ManaGence Manual Field Leaders Leading
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CHAPTER I: Qualities of a Leader
Leaders Image The Power of a Positive Attitude Attitude Over Obstacles Building a Positive Attitude
8 8 9 9
CHAPTER II: Business Management Components of Business Management How Much Time to Make How Much Profit? Sales Income Business Balance Wheel How Do I Use My Time Wisely During Business Hours? How To Schedule Time Weekly Managing Business Activities What Does Each Activity Mean and How Do I Do It? Combine Earning & Teaching Only Have 20 Hours Per Week Available? Weekly Schedule Sample for 20 Hours Hourly Activity Review of Above 20 Hour per Week Schedule
CHAPTER III: SeneGence Independent Distributors & Downline Growth Building a SeneGence Downline The Priority of Sponsoring New Distributors Consistent Sponsoring of New Distributors The Value of New Distributors to Your Organization Resell and Renew Your Vision by Sponsoring New Distributors Teach Downline to Sponsor How to Sponsor Effectively and Efficiently at Group Events Consistently Present the Compensation Plan to Groups
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Proper Follow Up with New Distributors 24 Directing Downline Distributors 24 No Territory Approach to Sponsoring Works with Support 25 Working with Distributors Outside Your Area 25 Working with Distributors Outside Your Downline and Incorporating Their Upline Leader 25 Support Leaders Who Work with Your Downline 26 Cover Costs of Out-of-Area Distributors 26
CHAPTER IV: Field Leadership Trainers & Distributor Training Programs
SeneSentials Training Meetings 27 Field Leader Annual Training Calendar 27 Field Leader Annual Training Schedule 28 Basic Leadership Rule for Training and Meetings: “Learn While You Earn” 28 Weekly Local SeneSential Meetings 28 Monthly Area SeneSentials Meetings 29 Corporate Sponsored Distributor Training Programs 29 Weekly SeneGence Sentiments 30 SeneSential Trainings 30 Calendar of Events 30 Glam & Gloss Events 30 Corporate Sponsored ManaGence Field Leader Trainings 30 PIT Stop 30 Leaders Conference 31 Leaders Conference Recognition Categories 31 Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Annual Leaders Meeting 32 Leaders League of Independent Sponsor (L.I.P.S.) Trip 32 Annual Seminar 33 Annual Ms. SeneSynergy 33 Seminar Inner Circle Courts Dinner 33 Inner Circle Make Sense Foundation Fund Raiser and Awards Banquet 33 Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Dominion Themed Reception 34 Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Dominion Goal Setting 4
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Meetings Seminar SeneStar Trip
36 37
CHAPTER V: How to Conduct a Successful Distributor SeneSential Meeting
Outline for Successful Meetings and Trainings Adult Learning Theory Keys to Holding Successful SeneSential Meetings and Trainings: 4 Steps to Meeting Success SeneSential Meeting Materials SeneSential Training Agenda Sample Agenda Host a Successful Webinar or Conference Call Glam & Gloss Agenda Sample Glam & Gloss Agenda
39 39 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 45
CHAPTER VI: Ways to Recognize and Promote Success to your Downline 49 Company Sponsored Distributor Promotions Quarterly Promotions Downline Recognition Program Managing Downline Distributors Queens and Queendoms
49 49 49 50 53
CHAPTER VII: Career Path and Leadership Levels 55 Distributor Career Path The Royal Court
55 56
CHAPTER VIII: ManaGence Field Leadership ManaGence Field Leaders
60 60
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ManaGence FAQs ManaGence Field Leader Programs SeneStar Trip Lips Trip ManaGence Congress State/Province Leaders and State/Province Founders Leaders State Leaders (Qualifications to be considered for State Leader title)
Crown Princess Retreat
CHAPTER IX: Successful Tracking Tools Distributor Goal Matrix Weekly Summary Sheet Downline Goal Setting Downline Flow Chart Leaders Year Annual Tracking Calendar Seminar Year Inner Circle Court Calendar
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60 61 62 63 63 63 63
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A Word from Joni If you are reading this manual, we are taking this journey together. It’s a journey of Leadership, of being willing to put your inner self, your values, your voice, and your actions into play up front and center for others to see. That takes exceptional courage not found in the typical person. I applaud your efforts and will run side by side with you in your efforts to reach out to women to teach them how it is true; that they can indeed take control of their destiny by creating a strong financial foundation building upon true products that really work and a career path that really works. Remember, every life you touch in your day to day activities has a mushrooming effect as those lives will also touch others. We together will improve this world one person at a time, one face at a time, one kiss at a time. Much Love, Joni
ManaGence Field Leaders Leading “What is leadership?” A great definition is “inspiring influence.” It has been said that without leadership there is no motivation or direction, no evaluation, no accomplishment. As leaders, you are in a position to use your influence to inspire others to follow, work harder, and make sacrifices when necessary. SeneGence International’s philosophy is predicated upon a spirit of sharing and empowering others. To enable others to reach their goals, growing into and beyond their dreams, is challenging and fulfilling.
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CHAPTER I: Qualities of a Leader On Track Field Leaders and Field Leader Countesses and above in SeneGence International, are Distributor leaders in the company. You are an influence to your Downline. You create the opportunity to watch people grow in many wonderful ways as you help them realize new potential; personally and financially. As you help others achieve success by leading by example, you too will enhance your own success! Leaders are successful relationship builders. They build relationships through how they interact with others and gain trust. Trust, or lack there of, is the root of relationships and will reflect in the bottom-line results of building a successful Downline. Trust is what will enable you to enjoy clear communication, empathy, synergy, and productive interdependency with your Downline organization. To promote trust with others, one must constantly be evaluating their own character, because one of the first things one looks to in any kind of leader or potential leader is strength of character. Leaders assess their character on a continual basis. Some of the qualities that define good character are honesty, integrity, self-discipline, teach-ability, dependability, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. Good character is based on a person’s willingness to take responsibility for their actions and follow through on the commitments they make. But most importantly, your strength of character is what people in your Downline will look at, evaluate, and learn the most from while with you. Your personal enthusiasm and positive attitude, even in the face of difficulties, is necessary when you are leader at any level. Your daily enthusiasm, combined with positive actions and thinking, is what will build strength and commitment in your growing Downline organization. The ethics you employ in your business will not only greatly influence your success, but also the success of your Downline. As a Field Leader, you are a role model and are held in high esteem in the eyes of SeneGence International. The highest standards of moral and ethical thinking and actions must be maintained. Make sure that you have read, understood and embraced the policies and business procedures that are put forth in the SeneGence International Policies and Procedures Guide. By embracing ethical business practices, you will set the standard for your Downline organization and others in the company to follow.
Leaders Image As a Field Leader of SeneGence International, you have been elevated to a higher standard. It is so important to conduct yourself in a manner that represents the leadership level you have achieved. You only get one chance to make a first impression and oftentimes that first impression is a lasting one. Be on your toes at all times regarding how you present yourself, the product line and the career opportunity. Use all the company products and business tools available when conducting your business. By doing so you will further your image of a polished and professional ManaGence Field Leader.
The Power of a Positive Attitude “Your attitude will determine your altitude!” When looking at successful people, the one thing they have in common is a positive attitude. Learning how to control and channel your energy into creating a positive attitude on a daily basis is what makes a leader great.
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One of the most challenging aspects of being in business for yourself, and teaching others how to successfully be in business for themselves, is in managing emotions that directly affect our attitude. Understand and teach your people that feelings are not right or wrong. They are feelings. Feelings are not facts. They are feelings. The challenge is, working regardless of how you feel. That is where a positive attitude comes into play.
Attitude Over Obstacles Keeping your attitude positive is what will get you through days when you do not feel like working. A positive attitude totally depends on you. Don’t let a “no”, a cancelled appointment, a member of your Downline quitting, or anyone place obstacles in the way of your goals and dreams! Develop a sense of humor about the obstacles that you incur. Realize they are teaching you how to be a stronger leader. We learn in the lows, not in the highs. It is a positive attitude that will keep you motivated to work on a consistent basis.
Building a Positive Attitude Maintaining a positive attitude through the up and downs in your business and in your private life takes work. Build a positive attitude by starting each day with an inspirational thought, book or tape. Stay connected to positive people and never share a negative thought with your Downline team. When you encounter challenges in your business, reach to your Upline or another mentor for help or encouragement. There is no such thing as dumping up! Your Upline or other mentor can help you find a way to determine solutions to your challenges and turn obstacles into assets. A positive attitude is one of the most valuable assets a person can have in life. By staying diligent at having a positive attitude, and by teaching those in your Downline to do the same, you will ensure your success and inspire others to achieve their own.
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CHAPTER II: Business Management What can be measured can be improved. Successful business management for a Field Leader can be confusing. “How should I schedule my day? Where should I be? With whom do I spend time? How much time do I spend on my own business as opposed to building and training my Downline? How do I prioritize?” There are so many more important questions and the answers are different for each and every Field Leader. In time, every question will eventually be answered, resulting in a well-organized working schedule, which is vital to success. This chapter outlines essential business practice components necessary to succeed as a Field Leader, part time or full time. The newest Field Leaders will not utilize each of the components. As the maturing Field Leader’s business continues to expand through personal sales, personal sponsoring, Downline sponsoring and customer service, they are challenged with the task of balancing the needs of success including Downline training, business education, business development … and finding the balance between work, family, social, and spiritual life. The schedules below are designed to help Field Leaders set boundaries, eliminate wasted efforts and determine priorities that support a long-term successful career. When we, as Leaders, set into motion a balanced, reasonable work schedule, it helps knowing we are doing what is needed to do the job correctly. Sometimes, we tend to think the activities in which we engage is wasted effort or will not work well. However, if one learns simply to stick to the basics and the schedule and “Show Up”, unneeded stress is reduced and eventually success follows. When scheduled work hours are used productively, it allows for more enjoyable time with family and friends to play and relax without distraction.
Components of Business Management Focus on the Business Development principles included in the schedule below and watch your organization flourish: 1. Wow-ing & Booking brings about sales and sponsoring appointments. 2. Demonstration (Demos) brings about immediate income: • Immediate Sales Income from new Customers. • Immediate Downline Commission Income from new Distributors sponsored. 3. Ongoing Customer Service Management brings about: • Customer Reorder Sales Income • Sponsoring from Customer Base for Commission Income 4. Downline Distributor Management including: • Downline Commission Income • Group Sales Volume Commission Incomes • Downline Tracking and Communication Management • New Distributor Training • Downline Tracking and Communication Management
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• SeneSential Training Meetings 5. Personal Business Management • Office Management • Inventory Management 6. Personal Business Education includes attending: • Annual Seminar • Leaders Conference • PIT Stop • Weekly Company Webinars • Other Educational Seminars These components are all the activities and tasks that require your time and attention necessary to build your SeneGence business to success.
How Much Time to Make How Much Profit? It is your job to determine two things as it applies to your SeneGence business: 1. How much profit do you want? 2. How much time are you willing, able, or do you need to apply to each of the components of business management to reach your goals?
Sales Income Let’s start with Sales Income. Do you need to make a predetermined amount of income in order to meet certain: • Financial obligations? • Goals for your family? Education, trips, cars, home improvements, etc. • Goals within your own SeneGence business organization? Become a member of the Royal Court, a ManaGence Field Leader, a member of the Inner Circle Sales Court How much profit do you need to earn a week, a month, and a year to meet the goals that you have set for yourself or your family? Once you determine how much profit you need to earn you then look at the business wheel and dedicate the appropriate amount of time weekly to the activities that lend themselves to making your dreams become a reality.
Business Balance Wheel The Business balance Wheel gives you an idea of how you need to divide up the task required for success based upon the amount of hours you have to devote to your business per week.
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The amount of time that you plan to spend on your business activities should directly correlate to the amount of profit, recognition, and position you wish to achieve. While first building a business that includes an organization of other individuals, it is always prudent to determine a plan of action to achieve goals first based upon your personal performance. You can better control your own job performance than the performance of others yet unknown. As your strengths and competencies produce accomplishments, begin to plan to achieve numbers and goals that include results from others you will teach to do the same.
How Do I Use My Time Wisely During Business Hours? Sound business management components create the results you’ll want to see if you spend adequate time at the appropriate tasks and activities. (Refer to the Business Balance Wheel) Imagine each Business Development component as a spoke of a wheel. Looking at the business wheel, each piece of the wheel has a percent assigned to it. 1. Wow-ing & Booking: 25% 2. Demonstration (Demos): 25% • Immediate Sales Income - (same as time allotted for sponsoring income) • Immediate Downline Commission Income – (same as time allotted for sales income) 3. Customer Service Management: 15% • Customer Reorder Sales Income • Sponsoring from Customer Base 4. Distributor Downline Management: 20% • Downline and Group Sales Volume Commission Incomes • Downline Tracking and Communication Management: Weekly • New Distributor Training: One Day Every Week • New Distributor Training: One Day Every Week • SeneSentials Training Meetings
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5. Personal Business Management: 5% • Office Management • Inventory Management 6. Personal Business Education: 10% • Annual Seminar • Leaders Conference • PIT Stop • Weekly Company Webinars • Other Educational Seminars
How To Schedule Time Weekly Let’s take a 40-hour work week and see how the time allotted percentages for each business development component translate into the hours of the work week: (Refer to the Business Balance Wheel) 1. Wowing & Booking: 10 hours per week 2. Demonstrations (Demos): 10 hours per week 3. Customer Service Management: 6 hours per week 4. Downline Management: 8 hours per week or 1 day per week 5. Personal Business Management: 2 hours per week 6. Personal Business Education: 4 hours per week or two days per month or three days per Quarter Now that you know how much time you should be spending on your business and in which area, what exactly should you be doing?
Managing Business Activities Managing your SeneGence business is like any other important function that should be monitored and managed. You need to prioritize, plan, and execute. Procrastination is the enemy! Spending more time than you should at activities that are simple but not revenue producing activities might help you feel organized but will not make income! It’s important to plan out each day of the week in order to be most efficient and profitable, taking advantage of each and every profit earning income possible. You must communicate this to your Downline Distributors so that they may increase their earnings and profits; and in turn you increase and maximize your Downline and Group Sales Volume Commission Incomes.
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What Does Each Activity Mean and How Do I Do It? We are now going to take each section of the business wheel and look at the activities that should be conducted within each one. Let’s take this step by step: 1. Wowing & Booking: 25% or 10 hours per week The easiest thing to remember is this: an empty date book is an empty pocket book. No demos on the books, no dollars in the pocket. Spend 25% of your time Wowing & Booking. What is Wowing? Wowing is when a Distributor walks out of her door of her home and somehow engages in a conversation to show another woman how our product works. One of the easiest ways to do this is by offering the women a chance to try to wipe the LipSense color off of the back of the Distributor’s hand. The women cannot and she says “WOW!” Names and phone numbers are exchanged. The Distributor calls the individual to BOOK an appointment to determine if she’d like to become a customer of the product or a Distributor of the product. Wowing can be done virtually anywhere. Visiting your local businesses can be a great way as to stimulate all types of conversations with others who may be interested in out product line. Here are a few tips: • When you WOW, you need to look the part of a woman who appreciates the beauty of color cosmetics and is always prepared to sell and sponsor. • Always dress professionally and wear SeneDerm and SenseCosmetics products. No one will give you the time of day if you look like you don’t use your products and if you don’t care about the image you are projecting about your business. • Have plenty of business cards and Beauty Books to leave behind. • Carry your day planner. Be prepared to set dates and times you may return to conduct a product demonstration with shop owners, managers or female employees. You might have stopped in at a time that isn’t good for them at that moment. Ask when would be a better time and set a follow-up appointment. • If you want to make the most of your time, call before you hit the road. Phone local salons, spas, boutiques, doctors offices, etc and pre-set appointments. This way the owners or managers will be expecting you when you arrive. • Use the tools available on the Web. If your prospect has a computer, show them the company web site and your SeneSite. This way they will know you mean business. • Be prepared to book Demos for those Wowed who have the potential to become new Distributors. Some people will jump at the chance to sell SeneGence products, as long as you give them the option. • Have sponsoring packets that contain order sheets, Distributor Applications, SeneCeuticals CDs and SeneScenes magazines.
What is Booking? Booking is all the activities associated with Wowing including setting a date and time for an appointment to demonstrate the SeneGence Product line. The result is you earn Sales Income from those who choose to become customers of the product and Commission Income from those who choose to become Distributors of the product.
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2. Demonstration (Demos): 25% or 10 hours per week 25% of your business week should be spent conducting Glamour or SeneBlends Demonstrations. Whether the time is spent conducting group demos or one-on-one demos, this is initially the most constant source of income from sales of product and for potential commission incomes. Of a 40 hour work week, 10 hours should be spent conducting prescheduled demonstrations for Customers and for new Downline Distributors. In a study conducted by the DSA, face-to-face product demos made up 62.8% of the profits earned by direct sellers. In contrast, only 3.7% of earnings came from temporary location selling such as trade shows, kiosks, or booth sales. Do all scheduled appointments hold? No! If you want to spend 10 hours per week conducting demonstrations, how many demonstrations should you schedule if each demo takes two hours? You might say 5. But be aware that people often cancel or reschedule. In order to conduct a solid 10 hours of demos each week, you must book at least 10. Go ahead and double book, if you get caught in a bind because both appointments hold, give the extra booking away to someone in your Downline (ask for 10% of the profits as a referral fee). They’ll love you for it! “At Home” sales profits are high due to much lower out of pocket overhead costs (as opposed to tradeshows and conventions), and they are the perfect place to find and sponsor new Distributors. Work smart, not hard to earn sales income and commission income from demonstrations. How? By continuously building your Downline organization with new Distributors found at each local demonstration.
Combine Earning & Teaching The best part of all is that if you know that you need to spend a percentage of your time training your new Downline Distributors, you can do so while conducting your own business. Take a new Downline Distributor to a demo with you. Within a 40-hour workweek you know you need to spend at least 8 hours training your Downline. Take advantage of the hours you spend at demos to make the most efficient use of your time by turning it into training for your Downline. They can watch you demo, sell, and sponsor all in one venue! There is no better way to train than by showing someone directly. 3. Customer Service Management: 15% or 6 hours per week Your Customer base is one of you most valuable business assets. Paying attention to your Customers and following up will lead to reorders, up selling, and future bookings and success product launches, volume sales and promotions. Activities that should be included within this 15 % of your business are: • Follow up calls should be made within 24 to 48 hours to all new Customers. Check on product performance and review application techniques. Up sell other products they expressed interest in (listed on their Wish List) during the demo. Offer AutoShip and remind them of the ease and rewards of the program. Suggest a SeneBlends Bookings for them and turn it into a Glamour Demo for their family and friends to try the product. Don’t forget to offer the SeneGence opportunity to become a Distributor as they’ve had time to determine these products really do work!
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• SeneSite or CDO (Customer Direct Order) order fulfillment: Check on SeneSite & CDO site for any orders that have come through. Follow up on leads and e-mails. Consider running an on line special. • Run Product Promotions. Call or e-mail with a product or booking discount and take advantage of volume sales offered by the company. E-mail and hard mail your current Customer base and let them know about your sale/promotion. Volume discounts and sales work great when they are time sensitive and have special meaning. (i.e.: associated with a holiday, time of year or a product launch. • Reorders: Maintain a tickler file that is set up to call current Customers every 4 weeks to take their reorders on skin care, body care and color cosmetics and offer them AutoShip. It’s also a good idea and a time saver to input Customers into the monthly SeneService Program. SeneService is a Customer directed email that goes out to your current Customer base that includes glamour and color cosmetic application techniques, education and beauty tips, product introductions, guest night and business opportunity dates and times, skin and body care features and benefits along your contact information for orders and demos. • Log on to your Distributor Back Office and click on Business>Customers>SeneServiceEmails to enter your Customer base names and contact information to receive monthly SeneService e-mails. • Offer SeneBlends makeovers by appointment and feature this as benefit for the holidays or other special occasions. Offer product discounts to those that book with you. • Follow-up with calls to guests who attended a demo a few days prior. Everyone should be called whether they purchased product or not. Now that they have had a chance to try the products they purchased and have seen the results first hand, they may be interested in introducing the products to friends and family through a demo. If they did not purchase products at the demo, perhaps a follow-up call is what they need to make a buying decision. Personal relationships are what direct sales is all about. Having an opportunity at another time away from hearing range of friends and family to ask more questions and learn information is sometimes all it takes to make a really big sale. (Always remember – “no” is just a request for more information.) Perhaps this person will welcome a chance to Partner-for Profits to begin a career or earn products. • Follow-up with calls to book sponsoring interviews and future demos after each demo. Oftentimes, when you are conducting a demo, you’ll have attendees that are interested in booking demos for themselves or in finding out more about the career opportunity but do not have their calendars with them at the demo or perhaps they needed a little time to think about the concept. You must follow up with these people ASAP in order to confirm dates and times for these appointments. Stay in contact and stay on their minds. If you make them a priority, they make you a priority. Lack of follow up in this area will mean a loss of sales and sponsoring that could have been yours for nothing more than a phone call. 4. Downline Management: 20% or 8 hours per week or 1 day per week Train your Downline to run efficiently and be profitable businesses early in their SeneGence careers. Why? When people are making money and building active businesses, they remain excited about the career opportunity. When your Downlines are excited, your Distributor retention increases along with Downline commission incomes. Here are some Downline Management ideas: • Send a weekly or monthly newsletter. Include recognition, training, product knowledge, business building ideas, and a call to action. Individual goal setting and follow-up tips to help a Distributor stay the course and achieve success.
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• Conduct weekly or monthly training/meetings. This can be accomplished via conference calling, Web chat, or face-to-face meetings at your home or local venue. • Use the SenePlans trainings or the SeneSential materials made available by the company to help you plan content for these meetings. These materials include a full library of information and fun activities that offers you versatile options to make meetings fun and exciting. • Call new 1st Line Distributors and let them attend your personal demos and sponsoring interviews with you. You should never be going to these appointments by yourself. They are built-in training opportunities for you. New Distributors need to see firsthand how you conduct your business to help them become more confident. • Schedule yourself to attend your new 1st Line Distributors first demo (Launch Demo) and first sponsoring interview. It is best to schedule a Launch Demo within their first 2 weeks of signing up as a Distributor. New Distributors will be more successful in their new opportunity if they jump in it with you by their side. Never send them out to the field alone. Let them experience the reassurance and support of your expertise; they will in turn do the same for your new, 2nd Line Distributors. • Conduct Quarterly SeneSential meetings for your area if there is another Field Leader within a couple of hours driving distance. Publicize through your SeneSite, local newspapers, e-mail, social media and with press releases. Post your meetings on the corporate Training Calendar website as well. Encourage your Downline to attend and have them use the meetings as business opportunity meetings for their own potential New Distributors. Offer a prize to the Distributor who brings the most guests to the event. It is much easier to help sponsor a prospect Distributor for others when guests attend a meeting that includes recognition, prizes and training. Guests see and experience the support they will have as a Distributor and feel more confident taking the first step towards a new career. 5. Business Management: 5% or 2 hours per week These activities would include completing a Weekly Summary Sheet with: Recorded sales income from week • Recorded expenses from week • Recorded Sponsoring Activity • Inventory order to be placed (if needed) & • Refill Sponsoring and Hostess Packets • Replenishing demonstration supplies and marketing tools For future planning you’ll want to take a look ahead for: • Event planning • Balance Inventory from previous week’s sales. • Repack demonstration and inventory bags for week’s activities • FIFO (First In First Out) product on your shelves, organize inventory. • Banking • Goal tracking using Downline Flow Chart and Leaders Calendar (found in Chapter Nine of this Manual or on line in your Distributor Back Office)
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Many get lost in these activities. Some Distributors may organize and organize; looking at the product on the shelves and wonder why none of it is selling. Of course time must be spent on the administrative parts of your business, but do not allow these activities to take you away from the revenue producing activities of your business. If you find that 5% of your business week is not enough time for you to personally manage this part of your business, it’s time to hire an assistant. 6. Business Education – 5% or 4 hours per week; or two days per month; or three days per Quarter School is never out for a professional. Plan much needed time for continued education, training, inspiration, and motivation with your colleagues at company-sponsored events such as weekly Webinars. Never miss company events that are designed for your continued success. As well, you may find you’d like to learn more about: • Business Management • Computer Skills • Glamour Application & Make Up Artistry • Entrepreneurial Skills • All this and more is available to learn in virtually every community at local community colleges and on the web. Many of you might be thinking “I don’t have the ability or desire to work at my SeneGence business 40 hours per week”. Not a problem! Work at the same activities in proportion to your desire and time allotted. Here’s how:
Only Have 20 Hours Per Week Available? Take the business wheel and apply the percentages of time you have to devote to your business and scale it to suit your business. As an example, if you only want or can spend 20 hours per week on your SeneGence business, then your week would look like this: 1. Business Development: Booking – 5 hours per week 2. Business Development: Demonstrations - 5 hours per week 3. Customer Service Management - 3 hours per week 4. Downline Management: 4 hours per week or 1/2 day per week 5. Business Management: 1 hour per week 6. Business Education: 2 hours per week or 1 day per month or 2 days per Quarter Statistics from the DSA (Direct Selling Association) tell us that most Multi-Level Direct Sales Distributors that work their business part-time earn a median income (profit) of $30,000 per year for only working 20 hours per week. That’s what some women working in corporate America earn working 40 hours per week. Imagine the possibilities with good business practices.
Weekly Schedule Sample for 20 Hours Let’s take a look at how your time should be allocated for a 20-hour per week SeneGence business:
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Monday • 1 hour Business Management: confirm plans for week, do office paper work • 2 hours Customer Service Management: fill orders from weekend, work Customerorders on SeneSite, send out reorder post cards from Customer list • 1 hour Downline Management: meet with Downline via web chat, conference call, or email blast. Track progress, goal setting, product knowledge, setting up training Calendar for the week/attendance at your demos, Hostess Coaching • 2 hours Business Development: Conduct Demonstration
Tuesday • 2 hours Business Development Booking: Go Wowing • 1 hour Customer Service Management: Call Customers from tickler file, send out Customer newsletter, update SeneService e-mails • 2 hours Business Development: Demonstration • 2 hours Downline Management: Training ( same two hours of demo)
Wednesday • 2 hours Business Development: Wowing Appointments and/or Sponsoring interviews • 1 hour Customer Service Management: tickler file, SeneSite orders, Newsletter • 2 hours Business Development: Demonstration • 2 hours Downline Management: Training -same two hours of demoing
Thursday • 1 hour of Customer Service Management: Call new Customers and follow up on product performance, offer SeneGence Opportunity, set up Sponsoring Interviews. • 2 hours Business Development: Demonstration • 2 hours Business Development: Booking, Wowing Appointments, Sponsoring Interviews • 2 hours Downline Management: Training (Same two hours as demo)
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Friday • 1 hour Customer Service Management: Reorder generation and fulfillment, call new Customers • 2 hours of Business Development: Demonstration • 2 hours of Business Development: Booking (from sponsoring interviews and • Wowing) • 2 hours of Downline Management: training (same two hours as demo)
Saturday • 2 hours Business Development: Demonstration • 2 hours of Downline Management: training (same two hours of demo)
Hourly Activity Review of Above 20 Hour per Week Schedule To ensure a productive 20 hour work week – over book your activity. Let’s take a look at how that can be accomplished, based upon the probable outcomes: • You scheduled 12 hours of Business Development for demonstrations and Downline training knowing that 50% of your appointments will cancel or reschedule. So in reality, you have 6 hours that should hold. • You scheduled 8 hours of Business Development, again, knowing that you may have a fall out of at least 50%. That leaves 4 hours that should hold appointments. • You scheduled 6 hours of Customer Service Management. Since you are in complete control of this number, it is not doubled and will hold (as long as you ‘do the work’). • You scheduled 11 hours of Downline Management training. You are not in complete control of these hours since demos or someone in your Downline may cancel or reschedule. This schedule will safely allow for 5.5 hours of Downline training. • This schedule provides for 1 hour for Business Management and no more! The number of total hours for the week: 22.5 hours. If ALL your appointments hold, what a great problem to have! Remember you can work the appointments or you can give them to your red hot Downline Distributors (for a 10% of the profits as a referral fee). The choice is yours! Best of all, this schedule leaves Sunday completely FREE! Your total time commitment to your SeneGence business with the schedule outlined above is never more than about 5 hours per day. (except for 6 on Monday due to the additional training with Downline to get their week off to a strong start). The thing you have to remember is that your SeneGence business is just like a person. Certain things need to happen on a daily basis to keep it strong and growing. Everyday people need food, shelter, safety, love. Everyday your SeneGence business needs tending in the areas too for it to grow, develop and to become successful.
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By following the Business Balance Wheel and organizing your time into activities that are revenue producing and productive, you’ll be sure to see amazing results of growth and success in your SeneGence business and that of your Downline Distributors as well.
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CHAPTER III: SeneGence Independent Distributors & Downline Growth SeneGence distributes its products to the end consumer through Independent Distributors who join SeneGence to earn income from sales of products and to earn commission income for building and training a Downline sales force of additional Independent Distributors. Sponsoring and training the SeneGence sales force is essential to the success of SeneGence International and its Leading Distributors. Sales and marketing programs are tailored around the needs of the SeneGence sales force, SeneGence culture, and SeneGence product line. As well, career training programs are designed, written, taught, implemented, and upgraded to coincide with the development of the product line, support tools and business for an everevolving Sales Force.
Building a SeneGence Downline Sponsoring new Distributors is the lifeblood of your business. Without sponsoring new Distributors on a consistent basis (at least 5 new first line each month), your business, as it applies to commission income and replicating income from multi-level sales, will stagnate and cease to grow. It is common knowledge that if a direct sales business is not growing, it will eventually die out due to attrition. It is said in direct selling “If you are not progressing you are regressing!” Personally sponsoring new Distributors into your ranks, and helping those in your Downline to sponsor, is the key to growth and residual income.
The Priority of Sponsoring New Distributors As an On Track Field Leader or Field Leader Countess/Count and above, you are responsible for the growth of your Downline. To maintain a thriving Downline, and more importantly, to move to the next level of income earning and achievement, it is necessary to have a constant monthly flow of new Distributors. Your top priority is sponsoring new Distributors for your Downline.
Consistent Sponsoring of New Distributors Downlines are only built when there is consistent sponsoring of new Distributors. This renewal of new people into your organization is vital to infusing new enthusiasm and ideas into your organization. As an On Track Field Leader or a Field Leader, one of the most important abilities you have is to continually interest others in the SeneGence career opportunity. This will allow you to be one of the strongest sponsors, if not the strongest sponsor, in your organization because leaders attract potential leaders. The old saying “birds of a feather flock together.” is true. Teach Distributors to never pre-judge who would be successful as a SeneGence Distributor. As an On Track Field Leader or a Field Leader, you will be offering the opportunity to a wide range of people at all levels of experience, because you have the confidence and knowledge and it is your responsibility to do so. By continuing to personally sponsor new, excited Distributors, you will model one of the most profitable behaviors of our business process for your Downline to follow.
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The Value of New Distributors to Your Organization New Distributors in your organization not only increase your PV, DV and GSV, they usually bring with them new ideas, enthusiasm, and new approaches to activities and projects that can serve as a way to add motivation and prosperous activity to your Downline team. They are an outstanding source for sponsoring more new Distributors because their enthusiasm is contagious. They are eager to share their new business opportunity with their family and friends. But most importantly, the enthusiasm of new Distributors keeps you motivated too.
Resell and Renew Your Vision by Sponsoring New Distributors Every time you sponsor someone, you resell yourself on the career. Furthermore, when you help your new and existing Downline Distributors, you become a stronger Distributor and Leader. Remember, those in your Downline look up to you and will replicate your behavior. Your attitude about sponsoring new Distributors is critical. If your Downline senses that you are not excited about sponsoring, they will reflect that by not sponsoring. Always keep in mind the tremendous opportunity that you have as a SeneGence Distributor, by graciously and vigorously sharing it daily.
Teach Downline to Sponsor Teaching your Downline Distributors how to sponsor in a focused and methodical way during each and every demo is crucial to their success and to your Downline growth. Teach each Distributor not to expect people to voluntarily sponsor themselves, not to pre-judge and to offer the career opportunity not often and readily but instead, offer and ask. Emphasize the importance of carrying a well-stocked inventory of sponsoring materials such as The SeneGence Career Opportunity DVD, the Compensation Plan, product fliers, SeneScenes Magazines and Newsletters, and Potential Distributor Paks. Create or purchase from the supply order form, sponsoring packets, and give them to prospects along with the SeneCeuticals DVD. This gives Distributors a reason to follow-up with potential new Distributors and to set appointments to further discuss interests in beginning a new opportunity with SeneGence. These packets should be given out to Customers, hostesses of demos, and any other interested persons encountered. Inform Distributors that you will be happy to accompany them to sponsoring interviews until such time you and they are confident they can conduct an interview and sign up a new Distributor on their own. It’s easy to build a large Downline organization by doing the following activities at which you or one of your Downline Distributors may potentially sponsor others: • Create fun and local events in your area at which Distributors may bring interested parties to you. • Attend as many New Distributors launch demos as possible • Volunteer to attend their women’s groups or neighborhood gatherings It is you they will learn from and understand how simple it is to sponsor others just by watching you in action.
How to Sponsor Effectively and Efficiently at Group Events It is possible to sponsor several individuals at one time during group presentations with more guests than the typical Glamour Demo. The only difference between presenting the SeneGence Independent Distributor Compensation Plan to an individual or a group of people is that you must tailor the presentation to the needs of those in the group. And the needs of the group may vary. That means determining whether or not to incorporate the Company History DVD or SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
the Career Opportunity DVD during group sponsored functions, which key pieces of company literature to distribute, and telling brief stories of top Distributors that represent a broad spectrum of women and why women join direct sales companies, you can successfully sponsor more than one person at a time. The SeneGence Independent Distributor Compensation Plan can be found in presentation form at several locations on where career opportunity is discussed. One may use a projector to project the comp plan or show any of the company DVDs to the group.
Consistently Present the Compensation Plan to Groups Group presentations, as a way to gathering leads and building your organization is very important to master within your own community because it enables you to help members of your Downline grow their own Downline. Whether you hold in-home coffees, guest events or glamour trainings, perfecting your presentation of the compensation plan at the end of an event in front of groups of people will help propel your business and that of your Downlines.
Proper Follow Up with New Distributors Take personal responsibility for each and every Distributor sponsored into your Downline at individual and group events. Make sure the sponsoring Downline is properly guiding and advising the new Distributor. Closely monitor both of them by reaching out and ensuring the Upline sponsor is advising and guiding the new Distributor through proper inventory, tools, initial training, and ongoing training that is imperative to their success. Starting a business is a step-by- step process. Be aware of what the next step is for each of your new Distributors (and their sponsors) so you can guide each effectively on their journey of success. Monitor the Upline sponsor until you and they both feel the sponsoring Distributor is capable of correctly guiding and training new Distributors on their own.
Directing Downline Distributors It is the Upline Distributor’s role to help to direct their Downline Distributors to success. You are not responsible for any one new Distributors personal success, but it is your responsibility to point them in the right direction. Arrange trainings for New Downline Distributors on dates and times that are mutually beneficial. Trainings may be provided by you personally, by your Upline, or by another Distributor who may offer a more convenient location for training. Each well trained Distributor adds to the body of a profitable Downline with exponential earning potential and returns. Open communication is vital, especially within the first month, to a new Distributor’s career. Remember, this is a new venture that may appear to be overwhelming at first. Generally, a new Distributor must make decisions unlike any others in past experiences. Be sure to offer reasonable, unbiased advice and guidance based upon the new Distributor’s personal goals and objectives. Here is a check list of topics to review with New Distributors: Review product order options and help place initial orders based upon new Distributor’s sales goals. • Review Training Package options and select one best fit for a new Distributor’s goals • Recommend registering for free training at SeneU online and access the product knowledge library in their back office. • Explain and help set goals to take advantage opportunities only for New Distributors such as SeneSharing, Fast Start and Kit Upgrades
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• Encourage them to sign up for a SeneSite. • Recommend they open a separate business banking account. • When the New Distributor Kit arrives, make immediate arrangements to meet to review all of the contents. Explain company and Distributor programs and options. • Help organize New Distributor’s Demo set up and supplies. • Schedule and conduct Launch Demo • Provide, help plan, and attend initial training events with each new Distributor. • Arrange for new Distributors to assist you at two or more of your Demos. This is the best form of hands-on training for the new Distributor and help for you with pack/ unpack and fill orders. • Call your new Distributor after her 6 or so Demonstrations to answer questions. Know that in the initial months of selling the products and sponsoring new Downline, there will be much they still need to learn. • Encourage new Distributors to track weekly sales and sponsoring efforts in the SeneGence Weekly Summary Sheet. • Conduct new Distributors initial sponsoring interviews. This will help build the New Distributors’ knowledge about the company and the Industry. (Take with you another potential 1st line Distributor to listen and learn). • Encourage Distributors to attend all company-sponsored events and web trainings.
No Territory Approach to Sponsoring Works with Support The SeneGence Distributor Compensation Plan was designed to provide a “seamless” compensation plan for our Distributors. Our “no territory approach” to building a Downline organization from state to state and even country to country means that many people can be sponsored into the company that do not have in person access to their sponsor. To ensure their success, the New Distributor will often receive support and training from other local Distributors and Field Leaders outside their genealogy.
Working with Distributors Outside Your Area If a new Distributor is not in your area, it is just as important to monitor their training process. Stay abreast of all trainings that are being conducted, and guide them to ones that are in an area they can get to. If you find consistent meetings that are being held by other Field Leader Countess/Count, make sure to call and keep in touch with that Field Leader Countess/Count who is helping your Downline Distributor. Include all your Downline in correspondence that you provide your local Distributors. Staying in touch, no matter where a Distributor is located, is key to training your Downline.
Working with Distributors Outside Your Downline and Incorporating Their Upline Leader When working with Distributors outside your Downline extend the SeneSynergy Spirit and invite them to attend all trainings, meetings, and guest events that you provide. Include them in the recognition that you give. Oftentimes, the enthusiasm and accomplishments of those outside your Downline will infuse extra excitement into your events. Encourage them to stay in contact with their Upline sponsor, Field Leader Countess and above. When developing a super star
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Distributor that attends your functions, enlist the aid and support of their Upline sponsor or Field Leader. Try scheduling guest events that will include the Upline Leader to help you train and motivate your people. Turnabout is fair play.
Support Leaders Who Work with Your Downline When a Field Leader is helping to train and develop a new Distributor from your genealogy, make sure you take responsibility for that Distributor. Call that Field Leader to offer support, and keep in constant contact with the Distributor(s) that she is helping. Take the initiative and offer your ideas, support, and time spent at one of thee Leaders’ trainings. Working with other Field Leaders and other genealogies is a tremendous way for you to grow a new geographical area. You will also grow by learning new selling, sponsoring, and training techniques that others use successfully.
Cover Costs of Out-of-Area Distributors There are always certain costs associated with running, maintaining, and growing a Downline. If you are caring for a Distributor of a different Downline, contact the Upline sponsor or Leader regarding normal expenses. If for example, as the ‘adopted’ Upline, you are going to spend a value on gifts for your top people, and the ‘adopted’ Downline is one of them, ask the Upline sponsor or Leader to reimburse you for the expenses, as it is they who make the commission earnings for that Downline member.
• MonthlySene-U
• Annual Seminar
• Bi-Annual PIT Stop
• Annual Leaders Conference
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CHAPTER IV: Field Leadership Trainers & Distributor Training Programs SeneGence is committed to educate and train an inexperienced sales person in the business of direct selling. A comprehensive Distributor Training Program has been specifically designed for Distributors to learn to sell SeneGence products and build a Downline organization.
SeneSentials Training Meetings SeneSentials is the name of the SeneGence Distributor trainings and meetings conducted by SeneGence corporate staff and Field Leader Distributors. These varied training events lead a Distributor through the “ESSENTIALS” of: • Direct Sales
• Customer Service
• Sponsoring
• Business Management
• Booking
• SkinCare Science
• Wowing
• Personal Growth
• Glamour
• Demoing
• Time Management
SeneSentials include company sponsored training events such as:
SeneSentials also include Field Leader sponsored events: • Weekly Local Meetings • Quarterly Monthly Meetings • Annual Celebration (Usually Dominion Reception) Often SeneSentials are conducted for Glamour instruction and SeneBlends demonstrations, enabling Downline Distributors the opportunity to bring models or potential new Distributors. Post any SeneSentials meeting to the SeneGence event calendar on the web for the Distributors near you to plan to come.
Field Leader Annual Training Calendar The SeneGence Annual Training Calendar offered below consists of a series of trainings ranging from Weekly Local Distributor trainings to Annual Seminar and Leaders Conferences. The Annual Training Calendar is a guide to help Field Leader Distributors better plan for an organized and consistent approach to training, producing prosperous and well-trained Downlines.
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Field Leader Annual Training Schedule SeneGence makes available in the Distributor’s Back Office a current copy of a Field Leader Annual Training Calendar that includes suggested topics for Downline training topics based upon time of the year; wowing, booking, sponsoring, and product sales promotions and activities. Please refer to your Back Office>Resources>Training>ManaGence>Field Leader Training to view a current Annual Training Calendar.
Basic Leadership Rule for Training and Meetings: “Learn While You Earn” Learn while you earn means: whenever a Leader conducts training of any kind, the Leader should invite their own potential Customers/Distributors and the potential Customers/Distributors of their Downlines to be used as models for a demo, to simply better understand the career opportunity and Distributor compensation plan, or just to sit in on basic training. As well, all Distributors should be taught to do the same. This translates into exponential productivity by increased sales income from those who are the models, and/or increased commission income for Distributors whose guests decide to become new Distributors. Consistent training conducted in this way not only enhances Downline Distributor’s skills, it becomes a consistent and efficient growth and earning opportunity. Leaders help to build confidence in Downline Distributors as they watch the Leaders conduct demos, sale products, explain the compensation plan, and answer potential Distributor’s questions. It makes sense that a Leader would design each meeting to include a product demo or glamour makeovers so that Downline Distributors had reasons to consistently invite potential Customers and Distributors to the event. It also makes sense that a Leader invite Downline Distributors to attend the Leader’s demos as the attending Distributor can help the Leader with transactions while learning. There is no better substitute for training than to allow a Downline Distributor to watch the Leader sale and sponsor, making immediate income and building the Downline.
Weekly Local SeneSential Meetings Whenever possible set permanent dates for your SeneSentials Meetings at least six months in advance. Your people need to know there is an accountability system and a plan in place for their training. Best Dates for SeneSentials Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Weekly SeneSential Trainings are offered to all Distributors who live within the proximity of an On Track Field Leader or Field Leader SeneGence Distributor who holds meetings and who follows the Company’s SeneSentials Agenda (available on line in your Distributor Back Office) to use as a guide to help plan a well thought out training and delegate required tasks. As well, incorporating the above reference rotating topics at your weekly meeting will help to ensure interesting and educational presentations that will inspire and educate any new Distributor by teaching them the skills needed to become successful. Please refer to the SeneSentials Training Calendar in your Back Office. The initial efforts at training and motivating Downline Distributors on a consistent, weekly basis, is the key element that will increase the size and productivity of your Downline as these Distributors will bring new potential Distributors and Customers to meet you. Meetings will also help increase Distributor retention, help build new levels of leaders in your organization, serve as a consist forum to teach replication and duplication, and move you to: • Field Leader Princess/Prince level (and beyond!) • Sponsors Court • Group Sales Volume
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• Dominion Annual Ms. SeneSynergy • many other special achievements
Monthly Area SeneSentials Meetings Monthly Area Meetings are Advanced Distributor trainings conducted by two or more (whenever possible) Field Leader Distributors. Best Date and Time: First Saturday of Every Month – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Monthly Meetings should be an exciting training event conducted by the Area Leaders within two to three hour driving distance of one another to bring together Downline Distributors. Monthly Area Meetings are proof to Distributors that Field Leaders come in all styles, shapes, sizes, with various talents, skills, and business approaches that help to build success. Area Meetings offer diversification and variety and, when organized efficiently to include selling and sponsoring platforms (i.e. Glamour makeovers & compensation plan explanation), always prove to be very powerful events for sponsoring new Distributors, selling products and providing advanced training.
Corporate Sponsored Distributor Training Programs Company sponsored events are designed to educate, motivate, inspire, and accelerate the business development of the Distributor. Much time and planning is devoted to make each and every event to make it memorable, fun, progressive, and most of all, to help each and every Distributor have a profitable and successful SeneGence Distributor. Monthly SeneU trainings are held at the corporate facility conducted by a member of the SeneGence staff. The trainings range from New Distributor Training to Advanced Business Development Classes. Corporate Trainings are also used as a venue to train our up and coming Field Leader Trainers who are from other States and countries. Weekly webinar trainings are also conducted every Tuesday and Thursday each week. The training topics are recorded or archived and placed in the Distributor Back Office to be shared at Local Weekly, Area Monthly, and Quarterly SeneSentials Meetings. Example Corporate Training Schedule: Weekly Topic Monday Tuesday Thursday
Sentiments E-Blast Webinar: Happy Hour - Business Development Topics Webinar: Glamour Clinic (1st & 3rd week) Webinar: Virtual Business Training (VBT) (2nd & 4th week)
Monthly 1st Weekend 2nd Week
Sene-U SeneService E-Blast
Quarterly 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
PIT Stop Seminar PIT Stop Leaders Conference
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Weekly SeneGence Sentiments SeneGence Sentiments is the weekly e-mail blast that is sent to all SeneGence Distributors containing weekly updates, product announcements, training schedules, new programs and incentives. It is intended to keep the Distributors informed on various issues and latest announcements.
SeneSential Trainings SeneSential Trainings are projects and activities written by SeneGence that include Downline recognition methods, and the training topics of the week that can be used by the Upline On Track Field Leaders or Field Leaders during weekly and monthly Distributor Trainings. Topics discussed are pertinent in nature to the business of direct sales, Customer service, sponsoring, booking, and etcetera. This training tool is economical to use, but is invaluable in that it becomes a growing library of wonderful business tips. To access training topics, go to your Distributor Back Office>Resources>Training>ManaGence >SeneSential Training Topics and click on the topic of interest.
Calendar of Events The SeneGence Calendar of Events is updated by both Corporate and Independent Distributors to include training events around the country. All SeneGence Distributors and their guests are welcomed to attend any of the listed trainings.
Glam & Gloss Events From time to time, Corporate will plan company sponsored training tours to various cities across the USA and Canada. These tours are staffed with Company marketing personnel. The events consist of glamour and training events to help train and sponsor new Distributors at these all day training events. Road Show and Glam & Gloss schedules and contents are based upon new product, marketing and training programs. To Host a Road Show or Glam & Gloss event you must be an On Track Field Leader or Field Leader. Contact the Department of Distributor Development to schedule one in your area. To conduct a local Glam & Gloss of your own you may log to your Distributor Back Office and click on Resources>Training>Glam & Gloss to access materials needed for a successful event.
Corporate Sponsored ManaGence Field Leader Trainings Certain training events throughout the year are designed and reserved for individuals who are growing a Downline and plan to build long term residual incomes from their SeneGence business.
PIT Stop PIT Stop (Princess in Training) is held twice a year near the corporate headquarters, in January and June/July. To attend PIT Stop, you must be a Maiden or above or receive a special invitation from corporate to attend. PIT Stop offers training for those Distributors who wish to increase their management, organizational, and glamour skills and who desire to continue to build and train a growing sales force.
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Attendance of a PIT Stop event qualifies the attendee (amongst other things) to enter into the Field Leader ManaGence program. Training classes at PIT Stop are conducted by Top Field Leader Distributors and SeneGence Management. To register to attend PIT Stop please log on to your Distributor Back Office and click on Events>PIT Stop.
Leaders Conference Annual Leaders Conference is held October of each year in selected locations in the US. This is an invitation-only event for On Track Field Leaders and Field Leader SeneGence Distributors (Maidens and above). The purpose of Leaders Conference is to offer advanced trainings to On Track Field Leaders and Field Leaders who are pursuing a career in SeneGence International as a sales force leader. Professionals from other fields of business are usually featured trainers at Leaders Conference. Leaders Conference is an event in which the leaders of SeneGence share ideas that are related to building strengths, productivities, and efficiencies of their Downlines. These topics are usually much more advanced and are not appropriate to address at Seminar due to the advanced knowledge and experience needed the average Distributor has not had the time to acquire as an independent business owner. To register to attend Leaders Conference please log on to your Distributor Back Office and click on Events>Leaders Conference.
Leaders Conference Recognition Categories Leaders Conference is an event where Distributors may celebrate the successes of our Leaders and discuss ways in which we may improve and help one another. Leaders Awards Programs have been designed to reward and acknowledged continued business development and to refine Leadership skills. Top Leaders are recognized for improvements, ranking, and excellence in business growth. Leaders are recognized for improvements within the following areas of business development within each of the following areas: Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Dominion • Highest Number of Dominion Qualified Distributors with 300PV. • Highest Number of Dominion SeneSales Distributors. • Highest Number of Dominion SeneSponsor Distributors. • Highest Number of Dominion SeneSite Sales
Field Leader State Founders and State Leaders • Top Sells by State (Various Category Groupings) • Top Sponsors by State (Various Category Groupings) • Top SeneSites per State
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All Field Leaders • Top GSV Dominion • Top GSV Realms • Top Sponsoring Dominion • Top 1st Line PV • Top Personal Sponsor • Top 1st Line DV
Additional Leaders recognition includes: • Greatest Percentage Improvement Year to Year •
• GSV • Sponsoring • New Field Leader Countess/Count Presentation • New Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince Induction • SeneSponsor /SeneSales and Ms. SeneSynergy Luncheon • On Target Seminar Inner Circle Sponsor Breakfast • LIPS Dinner and Fundraiser • Leaders Year Royalty Group Photo Shoot
Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Annual Leaders Meeting Leaders Conference offers an opportunity for Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen’s to meet with their Downline Field Leader Crown Princess, Duchess/Duke, Countess/Count, etcetera, Royal Court Members for the purpose of planning promotional and training programs for their specific areas over the course of the next six months till Seminar.
Leaders League of Independent Sponsor (L.I.P.S.) Trip The LIPS (League of Independent Sponsors) Trip is an all or partial expense paid trip hosted by Joni Rogers-Kante and awarded to our On Track Field Leaders and Field Leader Distributors to an exotic destination predetermined by SeneGence. Distributors are awarded a LIPS Charm and are those who have won a trip for themselves by accumulating at least 50,000 DV (Distributor value) points during the Leadership Year (October 1 through September 30) for sponsoring new Distributors into their first lines. Spouses may accompany the winning Distributor as long as other requirements have been met.
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To learn more about how you cam qualify for the L.I.P.S. Trip please log on to your Distributor Back Office and click on Resources>Contests and Trips>Lips Trip.
Annual Seminar Each April, SeneGence International conducts its annual Seminar. This event is designed to educate, inspire, motivate, and recognize our Independent Distributors for the achievements of the Seminar year (April 1 to March 31). Seminar is recommended for all Distributors and is a valuable training experience for its participants at every level of business development. Seminar is filled with an array of training classes conducted by current Seminar year’s top Distributors, product launches and detailed training, motivation and personal growth sessions, business building classes, and launches and trainings of new Distributor Support Programs. Throughout Seminar we recognize our Leaders who make substantial contributions building their organizations and the SeneGence brand reflected in sales numbers, sponsoring efforts, and leadership skills. “The speed of the leader is the speed of the pack.” Set your goal to, at the very least, be a member of the Inner Circle Sponsors and Personal Sales Courts at each and every Seminar. In doing so, you will pave the way for others in your Downline to do the same. That translates into a profitable and growing Downline organization. Make sure your Downline Distributors register and attend Seminar. The more who attend the annual event, the larger your Downline will grow the following Seminar Year.
Annual Ms. SeneSynergy The Annual Ms. SeneSynergy title is given to one of the twelve monthly Ms. SeneSynergy named within the Seminar Year by vote and submission of nominations from the sales force. The Annual Ms. SeneSynergy award is determined by a vote amongst the twelve monthly Ms. SeneSynergy for the single person who most denotes the spirit of the SeneSynergy Award within that same Seminar Year. The Ms. SeneSynergy with the most votes of the twelve earns the title.
Seminar Inner Circle Courts Dinner Members of the Inner Circle Court for: Those who enter the Inner Circle Court will be considered leaders in each category. The evening is traditionally a fun and themed event. When you become a member of any one or all of the Inner Circle Courts you will be notified the theme of the evening. The Inner Circle Dinner may be held in the facility where Seminar is held or it may be planned as an off site event, the night after Awards Night. You may bring a spouse if they have accompanied you to Seminar. No other guests are invited. Generally, the agenda for the evening includes unique and entertaining presentations and entertainment.
Inner Circle Make Sense Foundation Fund Raiser and Awards Banquet The Make Sense Foundation Awards Banquet is a private affair attended by the Inner Circle Court Winners, SeneGence Distributors and SeneGence Staff and Executives. The Awards Ceremonies are pre planned as part of the recognition and motivation for tracking Distributors growth and successes as they build their Customer base and their sales force. Most of the Annual awards are presented to Distributors as they are announced onto stage during the Fundraising Dinner for the Make Sense Foundation “Awards Night” Banquet. These awards are sponsored by SeneGence. Proceeds for the evening are donated to the Make Sense Foundation. Tickets for the Make Sense Foundation Fundraiser and Awards Banquet must be purchased separately. SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Dominion Themed Reception Rooms located within the hosting Seminar hotel are pre-reserved for Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus) Dominion Receptions. The rooms are reserved through the corporate contract. Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen Receptions are conducted by a single Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince to honor their Dominion. This event is the Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince’s opportunity to spend personal quality time with Downline members who have flown to the event from all over the country. Many of these members may never have had to opportunity to meet their Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince prior to this event. Meeting the Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen Royalty of SeneGence may be an important prospect to any new Distributor attending Seminar for the first time. As well, it offers a more private proximity in which to mingle with others in their Downlines, sharing ideas and making creating business strategies together. Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince Receptions are the area events where that the Field leader Crown Princesses/Queens may present gifts, awards plaques for the winners of their area promotions. The promotions, themes, event costs, food concerns, and all presentations are the responsibilities of the Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen who is the hostess of the reception. Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince (Emeritus) should consider running their internal Downline awards programs that enhance the Annual Seminar Awards programs. Such internal awards programs give a larger cross section of Distributors to be recognized for their continued successes, many that may not be at a level that is recognized by the Annual Awards levels. It is a good idea to establish award levels at half of the Annual Seminar Award totals. This allows you to award recognition and symbols of triumphs to a greater number of your Downline members. A program such as this also serves as a stepping stone for greater accomplishments from one year to the next until a Distributor reaches the levels of the Annual Awards programs, the Inner Circle Awards. A Distributor who wins such levels of achievements that are presented personally by you at your Downline Receptions finds this to be a thrilling and exciting event in their lives; one they will look forward to year after year. Enhance your Dominion’s experience by purchasing or creating custom charms that represent your organization. Present the charms at your annual reception. Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus) Dominion Reception Suggested Agenda: Serve finger food and non alcoholic drinks Gifts: All Winners Receive Personalized Dominion Certificates signed by the Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus)
Part One: Sales Dominion Personal Sales Court: 10,000 PV and above Suggested Order of Recognition: 1. Any Dominion Sales Promotion 2. Fast Start Earners 3. Significant SeneSellers ($$$) 4. SeneSales a. Ruby
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b. Sapphire c. Emerald 5. Dominion Sales Court • Slide Presentations for Top Five Personal Sales • Top Ten Personal Sales: Charm • Top Five: Money Pins, and Plaques • Number 1: Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus) makes a “Trip to Train” to the #1 Distributor’s City • SeneSales Distributors: (Each level)
Part Two: Sponsoring Dominion Sponsor Court: 10 @ 300 PV Suggested Order of Recognition 1. Any Dominion Sponsoring Promotion 2. SeneSharing 3. SeneSupport 4. SeneSponsor a. Ruby b. Sapphire c. Emerald 5. Dominion Sponsors Court 6. LIPS Trip Attendees (& on targets for current year) • Top Ten Sponsor: Charm • Top Five Sponsors: Money Pins and Number Pins, Plagues • Number 1 Sponsor: Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus) makes a “Trip To Train” to the #1 Distributor’s City • SeneSponsor Distributors: (Each level)
Part Three: Group Sales Volume (GSV) Dominion GSV: 100, 000 GSV Suggested Order of Recognition:
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1. New Road to Royalty 2. New Royalty 3. State Leader/Founder 4. Dominion GSV 5. SeneStar • Top Ten Group Sales Volume: Charm/Certificate • Top Five Group Sales Volume: Money Pins, Number Pins, and Plagues • Number 1: Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus) makes a “Trip To Train” in their city
Part Four: Dominion SeneSynergy • Monthly Company SeneSynergy • Plaque and Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince/Queen/King (Emeritus) makes a “Trip To Train” in their city
Part Five: Acknowledge: • Any Contest Winners of any other contest held throughout the Seminar Year • SeneCar Earners • Sene-U Attendees • PIT Stop Attendees • Leaders Conference Attendees
Field Leader Crown Princess/Queen (Emeritus) Dominion Goal Setting Meetings Downline Goal setting meetings are held by the Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince/Queens/Kings (Emeritus) immediately following the close of Seminar. Rooms for these meetings are included in the contract block from corporate and should always be included in your Seminar information to your Downline who is attending the event. The purpose of these meetings is to gather your Downlines together, reinforce the highlights of the event, set goals, and to strategize the following six months till Leaders Conference. This crucial period of time serves well to help the leaders through out your Downline create training schedules in an organized manner so as not to duplicate or overlap efforts. Identifying needs, the locations in which you are building strength, areas that are in need of help, which leaders are the closest and available to help will increase overall Downline productivity and eliminate unnecessary expenses. Always end this meeting with a training schedule commitment including: • dates and guests trainers
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• annual goals for each to advance within the Royal Court, • sales goals • a pledge to all to qualify and meet again at Leaders Conference. Additional traditional activities are to be expected and planned for during each Annual Seminar: • Glamour Photo Shoots • Annual Ms. SeneSynergy • Top Royalty Speeches • Distributor Break Out Training Classes
Seminar SeneStar Trip The SeneStar Trip is an all expense paid trip awarded to our Field Leader Distributors whose Group Sales Volumes and Personal Sales Volumes requirements have been balanced throughout the Seminar Year. Distributors also have the opportunity to earn the trip (or partial) for a guest. SeneStar Qualifiers* SeneSales Field Leaders and On-Track SeneSales Field Leaders will reap the rewards of their contributions to SeneGence and the SeneGence Distributor sales force by enjoying the annual Seminar Year SeneStar Trip. As long as you have met all of the requirements within the Seminar year, all SeneSales Field Leaders and On-Track SeneSales Field Leaders who have achieved at least one level of total Personal Sales Volumes, for an Annual SeneSales total for the Seminar Year Personal Sales Volume, with no less than the corresponding Group Sales Volume will win the SeneStar Trip. Personal Sales Volumes and Group Sales Volumes are stated as minimums. Seminar Year Personal Sales Volume (PSV)
Seminar Year Group Sales Volume (GSV)
$25,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $100,000 $75,000
$1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $50,000 $40,000 $25,000
Percentage of SeneStar Trip Cost Covered by SeneGence 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 50%
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On Track Field Leaders, our up and coming Leaders of tomorrow may join our SeneStars on the trip as long as the requirements listed above have been met. SeneGence will pay for a portion of the trip as outlined above. Please log on to your Distributor Back Office and click on Resources>Recognition Reports>SeneStar to learn more details.
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CHAPTER V: How to Conduct a Successful Distributor SeneSential Meeting You’ll know you conducted a successful Distributor Training if: • Distributors learned something of value • Customers purchased products • Potential Distributors signed a Distributor Agreement
Outline for Successful Meetings and Trainings As Field Leaders for SeneGence International you are not only encouraged, but expected to conduct trainings for your Downline Distributors and area Distributors. Weekly SeneSential meetings, Quarterly SeneSentials Meetings and Glam and Gloss Guest Events are key factors in growing and developing your organization. You will not only see the benefits in the strength and revenue your Downline will produce, but in the future Field Leaders you will in turn build. The objective of the SeneSential training is to give you the tools you need to take the materials provided by the company and present it in a confident and organized way to your Downline Distributors. As you read this material, plan on putting these techniques and tips into action at your next meeting and you’ll experience results that will pay off both in your Downline and in your pocket book.
Adult Learning Theory Ask any teacher that teaches children between age 4 and 12 and they will tell you what a rewarding experience it is to watch their students learn. The children are open to receiving information and ready to take in as much knowledge as they can have thrown at them. Why in contrast, do college professors have more a challenge teaching their students? They question, resist, contradict every new piece of information. Nothing is taking at face value. The college student says, “How will this help me?” or “I have to see it to believe it!” Why are there such differences in how children verses adults learn? The answer is actually much simpler than you might think. Children bring little if any life experience into the learning situation. They will accept almost anything they are told by an authority figure as fact. Creating the need to know is not necessary because they DO need to know everything! In contrast, the adult learner brings much life experience into the learning situation. They have experience from family, employers, friends, neighbors, teachers, etc. These experiences often contradict what they have been taught to be fact, causing them to then be more cautious in accepting information. Adults have to want to learn. Trainers have to create the “Need to Know” in order for trainees to accept information. Basically, adults need to have the question, “What’s in it for me?” answered BEFORE they will open their eyes and ears to any learning situation.
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How do you create the Need to Know? Typically, people help support that in which they help create. For adult learners in a training situation, this is accomplished best in a question and answer format. As you engage learners in a Q and A session prior to reviewing any training materials the goal is to make them feel as though they are helping set the agenda for the day. They often know what the topic is before arriving at the training, but adult learners will want to know how this material will make their life or business better, stronger, and more profitable. As an example, let’s say that we were going to create the need to know for the Train the Trainer material. Some key questions might be: What are some of the challenges you have experienced in conducting trainings in the past? Possible responses could include: 1. Poor attendance 2. Not confident in material being presented 3. Not cost effective 4. Sponsoring numbers are low What are some of the things you would like to know in order to better prepare for your next training event? Possible responses could include: 1. Outline of how to manage costs and venue to make events profitable. 2. Examples on how to present training materials in a clear and concise way. 3. Example on how to control the timing of the meeting and keep control of the trainees. 4. How to increase sponsoring efforts and guest attendance. Creating the need to know…. If I could show you a way to conduct effect, cost effective meetings that increased your sponsoring efforts, would you be interested? At this point, you have taken the feedback from the trainees in attendance and without changing anything about the materials you are going to present for the event and created the need to know. You’re learners are engaged, interested and receptive.
Keys to Holding Successful SeneSential Meetings and Trainings: These are 8 Responsibilities of the Trainer: 1. Prepare and review a written agenda: Make sure each attendee receives it before the meeting. Bring extra copies to the training for those that should up without an RSVP. 2. Make sure a venue is confirmed: Make the venue as comfortable and supportive of the group’s mission as possible. Ensure adequate seating, lighting, temperature control, and ventilation.
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3. Provide all necessary materials: Place as many materials at each seat as is sensible in order to save distribution time later. 4. Start on time: Reward those who arrive on schedule. 5. Preview the agenda with the group: Create a clear mental image of the specific outcome desired so the entire group will be working toward the same goals. This is done after the need to know is created. 6. Move through the agenda in the sequence specified: Allocate time commensurate wit the relative importance of each agenda item. 7. Provide interim summaries: During lengthy discussions, summarize the group’s progress to that point. 8. Conclude by summarizing what the groups accomplished and what the next step will be.
4 Steps to Meeting Success Every meeting or training should have four components in order to be effective. These four components insure that all trainees have received and retained the information you have presented. Please note, the adult learning has to hear something three times in order to remember it. Most people will only retain one third of the information presented to them at any given time. • Step One: Create the Need to know and review the agenda items. • Step Two: Review the information with the group and have them take notes • Step Three: Discuss Information with the group and have them share experiences and ask questions. • Step Four: Review the material as it relates to the need to know created at the beginning of the training. Step One: Create the need to know and review the agenda items. Once the need to know is created with the group, make sure that you review the agenda items for the day. Let them know how this agenda will answer the questions they have and how it will benefit them. (Information handouts/ Content of training) Step Two: Review the information with the group and have them take notes. Make sure you have read and become familiar with the information you will be presenting in the training. Think about examples or analogies that will help you make the presentation engaging and interesting. By personalizing the information to your experiences and successes, you will be perceived as the expert and you’ll be more comfortable speaking. Note taking is a key factor in having trainees absorb information. This starts them in the participation process and involves even the shyest person in the learning experience. Step Three: Discuss Information with the group and have them share experiences and ask questions. Once you have reviewed the information with Trainees, use the Discussion outlines provided by the company to review the information presented. Discussion will lead to sharing of experiences, roll playing, and the valuable exchange of information that will help trainees absorb and retain information. Step Four: Review the material as it relates to the need to know created at the beginning of the training. Once you wrap up the Question, Answer, and Discussion portion of your training it’s time to conduct a review. The best way to review information to make sure trainees have gotten the information you wanted them to take back with them is with a Question and Answer format. A Question and Answer format will accomplish three things: SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
A: Engage the entire group B: Validate the learning that has taken place in the training. C: Validate your skills as a trainer. An example of this type of review would be: Q: So you came to this training wanting to have the skills to conduct effect trainings for your Downline Distributors. What are the four steps in the Outline for meeting success? Q: What are the eight Steps to conducting effective meetings? Q: What do adults need in order to be open to learning? Q: How many times do adults need to hear information in order to retain it? You should never leave any training without a call to action with a commitment from trainees to reach a given goal. For example, if the topic of the training was sponsoring, trainees should leave the training with the following goals: 1. Number of Sponsoring interviews they will book for the upcoming week. 2. Number of Sponsoring interviews they will conduct for the following week. 3. Number of new Distributors they will sponsor for the upcoming week. You need to follow up with Downline Distributors who attended your trainings in the days that follow to see how they are progressing in meeting and achieving their goals after the training and set new goals with them in the event they’ve met the goal. As is the case with a majority of people, without follow up and encouragement, they’ll get side tracked with their busy lives. Accountability is the key to any success. By creating the need to know, being familiar with your material, managing your resources and creating effective agendas. You will be able to see the results of your training efforts quickly.
SeneSential Meeting Materials Now that you are conducting trainings and meetings on a regular basis and to best control time management as it applies to meeting preparation, you need to meet and befriend Mr. Moch (pronounced ‘Mox”). Moch is the Meeting Box, your meeting buddy. You should have available at your meetings all handouts, attendance sheets, venue contact information, Leaders guides, and other support materials in Moch organized and ready to go. Inventory Moch after each meeting you conduct and refill him so he is ready for the next event with minimum effort. Items that should ALWAYS be in Moch are: 1. Copies of all SeneGence Training Manuals 2. DVD and CD Library 3. Handouts for the trainings that you are conducting 4. Pens 5. Place Mats 6. Glamour Tri-Fold Brochures 7. A complete New Distributor Kit, Glamour Demo and/or LIPS Kit 8. SeneGence Distributor Beauty Books & Applications
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9. Initial Order Sheet Samples 10. Seminar Registration Forms 11. Current Contest and Product Flyers 12. Personal Product Glamour Demo Set Up 13. SeneBlends Beauty Guide 14. Sign In and Guests Contact Sheets 15. Recognition Ribbons and Gifts 16. Blank Weekly Summary Sheets 17. Product Displays. By having Moch ready at all times, you can focus your efforts on having a fun event and preparation time for events should be simplified.
SeneSential Training Agenda SeneSential meetings should be built around basic training topics as it applies to the business of SeneGence: • Goal Setting
• Customer Service
• Time Management
• Hostess Coaching
• Wowing and Booking
• Best Business Practices
• Sponsoring
• Product Knowledge
• Demoing
• Marketing
• Glamour Application Techniques As a Field Leader, you set your own agendas for the meetings you conduct. As an example, if you feel your Downline needs additional training in the area of Wowing, you can chose those topics to teach along with conducting a Glamour Demo at your meeting that week. Rotate topics each week to keep meetings interesting.
Sample Agenda Effective trainings are often conducted within a 1 ½ to 2 hour period of time. Here’s a sample agenda: • Greeting and Introductions • Recognition (Weekly Summary Sheets are due weekly at the beginning of each meeting) 1. Weekly Sales Countdown 2. Weekly Sponsoring Countdown 3. New Road to Royalty Achievements 4. New Royal Achievement
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• Conduct Glamour Makeovers on Guests - Choose one of the SeneBlends looks available in the back office under SeneBlends. • Review Company Announcements from Weekly Sentiments • Conduct Training Activity chosen from SenePlans available in the back office. • Announce Important Reminders and schedule activities for the week • Call to action (goal) for the week
Host a Successful Webinar or Conference Call A consistently scheduled webinar or conference call will prove to be an effective venue to train and support Distributors who do not live nearby. There are many free to low cost resources available online that can help you host your meeting professionally and easy. Similar to training or a weekly meeting, a conference call is an event that requires preparation. Below are some tips you can use to conduct effective webinars and conference phone calls with your Downline: 1. Arrive Early. As the moderator of the call, it is important you are there to welcome participants. 2. Start and end on time. Respect your callers by beginning your webinar/call at the time scheduled, and keep to your schedule so callers do not have to disconnect before the end of the webinar/ call. 3. Prepare an agenda. Be prepared, stay on task and have a backup plan if a guest speaker (if any) does not show. A backup training topic is crucial. 4. Stick to a format. Follow the same format weekly for consistency. For example, an effective weekly Downline webinar/call may include: • Three minutes of company updates from weekly SeneSentiments • Two minutes for weekly recognition, a ten minute training topic • Five minutes of a motivational message. • Finally use the two meeting reminding attendees of the date and time for the next conference call and give out any assignment for follow up at that time. 5. Give a strong introduction. Start off by introducing yourself and welcoming any new Distributor to the Webinar/call. If you are utilizing a guest speaker, have a third party introduce them (another Distributor on the call) to build excitement and credibility. 6. Be dynamic. Speaking with energy, emotion and enthusiasm will excite your watchers/ listeners and produce positive results. 7. Use guest speakers. Invite a guest speaker to join your webinar/call. You don’t want to always be the only speaker or the excitement will fizzle. 8. Do not use cell phones for conference calls. These phones pick up static and background noise, delivering a lower sound quality, and can be unexpectedly disconnect your call. 9. Have watchers/callers mute their line. If you wish to have active participation during your webinar/call, ask the watchers/callers who are not speaking to mute their individual speakers/lines.
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10. Learn to build for events. At the start of each webinar/call, recap your last webinar/ call. Next clearly stat your agenda and expectations. At the end, build up the next webinar/call by highlighting the topic, time and any other details explaining why your watchers/callers should attend the next one. The idea is to always be selling your next webinar/call and building the excitement within your organization. 11. Timing is everything. Schedule your webinar/call to maximize attendance while avoiding peak times and being considerate of different time zones, if applicable. By following these guidelines for successful Webinar/call, you will see positive results in attendance, business growth, and consistency of performance from your Downline Distributors. You should also plan to participate in the SeneGence Corporate-hosted webinars on Tuesday and Thursdays evenings for inspiration, information and ideas for holding your own.
Glam & Gloss Agenda Hosting a Glam & Gloss event at least once a quarter is a great way to help build credibility for both you and your Distributors. And, while training you are helping your Distributors sell products, sponsor new Distributors, book demos and learn glamour application and techniques. A Glam & Gloss Attendee Workbook and all that you need to host a Glam & Gloss is available for use in your Distributor Back Office under Resources>Training>Glam & Gloss. A variety of SeneBlends glamour looks are available for your use to help teach glamour application techniques and to create different glamour looks under Resources>Marketing Materials>SeneBlends.
Sample Glam & Gloss Agenda Glam & Glosses tend to run for a period of three to four hours as guests are given makeovers by the Distributor they came to the event with. 10:00 am Open Doors and greet Guests and Distributors as they arrive Everyone Signs in on a “Sign in Sheet” Distributors complete a “Weekly Summary Sheet” and you collect them 10:30 a.m. Opening Remarks - Suggested Dialogue: “Good Morning Ladies! I am ____________________________, your Hostess for today’s event, SeneSentials: a Day of Education. I would like to introduce you to your Cohostess ________________________________. If there is anything we can do to make this experience even more enjoyable, please do not hesitate to ask. I’d like to take a moment to review with you today’s schedule. We are going to: Teach you application and placement techniques Select shades that are perfect for you Allow you to take products home with you today I am aware that some of you are guests who use our wonderful product line. I understand you are contemplating a career with SeneGence and have come today to hear more about our very fast-growing, young company, SeneGence International, and to learn
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about our training programs. The final training segment in today’s agenda will include _______________ (name) teaching the SeneGence Compensation Plan and how, if interested, you may join our exciting organization. We will conclude our day no later than ___________ pm. Before we begin our training, I would like to turn your attention to the monitor here in the front to view our SeneGence History video. At its completion, before we begin our glamour application session, I would like to meet everyone in the room, both Distributors and Guests. Also, I have some recognition I would like to award to those in the room who in our SeneGence world are quickly becoming our leaders in their own areas.”
Guests and Distributor Introduction - Suggested Dialogue: “Let’s meet the Guests and Distributors who have taken their valuable time to attend today’s training and invest in their futures. I would like to hear from each of you. Please stand up and briefly tell us: • Where you live, and if you are a guest who brought you today • How long you have been in SeneGence, if you are a Distributor • The name of your Upline • How you discovered SeneGence Let’s start at this end of the room with you, _______________.” (Keeping this going quickly can be challenging. You may have to gently remind them to keep it short.) Distributor Recognition - Suggested Dialogue: Sales Countdown - “We would like to honor our top Distributors for their sales and sponsoring efforts. Distributors, this is why we had you complete the benchmark Weekly Summary Sheets. These sheets are invaluable to not only track your weekly progress as you reach your goals, but are a simple way to keep track of your SeneGence finance categories for income taxes. Today we want to recognize those Distributors who actively worked their business last week. We will start with standing recognition.” (Work through the list, handing them their ribbons for the week.) Let’s have everyone stand who sold products last week in excess of at least: • $100. Let’s give them all a round of applause. • Now stay standing if you sold at least $200 • $300? (Continue countdown up to the last person standing.) • Highest Weekly Sales Total • Give Ribbons to Highest Demo • Greatest Number of Guests • Highest Re-order total for the week • Highest Sales Event of the week • SeneDerm Sales for the Week
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Stand if you have sponsored one or more persons into the company this Seminar year.” (Countdown same as above) Introduce the Road to Royalty Program - Briefly explain the Distributor Compensation Plan as you introduce the following: • Distributors – Every Distributor makes 25% to 100% profit selling SeneGence products • The next Group of achievers earns generous Downline commissions and Group Sales Volume Bonuses for building and training a growing sales force. • Maiden and Squires – As you begin to build a sales force you receive commissions on minimal sales as well as group bonuses • Royals – are paid for two consecutive months through their first line • Ladies and Lords – are paid for two consecutive moths up through their second line • Countesses and Counts – are paid for two consecutive months up through their third line • Duchesses and Dukes – are paid for two consecutive months up through their fourth line • Princesses and Princes – are paid for two consecutive months up through their fifth line • Crown Princesses and Crown Princes – are paid up through their fifth line with • Group Sales Volume in excess of $ 1,000,000 within the Seminar Year. • Queens and Kings – are paid up through their fifth line with an excess of $5,000,000 within the Seminar Year. Invite all those guests who would like to join the company to complete an application. Point out to them the contents of the Distributor Kit if you have one displayed on the table. Tell them the person who brought them will help those who choose to join us complete their Distributor Application. Additional Recognition Recognize the following: Explain to the room the meaning of each. Give appropriate ribbons to: • Any Ms. SeneSynergy from the past months who may be in attendance • Any State Founders • Any State Leaders • Any SeneSharing Winners • On-Target Royal Court Members this Seminar Year “Please give a warm round of applause to all those women and men who are the leaders within SeneGence!”
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11:30 – 12:15 pm Glamour Presentation - “I’d like to invite all of our Guests to remove their makeup as I now turn your attention to our Glamour Presentation.” Hand out Glam and Gloss printed materials. For Distributors who brought models, instruct them to experiment with the various structural application options shown in SeneBlends Silhouettes. Follow the flow of the basic glamour application techniques as shown in the workbook to stay on track. Draw the features onto a white board and demonstrate application techniques. Show products; discuss product benefits and application techniques. Once glamour application has been completed ask Guests to stand and tell what their favorite part of the Glamour Presentation was. Ask Distributors to comment on their Guests’ new look. Tell all Guests they may purchase the products from the Distributor who brought them here. Explain the four purchase options. • Cash • Check • Charge • Emphasis the option to earn product by hosting a demonstration 12:15 – 1:00 pm Snack or Lunch Break. 1:00 – 1:40 pm Training Topic (One or several depending upon length of event) 1:40 pm – 2:00 p.m. Compensation Plan – Review Compensation Plan and show Career Opportunity DVD. Invite all guests to make a decision, as they each have a choice – they may choose to become a Customer of the product or a Distributor of the product. Close - Suggested Dialogue: “Thank you all for coming to this remarkable event; A Day of Glamour and Education from SeneGence. I encourage each of you to embrace the concepts and ideas you gathered here today. Put these concepts into practice; set your goals and achieve your dreams. We’ll see you all next month on ___________ (date) to teach additional exciting product knowledge and glamour application techniques.”
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CHAPTER VI: Ways to Recognize and Promote Success to your Downline Recognition can be given in so many different ways. Think for a minute about the recognition you would like to receive more of. Think of the last time your Upline or sponsor said, “Great Job!” When was the last time you received written recognition for an accomplishment? Didn’t you love showing it to people at work and at home? Recognition is appreciation, and don’t we all like to be appreciated? This form of positive reinforcement is the spark needed to kindle every Distributor in your Downline and you want to keep the fires burning. Accomplishments are achievement. Only those that achieve should receive, and in front of their peers. Make it a practice to recognize individual accomplishments within range of others ears.
Company Sponsored Distributor Promotions Company Sponsored Distributor Promotions are created to help guide Distributors towards activities known to bring about financial success for each Distributor. In short, this means sales and sponsoring activities. It is true, “What you talk about, you bring about.” Are you “talking” sales and sponsoring to your team? Are you “talking” SeneSales, SeneStar, and L.I.P.S.? Have you help to set their goals for sales and sponsoring? Do you honor their sales and sponsoring efforts?
Quarterly Promotions Quarterly promotions are designed for the benefit and motivation of those Distributors in the sales force who desire specific markers as a goal setting/achievement standard in order to progress. And to keep things more fun! Sales and sponsoring promotions are the two consistent quarterly promotions SeneGence sponsors for all Distributors’ participation. Quarterly goals are set for both SeneSales and SeneSponsor. These goals are used in conjunction with sales in the achievement of the necessary requirements for the Seminar SeneStar Trip and the Leaders L.I.P.S. Trips. Winners are awarded prizes such as corporate sponsored training events in their area and an opportunity to be featured in company publications. Specially designed SeneSales and SeneSponsor charms are awarded. Please log on to your Distributor Back Office and click on Business>Recognition Reports>SeneSales or SeneSponsor to learn more details.
Downline Recognition Program The Field leader Downline Recognition Program is a fun and inexpensive way for Leaders to utilize a recognition program designed to inspire a growing Downline organization at local meetings during the course of the year. Ribbons, charms, and much more are available for ordering for Field Leaders and above on the online Supply Order Form. The Downline Recognition Program consists of a series of ribbons to be used at your weekly meetings as tools that recognize the accomplishments of Downline Distributors for their past weeks effort in sales and sponsoring. Sales ribbons are offered in a variety of colorful ribbons for weekly sales totals ranging from $100 to $3000. We’ve included ribbons to recognize, “Highest Personal Sales”, “Highest Event Sales” and “Highest SeneDerm Sales”.
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Sponsoring ribbons are designed to commemorate and track each of your Distributor’s progress as they continue down the “Road to Royalty”. Ribbons are to be awarded by you to mark momentous accomplishments - For example, when they first become a SeneSharing Distributor with one qualified new sponsor within their first thirty days of joining the company. A variety of ribbons such as “Area SeneSynergy” “Group Sales Volume”, “Demoing Diva” and “Highest Personal Sales” are available to offer you flexibility so that you may design your own fun and challenging contest. The process of awarding ribbons to Distributors is an amazingly simple way in which to train Downline Distributors during a meeting or by mail. There is a myriad of different techniques Distributors use to further their businesses in sales, booking, and sponsoring efforts, you are encouraged to embrace your own! When awarding the ribbons, ask one simple question. “How did you do it?” Allow each tell their story for the week. Their stories will inspire one another. They may share fabulous ideas that will help everyone walk away with new concepts to experiment with for the following week. They keep each other motivated. This Downline Recognition Program is guaranteed to help make you a “Princess Builder”.
Managing Downline Distributors What exactly does one do when managing a Downline? Well, a good manager uses tools, process, and people to coordinate a good outcome. So, the responsibilities of an Upline Manager are to use the company tools (products) and processes (all Distributor support and recognition programs) and people (your Downline Distributors, Customers, and you!) to coordinate a good outcome. Help Distributors achieve their dreams through selling and sharing products that really work and you, in turn, will achieve your dreams. Here is a list of suggested activities that may give you an idea of how to best support your Downline Distributor organization:
Daily 1. Be available to answer questions by phone, e-mail or text 2. Set up appointments with Downline Distributors to: • Conduct Launch Demo • Make Customer Service Sponsoring phone calls • Schedule Goal Setting Appointments and monitor progress • Personally contact Distributors with support and marketing and sales ideas that may suit their situations best
Weekly 1. Schedule Wowing appointments with new Downline and seasoned Distributors to stimulate activity. If a Distributor learns to “wow’ she will be in business forever. 2. Update New Distributors to contact and email list 3. Create and send out weekly email blasts or links to your blog:
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• Notes from conference phone calls and weekly webinars • Any recognition you can give for sales and sponsoring activities of Downline Distributors • New Distributor Welcomes • Your Calendar for the next week with invitations to Downline to join you at your scheduled events • Include a short training of any SeneGence Distributor Program 4. Send your personalized Welcome Letter to New Distributors 5. Schedule Power Pocket Distributor trainings for out of town day trips to growing and developing Distributors 6. Conduct SeneSentials Training to support New and established Distributors and Future Leaders
Monthly 1. Conduct Team Conference Call(s) 2. Conduct Monthly Team Meeting (Could include Skype training with corporate) 3. Create and send out monthly Team newsletter including recognition by pulling from Company Newsletter or Downline Report, Distributors recognized for/on target for: • SeneSales • SeneSponsor • SeneCar Qualifiers • Significant SeneSellers ($$$) • SeneSharing Recipients • SeneU Attendees • Top PV • Top DV • Top Realm • New Royal Levels • Ms. SeneSynergy • Any Contests or Promotion Achievers 4. Send hand written “Congratulations!” notes for various achievements 5. Send Downline Birthday cards
Quarterly Send Congratulations Cards to: SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
• SeneSales Achievers • SeneSponsor Achievers • Quarterly contest participants/winners Yearly (Seminar) 1. Total Downline year long accomplishments in personal sales, sponsoring and group sales 2. Create slideshows for #1 Distributor in all three categories, plus Annual Dominion SeneSynergy 3. Purchase and engrave plaques for Top 5 in each category, plus one for SeneSynergy 4. Purchase and fill out awards/certificates for all who meet pre-set goals 5. Order and present Dominion charms for all in attendance 6. Recognize those Distributors who are: • State/Province Leaders • State/Province Founders • Monthly Ms. SeneSynergy From SeneScenes Newsletters: Sales • Significant SeneSellers • SeneU Attendees • Top 5 Monthly Sales • Monthly Sales Promotion Achievers • Quarterly SeneSales Achievers From SeneScenes Newsletters: Sponsoring • SeneSharing Achievers • Top 5 Monthly Sponsors • Monthly/Quarterly Sponsoring Promotion Achievers • Top Monthly PV • Top Monthly DV • Quarterly SeneSponsor Achievers For On Track Field Leaders and Field Leaders: • Quarterly Leaders Achievement Recipients • PIT Stop Qualifiers • List all On Track/Field Leaders • Leaders Conference Attendees
SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
• Seminar Certified Trainers • Monthly Top Realm • SeneCar Qualifiers • ManaGence Congress Members • SeneStar Achievers • List All Royal Levels • Maidens • Royal In Waiting • Royal • Lady • Countess • Duchess • Princess • Crown Princess • Queen • Empress All Distributors of Dominion Courts • Personal Sales Volume
Queens and Queendoms You’re a Queen! Now what? You’ve reached an incredible level of success in your SeneGence business now that you have earned the rank title of Queen! Whether your journey here was quick and furious or slow and steady, remember that it’s the little things that will allow you to continue to touch your team on a personal level as your organization flourishes. As you increase in your level of success with SeneGence and watch the number of members of your team grow, being there for all of them may seem like an impossible task. However, building and layering a solid structure for better management and retention of all those who come in the system is possible. There is much to do to generate ten times more activity from those you already have in place in your organization, but you are one person and you cannot do it alone. Just like you’re investing time to build the structure of your group, you’ll get better at attending to the details required to maximize the greatest return from what you invest, in turn producing leaders even faster. If your model is duplicable... it’s time to hire an assistant! Stay in Touch Facebook is a great communication tool. But for those in your Downline who may not utilize social media, a weekly email that included recognition with pictures of maidens and above, car winners, contest winners, and regular updates to your personal website can be an extremely SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
effective alternative. This will also help you to organize your Dominion Seminar and Leaders Conference gatherings. You’ll want to have a dinner meeting at least the night before Leaders Conference each October as an opportunity to catch up with your team and recognize achievements from the last six months of your Downline’s activities. You should also plan to begin to send birthday cards, anniversary notes and holiday cards regularly so your Downline is receiving them from both their Queen and me ... for we may be the only two who have really made them feel special on these days! If you have a website for your Dominion, all members should be listed there - include the URL within all forms of communication. Stay on Track Look for ways to inspire the masses to stay on track or encourage them to go for SeneStar and LIPS Trip, SeneSales and SeneSponsoring, and Ultimate Royal (both Dominion and Inner Circle courts). Sending small, inexpensive trinkets or direct messages outlining exactly what they need to do to achieve their goal can be very effective gestures. Plan Events THEN you’re going to want to have your own Queendom Leadership Training event to keep your Crown Princesses and other Ranks on the same par for growth. You will host a Queendom Reception on the first night of each Seminar in April and yours will be huge! You need help … make sure to plan in advance and have members of your Downline available to help you decorate, prepare for recognition and all other details to ensure the night is memorable and exciting. Develop Your Leaders In your role at the top, it is imperative that you help other Leaders in your organization each develop their own, unique leadership skills. You and your Queendom leaders should each sizzle in your own style. You can do this by coaching all your CPs and CP Downline with rank title with GSV/PSV to have their trainings in place. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure each holds a quarterly Glam Clinic in each important power pocket - mainly to attract guests and help those pockets consistently sponsor guests. Make sure you are encouraging each to consistently work on personally building their own first lines.
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CHAPTER VII: Career Path and Leadership Levels As you build and develop new levels in your Downline organization, you become an emerging leader within the company and are rewarded financially through added percentage payouts for each new level that qualifies. A recognizable court of “Royal” levels of achievement has also been created to further define, honor and guide those of you who are personally selling, sponsoring, and leading Downline organizations on a consistent basis. As you achieve each new level of accomplishment, you lead and influence others to a higher pinnacle of success. As we say at SeneGence, “The pinnacle of success is not to be a Princess, but to be a Princess builder!”
Distributor Career Path A Distributor Career Path is designed to help motivate the Distributors organizational growth and Group Sales Volume (GSV). As a Distributor successfully learns the basics of selling and sponsoring, they will continue to grow both personally and professionally on a well mapped out Distributor Career Path by way of: Sponsoring Distributor Recognition When a Distributor sponsors a new Downline with a 300 PV order, the sponsoring Distributor is on the Road to Royalty. Their Upline Royal or above should recognize this achievement at weekly sales meetings with the award of a ribbon that shows their achievement. The company will recognize this achievement by acknowledging all Distributors that have achieved Road to Royalty status in the monthly company newsletter. SeneSharing Distributor Should this Distributor, who has already placed a 300 PV order, sponsor a new Distributor, who also places a 300 PV product order, within the first 30 days of her/his Distributorship, she/he is a SeneSharing winner. They will not only be on the Road to Royalty, they will also be awarded the beautiful gold with blue orchid accent SeneSharing Lip pin sent directly to them from SeneGence. The Road to Royalty Planning your success is a key factor in reaching your goals in your SeneGence business. As you begin your journey and begin to inspire others to join you in this exciting opportunity, you will be able to track your success on the Road to Royalty Recognition Program. SeneGence is committed to supporting our leaders by encouraging them to recognize their Downline organizations for the achievements they reach as they work toward their goals they set in their businesses. The Road to Royalty is a way for you, as leaders, to recognize your Downline Distributors’ success as they begin to build their business toward becoming a Royal. At weekly sales meetings, Royals and above are encouraged to acknowledge and reward the sponsoring efforts of their Downline Distributors as they grow their sales organizations. Maiden/Squire To become a Maiden/Squire, a Distributor must have placed an product order of at least 300 PV in one month and have any three personally sponsored first line Distributors place at least a 300 PV product order in that same ordering month. Maidens should be recognized at weekly sales meeting with a ribbon. This is a key achievement of Distributors. It denotes a Distributor’s Downline organization is growing and they are now starting to see the benefits of Downline commission in their monthly checks. SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
Maidens and Squires will receive newsletter recognition by the company the first month they reach this level and throughout the Seminar Year. Maidens are invited to attend the very exclusive training PIT Stop, and may receive an invitation to join the ManaGence Program. Royal in Waiting To become a Royal in Waiting, a Distributor must have placed a product order of at least 300 PV in one calendar month and have at least any five personally sponsored first line Distributors who each place at least a 300 PV product order in that same ordering month. At this level a Distributor is on-target for the Royal Court. This achievement should be recognized and the Upline Distributor needs to encourage and support this Distributor through a second month of ordering from her Downline to then qualify as a Royal within the Royal Court. Royalsin-Waiting will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year.
The Royal Court Royal Court Members attend and help train SeneGence Distributors at company and individual events held throughout the year. They are On Track Field Leaders and attend Leaders Conference, PIT Stop and Seminar each year. They can usually be identified easily as they wear SeneGence blue and gold colors at company events. A Distributor enters the Royal Court when choosing to become an On Track Field Leader within the ManaGence Program and achieving any one of the following levels: Royal The first level of achievement within the Royal Court is the Royal Level. The Royal Level is achieved when a Distributor has placed at least a 300 PV product order and has at least any 5 personally sponsored Distributors who have each placed at least a 300 PV product order over the course of two consecutive calendar months. At the Royal Level you will receive from the company the SeneGence Eye Charm to hang on your SeneGence Logo Charm Holder, as well as a Ruby-Royal Ring. With increased level of visibility, Distributors of this level now have the responsibility of a new leader. All Royals and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. Royals and above are invited to attend Leaders Conference held once a year in the month of October at various locations. Royals must lead by example, embracing the company programs openly. Royals should be in constant contact with their Downline Distributors, sending each emails and encouragement. Royals should concentrate on helping others in their Downline achieve Maiden level; and in doing so the Royal will progress onto the next level, Lady. Lady/Lord Level The second level of recognition within the Royal Court, the Lady/Lord Level, is achieved when a Distributor has personally placed at least a 300 PV product order and has at least any 5 personally sponsored Distributors on the first level and any 5 Distributors on the second level who have each placed at least a 300 PV product order in any of the same two consecutive calendar months.
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At the Lady/Lord Level of achievement, you earn added recognition by being awarded the first gold plated charm, the Lip charm to add to the SeneGence Logo Charm Holder, as well as a Sapphire-Royal Ring. Ladies and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. The Level of Lady/Lord denotes a Distributor is on the way to building a strong and productive Downline. Added responsibilities of guidance and leadership are required. Our Ladies /Lords responsibilities include that of a Royal along with helping your Upline Distributor by taking an active role in the planning and promotion of guest and training events. Ladies should help Downline Distributor achieve the levels of Maiden and Royal and in doing so the Lady will proceed to the next level of achievement, Countess. Countess/Count Level The next recognition level within the Royal Court, Field Leader Countess/Count, is attained when you have personally placed at least a 300 PV product order, have at least any 5 personally sponsored first line Distributors, any 5 second line Distributors and any 5 third line Distributors who have each placed at least a 300 PV product order in the same two consecutive months, and have fulfilled the eligibility requirements of the ManaGence Program. As a Field Leader Countess/Count, you receive the second gold plated charm, the Persona charm to hang on the SeneGence Logo Charm Holder, as well as the EmeraldRoyal Ring. Countesses and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. When the level of Field Leader Countess/Count is achieved, so is an increased level of responsibility and leadership beyond that of a Lady. A Countess has defined herself as one who is proficient at selling, sponsoring and managing a Direct Selling business that produces consistent results. Countesses should help Downline Distributors achieve the level of Maiden, Royal, and Lady and in doing so the Countess will proceed to the next level of achievement, Duchess. Duchess/Duke Level Duchess/Duke Level of recognition within the Royal Court is achieved when the qualifications for the Royal Level, Lady/Lord Level and Field Leader Countess/Count Level have been met and, also have at least 5 Distributors on the fourth level that have placed at least a 300 PV product order in the same two consecutive months. A Duchess/Duke is awarded the SeneGence World Charm to hang on the SeneGence Logo Charm Holder, as well as a Amethyst-Royal Ring. Duchesses and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. A Field Leader Duchess/Duke embraces all the leadership elements included in the previous levels. A Duchess is a mentor to her entire Downline, with an increased presence at company trainings whenever possible. A Field Leader Duchess/Duke is actively working and supporting her Upline Field Leader Princess/Prince and Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince at events they are holding and promoting throughout the year. Duchesses should help Downline Distributors achieve the level of Maiden, Royal, Lady, and Countess and in doing so the Duchess will proceed to the next level of achievement, Princess.
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Princess/Prince Level The level of Field Leader Princess/Prince within the Royal Court is achieved when the qualifications up through Field Leader Duchess/Duke have been met, and there is also 5 Distributors on the fifth level, who have each placed at least a 300 PV product order in the same two calendar months. Princesses are awarded the gold clad Charm Holder denoting fulfillment of the Royal Court levels, the World Charm, to ad to the charms on the SeneGence Logo Charm Holder, as well as a White Crystal-Royal Ring. Princesses and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. A Field Leader Princess/Prince has built an organization five levels deep and is earning commissions payouts on every level! Increased visibility and a history of successful Distributor trainings resulting in producing Downline leaders, avail a Downline full of productive Distributors who are in turn growing their businesses. Princesses should help Downline Distributors achieve the level of Maiden, Royal, Lady, Countess, and Duchess and in doing so the Princess will proceed to the next level of achievement, Crown Princess. Crown Princess/Prince Level This level of within the Royal Court is achieved when a Field Leader Princess/Prince and the members of their Downline reach $1 million dollars or more in Group Sales Volume during a Seminar Year. A Crown Princess ($1,000,000.00 - $1,999,999.00 GSV within a Seminar Year) turns into the company the SeneGence Logo Charm Holder. SeneGence exchanges the Logo Charm Holder with a Crown Princess gold Clad Charm Holder with a Dark Blue Sapphire filled silhouette within the logo on which to transfer all of the charms the Crown princess has collected throughout her journey to success. Crown Princesses and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. As a Field Leader Crown Princess /Prince your duties include all that is expected of the previous Royal court, along with holding special Downline meetings at Seminar, being selected to participate in high profile training videos, the magazine and audio presentations, along with promoting and holding special event trainings across the country. Million Dollar Markers With each additional $1 million marker of Group Sales Volume achieved the SeneGence Logo Charm Holder is exchanged for one that touts more luxurious gems: $2 million level - genuine rubies are added to the company symbol of the pin $3 million level - the Logo Charm Holder is adorned with diamonds $4 miilion level - the last symbol in the logo pin is filled with jade. Queen/King Level When $5 million in Group Sales Volume is achieved within a Crown Princess Dominion, A Field Leader Crown Princess/Prince is truly deserving of a coronation, and therefore moves to the level of Field Leader Queen/King.
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A Field Leader Queen/King ($5,000,000.00 -$9,999,999.00 GSV within a Seminar Year) is awarded a gold plated SeneGence Logo Charm Holder with a Diamond filled silhouette within the logo. Queens and above will receive newsletter recognition from the company the first month they meet this qualification and throughout the Seminar Year. Responsibilities include helping to continue their Leaders develop additional members of the Royal Achievement Levels below them, with a special emphasis on developing Crown Princesses, and participation in special corporate meetings, training at company events, and mentoring other Distributors. Empress/Emperor Level Once a Field Leader Queen/King’s Group Sales Volume reaches $10 million, they have earned the top level of achievement in SeneGence International, the title of Field Leader Empress/Emperor! For this amazing feat of Leadership, a Field Leader Empress/Emperor earns the exclusive, specially-designed SeneGence Field Leader Empress/Emperor Ring full of precious jewels worthy of the highest ranking of Royalty. This special award is worthy of a Field Leader Empress/Emperor whose duties include all of the previous levels’ duties along with spreading her Leadership talents and vision on an international level!
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CHAPTER VIII: ManaGence Field Leadership A Distributor Leadership Career Path has been specifically designed to develop, train, and retain those Distributors who wish to build long-term careers as SeneGence Distributors.
ManaGence Field Leaders Field Leader Distributors are ManaGence Distributors who train Distributors and follow the guidelines of the ManaGence Congress. Field Leader Distributors participate in the advanced SeneGence Awards, Recognition, and Training Programs as set forth by the company.
ManaGence FAQs Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the ManaGence program: Q: WHAT IS THE MANAGENCE™ PROGRAM? A: The ManaGence™ Program is a leadership program designed for the top level of SeneGence Independent Distributors. Participants in the ManaGence™ Program receive certain rights and benefits exclusive to field leadership. Q: WHAT DOES “FIELD LEADER” MEAN? A: “Field Leader” is the term for a Distributor who is a Countess/Count or above and is a ManaGence Program participant. Distributors who have not yet reached the level of Countess/ Count may participate in the ManaGence Program; they are called “On-Track Field Leaders.” On-Track Field Leaders receive some of the same rights and benefits as Field Leaders, including access to exclusive information. Q: WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO BECOME A MANAGENCE FIELD LEADER OR ON-TRACK FIELD LEADER? A: A Distributor who is in good standing with SeneGence can become a Field Leader or an On-Track Field Leader by request or invitation and upon acceptance by SeneGence of a ManaGence Agreement. In order to qualify as a ManaGence Field Leader, a Distributor must (1) be a Countess/Count or above; (2) have attended or committed to attend a P.I.T. Stop training event; and (3) sign the ManaGence Agreement. Acceptance into the ManaGence Program is at the sole discretion of SeneGence. Q: CAN I BE A FIELD LEADER IF I HAVE ANOTHER BUSINESS BESIDES MY SENEGENCE DISTRIBUTORSHIP? A: Under the terms of the ManaGence Agreement, Distributors are not permitted to (1) sell products or services to other Independent Distributors; (2) recruit other Independent Distributors to sell other products or services; (3) induce other Independent Distributors to stop being SeneGence Distributors; or (4) hold leadership positions in other direct sales organizations.
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Q: IS IT TRUE THAT IF I SIGN THE MANAGENCE AGREEMENT, SENEGENCE CAN CANCEL MY DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME? A: The ManaGence Agreement and your original Distributor Agreement are separate contracts. Therefore, performance under the ManaGence Agreement or breach of that agreement would not affect your Distributor Agreement unless it was also a breach of the Distributor Agreement. If your ManaGence Agreement is terminated, your original Distributor Agreement is not automatically terminated. Q: DO I HAVE TO BE A FIELD LEADER OR AN ON-TRACK FIELD LEADER TO CONDUCT TRAININGS? A: No. At this time, any Distributor may conduct trainings. Q: WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I’M A COUNTESS/COUNT OR ABOVE AND OPT NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN MANAGENCE? A: Distributors who have reached the level of Countess/Count and decide not to sign the ManaGence Agreement will not be eligible to receive certain rights and benefits or participate in certain programs and events, including but not limited to: the SeneCar Program, the 401(a) Retirement Plan, certain contests and incentives, some company events, receptions, and trainings, publicity in SeneGence® marketing materials, access to certain Company-compiled reports and information, and membership in the Royal Court and Inner Circle Courts (and all associated recognition, trips, and awards). Q: HOW MAY I OBTAIN A COPY OF THE MANAGENCE AGREEMENT? A: Contact SeneCare at Q: WHAT IF I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MANAGENCE PROGRAM? A: Please feel free to talk with us regarding your questions about the ManaGence. Representations made in this document are for informational purposes only and do not alter the ManaGence Agreement terms and conditions. Distributors are advised to consult separate legal counsel for interpretation of the ManaGence Agreement Program.
ManaGence Field Leader Programs The ManaGence Program is a guide for our leaders and provides the who, what, when, why, and how-tos of training the Distributor sales force; and training our Leaders. In this program, our Distributor leaders are eligible to participate in additional Field Leader Programs as outlined by the company. SeneCar The SeneCar Program is reserved for ManaGence On Track Field Leaders and Field Leaders. Let’s take a look some of the good business practices Field Leaders learn while qualifying for the SeneCar: One must consistently personally sell SeneGence products to end consumer users. The car is a symbol that a Distributor can build and maintain a Customer base and sell SeneGence products through conducting demos and other sales events. The Personal Sales Volume requirement needed to earn the car on a monthly basis is minimal and with Customer reorders the 1000 Personal Sales Volume requirement is simple to maintain. SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
One will learn to sponsor. The car symbolizes those who are capable of building a direct sales force Downline with a strong foundation of productive and prosperous active Distributors. One will learn to teach others to sell. The car symbolizes those whose teaching efforts produce prosperous Downline sales volumes. Sales volumes are based solely upon the productivity of the organization. Qualification Volumes are finite production, not compressed volumes. In other words, the volumes are based upon the sales volume production of those within your true sphere of influence, levels one through three. This feature provides a true calculation and sales volume measurement for projections and planning and is a reflection of true sales volumes of your organization at any given time. Sales Volumes are well distributed throughout the organization to ensure a balanced sales force. Qualifying volumes were established that represent a well rounded sales force sales volume. Qualifying Volumes are calculated per Distributor with a quarterly maximum. This feature eliminates an unbalanced sales force calculation that may include many kiosk and salon Distributors. The benefits are that it helps ensure consistent sales volumes. Sponsors may enjoy the commission earnings of large volume Downline Distributors but it is unwise to count on volumes of only a few. This feature teaches one to build a variety of venues for stability instead of counting on a few large Distributors that might easily disappear and dramatically affect qualifying volumes and commission earnings. Sales Volumes are calculated based upon how sales volumes are produced by the Downline organization. Qualification Volumes are well distributed throughout the first line organizations and their Downlines. This feature directs one to work with several leaders on the first line. This feature distributes production throughout growing Downline legs, as opposed to the majority of production coming from one leg. One learns to balance volumes by teaching several how to develop a prosperous Downline of their own. They in turn, do the same. The benefits are two fold; one builds a Downline leader and if one of the legs becomes unproductive for any reason, the lack of production will not dramatically affect volumes and income while developing a new leg to take its place. One will learn to teach others to build. The car rewards Distributors who build a strong foundation on level one and who in turn, teach level one Distributor to do the same, who in turn does the same. One will learn how to teach others to encourage Downline growth. The car rewards those who become teachers to new leaders. This feature helps build leaders, who will hopefully one day become a Downline Field Leader Crown Princess. Level one Distributor helps level two Distributors build their own Downlines, adding strength. Level one teaches level two how to teach level three, adding to your strength and volumes and those of level one and level two, and so on. Please log on to your SeneGence Distributor Back Office to learn of the car offerings and details at Resources>Recognition Programs>SeneCar.
SeneStar Trip Please refer to chapter Four of this manual
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Lips Trip Please refer to chapter Four of this manual
ManaGence Congress A thirteen (13) Member Field Leader Body, elected by their peers, who helps to establish the Distributor guidelines, policies and procedures, and helps to implement the practices of the SeneGence Sales Force and Field Leadership of the company.
State/Province Leaders
The SeneGence Leaders Year runs from October 1 to September 30. During this 12 month period, Distributor Development evaluates leadership and productivity within each state in the U.S. and U.S. Territories, Canadian Provinces, and each State of Australia in order recognize and reward its State/Province Leaders and State/Province Founders. State/Province Leaders/Founders play an important role in the overall growth and development of our field Distributors and sponsoring efforts. Those Distributors who are recognized as Founders or Leaders within their states/provinces have shown dedication and to the development and growth of SeneGence within their region. State/Province Leaders/Founders also demonstrate a willingness to train and take on high profile leadership roles within the company as their personal organizations continue to develop. State/Province Founders are the first leaders to emerge in a state/province. A Founder within a state/province is the first person to show a willingness to develop into that region’s trainer, motivator, mentor, and coach. State/Province Founders are named only once and, while continuing to be a Distributor, will always remain the State/Province Founder with a permanent title. State/Province Leaders are evaluated on an annual basis within a Leaders Year. considering whom to appoint as a State/Province Leader, a Distributor must be:
State Leaders (Qualifications to be considered for State Leader title)
• • • • •
Rank: Royal & Above Team size: 30 Active Distributors minimum Length of time as SeneGence Distributor: 6 months minimum Must live in state being represented Has demonstrated loyalty and commitment to SeneGence (attends Leaders Conference & Seminar) • Has achieved Dominion Inner Circle PSV Court ($20,000 PSV) • Consistently holds Area SeneSential Trainings • State Leader recognition will take place at Leaders Conference in October Title will be effective Oct 1 – Sept 30 of Leaders Year following recognition at Leaders Conference Title will continue to be held and recognized as long as State Leader performance continues Note: The number of State Leaders per state will be partly determined by state population (1 per one million population) Once all candidates have been reviewed by the Distributor Development Dept., recommendations are made to Joni for appointment of Leaders for the following Leaders Year. SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
State/Province Leaders and State/Province Founders, along with a hosting Crown Princess, are called upon to help organize and facilitate Distributor trainings through out the United Sates, Canada, and Australia. Like State Founders, State Leaders will be called upon to help orchestrate important company and Distributor programs throughout the year and are usually those On Track Field Leaders or Field Leader Distributors supported by corporate by guests events held in their areas to help them grow and train.
Crown Princess Retreat Select Field Leader Distributors are invited to an exclusive weekend with Joni Rogers-Kante to the Seminar Year’s ‘Crown Princess Retreat’. The distinction is based upon past performance and most recent activity within the SeneGence Seminar Year, and a commitment to rise in rank to CP. The ‘CP Retreat Distributors’ are invited to spend an exclusive weekend with Joni and other top Leaders to bond, learn and grow. Of course there is also plenty of time to enjoy one another and be wined and dined (literally) with delicious cuisine. The event is held over a weekend in mid-March. Set your goals to be a CP Bound and plan to be amongst this elite and accomplished group of women … and in doing so become a cherished memory of each Distributor.
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CHAPTER IX: Successful Tracking Tools The following tools were designed to track consistent business growth and development of a SeneGence Distributor. These tools are not only functional as guidelines to measure weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual goals and objectives but should also be used to track those goals and achievements of members of an active Downline.
Distributor Goal Matrix The Distributor Goal Matrix reflects the SeneGence Distributor Recognition categories, qualifications, and awards earned for each. This is a great tool to introduce to new Distributors to help them discover what opportunities are available and to better define goals. Distributor Goal Matrix
SPONSORING (Commission Check)
First 30 Days
Quick Step
First 3 months of new Downline/after first 3 months
Calendar Month
3 Consecutive Calendar Months
Calendar Quarter
Dominion Inner Circle
Seminar Year
Inner Circle Sponsor Court
Time Period
New Dist / Time
300PV same 30 days
1 New
300PV/30 days
Lip Lapel Pin
300PV same month
All New Distributors
300PV/same month
50/25 $eneBucks for product purchases
750PV cumulative for the month
Greatest # of New
300PV each/month they were sponsored
100 $eneBucks
750 PV / per month
Approx 20 - 30
6000PV (Ford) 9000PV (Cadillac) average/month
Ford or Cadillac Lease Payment
Minimum 300PV for Commission
Minimum 5 New
5/6/13 New Dist w/ 300 PV each/Qtr
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Droplet Charm
10 New w/ 300PV cumulative each/Seminar year 20 New w/ 300PV cumulative each/Seminar year
Plaque/Sash/ Solitare Sapphire Pin/ Seminar Recognition
10 New
Seminar Year*
20 New
Cumulative 50,000 DV/Leaders Year
Exotic Trip
Leaders Year**
Minimum 2 New /month average
First 30 Days
$350 in Product for Resale
Fast Start
Within First 60 Days
$400 in Product for Resale
Within First 90 Days
$450 in Product for Resale
$ignificant $ene$eller
Seminar Year
Minimum 750PV per month (including sign-up month)
Free Products & Lots of Goodies!
Calendar Quarter
Minimum 6,000PV
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Charm
Dominion Inner Circle
Seminar Year
Minimum 40,000PV
Plaque/Sash/Solitare Ruby Pin/ Seminar Recognition
Inner Circle Sales Court
Seminar Year
Dominion Inner Circle
Seminar Year
Inner Circle Group Sales Volume Court
Seminar Year
SeneStar Trip
Seminar Year
Balanced w/GSV**
100,000 GV
5 Downline Distributors on 1st level w/ 300PV each in 1 month
5 Downline Distributors on 1st level w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months
Crown Princess
5 Downline Distributors on 1st & 2nd levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months
5 Downline Distributors on 1st, 2nd & 3rd levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months **Leaders Year: Oct.-Sept. 30
Plaque/Sash/ Solitare Diamond Pin/ Seminar Recognition Festive Continental Trip
GSV BONUS COMMISSION REQUIREMENT (Dist must place min 300PV per month)
3 Downline Distributors on 1st level w/ 300PV each in 1 month
*Seminar Year: April 1 - March 31
New to Seasoned Balanced with PSV*** Downline
Royal in Waiting
Minimum 200,000 GSV
For all titles you must have a 300PV minimum and…
Insert Personal Goals
#of Dist on Team
For all titles you must have a 300PV minimum and…
5 Downline Distributors on 1st - 4th levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months 5 Downline Distributors on 1st - 5th levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months 5 Downline Distributors on 1st - 5th levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months +$1,000,000 GSV 5 Downline Distributors on 1st - 5th levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months + $5,000,000 GSV 5 Downline Distributors on 1st - 5th levels w/ 300PV each for 2 consecutive months + $10,000,000 GSV
**GSV: Group Sales Volume
***PSV: Personal Sales Volume
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Weekly Summary Sheet Use the weekly summary sheet as a perfect tool to measure weekly results of wow-ing, booking, sales, and sponsoring activities. What can be measured can be improved. Week after week of recording activities helps to increase productivity through analysis of profitable activities. Upline Distributors analysis of Downline weekly activities as reflected in the summary stimulates suggestions that will help improve Downline results. If completed weekly – by the end of the year weekly summaries reflect income and expenses of your SeneGence business for the year and are ready to give to an accountant.
Weekly Summary Sheet Please send a copy of this summary to your sponsor and retain a copy for your files. Use additional sheets if necessary.
Distributor Name
Day & Time Hours Spent
I.D.# Glamour Demo SeneBlend Demo Event
Weekly Goals WOWing #hours________ #names_______________ Bookings #______________________________________ Sales: New Business $_____________________ Reorders $_____________________ Sponsoring #_____________________
Week's Activity Recap Number of potential Distributors interviewed Number of new Distributors sponsored Number of Demos held Number of Demos booked for next week
Phone Number
Sponsor's Name
# of Calls/Guests # of Expenses (include Hostess) Orders
# of Bookings
New Glamour Demo
Week Ending Date New Distributors Sponsored at Demo/Event
CDO SeneSite Sales Sales Tax
Free Hostess Gift Cost
This Week's Total Year-To-Date Total New Total WEEKLY SALES TOTAL (LESS TAX) (Total of Shows/Kiosk/Demos/Reorders/Misc. Sales) Orders Submitted to Company This Week
$_________________ PV for week $_________________ Supplies and Testers
Number of new contacts (WOW-ing)
YEAR-TO-DATE SALES TOTAL (LESS TAX) Estimated Weekly Gross Weekly Sales Total Less Tax
Estimated Weekly Gross Profit
Deposit total collected in product account. Allow 50% of sales for product replacement less other business expenses.
$ 120610
SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 Š2016 All Rights Reserved
Downline Goal Setting The Downline Goal Setting sheet is a perfect tool to use when determining with a Downline Distributor what her overall goals are for the Seminar Year. When speaking with the Downline, refer to her original goals to help keep her directed and on track. Once goals have been achieved, adjust the goal to yet another, higher level.
SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 Š2016 All Rights Reserved
Downline Flow Chart The Downline Flow Chart helps to visually track the growth and development of a growing organization. It is particularly helpful in reminding builders to build wide and evenly, so that volumes of the Downline are not from one specific Downline ‘leg’.
SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
Leaders Year Annual Tracking Calendar This calendar helps to track the growth of new 1st Line Distributors sponsored within the Leaders Year and their DV for the qualification of the LIPS Trip.
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Seminar Year Inner Circle Court Calendar This calendar helps to set goals to achieve the Inner Circle Courts breaking the goals down by week, month, quarter, and one half year.
SeneGence International Seminar Year Inner Circle Courts Requirement For Seminar Year Inner Circle Court
Personal Sales PSV And PV
Personal Sponsors
Group Sales Volume
$40,000 PSV $20,000 PV
20 With Accumulated 300 PV
$4000,000 Retail Sales $200,000 Group PV
Personal Annual Goal
Seminar To Leaders Conf. Goal
Quarterly Goal
Monthly Goal
Weekly Goal
Goal: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
Goal: $20,000PSV $10,000PV
Goal: $10,000 PSV $5,000 PV
Goal: $3,334 PSV $1,667 PV
Goal: $770 PSV $385 PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $_____.__PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $_____.__PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $_____.__PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $_____.__PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $_____.__PV
Goal: 20 With accumulated $750 PV
Goal: 10
Goal: 5
Goal: 1.5
Goal: 1/2
Goal: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
Goal: $_______ Retail Sales
Actual: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
Actual: $____.__ PSV $____.__ PV
SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved
SeneGence ManaGence. 081716 ©2016 All Rights Reserved