Active Family Magazine | February 2021

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Why It Matters More than Ever During a Pandemic


The Affordable Alternative to Tahoe

Volume 8 / Issue 83

If You Don’t Think About This, You Probably Won’t Achieve Your Goals

Mt. Shasta Skipark: The Affordable Alternative to Tahoe





Grownup’s Getaway: Healdsburg

Valentines Day Gift Guide





Napa with Naptimes

{ PARENTING } Proactive Parenting: Why It Matters More than Ever During a Pandemic

14 Keep Books Here and There

The Secret of Making a New Year's Resolution You Can Keep






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Marketing Interns

Contributing Authors

Tracie Brown Vollgraf

Talia Dobrec

Advertising Sales Director

Fashion Editor

Whitney Ignacio

Rachel Fawkes

Travel Editor


Jeanne Huybrechts Dr. Meg Meeker Amy McCready Elizabeth Kang Dr. Laura Markham Stratford Schools

Elizabeth Kang

Teresa Agnew Craft

Active Family is published by TAG Marketing Group Mailing Address | P.O. Box 5158, Pleasanton, CA 94566

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Editor’s Note Although we are still sheltering in place, it hasn’t deterred us from discovering safe, outdoor adventures to share with our readers! Winter is challenging, but there is still plenty to explore in the Bay Area and beyond. If you have been following our Instagram page (@activefamilymagazine) you are sure to find some great suggestions for family fun! Instead of hitting our regular Tahoe spots, we recently headed up to Mt. Shasta Skipark. A quick four hour drive, we were pleasantly surprised to find a mountain which was not only less crowded, but equally beautiful and offered lots of activities for the kids. Hop on over to page 26 to learn more. The Napa Valley is still a great destination with outdoor dining and winery options. Read more about Healdsburg on page10 and learn how to handle Napa with the kids on page 20. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we’ve compiled a great gift guide for the entire family on page 16. Wishing you all a safe and happy February! Tracie Brown Vollgraf Editor



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The Secret of Making a New Year's Resolution You Can Keep by Dr. Laura Markham "The moment one commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred... Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Begin it now." - Goethe Dr. Laura Markham is the author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University and has worked as a parenting coach with countless parents across the English-speaking world, both in person and via phone. You can find Dr. Laura online at, the website of Aha! Moments for parents of kids from birth through the teen years, where she offers a free daily inspiration email to parents.

Did you make a New Years Resolution to be more patient, or to stop yelling? Surveys show those are the #1 resolutions for parents. If you're like most of us, you've had the experience of making resolutions only to give up in frustration and self-disgust within a few weeks. You may feel like giving up already, and it's only January 4! The truth is, most New Year's resolutions fail. Not because we're not good enough, or we don't try hard enough. But because what we're trying to do is HARD. If it were easy, it wouldn't take a New Years Resolution! The second reason we don't make progress on our resolutions is that most


[ HEALTH & FITNESS ] resolutions are a wish, not a plan. To accomplish

3. Hone your desire.

anything hard, we need to break it into small chunks--a

Why do you want this goal? What will be different in

step-by-step plan--and support ourselves to accomplish

your life once you achieve it? Picture what your life

each step. Then, we need to keep revising our plan to

will look like, to whet your appetite and program your

accommodate reality when we hit a wall.

subconscious. Fierce desire + Intention = the Seed of your Resolution. Without that seed, nothing grows.

The third reason that resolutions wither without bearing fruit is that we don't give ourselves enough support. We

4. Commit yourself – on paper, and in public.

don't ask for help. We never really commit ourselves

Once we set an intention, the universe lines up to support

aloud and in public, which means our resolution never

us. We marshal resources we never even suspected we

gets the chance to grow roots, much less flower.

had available, from both inside and out. So be brave and go public--tell your family your intention.

So the bad news is that resolutions are not enough. Intention is only the first step. But that doesn't mean we

It also helps to write your intention down and put it in your

should just give up and treat the whole idea of New

pocket: "I am more and more able to regulate my own

Years Resolutions as a bad joke. While we can create

emotions." Really! Research shows that thoughts we write

change at any time, there's something about the

down and "carry with us" are more likely to blossom.

symbolic fresh start of the new year that does give us a

Have something you want to get rid of? The same

little extra momentum.

research shows that when you write something down ("Yelling and threats!") and throw it in the garbage, you

The good news is that there are a few lucky folks who

lessen its hold on you.

actually make their New Year's resolutions come true. What can we learn from them?

5. Make a plan. The only way anyone ever met a goal was by breaking it

1. Start by supporting yourself.

into little pieces and completing one day at a time. How

Seeds don't germinate on concrete. Flowers bloom

will you support yourself to accomplish your resolution?

when we support their growth by cultivating the soil. So

What will you actually do to achieve your goal? Write it

for instance if your plan is to stop yelling, your first steps

down. If your plan is to stop yelling, for instance, how can

might be getting enough sleep, monitoring your own

you give yourself daily support to stay on track? What will

moods, and cutting out some of the stress in your life.

you do in the moment when you start to lose it? How will

Notice how your child acts better when he gets his needs

you measure your success?

met? You're the same way. Intention will only take you so far. You have to address the needs and feelings that

6. Take one small step every day.

drive your behavior.

Assign yourself a very reasonable task for each day, with one day every week free, for catch-up or time off.

2. Pick one thing.

It might be the same task every day: “When you notice

So you want to stop yelling at your kids, get more fit, and

you're getting irritated, STOP, DROP (your agenda) and

and do more self-care? That's wonderful! But you can't

BREATHE!" or "Get up ten minutes earlier to listen to a

do everything at once. Pick one change that feels do-

meditation audio.”

able and commit to that as Step One. Maybe something like better self-care, which will help you stay better

Or maybe you need to begin with something even more

regulated emotionally, so you'll be more emotionally

foundational: "Go to bed half an hour earlier every

generous in all your relationships. Make a specific self-


care goal with a step by step plan, and hold yourself accountable to do it. Then put your other goals on your

Put your daily tasks on your calendar. Make a chart to

calendar as next steps to review in a month.

check off your daily progress, and put it up in a public FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 7

[ PARENTING ] place. Let your kids give you a gold star on those days you don't yell. Every day you stick to your plan, you make the next day easier.

• What would have helped me today to keep my resolution? • How can I give myself that support from now on? For instance, if your intention is to stop yelling at your

7. Take it one day at a time.

child, and you notice you're always impatient at

One year equals 365 opportunities to get yourself back

bedtime, then rethink your evening routine. This is

on track! Every day when you wake up, you'll need to

creating the nourishing conditions that your resolution

re-commit yourself. Big changes are daunting. If change

needs to blossom.

were easy, you'd already be doing it. 10. Review and Revise. So focus on today, right now. You have a choice

Revise your plan as necessary. For instance, if you're

between love and something else -- fear, or being right,

trying to stop yelling, you'll find that most of the time

or indulging in a tantrum. Choose love. Then, repeat. Over and over again, all day long. It's really hard, but it gets easier. You can do anything for an hour. From there, it isn't such a big stretch to go a whole afternoon. Before you know it, you've clocked a day, and then a week, of your new life. 8. Make it a habit Most resolutions get derailed because they aren’t sustained for long enough to create a new habit. Habits need to be repeated daily for at least 30 days to become entrenched. If you want to rewire your brain to stop yelling, it usually takes about three months. Check in every day and take a positive action towards your goal. Think of this as watering your Resolution. Don’t lose heart if your Resolution isn’t flowering during the first

you're already yelling before you even notice. For now, maybe your goal could be to shut your mouth as soon as you realize you're yelling. Over time, you'll be able to notice sooner and close your mouth faster. Then, you'll become aware of your anger mounting before you open your mouth, and maybe even as you start building up an attitude of annoyance. Check your plan every single day. Give yourself lavish positive reinforcement for every day that you take a step forward – which should be often, since you're tackling just one small task each day. Cheer yourself on at every step. Not working? Maybe you need some sunshine and fertilizer (in other words, self love!). Remember, your

month. You should be able to see those shoots poking

behavior is driven by your own needs and feelings.

up, and maybe some buds forming. In other words,

Address them and you'll see your behavior change.

celebrate every bit of progress in the right direction.

Self-care is essential to positive parenting. Find whatever support you need to help you make your intention a

9. What about those days when you blow it?


Of course those days will happen! Forgive yourself in advance. Make a plan now so you can get back on

There's no deadline. The important thing is that you're

track in those tough moments. Remember that if you

headed in the right direction. Even two steps forward,

learn from those times when you fall short, it's not a total

one step back will get you where you’re going. Any goal

loss. In fact, if it keeps you on track in the future, it's a win.

worth achieving takes time and hard work. Sometimes

So instead of beating yourself up, use those moments as

the impossible just takes a little longer. I'll be here

an opportunity to ask yourself two questions:

cheering you on every step of the way.



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by Elizabeth Kang

Sometimes overlooked for the slightly more accessible

vineyards and the Russian River Valley. This serene

and familiar wine-country hot spots, Healdsburg is a

escape delivers privacy and social distancing safety

small town that’s chock-full of charm, notable wineries,

too, with reservations for wine tasting and plenty of

and culinary delights. With friendly tasting rooms, quaint

room to spread out. The knowledgable staff helps guests

boutiques and sophisticated restaurants all anchoring

discover their new favorite wine, whether its a fruit-

the town square, Healdsburg offers plenty to fill a

forward pinot noir or rich chardonnay (both of which

weekend, all within walking distance. If you’re heading

varietals they specialize in.) This must-stop winery is worth

up to wine country for a little R&R — a fun girls’ getaway

the views alone, but luckily, their wine is on par with the

or romantic couple’s weekend — consider driving just


a smidge further to discover the wonderful offerings in Healdsburg, California.

J Vineyards is a sparkling-wine lovers delight, focusing on California Sparkling varietals, whites and a some

SIP — The Russian River Valley is home to some of the

standout Pinot Noirs, too. Their small plate tasting is a

best wines in the world, particularly pinot noirs and

treat, with five gourmet courses paired with five wines.

chardonnays, thanks to its cooler-weather location near

They also offer a wonderful artisan cheese and small-

the coast. Located just east of the Napa Valley, the

lot wine pairing, for a lighter bite. Their casual and lush

Russian River Valley boasts over 300 wineries.

outdoor terrace is the perfect spot to enjoy a social-

Gary Farrell Vineyards offers breathtaking views of

distanced tasting, by reservation. FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 11


SHOP — “The Square,” located in beautiful downtown

offers something for everyone, from children’s toys to

Healdsburg, is home to an abundance of boutique shops

handmade silver jewelry for adults. Be sure to check out

offering handmade wares, unique gifts and beautiful

their selection of unique greeting cards.

clothing. Browsing these treasure troves is a wonderful way to while-away an afternoon.

OSKA is known for its simple, breezy and sophisticated linen clothing, and is the only store branch located in

Punch has been voted “Best Women's Clothing Store in

the U.S. This location is considered an outlet, so discount-

Sonoma County” for many years now, offering a wide

hunters won’t want to miss this stop.

selection of on-trend women’s clothing. DINE — Healdsburg is quickly gaining reputation as a Mr. Moon’s is a go-to if you're looking for a last-minute

culinary hot spot, home to a number of renowned fine-

gift or souvenir. This delightful and eclectic shop

dining establishments, as well as countless fast-casual


[ TRAVEL ] eateries. Many menus found in Healdsburg emphasis

Journeyman Meat Company definitely serves up its share

in-season, local ingredients, and farm-to-table cuisine.

of fine charcuterie, but don't let the name scare off any

Narrowing down your options will be the hardest part of

vegetarian friends, because this deli, meat shop and

your weekend!

wine bar offers much more than that. Stop into this highly rated shop to pick up a crispy wood-fired pizza, house-

Valette Restaurant is the ultimate restaurant for foodies,

made charcuterie board, fresh deli sandwich, bottle

(and the people who love them.) Valette serves an

of local wine or beer, and anything else you’d need to

incredibly memorable five-course tasting menu on their beautiful outdoor patio. (They are currently offering a-la-carte and three-course to-go orders.) This fine-dining establishment pays homage to locally sourced ingredients and wineries, and was founded by Dustin Valette and Aaron Garzini, two brothers with a longstanding family legacy in Healdsburg. Diners won’t want to miss the most-loved dish on the menu, Scallops En Croute. Costeaux French Bakery is the best way to start out a

make up a 5-star picnic lunch. Yes, there’s even a salad on the menu. STAY — Offering the best location in town, Healdsburg Inn on the Plaza is centrally located right in the Healdsburg Plaza. This quaint B&B is a Four Sisters Inn property — a branch of small boutique hotels renowned in the area for their quaint charm and historic properties. Healdsburg Inn was built in 1901, but boasts a happy mix of historic charm and modern luxuries.

day, especially when you order their bubbly mimosa. This charming bakery/cafe serves a delicious breakfast and

Guests at Healdsburg Inn on the Plaza enjoy a delicious

lunch with a stunning view, as well as incredible baked

complimentary breakfast, access to bikes to explore

goods and cute knick-knacks. Start your day with their

the town, a wine and cheese happy hour tasting, daily.

mouthwatering house-made Pain Perdu French Toast,

The beautifully appointed rooms have a lovely vintage

or pick up a made-to-order boxed lunch for a winery

farmhouse vibe, with floral fabrics, airy white linens, and


stately crown moulding.


[ PARENTING ] Dr. Meeker is a pediatrician, who has practiced pediatric and adolescent medicine for 25 years. She is the author of six books including the best-selling Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: Ten Secrets Every Father Should Know; Boys Should Be Boys; Your Kids At Risk;, The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose and Sanity; Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: The 30 Day Challenge and Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men, (Ballantine) April 2014. She is a popular speaker on pediatric health issues and child-parent relationships. Dr. Meeker is co-host and physicianin-residence of Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk Radio. She is also Assistant Clinical Professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and currently teaches medical students and physicians in residency training. She is board certified with the American Board of Pediatrics and is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Meeker serves on the National Advisory Board of the Medical Institute. She has been married to her husband, Walter for 32 years. They have shared a medical practice for over 20 years. They have three grown daughters and a grown son. She lives in northern Michigan.

Proactive Parenting: Why It Matters More than Ever During a Pandemic by Dr. Meg Meeker The world is a scary place right now, but your child does not need to live in fear. However, she also doesn’t need to be sheltered and protected from reality. As if parenting wasn’t already filled with fears and concerns, 2020 has proved itself to be quite possibly the most challenging year for parents in recent memory. While I’ve talked a lot about parenting challenges on my blog this year, I want to talk for a moment about the challenges your kids are facing. 14 ACTIVE FAMIL Y | FEBRUARY 2021

[ PARENTING ] Many children are afraid right now. Like you, they

jargon being thrown around right now in regard to

have ready access to the 24/7 news cycle via their

COVID-19. Avoid those big words. Talk about how a virus

smartphones or their friends or their friends’ parents. Your

is going around that can make people sick, but there

child probably knows more about what’s going on with

are things we can do to protect ourselves and others,

the pandemic and political stress than you think, and she

like wear a mask or stay away from big groups. Your

is probably afraid.

child doesn’t need to know the number of cases or number of deaths. Keep things simple, so she doesn’t feel

You may feel helpless in the face of these fears, but

overwhelmed on top of her fear.

you’re not. 3. Give them something to do. I’ve often written about the difference between reactive and proactive parenting. Reactive parenting reacts to a situation at hand and scrambles for a spontaneous answer or solution. Proactive parenting plans ahead so that when a tough moment arises, you are ready with an action plan or words of comfort.

When it comes to your child’s fears, it is best to be proactive rather than reactive. Anticipate your child’s fears and questions and decide how you will respond. Here are a few ways you can do this.

I always tell my kids to pray for whatever situation is causing them fear. Even young children need to participate in a solution. Asking them to pray helps them feel that they can make a difference. Together, pray for those who are sick and their families. Getting in the habit of praying during times like this will help strengthen your child’s faith and help her learn to pray reflexively when life gets tough.

4. Give them reassurance. Tell your child that he is safe and will be ok. Most people

1. Initiate conversation. Don’t wait until your child comes to you. As I said, kids are seeing images and updates on social media, and their friends are talking, so they are already thinking about

who get sick recover quickly and that would be the case for him too. Tell him that your job as Mom and Dad is to protect him and that you feel very confident in your abilities to do your job well.

the pandemic or that day’s big news event. Initiating discussion won’t put ideas or fears in their minds. Instead,

The world is a scary place right now, but your child does

it will tell your child you are aware of the situation and

not need to live in fear. She also doesn’t need to be

how it might be affecting him. Proactively talking through

sheltered and protected from reality. As the pandemic

his fears will help alleviate them.

continues, proactively talk to your child about how she is feeling and what she is thinking. Open the line of

2. Use simple language.

communication to talk about the hard things. The more

When talking to kids about hard things, simplify your

you talk to your child honestly, the more secure she will

language as much as possible. There’s a lot of medical





3. 4.









1. SPA KIT We love this beauty box by KeyLimePieMilkshake! It’s perfect for those who care what they apply to their skin because all the goodies in it are handmade out of the best natural products. $19.99, 2. THE CAVIAR CO. A San Francisco-based purveyor of fine caviar is taking their business from the restaurants and into













3. PINECONE MASON JAR CENTERPIECES Personalized engraved rustic planter box centerpiece. Perfect for flowers, candy, 4.






WOOD wild


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utensils, Use



this is

























buds. $18,





Perfect for date night or family fun! $99,

6. TEA FLIGHTS FROM CHARITEAS Chariteas is committed to sourcing the world’s finest quality tea from the road less traveled. Chariteas works with sustainable tea farms and with each purchase of tea, they replant trees. Starting at $36, 7. GLASVIN It’s wine time! Beautiful hand-blown glass at half the price! start at $80, 8. THE COWRIE INFINITY NECKLACE An open design that can be tied in an infinite number of ways. The cowrie shell is now a symbol of abundance and prosperity. $128+,

9. VELA NEGRA CANDLES VELA NEGRA pours candles with black wax because black

absorbs and dispels negative energies and provides new beginnings and clarity. Starting at $20,



Keep Books Here and There, Read Aloud Often and Enjoy a 2021 Book Challenge -Inspire children to get excited about reading while boosting their literacy skills. by Keira Pride, Head Librarian, Stratford School This year our book list is intentionally eclectic: poetry and prose, fantasy and biography, a graphic novel, a suspenseful account of a Navy Seal rescue operation, and a classic “summer friendship and self-discovery” story. Several choices representing multiple voices – something for every reader. We curated this diverse set of books to reinforce and support what we know to be true: • The more children read, the more they will enjoy reading • The way to get kids hooked on reading is to give them books they enjoy! Among our aspirations for our children are a high degree of literacy and a love of learning. Those aspirational paths are lined with books, for it is only by reading – and more reading – that children build their reading “muscle” to a degree that scanning the pages becomes nearly effortless, and they can lose themselves in the narrative.

Stratford Schools

Neil Gaiman, prolific author of books for children and adults, loves libraries and seizes every opportunity to promote reading, literacy, and this value of “reading choice” for children. “The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity. And that means, at its simplest, finding books that they enjoy, giving them access to those books, and letting them read them.” “…We need our children to get onto the reading ladder: anything that they enjoy reading will move them up, rung by rung, into literacy.” Our list of books for your children comes with a recommendation for you – encourage your children to read by helping them find books they like – fiction or nonfiction, traditional or graphic novels, books that seem too easy, or repeated selections from a single genre. Let their choices be based on their taste and let them lead the way, after all, reading should be pleasurable. As children become better, faster readers, the universe of books they enjoy will naturally expand.


[ PARENTING ] Here are our favorite books to begin your challenge:

- the Midknights - Max sets out on a thrilling quest to save Uncle Budrick and restore the realm of Byjovia to


its former high spirits! If you love this one, check out the

Just Ask Written by Sonia Sotomayor, Illustrated by Rafael

sequel, Battle of the Bodkins.

Lopez United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor


celebrates the different abilities kids have in this book set

The Line Tender Written by Kate Allen

in a lovely garden. In the same way that different types

Summer in her hometown of Rockport, MA, changes

of plants and flowers make a garden more beautiful

drastically for Lucy when a local fisherman accidentally

and enjoyable, different types of people make our world

catches a great white shark. Suddenly, Lucy is confronted

more vibrant and wonderful. When we come across

by images of her late mother, a marine biologist who

someone who is different from us but we're not sure why,

specialized in sharks. This sends her on a journey of

all we have to do is Just Ask. The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Written by Dalai Lama XIV, Illustrated by Bao Luu This child-friendly introduction to Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, is part life instruction, and part auto-biography. Through examples, he reminds children that compassion is something that must be nurtured, that you may not have all the answers of how to act compassionately in a certain situation, but that "you can build compassion day by day. It takes practice. And even when you slip and don't make a compassionate choice, tomorrow presents the opportunity for you to try again." GRADES THIRD TO FOURTH A Hatful of Dragons: And More Than 13.8 Billion Other Funny Poems Written by Vikram Madan This quirky collection of poems are designed to be read aloud, with rhyme, meter, alliteration, and page turns all used quite effectively. The illustrations are also funny, as

science and self-discovery. Since her father is always working, Lucy must navigate these strange waters with just her best friend Fred by her side. Lucy's story is one of redemption, not just for her, but for those around her, especially the people whom she cares about the most. All Thirteen: The Incredible Cave Rescue of the Thai Boys' Soccer Team Written by Christina Soontornvat This fascinating account of the most ambitious cave rescue in history is great for kids who have graduated from the I Survived Series. Even though we know that the boys were rescued, the narrative is suspenseful and creates a book that is hard to put down. The attempts from international rescue teams, including US Navy Seals, are explained in great detail. There are photos, maps, sidebars, scientific explanations, and graphics to help understand what the boys were going through. Anyone who enjoys reading about how people can rise to heroism during times of crisis will find this book a good choice.

repeated characters create a bit of a search and find

When it comes to your own family book challenge, don’t

feel. The subtitle comes from a “Mad Libs” style page

close the book when you are done reading it. According

with seven options for each of 12 blanks. What a great

to Justine Bruyere, PhD, and former elementary school

discussion piece as children are introduced to some

teacher and frequent lecturer at Vanderbilt University,

fantastic language.

“The text is a springboard for everything else.”

Max & the Midknights Written and illustrated by Lincoln

Consider reading the same book together again then


ask your child “Close your eyes and imagine you are

In this lighthearted graphic novel hybrid, Max wants

one of the other characters…what would you do?” As

nothing more than to be a knight! He soon gets his

a family activity, you can help turn reading into a fun

chance when his Uncle Budrick is kidnapped by the cruel

endeavor that your kids will look forward to in their free

King Gastley. Joined by a band of brave adventurers




Napa with Nap Times - A Guide to Enjoying Napa with Kids-in-Tow

by Elizabeth Kang In an ideal world, trustworthy, affordable babysitters

two-acres of grounds provides ample space for children

would be as common as a sunny day in wine country, so

to romp and play, and on weekends wood-fired pizza

you and your partner could take off on a whim to enjoy

and BBQ can be enjoyed on the scattered picnic tables.

a perfect day of wine, views, adult conversation, and gourmet food, without a chicken nugget in sight.

Castello di Amorosa — A must-stop with or without kids, this regal winery evokes a medieval scene of princesses,

But the real world is a bit more complicated, and

knights, and other Middle-Age fantasies. Set inside a

unfortunately, a good babysitter is often difficult, or too

giant Tuscan-style castle, visiting children get the royal

expensive, to procure. But that’s ok, because Napa with

treatment in the tasting room, with fresh grape juice and

kids can actually be quite enjoyable — provided you visit

coloring materials to enjoy while grownups sip wine. The

the right spots.

castle itself is a lot of fun to tour, and outside offers even more for kids to see, such as farm animals, a drawbridge,

When it comes to kid-friendliness, wine country

and gorgeous surrounding views.

destinations vary considerably. You don’t want to end up at a stuffy or high-end place that makes you feel as if

Frog’s Leap Winery— Come for the gorgeous countryside

your little minis aren’t welcome.

setting, and stay because the kids won’t want to leave. They’ll have a ball exploring the grounds at this quaint

That’s where this guide comes in handy. Read on to

winery and working farm. Here, children meet chickens,

discover the most kid-friendly wineries to visit, the best

explore gardens, and spot frogs while they sip on juice

places to eat with children, and where to stay overnight

boxes as mom and dad enjoy the wine at this Rutherford

so that everyone has their own space and privacy.


(At the time of this writing, Covid-19 safety protocols

Sterling Vineyards — It’s all about the aerial-tram

are in place at Napa Valley wineries and restaurants

ride at Sterling Vineyards, where the main attraction

and include social distancing, required reservations for

takes delighted guests high up in the air to take in the

tastings, and that face masks are worn in public spaces

panoramic views of the breathtaking Napa Valley.

when not eating or drinking. Most wineries will re-open

Perched on a Calistoga hillside at 300 feet, this winery

in early January following California’s shelter-in-place

boasts both stunning Greek-inspired architecture and an


impressive art collection that adults will appreciate, and a fun kids’-welcome-package with juice, snacks and


coloring materials that the kiddos will love.

V. Sattui Winery — This relaxed winery welcomes the whole family, Fido included, to picnic on their expansive

Francis Ford Coppola — There’s a lot to take in at this

outdoor lawn and picnic tables. Inside, there’s a

eclectic winery, and even more to do. The all-ages

tasting room and artisan deli offering charcuterie, deli

playground, 3,600-square-foot pool (open April through

sandwiches, sides, desserts, and over 200 cheeses. The

October ) bocce ball court, kids’ library, smoothie tasting FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 21



[ TRAVEL ] event, and onsite restaurant may make this the most

markets all under one roof, OxBow Market is the perfect

kid-friendly winery of all. A family could easily spend an

place to visit when one family member wants a salad,

entire fun-filled day at this Geyserville hot spot.

and another wants a taco. Mom and dad can even get their fresh oyster fix inside at Hog Island Oyster Co, while


the kids enjoy wood-fired pizza from Live Fire Pizza.

Boon Fly Cafe — This modern-farmhouse eatery is wellloved for their classic, upscale breakfast fare, which


includes Eggs Benedict, Green Eggs & Ham, Chicken &

While there are many Napa resorts and hotels that

Waffles, Griddle Cakes, and everyone’s favorite —the

welcome children, Carneros Resort and Spa is the most

freshly baked mini donuts. Dusted with sugar and served

kid-friendly we’ve found, thanks to its expansive, multi-

with a warm chocolate dipping sauce, those donuts

room cottages, separate kids’ pool, delicious on-site

alone are worth the trip up.

restaurant and convenient market.

Gott’s Roadside — Although this popular diner-style

This sprawling, upscale resort offers gorgeous

eatery has opened other locations around the Bay,

contemporary-farmhouse-style standalone cottages

Saint Helena is its original home, where it opened its first

that are all ground-floor level with parking in front of

roadside location in 1999. Serving juicy cheeseburgers,

each door, so there’s no dealing with elevators, valets

hand-spun milkshakes, and deliciously unexpected ahi

or hauling luggage to and fro. Inside each one or two-

tacos, Gott’s is a favorite with kids and adults, alike.

bedroom cottage, families enjoy a home away from home, with fully stocked kitchens, privately enclosed

R&D Kitchen — This delightful Yountville restaurant is

backyard patios, cozy fireplaces, and even private hot

a fantastic choice for lunch, with a great selection of


California-fusion cuisine, including fresh sushi, innovative salads, and delicious sandwiches. While there isn’t a

in some patio spaces. The delight is in the details, from

standard kids’ menu, just ask your server to make a

heated bathroom floors to private outdoor fire pits and

smaller version of their burger, or some buttered noodles.

rich Nespresso-brand coffee pods.

The Koi pond in the front of the restaurant makes for a pretty kid-friendly diversion while waiting for your food.

Beyond the spacious and cozy accommodations, Carneros Resort offers plenty of fun at the resort for kids

Mustards Grill — If you want to experience a truly upscale

and adults. The latter will appreciate the relaxing on-site

and celebrated Napa restaurant where you won’t feel

spa, and children can splash the afternoon away in the

out-of-place asking for a highchair, then Mustards Grill

kid-friendly pool and hot tub. The resort also offers guests

is the place to go. This longstanding family-friendly

complimentary use of bikes during their stay, and the

restaurant offers white-tablecloth ambiance and upscale

onsite restaurant, Boon Fly Cafe offers a delicious menu

California cuisine along with an extensive kids’ menu.

that everyone will enjoy. The on-site market sells upscale grab’n’go fare that’s perfect for a quick breakfast or

OxBow Market — With dozens of fast-casual eateries and

picnic lunch. FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 23


Christine Carter, Ph.D.*, is a sociologist and happiness expert at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. She is the author of “RAISING HAPPINESS: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents.” She teaches online happiness classes that help parents bring more joy into their own lives and the lives of their children, and she writes an award-winning blog for *Greater Good* (

If You Don’t Think About This, You Probably Won’t Achieve Your Goals by Christine Carter, Ph.D.

A fascinating line of research shows that the more we fantasize about achieving a challenging goal, the less likely we are to actually take a real-life step towards accomplishing that very goal. So much for positive thinking and visualization practices! It turns out that daydreaming about our success is relaxing, but it isn’t energizing. We envision ourselves hopping off the couch and going for a run, and our brain reacts as if we’ve already gone for that run. Psychologists call this “mental attainment,” and it can really thwart us as we attempt to keep our resolutions and get into good habits. Fortunately, related research shows us exactly what to do to avoid this surprising brain booby-trap. We need to follow up our resolution or goal setting with something researchers call “mental contrasting.” Here’s how: Step One: Identify the Obstacle Within Yourself Take a moment to stop to imagine what will prevent you from reaching your goals or keeping your resolutions. Start by imagining the external circumstances that might thwart you. Maybe you need support from a leader at work, for example. Or maybe you need your spouse to stop leaving junk food on the kitchen counter. Are those external obstacles overcomable?


[ HEALTH & FITNESS ] What will you need to do to make sure they aren’t

specific plan for the same task. Making a specific action

roadblocks to your success? If needed, re-write your goal

plan dramatically increases the odds that you’ll follow

or resolution so that you feel you have a good chance at


succeeding. People who plan for obstacles tend to be able to meet Once you’ve narrowed your resolutions down to

their goals more successfully. For example, research

goals that are challenging but that you still feel pretty

shows that recovery from hip-replacement surgery

confident you can achieve, identify how you will

depends in large part on having patients make a

likely hold yourself back. What is it within you that will

specific plan for how they will deal with obstacles.

predictably stand in the way? How will you predictably

It’s very painful to get up and move around after hip

self-sabotage? For example, maybe you’re afraid to ask

surgery. At the same time, recovery is generally more

that leader at work for support. Or perhaps you often shop while you are hungry…and so you are bringing junk food into the house. Anxiety, stress, and laziness are common emotional obstacles. Bad habits and limiting beliefs (or incorrect assumptions) are others. What obstacles can you imagine you’ll face? You can use the “Make Plans for Obstacles” worksheet at the end of this free eBook to get started. Step Two: Make a Plan What will you do in the face of these obstacles? What instrumental behaviors will help you overcome the obstacles you’ve identified? Frame your plan using an IF/ THEN sentence. For example: • IF it rains, THEN I will still walk the dogs, and I will use the umbrella that is in the front hall. • IF I feel anxious about asking my manager for support,

successful if a patient gets up and walks around a lot. In this study, patients who had just undergone surgery thought about getting up and walking around. Then, they made plans to handle the pain. So if their goal was to walk to the mailbox and back every day, participants practiced thinking: Okay, I’m going to get about halfway there and it’s going to hurt like heck and I’ll want to turn around. Patients wrote down what they were going to do when they got halfway there and it hurt like heck. These patients recovered faster. They started walking twice as fast and could get in and out of a chair by themselves three times faster than people who didn’t make a specific plan to deal with the pain. In sum: It is extremely important whenever we establish a new habit to think through all the seemingly minor details. Especially the details that tend to hang us up in

THEN I will remind myself of the times when she has said

the end. We need to decide what the key factors are for

that she is happy to help.

our success and how, specifically, we can set ourselves

• IF I start to feel too overwhelmed to get started, THEN I

up to overcome the obstacles we may face.

will close all open browser windows, close all my apps, turn off my phone, and focus on one thing at a time.

You can use this technique daily by (1) jotting down a problem you need to solve or something that you’d like

A great deal of research shows that when people

to accomplish, (2) noting what is likely to hold you back,

make a specific plan for what they’d like to do or

and (3) making an if/then plan. To make this easy for

change, anticipating obstacles if possible, they do

you, I’ve included these steps in my new planner (it’s free

better than 74 percent of people who don’t make a

online!), which you are free to customize and print out. FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 25





by Elizabeth Kang What do ski resorts and Disneyland have in common? They’ll both cost the average family of four (or more) some serious cash for a day’s worth of fun. But unlike Disneyland park-goers, budget-conscious skiers have options when it comes to how much money they want to spend on their ski vacay, thanks to the multiple ski resort locations peppered throughout Northern California. One recently discovered ski park may be a new favorite, thanks to its gorgeous scenery, easy drive, low-key vibe and (best of all,) wallet-friendly ticket prices. Mt. Shasta Ski Park is a family friendly alternative to Tahoe, with fewer crowds at a significantly cheaper price point — a no-brainer for a family ski-trip that won’t break the bank. A “straight shot” drive up highway 5, Mt. Shasta Ski Park is just four hours north of the Bay Area, located in the quaint city of McCloud. The ski park offers everything needed for a memorable snow trip, including ski and

snowboard rentals, full-day group or private lessons, cross-country ski terrain, snow tubing, lodging and dining. This small mountain resort attracts many family’s and individuals who are just learning to ski and looking to have a relaxed, fun time, so it’s a less intimidating scene than you might find at a more known ski resort in Tahoe or the like. The park boasts a ton of beginner terrain and a fantastic ski school, so if you’re just learning to ski or still a cautious newbie, this is the park for you. And even if you’re more experienced, Mt. Shasta Ski Park offers a ton of fun for every skill level. In addition, the attention given to grooming the terrain and the quality of snow-making rivals any world-class ski resort. PRICING The best way to highlight the affordable prices at Mt. Shasta Ski Park is through price comparison. Below we FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 27



[ TRAVEL ] compared adult prices at Mt. Shasta to the ultra-popular Heavenly in Tahoe. (Prices for children are even cheaper, of course.) Most ski parks require purchase of tickets in advance, because Covid-19 precautions limit the amount of skiers allowed in the park.

give families room to spread out. Vrbo & Airbnb Rentals – From cozy cabins for two to 5,000-square-foot luxury homes, private rentals are abundant in the Mt. Shasta area. Check sites such as airbnb and vrbo to filter by how many people, price

Adult All-Day Lift Ticket Mt. Shasta - $59 Heavenly - $100 Adult Daily Ski Rentals Mt. Shasta - $35 Heavenly - $56 Adult Season Pass Mt. Shasta - $599 Heavenly - $939 Adult Lesson Mt. Shasta - $159 for a full day Heavenly - $154 for half day only All-Day Private Lesson Mt. Shasta - $400 Heavenly - $855 LODGING When it comes to overnight accommodations, there are plenty of options in the area, from low-cost motels to spacious private cabins. Mount Shasta Resort – This all-season resort is extremely popular in the summer with golfers, but also makes a great home base when visiting in the winter. Located just 20 minutes from Mt. Shasta Ski Park, families can spread out in the one or two-bedroom chalets with full kitchens and gorgeous lake and mountain views. Loge Mt. Shasta – With convenient on-site accommodations, Loge Mt. Shasta offers a choice of affordable standard hotel, camping or hostel accommodations in a fun, modern setting with an onsite coffee shop/cafe.

point, if pets are allowed, and dates you’re traveling to find the perfect fit for your family’s needs. Many even have hot tubs, fireplaces and games to use and wind down with after a fun day in the snow. EXPLORING After you’ve had your fun on the mountain, there’s plenty to explore in the surrounding areas. Quaint downtowns, world-famous hiking trails and family fun can all be had nearby, and on the way home. Downtown Mt. Shasta — Dotted with cozy coffee shops, old-fashioned markets and charming boutiques, strolling downtown Mt. Shasta is a lovely way to spend an hour or two. Relax over a patio brunch at one of the restaurants offering breathtaking views of majestic Mt. Shasta. Dunsmuir — Just a few minutes south on highway 5 from Mt. Shasta is the charming little city of Dunsmuir, whose slogan “home of the best water on earth.” Attracting hikers, fishing enthusiasts and nature lovers, this area boasts stunning waterfalls, a highly rated botanical garden, local art galleries, and delicious farm-fresh dining. PCT Pacific Coast Trail — A section of the world-famous Pacific Coast Trail (PCT) runs through Mt. Shasta, offering breathtaking views with just a little effort. The hike is family friendly and worth lugging your hiking boots for. The PCT is a 2,659-mile trail that runs from the Mexican Border through California, Oregon and Washington up to the Canadian Border. Redding — If you’re driving from the Bay Area, you’ll likely be going through Redding on your way up and back. That’s convenient, because Redding offers a wealth of family friendly activities, as well as affordable lodging.

Inn at Mount Shasta – Newly renovated rooms located in the heart of town at the base of Mt.Shasta, near shopping, restaurants, and hiking trails. The Inn at Mount Shasta is a wonderful basecamp when you want to explore the area. The larger family suites or bunk suites

Visit the famous Sundial Bridge, walk the River Walk, or plan an exciting outing at the Lake Shasta Caverns. Families can also ice skate at the Siskiyou Ice Rink, visit a winter waterfall at Burney Falls, or explore Lassen Volcanic National Park. FEBRUARY 2021 | ACTIVE FAMIL Y 29



Experience thrilling fire dances, beautiful hula and authentic Hawaiian cuisine, set against a spectacular sunset on award-winning Kaanapali Beach. Now with enhanced luau grounds, The Myths of Maui luau welcomes you with a shell lei greeting, open bar and all-you-can-eat Hawaiian buffet, traditional imu ceremony and dazzling celebration of song and dance. You won’t want to miss the epic fire knife finale!








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