Sept./Oct. 2017 Volume 2 Issue 1 FREE
Carlton Gray
Ambi Shantay
Perfect Harmony Graphics & Sound Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
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HuamiMagazine.com Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017 HuamiMagazine.com Raleigh/Durham - May/June 2017
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Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Huami Magazine Continues To Grow
There Are No If, Ands, Or Buts About It!
A Letter From The Editor
Can you believe it? Ten years have passed since the very first edition of Huami Magazine launched in Greensboro, NC. What started as A Letter from the Editor a personal conversation with God has grown into a full-fledged publication spanning four states. Beginning with the September/ October 2017 edition, Huami didn’t Magazine nowAll covers Memphis and What if tomorrow arrive? of your plans, hopes Nashville, TN, Greenville and Spartanburg, SC, and Richmond, VA. and dreams wouldn’t have a street to park on. What if everything that you decided to put off until tomorrow never Sometimes I still scratch my head and think of how God placed happened? There would be no reason to save for a rainy such a huge responsibility upon me. He knew and believed in my day, and you could spare someone the trouble of making capabilities, and has been merciful to allow me time to realize it for promises. What if your last opportunity seemingly expired myself. Even now, I am still learning and enjoying the ride while the today? What would you do? process changes and the purpose becomes clearer.
I’veamazing been told that I often seemMagazine. like I do too This is an moment for Huami Justmuch. as we Honestly, Ivarious feel likebusiness I am notowners, doing enough and individuals I’m a firm have showcased community believer in knowing thatCarolina, God wouldn’t putnow anything on the me and leaders throughout North we have acquired that I couldn’t handle. I sometimes how would interest of others in neighboring states whowonder desire to be life informed be if I chose to sit idle and accept what it presented to and learn about what’s happening in our portion of the Africanme. I have found that Ito berecall very aboring. myproduced opinion, in opportunity American community. can featureInwe 2008 on is a blessing that isn’t afforded to everyone. A challenge the Warnersville neighborhood in Greensboro, NC. They were the very to meAmerican is an adventure. What isinthe canwere happen? first African neighborhood theworst triad, that and we very If I do nothing, I fail, and if I try I don’t, but instead learn fortunate to interview one of the original citizens, Teresa Pennix. The something new about Relinquish yourHuami pride and in story was rich in history but itmyself. also helped to position Magazine return acquire life. amongst other existing publications in our area. What started then has continued to 2017, all because of the support from our readers and The bestcommunity. advice ever given to me happened when someone the surrounding told me to make my tomorrow happen today. In doing so WithI have the expansion of Huami Magazine, sowith doesathe pressed my way through doors keyopportunities that only for ourhope readers and supporters grow. You will be connected provided. I have also learned the now difference betweento otherswhat who also andme thirst thewhat African culture and God think blesses withfor and life American can burden me with information Huami Magazine known for delivering. If it’s happening as well. I compare it toisknowing when to be confident and in Tennessee, we will share it in South Carolina. a musician when to When be quiet, becauseor author needs to be heard of someone may get outside it confused Richmond, we will transport their craft with being arrogant. to the readers of Charlotte, Raleigh, Spartanburg andyou Nashville. Make tomorrow happen today, but most This is what Huami Magazine is importantly make it count. all about. For the past 10 years, Life is but a whisper and everything we’veput done has nowin a we must ourselves openedposition the doors to where weit are to hear what is headed.telling I am very honored and us. privileged to take you along with us.
Terry L. L. Watson Terry Watson Editor/Founder 4
www.huamimagazine.com www.huamimagazine.com Editor In Chief Terry L Watson
Publisher Terry L. Watson Allen - Deputy Editor DawnAlana C. Thornton Writer Safiya Nelson Writer Writers Dr. MarrissaTonya Dick Dixon Writer Terry L. Watson Writer Terry L. Watson Alana Allen Tamara Smith Jeuron Todd Youngblood Dove Photographer Ashleigh Crawley Photographer Photographers Toni Shaw Photographer Perfect Lenz Photography Todd Youngblood Photography Jerry Shaw Barbry Photographer Photography Group Still Shots Photography Howard Gaither Photography Who Shotya Photography Layout
Mykel Media Company Linda Bennett
mykelmedia@yahoo.com huami.triangle@gmail.com (336) 340-7844 (336)340-7844
HUAMI MAGAZINE is published bimonthly quarterly by the Mykel Media Company. Any reproduction of any portion of this publication is prohibited without written permission from the publisher prior to doing so. Mykel Media doesn’t accept responsibility for statements made by individuals featured or advertisers. Comments concerning this publication may be submitted to the editor by E-mail at terrywatson@huamimagazine.com Email or Telephone terry.editor@yahoo.com terry.editor@yahoo.com or to 336-340-7844 Mykel Media Company, LLC P.O. Box 20102 Greensboro, NC 27420 HUAMI MAGAZINE 2017 All Rights Reserved 2014 All Rights Reserved
On The Cover
Photo by Shaw Photography Group
HuamiMagazine.com Raleigh/Durham - 2014 Sep./Oct.Want 2017To Advertise? Call (336)340-7844 HuamiMagazine.com November/December
Chiccy Baritone
Carlton L. Gray
A+ Introductions
Also Inside
17 I
Teen Adolescents Pin Girls Journal A Girls World
Healing Flows From Nashville Ambi Shantay
Stephanie Carver
James Coleman
MJ Footworkz Kevin Hayes
Shay Stanley
Mackenzie Cox
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Perfect Harmony Graphics & Sound 6
Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
By Dr. Marrissa Dick Photos by Still Shots Photography ife has its twist and turns, however Stephanie Carver rises from the ashes of adversity and oppression into her promise land of milk and honey. Now a days, divorce and being a single parent seem like familiar societal norms. What’s not normal is how she has managed to navigate through these gates of subjugation utilizing her personal life experiences as a blue print to combat oppressive forces. Unfortunately, we know all too well that life happens and things can go very wrong at times.. Well, Stephanie is no different. At one point in her life she had it all - - marriage, children, and a well-paying job in corporate America. Inevitably life happened and she found herself in a volatile marriage and soon afterward unemployed and homeless. Stephanie credits God for being the one stable anchor in her life through it all. She also credits Him with giving her the wisdom to work part-time on her business, Perfect Harmony Graphics and Sound, the one stop shop for all types of event printing and planning, even while she had gainful employment. The impetus for her business was drawn from volunteer work she did for her church, family and friends. Stephanie is thankful the people she love not only love her but aided in honoring her creative skills by entrusting her with designing, programs, obituaries, invitations, flyers and commemorative booklets, over the years. It was during these special occasions when people began to take notice of her anointed abilities and since then the referrals haven’t stopped flowing. She firmly believes that praying and being under the leadership of Apostle Mary D. McKenzie, incorporating the teachings of the 4 E’s, Evangelism, Empowerment, Education and Entrepreneurship from Faith Assembly Christian Center, THE NEW CHURCH has undoubtedly been a major blessing in manifesting God’s will in her life.
“The one thing I love about this business is that I have the ability to personalize and customize whatever my clients need”.
It is clear that when the blessings begin to flow you have to be ready for the transition. After losing her main job at IBM, Stephanie was fortunate enough to work for her cousin for a season while still garnering clientele for her own business that she was working from her home. Within a year she has been able to step out on faith into an actual office suite where she has expanded her business. “In March I branched out into my own office so I could expand several different parts of the business. The first part of Perfect Harmony Graphics and Sound is printing and copying. This is where we do anything that a store like Kinko’s or Staples can do. Now we’ve incorporated an event side where we actually coordinate and plan special events like designing a wedding program to planning the entire wedding. We also do creative parties and graduation celebrations from beginning to end. Perfect Harmony Graphics and Sound also produces the lighting, music, and live sound for these events. We can do it all right here. We can be the one stop shop that people need.” The passion and satisfaction that motivates her in this area of her life is the personal connection she makes with each client. “The one thing I love about this business is that I have the ability to personalize and customize whatever my clients need,” she shares. Remaining transparent is important to Stephanie as her business and volunteerism expands through the Triangle area into other cities in the United States. She wants people to know that her “business was really a recovery from being a survivor of domestic violence, losing her job and then being attacked and raped. Regardless of the situation you’re in you can always have a bounce back spirit and conquer it.” Stephanie encourages people to find what they love to do and do it. She firmly believes that God has created and endowed everyone with the ability to do something and that when we find that something we should love it and learn to live in it instead of merely existing through life. In fact, she is so steadfast in her belief of having a “bounce back spirit” that when she preached her initial sermon, “There’s Life After Death,” she realized that her experiences were there to undergird her testimony. She says, “God gave me that title because when you’re in a situation like divorce you feel like you’re in a dead space but then when you find that purpose inside of you that’s when you come back to life and understand that there is life after death. You understand that you can’t live in the struggle. … So I would say to anyone to keep your foundation in Christ. That’s just what brought me over and that’s my drive. I can do this. I was created for this,” she shares. Continued on the next page
Raleigh/Durham Raleigh/Durham--Sept./Oct. Sept./Oct. 2017 2017
HuamiMagazine.com HuamiMagazine.com
As a community social justice advocate, minister, and evangelist, Stephanie partners with community constituents (Amazing Grace Adoption Agency) to share factual knowledge about laws and policies that affect education, domestic violence, rape victims, and Dumpster Babies that may otherwise be overlooked within the community. One of her current victories surrounding education has been that she she aided in collecting over 5,000 signatures. She had an amazing team working with her to increase the High School dropout age from 16 to 18 which is a laudable accomplishment. Additionally, Stephanie advocates on behalf of Dumpster Babies. It has been her experience that, “Sometimes women end up pregnant from being raped and if they have these children some women will abandon these children inside of a dumpster instead of taking them someplace safe like Amazing Grace Adoption Agency, the fire department or the police station out of fear of being arrested for abandonment and charged with a crime or simply being embarrassed. So I want people to know that there are safe places to leave these children. I want them to know that there is another option because I promote life.” Promoting life comes in multiple and competing ways for Stephanie. One way is being a viable parent for her two daughters and another way is authoring two novels that are spiritual self-help books. Next month Stephanie will launch these two books simultaneously. The first book is entitled, After the Alter and Before the Pulpit and the other title is You Were Born To Embrace and Triumph the Brain Power of Your Advisory: Come As YOU ARE God Has Need of You.
“I believe that God allowed my struggle to be so hard so I can be committed and really make a change.”
Both of these books speak to God’s ability to empower us to triumph over the struggles in our lives. It is going through the struggle that Stephanie believes comes any testimony. She shares, “I believe that God allowed my struggle to be so hard so I can be committed and really make a change. I do everything within my social justice advocacy on a voluntary basis. It’s my way of giving back especially because He has really prospered my business.” Stephanie would like for her community to know that she stands by her ministries as well as her business. She literally walks her talk. Stephanie says, “My business really is everything that I stand and fight for. I want to encourage everyone that wants to step out there and own their own business or work in the community to focus on the benefits and overlook the no’s. I never want to paint this perfect picture that everything is great and there aren’t going to be any struggles because there are giants that you will have to face whenever you’re trying to conquer anything but you just have to focus on the doors that open for you. Don’t waste time trying to convince the no’s because that one yes will be more than enough,” she assures the person desiring to own their own business. h
Perfect Harmony Graphics and Sound is newly located at 4819 Emperor Boulevard - Suite 400, Durham, NC 27703 You can contact Stephanie Monday – Friday from 9 – 5 at (919) 313-4684 For Social Justice Advocacy assistance please contact her at (919) 724-5926 to schedule an appointment. 88
Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
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Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
By Dr. Marrissa Dick Photos by Jerry Barbry
Genesis 3:19 says, “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” It’s the returning to dust portion where funeral directors can ease this transition by acknowledging the emotional wellbeing of the bereaved and by providing the family with a professional presentation of their loved one’s remains. Meet Mr. Gray, owner and operator of Carlton L. Gray Funeral and Cremation Services. Established since 2004 he and his staff are well known throughout the Wake County and Raleigh Durham area for providing quality death care services. Their reputation even extends to international and national borders. Discussions of death can be a daunting task, but it is a discussion that Mr. Gray has been anointed to have. From the tender age of six he knew that God had planted a seed inside of him to provide care for the dearly departed. A seed that his grandfather saw fit to water with great pride. According to Mr. Gray, “I became involved in the death care industry because I grew up around it. My grandfather was a grave digger, a laborer, in my home town and I spent a lot of time with him. As far as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a mortician and own my own funeral home.” Mr. Gray is thankful that he never forgot his grandfather’s words of wisdom stressing the importance of him receiving an education in the field. His grandfather said, “Son, if you do decide to do this make sure you go to school and get a license so you can go further than me.” It was watching his grandfather’s spirit of excellence and humble servitude that solidified his respect for the death care industry. Ecclesiastes 9:11 states, “The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but he who endures until the end.” This is what Mr. Gray did - endured. Once he graduated from high school Carlton’s goals were to join the military, attend mortuary school, and eventually have his own funeral business. Upon retiring from the US Army he attended John Tyler Community College in Petersburg, Virginia where he graduated with a degree in funeral services. From there he worked at Joseph M. Johnson Funeral Home in McKenny, Virginia for a short period. Mr. Gray credits his time working under William Toney’s Funeral Homes of Spring Hope and Zebulon, North Carolina for affording him the opportunity to gain tremendous experience in serving in the death care industry. Reflecting back on attaining his goals, Mr. Gray chuckles of the times when having his own business was merely a dream. He shares, “You know most funeral directors or morticians have a story very similar to mine. Growing up I played funeral a lot. I remember embalming all of the baby dolls I could get my hands on, digging a grave in the back yard, then burying them. I would have a service and use the kids in my family and in the neighborhood as the bereaved family and of course, I was the funeral director.” He is grateful that his persistence and steadfastness has come full circle.
A Legacy Built On Service
Pictured (from L-R) are James Snelling, Jarvin Holder, Liz Richardson, Milon Fenner, Calvin Cherry
“I became involved in the death care industry because I grew up around it. My grandfather was a grave digger, a laborer, in my home town and I spent a lot of time with him. As far as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a mortician and own my own funeral home.”
Continued on the next page
Carlton Gray with wife Mirranda
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Carlton Gray
So, why would a family seek Carlton L. Gray Funeral and Crematory Services as the ideal business to handle their loved ones transition from this earthly world to the next? Mr. Gray is confident that it’s because of the individualized and genuine care that he and his staff provide to each family. He also believes that his services stand out from the rest of the other funeral homes in the area because they provide traditional and alternative services as well as offer international and national shipping of human remains. They have extensive experience in sending ones beloved remains to all parts of the world like Africa and South America. Additionally, they are knowledgeable about international policy and procedures and cultural customs. Mr. Gray also believes that their business is growing through word of mouth because they help their families make wise decisions as far as choosing different options. His patrons often tell him that once everything is over the family has peace of mind that their loved one has received quality care. Mr. Gray shares that he and his staff literally treat the families who enter their doors as though it could be someone in their own family. He says, “We all have to remember that person lying there is somebody’s wife, somebody’s husband, somebody’s mother, somebody’s father, somebody’s daughter or son and you have to treat that deceased person as though they are the most valuable person you’ve ever had and that’s something we do every time.” The funeral home provides a variety of resources that extend from your basic funeral etiquette to grief counseling and advance planning.
“No one has any control over death. So it’s important to plan for this day. We plan for all of these other life events like birthday parties, a graduation and a wedding and we insure the things that we value like our homes and our cars. We need to ensure our lives so when we leave here we can be assured that our loved ones aren’t going to be in debt behind our untimely departure.”
Another benefit of seeking Carlton L. Gray Funeral and Crematory Services would be to gain advice about resources that are available to veterans. With Mr. Gray being a veteran, he has intricate knowledge about completing the required forms so veterans can take full advantage of their death care benefits from burials to markers to receiving additional monies that a family may be entitled too. He says, “All honorable discharged veterans are entitled to a flag, monument, and a burial space in a Federal or State owned veterans cemetery. Some veterans may even be entitled to more monetary benefits depending on their status.” Mr. Gray encourages all veterans to locate their discharge papers so when that time comes their loved one knows exactly where to look for that information. He believes knowledge is power and knowing where to find information relieves half that financial stress and worry from the family. He and his staff also assist with completing Social Security benefit forms. Mr. Gray is painfully aware that when anyone is calling upon his services that “they’re probably experiencing the worst day of their life.” Far too often families don’t know what to do or understand how to handle funeral arrangements. The one thing Mr. Gray would like to impress upon those reading this article is for anyone who is the head of their family, the bread winner, or a single parent is to have insurance and maintain it. He says, “No one has any control over death. So it’s important to plan for this day. We plan for all of these other life events like birthday parties, a graduation and a wedding and we insure the things that we value like our homes and our cars. We need to insure our lives so when we leave here we can be assured that our loved ones aren’t going to be in debt behind our untimely departure.” Mr. Gray stresses the importance of leaving your children and grandchildren a legacy by maintaining an insurance policy. As he explains it, “Yes they’re going to miss you when you’re gone, but if you can leave them enough money to burry you and leave them enough money to go to college or enough to start a business of their own then just think how much more they would appreciate you knowing that you had the foresight to think about bettering their future.” Mr. Gray wanted to share that purchasing insurance is very inexpensive and anyone can go to their local funeral home to acquire a policy.
Carlton Gray 12
Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
Carlton L. Gray Funeral and Crematory Services is one of the first African American owned funeral homes to build and own their own crematory in North Carolina. He is hopeful that his children will carry on the legacy of the business. Mr. Gray acknowledges that we are living in a globalized world where a lot of inquiries and transactions are taking place through the Internet. He says, “You know we live in such a transient world and because of the Internet you don’t really have to go to a brick and mortar facility. We have a lot of inquiries and we communicate through the internet. I see our cremation services growing more and more. I think that’s the wave of the future and I’m glad that we’re able to accommodate those that desire that type of service.” Mr. Gray is humbled by his patrons continued support and shows his appreciation by giving an Annual Remembrance Service for all families who have lost loved ones during the year. He recognizes that, “they can easily go anyplace else but they chose us and we don’t take it for granted. … We try to serve all of our families with the utmost professional service every time.” Carlton L. Gray Funeral and Crematory Services is a 6,600 square foot funeral home and crematory facility located at 2810 Kidd Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. They are licensed by the National Board of Funeral Directors, the North Carolina Board of Funeral Services, the Funeral Director and Embalmer Association, and they are also an authorized insurance agent. Mr. Gray and his staff are on call 24/7 365 days a year; however, their hours of operation for their physical location are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Call them or visit their website today to learn more about their quality funeral and cremation services and affordable pricing. h
2810 Kidd Road - Raleigh, NC 27610 919-231-6120 www.carltongrayfuneral.com Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Chiccy Baritone
here isn’t just one word that can sufficiently describe Chiccy Baritone. First, she is a Christian and poet who has a talent for manipulating words as a means of expressing herself. She is also a writer, bookworm, traveler, and coffee connoisseur who has a natural love for people and culture. Her work as a poet is spiritually grounded and inspired by God. While she speaks, Chiccy hopes that something spoken will minister to the souls of others. Before discovering the gift of poetry, Chiccy worked corporately as an engineer, focusing on project controls and product development, all while balancing her love for the arts and technology. She believed managing a professional career and a career as a poet helped to cultivate a desire for social change and empowerment. “I discovered the gift of poetry while doing pageants at Spring Valley High School during my junior and senior year. While trying to decide what I was going to do as my talent, I knew I loved to read poetry so I decided to do monologues. Once I graduated from high school, I entered college at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, SC with the desire to start writing. Right before graduating I visited an “open-mic” event where I opened my personal notebook and began reading poetry that expressed my growing pains in college,” she says. Upon moving to Greenville, SC in 2001, she took poetry a little more seriously and started memorizing her work, until she started Chiccy Baritone Productions in 2004. God is a keeper. From 2009 to 2016 she has experienced several challenges in life. One being very painful, was the death of her mom, Viola Evans, and a bitter moment with the deaths of her two best friends, Mertyse Lemons and Tavis Brunson. At those times in her life, Baritone recognized how close she was to falling deeply into depression but says that God continued to keep her through it all. “My relationship with Jesus and the power of the word of God continues to strengthen and motivate me to live my life for God and to fulfill every assignment that God appoints,” she says. Looking forward Baritone hopes to complete a couple of books, one for poetry and another that is dedicated to the memory of her mom. She plans to continue to work on her next CD titled, ”Wildflower Vol. 2” along with her band in Greenville, SC. She will also host “”Breakfast For Champions/Women Empowering Women” sessions throughout the United States. Her first independent session will take place in Columbia, SC on September 23, 2017.
Chiccy Baritone
Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
Adolescent Girls Pen New Journal That Is For And All About Girls “A Girl’s World” is a journal wholly created by girls, for girls that provokes honest and compassionate discussion about what it means to be an adolescent girl.
A Girls World is an authentic and hearfelt journey into the lives of adolescent girl discovering themselves. The authors, Damonie Johnson (14) and Laila Thomas (10) share true stories about their experiences with pain, excitement and the stress of meeting the many expectations placed upon them as adolescent girls. Through this engaging and interactive dialogue journal, adolescent girls will be challenged to explore their own self-identity, how it affects their relationships with their peers and how their identity and engagement with the world is impacted by simply being a girl. “I really want to be able to share my story and experiences in a way that lets other girls know that they are not alone,” says, Johnson. Johnson bravely shares her heartwrenching story of helping a friend who was hurting herself and how she has struggled to overcome the pain of growing up without her mother. But this book is not just about heart-ache and pain. The book also encourages adolescent girls to find beauty in everything around them. “I want girls to be inspired by the things they see in their everyday life… shapes, colors, flowers, and especially, food!” says Thomas.
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
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MJ Footworkz www.mjfootworkz.com
By Terry L. Watson Photos by Kevin Hayes Make no mistake about it, Kevin Hayes is the real thing. Chances are you’ve seen his impersonation of Michael Jackson and probably thought you were looking at the late “King of Pop” himself. Kevin is just that good! Kevin Hayes has been busy perfecting his craft and learning various dance styles such as African, Jazz, Hip Hop, Salsa, and Tap. He began dancing informally for family and friends before realizing he made people happy when he danced. At the age of 14, he attended Mount Tabor High School where he continued his love for dance as “Spartan” - the school Mascot. For three years (1987 – 1991), he dazzled the crowd with his fancy footwork, demanding the audience’s attention while doing what came natural, dancing. For the next 26 years, he continued to grow and learn. His own style of dance is influenced and inspired by Boogaloo Shrimp, Chris Brown, Channing Tatum, Gregory Hines, James Brown, Janet Jackson, Levelle Smith Jr, the late Michael Jackson, Pavan Thimmiah, Shabba Doo, and Usher. He has danced for celebrity stars from the East to the West Coast. He has opened up for the Busta Brown Summer Festival, CIAA Half-Time (1997), Doug E. Fresh, Kid n’Play, Ki Ki Sheppard (Tribute to Roger Troutman), Outkast, and the Wu-Tang Clan. He has auditioned for America’s Got Talent (2014), Beyonce World Tour (2006), 102 Jamz Crew, and became a backup dancer for N-Tyce and performed with Mr. Bill’s Productions. He has won various dance titles and accolades for Best Dance Group – Dem Carolina Boyz & 85 South Boyz in 2006, 2010 and 2014. However, his most fulfilling and impressionable role is that of impersonating Michael Jackson. In 2014, Kevin became the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Footworkz, LLC. “MJ Footworkz is my impersonation of Michael Jackson. I put on a full show with backup dancers and change into different costumes, and bring the magic and his legacy to life before your very own eyes.,” he says.
It all started when he joined the dance group Rambo Productions in 2001. As the years went on, he I was just trying, out of curiosity to see how the audience would react if he were to impersonate the late Michael Jackson. It succeeded, and he ended up in The Fayetteville Observer. From that day, MJ Footworkz has been going. “God has impacted in my life to make the world a better place and to spread His love. I love to give people a reason to smile, and also give people great tears of joy. I love what I do,” says Kevin. He finds the most inspirations in God, his mother and father, fiance Shakura Hayes, his late cousin, Ricky Davenport and the Hayes/Davenport family. In the future Kevin says he would like to go on tour and give back to communities all across the nation and around the world. “It can most definitely be done if you believe in God and yourself whole-heartedly,” he says. With that said, let’s see Kevin dance the night away! h
jason coleman 3D Athletic Training 919-758-7302 www.3dathletictraining.com Jason Coleman is a native of Raleigh, North Carolina by way of Chicago. Coach Jay graduated from Sanderson High School in 2002. While playing varsity basketball, he was voted to the CAP 8 All-Conference Team his junior and senior years while averaging 18 points per game, respectively. While playing for Shaw University he was named to the 2004-2005 CIAA All-Freshman Team. He strives to provide the fundamental skills of basketball, build strong ties within his community and encourage athletes to always give their best in every area of life. Coach Jay has two sons, Jamyr and Jakairi, who are his most prized possessions. He takes pride in being apart of their lives daily and does not miss anything that involves them. He coached both of their basketball teams and volunteers at their school for various activities throughout the year. He affectionately calls them his “BodyGuards”. Since 2011 Coach Jay has coached in various capacities. He has coached in youth basketball leagues for Raleigh Parks and Recreation, and helped coach Triangle Elite AAU junior team. Last season he was hired as head coach of the boys basketball team at Lowes Grove Middle School in Durham, North Carolina. He is currently a USA Basketball Gold Licensed coach and is head coach of the 4th grade and 8th grade AAU basketball teams for Carolina Elite basketball organization that is an affiliate of Under Armour basketball. Coach Jay is sought out in the basketball community to train athletes 1-on-1 and in small group settings. He has trained players ranging from five years, all the way up to the collegeiate and professional levels. As an advocate for athletes, Coach Jay takes his commitment serious in developing a well-rounded player. He does not stop once his participants leaves the court. He ensures academic success, encourages community involvement, and assists with the transition to middle/high school and to future endeavors in life. Coach Jay lives by the motto of “With Discipline, Dedication, and Determination (3Ds) you can achieve anything in life on and off the court!” Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Her Nicknames
Cutest Baby
Mackenzie Deenaya Cox The daughter of Xavier and Shontria Cox Photos provided by Shontria Cox
To submit photographs to be placed in the Huami Magazine Cutest Baby feature, please send a detailed email to mykelmedia@yahoo.com
Angela Kelley is The Match Maker www.aplusintroductions.com Singles in the Triangle have a wonderful opportunity to meet other like-minded singles. Since 2014 Angela Kelley, a Professional Matchmaker and owner of A+ Introductions, LLC, has been helping to add love to the lives of her members through traditional matchmaking. Angela, also known fondly as “The Triangle Matchmaker” has been devoted to creating a fun, safe, dignified and stress-free experience for singles to find the relationships they want. What Is Traditional Matchmaking andDoes Howit Differ From What Is Traditional Matchmaking and How DoesDating it Differ From Online Dating Sites? Online Sites? For centuries, traditional matchmaking was the primary method of meeting a suitable mate. Often, someone that knew the couple well-- a close relative, trusted family friend or clergy member would introduce two single people. This system was successful or many couples since the matchmaker was familiar with the unique qualities and strengths that would make the couple compatible. Traditional matchmaking can be distinguished from online dating in that there are no online profiles, no apps and no swiping left or right. The matches are not based on computer algorithms and are not opportunities for scammers to prey upon trusting singles. With A+ Introductions, Angela (not a computer system) makes all matches based on the individual member’s specific criteria after becoming personally acquainted with each member. A+ Introductions is a selective service for members that seek long term committed relationships and does not work with individuals looking for casual dating. Unlike most online dating services, A+ Introductions creates a safe and reliable environment to meet quality, like- minded singles. What Kind of People Use Matchmaking Services? What Kind of People Use Traditional Matchmaking? A+ Introduction members include a variety of singles that are ready to add love to their lives. Most members are age 35 or older and are mature enough to have some life experience and a better understanding of what they are looking for in their next relationship. They come from various backgrounds, professions and ethnicities. Members are recruited from within the Triangle region (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill) and are single for a variety of reasons: • They are so busy creating their amazing lives that socializing has taken a backseat. • They may have outgrown the local bars and club scene. • They may not want to rely on family and friends to set them up on another well intentioned but not-quite-right date. • They are skeptical of the “cat-fish” and “gold-diggers” seeking to prey on unsuspecting singles • They may be disappointed from all the time, energy and expense wasted on online dating experiences. • They may be eager to find a great mate, but aren’t sure where to look or how to make it happen. • They feel unsure that there are any available singles interested in meeting good people. Ultimately, all members are seeking a positive and comfortable experience that results in a great relationship.
www.facebook.com/ aplusintroductions
How Does Traditional Matchmaking How Does theThe Traditional Matchmaking ProcessService Work? Work? The first step is a one-on-one introductory meeting to discuss your needs, wants and expectations for your new relationship. In addition to providing information about your personal history, you will be asked to share details of the specific qualities you seek in a mate. If you are deemed an appropriate candidate for the service Angela will provide details on customized service options. You will be encouraged to ask questions and to carefully consider all the service options. If you are not a good fit for the service, Angela will offer suggestions and/ or referrals for other options that might work better for your situation. The safety of all A+ Introductions members is a top priority. A thorough personal and criminal background check will be conducted for each potential member as a requirement for membership. A+ Introductions recognizes the importance of privacy and will not disclose the results of the background check. This is a very selective service and membership may not be offered to individuals that do not meet membership standards. The integrity of the service is based on honest, open communication between the members and the Matchmaker. Each member will receive a copy of the A+ Introductions Membership Rules/ Code of Conduct. Once a suitable mate is identified, Angela will contact you by telephone or email. Basic information about your potential mate will be shared as well as a brief explanation of what makes you well suited for one another. Following the first date, your Matchmaker will be in contact with both members to get feedback about the experience. This critical step will provide insight and will allow members an opportunity to refine the criteria used for making future introductions. The process is a simple, private and a one-of-a-kind experience for all!
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Ambi Shantay
Healing Flows was written as a spiritual and emotional release. It details my faith-journey with infertility and high-risk pregnancy. It looks at those issues in the face and speaks to men and women everywhere because my battle may not be their battle. For every problem, GOD has a solution. I instruct readers how to trust God for the impossible. I also speak to issues of depression, anxiety, and loss. These are things that we don’t like to talk about in the Black Community; but if we can have it, then God can heal it. We just have to believe, and I have been chosen to share my journey in order that someone else may be healed and set free.
Who is Ambi Shantay? Ambi Shantay is my brand but I also wear a lot of hats. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, minister, a visionary-and with all those hats, I have to be somebody different in each role. I am the person you want to call on the phone and ask for advice, but you’re not really sure that you are ready to receive what that person has to say. I can love on you and give you the words you need to hear; but at the same time, I am that person that’s going to hold you accountable and allow you to really look inside yourself and pull out those things that you desired to keep hidden. I’m everybody’s sister.
What do you love about writing? I have always loved writing, yet I’ve always pursued it as a hobby. Whether it was just journaling or writing devotionals and sharing them when I minister, I never took it further. I considered journalism when I went to college, but I ended up pursuing a degree in Corporate and Organizational Communication because my passion for speaking was greater. I never had a desire to actually be an author; which is so ironic. My first book “Healing Flows”, I consider an assignment directly from the Lord, so of course I had to be obedient. I had recently given birth to my first child and I was suffering from post-partum depression. I didn’t know how to express my emotions. There were so many and I just felt alone like I couldn’t talk to anyone, and so I started back writing. However, I didn’t know that my written thoughts were going to be shared with the world. Two years later I was in prayer and I was asking God to move me to the next level. Clear as day, I heard “write your book”. I didn’t have to question Him because I already knew what He wanted.
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Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
What is your testimony? I am ecstatic to be celebrating 5 years in ministry this year ! Not only am I celebrating 5 years in ministry, but I am doing what I love to do. What better way to celebrate than with the release of my brand new book! God has called me to tend to the hearts of my sisters, and it’s not a task that I take lightly. I am also grateful for the leadership of my shepherd Jason Scales and Lady Barbara, pastors of Believers Faith Fellowship, who allows me to freely walk in my calling and encourages us to define our destiny and walk in our purpose. I can finally say that I am doing just that, and it is a great feeling. The process is not always easy and we don’t always understand it, but it’s definitely worth the struggle. A lot of people won’t see what has been planted inside of you. It’s not for them to see. Stay the course! Don’t giveup. h
Shay Stanley Myrtle Beach Resident Launched Her Own Line of Hair Care Products By Terry L. Watson Photos by Pure Artistic Studio
hay Stanley has built a hair product line on one principle, “do it with passion or not at all”. At the start of Shay’s career she worked as a licensed Cosmetologist in someone else’s salon before opening her own salon, Styles By Mizz Shay in Little River, South Carolina (located within 15 minutes of Myrtle Beach) in 2013.
As a stylist she specializes in Silk Presses, Blowouts, Relaxers, Styled Cuts, Color, Natural Hair, and Extensions. While operating a salon in a beach community, Stanley noticed many of her clients’ hair were adversely affected by high humidity and a lack of moisture. She responded by creating a line of hair care products that would directly address their issues. Thus, Desire Transformation Hair Care was born. Desire Transformation Hair Care is designed to infuse moisture and proteins that aid in eliminating frizz while leaving the hair soft and manageable. Some of their products include Detox Therapy Shampoo, Hydrating Moisture Shampoo, Moisturizing Silking Conditioner, Shiny Satin Silk, and Hair Growth Oil. They also offer personable selections and travel kits. All of the Desire Transformation Hair Care products are available online. The transformation experience is what Shay loves about her products and services. “I chose this career because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. I understand the needs of my clients and I am able to meet them by providing a level of service that brings life back into their hair,” she says. “At my salon, I provide an atmosphere that promotes healthy hair and beauty, both outward and inward. It is impossible for one to leave and not feel transformed.” Moving forward, Stanley hopes to expand Desire Transformation’s presence in the marketplace to that of the bigger brands. She also hopes to conduct continuing education classes and seminars for other stylists in and around South Carolina.
Orders Available Online www.desiretransformationhaircare.com
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
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July/August 2017 Volume 2 Issue 1 FREE
Ambi Shantay
Your Property Doctors
Paranda Davis The Credit Beast Charlotte - July/August 2017
Natasha Ervin
Gentlemen R Us 1
Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017
919-610-9878 Lanette1850@yahoo.com Specializing in bringing peace of mind to first-time homebuyers and middle to low income individuals who don’t think they can acquire a home due to poor credit and/or financial straits. I focus immensely on the details and exhibit 100% patience in each relationship.
Licensed Cosmetologist Busy School Schedules Got You On The Go?
Allow Crystels To Keep Your Family Right
We offer Shampoo with our without Scalp Treatments, Blowouts, Braids & Natural Hair Care
Crystels Styles & More Pedicures Plus
Raleigh/Durham - Sept./Oct. 2017
Raleigh/Durham - Sep./Oct. 2017