Huami For Kids Aug./Sept. 2024

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To Go Back To School

I get to see all of my friends in the hallway. That is one of the fun things that I get to do.

Now that summer is over, I don’t to sleep for a long time. I am used to getting up anyway.

On the weekends, I get to play and watch tv with my Brother. That is my best friend.

At school I am suppose to listen to my teacher and ask questions. We also have recess and downtime. I like to play football and basketball.

I love riding the bus to school. This is my first year riding the bus to school. I sit in the front of the bus.

When I get older, I would like to be a firefighter, a police officer, or something else.

My favorite food to eat is Pizza. I love my mother a whole lot. I also love my brother a whole lot.

I take care of my Mama and my Grandma. She always goes outside when I go to sleep. Who

to Jamaica for my birthday!

I was a model in a fashion show. I changed my clothes alot.

My favorite food is sausage. I also like Hot Pockets. The pizza kind.

The Notorious S.T.R DJ Service

Meet the 12 year old DJ from Winchester, VA. The Notorious S.T.R DJ Service. Starla has just started the 7th Grade in Middle School. Amazingly, she has over 6000 fans on Facebook and Instagram.

She began working as a DJ about two years ago, but has be working the one’s and two’s for about four years now.

“My parents wanted for me to get a hobby, and I really liked it. My dad had some friends that worked with me so I can get better. I kept practicing and people began to see me on Instagram. My first gig was a virtual mothers day program in NYC and it took off from there. We have done birthday parties, corporate events, and school functions. My biggest gig was on March 9th, 2024, for one of the biggest comic and anime conventions in the country entitled, AWESOME CON. It was held in Washington D.C.”

“What I enjoy most is most of the shows we did were with different music such as Hip Hop, Pop, Country, Rock, and House Music.”

“My mom and dad inspire me alot. They make me practice at least once a week.”

“Even a NYC radio station plays my stuff every Saturday at 1:00 pm on internet radio 104.5 FM, NYC on The Street Takeover Radio Show. I would like to go to college to take up sound production, so I can understand everything involved with DJ-ing.”

“I have two schools I’d like to get into, Virginia Tech or Penn State.” h kids


I am currently a student and young businessman. I am 13 years old and ambitious. I am trying my best to be a good student and to run a business alongside my mom.

The name of my business is MelanBrand Skin. It’s a skincare line for kids.

My business began about a year ago. My mom and I noticed when we went shopping that there was not much skincare stuff available that was gentle enough for kids my age. We have moisturizers, facial cleansers, handmade soaps, and a cream and wash for eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

I like talking to people and doing customer service. I really like working as a cashier for the business. My mom inspires me the most, but I can’t really say why, she just does. Rec Room and Fortnite are my favorite games, so I am inspired by the people who created those games.

People making orders and supporting the business is very exciting. Being featured on Fox 5 News so far was the most surprising.

Being backstage and seeing how television is filmed was very interesting. I wish I could have spoken more but I was too excited; it was all very new to me.

What Does The Future Look Like For You?

Well, the 8th grade is next and I just want to make it to high school. I want to continue working to build MelanBrand Skin as a business, because my dad says I need a job and so far, this seems like a good one to have. I am also working out and training in martial arts.


I am a raising 7th grader who is charismatic, determined, funny, loyal, a great friend and big sister. I have a love for beauty, fashion, pets, and especially jewelry. Almost every time we were out and about, I always looked for the jewelry section to see what awesome jewelry I could find. At some point my mom bought me a bracelet kit to make my own bracelets, then a clay bead bracelet making kit. I was in heaven, and I made tons of bracelets for myself. After some time, friends start asking about them, so I start making some for them.

The name of my business is, Taco Pariz Kreations. Over the course of a few weeks, my family and I did some brainstorming and research on good small business jewelry and came up with Taco Pariz Kreations. The name came about from my love of Taco Tuesday, and the fact the I always admired the Eifel Tower and asked/told my mom that I wanted to see it in person one day. I wanted my small business name to be different and unique. Something that represented who I am.

About three years ago when I was in 4th grade, my mom brought me a bracelet making kit because I always wanted her to buy me jewelry whenever we went out. After some time, she got me a clay bracelet making kit. I made so many bracelets I wore to school that friends started asking about them. So, I start making them some too and my supply started to get low. At some point my mom made a suggestion about maybe charging $0.50 or $1.00 per bracelet to try and make a little bit of money. I made a little bit of money which I was happy with being a 10-year-old. One day my mom came across a post on Facebook about a Kid Expo for small businesses ran by kids. She said this would be a great opportunity and good experience on dealing with public customers.

My product inventory consists of handmade items which include glass bead bracelets, clay bracelets, sead bead bracelets, resin keychains, beadable keychains, resin earrings, beadable pens, and resin trinket trays and coasters (new). All which can be customized for a customer’s personal vision.

I love following trends and creating new items with my own spin on them. One example of this is using nail art on some of my keychains and earring studs. Another way I like to promote my business is by wearing my jewelry and talking to people about their likes and dislikes and getting opinions about jewelry overall.

My family has been my biggest inspiration. They inspire me to be creative and encourage me to express myself through arts & crafts, drawing, and my jewelry. We do a lot of things together as a family, so I get to experience different things and that drives my creativity.

I LOVE seeing reactions when someone gets one of my handmade pieces and they smile out of pure happiness of their purchase. I can relate because when I get something new especially jewelry, as soon as I get home, I’m in the mirror modeling. Regarding other activities, I love playing volleyball. Being part of a something bigger than myself makes me feel great. I like the sense of camaraderie by working together and figuring solutions to me us as a team better. It also helps build friendships that can last sometimes, forever.

What is next for me?

A goal of mine is to promote my business on multiple social media platforms and create new products to sell. In the future, I would like to start a VLOGING channel on YouTube to record my ideas and the process of how I make my products. I’d also like to VLOG to help further advertise my business and possibly talk about lifestyle content. I would also encourage young people who are interested in starting a business to not wait until tomorrow but in fact start today. All it takes if the first step. h kids

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