Auction Information WHY AN AUCTION? The seller has determined that the most cost-effective method of selling this farm property on a timely basis is to offer it for sale through the accelerated marketing process. Accelerated marketing allows the seller to avoid the costs and length of time associated with a conventional marketing program, while creating competition and ensuring a fair market value for the property. AUCTION REGISTRATION AND TERMS: Our staff will gladly get you registered and provide you with a bid paddle on the day of the auction. Also, you may pre-register by visiting our web-site @ and simply click on registration located at the top of the home page…fill-out the form and click submit. A ten percent (10%) earnest money payment will be due immediately after being declared the buyer (cashiers check is not required). The balance is due in cash at closing within thirty (30) days. It is recommended that you secure all financial arrangement prior to the auction, as the Purchase and Sale Agreement does not provide for contingencies of any kind. (Note: Farm Credit will be offering financing terms: 85% of the purchase price for up to 30 years and no PMI required. Their terms include both fixed and adjustable rates…contact Kyle Thomas (931) 388-2591 or The Seller will provide at closing a Warranty Deed, ensuring the property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, the title is guaranteed to be fee simple and insurable. Current year property taxes will be pro-rated @ closing, any back taxes will be the responsibility of the Seller. VIEWING & INSPECTION: Our properties are always open and available for viewing and Inspection several hours in advance of the auction event taking place, which allows potential buyers to view all areas of the property. Prior to auction date, the property is made available for professional inspections by appointment only. These inspections times can be coordinated with RealtyTrust staff by having your inspector call our office or the managing agent. Therefore, no contingencies for inspections will be provided in our Purchase and Sale Agreement. RealtyTrust Auctioneers have provided materials designed to help you complete your due diligence. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A Five Percent (5%) Buyer’s Premium will apply.
Agency - RealtyTrust Auctioneers, LLC is the Selling Agent only.