of IPR developments and products explicitly structured to meet these requirements. Currently made up of 13 products covering almost all ISM frequencies and network topologies, the Telit portfolio offers an exhaustive range of available RF power levels accommodating nearly all existing country specific regulations.
Machinery & Equipment Communication Devices
0 Figure 1
The largest segments making up this tremendous volume include Home Appliances, Residential Utility Meters, and HVAC Equipment all of which require wireless technologies other than cellular. This is the arena where SRDs in the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequencies are found and from where they will be challenging other wireless contenders in the coming years. Telit, following its medium and long 22 TELIT2MARKET
350 Millions
Source: Berg Insight
As far as the network topology is concerned, the most complex and unfortunately common situation to be considered is the coverage of buildings within densely populated urban areas. In this case, the low power dedicated mesh network, explicitly optimized for such requirements, can represent the most suitable solution. Another important parameter for the system design is the selection of the right frequencies to maximize overall performances while reducing power consumption.
The Progress of Telit RF to Become the Leader in SRD ZigBee technology is establishing itself as “the standard” for Home Appliances and HVAC equipment. In 2009, Telit RF Technologies released the first ZigBee product family (the ZE50/60) with the successful certification of the fully Telit-developed ZigBee stack. Moreover, in the first quarter of 2010 Telit will become the first company to release ZigBee Pro modules – the ZE51/61 which is 100% compatible with the existing ZE50/60 – based on the new breakthrough chipset, the CC2530. These modules will be equipped with up to 256 KB of memory in a single System on Chip (SoC) providing a real competitive advantage to all Telit partners and customers.
Obstacles low kHz
medium MHz
micro wave GHz
Figure 2
Further consolidating this strong position, Telit signed a development contract with ELECTROLUX, a leading white goods company, for the ENERGY@HOME initiative with ENEL (the largest utility conglomerate in Italy and EU) and TELECOM IT (the largest telecommunications company in Italy and one of the largest in Europe). The Energy Meters segment, integral to the Smart Grid, AMM/AMI m2m markets, is shaping up to become the strongest m2m growth market of the coming five years thanks to a strong push from initiatives spawned by climate change control efforts and strong US and EU legislation. Wherever wired PLC technology cannot be used, ZigBee in the US and Northern Europe, and Wireless M-Bus in Central EU are likely to be the standards of choice for the solution.
used to connect the residential gas meters to the AMI with an average concentration factor of approximately 1 to 12. As part of this effort, Telit has become an active member of the UNI-CIG Committee (Comitato Italiano Gas) which is now defining the standards for the system and the relevant wireless transmission technologies. Telit RF also signed a development and supply con-
GAS METERING PROJECT in ITALY Estimated Costs (M5) Solution
SRD + Cellular GW
Only Cellular
Figure 4
may have from their applications. Additionally, Telit is uniquely positioned to optimize its various proprietary protocol stacks (i.e. S – for point-to-point/star network applications; M – for low-power, high-efficiency dedicated mesh; and Z – for ZigBee and Wireless M-Bus) to all customization requirements, thereby simplifying architecture and reducing costs as well as time-to-market. On the contrary of our competitors or when a make-it-by-yourself approach is used, Telit, owning and controlling the full IPR on the stacks, is able to assure long term supply, customization, deployment and field support, after sales extended warranty, and maintenance. The result of this unique strategy dramatically reduces the application TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), providing a competitive advantage to our customers by improving the ROI. <<
In this case, to reduce the overall costs, an SRD technology in the ISM band will be 2010 Wireless Technology
The Telit RF Unique Selling Points Because our product families maintain the same form factor, Telit partners have readymade and cost effective solutions for whichever RF data connectivity requirements they
Av. Concentr. Ratio= 1/12,15 years operation
In order to play a leadership role in this market as well, in 2009 Telit released its first Wireless M-Bus stack available in two products. The new ME50, pin-to-pin compatible with the new ZE50/60 family, available in the first half of 2010 becomes the smallest and highest performing product in the Wireless M-Bus market. One example of the magnitude and strength of this market is the Italian Gas Metering Project, the largest AMM Gas Meter project which has ever been announced globally, totaling € 3 billion, with a total available market for Telit RF of € 180 million, to be implemented from next year to 2016.
tract with Schlumberger, a leading company in AMM, to address the Remote Water Metering market with an innovative and efficient solution that will be released during 2010.
Cellular (GPRS)
G16, G25, G40
Cellular (GPRS)
Cellular (GPRS for the GW) + SRD
‹G4, G4, G6
Cellular (GPRS for the GW) + SRD
56.999 84.533 928.273
Penetration %
Figure 3
Short Range Technologies Provide Innovative Solutions for M2M Applications by Milena Milosevic, Product Manager Short Range Devices dongles that are compliant with ZigBee and Wireless M-Bus standards. ZigBee is a high level communication protocol with a low power, digital radio based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs). This standard meets the unique needs of sensor and control device systems and is well on the way to becoming a global sensor/ control network standard. ZigBee is targeted at radio-frequency (RF) applications that require a low cost solution, ease of integration, low data rate, reliable data transfer, long battery life, and secure networking. Telit developed, in house, protocol stacks for ZigBee 2006, ZigBee 2007, and the latest ZigBee PRO, which have all been tested by the ZigBee Alliance and certified as ZCPs (ZigBee Compliant Platform). A ZCP platform is the starting point for developers to guarantee interoperability with the ZigBee industrial standard. All of Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ZigBee compliant modules are available in the same form factor, measuring 25 x 15 x 3 mm, with options which include integrated antenna or different output power (e.g. the ZE50-2.4 rated at 1mW or the ZE60-2.4 rated at 100mW). Additionally, the next product generation ZE51-2.4 and ZE61-2.4 will be available in the same form factor as ZE50-2.4 and ZE60-2.4 and will host the new TI (System on Chip) SoC CC2530 with extended memory of 256kB flash.
ZigBee and Wireless M-Bus Products >> Maintaining a constant flow of innovation in m2m solutions requires changes and adjustments in technology. Today, short range devices supporting ZigBee or Wireless MBus standards are playing an important role in enabling machines and other traditional non-computing devices and sensors to con24 TELIT2MARKET
nect with back-end IT-infrastructure in a wide automation network. The benefits of this standardization in connectivity include guaranteed interoperability, low power consumption, and significant cost reduction. In order to address current market requirements, Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s portfolio of short range solutions includes modules, terminals, and USB
Wireless M-Bus (Meter-Bus) is a European Standard for the remote reading of gas, water, and electricity meters as well as other consumption meters specified by the EN 13757-4 standard. The standard is in the European ISM frequency band, which is becoming widely accepted as the basis for new Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) installations. Modules embedding the Wire-
less M-Bus stack must comply with the general SRD standard EN 300-220, as does Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TinyOne Lite 868MHz. The Wireless M-Bus specification defines several modes suitable for both one-way or two-way communication in different situations such as stationary, frequent transmit, or frequent receive mode. Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TinyOne Lite module with Wireless M-Bus has a UART interface for serial connection and configuration, a variant with integrated antenna, form factor dimensions of 38 x 21 x 3 mm, and eight I/O ports. It is also an ultra-low-power solution that is easily integrated into applications. In the next product generation, which will be available in the second half of 2010, Telit will reduce the form factor size to 25 x 15 x 3 mm, thus creating a unified form factor with ZigBee products. SR to GSM/GPRS Gateway Short range devices are highly suitable for power-sensitive or battery-operated applications. A prime example of this type of application is one under much growth pressure due to a number of initiatives for infrastructure modernization: Automatic Meter Management (AMM). AMM allows the system to frequently measure, collect, and analyze consumption, which improves overall system management. The leading communication technologies for AMM are ZigBee and Wireless M-Bus, because they provide twoway communication and data transmission while not being subject to recurring air-time charges within the local environment. Although the benefits of short range technologies are great, the localized communication area can be extended with the integration of cellular connectivity. By having extensive, in house, knowledge of both cellular and short range technology, Telit is ideally positioned to integrate a gateway solution that allows the IP host and short range end node to establish a connection. Integrating short range and GSM/GPRS creates an optimal communication system not only suitable for smart grids but also for the automation of residential and commercial buildings or the management of large sites controlling HVAC (heating/ventilation/air-conditioning), lighting, access, irrigation, urban sema-
phores, airports, and harbors. Additionally, other segments and applications such as patient monitoring in healthcare and process control in industry can benefit from the ability to remotely control a local environment. A short range solution that integrates a cellular gateway can provide information to the IP enabling the transmission of an alarm via SMS or the activation of an emergency call. The GG863-SR gateway is equipped with a Telit GSM/GPRS programmable module, the GE863-PRO3, and a short range Telit module that manages the short range network. The main application runs on the ARM9 processor embedded in the GG863-SR, and a dedicated API, developed by Telit, manages data transmit and receive, set up, and other operations related to GSM/GPRS or to the short range network and web interface. The local sensor network is a set of nodes that periodically report data to a coordinator node for processing. The coordinator node, located inside the gateway solution, gathers information from nearby sensor nodes over a short range wireless network, which then processes the data and sends the requested information over a wide area wireless network such as GPRS. All short range functionalities are included in the gateway thus enabling completely transparent access and control of the local network, the data message flow, and the command execution to the external IP host. This process allows all of the necessary communication to be managed through a web server enabling direct management of the gateway interface. The behavior of the gateway can be customized through the embedded Linux interface, which provides a complete development environment and additional dedicated libraries for GSM and short range while the configuration of the main GSM/GPRS and short range network parameters are handled over a web interface. Combining short range and cellular technologies offers an innovative solution that
opens up new horizons for short range network structures and represents another revolution for m2m technology. At a time when the world is increasingly concerned about rising energy costs, short range solutions are viewed as a leading technology helping reduce energy costs in residential and commercial buildings through smart energy products. The integration of GSM/GPRS allows customers to fully benefit from the low power consumption of Wireless M-Bus and the intelligent ZigBee mesh network topology and from savings created by the low-cost of the technology coupled with significantly reduced data transmission costs given that only data sent through the gateway over the cellular network is subject to charges. The first terminal released in the Telit gateway family, the GG863-SR, provides solutions based on the combination of GSM/GPRS + ARM9 with ZigBee, proprietary mesh, and Wireless M-Bus variants with plans already in place for investment in other innovative, reliable, and optimized applications.
Customized Gateway Solution New gateway products are currently under development through the joint efforts of Telit and a leading multi-national, worldwide water metering company. The resulting products will be included in Telitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gateway portfolio to provide for improved data collection in the field and to extend capabilities to create fully automated long range RF architecture. Once this is development is completed, it will be possible to establish two network topologies, ZigBee to Bluetooth, for a semiautomated system that interacts with PDAs or Smartphones, and ZigBee to GSM/GPRS for autonomous systems connected to the internet or intranet. The new gateway will boast Bluetooth connectivity, integrated rechargeable Li-on battery, and increased casing protection (IP42). << TELIT2MARKET
short range products
5c RS422 and RS232, RS485 Serial interfaces
RS232, RS422 and RS485 Serial interfaces
RS232, RS422 and RS485 Serial interfaces
Standby: 70µA
Standby: 70µA
5c RS422 and RS232, RS485 Serial interfaces 5c
high Performance for Long-Range Applications
Network Compatibility TinyOne™ Plus with -Pro
Network Compatibility TinyOne™ Plus with -Pro
5c Embedded S-One or M-One Stack
Ultra5c Low Power Consumption+Std-by Mode
Ultra5c Low Power Consumption+Std-by Mode
5c for Long 500mW Range Applications
5c Available with integrated Antenna
Network Compatibility TinyOne™ Plus with -Pr
2.54 mm DiP Adapter Available
SMD Component 5c TTL RS232 interface + Digital and Analog i/Os 5c Embedded S-One or M-One Stack
5c for Long 500mW Range Applications 5c
5c Standard in-house Firmware Available 5c
DOTA - Upgradeable and Configurable Over-the-Air
5c Standard in-house Firmware Available 5c
DOTA - Upgradeable and Configurable Over-the-Air
For detailed information about Telit's products, please visit
Infineon Technologies AG: the innovative and reliable partner for the M2M Industry by Alessandro Bacchetti >> In the past two years, m2m (Machine-
to-Machine) applications have become one of the most talked about topics in the wireless industry all over the world. More than 50 billion machines worldwide that could be connected via m2m technologies are seen as a great opportunity to trigger a new hype for mobile communication. Significant market potential is seen in many vertical market segments such as Car Telematics, where OEM’s are preparing themselves for massive rollout; Fleet Management, where vehicles get connected to advanced IT systems; Smart Metering, as a key component in future energy systems; POS Terminals and Security Alarms, with a clear trend in fixed-to-mobile substitution. Operators and suppliers foresee that m2m applications have the potential to generate a new wave of growth that could significantly change the industry. Mobile Network Operators (e.g. Vodafone and T-Mobile) have established new m2m Business Units to support fast growing segments like Electric Grids, Telemedicine, and Location Based Services.
Electric Grids are among the largest and most complex technical constructions in the world – but light years behind compared with the innovations seen in other technical fields. The push for an environmentally friendly and low-CO2 world, for higher quality requirements placed on modern industries, alongside the rapid energy consumption increase in emerging countries, collectively, raise the need for a new electrical grid system: Smart Grid – defined as an upgrade to our existing grids adding intelligence, communications, and control. Fast development in semiconductor technologies and solutions is therefore a key enabler for turning this concept into reality. The worldwide total investments into upgrading the legacy grid to a Smart Grid are estimated to reach $ 3 trillion over the next 20 years. Smart Grid is an intelligent combination of five key concepts plus green consumption. These concepts are 1) Integration of renewable energy; 2) Advanced transmission; 3) Grid monitoring and control; 4) Energy storage and EV-charging; 5) Smart metering and appliances; and all these combined with energy efficient consumption.
Smart meters allow remote read-out and change of supply conditions, increase transparency on consumption, and enable flexible electricity markets with real-time pricing and demand management. Advanced smart meters are central load management systems communicating with smart appliances in the private and business sector to mitigate effects of demand peaks. Infineon Technologies offers semiconductor and system solutions addressing three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency, communications, and security. It is therefore especially prepared to drive this segment with innovative and cost efficient system solutions. SMART AND EFFICIENT METERS AND APPLIANCES are likely to reduce operating costs for energy providers increasing transparency and flexibility for consumers. Infineon provides a broad semiconductor portfolio to develop best in class system solutions such as: • Comprehensive portfolio of U/I sensor ICs for potential free current sensing • High voltage power MOSFETs and IGBTs with lowest on-state resistance • GPS-receivers for reference time/location-referencing
XMM6160 – HSPA SMART Modem Solution from Infineon
mized cellular modules with best in class RF performance.
• Low power microcontrollers for smart meters with integrated A/D-converter and display-driver • Lowest cost to most advanced voltage regulators for smart meter and smart appliance applications • Trusted platform module for overall system security for cellular wireless • ICs and modules for cellular, RF, and PLC • Complete system-level solutions with integrated hard- and software for cellular, RF, and PLC • Highly integrated Smart Meter ASIC solutions This is only one upcoming application area where m2m will drive innovation in the future. Cellular m2m has the potential to overtake cellular subscribers over the next few years. The Wireless Solutions Division of Infineon supports m2m applications and the m2m module manufacturer Telit with system platforms for selected subcategories like GSM/GPRS, EDGE, WEDGE, HSPA and in future Software Defined radio. Infineon and Telit have cooperated for many years in a close relationship enabling Telit to develop innovative and cost-efficient m2m solutions. Infineon IFX system platforms combine costoptimized IC’s, reference designs, feature rich software stacks, and professional customer support throughout the entire value chain. The small size together with the flexible, modular concept of our system platform offer customers the ability to leverage one design into various fields of applications such as smart metering, remote control, mobile computing, and telematics. Infineon is a market leader in integrating Cellular Baseband, RF, and Power Management into a single chip, enabling our customers to produce cost and board-space opti-
Infineon’s current XMM™6080 3G platform supports HSDPA up to 7.2 Mbps with an outstandingly small footprint and extremely low power consumption. Next generation platforms will take system integration, footprint, and power consumption to new benchmark levels. The next generation 3G modem platform XMM™6160 consists of a single-chip baseband and power management unit together with the SMARTi™ UE RF transceiver, introducing new features such as HSUPA up to 5.76 Mbps. These platforms will be enhanced by state-of-the-art connectivity functionality such as ultra-sensitive A-GPS and will pave the way for single-chip and dual-core 3G architecture platforms with integrated connectivity technologies. Infineon platforms stand for the highest levels of integration, best in class talk and stand by time, scalability and flexible software structure, excellent performance, and highest reuse between the different system platforms, and scalability from HSUPA to GPRS. The recently announced and already among the most accepted HSUPA platforms is the XMM6160 platform solution. Infineon is providing the chipset, software, reference design, and worldwide Operator certifications to enable fast and stable entrance in defined target markets. Intensive compliance testing world-over ensures that our customers and their main clients can achieve rapid time-to-market with optimized levels of effort. The XMM61xx modem platform is an excellent example where customers’ development investments are protected with the ability to re-use designs from one generation to the next. Another excellent example is the development in the GSM/GPRS segment and resounding success of the INFINEON X-GOLDTM 101 (formerly E-GOLDTM voice) which has shipped over 200 million units worldwide. This
2nd generation single-chip has set an industry standard in System-on-Chip (SoC) integration by being the first GSM single-chip with an integrated Power Management Unit. It also integrates complete power management functionality in digital CMOS technology and includes advanced circuitry and architecture that allows direct-to-battery connection without external regulators. For the first time GSM/GPRS functionality can now be integrated into small end devices with minimum limitation on the final form factor. Disruptive new assembly and manufacturing concepts are enabled providing for further cost reductions. Based on that, very efficient GSM/GPRS modem solutions could be provided to the market. Lowest system cost based on minimal component counts (approximately 50 for the complete modem), small PCB with mounted area smaller than 4cm2, and improved time-to-market enabled by the use of a market proven chip set platform, and protocol stack are key benefits from using an Infineon based GSM/GPRS modem. Infineon’s value to the cellular market can be clearly seen in the picture below which shows the evolution in dimension reduction of our GSM/GPRS modem solutions over the last few years. GSM/GPRS Platform Solutions
2005 P2002
2006 ULC1
2007 XMM1010
Now, our 3rd generation single-chips X-GOLD™110 (designed for cost efficient GSM/GPRS modems) and X-GOLD™213 take integration one step further with the inclusion of FM radio functionality, both in the latest 65nm CMOS technology targeted at cost driven mass market cellular applications. << TELIT2MARKET
M2M Toolkit for Optimized Applications Deployment by Cyril Zeller, VP Sales & Marketing, Mobile Devices >> TinyM2M has been designed to address the growing needs of the m2m market for a plug & play module that makes the design, production, and deployment of m2m products easy. TinyM2M is based on a set of hardware and software elements, designed to provide the customer’s developers the freedom to quickly build products by leveraging a vast library of API and applications. A Complete Toolkit for your m2m Project The toolkit benefits from several advanced features that allow the development and deployment of m2m applications with a minimum investment and at the lowest cost of operation: investments in hardware and back office development are drastically reduced, while communication, server operation, and hardware maintenance costs are minimized. Using a proven technology and a reliable server infrastructure, TinyM2M minimizes risks. The product is easily scalable and can be adapted to a wide range of project sizes, making expansions a simple matter. The flexibility of TinyM2M allows it to meet or exceed all of your project requirements by supporting most any change during and after deployment. TinyM2M includes the following elements: • TELIT Pro3 • Open platform MCT 2.0 and m2m protocol • SDK: Morpheus • Communication server access: CloudConnect • Open source m2m application server: WAFfle The features of the TinyM2M meet the needs of customers in the m2m industry: full GSM & GPRS drivers, a complete m2m protocol (very low cost data transmission on UDP and TCP protocol) compatible with the 30 TELIT2MARKET
CloudConnect Server, remote (over-the-air) administration & diagnosis, remote update, flexible power management, more than 2,700 programming APIs, a remote API interface (through which the APIs can be invoked remotely), a complete development environment including emulator, debugger, system safety, a multi-board protocol (to connect an additional programmable device via UART or USB), and a large catalog of m2m & Telematics drivers & services (CAN bus, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Accelerometer, OBD,…). Software Specifications Communication and Protocol: Complete m2m protocol compatible with CloudConnect server, UDP/TCP + multi device protocol Administration: Remote (over-the-air) update administration, and diagnostics, remote API call, advanced safety mechanism (hardware and software watchdogs, restore, etc…) Telematics Drivers: GPRS, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, CAN bus, Accelerometer… Advanced Power Management: Comprehensive set of power modes (suspend on RAM, on Flash…), flexible wake-up and shutdown modes Wide Range of Applications: Telemetry, Hours in Use, Fleet Tracking, User Based Insurance (UBI), Driver Behavior Management, Stolen Vehicle Recovery A complete development environment: emulator, debugger, over 2,700 programming APIs, and much more
What is Morpheus Integrated Development Environment? Morpheus supports multiple operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and MacOS. It includes an interface description tool, a compilation tool chain, a code generation, and complete PC emulation. The extensive API Library (more than 2,700 APIs) includes a variety of components: hardware interfaces (e.g. GPS, power, modem), high level API (e.g. communication, data management), tools (updating, configuration, monitoring), and a library of applications. The Web Service API is a REST interface with multiple output formats (e.g. JSON, XML), that is secure and provides transparent access to the TinyM2M (tracking, messaging, administration). The Web Application Framework is a cross browser with an application engine, inter widget communication, an easy to use API, a widget toolkit, and library (e.g. maps, message, reports).
TinyM2M offers an unchallenged level of features for the m2m industry and comes with an unrivalled toolkit including application framework, IDE, communication server, and catalog of applications such as Fleet Tracking, Telemetry, Hours in Use, Driver Behavior Management, User Based Insurance (UBI), and Stolen Vehicle Recovery. <<
Tiny M2M ARM 9 RAM
GPS Bluetooth Accelerometer CAN I/O Display/Navigation
Additional Network Interfaces (Radio, Ethernet, WiFi, …)
Tracking Advanced Telematics
ping the new Audi A8 with UMTS/HSDPAbased broadband communications modules. The company has announced that the new, third-generation “MMI Navigation plus” infotainment system will offer the UC864-E-AUTO Telit automotive module as an optional feature starting in summer of 2010. This will give Audi customers the ability to make and receive telephone calls as well as use mobile Internet and other innovative online services. In the high-end car market particularly, infotainment systems are becoming an increasingly critical differentiating feature among competing brands. The convenient connection of mobile devices, such as telephones, media players, or media storage to the infotainment system, coupled with the mobile connection of the vehicle to the Internet, places tough demands on individual technology components and their integration. With its connected MMI Navigation plus infotainment system, Audi also reaffirms its innovative leadership position in the field of online communications.
Vorsprung durch Technik: Audi Bluetooth Autotelefon online – powered by Telit. The MMI Navigation plus with MMI touch is the central control unit for quick and simple access to all infotainment functions. The system not only boasts the familiar functions of 3D-hard-drive navigation, telephone and media functions including 20 Gigabytes of free memory, CD/DVD drive, and integrated speech dialog system with multi-slot input, but now also features – for the first time – an innovative touchpad for handwriting recognition. With the optionally-available “Bluetooth Autotelefon online”, the UMTS/HSDPA module UC864-E-AUTO from Telit is now being completely integrated into the MMI system. Along with premium voice-controlled telephony via the Bluetooth SIM access profile or the plug-in SIM card, the system now also offers broadband mobile Internet access inside the car as standard. The application of this feature is twofold. The first being the channelling into the car of Audi online services such as point of interest searches, destination uploading to the car from home, retrieval of weather forecast information, travel information and news headlines, as well as Google Earth online satellite maps. The second being the functionality of an Internet access point
which can be used by passengers with mobile wireless LAN devices in the form of a “rolling hotspot”. UC864-E-AUTO: Perfected for the automotive industry The UC864-E-AUTO is a single-band UMTS/ HSDPA and quad-band EDGE module developed especially for the needs of the automotive industry. The module provides an ultrafast data transfer of up to 7.2 Megabits/s at 2100 MHz. Thanks to its extremely compact size and extended temperature range to comply with automotive standards, it fits perfectly within the cramped physical confines of the vehicle. “The UC864-AUTO is the world’s first UMTS/ HSDPA module to enable a mobile broadband connection for cars to the Internet. It is therefore the centerpiece in the development of next generation telematics and infotainment systems”, said Dominikus Hierl, Managing Director Strategic Accounts & Corporate Business Development at Telit Communications PLC. “We’re immensely proud that our module has proven its ability and has become a pivotal component of such a fascinating and innovative system as the MMI Navigation plus from Audi.” << TELIT2MARKET
Telit, the New Leader in the Automotive Segment
by Dominikus Hierl â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Managing Director Strategic Accounts and Business Development
>> The Automotive market segments collectively represent the largest growth potential for wireless m2m communication in the near future. About 50 million new cars were sold globally in 2009, whereas only about 5% of them (OEM) were equipped with line-fitted Telematics systems. Upcoming legislation such as the eCall mandate in Europe, resolution 245 of the Brazilian government, and local initiatives in emerging markets such as China will create a huge potential market. At Telit, we believe that by 2014 the majority of new cars will be equipped with wireless connectivity.
As a major player in the global m2m market, Telit has been approached by carmakers and 1st-tier automotive system integrators for dedicated vertical solutions. In response to this demand, we have developed a premier portfolio of automotive-grade GPRS and HSPA modules designed to serve the specific needs of this market. eCall Consider ing the magnitude of death and injury on roads in Europe, the need for an automated method to alert emergency responders of accidents becomes abundantly clear. There were around 41,600 deaths and more than 1.7 million people injured in 2005. It is estimated that an automated method of accident notification has the potential of avoiding some 2,500 fatalities annually in EU-27 when fully deployed. It would also drastically reduce the severity of injuries, bringing significant savings to society in terms of healthcare and other costs while reducing human suffering.
Emergency calls made from vehicles do help with the objective of reducing road deaths and injuries, but drivers often have poor (imprecise) location-awareness, especially on interurban roads or when driving abroad. Additionally, in many situations, car occupants are quite unable to place calls using a normal mobile phone. The situation is worse for those travelling abroad. A high-and-growing number of vehicles travelling outside their home countries continues raising the need for an automated emergency call system to be built into them. In the EU, there are over 100 million car trips taken annually in which borders are crossed to other EU countries (EU-15). Some 65 % of people feel less protected while abroad and most do not know what number to call in an emergency (in some countries over 60%). Language problems are also prominent and consistently hinder adequate communication.
In more severe accidents, victims may not be able to call because they are either injured, trapped, or do not know the local emergency number to call. And in many cases, particularly in rural areas or late at night, there may be no witnesses who happen to have a mobile phone and a sense of community, or witnesses at all, to call the accident into emergency services. The objective of implementing an in-vehicle emergency call system is to automate the notification of a traffic accident. One major benefit from this is the ability for emergency services to have and use essential data, such as location, transmitted directly from the vehicle to the appropriate responding authority.
The European eCall initiative provides for two types of emergency call placements from a vehicle Use of the pan European in vehicle emergency call “eCall”, which routes the voice call and the data directly to the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP), using the emergency number 112 . Use of a “Third Party Support for eCall”, abbreviated as TPS-eCall. This is an eCall variant where data is transmitted to a third party service provider or TPSP along with the establishment of a voice call to that TPSP. Upon processing of the call, if the situation is deemed to be an emergency requiring rescue, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards to this PSAP, the pertinent data received from the event, which must at a minimum comply with the Minimum Set of Data standard (EN 15722 – intelligent transport systems – eSafety -’eCall’ mini-
has been signed, to date by 14 member States, 3 associated States and more than 80 organizations. A European eCall Implementation Platform (EeIP) has been setup to coordinate efforts among the relevant stakeholders interested in a swift implementation of the pan European eCall. Automotive Quality Since quality is one of Telit’s core values, we are fully committed to achieving the highest levels of product and process quality possible. Our manufacturing partners ML&S in Greifswald, Germany; Sanmina-SCI in Campinas, Brazil; and BYD in Shenzhen, China have long-term experience in the production of sophisticated automotive products and are qualified according to TS16949 quality standards. A very important measure to ensure the long-term stability and quality of our products is the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), a validation test which products have to pass before they can be released for use in the automotive market. The PPAP suite contains a comprehensive set of relevant mechanical and environmental tests specified in ISO 16750 (-1/2/3:2006) and ETSI EN 300 019 (Part 1-1/2/5) designed to guarantee the extremely high quality levels as mandated by the automotive manufacturers. The purpose of this test is to demonstrate the robustness of the product under pre-defined environmental conditions. It has to be shown that the units survive the test suite without irreversible failure and perform according to product specifications. Telit’s full set of technical documents on “Automotive PPAP Validation Tests’” is available on request.
mum set of data). The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and vehicle occupants and can set up a conference call, if required by any of the involved parties and allowed by the PSAP. The eSafety eCall steering committee, which Telit joined back in 2005, has drafted a Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of interoperable In-Vehicle eCall which TELIT2MARKET
In order to comply with regulations for recycling, material data of our automotive products must be described according the International Material Data System (IMDS). As another testament of Telit’s commitment to the automotive market, we have taken on the challenge of optimizing all our products for their hands-free audio operation in the car environment. All Telit automotive products are tested and fully compliant with Specification VDA 1.6 for car hands-free terminals, a specification developed by VDA, the German car manufacturers association in to order ensure that all components used in car phones work in a manner to provide an optimum performance in terms of noise reduction and echo cancelation. Telit is fully engaged in meeting quality targets set by the car manufacturers which specify guidelines for perfect functionality for car components over their lifetime. In order to ensure the maximum level of product quality possible, Telit runs comprehensive end-of-line screening tests including TriTemp-Testing and Active Burn-In. This extra effort is helping us identify and remove products from the production lot which would cause early failures in the field or show out-ofspec performance under extreme temperatures; and also gives us the reliance to guarantee the lowest dead-on-arrival (DOA/zero km) and field failure rates that are required by our customers. Automotive Products GE864-AUTOMOTIVE Telit has successfully introduced the GE864-AUTO, the most economical, fully automotive grade GSM/GPRS module in the market. 34 TELIT2MARKET
The product is based on our GE864-QUAD product family, which has for years excelled in the market with its ease of integration, low overall solution cost, and high quality.
for applications where an extended life cycle and automotive grade quality need to meet low cost requirements for high volumes Telematics applications.
In addition to the standard feature-set available in all our GPRS products, the GE864-AUTO also boasts: Extended temperature range 40° C to + 85° C (operational) 40° C to + 90° C (storage) Audio performance according to specification VDA 1.6 ESD protection level 4 Contact up to +/- 4 kV Air up to +- 8 kV Contact antenna pin up to +/- 15 kV Reliability testing according to the PPAP process Production according to TS 16949 quality standards Extended temperature management functionality Inband Modem support according to ETSI eCall specification
Typical applications include: eCall solutions Car phone applications OEM telematics solutions such as door unlock, remote maintenance, vehicle security Fleet management solutions for commercial applications Devices for PAYD (pay-as-you-drive) solutions for insurance companies On-board devices for toll collection Tracking and control of leased and rental car fleets Connected Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs) Track and trace applications such as container and asset-tracking
Very useful features for automotive applications which are standard in all our products: SIM Access Profile Comprehensive Audio Settings Digital Audio Interface Jamming Detection Firmware Update Over-the-Air The GE864-AUTO is fully automotive certified according to the Automotive PPAP Validation Test as described above and is the ideal solution
UC864-E-AUTO Extended infotainment capabilities are becoming a key selling proposition of premium cars today. Following specifications and requirements from one of the most prominent European premium car manufacturers, Telit has developed the first automotivegrade 3.5G HSDPA module in the global market space. In addition to the basic functionality of our GPRS products, the UC864-AUTO offers full EDGE and HSDPA high-speed data transmission with rates up to 7.2 Mbps enabling a completely new set of functionalities and customer experience in high-end driver information systems. Innovative features currently available only in the latest consumer smartphones become viable
for the car driver enabling a whole new level of customer experience. Users can, for example, download locations from search engines into the navigation systems for routing, view satellite pictures of their destination, or stream real-time content like internet radio into the infotainment system. Telit’s UC864-E-AUTO is a member of our connectorized GC864 form factor family meaning that fully backward compatible CDMA and GPRS solutions are available making it possible to customize applications to local market needs. In 2010, Telit will introduce a UMTS 1700 MHz (AWS) variant of this product which will offer high-speed data transmission capability for users of the T-Mobile USA network.
- 30° C to + 85°C (restricted operating mode) - 40° C to + 90° C (storage) Audio performance according to specification VDA 1.6 ESD protection level 4 Contact up to +/- 4 kV Air up to +- 8 kV Contact antenna pin up to +/- 15 kV Reliability testing according to the PPAP process Production process according to TS 16949 quality standards SIM access profile Extended temperature management functionality with high-accuracy temperature sensor
Compared to the commercial product UC864-E, the AUTO version offers: Landing pads for Rosenberger board-toboard connector Extended temperature range - 20° C to + 65° C (operational)
As with all our UMTS products, the UC864-E supports Firmware update Over-the-Air or over USB 2.0 full speed interface.
Outlook Telit is strongly committed to continued investments in the development of new and innovative automotive products. For 2010, plans call for the launch of an updated HSPA automotive product, which has been defined in close cooperation with our customers. This new product has had as its design focus, an optimum technical solution while being a cost optimized integration concept. The HE863-EU-AUTO (BGA) and HC864-EU-AUTO (connector type) will be announced in the summer and available for mass production later in 2010. <<
PA25 ANTENNA at a glance
Antenna size: only 36 x 6 x 5 mm High antenna efficiency with up to 70% Can successfully pass all global network approvals including PTCRB and AT&T Meets all temperature and mechanical specs required (vibration, drop tests, etc.)
SMD technology: Saves on cable and connector costs Leads to higher integration yield rates Reduces losses in transmission
“A smart Telit GE865-QUAD with smart PA25 antenna will deliver a truly powerful m2m device. I will be glad to share my experience with you. Just email to” Harald Naumann, Sales Representative Telit Wireless Solutions EU, Sales Representative Taoglas DACH |
ask the expert Interview with Erik Brenneis, Head of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Smart Services at Vodafone Global Enterprise
to enhance customer service in areas including smart metering, connected cars, and the remote monitoring of equipment. To help our customers release the potential of this technology, Vodafone was one of the first to launch a global Machine-to-Machine (m2m) services platform enabling customers to deploy and manage large, wireless m2m projects. This effort has been supported by an expert team with worldwide responsibility for growing Vodafone’s m2m business, as well as providing customers with consultancy. telit2market: Mr. Brenneis, what role does m2m play in Vodafone´s overall strategy? Erik Brenneis: m2m is one of Vodafone’s strategic business activities. Vodafone was quick to identify the potential of this sector and has been fine tuning its m2m offering ever since. From the start, Vodafone set out to make it as simple and as cost effective as possible for firms to deploy m2m technology, even on a global basis. The creation of the m2m division was simply in response to present and future customer demand. Vodafone wants to bring its scale and expertise to this fast-growing market, as more and more companies start using wireless m2m 36 TELIT2MARKET
telit2market: Do you anticipate that we will experience a dramatic breakthrough in m2m applications in the next five years and that m2m will really become a multibillion-dollar market? What is your specific m2m strategy for the next five years? Erik Brenneis: Demand for m2m services on mobile networks across Europe is forecast to increase significantly over the coming years. Globally, operator revenues for wireless m2m were € 3 billion in 2008, forecast to rise to € 8.9 billion by 2012, according to the analyst firm Berg Insight. We address this market with a specific m2m offering, consisting of a global m2m managed connectivity plat-
form, global SIMs, and a dedicated global team with experts in every local market. We are able to provide tailored pricing, valid across all our operating companies and partner markets – basically the whole world – as well as consistent service levels. telit2market: The end-to-end approach, which creates a continuous process chain between the module used in the field and the user’s PC dashboard, is gaining more and more popularity. How does Vodafone appraise and support this development? Erik Brenneis: I absolutely agree that this is the case; therefore Vodafone is working with partners on the module side to ensure compatibility between the communication modules and the Vodafone SIM. We are also working with partners who make specific m2m devices in order to make sure that their hardware interfaces seamlessly with our connectivity solution and works on our networks. On the system side, we are working with system integration companies and service companies, making sure that their systems (e.g. meter data management or telematics services) are seamlessly integrated with our managed connectivity solution.
vis cell phone manufacturers in the consumer sector? Where do the differences lie? Erik Brenneis: I see more similarities between hardware devices (like a tracking box or a security device) and the consumer market than on the module side. The main reason being that a customer needs to do real development, usually over a period of months, in order to integrate a module into his solution. For example, you could imagine an m2m device, such as a personal security device, bundled with a Vodafone contract. However, at the moment our focus lies on serving the market with m2m managed connectivity (e.g. for metering and automotive), since these markets are growing fast and are just taking off.
telit2market: What role in the m2m added value chain does Vodafone want to play and what partner models are you using to facilitate this? Erik Brenneis: Vodafone’s priority lies on providing managed connectivity to all m2m services and solutions. In order to ensure this, we are forming the partnerships in the value chain I described in your third question. telit2market: What sales and pricing model is Vodafone using to enter the m2m market? Erik Brenneis: We either have a direct customer relationship with the customer such as a utility company for example, or through a partner, who might bundle our m2m connectivity into a service they offer to their customers (e.g. a telematics company). With regards to pricing, usage models of the different m2m vertical markets are very different and therefore we offer tailored pricing models which suit the particular needs of the customer and the service they are providing/offering. For example, a security solution needs to have a reliable connection, but uses little data, compared to a navigation device. Our pricing can be on an international level as well, if the customer needs one price for all devices across the world. telit2market: With respect to manufacturers of m2m modules and m2m hardware, are you pursuing a similar strategy vis-à-
telit2market: What requirements must a hardware or device manufacturer satisfy to qualify as a “Vodafone Vendor”? Erik Brenneis: These hardware manufacturers need to have a state of the art product, which is thoroughly tested on our networks. Also, especially in m2m, device robustness and longevity is important as well as cost competitiveness.
strategy, to profit from the boom of the next few years? Erik Brenneis: With regards to technology, I believe that it is a given that the technical requirements (interfaces, speed etc.) are fulfilled. I think there will be a differentiation on product longevity and quality as well as on the ease of integration of the module into a device. This also requires a strong global support organization. Strategically, I believe that the module market will continue to grow in size, but prices will keep falling, therefore size and strength of an organization, will be a major differentiator to be able to make the necessary investments into next generation modules. I would expect consolidation in the market to continue over the next years. telit2market: Mr. Brenneis, to conclude, let’s have a look into the crystal ball: How will m2m have changed the world in 10 years time? Erik Brenneis: I believe that when we look back in 10 years, it will be quite hard to imagine a world without our connected cars, without our e-readers, or how it was when we still had to take a day off work every couple of months just to let the meter reader into our house … Just like it is very hard to imagine now how we got along without cell phones only 25 years ago.
telit2market: What role does a module manufacturer’s service portfolio already play on the m2m market, and how will this role evolve over the next few years? Erik Brenneis: At the moment, one of the main challenges that still exists in the m2m telit2market: Mr. Brenneis, thank you for market is enabling devices to be connected, talking to us today. specifically the integration of the communication module. It is crucial for a module manufacturer to have a Er i k B r e nn e i s strong service and support Head of Machine-toorganization in order to help Machine (m2m) Smart the customers deliver their Services at Vodafone products and solutions to Global Enterprise market. With regards to after sales service, in the future I Erik Brenneis recently believe that remote software joined Vodafone Global download will become more Enterprise and has overall and more important in order responsibility for driving to make sure that today’s deVodafone’s growth in the velopments will also fulfill Machine-to-Machine (m2m) market. He joined tomorrow’s requirements. from Cinterion Wireless where he was Chief Sales Officer and a member of their Executive Managetelit2market: You have been ment Board since 2005. an insider in the m2m marPrior to Cinterion, Mr. Brenneis was Vice President ket for several years now. Sales at Landis+Gyr Switzerland. Before that he How does a module manuworked in various functions with Siemens in Gerfacturer have to be set up, many and the US. He holds a Masters in Electrical in terms of technology and Engineering and a Bachelor in Business Studies. TELIT2MARKET
ETSI Standardizes M2M Communications by Joachim Koss, Vice-Chairman of ETSI TC M2M
>> ETSI, the European Telecommunica-
tions Standards Institute, was founded in 1988 as an independent not for profit organization setting globally-applicable standards in all areas of information and communication technologies (ICT) such as telecommunications, radio communications, broadcasting, and related fields.
There are currently 36 technical committees within ETSI working in the following areas: • Wireless Access Networks (Wireless Access Systems and their regulatory environment) • Future of Wired Networks (Access, control and services in next generation wired networks) • @Home (Connecting devices for the home, Small-Office/Home-Office – SOHO, and Small & Medium Enterprise – SME environments) • Transportation (Systems for people on the move) • Content Delivery / Broadcasting (Building a community across different business areas) • Living with Things (Integration of various “things” to create new network services) • People & Social Responsibility (Technologies that improve people’s lives and environment) • Security (Standards for reliable communications)
• Public Safety (Communications systems for professional users) • Efficient Interoperability (Enabling interoperability in a multi-vendor, multi-network, multi-service environment) ETSI is a standardization body, which is officially recognized by the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) at governmental levels. It has today almost 720 member companies and organizations from 62 countries including manufacturers, operators, administrative entities, universities, public research bodies, small, medium, and micro enterprises. Technical Committee M2M (Machine-to-Machine Communications) ETSI has recognized that the human centric market continues getting more and more saturated, with the business segment of connecting machines to machines growing and being pushed by an increasing number of stakeholders. Numerous new and attractive business opportunities are being created and will inundate us over the coming years with billions of connected objects and associated services. One of the latest examples of an m2m application is based on the European Smart Metering Mandate M/441. Millions of communicating meters for electricity, gas, water, and heat will be installed in Europe in the coming years with the respective Smart Grid applications soon to follow.
In response to this increasing significance, m2m was declared as one of ETSI’s strategic topics in 2008. In June 2008, ETSI hosted a successful workshop followed by a report on m2m standardization outlining the strong need for an end-to-end view focused on interoperability and inter working of m2m equipment based on already existing standards. At the end of 2008 the ETSI Board founded the Technical Committee M2M (TC M2M), which has since held eight plenary meetings. This committee includes European, American, and Asian experts from telecommunication network operators, equipment vendors, administrative entities, research bodies, and of course m2m specialist companies. The diagram shows the current composition of the Committee. Users 3%
Administration 2%
University 2%
Research Body Public 5%
Research Body Private 3%
Network Operator 26% Manufactures 59%
The TC M2M considers as machine-to-machine communications any automated data exchange between machines including virtual machines such as software applications without – or with limited – human intervention.
Vision and Mission The Technical Committee’s overall objective is creating open standards for m2m communications to foster the creation of a future network of objects and services so that already existing and rapidly growing m2m businesses based on vertical applications using a multitude of technical solutions and disperse standards can be turned to interoperable m2m services and networked businesses. The diagram shows the approach how to invert the pipes. Vertical proprietary applications shall be substituted by a horizontal architecture, wherein applications share common infrastructure, environments, and network elements. An m2m system described by clearly structured and specified network transitions, software/hardware interfaces, protocols, etc. shall ensure the interoperability of all system elements. The Technical Committee’s work is based on the general guideline of utilizing existing standardized systems and elements. It evaluates them according to m2m requirements filling any gaps as necessary by either enhancing existing standards or by producing supplemental ones. m2m System Architecture – High Level Approach The m2m system currently being specified in TS 102690 (m2m Functional Architecture) consists of three main domains: • m2m Device, Network, and Application Domain • m2m Devices operating stand-alone or organized in an m2m Area Network are connected to the network domain by an m2m Gateway, which provides the transition to different types of Telecommunication Networks (wired and wireless). • Service capabilities form the interface between the Telecommunications Networks and the m2m Applications.
existing proprietary vertical applications
applications share common infrastructure, environments and network elements
M2M Business Application
M2M Business Application 1
M2M Business Application 2
M2M Business Application n
Application Infrastructure Existing ICT Infrastructure
Core Network Infrastructure Access Network Infrastructure Wireless / Fixed Line M2M Gate ways
+ Dedicated Devices
– M2M Device
M2M Device
M2M Device
M2M Area Network Service Capabilities M2M Application
M2M Gateway
Client Application M2M Core
Application Domain
Network Domain
• m2m Area Network A network providing connectivity between m2m Devices and m2m Gateways. Examples of m2m Area Networks include: Personal Area Network technologies such as IEEE 802.15, SRD, UWB, ZigBee, Bluetooth; and local networks such as PLC, M-BUS, and Wireless M-BUS. • m2m Gateway The use of m2m capabilities to ensure that m2m Devices interwork and interconnect to the communications networks.
The key elements of the m2m architecture are described below:
• m2m Communications Networks These are the communications networks between m2m Gateways and m2m Applications (servers). They can be further broken down into Access, Transport and Core Networks. Examples include (but are not limited to): xDSL, PLC, satellite, LTE, GERAN, UTRAN, eUTRAN, W-LAN, and WiMAX.
• m2m Device A device capable of replying to requests for data contained within those devices or capable of transmitting data contained within those devices autonomously.
• m2m Application (Server) This is the middleware layer where data goes through the various application services and is used by the specific businessprocessing engines.
M2M Device Domain
The schedule for the first m2m Release consists of three stages: • January 2010: Requirements are fixed • July 2010: m2m Functional Architecture • December 2010: Last level of detail provided by protocols Conclusion Standardization is a key enabler for developing the m2m market quickly and for achieving sustainability. To achieve this market growth, the current vertical m2m approach needs to be replaced by a horizontal one with a common m2m system architecture which shares m2m system elements. From the perspective of its functions and potential uses, m2m is causing an entire “Internet of Things”, or Internet of intelligent objects and services, to emerge in the very near future. <<
Around the world Telit EMEA: 2009 a year of turmoil; and now looking forward to 2010 and beyond with innovation! by Giuseppe Surace – CEO Telit Communications S.p.A., Trieste
>> Telit EMEA continues surviving well through the global economic turmoil, and we are now looking to consolidate our position as one of the few module suppliers that can show positive growth numbers both for revenues as well as deliveries. Although the economy is showing signs of recovery, several factors still threaten to restrain the growth. Yet, for all the weakness in the economy and the near-failure of several iconic technology companies, life and innovation go on. Innovation, yes it was and still is the key factor, as already conveyed in last year’s issue of telit2market. “Innovation” is one of those terms that has always generated confusion and debate, particularly from the perspective of how to harness innovation to generate business growth. 40 TELIT2MARKET
When it comes to innovation, normally the readers look to traditional sources, such as research and development departments, to contribute striking new ideas from their gurus with visions and brilliant ideas. At Telit EMEA we are leveraging ideas and loyalty from our employees to help drive the organization forward. An engaged employee base is indeed one of, if not the most major factor driving the company to innovation. Telit EMEA's culture is made up of a complex mix of employee and corporate beliefs, attitudes, values, rituals, and behaviors that permeate the company and give it its unique personality. As a design and engineering company, we at Telit EMEA rely heavily on a strong corporate culture. Nowhere does culture have a more relevant role than in a company where creativity and innovation translate into the lifeblood of the organization. At Telit EMEA, practically all employees enjoy complete access to information regarding how the company is doing, plans for the future, and so on. We endeavor to be as sup-
portive and as employee-focused as possible believing that good ideas can come from anyone. Furthermore, we strive to operate under an atmosphere of mutual respect, social consciousness, and uninhibited creativity by stressing the underlying value of individual creative contribution. High-profile projects are open to every designer on staff, not just the ones with the most seniority. Everyone contributes in the conceptual development phase; this way everyone feels empowered collaborating in key jobs, and the client enjoys the benefit of the widest range of thinking and experience. Recently, I had the opportunity to read a research report stating that over 70 percent of senior executives say that innovation will be at least one of the top three drivers of growth for their companies in the next three to five years. So, based on such numbers and looking at our organization’s environment, I can state with confidence that the future looks bright for Telit EMEA, and we will remain the cradle of innovation for the entire Telit group. <<
more than 3,000 customers in 56 countries around the world k a global network of 32 distributors k headquarters in Rome (Italy), regional headquarters in Raleigh (NC, USA), São Paulo (Brazil), Seoul (Korea) k R&D centers in Trieste and Cagliari (Italy), SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS (FRANCE), Seoul (Korea) k 16 regional sales offices k Telit’s customers cover the entire spectrum of the m2m market
TELIT WIRELESS SOLUTIONS EMEA Corporate Global HQ in Rome Coordination of all disciplines Trieste • Product Development, GSM/GPRS • Product Development, Short Range • Product Management, Manufacturing • Technical Support • Sales & Marketing for EMEA
TELIT WIRELESS SOLUTIONS North America • Regional Headquarters • Regional Product Certification • Regional Product Management • Regional Technical Support • Sales & Marketing for North America
TELIT WIRELESS SOLUTIONS Latin America • Regional Headquarters • Regional Product Certification & Regulatory Compliance • Regional Technical Support • Manufacturing, Logistics • Quality Compliance • Sales & Marketing for Latin America
TELIT WIRELESS SOLUTIONS APAC • Regional Headquarters • Product Develpoment, CDMA & UMTS/WEDGE-HSDPA • Product Management • Manufactoring, Logistics • Regional Technical Support • Sales & Marketing for APAC
Telit North America Update by Michael A. Ueland – Vice President & General Manager Telit Wireless Solutions North America, Raleigh, NC
>> 2009 was a difficult year for the global economy and for the machine-to-machine (m2m) market in North America. Telit North America was not immune to the widespread macro-economic instability affecting all industries. However, despite the state of the general economy, Telit North America grew significantly thanks to many of our customers’ designs from 2007 and 2008 coming to market and creating a steady growth in demand for our products. One such customer market launch with embedded Telit technology was Isabella Products’ Vizit digital photo frame and photo sharing service (www.isabellaproducts. com). Isabella Products launched a digital photo frame for the consumer market which includes an embedded cellular module enabling two-way connectivity allowing for photo sharing, e-commerce, and other value-added services. Vizit is just one of a number of new m2m devices that we have seen recently being developed for consumers. From e-readers to connected personal navigation devices (PNDs), consumer focused applications have become a new entrant vertical in the m2m landscape. The success of devices like Amazon’s “Kindle” has captured the attention of several of the US’s largest cellular operators making Veri-
zon and AT&T now much more interested in this space. Both Verizon and AT&T have in fact created separate business units (AT&TEmerging Devices Organization and Verizon-Open Development Initiative) to accelerate the time-to-market for m2m devices, especially those with strong mass market appeal. As an important part of the m2m value chain, we believe that investment by major carriers in m2m is a good thing and should help make it easier for our customers to deploy m2m products and accompanying support services thereby enhancing the success of their market launches. In this past year, we also launched the GE865-QUAD which is the world’s smallest GSM/GPRS module at 22 x 22 mm. PTCRB certified and approved for operation on TMobile and AT&T networks in the US, the GE865-QUAD has become immensely popular since it enables a new class of devices for which size is important. One such area from where we expect to see a number of new applications is in the health and medical device market. One of our customers, EmFinders (, has developed a wrist-watch embedded with a personal tracking device for use by public safety organizations, assisted living communities, and caregivers to help track and locate missing persons. Leveraging the ubiquity of existing cellular networks, EmFinders’ EMSeeQ device straps to the wrist of an individual, such as an Alzheimer patient and should that individual turn up missing, the caregiver can call into the EmFinders service center which will activate the device
and initiate a 911 emergency call, providing authorities with the precise location of the missing patient which is obtained from triangulation data derived from the cellular network base stations’ signals. We have been overwhelmed with the popularity of the GE865-QUAD since its announcement and expect to see many of these new customer designs realized in 2010 through new product launches. Going into 2010, it appears the effects of the global economic downturn are receding and that companies are once again looking at ways to leverage the exciting technology of embedded wireless to expand the capabilities of existing products paving the way for new emerging applications never before seen. Our team looks forward to continuing supporting both our customers as well as those seeking to sell Telit-based products in North America with enduring commitment to exceptional levels of customer support and leading edge products. <<
The Future is Now by Marcos Kinzkowski – Vice President Sales & General Manager Telit Wireless Solutions Latin America, São Paulo
>> Telit has established its presence in Brazil at an impressive rate. Since mid 2008, Telit has become a major player in the m2m industry, growing together with the country. Brazil was not immune to the global economic downturn but was the last country in and the first one out. Since being selected to host two major global-scale events, the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016, the country’s profile as a major player on the international stage has been elevated Brazil is the country of the moment. Telit remains optimistic on the opportunities in Brazil as well as its operations in the country, given that it represents one of the fastest-growing wireless markets globally.
of wireless technologies in Brazil. From each vertical application segment, there are a number of customers who acknowledge the benefits of having Telit as a strong and reliable business partner. The progress Telit has made, in less than two years, shows that the company can deliver what customers want and that it will continue to do so. m2m Market Among the m2m segments, automotive is the largest representing more than 50% of the total m2m module market which includes not only vehicle tracking applications but also fleet management and logistics solutions. Additionally, a comprehensive “Automotive Law” aimed at reducing and preventing theft is currently undergoing final analysis in legislative bodies and will likely require the installation of a tracking device into each vehicle coming out of the production line. The estimated number of new vehicles to be sold into the Brazilian market in 2010 is over 5.5 million units.
and gas companies are following right behind. Several RFPs from this segment are expected during 2010. Another sector presenting impressive growth potential is Security/Surveillance, and with new and more reliable products, it is sure to grow rapidly in the coming years. Looking Forward Telit is constantly and actively developing and introducing new modules to the market. In 2009, the company launched several products, including the GE865 – the world’s smallest module – and the GE863-PRO³ – featuring an independent ARM9 processor, embedded Linux, flash and RAM memory – as well as an extremely sensitive GPS module. 2010 will prove to be another exciting year with the introduction of new short range communication modules addressing demand from several niche markets. As the market keeps raising the bar for more robust, and sophisticated modules, Telit is well positioned with a comprehensive wireless portfolio and as a company capable of fulfilling customers’ needs. Another exciting offering available from Telit Brazil is a FOTA server, capable of managing remote access to modules and upgrading software versions. This valuable feature, offered by Telit to its customers, is ready, available, and running. Local Production Telit continues growing its manufacturing in Brazil with seven different models already in local production and others entering the “made in Brazil” set during 2010.
As Brazil looks ahead to hosting the two aforementioned major international events, a multitude of new opportunities are likely to emerge. After implementing its rapid market penetration strategy, Telit organized its operations to focus on becoming the key supplier 42 TELIT2MARKET
The industrial automation and metering segments are also important m2m markets. Several companies, mostly utilities, are currently considering the use of m2m solutions to not only increase efficiency and to minimize waste and theft but also to improve systems management through online tools. Electricity is leading this process but water
2009 proved to be an amazing year for Telit in fulfilling our customers’ needs and paving the way to become the best Brazilian supplier of wireless technology. 2009 helped shape Telit Brazil´s future insuring that 2010 will be just as successful as we continue our expansion in operations – “Rising to the Top”. <<
Telit APAC Update by Gideon Rogovsky – Vice President Sales Telit Wireless Solutions APAC, Seoul
functionality, the terminal sends an alert if the tracked entity enters a restricted area such as a school.
>> 2009 was a good year for Telit APAC. Sales in the region’s different countries, led by Dukjun (D.J.) Koh, Hosang (H.S.) Kim, and Allen Wang, grew more than 50% reinforcing the strong position of Telit in APAC. In Korea, Telit maintained market dominance and was able to show an impressive growth of over 30% in 2009 as compared to 2008. Additionally, 2009 was a critical year in the Korean market as many customers had to redesign their applications to the newly launched HSDPA networks. Telit successfully launched four different UMTS/ HSDPA modules meeting all networks’ requirements including a special HSDPA module for the automotive industry, which was adopted by Hyundai Motors. The intense activity in the UMTS/HSDPA market helped Telit to gain market dominance in these technologies in addition to maintaining dominance in CDMA.
Two additional notable projects are the Epost project, won in cooperation with Bluebird, and the DaeKyo project, won in cooperation with M3Mobile. In the E-post project, cellular technology is used to track the location of shipped parcels, and in the DaeKyo project, a PDA equipped with cellular connectivity is used to monitor the location and efficiency of private teachers for home schooling services. The Chinese m2m cellular market offers two categories of modules, the locally manufactured modules and the European modules made by Telit and others. The local modules are typically used in wireless local loop (WLL) applications and for other applications and markets such as AMR, AVL, Tracking, PNDs etc. The developers usually employ a dual design, which supports the local modules as well as the European one. Therefore, the local application manufacturers and ODMs can offer the products with higher quality or better pricing according to the specific demand. Telit has two operating centers in China, one in Shenzhen and the other in Shanghai. The two centers have a total of seven sales persons and FAEs. Telit China showed an impressive growth in 2009 despite the fact that Telit estimated the Chinese market would not grow in 2009 and perhaps even shrink. The greatest success was seen in AMR, which did not grow in China in 2009, but Telit managed to gain a substantial portion of the high-end products manufactured in this market.
Telit Korea continuously cultivates its relationships with network operators. These efforts enabled the development of a tracking device for sexual offenders, which is required by the Korean Government. For this project, Telit is supplying the MOJ-200 terminal to the Ministry of Justice for tracking purposes. Through the device’s geofencing
The Chinese market consumes mostly GSM/ GPRS products, but the newly launched WCDMA m2m markets are showing good signs. Telit’s WCDMA module, UC864-E, was approved by China Unicom and sold for Repeater Monitoring purposes. Within the APAC region, Telit also has an office in Taipei, Taiwan, which has expe-
rienced continuous sales growth – mainly in the markets of tracking devices, AVL, and PNDs. The activity in Taiwan is rather interesting due to the fact that many projects designed in Taiwan are ODM projects for customers in the US and Western Europe. In this scenario, the sales process is more complicated and demands cooperation between the local sales team and the sales team serving the ODM customer. For Taiwanese customers who approach these markets, Telit supplies the design review and precertification testing services enabling a shorter time-to-market utilizing Telit’s expertise and experience in these markets. Another trend gaining momentum is that customers are designing applications in Europe and the US and then using contract manufacturers from China, Taiwan, or SEA. In this scenario, Telit provides the customer with local technical support while also providing full logistical and production engineering support in APAC, all of which are synchronized between regions. 2009 proved to be successful year, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the APAC and MEA team for their contributions. With your continued efforts, 2010 will be an even better year. << TELIT2MARKET
Telit Customer Isabella Products Wins Best Embedded Mobile Device at Mobile World Congress 2010 for Vizit™ Digital Photo Frame
>> Consumer electronics company Isabella Products, a Telit Wireless Solutions’ customer based in the U.S., was selected as the winner of the Best Embedded Mobile Device Award, which was part of the GSMA’s Embedded Mobile Competition at the 2010 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. Isabella Products received the award for the company’s first product, Vizit™ – the first two-way, touch screen, photo sharing device that leverages Telit’s GE864-QUAD module to deliver images over a cellular network from anywhere in the world via email or MMS. Vizit was selected from a shortlist of products by a panel of nine judges from mobile operators and industry analyst firms who rated entries based on innovation, functionality, their business model and market potential.
We recognized early on the value of cellular technology in the consumer electronics market and the impact that m2m will have on increasing simplicity in the everyday lives of consumers. The Telit module is ideal for Vizit because of its small size, ease of integration and the company’s proven guarantee to protect both our and our customer’s investment over time. Matthew I. Growney Founder and CEO of Isabella Products 44 TELIT2MARKET
“We’re proud to receive such an important recognition from the GSMA. The Best Embedded Mobile Device category was extremely competitive and we’re thrilled that Vizit was seen as the exciting new consumer device that we believe it is. Isabella’s design and use of Telit’s embedded cellular technology enables photo sharing to be simpler and faster, while allowing everyone to participate in an interactive experience,” said Matthew I. Growney, Isabella Products’ CEO. Vizit is a revolutionary two-way photo sharing frame that enables consumers to interact with billions of unshared images found within camera phones, PCs and the Internet by combining a state-of-the-art 10.4” fulltouch LCD screen display with wireless network capabilities. Vizit receives photos in just seconds, allowing friends and family to send photos of life’s most important moments in real-time keeping loved ones connected regardless of location. Equipped with Telit’s GE864-QUAD module, the Vizit is a prime example of a new class of emerging consumer electronic devices that leverage the cellular network to provide consumers with a much richer user experience. Vizit’s cellular connection offers nearly ubiquitous coverage, enabling the frame to constantly receive photos without being tethered to a Wi-Fi connection. The frame receives photos from email, MMS or by retrieving photos that users upload to their personal online account. Vizit Users can send photos from their frame to cell phones, email accounts or even other Vizit frames.
The account is an online portal that enables users to remotely manage their Vizit frames by uploading new photos, changing captions and re-sequencing slideshows. Within the online portal, Vizit users can also direct order photo prints and gifts, creating everything from personalized mugs and posters to photo books and albums. “We are very excited to be part of Isabella Products’ initial product and believe that the emerging market for connected devices provides an excellent growth opportunity for
both Isabella Products and Telit,” said Michael Ueland, Vice-President and General Manager of Telit Wireless Solutions – North America. Telit worked very closely with Isabella Products to ensure that the product design met stringent North American industry requirements for GSM-based devices. Through design reviews and pre-certification testing, Telit engineers were able to provide support to the Isabella Products design team to help overcome the challenges of designing an embedded cellular module into a very compact form factor. <<
Iskra-MIS d.d Telit provided outstanding support to the Iskra-MIS R&D team assisting with all problems and also helping achieve R&TTE approvals for the product. Pavel Jamnik, Advisor to the managing board
FACTS Client Iskra-MIS d.d
System GSM/SMS/GPRS Intrinsically Safe Data Logger for AMR
Which Telit module do you use and why? Iskra selected Telit’s GE863-QUAD module for their AMR communicating data-logger because its BGA format design ensures optimal PCB lay-out efficiency and connection while minimizing potential EMC issues.
Features • • • • • • • • •
ATEX and IEC Zone 0 certified for use in explosion-hazardous areas Multi-channel data logging (up to 6 channels) in pre-programmed intervals of 1-120 minutes Integrated GSM modem for remote communication (SMS, GPRS, world coverage) Low power operation for extended battery life - up to 10 years Self monitoring and status alarming Built-in ambient temperature monitoring and optional external sensor connection Input-to-output pulse replication Support for optional data collecting from external devices (e.g. volume correctors) via local serial communication Simple installation with easily accessible terminals
>> TruRead Ltd., a UK based AMR services provider, and Iskra-MIS d.d., a Slovenia based instrumentation manufacturer and energy management company, have recently developed a new data logger. TruRead operates a service which remotely reads utility meters, and this jointly-developed data logger is a system component designed to be used with the associated automatic meter reading (AMR) service for water, gas, and electricity meters. The data logger ensures that reliable data is gathered for the purpose of billing while providing detailed interval data for analyzing, optimizing energy consumption, and loss detection. Additionally, the system supplies data enabling AMR system monitoring, self diagnostics and notification making up an effective set of tools supporting the installation process.
via an internal GSM modem. The GSM modem is capable of supporting both GPRS and Short Message Service (SMS) messages. In an application where the logger is being powered by battery only SMS is supported due to limitations dictated by power conservation. The Telit GSM modem is capable of quad-band operation therefore supported in most mobile network markets worldwide. The logger is capable of logging ambient temperature associated with each data log event either from the internal or from an optional external temperature sensor. The logger has a local optical data port, which can be used by the installation engineer to configure the unit. The port supports FLAG protocol (IEC 62056) and has a targeted battery life of 10 years – assuming one SMS transmission per day. The internal real time clock can be made to automatically synchronize with the GSM network time base. It was designed to require no “in field” service or maintenance except for battery change. <<
The system captures data through a direct connection to the meters. The logger is designed for mounting in close proximity to either a commercial or domestic gas or other utility meter equipped with a suitable pulse output. When the logger is connected to a gas meter, it utilizes an explosive environment approved (ATEX and IEC) connection rated for Zone 0 installation. At the meter, consumption is normally indicated via pulse interface, and the logger then relays the gathered data to a remote data service TELIT2MARKET
Kamstrup Telit shares in our mindset, understanding that AMR products must be rugged, long-lived, and flexible. Henrik Tinggaard, Development Manager, Technology
FACTS >> The GE864-QUAD-PY was used as the GSM module for the Kamstrup power meters because it facilitates the meter reading process while offering the best monetary value and meeting market demands. Kamstrup A/S is a cleantech company, headquartered near the city of Skanderborg in Denmark. It is specialized and world leading in the field of system solutions for energy metering. With production and main administration sites in Denmark the company boasts a strong international representation network in 50 countries. Approximately 650 dedicated employees make Kamstrup A/S an innovative global partner. Customer relations are grounded on reliability, sense of responsibility, and high quality. The staff embraces a corporate culture of customer orientation and empowerment. The Kamstrup GSM7i module was developed to facilitate automatic meter reading for the company’s range of smart power
meters for residential, commercial, and industrial uses. By using GSM communication, utilities can perform meter readings on demand. Readings can then be used for billing, analysis, meter management, and home automation. With the ability to read meters via GSM, utilities can register both active and reactive energy, voltage quality, and download logs containing data on events, tampering, and magnetic disturbances. GSM communication also allows for smart disconnect and central upload of new features into the meters. With the Telit module for GSM communication, meter readings for heat, cooling, and water meters can also be performed. Telit was the obvious choice for Kamstrup as the provider of GSM modules. Henrik Tinggaard, Development Manager: “Telit has a professional organization, which offers the right support and enables us to shorten time to market. Telit has local representation with a strong European support organization and their knowledge is located close to our R&D department. Telit shares our mindset and understands that AMR products need to be rugged, long-lived, and flexible.” On a technical level, the Telit module allows for the use of python scripts which fits well with Kamstrup software architecture. Kamstrup has always enjoyed a good dialogue with Telit and wishes and requests have been well heard and frequently implemented.
Kamstrup 382 power meters
Kamstrup serves energy suppliers with sustainable technologies that automatically collect and administer data regarding energy consumption in electricity, cooling, heating, water and gas units, in a clear and cost saving manner. << Client Kamstrup
System Utility – Power Meters with GSM Communication
Which Telit module do you use and why? The GE864-QUAD-PY was used as the GSM module in our power meters because it facilitates the meter reading process while offering the best monetary value and meeting market demands.
Features • • • • • • • •
Remote reading of power consumption via GSM, GPRS, and SMS Integrated PCB antenna Connectivity for in-house communi- cation via ZigBee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, and Wireless M-Bus Load control via SMS or the central data management system Meter readings from other consumption meters via pulses Reporting of alerts and alarms Signal noise indication Status indication
GSM7i module for Kamstrup power meters
Manas Energy Management Inc. With the Telit GE864-QUAD embedded module, we developed battery powered, robust, and reliable GPRS smart metering solutions meeting the most challenging requirements from water and gas utilities. S.Sirri Sevim, I.T. Director
FACTS Client Manas Energy Management Inc.
System Mac3 GPRS Water Meter Mag2007 GPRS Gas Meter
Which Telit module do you use and why? GE864-QUAD embedded/ATEX was selected for its low power consumption, BGA footprint speeding up our SMT mass production, ATEX for gas metering, and integrated antenna.
Features • • • • • • • • • • • • •
GPRS water and gas meters with integrated valve Suitable for prepayment and postpayment charging models Completely battery operated with five year battery life Residential and C&I model ranges Leakage, overflow, reverse flow detection Programmable data logging (hourly log of up to 15 days) Programmable data transfer interval Detailed consumption profiles Ready for advanced tariff models ATEX for Intrinsic Safe applications SMS and web interface for customers Meter servicing over-the-air Mobile payment
>> Manas Inc. was founded in 1996 and since then has been developing state of the art “smart” metering solutions for gas, water, heat, and electricity utilities. The company is one of the leading prepaid metering systems providers in Turkey and the exclusive distributor of Itron products. Manas recently adopted the Telit GE864-QUAD module, embedding it into its GPRS equipped gas and water meters expanding its portfolio of AMR / AMM solutions. Decreasing communication costs and high quality of service (QoS) features have made GPRS technology a unique solution for AMR and AMM applications. Thanks to low cost and low power devices from Telit, it has become viable to implement battery operated standalone GPRS meters. Utilities are now demanding online access to metering data to monitor each node of their meter network. Communicating meters have now made it possible to retrieve a detailed consumption profile from each distinct customer. Manas delivers GPRS electronic meters both for residential as well as C&I (commercial & industrial) applications; all of which can be operated in pre or post paid modes. All GPRS meters are completely battery operated requiring no external power supply. Manas GPRS meters continuously track and log the customer’s consumption data periodically connecting to the utility server to transmit
the logged data and receive any pending work orders. The meters are also equipped with a remote controlled valve mechanism. An advanced alarm feature can be made to notify the customer about possible leakages, outages, over consumption, or irregular flow conditions by sending an SMS. Utility service teams are also informed of critical alarm conditions. Additionally, customers can use their mobile phones to remotely check their consumption values, remaining credit levels, upload additional credit, or pay their bills via mobile payment. Customers can even close their meter valve remotely. All these advanced features will undoubtedly increase customer satisfaction and lead to savings in energy and water. We thank Telit for assisting us at all stages of development, and we especially appreciated the efforts and guidance from our local Telit representatives. <<
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Fleet Management
Infosphera We appreciated Telit´s support in providing us with a much needed solution for Casas Bahia. Rui Freitas, CEO
FACTS Client Infosphera
System Control system for furniture delivery and installation team activities.
Which Telit module do you use and why? The GE864-QUAD was selected because of its Anatel approval (Brazilian Regulatory Agency), and because it is a surface mount device (SMD) unit utilizing Ball Grid Array, which does not require a connector interface.
Features • GSM/GPRS modem • Quad-band RS-232 interface high efficiency radio
>> For over 20 years, INFOSPHERA has been developing specialty information technology devices for the industrial and commercial automation segments, and for their associated services industry. Since 2005, the company has focused its efforts on improving development of mobile devices for these specific markets. Our current product line is comprised of robust and easy to use systems which allow for continuous use under severe environmental conditions in a wide variety of applications spanning most market segments. One of the largest retail store chains in Brazil, Casas Bahia, requested INFOSPHERA to develop a mobile computer that was so easy to use and rugged that it could become an integral part of a furniture delivery and installation team’s typical work day; tough enough to be transported along with the rest of the team’s tools – drill, screwdrivers, hammers, etc.; and could connect to the company‘s enterprise systems through the GPRS network. This mobile computer would then be incorporated into the set of resources that the professional assembly teams were already using, totaling about 7,000 units, representing one for each professional furniture assembly technician. The most important value to be aggregated to the teams’ operation by this new tool was the wide area connectivity through GPRS provided by local cellular networks. This feature would do away with the required, inefficient, and error-prone personal exchanges during the week, between the furniture assembly teams and the company’s planning department. The device was developed with the utmost attention to its usability and robustness. The design embedded Telit’s GE864-QUAD module because features such as the BGA afforded absence of connectors, and the quad-band radio gave it ruggedness and the
ability to operate in both the Brazilian and MERCOSUL (Free trade union including the countries of ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, PARAGUAY, and URUGUAY) markets respectively. To address issues of occasional loss of GPRS signal coverage (for either network or in-building penetration reasons), the application identifies the presence of GPRS signal and downloads information required for the installation team’s next few hours of work. It also uses the opportunity to send consoli-
dated information back to the enterprise corporate system capturing the team’s work progress. This way, the Telit GE864-QUAD modem is kept in standby mode most of the time, only operating when the software requires additional data, thereby increasing battery autonomy. The Casas Bahia mobile computer is presently in its third generation and is fully incorporated into the company’s business processes. Advanced studies are being conducted in order to qualify the device for use under all cellular networks as a way to increase mobility through better coverage conditions. << TELIT2MARKET
TELES AG Telit has been an excellent technology partner for us and their software support has been an invaluable asset for TELES. Thomas Haydn, Product Marketing Director
FACTS >> TELES is a global vendor to wire line and wireless telephony service providers of complete Class 4 and Class 5 softswitch solutions, VoIP gateways, and mobile gateways for GSM, CDMA, and UMTS networks. TELES has a successful track record having deployed more than 200 live carrier and service provider networks with millions of voice ports globally. The VoIPBOX GSM 4 FX is part of the TELES range of mobile gateways. It allows the connection of existing VoIP infrastructure to GSM mobile networks, supporting up to four mobile channels, four telephone units, and eight VoIP channels. The VoIPBOX eliminates the expense of calls placed from mobile phones and maximizes existing VoIP infrastructure by delivering callthrough dialing. Easy to install and intuitive to use, the VoIPBOX GSM 4 FX is equipped with a highly sophisticated management interface for fine-tuning and configuration. With the TELES NMS (Network Management System) for bulk remote Client TELES AG Informationstechnologien
System VoIPBOX GSM 4 FX – connects VoIP to GSM networks
Which Telit module do you use and why? TELES selected Telit‘s GE864-QUAD and UC864-G because of their form factors (GE846 BGA Version) and the PCM slave feature.
Features provisioning installations; the VoIPBOX GSM 4 FX can automatically receive routing update files. Phone number prefix recognition enables further savings with Least Cost Routing (LCR) by directing calls to a specific channel containing a SIM card from the corresponding GSM network. Remote survivability ensures that if a VoIP network server is down, the VoIPBOX GSM 4 FX will continue routing both interoffice and PSTN calls. IP phones continue to function, thereby maintaining productivity. Throughout the development phase of the VoIPBOX GSM 4 FX and beyond, Telit provided TELES with fast, competent support. Among the highlights of the partnership, was the fact that Telit was always on hand to resolve problems. Whenever a bug occurred, or a particular feature was missing, an updated version of the software was made available to us very quickly, preventing long development delays. <<
• • • • • • • •
Expands your IP PBX value by enabling calls to your mobile network Converts fixed-to-mobile calls into cost-saving mobile-to-mobile calls Fully vGATE SIM server compatible Integrated SIP server Toll-grade voice compression, T.38 fax support Call through (two-stage dialing) for mobile workers Backup solution for VoIP and IP Centrex Supports auto-provisioning and centralized system-management
Stirling Medical Innovations Ltd. Telit's help was invaluable in navigating the regulatory process. David Taylor, Meter Design Manager
FACTS Client Stirling Medical Innovations Ltd.
System Cardiac Meter – heart condition monitoring device
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use the GE864-QUAD because of its quad-band GPRS capability for international markets, and its type approvals, which have made integration into our product easier.
Features • • • • •
Ease of use Low cost Battery power Connectivity Rapid test
>> Stirling Medical Innovations’ (SMI) device is a cardiac meter designed to assist individuals under heart failure management situations. The meter uses GPRS functionality to send information back and forth to a central location. During the development of the device, Telit’s experts were invaluable in advising us on our module choice and later provided guidance on test requirements. Since that time, SMI has designed-in Telit’s latest module in another wireless connectivity product which is still in development. Since our start-up phase in April 2005, SMI has received excellent support from ITI Life Sciences and our parent company Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc., headquartered in Waltham, MA (Boston area), USA. Inverness Medical Innovations manufactures and markets consumer and professional medical diagnostic products across the globe. SMI focuses on near-patient diagnostics in the area of cardiovascular disease, a pioneering endeavor and an exciting field in which to work. At SMI, it's not only what we do that it is important, but also how we do it. SMI places a great deal of importance on behavior and on acting in a manner that creates an extraordinary work environment.
To date, we have experienced incredible successes, and although, our product is still in development, SMI’s 52 employees have received tremendous, positive feedback on our work. Technically, we are breaking new ground and have quickly made massive inroads in developing our products. Culturally, many of the programs we have in place such as WHAM (What and How About Me), and our coaching and personal leadership development course 'Be Me', have been hailed across the IMI organization as cutting edge, exciting, and a role model moving forward. <<
Cardiac Meter
Stirling Medical is clearly different. Our vision is: "Clearly different, delivering transformational cardiology products, exciting the world and enhancing lives". As a team, we participated in creating this vision statement, and it reminds us that we are passionate about making a difference in the lives of people. We are extremely proud of our accomplishments thus far and will be delighted when we deliver products that enhance the lives of people who are suffering from chronic heart disease. TELIT2MARKET
Mobile Data Capture
ACD Elektronik GmbH The Telit modules we selected meet our requirements perfectly. Nicole Eisele, Marketing Manager
M 250
>> The range of mobile data acquisition devices from ACD Elektronik which includes the M 210, M 250, and M 260 is completely modular thus making the hardware cost-optimized for a wide range of customer-specific applications. Depending on the customer’s application requirements, barcode scanners, 2D imagers, RFID readers, and additional communication modules can be integrated. To continue this flexibility, we selected Telit’s GC864-PY (GSM/GPRS) and UC864-E (UMTS/HSDPA 7.2) modules, which are easy to use and fit our needs precisely. Because the modules are connector mounted and provide 100% hardware and software compatibility, they can be interchanged thus making our mobile data acquisition devices adaptable to exacting requirements from our customers. For mobile data acquisition in very large premises, radio data transmission via WLAN requires a high degree of effort. From an infrastructure perspective, numerous access points are necessary to provide adequate coverage. Mobile networks based on GSM/GPRS solve the coverage problem but are too slow for complex radio data transmission applications. UMTS – global system for mobile communications – is a solution which provides extensive radio coverage coupled with high data rates. Due to the increased popularity of UMTS mobile phones, the cost of flat-rate plans have become comparatively low, a trend which we are taking advantage of by 52 TELIT2MARKET
designing Telit’s modules into our devices. Another advantage of using UMTS for our customers’ data transmission needs is that no investment in radio data infrastructure is necessary. This solution addresses not only the coverage issue but also the option for extending the number of terminals. In this data acquisition model, products or objects can be scanned via our devices and their data transmitted to the backoffice system via UMTS. << Client ACD Elektronik GmbH
System Data Acquisition Devices: M 210, M 250, M 260
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use GC864-PY and UC864-E for mobile data communication in very large premises where WLAN is an impractical solution.
M 210
Features • • • • • • • •
Comprehensive development in cooperation with customers Easy to use (minimizing training requirements) Cost-effective implementation Highly adaptable through customization Reliable and time-tested application Robust rubber-protected housing Quick entry keyboard Function keys for individual assignment
M 260
Outdoor Advertising
OutdoorLink, Inc. The potential for direct utility savings as well as indirect business cost savings from using SmartLink are substantial. SmartLink is the future in energy conservation for outdoor advertising. Dwight Jennings, President, OutdoorLink, Inc.
these companies to reduce the number of illumination credits they give to clients, eliminates the need to “light ride” their boards, and allows them to take advantage of EECs and utility rebate programs. Client OutdoorLink, Inc.
System SmartLink is a wireless m2m controller.
Which Telit module do you use and why? OutdoorLink uses Telit’s GE864-QUAD module, which afforded us a rapid development process and the features we required.
Features • • • • • • • • • • • •
Utility savings Exact sunset/sunrise cut-on/off Fewer illumination credits No more light rides Earn energy efficient credits (EEC’s) Turn off unsold panels Provide daily proof of performance data Power outage and power restore notification Bulb outage notification Provide detailed maintenance report Standardization of electrical wiring REDUCE CARBON FOOTPRINT
Smart Link
>> SmartLink is a wireless m2m controller developed for the outdoor advertising industry. SmartLink is not just another industrial controller that has been adapted for the outdoor industry. When we began developing SmartLink, we wanted to create a web-based application that outdoor advertising companies could integrate with their existing charting platforms. This allowed for streamlining of their daily operations. SmartLink enables outdoor companies to remotely turn off unsold panels, track and monitor power outages, power restorations, bulb outages, and to receive daily proof of performance.
OutdoorLink, Inc., through the development and deployment of its SmartLink controllers, aims to be the industry leader in enabling outdoor advertising companies to utilize a more efficient and profitable way to monitor and manage their energy usage. <<
The SmartLink controller is based on the Telit GE864-QUAD module, which afforded us a rapid development process and the features we required. The Telit sales and support staff assisted us during the design and approvals process and helped us achieve worldwide cellular certification in record time. The modular design concept of the SmartLink system along with its integrated antenna enables its use in many other m2m applications with minimal effort. Inquiries about its use in other fields can be made through Telit or directly to OutdoorLink. There are currently over 7,500 SmartLink controllers deployed in the field, and these units have produced over $2,500,000 in utility savings in the past 15 months. In addition to the utility savings, SmartLink enables TELIT2MARKET
Korea Smart Card Corp. We appreciate Telit Korea's sales and application engineering support. Hyuntaek Kang , Senior Sales Manager Yongsoo Lee , Senior Engineering Manager
FACTS >> Korea Smart Card Co. Ltd. (KSCC) was established to integrate and operate the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s new transportation system. KSCC is proud to be responsible for the comfort enhancing use of public transportation by the citizens of Seoul since the launch of the new transportation system in July 2004. Our integration of this new transportation system created momentum for the use of smart cards in Korea, and the system has been closely watched
The KSCC-T130 is a type of POS terminal designed for taxis to receive fares via credit card or a T-money prepaid card. The KSCT130 is the first product developed using Telit’s 1X modem. The device provides a T-money prepaid card and credit card payment collection reader which uses a CDMA network to connect to the payment system. As an additional convenience for passengers, the KSCC-T130 supports receipt printing of processed payments via an embedded thermal printer. Furthermore, through Telit’s CDMA 1X modem, KSCC can easily download and update the application’s firmware over the air. KSCC plans to strongly promote the KSXXT130 to more than 50,000 metropolitan area taxi companies and drivers, and we are confident that the product can provide the quality and service required to meet the needs of this demanding market.
abroad because it is the first application of a smart card system in a metropolitan area with over ten million residents. KSCC issues high-tech, pre-paid, RF smart cards named T-money, which are embedded with a CPU to enable self-calculation. T-money can be used on all modes of public transportation including bus, subway, and taxi. T-money provides enhanced card security employing international and national security algorithms. There are plans currently in place to expand services to include parking fees, tunnel fees, and more. New payment media such as mobile phones, accessories, watches, and USB will continue providing value-added services to users. 54 TELIT2MARKET Client Korea Smart Card Corp.
System KSCC-T130
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use Telit's CDMA BCM-865 in the Korean market because of its CDMA 1X data communication.
Features • • • • •
200MHz CPU CDMA 1x ( Korea PCS ) Thermal Printer 128 x 64 Dot matrix LCD display RF Module for RFID Transit Card reader
KSCC truly appreciated the help provided by the Telit FAE who supported operator IOT including field testing in the provincial area, and we believe the product will prove to be a “WIN-WIN”. <<
Opticon Sensors Europe Telit’s small and cost effective BGA GSM module proved to be a successful tool for the Opticon cradle. Kees Stoop, Manager Product Development
FACTS Client Opticon Sensors Europe
System CRD13 GSM, communication cradle for the H13 Data-Collection Terminal
Which Telit module do you use and why? Opticon uses the Telit GE864 GSM module in the CRD13 GSM cradle for data communication over GSM/GPRS.
Features • • •
IrDa interface Charging of the H13 barcode terminal External communication supported by GSM/GPRS
>> Opticon uses the Telit GE864 GSM module in the CRD13 GSM cradle for data communication over GSM/GPRS.
PHL1300 of which it purchased some, 3,500 units. The introduction of the H13 has led to a new roll-out.
The H13 is a reliable and rugged portable terminal designed to increase work efficiency. This ergonomically designed portable terminal is an effective tool for handling all aspects of off-line data collection whether in a retail, healthcare, or logistics environment. The ability to scan barcodes with the H13 and transmit additional data to a central database via the cradle offers an efficient information and control tool for accurately keeping track of goods flows and inventories.
As a global supplier of Automatic Identification and Data Collection equipment, Opticon continuously focuses on innovation. The company’s recipe for success includes combining technology and human dimensions; carefully looking at the people who will be using our equipment … the human factor. <<
The CRD13 GSM (cradle) and the H13 (barcode terminal) were primarily designed for research firm GfK, to have households in different countries scan their groceries at home to provide insight into their shopping behavior. To date, Opticon has supplied nearly 15,000 units to countries including Italy, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Before the introduction of the H13 and CRD13 GSM, GfK used the Opticon
Alarmas ABC We appreciate Telit’s technical support in reviewing the RF portion of the PCB helping us meet regulatory standards. Luis Aguirre, Director R&D
FACTS line complies with the most demanding regulatory agencies, RoHS directive, and includes a gold plated PCB, which improves electrical characteristics. Client Alarmas ABC
From a hardware and software point of view, and in collaboration with Cybernav, working with Telit helped us to develop this product line in record time. Telit reviewed our product design to ensure it performed as expected elevating the product reliability to new standards which enabled us to offer a lifetime warranty on the product. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the module’s low power consumption, we were able to achieve a compact design and to include an integrated back up battery. >> Alarmas ABC was founded in 1973 and specializes in research, design, and manufacturing of security devices for the automotive market. The company focuses on implementing cutting edge technologies to produce high-end security systems for today’s challenging threat scenarios. The TGFE GPS Alarm System is a fully integrated, compact module that transmits vehicle position and location in real time for fleet monitoring, asset recovery, and security. The system has an internal backup battery that lasts for five days in the event main power is disconnected. Additionally, the system includes an internal data logger with 65,000 positions should the vehicle travel outside of GSM/GPRS coverage; 8,000 landmarks to detect arrival/departures from predefined locations; water resistant enclosure to withstand the elements; integration with refrigerated cargo containers; and a CAN bus interface. The reliability of the Telit module enabled us to transmit a position report every few seconds with “Turn Detection Algorithm” as part of our standard package. Our complete product 56 TELIT2MARKET
Alarmas ABC has been selling the TGFE product line to key markets in Latin America and the US including government agencies, insurance companies, retail chain stores, auto dealerships, and cargo transport firms where costs are critical to daily operations. <<
System TGFE GPS Alarm System
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use the GE865-QUAD because of its size, low power consumption, performance, and reliability in different environments.
Features • • • • •
Low power consumption Internal data logger with 65,000 positions CAN/OBD integrated interface Alarm and Tracking device Support to refrigerated container monitoring
TGFE GPS Alarm System
JFL Equipamentos Eletrônicos Indústria e Comércio Ltda. FACTS
Thanks to the partnership with Telit Brazil, JFL has brought to the market an innovative line of high technology GSM products giving our clients security and much more convenience. Márcio Pedroso, Development Manager Client JFL Equipamentos Eletrônicos Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
System DISC CELL 4 and DISC CELL 5 - Dialers GSM
Which Telit module do you use and why? JFL uses the GC864 module in our products. We selected this module because it had all the characteristics we were looking to integrate into our product line.
Features With the use of the GC864-QUAD GSM module, it was possible to add product enhancements and facilities for customers such as: • Dialing of up to 8 programmed numbers without the need of a physical wired telephone line. • Text messaging for up to 8 numbers with information on the breached zones. • Remote programming system via text message. • Enable/disable the alarm panel and the programmable output via text message. • Verify the system status via text messages. The above characteristics are available for some models only.
DISC CELL 4 and DISC CELL 5 - Dialers GSM
>> A market leader and internationally acclaimed for its product quality, JFL always puts customers first, constantly seeking to exceed their purchase expectations. Present in the market for 15 years, JFL has become a reference company in the electronic security segment, always staying a step ahead by offering competitive differentiators and high technology. Responding to the strong trend in the use of mobile cellular connectivity in lieu of conventional telephone lines, JFL invested in the development of products in the area of electronic security equipped with GSM communication to offer differentiated products, and enabling the expansion of activities nationwide in Brazil and further into South, Central and North America, European, and Asian markets.
equipment. Dialers are the devices used to make a call or send text messages to programmed numbers when alarms are detected. The company subsequently launched the Brisa Cell 804 Alarm Panel with the GSM dialer built-in which makes the alert calls and sends text messages when a breach is detected in one of the secured zones monitored by the panel. These are product lines that enhance convenience and security, as well as being excellent and innovative solutions for areas not served by land phone lines. <<
The first products were the GSM dialers (Disc Cell 4 and Disc Cell 5) used with our alarm panels, fence electrifiers, and other TELIT2MARKET
BURY GmbH We appreciated the technical support from Telit during the 300,000 test kilometers throughout Europe. Jens Lemke, Section Manager, R&D Telematics Navigation
FACTS management team. Through the specially designed BURY Fleet Manager Web portal, the controller then monitors the status of the fleet in an interactive map. Client BURY GmbH
>> With the slogan “transparency throughout”, a fleet management solution named BURY Telematics is bound to attract the interest of vehicle fleet managers. For BURY, a provider of professional hands-free car kits and navigation systems as well as a supplier to the automotive industry, the development of a fleet management solution represents a consistent step forward. The new product in this segment, BURY Telematics, enables both vehicle location and real time communications between the driver and the vehicle fleet controller. To achieve this, the BURY BF 1150 telematics module is installed in every fleet vehicle to perform position location via GPS and then communicate that information to the fleet
With this application, it is possible to send text messages, e.g. instructions, to the telematics module of a fleet vehicle. The driver then sees this on the device display and, if necessary, can send a reply which can be easily selected from templates or manually entered. This means that BURY Telematics is able to assist in the development of optimal fleet coordination, helping generate significant increase in efficiency. For safe and legal telephone calls, a Bluetooth handsfree car kit is also provided for the driver of the vehicle. <<
System BURY BF 1150
Which Telit module do you use and why? Bury uses the GE864-QUAD GSM module for the BF 1150 to communicate to our fleet management servers.
Features BF 1150 – the Telematics Module • 4.3 inch TFT touch screen • Integrated Li-polymer battery • Internal GPS and TMC receiver • Intel PXA 270 Processor • Quad-band GSM module • 5-pole mini USB interface • Infrared sensor for remote control • Radio receiver for remote control • 8-30 V supply voltage • Inputs: 1 x analog + 2 x digital
Bury BF 1150
Coyote Systems We value the Telit module‘s small footprint. It allows us to provide new features despite the limited space. Jean-Marc Van Laethem, CTO and co-founder
FACTS Client Coyote Systems
System The mini Coyote V2 is a speed camera alert system.
Which Telit module do you use and why? The Telit GE865-QUAD GSM/GPRS modem was selected because of its small footprint and low current requirement. The quadband capability was also a plus.
Features The mini Coyote V2 displays: • current vehicle speed • speed limit at vehicle‘s present location • speed limit exceeded alert • fixed camera locations • real-time mobile cameras reported by the Coyote community • mobile camera risk areas
>> Coyote Systems is a leading vendor of real-time speed camera alert devices in Europe. Based in France, Coyote’s mission is to provide road safety products and services to motorists worldwide. Unlike radar detectors, which are illegal in most European countries, Coyote devices are totally legal. They work by constantly pinpointing the vehicle’s exact location on the road through GPS satellite technology and then looking up that location in a constantly updated database of fixed and mobile speed camera locations through GSM communication.
mini Coyote V2
The Telit sales team recognized the market opportunity represented by speed camera alert devices and worked with Coyote Systems to win the design-in to the V2. With successful deployments in France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, and Czech Republic, Coyote Systems now has more than 400,000 users in Europe. Looking ahead, the company plans to enter Spain, Portugal and the United States in 2010. <<
The Coyote Scout feature displays in real-time: • number of Coyote users who have passed through current location in the last half hour • distance to closest user ahead of vehicle • level of contribution to the community
One display to rule them all,
One display to find them, One display to bring you: news, contacts, messages, orders, routes...
MFD-1 With the MFD-1 Falcom GmbH completes the AVL product family additionally to STEPPIII, BOLERO-LT, FOX-LT and FOX-LT-IP by including the MFD-1 as graphical user interface in their portfolio. This system enhancement is an immense progress for the handling as well as the variety of functions of the AVL devices. The high-resolution touch screen persuades through clear reading also with wider perspectives. The option to install a navigation software from a well known software house provides the user the possibility for car navigation as well. The combination between MFD-1 as navigation tool and FALCOM AVLâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; device in vehicle fleets enables the user to send new destinations or routes via GPRS straight from the head office to several vehicles. This saves both time and above all money. FALCOM - a leading company for hardware and software solutions in AVL, Fleet management, Asset tracking, Personal tracking
Galooli Ltd. Partnering with Telit enables Galooli to provide leading solutions with leading technology. Ronen Barel, CEO
FACTS Client Galooli Ltd
System Triton H - ZON Control Remote Performance Platform
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use the GE863-GPS which gives us maximum capabilities and cost effectiveness in a small footprint.
Features The Triton H incorporates the following features: • Full adaptability to a wide range of machine types: motorcycles, heavy machinery, and stationary assets • Enhanced memory capable of storing a log of up to 10,000 transmissions • Integrated fuel monitoring solution • Integrated diagnostics module • Extremely low power consumption - <150uA in STBY mode • Serial RS232 communication • Up to 18 I/O’s for a variety of applications • Backup battery • Small, compact, and robust
Triton H
Diagnostics Panel
>> At Galooli, we believe in providing a unique model of innovative, creative, and high-quality products and services, enabling customers to utilize their operational resources and assets to the fullest potential, thus giving them a competitive advantage. Galooli’s end-to-end solutions and products provide customers with real time tracking, monitoring, and control of vehicles and assets enabling significant cost reduction, better customer service, and increased safety. Galooli is a one-stop-shop for customer‘s needs in terms of safety, security, and operational cost reduction. Our customers come from a wide range of segments including logistic operations, security solution providers, and private individuals. Galooli systems include integration to vehicle systems and a wide range of accessories and sensors, enabling optimized and effective solutions according to customer needs. Galooli bases its business on retaining the highest quality of human resources. Our team is fully dedicated to the success of our customers and to providing the very best products and services. We are also committed to establishing long-term relationships with our growing customer base.
motorcycles, heavy machinery, fuel tankers, generators, fuel tank depots, locomotives, and more. Managing different classes of assets requires coping with different technology challenges, but the flexibility designed into the ZON platform provides the necessary range of features and capabilities under the same umbrella. The Triton H can be installed in all the above types of assets. By using configuration parameters defined by the user, the unit is able to adapt itself to its associated asset automatically. The Triton H supports features such as: heavy machinery and truck diagnostics, large I/O capacity supporting a variety of sensors and controls, enhanced data logger memory for areas of poor cellular coverage, extreme-low-power consumption for motorcycles, OTA parameter and firmware update capability, unique and advanced fuel monitoring using fuel sender, CAN Bus and external sensors, and more. With installations in over 30 countries, Galooli is the solution provider of choice for a variety of customers such as logistic companies, cellular carriers, truck and heavy machinery dealers, security companies, fuel resellers, and more. <<
The new Triton H device is the heart of the ZON Control solution, incorporated with a software/server platform. The ZON Control solution manages remote assets, including: light commercial vehicles, trucks, TELIT2MARKET
Magneti Marelli S.p.A. Working with a partner like Telit assures the proper technological standard for wireless communication and connectivity modules, which are at the heart of our automotive info-mobility solutions. Eugenio Razelli, CEO
FACTS The Automotive PND represents a new frontier in the portable navigation device market; it is a safe and easy to use system thanks to the high degree of onboard integration, from both an electrical/mechanical and connectivity standpoint. It was developed by making the most of years of experience acquired in the automotive field by Magneti Marelli. >> Magneti Marelli Electronic Systems is the Magneti Marelli business line based in Corbetta (Milan) that deals with automotive electronics. It has 6 production facilities, 3 research centers and 5 application centers in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, and China. Operating in the field of telematics and satellite navigation since the early 1990s, Magneti Marelli boasts a complete and scalable range of telematics products.
The adoption of this new architecture results in considerable advantages: data coming from the vehicle CAN network is used by the PND to improve navigation, voice messages are reproduced by the onboard audio system, the navigation pictograms are displayed on the instrument panel and the destination can be entered via the steering wheel pushbuttons or voice commands.
Magneti Marelli Electronic Systems supplies telematics components to the Fiat Group (Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Maserati), to the PSA group (Peugeot and Citroen), to Ford, and to the Chinese car manufacturers SAIC and DPCA.
In addition to satellite navigation, the Automotive PND offers multimedia functions such as music playback and the display of both movies and still images. The Fiat 500 was the first application of this product. <<
Starting in 2004, the Electronic Systems division has developed certain “Connectivity and Telematics Boxes”, which are highly integrated and low-cost systems for safety, entertainment, and satellite navigation applications. These products can satisfy the needs highlighted by the market and by emerging regulations. Magneti Marelli has in this period developed a family of modular telematics devices both as original equipment and for the aftermarket, among which a PND (Portable Navigation Device) for automotive applications. 62 TELIT2MARKET Client Magneti Marelli S.p.A.
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use the Telit UC864-E because of its stable performance and 100% compatibility with other Telit 2G and CDMA modules.
Features Technical Specifications: • Technology: UMTS/HSDPA 7.2 MEGA/GPS • Frequencies: 850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHz • Display: 3.5”; 16 Million colors (320 x 240) Touchscreen • Messaging: SMS • OS: Windows CE 5.0 • Connectivity: Bluetooth • Internet Navigation: Yes • Internal Memory: 64 MB - Slot per SD memory card • Audio Formats: MP3 Player - WMA • Dimensions: 139.7 x 83.4 x 23 mm • Weight: 300 gr.
Easyroad 3G
Mobile Devices Telit modules fully meet our requirements with numerous integrated features, combining best-in-class technologies and innovative solutions. Cyril Zeller, VP Sales & Marketing
FACTS From next generation connected navigation and communication devices to smart displays, black boxes, embedded open platform and open communication gateways, Mobile Devices delivers a wide range of products and solutions. From these products and solutions, customers can address a comprehensive range of fleet management, asset tracking, driver behavior, and driver profiling markets. The Mobile Devices family of open platform products and development tools enable customers to rapidly adapt their solutions to individual market requirements. Client Mobile Devices
System C4 + SDP4: Integrated Vehicle Tracking Solution
Which Telit module do you use and why? The GE865 provides an efficient, compact, comprehensive, and low cost solution.
Features With an ARM processor, a powerful 3D accelerometer, 32MB of RAM, and 128MB of Flash running its unique MCT embedded open platform, the C4 is well adapted to address a host of market requirements that include driver profiling, fleet management, e-call, and anti-theft. It is further enhanced with a comprehensive suite of location-based services (LBS) applications.
C4 + SDP4
Mobile Devices has developed “TINY”, a telematics module based on a core set of hardware and software functions designed to provide our customers’ developers the freedom to quickly build products by leveraging a vast library of APIs and applications.
>> Challenging market requirements in automotive telematics solutions can be easily addressed using Mobile Devices’ family of connected PNDs, Smart Displays, and Black Boxes running its MCT embedded open platform.
Mobile Devices was recently awarded the 2009 Frost and Sullivan Telematics and Navigation award “Best Product Differentiation and Innovation”. <<
Mobile Devices was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Paris, France with partners and subsidiaries globally. With over 200,000 units deployed in more than 40 countries worldwide, Mobile Devices is a leading provider of wireless automotive telematics devices, embedded open platforms, and gateway solutions.
Telic GmbH The robustness of Telit’s modules enabled us to develop the ProfessionalBC for global OEM customers demanding high quality telematics products. Frank Heineck, Director
FACTS addressing important approvals in terms of environmental and electrical characteristics. The PBC system is equipped with a powerful CPU, which includes expandable memory and support for most relevant industrial and automotive interfaces in the various markets around the world. Connectivity to FMSdata via CAN-bus and I-button for driver identification via 1-wire is part of the standard feature set. Telic is fully engaged in supporting telematics companies during the integration process and offers project specific software adaptations. Telic has also customized the PCB to interface with data loggers in trailer refrigeration system applications, as well as several trailer brake system manufacturers. Additionally, the product performs to railway specifications for high speed trains.
>> Telic is a leading European Telematics products manufacturer with R&D and production facilities located in Germany. The Telic PBC is one of the most robust telematics devices available today and is used by global OEM customers for applications in construction equipment, trailers, and trucks. Aided by a strong R&D co-operation with Telit, the PBC was developed for the global market
Telic offers a PC-based configuration and diagnostic tool which accelerates the integration for system integrators and increases the quality of the installation in the field. Telic’s continuous investments in R&D and internal research projects ensure competitiveness for Telic‘s customers and represent an approach to innovation which is completely aligned with Telit‘s commitment to the m2m market. << Client Telic GmbH
System Telic PBC, the professional Telematics onboard computer
Which Telit module do you use and why? Telic used the Telit GE864 module due to its robustness, rich feature set, and global approvals, which are major prerequisites for the Telic PBC.
Features • • • • •
Robust IP65 housing Optional integrated antennas Wide supply voltage range of +7V to +80V Shock and vibration approvals Interfaces - CAN interface (FMS and customer specific protocols) - 3 RS232 interfaces - 1-wire • 19 digital/analog IO‘s • LiPol battery backup • Internal extension connectors • GE864-QUAD module • 50-channel GPS receiver • Assisted GPS support • Wide range of configuration options • Application SW download over-the-air (DOTA) • PC-based configuration and diagnostic tool
Telic PBC
Contar - Electrónica Industrial We appreciated Telit's flexibility in supporting us on the software side of developing the solution. Altino Alvares, Director
FACTS Client Contar - Electrónica Industrial
System ms-Com Terminal for remotely accessing utility meters
Which Telit module do you use and why? Contar selected the GC864-QUAD module because of its compact size and built-in SIM card. Our product requires both: • CSD Call • GPRS (easy GPRS)
Features • • • • • •
Remote meter reading Remote meter configuration Two-way communication Automatic reset routines Automatic network registration Integrated flexible power supply 80 Vac to 60 Vac
>> Contar is a Portuguese company founded in 1992. Integrated in a group dedicated to manufacture of energy and water meters since 1915, the Company’s mission is to develop and design smart meters and related communications systems for the AMI and smart grid metering segments. Contar contributes to the Global Technological Community through the development of innovative, reliable, flexible and competitive solutions. One of Contar’s most competitive solutions is the ms-Com. Today, any smart meter must be capable of remotely connecting to any AMI infrastructure. Utilizing the GC864-QUAD, Contar developed a terminal for remotely accessing utility meters. This product, the ms-Com, allows smart meter integration with any advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) through GSM (CSD) or GPRS based systems. An important feature of the system is that the power supply and communication are
optimized on the same product, resulting in a compact device which is simple and easy to use. <<
Digicom Telit offers us a good and reliable technical support. We also appreciated their ability to support us in the evolution of our current product to an ATEX version for Gas/Lpg applications. Stefano Galzignato, M2M Line Manager
FACTS >> Pocket GPRS Water is a monitoring and signaling system based on SMS or GPRS/ GSM data communication technology and ideally suited for applications in remote controlling and reading of water and liquids meters. The device accomplishes meter
flow reading through an input from a reed relay on the meter and then transmits this information via SMS, GSM, or GPRS. Data communication management is based on the caller ID from the received SMS and on a specific validation protocol designed to avoid unwanted accesses. Should the system sense a wire-cut (meter) or tamper (box) event, an alarm is generated and an SMS is sent to the control center. The device also integrates an “Alive” function which sends an SMS upon testing that the device is in good operating condition. Pocket GPRS Water has an output that controls a valve for water detection. Its architecture is based on a GSM/GPRS module and an external low-power microcontroller which gives it the ability to operate for five to seven years on one battery charge. An internal clock wakes up the unit to transmit its data to the central site and to wait for remote set up before going back to sleep. Pocket Water is a new device for remote management of water and liquids for an emerging new market. With Telit, we were 66 TELIT2MARKET
able to reduce development time in a market that requires quick response. Digicom was founded in 1977 and it is a company specializing in the research, development and production of professional electronics products for routing, networking and m2m applications for the Industrial and Enterprise markets. Digicom cooperates, as key supplier of OEM products, with the most important Telecom Operators and Industrial customers in the European market. The Telemetry sector is currently one of the fastest growing markets, covering all the applications for Utilities and other industrial sectors. Our Pocket GPRS Water product, is tailored for Industrial Water Telemetry systems and is currently used by the most important system integration companies to realize complete turnkey solutions for the Utilities companies (irrigation and public). <<
This product has recently evolved progressing with the development of a variant for the Gas/Lpg market, using an innovative and cost effective approach and technology, to propose an ATEX 0 compatible product for advanced telecontrolling applications. Client Digicom
System Pocket Water – Remote Metering System for Water
Which Telit module do you use and why? The GE864-QUAD module was selected because it is rugged and compact. The module is ideal for a device developed for outdoor installation.
Features • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Industrial-grade GPRS/GSM/SMS modem Wired management of up to four local meters Command management for bi-stable/ hydro solenoid valve Built-in TCP/IP stack Security management based on CLI SMS “Alive” and IP “Alive” functions Remote configuration Powered by built-in lithium battery Size (135 x 145 x 105 mm) Robust IP 67 plastic case Magnetic switch for anti-tamper signaling Anti-tamper alarm (meter wire cut) Long life battery – up to five years
Pocket GPRS Water
MELPER Co.Ltd We appreciate the thorough and fast support from Telit Korea's Sales and Application Engineering team not only during the development phase but also during certification and approvals with the operator and government.
Yongkwon Kim , President Daegeun Kim, Engineering Manager Client MELPER Co.Ltd
System MPT-800: Telemetry & Automotive Terminal
Which Telit module do you use and why? We are using Telit's BCM-865 CDMA 1x modem in the Korean market for its high communication data rate.
>> Melper was established to market integrated standalone modems which operate under the SKT network, one of largest operators in Korea. Melper developed a standalone modem, equipped with an internal ARM9 CPU designed to provide more flexibility to the customer through the availability of a user programming area. The MPT-800 is a CDMA standalone modem designed for various applications areas such as AMR, Telemetry, and Automotive.
Features • • • • • •
User programming area with ARM9 external CPU. Support for standalone GPS. Easy to implement and add other technologies such as Wi-Fi and ZigBee without hardware change. Interfaces including UART, USB, ADC, etc. Easy migration to other communication standards (e.g. GSM and WCDMA). Support to the SKT (operator) m2m platform for features such as ASYNC data call and FOTA.
With its all-in-one, built-in antenna connector, RJ45 connector, and other connectors, the MPT-800 can be easily installed in existing host systems with the use of standard cable connections. With its compact and robust design; extended operating voltage and temperature range; over-voltage and reverse voltage protection capability; the MPT-800 is the perfect modem for a wide range of m2m applications. The MPT-800, which integrates Telit’s BCM-865 module, supports functions such as integrated TCP/IP and UDP, SMS and voice. The MPT-800 is a complete modem solution for
wireless m2m applications, based on the BCM-865 core engine, and is available as an IS-95A/B CDMA 1X wireless mobile data terminal with standalone GPS. The MPT-800 is ideally suited for real-time monitoring and control applications. With this ruggedized design and extended temperature, the MPT800 is an ideal platform for tracking and fleet management or security applications. Additional features such as integrated TCP/ IP and UDP protocol stacks as well as ADC provide extended functionality adding value to the end application without adding cost. The MPT-800 offers over-the-air maintenance and software management, which protects the customer’s investment in solutions developed for the module inside. The product boasts high quality imparted by the continued responsive after-sale services from Telit. We really appreciated all the effort from Telit’s FAE team in support of the required operator (SKT) IOT and KCC government approval processes and trust that this product will be a great success. <<
Sensile Technologies SA We appreciated Telit‘s efficiency in supporting us during our internal GSM antenna design and firmware debugging phases. T E C H N O L O G I E S
Jean-Marc Uehlinger, Operational Director
>> Sensile Technologies, a Swiss company founded in 1999, supplies turnkey solutions to the oil and gas industry for remote monitoring of tanks containing petrol (gasoline), LPG, and heating oil. The company’s autonomous telemetry units are either installed on tanks or connected to existing meters and regularly transmit tank level measurements via the GSM network to a central server. Customers can monitor consumption in each tank via a secure webpage or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, allowing for the optimization of restocking purchases and deliveries. Additionally, this process reduces logistics costs, improves customer service and satisfaction, and ensures that the tanks never run dry. Sensile Technologies currently monitors more than 25,000 tanks across Europe and also has systems installed in Africa, Asia, and South America. Sensile Technologies is the first company worldwide to incorporate Telit’s GE865-QUAD modem into a newly launched product featuring a host of innovative benefits. Telit has been the main supplier of modems to Sensile Technologies since 2007. NETRIS®
is the latest product resulting from Sensile Technologies’ 10 years of experience combined with a successful collaboration with Telit. Both companies have a similar view of and approach to the m2m business as well as common core values with respect to constant innovation, clear strategy, customer satisfaction, and a desire for perfection. NETRIS®, the latest system from Sensile Technologies, features an improved and registered design which makes it even easier to install, largely due to the small size of the GE865-QUAD modem. Since the modem is quad-band, the company has been able to expand to new countries around the world. Other improvements to the system include a longer operational life of up to 10 years and the ability to connect to other units via an RF (Radio Frequency) link. Since launch, customer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Sensile Technologies is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year with the launch of NETRIS® and is proud of the continued work in this close and long-term partnership with Telit. As one of the leading European companies providing highly reliable telemetry solutions to the oil and gas industry, Sensile Technologies is well positioned and prepared to enter into the AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) market, thanks to its extensive experience in battery powered monitoring systems. <<
The Sensile Concept
68 TELIT2MARKET Client Sensile Technologies SA
System NETRIS® Remote Tank Monitoring System
Which Telit module do you use and why? The key factors in Sensile Technologies selecting the GE865-QUAD included its small size, quad-band support, BGA mounting technology, and python scripting.
Features The features of the NETRIS® Remote Tank Monitoring System include: • Tank level and meter remote monitoring • Rapid installation • GSM/GPRS and RF communication • 10 year operating life • Robust and ergonomic housing • Waterproof • ATEX certification for explosive environments
Teldat S.A. Teldat’s Regesta family is a best-of-breed solution for multiple service delivery (metering, remote control, monitoring, etc), over a GPRS based Smartgrid. Ignatius de Loizaga, VP Marketing Teldat
FACTS >> Teldat’s REGESTA-PRO8x is an industrial- Real-time GPRS detailed diagnostics. grade router for power-utility substations and GPRS coverage evolution reports. step-down transformers which delivers trans- Enterprise-grade VPN transmission parent LAN-2-LAN connectivity to the utility’s over GPRS: operations center over a fault-tolerant VPN Fully secure GPRS/IP communications (IPSec). connection based on a redundant GPRS link. Client Teldat S.A.
System Regesta-Pro8x
Which Telit module do you use and why? We are using the GE863-PRO3. It provides a powerful and cost efficient module+ARM platform, on which we could easily port our advanced software protocol stack.
The REGESTA-PRO8x Communications Architecture for the Smart Grid
Features • • • • • • • • • • •
1 or 2 embedded GPRS interfaces (depending on the model). Dual SIM support. Teldat’s advanced proactive GPRS monitoring system for Wireless-WAN failure recovery and automatic GPRS fail-over through backup GPRS network. 8-port Ethernet 10/100M switch with port-independent management, full VLAN support, and MAC filtering. Local console port for advanced monitoring. Individual Ethernet port status and speed LEDs. GPRS coverage and status LEDs. -48 Vdc internal power supply. Anodized aluminum chassis. Robust electrical design with electrical components meeting criteria for extended operating temperature range, high insulation, and surge protection. DIN-rail and wall-mounting options. Regesta-Pro8x
Benefits of the REGESTA-PRO8x Solution Smart Grid service aggregation in substations and step-down transformers: Multiple services over a single GPRS VPN connection. Full Layer-2/3 communication isolation for each aggregate service (VLANs, IP/ MAC filtering). Quality-of-Service (QoS) for each aggregate which allows for an accurate Service Level Assurance (SLA) definition. Teldat's advanced GPRS supervision optimizes Smart Grid service IP traffic performance: Quick detection of both GPRS failure and temporary drop in performance. Automatic backup through an alternate GPRS network which enhances GPRS service availability with respect to single-GPRS link solutions.
The router expands a scalable and resilient VPN mesh topology, optimized for large-scale GPRS deployments. Instantaneous switching to VPN backup, minimizes impact to transported m2m services. Efficient operation, administration, and management of a large installed base of REGESTA-PRO8x routers through Teldat’s web-based Central Management Platform. Easy installation: “Plug & Play” with fully customized default configuration. Intuitive local web server for basic on-site reconfiguration and diagnostics. Industrial-grade mechanical and electrical design. << TELIT2MARKET
ERM electronic systems ltd Telit’s support is helping us to position our product one step above the rest. Arik Gantal, VP of International Marketing and Sales
FACTS >> ERM has been strongly involved in the automotive security and tracking markets particularly after the success of the revolutionizing eBIKE, featured in the 2009 issue of telit2market, and nominated market’s first motorcycle security device incorporating both a remote proximity controlled (hands free), receive/transmit feature and a GSM/GPS, all packed together in a slim, compact, and waterproof enclosure. With overall sales of over 200K units around the world; ERM assigned its R&D team to find the perfect solution to address a non-installation or "launch-n-forget" niche market. Do not be mistaken, this is not just another personal tracking device! The idea behind the TUBE is totally different: the device can last up to 3 years on its internal battery (no recharging is necessary), transmitting periodically, when triggered or in response to an incoming “ping” request, all while still essentially in standby mode. The installation-free design allows easy concealment of the unit so that it can function as a sophisticated surveillance device for several applications and usages. A significant feature is the unit’s ability to transmit an accurate reading of the remaining internal battery capacity allowing the user to monitor and conclude the remaining operating left time. <<
70 TELIT2MARKET Client ERM electronic systems ltd
System The TUBE “launch-n-forget” self contained asset tracking device
Which Telit module do you use and why? The GE864 was selected for maximum design flexibility and as its attractive cost effectiveness allowing ERM to minimize the product size while keeping its performance high.
Features • • • • • • • • • •
Fully self contained Installation free Up to 3 years on internal batteries requiring no charging Programmable transmission schedule; periodically, upon trigger or when being pinged Transmits the battery level status Std. or rechargeable battery USB connector for easy access Built-in movement sensor Waterproof design Compact and slim size: 120 x 35 x 30mm tube shaped enclosure
GlobalSat Technology Corporation GlobalSat appreciates that Telit provides technical support and excellent after-sale service in software and hardware design. The reference design made available was most helpful in assisting us to build the module into our device without changes.
David Chen, Product and Market Development Manager Client GlobalSat Technology Corporation
System Talkie Tracker TR-206 and Vehicle Tracker TR-600
Which Telit module do you use and why? Both TR-206 and TR-600 adopted the Telit GE865 module. We have utilized the cellID, voice communication, and over-theair functions in the module with excellent performance and stable quality.
Features • Telit GE865 quad-band module • Two-way communication and voice monitoring • Regular and real-time tracking (time, distance interval, special condition) • Built in G-Sensor for power saving and impact detection • Global SMS/GSM/GPRS communication • Easy configuration via SMS/GPRS • Long battery-operation life: one week (standby mode), 12hrs (real time tracking) • Advanced functions A-GPS/ OTA/Cell-ID • Trip/route logging capacity up to 150,000 GPS locations
>> GlobalSat has been designing and developing tracker products for the global market demand in cooperation with Telit Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd for quite some time. GS-Traq is the registered brand name of GlobalSat’s product line representing the future of mobile handheld asset locating and tracking applications. Enabled by GlobalSat’s complete tracking solution, the user is able to receive real-time location data from tracker devices and to acquire the GPS/GSM information through GSM mobile networks. In order to continue offering excellent performance and to maintain the compact form factor characteristic of other GS-TRAQ trackers, GlobalSat thoroughly researched and finally integrated the Telit GE865 module into its newest two-way communication device, the Talkie Tracker TR-206. The product was designed with an LCD display and can be used like a regular mobile phone
while boasting the additional tracking capability for enhanced user personal safety. Harnessing the extremely small dimensions from the powerful quad-band capable GE865, the TR-206 is conveniently sized and easily-carried; thus, suitable for use by children and the elderly as a regular mobile phone with additional safety features such as a panic button for emergency call-out. Acting beyond the role of a hardware manufacturer, GlobalSat is also earnestly devoted to the development of useful and convenient tracking service platforms accessible via mobile phones and the free GS-TRAQ website. In addition, GlobalSat offers customers a tracking website rich with customization functions and tools designed to meet the design demands from a wide variety of possible applications for the TR-206. <<
Leica Geosystems AG We integrated the Telit UC864-G wireless data module into our new Leica Viva GNSS system. It meets Leica Geosystems‘ stringent requirements of high quality and reliability. Christoph Bachmann, Product Manager GNSS
Leica Viva GNSS introduces the new Leica GS15 which can be used for all GNSS tasks in surveying and construction, whether in all-on-the-pole or backpack rover, mounted on a car, quad or boat, RTK field base station, or long term monitoring sensor.
>> With nearly 200 years pioneering solutions to measure the world, Leica Geosystems’ products and services are trusted by professionals worldwide to help capture, analyze, and present spatial information. Leica Geosystems is best known for its broad array of products which capture accurately, model quickly, analyze easily, and present spatial information for visualization. Leica Viva is a new generation surveying system that combines the latest state-of-theart technologies into one unrivalled solution portfolio including total stations, GNSS receivers, controllers, and onboard software. Aggregating innovative, feature rich functionality with a new, modern, and ergonomic design, Leica Viva is easier and more intuitive to use than any of its predecessors, whilst maintaining speed and precision. 72 TELIT2MARKET
The fully integrated Telit UC864-G module is the reliable data link Leica Geosystems selected for RTK GNSS surveying. The Leica Viva GS15 can be operated as a rover or an RTK field base station to receive or to send correction data at high data rates. One of the key components in any RTK survey system is the data communication link. RTK surveying provides cmaccuracy by constantly computing the error between determined coordinates of a fixed site with a known position and transmitting these errors as corrected data in real time to the rover. Leica Geosystems decided to integrate Telit‘s UC864-G module because of its outstanding performance and latest communication technology. << Client Leica Geosystems AG
System Leica Viva GNSS: High-End GNSS Surveying System
Which Telit module do you use and why? The UC864-G module is being used to transmit and receive correction data on the Viva GNSS RTK Rover through the GSM, GPRS, and UMTS global technologies.
Features • Innovative and future proof GNSS technology • Flexible and easy-to-use • SmartCheck – RTK data-processing ensuring correct results • SmartTrack – advanced four-constellation tracking of all GNSS satellites today and tomorrow • SmartRTK – delivers consistent results in all networks • IP67 protection against dust and immersion to 1m • Built for extreme temperatures of -40°C to +65°C
Leica Viva GNSS
Ltd. Transport Communications Systems JSC NIIAS (Russian Railways) FACTS
The unique dual processor concept together with Linux OS support made the Telit GE863-PRO3 the optimal choice for our device. Alexander Klepach, Director General Client Ltd. Transport Communications Systems JSC NIIAS (Russian Railways)
System Navigating-Communications System “KURS-TC”
Which Telit module do you use and why? We use the GE863-PRO3 because it provides an optimized GSM/GPRS solution and because of its ARM926 MCU, Linux operating system (OS) with driver software, and easy Wi-Fi module installation.
Features • • • • • • • • • •
GPS/GLONASS Monitoring and recording of position data with time and traffic parameters Precision enhanced by linear & angular acceleration inertial sensors GSM/GPRS and Wi-Fi data channels Two SIM cards and MMC memory card Linux OS Available interfaces include: Ethernet, CAN, USB, RS485, RS232, and others Monitoring and control of peripheral devices via output port Voice functionality with the use of a handset Industrial temperature range
>> “Transport communication systems” is a provider of networking services and dealer for a range of asset tracking devices. The company is engaged in the development of applications and provides complete support to information systems based on modern networking technologies and datatransfer networks. The company provides control and monitoring of asset traffic on a twenty-four hour basis on a virtual electronic map saving the history of all traffic of interest. The “KURS-TC” navigating-communications system is a high performance device with an extended range of features designed to be installed in any vehicle or moving objects of interest in the rail transport segment. It was designed for demanding mobile environments where performance and reliability are essential. It provides control and analysis of traffic elements in real-time mode, including the exact position, current
speed, direction of motion, acceleration, etc. The “KURS- TC” not only allows customers to monitor a vehicle’s functioning parameters but also to control additional peripheral equipment. “KURS-TC” was designed to meet the strict technical requirements which apply to devices for use in railway transport. The Linux OS provides flexible solutions for a wide range of applications and for the online upgrade of software functionality as required. <<
Quake Global Our partnership with Telit, and specifically their hands on support, has enabled us to bring to market a truly innovative product – a game changer. Sergio Ramos, CTO Quake Global, Inc.
>> Quake Global took a unique approach to the recent economic downturn. QUAKE chose to capitalize on this period of global economic stagnation by developing new technology that would catapult it into the technological forefront of communicator offerings once the m2m market rebounded. The goal was clear and bold: Develop a new line of modems that follow QUAKE’s tradition for high performance, small form factor, rugged, high value communicators, and from there, implement a set of newly developed core technologies to bring the m2m marketplace its first and only network agnostic modems. The realization of this functionality has been a shared goal of QUAKE’s and the industry as a whole since both of their inceptions more than a decade ago. From this idea the Q-Pro and Q4000 series were born. Simply put, a network agnostic modem is one that operates regardless of the network encountered. QUAKE takes this a step further by implementing a unified communications protocol so that the end user is unencumbered and even unaware that the 74 TELIT2MARKET
modem has seamlessly selected the most economically appropriate network (satellite or terrestrial) for remotely tracking, monitoring, and controlling their asset. Customers who traditionally use GSM can maintain that low cost functionality and also benefit from truly global satellite coverage. The advantages of this capability and architecture are boundless. End users benefit from flexibility and cost of operation savings by freeing themselves to communicate across a multitude of networks while OEMs, VARs and system integrators realize much shorter development times and reduced resource utilization since they no longer need to develop a communications protocol for each network or mode of operation, whether it be satellite, terrestrial, or GPS. It was clear early in product development that Telit’s new GE865-QUAD module would be an excellent fit. In keeping with the goals set out in developing the Q-Pro and Q-4000, Telit’s GSM module is the most advanced of its kind, offers a minuscule footprint, has a low power profile, and delivers the kind of high performance that make it perfect for performing GSM communications within QUAKE’s new modems. Telit’s excellent development support also played a major role in bringing these products to market. << Client Quake Global
System Q-Pro: A customizable dual-mode multiple satellite network/GSM modem with GPS.
Which Telit module do you use and why? QUAKE selected Telit’s GE865-QUAD module because of its small form factor, its high functionality, durability, and performance, and because of Telit’s excellent support.
Features • • • • • • • • •
Customizable dual mode multiple satellite network/GSM modem with GPS. Unified communications protocol for access across every satellite/terrestrial network. Fully user programmable standalone solution via an application program- ming interface (API). Individual inputs can be specifically configured to continuously monitor sensors and to report at selected intervals. Alarm conditions can be pre-program- med to report the condition automati- cally and immediately. Reports can be generated on a regular schedule, by exception-only or a combination of both. Over-the-air upgradable. IP67 sealed enclosure. Exceeds J1455 requirements.
A Market first:
Quake´s unified Terrestrial/ Multi-Satellite–Protocol by Lenny Braunstein, Legal Counsel
>> Quake Global introduces the only multi-satellite/terrestrial modem solution with a unified communications protocol for the m2m market with the help of Telit’s excellent support and high quality modules.
As a leading manufacturer of m2m applications that enable customers to track, monitor, and control their assets across the globe via multiple satellite and terrestrial networks, Quake Global has raised the bar for customization, functionality, and simplified development with the industry’s first and only network-agnostic modem: the Q-Pro. Configurable to access a single or multiple networks, the Q-Pro delivers reliable communications across multiple global satellite networks, as well as through GSM/GPRS and GPS, all from a unified communications protocol. For the first time, customers can utilize the most economically effective communications signal that meets the needs of their varied usage patterns without having to develop a separate communications protocol for each network. The Q-Pro follows QUAKE’s tradition for bestin-class performance with the industry’s highest percentage of satellite in-view time, unmatched rugged reliability rigorously
tested to exceed J1455 and IP67 requirements, and unprecedented customization options with over 1,000 possible configurations. Customers can configure the digital and analog inputs and outputs, select the amount of onboard memory, choose the network accessibility, option with or without digital outputs (relay), the CAN bus and antenna detection, and can program the functionality through the application programming interface (API), allowing a customized application reflecting each customer’s individual needs. QUAKE’s exclusive set of core technologies, responsiveness to the customer’s needs and more than 10 years of experience in developing industrial m2m applications have culminated into the creation of the Q-Pro. For the development of such an important flagship product, QUAKE was very particular in selecting which quality components would comprise the Q-Pro. QUAKE is proud to have selected Telit’s GE865-QUAD module to deliver GSM/GPRS cellular communications for the Q-Pro. Because the Q-Pro was designed to serve as a compact solution with a volume of less than 25 cubic inches, yet still maintain high functionality and ability to access the various networks, the GE865-QUAD’s compact form factor was a key element in its selection. That combined with Telit’s strong repu-
tation for quality, overall performance, and value made the selection of the GE865-QUAD easy. QUAKE’s new family of multi-mode devices also includes the Q4000. Like the Q-Pro, the Q4000 exceeds J1455 requirements with unrivaled tolerance to shock, vibration, temperature variation, and electrical deviation. It also offers a virtually limitless number of configurations, has programmable functionality through the API, and permits the OEM or VAR to offer flexibility to their customers in selecting the most economically effective communications signal (satellite/GSM/GPRS) through a unified communications protocol. The Q4000’s remarkably small stature, with a volume of only approximately 6.2 cubic inches, and its reliance on high performance and quality communications also made the GE865-QUAD a perfect candidate for enabling GSM/GPRS network capability. Both the QPro and Q4000 modems reflect QUAKE’s commitment to long product life cycles with remote over-the-air programmability and upgradeability. QUAKE is a customer-oriented organization intent on nurturing strong long-lasting partnerships and is fully engaged with its customers in software engineering, application development, and technical support. << TELIT2MARKET
Ugolini SpA A successful application of Telit products in bars and restaurants. Marco Ugolini, Vice President
FACTS Client Ugolini SpA
>> Ugolini is an Italian company that manufactures and sells dispensers for cold and hot drinks. Our name is well known and respected all over the world. Two years ago, Ugolini launched a new instant coffee machine for hot-beverage dispensing in bars and restaurants. This product targets manufacturers of instant
coffee who typically provide dispensers at no charge to customers purchasing their coffee powders. In order to assure profitability, this business model is highly dependent on each machine’s reliably meeting sales volume. Additionally, it is necessary to monitor individual dispensers’ functionality status and have the ability to change configuration in order to satisfy customer preferences as well as to take the machine in and out of service. These activities can become complex and expensive when managing an extensive installed base of dispensers. As a way to better assist customers in managing their installed base, Ugolini equipped each machine with a Telit GSM module that includes dedicated firmware and PC software. This added functionality provides each remote operator the ability to request and receive real time information including sales volume per day or per month, operational status, alarm on exception events, and current settings. Remote operators can also change settings as well as stop and start each function. This of course provides customers an important competitive advantage and saves important human resources on field activity. As a result of this successful application, Ugolini is considering using similar concept for other dispensers in its portfolio. <<
System Instant Coffee Machine model M20/2
Which Telit module do you use and why? Ugolini uses the SMS function of Telit’s GM862-QUAD module to handle communication between a PC based application and a large number of dispensers in the field.
Features • • • • •
Support service Ease of application Value for money Documentation availability Reliability
USA Technologies, Inc. USA Technologies chose the GC864 quad-band GPRS modem as a vital component in the development of its unique ePort EDGE cashless payment system.
FACTS Client USA Technologies, Inc.
System ePort EDGE
Which Telit module do you use and why? USA Technologies selected the GC864 quadband GPRS modem as a vital component in the development of its unique ePort EDGE cashless payment system.
Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
One-piece solution – Card Reader + Controller Fast transaction processing Remote, over-the-air (OTA) software update Supports all major credit cards 16 x 2 LCD display and LED indicator for transaction status An “END” button to complete or cancel transactions MDB interface (Compatible with most vendors) DEX interface (Compatible with most vendors) Diagnostic display to simplify configuration Available as an audit-only device Supports pulse interface with configurable timing to simulate coin mechanisms and bill validators Bright, flashing blue attract LEDs™ Water resistant External relay control so to activate an external device with a credit card Plug-in antenna Simple universal mounting No external power supply required
>> Headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA Technologies Inc. is a leader in providing secure, innovative, wireless and networked transaction solutions to the vending, kiosk, and unattended POS industries. USAT’s ePort® hardware product line and ePort Connect® service make it possible for unattended POS terminals such as vending machines, kiosks, washers and dryers, counter-top games, and self-service car wash stations to accept credit, debit, and other forms of cashless payment. The ePort gives owners and operators the ability to remotely monitor and manage machine performance online for maximum efficiency and effectiveness, while offering consumers greater cashless payment ease and convenience. “Many of our current and potential customers asked us to develop a cashless payment
terminal that responds to their needs, at the most affordable price. We developed the ePort EDGE with a GC864 quad-band GPRS modem and CMUX functionality because it enabled us to design our new EDGE with a small form factor, was multifunctional so transaction processing never had to slow or stop when updates or downloads were performed, and because it was suitable for a highly-integrated environment. We are delighted with the quality of the pro-
duct, and the service and support that Telit is providing,” Ron Fridman, Vice President, Technology and Product Development of USA Technologies, Inc. USA Technologies (USAT) selected the GC864 because its CMUX functionality offered dual channels of communication, enabling the EDGE to perform various tasks simultaneously, including transaction processing, data downloads, system maintenance, and over-the-air (OTA) updates. Because the integrated SIM connector is part of the module, it takes up less circuit board space, which enabled USAT to develop a smaller, more economical one-piece design that is easy to install. The result is the ePort EDGE, a feature-rich reader and controller combination that retails at only $199. The ePort EDGE, with the GC864 quad-band GPRS modem, is a high-performance, inexpensive, compact, one-piece device, unique in the industry for its performance, convenience, and low price. << ePort EDGE TELIT2MARKET
The M2M Value Chain:
Getting to Market by Robin Duke-Woolley, CEO Beecham Research Ltd.
>> The “value chain” has been a basic busi-
ness concept for many years. Each link in the chain “adds value” in a somewhat linear progression from raw materials to finished products or services. It is a useful concept for identifying key elements in the route to market for new product ideas, and for highlighting where new profits can be made. Figure 1 below shows a typical value chain for an m2m application. It illustrates immediately one of the main difficulties in getting a new m2m offering to market: it is pretty long and may therefore require many different market players to work together. Under these circumstances, someone needs to take charge of the whole chain in order to ensure its success in the market. Who should this be?
The NO may also decide to concentrate on facilitating the entire value chain for a value added service provider (VASP) by setting up and operating all components belonging to the m2m network up to a gateway, leaving sensors to a VASP to organize who then pays the NO for using the network. In this scenario the VASP is then the end user’s contract partner, not the NO. In this value chain all elements for service provision enhance the operator’s network infrastructure. The NO may, in this way, establish a sustainable long-term customer relationship. With his market position he may be able to negotiate attractive pricing from his various suppliers. Being responsible for the entire operation, the NO would maintain
Hardware Supplier
Hardware Integration
Middle Software
Application Supplier
Systems Integration
Network Access/Trans
Marketing/ Sales
Operation/ Service
Hardware Supplier
Hardware Integration
Middle Software
Application Supplier
Systems Integration
Network Access/Trans
Marketing/ Sales
Operation/ Service
Figure 1: M2M Value Chains
Figure 1 also shows two different options for who takes charge. In the first, the network operator (NO) sets up and maintains the m2m network and supplies the m2m service. The NO aggregates all elements of the value chain and operates the m2m service, including marketing and sales. The end user selects the NO for the m2m service. 78 TELIT2MARKET
Source: Beecham Research
service and support to the end customer. In the past, NOs have resisted taking on this risk. However, in light of declining margins and more aggressive competition in the telecommunication markets worldwide, this reluctance is disappearing and operators will aim to fill the strategic gap with extended value generation. Whether end users will be prepa-
red to rely on one particular NO for all their requirements is an open question. In the second value chain option, the VASP typically combines all elements of the chain including hardware, software, communication and a specialized service offering for the end user. The user buys the necessary hardware and orders the service from the VASP for a defined time period. The VASP derives advantage from his specific market knowledge to negotiate attractive pricing from all suppliers in the value chain. Usually he is flexible enough to adapt to changing requirements and improving his services. Since the VASP has direct customer contact and aggregates many individual customers, he may generate economies of scale. This may give the VASP the power to negotiate optimal terms from his hardware and services suppliers. These are just two examples of who can take charge. There are equally situations where it is more appropriate for the System Integrator, or indeed the Hardware Supplier, to take charge of the value chain.
So, who should take charge for different situations?
A structured way of looking at this is to categorize m2m applications themselves into the three different types shown in Figure 2: Aftermarket, Regulatory, and Line Fit/OEM.
Compared with this, Regulatory applications are created by the introduction of new regulations, usually associated with particular applications. Road pricing for HGV vehicles and Car wash
Environment Monitoring
Road Pricing
Meter Reading
Auto Telematics
Connected eReaders
Line Fit/OEM
Figure 2: Categories of M2M Applications with Examples
The After-Market category of applications involves retrofitting connectivity to products already installed and working in the field, as for example, connecting vending machines and monitoring environmental conditions. These tend to automate operations already running and are typically introduced to gain operational cost savings. Under these circumstances, the solution may need to be tailored to a specific user’s requirements and this tends to favor either the user himself taking charge of the solution or alternatively a solution provider/system integrator appointed by the user. Whoever it is will then need to choose or build the most appropriate hardware and software and arrange for connectivity. This may also require network certification for whatever hardware needs to be connected.
Source: Beecham Research
congestion charging schemes are typical examples, as are automatic meter reading applications (smart metering). Connectivity is usually (but not necessarily) designed-in during manufacture, so that unit costs are kept low with high initial volumes until the base has been covered. These tend to be nationwide or at least citywide schemes, have lengthy gestation periods and design cycles, and are often subject to tendering processes. As a result they tend to favor a consortium approach with several partners from different parts of the value chain participating, usually including at least one network operator, a system integrator and often one or more hardware suppliers. Dedicated project management is then drawn from one or more of the parties. Line Fit/OEM-based applications, on the other hand, are often driven by product manufac-
turers, acting either in concert with partners or on their own, to create new services opportunities related to their products. Connectivity is designed-in to minimize unit costs for high volumes. A classic example of this category is auto telematics where the car manufacturers are developing solutions for their products in pursuit of after-market service opportunities. The growing market for connected eReaders is also a good example of this category, with the likes of Amazon as a service provider and Sony as a product manufacturer turned service provider both pursuing new business models in this area. This third category is particularly interesting, as it provides an avenue for product manufacturers to redefine themselves as service providers, or VASPs in Figure 1. In doing so, they can move from one end of the m2m value chain – as hardware suppliers – to the other – as service providers. By the same token, this category also provides an avenue for network operators to take control of service provision to end users, as also shown in Figure 1. Mobile network operators already do this, of course, using mobile handsets that are increasingly data oriented and some have moved further into m2m applications with, for example, retail and tracking services. This is just a start, though; with many new m2m service opportunities yet to come to market. Enabling new services is what m2m is really all about, with the technologies for connecting remote products being the means to that end. The value chain identifies the process for achieving this. It indicates how market players in different parts of the chain can most appropriately add value to their traditional offering, including the possible provision of end user services. << TELIT2MARKET
Action Connected Elevate Get ready! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your shot. As the machine-to-machine industry has grown stronger and strengthened its skills we have watched it become more explosive. M2M has been graced with the foot speed and guile that comes with natural talent, but will it be able to put up an aggressive offense as it expands into a host of consumer products? This season, the new Connected World magazine will hit the circuit. Be sure to follow this new publication as it rises to the top of its game, meeting each match head on, and winning thousands of new readers along the way. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T jusT siT on The siDelines, pick-up An issue AnD geT in The gAMe! P: +1 888.454.2170 ext. 248 80 TELIT2MARKET
Argentina > Australia
Austria > Belarus > Belgium >
Bolivia > Bosnia Herzegovina > Brazil > Bulgaria > Canada > Chile > China > Croatia > Czech Republic > Denmark > Ecuador > Estonia > Finland > France > Germany > Greece > Hungary > India > Indonesia > Ireland > Israel > Italy > Korea > Latvia > Lithuania >
Luxemburg > Macedonia > Malaysia > Mexico > Montenegro > Netherlands > New Zealand > Norway > Peru > Philippines > Poland > Portugal > Romania > Russia > Serbia > Singapore > Slovakia > Slovenia > South Africa > Spain > Sweden > Switzerland > Taiwan >
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For detailed information about our distributors, please visit Where to buy TELIT2MARKET
Telit Global
VP Global Sales
Felix Marchal
Telit EMEA
VP Sales Europe
Carlos PĂŠrez
Telit EMEA
RSD Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Nordic and Baltic countries
Mads Kring
RSD Eastern Europe, Italy and Greece
Nikola Balj
RSM Turkey and Poland, Arab Middle East
Yavuz Ferhusoglu
RSD United Kingdom
Philip Collins
Country Sales Manager France and North Africa Countries
Emmanuel Maussion
RSM Benelux and Iberia
Nieves Blanco PestaĂąa
VP & GM, Telit North America
Mike Ueland
Director of Sales
Mark Maresca
Director of Channel Sales
Mike Wagner
Director of Sales
David Barczak
Sales General Director
Marcos Kinzkowski
Account Manager
Diogo Canto Sae
Sales and Marketing Manager
Anderson Benino
VP Sales APAC, Israel, SA, Anz and NZ
Gideon Rogovsky
Country Sales Manager, Israel
Shuki Yulzari
RSD Africa, Anz and NZ
Pieter Lentz
Senior Sales Manager, Asia Pacific and India
HoSang Kim
Country Sales Manager, Taiwan
Allen Wang
Sales VP, Korea
D.J. Koh
Telit North America
Telit Latin America
Telit APAC (Korea and Asia)
RSD = Regional Sales Director RSM = Regional Sales Manager
GM = General Manager VP = Vice President
Telit´s Sales Network and Customer Focus: Why it is a Good Choice to Join Telit by Felix Marchal, VP Global Sales
>> Here at Telit, we want to provide the best buying experience, so for us it is all about customer satisfaction. Providing quality customer experience is however no easy task due to the high degree of fragmentation in the m2m market compounded by Telit’s desire to listen equally to all its customers. Due to market fragmentation and diversified vertical markets, Telit’s sales channels, both direct and indirect, are extremely valuable. Today, our indirect sales network plays a major role in Telit’s success with its members truly regarded as partners. Telit‘s value-added distributors provide for national geographic coverage, possess detailed local knowledge and expertise, and allow maximum customer reach at reasonable cost. Additionally, these valuable partners provide technical expertise on Telit products further streamlining logistics and „demand fulfillment“, thus enhancing operation of the supply chain. Overall, Telit’s indirect network contains the right mix of competencies to be a valuable competitive weapon. In order to accelerate demand creation, Telit has created a special network of channel partners: the Competence Centers. And it intensively promotes these “certified” third parties throughout all its markets.
With Telit’s network of distributors focused on satisfying the needs of our small and medium sized customers, our global sales strategy would not be complete without a clear focus on serving our existing and high-potential large direct accounts within targeted vertical markets. Customers count on Telit to provide key value through quality, continuity of supply, flexibility, extended support, total cost of ownership, customization, and scalability of m2m architecture. Additionally, Telit is able and endeavors to solve customers‘ needs beyond just the module. Still, our ultimate goal is to be viewed as a partner and trusted advisor. We do that by focusing on three pillars of success: customer satisfaction, innovation leadership, and industrial greatness. First, to ensure customer satisfaction and become the preferred supplier through long term partnership, we carefully listen to our customers and partners with a dedicated team of experts and seasoned professionals from the m2m space. By being close to our clients and directly engaged at each stage of the design-in cycle, we are able to understand what they care about. Our day to day activities focus on being flexible, solving problems, delivering on-time and affordable products and technologies, meeting customer demands, offering dedicated support packages designed to speed time-to-market
through complimentary pre-certification and design review, and providing state-of-the-art service models through comprehensive solutions ranging from hardware to airtime and back-end services. These customer focused offerings have enabled Telit to increase market penetration quicker than our competitors. Next, innovation leadership is achieved by maintaining high industrial standards and high R&D investments. Telit is the only solution provider in the space to offer products covering all m2m-relevant wireless technologies. The third pillar: ensuring industrial greatness is realized through securing long-term industrial and technological partnerships and providing high quality support and maintenance for its product portfolio. As a result of being the most focused m2m player; understanding our customers’ business models; being able to successfully support our customers’ business cases; having our core values in investment protection, business scalability, ease of integration, and quality, which are all key to our customers; having best-in class marketing communications to support and raise our customers’ profiles in the market; and placing customer satisfaction as our #1 priority; Telit can provide you, our customer, with the competitive edge you need to succeed in your market segment and business. << TELIT2MARKET
TES and Telit Team Up for Market Leadership in Intelligent Telematics by Nick Walker, Sales & Marketing >> TES Electronic Solutions is a global developer and manufacturer of innovative electronics-based solutions. Headquartered in France, TES has played a key role in the development of the telematics market in recent years and has manufactured over 250,000 devices in this segment to date. Accented by 450 design engineers the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 900-person staff boasts areas of expertise ranging from systems and product design, to chip design, to hardware, software and mechatronics development, to training, certification, production, and a complete logistics platform. To shorten the customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s project time-to- location and a processor module for more market, TES offers its own set of reference complex applications. The base module, which is equipped with a Telit designs, based on a range of baquad-band GE863-GPS with sic shared functions. TES also integrated SiRFstarIII GPS, designs and produces teleis ideal for a stand-alone matics hardware and softsolution in entry-level apware solutions which can plications. For more combe quickly customized plex telematics appliand transferred into seriOBU+HHD V2; incl. Telit cations, TITAN can be al production. The TES apUC864-G UMTS/HSDPA 7.2 equipped with an ARM9proach is to supply telematics service providers with reliable and based processor module for the operating cost effective equipment so that they can system and the application. TITAN can be focus entirely on the development of their used as a development platform for software applications and in parallel, as a starapplications. ting point leading to the deployment of a fully tailored teleOne crucial component in a telematics matics device into solution is a reliable m2m communivolume manufaccation unit. Strong collaboration ture thereby shortebetween the module provider and ning the total overall the device manufacturer ensure a time to the final high-vohigh-quality end product. TES serlume solution. ves as a Telit Competence Center, Spartan100 creating innovative telematics solutions for the OEM and after-market seg- SPARTAN100 is derived from TITAN and is ments. The main task of a Competence Cen- the price performance leader in intelligent ter is to develop and produce new products telematics platforms. SPARTAN100 intefor specific areas of wireless cellular and grates the Telit GE863-GPS module, which short range customer applications based on provides both GPS and GSM/GPRS functionalities. The Telit GE863-GPS module is m2m technology from Telit. complemented with an ARM9 processor The TES TITAN reference system is compri- which runs either WinCE or Linux. The comsed of a base board for communication and bination of an ARM9 core, GPS, GPRS and 84 TELIT2MARKET
Bluetooth wireless communications, 3D accelerometer, and a flexible and configurable I/O structure (ADC, serial link, Digital I/O) is only possible because of the high level of integration in the Telit module. SPARTAN100 makes extensive use of the power management features of the Telit device. SPARTAN100 is the ideal platform for demanding track-and-trace applications like geo-fencing, driver coaching, and behavior analysis. TES has also tapped Telit modems for its unique line of security application devices. Transportation of high value goods and hazardous materials require accurate and reliable tracking and communications to meet strict standards from security services, police, and emergency responders. For this kind of use, access to 3G, 2.5G and 2G, and SMS means that network coverage is rarely if ever lost and that voice and data communications can occur simultaneously. The Telit UC864-G also supports GPS to enable fine-granularity tracking systems with the levels of communication reliability required. In addition, the TES security solution can provide a private ISM band link between the security vehicle and the security guard via the Telit B915FH-TINY-PRO Short Range Module. <<
Telit Competence Center
Brazil SEVA Engenharia Eletronica S/A Marcelo Rezende Ribeiro Coordenador de Software Phone: +55 31 32 11 10 00 Fax: +55 31 32 11 10 10
Finland Comprog Solutions Oy Kimmo Aho Managing Director Phone: +358 40 721 36 88 Fax: +358 2 822 00 98
France TES Electronic Solutions Nick Walker Sales & Marketing Phone: +33 1 64 53 14 01 Fax: +33 1 69 32 22 95
Germany CETEC Peter Güntzer Managing Director Phone: +49 89 67 34 60 61 Fax: +49 89 67 34 60 66
India ConnectM Technology Solutions Private Limited Achutha Jois Chief Evangelist Phone: +91 80 41 70 05 31/2/3 Fax: +91 80 41 70 05 31/2/3
Israel Gate Tel David Ezer Phone: +972 54 766 57 54 Fax: +972 9 745 45 49
Italy DEM S.r.l. Ester Pescio Sales Manager Phone: +39 010 59 61 21 Fax: +39 010 59 61 234 SEM – Services for Electronic Manufacturing S.r.l. Roberto Zavatti Senior Design Manager Phone: +39 039 639 36 24 Fax: +39 039 639 50 15 SICOM Test S.r.l. Renato De Francesco Dott. Phone: +39 040 37 55 739 Fax: +39 040 37 55 738 Sky Technology S.r.l. Ing. Giampaolo Figini Business Developer Phone: +39 02 37 05 12 41 Fax: +39 02 41 56 786
Sweden Rubico Consulting AB Anders Larsson Chief Technical Officer Phone: +46 70 219 80 57 Fax: +46 920 750 10
ICEF d.o.o. Dejan Živkovi´c Sales Manager Phone: +381 11 33 70 123 Fax: +381 11 33 70 123
Wireless System Integration AB Jan-Åke Lindqvist Phone: +46 70 55 54 917 Fax: +46 87 51 40 30
MikroElektronika Nebojsa Matic Sales Manager Phone: +381 11 366 0 600 Fax: +381 11 366 0 601
Slovenia University of Ljubljana Andrej Stern Mobile Project Manager Phone: +386 31 625 892 Fax: +386 1 47 68 732
Spain DRACO Systems S.L. Meritxell Gimeno Phone: +34 935 607 010 Fax: +34 935 607 029
Competence center global
Germany CETECOM GmbH Michael Gutsfeld Sales Manager Phone: +49 20 54 95 19 0 Fax: +49 20 54 95 19 997 For detailed information about Telit’s Competence Centers, please visit Competence Centers
United Kingdom RFI Global Services Ltd. Ashish Sikka Account Manager Phone: +44 12 56 312 108 Fax: +44 12 56 312 001
Ukraine DVA Group Kyryl Skyba Managing Director Phone: +380 50 44 37 456 Fax: +380 44 22 00 202
United Kingdom The Technology Partnership PLC Mathew Palmer Phone: +44 17 62 26 26 26 Fax: +44 17 63 26 15 82
USA Janus Remote Communications Dave Jahr Phone: +1 630 499 21 21 Fax: +1 630 85 50 40 Morey Corporation Emad Isaac Chief Technology Officer Phone: +1 630 754 22 12 Fax: +1 630 754 23 00 Xirgo Technologies, LLC Shawn Aleman Vice President Business Development Phone: +1 805 426 52 43 Fax: +1 805 389 10 23 TELIT2MARKET
The Wisdom of Crowds by Veronika Ott, Account Manager, and Jens Bohl, Senior Account Manager, Maisberger GmbH
page, a global Twitter account, and a YouTube channel. On the fan page in Facebook, the largest online community with a reach of 350 million users worldwide, Telit provides corporate information, multimedia content, and product information. In addition, users have the opportunity to engage in a dialog with Telit. Facebook provides an ideal supplement to the Telit website.
Some marketing messages are more easily communicated through the use of video so in 2009 Telit also started its own YouTube channel where it continually posts video interviews, product clips, and customer stories. Through YouTube, journalists, customers, and the entire m2m community have access to the most recent Telit news and can comment on the videos or integrate the channel into their own content.
>> Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn
– many companies are already active in social networks. Around 91 percent use at least one Social Media tool, and another 43 percent of the fastest-growing private companies in America (Inc. 500) see Social Media as an essential part of their marketing strategy. Companies use the web as their key communication tool to reach their increasingly fragmented target groups. As communication becomes more and more personal, direct, and interactive, “learning and recommending” are the driving forces behind social networking. Moreover, it is the expression of a changing media usage that is increasingly focused on the web. Telit in Dialog with the m2m Community In 2009 Telit adapted its communication strategy becoming the first m2m module solutions provider to embrace this changing media environment. In cooperation with its partner Maisberger, the lead PR Agency of Telit Wireless Solutions, Telit rolled out a Social Media campaign aiming at extending its global marketing communications reach to other channels and at starting a direct dialog with the broadest m2m community. During the first phase of the campaign, Telit set up a Facebook fan 86 TELIT2MARKET
Micro blogging via Twitter is currently the quickest way to communicate news, comments, or questions including reference links, within the standard block of 140 characters, to a broad audience. Telit sends out several “tweets” daily in different languages, and the content is provided by local Telit offices all over the world. By engaging all Telit employees, the Twitter account has become a central and valuable platform for m2m information and dialog for the company.
The Idea of Social Web: Being Interactive Social Media is not just another communications channel to distribute the latest news. Rather it provides the greatest opportunity for direct feedback, inquiries, or simply starting a discussion. This is the original idea of the social web – being interactive. Companies that only use established marketing channels or regard social communities purely as an information channel will find it more and more difficult to reach their target market. In order to communicate, you must become part of it. This is already the case at Telit: The use of Social Media has become an essential part of Telit’s communication strategy, and additional activities are already underway. <<
TelITPRESS North America
Telit Public relations agencies APAC
Latin America
USA: Bob Gold & Associates
Brazil: Cia da Informação
Germany: Maisberger GmbH (Lead Agency) Italy: Image Building Russia: Gurov PR
China: Eastwei Relations South Korea: Communication Wave
Electronique Mag
April 1, 2009
Telit reste en tête de l’innovation
Telit is continuing to invest in the expansion of its technological expertise in 2009. Thanks to the integration of the short-range product line, including ZigBee and Wi-Fi, into its module portfolio, Telit is setting the course for a new strategic direction as a global wireless solutions provider.
Fator Brasil
April 2, 2009
Telit mantém sua posição como líder em inovação
Telit is continuing to invest in the expansion of its technological expertise in 2009. Telit is acknowledged as the technological innovation leader on the M2M market and is currently the only supplier to cover all of the relevant wireless technologies with its portfolio.
April 23, 2009
Meta System chooses GE863–SIM module from Telit for its MetaSat RC06 MBK telematics device
Meta System has chosen modules from Telit Wireless Solutions for its MetaSat RC06 MBK device.
Computer & Automation
April 29, 2009
Telit Wireless Solutions und Eurocopter: Kooperation bei RFID-Aero-Projekt
Telit and Eurocopter have inked a three-year cooperation agreement to develop a configuration management monitoring system for helicopters.
Computer Times
South Korea
May 26, 2009
Telit Announces Stable Growth in 2008 and its Technical Strategy
Oozi Cats, CEO of Telit Communications PLC, talks about the impact of the financial crisis and explains his vision for the future of the M2M market.
Elektronik Praxis
June 23, 2009 (bi-weekly)
Telit Communications: Chance für den M2M-Markt
In an interview, Oozi Cats, CEO of Telit Communications PLC, talks about the company‘s current situation, the impact of the financial crisis and his vision for the future of the M2M market.
Communication World Weekly
June 29, 2009
More efforts required from key players to establish a mature M2M market in China
Telit, among other M2M key players, states its opinion on of the M2M industry: Gideon Rogovsky, VP Sales of Telit Wireless Solutions APAC, explains how to drive M2M’s market’s development.
Valor Econômico
July 21, 2009
Na cola do rastreador
In an interview, Marcos Kinzkowski, VP Sales Latin America, talks about Telit’s local production of modules, mainly focused on Contran (The National Traffic Council) resolution, even after the Brazilian government’s decision to postpone the mandatory rule of tracking on vehicles’ installation for the beginning of next year.
M2M Magazine
August 1, 2009 (8/2009)
M2M Hot Zones: Where in the world might M2M take off like wildfire, and what applications are fanning the flames?
Interview with Dominikus Hierl, Managing Director Strategic Accounts & Corporate Business Development at Telit Communications PLC, about the hot spots of the M2M industry.
Hanser Automotive
August 12, 2009
Telematikmodul für Flottenmanagement
Telit and Bury Technologies, manufacturer of hands-free kits and navigation systems in Europe, together developed a versatile telematics solution for vehicle fleet management.
Seoul Newspaper
South Korea
August 27, 2009
Telit: M2M market will keep growing and expand its segment
In an interview, Oozi Cats, CEO of Telit Communications PLC, talks about the M2M market that will keep growing and expand its segment.
Wireless Week
November 27, 2009
Isabella’s Vizit Makes Holidays Photo Friendly
Isabella Products, a next-generation mobile device company, selects Telit’s GE864QUAD M2M module to enable two-way communications on the VizitTM, a new, fully interactive digital photo frame that enables users to send and receive digital photos over a cellular network.
Screenplay Magazine
November 30, 2009
Smart Grid Opportunities Draw Attention of SPs
In an interview, Mike Ueland, VP and General Manager of Telit Wireless Solutions North America, talks about trends and opportunities in the smart grid market and Telit’s role in it as a leading M2M module vendor.
Electricity & Control
South Africa
Extended software and hardware warranties
Telit Wireless Solutions has enhanced its existing service portfolio with extended software and hardware warranties through Telit Infinita Services.
M2M ist kein Commodity-Markt
Confronting the price war in the M2M market: Telit is concentrating on innovation and added value in the M2M market. In a video discussion with analysis and consulting firm Beecham Research, Oozi Cats, CEO of Telit Communications PLC, spoke of his company’s pioneering role as an innovation leader in the M2M market in spite of the ever tougher price war.
December 17, 2009
Magneti Marelli and Telit Sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the Field of Telematic Devices for Automotive
Magneti Marelli and Telit have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the area of GSM and GPRS modules to be used on telematics devices in the automotive field. The agreement aims at developing info-mobility and tracking functions and services, and specifically provides for Telit to supply Magneti Marelli with cellular M2M modules to be fitted into telematics boxes for automotive use worldwide and in particular for Europe and Brazil.
Empresas & Negocios
December 23, 2009
Módulo GPS que não precisa de software
Telit Wireless Solutions is expanding its portfolio of integrated GSM/GPS solutions with the launch of its first stand alone GPS module SE867-AGPS.
Imprint telit2market The global magazine for clients and partners of Telit Wireless Solutions Published by Telit Communications S.p.A. Oozi Cats, CEO Telit Communications PLC
Chief Editor Alexander Bufalino, VP Global Marketing Concept and Design Pantos Werbeagentur GmbH,
Copyright © by Telit Communications S.p.A. Circulation 50.000 annual Reader Service
The Type Approval Procedure in Russia
by Claudia Fischer, Manager Corporate Marketing and Karin Silberhorn, Team Manager International Type Approval
>> Despite GSM and W-CDMA belonging to some of the most standardized wireless communications technologies, every country has its own set of requirements and approval procedures needing compliance certification before operation of the GSM or W-CDMA device or module is permitted in that country. In some cases existing certification status and approvals from other countries are accepted. In others, all-exclusive involvement of local authorities and test laboratories is mandatory. In Russia, manufacturers applying for type approval of GSM and W-CDMA products require the following: • A local representative legally registered in Russia. • Testing performed by a locally accredited test laboratory. • National labeling of the product as required by the government (wireless modules for example do not need such a label whereas the labeling of products including wireless modules depends on the type of end-application device). Applicable Standards and Authorities The Russian GSM testing standard is based on former EN standards and refers to GSM 900 and 1800 MHz. Furthermore, the W-CDMA standard is based on the 3GPP specifications and refers to FDD 1. Both are subject to health-related standards for means of landbased mobile radio communication. The certificates are usually valid between one to five years. Once expired, the certification has to 88 TELIT2MARKET
be renewed. Devices that have already been sold and are in the market remain legal. Four different authorities are involved in the approval process: • Certification Bodies: accredited entities that are empowered to issue certificates of GOST-R compliance. • Federal Agency for the Supervision in the Sphere of Consumer Rights and Health Protection for hygiene certification. • Federal Agency of Communications for the Declaration of Conformity (DoC). • State Commission of Radio Frequencies for the frequency registration. • Local Radio Frequency Centers • Ministry of Industry and Trade GOST-R Certification The GOST-R certification is mandatory for a wide range of products in the Russian market. It indicates compliance with basic safety and EMC requirements as well as the standards applicable for the respective product. The Russian law provides several certification schemes for GOST-R approvals. From the customer’s point of view, the most popular are volume production schemes with certificates valid between one to three years. This certificate requires certain tests be carried out in an accredited test laboratory. For GSM and W-CDMA devices, usually two samples are required. After passing these tests successfully, the GOST-R certificate is issued (average lead time: two to four weeks). In order to obtain a three year certificate, the Russian government requires an annual inspection of samples taken from production runs in addition to the necessary testing.
Health Certification Testing and certification for GSM and UMTS modules according to the Russian healthstandard is comparable to the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measurements for GSM and 3G technologies in Europe and the USA. In cases where a module is integrated into an end application, detection and measurement testing of additional physical factors of the
device will be conducted. In order to protect the user from negative health impacts, the product must pass these tests in an accredited test laboratory. After delivering the application, test reports (including GOST-R and ISO 9001 certificate) and other required documentation to the Federal Supervisory Agency, the health certificate is issued (valid for five years, average lead time: six to eight weeks). Declaration of Conformity The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is issued after delivering the application, test report and documentation to the Federal Com-
munications Agency (valid for five years, average lead time: four to six weeks). Import Permission Issuance of Import Permission for UMTS equipment through the local Radio Frequency Center is required and in some cases also for GSM equipment, depending on how the device is declared by the applicant.
final end-application device has to comply with the respective national standards and laws including the requirements of the Ministry of Communications who are strict in mandating every individual end-device undergo complete DoC procedure.
Notification According to a new regulation about import of encryption enabled equipment, the manufacturer's representative or the manufacturer himself has to notify the Federal Security Agency (FSB) in case the device contains encryption means or elements.
If a module is integrated into devices with ISM scope and at the same time is not subject to numerous exceptions from the respective stock-list (released by the Commission of Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russian Federation), then the final device is subject to import licensing. Russian importers have to apply for it in this case at the branches of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Certification of Integrated Wireless Modules Generally, a modular approval is possible in Russia, but it cannot be applied for all certifications: For GOST-R and health certification the applicant can submit test reports already available for the module. But for integrated modules, the characteristics of the end device also have to be taken into account. The
Guidance Through the Approval Process As a Telit partner, CETECOM offers guidance through the approval process to device and module manufacturers. Launching a product into several different regional markets can be difficult due to specific regulatory requirements in each country. Knowledge of these different requirements is essential to make the manufacturerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life easier. CETECOM has
center Center
Flow chart for GSM/UMTS Russia
the knowledge to handle product approvals all over the world and has performed approvals to date in approximately 150 countries. The process starts with a consultation where the customer is guided through the standards and regulations to be considered in the target market. CETECOM then coordinates product testing either in its own accredited laboratories or through external partners. Customers are then automatically reminded of deadlines for recertification. Thanks to its long-standing contact with the official bodies, CETECOM can conduct all negotiations directly. If a customer requires local representation onsite, the necessary contacts can quickly be established. In cases where an experimental radio license is needed for the target market, CETECOM is available to assist customers through the application process. Saving Customers Time and Resources With its ISO 9001 certified International Type Approval (ITA) services CETECOM acts as an interface between manufacturers and the different regulatory authorities. This saves the manufacturer time and effort and ensures a smooth certification and approval process, which subsequently results in a competitive advantage of quick market entry. << TELIT2MARKET
Strategic Partnership for Innovative Solutions by Thomas Pöggel, T-Mobile M2M Sales
>> Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile, and Telit entered into a long-term cooperation in Machine-to-Machine (m2m) communications. Market observers agree: The m2m business will experience strong growth in the coming years. According to market research firm Strategy Analytics, the market will grow between 2008 and 2014 reaching € 41 billion globally. Deutsche Telekom and its mobile network operator T-Mobile are striving to further expand their position in this market. The group is combining all its activities in this field and developing additional industry-specific solutions. The focus is on products for logistics and the automotive industry such as fleet management, traffic control, and remote maintenance, as well as products for the energy industry. Cooperating with established cellular module manufacturers, Telit is a key component in Deutsche Telekom’s m2m strategy. The objective of these partnerships is to jointly develop m2m applications and products, offering customers the best-possible solutions.
Deutsche Telekom With more than 150 million mobile customers as well as approximately 39 million fixed-line and 17 million broadband connections, Deutsche Telekom AG is one of the leading integrated telecommunications companies in the world. Its products include T-Home (fixed-line telephony, broadband Internet), T-Mobile (cellular services), and T-Systems (ICT solutions). As an international group, Deutsche Telekom is active in about 50 countries with some 260,000 employees. In 2008, the company had sales of approximately € 61.6 billion, with the majority of this revenue coming from outside Germany. Since T-Mobile is one of the largest mobile network operators in the world, Deutsche Telekom relies on the latest,
third-generation (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) cellular technology when developing products. This allows the company to create optimal technological conditions for data transfer in m2m communication. Long-Term Partnership with Telit The new partnership between Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH, and Telit Communications PLC should combine the companies’ collective strengths and products to tap the m2m market growth together. The goal is to develop innovative solutions and to closely cooperate in marketing and sales for m2m market segments. As a first step, the partners will identify target groups in the segments of Transport & Logistics, Vehicle Telematics, Smart Metering / Smart Grid, Security, Retail & Commerce, Health Care, Industrial Automation, and Monitoring & Control. Next, the partners plan to create a detailed analysis for developing and marketing targeted, sector-specific solutions.
use Telit GSM modules and the T-Mobile cellular network to offer online services to its customers. Users throughout Europe can receive real-time information, updates and data on routes, destinations, traffic, weather, points of interest, or even the status of parking garages – quickly, in high quality and without any additional roaming costs when abroad. The partner markets the navigation solution throughout Europe exclusively with T-Mobile. To accompany the service, the Telekom subsidiary offers an innovative and flexible business and pricing model that is customized for the partner’s navigation devices. The cooperation allows all partners to strengthen their market positions by tapping additional sales opportunities based on cellular services. In addition, both companies cement long-term relationships with their customers, who pay a regular service fee for the added value.
m2m Communication in Automotive m2m solutions already developed by Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile for various segments will be used as a guide. One of the main drivers for innovation is the automotive industry. With markets in a state of saturation, the industry has to rely on new ideas and innovative solutions to sell its products. Together with various manufacturers, T-Mobile is developing cellular-based applications that make driving more comfortable and safer. For example, after an accident, an emergency system can automatically notify the nearest emergency services center and include the vehicle’s exact location. Another application allows mechanics to request information from a vehicle that has broken down, thus analyzing the problem in order to offer help much more quickly and easily.
Win-Win Situation It’s clear from these examples that a strategic partnership between a strong network operator and a leading module company creates the best conditions for success and new business in the m2m growth market. The cooperation between Telit, Deutsche Telekom, and T-Mobile is a win-win situation where each side brings industry experience as well as expertise into the joint project combining their strengths and creating added value. Telit offers the network provider potential industry specific applications and the module maker profits from the optimized technology in connectivity. Thanks to their strong market position, Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile also guarantee access to an enormous number of potential customers in both the B2B and B2C markets. In the end, the customer also profits from the combined strengths as they enjoy new, safe applications, and innovative products. <<
Another example of a successful m2m partnership between Telit and T-Mobile is a common cooperation with Navigon – the navigation system company. Navigon will
Information: T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH M2M Sales
ESMIG – Enabling a
Smarter Energy World by Andreas Umbach, ESMIG President sociation, OPENmeter, and the ZigBee Alliance. ESMIG has also been a partner of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign since 2009.
>> On January 21, 2009, a launch event in Brussels – in the heart of Europe – marked the official start of operations for the European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG). Around 120 delegates joined the event, networking and listening to high-level representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, and ESMIG. Telit Wireless Solutions became an ESMIG member in April 2009, further enhancing the expertise and representation of m2m in its industry group. Today ESMIG represents the leading companies in the European Smart Metering market along with members of the entire value chain from meter manufacturing, software, installation, and consulting to communications, data management, and system integration. The objective of this newly formed industry group is to provide knowledge and expertise on Smart Metering and related communications at a European and, if necessary, national level. ESMIG is committed to open and interoperable standards. To that end, it has established partnership agreements with several organizations in the area of standardization such as CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, KNX, the DLMS User As92 TELIT2MARKET
Since early 2009, ESMIG has been actively involved in the so-called Smart Metering Coordination Group (SMCG) which under the auspices of CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI, executes the European standardization mandate 441 designed to adopt standards for smart metering technologies, protocols, and use cases. The SMCG includes all major European stakeholders e.g. representatives from utilities, Smart Meter industry, consumers, regulators, standardization initiatives and the chairmen from the relevant Technical Committees in European Standardization bodies. ESMIG’s core belief is that Smart Metering will revolutionize the energy supply system and particularly the relationship between consumers and their supplier. Smart metering will empower consumers raising the awareness of their energy and water use, allowing them to make informed decisions on heating, lighting, and appliance upgrades. Ultimately, the roll-out of Smart Metering technologies will lead to a significant change
in consumer behavior towards sustainable consumption patterns. Recently, ESMIG successfully advocated the inclusion of Smart Metering provisions in the so-called “3rd Energy Package” which was enacted on September 3, 2009. The package includes the Electricity and Gas Directives which require EU Member States to ‘ensure the implementation of intelligent metering systems’. The Electricity Directive calls for full deployment at the latest by 2022, with 80% of consumers equipped with Smart Metering systems by 2020. ESMIG, together with its members, is now working towards the delivery of smart interoperable metering systems within the timescales outlined above, but preferably sooner. Through its relationship with a number of European partners, ESMIG can help achieve the objective of a “common specification for Smart Metering” across Europe, but believes that this needs to provide some flexibility to account for differing market realities and customer requirements. Ultimately, European standards with a high level of acceptance in the different market places will enable a cost-efficient, interoperable, and effective European-wide deployment of Smart Metering Technologies for the benefit of consumers, the environment, and society as a whole.
Biographical Information of Andreas Umbach Andreas Umbach started his career with Siemens. In 1999, he was transferred to the Metering Division, where he was promoted to Division President in 2000. In 2002, Siemens sold the business to private equity investor Kohlberg Kravis and Roberts. Andreas Umbach became president and CEO and has been managing the group since. In 2004, Landis+Gyr was acquired by the Australian Bayard Group. Andreas integrated Bayard’s Metering business into Landis+Gyr and, with Bayard, acquired fur-
ther businesses in the US and in Europe. In 2008, Bayard renamed itself Landis+Gyr Holdings and appointed Andreas Umbach the President and Chief Operating Officer. Andreas Umbach holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, and also holds a Master’s degree of Business Administration from the University of Texas, US. <<
AT&T Emerging
Devices Organization by Linda Gould, Associate Director of Product Development >> At AT&T our goal is to drive wireless capabilities into a wide variety of devices, including netbooks, picture frames, eReaders, cars and telematics, personal navigation devices, cameras, media players, monitoring and tracking, and gaming devices. One year ago, after years of leadership in the open access space, AT&T established a dedicated team to meet the business and technical needs of companies that are new to the wireless market – the Emerging Devices Organization.
and network comparison details, and development tools.
ble you to quickly get your device into customer hands. The AT&T Emerging Devices Organization (EDO) offers business support and an industry leading device certification program to manufacturers looking to bring next-generation devices to the U.S. wireless marketplace. When you align with AT&T, the Emerging Devices Organization will make sure that you receive access to the tools, knowledge, and support you need to successfully develop and test your device. Once your device has received “Network Ready” certification, you will have achieved a significant milestone on the path to delivering a quality solution to market. Beyond the technical network certification that ensures that your device will operate well on the AT&T network and give your customer a seamless connected experience, AT&T can also assist you with marketing tools, channel opportunities, and backend billing and connectivity solutions. Through the EDO on-boarding process you will have access to consumer and business billing options, as well as provisioning and diagnostic tools that will ena-
AT&T has the flexibility to support the entire spectrum of business and functional support models to allow you to correctly position your product for the needs of your customers. AT&T Device certification and wireless transport are the key components of a classic wholesale relationship. Adding available services related to end-user support, billing, or branding can move the relationship to a more traditional retail model. When defining your requirements, first consider your businesses’ core competencies, and then consider how leveraging AT&T’s expertise and resources can maximize your opportunities in the emerging devices arena. To facilitate wireless connectivity in the emerging devices space, AT&T launched the EDO website. At you’ll discover a seven step process to launch your product, as well as detailed information about possible business models, distribution channels, service delivery platforms,
More than just informative, provides access to order the AT&T Connection Kit for Device Developers, resources on preparing for certification using pre-approved modules, and the Device On-Boarding Tool, for when you are ready to submit your device for Network Ready testing. With the nation‘s fastest 3G network, a dedicated world-class team, and experience delivering flexible, innovative solutions to market, AT&T is your company of choice when it comes to launching new wireless devices. We will work with you from concept through implementation. For more information or to engage with AT&T’s Emerging Devices Organization, please visit our website at << ©2010 AT&T Intellectual Property – All Rights Reserved.
Linda Gould, Associate Director of Product Development
The Power of Magical Thinking – Imagine the Possibilities in the Decade of Teens Ahead by Bob Gold, President & Founder Bob Gold & Associates
>> m2m is becoming the secret sauce that is making business run more efficiently
and enabling industries to re-imagine themselves in newly productive and enduring ways, but to paraphrase President John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what I can do for m2m, but ask what m2m can do for me?”
As we’ve just entered the teen years of this century, I wonder if our development and adoption of m2m technology during this decade will parallel the awkward teen years of my three sons. As we see m2m influencing change in human behavior, I wonder if it can’t make our lives as parents easier and turn our teenagers into better citizens.
1 m2m-enabled personal hygiene pro-
ducts: from the toothbrush to the deodorant stick, I want to know if my kids are taking care of themselves. And my wife would appreciate if you would also throw an embedded module into the toilet seat, so we can track who left it up. 2
Right now, my boys are battling pimples and personal hygiene, learning to drive (giving their father a heart attack), and discovering that girls are rather, … interesting. I’ve imagined a few possibilities and put together a short m2m application wish list for all you engineering types out there to make my life as a parent easier during these difficult and awkward teen years.
Kissing and dating sensor (similar to carbon dating, but more m2m-focused) that lets parents know when a daughter is kissing her date a little too long or if her boyfriend’s hands “accidentally” wander into the wrong places. This sensor could also tell the father where his daughter is currently located so he can show up and … well, we’ll just be glad that we aren’t the boyfriend, and it isn’t my daughter. As punishment, instead of grounding the kid, my m2m device would regulate my teen’s iPod
music choices. Imagine if every time an expletive rap song was downloaded or played, it instantly switched to Mozart! That might be a tad punitive, but it wouldn’t get me reported to family services, right? 3
Mobile “experimental” breathalyzer that detects alcohol and any drug any teen might want to “experiment” with. I can call and tell my teenager to breathe into the breathalyzer and it will automatically recognize him, and email me the results. If he’s been drinking, I can remotely disable the starter in his car, go pick him up, and ground him for life. And speaking of driving … While there are already several excellent tracking and tracing applications that can monitor where and how well my sons are driving, I need an
application for me! As the father/instructor in the passenger’s seat teaching his teen how to drive, no matter how hard I slam on that imaginary brake in the car, nothing happens! 4
The Robo Rooter Video Game Shooter – I wish there was a device that would give me remotely controlled access to my sons’ consumer electronics games. This includes the Xbox (hello Microsoft, are you reading?), so at 4 a.m. when my teen is still playing Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty 5, I can simply use my one-button control to turn the darn thing off, while still in my warm bed, and not have to get up and go to his room and ask, innocently of course, “What in blue blazes are you doing up this late on a school night?!” Of course, while these applications might all seem as wishful thinking and only slightly overbearing, I seriously expect m2m to play a significant role in the parenting of teenagers in our future. As m2m is already proving in several industries, people make positive behavioral changes when they are aware of their own habits and offered economic incentives. In the case of teenagers, the economic incentive could be their weekly allowance. The teen years are meant to be fun, full of exploration and yes, even challenging. During the teen years of this century, I expect m2m to spread throughout every vein of our society and become an everyday part of my corporate and personal life – although my teenage sons might wish otherwise! <<
Enough said about my teenage sons and what I’d like m2m to do about my own inability to parent safely. Let’s take a look at where we might really see the greatest implementations of m2m devices in the years ahead. Industry research firm IBIS WORLD has identified the best performing industries based on revenue projections in the coming decade. How will your company be taking advantage of these anticipated exploding trends and opportunities?
Voice Over Internet Protocol Providers (VoIP)
149.6 percent
Retirement & Pension Plans
133.7 percent
127.6 percent
eCommerce & Online Auctions
124.7 percent
Environmental Consulting
120.3 percent
Video Games
112.9 percent
Trusts & Estates
105.7 percent
Search Engines
100.9 percent
Recycling Facilities
80.9 percent
Land Development
72.7 percent
Teen years are fun, scary and full of exploration. And wherever a consumer, business or government agency is looking for Fast or Fair or Better, m2m will be there. Sometimes silently, sometimes with great fanfare. Just like a teen getting ready for the next stage of their life.
* Original size * Original size
IMAGINE THE BENEFITS OF 4CM2. Car telematics, fleet management, POS terminals, smart metering, tracking & tracing, healthcare, personal and household goods – these are but a few application areas for the GE865. The range of possibilities is immense, but not the size. Measuring only 2x2 cm it is the world’s smallest GSM/GPRS-module. Featuring Telit’s new “Remote AT” capability and PythonTM scripting, the GE865 is the perfect fit for your application. Go online to and learn more about the GE865 as well as our comprehensive corporate competence and experience. Telit – We live m2m. Contact us at:
Making machines talk.