T Magazine 25th Anniversary Edition

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Publisher’s Letter When I think of 25 years of Terroni, I think back to the very first days in 1992. I had met Cosimo in Italy in July, and I came to Toronto in August -persuaded by Paolo. Something happened the moment I landed, maybe a spell, suddenly Cosimo and I were attracted to each other like the opposite sides of two magnets. Never had I been so in love in my long 23 years of life. I went back to University, but all I could think of was how to see him again. With Christmas approaching, Cosimo asked me to be his date for Anna and David's wedding and spend the holiday season in Toronto. I had to come. Cosimo and Paolo opened their store on December 4th and I came in a few days later. When I heard they named it Terroni I was in awe. I spent endless days with Paolo and Cosimo, waiting for customers to come in here and there. We would spend a lot of the time thinking of foods we could

Anna I distinctly remember sitting at a Sunday family dinner with my parents, when my dad, somewhat agitated, looked at my brother Cosimo and said, “Where are you opening a restaurant?” In 1992, Queen west of Bathurst was definitely gritty, spunky and some would even say seedy. Gentrification was still years away and most people just didn’t go there.

There was no need to! When Terroni opened at 720 Queen West, our neighbours were the iconic Squeeze Club, directly across the street from us, the Sanctuary, which brought over the goths, and the Boom Boom Room, which brought the punks and freaks. Twenty-five years later, it is clear that Cosimo made the right decision. Not only is Terroni a great success, it changed the face of Queen St. West. Happy 25th Cos and keep doing what you’re doing.

sell, creating the funniest names to market them. Eventually, after a lot of back and forth between Italy and Canada, I ended up spending more time within those 4 walls. I am actually still here! Now thinking back to those days, all I can see is this young 23-year-old girl who for love, left everything behind her, guided only by the strongest emotions she ever felt. It was not easy and all I can remember is how that little store felt to me like the closest thing I could call home. In these 25 years Terroni has consistently remained beside me, like me it eventually found its roots, got welcomed with open arms, became the mother of multiple children and it was always cared for by its founder. All of the hard work and sacrifice has paid off and maybe more. Thank you Terroni, and thank you to all the people who have contributed to get us where we are today.

Vince It’s been 25 years. Can you imagine how many pizzas we’ve refused to cut in that time? It’s crazy! I guess we’ve upset quite a few people over the years by not making their modifications or substitutions. We had the reputation for having quite the attitude in the early days, but we’ve grown up since then. We still don’t cut pizza, but we have removed the attitude. We’ve created something special with the help of many special people.

It’s crazy to think how much time you can spend in one place over 25 years. It feels quite good to have contributed to Terroni’s growth. There have been a million people I’ve met along the way and I have a billion stories to tell, like when we kicked out Oliver Stone or when Eddie Murphy’s mom stormed out. Moving forward will be fun. We’ll definitely grow up some more. Hope you enjoyed some of it with us.





Of Monocultivar Coratina Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Year Terroni opened its first location on Queen Street West: December 4th



Number of seats in the entire restaurant at the time

Coordinator of all of these great imports: Anna


Of flour from our dedicated fields in Italy


Number of Couples who fell in love while working at Terroni

Number of Terroni employees in 2017

Coordinator of all of our imports: Vince


Number of family members working with the company


Of Babies born from these unions

Number of seats today across all locations


Number of engagement parties celebrated at Terroni

400kg 9

Number of locations as of 2017, of which 2 are in Los Angeles


Weight of sausages made in house by Rita, Cosimo’s mom, weekly

Weight of homemade pasta produced at Terroni daily



Year that Cosimo thought “OMG this is a lot”: Has Yet To Happen Elena: A Long Time Ago


Annual Terroni Christmas Party

Days it took to find the right quality eggs to match our flour

hot peppers


Number of Terroni Employees in 1992


Weight in Kg. of hot peppers imported by Terroni every year from Italy


Number of Italian wine producers that Cavinona proudly represents

Best party ever!

INDEX by Robby Vrenozi

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TERRONI 1992 — 2017


TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN WITH US FOREVER At Terroni, we feel very lucky to have so many people who have worked with us for a significant number of years. Here is what a few of them shared about their commitment to Terroni. by Ele & Robby

photos by Stephanie Palmer



Chief of Finance & Administrator Director 1995 —

Manager Terroni Queen 2000 —

I have been with Terroni for 22 years. Rather than tell a story, I want to talk about how I feel about working here. When I met the Mammoliti family, they gave me an opportunity to belong and grow. What they are as a unit and what they have been for me has far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. I feel I have a family.

I was a student looking for a part time job when I heard Terroni was looking for servers. I was a regular at the Queen location and loved the food and the family atmosphere. I walked into the busy new Balmoral location and spoke to Cosimo. He hired me on the spot. I met Anna working deli the first day and we hit it off great. It was the beginning of a life long friendship. Working closely with Cosi and Anna made me realize how strong their family ties were. Seventeen years later, having managed in 4 locations, I have served countless great customers and worked with many great managers and staff. I even met my husband, Mauro, at Balmoral when he was asked by Cosi to create a wall of staff photos. He took my portrait and we clicked.

ALBION MACLEOD General Manager Terroni Queen 1999 — I have heard countless times from the new kids we hire every summer that Terroni is the greatest restaurant job they’ve ever had. I see it in their eyes. It’s the exact thing I felt in 1999, at 18 years old. There was a closeness that was here before I started and I continue to try to foster it today. I’ve had the opportunity to work at each of our locations and somehow, this feeling permeates through all of them. I know this comes from Cosimo. I hear from our regulars that part of the magic in their Terroni experience is seeing how positively our staff interact and work together.

STEPHANIE PALMER General Manager Terroni Adelaide, La Bettola di Terroni 1998 — When I first walked through the doors of 106 Victoria back in October of 1998 there was no way I could have known

how my life was about to change. I was a recent university grad who was far from ready to look for a serious job. I came in for an interview with the manager, looking for a position as a server. I remember the interview so vividly. Larry was sitting across from me, mulling over my resume with a cigarette in one hand and an espresso in the other. I was so sure that I would never get hired. To my surprise, I got the job along with a husband, two children, friendship, a rewarding career, and an extended family of the most amazingly creative people. I could never imagine my life without Terroni. Happy 25th Terroni.

MARCO BRUNO Head Chef Sud Forno Queen 2002 — This is what Terroni means to me: Family, Commitment and Growth. This is what Terroni means to me: family, commitment and growth. Many people ask me what makes me stay in the Terroni family? The answer is simple. I was given the opportunity to grow. I started as a barista and progressed all the way to running the kitchen of Terroni and now Sud Forno. From the first day, I was treated as family from the staff at Queen. The Mammolitis are wonderful and the staff is an extension of them. One of my funniest memories is when Vince and Max came to the deli station with a couple of black truffles to try on our carpaccio. After a couple of tastings, Vince turned to grab the other truffle, but it was nowhere to be found. After they turned the deli station upside down, the dishwasher confessed to popping the truffle in his mouth, thinking it was chocolate.

CHRISTINE PEEVER General Manager, Bar Centrale di Terroni 2004 — Thirteen years ago I was working in retail and this woman came in and we started talking. Throughout our conversation, she mentioned she worked at Terroni and she spoke so highly of it. Curiosity got the best of me, so I checked it out. I walked in the door and I met Larry. In that moment I knew this was for me. I fell in love with not just this cool little place on Victoria St. but all the people. There have been so many memories over the last thirteen years that make me love my job. I am thankful for everyone and everything Terroni has brought me.

me feel comfortable and at home. Cosimo made me feel trusted and empowered in the kitchen. Not every owner is approachable or even wants to know what the head of his kitchen thinks. The communication is always open and to this day he always asks for my opinion on menus and equipment. He inquires about my staff and always asks if anyone needs help. When there has been a death or illness with one of our kitchen family members, he always offers to help out in whatever way he can, even if he does not know them well. If I say Terroni, the first word I think of is FAMILY. Congratulations to Cosimo and Terroni for your 25 years.

COSIMO PAGLIACOLO Cosi JR General Manager, Terroni Beverly 1994 — I've been working at Terroni for over twenty years. To me, Terroni is the family I chose. Not to say that the family I was born into was bad, because it’s not—it’s pretty great too. What made me stay? They gave me a Rolex—just kidding, I love it here. I will never forget all the beautiful soccer games at Trinity Bellwoods Park, back in the early days of Queen St.

RUTH TORRES General Manager Sud Forno Temperance 2001 —

RAVIKUMAR ARUMUGAM Chef Ravi Head Chef, Terroni Price 2006 — Personally I want to speak about Cosimo and how as an owner he cares. I have worked for Cosimo since 2006. I got a call from Kari to help out Terroni for a two-week period at Queen St. After this period, I met Anna who asked me to come to Terroni on Balmoral and there I met Cosimo. Cosimo worked on pizza on weekends. This place made

My romance began at Terroni Victoria in 2001. My dad brought me into Victoria Street to interview with Larry. I sat down and he asked me “what can you do?” I told him “anything”. He hired me on the spot and made me work a double on my first day. Since then, I have done my best to prove hiring me was the right choice. I went back to school to get my degree in Hospitality and continued to work at Terroni. I love it, even though it can be stressful. The main reason why I am still here is Cosimo. He is the guy that to this day will walk into the kitchen and say to someone that was just hired 2 seconds ago, “Hi, I’m Cosimo. Who are you?” He does this because he cares to know who joins the Terroni family. At Terroni, we are not just coworkers. Everyone cares for each other. When you think about the amount of people who have been around Cosimo and have stuck with Terroni, it says a lot about him.

ERSILIA VIRTU Server La Bettola di Terroni 1999 — Back in 1999 my son Steven was working at Terroni and he suggested I join. Being Italian, it made me so happy to see the making of good traditional Italian food. Regular customers have always been great and the whole thing feels like a family. Once, a handsome gentleman came in and I told him he looked familiar. He smiled and asked if I could cut his pizza. I said we didn't, so I offered him cutlery instead. When he left, my coworkers told me it was Russell Crowe! He came back with friends, joked about cutting the pizza and gave me a very generous tip.

Mamma Rita took over and we continue to make sausage side by side. For me Terroni means Cosimo. I’m so lucky to have a boss like him. He treats me like a friend. Cosimo treats his employees fairly and equally. This is why I’m very proud of Terroni and truly feel like a member of the family.

pared to when I first started, I still love my work, the people and the feeling of being part of a big beautiful family.

SELVENDRAN THIRUCHELVAM Chef Selvan Head Chef Terroni Adelaide 1994 — I was hired 23 years ago at Terroni on Victoria St. before the restaurant even opened. Paolo taught me how to make my own pizza dough. Larry was the taster, and he taught me a lot about flavors. I started making pizzas alongside Paolo, but soon I was left in charge in the evenings. I fondly remember the early mornings when Larry and I used to go to the food terminal to get fruit and vegetables for both locations. Cosimo mostly worked at Queen St. When he introduced himself he shook my hand and asked for my name. I told him it was “Selvan” and he said, “Can I call you Silvano?” To this day I am still “Silvano”. He has also always had a nickname for me "Aathan,” which in Tamil means "my elder sister’s husband.” I don’t know how he knew that word but it made feel as if we were family. What I know about Italian food, I learned from Cosimo, Paolo and Vince Sr., who taught me how to make sausage. After he passed,

REMO TANTALO Manager Terroni Price 2007 —

JENNIE ANNE MCCOWAN Server La Bettola di Terroni 2002 — I’ve been working for Terroni for 15 years. I always loved working on Victoria Street on Saturday mornings. The opening was always a little bit calmer than weekdays, and Larry often brought his kids. I loved taking little Luca on runs around the block. What made me stay is the incredible support that I’ve always received in pursuing my own career as an artist while working with the Terroni family. I’ve been able to take time off to do work in New York City, India, Australia, and across Canada and I have always been welcomed back with open arms. Even though Terroni has grown into such a big company com-

It all began in 1993 when I had my first Pizza Puzza. Simultaneously sweet and stinky, with crunch on point, it forever changed me, and it was then that my fondness for Terroni and its food began. Fifteen years later, I was on board as an employee to help with the management team. Now just shy of a decade, I have since managed Adelaide, La Bettola, and currently Price Street. Terroni represents my heritage and all the comfort I associate with my youth: the food, the wines, the connection to past traditions and customs. It also embodies what is most sacred to me—culture and family. The dedication to quality and staying true has been the driving force to my committment to Terroni. I am proud to be a part of the Terroni family and I look forward to another ten!

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DID YOU KNOW? Our wonderful Terroni employees in Toronto and Los Angeles make cocktails, serve pizzas and welcome guests, but many are also talented and amazing artists, musicians, writers, and athletes. by Stephanie Palmer

Caitie Graham , a host at La Bettola di Terroni, is a talented Canadian playwright and arts educator. Last year her play Paradise Comics concluded the inaugural season of the indie theatre company, Filament Incubator. Her newest work, GASH, is currently in production at Alumnae Theatre as part of their FireWorks Festival and 100th anniversary season. alumnaetheatre.com/fireworks

Luanda Jones has been a host at Terroni Adelaide for 9 years and is a magnificent Brazilian singer and composer. Her amazing album Aquarela was released in 2009. You can enjoy her soulful sets live at Terronitivo on Wednesday nights (Terroni Adelaide). She also performs annually at the Toronto and Montreal Jazz Festivals. Visit luandajones.com Mick Jackson has been bartending at Terroni Adelaide for 10 years. Mick plays drums in his band Prince Ness, with Terroni DJ Mike Ness handling lead vocals. Check out my favourite song Grungy Doll. Follow them on Instagram @princeness

Jack Zorawski has worked at Head Office for 7 years as the Terroni Payroll Administrator. He is an outstanding Jazz musician who plays upright bass. He can be heard

regularly around town and monthly at Terroni Adelaide in the Il Covo Degli Artisti Lounge for Wednesday night Terronitivo!

Jill Riley has been a top server at Queen for almost 17 years. Jill is a critically acclaimed, award-winning independent filmmaker. Her latest directorial effort Golden Boys, released in 2016, has been a sensation on the festival circuit. Fun fact: music for the film was composed by Canadian Indie rock icon Ron Hawkins, who also happens to be Jill’s partner in life and father to their beautiful 11 year old daughter Ruby B.

James Musgrave When Sud Forno opened their second location this year on Temperance Street, they called in semi pro boxer James Musgrave to assist with security. Jimmy is part of the Grant/Rival Boxing Club in Toronto and boxes in the Male Elite Novice category. He started boxing as a teenager in his birth country, Australia, and is looking to turn pro in 2018. Catch him in action this December in the Ontario Golden Gloves Tournament. Ezra Jordan is a talented singer songwriter who works with the team at Terroni Price. Growing up in Toronto surrounded by music—he is the son of the acclaimed Canadian music icons Amy Skye and Marc Jordan—Ezra started playing piano at the age of 4. Since releasing his two singles Drag Me Down & Only Got Eyes for Her, Ezra has seen his fan base grow to just under half a million streams on Spotify. Ezra will be performing at the Rivoli on December 20th, 2017. Follow him on Instagram @ezrajordan

Lukas Heslip is the hottest new talent manager in Toronto. Lukas Lennon Management focuses on young new musical talent. He represents Ezra Jordan and many other up and coming acts. On his off time you can find him working at Bar Centrale. Visit lukaslennonmanagement.com

Vicki Lix is Canada’s premier comic drag queen and her alter ego DJ Edwards is one of Terroni’s loveliest servers. Vicki is one of the rare drag artists in Canada who writes her own material. She is also a children’s TV actor, parody rapper, model, podcaster, teacher, bodybuilder, alpaca trainer and activist! Visit her website vickilix.com

Robin Watts works with Max Stefanelli’s team at the Terroni downtown Los Angeles. A celebrated and talented cartoonist and illustrator, Robin recently created a one of a kind wine label for Terroni’s new Carovigno exclusive Rosso Salento. His depiction of an octopus—a classic symbol of Pugliese cuisine—dresses the bottle of this fabulous new wine from Carvinea.

David Alfano is the wine director for the West Hollywood Terroni location in Los Angeles. He has been with us for nearly 7 years. On his off days, David is an actor, writer and producer, working mostly in comedy. He is best known for his roles in the Sci-Fi Action Drama “The Last Ship”, “Millenials” and in Netflix’s “Girlboss.”

From the day we first opened our doors on Queen St., we have been blessed with loyal customers. People have believed in us, and with the opening of each new location, the supporters have kept coming. The desire to satisfy our customers is what truly inspires us. Simply, we owe our success to their loyalty. We’ve had the pleasure of watching many of our regulars’ children grow into wonderful adults. Today several JACKSON HOFFART of them have joined the Terroni Kathi and Rick were Queen St. regulars since day one. family. Here are the stories of a few.

They still come to Terroni whenever they are in town. When they had Jackson, they would come in, park him on the counter and enjoy their dinner together. As Jackson grew, his visits became more and more regular. I recall when he and Rick would visit us almost every night. They became an integral part of our establishment. Everyone loved Jackson, with his full head


MATEOS JABBAZ Mateos is the son of Suheila, one of our gorgeous Brazilian twin servers from 1993, and Gustavo, who is one of Cosimo’s oldest friends. Mateos has been coming to Terroni since he was born. I remember when

Suhela and I would take Mateos and Simona to the park on our days off, go on family outings or just hang together. Mateos moved with his mom to Los Angeles for a number of years, but returned to Toronto to live

with his dad, step mom and sister. For Mateos Coming back to Toronto also meant coming back to Terroni. He works with us at Sud Forno on Queen and we couldn't be happier to have him back in the family.

of blonde curls, his sweet demeanor, his good manners and brilliance. At the age of 18, Jackson joined the team as a food runner/bus boy for three summers in a row. Jackson stood out for being very hard working and reliable. Jackson graduated from McGill University with first class honors in physics and has received the Dean’s multidisciplinary research award. We are all so proud of him.

PIPER TOONE Piper was a 4-year-old little girl when she started coming to Victoria St. with her mother Dolores Golob, who worked across the street at St. Michael’s Hospital. Albion, now the General Manager at Queen, remembers serving them at Victoria St. and has seen Piper grow from a little girl into a teen-

MAX KAYE ager. He will always remember how she would only eat gnocchi. When Albion ran into Dolores one day, she asked him if we would have a spot available for Piper, who was now 19 years old. The rest is history. Piper is now a superstar food runner and has been working with us for one year.

BROOKE GANGBAR With her mom Natalie, Brooke started to come in and visit us regularly when she was a newborn. A Margherita and a side of black olives was their comfy routine. As Brooke grew into a toddler, she became really comfortable with our staff. She remembers when Cosimo Jr. would let her play with pizza

dough, making sculptures that he would then bake in the oven for her. Brooke is now 23 years old and for the last four years has been an excellent server at our Queen St. location. By the way, she has now moved on from the Margherita and her favourite pizza is the Santo Spirito.

Max started coming 25 years ago, with his mom Reneé, when he was only 5. He had a beaming smile, and every time he came in through those doors, we felt so honoured to have him visit. He was well aware of that. Max joined the Queen St. team at the age of 19 as a dishwash-

er. He later moved to deli, then on to making pizzas. He finished his tenure as an extremely fast and charming bartender. Max is now 30, and even though he is not a part of the Terroni team anymore, we are happy to know he continues to work in the restaurant industry.

Along with all of these children, we need to acknowledge the fact that our own kids have also enthusiastically decided to join in the fun. Thank you Cosimo, Michela and Alessia Morin, Alana Mammoliti, Lukas Lennon Heslip, Cameron Doughty, Matteo D’Andrea, Sim, Sof, Matto and Lilli Mammoliti.



IN OR RETURN BY CARLO DANTE ROTA Actor A few months back I was with a group of friends at the Queen West Terroni. We were sitting at the large table at the bottom of the stairs. If memory serves me, it was my birthday. Coincidence? I think not. As well as my lovely wife and other friends, also present were such luminaries as Max Stefanelli of Terroni Los Angeles, Stephen Alexander of Cumbrae’s, and of course, my good friend Cosimo Mammoliti. It was late, and the restaurant had all but emptied out. There was only one couple remaining, across from us under the mirrors. Eventually, this couple paid their bill and started to leave. As they were walking out, the woman turned around and said, “Thank you so much. We love coming to your restaurant.” The hilarious thing? She was talking to ME! I gave some insane reply like, “And we love having you,” and then turned to see Cosimo give an eye roll and a laugh. All the Mammolitis share a keen sense of humour. But, was this so hilarious? Or had that woman instinctively reacted to what she perceived as a deeper truth? To be honest, when Elena phoned me and asked me to write a small piece entitled “My Terroni,” I smiled. The time had finally arrived to set the record straight. “I’ll do it,” I said. I am going to lay out some indisputable facts and let the impartial readers decide for themselves. Whose Terroni do YOU think it is? Fact 1. Toronto, 1982. My family buys a house directly across the street from the Mammoliti household at Yonge and Eglinton. Fact 2. I come across a sixteen year old Cosimo Mammoliti selling ladies shoes at the Eglinton mall and casually ask if he wants to come and work in a restaurant my family owns called “Noodles” at Bay and Bloor. In his time there, he becomes a super-star bartender. This is probably the most important period for my MASTER PLAN. It took nearly four years of dedicated and brilliant REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY. Here are some of

the things I planted in Cosimo’s mind: • Working with family is impossible. Should never be attempted. • Never attempt a second floor to your restaurant. Only “disgraziati” try it and they always fail. • Never marry. If you really have to, find a nice plain girl from Guelph Ont. • Always serve a Caesar Salad. No one will thank you if you don’t. • Don’t bother with great Italian wines. All you need is Trebbiano D’Abruzzo 1.5L and if you really want to spoil people, Campofiorin.

• Never trust anyone. Micromanage everything and work in your restaurant day and night until you become exhausted and bitter. • When a customer asks for a pizza to be cut, for balsamic vinegar in olive oil, Parmesan on seafood or a nice creamy Linguine Alfredo, just give in! • Always serve freshly churned butter. (To be honest, this one would bite me in the ass.) I could see my REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY start to take root in his young impressionable mind. Now I needed an opportunity for subliminal but

direct suggestion. A few years later, I had my chance! Fact 3. One day I show up at the Mammoliti household claiming that I had nowhere to live. My parents had sold their house across the street and my story was that my girlfriend had left me for a more dynamic man. (Can you believe they fell for that?) What Cosimo is blissfully unaware of is that in the two weeks I spent sharing a room with him on the third floor, I would whisper in his ear at night “You and a partner will start a great business. You will take a derogatory Italian word and make it a positive. You will always go forward, never return. Are you in, Cosimo? Or will you return? In or return? IN OR RETURN!” I whispered this mantra every night while he slept. Facts 4, 5 and 6. When Terroni Queen Street was expanding, where was I living? Oh, just around the corner on Claremont Avenue. I was at Terroni’s door every morning to see it open. Every morning reading the newspaper out loud and eating the Brioche, but I would have to bring my own butter. (Damn it!) I move to Los Angeles in 2006. Directly afterwards, there are plans for a new Terroni in Los Angeles, across from where I am living. My wife and I celebrate our bicoastal weddings at Terroni West Hollywood in Los Angeles and Terroni Courthouse in Toronto. I celebrate my 50th birthday, my Dad’s 80th, my wife’s 30th, my mother-in-law’s 70th. Is there still any doubt as to whose Terroni this is? Then get ready for your world to be rocked. I got this tattoo 25 years ago before one panino was ordered on Queen W. Before one Calcetto goal was scored. In Or Return... FIGURE IT OUT! Some people think I’m delusional. Particularly the ones that are just about to give me my medication. That’s all right. Truth will succeed. I need to take a nap anyway. When I awake I will write a new essay. “MY CUMBRAES”—Hard Down The Bone!

MY CONNECTION BY MAX STEFANELLI Terroni Los Angeles Co-owner I spent my youth in a small village called Ururi in the southern region of Molise. I grew up with my grandparents; we had chickens, rabbits, pigs and land. Here, each time of the year

was marked by a specific food related tradition. December was for picking olives to make olive oil and killing the pig to make sausages. Easter would mark the killing of the lamb, and summer was for the harvest of wheat and tomatoes to make flour and tomato sauce. September was for making wine, and the list goes on. Then my parents decided to move to Bologna where I ended up studying law and becoming a lawyer. I took a sabbatical year from being a barrister to learn English. On May 12th, 1999 I arrived in Toronto, and shortly after, I met Vince at a party. We started hanging out; I met Elena and then Cosimo at his birthday party. He was tuning 33, like Jesus! The same year, with my broken English, I started working for Terroni on Queen St. Like still pictures, so many memories come back to my mind. I clearly remember Vince with his deli hat, slicing mortadella for the old Italian lady that always wanted a discount. Cosi Jr. dancing, David Mattachioni playing Bruce Springsteen 24/7 while making pizzas, Vince Sr. always fixing some-

MY STORY BY LARRY D'ANDREA thing. Carlo Rota at the bar, reading and commenting on the news to all the customers. Jessica Allen training me, Jamal, and Vicky and that crazy Italian guy making focaccia Barese. Friday nights after closing, we would rush to the Octopus lounge to catch last call. Queen St. was such a small location, with a big heart and many different characters—it was like a Fellini movie. There is one story in particular I like to tell. We hired Giovanna Alonzi, now Sud’s executive chef, with no restaurant experience but a lot of passion and home cooking skills. We didn't have a stove and she would cook in the apartment upstairs on a residential one. At one point, we got really excited to add pasta as a special of the day. To place an order, the server had to get out of the restaurant, go next door and yell, “Giovanna, I need 2 Ravioli in 15 minutes at table 20.” Fifteen minutes later, Giovanna would magically show up with the pasta. Terroni, so far away from home, brought me back to my roots: food, tradition, family, community and lots of wine. I never moved back to Bologna to be a lawyer and I have never regretted this decision. When you are a lawyer people come to see you because they have to. In a restaurant, people come because they want to eat and celebrate their lives. With Cosimo’s blessing, in 2007 I moved to Los Angeles to open Terroni and I have been here ever since. This job is everything to me: work, friends, family, passion—it’s my life. I have no idea where I would be had I never met Vince and Cosimo. I feel lucky. I think this was my destiny. I give a lot to this brand, but I always feel that it comes back and more

Terroni Project Manager In the late 80s, I was part of the teenage wolf pack of Italians that included Cosimo and Paolo. One day these two guys decided to open up a storefront because they wanted to offer a real Italian experience in Toronto. When space at 720 Queen St. became available, they jumped on it. In the beginning, I did carpentry with Cosimo's father. I told them to pay me when they could, since they were just starting out. Toronto was in a deep recession in the early 90s and not much was happening at Queen and Claremont. The opening of Toronto’s first authentic pizzeria created a spark of hope and excitement in the area. People were quick to figure out something unique was happening at 720 Queen St. W. Cosimo and Paolo were packing in the people every night, despite the tough economic times. Finally, one could get a fabulous pizza and enjoy it in a cool atmosphere with good music.

These two young men had created something special. They knew how to cook and where to source their raw materials. Terroni quickly became the place to be with Toronto’s in crowd. 25 years later, it still is. The past decades working for Terroni have provided me with so many treasured experiences. I have met so many wonderful people—some famous, some not famous, but all equally special. I have learned the secrets of Italian food and I have travelled abroad to study wines and learn about restaurant equipment technology. I have

been part of building great spaces with talented engineers, designers, and architects. It has been so gratifying to have the responsibility of making Cosimo's ideas and Ralph’s drawings come to life. I even met my better half through Terroni, and together we are raising our beautiful family. Working for Cosimo and Elena is a great privilege. They are smart, strong and honest people. They constantly challenge themselves to create new and innovating food, spaces and products—always in good taste and respecting tradition. Looking back, I originally started working for Cosimo because I had a feeling that he knew what he was doing and because he treated people well. Today, it's the same. I better buckle my seatbelt for the projects to come.

Terroni is the place where everyday I feel challenged to learn, where I meet new friends, where I get to work and play while continuously learning from my mentor, Cosi. It’s the place where I can spend twenty hours, forget everything, not feel tired and think with excitement about what the next day will bring. It’s still the place where in wee hours of the morning, when I’m driving with music blaring before 4 am, I can look forward to an espresso and the simple magic that it brings.


MY EXPERIENCE BY GIOVANNA ALONZI Sud Forno Executive Chef Terroni is the place where everything started. It was that first real espresso away from home and everything that followed it. It was that little spot on Queen St. where, as a lost twenty year old, I felt found, welcomed and cool. It’s where the magic happened. It’s where I learned how to work the line, open restaurants, develop recipes, make tortellini, bread and panettoni and live for the moment while loving everything I do. It’s where, while making and doing incredible, wonderful things, I met Fabio, the love of my life. It’s where, after a lot of pasta making, long kitchen shifts, drinks and adventures, we started our family that spun the two funniest and amazing little creatures we could have imagined, Alice and Mattia.

Events Director & Public Relations Terroni Toronto My life with Terroni began long before I started working there. I was a regular starting from the Queen West days, living around the corner on Bellwoods Avenue. Terroni was a small space with so much frenetic energy. It was alive and I loved it. I moved uptown, had kids and Terroni Balmoral became the go to location for my family. When I retired from the world of artist management, Cosimo asked me to be a part of the growth that was about to push Terroni forward. That meant accepting reservations for the first time, introducing private rooms, parties and everything that followed. I knew nothing about the restaurant industry, but Cosimo’s trust made it possible for me to embrace the unknown. Today I work closely with our location GM's, who I respect deeply and consider friends.

As well, I also work with a great team of dedicated women. The Terroni house explodes with every type of character: artists, academics, and downright amazing souls from every part of our global village. It is truly the UN of all restaurants, where multiple languages are spoken at any given time. In this multicultural environment, lifetime bonds are formed. We have seen marriages, babies, illness, and yes, even death. We all share stories of trips back home or worry with our friends about our families. We have seen pregnant servers become moms, witnessed break ups and Christmas party hook ups. We have been fan clubs to our in-house musicians and stage performers, we have attended short film premieres of our talents who write and act, and we have shown off fashion spreads for our in house super models, just to name a handful of experiences we share. Many of our staff travel together or visit Terroni expats who live all over the world. You come to realize that even after people leave Terroni, they don’t really leave. The bonds they form are permanent. As a proud Peruvian adopted by Italians, I am proud to be able to celebrate such a landmark year with my Terroni family. Thank you Cosimo for believing in me and allowing me to have so much fun learning. When I think of Terroni at 25 years, I remember witnessing Cosimo putting on an apron and working on the line, expediting at Adelaide and Price Street when they first opened. Most recently, there he was again, bussing tables at the newest Sud Forno location on Yonge. Keeping it real, after 25 years. That is everything you need to know about why Terroni is still here and why I happily follow. Happy 25th, with so much love, respect, and Terroni pride—I will continue to share your passion.

MY MEMORIES OF THE EARLY DAYS AT QUEEN BY SHEREEN ARAZM Terroni Los Angeles Co-Owner, Reminisces about her early days at Queen St. It was 1992 in Toronto on Queen Street West and I was a waitress at a restaurant called Helen's Hash House while I was going to school. A small restaurant opened across the street named Terroni, owned by two young Italian guys that had the best panini I had ever had. My boyfriend at the time, Klaus Nienkamper, took me there—it was his hangout, as he was a close friend with Paolo, one of the two owners. In 1994, when Cosimo and Paolo were looking for a waitress in their little counter restaurant, Klaus was reluctant to suggest me. Who wants their girlfriend working at their hangout? Somehow I ended up working there. Paolo and I became fast friends. He was something else—full of charisma and attitude, smart and fun. The other guy, Cosimo, and I didn't really like each other. He made me sweep the floors, clean the coffee machine, restock the fridges every night, carrying cases of limonata, aranciata and chinotto up from the basement. I remember one time yelling at him, “Cosi! Where is my busboy?” “You're your busboy!” he yelled back. And I swept on, muttering something lovely under my breath. In the years to come, Cosimo would become one of my closest friends and mentors. Often in the back patio in the summer, we would play foosball and complain when customers came in. In those days we did everything—from making espresso and drinks, pouring wine, serving food, working the deli and washing dishes. But somehow it was all good. We were busy, so shifts flew by and we all went out after work together. I made lifelong friends in those early years at Terroni Queen West.

There was Elena, who came from Italy as Cosimo’s young wife. She was so different—so Italian with her perfectly imperfect English. Her clothes, her style and her accent were so cool. We would smoke cigarettes and drink limoncello. We would rush to close at night so we could go out, or request night shifts at the same time so we could go shopping in the daytime. I met many other amazing people during those years. There was Cosi Jr who was 17 years old when he started to work as a dishwasher, alongside his brother Paolo, the pizza maker. They lived across the street from me on St. Clair W. and we would often go to and from work together. Cosi Jr. is now the GM at our Los Angeles Beverly location and I think he is the longest tenured employee. There was Bruno Billio, whose artistic and creative side was already so clear back then. He was magic, and if you know Bruno, you know he is otherworldly. He is a very accomplished artist today. He and Elena would go on and on in Italian and when I would ask what they were saying, he would give me some crazy story about his family or being a kid and playing in an orphanage that was part of the Vatican. Then there was Jen Ziliotto, who worked to pay for her fashion line. We all wore her “Lady Belle” t-shirts she made for Terroni, some with fruits and vegetables on them, others with Terroni staple products. Also, there was Leslie Gibson, who used to manage with me. We would often work double shifts together and go out after, of course. At times, we would

go to Mars diner for grilled cheese and milkshakes. We would listen to the waitresses bickering about who had been working there the longest, some for 20 years and others for 30. We would giggle and joke, saying that would be us someday. I remember when we switched from hand written chits to a POS system. I was a manager and it was so stressful. After just one week, the new computer system crashed during a crazy slammed lunch service. It was chaos. Everyone was freaking out about their orders and wanting to pay. Everywhere I looked there was a problem and the line up to pay was getting longer. I wanted to quit and cry at the same time, while all the customers and staff were getting more and more angry. The next day I remember Cosimo taking me to the basement and sitting me down. I thought for sure I was getting fired. Instead, he talked to me about keeping your cool when the shit hits the fan, because your staff relies on you to do so. He then told me that no matter what, I would get through it, but it was how I got through it that mattered. Needless to say, I have remembered that advice so many times over the years in all the restaurants I’ve worked in and owned. It was an invaluable lesson, even if it was painful to learn. During those early years, I worked really hard and learned a lot about life, responsibility, camaraderie and friendship. This is what I remember the most and will always carry with me. 11 years ago Cosimo and I embarked on the adventure of bringing his beloved Terroni to Los Angeles, the city I live in, so I could always have a piece of home and that time with me. What a gift from a friend.

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We want to share with you the stories of a few former team members who were an integral part of Terroni and have now moved on to new ventures.

by Robby Vrenozi

BRUNO BILLIO Resident Artist Gladstone Hotel Class of 1994 In 1994, Bruno had just arrived from Italy with the goal of establishing himself as an artist in Toronto. Before he was able to make a name for himself on the art scene, he joined Terroni as a dishwasher. As Bruno put it, “by the way, there was no dishwasher back then. I was the dishwasher.” Nostalgic for Italian culture, arts, and conversation, he immediately bonded with Elena, who also had recently moved to Toronto from Italy. Twenty-some years later, Bruno and Elena remain very good friends.

Bruno’s fondest memories of his Terroni days are of the time spent with his coworkers, partying until 4 am and then having to open the restaurant in the morning. With a giggle, he also described an incident when Shereen, the manager at the time, caught him having a beer during his shift. In response to her reprimand, he said, “What? A glass of wine or beer with lunch is part of the Italian culture.” He affectionately recalled how his co-workers were all invested in supporting each other’s dreams.

“It was a magical time. When you said, ‘I work at Terroni,’ the response was always, ‘Oh you are part of that family.’ Everyone worked so hard to get to their own careers, whether it involved Terroni or not and they were supported.” Terroni taught Bruno passion and dedication. “From Cosimo to the very last employee, everyone worked so hard to deliver a high quality experience at Terroni. I remember Cosimo making the pizza dough, and if the dough was not right, Cosi would toss it and start from scratch. He was not going to serve his customers subpar food.” Today, Bruno is a resident artist at the Gladstone Hotel where his beautiful creations are displayed. His work can also be found in hotels in Toronto and NYC, as well as in the Italian Cultural Institute. To see Bruno’s work, catch his 25 year retrospective, running until January 22nd or visit his website (brunobillio.com).

CLAUDIA IACOBAZZI Pilates Instructor Class of 1996 Of all the people that moved on, the departure of Claudia Iacobazzi was the biggest heartbreak of the early 2000s. On Claudia’s last shift, the entire restaurant was filled with guys, shameless in their display of affection towards her and all distraught over her leaving. Beautiful, hardworking, smart and very Italian, Claudia immediately became popular with all the customers and conquered the hearts of all of her coworkers. In 2002, Claudia moved to Rome where she married an Alitalia pilot and had three beautiful children.

Currently, she is a Pilates instructor out of a studio in the center of Rome. Claudia often comes back to visit her Terroni family.

“I’m blown away each and every visit. Things have remained the same: the great food, amazing energy and Cosimo’s never ending gusto for bringing Italian quality and culture to Toronto and beyond.” She hopes someday her children will get the chance to have their own Terroni experience—and we will welcome them with open arms!

Natalie remembers her first encounter with Terroni.

DAVID MATTACHIONI Owner of Mattacchioni Class of 1999 David Mattachioni came on board as a barista and dishwasher. After just a few months, he was moved to making pizza and that’s where he found his passion.

“I love making pizza. To me, it still is the coolest job ever. Terroni was the best experience of my life. I loved my job. I had the opportunity of working closely with chefs from all over the place and learned to perfect my art.” David opened Mattachioni on Dupont St. in 2015. He still feels very close to the Terroni family—from friends that ended up working with him, to the comfort of calling Terroni whenever he needs administrative advice, or even re-using our old pieces of equipment

and furniture. The last memory he shared was when he, Vince, Larry, Max, Cosi Jr., and Cosi Sr. shot a calendar in drag for a fundraiser. “Terroni is not just a business, it is also an opportunity for the family to be generous.”

NATALIE URQUART Producer Class of 2007 Natalie Urquart, former Associate Producer of the TV-Show Suits, is also a former Terroni employee. With a laugh

“I was dining on Queen and Jessie Allen was serving me. I remember asking for balsamic with my olive oil! After I was hired and learned about the Terroni olive oil, I was mortified for years that I did that.”

Natalie spent 6 years at Terroni, where she even met her husband, Chris. To Natalie, Terroni felt more like a family than a place of employment. Some of her closest friends are former and current Terroni employees. Today Natalie is doing a Producer Residency at the Canadian Film Center. When reflecting on her experience at Terroni, Natalie said, “Learning how to say no to customers taught me how to keep my cool in all situations.”


Marketing Manager Eataly Boston Class of 2014 Although Francesca Gironi was with Terroni for just two years and only left recently, she is still missed. Alongside Elena, Franci started the Marketing and Communications department at Terroni and was a part of Terroni Magazine. Beautiful, bright and spiritual, Franci describes her encounter with Terroni and the Mammoliti family as a series of fortunate events. For her, Terroni was an amazing experience,

as it taught her a lot professionally. But most of all, Terroni was—and still is—a second family. “I will always miss the days working with Elena, coming up with new ideas for Terroni Magazine and feeding her carpaccio and funghi assoluti when she forgot to eat. I also miss working with Anna and Vince on new Marketing strategies for Terroni, with Stephanie on internal training videos and photo-shoots for the magazine and learning from Patti what it truly takes to organize an event. Of course I miss Cosi. He will always be one of my mentors and one of the people I admire the most.” Today Franci oversees the marketing of Eataly in Boston, where she lives with her fiancé, Mitch. She hopes that with the opening of Eataly Toronto in 2019, she may have an opportunity to come back and re-join the Terroni Family. We hope so too!

JESSICA ALLEN Correspondent CTV Show “The Social” Class of 1998 Jessie first started at our Victoria location as a busser. A quick learner, she was soon promoted to dishwasher/ barista or what was then dubbed “the coffee girl.” She progressed to server and eventually became a manager at Terroni Queen. In 2008, she left Terroni to join Maclean’s Magazine. “I’ve always wanted to write and this seemed the way to do that.” Jessie could not leave completely, though. She continued to work on Friday nights as a manager and also started the Terroni Magazine with Elena. Jessie says that leaving Terroni was very difficult. She was torn for almost three years. “Terroni gave me a life-long passion for Italian food and wine, but most of all, it taught me the art of multitasking. I remember nights when the restaurant was so packed, the line was out the door. With the music, the

NATALIE ROY & TONY LAPAGE Actors Class of 2006 & 2007 Natalie Roy and Tony LePage worked at Terroni Balmoral by night and pursued their acting careers by day. When she was new to Toronto, Natalie’s uncle took her for dinner at Terroni.

Today Tony and Natalie live in NYC. Natalie is an actress, a teacher and the co-owner of C.R.E.A.T.E., where she helps artists move forward with realizing their dreams. With four films on the festival circuit at the moment, she is very proud of her accomplishments. Tony is a member of the original cast of the musical Come From Away in NYC.

DEANNA ZUNDE sound of cutlery, the conversation and laughter in the happy restaurant atmosphere—in those moments with 15 things to do simultaneously, while keeping a smile on my face—I learned what it truly means to multitask.” Today Jessie is a correspondent on the CTV show, The Social. The funny thing is that when she occasionally gets stopped on the street and is told she looks familiar, her first instinct is to say “I worked at Terroni for 10 years. I probably served you pizza,” instead of saying “I work on television.”

Co-Owner of Dark Horse Espresso Bar Class of 1994

She loved it and a week later she joined the team. Tony followed soon after. Natalie was a server, and Tony was a bartender. When Tony was offered a job as a cast member in Rock of Ages, first in Toronto and then New York, the couple moved on. Natalie said, “Terroni stands for community, family, passion and team work. We got to work in a family environment where everyone was truly passionate about food and wine, but they also cared about everyone’s dreams outside of those walls.”

JENNIFER ZILIOTTO Fashion Designer Ziliotto (Design) Class of 1994 Jennifer started working at Terroni in the early days on Queen. She recalled having fun with her coworkers, hanging out together before and after shifts. Jennifer was a fashion designer, and, while working at Terroni, she had her own line called Lady Belle. She used to make beautiful hand dyed t-shirts with her own original illustrations. She made Terroni’s very first t-shirts, as well as our very first menu. Jennifer left Terroni when she decided to also leave Toronto. She travelled to NYC where she met her French husband and moved to Paris with him. She started Ziliotto, her successful design label, and recently moved to Montreal, where she manages her company’s production and her online store.

Similarly, Tony said, “My experience with Terroni was fantastic. I was welcomed with open arms, even with my little experience in bartending. I remember it did not matter what position people held in the company. From the owner to the dishwasher, everybody was treated equally. They also supported my acting career, always accommodating my auditions and shows. I’m so grateful for that.”

Deanna spent 13 years at Terroni, managing three of our locations. To Deanna, Terroni felt more like a second home than a place of employment.

“Terroni taught me family—the kind you build, not the one you are born into. The accomplishments that Cosimo and his family have made over the years will continue to be a source of inspiration to me. Cosimo is an incredibly impressive man. He showed us kindness, love, support and family values—all while managing to expand at a dizzying rate. I don’t know anyone like him.” Many years later Deanna continues to draw inspiration from her Terroni days, while moving ahead with her own company, Dark Horse Espresso Bar. Currently, she has six locations and is approaching her 11th anniversary, surely inspiring a lot of people in turn. Thank you Deanna for your contribution to Terroni and here’s to another 11 successful years for Dark Horse!

Way to go guys!


In 25 years Terroni has grown to be a family of restaurants and bakeries that has remained true to its roots, encompassing all things traditionally Italian. I sat down with Cosi to discuss his love and commitment to Terroni. How is it possible that Terroni is 25 years old? It really started out with two best friends, Paolo Scoppio and me. I had been working in restaurants for many years and I wanted my own. I am a second generation Italian, but Paolo was the real deal. He came to Canada when he was a teenager. He is the reason I fell in love with Italy, particularly Puglia where I met my beautiful wife, Elena. We found this location on Queen West, which back in 1992 was a lot different than today. It was cheap rent and we took the spot. Paolo was already importing Italian products, so the original Terroni wasn’t a restaurant at all, but a store with four stools that sold Italian products. We made great $4 paninos, and we ended up having a very loyal clientele. It was a meeting place for our friends. We had a foosball table and we would spend all day playing, stopping only when we had a customer. Eventually that foosball table paid for our rent! We had a deal with the guy who put it in and we ended up making more money off that foosball table than the store. Those days on Queen were really the good old days. We worked hard but we partied hard too. It was a lot of fun. We expanded, making it a 24-seat restaurant, bought a used pizza oven, and got a liquor licence. A great review by a food writer at the time, Cynthia Wynne, changed everything and the momentum started. We were busy. It was fantastic!

Is that where the idea of expanding came from? We knew at that point we had something pretty special. Paolo and I decided to open up a second location when an opportunity came up on Victoria Street. Basically we were splitting the responsibilities —me running Queen, Paolo running Victoria. We were a match made in heaven. Paolo brought the creative side, I brought more of the restaurant business side and together we had an incredible thing going on. Paolo passed away unexpectedly in 1996. That must have had a huge impact on you both personally and professionally. Yes, I was devastated. I lost my best friend. Paolo was married at the time and I wanted his wife Melanie to take over his position and keep it in the family. She wasn’t interested and I understand now more than ever that it was the best decision moving forward with Terroni. Did you ever think of quitting? I think I was definitely scared to go it alone but I wanted to keep going for myself and also for Paolo. Paolo played a huge part in why I love Italy so much. He even introduced me to Elena. In a way after his passing, she became the successor to Paolo in my love for Italy. I often hear the term the “Terroni Family.” What does that mean? I have the privilege of having my family working for Terroni. My brother Vince, who started out on Queen Street, now runs most of our importing business, Scorte Alimentari Importing, and oversees all the downtown locations. My sister Anna left her teaching job to come on board. She oversees the Cavinona wine company, as well as the uptown locations. My wife has always played a huge role in all aspects, but

she has recently started the Terroni Magazine and is now Director of Marketing and Communications. My father, AKA Geppetto, built the shelves in the first location, and, as I kept opening new ones, he kept building. I definitely got my work ethic from him. My mother gave me my compassion and has helped since day one, making ravioli and cookies for the restaurant. Today, you can find her in the kitchen at Adelaide making all the sausage and some baked goods. My cousin Nat and her daughter Andrea also play important roles in the company. So Terroni really is about family, but it doesn’t stop at my bloodline.

So the quote “it takes a village” has a lot of meaning to Terroni? Absolutely! The Terroni family extends to so many people. I could go on all day. For example, my friend Larry started out as a contractor with us, went on to be the manager at Victoria and today is the General Contractor on every project I do. He also married Stephanie, who was a waitress back in the day and now is my General Manager for Adelaide and Bettola. Kari —I see her every single day —is my trusted and loyal go to person and a friend who really cares for everything that has to do with managing the Terroni finances. Two of my best friends, Max Stefanelli and Shereen Arazm, are my partners in my LA establishments. Then there’s Franco Rovazzi, besides being a great friend, he is my “consigliere” —my lawyer and consultant on most things. Giovanna Alonzi was with me from the moment I put a stove in at the Queen location and today she is the executive Chef for both Sud Forno locations. Listen the list goes on and on. So, yes,

it definitely takes a village or a really huge family. I had to deal with some serious health issues back in 2004 that put me out of commission for over a year. At the time Elena and I had four young children and 3 locations. This Terroni family came together to support us and see us through the difficult time. Everyone from friends, family, to the dishwasher pitched in.

How do you give back? My wife Elena takes charge in making sure we give back as much as we can through our charitable outlets such as Meal Share (mealshare.ca), Made in Carcere (madeincarcere.it), San Patrignano (sanpatrignano.com) which is a wonderful community outside of Rimini, Italy that rehabilitates former addicts by teaching them love for themselves and helps them develop skill sets for success in the outside world. Our master baker, Fabio Papa, who is an integral part of Sud Forno, came from that program. We also support a variety of local events and charities as well as organizations built around the Italian community and Italian culture. We are big supporters of Free The Children, Me to We, and Slow Food. You mentioned you have 4 children, anyone interested in carrying on the Terroni legacy? Yes, I can actually see the strength that each and every one of them could bring to Terroni. My eldest, Simona, is the one that today I see moving forward with Terroni. She works with us and is enrolled in a Business Management and Hospitality and Tourism degree, but all of them have shown interest. Sofia works at Terroni on her summer breaks and I can see her involved more in the Marketing

& Communications side. Matteo is currently doing his co-op placement with Sud Forno and asked to move around each department to learn everything. My youngest, Olivia, has a crazy passion for food and she always mentions that she should run all the restaurants. At the end of the day I love that my wife and I have given them the opportunity to pursue this path if they would like to, but like most parents, I want them to explore and figure out something they love. I truly believe if you’re passionate about what you do, happiness just follows. That’s what I want for my children.

With each new Terroni or Sud Forno, the design seems to play a large part in not only the story but also the brand. Who is that credit to? Once Terroni became successful enough that we could spend money on design, I reached back into the Terroni family tree and had my friends —Architects Ralph Giannone and Pina Petricone (Giannone & Petricone Associates) and graphic designer Andrew Di Rosa (Small Design) help in building the brand. In the beginning, I also worked closely with my friends Sara and Amid from Commute. As you can see, I like to keep it in the family. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to have all these talented people that I trust help build Terroni. Where do you see Terroni in another 25 years? I never thought in my wildest dreams that Terroni would be anything like what it is today. I am so grateful and thankful for what we have and will continue to take it one day at a time. If an opportunity that I can’t refuse comes up, I’ll consider it, but to be honest I don't have a plan and I don't wish to make one. I was given opportunities and,

especially after my health scare, I went full throttle moving forward. I don’t regret a single decision and I definitely can’t predict the future, but I’m not done yet. Any future projects you may want to share with us? I am privileged and honoured to be a partner of Eataly Toronto, opening in 2019. When Paolo died I never considered partnerships, but after the positive experience of LA, I’m excited to be doing something outside of Terroni. Also, Stephen Alexander from Cumbraes and I have partnered up in a new venture that will be located in the former post office in the Yonge and Eglinton area. I am very excited! Its hard to narrow down the list of people you would like to thank, but can you give me just the ones you cannot go without mentioning? I couldn’t do any of this without the hard work and dedication of each and every one of my cherished employees. The list is too long, but here is to my chefs: Fabio M., Fabio P., Costantino, Michele, Marco, Giovanna, Luca, Silvano, Boris, Ravi, Sanjee, Jon, Giacomo, Adrian, Gong, Stephen, Ricardo, Arturo. These are the people that take everything Terroni and make that beautiful end product. There are my managers Stephanie, Albion, Christine, Ruth, Francesco, Andrea, Patti, Linda, Remo, Tina, Francesca, Nic, Andreina, Cosi Jr., David, Maite, Kayleen, Katie, Kim, Robin, Tiffany, Marian, Gwen, Kirk, Christian, Laura, Renata, Shyanne, Brooke, Chris and Deepa. And while there are many loyal and longstanding employees I wish I could thank, I need to mention Ersilia, Valentina, and Walter. I also want to thank my family, of course—my wife and kids, my mother, father, my brothers and sister and my in-laws, Titina and Beppe Di Maria. Thanks to everyone, it has been a wonderful 25 years. by Anabella Alexander


Cavinona producers • Agostino Pavia • Amantis • Antonelli San Marco • Biondi • Bonavita • Brandini • Bruna • Ca’nova • Ca’de’medici • Cantine Lonardo • Capolino Perlingieri • Cappellano • Carvinea • Casa D’ambra • Casale Delle Ioria • Casanuova Delle Cerbaie • Cascina Morassino • Castello Di Cigognola • Castello Di Luzzano • Cataldi Madonna • Cavallotto • Cave Mont Blanc • Caves De Donnas • Ciro Picariello • Claudio Morelli • Colombera & Garella • Contadi Castaldi • Ermes Pavese • Ettore Germano • Fattoria Antano • Fattoria La Rivolta • Fattoria La Rivolta • Ferrando • Fondo San Giuseppe • Fujanera • Girlan • Giuseppe Mascarello • Graci • Grifalco • I Clivi • Iar • Istine • La Castellada • La Cavalchina & Torre D’orti • La Colombera • La Mesma • La Pizzuta Del Principe • La Prevostura • La Sibilla • Scorte Vendors • Acetaia Di Modena • Artecarta Italia • Babbi • Big River Packaging • Cdc S.p.a. • Cerelia Sorgente Acqua Minerale Spa • Domori • Filotea Experience Societa • Giulio Franceze • Inpact Srl • La Colombe • Lubes Maria • Molino Paolo Mariani • Niasca Portofino • Nuova Point Industria • Panvetri • Papa Dei Boschi • Pluricart • Sapori Di Bosco Molisani • Saturnia • Seatram • Societa Agricola Gps • Terra Moretti Distribuzione Srl • Tmt Emozioni • Venchi •


Terroni Los Angeles Employees • Alavez, Rigoberto • Alfano, David • Amador, Omar • Andresen, Alexandra B • Arreola, Victoria • Astina, Gusti P • Berry, Jessica • Bitton, Erica • Bolanos, Eduardo • Chavez, Marino A • Clermont, Herve • Crespi, Mattia • Cruz, Juan Carlos • Cruz, Leodegario • Delgado, Frank • Deloach, Shante • Downing, James • Escobedo Lorenzo, Emanuel • Estrada, Carmen • Fuentes, Ruth S • Gallegos, Arturo • Goldberg, Kayla • Gomez Hernandez, Pedro • Gomez, Federico • Gomez, Guillermo • Gonzalez, Marco • Hall, Lydia P • Hankee, James • Harari, Leah • Harris, Justin • Hernandez Velasquez, Ricardo • Hernandez, Alberto • Hernandez, Andres • Hernandez, Bartolo • Hernandez, Silvia • Hernandez, Valente • Hines, Hannah M • Juarez, Oswaldo • Lagasca, Antonio • Lopes-Gilbert, Maia C • Lopez, Antonio • Luis, Antonio • Luis, Israel R • Martinez, Fernando • Martinez, Wilber • Mc Kenzie, Mallory • Mendoza, Romeo • Nardelli, Michael • Ojeda, Efren • O’neill, Moira F • Otani, Tiffany • Paraiso, Jane • Pereira, Alberto • Perez, Joan Carlo • Velez, Kimberly • Zamprioli, Katherine • Stefanelli, Franco • Koules, Shereen Arazm • Smith, Kayleen Arazm • Quiseng, Taja • Purisima, Deeton • Putri, Ni Ketut Indra Anita Ananda • Rabindra, Kadek • Reyes , Jesus • Velasquez, Francisco • Reyes, Angel • Ribeiro, Stephanie • Rodgers,

Kellyeann • Rodriguez, Hector A • Saakian, Hasmik • Sarti, Francesca • Walker, Andrew J • Watts, Robin • Weber, Zoe P • Winter, Gregory • Xaper, Juan J • Schellhardt, Mary Kate • Suarniti, Ni Luh Putu • Taliercio, Suzanne • Taylor, Hannah L • Trainor, Vernel • Alavez, Rigoberto • Alfano, David A • AyalaHernandez, Aron • Bautista, Julio • Bravo, Delfino • Camurri, Denise • Conyers, Brittany • Covarrubias, Lindsey • Cruz, Leodegario • CruzCastillo, Pablo • Deloach, Shante • Ezequiel, Mateo • Fortson, John F • Gallagher, Dana L • Gallagher, Lauren M • Gallastegui, Ariana • Gomez, Jose A • Gomez, Maximo S • Gonzalez, Josue • Gonzalez, Marco • Griffin, Gillian • Guillen, Jose G • Guzman, Roberto • Harari, Leah • Harris, Amelia • Hernandez, Miguel A • Hernandez, Pedro • Hoffman, Christine C • Hoffman, Matthew • Jackson, Destiny • Kaplan, Kathleen • Lester, Morgan • Macario, Angel T • Maldonado, Ricardo • Marroquin, Mario R • Martinez, Hugo • Martinez, Hugo • Mendoza, Alfredo • Mendoza, Alfredo • Miller, Chelsea • Moneymaker, Karen R • Monico, Guadalupe • Moynahan, Robert • Murray, Stephen • Nemcik, Michael • Nunley, Moshana L • Pichardo, Ricardo C • Pineda, Mario J • Robles, Edgar • Rodriguez, Gonzalo • Rodriguez, Hector A • Saakian, Hasmik • Salas, Jose L • Sanchez, Marco E • Paliacolo, Cosimo • Koules, Shereen Arazm • Smith, Kayleen Arazm • Quiseng, Taja • Tremi, Hayley C • Vasquez, Santiago • Santiago, Heriberto • Schellhardt, Mary K • Schuck, Spencer • Schwartz, Maite A • Tatem, Rachel E

Thiago • Berri, Francesco • Berroa, Denzelle • Bethune, Tariq James • Bhagat, Radha Kumari • Bhardwaj, Shanker • Bierman, William • Bigdeli Shalmoo, Negin • Bilan, Vanessa • Birley, Christopher Mj • Boccardo Balbo, Cesar Augusto • Boco, Geoffrey • Boekhoud, Amy • Bond, Teralyn Karen • Bonjongsat, Rasee • Bontorin, Isabella Valeria • Boothroyd, Alannah Kathleen • Boumarouane, Abdelhak • Bourre, Clement • Bozza, Christian • Braoudakis, Elizabeth • Bruno, Marco • Buettner, Boris • Bukina, Anastasiia • Bukovscak, Anthony James • Bulyaeva, Evgeniya • Bumpstead, Justin Alan • Bureta, George • Burgio, Antonio • Burke, Jevon Kadeem • Burstein, Ashley Raquel • Buscema, Sarah • Caicedo Castillo, Sebastian E • Calleja, Shannon • Cammock, Owen Alex • Campani, Liza Christina • Campbell, Miles • Campbell, Mitchel Alan • Canel-Diaz, Maia Camila • Caputo, Silvia • Cardia, Rodrigo Paranhos • Cardozo, Julianna • Carlino, Nicholas • Carrol, Jefferey • Carter-Huffman, Helena • Cartledge, Megan • Caruso, Erica Guedes • Cathcart, Quin • Cearlini Camargo, William J • Chalaturnyk, Michael • Charillat, Denis Marcel • Chauhan, Karan • Chavez, Jacqueline • Chen, Gong • Cheung, Elizabeth • Choi, Esther • Chrisolos, Poorany • Cisterna, Michael Salvatore • Civello, Natalino • Clarke, Drae • Colantonio, Emily Ann • Collins, Adrienne Nicole • Collins, Nadine • Cordero Quintana, Silvia • Corrales Clarke, Pedro • Corrales, Victor Alfonso • Cortinas, Norady • Covucci, Rosella Maria • Creery, Charles • Creighton, Adndrew Joel • Crepeau, Christian Robert • Culley, Lauren • Cumpson, Carly • Curkovic, Talon Agata • Cyuzuzo, Jacques • Czornodolsky, Megan • Da Riva, Pearl Andreina • Da Silva, Elisangela Carvalho • Dafton, Jeff • D’andrea, Larry • Darling, Oliver James • Davies, Thomas Camille • Dawson, Paul • De Ala, Kenneth • De Los Santos, Jennifer Elizabeth • De Miranda Silva, Fernanda Maria • De Nobile, Brooke • Deacon, Kelly Joanna • Debus, Tina • Degasperis, Matt • Del Bianco, Fabiana • Desai, Deepa • Desmond, Nathaniel • Di Vittorio, Gabriella • Dinkel, Healey Jane • Divittorio, Riccardo • Dolma, Lhawang • Dooley, Brittany • Dooley, Kelvin Joseph • Dos Santos, Maira Tozzi Cardinali • Dos Santos, Pereira Manjel • Doughty, Cameron John • Durham, Cemoy • Duval, Danielle • Edwards, Dale • Egget, Nathaniel Cedric • El Madani, Arejdane • Eldemire, Aliya • Elmi, Muna Abdullahi • Emerson, Dorothy C • Engelbert, Luca • Enneberg, Megan Heather • Ennis, Audley • Erger, Grace Diane • Ersilia, Virtu • Esposito, Giuseppa • Etcher, Dan • Eudovic, Maclisha Tia • Falconer, Emily • Farlinger, Gabriel Jonas • Faulds, Laura Nicole • Fernandez Morgan, Oliver • Ferraro-Hallett, Rowan Gilad • Ferrero, Filippo • Ferrin, Melissa • Figliano, Verona Elizabeth • Findlay,

Blythe • Finocchio, Bianca • Fiset, Julien Tremblay • Ford, Jordon Thomas • Ford, Rianna Ella • Forsey, Diane • Foster, Travis • Foy, Jacob Paul • Francis, Febin • Fraser, Angela • Freeman, Maya • Friedman, Alexandra Eve • Friendly, Ethan B • Fuentes, Cristina Odette • Fuentes, Lindsay Rebeca • Gaburno, Cheryl Comila • Galati, Giuseppe • Galvao, Cindy • Gandhe, Arpit Nandkumar • Gangaveniya, Nadorajah • Gangbar, Deena • Gardner, Morgan • Geehan-Hearn, Liam J • Gentile, Vanessa Nicole • Ghirelli, Alessia • Giambatista, Kristi • Gil Ramirez, Carlos Alberto • Giordani, Jessica • Gnanapragasam, Joseph Anne • Gnanasegaram, Karnan • Gold, Dean • Goloyan, Margo • Gonzales, Christian • Gonzalez Altamura, Mariano • Gonzalez Mojica, Estefany • Gopalapillai, Kupanan • Gopinath, Ambalavanapillai • Gouweleeuw, Erin Rosemary • Govindasamy, Kieran Devin • Graham, Caitlin Frances • Gramshi, Arvid • Grange, Sarah • Grgic, Stefan • Griffith, Edward • Grossi, Rachelle • Guerra Zavarce, Maria • Gui, Jeremy • Guian-Cayenne, Naomi J • Gutkowski, Monika Joanna • Guzzo, Costantino • Guzzo, Federica • Haas, Tim Jay • Hagglund, Kirk Alvar • Haider, Zahra • Haile, Luwam • Hall, Gregory Murray • Hall, Kori • Hall-Dupleasis, Kori • Haque, Hasan • Harada, Mayumi • Harimi, Arafat • Harris, Teah Ann Marie • Harry, Jeville Rajib • Heeley, Adam Mathew • Heo, Jiwoo • Hernandez, German • Heslip Sanchez, Lukas Lennon • Hillman-Olmsed, Sasha Brianna • Hoang, Thi Van Anh • Holforster, Alec • Hosogoe, Shungo • Hossain, Anowar • Humayon, Tareq • Hysenaj, Festime • Hysenej, Viron • Innes, John Andrew • Irwin, Philip John • Islam, Md Rafiqul • Ito, Hiroshi • Ius, Samuel Joseph • Iwan, Brooke Alexandra • JabbasMouammar, Mateos • Jabbaz, Ella Atiana • Jaca, Merlyn • Jackson, Mick • James, Katlin • Jang, Saebomi • Javelosa, Stephanie Joy • Jenny Anne, Mccowan • Jensen, Jenell • Jeyabalasingam, Jeyathinesh • Jeyapalasinkam, Jeyasiri • Jeyarajah, Justin • Jeyasiri, Jokiny • Jiwoo, Son • Jones, Luanda • Jones, Sophie • Joo, Daniel • Jordan, Ezra Charles • Julian, Jamie Lori-Anne • Kamrad, Izaak • Kanakaratnam, Vigneswaran • Kanapathillai, Sritharan • Kaneshalingam, Mahilraj • Kang, Suyeon • Kantor, Samuel Harrow • Karla, Gomez Duran • Karuppiah, Ulaganathan • Kathiran, Johnson • Kazantseva, Ksenia A • Kazi, Afreen Noor • Keblowski, Patricia Linda • Keefe, William • Kelebay, Odessa Adriana • Kelloway, Christopher • Kelly, Andrea Coco • Kennedy, Dylan • Kenney, Erinn • Kenty, Deandre Maurice • Kestering, Cristiano • Khaghani, Ossameh • Khan, Lana Krystal • Khan, Mashiur Rahman • Kheiry, Daumoon • Kim, Euna • Kim, Gyu Dong • Kim, Hanna • Kiritharan, Sornalingam • Kirshner, Eric • Knox, Venessa Alexandra • Kobayashi, Tom • Kollara



Terroni Toronto Employees • Aarssen, Danielle • Abbaspour, Aida • Advent, Sean Andrew • Agetiello, Silvia • Agranove, Lisa • Aguiar, Carine Souza • Alam, Daniela Pia • Alcantara De Goes, Lais • Alex, Anabella • Aldrich, Sara • Alonzi, Giovanna • Alonzi, Pasqualino • Alvarez Garcia, Maria • Amaral, Emanuel Jose • Amirthalingam, Suthaharan • Amoroso, Mario • Ampalavan, Navayogaratnam • Anderson, Bridget • Antonistan, Angela • Antoshina, Tatiana • Anya Laure, Gregory • Aquino, Royd Ryan Lobo • Arafat, Yassir • Arenas, Andres Daniel • Arnold, Ashley Elizabeth • Artini, Marco • Arumaithurai, Aruran • Arumugam, Ravichandren • Arumugam, Ravikumar • Arumugam, Sivanathan • Asbridge, Brennan • Asurappulige, Yasantha Nalin • Aumala Encarnacion, Veronica D • Aviles-Betel, Kenna • Avner, Shelly Soffy • Awsaf, Nasif Ahmed • Bae, Jisook • Bahry, Timothy • Bajraktari, Juxhin • Baker-Crawford, Peter • Balakrishnan, Balaguru • Balasundaram, Thilakshan • Bali, Shivam • Barroa, Alejandra • Barros Marinho, Pamela Marcelle • Bawa, Deepakshi • Beg, Maubeen • Bellomo Parabaviz, Giulianna • Bellomo Parabbaviz, Barbara L • Belton, Sarah Victoria • Benicio,

Prabhulachandran, Prabul • Koutsoulis, Nicolaos • Kovacevic, Marija • Kovacovska, Diana • Krebs, Hannah J • Kuchtaruk, Alexander John • Kudlavies Buchner, Silvane • Kulanthaivadivel, Anandavadivel • Laforteza, Kaye Ann Mae • Lala, Tanushca Shyam • Langer, Marni • Lanthier, Juel • Lares, Fabiana • Laron, Carlos Jude • Latanville, Chris Joseph • Lau, Jeffrey • Laudini, Francesco • Lavian, Michael • Leal Rojas, Juan Carlos • Leblanc, Kevin • Leblanc, Timothy Murray • Lee, Chong Hun • Lee, Trevor • Lee, Wan-Chen • Lestingi, Claudia • Liang, Chia Yueh • Lightbody, Jennifer Sunhee • Lindstrom, Hanna Ruth • Ling, Giovanni • Liu, Candy Si-Fu • Loberg, James Ryan • Loo, Cassidy • Loparco, Cinzia • Lopez, Arsenia • Lopez, Loreto • Losch, Juanita • Lovelock, Ryan • Luftspring, David • Luu, Benjamin • Luu, Minh • Lyubavina, Alina • MacdonaldRumi, Laura Jane • Macedo Neves, Camila • Mack, Leah Patrice • Macleod, Albion • Macmeekin, Joel • Mahalingam, Rajanees • Mahalingam, Sriranchana • Mahatheva, Saththijendran • Maheswaramoorthy, Muthiah • Mahon, Rachel Elizabeth • Maione, Francesco Gabriel • Maione, Linda • Mammoliti, Alana • Mammoliti, Andrea • Mammoliti, Anna • Mammoliti, Cosimo • Mammoliti, Elena • Mammoliti, Matteo • Mammoliti, Natalie • Mammoliti, Olivia • Mammoliti, Rita • Mammoliti, Simona • Mammoliti, Sophia • Mammoliti, Vince • Mancini, Andrea • Mango, Alessia • Marani, Marco • Marinez, German Rafael • Marini, Livia • Mariyathas, Robinson • Marks, Megan Danielle • Marshall, Brooklyn Tyler Nicole • Martinez, John Thomas • Mashadi, Sophia • Masui, Yukari • Mattiuzzi, Benedetta • Mcconkey, Caitlin • Mccormack, Hilary Campbell • Mcdonald, Carley • Mckenzie, Tiernan Alexander • Mclaren, Bethann • Mcnair, Jessica • Mcnally, Simon Joseph • Meagher, Courtney • Medina Puello, Florentino • Megly, Kimberly • Meixueiro Pastrana, Luis A • Menza, Gerardo • Mercnik, David • Meta, Vjolca • Metz, Tyler Anton • Micciolo, Andrea Guadelupe • Migliorino, Alexander C • Miller, Juliana • Miller, Louise • Minden, Ciara Louise • Miranda, Dora Margarida • Mizanur, Md Rahman • Mohamoud, Saida • Mohanarajah, Kunatheepan • Montoya Ruiz, Ivan Dario • Moore, Graeme • Moore, Lindsay • Morganti, Veronica • Morin, Alessia F • Morin, Cosimo • Morin, David • Morin, Michela • Morizane, Ai • Moro, Fabio • Mucciacito Lares, Angelo S • Mukhtar, Ahmed • Mukit, Abdul • Mullings Thompson, Shamar • Mulumba, Tshibunda • Murray, Cody • Murugan, Kirusanth • Murugesu, Jeyasivan • Musa, Md • Musgrave, James Kenneth • Nadarajah, Thavaseelan • Nagendram, Kamalnath • Nallathamby, Matheesparan • Nankivel, Stephanie • Narvekar, Prathamesh Shashikant • Natarelli,

Andrea • Navamani, Navamenan • Nercessian, Armen • Nguyen, Andrew • Nguyen, Xuan Truong • Nikolic, Aleksander • Noda, Chihiro • North, Jill Pamela • O’brien, Katharine • Ogilvie, William Dean • Olaru, Roxana • Omidvar, Tara • Palfery, Sebastian • Pallotta, Monica • Palmer, Stephanie • Palmer, Suzanne • Paolozza, Laura • Papa, Fabio • Papathanasakis, Zoe Katherine • Pappalardo, Claudia • Parabaviz Guzman, Luis Alfredo • Parabaviz, Gwendely • Park, Jee Yoon • Park, Yangsun • Partenio, Diane • Parvez, Md Masud • Pau, Mei Ki • Pawar, Prerana Manoj • Peever, Christine • Peixoto, Briana Neve • Pellegrini, Claudia • Perez, Jose A • Perumainar, Tharshini • Petena, Alessandro • Pheonix, Ann-Marie Pauline • Phillip, Shelly-Ann • Piatkowski, Michalina • Pinto Da Costa Silva, Daniela • Pitar, Joy Onoboh • Pivetta, Julia • Poirier, Benjamin • Ponce, Miriam • Pontarollo, Scilla • Postlethwaite, Andrew • Potocnik, Stephanie • Prunskus, Gint Michael • Puglia, Mario • Purdy, Sean • Pushparasa, Narayani • Quan, Jaques • Quaremba, Davide • Quinto, Michele • Radics, Jordan • Rahnama, Amin Mohammad • Rai, Arjun • Rajagopal, Kamalraj • Rajaratnam, Gnanachelvan • Rajasundram, Sasikumar • Ramirez Verhooks, Camila • Ramkay, Aneesa • Ramkissoonsingu, Evan Joseph • Ramsubick, Brittney • Ratnasingam, Sivathas • Rawat, Tarun • Recchia, Claudio • Regalado, Chris • Reis, Joao • Reynolds, Jessica Ann • Rezende E Silva, Mariana • Rezene, Merkeb • Ribera, Marcos • Ribera, Nathalia • Richie, Nicole • Riley, Jill • Ritter, Elliot • Rizzo, Taryn Raenne • Robson, Kevin • Roddon, Harrison C • Rodrigues, Brenda Rose • Rodriguez, Nanako Gabriela • Rogers, Joslyn • Rojas Granda, Andrea • Romanelli, Giovanni • Romito, Beatrice • Romito, Marina • Romsbottom, Eoin • Roseby Fine, Jade Tonanzin • Ross, Krista Michelle • Rossman, Kaythi • Rotatori, Luca • Samithamby, Erika • Samuelson, Robert • Santilli, Stefan Michael • Santos Carvalho, Renata • Santos Do Nascimento Maia, Milena • Sardinha, Clifford Richard • Sathiyakumar, Kriishaan • Savage, Brigid Su-Lin • Sciarotta, Giacomo • Seevaratnam, Amalatheeban • Seevaratnam, Sujeetharan • Sellan, Rajadurai • Sellathurai, Jeyabalasingam • Selvarasa, Rameshkumar • Senthilnathan, Vasantharupan • Serna Uzcategui, Marcos Roberto • Shahrior, Ahmed • Shanmuganathan, Sairasa • Shaw, Patti • Sherman, Alec • Shihab, Ahmed • Shovon, Saha • Shrestha, Shashishekhar • Shtapler, Bianca • Siemon, Chelsea Lee • Silva, Rafael • Simoes, Rita • Simoneschi, Gaia • Sinnathurai, Ajitharan • Sinnathurai, Thasotharan • Sinnathurai, Vijitharan • Sirianni, Natalie • Sivagunam, Jennis • Sivaguru, Sivarathan • Sivanantham, Mayuran • Sivarajah,


Sivabalaratnam • Sivasothy, Vaikunthavasan • Skantzos, Alexandra • Slute, Scott David • Smiley, Adriel Allister • Sobel, Bennett • Somasundram, Vijayathasan • Somayajula, Adithya • Somu, Karan • Son, Min Young • Spratt, Hailey Alexandria • Sriganesan, Sanjeevan • St Rose, Alsa • Stewart, Duncan • Stewart, Greame Charles • Stitchon, Michael • St-Jacques-Rouselle, Real • Suhan, Shelby Dawn • Sung, Cheng Hui • Supan, Krystal Anne • Supiramaniyam, Vejeyzkumar • Suppaiah, Suthan • Tabancura, Marian Eunice • Takada, Kazuyoshi • Takano, Ayako • Tan, Kevin Say Kit • Tan, Kiah Foong • Tantalo, Remo • Tassone, Alannah Augustina • Tavares, Emanuel • Tebbit, James • Teferi, Zena • Tesfa, Hayelom • Thambippillai, Pulendran • Thapa, Ratan • Thavapalasingam, Kiddinan • Thevasahayam, Sujeekaran • Thiruchelvam, Selvendran • Tobias, Kelley Erin • Tomanelli, Luca • Tong, Bellen Yanliang • Toole, Jennifer • Toone, Piper Tuesday • Tormena, Francesca Camilla • Torres Lopez, Carmin • Torres Lopez, Ruth Evangelina • Tosiek, Pawel • Tran, Bich Ngoc • Treglia, Domenic • Tremblay, Mackenzie • Trivedi, Ketan Maahi • Trommer, Zoe • Trucido, Daiana • TrucidoSalazar, Adrian • Turano, Francesco • Tusha, Xhenis • Usol’tseva, Olga • Uthisdiron, Krishnamoorthi • Vafapisheh, Shannon • Vaikathuparambu Sanjeev Roy, Kris • Valenzuela Angulo, Millary D • Van Hamme, Alex John • Varghese, Fredy • Varunalingam, Arudthevan • Vaughan, Mimi Rook • Vautour Ivey, Sienna • Vautour-Ivey, Shyanne • Velummylum, Kunarajh • Venturi, Mark • Vethanayagam, Anton Suresh • Vezina, Karilynn • Vickneswaran, Ariyathurairajah • Vijayakanthan, Vijayathasan • Vinasithamby, Karunakaran • Vrenozi, Robertina • Walker, Shannon • Walter, Lauren • Walzak, Jordan D • Wang, Shao-Fu • Ward, Jonathan • Wareing, Jessica Mary • Watson, Kari-Lynn • Weisfeld, Oren Avi • Welch, Nathaniel Zachary • Weldetensay, Reshan Desta • White, Nicholas Charles • Wieler, Madeleine • Willett, Matthew M • Williams, Maximilian • Wilson, Brandon • Wilson, Caitlin • Wong-Yong-Chin, Dylan • Woo, Colin • Worbanski, Michael William • Worster, Ryan Patrick • Wyganowski-Xanthis, Antonios • Yates, June • Yilmazer, Efe • Yu, Yeonju • Yurovska, Zoryana • Zavala, Luciano Granda • Ziv, Maaor Yona • Zorawski, Jacek • Zubek, Sarah Michele


Food • 100 Km Foods • A. Bertozzi • Abe Enterprise • Aurora Imporing • Baker's Pantry Ltd. • Burton Meats • C.P.Vegetable Oil Inc • Countryside Farms • Cumbrae's • Diana's Seafood • Dolce Lucano • Fine Beers • Fogo Island Fish Inc • Intercanada Fisheries • International Cheese • Juice Concepts • La Ferme • Les

Produits Alimentaires Viau Inc • Marc's Mushrooms • Martelli Foods • Mgm Truffles Canada • Mr.dairy • Niagara Food Specialites • Numage Trading Inc. • O"Nosso Talco • Ocean Miracle Seafood • Oishi Foods Ltd. • Pluck Tea • Qualifirst Foods Ltd. • Reality Foods • Sabrina Wholesale Foods • Seacore • Sloane Tea • Taste For Luxury • Tfb & Associates Limited • Toscana Meat • Tutto Gourmet Foods • Unicer


Beer, Wine and Liquor • Ace Hill Beer Company Inc • 30.50 Imports Inc • Appellation Wines • B&W Wines • Beau's Brewery • Coca-Cola • Cool Beer • F. Alonzi • Grape Brands • Halpern • Hendrick & Co • Hobbs & Co • Lcbo • Le Sommelier • Lifford • Majestic Wine • Perugini • Steel Town Cider Co. • Stem Wine Group • The Living Vine • The Merchant Vintner • The Small Winemakers Collection Inc • The Vine • Services And Restaurant Supplies • Alpi Inc • Alpine Specialty • Camcarb Ltd. • Cintas • Ecolab • Faema • Filtrex • Fortessa Canada • Gfl Environmental Inc • Grease Release • Harrington's • Hospitality Cleaning Services • K&S Belts And Leather Goods • L.c. Bakery Equipment Service • Lunar Caustic Press • Nella Group • Nikolaou • North America Foodservice Equipment • Olympic Dust Control • Poppies • Premise Protection Services • Primex Packaging Inc. • Production Service Industries • Qld Communications • Safeguard • Safety First • Silverware Pos • Stanpac • Sun's Business Supplies • The Supply Room • Topper Linen • United Kitchen • Vks Cleaning • Walker Environmental


Construction • Aspen Laminating • Atkins + Van Groll • Barlow • Bayo Span • Bk Conculring • Blueprint Gas And Mechanical • Brumar Engineering • Calibur Mechanical • Canadawide • Carter Tile Contractors Inc. • Century Builders Hardware • Ciot Marble • Commute Home • Costa Railings Ltd. • Demansou Construction • Deyan Painting & Decorating Ltd. • Dr. Landscape Inc. • Ely's Glass • Entuitive • Exotic Woods • Filo Timo Inc. • Forest View Industries • Gallery Metalworks • Giannone Petricone • Gnc Plumbing & Heating • Gold Improvements • Guild Electric Limited • Inviro Engineering • Leal Rental Centre • Marble & Marble • Mca Mechanical • Merrit Flooring • New Canadian Lumber • Noram Contract Inc • North American Stainless • Nu Trend Drywall • Ontario Cutting & Coring • Page Flooring • Paul's Plumbing • Pengelly • Realtech • Roman Metal Fabricating • Saliente Wood Designs • Sf Mechanical • Sistemalux • Small • Smart Idea • Sunguard Products • The Fence People Limited • Toronto Safety • Vast Interiors • Vienna Upholstery Ltd. • Vipond Fire Protection • Wrought Iron Work

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