3 minute read
2021 CMA Timeline
Leading up to the Virtual Kickoffs a postcard was sent as an invitation to a wider target audience and a reminder to Partner level donors who had yet to register. The reverse of this card included specific dates, times, and registration instructions.
On behalf of Archbishop Schnurr and the ministries served by the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA), we would like to invite you to join us for our CMA 2021 Virtual Kickoffs! You’ll hear from Archbishop Schnurr as well as the ministries themselves on the impact your donation has made over the past year. Please consider registering and tuning in for one of the two options. Most of all, thank you for your generous support of the CMA!
Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
CMA Postcard 5x7.indd 1
100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Tune-in for one or both events as we look towards a great CMA campaign in 2021!
Virtual Kick-Off for the 2021 CMA
Thursday, November 12, 2020 • 7:30 p.m. - OR Monday, November 23, 2020 • 7:30 p.m.
Register online at: aocstewardship.org/virtual
For more information or questions, contact Matt Reinkemeyer at (513) 263-6672 or mreinkemeyer@catholicaoc.org
“Due to COVID-19 and out of an abundance of caution these virtual events will replace our typical in-person fall events.”
10/18/20 1:08 PM
The following is a sample of our first main mailing that goes to approximately 130,000 households in the last two weeks of January. It is signed by the Archbishop and responses to this letter account for 50-60% of the pledges secured each year. The mailing is sent so as to land in homes between Announcement Weekend and Commitment Weekend at the parishes.
<<Date>> Stewardship Department stewardship@catholicaoc.org 513.263.3345
<<Envelope Greeting>> <<Address 1>> <<Address 2>> <<City>>, <<State>> <<Zip>>
Dear <<Letter Greeting>>,
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” –Gospel of John 1:5
These words at the beginning of John’s Gospel seem to be spoken as directly to us today as they were to the early Christians in the first century. Wherever we turn there seems to be darkness including the realities of the pandemic, strife, and suffering in our world. Yet, our hope remains in Jesus Christ who is the Light of the world. Furthermore, our mission is to Radiate Christ to a world so often in darkness.
In this same mission of radiating the Light of Christ, the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati together support six important ministries through their contributions to the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). These ministries meet the spiritual, material, and educational needs of people in the 19 counties of our local Church. Together, these ministries shine the Light of Christ into the darkness and meet the needs of thousands in our local communities. Every contributor to the CMA shares in this vital work.
Your gift last year of $<<MRgift>> demonstrated your leadership role in helping others within our
Archdiocese. For that, I am deeply grateful and happy to welcome you as a CMA Partner within the Circle of <<Circle>>. I invite you to consider renewing your support for the 2021 CMA at this level or greater. Your gift will be a witness for thousands and provide a great sense of hope in their lives.
The enclosed brochure provides more information about the CMA, the ministries it sustains, and their impact. In addition, once your parish reaches its goal, 50% of the over-goal funds will be returned to your parish for its greatest ministry needs.
To make a gift, please complete the enclosed pledge card and return it in the envelope provided. Gifts to the CMA can also be made online at AOCstewardship.org.
Asking the Lord to bless you and your loved ones, I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr Archbishop of Cincinnati