New sections on Jobs and Careers, and Our Future, as well as a look back at our newspaper headlines 10, 25 and 50 years ago.
UNION UNIVERSITY New Hendersonville facility opened in 2012. CHARLES LEA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
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| FACT BOOK 2013
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FACT BOOK 2013 |
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OUR COUNTY “A chance to get to know Sumner” Elected officials County officials “Work never ends in elections office” Legal services Meet the Creasys Fact Book timeline, 1982-2012 2012 Readers’ Choice winners 50 years of headlines 2012 Most Influential Sumner County has diversity
7 8 10 1 12 13 14 15 18 20 23
Gallatin Hendersonville Goodlettsville Millersville Mitchellville Portland Westmoreland White House
24 27 30 30 30 31 32 33
Board of Education Schools administration Public schools Secondary education Private schools COMPASS
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Ken Weidner column Emergency organizations Recent Sumner disasters Earthquake preparation Storm shelters provide safety Essential services
CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS Children Are People Sumner County nonprofits “Literacy Council offers help for all”
OUR HISTORY Sumner County historical timeline Historic cemeteries and museums Historical markers Historic sites Stories and people behind the names National Historic Register locations
Sumner County Career Center Sumner Career Transition Group Sumner County’s top employers Staffing & employment agencies
35 35 36 37 38 38
41 41 41 43 44 45 46
47 47 47 48
49 49 51 52 53 54 56
76 76 77 77
2035 Transportation Plan MPO cost-feasible projects Future of Sumner, Reggie Mudd Local experts ponder future
78 79 80 81
Transportation brine Park & ride Mass transit Emissions testing Commuter bus schedules
82 82 82 83 83
Foxland Harbor provides easy living Listings for homebuyers “Curb appeal key to attractive listing” Consider an auction
84 85 87 89
FAITH & WORSHIP Hendersonville recording artist Kelly Lang. RICK MURRAY/FOR SUMNER PUBLICATIONS
HEALTH & FITNESS Health & fitness facilities Hendersonville Medical Center Sumner Regional Medical Center Portland Diagnostic Center Salvus Center, Shelley Ames County Health Department, Hal Hendricks
BUSINESS & ENTREPRENEURSHIP County chambers of commerce “Know who has your money” Sumner economic development Small business friendly banks LEADS Exchange programs “Gallatin hires new EDA director” Small business resources
JOBS & CAREERS Rebuild your career toolkit Social networking helps careers
58 58 59 59 62 63 63
69 69 70 71 71 72 73 73
Pastor loves jousting Church listings
90 91
Goodlettsville All-Stars rule Fox wins U.S. Amateur golf Local pro, college teams abound Sports leagues, outlets Sumner offers many marinas
95 96 97 98 100
Hidden treasures column, Barry Young Community events calendar Things to do in Sumner Libraries and arts organizations
101 102 102 104
75 75 75
FACT BOOK 2013 |
All about Sumner It’s easy to get carried away when extolling all the people, places, virtues and history that make Sumner County great. That’s why researching and publishing our annual Sumner County Fact Book is such a joy. Our biggest challenges, which we embrace, are deciding each year what we can do to make this book better than the previous year’s, and then squeezing the untold thousands of bits of information into this guide to make it all fit. Somehow it always comes together to give our tens of thousands of readers the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to Sumner County in existence. The Fact Book covers about anything you would expect in a handy guide like this, from bus schedules and emission-testing sites to school calendars, directories of public officials, emergency preparedness guidance, historical information, places of worship, city directories, recreational venues and legal services, and so much more. For 2013 we have added two new sections: Jobs & Careers and Our Future. The former provides handy information to anyone looking for a job or thinking about changing careers; the latter gives an informed look and some predictions at what might be in store for Sumner over the next 25 years or so. More than anything, our Fact Book is about keeping our citizens informed and prepared, and we are confident we have once again fulfilled that mission for 2013. We also thank our many advertisers for again making this book possible. Let us know your thoughts on how we can make the Fact Book better for 2014 and beyond. Please contact me at 575-7122
| FACT BOOK 2013
or at mtowle@mtcngroup.com with your suggestions and other feedback.
- Mike Towle, general manager/editor
About the cover The main cover photo of Union University’s new Hendersonville campus and its executive director Charles Lea was taken by Hendersonville photographer Rick Murray, selected in our 2012 Readers’ Choice contest as Sumner County’s best photographer. Murray’s other photos on the cover include fishermen in a boat near Old Hickory Dam; and Gallatin High School fans and football players taking the field. Other inset photos and credits: Goodlettsville baseball all-stars honored after their U.S. championship in the Little League World Series (Josh Cross); Strawberry Festival pageant winners aboard a parade float in Portland (Deb Pinger); and two friendly mules at the Sumner County Fair (Deb Pinger).
2013 Fact Book staff Cover designer: Kent Travis Editor: Mike Towle Assistant editors: Melissa McDonald, Sarah Kingsbury, Cecil Joyce Reporters/researchers/contributors: Jennifer Easton, Craig Harris, Tena Lee, Sherry Mitchell, Alexander Quinones, Dessislava Yankova, Hollie Deese, Josh Cross Design: Gannett Design Studio Retail ad manager: Robyn Williams Advertising sales: Courtney Farley, Michelle Glenn, Emily Anderson, David Ford Office manager/ad coordinator: Kimberly Blount
Don Dickerson of Garage Band Revival. RICK MURRAY
A chance to get to know Sumner Editor’s note: Sumner County Publications General Manager/Editor Mike Towle wrote this column for the Gallatin News Examiner and Hendersonville Star News in the summer of 2012, soon after he had graduated from the Leadership Sumner program. It offers a brief overview of what makes Sumner County special, especially to those who live here. Until about a year ago, I thought I knew Sumner County pretty well. We had moved here from Nashville in 2004, and our son had been in Sumner County schools going on 10 years. I had been with the Gallatin News Examiner and Hendersonville Star News three-plus years, affording me through our coverage and community involvement a pretty good bird’s eye view of the county, its people and its leaders, as well as its culture, landmarks and traditions. I had come to believe I knew pretty much all I needed to know about Sumner County, if not all that there was to know. That was until I got involved in Leadership Sumner, a nearly year-long program in which 19 classmates and I were exposed to almost every historical note of significance, mover, shaker, nook, cranny and square inch of our county. Our class members represented a variety of businesses and vocations around the county, all of us sharing a strong desire to learn more about what makes Sumner tick and how we can help shape its future. The premise behind Leadership Sumner (LS) is that those who participate not only take away a stronger appreciation of all that is past, present and future about our county but also get motivated to make a stronger commitment to embrace Sumner and over time invest our skills, insights, passions, ideas, connections and energies back into the community. Our program this past year began with a two-day September weekend retreat at Monteagle. That was followed by devoting one Wednesday a month from October through June exploring a different aspect of the county, supplemented by a one-day Saturday mid-winter retreat in which everyone exercised his or her public-speaking chops with a nonprofit presentation of their own choosing. Each Wednesday when we met, we
The Sumner County Fair has long been a summertime staple for young and old alike. DEB PINGER/FILE PHOTO
boarded a yellow school bus early in the morning and spent the rest of a full workday shuttling from » MIKE TOWLE point to point, following a carefully planned itinerary. We stopped along the way for presentations that ran the gamut from meeting with our county’s state legislators as well as lobbyists in Nashville, to a treasured John Garrott tour of Bledsoe Fort, to seeing how wine is made at Sumner Crest Winery in Portland, to touring the county jail and getting face-to-face interviews with inmates sharing their stories of regret. Ask the 20 members of my class their favorite part about the recently completed program, and odds are you would get at least half that many different answers. Actually, we probably are all in agreement on our No. 1 activity during the nine-month program -- the two hours we spent on Capt. Burkett Nelson's tour boat, getting a guided tour of the Sumner side of Old Hickory Lake on a gorgeous spring day tailor-made for such occasions. Any leadership training that requires sunscreen and balancing weight on two sides of a boat is always a welcome diversion from the ordinary.
Quick Facts Established: 1786 Population: 160,645 County seat: Gallatin County tax rate: $2.02 per $100 of assessed property Cities: Gallatin, Hendersonville, Goodlettsville, White House, Portland, Westmoreland, Mitchellville, Millersville
Key Contact Info Sumner County archives: 452-0037; sumnertn.org/archives County Executive: 452-3604; sumnertn.org County Clerk: 452-4063; sumnertn.org County Trustee: 452-1260; sumnertn.org Tax Assessor: 452-2412; sumnertn.org Voter registration: 452-1456; sumnertn.org Tag renewals/marriage license: 452-4063; sumnertn.org Sumner County Animal Control: 452-2400; sumnersheriff.com Driver’s license and testing center: 2302995; tn.gov/safety/dlstations/sumner Social Security: 451-9341; ssa.gov/ Department of Human Services: 451-5814; state.tn.us/humanserve/
Another highlight: our bus being greeted by Millersville City Planner Jim Lech adorned in a cream-colored suit, a la Mr. Roarke from Fantasy Island, as we pulled up to the city’s community center.
» TOWLE, 8 FACT BOOK 2013 |
Elected officials Note: The deadline for this edition of the Sumner County Fact Book was about two months before the November 2012 general elections. As a result, some of the federal and state elected officials shown here will have left office by November 2012. Also, the state’s redrawing of districts in late 2011/early 2012, following the 2010 census, means that Sumner’s state senators and representatives would be representing somewhat differently aligned districts once they took office in November. The information that follows was current as of September 1, 2012. For updated information on state officials, go to www.capitol.tn.gov/ .
Gov. Bill Haslam (R) 2010-14
U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R) 2006-12 (202) 224-3344; Nashville office, 279-8125; fax number (202) 228-0566 or 279-9488; corker.senate.gov U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) 2008-2014 (202) 224-4944; Nashville office, 736-5129; fax number (202) 228-3398 or 269-4803; alexander.senate.gov U.S. Rep. Diane Black (R) 2010-12
741-2001; fax number 532-9711; e-mail bill.haslam@tn.gov. State Sen. Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield) 2010-12 Nashville office, 741-1999, capital.tn.gov/senate/members/518 sen.kerry.roberts@capital.tn.gov Roberts represents Sumner and Robertson counties. State Sen. Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) 2010-2014
206-8204, Gallatin office; Murfreesboro office, 896-8218; black.house.gov Sumner County is part of the 6th U.S. Congressional district, which includes 16 counties and the Granberry precinct in southern Davidson County. Sumner County is the second-largest county in the district, which also includes Macon, Clay, Trousdale, Smith, Jackson, Overton, Putnam, DeKalb, Cannon, Rutherford, and Marshall, Bedford and Robertson counties and a part of Wilson County.
Nashville office, 741-2421, Mt. Juliet, 754-4632, legislature.state.tn.us/senate/ members/s17.htm#, sen.mae.beavers@legislature.state.tn.us Beavers represents parts of Cannon, Clay, DeKalb, Macon, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale and Wilson counties.
Leadership Sumner offers a panoramic county view »TOWLE FROM 7X
Lech gave us one of the most informative and candid presentations of our entire program, telling us of the challenges the city faces and the innovative ways it is working to overcome them. I had never stopped in Millersville before, but I’d be interested in going back there in the years to come to see what develops under Lech's watch.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Other LS memories that stay with me: negotiating the White House Fire Department’s pitch-dark indoor obstacle course without twisting an ankle; getting to poke around the inside of Rock Castle and hearing of the daring 1796 elopement of Gen. Daniel Smith’s daughter Polly and her boyfriend Samuel Donelson, aided and abetted by his brother-in-law Andrew Jackson; learning of the alleged ghost, or ghosts, at the Palace Theater in
Gallatin; sitting inside the old and isolated Ebenezer Church in Portland, picturing what a 19th century church service must have been like; and touring the Westmoreland Expo Center and seeing where world-class livestock get auctioned. If you really want to be a leader looking out for the best of our county, give Leadership Sumner a try. For more information, go to leadershipsumner.com.
OUR COUNTY MIKE TOWLE COMMENTARY: LOOK FOR MAGGART IN 2014 Editor’s note: This column by General manager/Editor Mike Towle was written and originally published about two months prior to the Nov. 6, 2012 general election, so it does not account for any unexpected political events that might have occurred by the time you read this. For the first time in 10 years, Sumner County voters on Nov. 6 were to go to the polls and not see Debra Maggart’s name on a general election ballot. Her fourterm run as state District 45 representative was halted in August 2012, when Goodlettsville’s Courtney Rogers pulled the upset in the District 45 GOP primary. We all know the story by now, of how Maggart as house GOP caucus chair ran afoul of the National Rifle Association on a key piece of legislation, and how an NRA lobbying group subsequently launched a heavily-funded anti-Maggart ad campaign in the days leading up to the primary. It’s not a stretch to speculate
that Rogers’ victory was as much about anti-Maggart votes as it was pro-Courtney. Maggart and her longtime friend and political ally Diane Black are the highest-profile politicians Sumner County has produced in recent years, and losing one from the mix leaves a big gap in the public eye. Through her four terms as state representative, Maggart showed plenty of political pluck in demonstrating what can be accomplished when keeping one’s nose to the Legislative Plaza grindstone. Like her or not, Maggart has authored a book of legislative success that Rogers or Jackson would be well advised to study. Among the legislative victories touted and in large part engineered by Maggart for having impacted Tennessee and Sumner County: the newly enacted voter photo ID law; allowing videotaped testi-
mony in court cases involving child abuse; and the passage of SJR 127, which is now a proposed constitutional amendment going before Tennessee voters in 2014 that would, in Maggart’s terms, “bring the Constitution of the State of Tennessee back to a position of neutrality regarding abortion.” In eight short years, Maggart went from legislative novice to Republican caucus chair, arguably making her one of the five or six most influential political power brokers in Tennessee. “I have been a faithful foot soldier active in politics since I was 20 years old,” said Maggart, now in her early 50s and in Tampa, Fla. for this week’s Republican National Convention. “I don’t see me ever getting out of politics.” Look for her to make another political run in 2014, possibly for the same seat soon to be occupied by either Rogers or Jackson.
» OFFICIALS FROM 8X Proudly Serving Sumner and Robertson Counties Since 1912.
State Rep. Mike McDonald (D-Portland) 2010-2012 Nashville office, 741-1980, Portland, 888-3081, legislature.state.tn.us/house/ members/h44.htm, rep.michael.mcdonald@legislature.state.tn.us Precincts in the 44th District are Westmoreland, North Sumner, Mitchellville, Portland, Fountain Head, Cairo, Castalian Springs, Sideview, Bush’s Chapel, County Administration Building, Salem, Cottontown, Union Elementary, Madison Creek, Millersville, Oakmont, White House and a split of the Long Hollow Baptist and Shackle Island precincts. State Rep. Debra Young Maggart (R-Hendersonville) 2010-2012 45th District Nashville office, 741-3893, fax number 253-0350, legislature.state.tn.us/house/members/h45.htm or debramaggart.com, rep.debra.young.maggart@legislature.state.tn.us Precincts in the 45th District are Gallatin City Hall, South Water, Volunteer State, Gallatin Senior High, Bluegrass, Knox Doss, Wessington Place, Brown Elementary, Lakeside Elementary, Nannie Berry, Indian Lake, Rock Castle, Walton Ferry, Freehill Fire Hall and part of Long Hollow Baptist and Shackle Island. State Rep. Linda Elam (R-Mt. Juliet) 2010-12 Nashville office, 741-7462, fax number 253-0353, Website: legislature.state.tn.us/house/members/h57.htm E-mail: rep.linda.elam@capitol.tn.gov Elam represents several precincts in the Hendersonville area.
Portland, White House, Springfield, Ridgetop, Millersville, Cross Plains, Westmoreland
www.thefarmersbank.net FACT BOOK 2013 |
County officials COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT 1 Moe Taylor 420 Buck Graves Road Westmoreland H: 384-3571 Mike Akins 1345 Smiley Trout Road Westmoreland H: 644-3575 DISTRICT 2 Billy Geminden 1419 Highway 259 Portland H: 325-5911 Shawn Utley 280 Cook Road Portland H: 325-3771 DISTRICT 3 Steve Graves 1514 Rock Springs Road Bethpage H: 841-3112, W: 841-4121 David Satterfield 1976 Hartsville Pike Gallatin H: 452-6166 C: 838-4226 DISTRICT 4 Frank Freels 2134 Long Hollow Pike Gallatin H: 452-9748 C: 585-0376 Joe C. Matthews 604 Harris Lane Gallatin H: 230-7898 DISTRICT 5 Baker Ring 461 Brady Lane Gallatin H: 230-6818 Ben Harris 466 Buffalo Ridge Gallatin H: 804-2583 DISTRICT 6 Paige Brown 1717 Lake Grasslands W. Gallatin H: 826-5290 James R. “Jim” Vaughn 2981 Cages Bend Road Gallatin H: 264-3858
| FACT BOOK 2013
DISTRICT 7 Trisha LeMarbre 230 Spy Glass Way Hendersonville H: 824-2912 Kirk Moser 189 Wynbrooke Trace Hendersonville H: 824-9148 DISTRICT 8 Merrol N. Hyde 103 Rebecca Drive Hendersonville H: 822-3866 Paul Decker 134 Meadowvue Drive Hendersonville H: 824-1902 DISTRICT 9 David Kimbrough 209 Island Drive Hendersonville H: 824-2026, W: 822-8332 Chris Hughes 103 Bayview Drive Hendersonville H: 264-2297, W: 824-6970 DISTRICT 10 Jo Skidmore 209 Neptune Drive Hendersonville H: 824-0033, 824-3070 Paul R. Goode 124 Cedarcrest Drive Hendersonville H: 479-5088 DISTRICT 11 Paul D. Freels 2458 Long Hollow Pike Hendersonville H: 824-0817 Jerry F. Stone 3293 Long Hollow Pike Hendersonville H: 824-5981 DISTRICT 12 Michael Guthrie 548 Thompson Lane Portland H: 323-9475 Robert Pospisil 202 Denise Circle Cottontown H: 672-1290, W: 672-1905
Elected county office holders: County Executive Anthony Holt, 452-3604 County Clerk: Bill Kemp, 4524063 Trustee: Marty Nelson, 452-1260 Tax Assessor: John Isbell, 4522412 Register of Deeds: Pam Whitaker, 452-3892 Road Superintendent: Judy Hardin, 452-2632 Sheriff: Sonny Weatherford, 452-2616 Circuit Court Clerk: Mahaliah Hughes, 452-4367 General Sessions Judge: Division I Jim Hunter, 452-2288 General Sessions Judge: Division II Barry Brown, 452-4332 Chancellor: Tom Gray, 451-6004 Criminal Court Judge: Dee David Gay, 452-5526 Circuit Court Judge: C.L. “Buck” Rogers, 452-6771 District Attorney: Ray Whitley, 451-5810
Appointed county officials: County Law Director: Leah Dennen, 451-6060 Administrator of Elections: Lori Atchley, 452-1456 Finance Director: David Lawing, 451-6026 EMA Director: Ken Weidner, 452-7584 EMS Director: Keith Douglas, 451-0429 Director of Construction and Development: Gary Hammock, 451-6097 Risk Insurance Manager: Tony Southern, 451-6023 Clerk and Master: Darlene Daughtry: 452-4282
County Precincts and Locations 2012 Absentee/Provisional - County Administration Bldg., 335 N. Belvedere Dr., Gallatin Westmoreland - Westmoreland
Middle School, 4128 Hawkins Dr. North Sumner - North Sumner Elementary, 1485 N. Sumner Rd., Portland Corinth - Corinth Church of Christ, Bridge Rd., Portland Portland - Portland High School, 600 College St. Wiseman - J.W. Wiseman Elementary, 922 S. Broadway, Portland Civic Center - Gallatin Civic Center, 210 Albert Gallatin Rd. Cairo - Cairo Community Center, 2397 Cairo Rd. Bethpage - UMC Bethpage, 3140 Hwy. 31E Castalian Springs - Cragfont Baptist Church, 101 Harsh Ln. Bush’s Chapel - Bush’s Chapel Church of Christ, 601 South Tunnel Rd., Gallatin Howard school - Howard Elementary, 805 Long Hollow Pk., Gallatin Salem - Salem Community Center, 219 Douglas Lane., Gallatin Cottontown - Cottontown Fire Hall, 2397 Hwy. 25 Union Elementary - 516 Carson St., Gallatin City Hall - Gallatin City Hall, 132 W. Main St. Southwater - Guild Elementary, 1018 South Water Ave., Gallatin Vol State - (Rochelle Center, Thigpen Library) 148 Nashville Pk., Gallatin Gallatin Sr. High - 700 Dan P. Herron Dr. Jack Anderson Elementary - 250 Shutes Lane, Hendersonville Whitten Elementary - 140 Scotch St., Hendersonville Saundersville - Hendersonville Church of God, 724 E. Main St., Hendersonville Long Hollow - Long Hollow Baptist Church, 3031 Long Hollow Pk., Hendersonville Gene Brown Elementary - 115 Gail Dr., Hendersonville Lakeside Park Elementary - 204 Dolphus Dr., Hendersonville Nannie Berry Elementary - 138 Indian Lake Rd., Hendersonville
Work never ends in elections office By Lori D. Atchley For Sumner County Publications
I was appointed Sumner County administrator of elections in November 2011, and I serve at the will of five Sumner County election commissioners. Most people know we register qualified residents of Sumner County to vote. We also remove voters from the voter roll who have moved out of our county or state, or who have been convicted of a felony, or who have passed away. The most sweeping change to the voting process came in 2012 with the implementation
» COUNTY FROM 10X Indian Lake Elmentary - 505 Indian Lake Rd., Hendersonville Rock Castle - Bluegrass Baptist Church, 235 Indian Lake Rd., Hendersonville Walton Ferry Elementary - 732 Walton Ferry Rd., Hendersonville
of the “Photo ID” law. This requires voters to present a state or federally issued photo ID. In the March and August 2012 elections, Sumner County had six provisional photo ID ballots cast in each election. In Atchley March, three of the six returned to the election commission office within two business days and presented their photo ID along with signing an affidavit. In August, five of the six returned. I am often asked what we do when we are
Center Point - Oasis Church, 1041 Center Point Rd., Hendersonville Merrol Hyde Magnet School - 128 Township Dr., Hendersonville Hunter - Hunter Beech Annex 3140 Long Hollow Pk., Hendersonville Madison Creek - Goodlettsville Church of the Nazarene, 400
not running an actual election. In the oddnumber years, we do our voter roll list maintenance. This consists of contacting thousands of voters and confirming their addresses, if they still reside in the county, and if they want to remain active on the voting roll. We maintain roughly 100,000 voters in the county. All duties, tasks, storage, registration and maintenance are done according to Tennessee Code Annotated. Strict adherence to these laws throughout the State ensures voter integrity and confidence. We are here to serve. Please feel to contact us at 452-1456, or visit us at 355 N. Belvedere Dr, Room 106, Gallatin.
Loretta Dr. Millersville City Hall - 1246 Louisville Hwy. Oakmont school, 3323 Hwy. 76, Cottontown White House City Hall - 105 College St. White House Middle school 2020 Hwy. 31W.
Sumner County Election Commission Art McClellan, Chairman Beverly Staten, Secretary Patricia L. Polston, Member Barbara Brake, Member Thomas Boyers, V, Member
Portland 615.325-9257 • Gallatin 615.452-6666 Hendersonville – East Main St. 615.824-6542 • Orlinda 615.654-3388 Hendersonville – New Shackle Island 615.824-6844 • Goodlettsville 615.855-6676 White House 615.672-4364 • Greensboro Village 615. 989-9810 Springfield 615.384-9623
www.volstatebank.com FACT BOOK 2013 |
Legal Services Sumner County’s court system has five courts and five elected judges.
General Sessions Court The General Sessions Court is divided into two divisions: Division I Cases handled: Felonies, misdemeanor cases and some small civil claims. Judge: General Sessions Division I Judge Jim Hunter conducts preliminary hearings for felony cases to determine if they should be sent to the grand jury. Civil cases heard by Hunter include damage, debt and contract claims under $10,000. Location: General Sessions Bldg., 117 W. Smith St., Gallatin. Contact: 452-2288. Division II/Juvenile Cases handled: More commonly known as Juvenile Court. Juvenile and domestic relations cases are heard. Juvenile cases involve persons under the age of 18. Judge: General Sessions Division II/Juvenile Judge Barry Brown also hears cases involving abuse, dependency and neglect where parents endanger the life of a child; custody matters involving divorce; child support; paternity suits; and cases involving adults contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Location: Old Sumner County Board of Education Bldg., 225 E. Main St. in Gallatin. Contact: 452-4332. Both General Sessions divisions have extensive probation departments funded primarily from probation fees and court costs.
Criminal Court Cases: Those that are considered felonies under state law and some misdemeanors. The probation department of the Criminal Court is operated by the state Department of Correction. Judge: Dee David Gay is the elected judge of the Criminal Court. Location: Gay’s office is located in the General Sessions Bldg., 117 W. Smith St. in Gallatin. Contact: 452-5526.
Circuit Court Judge: Circuit Court cases are heard by C.L. “Buck” Rogers. Location: The Circuit Court judge’s office is located in the Sumner County Courthouse on the downtown square in Gallatin.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Sumner County Courthouse Contact: 452-6771. Additional info: Mahailiah Hughes is the Circuit Court Clerk, a position that is elected every four years. Her office maintains the records for criminal, circuit and both divisions of General Sessions court. The Circuit Court Clerk’s office is in the Sumner County Courthouse. The telephone number is 452-4367. For Criminal Court records, call 451-3209. The General Sessions clerk’s office is located in the General Sessions Building on West Smith Street. Records for both General Sessions Division I and Division II (Juvenile Court) are available at that location. The telephone number is 452-4310.
Chancery Court Cases: Equity, divorce, adoption, workers compensation and damages claims. Judge: Chancellor Tom Gray. Location: Sumner County Courthouse on the downtown square in Gallatin. Contact: 451-6004. Additional info: Darlene Daughtry is the Clerk and Master whose responsibility is to keep Chancery Court records. Her office is also located in the courthouse. Her telephone number is 452-4282.
Grand Jury The Sumner County Grand Jury meets the first full week of each month to hear cases bound over by General Sessions Court and cases presented by law enforcement or individuals.
District Attorney Ray Whitley is the elected District Attorney for the 18th Judicial District, which encompasses all of Sumner County. His office prose-
cutes all General Sessions, Juvenile and Criminal Court cases. Nine assistant attorney generals work in Whitley’s office. They are Thomas Dean, Joe James, Ron Blanton, Sidney Preston, Sallie Brown, Bryna Grant, William Lamberth, Tara Wyllie and Jayson Criddle. The victim/witness program is also part of the District Attorney’s office. It is coordinated by Jana Smith, and the assistant is Tina White. The District Attorney’s office is located in the Cordell Hull Building on the square in Gallatin. The telephone number is 451-5810. The child support division, headed by assistant district attorney Richard Tompkins, also is operated by the District Attorney’s office. Nine caseworkers staff this office, with Kimberly Morris as manager. The telephone number is 451-5829. In addition to prosecuting cases, the District Attorney works with the Sumner County Drug Task Force.
Public Defender The Sumner County Public Defender is an elected position, with David Doyle currently serving in the position. He handles cases for indigents in both General Sessions and Criminal Court. Doyle has a staff of five full-time attorneys, a full-time investigator, administrative assistant and an office manager. The public defender’s office is located at 117 E. Main St., Gallatin. The telephone number is 451-5833. Funded by the state, the public defender’s office represents criminal defendants who cannot afford their own attorney. Many of the office’s cases involve some kind of substance abuse.
Other Key Contacts Child support services, 451-5829 Gallatin City Judge Connie Kittrell, 451-5893 Hendersonville City Judge Curtis Lincoln, 264-5354 Westmoreland City Judge Jade Rogers Maberry, 644-3382 White House City Judge Joseph Zanger, 672-4350, ext. 2137 Millersville City Judge John Lowe, 859-0880 Goodlettsville City Judge Robert G. Wheeler Jr., 851-2214
Meet the Creasys, a Sumner County family While John Creasy and his wife Tyla love the beautiful scenery and uncommon tranquility they have enjoyed as lifelong residents of Westmoreland, it’s the community of people around them that remains their favorite part of calling the city home. “My favorite thing about Westmoreland would be the people that live here,” John Creasy said. “Since I love researching the history of the community, there’s always someone with a question or story to share, so even quick trips to town often end up as visits with old friends and neighbors.” John, an assistant principal at Westmoreland High School, and Tyla, a librarian at Westmoreland Middle School, said their love of the community has been passed down from their ancestors, who settled in the area during the early 1800s. While many things have changed over the years, thanks to the city’s location in northeastern Sumner County, one of the continued appeals of Westmoreland has been its relative separation from what can at times be a more turbulent outside world. “The pace of life is a little slower here, and that’s OK with most of us,” John said. “I’ve often thought that is Westmoreland’s most marketable trait; the slower pace of life and relative tranquility here.” Currently raising two children -daughter Ren, 16, and son John-Heath, 7 -- John and Tyla said that it’s the city’s continued peacefulness and close-knit community that makes Westmoreland such an appealing place to raise a family. “Though it has grown beyond the ‘everybody knows everybody’ town of my youth, the sense of community is still one of the main reasons we continue to choose to live in Westmoreland,” said Tyla. “To me, many of people in this town feel more like extended family, and that’s a very special thing.” - Josh Cross/For Sumner County Publications
Q&A with the Creasy family How long have you lived in Westmoreland? We are life-long residents of Westmoreland. What attracted your family to Westmoreland in the first place? Having become acquainted with folks who’ve moved here from other areas, most have said the quality of life attracted them to Westmoreland. Many new residents have moved here from larger cities for a change of pace, safer schools, or the comparatively rural nature of the locale. What is your favorite thing to do in Westmoreland? Hikes or hayrides on our family farm, a good football game on Friday nights, the annual Wild Game Dinner, the community-wide Halloween Trunk or Treat are all just a few things we enjoy being a part of in some way. Where in Sumner County do you like to take out-of-town visitors? Locally, a hike from Westmoreland southward on the abandoned railway between the Little and Big Tunnels is always an enjoyable experience for newcomers, as is a stop by one of the mule sales at the Expo Center.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Fact Book timeline, 1982-2012 Snippets and nuggets gleaned from 31 years, inclusive, of the Sumner County Fact Book: 1982: The average for an industry employee’s annual pay was $11,089. 1983: Of the 15,209 people working in Sumner County, 41.23 percent of them were in manufacturing. The next-largest area of employment was state and local government, at 18.39 percent. 1984: The first full day for the 1984-85 school year was Aug. 28, and June 1 was last scheduled day of school. 1985: Business section story lead: “The last year has seen new trends in Sumner County banking, sparked in part by the emergence of electronic anytime tellers and the completion of deregulation.” 1986: Fleetwood Enterprises moves to its new manufacturing plant in Westmoreland. 1987: Bluegrass Baptist Church in Hendersonville opens a Christianbased counseling service. 1988: According to census estimates, the population of Sumner County was 102,221. 1989: Joe Holland, manager of the Nashville basin office of the Department of Health and Environment, declares Old Hickory Lake one of the cleanest bodies of water in the state. 1990: Four firms provided cable TV service to the county: Volunteer Cable, Parcable, Central Tennessee Cablevision and TeleMedia. 1991: County local option sales tax revenues over the past 12 months exceeded $5.6 million, exceeding budget projections by about $67,000 despite a statewide slump in sales tax collections. 1992: Benny Bills was the principal at Westmoreland Middle School. 1993: Historical fact reported
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“the land now known as Sumner County was first discovered around 15,000 B.C. by nomadic Ice Age Indians, whose artifacts consisted primarily of stone weapon points and tools. 1994: The Gallatin Fire department boasts 36 fulltime firefighters and nine volunteers, who work for Fire Chief Joe Womack and Assistant Fire Chief Billy Crook. 1995: It was reported that the top five Sumner County taxpayers for 1994 for taxes levied were
Bell South, Donnelley Printing, Cumberland Electric, Hoeganaes and Hendersonville Hospital. 1996: Benny Bills was principal of Union Elementary. 1997: National Catalog Corporation, new to Portland, added 75 news positions to the local workforce. 1998: Eve Freeman was the producer and host of a local cable TV talk show that ran on Inter Media Channels 3 and 7. 1999: It is reported that more than 1,000 new homes were
constructed in the county during 1998. 2000: Tom Marlin was county executive for Sumner County. 2001: Jim Fuqua was mayor of Hendersonville. 2002: The Sumner County Health Department opened the doors to its new facility in Gallatin. 2003: Sumner Regional Medical Center is recognized for having been voted by associates as second in the nation in employee satisfaction in a 2002 Sperduto and Associates survey. 2004: Merrol Hyde was Sumner County’s director of schools. 2005: Business section headline: “Sumner tobacco farmers wait for federal buyout.” 2006: More than 7,000 students were enrolled at Volunteer State Community College (compared to more than 9,000 in 2011). 2007: The Portland Medical Center, which had been in existence more than 90 years, celebrates its first year of being integrated into the Tri-Star Health System. 2008: Sumner Regional Medical Center touts its new state-of-theart patient tower, at a cost of $87 million. 2009: Benny Bills was Sumner County’s director of schools. 2010: Sumner County lists 10 stimulus projects funded by federal funds, including $1.3 million for improvements to South Water Avenue in Gallatin and $660,000 to White House for signal upgrade to fiber optics along Highways 76 and 31. 2011: Gov. Bill Haslam is the keynote speaker at the annual COMPASS fundraising luncheon. 2012: As Sumner County’s first female superintendent of roads, Judy Hardin is responsible for maintaining 800 miles of county’s roads.
2012 Readers’ Choice contest winners More than 34,000 votes were cast in our 2012 Toast of Sumner County: Readers’ Choice contest. Following is a list of the winners:
Entertainment Best Annual Event: Big Bubba’s Make a Wish Bash, Hendersonville
Celebrity bash has raised $90K Bubba Perry believes that the success of Big Bubba’s Make-A-Wish Bash doesn’t come from its annual softball tournament or recently added golf scramble. “It’s about raising money for the Make-A-Wish of Middle Tennessee,” Perry said. “One hundred percent of our net proceeds go directly to granting wishes, and that’s the draw itself. It’s not Big Bubba or the softball games, but it’s what the event does.” Held in July at Drakes Creek Park in Hendersonville, Big Bubba’s Make-AWish Bash was recently voted the Best Annual Event in Sumner County by local readers. In nine years the event has raised $90,000 for the Make-A-Wish of Middle Tennessee and has helped grant more than 12 wishes for local kids with life-threatening medical conditions. “The most rewarding thing is when I actually see one of these young kids after they come back from a wish,” Perry said. “I get to hear the stories about their trips and see the smiles on the young kids’ faces and the smiles on their families’ faces. Just seeing that is so rewarding.” Best Golf Course: Foxland Harbor Golf & Country Club, Gallatin Best Place to Jog: Hendersonville Greenway Best Sports Bar: Sam’s Sports Bar & Grille, Hendersonville Best Place to Take Kids: Holder Family Fun Center, Hendersonville
"Wish Warriors" help organize Big Bubba's Bash that is a fundraiser for Make-a-Wish. Pictured are Rick Murray; Hendersonville Scott Foster; event organizer Bubba Perry; Brad McKenzie; Keith Bruce; and Hendersonville Parks Director Dave LeMarbre. JOSH CROSS/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS Best Place to Walk Dog: Hendersonville Greenway
Derryberry’s Heat & Air “Making Customers For Life”
Food & Drink Best Asian: Fulin’s Asian Cuisine, Hendersonville Best Barbecue: Top Hog BBQ, Gallatin Best Breakfast: Cracker Barrel, Hendersonville Best Burger: Top Hog BBQ, Gallatin Best Caterer: Chef Christopher’s, Westmoreland Best Catfish: Steamboat Bill’s (now closed), Hendersonville
Toby “nose” Comfort
Best Cocktails: Sam’s Sports Bar & Grille, Hendersonville Best Hot Wings: Buffalo Wild Wings, Hendersonville
Voted Best in Sumner County
Best Ice Cream/Yogurt: Sweet
See CHOICE, Page X16
Main Office
212 North Water Avenue, Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 452-8121 TN-0000821937
FACT BOOK 2013 |
» CHOICE FROM 15X CeCe’s, Hendersonville Best Local Restaurant: Chocolate Covered Strawberry, Gallatin Best Lunch Spot: Chocolate Covered Strawberry, Gallatin Best Meat & Three: Our Place Café, Hendersonville Best Mexican: Casa Vieja, Hendersonville Best Pizza: Knead Dough Pizzeria, Hendersonville Best Sandwiches: Chocolate Covered Strawberry, Gallatin
Health & Beauty Best Assisted Living: Morningside of Gallatin
Morningside offers peace of mind Whether it’s peace of mind or help from a friendly face, residents and their families can find it at Morningside of Gallatin. Recently voted the best assisted living home in Sumner County by local readers, Morningside of Gallatin is a 40-unit facility that caters to seniors 65 and older who are still independent but need some support. Executive Director Stephanie Harville believes that it’s not just the services that are provided to residents but also the friendly staff that set Morningside apart.
Stephanie Harville, executive director of Morningside of Gallatin, chats with resident Mary Katherine Troutt. JOSH CROSS/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS Best Gymnastics/Dance Studio: American Academy of Dance, Hendersonville Best Martial Arts Studio: Keith Jones Karate, Hendersonville Best Massage: Transforming Touch Massage, Gallatin Best Orthodontist: J. Richard Morris Jr., Hendersonville Best Chiropractor: Jason Hulme, Hendersonville
“If I had to say one thing that makes us different, I’d say that it’s our staff,” Harville said. “They’re really unlike any staff I’ve had the privilege of working with. They’re just absolutely wonderful, and that makes a difference with our residents.”
Best Eye Doctor: Eric Stamper, Hendersonville
Open since March of 1998, the average tenure of a member of the Morningside staff is six years. It’s those familiar friendly faces that make living there so enjoyable for current resident Mary Katherine Troutt.
Best Pediatrician: Kenneth Wyatt, Hendersonville
Best Dentist: Jayson Tabor, Hendersonville
| FACT BOOK 2013
Best Health Club & Gym: Crossfit Hendersonville Best Manicure & Pedicure: Tina’s Nail Spa, Hendersonville
Best Physician: Dawn Linn, Hendersonville Best Salon: Cheveaux Salon & Spa, Hendersonville
Lelan Statom, more than just a weatherman.
People & Places Best Coach: Jamie Jordan, HHS Golden Girls Best Interior Decorator: Patricia Jane & Company, Hendersonville Best Local Musician: Oak Ridge Boys
Best Local Photographer: Rick Murray, Hendersonville Best Nonprofit: Children Are People, Gallatin Best Place to Work: Commerce Union Bank, Gallatin
» CHOICE, 17
» CHOICE FROM 16X Best Politician: (tie) Tommy Elsten, Hendersonville; Diane Black, Gallatin Best Pre-School: Primrose School of Hendersonville Best Preacher: Kelly Campbell, Hendersonville Church of Christ Best Principal: Vicki Shelton, Lakeside Park Elementary, Hendersonville Best Private School: Pope John Paul II High School, Hendersonville
Statom said. “But, when there isn’t that severe weather threat, I want to give them a forecast that they will enjoy watching and will hopefully want to come back day after day to watch again.” Biggest Controversy: ACLU vs. Sumner Schools Business You Want: Whole Foods Best Category We Forgot: Worst Road/Street Best City: Hendersonville
Best Public School: Station Camp High School, Gallatin
Best Historic Location: Rock Castle, Hendersonville
Best Local Radio-TV Personality: Lelan Statom, Channel 5 (WTVF)
Retail & Professional
A weatherman to be trusted Lelan Statom’s love of the weather dates back to middle school, when he built a weather center in his backyard. “It consisted of a wind vane, a rain guage and a thermometer on a stick,” Statom said. “Now, it’s cool that I am able to take something that was a hobby as a child and be able to turn it into a career.” Recently voted as Sumner’s Best Radio/TV Personality by local readers, Statom believes that it’s the familiarity and passion that he has for his job that resonates with viewers. “From the very beginning, my goal has been to present the weather and have fun doing it,” Statom said. “There are a ton of folks who are watching, and my job is to relate the weather to each person in their own home. They want to know how the weather is going to be for them that day, and that’s part of my mission.” In his 19 years at News Channel 5, Statom has covered some of the biggest weather events in area history and built a trust with the community that he takes pride in. “I want to make sure that when there is severe weather, viewers know that I am a person they can turn to and trust to give them information that can be the difference between life and death,”
Best Attorney: Chad Long, Hendersonville Best Bakery: Dawson’s Sweet Cakes, Hendersonville Best Bank: Commerce Union Bank, Gallatin Best Car Dealer: Luxury Warehouse, Hendersonville Best Car Repair: Christian Brothers Automotive, Hendersonville Best Clothing Store: Kohl’s, Hendersonville
RE/MAX's Rae Collier voted No. 1 realtor for 2012. SUBMITTED
Best Consignment/Thrift: Up and Down Closet, Hendersonville Best Florist: Flower Express, Hendersonville
Best Plumber: Perry Gore, Hendersonville
Best Furniture Store: Gibson Furniture, Gallatin
Best Realtor: Rae Collier, RE/MAX, Hendersonville
Best Grocery Store: Publix, Hendersonville Best Wedding Place: Epic Event Centre, Gallatin Best Hardware and Farm Supply: Tractor Supply Company, Gallatin Best Heat & Air: Derryberry’s Heat & Air, Gallatin Best Homebuilder: Wallace Custom Builders, Gallatin Best Jeweler: David McKenzie’s Jewelers, Hendersonville Best Landscape & Nursery: C&C Lawncare, Hendersonville Best Pharmacy: Perkins Drugs and Gift Shop, Gallatin
Collier has been selling homes for 20 years For the past 20 years, Rae Collier has helped countless families through one of the scariest, exciting and nerve-wracking times of their lives – buying a home. And she thinks it is her love of helping guide families to the perfect house for them is one of the reasons she won “Best Realtor” honors in the 2012 Toast of Sumner County: Readers’ Choice contest. “I love working with families, whether they are first-time home buyers or whether they are a million-dollar home buyer,’ Collier says. “It is just one of the greatest feelings in the world to be able to make it a smooth
process. You are dealing with one of the most important things a family will go through. It is a big responsibility.” And not one she takes lightly. Collier encourages potential buyers to do their homework when choosing a realtor, opting for one who has experience and, better yet, one whose work can be backed up by a trusted friend. “You need to find a realtor who will listen and will care about you as if they were working with their own family members,” she says. “Communication is key in our business.” Best Roofer: Sumner Roofing & Exteriors, Hendersonville Best Veterinarian: Jerry Flatt, Hendersonville
FACT BOOK 2013 |
50 years of ‘time capsule’ headlines
Lord’s Prayer in public school systems in the United States. Dr. Charles Moffatt, Jr. minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Gallatin, said, “Basically the Christian faith is received in the home and church. I feel that the reading of the Bible in school is beneficial for purely moral teaching. I regret that it deprives some children who do not attend church and do not have any religious training at home.”
Between them, our newspapers the Gallatin News Examiner and Hendersonville Star News have been in existence in one form or fashion for more than 230 years. For the fun of it and to broaden our readers’ knowledge of Sumner County and its colorful history, we present a wide variety of our headlines and story excerpts in a print version of a county time capsule.
50 years ago Jan. 17, 1963 Sumner Schools receive $1,200,000 appropriation Sumner County Court passed three bond issues totaling $1,675,000 at their meeting Monday morning at the County Courthouse. Largest of these bond issues was a $1,200,000 appropriation to go toward school construction and repair throughout the county. According to Clyde Riggs, superintendent of county schools, the money will be used to finance twelve projects and will be spread out over a number of years. Riggs said that this money is desperately needed to keep up with the rapidly increasing enrollment. Feb. 21, 1963 Car-train crash leaves three dead A Louisville and Nashville freight train rammed the side of an automobile at the Red River Road crossing in Gallatin Saturday night, killing three of the four occupants of the automobile. The dead were identified as Mrs. Betty Timberlake, 17, of Gallatin; Daniel Carter, about 40, of Gallatin; and Billy Wayne Carter, 19, of the Cairo community. Mrs. Sally Mason, 35, mother of Mrs. Timberlake, was still in fair condition at Sumner County Memorial Hospital. Hospital authorities reported Mrs. Mason is suffering from head and chest injuries received in the accident. Gallatin police said that according to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brown, who were witnesses to the accident, the lights of the crossing were working properly and the train’s horn was blowing when it approached the crossing and hit the auto. There are no protective bars across the road at the crossing.
| FACT BOOK 2013
This 1963 photo shows the aftermath of a train-car collison at a Gallatin railroad crossing on Red River Road that killed three occupants of the car FILE PHOTO April 11, 1963 Three dollar wheel tax rejected: 18-15 vote of county court kills measure The Sumner County Quarterly Court voted Monday to reject a three-dollar wheel tax on the auto owner (sic) of Sumner County. In turning down the proposal, magistrates said they realized that more money was needed for the county roads, but that they did not feel that local residents should have a tax such as this placed on them at this time. … The wheel tax was passed on a preliminary basis at the January meeting of the court. It was then sent to the state legislature and received passage there. It needed only the vote of the court to become law. June 20, 1963 Local leaders voice sorrow, disapproval at court decision Local churchmen and school officials experienced initial feelings of regret and sorrow this week at the Supreme Court’s decision against religion in the public schools. The U.S. Supreme Court Monday handed down an 8-to-1 decision banning the reading of the Bible and the reciting of The
Oct. 24, 1963 Sumner Airport to be completed by mid-November, says Goodall: Paving of runways should begin today Final preparations are being made for the opening of the Sumner County Airport, and the strip should be ready for full operation in about one month, according to county attorney Thomas Goodall. Goodall said this week that barring inclement weather conditions, the airport, located on Cairo Road, should be ready by the middle of November. Workers have been busy this week getting the runways rolled, graveled and sprinkled. Asphalting is slated to begin today.
25 years ago Apr. 15, 1988 ‘No commercial,’ say residents to Cash land Hendersonville’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted 10-3 Tuesday night to table action on country super star Johnny Cash’s rezoning request. The panel sent the request back to the regional planning commission in the hopes that the planning commission, the developers and the residents of the surrounding area can arrive at a compromise prior to the next council meeting. Cash’s property, approximately 95 acres fronting Gallatin Road, originally went before the planning commission with the request for a zoning change from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to R-15 PUD (for 219 single-family lots), plus 16.9 acres of zoning for Commercial General Service (commercial development on Gallatin Road). …
Pigeons, police chief in the news »HEADLINES FROM 18X One of the first to address the aldermen was Johnny Cash, who waited quietly for his turn at the podium while seated in the audience with his wife, June Carter Cash. “We’re talking about a quality commercial development there on the front, and I think that the men that are presenting this proposal are prepared to trim that spread down some,” said Cash. June 8, 1988 McWherter opens by-pass section for traffic Governor Ned McWherter cut the ribbon yesterday marking the opening of Vietnam Veterans Blvd. second leg, in ceremonies on the bridge connector at Center Point and Gallatin Road. Introductory remarks were made by Rep. Jack Long, who noted, “This is the beginning of the completion of a $50 million project. We’ll notice a tremendous traffic change in Hendersonville.” Sam Cree, Veterans Association representative from Chapter 240, said his chapter initiated the idea of naming the bypass Vietnam Veterans Blvd. “The idea came about two years ago, because Vietnam veterans served without recognition. Twenty-two Sumner Countians died in Vietnam, and a majority of them came from this corner of the county, he said. Aug. 31, 1988 Trapping option may be first try at pigeons Gallatin Assistant Police Chief Wayne Brooks, who was placed in charge of finding a solution to Gallatin’s pigeon problems, said yesterday he will take several options to the city’s Public Safety Committee in its next regular session. Among those options will be pricking, shooting, trapping, repelling and sterilizing the birds, or any combination of the aforementioned. As of Tuesday afternoon, Brooks had investigated several proposed methods for getting the pigeons out of Gallatin’s downtown business district, especially the square, after merchants approached the Public Safety Committee last week and asked that something be done about the
In this June 8, 1988 photo, then-Tennessee Governor Ned McWherter cuts the ribbon marking the opening of the second leg of the Vietnam Veterans bypass. FILE PHOTO birds.
10 years ago Oct. 8, 2003 Westmoreland police chief to turn in his chief’s badge The Town of Westmoreland Council and Mayor, citing complaints from citizens and businesses, asked Police Chief Wayne Stewart to step down from his position Monday night at a special-called meeting. Councilman David Brown, speaking on behalf of the town merchants, said he had 10 or 12 incidents where Stewart has been negligent in following through with cases and completing paperwork. “We’ve got to have a chief of police who can handle the administrative work as well as the other activities,” Brown said. Oct. 15, 2003 Rescue workers search lake for man found later at Titans game An empty, capsized boat on Old Hickory Lake Sunday caused a mystery for Sumner County Sheriff’s Department officials, leading them to spend much of the day trying to make sure the occupants were safe. The mystery started about 6 a.m. Sunday, when a resident of the Dickerson bay area off Douglas Bend Road saw a disheveled man walking down the road. When the man said his boat had capsized, the female resident called the sheriff’s department to report the incident.
After reaching the boat, emergency workers found belongings for Jack Billingsly, a Goodlettsville resident, but attempts to find Billingsley were unsuccessful. When the search turned up nothing, law enforcement officials took the quest one step further, finding a vehicle belonging to Jeffrey Owens of Nashville in the Billingsly driveway. … Billingsly, who was cheering at the Titans’ game Sunday and blissfully unaware of the drama surrounding his boat, had lent the boat to Owens and (another man). Dec. 22, 2003 Gallatin Bakery closes: Declining business turns ovens off The aroma of homemade cakes, pies, bread and doughnuts have seeped from the ovens of the Gallatin Bakery as the business has served the needs of the community for over 100 years. But as of Dec. 24 the smells associated with those homemade treats will stop and the Gallatin Bakery will close for the last time. “It is just heartbreaking,” said Bruce Bogach about the difficult decision to close. Bogach said that with competition from grocery store bakeries which offer convenience, business has been steadily declining. … It was the business opportunity of the bakery which brought Bogach and his family to Gallatin from New York – that and the Long Island traffic. Now he is a converted Southerner with no intention of returning to New York.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Sumner County’s Most Influential For each of the last three years, the Gallatin News Examiner and Hendersonville Star News have selected a group of men and women -- movers and shakers one and all -- who we believe represent the best of the county in terms of exercising influence. These are infleuncers we believe to be the cream of the crop for Sumner County. As always, we strived for diversity across all fronts. We were careful to compile a list that offers a fair representation of all corners of the county as well as a variety of occupations, mission statements, ethnicities, ages and genders. In alphabetical order, our 2012 Most Influential selections: Margie Anderson, director, Literacy Council of Sumner County Anderson has always had a knack for helping others, but it was 1986 when the former social worker found her true passion with a local nonprofit, the Literacy Council of Sumner County. Pat Conner, Sumner Schools coordinator for Safe Schools, Healthy Students Conner began her work in drug and alcohol prevention education in 1986, and her work has evolved into much more. She now works to implement programs that help students academically and socially. Beth Cox, board member, Sumner County Board of Education Elected to her first term in 2008, Cox has a reputation for offering thoughtful and data-driven research on issues dealing with all aspects of the school system, from budget to policy making, and speaking out against the 1981 Financial Management Act. Bubba Dunn, youth coach Dunn has been a fixture around Gallatin area baseball, football
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Kelly Fussman and softball fields and basketball gymnasiums for almost two decades. David Fuqua, teacher A popular history teacher for Sumner County Schools for more than 20 years, Fuqua is beloved and revered by students who say he stresses critical thinking about the world and challenges new ideas. hewas named Sumner County Teacher of the Year for grades 9-12 in 2005. Kelly Fussman, high school advocate Fussman is white, straight and female. She has rarely felt marginalized in her lifetime – which is exactly why the 18-year-old Hendersonville High School senior felt compelled to found a club promoting tolerance. Dana Given, president & CEO, United Way of Sumner County Given is responsible for overseeing hundreds of thousands of dollars in community donations that are entrusted to the organization for distribution to worthy charities. Jim Hunter, county court judge Since being appointed Sumner County General Sessions Court
Gareth Laffely Judge in July 2003, Hunter has heard roughly 30,000 cases a year. More cases are heard in Hunter's court than in any other single general sessions court in Tennessee. Merrol Hyde, county commissioner Hyde was elected Superintendent of Schools in 1988. Although he lost the next election, he was appointed Director of Schools by the school board again in 1997. After retiring in 2004, he was elected county commissioner for District 8. Jonah’s Journey, nonprofit helping moms For the last five years, Jonah’s Journey, a nonprofit organization affiliated with Long Hollow Baptist Church, has helped women in the Tennessee Prison for Women keep their babies out of
foster care, help support mothers when they are released and reunite them with their children. Kihyon ‘Kim’ Kim, humanitarian Kim left Korea is in line to be a Rotary Club district governor in 2014-2015. He is heavily involved with ShelterBox, a global club project that provides humanitarian aid to people displaced by natural or manmade disasters. Christian Kissinger, musician, activist Kissinger, 17, with bandmates Caleb Shown and Elliott McClain, perform as Lake Rise Place as part of VSA Tennessee, a statewide nonprofit that provides opportunities to people with disabilities to express themselves through the arts.
» INFLUENTIAL FROM 20X Gareth Laffely, teen musician As a musician and singer, Laffely says his goal is to influence others with his music. His most recent effort is in the song “Move On,” which he wrote from the perspective of a husband who had recently lost his wife to cancer. Laffely has also filmed a music video for the song. Dwight Lewis, addiction educator A recovering addict himself for more than 20 years, Lewis is a minister at First Baptist Church on Winchester Street in Gallatin, as well as an addiction educator with the Sumner County Drug Court.
Pedro Martinez, outreach adviser Martinez’s mission is to make Volunteer State Community College a pleasant experience for students from all walks of life. Martinez is an adviser with the college. Art McClellan, attorney McClellan has served as special counsel to the Sumner County Board of Education on a handful of lawsuits, including a highprofile battle in 2011 with the local teachers union, the Sumner County Education Association. John McLendon, pastor The senior pastor of GodWhy Hendersonville, a non-denominational church he helped found in 2000, McLendon said he went into ministry initially to make a difference in the lives of teenagers. Often in jeans, McLendon’s team uses unconventional methods such as skits and multi-media presentations to inspire. June McMahon, animal advocate McMahon has been at the forefront of helping animals in Sumner County for more than 40 years. In 1971, McMahon founded the Humane Society of Sumner
John McClendon, pastor of GodWhy Church. FILE PHOTO County. She founded the Sumner Spay Neuter Alliance in 2009. Joe Merlo, company owner Merlo started the energy conservation company Energy Automation Systems Inc. (EASI) in 1977, settling on Hendersonville as the site of its headquarters and Gallatin for its manufacturing operations. The company now has affiliates in 70 countries, and its client list includes Fortune 500 companies such as General Electric. Tom Neal, community activist Neal is proof positive that one person can make a difference.
Pedro Martinez FILE PHOTO After Brentwood-based Hoover in 2011 bought 350 pristine acres in Castalian Springs under the guise of an LLC innocently named “Western Farms,” it was Neal, a local resident, who blew the lid off Hoover's cover, exposing their real intent in buying the land: to turn it into a quarry. Warren Nichols, educator As the Tennessee Board of Regents’ vice chancellor for community colleges, Nichols will play a key role in shaping reforms to higher education under the Complete College Act of 2010. Nichols in September 2011 was named to the new post, after
serving eight years as Volunteer State Community College’s second president in its 40-year history. The Oak Ridge Boys, entertainers The quartet, comprised of William Lee Golden, Duane Allen, Joe Bonsall and Richard Sterban, just released its 31st CD, “It's Only Natural,” and recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of one of its biggest hits, “Elvira.” All four members call Sumner County
» INFLUENTIAL FROM 21X home. Ken Ozimek, music teacher Ozimek can play 18 instruments, including woodwinds, brass and strings. In 35 years of teaching, the Indiana native estimates he has taught 4,000-4,500 musicians. At any given time he's giving private lessons to 100 or more students. An admitted workaholic, he also squeezes in performances of his own, at last count about 20,000, with various bands and groups. Brenda Payne, chamber CEO As president and CEO of the Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce, Payne has her hand in a lot of what makes businesses successful in Hendersonville and Sumner County. Payne guides the 767-member chamber with an “outside of the box” approach that has been instrumental in the Hendersonville Chamber’s being considered one of the best in the region. Bubba Perry, benefit organizer As head of the annual Big Bubba’s Make-A-Wish Bash softball tournament at Drakes Creek Park, Perry has helped countless children with life-threatening medical conditions have their wishes granted by the Make-AWish Foundation of Middle Tennessee. The event has raised more than $75,000 in eight years. Reese Brothers, mule company owners The events of the world’s largest and oldest mule operation, Gallatin-based Reese Brothers, which started doing business in 1920, usually sell out at the Westmoreland Expo Center. Donald L. Samuels, veterans advocate As national commander of Disabled American Veterans, Samuels has been busy crisscrossing the country advocating for
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Nossi Vatandoost
Ken Ozimek wounded veterans and their families. Nossi Vatandoost, art college president Vatandoost moved to America from Iran in 1963. Nossi College of Art has grown from a single studio in 1973 to a 55,000-square foot, $6 million facility near Madison. Vatandoost said the school is focused on giving students hands-on experience throughout Middle Tennessee.
Al West, public safety director For 34 years, West has been dedicated to his community’s safety. For 20 of those years, he served as Portland's public safety director overseeing the police and fire departments. Esther Wright, adult education supervisor For 13 years, Wright has supervised the Adult Education Program helping students pave the road for future success.
Esther Wright
Sumner County has diversity
The Sumner County Fair is a popular annual attraction for all ages.
The Sumner County Administration Building is a landmark. FILE PHOTO
Raina Bogan and her dear friend Carol Dunn exchange a hug of hope at Relay for Life. RICK MURRAY/FILE
A Portland utility worker lifts the electrical wires at a downtown intersection to clear the way for the 75-foot-long, 16,000-pound 1943 airplane en route from the Portland Municipal Airport to the Days Gone By Museum. DESSISLAVA YANKOVA/FILE
Amy Bunn styles Mickey Bixenmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair during a benefit for 4-year-old Maggie Meador of Cottontown at Head to Toe Salon and Spa in Goodlettsville. MATTHEW DIGGS/FILE
FACT BOOK 2013 |
City of Gallatin When Tennessee became a state in 1796, Sumner County was already a decade old – yet still did not have a designated county seat. It took three failed attempts by the General Assembly to establish the town before a group of five commissioners successfully purchased 42.5 acres on land that was once a Native American hunting ground. The first lots were sold in 1802, marking the beginning of Gallatin. The town was named for Albert Gallatin, a Swiss immigrant who, as a U.S. Congressman in Pennsylvania, took an active part in winning admission to the Union for Tennessee. Gallatin served as Secretary of the Treasury under former presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, but never visited the town bearing his name. Gallatin incorporated as a city in 1815. ( Source: Gallatin 200: A Time Line History Celebrating the Bicentennial of Gallatin. Edited by Walter Durham and Glenda Milliken. 2002.)
Jo Ann Graves
Mayor Jo Ann Graves 132 W. Main Street joann.graves@gallatin-tn.gov O: 451-5961
| FACT BOOK 2013
The beauty pageants at the annual Sumner County Fair in Gallatin are one of the biggest events of the annual fair. FILE PHOTO F: 451-5934
Gallatin City Council Anne Kemp District 1 1207 Gibbs Lane H: 452-8924 Term expires Jan. 2013
Tom Garrott Council At Large 931 Belvedere Drive H: 452-5717 Term expires Jan. 2013 Ed Mayberry Vice Mayor Council At Large 801 Haynie Place H: 230-7869 Term expires Jan. 2015
Steve Camp District 2 118 Wayne Dr H: 452-8947 Term expires Jan. 2013
Key city departments/ employees
Jimmy Overton District 3 901 Lakeview Court H: 230-0496 Term expires Jan. 2015
City Recorder/Judge Connie W. Kittrell connie.kittrell@gallatintn.gov O: 451-5895. F: 451-5916
Craig Hayes District 4 146 Woodlake Drive W: 452-1303 F: 452-6285 Term expires Jan. 2015
City Attorney Joe H. Thompson joe.thompson@gallatin-tn.gov O: 230-0681
John D. Alexander District 5 780 Anthony St. H: 452-4168 Term expires Jan. 2015
Gallatin Police Department Don Bandy, chief 130 W. Franklin St. O: 452-1313 F: 452-1597 dbandy@gallatinpd.org Gallatin Fire Department William L. “Billy” Crook,
Gallatin Quick Facts Year founded: 1802 Population: 30,278 (from the 2010 Census) City Hall: 132 W. Main St. Government: Mayor and seven-member council Property tax rate: $.99/per $100 of taxable property Zip code: 37066 Website: gallatinonthemove.com
chief 119 GFD Memorial Blvd. billy.crook@gallatin-tn.gov O: 452-2771 F: 452-2543 Codes and Planning Tony Allers, director tony.allers@gallatin-tn.gov O: 451-5968 F: 452-0348 Inspection hotline: 451-5970 Finance Rachel Nichols, director rachel.nichols@gallatintn.gov
» GALLATIN FROM 24X O: 451-5963 F: 451-5960 Personnel Dave Crawford, personnel official dave.crawford@gallatintn.gov O: 451-5890 F: 451-5960 Engineering Nick Tuttle, city engineer nick.tuttle@gallatin-tn.gov O: 451-5965 F: 452-0348 Public Utilities David Gregory, superintendent dgregory@gallatinutilities.com 239 Hancock St. O: 451-5922 F: 452-0568 After hours: 452-5969
David Brown, director david.brown@gallatin-tn.gov 451-5911 – Civic Center 451-5915 – Message line 451-5907 - Fax Gallatin Area Chamber of Commerce Paige Brown, executive director O: 452-4000 paige@gallatintn.org Gallatin Public Library 123 E. Main St. O: 452-1722 F: 451-3319 Open Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed on Sunday and Monday.
Deidre Miller and Kilani Rivera of Gallatin attended the July 4 events in 2012 at the Gallatin Civic Center. FILE PHOTO
Department of Public Works Ronnie Stiles, superintendent ronnie.stiles@gallatin-tn.gov 641 Long Hollow Pike O: 451-5909 Economic Development Agency James Fenton, executive director james.fenton@gallatin-tn.gov O: 451-5940 F: 451-5941 Leisure Services (parks)
A Family Tradition Built On A Strong Foundation
Families love Gallatin's annual Christmas parade. FILE PHOTO
For Over Sixty Years Garrott Brothers Inc. has been the local concrete supplier... Owner: Johnny Garrott FACT BOOK 2013 |
The least we could do was to give you more time with your family. When you’ve lost a loved one, we believe your family should be together…with less time needlessly spent alone in your car. That’s why our funeral home and cemetery are together. We’re here to help you create meaningful goodbyes while honoring your family legacy!
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| FACT BOOK 2013
City of Hendersonville In July 2009, Family Circle magazine named Hendersonville one of the top 10 places to raise a family. Hendersonville is governed by a 13-member Board of Mayor and Aldermen, and was first incorporated in July 1969, and officially began operations August 1, 1969. Hendersonville was the home to country music legends Johnny and June Carter Cash, and the city is mentioned in the Academy Award-winning movie Walk the Line based on Johnny Cash’s life. Singer Taylor Swift is a graduate of Hendersonville High School.
A wide view of Memorial Park and the Friendship Bridge in Hendersonville. RICK MURRAY/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS
Ward 2 Lisa West 146 Edgewood Drive 824-4959 lwest@hvilletn.org Scott Sprouse 127 Woodvale Drive 824-2022 ssprouse@hvilletn.org
Scott Foster
Board of Mayor and Aldermen (Prior to November 2012 elections) Scott Foster, mayor sfoster@hvilletn.org 822-1000 Ward 1 Jack Long 130 McBratney Drive 824-7070 jlong@hvilletn.org Garry Forsythe 139 Lake Harbor Drive 822-3875 gforsythe@hvilletn.org
Ward 3 Paul Goode 124 Cedar Crest Drive 615.479.5088 pgoode@hvilletn.org Arlene Cunningham 129 Windham Drive 822-6004 acunningham@hvilletn.org Ward 4 Fred Qualls 103 Pleasantview Drive 824-4507 fqualls@hvilletn.org Steve Brown 110 Meadow Lane 824-4771 sbrown@hvilletn.org
High school soccer is alive and well in Sumner County - in this photo, Hendersonville and Station Camp players collide while going for a header. RICK MURRAY/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Enjoy City by the Lake »H’VILLE FROM 27X Hendersonville Quick Facts
Ward 5 Tommy Elsten 138 Country Club Drive 822-9656 telsten@hvilletn.org Hamilton Frost 116 Dalton Circle 822-8163 hfrost@hvilletn.org
Year Founded: 1969 Population: 51,325 City Hall: 101 Maple Drive N. Government: Mayor and Board of 12 Aldermen Property tax: $0.65 per $100 (city) County: $ 2.0208 Zip Code: 37075
Ward 6 Jim Hoback 123 Wessington Place 824-1829 jhoback@hvilletn.org Matt Stamper 115 Camden Ct. N. 428-4610 mstamper@hvilletn.org
Public Works Gerald Horton, director 822-1016 Police Mickey Miller, chief 822-1111 Capt. James Jones, assistant chief 822-1111
City employees Building and Codes Steve Mills, director smills@hvilletn.org Finance Ron Minnicks, interim director 101 Maple Drive N. 264-5317 Planning Fred Rogers, director 101 Maple Drive N. 264-5316
| FACT BOOK 2013
Fire Jamie H. Steele, chief 822-1119 jsteele@hvilletn.org
Hendersonville has plenty of eager young swimmers. RICK MURRAY/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS
Parks and Recreation Dave LeMarbre, director 822-3898
PO Box 79777 Hendersonville, TN 37075 P: 615-822-1000 • F: 615-264-5327 www.hvilletn.org
Monthaven Mansion, home of the Hendersonville Arts Council. RICK MURRAY/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS
Circle of Excellence
Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce: Brenda S. Payne, president and CEO 824-2818 City Recorder Kay Franklin 590-4602 Library Lelani Sabo, manager 140 Saundersville Road 824-0656 Hendersonville Utility District: 824-3717 White House Utility District: 672-4110 Cumberland Electric: 4523725 NES: 736-6900 Piedmont Natural Gas: 734-0665 AT&T: (888) 757-6500
A Native American traditional dance at the 2012 Daniel Smith Days at Rock Castle. RICK MURRAY/FOR SUMNER COUNTY Please scan with your smart phone app to learn more about the Chamber
Come grow with us! 100 Country Club Dr Ste 104 Hendersonville, TN 37075 Phone 615.824-2818 Fax 615.250.3637 www.hendersonvillechamber.com
Enjoy challenging golf and more at Bluegrass Yacht & Country Club! From championship golf and practice facilities to tennis and swimming, we have all you need for fitness and fun: & 1C9;;$6EA6E */-C';$0 %9!-2) 4'@!D$ BC9B 9;;'>D "'! ($9!-!'@63 %;9( & 5'!;3-4;9DD E';" "94A;ABA$D, 9 "@;;-D$!?A4$ %!' DC'%0 3!A?A6E !96E$0 putting and chipping greens, handicap system and professional instruction & +'@! =9!-<!@ 4'@!BD >ABC 4'8%$BABA?$ 94BA?ABA$D0 $?$6BD 963 ;$9E@$D & .$;A4A'@D "''3 >ABC #@A$B 987A$64$0 $:%$!B;( '!4C$DB!9B$3 7( '@! $:$4@BA?$ 4C$"
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FACT BOOK 2013 |
Our Cities (continued) GOODLETTSVILLE Goodlettsville is located in Sumner and Davidson counties. The city was incorporated in 1858, and has a total area of a little more than 14 square miles of land. The city is comprised of a local government, but also utilizes the amenities of the larger metropolitan government in Nashville, though still operating as a separate government entity than Metro Nashville. City Government The city’s governing body is the Board of Commissioners, made up of five elected members. The mayor and vice mayor are then selected from these, five by the commission itself. The city commission is elected to serve alternating, four-year terms. Elections are held every two years. John Coombs, mayor 973-0724 johncoombs2@bellsouth.net Commissioners Dan Bloodworth 594-1398 Jane Birdwell 859-3142 John Finch 714-1011 Jerry Garrett 478-2660
City officials/employees: City manager Tim Ellis, 851-2200 City recorder Alicia Prince, 851-2205 Codes, Building Safety, and Property Maintenance Larry Di Orio, director 851-2208 Mike Bauer, senior inspector 851-3746 Public services Guy Patterson, 859-2740 Police chief Richard Pope, 851-2220 Fire chief Phillip Gibson, 851-2248 Finance Julie High, 851-2201 Human resources Dawn Freeman, 851-2206 Parks & recreation Amy Mitchell, 851-2218 Chamber of Commerce Steve Otto, president, 7697100 Kimberly Lynn, executive director. 859-7979 Library 205 Rivergate Parkway 862-5862 Utility providers Metro Water Services 862-7225 Nashville Gas Company 800-353-6340 Tennessee Valley Authority 747-3981 Nashville Electric Service 747-3981
Live! A Great Place to
Dan Toole, Mayor Phillip Uldrich, Vice Mayor Commissioners: Frank Fox, Bonnie Coleman, Carl Pitzer
Robert Mobley City Manager
Holly Murphy City Recorder
Karen Smith Codes Administrator
Ronnie Williams Chief of Police
Frank Wilkerson Thomas King Public Works Director Fire Chief
(T): 615.859.0880 • www.cityofmillersville.com • (F): 615.851.1825
| FACT BOOK 2012
MILLERSVILLE Chartered in 1981, the city operates under the city manager-commission form of government. In August 2011, Millersville residents won the Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award for Aquatic Resource for Sumner County for the significant cleanup of Slaters and Mansker creeks, where citizens removed thousands of pounds of metal and hundreds bags of trash from the streams’ already-eroded waters. According to cityofmillersville.com, it is not uncommon to see wild turkeys in the backyard of residences and deer by the creek. Quick Facts Dan Toole, mayor dan@rsiagency.com H: 859-3780 Phillip Uldrich, vice mayor puldrich@cityofgoodlettsville.org H: 859-7352 City Commissioners Frank Fox H: 859-0833 Bonnie Coleman H: 430-8432 Carl Pitzer H: 851-1790 Other City Officials: Rob Wheeler, city attorney rwheeler@bellsouth.net W: 834-0071 John Lowe, city judge W: 859-9665 Robert Mobley, city manager W: 859-0880 Ext. 105 Holly Murphy, city recorder/ clerk W: 859-0880 Ext. 103 Deborah Ashburn, office manager W: 859-0880 Ext. 102 Liane Miller, court clerk W: 859-0880 Ext. 112 Shannon Dickson, tax clerk W: 859-0880 Ext. 100 Amy Hutchison, utility clerk (615) 859-0880 Ext. 101
Karen Smith Building/Codes Director W: 859-0880 Ext. 104 Thomas King, fire W: 672-5697 Ronnie Williams, police W: 859-2758 Ext. 105 Frank Wilkerson, public works W: 859-0880 Ext. 114
MITCHELLVILLE Mitchellville, the northernmost town in Sumner County, has a radius of two miles and a total area of 0.5 square miles. During its initial establishment, Mitchellville was larger than nearby Portland. In the 1950s, however, a powerful storm ripped through the city and destroyed many businesses and homes. Mitchellville is listed in the Portland phone directory. Its mail routes are served by Portland after Mitchellville lost its post office in 2011 as part of nationwide budget cuts within the United States Postal Service. City Hall is open part time, mostly on Friday afternoons, and can be reached at 325-6020. Bobby Worman, mayor bobby.worman1@comcast.net H: 325-2271. C: 948-8472 Aldermen Darlene Worman H: 325-2271 Susan Barber C: 967-1226 Parnell Brown H: 325-3141. W: 325-2624 City employee Barbara Canida, city recorder W: 325-6020 Oak Grove/Mitchellville Volunteer Fire Department 1001 E. Main St. 323-9645 Portland Utilities: 325-6776 Mitchellville Sewer Department: 325-6020 Cumberland Electric Membership Corp.: 325-4172
City of Portland Home to the annual Strawberry Festival since 1941, Portland is a rural community 35 miles north of Nashville. In the 1920s, the growth and transportation of strawberries as an export crop became a booming business, resulting in a growth of other industry. Today, many of Sumner’s industries have Portland facilities. A unique attraction here is the Days Gone By Museum displaying hundreds of artifacts, antiques cars and tractors. Country music artist Ronnie McDowell and Roy Drusky have made Portland their home, and NBA basketball player Corey Brewer grew up here. Portland Strawberry Festival
Jackie Cook, granddaughter of Bottom View owner Ralph Cook, rides the zip line. DESSISLAVA YANKOVA/SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS
Tim Coker tntcoker@comcast.net H: 325-4359
Ken Wilber
Mayor Ken Wilber 325-6776 Kmayor@cityofportlandtn.gov Jody McDowell, vice mayor 325-2274 jodymcdowell@cityofportlandtn.gov cashchek@bellsouth.net
Council Luther Bratton loubratton@bellsouth.net W: 325-2233 H: 325-6046
100 South Russell Street Portland, Tennessee 37148 (615) 325-6776 www.cityofportlandtn.gov
Mike Callis mikecallis@cityofportlandtn.gov H: 325-4504 Brian Harbin brianharbin@comcast.net C: 887-8538, 600-7081 Melvin Minnis NannaMinnis@att.net H: 325-2421 Steve White Buster51@bellsouth.net
Facilities: Portland Public Library of Sumner County Barbara Russell, manager 301 Portland Blvd. 325-2279
106 Main Street Portland, Tennessee 37148 (615) 325-9032 www.portlandcofc.com
A Great Place To Do Business, A Great Place To Live, Work, Play And Get An Education FACT BOOK 2013 |
Portland Quick Facts
Chamber of Commerce Sherri Ferguson, director 106 Main St. 325-9032
Founded: 1904 Population: 11,704 City Hall: 100 S. Russell St., 325-6776 Government: Board of six aldermen with vice mayor and mayor Property tax rate: $1.10 (Sumner); $1.13 (Robertson) Zip code: 37148
Police department Richard Smith, chief 325-3434 Fire department Robert “Al” West, chief 325-5649 Portland Utilities: 325-6776 White House Utility District: 672-4110 Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation: 325-4172
The Portland High School players and fans celebrate in 2012 after breaking an 11-game losing streak with a 28-7 victory over visiting White House. CRAIG HARRIS/SUMNERCOUNTY PUBLICATIONS
City of Westmoreland Located on the Highland Rim in northeastern Sumner County, Westmoreland is a city with a largely undocumented but surprisingly rich history. Many early settlers came to Westmoreland between 180520 as tourists on the L&N Railroad. Area sulphur waters with supposed medicinal value found here made it a popular spot until the mid 1920s. In 1901, Westmoreland became an incorporated town. The town lost its corporate status in the early 1930s due to the Great Depression, but was re-incorporated in 1951.
Vice-Mayor Brian Smalling H: 644-5678
Councilmembers: Dawn Freeman C: 388-4293 dfreeman@nctc.com Larry Reeves C: 812-7373 Ricky Cline H: 644-3748 loretta8@nctc.com David Harrison H 644-3823 harrison2247@nctc.com
Westmoreland's second annual Mule Day Celebration, in 2011, kicked off with a wagon train. FILE PHOTO
Other city officials/employees
Fire chief Mark Jenkins, 644-3303
City recorder/finance director Fredia Carter 615-644-3850 fcrecorder@nctc.com
Michael Carter, Mayor H: 644-3287 C: 417-5497 mike492@nctc.com
| FACT BOOK 2013
Codes and building inspections Tim Farley 644-2640
Police chief Carla Deneise Etheridge 644-2222 Water, Sewer and Garbage: 644-3382 Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation: 644-2221 North Central Telephone Cooperative: 644-6282
Westmoreland Quick Facts Founded: 1901 Population: 2,236 City Hall: 1001 Park St., P.O. Box 8, 644-3382 Government: Mayor and five-member city council including vice mayor Property tax rate: $1.40 Zip code: 37186
City of White House White House Quick Facts Founded: 1971 Population: 10,419 City Hall: 105 College St., 672-4350 Government: Property tax rate: $0.98 (Sumner) $1.01 (Robertson) Zip code: 37188
Ward 3 Dave Paltzik 205 Amber Lane H: 672-6995 Ward 4 Clif Hutson 3674 Hwy 31W H: 672-0582
Other city officials: Joe Palmer, fire chief W: 672-5338 Patrick Brady, police chief W: 672-4903
Mike Arnold
Gerald Herman, city administrator W: 672-4350 ext. 2111
Amanda Priest, city recorder 672-4350 ext. 2111
Mike Arnold C: 456-4030
Aldermen Ward 1 Farris Bibb 210 Mount Vernon Court C: 499-0487 Ward 2 John Decker 125 Brookview Drive C: 308-8126
At the 2012 White House Chamber banquet, Julie Bolton and her husband, Eddy, sing, "You Still Take My Breath Away.”FILE PHOTO Chamber of Commerce Julie Bolton, executive director 414 Highway 76 672-3937
Utilities White House Utility District: 672-4110 White House Public Works: 672-0215 Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation: (800) 987-2362 Piedmont Natural Gas: (800) 752-7504
Charlotte Soporowski, finance director 672-4350 ext. 2103
Karen McGuffey runs in the Independence Day 5K. MATTHEW DIGGS/FOR SUMNER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS
Steven Russell, parks maintenance supervisor 672-2682
414 Highway 76 P.O. Box 521 White House, TN 37188 (615) 672-3937 Fax (615) 672-2828
The White House Inn Library & Museum Elizabeth Kozlowski 412 Highway 76 672-0239 TN-0000833818
Incorporated in 1971, White House is split between Sumner and Robertson counties along Interstate 65 about 20 miles north of Nashville. The story of how White House got its name dates back to 183858, when the Carter, Thomas and Hough Stage Coach Company traveled the L&N Turnpike. One of the stops for food and lodging and to change out horses was a two-story house built around 1829 by Mr. Richard S. Wilks. It was painted white, which was particularly rare during this time, especially in the underdeveloped land between Louisville and Nashville. Stagecoach drivers and others began to refer to this stop and the surrounding area as “White House.”
Email: whcoc@bellsouth.net Website: www.whitehousechamber.org www.facebook.com/whitehousechamber FACT BOOK 2013 |
Dozens of small towns dot the county landscape Aside from eight incorporated cities, Sumner County is also home to more than 30 smaller, unincorporated areas. Of the more best-known are Castalian Springs, Bethpage, Cottontown and oak grove, each of which have a population of 4,000 or more. Located east of Gallatin, Castalian Springs is home to Wynnewood â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the largest log structure ever built in the state of Tennessee. The home, built in 1828, once served as a stagecoach inn and a mineral springs resort. While it survived the Civil War, the historic site was devastated by a tornado in 2008. With the help of a $5 million grant from the state, the structure was rebuilt and reopened in July 2012. Castalian Springs is also home to Hawthorne Hill, home of Confederate Major General William Bate, Cragfont, and some of the oldest Indian mounds, dating back to the 13th Century. Located northwest of Gallatin along Hwy 25, Cottontown was named after Capt. Thomas Cotton, who purchased 317 acres in Sumner County in 1794. Cotton was one of several new settlers who came across the mountains to take a land grant as reward for his service in the Revolutionary War. Bethpage, an unincorporated area of Sumner County, is located west of Gallatin on Hwy. 31E.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Board of Education
The Sumner County Board of Education is made up of 11 members who make policy decisions for the school system. The director of schools handles the day-to-day operation of the district under a performance contract with the board. The school board meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the central office, 695 E. Main St., Gallatin. The board usually conducts a study session the first Tuesday of the month in the same location at 6 p.m. Meetings are always open to the public. For meeting dates, agendas, or to watch video stream of meetings, visit the district’s website, sumnerschools.org. During the 2012-13 fiscal year, the Sumner County Board of Education had a general purpose budget of approximately $191.5 million. About 70 percent of the revenue for the year comes from the state and federal
Nancy Glover, District 6 680 Bay Point Drive, Gallatin ■ 452-8397
Andy Daniels, District 7 1845 Cairo Road, Gallatin ■ 230-0687
Ted Wise, District 8 Sumner County Board of Education member Andy Daniels, who represents District 7, was among the speakers at Merrol Hyde Magnet School’s 2012 commencement ceremony. funding, with the remainder locally funded by the county. The school system is the county’s largest employer, with approximately 4,500 employees district-wide.
Don Long, District 3
Will A. Duncan, District 9
132 Wynbrooke Trace, Hendersonville ■ 826-6173
205 Old Highway 31E, Bethpage ■ 841-3712
Beth Cox, District 4
Vanessa Silkwood, District 1
113 Windham Circle, Hendersonville ■ 429-0056
Glen Gregory, District 10
104 Hidden Lake Court, Hendersonville ■ 264-6737
Shannon Dunn, District 5
Tim Brewer, District 2
107 Marshall Greene Circle, Goodlettsville ■ 859-9870
140 Riverwood Drive, Hendersonville ■ 424-9711
Schools administration
The Sumner County school district consists of 45 schools and a variety of programs that serve approximately 28,400 students. The system’s central office is located in the renovated former Gallatin Junior High School at 695 E. Main St. in Gallatin. Questions about school system operations can be directed to central office personnel by calling 451-5200. Del Phillips, who is in his second year as director of schools, will serve in that position through at least 2015, based on his current contract with the Board of Education. The director manages various aspects of the district through assistant directors of schools and a community
426 Clearview Road, Cottontown ■ 323-8744
relations supervisor. » Jennifer Brown, assistant director for instruction » Norma Dam, assistant director for pupil services » Clint Barnes, assistant director for pupil transportation » Amanda Prichard, assistant director for finance » Mike Marshall, assistant director for facilities and support services » Pat Conner, safe schools, healthy schools coordinator » Craig Clayton, assistant director for information services » Jeremy Johnson, supervisor of board and community relations For more information on the school system, go to state.tn.us/education for test
403 Willow Lake Drive, Portland ■ 325-9764
David A. Brown, District 11 1229 N. First St., Westmoreland ■ 644-4225
information and sumnerschools.org for all Sumner County Schools information.
Director of schools Director of Schools Del Phillips was unanimously chosen to lead Sumner Schools by the Board of Education in 2011. He has a fouryear contract with the board that expires in June 2015. Board members gave Phillips an 85 percent approval rating in his first year job evaluation. This year the school system will focus on expanding academic opportunities at Sumner County’s seven high schools with focus academies set to launch in the 2013-14 school year.
Del Phillips These programs will be offered in addition to the already strong traditional programs already offered. Phillips can be reached at 451-5200 or del.phillips@ sumnerschools.org.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
EDUCATION Sumner County Board of Education
» Location: 695 E. Main St., Gallatin » Phone: 451-5200 » Website: sumnerschools.org
Public high schools School
Frank Cardwell
3126 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville
R.T. Fisher Alternative School (K-12)
Bob Cotter
455 N. Boyers Ave., Gallatin
Ron Becker
700 Dan P. Herron Drive, Gallatin
Hendersonville High School
Joni Worsham
123 Cherokee Road, Hendersonville
Merrol Hyde Magnet School (K-12)
Brad Schreiner
128 Township Drive, Hendersonville
559 (K-12)
Bob Gideon
600 College St., Portland
Station Camp
Art Crook
1040 Bison Trail, Gallatin
Rick Duffer
4300 Hawkins Drive, Westmoreland
White House
Jeff Cordell
508 Tyree Springs Road, White House
Public middle schools School
Darren Frank
100 Indian Lake Road, Hendersonville
Knox Doss at Drakes Creek
Kenneth Powell
1338 Drakes Creek Road, Hendersonville
David Hallman
240 Albert Gallatin Ave., Gallatin
Nicole Stirbens
487 Walton Ferry Road, Hendersonville
Station Camp
Mike Brown
281 Big Station Camp Blvd., Gallatin
Portland East
Jackson Howell
604 S Broadway St., Portland
Portland West
Cam MacLean
619 College St., Portland
Andrew Turner
350 Hancock St., Gallatin
T.W. Hunter
Ahmed White
2101 New Hope Road, Hendersonville
Danny Robinson
4128 Hawkins Drive, Westmoreland
White House (grades 5-8)
Jerry Apple
2020 Highway 31W, White House
Public elementary schools School
Jack Anderson
Ashley Aldridge
250 Shutes Lane, Hendersonville
Bobby Elrod
3120 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville
Benny Bills
Ken Henderson
1030 Union School Road, Gallatin
David Woodard
420 Old Highway 31E, P.O. Box 68, Bethpage
Clyde Riggs
Steve Hilgadiack
211 Fountain Head Road, Portland
Gene Brown
Selena Elmore
115 Gail Drive, Hendersonville
Lance Taylor
1018 S Water St., Gallatin
H.B. Williams
Jeff Witt
115 S. Palmers Chapel Road, White House
Cindy Swafford
805 Long Hollow Pike, Gallatin
Indian Lake
Ondrea Mitchell
505 Indian Lake Road, Hendersonville
J.W. Wiseman
Dale Wix
922 S. Broadway, Portland
Lakeside Park
Vicki Shelton
204 Dolphus Drive, Hendersonville
Madison Creek
Jon Duncan
1040 Madison Creek Road, Goodlettsville
Mary Steward
1248 Louisville Highway, Goodlettsville
Nannie Berry
Kathleen Kimble
138 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville
North Sumner
Terry Herndon
1485 N. Sumner Road, Bethpage
Lynne Porter
3323 Highway 76, Cottontown
Portland Gateview
Bryan Adams
1098 Gateview Drive, Portland
Station Camp Elementary
Adam Cripps
1020 Bison Trail
Danny Sullivan
516 Carson St., Gallatin
Vena Stuart
Brenda Valentine
780 Hart St., Gallatin
Walton Ferry
Bertie Alligood
732 Walton Ferry Road, Hendersonville
Watt Hardison
Susie Turner
300 Gibson St., Portland
George Whitten
Rhonda Roach
140 Scotch St., Hendersonville
David Stafford
3012 Thompson Lane, P.O. Box 9, Westmoreland
| FACT BOOK 2013
Secondary education Volunteer State Community College Address: 1480 Nashville Pike, Gallatin Phone: 452-8600 Website: volstate.edu President: Jerry Faulkner Volunteer State Community College offers more than 70 programs in five divisions: business, humanities, math and science, social science and education, and allied health. The two-year college offers associate of arts and associate of science transfer degrees in more than 40 programs at its Gallatin campus. More than 8,000 students attend the college in the average semester. There are various music, art and cultural programs open to the public throughout the school year. A groundbreaking for a new Allied Health building was held in July 2012, and the 28,000-square-foot facility is expected to be completed in late 2013.
Union University Address: 205 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville Phone: 447-0401 Website: uu.edu/Hendersonville Director: Charles Lea Union University opened its satellite campus in Hender-
sonville in 2008. The university on Aug. 2, 2012 held an official dedication and ribboncutting ceremony for a new 26,000-square-foot facility on Hendersonville’s Indian Lake Boulevard. The facility, situated on six acres owned by the Jackson, Tenn.,-based university, is Sumner County’s first permanent university presence. The oldest institution affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, it is the second satellite campus for the university, joining Germantown, Tenn. Union University’s Hendersonville campus offers graduate degrees: master of Christian studies, associate of divinity, Master of Arts in education, education specialist and doctor of education. The university offers a master’s of science in nursing, doctor of nursing practice and accelerated Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. The local campus also offers an adult degree-completion program for a Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership with five concentrations available: organizational management, church leadership, health management, project management and criminal justice.
Pre K – 8th grade Independent School
Along with high expectations in our challenging academic program, we want our students to embrace a sense of integrity and respect for others.
— Jennifer Easton/Sumner County Publications
Parent-Teacher Store USA “Where Learning is Child’s Play”
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FACT BOOK 2013 |
EDUCATION Area private schools School
Davidson Academy
Bill Chaney
1414 W. Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville
Website davidsonacademy.com
Goodpasture Christian School
Ricky Perry
619 Due West Ave., Madison
Hendersonville Christian Academy
William Slater
355 New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville 824-1550
Christian Community Schools
Jackie Gillespie
506 Hester Drive, White House
Highland Academy
Jere Clayburn
211 Highland Circle Drive, Portland
Highland Elementary School
Matt Pacer
234 Highland Circle Drive, Portland
Pope John Paul II High School
Faustin Weber
117 Caldwell Drive, Hendersonville
St. John Vianney Catholic Elementary School
Jennifer McCormick
501 N. Water, Gallatin
St. Joseph School
Sister Martha Ann Titus, O.P.
1225 Gallatin Road S., Madison
Southside Christian School
Bradley Pennington
1028 S. Water Ave., Gallatin
Sumner Academy
William Hovenden*
464 Nichols Lane, Gallatin
*Editor’s note: Sumner Academy Headmaster William Hovenden announced he will retire in June 2013.
Home-schooling Organization
Aaron Academy, Hendersonville
Sumner County School System
Middle Tennessee Home Education Association
Tennessee Home Education Association
Tutoring services
TUTORING UNLIMITED » Phone: Judy Robbe, 970-2003 » Website: tutoringunlimited.com The mobile service provides one-on-one professional tutoring services to students of all ages at any location. In addition to individulized tutoring plans, services include educational consultations, academic and psychoeducational assessments, progress monitoring, standardized test prep, homeschool support and small-group tutoring options.
COMPASS 451-5200 sumnercompass.org COMPASS is a nonprofit organization that works to strengthen public schools by using all available community resources. The mission of COMPASS is to promote student success by developing partnerships between the business community and all of Sumner County’s 45 public schools, impacting the education of about 28,400 students. Through relationships built by COMPASS partners, students are exposed to business and community leaders, who in turn encourage the development of positive attitudes toward learning that encourages students throughout their academic careers to be lifelong learners. Among its programs is Educate & Grow Sumner County, a scholarship that provides Sumner County graduating seniors free tuition to Volunteer State Community College.
Westmoreland Middle School's Living Literature team placed first at the national Beta Club convention in 2011.
| FACT BOOK 2013
The Gallatin High School Theater Performers presented "Horror High" in 2012. SUBMITTED PHOTO
Pope John Paul II High School was represented by 26 students at the annual Youth in Government conference in 2012.
Over 300 students graduated from Hendersonville High School in 2012. TENA LEE/FILE
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Former Gallatin High School teacher Allen Robnett points the constellation Orion to students Skyler Meikramtz, Hunter White and Allison Owen. FILE PHOTOS
The last row of Westmoreland High School graduates waits to walk up for their high school diplomas.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Guild Elementary student Houston Smith, recent Gallatin High School graduate Alec Dukes and GHS students Ashby and Miciyah Flippin attended the Support Our Schools event in August 2012.
Sumner residents know emergency preparedness Emergency Agencies
This Hendersonville photo from the 2010 flood shows the area around Vietnam Veterans Boulevard and Center Point Road underwater. SUBMITTED PHOTO Over the last seven years in Sumner County, residents have seen this area hit by two major tornados, a devastating flood and a slew of other smaller yet damaging weather events. Together these acts of nature have produced millions of dollars in destruction, countless upheavals in people’s lives, and in some cases the loss of life. If there is a silver lining in all this, it’s the heightened awareness that Sumner residents now have. We know what can happen because we have been though this, making us better prepared for next time a weather event of any magnitude threatens to hit close to home. We are better attuned to what’s going on with the weather. Improved weathertracking technology and growing use of social media has expanded our ability to get the word out. We now know two or three days ahead of time, even a week out much of the time, when severe weather
might be headed our way. People are communicating more via Facebook, texting, emails and Twitter, and they are also paying closer attention to the TV and » KEN other outlets WEIDNER that provide warning. In the aftermath of the devastating tornadoes that hit Joplin, Mo. in May 2011, we learned that many people neglected to make emergency preparations despite warnings. Perhaps it’s human nature to ignore such warnings if you’ve never been through a disaster before. That’s a lesson that comes
SCEMA Sumner County Emergency Management Agency responds to and manages most disasters in Sumner County. Through the guidance and leadership of Director Ken Weidner, the agency manages the emergency operations center when activated due to a disaster or emergency. The Emergency Operations Center is the heart of large-scale emergencies and is staffed with key personnel from involved communities. The personnel work together under the National Incident Management System in effort to manage the incident and provide for the safety of citizens by coordinated responses and thorough mitigation. SCEMA is often called upon by other agencies to assist in marine incidents, locating lost or endangered persons, hazardous materials incidents, traffic direction and special events. FEMA The Federal Emergency Management Agency supports citizens and first responders to ensure they work together to build, sustain and improve capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards. In 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Contact FEMA at (800) 621-FEMA. TEMA Tennessee Emergency Management Agency coordinates emergency management responders into the recovery to reduce loss of life and property in the State of Tennessee. TEMA operates by state law and by the governor’s executive authority to perform its duties during emergencies and disasters. TEMA provides multipliers of assistance by reaching out for mutual aid or assistance from other departments or agencies of the state, counties and municipalities, from other states and from the federal government. Contact TEMA at 741-0001.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Disaster preparedness, response is 24/7 proposition »WEIDNER FROM 41X
with a steep price. You can look at the number of significant weather events that have hit Sumner in recent years and conclude there’s been a climactic shift in Middle Tennessee. It’s debatable: some meteorologists say there’s been a shift; others think not. I don’t know if I buy into that talk of a shift; that’s something better measured over a longer period of time. Disaster preparedness and response is a 24/7/365 proposition for those of us who work in emergency preparation. During Tennessee Severe Weather Awareness Week (which was Feb. 19-25 in 2012), we did something every day, such as going to Sumner schools to help them with their tornado drills, observing them and then offering feedback. Our emergency management agency is not alone in getting the word out. There are amateur radio people, police, EMS, fire departments, the media and other emergency-related organizations fully committed to keeping the general populace informed. We try to be careful about raising the alert level only when an impending situation really warrants it. The last thing we want to be are Chicken Littles, causing panic. By the way, if you’re looking for a nice birthday or Christmas gift for someone, think about getting them an emergency weather alert radio for the home or office. They cost about $35 and are available at many stores. Severe weather isn’t all we need to be concerned with; there’s also the issue of earthquakes. Many Middle Tennesseans are aware of the New Madrid fault line in west Tennessee, and the first mistake anyone here could make is thinking, ‘Well, that’s got nothing to do with me.’ Wrong, it could have everything to do with you. A West Tennessee earthquake could have implications for us in areas such as power grids and food supplies. Structural damage here likely would not be major, but the indirect effects would be high. Much of our food supply comes from Texas; there are several rivers and streams to be crossed between here and there, and an earthquake could shut down all travel over roads for who knows how long. As they say in the Boy Scouts, be prepared, which especially is relevant in Sep-
| FACT BOOK 2013
The Castalian Springs post office was destroyed in the 2008 tornado that swept through Sumner County. FILE PHOTO
Charles Moss listens to a police scanner monitoring the weather with wife Lynne and daughter Kathryn, 7, as they sit in the basement of Hartsville Pike Church of Christ Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008, in Gallatin, Tennessee. DIPTI VAIDYA/GANNETT TENNESSEE tember, which is National Preparedness Month. I’m one of those who advocate stocking supplies (not just food or water) in the event we lose electrical power for any given amount of time, Water is also an issue, although not as big an issue as power. Experts recommend 72 hours of supplies. Go to govready.com to find out more about emergency preparedness and stocking food and supplies. Here’s my challenge to the folks of Sumner. It’s something I sometimes tell my friends. One of these days when you
get up to go to work, take a cold shower so you can see what it feels like after the power has been off a while yet you still need to get ready to go to work. Better yet, try taking a bath with cold water out of a pan. Oh, and for you guys, no fair shaving with an electric razor. Get yourself a hand razor, some blades and shaving cream. Be prepared. Ken Weidner is the director of the Sumner County Emergency Management Agency.
Recent Sumner disasters 2006 tornadoes Hundreds of residents, dozens of businesses and Volunteer State Community College suffered heavy — including some total losses — after devastating tornadoes rushed through Gallatin and Hendersonville on April 7, 2006. The hardest-hit Gallatin areas included Woodhaven on the Lake, Lake Shore Drive, Plantation Terrace Nichols Lane, Connie Drive, the Airport Road/Highway 109 intersection and Vol State. At the school, the storms injured three people and destroyed Caudill and the Ramer Administration building, causing $9 million in devastation. All of Vol State’s 16 buildings and 95 personal vehicles also sustained damages. The storms struck Hendersonville mainly around Boone Trace, Autumn Creek, Mansker Farms, Goshentown and Saundersville roads. Thirty homes were ravaged and more than 200 affected, Mayor Scott Foster said.
Sumner Disaster Timeline March 27, 1890 — tornadoes sweep through Sumner (Gallatin) and Macon counties; five dead, 50 injured May 12, 1923 — tornadoes hit Sumner and Davidson counties; six injured Dec. 7, 1924 — tornadoes sweep through Gallatin; eight injured March 18, 1925 — tornadoes devastate portions of Tennessee and Kentucky (including Sumner County); 39 dead, 95 injured March 4, 1955 — tornadoes hit Sumner (Mitchellville) and Robertson counties; four injured Feb. 27, 1956 — tornadoes touch down in White House; four injured April 27, 1970 — tornadoes sweep through Sumner Montgomery and Robertson; three dead; 85 injured May 24, 1971 — tornadoes hit Hendersonville; three injured Nov. 10, 1984 — tornadoes cause damage in Gallatin; three injured May 18, 1995 — tornadoes sweep through Sumner (Goodlettsville) and Davidson counties; 28 injured May 5, 1999 — tornadoes hit Gallatin; 17 injured April 7, 2006 — tornadoes wreak havoc in Sumner (Gallatin, Hendersonville) and Davidson counties; seven dead; 128 injured Feb. 5, 2008 — tornadoes sweep through Sumner (Castalian Springs, Gallatin) Trousdale Macon and Monroe (Ky.) counties; 22 dead; 63 injured May 1-2, 2010 — record rainfalls flood much of Sumner County, mainly Hendersonville and Gallatin
Service Whether it’s keeping your
lights on
or providing your
excellent customer service is our goal. It is always our pleasure to serve the people of Gallatin and Sumner County! 800-987-2362 www.cemc.org FACT BOOK 2013 |
Are you ready for the big one? How your family can prepare for an earthquake By Hollie Deese For Sumner County Publications
It might seem like the possibility of Middle Tennessee getting shaken up by an earthquake is slim: According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the biggest earthquake in Tennessee occurred Aug. 17, 1865, near Memphis and was a 5.0 — smaller than the one that hit Virginia and shook much of the Eastern seaboard in August 2011. In fact, no quake over a 3.0 has registered in this state in the last 30 years. But it is never a bad thing to be prepared for any emergency, and earthquakes should be no exception. Recently scientists have estimated a 25-40 percent probability of a damaging earthquake occurring in the central U.S. within the next 50 years. In March 2011 Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced legislation to ensure vital community services such as trauma centers and airports are fortified to withstand major earthquakes. “One lesson that can be learned from the recent earthquake in Japan is that being prepared and having structurally sound buildings can make a big difference in the aftermath of an earthquake,” Cohen said at the time. As a homeowner, you can get your house as prepared as possible. The Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium recommends you bolt down water
heaters and other gas appliances, since fire damage can result from broken gas lines and appliance connections. Use flexible connections wherever possible. When decorating, place large or heavy objects on the lower shelves, and then securely fasten the shelves to the walls. A home survival kit is also great to have onhand, preparing you for any disaster. Floods and quakes are unpredictable and can strike at any moment. With a well-stocked emergency kit, you will be able to eat, drink, get contact with emergency officials and administer simple first aid for at least a week, should you need it. The CUSEC has compiled a list of recommended items to have in case of an earthquake. Keep your kit stored in your garage or outdoor shed in a waterproof container or even a large plastic trash barrel with latching lid. Finally, should an earthquake actually hit, have a plan in place for your family. Assign people to shut off gas, electricity and water lines and assign another to first aid. Most importantly, teach everyone to react as soon as the shaking starts. The standard response is the Drop, Cover and Hold method. For more information about what Middle Tennesseans can do to stay safe in an earthquake, visit the CUSEC website at cusec.org.
Disaster general supplies » Water (one gallon per person per day) » First aid kit (ample, freshly stocked) » First aid manual (know how to use it) » Food (canned or individually packaged and precooked) » Baby food (canned or precooked) » Manual can opener » Blankets or sleeping bags for each family member » Critical medication and eyeglasses » Fire extinguishers (dry chemical, type ABC) » Flashlight (spare batteries and bulbs) » Watch or clock (battery or spring wound) » Dust masks » Portable radio with spare batteries » Spare cash » Duct tape » Basic tool kit
Cooking supplies » Grill (use outside only – charcoal or sterno) » Small pots and pans w/utensils » Plastic bags (various sizes) » Paper plates, plastic cups and utensils, paper towels
Sanitation supplies » Large plastic trash bags (for trash, waste, water protection) » Ground cloth or tarp » Toiletries (personal hygiene supplies, toilet paper, feminine supplies, soap, etc.) » Infant supplies » Chlorine bleach and powdered chlorinated lime (add to sewage to disinfect and keep away insects) » Newspapers (wrap waste and garbage)
12 inches of rain in 48 hours produced 2010 flooding »DISASTERS FROM 43X
2008 tornadoes Two waves of tornadoes swept through on Feb. 5-6, 2008, cutting a mile-wide path of destruction through Castalian Springs and parts of Gallatin, killing eight people and damaging 115 homes valued at more than $3.3 million, as estimated by Sumner County Property Assessor John Isbell. The 1828 stagecoach inn Wynnewood, the county’s only National Historic Register landmark, suffered huge damage, while the Castalian Springs post office was wiped out.
| FACT BOOK 2013
2010 floods Unanticipated floods destroyed hundreds of homes and public structures countywide on May 1-2, 2010. In just 48 hours Hendersonville, Gallatin, Millersville and Westmoreland received about 12 inches of relentless rainfall. Portland and White House was soaked in 7 to 9 inches, the National Weather Service reported. According to Hendersonville Codes Director Steve Mills, approximately 169 properties within the city sustained damages. While the hardest-hit areas were Old Hickory Dam along Mansker
Creek, 11 businesses on Center Point Road and numerous homes on Linden Drive/Caldwell Lane, Southburn and Chippendale drives, and several churches also suffered significant, costly damage. Within Gallatin, 113 residential properties and 39 commercial structures were damaged, according to the planning and codes department. City officials estimated the total private-property loss at $8.4 million. All three disasters prompted officials countywide to update disaster preparedness.
Shelters provide safety from severe weather With more severe weather hitting Tennessee in recent years, many folks have chosen to build storm shelters, commonly called safe rooms. Tennessee had 113 tornadoes in 2011, almost double any yearly total since the state’s weather statistics began being recorded in 1916. Earlier this year, three Tennesseans were killed when tornadoes touched down in Smithville and Monterey. “It’s nothing new that we're getting tornadoes in Tennessee; what's new is that we’re getting more and more severe tornadoes,” said Bill Cotner, owner of Providence Safe Rooms Inc. “We're getting more devastating tornadoes here in the South than ever before.” Cotner has been in the storm shelter business just shy of two years, and he says it’s something he’s wanted to do for many more years. He has witnessed a tornado and has seen the devastation one can bring. Every year, Cotner’s Old Hickory, Tenn.-based business installs hundreds of above-ground safe rooms throughout Tennessee, Southern Kentucky and Northern Georgia. The cost of his units averages $5,000. “Our philosophy is, either sell the best or don't sell it, and there's a lot of bait and switch going on out there,” Cotner said. “A lot of things a shelter should include, other (storm shelter) contractors don't include in the price, and they kind of get you later.” Cotner warns homeowners to read the fine print when buying any kind of storm shelter. All of his units are built to withstand an F5 tornado and include structural reinforcement, handicap-accessible doors, lighting and steel benches. He said his safe rooms can be made to custom sizes, and can be retro-fitted in an existing home or can be installed during initial construction. “A lot of people think you have to go in a hole in the ground to be safe from a tornado,” he said. “These actually go in your garage on your concrete slab.” Sumner County Emergency Management Agency Director Ken Weidner said he would like to see every home have a
Eddie Sexton's old home, a mobile home, was destroyed during the Feb. 5 tornado, and he was seriously injured. Eddie calls his new storm shelter "Groundhog Den." He stands with then-fiance April Wolf with a weather radio on the steps on his new storm shelter in his backyard. April and Eddie along with family members escaped under their old home during the Feb tornado, but Eddie was sucked out and landed in a creek. FILE storm shelter. “In a tornado, a storm shelter is the best place to be, either an underground, or an aboveground shelter that is approved for a wind rating of 2-by-4s going through the walls,” he said. “When you look at it, it’s your best chance of survival in a direct hit from a tornado, or if your house is destroyed due to a tornado.” For about five years, Sumner County EMS has had a free Severe Weather Shelter Registration Program that allows people who own storm shelters to register their shelter with the county. The registry is used to help emergency personnel locate people who may be trapped in their shelters by debris after a severe weather event. Weidner said the county has already registered about 165 shelters with its system, and he said his goal is to have every storm shelter in the county registered on the database.
SUMNER EMA ASKS RESIDENTS TO REGISTER STORM SHELTERS Sumner County Severe Weather Shelter Registration Program is a free and voluntary program that allows residents who own a personal severe weather shelter in Sumner County to register their shelter with the Sumner County Emergency Management Agency. This information will only be provided to rescue personnel if your property is involved in a natural disaster or rescue operation. EMA personnel will visit your residence to obtain or verify GPS coordinates and other site verifications. To register your severe weather shelter, call 452-7584 or register online at sumnerema.org.
Source: Sumnerema.org
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Essential services Water Service
Natural Gas
Gallatin: 451-5922
Nashville Gas: 1 (800) 353-6340
Westmoreland Police
Hendersonville: 824-3717
Gallatin Gas: 451-5922
Goodlettsville: 862-4600; 868-3201
Hendersonville: 734-0665
Portland: 325-6776
Goodlettsville: 1 (800) 752-7504
White House: 672-4110
Portland Gas: 325-6776
Westmoreland: 644-3382
White House: 734-0665
Bethpage/Castalian Springs, 8413724
Millersville: 734-0665
cityofmillersville.com/content/ ?page_id=269
Non-emergency numbers
Paid, Volunteer Fire Units
Sumner County Emergency Management Agency
City Fire Departments
323-0008 or 911
Membership: $75
Oak Grove Community Volunteer Fire Department
Millersville: 672-4110
Electrical Service Gallatin: 452-5152 Hendersonville: 736-6900 Goodlettsville: 736-6900 Portland: 325-4172; (800) 987-2362 White House: 325-4172 Westmoreland: 644-2221 Bethpage/Castalian Springs: 666-2111 Millersville: 677-7066 Nashville Electric Service: 736-6900 Cumberland Electric: 452-3703; 325-4172 Tri-County Electric: 644-2221; 6662111; 374-2986
452-7584 sumnerema.org Sumner County Sheriff's Office 452-2616 sumnersheriff.com Gallatin Police 452-1313 gallatinpd.org Hendersonville Police 822-1111 hendersonville-pd.org Goodlettsville Police
Sewer Service
Gallatin: 451-5922
Hendersonville: 824-3717
Portland Police
Goodlettsville: 859-2740
Portland: 325-6776
White House: 672-3654 Westmoreland: 644-3382 Millersville: 859-0880
| FACT BOOK 2013
Millersville Police 859-2758
822-1119 hendersonville-fd.org Goodlettsville 851-2246
451-1596 Membership: $75 for basic Gallatin Volunteer Fire Department 206-9910; 481-5574 Membership: $50 for bronze, $75 for silver and $125 for gold Shackle Island Volunteer Fire Department 824-4300 Membership: $35 for gold; $50 for silver and $100 for platinum Highland Volunteer Fire Department
(Portland) 888-9900 Membership: $35
White House Community Volunteer Fire Department
White House
Membership: none
Southeast Community Fire Department
Westmoreland 644-3303 Millersville 672-5697 or 859-0880
Volunteer fire departments
White House Police
Number One Volunteer Fire Department
(Cages/Douglas Bend areas)
(Bethpage and Castalian Springs) 841-4100; 804-5995 Membership: $50 Cottontown Fire Department 206-1300 Memberships: $39 Mitchellville Volunteer Fire Department 325-8878 Membership: none
Children Are People builds character Founded in 2000 by Hendersonville resident Fred Bailey, Children Are People (CAP) follows Bailey’s vision of providing an after-school program that offers tutoring, mentoring, guidance and cultural enrichment to the county’s at-risk youth. CAP first opened its doors in the community room of the Gallatin Housing Authority in May 2001 with an enrollment of 11 children. The program now averages 55 to 65 students from kindergarten through high school. In 2003, a board of directors was established to help raise awareness and funds for the organization. The group utilizes several volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds - from retired teachers, real estate professionals and lay people providing classroom instructional services, to retired nurses serving up hot meals each day, or to other retired professionals driving the vans, organizing and implementing enrichment programs and field trips. Volunteers willingly and compassionately give their time to help enrich the lives of CAP students. Students have had the opportunity to appreciate cultural events, attend summer camp, participate in Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts and show remarkable progress in all areas of their lives. On Tuesday eve-
Fred Bailey, founder of the organization Children Are People Inc., left, shakes hands with Michael Fladger, right, one of the Generation.Next graduates at Sumner Academy in Gallatin last year. nings, local professionals volunteer their time to provide career development courses in medicine, engineering, educa-
tion, and law. For more information, call 230-5702.
Sumner County nonprofits Pastor James Gill, director of the Sumner County Food Bank, organizes boxes of food to prepare for the next food giveaway.
» Alzheimer’s Association, MidSouth Chapter, Nashville, 292-4938, alz.org. » American Cancer Society. Relay for Life chapters of Hendersonville, Gallatin, Portland, White House and Westmoreland, 341-7302, relayforlife.org. Proceeds benefit cancer research. » American Red Cross, Nashville area chapter, 250-4300, redcross.org. » Arthritis Foundation, arthritis.org/chapters/Tennessee. Arthritis research. » John T. Alexander American Legion Post 17. Assistance and activities for veterans of all branches of armed services. 452-0590.
» Ashley’s Place. Advocacy center for children of sexual abuse, 4512169, ashleysplace.net. » Bass-N-Buddies. Fishing and outdoor activities for children with
physical, mental and social challenges. Director James Gill, 230-9496 » Beyond the Limits. Autism resource connection of Hendersonville. beyondthelimits@comcast.net
» Books from Birth of Middle TN, 936-3554, vanderbiltchildren’s.org/ booksfrombirth. Provides book to children from birth to age 5. » Boy Scouts of America Middle Tennessee Council, 383-9724, mtcbsa.org. » Children Are People Inc. Helps at-risk youth, Director Fred Bailey, 230-5702, childrenarepeopletn.org. » Christmas 4 Kids Inc. Provides Christmas gifts for underprivileged children. Debbie Lamberson, 4833208, christmas4kids.org. » Community Child Care Services, Hendersonville, 824-5060. Enrichment programs and day care
Literacy Council offers help for all Located in Hendersonville, the Literacy Council of Sumner County is a learning and resource center serving people of all ages throughout Sumner. A nonprofit organization originally chartered in 1983, the group’s mission is to improve the community by providing a
comprehensive learning center for all ages that focuses on individual needs. LCSC is a United Way agency that relies on volunteer tutors and support from local and private donations, as well as annual fund raising activities and grants. Literacy is not
the sole focus; math is also taught. In 2010, the LCSC served 105 students directly, 170 indirectly (through consultations and referrals) from Sumner and surrounding counties. The same year, 69 volunteers gave 1,119 hours serving the agency.
Funding comes from the Hendersonville and Gallatin city governments, private foundations, corporate donors, and individual donors. All gifts are tax deductible. For more information, call 822-8112.
» Gallatin Shalom Zone. Director P.J. Davis, 442-7575, gallatinshalomzone.org. » Good Neighbor Mission and Crises Center, 452-7337, Director John McGaw. Emergency shelter for families with children. » Habitat for Humanity of Sumner County, Bob Dyer, 452-9606, habitatsumnercounty.org. » H.A.T.S. (Habilitation and Training Services), 451-0974, hatstn.org, Support and programs for adults with mental disabilities. » H.A.T.S. (Habilitation and Training Services) Rainbow Intervention Program. Provides services to children with physical, mental and emotional disabilities, birth to age 3. » Hendersonville HomeBound Meals Program, Richard Dennis, site director. 824-0811. » Hendersonville Samaritan Association, Steve Brown, 8247105, tnhsa.org. » Hendersonville Senior Center, Director Rena Eller, 822-8758, hendersonvilleseniors.org » HomeSafe Inc., domestic violence shelter; HomeSafe Inc.’s Student Training & Empowerment Program, Daniel Hader, 452-5439; Sumner County HomeSafe Director, Jan Landers; hotline, 452-4315, homesafetn.org. » Hope Family Health Services (Hope Clinic), Westmoreland, 6442000. Health care, lab services and assistance with medication on a sliding pay scale. » Hope Food Bank, White House, 672-8006, hopefoodbank.com. Food distribution. » Hope Center and Thrift Store, White House, 672-0298, hopefoodbank.com. Proceeds from thrift store benefit Hope Center ministries and assistance, including financial benevolence, food distribution and utility expenses.
» The Jason Foundation, teen suicide prevention, Clark Flatt, 264-2323. » Junior Service League of Gallatin, Community service or financial contributions to local schools, mentoring programs, cultural outreach, C.A.S.A., Legal Aid Society, Ashley’s Place, Good Neighbor Mission. » Legal Aid Society of Middle TN and the Cumberlands, 451-1880, las.org/contact/gallatin. » Literacy Council of Sumner County, 822-8112, literacysumner.org. Offers learning resources for children and adults of all skill levels in areas of literacy, GED preparation, English as a Second Language and writing and grammar. » Memorial Foundation, 822-9499, memfoundation.org. Responds to diverse community needs by assisting agencies that focus on health, human and social services, education, senior citizens, youth and children, community services, and substance abuse programs. » Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency, Homemaker Program, Meals on Wheels, Ombudsman Program, 331-6033, mchra.com. » Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency, Gallatin, 452-7570. Social services including nutrition, transportation, energy and utilities assistance, housing, low-income home improvement, Head Start for at-risk children. » NAMI of Sumner County. Support for those with mental illness and their families. namitn.org/ sumner.htm, Debi Wheatley, (800) 901-6264. » Portland C.A.R.E.S. (Christian Association for the Relief of Economic Suffering), 325-7805, portlandtn.com/Portland_c_a_r_e_s_. Emergency assistance, including food, utilities and clothing. Proceeds from the thrift store benefits ser-
vices. » Portland Senior Citizens, 3250922, portlandtn.com/senior_citizens. Activities and information for senior citizens. » Salvus Center, health care for the working uninsured, Gallatin, 4510038; Hendersonville, 822-0804, salvuscenter.org. » STARS Nashville – Kids on the Block, and STARS Nashville Students Assistance Program, 2790058, starsnashville.org. Educates children about health and social concerns. » Southern Sudanese Youth Connection, assists Sudanese refugees with assimilation into American society. Ter Chual Lual, 451-6219 » Sumner County Adult Education Advisory Council, Sumner County Schools, 451-5200, sumnerschools.org. Offers adults literacy training, GED preparation, English as a Second Language, workplace and computer literacy. » Sumner County Anti-Drug Coalition, 461-8243, sumnercountyantidrug.org. Education and awareness of consequences of alcohol and drug use among youth. » Sumner County CASA, 451-1688, sumnercasa.net. Volunteer advocates for children in cases of abuse or neglect. » Sumner County Food Bank, Pastor James Gill, 461-6059. Food distribution for county residents. » United Way of Sumner County, 1531 Hunt Club Blvd., Gallatin, Suite 110, 461-8371, Director Dana Given. Unitedwaysumner.org. » VSA Arts Tennessee, Gallatin, Lori Kissinger, 826-5252. Provides those with disabilities the opportunity to express themselves through the arts. Vsaartstennessee.org. — Tena Lee/Sumner County Publications
services for low-income families of infants and preschool children. Tuition based on sliding scale. » C.O.M.P.A.S.S. (Community Outreach Making Partnerships at Sumner Schools). Partners local schools with business sponsors. 451-5200, ext. 1048, SumnerCompass.org » Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center. Offers abortion education, counseling and alternatives, sexual health education, parenting classes, adoption referrals. 451-1717 » Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary. Rescue for abandoned or abused animals, Hendersonville. 664-2380 » Fresh Start Resources. Support and recovery groups, counseling, pre-marriage and marriage enrichment programs, family and relationship workshops. 822-6772, freshstartresources.org. » Friends of the Gallatin Public Library. Fundraising for the Gallatin Public Library. Shannon Gehl Lannom, board president. gehlannoms@bellsouth.net » Friends of Rock Castle. Preservation of historic Rock Castle in Hendersonville. 824-0502 » Friends of Bledsoe Creek State Park. Protection of and education about the park and its history. 452-3706 » Gallatin Senior Citizens Center. Nona Yates, 451-1531, gallatinseniorcenter.org. » Gallatin C.A.R.E.S. (Christian Association for Relief of Economic Suffering), 452-5732, gallatincares.org. Assistance with food, bills, rent, disaster relief. » Gallatin Day Care Center Inc. 452-2518. Government-subsidized childcare
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— Tena Lee/Sumner County Publications
Sumner County historical timeline 1765: First Anglo-Saxons arrive in the form of longhunters 1771: First permanent settler: Thomas Sharp Spencer. Constructed cabin at Bledsoe Lick near Castalian Springs. 1783: Three forts constructed to protect against American Indian attacks: Mansker’s, Bledsoe’s and Asher’s. 1786: Sumner County created by act of North Carolina General Assembly. 1795: Decades of American Indian hostilities end with raid on Indian Village Nickajack. 1796: State of Tennessee recognized by Congress. 1801: Gallatin picked by one-vote margin to be the county seat of Sumner. 1849: Gallatin political leader William Trousdale elected governor; defeated in bid for second term. 1849 & 1852: Cholera epidemics ravage Gallatin; dozens die. 1862: Union Army takes control of most of Sumner County and maintains control until war’s end.
Ken Thompson, a Gallatin appraiser and historian, appraised an antique Italian planter for Deana Snow at the annual Rose Mont Festival.
1863: Sumner has first group of former slaves to enlist in Union Army. 1873: Cholera epidemic kills 120. 1889: First segregated public schools open. 1900: First phone service established. 1901: Westmoreland incorporated as a town.
Officials break ground for Volunteer State Community College in 1970. FILE
1905: Portland incorporated as a city. 1918: Devastating flood inundates lower portions of county; access to Nashville blocked. 1923: Typhoid outbreak prompts creation of water filtration plant in Gallatin. 1925: Tornado kills 33 in Bethpage. 1933: Creation of the federal Tennessee Valley Authority. 15,000 families displaced along Cumberland River.
1954: The Highway 109 bridge over the Cumberland River opens.
1970: Volunteer State Community College is established on the square in Gallatin.
1950: TVA-built dam creates Old Hickory Lake.
1958: Goodlettsville incorporated as a city.
1971: White House incorporated as a city.
1951: Westmoreland again incorporated as a town after a population decline during the Great Depression caused it to lose its original town status.
1959: Sumner Memorial Hospital established.
1981: Millersville incorporated as a city.
1969: Hendersonville incorporated as a city.
» TIMELINE FROM 49X 1986: State Route 386, also known as Vietnam Veterans Boulevard, opens, creating a main artery between Sumner and Davidson counties. 1994: The County Commission votes to form Sumner Regional Health Systems to run the hospital in Gallatin. 2003: Two of Sumner County’s most famous residents, country music legends Johnny and June Carter Cash, die within five months of each other. 2006: An F-3 tornado strikes Sumner County, damaging 1,000 homes and killing nine people. 2008: Another tornado strikes Sumner County. 2010: Massive flooding from the Cumberland River causes millions of dollars in damage and blocks access to Nashville via Vietnam Veterans Boulevard for three days. 2010: Sumner Regional Health Systems declares bankruptcy. Brentwood-based LifePoint Hospitals purchases the assets after a weeks-long battle with the county, and changes the name to Highpoint Health System. 2011: Five employees at the Hoeganaes industrial manufacturing plant in Gallatin die in a series of incidents that drew the attention of federal safety investigators and made 2011 one of the worst years on record for workplace deaths in Sumner. 2012: The start of classes is delayed by eight school days as the Sumner County Board of Education and the Sumner County Commission fight over the schools budget.
Andrew Kaufman, Albert Roberts, Michael Ramsey and Dave McArdle carry the coffin of Daniel Smith during a re-enactment of Daniel Smith's funeral at historic Rock Castle in Hendersonville.
Open to the public every weekday except Monday 10am until 5pm • Sunday 1pm until 5pm April 15th until November 1st November 1 until April 15 by appointment.
21st Annual Daniel Smith Day
A living history experience, demonstrators, crafts, entertainment, merchants, food, music great for the entire family. Annually 4th weekend of September.
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Grounds available for rental for weddings & other special events.
Phone: (615) 452-7070 www.cragfont.com
| FACT BOOK 2013
Historic Sumner County cemeteries and museums Gallatin City Cemetery 250 S. Cemetery Ave. First recorded burial: 1818 Significant names: Trousdale, Offitt, Vertress, Boyers, Douglass 452-5206
Old Brush Cemetery Old Brush Cemetery Road, Portland First recorded burial: 1864 A free public cemetery
Kings Cemetery Woodvale Drive, Gallatin First recorded burial: 1795
Juanita Frazor shows an exhibit at the Sumner County Museum.
MUSEUMS Sumner County Museum Gallatin 451-3738
Cragfont Museum Castalian Springs 452-7070
White House Inn Library and Museum
Mansker Station Goodlettsville
White House
Historic Rock Castle
Sumner County Archives Gallatin
Cold Springs Museum Portland 325-9032 (Portland Chamber of Commerce)
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Sumner County historical markers Cairo Town: Erected at the Cairo Community Club, beside Cairo Methodist Church. Captain Ellis Harper (1842-1908): Located on the north side of the intersection of Reed Street and Highway 109 N in Portland. Colored Fair: Located on the intersection of Highway 109 N. and Blythe Street in Gallatin. Union High School: Erected on the front lawn of the old Union High School building on Small Street in Gallatin. Union High was the segregated high school for black students. Ft. Smith: Located on the south side of the intersection of Woods Road and Highway 109 N. in Portland. Buck Lodge: At the south side of the intersection of Old Bush Cemetery Road and Highway 109 south of Portland. Mexican War Monument: On East Main Street, a historic marker pointing out the nearby Mexican War Monument located in the City Cemetery. Rutherford-Kizer Native American Indian Mound: Located off Stop Thirty Road in Hendersonville, marking the resting place for hundreds of American Indians. William Henderson: Located at 177 W. Main St. in Hendersonville, dedicated to William Henderson, the community's first postmaster. Fountain Head: Named because several creeks and streams appear to have their beginnings in the area
Richland: Portland was known as Richland Station and was changed to Portland in April 1888. Free Hill Road: Located off Main Street in Hendersonville. Received its name when freed slaves moved to this area. Tennessee Maneuvers World War II: Located on the south side of the intersection of U.S. 31W and College Street in Portland. Less than a mile from the hospital that cared for injured soldiers. Trousdale Place: Built by John Bowen prior to 1820 and purchased in 1822 by William Trousdale, governor of Tennessee, 1849-51. Camp Trousdale: On Highway 109 N., 3.1 miles south of the junction with U.S. 31W. Served formerly by Richland Station on the L&N RR, this was an early staging and training area for Tennessee Confederate units. Stagecoach Tavern: On U.S. 31W, 1.5 miles south of the junction with U.S. 52. Built in 1837, it succeeded the notorious Cheek tavern as an overnight stopping place. William Bowen Campbell: On U.S. 31W in Goodlettsville. Campbell was born in a brick house 2.2 miles northeast, Feb. 1, 1807. He was governor from 1851-53. Mansker's Station: On U.S. 31W in Goodlettsville. Here, near Mansker's Lick, Kasper Mansker established a station of the Cumberland Settlements in 1780. Morgan at Gallatin: On U.S. 31E in Gallatin near the junction with U.S. 25. Coming from Dixon Springs, Col. John H. Morgan, with the 2nd Kentucky Calvary, captured without a fight the federal garrison of 200 men. First Presbyterian Church: On U.S. 31E in Gallatin. The oldest church building in Gallatin in continuous existence, this church was organized Oct. 25, 1828. Rock Castle: Off U.S. 31 in Hendersonville. It was the home of Daniel Smith, who was captain in Lord Dunmore's War, colonel in the Revolution, brigadier general of militia in the Mero District,
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| FACT BOOK 2013
The reopening of historic Wynnewood in Castalian Springs was celebrated July 4. Wynnewood sustained heavy damage in the 2008 tornadoes and underwent a two-year restoration process. DEB PINGER/FILE
Sumner County historic sites Bledsoe's Fort Historic Park Location: Highway 25, Castalian Springs Hours: Open daily from daylight to dusk. Free. The self-guided walking tour of the park guides you through the shaded hills retracing the pioneer footprints along the Avery Trace, the first road leading into Middle Tennessee. The tour continues past the 1890s Parker Cabin, the Hugh Rogan stone cottage, and the Cavern of Skulls. Also visit the cemetery where brothers Anthony and Isaac Bledsoe are buried. The tour is interpreted by signs providing historical information relating to the sites. There are picnic pavilion and restrooms onsite. Each May visit the Colonial Fair at Bledsoe Fort Historic Park.
Cold Springs School & Museum Location: Richland Park, Portland Road, Portland Phone: 351-0719 Hours: Open Sundays 1-4 p.m., from June to September; Open other hours by appointment only Built in 1857, this one-room schoolhouse was originally located near the Cold Springs that created Portland's city lake. Camp Trousdale, a Confederate training camp during the Civil War, was moved to the Cold Springs site to provide water for the troops. In time, Cold Springs School became a hospital for soldiers at Camp Trousdale. Cold Springs School re-opened for students after the war. The school is now located in Richland Park and is restored as a museum of local history. Included in its collection is a display of Civil War memorabilia.
Cragfont Location: 200 Cragfont Road, Castalian Springs Phone: 452-7070 Hours: April 15 through Oct. 31, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday from 1-4 p.m.; closed on Mondays Considered the finest house on the Tennessee frontier, Cragfont was completed
Helen Marshall, Jane Wright, Robbie Pafford, Bettye Freudenthal and Julia Carnahan, members of the Col. Jethro Sumner County Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, volunteer as tour guides during Wynnewood's reopening in July 2012. FILE
in 1802. It was built by Gen. James Winchester, one of the founders of Memphis. The mansion contains a ballroom on the second floor, the first in the Tennessee country. Tennessee statesmen Andrew Jackson and Sam Houston were frequent guests at the parties hosted by the Winchesters. Each April, Cragfont sponsors the annual Pilgrimage of Homes that highlights several historic and private homes in the county. It is available for special events and weddings by appointment.
Mansker’s Station Location: 705 Caldwell Drive, MossWright Park, Goodlettsville Phone: 859-3678 Hours: Monday through Friday from 8
HHS student Tori Williams accepts the award for Best in Show during the Sumner County Student Art gallery exhibit at Monthaven. a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; closed Saturday and Sunday. Admission includes Mansker's Fort and the Bowen Plantation House. Last tour begins at 3:30 p.m. Historic Mansker’s Station features the Bowen House, built in 1787; Mansker’s Fort, a reconstruction of a 1780 log fort station; and a visitors center and museum. Visitors will see how longhunters lived a life of survival on the Tennessee frontier, juxtaposed with estate living in the Civil War era.
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Stories and people behind Sumner names esting names. According to legend, a local group was heavily involved in a card game or a chicken fight or some other activity when the sheriff pulled up. One of them yelled, "Grab all you can get and run!"
Shackle Island The traditional story goes that illegal whiskey was available in a small shack on an island in the middle of a local creek. People would say, "Let's go to the shack on the island for a drink." Eventually, the name became simply Shackle Island, and, in 1900, the post office recognized it as the name of the community.
Fountain Head This community just outside Portland was named because several creeks and streams appear to have their beginnings in the area. Early residents called the community Fountainhead.
Free Hill Road After the Civil War, many freed slaves came to the area and settled on a high hill northwest of Hendersonville. Thus, the hill and road became known as "Free Hill."
Pilot Knob Pilot Knob is the highest hill in the area that can be seen from the Cumberland River. Pilots on river craft would identify their locations from the hill, which stood out above the trees.
Millersville Miller was a revenue officer who often stopped at the general store for cheese and crackers on his way to hunt for illegal stills in the mountains. Miller did not return from one of his trips, and his body was eventually found in an old well. After some time, his friends at the country store honored his memory by naming the village after him.
Station Camp Creek The creek was named for a camp that longhunters (men who left home for extended periods and went far distances to hunt game) established in 1771. The camp was located on Cages Bend Road near the creek and present U.S. 31E.
Frog Town A former settlement located on Sanders Ferry Road on Drake's Creek was named for the chorus of frogs that could be heard in the evening from early spring until late summer.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Trousdale Place in Gallatin.
Goshen Town Road The Goshen Town neighborhood was named by a Mr. Frazier, who came to the area as a veteran of the Revolutionary War. The land was rich and well-watered, and so he named it "Goshen," meaning land of plenty. The name was not officially recorded until electricity was being installed along the road. The construction foreman asked W.L. Kirkpatrick the name of the road. "Call it Goshen Town Road," he said.
Cairo Cairo was a sparsely settled frontier located east of Gallatin along the banks of the Cumberland River. It was named Cairo around 1800 by Gen. James Winchester (of historic Cragfont) who, with two other men, acquired 150 acres in the midst of a frontier controlled by Creek Indians.
Westmoreland The town of Westmoreland, located on the northern edge of Sumner County, was once named Old Coate's Town, but sometime in the mid-1890s the name was changed to West Moor Land, or Westmoreland. Some say the name was changed after a storekeeper named Westmoreland opened a business in the community.
Graball This small community along Dobbins Pike bears one of the county's more inter-
Stinking Creek Located between Westmoreland and Portland, this community got its name from the sulfur springs in the area that created an unpleasant odor.
Scattersville The first people credited for starting the community in 1880 settled a distance from each other for unknown reasons. A traveler, George German, came through the area and saw how scattered about the residents were and suggested they call it Scattersville.
Rogana Named for Tennessee pioneer Hugh Rogan, who built a small, stone house in the community in 1800.
Sumner The county was named for Jethro Sumner, a Revolutionary War general and hero. He was born in 1733 and died in 1807 in Warren County, N.C.
Gallatin The city was named for Albert Gallatin, who served for 12 years as secretary of the treasury under U.S. presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. He also had several diplomatic posts, and was one of the most respected government leaders of his time.
Sumner founders helped shape countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future ÂťMARKERS FROM 52X
member of the committee to frame the Bill of Rights, Territorial Secretary of State, and U.S. Senator. Beech Cumberland Presbyterian Church: On U.S. 31E in Hendersonville. The first Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was constituted Oct. 5, 1813. Tyree Springs: On Tyree Springs Road. A mineral springs resort was established here by R.C. Tyree sometime between 1814 and 1822. By 1834 it was a celebrated watering place. Morgan and Johnson: On U.S. 25 between Castalian Springs and the Trousdale County line. On Aug. 20, 1862, moving east along this road, Col. John H. Morgan, met Brigadier General R.W. Johnson's task force of the 2nd Indiana Calvary. General William Hall: On U.S. 25, nine miles east of Gallatin. Revolutionary War veteran Maj. William Hall settled in this area in 1785 and built a station 1.25 miles northeast. Bledsoe's Lick: On U.S. 25 in Castalian Springs. The spring to the north was a rendezvous for salt-seeking game in prepioneer days. William Brimmage Bate: On U.S. 25 at the west edge of Castalian Springs. A general in the Confederate Army, Bate was governor of Tennessee from 1883-87 and a U.S. senator from 1887 to 1903. He died in Nashville March 9, 1905, and is buried there. Cragfont: On U.S. 25, east of the bridge over Bledsoe Creek. Home of James Winchester, War of 1812 brigadier general. He is buried behind the house. Bledsoe's Fort and Monument: On U.S. 25, five miles east of Gallatin. The Bledsoe Monument marks the graves of Revolutionary War veterans Anthony and Issac Bledsoe. Both were longhunters and explorers. Ziegler's Station: On U.S. 25 on Hartsville Pike. Built in 1790 near Bledsoe Creek by Joseph Ziegler to protect early settlers. In 1791, it was attacked by a war party of Creek, Cherokee and Chickamauga Indians, who killed 10 people and took
18 prisoners. Hugh Rogan: On U.S. 31E, on GallatinBethpage Pike. Two miles east is Rogana, the stone and brick house built in 1800 by Hugh Rogan (1747-1814), a signer of the Cumberland Compact. Downtown Gallatin: The area of the square has been declared a national historic district because of the number of buildings there that are at least 50 years old. Avery Trace: A foot trail that ran from East Tennessee to French Lick (Nashville), then a small settlement on the Cumberland River. King Homestead: A log home built in 1798 by William King. Cold Springs School: Original site of Cold Springs School in Portland, it now serves as a museum at Richland Park. Big South Tunnel: Located on the corner of Highway 109 and South Tunnel Road, it shows where Confederate forces destroyed the tunnel over the LouisvilleNashville Railroad on Aug. 12, 1862. Howard School: Located in Gallatin at the U.S. 31 E at College Street, this marker commemorates the old Howard school. General Griffith Rutherford: Located on U.S. 25 between Cairo Road and the State Highway Garage. Parker's Chapel Old Taylor Field: Intersection of U.S. 52 E and Airport Road in Portland, it commemorates the community that began shortly after the Civil War. Station Camp Baptist Church: Intersection of Upper Station Camp Creed Road and Vantrease Road, it commemorates the first Baptist church in Sumner County, founded in 1796. Scattersville Community: Honoring one of Sumner County's first AfricanAmerican communities, this marker is located at the intersection of U.S. 31W and Scattersville Road near Portland. New Hope Baptist Church: Located at 2905 New Hope Road in Hendersonville. Worship services for this church were first held in a brush arbor two miles northeast of the present location. Abraham "Abram" Bledsoe, African American Frontiersman: Between Isaac Bledsoe's fort and Anthony Bledsoe's Greenfield, the frontier slave, identified
in early accounts only as "Abram" and belonging to Col. Anthony Bledsoe, thwarted an April 27, 1793 attack on Greenfield. This marker is located at Bledsoe's Fort, nine miles east of Gallatin on U.S. 25. Morgan's Raiders at Cage's Ford: Located on Cage's Bend Road 3.5 miles south of U.S. 31E, this marker is where one of the rare fights across the Cumberland River north of Nashville occurred. Cairo School: Located on the southeast side of the intersection of State U.S. 25 East and Zieglers Fort Road, Cairo School was completed in 1923, providing educational opportunities for African-American children until 1959. Highland Community: Located at the intersection of Highland Circle and Highway 109 in Portland, the Highland Community's roots stem from the rise in popularity of the Seventh Day Adventist movement of the late 19th century. Invasion of Kentucky: On Sept. 17, 1861, Confederate forces from nearby Camp Trousdale prepared for the invasion of Kentucky at Richland Station. The site is marked in downtown Portland at the intersection of Main Street and S.R. 109. A.I. Thornburg Heath: Heath established himself as a rifle maker prior to the Civil War. In 1862, he joined the Tennessee 9th Cavalry. Marker is located on U.S. 52. Peter Vertrees: African-American soldier, minister and educator, came to Gallatin after the war to begin a 61-year ministry. Tennessee's first African American Civil War Volunteers: At Sumner County Courthouse in Gallatin, 200 ex-slaves joined the Union Army as volunteers in July 1863. They became a part of the 13th United States Colored Infantry at Nashville. Zollicoffer's Headquarters: Located in Portland at the intersection of Freedom Drive and Highway 109, this sign marks the headquarters of Brig. Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer. Rose Mont: Finished in 1842. It was built by Judge Josephus Conn Guild, and no other family has lived there. In 1993 it was sold to the City of Gallatin. It is open to the public.
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National Register of Historical Places in Sumner County HISTORICAL PRESERVATION ORGANIZATIONS
The following sites are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, according to the list provided by the Tennessee Historical Commission. Starred items are also designated national landmarks.
The Highland Rim Historical Society President: Steve Broadway Phone: 351-0719
» Ashcrest Farm (Bellwood Farm), Hendersonville » Bledsoe Station (Bledsoe Fort), Castalian Springs
Bledsoe’s Lick Historical Association
» Bowen-Campbell House, Goodlettsville » Bridal House, Cottontown » Brown-Chenault House (Campbell Farm), Castalian Springs » Cairo Rosenwald School, Cairo » Cragfont, Gallatin » Daniel Smith Donelson House (Eventide), Hendersonville » Douglass-Clark House (Durham’s Chapel School), Bethpage » Fairvue (Isaac Franklin Plantation), Gallatin » Mary Felice Ferrell House, Gallatin » Gallatin Commercial Historic District, Gallatin » Gallatin Presbyterian Church (First Presbyterian Church), Gallatin » Greenfield (David Chenault House), Castalian Springs » Hazel Path, Hendersonville » James B. Jameson House (Jameson-Harsh House), Gallatin » King Homestead (Greer House), Cottontown » Leonard B. Fite House (Monthaven), Hendersonville » Locust Grove, Castalian Springs » Maple Cottage (Elkin-Odom House; Harris Place; Lewis Place), Gallatin » Maple Shade (Robb House; Wemyss House), Gallatin » Oakland (Dr. Daniel Wade Mentlo House), Gallatin
| FACT BOOK 2013
The Kloess family gifted the portrait of Polly Smith back to Rock Castle. Pictured are Jean Kloess, the great-great-granddaughter of Polly Smith, daughter of Gen. Daniel Smith; Larry Kloess III, Rachel Kloess, Karen Kloess, Jean Kloess and Larry Kloess Jr.
» Oakley (Dr. John W. Franklin House), Gallatin » Parker-Bryson Historic District, Castalian Springs » Rascoe-Harris Farm (Maplewood Farm; Anderson Farm), Liberty » Rock Castle, Hendersonville
Contact: Mark McKee III Phone: 452-1004
Sumner County Historical Society President: Kenneth Thompson Phone: 452-4483
Sumner County Museum Curator: Allen Haynes Address: 183 W. Main St., Gallatin Phone: 451-3738
Historic Cragfont Museum
» Rose Mont (Josephus Conn Guild House), Gallatin
Address: 200 Cragfont Road, Castalian Springs Phone: 452-7070
» Shackle Island Historic District, Hendersonville
Rose Mont historic home
» Talley-Beals House, Hendersonville
Address: 810 S. Water Ave., Gallatin Phone: 451-2331
» Trousdale Place, Gallatin » Trousdale-Baskerville House, Gallatin » Walnut Grove, Gallatin » Wall Spring, (Col. George Elliott House; Elliott Springs), Gallatin » Westmoreland Tunnel, Westmoreland » Williamson & Adams Carriage Factory (Simpson Mill; Swaney Apartments), Gallatin » Wynnewood, Castalian Springs*
Trousdale Place Address: 183 W. Main St., Gallatin Phone: 452-5648
Rock Castle Address: 139 Rock Castle Lane, Hendersonville 824-0502
City of Goodlettsville Preserves: Bowen-Campbell House and Mansker’s Frontier Life Center Phone: 851-2200
Sites educate residents about Sumnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history
Location: 1154 W. Main St., Hendersonville Phone: 822-0789 Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; closed Sunday and Monday An historic antebellum home, built circa 1860, Monthaven was used as a field hospital during the Civil War. It now houses the galleries and offices of the Hendersonville Arts Council.
Palace Theatre Location: 112 Public Square, Gallatin Phone: 452-5692 Tours by appointment. Located in Historic Downtown Gallatin, the completely restored Palace Theater is the oldest silent movie theater still standing in the South. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and hosts a variety of shows, movies and events. Current run movies shown every Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for children. Call 230-0884 to find out what movie is showing.
Rock Castle Location: 139 Rock Castle Lane, Hendersonville Phone: 824-0502 Hours: Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; open Sundays seasonally April through November from 1-5 p.m.; closed Monday. Gen. Daniel Smith acted as surveyor for the Tennessee frontier, produced the state's first map and is credited with naming the state. The circa-1794 home sits on an 18-acre tract overlooking Old Hickory Lake in Hendersonville. Available for special events and weddings by appointment.
Rose Mont Location: 810 S. Water Ave., Gallatin Phone: 451-2331
Rose Mont historical site in Gallatin. Hours: April 15 through Oct. 31, Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1-4 p.m.; closed Mondays and holidays. Built by Josephus Conn Guild and his wife, Catherine Blackmore, in the 1830s, Rose Mont is recognized as one of Tennessee's outstanding Greek Revival houses. Rose Mont was once the site of the area's largest thoroughbred horse farm of 500 acres. It remained in the Guild family until 1993, when it was purchased by the City of Gallatin and the Rose Mont Restoration Foundation. Available for special events and weddings by appointment.
Sumner County Museum Location: 183 W. Main St., Gallatin Phone: 451-3738 Hours: April 1 through Oct. 31; Wednesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday from 1-4:30 p.m. The museum exhibits more 15,000 artifacts housed on three floors. The collection includes prehistoric fossils, Native American and African American artifacts, antique toys, cars, clothing and furniture. The museum also includes displays for Randy's Record Store, the
USS Sumner County, and the Roxy Theater.
Trousdale Place Location: 183 W. Main St., Gallatin Phone: 452-5648 Open by appointment. The historic home of former Tennessee Gov. William Trousdale. Built around 1813, the house contains original Trousdale furniture and a small Confederate library. Available for special events and weddings by appointment.
Wynnewood Location: Highway 25, Castalian Springs Phone: 452-5463 Standing two stories tall and 142 feet long, Wynnewood is purported to be the largest log structure ever constructed in Tennessee. Built in 1828 by Col. A.R. Wynne, it served as a stagecoach inn and later as a mineral springs resort. It remained in the Wynne family until 1971, when it was conveyed to the State of Tennessee.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Health and fitness facilities in Sumner County FITNESS FACILITIES Sumner County YMCA 102 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville, 826-9622 Family Ministry Center First Baptist Church, 106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville 824-6184 Curves for Women » 393 E. Main St., Hendersonville, 264-9331 » 1186 Long Hollow Pike, Gallatin, 452-2973 » 129 Edenway Drive, White House, 672-1277 » 440 Long Hollow Pike, Goodletts-
| FACT BOOK 2013
ville, 855-0222
Gallatin Civic Center
Personal Health & Fitness Inc.
210 Albert Gallatin Ave., 451-5911
235 E. Main St. Suite D, Hendersonville, 822-1866
Gold’s Gym
Snap Fitness 711 E. Main St., Hendersonville, 826-5996 Anytime Fitness 206 N. Anderson Lane, Ste 300, Hendersonville, 822-3487 Xtreme Fitness Center 509 S. Broadway St., Portland, 3253333 Fit Stop 335 W. Main St., Suite 3, Gallatin, 230-5444
225 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville, 431-2433 CrossFit Hendersonville 557 E. Main St., 447-5779
Jackie Cowan-Long helps her daughter, Sophia, 6, swim with the Aqua-Tot method at the Gallatin Civic Center. DESSISLAVA YANKOVA/FILE
Hendersonville Medical Center Since opening its doors more than 30 years ago, TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center has continued to grow to provide much needed healthcare services to the communities it serves. The hospital continues to provide Sumner County with the most comprehensive healthcare network in the region and enhancing services as new technologies become available. The medical center has taken on several upgrades and additions to services over the last few years. TriStar Hendersonville was among the first hospitals in the state of Tennessee to offer therapeutic hypothermia, a technology designed to cool the body temperature of patients who have suffered cardiac arrest in order to avoid brain damage that’s often the result of going even a few minutes without oxygen. Working together with Sumner County EMS, several local lives have been saved as a result of this investment. Perhaps the largest recent investment back into the health of the
Sherry Cox, director of emergency services, alongside Colby Carroll, RN, holds a mock telemedicine conference with Dr. Sonya Brooks, a local neurologist. FILE community was the addition of MRI AT A GLANCE technology that allows for patient moveLocation: 355 New Shackle Island Road, Henment as well as the capability to perform dersonville breast MRI scans, thus improving the Ownership: HCA/TriStar Health System detection of breast cancer at the very
» HMC, 62X
Facility administrator: Regina Bartlett Telephone: 338-1100
Sumner Regional Medical Center Sumner Regional Medical Center has been providing health care to Sumner County and the surrounding areas for more than 50 years. Since opening in 1959 as Sumner County Memorial Hospital, SRMC has grown from a facility with just 50 employees and seven physicians to a comprehensive health care leader in the community with over 900 employees and more than 250 physicians. Since 2010, SRMC has served as the flagship hospital of the health care entity, HighPoint Health System, which is a part of LifePoint Hospitals. Today, SRMC operates as a 155-bed healthcare facility and provides quality care in numerous areas under the direction of HighPoint Health System CEO Susan Peach, including cancer treatment, cardiac care, same-day surgery, orthopaedics, home care, hospice services, pediatric care, behavioral health, women’s health and rehabilitation services. The facility celebrated the opening of a new patient tower on its campus in the summer of 2008, featuring 70 all-new private patient wellness rooms, new surgery suites, an allnew emergency department, new PACU, new labor and delivery suites and a new
The Sumner Regional Medical Center pediatric care unit is staffed by Ronald Miller, M.D.; Victoria Rundus, M.D.; Elizabeth Buskirk, M.D.; Charles Norman Spencer, M.D.; Steven Riley, M.D.; Jason Kastner, M.D.; Jo Ann Cook Collins, M.D.; and Samuel Murray II, M.D. SUBMITTED PHOTO
nursery. Sumner Regional Medical Center is also home to a dedicated and experienced group of physicians making up the hospital’s diverse medical staff. SRMC’s medical staff is made up of physicians with subspecialty training in more than 31 areas of medicine, including cardiology,
» SRMC, 62X
AT A GLANCE Location: 555 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin Ownership: Lifepoint Hospitals, Brentwood, Tenn. Facility administrator: Susan Peach, chief executive officer Telephone: 328-8888 Patient information: 328-5518 SRMC is part of Highpoint Health System.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re proud to call
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| FACT BOOK 2013
www.allaccesscoach.com FACT BOOK 2013 |
Portland Diagnostic Center Portland Diagnostic Center, a department of TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center, offers the convenience and ease of an outpatient center backed by the safety and security of a full service medical center. Board-certified radiologists along with licensed technologists and sonographers offer quality care through TriStar Hendersonville. Portland Diagnostic Center was designed
with the user in mind by offering guaranteed appointment times and faster service with most results available in hours, not days. Patients can experience imaging services that use the latest technologies delivered by highly skilled, caring professionals. Several imaging services are offered at Portland Diagnostic Center, including X-rays, holter monitors, CT scans, MRI,
AT A GLANCE Location: 105 Redbud Drive, Portland Ownership: HCA/TriStar Health System Appointment scheduling 695-7240
ultrasound, and laboratory services. A physician order is required for all services.
HMC offers specialty areas
SRMC is COMPASS partner
earliest stages. And along with the technical advances the hospital is making, TriStar Hendersonville continues to recruit high caliber physicians of many different medical specialties. Along with a very strong base of primary care physicians, TriStar Hendersonville is home to numerous medical specialties.
gastroenterology, medical and radiation oncology, orthopedics, and vascular surgery, among others. The hospital is also very involved in the Sumner County community, providing ongoing support to its COMPASS partner school, Vena Stuart Elementary, providing athletic trainers at six area high schools through the hospital’s BodyGuard Sports Medicine program, and holding fundraisers and collecting food for the Sumner County Food Bank. In 2011, the hospital’s staff and physicians gave more than $13,000 in individual cash donations to various nonprofit agencies throughout Sumner County.
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R+E P,C# *A@@A/,& 5 NRE.2777 R+E 'AB/>:,@@# 'AB/>:,@@# P,C# 5 5Regional *A@@A/,& 5 Center) NRE.2777 (Across from Sumner Medical
1085 Hartsville Pike • Gallatin, TN • 615-230-5600 www.morningsideofgallatin.com
(Across from Medical '"?B>O 8"&K.<B,K 9A= Sumner .;Q= 5 Regional LA/K 9A=.NQ= 5 Center) L?&K 7Q=.NQ= '"?B>O 8"&K.<B,K 9A= .;Q= 5 LA/K 9A=.NQ= 5 L?&K 7Q=.NQ=
| FACT BOOK 2013
©2009 Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
Pet Friendly
Salvus cares for working uninsured By Shelley Ames For Sumner County Publications
Inspired by the biblical mandate to care for those who are sick and in need, a diverse group of Sumner County’s leaders came together in the fall of 2004 to found Salvus Center, a faith-based medical clinic dedicated to providing quality, affordable health care to the working uninsured who either liver or work in Sumner County. With some 26,000 uninsured residents in the county, the need was critical. The uninsured do not have access to ongoing healthcare. These people often depend on emergency rooms in area hospitals for primary care. This is a costly and ineffective means of health care. With the desire to improve the quality of life in Sumner County, Salvus Center, Inc. opened for patient care in March of
2006 and in July of 2008, a second Salvus Center was opened in Hendersonville. Since the clinics opened, our staff has provided care for over 20000 patient visits. Patients are seen, diagnosed and treated in the clinic. Each patient pays a fee based on a sliding scale and number of dependents in the family. Office visits range from $10.00 to $30.00. Salvus Center Inc. partners with Sumner Regional Medical Center in Gallatin and Hendersonville Medical Center in Hendersonville to provide patients with diagnostic services including imaging and laboratory testing as well as inpatient and outpatient services. Over 80 medical specialists in the area work with the clinic to treat patients who need additional care
SALVUS CENTER LOCATIONS Gallatin 556 Hartsville Pike 451-0038 Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Hendersonville 107 Imperial Blvd., Suite 3 822-0804 Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Public health affects aspects of life By Hal Hendricks For Sumner County Publications
The average citizen has no idea of the number of times their daily lives are influenced by the work of public health. One component of those services is the Sumner County Health Department. With three clinics located in Sumner County, residents are within easy driving distance of basic health services that aid in preventing and treating illnesses. As an arm of the Tennessee Department of Health, the Sumner County Health Department’s goals are to promote, protect, and improve the health of persons living in, working in, or visiting Sumner County. Most services are by appointment and the health department accepts all types of TennCare and patients with no insurance. Fees for services are based on the ability to pay according to family size and income. Historically, the health department was viewed only as the service provider for flu shots and immunizations for school age children. That and much more holds true today. Child health services include well child check-ups, physical exams and screening tests, diagnosis and treatment
April Hullinger pushes Dane and Angelina during the Independence 5K in White House. of illness, as well as immunizations. Children in Tennessee must have certain required vaccines in order to attend child care, school or college. Immunization is a simple, safe and effective way to protect children from a wide variety of potential-
ly deadly diseases such as chickenpox, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, HPV, measles, mumps, polio, rubella, and whooping cough. Additionally, because influenza
HEALTH & FITNESS Sumner County Health Department
Walk-in Clinics WellNow Urgent Care
Services: Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, breastfeeding promotion, Children’s Special Services, dental services, emergency preparedness, epidemiology, family planning, food and general sanitation, health education and promotion, immunizations, men’s health, paternity acknowledgement, prenatal care, Help Us Grow Successfully, STDs, tuberculosis, vital records and women’s health. Gallatin
» 491 N. Sage Rd. Suite 800, White House; 672-4080 » 711 E. Main St., Suite 107, Hendersonville, 264-4860 Westmoreland Family Clinic 100B Mallard Sunrise Drive, Westmoreland; 644-3000 Gallatin Urgent Care
» 1005 Union School Road, 206-1100
728 Nashville Pike, Gallatin; 4526899
Family Urgent Care LLC
» 351 New Shackle Island Road, 824-0552
293 New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville; 822-2232
Take Care Clinic (at Walgreens)
» 214 W. Longview Drive, 325-5237
» 198 E. Main St., Hendersonville; 264-3583
Salvus Center
» 585 Nashville Pike, Gallatin; 4514139
The faith-based Salvus Center offers health care for the working uninsured in Sumner County. Fees are based on income. For more information, visit salvuscenter.org. Gallatin » 556 Hartsville Pike, 451-0038 » Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Tuesday 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Minute Clinic (CVS pharmacies) 100 Glen Oak Blvd., Hendersonville; 826-3572 The Little Clinic (at Kroger) » 2011 Nashville Pike, Gallatin; 575-1130 » 1010 Glenbrook Way, Hendersonville; 590-1018 » 510 W. Highway 76, White House; 581-5089
Vans • Home Rentals • Repair Tennessee Mobility Inc. can greatly improve your quality of life by providing you with reliable solutions. Our locally owned and operated company is committed to the happiness and well-being of our clients. Let us help make you more mobile today!
Hendersonville » 107 Imperial Blvd., Suite 3, 8220804 » Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Tuesday 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; Thursday 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Call today for a FREE consultation:
615-451-7373 Or visit our showroom at:
1015 S. Water Ave. Gallatin, TN 37066
| FACT BOOK 2013
Assisted living, health care facilities Golden Living CenterBrandywood Location: 555 E. Bledsoe St., Gallatin Phone: 452-7132
Gallatin Health Care Center Location: 438 N. Water Ave., Gallatin Phone: 452-2322
The Bridge at Highland Location: 215 Highland Circle Drive, Portland Phone: 325-9263
Westmoreland Care & Rehabilitation Center Location: 1559 New Highway 52, Westmoreland
Sumner Regional Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit Location: 555 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin Phone: 328-5083
21st Century Living Services Location: 567A Airport Road, Gallatin Phone: 452-9766
Phone: 644-5111 Physiotherapy Associates
National Health Care Center Location: 370 Old Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville
Rehabilitation and Therapy Centers
Location: 104 Glen Oak Blvd. Suite 120, Hendersonville
Phone: 338-4391
Star Physical Therapy Location: 100 Bluegrass Commons, Suite 120, Hendersonville Phone: 822-8804
Westmoreland Care & Rehabilitation Center Location: 1559 New Highway 52, Westmoreland Phone: 644-5111
Phone: 824-0720
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Yoga is held from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every Wednesday at the Hendersonville Senior Center. WILL DAUGHERTY/FILE
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Food safety is priority »PUBLIC HEALTH FROM 63X
season typically runs from October through March, getting seasonal influenza vaccine each fall is the best way to protect Tennessee’s youth from contracting the flu virus. While the health department provided much needed service to children in the community, they also service adults. Adult services include basic primary care including physicals, pap smears, and other tests to screen for cancer. Adults are also provided with diagnosis and treatment of illness and chronic disease. Additionally, like the immunization services offered to children, adult immunization against influenza (flu), pneumonia, and diphtheria-tetanus boosters are still a major responsibility of the health department. Safeguarding the public is and always has been a top priority of the health department. The confidential diagnosis, control, prevention, and treatment of numerous infectious diseases including tuberculosis and sexually transmitted disease are major functions to ensure the safety of the public. Although public health emphasizes the health and wellness of the community, the Sumner County Health Department provides the important and convenient service of issuing birth and death certificates. The health department, working in conjunction with the Tennessee Office of Vital Records, issues certified copies of Birth and Death certificates through the county health department clinics (for birth certificates, persons must have been born in Tennessee on or after 1949). Another important branch of the health department that has a daily impact on the public is the Division of General Environmental Heath. There are nearly 450 permitted food service establishments in Sumner County. These establishments receive two unannounced inspections each year. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that the food is being handled properly from preparation through serving. Inspectors observe kitchen
Address: 1005 Union School Road Phone: 206-1100
Address: 214 W. Longview Drive Phone: 325-5237
Address: 351 New Shackle Island Road
workers’ food handling practices, ensure equipment is working properly, take food temperatures, inspect refrigerators and storage areas, and ensure water temperatures are at correct level and the proper use of sanitizers. Any problem found is written up and the proper corrective actions are completed by the kitchen personnel. In addition, the inspectors inspect and permit motels and hotels, bed and breakfast establishments, child care facilities, public swimming pools, organized camps, school food service facilities, as well as tattoo and body piercing establishments. Hal Hendricks is the county director for the Sumner County Health Department. He can be reached at hal.hendricks@tn.gov or 206-1112.
Center treats students »SALVUS FROM 63X
beyond the scope of the clinic’s service. Salvus Center is able to provide medications, medical supplies and assists patients in applications for prescription assistance programs. Salvus Center Inc. is there for those who are working but have no insurance. This includes those who are self-employed, those who work at businesses that don’t offer insurance or those who cannot afford to pay the premium required by the employer. The clinic also treats full-time students, people who are between jobs and receiving unemployment benefits, and dependents who are eligible for care. Salvus Center receives donation from area churches, civic organizations, and individuals. The Memorial Foundation, HCA Foundation, United Way of Sumner County, Blue Cross/ BlueShield of Tennessee Health Foundation, the Ezell Foundation, Baptist Healing Trust are contributors to the clinic.
Robert D. Phillips, M.D.
Board eligible of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Raegan A. Diller, M.D.
William R. Caldwell, M.D.
Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
437 East Main • Gallatin TN-0000821957 82195
| FACT BOOK 2013
Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Specializing in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility
Shelley Ames is the executive director of Salvus Center. For additional information, call the Gallatin clinic at 451-0036 or the Hendersonville clinic at 822-0804.
R. Alan Bennett, M.D.
Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Westmoreland Care & Rehab hosts a summer youth camp to help younger and older generations interact. SUBMITTED
Retirement centers Christian Manor I Location: 100 Trident Place, Hendersonville Phone: 824-9265 Christian Manor II Location: 100 Riviera Drive, Hendersonville Phone: 824-9265 Christian Towers & The Manor Location: 138 E. Franklin St., Gallatin Phone: 452-9363 Park Place Location: 31 Executive Park Drive, Hendersonville Phone: 822-6002
Highland Rim Terrace Location: 100 Woodland Drive, Portland Phone: 325-3245 Pennington Place Location: 202 Walton Ferry Road, Hendersonville Phone: 822-7520 The Hearth at Hendersonville Location: 419 E. Main St., Hendersonville Phone: 348-1970 Noles Home for the Aged Location: 622 N. Water Ave., Gallatin Phone: 451-1450 Golden Living Community-
Brandywood Location: 555 E. Bledsoe St., Gallatin Phone: 451-9483 Oakwood Village Location: 2021 Oakwood Drive, Westmoreland Phone: 644-3800 Long Hollow Terrace Location: 3048 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville Phone: 824-6889 Clearview Apartments Location: 3318 U.S. 31W N., White House Phone: 672-4494 White House Elderly Housing Location: 306 Whitson Court,
White House Phone: 672-3023 Morningside of Gallatin Location: 1085 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin Phone: 230-5600 Ameritus at Gallatin Location: 400 Hancock St., Gallatin Phone: 451-7722 The Terrace at Bluegrass Location: 674 E. Main St., Hendersonville Phone: 824-4552 McKendree Lambuth - Gallatin Location: 1054 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin Phone: 230-2267
FACT BOOK 2013 |
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| FACT BOOK 2013
Sumner County Chambers of Commerce White House Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Julie Bolton Address: 414 Highway 76 City: White House Phone: 672-3937 Website: whitehousechamber.org Established in 1984, there are now nearly 250 BOLTON members in the White House Area Chamber, which was organized for the sole purpose of advancing the economic, civic and general interests of the community. The chamber works to promote the neighborly spirit of the area while promoting the convenience of accessing the big-town amenities of Nashville.
Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce President: Brenda Payne Address: 100 Country Club Drive, Suite 104 City: Hendersonville Phone: 824-2818 Website: hendersonvillechamber.com Sumner County’s largest chamber represents PAYNE the interests of nearly 850 member businesses. In addition to helping advance member businesses, the chamber works in partnership with other Nashville-area chambers, hundreds of member companies, volunteers and partners in an effort to sustain a dynamic Hendersonville. The chamber's member businesses and organizations represent approximately 8,730 employees throughout the area.
Goodlettesville Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Kimberly Lynn Address: 117 N. Main St. City: Goodlettsville Phone: 859-7979 Website: goodlettsvillechamber.com The membership-driven Goodlettsville Area Chamber of Commerce was established in 1961. Its membership is more than 400 strong and is comprised of major manufacturers, civ- LYNN ic organizations, banking and financial services, educational institutions and individuals. The chamber gives all available resources and business expertise to their members to ensure the economic development and success of the area’s business community.
Gallatin Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Paige Brown Address: 118 W. Main St. City: Gallatin Phone: 452-4000 Website: gallatintn.org Established in 1921, the Gallatin Area Chamber
of Commerce promotes and advocate for member businesses by helping them relocate, work on marketing goals and more. The chamber also works to promote supporting local businesses through campaigns like Shop Gallatin and Connect Gallatin, which provides free wireless access downtown and in city parks. It also works outside of the area with the United Chambers of Sumner County to present countywide events.
Portland Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Sherri Ferguson Address: 106 Main St. City: Portland Phone: 325-9032 Website: portlandcofc.com Chartered in 1962, the Portland Chamber works for the development of the community FERGUSON and the future living conditions of the area. Their basic goal is to assure progressive community development, to promote effective government at all events, and to maintain a healthy business climate for an expanding economy. It also aims to give residents a voice in civic affairs and government, and provides a united effort to improve the overall well being of the community.
Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce President: Ethel Lackey Website: westmorelandtn.com The Westmoreland chamber works in many ways to advance the development and future living conditions of the area. One of the ways the chamber does this is by hosting five ma- LACKEY jor events each year, including the Independence Day celebration, Christmas parade and tour of homes. The chamber also sponsors a candidates’ forum every two years for candidates in the local election and also sponsors a scholarship each year for seniors at Westmoreland High School.
United Chamber of Commerce of Sumner County Executive Director: Radford Garrott 118 W. Main St. City: Gallatin Website: sumnercountychambers.org The United Chamber of Commerce of Sumner County works with individual county chambers to promote countywide events for the benefit of the whole county, like the Sumner Expo and they also work with the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce on regional events like the Regional Business After Hours. — Hollie Deese/For Sumner County Publications
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Strategies on marketing and money Many of you whom I have met may have noticed I have a teensy bit of a hair problem. This is not new. I started shaving my head 15 years ago. And when I started shaving my head, it was not as universally accepted as it is now. There were many times that I cleared the aisles of soccer moms and grannies at Kroger, simply buying some Honeycomb. Since then, it is my trademark look. And I have always been a Gillette Mach 3 user. I love that blade. I once tried the Head Blade. I looked like I got into a fight with the Samurai Delicatessen and lost. Recently, I ran out of my Mach 3 blades. It was bad. Five o'clock shadow on my head is not a good look. My
lovely wife, Sarah, aka the Coupon Queen, had a solution. She recently obtained a deeply discounted Schick Quattro. Oh yes, the four blade razor. I didn't really have a choice. I used it. And you know what, it wasn't too bad. In fact, it did a fine job. What does this have to do with the entrepreneurs of the
world? So many times we give up on our marketing efforts toward a very specific type of customer we want, because they don't respond immediately. If we don't get instant gratification, we try something else. Think about it like this: I did seven sit-ups yesterday and I'm still 40 pounds overweight. I put half a tank of gas in my car last week and now my car doesn't run again. We put our house on the market last Saturday and we still don't have any offers. Sounds absurd, right? But that's what we do every day with our business. We'll try one or two random things for a short period, get frustrated, and move on. Persistence is the key to getting new customers. If you are implementing a social media campaign, do not expect 1,000 "likes" and twice the revenue in a week. It will take time, good content and a lot of interaction. If you are writing a newsletter campaign, try it out a full year, before you declare people don't read it. If you are networking and prospecting, do it several times a week. Not once in a while, as you have time. Also, make it a point to identify other people you want to work with and give them a reason to want to work with you. If they are already using your competitor don't just give up and say they don't need me.
Small business: Know who has your money
Sumner County’s largest area rug selection is just...15 minutes away!
615-451- 4838
463 South Water Avenue, Gallatin, TN 70
| FACT BOOK 2013
Unfortunately, several small-business owners find themselves in the predicament of collecting payments. Graphic designers, consult-
ants, daycares, landscapers, manufacturers, pest control, accountants, etc., find themselves already playing catchup with customers who gladly took product or service for a promise to repay in the future. So often the customers soon forget the gracious credit policy offered by the generous business owner. So now that you know who has your money, it is now time to put that cash back in your pocket. • Bill immediately. A lot of businesses bill customers monthly, to keep things simple. They offer 30 day terms to their customers. In many cases, customers pay 45–60 days after they receive their invoice, and those are the customers that are paying on time. • Use a gadget that will allow you to run a credit card on the spot, such as squareup.com, gopayment.com, and payanywhere.com. • Consider using automatic drafts from the customer's bank account through your bank. You can set up payments on a certain date or on a recurring basis. You may incur some setup costs or have to pay for each transaction, however, it may be worth it in the long run. • Use an online bill payment service, such as paymentnetwork.intuit.com or paypal.com. The easier it is for your customer, the quicker you will collect payment. • Pick up the telephone. Call them and ask for a specific date you should expect payment in a polite, yet firm manner. Charles Alexander is the director of the Tennessee Small Business Development Center at Volunteer State Community College.
Sumner County economic development Forward Sumner Economic Partnership » President/CEO: Jimmy Johnston » Phone: 822-7610 » Website: forwardsumner.org » Email: info@forwardsumner.com Forward Sumner Economic Partnership is a private, non-profit organization that provides economic and community development services for Sumner County, bringing together private, public and civic sectors to achieve economic growth and prosperity for all of Sumner County. They can provide demographics, arrange visits and connect companies with local economic development organizations.
Gallatin Economic Development Agency » Executive Director: James Fenton » Phone: 451-5940 » Website: www.gallatintn-eda.com » Email: edainfo@gallatin-tn.gov The City of Gallatin Economic Development Agency is the business recruitment, retention and expansion organization for Gallatin. Their Gallatin Expansion and Retention (GEAR) Program serves as a networking forum for the area’s largest employers. The EDA works in concert with private developers from all sectors to match residential growth with more retail, front office, and various service industry opportunities. The EDA also works with the Gallatin Industrial Development Board to develop and market industrial property.
» Economic and Community Development Director: Tom Tucker » Phone: 851-2204 » Website: www.cityofgoodlettsville.org » Email: ttucker@cityofgoodlettsville.org Goodlettsville ECD continues to target destination retail and corporate office relocation. Goodlettsville has stepped up the marketing program in the last two years with expanded web presence, including the Start Up Goodlettsville site, www.startupgoodlettsville.org. This is an online resource for starting a business venture is Tennessee Anytime. On this site, entrepreneurs can choose a company name, file a business charter, obtain a state tax ID number, and obtain an unemployment insurance number.
Hendersonville » Director of Economic and Community Development: Don Long » Phone: 822-1000 » Website: www.hvilletn.org/Economic_Community_Development The economic and community development of Hendersonville is extremely active in the recruitment and retention of retail, office and industrial clients. The city is currently experiencing unprecedented growth in retail and office development, with over $1 billion in new development approved for construction. The Hendersonville Industrial Development Board is made up of business leaders and representatives from all of the city’s voting districts and it operates independently from city government. The board of directors has the authority to issue bonds for the purchase of indus-
trial, retail and office property. The board undertook the development of the Freehill Business Park in the 1990s, which drew businesses like Digital Communications, MGM Industries, Betty Machine and Nashville Wraps.
Portland » Community Development Administrator: Denise Geminden » Phone: 325-6776 » Website: cityofportlandtn.gov » Email: geminden@cityofportlandtn.gov Portland supports new development while avidly encouraging revitalization of existing business and industry.
Westmoreland » City Recorder: Fredia Carter » Phone: 644-3382 » Website: westmorelandtn.com In Westmoreland, the Economic and Industrial Development Board helps drive business to the city. The sevenmember board, which operates as a leg of city government, was formed in the early 1990s but laid dormant until the city brought it back around in 2007. The board purchased the old Fleetwood building in 2009 for $350,000, and it is now the Westmoreland Expo Center.
White House » City Recorder: Amanda Priest » Phone: 672-4350 x 2111 » Website: cityofwhitehouse.com » Email: apriest@cityofwhitehouse.com — Hollie Deese/For Sumner County Publications
Small business friendly banks U.S. Bank Multiple locations USbank.com Commerce Union Bank Multiple locations Commerceunionbank.com Fort Sill National Bank Multiple locations Fsnb.cm Pinnacle National Bank Multiple locations
Pnfp.com F & M Bank Multiple locations Myfmbank.com Citizens Bank Multiple locations CBtenn.com Capital Bank Multiple locations Capitalbank-us.com Sumner Bank and Trust Multiple locations
— Hollie Deese/For Sumner County Publications
Sumnerbankandtrust.com Bank of America Multiple locations Bankofamerica.com First Tennessee Bank Multiple locations Firsttennessee.com Fifth Third Bank Multiple locations 53.com Regions Bank Multiple locations
Regions.com Volunteer State Bank Multiple locations Volstatebank.com Farmers Bank Multiple locations Thefarmersbank.net Suntrust Bank Multiple locations Suntrust.com First State Bank Multiple locations
First-state.net American Security Bank and Trust Multiple locations Americansecuritybank.com Bank of Nashville 100 Maple Drive N. Hendersonville 271-2090 BankofNashville.com Macon Bank and Trust Co Multiple locations (Westmoreland) Maconbankandtrust.com
FACT BOOK 2013 |
LEADS exchange programs Gallatin Area Chamber of Commerce
tomers at the same time.
Every Monday at noon (except second Monday because of the chamber luncheon) » Sumner County Archives » 365 Belvedere Drive N. » 452-4000, info@gallatintn.org All attendees are given an opportunity to present a 60-second spotlight to tell about his or her business. LEADS Exchange meetings are free to chamber members and meant to develop relationships with potential customers at the same time as networking. Non-members may attend twice for free.
Goodlettsville Area Chamber of Commerce
Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce Every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesday at noon » Hendersonville Chamber office » 100 Country Club Drive, Suite 104 » 824-2818 LEADS Exchange meetings will be held weekly and are the perfect opportunity to showcase your company’s products and services, and develop relationships with potential cus-
Unique Dining & Shopping Experience!
Sales • Service • Installation Free Estimates
“Serving you for over 50 years!”
| FACT BOOK 2013
Countywide LEADS event Every three months » Volunteer State Community College Registration is $10 for any Sumner chamber members or $20 for non-members. — Hollie Deese/For Sumner County Publications
Custom Build Sites Available! Model Home Open Daily! From the $150’s
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Every Monday at noon (holidays excluded) » Goodlettsville City Hall » 105 S. Main St. » 448-2049 With more than 40 average attendees each week, ours is one of the largest in Middle Tennessee. All attendees are given an opportunity to present a 60-second spotlight to tell about his or her business and one business gives a 7-minute presentation. Non-members can attend three times for free.
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Randy Jones Construction To view Floor Plans & Amenities go to www.randyjonesconstruction.com
Gallatin hires new EDA director in 2005, resigned in March to take a job with Bell & Associates Construction. EDA administrative assistant Shirley Smith The former director of economic devel- served as interim director after Walker’s opment in Cheatham County accepted a departure. The terms of Walker’s job offer stipujob offer with the City of Gallatin in June lated that he move to Gallatin 2012 and started work at the bewithin six months, which meant ginning of July. he had to leave behind his AshJames Fenton came from Ashland City wood working studio, land City, where he had been the a requirement he said he was top economic development offi“so bummed” about. cial in Cheatham County since Despite the move, Fenton June 2006. said taking the position in GallaFenton has a background in tin was “a very logical next education, holding bachelor's step” in his career in economic and master’s degrees in that field development. from Central Washington Uni“I'm excited about coming versity and Belmont University, and taking advantage of what respectively. He worked as a has already been done and workmiddle school director and teach- FENTON ing with the community; getting er at Harding Academy, a private prep school in Nashville, from the early stakeholders together so we can really 1990s to the early 2000s, where he oversaw sharpen our vision of where we want to be,” he said. 14 faculty members and 150 students. As economic developer in Cheatham Then he switched gears for about four years, starting a company called ABJ En- County, Fenton takes credit for his role in terprises making custom conference ta- securing the largest job retention package in state history after A.O Smith – a manubles. “One of my mentors said when you get facturer of water heaters that has its U.S. to where you want to be, take a couple headquarters in Ashland City – sustained years off and do what you think you want to $64 million in damages following the May 2010 flood. Fenton said he worked with do when you retire,” he said. Through community connections, Fen- state economic development officials and ton ended up working in economic devel- the Tennessee Valley Authority to obtain opment, but in his spare time he said he $4.6 million in incentives as part of a $7.1 still works with wood in a studio he built in million job retention package. In the early days of his career, Fenton his back yard. Gallatin Economic Development Agen- spent a few years traveling as music direccy Director Earl Fischer called Fenton an tor for Up With People, an international “enthusiastic person with an entrepre- education organization. He also spent time neurial approach to economic develop- as a finance manager at a car dealership in ment,” in an announcement by the EDA Murfreesboro before he decided to pursue his master's degree at Belmont, which he board. Fenton’s starting working for Gallatin completed in the early 1990s. The EDA board announcement said he at a salary of $85,000 per year. Former EDA director Clay Walker’s base salary is a long-time participant in the Big Brothfor 2012 was about $95,000, according to ers, Big Sisters program as well as an acdata provided by Gallatin’s finance depart- complished musician and artist. ment. Walker, who was hired as EDA director Contact Sarah Kingsbury at 575-7161. By Sarah Kingsbury
Sumner County Publications
Small business resources Tennessee Small Business Development Center » Director: Charles Alexander, director » Location: Volunteer State Community College Betty Gibson Hall » Address: 1480 Nashville Pike » City: Gallatin » Phone: 230-4780 » Website: tsbdc.org The Tennessee Small Business Development Center at Volunteer State Community College offers help to both existing and startup businesses. The center provides services through one-on-one consultations, which are free, confidential and specific to the business owner’s needs. Director Charles Alexander can also help connect businesses with resource partners like the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Revenue, local chambers of commerce, and other local, state and federal government agencies. The center also offers workshops, training and seminars throughout the year on topics like search engine optimization, tax planning, marketing, startup assistance, business plan development, financing and government contracting. Counseling is provided in surrounding communities during the third full week of each month. Visit the website for a schedule of workshops. The TSBDC is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, Tennessee Middle Tennessee State University and regional support partners. — Hollie Deese/For Sumner County Publications
FACT BOOK 2013 |
| FACT BOOK 2013
Use career toolkit to get employment Despite an uncertain job market, many job seekers would like to believe they are qualified. However, it simply is not the case. Candidates are failing at the job search because they lack the qualifications that employers value. A national online survey conducted by the Career Advisory Board established by DeVry University brings to light how job seekers can better position themselves by focusing on the attributes employers value most. The findings of the Job Preparedness Indicator conducted in September 2011 by Harris Interactive revealed that employers are unable to find qualified candidates for open positions. In fact, only14 percent of the 540 hiring managers surveyed said that within the past three years “nearly all” or “most” job seekers have had the skills their company looks for in a potential employee. However, most job seekers believe they have what it takes to succeed. More than half (56 percent) of the 734 adults looking for work who were surveyed are confident they know what qualifications are required for employment. In addition, 72 percent are confident they know how to present their skills during an interview. “These findings highlight the striking gap between what skills hiring managers value in a candidate and how job seekers describe themselves. But some of the disconnect between hiring managers and job seekers is due to misconceptions about what is most important to the other party,” notes Dan Kasun, senior director of developer and platform evangelism at Microsoft Corporation and Career Advisory Board member. “Job seekers should utilize these findings to better calibrate the way they present themselves to employers.” According to the study, hiring managers place the highest value on the following skills across all job levels (entry, middle and managerial): 1. Strategic perspective 2. High integrity 3. Global outlook 4. Strong base work ethic/dependable 5. Accountability
Job seekers hover around a booth for the city of Hendersonville at a job fair at Gaylord Entertainment Center FILE PHOTO
Social networking builds strong career connections A strong network is a key building block for career success. Whether you’re looking for a new job or connecting with peers in your industry, building a strong set of connections to help advance your career is vital. While older generations used to build their networks one handshake at a time, today’s networkers foster and maintain connections online through the use of social media tools (such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.com). It is important to remember that unlike connections made through face-to-face contact, when building an online network, credibility is assessed via digital profiles. Building or revising your digital profile may seem daunting, but there are simple ways to bolster it to showcase what you have to offer, helping you connect to the right people more quickly. Jason Seiden of Ajax Social Media offers actionable advice for building a strong digital profile to position oneself for online networking success: Build a profile that stands out: Distinguish yourself by telling your story. Have your profile reflect more about who you are and what you have learned rather than what you have done. Think of your profile as a mirror: instead of trying to sound professional, give yourself permission to reflect who you are. If your reflection shows gaps relative to the demands of positions you are applying for, consider acquiring the skills or enrolling in degree programs needed to qualify. Build the well before you’re thirsty: Even online, building a strong network takes time, effort and continual maintenance. As you begin reaching out to industry contacts, don’t be too eager to connect. Be cognizant of whom you are contacting and how they can help you as you advance your career. While it’s easy to get caught up in your online networks, traditional relationships are still important.
- NewsUSA
FACT BOOK 2013 |
JOBS & CAREERS SUMNER COUNTY CAREER CENTER Location: 175 College St., Gallatin Phone: 452-1964 Online: workforceessentials.com
» Paternity testing
Sumner Career Transition Group
» Career Readiness Certificate
A community service ministry of First Baptist Hendersonville As stated in their flyer, the Sumner Career Transition Group is a group of people helping each other through the process of transitioning from one position to another or from no job to finding suitable employment. They are open to anyone looking for a new opportunity or thinking about a change. Meetings are held Tuesday evenings in the Family Room of the Family Ministry Center of First Baptist Church Hendersonville. Sign in and open networking begins at 6:00 in the Café, and the meeting is from 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. There is additional networking from 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.. The group’s stated goal is to offer networking and camaraderie, along with a rotating weekly presentation focused around the preparation, search, and landing of a new position. Topics will include resume writing, job searching, interview skills, offer negotiation, networking and many more. The schedule is subject to change due to availability of speakers. There is never a charge for any service connected to the group. Contact info: Join them online: Sumner Career Transition Group on Facebook and LinkedIn. Subscribe to e-mails at SumnerCTG-suscribe@yahoogroups.com and at SumnerCTG@gmail.com First Baptist Church Hendersonville is located at 106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville. Directions: From Vietnam Veterans Pkwy: Exit Saundersville Rd. to Johnny Cash Pkwy. (Hwy. 31), turn right on JCP for ½ mile to Bluegrass Commons. First Baptist Hendersonville is directly behind the Holiday Inn Express, and the Family Ministry Center is on the left end of the building as you face the main entrance. For more information: Erin Barnett at Ebar2010@yahoo.com or 824-3772 Dr. Ray Cleek at rcleek@babbcenter.org or 689-1258
» Job skills assessed in areas of applied math, reading for information and locating information. » Driver education State-certified driver education classes offered for all ages.
Online resources
» Resumé writing
» jobs4TN.gov
» Interview skills
» tennessee.careers.org/county/ sumner
» Short-term training (18 months or less)
» sumneremploymentexchange.com
» Tuition assistance
» Mtas.utk.edu
» Financial support during training
» Gallatinonthemove.com
» Skill assessment
» Hvilletn.org
» Career planning » Job placement » Filling out applications » Help to file unemployment insurance claims » Access to Internet, copiers, phones and fax machines » Periodic workshops (register online at workforceessentials.com)
Sumner County Adult Education » GED classes » English for Speakers of Other Language » Workforce skills » Distance education » Individualized/small group tutoring
» Computer classes
» Assistance with test fees
» Basic education classes
Sumner County Adult Education is located at the Board of Education at 695 E. Main St. in Gallatin. For more information, call 451-5418 .
» Dislocated worker classes
» Drug testing
Volunteer opportunities are career enhancers »CAREER FROM 75X
For those looking to enhance their marketability to employers, Career Advisory Board members offer the following actionable advice: 1. Stay current to remain relevant: Job seekers must commit to being “continuous learners” to stay current in the career game and enhance their global outlook. Subscribing to industry publications and becoming active in professional or-
| FACT BOOK 2013
ganizations help candidates stay abreast of issues and trends and gain perspective on local, national and global levels. 2. Gain real-world experience: Job seekers should pursue internship and volunteer opportunities. These experiences allow job seekers to pick up relevant skills that can be transferred to the workplace. Internships and volunteering also offer valuable opportunities to develop critical and analytical thinking skills. 3. Seek a mentor and be a mentor:
Building a strong relationship with a mentor can help job seekers gain critical workplace knowledge that will support career growth in their field. Through mentoring relationships, job seekers have a window into a realistic career path and what it takes to succeed in their career of choice. To learn more about the Career Advisory Board or the Job Preparedness Indicator, visit careeradvisoryboard.com. - For Sumner County Publications, from NewsUSA
Top Sumner County employers (As of 2011. Ranked by number of employees. Source of rankings: Forward Sumner. Contact information for each company compiled from company websites and other online sources to include manta.com.) Company Sumner County Board of Education Sumner Regional Medical Center Gap, Inc. Volunteer State Community College Sumner County Government Hendersonville Medical Center Peyton’s Mid-South ABC Group Fuel Systems Shoals Technology Group RR Donnelley & Sons UniPres USA Thomas & Betts SERVPRO Industries
Location Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Hendersonville Portland Gallatin Portland Gallatin Portland Portland Gallatin
Employees 3,700 1,326 1,250 800 607 517 475 416 350 320 300 270 254
Category Education administration Health care Clothing distribution Higher education Government Health care Distribution Automotive parts Solar panel cable assemblies Commercial printing & binding stamped metal car parts Electrical boxes Fire, water damage restoration
Windham Professionals Kirby Building Systems PIC USA Xtend Healthcare Hoeganaes Corporation TVA Gallatin Fossil Plant Digital Connections Commercial Warehouse Cartage Charles C. Parks MGM Window Company Western Plastics United Structures of America Aladdin Group Nationwide Studios Imperial Group NIC Global First Fleet Trucking ITW Dynatec ITW/CIP Byron’s/Rich Seapack National Healthcare Center Betty Machine Smith Travel Research Tri-Med Pharmacy Jamison Bedding Tennessee Stampings Rogers Group Salga Plastics Timbar Packaging & Display Linatex Corporation of America Precision Casting Precision Industries Kaman Music Crown Group
Hendersonville Portland Hendersonville Hendersonville Gallatin Gallatin Hendersonville Portland Gallatin Hendersonville Portland Portland Hendersonville Gallatin Portland Gallatin Portland Hendersonville Gallatin Gallatin Hendersonville Hendersonville Hendersonville Hendersonville Gallatin Portland Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Portland Portland Portland
240 230 200 200 197 175 170 152 150 150 150 142 140 140 135 133 130 127 127 120 120 100 100 100 98 95 85 80 74 70 70 65 65 60
Account services, call center Steel fabrication Genetic improvement of pigs Revenue cycle management Powdered metal Energy Data communications Distribution Food distribution Metal storm doors, windows Plastic injection molding Metal buildings engineering, design Meal delivery equipment Daycare/preschool portraits Fabricated steel Precision sheet metal Trucking Adhesive application equipment Automotive fasteners Frozen BBQ meat products Health care Tool and die Market research, hotel industry Long-term care pharmacy Bedding Auto metal stamping Stone Plastic blow and injection moldings Corrugated packaging Rubber lining mining equipment Castings Metal stamping Musical instruments, accessories Powder coating
Website sumnerschools.org mysumnermedical.com gapinc.com/storejobs volstate.edu sumnertn.org tristarhendersonville.com NA abcgroupinc.com shoals.com rrdonnelley.com unipres.com tnb.com servpro.com windhampros.com/nowhiring kirbybuildingsystems.com pic.com/USA xtendhealthcare.net gkn.com/hoeganaes tva.com digitalconnections.com cwclogon.com charlescparks.com mgmindustries.com N/A usabldg.com aladdintemprite.com teddybearportraits.com imperialgroup.com nicmfg.com firstfleetinc.com itwdynatec.com itwcip.com rich.com nhc.com bettymachine.com strglobal.com trimedrx.com jamisonbedding.com tennesseestampings.com rogersgroupinc.com abcgroupinc.com timbar.com weirminerals.com netshapecastings.com precind.com kmcmusiccorp.com thecrowngrp.com
Phone 451-5200 328-6695 230-2300 452-8600 451-5800 338-1000 325-8100 451-6971 451-1400 452-5170 325-7311 325-6800 451-0200
Top Local Executive Del Phillips Susan Peach Gregg Mitchell Jerry Faulkner Anthony Holt Regina Bartlett Robert Lenhart Marius Sipos Dean Solon Jerry Forsight John Harb Doug Yoeckel Sue Steen
N/A 325-4165 265-2700 447-2000 451-2000 230-4000 826-5000 325-3717 452-2406 824-6572 325-7331 325-7351 537-3674 452-8353 325-9224 206-0455 325-7300 824-3634 452-1002 800-221-5847 824-0720 826-6004 824-8664 826-9393 451-2424 323-0500 451-4777 451-1512 452-0110 230-2100 451-9080 325-4127 325-7104 325-3900
N/A Thomas McCann Todd Wilken Theresa Matthew John Nort Scott Hadfield Lee Williams Gregg Parish Crockett Parks III Abe Gaskins Steve Nichols Damon Drake Martin A. Rothschild Phillip B. Rooney Shona Mack, HR Troy Wood Benny Puck Jud Broome Jim Barker Charles Crutchfield Jay Beaudoin John Zobl Randy Smith Wayne Smith Clay Finney Michael Haughey Rick Turner NRobert Hunihiro Martin Mitchell Kenneth Brooks T. Allen Bransford Vince Haynes Wayne Veith Chris Clubbs
SUMNER COUNTY STAFFING AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Spherion 200 Gap Blvd., Gallatin 206-6039 Spherion.com Adecco Employment Services 650 Nashville Pike, Gallatin 451-1900 adeccousa.com
Express Employment 316 E. Main St., Gallatin 451-7111 expresspros.com AmTemps 450 W. Main St., Gallatin 451-1964 amtemps.com
Staffmark 540 W. Main St., Gallatin 451-1111 staffmark.com All-Star Personnel 1483 Nashville Pike, Gallatin 575-4500 all-starpersonnel.com Towe & Associates 110 Sanders Ferry Road, No. 12,
Hendersonville 822-8860 btandassociates.com Sumner Employment Exchange 200 S. Broadway, Portland 325-5161 sumneremploymentexchange.com — Melissa McDonald/Sumner County Publications
FACT BOOK 2013 |
2035 Regional Transportation Plan now being executed Much of the planned future of Sumner County is rolled into the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan – unveiled by the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in May 2010. The 2035 Plan was mandated by federal law and offers an extensive framework of expected growth patterns and development over the next 20-plus years. A major portion of the plan focuses on land use and transportation issues and needs throughout Middle Tennessee. Transportation is of particular interest and urgency to the more than 160,000 residents who live in Sumner County, many of whom commute to and from Nashville five days a week . “Mass transit is the idea that solves our problems,” Gallatin Mayor Jo Ann Graves said. “We’ve already added lines of traffic to I-65, and quite frankly, there isn’t room to build any more lanes.” One of the traffic solutions specific to Sumner County that has been discussed by 2035 Plan leaders is a rapid bus or light rail transit that would connect Gallatin to Nashville and perhaps several points in between. The proposed line would run throughout the day with regular frequencies and include enough stops and suburban circulators to interact with surrounding communities and move large volumes of people, MPO executive director Michael Skipper has said.
Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2035 Regional Transportation Plan Guiding Principle 1: Livability. Enhance the quality of life in the region by supporting initiatives that increase opportunities for affordable housing, education, jobs, recreation, and civic involvement without increasing the burden on citizens to enjoy their community. Guiding Principle 2: Sustainability. Strive to support growth and prosperity without sacrificing the health, environment, natural and sociocultural resources, or financial stability of this or future generations. Guiding Principle 3: Prosperity. Contribute to the continued economic well-be-
| FACT BOOK 2013
City of Gallatin Engineer Nick Tuttle and District 5 Councilor John D. Alexander joined Tennessee Department of Transportation officials to view the ongoing construction of the State Route 109 bridge during a TDOT bus tour of Sumner County. SHERRY MITCHELL/FILE ing of the greater Nashville area by investing in transportation solutions that increase access to education, jobs, and amenities, reduce the cost of living and doing business, and attract new investment to the region. Guiding Principle 4: Diversity. Recognize the multitude of needs and the variety of perspectives and backgrounds of the people that live and work in the greater Nashville area by promoting a range of transportation choices that are designed with sensitivity to the desired context.
Major Objectives » Adopt a “fix-it-first” mentality in directing transportation funding. Initial focus should always be on the maintenance or improvement of existing facilities. » Strive for quality over quantity. Build out all elements of priority projects or phases rather than stringing funding out over several incomplete projects or in-
complete phases. » Shift investment strategies towards providing a diversification of modes, rather than solely on strategies focused on roadway capacity. » Improve marketing and promotion of successful existing transportation services. It is acceptable to use federal transportation funds to do this. » Provide opportunities and define roles for all types of organizations and/or individuals (public or private) to assist in the implementation of programs and projects. » Improve the coordination of land use, urban design, transportation, rural and environmental feature preservation, and economic development policies and decisions through incentives and/or policies. » Encourage the development of context sensitive solutions to ensure that community values are not sacrificed for a
» 2035 PLAN, 79X
2035 Plan includes modern mass transit system »2035 PLAN FROM 78X
MPO Cost Feasible Projects for Sumner County
mobility improvement. » Increase efforts to improve the form and function of transportation corridors in order to contribute to the “sense of place.” Such investments can: improve attractiveness to visitors or prospective businesses or residents; compliment existing natural and cultural resources; improve the function of the road for a variety of users; and foster civic pride toward public investments in infrastructure. » Consider how transportation policies, programs, and investment strategies affect the overall health of people and the environment including air quality, physical activity, biodiversity, and the natural resources. » Invest in the development of walkable communities that offer citizens the ability to access residences, jobs, retail, recreation, and other community amenities without the need to rely on an automobile. » Invest in a modern regional mass transit system to maintain the region’s economic competitiveness with other metropolitan regions, and to ensure continued economic prosperity in the face of growing energy costs, environmental concerns, and increasingly expensive automobile traffic. » Work to ensure that Middle Tennessee is given priority consideration in proposed national plans for high-speed rail. Identify opportunities to coordinate regional mass transit planning efforts with superregional and national efforts to invest in rail infrastructure. » Provide proper guidance to the region for how to bridge the gap between the MPO’s “ cost feasible” plan and the ultimate vision for how transportation will shape the future of the region.
Adopted Dec. 15, 2010 Fiscal Years 2011-15*
Lead agency
Total cost
New SR-109 S. of Portland to Kirby Dr.
Construction of new 109 bypass
Hollis Chapel to SR-76
Widen SR-109 to 4 lanes
SR-41 to US-31W
Extend Cartwright Pkwy.
Gallatin, TDOT
SR-109 to N. Water
Widen Albert Gallatin Ave. to 5 lanes
SR-386 to SR-174
Widen Drakes Creek/Indian Lake to 4 lanes
W. Main to SR-386
Expand New Shackle Island (NSI) to 5 lanes
Center Point to Imperial
Make Rockland Rd. 3 lanes, extend NSI across CSX to Rockland
Imperial to W. Main
Widen Walton Ferry to 5 lanes, realign intersection
Cumberland River to SR-109 Bypass, S. of Gallatin
Widen 109 to 5 lanes
Steam Plant Rd. to Gregory Dr.
Relocate Airport Rd. for airport expansion
N. Water to College St.
Realign N. Water, improvements at SR-6
SR-109 & I-65
New interchange at relocated 109
White House
Tyree Springs & S. Palmers Chapel
Center turn lane construction
Indian Lake Blvd. & SR-386
Widen bridge to 6 lanes, etc.
Gallatin, TDOT
SR-25 to Locust St.
Improve signalization at SR-6
City of Portland
SR-109 & Kirby
Install signal, turn lanes
Sumner County
Parallel to Lower Station Camp Rd.
Convert for bikes, pedestrians
City of Gallatin
Town Creek Greenway along 31E/SR-6
Expand trail into downtown Gallatin
Synchronize/upgrade traffic signals
Madison Creek Rd. & Long Hollow
Add traffic signalization
Caldwell Dr. & Indian Hills
Add pedestrian signalization
SR-109 to Ky. state line
Widen to 5 lanes
Improvements for bikes and peds.
Metro Nashville
Operations & utilities work
New SR-109 S. of Portland to Kirby Dr.
Construction of new bypass
SR-386 to SR-174
Widen Big Station Camp to 3 lanes, add turning lanes
Rivergate Pkwy. to US 31W
Widen I-65 to 8 lanes
Cumberland River to SR-109 bypass S. of Gallatin
Widen 109 to 5 lanes
I-65 and relocated SR-109
New interchange
Old Springfield Hwy. to Conference Dr.
New street lighting, Hwy. 41/31W
From Main St. to city limits
New street lighting system, SR-174
Gallatin, TDOT
From SR-109 to US-31E
Widen SR-174 to 3 lanes; new road over RR
Gallatin, TDOT
From N. Water to Deshea Creek/Brights Ln.
Widen US 31E to 4 lanes
Sumner County, TDOT
From SR-52E to Pleasant Grove Rd.
Widen USE to 4 lanes
From I-65 to Saundersville
Widen SR-386 to 6 lanes
Forest Retreat
Construct SR-386 interchange
SR-174 & Center Point/Happy Hollow
Realign, improve intersection
From SR-109 to N. Water
Streetscape improvements to US 31E
US 31E from Greensboro Dr. to Gap Blvd.
Construct bike, ped. facilities at Vol State
Main St. from Center Point to Bonita
Construct medians, bike lane, etc.
I-65 at Rivergate Pkwy.
Installation of high mast lighting systems
Fiscal Years 2016-2025 Projects TDOT
Fiscal Years 2026-2035 Projects
Source: nashvillempo.org * Some of these projects already completed
FACT BOOK 2013 |
What does the future hold for Sumner County? What will Sumner County look like fifty years from now? Will it be a great place to live, or will it be somewhere our grandchildren move away from? Will there be great-paying jobs, or will everyone commute elsewhere to find adequate employment? The answers to these questions have everything to do with what we do right now with regard to setting goals and identifying focus areas in order to make Sumner County the place we want it to be in fifty years. We are fortunate to be near Nashville, which is finally being recognized as a central hub of the Eastern United States, and offers numerous opportunities. Sumner County’s close proximity gives residents access to programs, activities and benefits that are not enjoyed by remote suburban areas. The17 colleges and universities in Middle Tennessee provides Sumner County residents superior cultural and business benefits. These institutions produce much-needed talent for future employers, and they create a fun and stimulating atmosphere to live and work. Sumner County will grow because of its proximity to Nashville; however, we need to plan and strategize in order to ensure healthy, desirable growth. First, the development of superb educational opportunities in Sumner County is essential. Volunteer State Community College is a gem, and new president Jerry Faulkner certainly will continue its progress in preparing local students with the tools necessary to succeed. Union University, a new center of learning in Sumner County, has tremendous potential with its nursing, business and teaching programs. We also need to revisit the concept of vocational education. Many young people receive training for jobs that do not require a four-year degree. We currently have a shortage of applicants for highpaying tech jobs with great benefits. That is an unfortunate reality because an abundance of qualified people willing and able to work in Sumner County attracts companies to a specific community. At the same time, it will allow our good
| FACT BOOK 2013
Gallatin and TDOT officials celebrated Gateway Drive groundbreaking Aug. 23. Sarah Kingsbury/Gallatin News Examiner
» REGGIE MUDD kids to stay and make a productive and happy life here. We must incorporate technical schools into the local educational scheme. We must explore the idea of linking business and education to develop more internships. Teachers and business people must collaborate to allow students to see and understand what happens at a particular job. A second major issue we must plan for is mass transit. As Middle Tennessee becomes less of a group of individual towns and more of a metropolis, mass transit will emerge as a necessity. For a long time we have all said, “We don’t want to become another Atlanta.” This refers to the snarling
traffic gridlock and sea of cars that pack Atlanta highways. We need to remember the model of smart growth that was so popular in recent years: walkable, self-sustainable neighborhoods. Mass transit is a part of that concept. We must look at ways to make mass transportation solutions work in Sumner County. We are getting more and better bus routes in and around the area, which is a good start. We need to encourage leaders to make strides in supplying convenient transportation options so that we can move away from our dependence on automobiles. Planning for the next fifty years represents a complex issue. If we can get focused on developing more varied and better educational opportunities for our children and start to solve the mass transit conundrum, we will have made a good start toward preparing a bright future for Sumner County. Gallatin’s Reggie Mudd is regional director of Northern Middle Tennessee Economic and Community Development.
Local experts envision future, growth Shirley Wilson, genealogist Shirley Wilson is a professional genealogist and a 35-year resident of Hendersonville. She was also an alderman and one of the chairs of Hendersonville Tomorrow, a committee formed to explore future growth within the city and county as a whole. Wilson says she’s seen many changes over the years, and most were good. As the county’s largest city has grown from a bedroom community to one with more jobs, better shopping, nicer and more diverse restaurants and interesting things to do, traffic has became a major problem, in her opinion. She hopes a solution inWilson cludes adding light rail service to the county’s infrastructure. Within the next decade, Wilson also envisions better funding for schools, higher salaries for teachers, and better funding for the county’s libraries so they could be open longer hours. Wilson also sees great strides underway for improvements to the county’s greenway system and bicycle paths, promoting a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
Fred Rogers, Hendersonville planning director Rogers say several major street projects in Hendersonville will be completed, including Indian Lake Boulevard improvements at Vietnam Veterans Boulevard, New Shackle Island Road, Walton Ferry/Old Shackle Island Road and Rock-
land Road. Greenway/ Bike Trail expansions will occur starting with the Sanders Ferry Bike Trail along the water’s edge from Main Street to Creekwood Marina. Vietnam Veterans Boulevard will be widRogers ened to accommodate HOVs and BRT, and, ultimately, commuter rail. Drakes Creek Road and Stop 30 will be widened. The final phases of Glenbrook will be completed. Indian Lake Village will develop at a steady pace and will be mostly completed by the end of this 20-year period. The West Main Street Commercial Corridor and Town Center will see new life through public and private re-investment. Two hundred to four hundred new homes will be built each year. The population will reach 65,000 to 75,000. A performing arts/community center will be constructed. Expect another marina. Lastly, Old Hickory Lake will continue to provide lasting value for The City by the Lake. To this end, expect the public and private sectors to explore and implement opportunities for the most beneficial use of the lake and lake frontage properties.
George Carter, Westmoreland, general contractor Carter, chairman of the Westmoreland Industrial Development Board chairman and member of the Sumner County Economic Development Committee, says over the last three years Westmoreland has targeted tourist dollars. The outlook is brighter now than it has been, because we
A ribbon-cutting was held for the opening of a portion of Highway 109 at Highway 76. FILE
are beginning to experience trying to put together a strategy and focus. With Tennessee mule sales and visitors to the Expo Center, as well as manufacturing and service industry jobs, we Carter have become a contributor to the county economy. As you go through the evolution of planning and that ebb and flow, growing pains are always harder for small towns than they are for larger communities because its more concentrated. We do what we can do as a small community to enhance our local revenue for our merchants and our city budget.
Bill Hagerty, Gallatin native, Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development As someone who was born and raised in Gallatin, I will always have a special affection for Sumner County. I’ve seen the county grow and change over the years, resulting in the business-friendly destination it is today. The location, workforce and affordable costs provide the right foundation for companies big and small to invest. The small-town feel mixed Hagerty with big city convenience is exactly the type of home that many businesses find attractive.
Residents inspect city plans to extend Hatten Track Road/Albert Gallatin Avenue west to Highway 109 at a public meeting at the Gallatin Civic Center. ALEXANDER QUINONES/FILE
FACT BOOK 2013 |
County treats icy roads with brine By Sherry Mitchell Sumner County Publications
A change in the way county officials treat winter roads is expected to save taxpayers up to $35,000 a year and provide safer driving conditions for residents, officials said. Beginning in 2012, the Sumner County Highway Department began using brine, a salt and water mix, to treat winter road conditions. The mixture will go down prior to any predicted snow event, rather than applying salt after it snows. With the cost of salt increasing by 43 percent since 2005, savings to the county should be considerable, said Sumner County Superintendent of Judy Hardin. "You apply around 35 gallons of liquid brine per road mile, which takes 80 pounds of salt," Hardin said. "If you are just salting a road, the state recommends using 115 pounds of salt per mile of road.
Park & Ride For the 92X route between Gallatin/Hendersonville and Nashville, parking lots are available in Gallatin at the Walmart parking lot, Belvedere Boulevard and Nashville Pike, and in Hendersonville at the Kohlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lot and in the Glenbrook Shopping Center. All parking is in RTAdesignated spaces at these locations. Please park carefully as not to obstruct traffic, and consider patronizing stores at these locations as an expression of thanks. Remember, these spots are designated for your convenience, and you park at your own risk. RTA routes may change every six months. For more information, call 862-8833 or visit musiccitystar.org.
| FACT BOOK 2013
We are saving about 30 to 40 percent on our salt cost with this new system." To mix the brine, workers use road salt, water and calcium chloride. The lower the temperatures outside, the more calcium chloride will be needed in the mix. "The calcium chloride brings the effective temperature down lower so if the temperatures are below freezing, the brine will still be effective," Hardin said. "We are using the same trucks, we just had to order application tanks that fit into the bed of the trucks," Hardin said. "We've got all the trucks fitted and when it calls for snow, we'll set those back into the trucks." The new system will also benefit county employees by allowing them to be out and about before the heavy snows set in. "It is going to make the roads safer for our employees," Hardin said. "They won't be trying to maneuver these dump trucks in the snow and ice."
Roads Superintendent Judy Hardin stands in front of the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s salt supply. FILE
Sumner mass transit plans By Dessislava Yankova Sumner County Publications
A bus or light rail transit line could connect Gallatin and Hendersonville to Nashville in 25 years. That's the vision local and regional officials have of mass transit in Middle Tennessee that they say can alleviate congestion, improve health and ultimately facilitate economic development. Officials from the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization shared this vision with local residents during a public workshop before the unanimous adoption of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan in 2010. Allocating nearly $6 billion in federal, state and local funds, the plan proposes various projects, including a first-ofits-kind vision for transit services across Middle Tennessee's 10 counties. The 1.7 million people now living in the region are projected to reach 2.6 million by 2035. Based on this growth pattern, congestion is inevitable without mass transit, officials said. "We need to begin looking at transportation solutions for many of our corridors across the region," said MPO director Michael Skipper. "Transportation is important to you because, on average, Americans spend 18 percent of their household income on transportation expenses."
Middle Tennesseans spend ample time driving More than 95 percent of Middle Tennesseans spent more than 20 percent of their income on transportation, while 16 percent of residents spend more than 28 percent of their earnings to get around. The cost of congestion between wasted fuel and time is projected to cost the region $10.65 billion by 2035. Middle Tennesseans also spend more time in their cars than any other residents nationwide, Skipper said. While an express coach service or a commuter rail would better serve other areas' demographic and topographic characters, the Gallatin-toNashville route, proponents say, would best accommodate a light rail and especially bus rapid transit. The proposed line would run throughout the day, with enough stops and suburban circulators to interact with surrounding communities and move large volumes of people, ultimately supporting economic development, Skipper said. A major analysis called the Northeast Corridor Study of this route has been underway for several years. For the vision to move forward, regional officials say they need to secure a dedicated revenue stream through a combination of sources in order to receive federal funds.
Emissions sites and bus schedules Sumner County passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks 1975 or newer are required to be tested for emissions before they can be renewed or a new plate purchased. Vehicles are also checked for tampering to make sure those cars and trucks that should have a catalytic converter still have the equipment. Only those vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 10,500 pounds are exempt from the emissions test requirement. Diesel-powered vehicles are no longer exempt. To have vehicles tested, owners may take their license renewal notice or proof of vehicle ownership, such as their title, to the testing site. The Gallatin location is the only permanent emissions station in the county, but several mobile emissions testing centers are also available.
Emissions Test Sites Gallatin – 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday and Tuesday; and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. 951 Grassland Place across from Volunteer State Community College. Holiday hours vary. Portland – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday; and 1-4 p.m. Thursday (three consecutive days a month) next to the Streets Department on Stevison Ham
Road off Highway 109N. For a complete schedule, call City Hall at 325-6776. Westmoreland – 8-11 a.m. one Thursday a month at 5300 Austin Peay Hwy. in the rear of the Public Works Building. For a complete schedule, call City Hall at 6443382. Tags can also be renewed in city hall at the same day and time. White House – 9 a.m. to noon one Monday a month at 427 Industrial Drive behind the Public Works Building. For a complete schedule, visit cityofwhitehouse.com.
Commuter bus schedules The Regional Transportation Authority added a second 92X Express bus route between Gallatin/Hendersonville and Nashville in March of 2010. The schedules for the two lanes are as follow: Weekdays to Nashville: Lane 1 Gallatin Walmart: 5:55 a.m. Kohl’s in Hendersonville: 6:15 a.m. Music City downtown: 6:35 a.m. In Nashville 10th Avenue/Broadway: 6:40 a.m. 21st/West End avenues: 6:45 a.m. 21st/Edgehill: 6:50 a.m. 21st/Children’s Way: 6:55 a.m. Lane 2 Gallatin Walmart: 6:30 a.m.
Kohl’s in Hendersonville: 6:52 a.m. Music City downtown: 7:20 a.m. In Nashville 10th Avenue/Broadway: 7:27 a.m. 21st/West End avenues: 7:34 a.m. 21st/Edgehill: 7:38 a.m. 21st/Children’s Way: 7:45 a.m. Weekdays from Nashville:
Lane 1 21st/West End avenues: 3:47 p.m. 21st/Edgehill: 3:51 p.m. 21st/Children’s Way: 3:56 p.m. 10th Avenue/Broadway: 4:05 p.m. Music City downtown: 4:15 p.m. Kohl’s in Hendersonville: 4:45 p.m. Gallatin Walmart: 5:06 p.m. In Nashville
Lane 2 21st/West End avenues: 4:36 p.m. 21st/Edgehill: 4:39 p.m. 21st/Children’s Way: 4:45 p.m. 10th Avenue/Broadway: 4:57 p.m. Music City downtown: 5:10 p.m. Kohl’s in Hendersonville: 5:45 p.m. Gallatin Walmart 6:08 p.m. The Music City Central stop is located at 400 Charlotte Ave. in Nashville Routes do not operate on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
Few transit options sap Sumner budgets By Tony Gonzalez Gannett Tennessee
It costs more for people to get around in Nashville than in all but one of the biggest cities in America. The Chicago-based Center for Neighborhood Technology's ranking of the 51 metro areas with more than 1 million people provides the latest snapshot of Nashville, which over the years has been labeled the most sprawling and least transit-friendly city, where drivers spend the most time in rush-hour traffic. By the center's measure, combined housing and transportation costs are "affordable" if they do not exceed 45 percent of income — but in
Middle Tennessee, they do. The average household spends 53 percent of income on housing and transportation. Locally, Sumner residents on average dedicate 54 percent to those two categories. With few mass transit options and a broader area to cover, local families spend at least $2,000 more than their counterparts in bigger cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago — and also more than those in similarly sized places like Denver and Seattle. The report reinforces Nashville Metropolitan Planning Organization studies that have shown how growth strains household budgets and government funds, said
Executive Director Michael Skipper. Skipper said changing attitudes have encouraged some people to live closer to where they work, but an MPO analysis of 2008 data found an increasing number of commuters crossing county lines, including one out of every three workers in the 10-county Nashville area. More than half of workers commute out of Sumner, Cheatham, Robertson, Rutherford, and Wilson counties. Long commutes helped land Nashville near the bottom of the CNT Affordability Index, with average annual household transportation spending at $14,854. There's some indication that
such costs are changing the way housing decisions are made. The Tennessee Housing Development Agency, for example, has perked up to the idea of "location efficient" housing. Last year, the agency awarded federal tax credits to low-income housing developers with more emphasis on whether the proposed housing would be located near transit stops, grocery stores, schools and libraries. "Our hope is that it influenced (developers') decision making and will going forward," said Bettie Teasley Sulmers, agency director of research and planning.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Foxland Harbor provides easy living Prices lowered after changes in market By Bill Lewis For Gannett Tennessee
Jim and Joan Hayes decided in 2012 to trade their lakeside home in Hendersonville for a lakeside villa in Gallatin. The difference is that instead of several acres of yard to mow, they'll have a golf course to enjoy and, soon, a clubhouse, a pool and a marina. "Our lifestyle is changing," Joan says. "We had a huge yard and are looking forward to no yard work." They were at Foxland Harbor one afternoon in May, signing paperwork to complete their purchase of a new villa just steps away from the 18-hole golf course. Jim is looking forward to trading his lawn mower for time spent relaxing. "The golf course and the lake, the marina. It's going to be outstanding," he says. Jim and Joan aren't alone. Twelve single-family homes at Foxland Harbor were occupied and 11 more were under construction in 2012 by several builders, including Goodall Homes, Curd Homes, Ballou Construction and Pettis Builders. Several of those houses are spec homes that the builders are constructing in anticipation of easily finding buyers. That approach has been rare since the beginning of the downturn in the housing market. "People are a little more confident in the market," says Joe Godfrey, Foxland Harbor's president. Three of the four villa residences that have been completed, including Jim and Joan's, have already been purchased. Construction will start in 2013 on up to 270 condominiums, with prices ranging from the low $200,000s to $1 million. A sixth-floor penthouse was the first one sold, Godfrey says. Demand is so strong that Goodall unexpectedly sold the model home it built to showcase the houses it is building at Foxland Harbor. The buyer wasn't ready to move in and is leasing the house to Goodall for continued use as a furnished model. Buyers who plan to build their own custom houses purchased 17 lots in the development last year. Fifteen more have been sold this year, Godfrey says.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Golfers enjoy a round of golf at Gallatinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foxland Harbor, where the lakeside golf community is growing. LARRY MCCORMACK/FILE
Market adjusted Godfrey credits the development's renewed popularity with homebuyers to the recovering housing market and to Foxland Harbor's decision to have a "market reset" and offer somewhat smaller homes for lower prices. "The $700,000 buyer (in 2006) is today a $400,000 to $500,000 buyer," Godfrey says. When Foxland Harbor reopened in March 2011 after being spun off from the Club at Fairvue Plantation next door, which reorganized under bankruptcy protection, its investors realized the market had changed. Instead of 5,000-square-foot houses, Foxland Harbor's typical home today is 3,000 to 4,000 square feet. Prices for single-family homes are about $300,000 to $500,000, Godfrey says. The price of home sites was reset, too. Golf course lots that were priced at $150,000 to $250,000 in 2006 now sell for $80,000 to $100,000. When construction is complete, Foxland Harbor will have 848 residences, including about 420 single-family homes. The remainder will be condos and villas. Goodall is building 200 single-family homes in Foxland Harbor, as well as the
villas. All will have an Easy Living designation, an industry certification that promises they are suitable for everyone from young families to someone who might use a wheelchair. The residences have no-step entries, wide doorways and extra room in the bathrooms. Goodall's 3½-bath, 3,200-square-foot model home has a brick exterior and a first-floor master with a tile bath and separate tub and shower. The villas have brick and stone exteriors. The floors are hardwood. The model that was open recently has a kitchen with double wall ovens, a cooktop, stainless appliances and granite. The kitchen opens to the great room, and the downstairs master suite connects to a covered patio. Keith Green, an executive at Alley Cassetty Companies, expected to move into his Foxland Harbor villa over the summer. He's going to be Jim and Joan Hayes' neighbor. Green sold his 4,000-square-foot house not far away to downsize. His villa has 2,255 square feet of living space. "I wanted something where all the yard work is taken care of," he said. "I can play golf and go to work and not have to worry about anything."
Listings for home buyers Realty companies in Sumner County » Bob Parks Realty, Gallatin, 8264040 » Martin Realty House, Gallatin, 451-0480 » Haynes Realtors and Auction, Gallatin, 452-7500 » Clausen Group Realtors, Gallatin, 452-8700 » Gene Carmen Real Estate and Auctions, Gallatin, 452-5341 » Coldwell Banker Barnes, 452-0040 » Keller Williams Realty, Hendersonville, 430-6875
» Reliant Realty, Hendersonville, 724-5222 » Bluegrass Realty, Hendersonville, 537-1180
Sumner Association of Realtors The Sumner Association of Realtors is a not-for-profit association comprised of real estate professionals who are involved in residential and commercial real estate sales, leasing, appraising, property management, inspection and property restoration. » Address: 35 Executive Park Dr. Unit B, Hendersonville » Phone: 824-6629
» Crye-Leike Realtors, Hendersonville, 824-8008
» Website: sumnercountyrealtors.com
» Adkins, Ayers and Associates, Hendersonville, 264-1336
The following local mortgage companies are affiliated with the Sumner Association of Realtors:
» White House Realtors, White House, 672-0302 » Weichert Realtors, Goodlettsville, 851-9115 » Doug Shannon Real Estate, Portland, 323-0021 » Exit Realty Garden gate Team, Portland, 323-0707 » Jim Calloway Auction and Realty, Portland, 428-4662 » Wally Gilliam Real Estate and Auction, Portland, 325-4597 » Exit Elite Realty, White House, 672-6729 » Jim Brinkley Realtors, White House, 672-3980
» Hendersonville 822-3802
» Regions Bank, Hendersonville, 264-1501
» Mitchellville 325-6020
» Regions Bank, Gallatin, 452-5063 » U.S. Bank, Hendersonville, 8267800 » Churchill Mortgage Corporation, Gallatin, 989-1606
» Commerce Union Bank, Gallatin, 575-1425; 575-7200 The following local title companies are affiliated with the Sumner Association of Realtors:
» Sumner County Health Department, 206-1100
» Hallmark Title, Hendersonville, 264-8979
» Septic tank inspection, Sumner County Environmental Office, 4515858
» Tennessee Title Services, Hendersonville, 348-5481
» SunTrust Mortgage, Hendersonville, 822-1237; 634-7928
» Signature Title Services, Hendersonville, 724-7100
» Acopia Home Loans, Goodlettsville, 859-5537
The following home inspectors are affiliated with the Sumner Association of Realtors:
» Citizens Bank, Gallatin, 206-1748 » F & M Bank, Hendersonville, 824-2316
» RE/MAX, Hendersonville, 822-2003
» Fifth Third Bank, Hendersonville, 338-3580; 824-3580 » Fifth Third Bank, Gallatin, 451-7001
» White House 672-4350 ext. 2121
Where to call for environmental permits:
» Freedom Title Services, LLC., Hendersonville, 822-8332
» Wilson Bank and Trust, Gallatin, 442-1470
» Westmoreland 644-3382 or 6442640
» Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Gallatin, 206-1568
» SunTrust Mortgage, Goodlettsville, 871-7150
» First State Bank, Goodlettsville, 851-2265
» Portland 325-6776
» Sumner County 452-1467
» Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Hendersonville, 264-4874
» Prime Lending, Hendersonville, 826-4470, 822-9156
» Millersville 859-0880 ext. 104
» Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Hendersonville, 338-3600
» Guaranty Trust, Hendersonville, 848-7483
» Dwen Dowland RE/MAX, Gallatin, 452-7264
» RE/MAX White House, 672-0672
» Magna Bank, Gallatin, 452-6646
» Professional Property Inspections, Gallatin, 451-0011 » All-Pro Home Inspections LLC., Hendersonville, 337-1277 » Habitec Home and Building Inspections, 376-2753
Sumner County Assessor of Property John C. Isbell » Phone: 452-2412 » Address: 355 N. Belvedere Drive, Room 206 » Website: sumnerassessor.org
Sumner County Register of Deeds Pamela L. Whitaker, register Cindy Briley, chief deputy register » Phone: 452-3892
Where to call for building permits: » Gallatin 451-5968
» Address: 355 N. Belvedere Drive, Room 201 » Website: deeds.sumnercounty.org
FACT BOOK 2013 |
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| FACT BOOK 2013
Professional & Experienced
Curb appeal is key to an attractive home listing By Hollie Deese
For Sumner County Publications
Spring is the perfect time to get your house on the market, but you aren't the only seller who thinks so. In fact, they have probably been spending the last few months getting their homes in the best possible shape to edge yours out of the running among today's choosy buyers. So in order to make your listing stand out, you need to put every effort into making your home look the absolute best that it can so it appeals to the most people hunting right now. “As far as our area goes, it is amazing,” said Heather Benjamin of Reliant Realty in Hendersonville. “February and March is when people start getting their homes ready for market so they can sell them for the highest price in the fastest amount of time in April, May and early June.” The timing makes sense. Not only is the weather nice, but the timing is perfect for families who want to be moved and settled before school starts again at the end of the summer. And while more listings can stir more interest among buyers, your home
has to be move-in ready to be considered by most of them. “Buyers nowadays, with very few exceptions, are looking for turn-key properties and they are not going to pay top dollar unless the house has nothing that needs to be done to it,” Benjamin said. “That means no new carpeting and no walls that need to be repainted.” But not only does the house have to be in perfect condition, it has to appeal to the most amount of buyers by being as neutral as possible. “When buyers were walking through the door 10 years ago, they were looking for the 'wow' factor,” she said. “Today, buyers are walking calculators. When they pull into that driveway, they are mentally calculating if it is worth the list price.” And it doesn't stop there. Each room brings more calculations. The cost of replacing ugly cabinets, low-grade flooring or bold-colored walls all need to be deducted from a buyer's bottom line. And if the house down the street brings a lower investment, the answer is clear. “They want the most bang for their
buck with the least amount of work,” Benjamin said. And who can blame them? After years of little inventory and high prices, buyers now have the upper hand. Interest rates are down and many are approved for FHA loans where the homes have a strict approval process. “That is why it is so critical for the house to be in good shape and good repair,” she said. Luckily, many upgrades to improve the look are fairly easy to do and don't have to cost a lot of money. New lighting or fixtures from a hardware store's clearance shelf can completely change the look of a room. Power washing the deck can make it look like new. The one place buyers don't want to see savings though, is underfoot. They are looking for real hardwoods or brand new lush carpeting, not laminate, and not used. The results will be worth it when the home sells before summer rolls around. Contributing writer Hollie Deese lives in Gallatin
Renters can search for perfect place By Hollie Deese For Sumner County Publications
The rental market continues to make waves in real estate, as foreclosures, a lack of buyers and sellers simply forced to rent out their homes when they sit too long continue to keep things going. Those in the market to sign a lease might be intimidated when they start their search, but don't have to be if they arm themselves with the same kind of knowledge they would if they were buying something instead. "Renting is not any different than if you were going to sell to somebody," said Ronnie Gentry of Jim Brinkley Realtors in White House. "Every house is different and everybody's needs are different and you need to match the right house with the right person." It is important to define what your
needs are ahead of time and find out what your non-negotiables are. If you don't want to live on a busy street because you have small children, for example, you can take any of those options out of consideration. That's just part of research that can help arm you in finding the best deal for your family. By picking up the papers or rental finder books, you have lots of options to compare. Or, you can search through Realtracs.com, the Mid-South property finder that covers Middle Tennessee, southern Kentucky and northern Alabama. This website has functions that let you compare by rental price, square footage, zip code, school district and more. You can also drive around any particular neighborhood you are interested in living in and look for yards signs, either by
realtor or by owner, which may be one of the only ways that homeowner is advertising. Once you find a rental, you have a year to do more research. If you like where you are, you may be able to negotiate lower rent on a longer-term lease. If you don't like where you are, you can find a better deal and simply walk away. Finding good landlords and renters can be hard to come by, so keep that into consideration when negotiating. "A landlord is looking for someone who is going to stay, and if they are happy with that renter they are going to want them to stay," Gentry says. "And the door swings both ways. The renter can go down the block to save some money." Contributing writer Hollie Deese lives in Gallatin.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
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| FACT BOOK 2013
Consider a real estate auction for a fast sale By Hollie Deese
For Sumner County Publications
It's hard not to get fired up at an auction. There is something infectious about people spending money that makes you want to spend money too. And it is that excitement that JK Graves of Bluegrass Realty and Auction in Hendersonville thinks is one of the most important ingredients needed to sell a house right now. But it is just one of the benefits he finds in selling a property at auction. "It's my first choice of selling a property because it puts a definite date and time when the property is going to be sold, so it takes all the guesswork out," Graves says. "And it just deletes all of the unnecessary showings that a lot of people will have. It creates an excitement." Knowing the exact date and time your home will sell is a big drive for many owners who do not want to see their home sit on the market for months. "In today's market, that is the best way to sell I feel," he says. "Once you get people bidding against one another, the excitement gets created and we achieve our price. Auction properties bring just as much money, if not better, than the private market. And you eliminate all of the contingencies and all of the inspections because you are dealing with people ready and willing to buy that day." The National Association of Realtors also thinks an auction can be a win-win situation for both the buyer and seller. Sellers benefit because buyers come ready to purchase with 15-20 percent down payment in hand, and have already been pre-qualified to meet the terms of the sale. Plus, auctioneer want to get the best price so they will establish an aggressive marketing program to drive the right kinds of buyers to the sale. But they aren't the only ones who benefit from a quick auction sale either. First of all, buyers can be reassured they are paying fair market value for the property because other people are there willing to
Jon and J.K. Graves with Bluegrass Realty. GEORGE WALKER IV/FILE pay the same amount. "If a buyer has the down payment, I feel like it is the best way to buy a property," Graves says. "I've always felt that when you do an auction you don't need an appraisal, because it is being appraised by people next to you who are telling you what they think it is worth, and putting their money up to buy that property. That is the best appraisal I think you can get." Buyers who purchase at auction also set their own purchase price and eliminate long negotiation periods. Plus, they can have inspections done prior to the day of auction to be sure they know as much as they can before buying since all sales are final. Not all properties are suited for auctions, however. Properties that are upside down won't appeal to buyers looking for a good title. Other homes that might not be
right are those that were listed traditionally but for whatever reason has not sold. "If a house hasn't sold after being on the market for six to 12 months, and then they decide to auction, people may think it is a distressed sale even if that is not necessarily true," Graves says. It might be the easiest and most fair way for people to settle an estate, for example. People new to auctions might want to go to a few before buying or selling property of their own, just to get an idea of how things work. Even so, you are putting your trust in the auctioneer, and they don't take that responsibility lightly. "Most of the people who we work with have never sold at auction before so they are relying on our integrity and our performance," he says. Contributing writer Hollie Deese lives in Gallatin.
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Pastor has passion for jousting Gallatin’s Martino has won 5 tournaments, 2 national titles By Dessislava Yankova Sumner County Publications
A Gallatin pastor jokes that preaching the Gospel is a lot like jousting. “I’m on my horse trying to knock others off their high horse, putting on a show about something bigger than we are, and trying not to step in something,” said Gene Martino Jr., pastor at Lambuth United Methodist Church in Gallatin. The senior pastor of Lambuth for the past four years, Martino is also a multiple U.S. jousting champion in a sport that has fewer than 100 professional followers, he said. “I absolutely love my horse and the partnership that we have,” said Martino. “I value the camaraderie of my fellow knights. Some people study history and chivalry. I get to live it.” A professional jouster for almost 10 years, Martino travels to tournaments nationwide, and family members often join in. Wife Becky is the chief squire, or stage manager, while his daughter Sarah is the master of ceremonies, or the announcer, at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival in Arrington, Tenn., where the annual U.S. jousting tournament is held. In fact, his son, Louis, also a professional jouster, is the reason Martino first picked up the lance.
Jousting begins In 2003, the family lived in Texas, where Martino worked as an assistant pastor at a Methodist church. His son had started a summer job with the joust troop at the Scarborough Renaissance Festival near Dallas. After the recession hit, however, the elder Martino was laid off. Driven by his fascination of horses, history and knight armor, he joined his son in the troop. “At first I thought it’d be fun to work with horses and learn to make and repair armor,” Martino said. “In the process, I had to see how the armor feels, what works and what doesn't. It feels completely different on the horse than when you're standing on the ground.”
| FACT BOOK 2013
Gallatin pastor and jouster Gene Martino Jr. (left) strikes Leland Coleman at the Maryland Renaissance Festival in Crownsville, M.D., where Martino won his fifth tournament in October. Both jousters live in Westmoreland. FILE Martino started training with world jouster, teacher, mentor, friend and Westmoreland resident Roy W. Cox, who over three years also helped Martino build his first 110-pound suit of armor, most of which he still uses. Martino first came to Tennessee in 2003 for a jousting training seminar at the Cox family’s Free Lance Arena in Westmoreland, where about 25 jousters train for tournaments. Martino trained and went on with the Coxes to the Ontario Renaissance Festival outside Toronto, Canada, where he entered his first tournament. “When I first started, I had never ridden a horse,” Martino said. “It took me a while to figure it out and to learn how to ride well enough to do well, but I never came in last. I always came in the middle of the group.”
The ‘big epiphany’ Before coming out on top, Martino had to overcome his biggest fear: injuring an opponent, many of whom he knows. “Right before jousting, my hands would get wet and sticky, and I’d have the butterflies in my stomach,” said Martino, who overcame that fear after speaking with a fellow jouster at Maryland. “I was not afraid of hurting myself. I was afraid of hurting my friends. He laughed and reminded me that nobody gets seriously hurt because of the equipment and training. After that, I quit holding back and I
got a lot better. That was my big epiphany.” While getting seriously hurt is unlikely, jousting injuries are not uncommon. “We like to say that injuries are rare in jousting, but bumps, bruises, cut, contusions, strains, sprains and minor breaks do no count as injuries,” Martino said. “In reality, you can be killed while doing this sport, but so can you while playing hockey by being hit with a puck or by a car while walking on the street in Gallatin. Right before we hit each other, each one of us weighs (the equivalent of) about 2,500 pounds, and we achieve approximately 25 mph on a collision course and we hold a 10foot, wood lance that’s 1.5-inch in diameter. That’s equivalent to a car crash. Most of the time, I better remember where I hit them than where they hit me. I barely feel it because of the armor, training and that I'm a pretty good-sized fellow.”
Not just shows The tournaments Martino enters, however, are not just for show as other similar, entertainment-focused events. “At those shows, the participants have amazing athletic skills and equestrian stunts, but it’s not real,” he said. “We don’t fall off the horse on purpose. Our lances are real and the outcomes are not rigged.” Martino won his first major victory in 2009 at the U.S. National Jousting Tournament held annually in Murfreesboro.
Faith Promise Baptist Church, 807 N. Broadway, Portland, 417-9795.
Curtis Cross Road, Hendersonville, harvestmissionarybaptistchurch.com.
First Baptist, 290 E. Winchester St., Gallatin, 452-8189.
Antioch Baptist Church, 135 Cook Road, Portland, 325-4359.
First Baptist, 106 N. Broadway, Portland, 325-2373, website: fbcportland.org.
Hendersonville Free Will Baptist, 179 New Shackle Island Road, 8243760.
Baptist Mission, 229 W. Winchester St., Gallatin.
First Baptist, 12087 New Hwy 52, Westmoreland, 644-2158.
Believers Baptist Fellowship, 223 Campus Drive, Hendersonville, 512-1225, website: bbfhtn.org.
First Baptist Church, Gallatin, 205 E. Main St., Gallatin, 452-5715.
Berean Baptist Church, 837 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin, 438-2934, website: bereanbaptistchurchtn.org. Berean Independent Baptist, 268 Marlin Road, White House, 6728324. Bethlehem Missionary Baptist, 879 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville, 859-3925. Bible Baptist Church of Hendersonville, 260 New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville, 824-0042. Bluegrass Baptist Church, 235 Indian Lake Road, Hendersonville, 824-0001. Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist, Woodsferry Road, Gallatin. Center Point General Baptist, 1002 Center Point Road, Hendersonville, 822-4450, website: mycpchurch.com. Central Baptist, 186 Sanders Ferry Road, Hendersonville, 824-1904. Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, White House Road, Portland. College Heights Baptist, 2100 Nashville Pike, Gallatin, 452-4952, website: chbcgallatin.org. Concord Missionary Baptist, 604 Tyree Springs Road, White House, 672-5220. Cornerstone General Baptist, Highway 31E Bypass, Gallatin, 4523173. Corum Hill Baptist, 1175 Corum Hill Road, Castalian Springs. Cottontown Baptist Church, Highway 25, Cottontown, 452-9225. Durham’s Chapel Baptist Church, 5055 Old Highway 31E, Bethpage, 841-3389. East Side Missionary Baptist, 165 N. Trigg, Gallatin. Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Portland. Faith General Baptist, 703 S. Broadway, Portland.
First Baptist Church, 613 S. Main St., Goodlettsville, 859-1346, website: fbcgoodlettsville.com. First Baptist Church, 2800 Hwy 31 & McCurdy Rd., White House, 6723266, website: whfbc.org. First Baptist of Goodlettsville, 211 Café Road, Goodlettsville, 859-9670. First Baptist Church of Hendersonville, 106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., 824-6154, website: firstbaptisthendersonville.com. First General Baptist, 325 W. Maple, Gallatin, 452-4764. Fountain Head Baptist, 314 Fountain Head Road, Portland. Franklin Chapel Baptist Church, 801 Odoms Bend Road, Gallatin, 230-8399. Freedom Church, 1010 Freedom Church Rd., Gallatin, 451-6299, website: freedomfamily.us. Friendship Baptist, 245 Flat Ridge Road, Millersville, 672-8752. Gloryland Baptist, 430 Forest Retreat Road, Hendersonville, 8221944 Glory Way Missionary Baptist, 151 W. Smith St., Gallatin. Good Shepherd Baptist, 360 Sumner Hall, Gallatin. Good Shepherd Independent Missionary Baptist Church, 1163 Campbell Road, Goodlettsville, 859-0763. Grace Baptist Church, 410 Old Hwy 31E No. 3, Bethpage, 841-3020. Grace Missionary Baptist, 323 Old Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville. Grace Old Time Baptist, Vol State Rochelle Center Library, Gallatin. Halltown General Baptist, 120 Dink Rut Road, Portland, 325-3768. Harvest Hills Baptist, 565 S. Water St., Gallatin, 451-2767, website: harvesthillsbaptist.com. Harvest Missionary Baptist, 192
Hendersonville Missionary Baptist, 221 Rockland Road, 824-8114. Hispanic Baptist Church of Hendersonville, 251 Rockland Road, 826-9811. Holiday Heights Baptist Church, 145 River Road, Hendersonville, 824-5102. Hollis Chapel General Baptist, 1344 Brandy Hollow Road, Portland, 325-4294. Indian Hills Baptist, 901 Long Hollow Pike, Gallatin, 452-6897, website: ihbcgallatin.org. Landmark Missionary Baptist, 229 Winchester St., Gallatin. Liberty Baptist Church, 1047 S. Water Ave., Gallatin, 230-7703, website: libertybaptistchurchgallatin.com. Liberty Free Will Baptist, 891 College St., Portland, website: libertyfwb.org. Liberty Missionary Baptist, 840 Forest Retreat Road, Hendersonville, 826-0874. Long Hollow Baptist, 3031 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville, 8244006, website: longhollow.com.
Hendersonville, 824-2394. Mt. Pleasant General Baptist, 1089 New Deal Potts Road, Cottontown, 325-3861. Mt. Zion Baptist, 190 Mt. Zion Lane, Gallatin, 452-4242. New Beginnings Baptist Church, 2948 Union Road, White House, 672-1121, website: nbbconline.com. New Bethel Baptist Church, 1080 Old Dickerson Pike, Goodlettsville, 859-4553. New Hope Baptist, 2905 New Hope Road, Hendersonville, 672-5708. New Hope Church, 1599 New Hwy 52 W., Westmoreland, 644-3420. New Testament Baptist Church, 2320 Baker Station Road, Goodlettsville, 851-0970, website: ntbctn.com Oak Street Baptist, 300 Oak St., Portland, 325-4087. Omega Harvest Baptist Church, 239 N. Boyers Ave., Gallatin. Page Heights Baptist, 107 Caldwell Drive, Hendersonville, 859-4508. Parkers Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, 240 Airport Road, Portland, 325-7273. Parkway Baptist Church, 505 Cunniff Parkway, Goodlettsville, 865-2325. Peach Valley Baptist, 508 Peach Valley Road, Gallatin, 452-3941.
Long View Missionary Baptist, 798 Spencer Ave., Gallatin, 452-8638.
Pipers Chapel Missionary Baptist, Fowler Ford Road, Portland.
Macedonia Baptist Church, 457 Macedonia Road, Gallatin, 451-2735.
Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist, off Dobbins Pike, Portland.
Madison Creek Baptist, 782 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville, 8590414.
Pleasant Valley Baptist, 3403 Hwy 25, Cottontown.
Martin’s Chapel General Baptist, 112 Old Martin’s Chapel Road, Portland, 325-4335, website: martinschapel.org. Millersville First Baptist Church, 1140 Highway 31 W., 859-7784. Mitchellville General Baptist, 603 Hwy 259, 325-5865. Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, 239 N. Boyers Ave., Gallatin. Mt. Moriah Fellowship of Faith, 113 Overlook Drive, Hendersonville. Mt. Moriah General Baptist Church, four miles east of Portland, off Hwy 52, Mt. Moriah Road, Portland. Mt. Olivet Missionary Baptist Church, 1510 Mt. Olivet Road,
Portland General Baptist, 107 W. Market St., 325-4833. Providence General Baptist, 1100 Keen Hollow Road, Westmoreland, 888-2877. Rivergate Baptist, 611 New Shackle Island Rd., Hendersonville. Rock Bridge Missionary Baptist, Bethpage. Rockland Missionary Baptist, 103 Rockland Heights, Hendersonville, 824-5540. Rome Missionary Baptist Church, 1277 Avondale Road, Hendersonville, 264-0247. Salem Missionary Baptist, Old Hwy 109 N., Gallatin.
See CHURCHES, Page X92
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Churches Continued from Page X91 Siloam Missionary Baptist Church, Old Hwy 52, Westmoreland. Southside Baptist, 1028 Southwater Ave., Gallatin, 452-5951, website: southsidegallatin.org. Spring Hill Baptist Church, 6137 Dividing Ridge Road, Goodlettsville. St. Bellview Missionary Baptist Church, 2400 Baker Station Road, Goodlettsville, 851-0268. St. James Baptist Church, 1599 E. Broadway, Gallatin, 451-9991. St. John Baptist Church, 1085 New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville, 824-0715. Starks Knob Missionary, 139 Starks Knob Road, Hendersonville, 822-9548. State Line General Baptist Church, Portland. Station Camp Baptist, 100 Vantrease Road, Gallatin.
Strong Tower Ministries, 1853 Hwy 52, 888-3705. Sulphur Fork Missionary Baptist, 455 Fairfield Road, Bethpage, 8883089. Temple Missionary Baptist, Liberty Street, Portland. Trinity Baptist, 840 Forest Retreat Road, Hendersonville, 826-0874.
West Main Street, Gallatin. Westmoreland General Baptist Church, Fleet Drive, Westmoreland. White House General Baptist, 3904 Highway 31W, White House, 672-3530. White House Temple Baptist, 117 Marlin Road, White House, 6725339.
Trinity Free Will Baptist, 1207 Lowes Lane, Goodlettsville, 8593412.
Zion Faith Missionary Baptist, 155 Witherspoon St., Gallatin.
Union Chapel General Baptist, 1000 Dobbins Pike, Gallatin.
Union Chapel General Baptist, 1125 College St., Portland. 325-2282, website: unionchapelchurch.org. Union Hill Baptist Church, 1301 Union Hill Road, Goodlettsville, 859-2639. Union Hill Missionary Baptist, 141 Dobbins Pike, Gallatin, 451-9808. Unity Baptist Church, 354 E. Main St., Gallatin. Victory Missionary Baptist, 457 E. Main St., Hendersonville, 824-8420. West End Missionary Baptist,
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, 1729 Stop 30 Road, Hendersonville, 824-3276, website: ololcconline.com. St. John Vianney Catholic Church of Gallatin, 449 N. Water Ave., Gallatin, 452-2977, website: saintjohnvianneychurch.org.
Church of Christ Birdwell’s Chapel Church of Christ, 3170 Highway 25, Cottontown, 325-4640. Buck Lodge Church of Christ, Buck Lodge Road, Portland. Bush’s Chapel Church of Christ, 601 S. Tunnel Road, Gallatin. Clearview Church of Christ, 470 Clearview Road, Cottontown, 3257762.
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Mitchellville Church of Christ, 340 Briley Lane, Portland. Nashville Road Church of Christ, 1883 Nashville Pike, Gallatin, 4523431, website: nashvilleroad.org. New Hope Road Church of Christ, 2600 New Hope Road., Hendersonville, 822-5616. Northfield Church of Christ (satellite campus of Madison Church of Christ), 1338 Drakes Creek Road, at Drakes Creek Middle School, Hendersonville, 860-3211, website: northfieldchurch.net. North Sumner Church of Christ, 611 Highway 52 E., Portland, 6443130, website: northsumnercoc.org. Old Union Church of Christ, 2505 Highway 25, Castalian Springs, 451-3002, website: oldunionchurch.homestead.com. Palmer’s Chapel Church of Christ, 267 Ragland Road, Cottontown.
Rock Bridge Church of Christ, 1515 Rock Bridge Road, Bethpage, 428-6644, website: rockbridgechurchofchrist.org.
Goodlettsville Church of Christ, 411 S. Main St., Goodlettsville, 8595381, website: goodlettsville.org.
Millersville Church Of Christ, 1158 Louisville Highway, Millersville, 859-1841, website: millersvillechurch.com.
Community Church of Christ, 1627 Highway 109, Gallatin.
Gallatin Church of Christ, 150 E. Main St., Gallatin, 452-0271, website: gallatinchurchofchrist.com.
824-8604 • www.hendersonvillefpc.org
Lakeview Church of Christ, 132 New Shackle Island Rd., 824-1376, website: biblesaints.com.
Portland Church of Christ, 200 North Russell, Portland, 325-2889, website: portlandchurchofchrist.org.
Fountain Head Church of Christ, 290 Fountain Head Road, Portland, 325-4811, website: fountainheadchurchofchrist.org.
Knock and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
Ivy Point Church of Christ, 2705 Greer Road, Goodlettsville, 859-4781, website: ivypointchurchofchrist.com.
Corinth Church of Christ, 1220 Butler Bridge Road, Portland, 3253414.
Creekview Church of Christ, 930 Long Hollow Pike, Gallatin, 4528212, website: creekviewchurchofchrist.com.
“We Extend a Loving Invitation to Visit and Worship With Us” 9:00am Sunday School • 10:00am Worship Service 172 West Main Street (Stoplight #8) • Hendersonville
Dobbins Pike, Portland, website: hillcrestcoc.org.
Hartsville Pike Church of Christ, 744 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin, 4522530, website: hartsvillepikecoc.com. Hendersonville Church of Christ, 107 Rockland Road, Hendersonville, 824-6622, Website: hendcoc.com. Hillcrest Church of Christ, 2405
Shackle Island Church of Christ, 3578 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville, 824-2569. Union Hill Church of Christ, 1000 Dobbins Pike, Portland. Waycross Church of Christ, 111 Flat Ridge Road, Goodlettsville. West Eastland Church of Christ, 342 W. Eastland Ave., Gallatin, 452-1429, website: wecofc.com.
Church of God
Harvest Chapel Church of God, Meets at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, 2715 Oak Grove Church Road, Bethpage. Hendersonville Church of God,
See CHURCHES, Page X93
Methodist Church, 208 Wheeler St., Portland, 325-4444, website: therockchurchumc.com.
Trinity Lutheran Church, 720 Lock 4 Road, Gallatin, 452-3352, website: trinitygallatin.org.
Mt. Olive United Methodist Church, 1301 Mt. Olive Road, Westmoreland.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2826 Highway 31W., White House, 672-3300, website: princeofpeacewhitehouse.com.
Rehoboth United Methodist Church, 2601 Cages Bend Road, Gallatin, 822-3966, website: welcometorehoboth.com.
The Church of God, 790 Green Wave Drive, Gallatin.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 650 East Main St., Hendersonville, 8246244, website: sttimothyonline.org.
Salem United Methodist, Douglas Lane, Gallatin.
The Church of God, 135 Thurman Kepley Road, Portland.
724 East Main St., Hendersonville, 824-6855. Original Church of God, 660 W. Pace St., Gallatin. Original Jehovah Church of God, 661 Pace St., Gallatin.
West Eastland Church of God, 469 W Eastland Ave., Gallatin.
Church of God of Prophecy
Church of God of Prophecy, 604 S. Water, Gallatin, 452-6558. Lakeside Church of God of Prophecy, 5576 New Highway 31E, Westmoreland, 644-3373, website: lakesidetn.com. Portland Church of God of Prophecy, 820 College St., Portland.
Bethpage United Methodist Church, 3140 Highway. 31E, Bethpage, 841-3761, website: bethpageumc.org. Cairo Methodist Church, 2395 Cairo Road, Gallatin. Castalian Springs Methodist, Old Highway 25, Castalian Springs. Douglass Chapel United Methodist, 2141 Long Hollow Pike, Gallatin. Fairfield United Methodist Church, 909 Fairfield Road, Westmoreland, 888-9939.
Saundersville United Methodist Church, 710 E. Main St., Hendersonville, 822-7750. Walkers United Methodist Church, 245 Lickton Pike, Goodlettsville, 859-7644, website: umcmission.org.
Malachi Center, 825 S. Water Ave., Gallatin, 451-0509.
First United Methodist Church, 217 East Main St., Hendersonville, 824-8725, website: hfumc.org.
Hendersonville Church of the Nazarene, 159 Luna Lane, Hendersonville, 824-4411, website: hendersonvillenaz.org.
Grace Christian Church, 177 Bonita Parkway, Hendersonville, 824-3721. Oasis Church, 52 Alton Hill Road, Lafayette, 666-7351. Paths to Dwell in Ministries, 537 Blythe Ave., Gallatin, 452-4958.
Church of Our Saviour, 704 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin, 452-7146, website: gallatinepiscopalchurch.net. St. Joseph of Arimathea Episcopal, 103 Country Club Drive, Hendersonville, 824-2910, website: stjosephofarimathea.org.
Jehovah’s Witness
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness, 1620 Airport Road, Gallatin,
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, 525 New Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville, 822-4531, website: thegsumc.com.
Christ’s Community Church, 426 N. Broadway, Portland. Christ Church North, 2732 Highway 31W, White House, 672-2202, www.christworshipcenter.net. Christian Faith Church, 203 Richland Ave., Portland, 325-1885.
Community Church of Hendersonville, 381 W. Main St., Hendersonville, 826-0042, website: cchville.org.
Goodlettsville Church of the Nazarene, 400 Loretta Drive, Goodlettsville, 859-2555, website: goodnaz.org.
Forest Chapel Free Methodist Church, 150 Forrest Chapel Road, Westmoreland, 644-2023. Gallatin Free Methodist, 568 N. Water Ave., Gallatin, 452-3891.
Celebration of Life, 768 Forest Retreat Road, Hendersonville, 8267575, celebrationoflife.com.
Westmoreland United Methodist Church, 1101 Park St., Westmoreland, 644-2440.
White House First United Methodist Church, 3403 Highway 31W, White House, 672-7400, website: whitehousefumc.org.
Christ Christian Center Apostolic Church, 136 E. Prince St., Gallatin, 230-9200.
Calvary Chapel at Rivergate 1001 Willis Branch Road, Goodlettsville, 851-3088, website: ccrivergate.com.
The Church at Grace Park, 506 Hester Drive, White House, 6723752, website: gracepark.org.
First United Methodist, 149 W. Main St., Gallatin, 452-1922, website: fumcgallatin.org.
Faith Christian Center, 181 W. Smith St., Gallatin, 451-1110.
Byram’s Chapel Church, 8878 Byrums Chapel Road, Portland, 654-3984, website: byramschapel.org.
Walnut Grove United Methodist, 4101 Highway 76, White House, 672-3286.
Gallatin First Church of the Nazarene, 407 N. Water Ave., Gallatin, 452-2101, website: gallatinnazarene.com.
Robert’s Tabernacle Church of God Of Prophecy, 1801 Fairfield Road, Westmoreland, 644-3824.
Pleasant Grove Road, Westmoreland.
Faith Community Church of the Nazarene, 159 Luna Lane, Hendersonville, 824-4411, website: hendersonvillenaz.org. Highland Nazarene Church, 610 Highland Road, Westmoreland, 888-2700.
Emmanuel Believers Outreach Center, 4008 Old Highway 52E, Westmoreland, 644-5151. Faith House of Prayer, 112 Main St., Portland. The Father’s House, 1627 Highway 109 N., Gallatin. The Fireplace Fellowship, 32 Music Village Blvd, Hendersonville, 230-8378, website: thefireplacefellowship.com. Flames of Fire Institutional International, Gallatin. Free Indeed Fellowship Church, 825 S. Water St., Gallatin, 452-9982, website: freeindeedchurch.com. Gallatin Chapel, 119 Morningside Drive, Gallatin. Gateway Christian Center, 120 East Ave., Goodlettsville, 851-3525.
Goodlettsville Southern Methodist Church, 300 Draper Circle, Goodlettsville, 859-1785.
Living Springs Church of the Nazarene, 281 Big Station Camp Blvd., 461-6001, website: livingspringsnaz.org.
Key Stewart United Methodist, 166 Dorothy Jordan Ave., Gallatin, 451-1705.
New Life Church of the Nazarene, 302 Wilkinson Lane, White House, 672-4965.
Lambuth Memorial United Methodist, 1042 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin, 452-3715, website: gbgm-umc.org/ lambuthmumc.
Portland Church of the Nazarene, 409 South Russell, Portland, 3254805, portlandnazarene.com.
Highland Chapel Union Church, 1122 Highland Ave., Goodlettsville, 859-0546, website: highlandchapel.org.
Hosanna Church, 2621 Highway 76, Portland, 325-6404.
Liberty United Methodist, 1175 Liberty Lane, Gallatin. McKendree Memorial United
Agape Community Church, 3140 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville. Amazing Grace Ministries, 1024
Grace Tabernacle Christian Center, 809 N. Broadway, Portland. Higher Ground Church, 2717 Highway 31W, White House, website: lifechurch.tv.
See CHURCHES, Page X94
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Churches »CHURCHES FROM 93X Jesus Reigns Fellowship, 396 Pee Dee Branch Road, Cottontown. Jubilee Worship Center, 5254 Highway 31E, Westmoreland, 6443396. Lakeside Church, 5576 New Highway 31E, Westmoreland, 644-3373, website: lakesidetn.com. Liberty Worship Center, Kerley Center, 203 North Broadway, Portland. Living Word Church, 400 Two Mile Pike, Goodlettsville, 851-5500, website: nowfaith.com. The Lord’s Sanctuary, 734 Red River Road, Gallatin. 452-1166, website: lordssanctuary.org. Nashville Cowboy Church, The Ranch House, 410 Brick Church Pike, Goodlettsville, 859-1001, website: nashvillecowboychurch.org. New Covenant Fellowship, 802 S. Russell St., Portland.
New Day Christian Ministries, 211 W. Main St., Gallatin. New Hope Church, 1599 New Highway 52E, Westmoreland, 6443420, website: newhopechurchtn.com. New Vision Ministries, 5640 New Highway 31E, Westmoreland, 6446446. North East Church, 100 God Why Court, Hendersonville, 822-5550, website: godwhy.com. Old Time Christian Mission Full Gospel, Gallatin.
cast.net. Faith Worship Center, 116 Main St., Portland. Faith Apostolic Church, 2314 Highway 76, Portland. Goodlettsville United Pentecostal Church, 733 Old Dickerson Road, Goodlettsville, 859-9450, website: gpcministries.net. Harvest Point United Pentecostal Church, 715 College St., Portland, 325-6675, website: harvestpointministries.com.
The Shepherd’s House, 118 Main St., Portland.
Hendersonville Pentecostal, 151 Rockland Road, Hendersonville, 822-4850.
Victory Assembly Church, 115 N. Russell St., Portland.
Highways and Hedges Mission, 349 W. Grey St., Gallatin, 452-2097.
Victory Chapel, 800 N. Broadway, Portland.
New Life Tabernacle, 163 Witherspoon Ave., Gallatin, 451-9059.
Pentecostal Assembly Of Christ, 713 College St., Portland, 325-7594.
The Book of Acts Pentecostal Church, 614 Long Hollow Pike, Gallatin.
Portland Pentecostal Church of God, Highway 76 and Jackson Road, Portland, 384-9918.
Christ Apostolic Holiness Church, 109 College St., Portland, website: cacalive.org, email: barneskc@com-
Zion Upper Room Apostolic Faith Church, 373 Magnolia Ave., Gallatin, 452-5704, website: zionupperroomapostolicfaithchurch.org.
Beech Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 3216 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville, 824-3990, website: beechchurch.com. Faith Presbyterian Church, 372 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville, 859-1130, website: faithprespca.org.
“We glory in Christ and His Grace!”
First Presbyterian Church of Gallatin, 167 W. Main St., Gallatin, 452-3151, website: fpcgallatin.org.
1028 South Water Avenue Gallatin / 452-5951
First Presbyterian Church of Hendersonville, 172 W. Main St., Hendersonville, 824-8604, website: hendersonvillefpc.com.
Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Worship & Children’s Church - 10:45am Fellowship Meal - 12:15pm Early Afternoon Service - 1:00pm
Goodlettsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 226 S. Main St.; Goodlettsville, 859-5888, website: gcpctn.com.
(Afternoons/Evenings for rest, family and ministry!)
WEDNESDAYS: Prayer Service - 7:00 pm
Hendersonville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 453 Walton Ferry Road, Hendersonville, 8226091.
Pastor: James Bell
Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, 2715 Oak Grove Church Road, Bethpage, 888-2435.
Sumner County Upper Cumberland Presbyterian, 1038 Lock 4 Road, Gallatin, 859-3515, website: scucpc.com.
| FACT BOOK 2013
Seventh Day-Adventist Hendersonville Seventh-Day Adventist, 118 Anderson Lane, Hendersonville, 822-1466.
Highland Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 100 Highland Circle Drive, Portland, 325-3925, website: highlandadventist.org. Portland Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 North Broadway, Portland, 325-3092. Seventh Day Adventist, 873 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin, 325-2055, website: gallatin23.adventistchurchconnect.org. Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3660 Highway. 31W, White House, 672-4636, website: whitehousesda.org.
Accurate Image Ministries, 240 E. Main St., Hendersonville, 822-1832. Bahá’í Faith, Hendersonville, 8246273, website: hendersonvillebahais.org. Bethel Romanian Church of God, 585 Harris Lane, Gallatin, website: betheltn.com. Bread of Life Center, 130 N. Water Ave., Gallatin, website: breadoflifecenter.com. Celebration of Life, 768 Forest Retreat Rd., Hendersonville, 8267575, website: celebrationoflife.com. Community Church of Hendersonville, 381 W. Main St., Hendersonville, 826-0042, website: cchville.org. God Why Hendersonville, 100 God Why Court, Hendersonville, 8225550, website: godwhy.com. Jesus is Lord Overcomers Church, 615 E. Main St., Hendersonville, 673-3379. Life Church, 120 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville, 338-7241, website: lifechurch.tv. LifePointe Church, One Music Village Blvd., Hendersonville, 4397434. Living to Go Ministries, 705 Rivergate Parkway, Goodlettsville, 859-4408, website: livingtogo.org. The Church at Indian Lake, 1004 Drakes Creek, Hendersonville, 8266222, website: indianlakechurch.com. Word of Life Fellowship/The Rock, 1041 Centerpoint Road, Hendersonville, 264-3400.
Goodlettsville players celebrate with teammate Brock Myers after he hit a two-run homer in their first victory over the team from California. Goodlettsville beat Petaluma, Calif., 9-6, and went on to win the U.S. championship. RALPHY WILSON/GANNETT TENNESSEE
Goodlettsville LL All-Stars win big It was a monumental run for the Goodlettsville 12-year-old Little League AllStar baseball team. The squad not only represented Tennessee in the national spotlight, they represented the United States in the world championship game of the 2012 Little League World Series. The trek started for Goodlettsville locally as it swept through the area and district tournaments, and for the second consecutive season, won the Tennessee championship to earn a spot in the Southeast regional. A spot where it was eliminated a year ago, Goodlettsville stood up to the Southeast challenge, particularly perennial favorite Warner Robins (Ga.), when the locals won a 1-0 pitchers’ duel in the region championship game to earn a right to play in the World Series. By reaching the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa., Goodlettsville became the first Tennessee squad to advance to the nation’s elite eight since 1987
(Morristown), and it became the first midstate team since 1970 to advance that far. The winning didn’t stop there. Goodlettsville defeated the Midwest team from Kearnty, Neb. 12-1 in the first game of the Series before a 9-6 victory over West representative Petaluma, Calif. in the next round. The winner’s bracket finals brought a matchup against the Southwest team from San Antonio, which turned into a 4-3 victory for Goodlettsville that put Coach Joey Hale’s squad in the U.S. championship contest. In that game Goodlettsville earned another matchup with California. The contest turned into an instant classic, as a 10run lead didn’t hold up for the Tennessee squad. California forced extra innings, only to see a home run barrage by Goodlettsville turn into a 24-16 victory and a trip to the World Series Championship for the Sumner County team. Unfortunately for the local team, Japan proved to be dominant for the second
consecutive season and the international squad came away with a 12-2 victory in the championship. Still, the buzz and fanfare that Goodlettsville Little League generated with its run to the U.S. championship will hardly be forgotten. Local players such as Brock Myers, Luke Brown, Jayson Brown, Jake Rucker and Lorenzo Butler all made their marks in the tournament. Myers was the pitching ace throughout the Southeast regional and the World Series, while Rucker posted a team-best 1.57 ERA. Myers led the team with a .611 average, five homers and 10 RBI. Butler had four homers and Jayson Brown three in the tourney. Jayson Brown was also featured by ESPN on its Top 10 Plays on SportsCenter, when he made a diving catch in the team’s initial win over California. — Cecil Joyce/Sumner County Publications
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Fox wins U.S. Amateur title Steven Fox, as a 21-year-old Hendersonville native, captured the 2012 United States Amateur championship, winning the championship match with an 18-foot birdie putt on the first hole of playoff with Michael Weaver. Fox was the No. 63 seed out of 64 match-play qualifiers. In fact, Fox was one of the 14 individuals who emerged from a 17-man playoff to even get into the 64-man, match-play portion of the event. Fox, who was ranked 127th in the World Amateur Golf Ranking at the time, had to win six matches over a five-day span, including a quarterfinal victory over Chris Williams (the world’s top-ranked amateur). The championship earned Fox a spot in three of the Professional Golfers Association of America's (PGA) four major championships in 2013 – the Masters, the U.S. Open and the Open Championship. He also qualified for the World Amateur Golf Championship, which was to be
held in Turkey later in 2012, and he was selected to represent the United States in the 2012 World Amateur Team Championship. Fox also reached the round of 16 at the U.S. Amateur Public Links Championship in July. The Hendersonville High School graduate began the 2012-13 school years as a senior at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, having been selected as an All-Southern Conference selection twice and as a member of the conference's 2010 All-Freshman Team. Fox concluded his junior season ranked 89th in the nation. As a senior at Hendersonville High, Fox helped the Commando boys golf program to its first state-tournament appearance. Hendersonville placed third in Class AAA that season. As a Commando junior, Fox tied for fourth in the state as an individual. — Craig Harris/Sumner County Publications
Fox’s U.S. Amateur victory a golfer’s dream Editor’s note: The following is a column written immediately after Hendersonville’s Steven Fox won the U.S. Amateur, slightly edited for time elements. Until the weekend of Aug. 18-19, 2012, I barely knew who Steven Fox was. In recent years I had read about him a number of times as one of Sumner County’s top young golfers, but for the life of me I wouldn’t have known him if I had bumped into him at a Wal-mart or hit balls next to him at a driving range. Millions of people sure know who Fox is now. On Sunday, Aug. 20, 2012, the UTChattanooga senior out of Hendersonville struck gold, winning the men’s U.S. Amateur golf championship at Cherry Hills Country Club near Denver. Fox did it by coming from two holes down with two holes to play to beat fellow 21-year-old Michael Weaver of California in a 36-hole, match-play final that required a 37th hole to determine the winner.
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On that first playoff hole, Fox sank a downhill putt covering 18 twisting feet of sun-baked green for his third straight birdie, punctuating his victory with a joyous fist pump. Moments later a disconsolate Weaver was seen crouched low to the ground, his head buried in his hands, the sobs coming, understandably. The thrill of victory juxtaposed against the agony of defeat. Fifteen minutes earlier, Weaver had a five-foot putt to win the match. For Fox, this truly is the stuff dreams are made of. I won my home golf club’s junior championship on time, and in a high school match I once beat our state’s high school champion head to head on his home golf course. As great as all that was, what Fox accomplished is light years beyond. Another juxtaposition of note: on the same afternoon that Fox won one of golf’s most prestigious and brutal gut-checking championships, the Little League team out of Goodlettsville continued its amaz-
ing run, winning another game in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. How’s that for a Sumner County doubleheader sweep in terms of sporting victories on a national stage, both times featuring a California opponent? When our sports reporter Craig Harris spoke to him the day after the win, Fox still hadn’t gotten a firm grasp on what he had accomplished. It had been a week-long blur of one match after another to get to this pinnacle, along the way beating the world’s No.1-ranked amateur, Chris Williams, in a quarterfinal. So now a walking-on-air Fox tries to separate fact from fantasy, and someday soon it will settle in. He has won a prestigious national championship that counts among its previous title holders legends such as Bobby Jones, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods. How would you like to walk in those shoes?
Pro, college sports teams abound in and around Sumner Tennessee Titans Tennessee’s professional football team, the Tennessee Titans, is well within driving distance from anywhere in Sumner County. LP Field, home to the Titans, is less than 30 miles from most of Sumner County and is easily accessed by driving south on Vietnam Veterans Parkway, and Interstate 65. For tickets, visit titansonline.com, ticketmaster.com, at LP Field or call (800) 745-3000. Single-game tickets are on sale for each of the Titans’ 10 home games. There is a waiting list for season tickets and personal seat license, or PSL. To get on either list, visit titansonline.com or go to LP Field.
Nashville Predators The Nashville Predators professional hockey team is also located in downtown Nashville at the Bridgestone Arena. Single-game, season tickets, packages and group tickets are available at Ticketmaster or at 770-7825. Tickets can also be purchased at the Bridgestone Arena between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Nashville Sounds The minor league Nashville Sounds, an AAA affiliate of Major League Baseball’s Milwaukee Brewers, is less than 30 miles away from most parts of the county. Greer Stadium, which houses the Sounds baseball team, has all the major league baseball appeal, but at a minor league price. The Sounds offer single-game tickets, group rates, and season tickets at 6904487 or minorleaguebaseball.com. Tickets can also be purchased in person at Greer Stadium the day of the game.
Predators defenseman Francis Bouillon (51) tries to slide a shot past Coyotes goalie Mike Smith (41) during the 2012 Stanley Cup playoffs. GEORGE WALKER IV/GANNETT TENNESSEE
Titans quarterback Jake Locker (10) calls a play at the line of scrimmage in the second quarter of the Titans’ preseason game against the New Orleans Saints at LP Field Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012 in Nashville. GEORGE WALKER IV / GANNETT TENNESSEE
» TEAMS, 98X FACT BOOK 2013 |
Sumner has many sports leagues, outlets Gallatin American Legion Little League Municipal Park Ages: 7-12 451-7789 Kiwanis Cal Ripken League Municipal Park Ages: 9-12 451-0262 Kiwanis Babe Ruth League Thompson Park Ages 13-15 451-0262
Vol State draws fans
Gallatin Leisure Services slow-pitch softball Triple Creek Park Ages 5-16
451-5911 Gallatin Leisure Services, 451-5911 Tennis at Municipal Park, 230-0726 Skate park at Thompson Park Indoor swimming at Gallatin Civic Center Outdoor swimming at Municipal Park Swimming teams Cages Bend 451-1314 Gallatin Civic Center 451-5911 Fairvue Plantation 451-0919 Bowling alleys Holder Family Fun Center Gallatin, 683 S. Water Ave., 575-4386 Hendersonville, 460 W. Main St., 590-4386
College sports Sumner County has a multitude of college sports that are also within the 30-mile radius ranging from Southeastern Conference’s Vanderbilt University, to Belmont University and Lipscomb University of the Atlantic Sun Conference and Tennessee State University from the Ohio Valley Conference. Tickets for any sports events can be obtained by visiting the colleges’ websites. Sumner County is also home to Volunteer State Community College, one of the most competitive Junior Colleges in the JUCO in both basketball and in baseball and softball. Many of Sumner County’s finest athletes have called or currently call Volunteer State home, but the Pioneers are athletes from all over the United States. To obtain single-game tickets or season passes to any of Volunteer State’s home games, call (888) 3358722 or 452-8600. Tickets may also be obtained in person the day of the game. For more information, visit volstate.edu. Cages Bend swimmer Ayla David competes during a Nashville City Swim League meet during the summer. FILE PHOTO
| FACT BOOK 2013
Âť RECREATION FROM 98X holderfamilyfun.com Other leagues Gallatin soccer league 4515911 Gallatin youth football league 452-5876 Gallatin youth basketball leagues 451-5911
Hendersonville Parks and Recreation 822-3898 USSSA Baseball and Cal Ripken Baseball Ages 5-18, though no T-ball is offered, 822-3898. Games are played at Drakes Creek Park and Veterans Park. Slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball leagues Ages 5-16, with those leagues primarily playing at Drakes Creek Park and Veterans Park. Hendersonville Soccer Club 824-6216 Ages 3-18 with games at Drakes Creek Park. Hendersonville Titans Youth Football organization 4954433 Ages 5-12. Sponsored by the Hendersonville Civitan Club Swim teams Bluegrass Country Club 8246510 Indian Lake Swim Team 8260206 Public pool Sumner County YMCA 102 Bluegrass Commons Blvd. 826-9622 Tennis leagues Played at Drakes Creek Park 264-2017 Hendersonville Inline Hockey Association, 364-5598 Ages 8-under to 18-under. Both inline hockey rinks were damaged in the May flooding
but are expected to reopen before the start of 2011. Bowling alleys Strike & Spare Family Fun Center 824-5685 Holder Family Fun Center 590-4386
Goodlettsville T-ball Ages 4-5, games at MossWright Park 851-2253 Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volleyball Ages 10-15, games at Delmas Long Community Center 851-2253 Tennessee United Soccer Club Ages 9-under through 19under Games played at Moss Wright Park in Goodlettsville and Drakes Creek Park in Hendersonville. 306-7314 Middle Tennessee Futbol Club Ages 3-18 Matches played at Moss Wright Park 300-5805 Goodlettsville Trojans football Ages 5-14 Games played at MossWright Park 851-2253 Goodlettsville youth basketball leagues Ages 5-18. Games are played at the Delmas Long Community Center. 851-2253 Public Pool Pleasant Green Pool 851-2253 Second baseman Dakota Bailey fires to first in a Gallatin American Legion Little League game.FILE PHOTO
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Âť RECREATION FROM 99X Portland Little League Baseball Ages 3-16, played at Portland Little League complex 325-3555 Dixie Youth Baseball Ages 5-18 and played at Richland Park 325-6464 Portland Dixie Youth fastpitch softball Ages 5-16. Games are played at Municipal Park. 325-6464 Portland Soccer League Ages 3-18. Matches played at Richland Park 325-6464 Portland Recreation Department youth basketball leagues 325-6464 Portland Youth Football League Ages 6-12 325-6464 Public pool 325-9282
Westmoreland Little League Baseball Ages 9-12. Played at Westmoreland Little League baseball complex. 644-4174 Westmoreland T-Ball (3-6), coach pitch (7-8), senior league (13-15) Played at Westmoreland City Park 644-4174 Westmoreland fast-pitch softball Ages 9-16. Played at Westmoreland City Park 644-3382 Westmoreland youth football league
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Grades 3-6. 644-2306 Westmoreland youth basketball league Grades 3-6. 325-6464
White House Dixie Youth Baseball and fast-pitch softball leagues Ages 5-16. Games are played at Municipal Park. 672-4350, ext. 2114 White House Youth Soccer Association Ages 3-17. Matches played at the W.L. Anderson Sports Complex, located at 2760 Highway 31W 672-4350, ext. 2114 White House Parks and Recreation Department 672-4350, ext. 2114 Offers youth basketball and youth football leagues, as well as recreational softball leagues for men and women. Softball leagues play at Municipal Park, while the youth basketball leagues play at the Hobbs Municipal Center, located at 105 College St.
Sumner offers many marinas The Corps of Engineers Old Hickory Lake is a showcase for the area, annually attracting close to 8.6 million visitors, which brings in approximately $273 million in tourism revenue to the local economy. In recent years, the lake has hosted several fishing tournaments, including a National Bass Association fishing tournament. The lake has many recreational uses including fishing, boating, skiing, jet skiing and scuba diving. The dam itself became operational in 1957 and has 22,500 acres of water at normal pool. There is 440 miles of shore-
Ryan Edwards of Swimming Bluegrass Yacht and Country Club swims the butterfly portion of the 15-19-year-old 100-yard individual medley in the open division of a local meet. FILE PHOTO line for the entire lake. There are 19 recreation areas, 19 minor access points (boat ramps) and 284 picnic areas of varying sizes, campgrounds in the Cages Bend area of Hendersonville. There are eight marinas, three private clubs, six group camps on the lake and four swim areas, including Lock 3 in Hendersonville. Maps and brochures detailing the lake can be obtained at the resource managerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office at the Rockland Recreational area in Hendersonville, located off of Rockland Road. For information, call 822-4846, or visit lrn.usace.army.mil\op\old\rec. Marinas Anchor High Marina 128 River Road, Hendersonville 826-2628 Drakes Creek Marina 441 Sanders Ferry Road, Hendersonville 822-3886 Gallatin Marina 727 Marina Road, Gallatin 452-9876 Shady Cove Marina 115 Shady Cove Road, Castalian Springs 452-8010
Top Hog BBQ hitter Jayden Belote swings at a pitch during a Gallatin Little League baseball game. FILE PHOTO Creekwood Marina 259 Sanders Ferry Road, Hendersonville 824-7963 Cherokee Marina 450 Cherokee Dock Road, Lebanon 452-1515
Sumner has many hidden treasures
» BARRY YOUNG When I took this job and moved to Sumner County, little did I know that I would embark on a seemingly endless hunt for hidden treasure. After all, as the new executive director of the Sumner County Convention and Visitors Bureau, I had to know my stuff. So, off I went on this journey to seek out what fortune Sumner County, Tenn., has to offer visitors. To my surprise, I have discovered that the entire county is a treasure trove of scenic beauty, history and pieces of silver and gold that beckon to tell their stories. Of course, there are obvious jewels, like Old Hickory Lake, with its scenic beauty, great fishing spots and other various recreational opportunities. But there is more to be found, if you dig a little deeper. Sumner County is blessed to have more than its share of historic sites, so if you haven’t seen them all, it would be worth your while to do so. Castalian Springs, the “cradle of civilization” for Sumner County, is an amazing area that hosts a cache of history. Cragfont, the 1802 home of James Winchester, newly renovated Wynnewood, and Bledsoe’s Fort are in the “must see” category. There are also plans to renovate the state-owned Hawthorne Hill, home of Tennessee Gov. William Bate.
Glenn Cook, son of Bottom View Farm owner Ralph Cook, secures Alex Poplawski before the 9-year-old slides down the zip line that opened on May 16 at Bottom View Farm in Portland. DESSISLAVA YANKOVA/FILE
Gallatin boasts Rose Mont, one of Tennessee’s finest examples of Greek Revival architecture; Trousdale Place, the home of former Tennessee Governor William Trousdale, as well as the Sumner County Museum and the Palace Theatre, the South’s oldest silent movie theater in its original location on Gallatin’s historic Square. Just down the road in Hendersonville you’ll find another diamond in the rough, Historic Rock Castle, General Daniel and Sarah Smith’s circa-1794 home, which is full of stories about
frequent visitors, such as Andrew Jackson and Samuel Donelson. In Goodlettsville, you’ll discover Mansker’s Station, the home of Mansker’s Fort and the Historic Bowen House, built circa 1787. Another gem is Portland, home of the Middle Tennessee Strawberry Festival and a place where you can get a breath of fresh air. While you’re there, make sure and stop by Bottom View Farm and Bradley Kountry Acres, and you’ll find an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and even a zipline! Another Portland darling you might not be
aware of is the Days Gone By Museum, where you can view well over 100 antique tractors, trucks, implements and vehicles. Add to these riches a variety of dining, wineries and shopping, and you’ll see that Sumner County is a cornucopia of activity for visitors. To set sail on your next Sumner County adventure, contact the Sumner County Convention and Visitors Bureau at 888-301-7866 or visit sumnercvb.com. Barry Young is the executive director of the Sumner County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
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Community events calendar September 2012
March 2013
Sept. 24-30 » Annual Mule Day Event. Westmoreland Expo Center, 4011 Fleetwood Drive, Westmoreland. Sept. 27 » Taste of Hendersonville. Sept. 29 » A Journey of Faith, Fellowship and Community, McKendree Memorial United Methodist Church, 208 Wheeler Street, Portland. Guided bus tour of the community of Fountain Head and Bishop McKendree's family farm, location of the first meeting of the Tennessee Conference.
» Days of Wine & Roses, presented by the Hendersonville Rotary Club and held at Bluegrass Country Club.
October 2012 Oct. 5-6 » Annual Tractor Show & Threshing. Show begins at 8 a.m. each day. Includes steam engines, antique tractors, tour a WWII plane, tour the Days Gone By Museum, wheat threshings, saw milling, antique gas engines, and garden tractor pulls. Oct. 6 » Main Street Festival in Gallatin, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. » The 16th annual Candlelight Cemetery Tour in the Gallatin City Cemetery, 4 p.m. Oct. 12-14 » Hendersonville Flea Market. Hendersonville Expo Center. Oct. 13 » Harvest Moon Festival, Municipal Park, White House. Oct. 19 » Ghost and Lantern Tour. Bowen Plantation House, Moss Wright Park, Goodlettsville. Oct. 21-22 » Santa's First Stop & Artisan Show, Vol State Community College, Gallatin. Oct. 27 » Hank Thompson Trek & Treat. Thompson Plaza at the Streets of Indian Lake. Oct. 31
| FACT BOOK 2013
April 2013
Potter Tad Crisp, owner of Golden Hollow Pottery, makes a pestle for a mortar and pestle at the Gallatin Main Street Festival in October 2011. SARAH KINGSBURY/FILE » Trick or Treating on the Square. Gallatin Public Square, Gallatin.
Market. Hendersonville Expo Center, 90 Volunteer Drive, Hendersonville.
November 2012
December 2012
Nov. 1-Jan. 1 » HolidayFest, Hendersonville. Nov. 1-Jan. 15 » Trinity Christmas City USA in Hendersonville. Nov. 3 » Lock 4 Bike Park 6-Hour Challenge, Lock 4 Park, Gallatin. Nov. 3-4 » Second annual Sumner County Studio Tour of artists’ homes. Nov. 9-11 » Hendersonville Flea Market. Hendersonville Expo Center, 90 Volunteer Drive, Hendersonville. Nov. 17 » Christmas Harvest Craft Show at the Gallatin Civic Center, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Nov. 22 » Indian Lake Loop 5-Mile Run. Run begins at the Streets of Indian Lake in Hendersonville. Nov. 30-Dec. 2 » Hendersonville Flea
Dec. 1 » Yulefest, Mansker’s Station in Goodlettsville. » Merry Mantles at historic Rose Mont. » Portland’s Christmas Electric Light Parade and Chili Cookoff. » White House Christmas Parade and Holiday extravaganza starting at the White House City Park. » Christmas Open House at Sumner Crest Winery in Portland Dec. 2 » Hendersonville Christmas Parade. Dec. 8 » Gallatin Christmas Parade.
February 2013 Feb. 23-24 » Mid-TN Home Show, Hendersonville Expo Center.
April 22 » Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament. Date TBD » Sumner County Pilgrimage tour of homes. April 27 » Gallatin Squarefest. April 13 » Dog Daze of Hendersonville at the Streets of Indian Lake.
May 2013 May 4-11 » The 72nd annual Portland Strawberry Festival.
June 2013 June 15 » Rose Mont Festival in Gallatin.
July 2013 July 3 » Freedom Festival at Drakes Creek Park in Hendersonville.
July 31-August 5 » Sumner County Fair in Gallatin.
September 2013 Sept. 26 » Taste of Hendersonville. Sept. TBD » Festival by the Lake 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. at Veteran’s Park, Hendersonville. Sept. 21-22 » Gen. Daniel Smith Days at Rock Castle, Hendersonville.
Things to do in Sumner County Activity center
Farm fun
» Drakes Creek Activity Center. 130 Cherokee Road North, Hendersonville. 8220232. Located next to Drakes Creek Park, this center offers plenty of outdoor fun. Its most unique attraction is its outdoor laser tag, in which players choose a mission to play out. The experiences last three to four times longer than the traditional indoor laser tag experience, according to the activity center’s website. There is also an 18-hole mini-golf course, batting cages, game rooms and more. It is even possible to schedule a hot air balloon ride through the activity center.
» Bottomview Farms. 185 Wilkerson Lane, Portland. 325-7017. Bottomview Farms features a Native American village, an outdoor theater and a pay lake for fishing spread across 600 acres. Admission is free Monday-Saturday. Special events at the farm may include an admission charge. On the farm is the eateries, a zip line, fruit picking and a pumpkin patch. » Madison Creek Farms. 1228 Willis Branch Road. Goodlettsville. 448-6207. Walk through a field of flowers with zinnias and giant rows of sunflowers. Purchase berries, jams and produce at the onsite market. Try some fresh, hand-churned butter. Bring your children to hunt for eggs or fish in the creek. For more information and hours of operation, madisoncreekfarms.com. » Red Chief Orchard. 2400 Hartsville Pike, Gallatin. 452-1516. From July through October, visitors can pick fresh apples and peaches, purchase jams and jellies and sample the orchard’s popular fried pies and apple cider. » England Strawberry Farm. 720 Scattersville Road, Portland. 426-3068. For more than 35 years, families have been coming to England Strawberry Farm to pick fresh strawberries in the spring and pumpkins in October. One can also buy berries already picked. For more information, go to englandstrawberryfarm.com. » Shuckles Corn Maze and Pumpkin Farm. 1040 Bison Trail, Gallatin. 669-6293. Bring your family and friends and explore Shuckle's Corn Maze as you weave your way through almost six acres of fun-twisting turns.
Similar to nearby Nashville, Sumner County has a longstanding reputation for housing talented musicians, singers and actors. Hendersonville and Gallatin are each home to a thriving theater community. » Steeple Players. 260 W. Main St., Hendersonville. 826-6037. The Steeple Players is a nonprofit organization that provides family-friendly entertainment, including plays and musicals. More information is available at steepleplayers.org. » The Palace Theatre. 146 North Water Avenue, Gallatin. 230-0884. Originally opened in 1913, the Palace Theatre is the oldest silent movie theatre still standing in the same location in Tennessee. The theatre, operated by non-profit organization, Greater Gallatin, offers family-friendly movie fare, as well as performance arts and live music. » Regal Streets of Indian Lake Stadium 16. 300 Indian Lake Road, Hendersonville. 824-6817. The Regal is one of
Art galleries » All About Art. 260 W. Main St., Suite 209B, Hendersonville. 826-9880. Peruse the works of local artists like Frank Gee, Joel Knapp, Anna Ray and Tom Moore, as well as hand-crafted jewelry and other unique accessories at this art gallery and custom frame shop.
Bowling » Holder Family Fun Center. 683 S. Water Ave., Gallatin. 575-4386. 460 W. Main St., Hendersonville. 590-4386. Features state-of-the-art Brunswick equipment, cosmic bowling, arcade, snack bar, 11th Frame lounge, billiards and darts. » Strike & Spare and Circus World. 90 Volunteer Drive, Hendersonville. 8245685. Features 46 lanes of bowling, a bar and grill, pro shop, 6 Circus World attractions, over 80 video games and a large softplay area in the 78,000-square-feet center.
the anchor sites of the Streets of Indian Lake, an outdoor shopping center off Vietnam Veterans Boulevard in Hendersonville. For showtimes, go to regmovies.com. » NCG Gallatin Cinemas. 1035 Greensboro Dr., Gallatin. 451-9500. Gallatin’s largest movie theater. The theater also has agreements with several local businesses for dinner-and-a-movie combo deals.
» FUN, 104X
Actress Katie Redpath in the Steeple Players production of "Gypsy." FILE
Members of the WannaBeatles, and professional actresses dressed like Betty White during a video shoot at the Palace Theatre in August 2012. DESSISLAVA YANKOVA/FILE
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Libraries and arts organizations Arts councils » Hendersonville Arts Council. 1154 W. Main St., Hendersonville. 822-0789. Begun in 1975, the Hendersonville Arts Council is a non-profit, community arts service promoting the cultural development of Hendersonville and the surrounding middle Tennessee area. » Gallatin Arts Council. 4529129. The Gallatin Arts Council is a private, non-profit 501c3 tax deductible organization organized in 1988. Its mission is to support and encourage the growth of artists and the arts in our community by providing
Pat Lincoln looks over books at the Hendersonville Public Library during a Library Friends book sale. FILE cultural activities of educational and entertainment value for citizens of all ages and backgrounds.
Libraries » Gallatin Public Library of Sumner County 123 E. Main St., Gallatin TN 37066
452-1722 » Hendersonville Public Library 140 Saundersville Road 824-0656 » Portland Public Library (formerly Elmer Hinton Memorial Library) 301 Portland Blvd. 325-2279 » Westmoreland Public Library 2305 Epperson Springs Road 644-2026 » White House: White House Inn Library and Museum 412 U.S. Highway 76 672-0239 » Volunteer State Community College Thigpen Library 1480 Nashville Pike 230-3400
Old Hickory Lake is popular spot for family activities »FUN FROM 103X
Old Hickory Lake Old Hickory Lake is one of the state's most popular waterways for its close proximity to Nashville and is renowned for its fishing. It is host to two major, often televised, fishing tournaments annually and several smaller tournaments. Marinas: » Anchor High Marina 128 River Road Hendersonville 824-2175 » Creekwood Marina 259 Sanders Ferry Road Hendersonville 824-7963 » Drakes Creek Marina 441 Sanders Ferry Road Hendersonville 822-3886 » Gallatin Marina 727 Marina Road Gallatin 452-9876 » Shady Cove Resort 1115 Shady Cove Road Castalian Springs
| FACT BOOK 2013
452-8010 Picnic spots and boat access: Old Hickory Lake has approximately 440 miles of shoreline, much of which is in Sumner County. One of the most frequented lakes in the state, there are many places to launch a boat or enjoy a day by the lake. » Sanders Ferry Park Sanders Ferry Road, Hendersonville. 822-3898. This park offers lakeside-covered shelters and three docks. » Lock 4 City Park 1317 Lock 4 Road, Gallatin. 451-5911. A covered shelter and a modest playground sits beside this small boat launch area. » Bledsoe Creek State Park 400 Zieglers Fort Road, Gallatin. 452-3706. A large park sitting on the Bledsoe Creek area of Old Hickory Lake offers fishing, hiking and camping. Rental shelters, boat ramps and RV areas included. » Avondale Recreation Area
shelters and gazebo, a fishing platform, playground, sand volleyball courts, picnic sites and more. » Nat Caldwell Park Douglas Bend Road, Gallatin. 822-4846. Located at the intersection of Douglas Bend Road and Nashville Pike, Nat Caldwell features a boat ramp allowing access to Old Hickory Lake.
A fisherman on Old Hickory Lake. FILE
Avondale Access Road (off Shute Lane), Hendersonville/ Gallatin. Avondale offers a boat launch ramp and rentable groups of picnic shelters. » Old Lock 3 Access Area Lock 3 Road, Hendersonville. This Hendersonville location has a swimming area and boat ramp. » Rockland Recreation Area 5 Power Plant Road, Hendersonville. 822-4846. Operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this recreation spot features a boat ramp, rentable
» Long Hollow Winery & Vineyards. 665 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville. 859-5559. Sample the wines, teas and jellies from this vineyard established by Grand Ole Opry member Stu Phillips. » Sumner Crest Winery. 5306 Old Highway 52, Portland. 325-4086. This awardwinning Portland winery offers a broad selection of wines, to dry, sweet, dessert and more. Also on display at the winery is a collection of classic cars dating as far back as the 1920s.
VETERANS Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9851 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 240 Location: 73 New Shackle Island Road, #R, Hendersonville Phone: 824-9851 Members: approximately 270 President: Jim Flockencier Monthly meeting: First Monday, 7 p.m., meal at 6 p.m. Veterans and survivor benefits and claims information, food pantry, emergency financial assistance, job placement, assistance with Nashville Veterans Affairs Medical Center registration, arrange transportation or escorts to VA hospital or doctor visits, counseling or counseling referrals. Community involvement includes scholarships for students, Operation Santa Claus, Color guard services for community events, honor guard services for military funerals, Operation Spearhead, and maintenance of the Sumner County Veterans Park in Gallatin.
John T. Alexander American Legion Post 17 Location: 1140 S. Water Ave., Gallatin Phone: 452-0590 Online: americanlegionpost17gallatin.org Members: Approximately 545. Open to veterans of all eras. Post commander: Charlene Jackson Monthly meal: Free meal for veterans, second Tuesday Food pantry, veteran benefits information, food pantry, Sumner County Veterans Home and Old Glory restaurant, student education including flag education, athletic teams sponsorship
Disabled American Veterans, Sumner County chapter 95 Meeting: First Tuesday, 6 p.m., at VFW Post 9851 in Hendersonville Contact: 554-4011 or tn95mail@davfrat.org Online: davmembersportal.org/chapters/tn/95
Portland American Legion Post 75 Location: 107 Legion Drive, Portland Phone: 325-2593 Post commander: Sam Coleman Hours: Monday through Saturday, 3 p.m. to midnight
Westmoreland Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9806 Address: 2605 Epperson Springs Road, Westmoreland Phone: 644-3152 for information on post or 559-3592 for facility rental Meeting: Fourth Thursday, 7 p.m., potluck meal at 6 p.m. Post commander: Roger Pullen Members: Approximately 80 members Scholarship programs: Voice of Democracy grades (9-12, $30,000 scholarship); Patriot’s Pen (grades 6-8, $15,000 scholarship); and Teacher of the Year Awards.
White House American Legion Post 206 Location: 3321 Highway 31W North Phone: 672-4918 or 604-1249 Meeting: First Thursday, 7 p.m. Post commander: Homer Wright Members: Approximately 100 Veterans services and assistance, community involvement, sponsor youth organizations and athletics.
Sgt. Stewart Cale of Gallatin attended the 2012 Memorial Day event with his family at the Sumner County Veterans Park.
STATE LEVEL Tennessee Department of Veteran Affairs Commissioner: Many-Bears Grinder Contact: 741-2931 Online: state.tn.us/veteran VA hospital: VA Medical Center (615) 873-7950 or (615) 873-8048 1310 24th Ave. South, Nashville
In-county services
various locations monthly.
» Bill McRee, Sumner County veteran service officer Services: Assistance with benefits, pensions, psychological counseling and more. Location: Sumner County Administration Building, 355 N. Belvedere Drive, Gallatin Phone: 451-6014 to make an appointment. Email: wmcree@sumnertn.org » Regularly scheduled locations » First Wednesday of the month Macon Bank & Trust in Westmoreland, 8-11 a.m. Portland City Hall, 1-2:30 p.m. » Second Wednesday of the month VFW Post 9851 in Hendersonville, 8:30-11 a.m. » Other appointments held at
Education services Ken Hanson, Volunteer State Community College veterans coordinator » Location: Volunteer State Community College, 1480 Nashville Pike, Gallatin » Phone: 230-3444 » Email: kenneth. hanson@volstate.edu
Fundraising efforts » Music City Powerboat Association » Concered Motorcyclists of Tennessee/American Bikers Active Toward Education. Meets at VFW Post 9851 the third Thursday of the month. » Booster clubs
FACT BOOK 2013 |
ADVERTISER INDEX Acopia Capitol Group .................................4
Garrott Brothers Concrete ........................25
Southside Baptist Church.........................94
All Access Coach Leasing.........................60
Gary Petty................................................88
Sumner Academy ....................................37
Ann Buchanan .........................................88
Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce ....29
Sumner Medical Group ..........................109
Bluegrass Country Club............................29
Hendersonville Memory Gardens..............26
Sumner Regional Medical Center ...........111
Caris Healthcare ......................................65
Historic Cragfont Mansion........................50
Swan Surgical .........................................68
CEMC ......................................................43
Historic Rock Castle.................................50
Tennessee Mobility ..................................64
Chocolate Covered Strawberry.................72
Historic Rose Mont...................................52
Union University.....................................110
City of Hendersonville ..............................28
Judy Turner..............................................88
Volunteer State Bank ...............................11
City of Millersville ....................................30
Kabuto Japanese Steakhouse ................112
Watson Electric, Inc..................................72
City of Portland ........................................31
Kari Powell ..............................................88
White House Chamber of Commerce........33
Coldwell Banker Lakeside..........................2
Kim Blanton.............................................88
Crestview Funeral Home, Memory Gardens...... 26
Martin Realty House.................................86
Derryberry’s Heating & Air Conditioning .......15
Mary Cay Koen, D.D.S..............................25
Ed & Janie Andrews.................................88
Morningside Assisted Living.....................62
The Farmers Bank .....................................9
Parent Teacher Store................................37
First Presbyterian Church – Hendersonville .....92
Perkins Drugs and Gift Shoppe.................62
Foster’s Floor Covering ............................70
Randy Jones Construction .......................72
Gallatin Women’s Center..........................66
Sam’ Club................................................74
| FACT BOOK 2013
Morningside Assisted Living................................................. 62
Bob Parks Realty ................................................................ 88 Coldwell Banker Lakeside ...................................................... 2 Martin Realty House ........................................................... 86
Acopia Capitol Group ............................................................ 4 The Farmers Bank ................................................................ 9 Volunteer State Bank .......................................................... 11
Randy Jones Construction.................................................... 72
Chocolate Covered Strawberry .............................................. 72
Chambers of Commerce
Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce ...................................................................... 29 White House Chamber of Commerce ...................................................................... 33
First Presbyterian Church – Hendersonville............................ 92 Southside Baptist Church .................................................... 94
City Governments
Events/Corporate Function Space Kabuto ............................................................................ 112
City of Hendersonville ......................................................... 28 Financial Services City of Millersville............................................................... 30 Acopia Capitol Group ............................................................ 4 City of Portland .................................................................. 31 The Farmers Bank ................................................................ 9 Volunteer State Bank .......................................................... 11
Coach Leasing
All Access Coach Leasing .................................................... 60
Union University............................................................... 110
Foster’s Floor Covering ........................................................ 70
Funeral/Memorial Services
Crestview Funeral Home, Memory Gardens ............................ 26 Bluegrass Country Club ....................................................... 29 Hendersonville Memory Gardens .......................................... 26
Conference Rooms Contractors
Randy Jones Construction.................................................... 72 Chocolate Covered Strawberry .............................................. 72 Perkins Drugs and Gift Shoppe ............................................ 62
Mary Cay Koen, D.D.S......................................................... 25
Golf & Country Clubs
Bluegrass Country Club ....................................................... 29
Chocolate Covered Strawberry .............................................. 72 Healthcare Kabuto ............................................................................ 112 Caris Healthcare ................................................................. 65 Dr. Mary Cay Koen, D.D.S.................................................... 25 Economic Development CEMC................................................................................ 43 Perkins Drugs and Gift Shoppe ............................................ 62 Sumner Medical Group...................................................... 109 Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce ...................................................................... 29 Sumner Regional Medical Center ....................................... 111 White House Chamber of Commerce..................................... 33 Swan Surgical .................................................................... 68 Tennessee Mobility ............................................................. 64 Entertainment Transportation Gallatin Women’s Center ..................................................... 66 All Access Coach Leasing .................................................... 60 TN-0000837390
FACT BOOK 2013 |
Private Schools
Derryberry’s Heating & Air Southside Baptist ..........................94 Conditioning...............................15 Sumner Academy ..........................37
Historic Homes
Historic Cragfont Mansion ..............50 Historic Rock Castle.......................50 Historic Rose Mont ........................52
Home Health Care
Real Estate Ann Buchanan ..............................88 Coldwell Banker Lakeside .................2 Ed & Janie Andrews .......................88 Gary Petty .....................................88
Caris Healthcare ............................65 Judy Turner ...................................88 Morningside Assisted Living............62 Kari Powell ...................................88 Home Improvement
Kim Blanton..................................88 Foster’s Floor Covering ...................70 Martin Realty House ......................86 Tourism Historic Cragfont Mansion ..............50 Derryberry’s Heating & Air Respite Care Conditioning...............................15 Historic Rock Castle.......................50 Garrott Brothers Concrete ...............25 Morningside Assisted Living............62 Historic Rose Mont ........................52 Randy Jones Construction...............72
Watson Electric, Inc.......................72 Chocolate Covered Strawberry .........72 CEMC...........................................43 Kabuto .......................................112 Hospice Caris Healthcare ............................65
Bluegrass Country Club ..................29 Foster’s Floor Covering ...................70 Historic Cragfont Mansion ..............50 Sumner Regional Medical Center ..111 Parent Teacher Store......................37 Historic Rock Castle.......................50 Sam’ Club.....................................74 Historic Rose Mont ........................52
Mortgage Loans
Acopia Capitol Group .......................4
The Farmers Bank ...........................9 Southside Baptist ..........................94 Volunteer State Bank .....................11 Sumner Academy ..........................37
Orthodontists Dr. Mary Cay Koen, D.D.S...............25
Pharmacies Perkins Drugs and Gift Shoppe .......62
Physicians William Caldwell, M.D. ...................66 Swan Surgical ...............................68
| FACT BOOK 2013
School Supplies Parent Teacher Store......................37
Senior Care Morningside Assisted Living............62 Tennessee Mobility ........................64
Sports & Recreation Bluegrass Country Club ..................29
Coming Together To Serve Your Health Care Needs... FAMILY PRACTICE Stephen Bennett, M.D. Andrew Dill, M.D. H. Wayne Hooper, M.D. Henry Lau, M.D. Clay MacConnell, M.D. Robert McDaniel, M.D. Brian Stuart, M.D. Joe David Cox, M.D. 262 E. Main St. • 452-3532
INTERNAL MEDICINE Donald Ezuteh, M.D. A. Sid King, M.D. David Mazurek, M.D. Anil Nachnani, M.D.
ENDOCRINOLOGY Deepti Bulchandani, M.D.
GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Mark D. Uhl, M.D. Jagdish Nachnani, M.D.
NEUROLOGY Megan Mason, M.D.
PULMONOLOGY Hermogenes, P.D. Battad, M.D. William T. Faith, M.D.
ADMINISTRATOR: Wanda Gant phone: (615) 230-8070 fax: (615) 452-1774
Specialty Clinic Physicians CARDIOLOGY Affiliated with St. Thomas Heart Mark Aaron, M.D. Thomas Bartlett, M.D. (Electrophysiology) Reginald Dickerson, M.D. Mark Goldfarb, M.D. 451-9200
DERMATOLOGY Affiliated with Rivergate Dermatology Keith H. Loven, M.D. 859-7546
NEUROSURGERY Affiliated with Neurosurgical Associates Richard A. Berkman, M.D. 986-1256
PODIATRIST Graham Frazier, DPM
VASCULAR SURGERY Affiliated with Surgical Clinic William Edwards, Jr., M.D. 385-1547
RHEUMATOLOGY Affiliated with St. Thomas Medical Group Poonam Somai, M.D. 297-2700
300 Steam Plant Rd., Suite 300 Gallatin, TN 37066
www.sumner medical.com FACT BOOK 2013 |
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| FACT BOOK 2013
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HighPoint Health System and its affiliates are committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. TN-0000835059
FACT BOOK 2013 |
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