Huami Magazine Louisville March/April 2022

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March/April 2022 Vol. 1 Issue 2

Divine Design Birth Services Louisville - March/April 2022


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There Are No If, We Ands, Or Buts About It! It Matters Who AreOr AtButs OurAbout Core There Are No If, Ands, It! A Letter From The Editor

A Letter from the Editor A Letter from the Editor

We have finally made it to the month of March. However, living inWhat North Carolina, I didn’t learned not toAll get hopes for warm if tomorrow arrive? ofmy your plans, hopes weather tooifhigh due todidn’t the the weather What tomorrow ofinyour and dreams wouldn’t haveinconsistency aarrive? street All to park on.plans, Whathopes if patterns. All in the same day, it may feel like it’s Springtime, and dreams that wouldn’t have a street What if never everything you decided to putto offpark untilon. tomorrow andeverything before you know it,decided the be temperature may rise,for and itnever feels that youwould to off until tomorrow happened? There noput reason to save a rainy likehappened? Summer; By the evening, it’s Fall-like, and when midnight There no reason save for rainy day, and you couldwould sparebe someone thetotrouble of amaking arrives, it’s Winter. That is just how it is in North Carolina. day, and you could sparelast someone the trouble of making promises. What if your opportunity seemingly expired promises. What if your today? What would youlast do?opportunity seemingly expired I am a warm-weather kinddo? of guy. If it’s 70 degrees every day, today? What would you that is I’ve fine been with me. Though I’veseem survived I can do told that I often like Ithe do Winter, too much. without it. I’ve been told that I often seem like I do too much. Honestly, I feel like I am not doing enough and I’m a firm Honestly, like I am doing enough I’m a firm believer inI feel knowing thatnot God wouldn’t putand anything on me As a young kid, my mother would dress my brother and me believer in knowing that God wouldn’t put anything on that I couldn’t handle. I sometimes wonder how life would in thick allowing uswonder to itgopresented outside play I that I sometimes how lifeand would be ifIwinter Icouldn’t chosecoats tohandle. sitbefore idle and accept what to me. in the cold. Underneath the coats, we wore sweaters, two be if I chose to sit idle and accept what it presented to me. I have found that to be very boring. In my opinion, opportunity t-shirts, thermals, and sometimes more She wanted to have found that toisn’t be very boring. In t-shirts. my opinion, opportunity is a blessing that afforded to everyone. A challenge ensure weiswould not get too cold while out playing. We didn’t, istoa me blessing that isn’t afforded to everyone. A challenge an adventure. What is the worst that can happen? andto itan was time toand come inside, mom would peel adventure. What is the worst that can happen? Ifwhen Ime doisnothing, I fail, if I back try I don’t, but instead learn ourIfsomething layers of clothing away, down to one shirt. Our inner core I do nothing, I fail, and if I try I don’t, but instead learn new about myself. Relinquish your pride and in body temperature remained warm beneath your everything, andinour something newlife. about myself. Relinquish pride and return acquire return acquire life.intact. That experience reminds me of how wellbeing remained God protects for all seasons situations. The bestme advice ever given and to me happened when someone The best advice ever given to me happened someone told me to make my tomorrow happen today.when In doing so told mepressed to makefasting, myway tomorrow today. Inapplication, doing so Through prayer, reading God’s I have my throughhappen doorsword, with aand key that only Ihope have pressed myI have way through doors with a keyI that only a layer ofprovided. protection is placed my the life. When keep God at also over learned difference between I have alsowhen learned between myhope core,provided. He reveals Himself the the layers areburden peeled away. what God blesses me with and what lifedifference can me with what God blesses me with and what life can burden me with These layers can be fear, shame, depression, guilt, or anything as well. I compare it to knowing when to be confident and well. Imay compare to to knowing confident and theasenemy try to ituse discourage intoquiet, believing I am whenme to be because when to be quiet, because someone may get it confused less than what God created me to be. someone may get it confused with being arrogant. with being arrogant. I start each day with prayer and reading, and I seek God Make tomorrow first; that is the first layer applied. When myyou faith is tested Make you tomorrow happen today, but most throughout the day, I speak life today, but it most importantly make into myhappen situation and rest oncount. God’s importantly make it count. Life is but a whisper and promise. By doing this, another is butand a whisper andin a we must put layer isLife applied, Iourselves am warmed must put ourselves position totohear whatbyitinfaith. isa by whatwe I expect happen position to hear what it is telling Before my dayus. ends, I can only thank telling us. God for His grace yet once again for keeping me. We must keep God at Terry Watson the core of who weL. are.

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Terry L. Watson Editor/Founder Editor/Founder Terry L. Watson

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On The Cover

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Photo by Shaw Photography Group On The Cover Photo by Shaw Photography Group

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Ova Flow Productions

Natasha Clay Hill

On The Cover

Divine Design Birthing Services Kazia Bryant


Tolbert Legal

Shelice & Michael




Elite ID Fitness

Joshua Oredipe

Huami Magazine Cutest Baby

Wynter Rose


Also Featured

Latoya Johnson It begins with beauty. Learn how Bodied By KLE enhances beauty by way of Body Sculpting. Huntsville, AL


Moe-Elam Joseph Learn more about she used her natural creativity to launch a hat and fashion business. Houston, TX


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Sheriff Danny Rogers He is completing his first time as the first African American Sheriff in Guilford County, and preparing for the second round. Greensboro, NC

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6 Louisville - March/April 2022

Divine Design Birth Services By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Kazia Bryant It all begins with her caring for her two daughters. Louisville, KY native Kazia Bryant is the owner of Divine Design Birth Services. Her company provides full spectrum doula services, including support and education during pregnancy, labor and delivery support, general lactation education, and postpartum support after the delivery of a baby. Divine Design Birth Services are designed for any birthing person who may request extra support throughout their pregnancy. While their services are open to anyone, the targeted audience is primarily young, single black women. With the infant/maternal mortality and morbidity rates being as high as they are, Kazia takes pride in ensuring the women of her community have a voice that is heard while in birthing spaces. She also shares how her role as a doula allows her to connect members of her community with all available resources. She also promotes happy and healthy outcomes following pregnancy and delivery. Kazia says her journey of becoming a doula began nearly eight years ago. “ It started with me just educating friends and family about birth. Once I got more comfortable and began taking clients, and in 2018, I took a formal training course, and the rest is history,” she says. Kazia was born to be a birth worker. It’s always been something very near and dear to her heart. Going through nursing school was eye-opening. While she knew she wanted to work in the medical field, her life had a deeper calling and mission.


With eight years of experience under her belt, Kazia is coming into her own. She shares her love for empowering families. “The support that I give families fills my heart. It is amazing to make them feel safe, lessen some of their fears about giving birth, and watch new life enter this world. I am inspired by knowing there is someone who needs someone else to lean on in their most vulnerable time. For someone to tell me they couldn’t have done it without me lets me know that my work is important,” she says. Her advice to others who may follow in her footsteps is to always have compassion. “Being pregnant, giving birth, and then transitioning into parenthood comes with many unexpected twists and turns. You have to remain compassionate to help someone navigate through that,” she shares. As life continues to happen, Kazia hopes to finish Midwifery School and advance to the next level of her birth work career. She appreciates the support of her colleague, Meka Kpoh, who is on the same journey, and they plan to tag team catching babies. To learn more about Kazia and Divine Design Birth Services, please visit their website. h

Divine Design Birthing Services


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10 Louisville - March/April 2022

By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Michael Tolbert

Like most urban communities around the United States, Gary, IN is rich in culture and diversity. According to a recent count, Gary’s population consists of nearly 76,000 citizens, with African Americans representing the highest ethnicity at 78%. Having such a decisive edge compared to other races, the Black experience in Gary is defined by hard work, resilience, durability. Like most urban communities, Gary has seen its share of crime and violence, and during the 1990s, it was once labeled as one of Indiana’s most dangerous places to live. Fast forward to 2022, that stigma has faded away, and Gary’s identity is being rebuilt by those who believe that its greatest days are within distance. That is the story of Michael and Shelice Tolbert of Tolbert & Tolbert Attorneys at Law. True to their roots, they are building one of Indiana’s top law firms in the heart of Gary. Having their practice based in Gary, Indiana is critically important to this power couple. Michael and Shelice have enjoyed 15 years of marriage. Their union appears to be almost purposeful. They both pursued careers to practice law. Michael received his formal education in the Gary, IN public school system. He later attended and graduated from Valparaiso University as an undergraduate and Valparaiso University School of Law. He is a believer and faith-based individual and professes that nothing in his life would be possible without God. Michael is also an avid reader. “I don’t spend a lot of time watching television. Instead, I enjoy reading about three books at a time,” he shares. “Family is my passion. I love my wife and would do anything for her.”

“Our mission is to honor God by rendering compassionate litigation services to businesses, organizations, and individuals.” Michael Tolbert

Shelice was also formally educated in the Gary public school system and later attended Wittenberg University in Springfield, OH. After graduating from there she came back to Gary and “followed” Michael to Valparaiso School of Law. She describes herself as a family-oriented, homebody, down-to-earth type of person who desires to help others. “Michael is my best friend, and spending time with him is always fun,” she says.


Tolbert & Tolbert Attorneys at Law opened their doors to the public on January 26, 2015. However, Shelice says the idea to open the firm was conceptualized many years before that. Michael says they like to describe themselves as a litigation boutique, meaning they do complex litigation for individuals, cities, towns, municipalities, and higher exposure litigation matters, involving millions of dollars hanging in the balance. Often, companies engaged in complex litigation matters will hire them to help guide them through the process. However, they do not do any family law or criminal cases. Additionally, Michael is a certified mediator, a resource their firm utilizes for Alternative Dispute Resolutions. Shelice shares something she saw missing in the black community: individuals being educated about transferring wealth and properties and estate planning. “There is a huge misconception that our people have about estate planning. Many believe that you must have millions of dollars to plan out your estate. When they hear that word, they become intimidated by it or think something else; when really you are just being smart about planning for the future of your family and planning generational wealth, whether it’s through keeping your home in the family or designating what you want to be done upon your passing. When it’s not talked about it can create emotional havoc amongst family members. It can be easily taken care of when you plan ahead,” she says. Michael and Shelice are proud to share that Tolbert & Tolbert is a Christian-based firm. “We openly pray in our office. We have scripture everywhere,” he says. Their mission statement is Christian-based as well. “Our mission is to honor God by rendering compassionate litigation services to businesses, organizations, and individuals”. Michael says their mission statement is placed in two strategic places in their office; one in the front of the office and the other one at the back door. “It’s the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see before you leave. It’s a constant reminder of who your source is, which is God and not man. That is what inspires me, knowing that I have a God who has blessed me enough to have a wife and family who cares about me and be able to have a successful business and help people in our community. We are doing what we love in a community that we love and loves us back. The Gary community helped to raise and nurture us, and now we are able to return the love.” For Shelice, she says her inspiration comes from her desire to help people. Whether through the law, community service, or education, Shelice believes her purpose in being created and placed in Gary is to help people. “Even if one person is affected by what we do, we have done our job, and we are blessed.” Being connected to their hometown gives the Tolberts a unique opportunity to address the needs of their neighbors. “A lot of people look at our city negatively. When I first went away to college, many people connected me with being from the “murder capital,” and people from Gary weren’t able to achieve things. In actuality, that was

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definitely not the case. We have very intelligent, productive, hardworking folks coming out of our city. That is something I had to grapple with, but it’s one of the main reasons I came to Gary, the place where I am from and continue to help build up the place where I am from. When I was younger, I didn’t realize my purpose, but now that I am older, it all adds up. When I was a child, there was never a time when I didn’t have food to eat. My mother, Shirley Winfrey, always made sure we had what we needed, whether I knew what it took to have it. At the same time, I felt I had an obligation to return to Gary and put everything I had received back into the community,” she says. That narrative that was spoken to Shelice in college has been a source of motivation for her and Michael. As they’ve built their law practice, they’ve only placed billboards that read (Straight Out of Gary) within the city of Gary. That move is strategic; they want to encourage young people, particularly that you can come from here and be something. They want to let people know that Gary produced these magnificent, productive, successful people. “We want people to know that God has created something in each of us. We all can shine and we all have a gift. It doesn’t matter where you are from. You can live up to what God has created you to do,” Shelice says. Confirming what his wife has shared, Michael says his testimony is of a young black kid who grew up in an area where the odds said he wouldn’t make it. “In the 80s and early 90s, Gary was a really tough place to grow up. We were blessed to have families that gave us a lot of guidance and structure that allowed us to bypass the pitfalls many of our friends fell victim to, such as the crack epidemic and the aids epidemic. Through all of that, I was able to go to college, get a degree and finish law school, and return to the same streets I was told I would never get out of. When I run into friends who didn’t take the same path, it is a stark reminder that one bad decision could have caused my life to be completely different. Every day, I thank God for blessing me with my father, Matthew Tolbert, who taught me how to make good decisions,” Michael says. For those who may follow in their footsteps, the Tolberts offer some advice. “Always believe in something. Pray to God for what you want and speak what you want. Be positive and stay encouraged. Just because there is a bump in the road, or things are not happening the way you would like for them to, “it doesn’t mean that it’s not meant for you. Stay the course and persevere. Things will get hard sometimes, but if they weren’t hard, everyone would be doing it,” they shared. In the future, Michael and Shelice have plans to grow their law firm in the Gary community and give other lawyers, African American lawyers, a chance to practice law. They hope to have about 10-15 lawyers at their firm in the next five to ten years. The Tolbert’s have also launched a successful podcast entitled “Married People’s Business” aimed at highlighting positive married couples and partners in business. The podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and other popular platforms. More than anything, they want to be a blessing and example for others.

“We want people to know that God has created something in each of us. We all can shine and we all have a gift. It doesn’t matter where you are from.” Shelice Tolbert

Tolbert & Tolbert Attorneys At Law 1085 Broadway Suite B Gary, IN 46402 (219) 427-0094

To learn more about Tolberts & Tolberts Attorneys At Law, please visit their website. h


16 Louisville - March/April 2022

Latoya Johnson Bodied By KLE By Dorjae’ McClammey Photos Provided by Fredro Star

Latoya Johnson of Huntsville, AL, is the owner of Bodied by KLE, a body sculpting studio. She is also the face of The Latoya Johnson Brand, her personal line of luxury wellness products for both men and women. Bodied by KLE is a family-owned business. She is married to Eric Johnson, who is also her business partner. KLE are the initials of their three amazing children. Khyah, Laylah, and Eric III all play significant roles in the family business. The company is based in a studio setting, and Latoya focuses on educating her clients on self-care techniques. They also strive to help their clients achieve their ultimate Bodied goals while providing a clean and safe environment. Some of their services include Body Sculpting, Yoni Steaming, Lip Blushing, and Semi Permanent Makeup. Additionally, Bodied By KLE offers Microblading/ Microshading and Body Sculpting classes for those interested in making a career move. Latoya points out that all of her services begin with a detailed consultation that’s designed to ensure their clients have a concise understanding of whatever procedure is taking place.

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“I want to be a good example to my children. I love how they come to me for business advice and life lessons. They’re watching me grind and create a legacy.”

Along with her family, Latoya made the trek to Huntsville from South Alabama. She is a country girl at her core, and says she is living the “country life in the city”. “I love to garden, and I also own a few chickens and a duck. I love when Mr. Johnson takes me fishing, and we have even camped in the backyard before.” Initially, Latoya and her husband, an engineer, set out to establish a consulting company. However, things would change after Latoya and her sister took a trip to the spa. Latoya received her first body contouring experience and loved it so much that she bought the machine. Latoya took it home with her, and they learned how to use it in no time. They began conducting contouring sessions in their home, eventually obtained their certificates and licenses, created a company under the KLE Solutions’ Umbrella, and moved operations to a traditional brick-and-mortar location. Soon, Latoya stepped away from her job and gave Bodied by KLE her full attention. The couple continued their research and acquired body sculpting education, and focused on perfecting their craft. What is sewed shall also be reaped; in July 2020, Bodied by KLE was established. The Latoya Johnson Brand was established in November 2021. Latoya says it began as a supplement to Bodied by KLE and offered detox teas, yoni oils, and waist trainers. The Latoya Johnson Brand is transitioning into an adult intimacy company. This new and sexy line of products aims to create a space for women to experience the power of the “Yoni.” Before starting Bodied by KLE, Latoya worked in the healthcare industry for over 20 years. She has a background in Nursing and Health Care Administration. She served as the Director of Nursing in a prominent Assisted Living community in Huntsville. Latoya shares how she has always had a passion for making others feel better. “My career in management has played a huge role in helping me teach others about healthy living.”

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Latoya says she loves being her own boss. Most importantly, she enjoys operating a family business and securing her family’s future. “I want to be a good example to my children. I love how they come to me for business advice and life lessons. They’re watching me grind and create a legacy,” she says. “Everything that I do is connected to their future. I do it for them.” She is also developing a continued education/ mentorship program that will teach body contouring secrets and branding and marketing techniques. Bodied by KLE is also developing a mobile solution for Postop care clients that have received cosmetic procedures such as Lipo- 360. “We will be the spa that comes to you,” she shares. Latoya offers some advice for those thinking about entering the world of entrepreneurship. “It doesn’t have to be perfect for you to launch it, and don’t allow the small things to hold you back from your dreams,” she says. h

Bodied By KLE 256-274-1477

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22 Louisville - March/April 2022

thee_situation By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Moe Elam-Joseph Just as the effect icing has on a cake, a good hat often completes the deal of an outfit or arrangement. Monique Elam-Joseph of Houston, TX, is a self-described creative who loves art and fashion equally. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and free spirit. Monique has been married to her husband, Marlon, for 21 years, of which they share two daughters, Asia and Taylor, and a one-year-old grandson, Zayd. Monique is a proud graduate of Grambling State University and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. This talented creative loves spending time with her family, attending church, and watching the latest Netflix series. She also has a passion for travel and has identified herself as a solo international traveler. “Traveling is peaceful and it brings me great joy. I also love sharing my traveling experiences with others,” she says. As stated, Monique has a natural love for art, and one day, she decided to paint a couple of her Fedora hats because she wanted to look different. She sent one of her designs to her mother, and the reviews were great. People soon inquired about where they could get Monique’s custom-designed Fedoras. During this same time, Monique had posted pictures of herself wearing her hats on her social media page. That action resulted in even more inquiries. Having those results on hand, Monique decided it was time to turn her craft into a business, and thee_situation LLC was born.

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Monique designs and customizes Fedora hats, blazers, and earrings. She shares she never dreamed of going into business. When the decision was made to do so, she shared that she did not want to have the word, “hat” in the business’s name. “I knew I was more than hats,” she says. Instead she settled on “thee_situation”. “I am a part of a brunch group that produces themed brunches once a quarter. If one of our members is wearing a popping, dramatic outfit, we say, “What’s this situation you got going on? In December 2019, it came to me. I’m a whole situation by myself,” she says. Monique’s entrepreneurial path was set into place early in life. She says, “Growing up, I saw my parents involved in different business ventures, so entrepreneurship has always been instilled in me. My mom left a six-figure job in 2011 to pursue her balloon business and has never looked back. Her decision inspired me to become an entrepreneur also,” she says. Because she didn’t have any prior experience running a business, Monique says she faced several challenges with getting her company started. “I began by ordering hats from China. It would take 3-4 weeks and sometimes longer for shipping. This was very inconvenient for me, yet fortunately, I was able to find a wholesaler in the United States,” she says. While it may have been challenging to launch and grow her business, Monique says she wouldn’t have changed a thing. She is a visionary and is always looking ahead and planning for thee_situation LLC. Moving forward, she says she plans to incorporate more custom products and create a team to keep moving the business forward. For those contemplating jumping into the world of entrepreneurship, Monique offers some tips and advice. “Purpose fuels passion, so whatever you love to do, it will put you in the right position. Don’t worry about business cards, a website, or even a name. Start by putting your work, ideas, and content out there and get a mentor. Going into business sounds nice, but having a knowledgeable mentor will help with addressing the many aspects of the business,” she says. To learn more about thee_situation LLC, please visit their website. h 24 Louisville - March/April 2022

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26 Louisville - March/April 2022

Re-elect for Guilford County Sheriff By Marrissa Dick Photos by Still Shots Photography Election time is nearing again and that means the citizens of Guilford County will cast their ballots for sheriff on May 17, 2022. During this primary election, citizens will be critically reflective of all campaign promises and weigh the checks and balances of their current elected officials. One office that will be reexamined is the Sheriff’s Office. It is important for all citizens to know that the Sheriff’s Office is interwoven into America’s democratic society. Citizens should understand that the Sheriff is a law enforcement officer who is directly responsible to the citizens in the counties in which he or she serves. The Sheriff’s Office is not a county government; instead, it is the independent office through which the Sheriff exercises the powers of the public’s trust. No individual or small group hires or fires the Sheriff or has the authority to interfere with the operations of the office. One of the most important facts that people should know is that all elected sheriffs are accountable directly to the constitution of their state, the United States Constitution, local statutes, and to the citizens of their county. As primary elections near the citizens of Guilford County will have a watchful eye on the new candidates vying for the seat of Sheriff as well as reviewing the promises made by the current Sheriff, Danny H. Rogers. Read on as Sheriff Rogers reminds the citizens of the pledges, he made four years ago and shares the new plans he has to further enhance the Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Rogers shares, “I’m glad that I have an opportunity to speak about the Sheriff’s Office as I complete my first four years of being sheriff. This has been such a rewarding and fulfilling experience. I’ve learned so much doing this job and just when I think I have it down something else comes along to remind me that there is always going to be something new and interesting to learn and I’m grateful for that process because it all just keeps me on my toes. I’m grateful that God has entrusted me with this position because I couldn’t do any of it without Him. Daily I ask Him to keep my deputies safe, but I also ask Him to reveal to me how I can make a difference in the communities we serve.” Titus 3:1-2 reminds us, “that we should be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.” These are the principles that


Sheriff Rogers strives towards daily, and it is evident by his constituents that he has made a progressive change within the Sheriff’s Office as well as within the communities that he has made “a positive change for all Guilford County citizens”. When Sheriff Rogers was elected in 2018 his primary focus was to restore agency accountability, accreditation, create safer outcomes with community policing, rebuild law enforcement and citizen relationships, saving tax dollars through recidivism reduction, reduce officer attrition rates, and develop equitable employment practices. It suffices to say that Sheriff Danny H. Rogers has honored his 2018 commitments. For example, the Sheriff’s Office received full accreditation on November 19, 2021, from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). This agency has been in existence since 1979 and is a credentialing authority, based in the United States, whose primary mission is to accredit public safety agencies, namely law enforcement agencies. This accreditation is essential because it brings continued training to the Sheriff’s Office and that training can be utilized in the community, especially with the current climate of cases like George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery which touched the hearts and minds of people all over the world, but also the citizens of Guilford County. According to Sheriff Rogers, “We had civil unrest behind Mr. Floyd, Mr. Arbery, and Ms. Taylor. Most people were very concerned about how these events would touch our counties. When the civil unrest did come our way, we were as prepared as we could be because of the training we had. There was a lot going on in Greensboro and High Point and unfortunately, there was some property loss, but I’m very grateful that it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.” Sheriff Rogers is grateful for the Community Resource Unit (CRU) which has been enhanced significantly since he became sheriff. “This unit was already in place, but it wasn’t very viable within the community. When I came into office, I enhanced it by employing more empowered deputies throughout all of Guilford County. We have a presence at most events in the city as well as in rural sections of the county. Prior to this enhancement citizens were not accustomed to seeing the Sheriff’s Office unless they called us for help. Now our presence is there to support the community and our presence often deters offenders. The Sheriff’s Office is not here to just incarcerate people. We’re here to help make a difference and the CRU teams help with that cause. Our citizens understand that we are here to be of service to them and I believe they really appreciate our support.” Not only has Sheriff Rogers enhanced training programs for his deputies and has intense communication with its’ community partners he has also instituted the Sheriff’s Community Roundtable, (SCR), where they discuss what’s happening in different communities. These discussions are beneficial because it helps reduce drug and gun violence, sex trafficking, domestic violence, and break-ins. He shares, “We work collaboratively with the community to find effective ways to eradicate these things. Has it all stopped? No, it hasn’t, but what I will say is that through the roundtable meetings a lot of these issues have decreased.”

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30 Louisville - March/April 2022

“Our office has grown significantly, especially within our Law Enforcement, Detention Services, and Civilian departments. The Sheriff’s Office is now more diverse than it has ever been. Our numbers have increased to include all mankind. This is something the office never had before. I’m big on diversity because it’s important for people to see diverse representation.” One other program that has significantly been revamped is the Re-Entry Program. Sheriff Rogers shares, “We have instituted a broader and better vision to the Sheriff’s Office with our Re-Entry Program. This program helps us reach those individuals who are going against the grain before they become incarcerated. We do this by addressing educational needs with our GED, drug addiction, and job readiness programs. Then we’re here once they have served their time and come back out into society. Once people serve their time they shouldn’t have to come out and be penalized again. If they are unable to get housing or gainful employment what else are they going to do? The ex-offender will resort to unlawful ways of having their basic needs met. They need to feel like a viable part of the community especially when they have a change of heart and mind. The Re-Entry Program only works when stakeholders reach out and give them hope and I am grateful that we have area businesses willing to extend that much needed hand. Believe me, I do understand that people want to know who they are living and working around, but once they have served their time, they still deserve the opportunity to become a viable part of society again, so they don’t have to revisit prison and use our tax dollars to support them.” The Sheriff’s Office has also instituted a Food Pantry Program, a Toys and Coats Program, and Fill the School Bus Program. Some of these programs were already in place, but it is under Sheriff Rogers leadership that these programs are now accessible and beneficial for all communities. Another enhancement to the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office has been the intake of diverse deputies. Since Sheriff Rogers tenure he has significantly increased the number of sworn and non-sworn detention officers and law enforcement deputies that are more equitable and representative of the communities in which they serve. Sheriff Rogers shared that initially, it was hard to maintain qualified deputies due to the low annual salaries, but now with help from administration, they have been able to increase the pay rate. He also shared that both men and women from all walks of life are invited to apply to the Sheriff’s Office as long as they are qualified, can pass the background test, and are legal citizens of the United States. Sheriff Rogers is a firm believer that law enforcement should be representative of the communities in which they serve. He shares, “Prior to my serving as Sheriff there was a severe lack of diversity within the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office. Our office has grown significantly, especially within our Law Enforcement, Detention Services, and Civilian departments. The Sheriff’s Office is now more diverse than it has ever been. Our numbers have increased to include all mankind. This is something the office never had before. I’m big on diversity because it’s important for people to see diverse representation.” Sheriff Rogers is proud that under his leadership diversity is steadily on the rise. Currently, his sworn deputies are comprised of African Americans, American Indians, Arabians, Asians, Hispanics/Latino, and Whites. Sheriff Rogers looks forward to the day when every nation and culture can be representative of the Sheriff’s Office. What other changes has Guilford County benefited from Sheriff Rogers being at the helm? He shares, “I have a Special Enforcement Team, (SET), and they focus on the drugs coming through the highways and backroads. Within three years we have taken close to $12 million dollars in drugs off the street. And most times these crimes are not from people who even live in our communities. We are also working on our Real Time Crime Center, (RTCC). This Center will really help us solve crimes. Now that so many people have real-time video like Ring, they can provide us with that video feed needed to help us solve crimes much quicker. The RTCC can be even more effective if the community will submit that video feed. You know

Louisville - March/April 2022


you can talk all day, but the rubber meets the road with that viable and creditable video or phone call. You know I listen to people talk about defunding the police, but I do not agree with that concept. I tell people all the time that we don’t want to defund the police; instead, you want to reform the police and the way to do that is through continual diversity training because understanding people from different walks of life is important. Another thing I advocate for within the Sheriff’s Office is mental health wellness. As the Sheriff I’ve seen things that are gut wrenching and so have my deputies. So, I am a proponent for counseling. We must learn how to deal with what we see daily because we’re human beings. I don’t want my deputies internalizing any negative emotions, so counseling is essential and not frowned upon within the office. I certainly advocate for counseling, self-care, and spending quality time with family. You know I am not a oneman show. I have a phenomenal upper-level command team and I have a phenomenal group of experienced men and women who serve beside me. Together we all are making a difference in Guilford County.” As you can see, Sheriff Rogers has more than maintained his campaign promises to the citizens of Guilford County. He has enhanced the Sheriff’s Office by strengthening relationships with the court system on all levels; he has increased salaries; he has hired an unprecedented amount of qualified and culturally diverse deputies, and he has restructured old programs while simultaneously initiating new ones that benefit the community. He shares, “You know the Sheriff’s Office is set apart from other law enforcement agencies because we are directly accountable to the citizens. Well, I believe that I have been accountable, and I also have the experience needed to further this office, so it works to the benefit of all not just some. Real talk, I stopped by K&W for dinner one evening and I held the door open for this little fragile woman and she said, ‘Thank you, baby.’ Then she really looked at me and said, ‘You’re the Sheriff, aren’t you?’ I said yes, ma’am, I am, I’m Danny, and she said, ‘Good to meet you, Sheriff. I bet you didn’t know you had a lot of white Grand Ma’s praying for you.’ And I thanked her and her friends for their prayers. That short conversation gave me chills because she didn’t have to share that with me. I could see the sincerity in her eyes. I am so grateful for all the prayers for me and my deputies because we can’t do this job without the prayers or without God. Real talk I love what I do. This has been the greatest experience in my life because it has made me a better person overall. Being the sheriff means you’re a servant of the people. You’re not serving yourself or looking for power and privilege. I do this job effectively because I won’t be a puppet for anyone, but I will be the sheriff for everyone. I genuinely believe in Guilford County and the relationships that the Sheriff’s Office have fostered within the communities we serve.” If you would like to continue seeing “A Positive Change for All Guilford County Citizens” then join the 2022 campaign to re-elect Danny H. Rogers as Guilford County Sheriff on May 17, 2022. You can visit or follow his campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. h

32 Louisville - March/April 2022

Louisville - March/April 2022


Ova Flow Productions 34 Louisville - March/April 2022

By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Ova Flow Productions How can we emotionally heal the people around us, a community, or society? Fortunately, the world has been blessed with Natasha Clay Hill. A native of Memphis, TN, Natasha naturally possesses an artistic vision from God. She uses her storytelling gift as a writer, actress, director, and producer to bring social and emotional healing to individuals who’ve experienced misfortunes due to the hardships of life. She graduated from Whitehaven High School in Memphis and later received a degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN. For the past 23 years, she has worked in management for one of the leading trucking companies in the industry, yet her passion lies with Christian entertainment. Natasha is the founder and CEO of Ova Flow Production, a Chrisitan Theatrical Production Company that prides itself on integrity and is committed to producing the best in Christian message-driven plays and productions. A true believer from her personal experience, she loves showing people God’s love and redemption through a performance. Her productions are thoughtprovoking and bring awareness to issues that often go unnoticed.

“The most powerful thing about our plays is that lives are being changed and transformed......We are impacting lives and saving souls all at the same time, and I understand the social responsibility that comes with what I do. This is God’s work.”

Natasha’s commitment to her community is an integral part of her identity. From her stories or how she advocates for social justice, Natasha’s obedience to God is on full display as she lives a life of service. “The most powerful thing about our plays is that lives are being changed and transformed,” she says. “We are impacting lives and saving souls all at the same time, and I understand the social responsibility that comes with what I do. This is God’s work.”

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36 Louisville - March/April 2022

While fulfilling its purpose, Ova Flow Productions partners with youth, adults, and celebrities whose philosophies are very much in sync with the company’s. Natasha strives to empower youth and adults to believe in themselves and understand that their dreams are within their grasp. Her message is rooted in a “no excuse” mentality, and she says, “Everyone has the opportunity to change their situation once they free themselves from all the excuses and environmental blights.” Helping others find their way to healing and wholeness; that is Ova Flow Productions. Her message is relatable, and people often share how they can see themselves or others depicted in her plays. Natasha has created and directed four major productions, including Uncover Church Folks, The Cover Up, Full Circle, and When No One is Listening. Natasha is the Project Manager for Heal The Hood Foundation of Memphis, which LaDell Beamon leads. She has helped to organize stellar events for celebrities that include Robert Townsend, Shabadoo, The Barkays, Michael Jai White, Master P, Romeo, Cymphonique Miller, Day 26, Ginuwine, Tank, Vivica A. Fox, Lil-P-Nut, John P. Kee, Dewayne Woods, Rotimi, Demetria McKinney, Memphitz, Tiny, The OMG Girlz, Jacob Latimore, just to name a few. Those named are in addition to the roles she played as an actress in several skits, plays, and short films such as The Mix UP, Kela, Detention, and Gone Viral.

Natahsa attributes her success in part to her family that supports her in all endeavors. Her son, Darrius Javon Hill, her mother Loretha Matthews and her siblings, Renae Wooldridge, Percy Clay Jr, and Chyretha Nikkie Matthews. Also, receiving the support of her pastor Bishop Leo Holt has greatly contributed in shaping the woman she is today. Natasha says her most significant source of inspiration comes from God. “The Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to stop crying and get a pen and some paper and write,” she confesses. “During one of my darkest and traumatic moments in life, I realized the more I wrote, the more I realized God was allowing me to feel the emotions of each character. That allows for me to understand first hand what forgiveness, love, compassion, and humanity feels like.” What does the future look like for Natasha and Ova Flow Productions? She plans to move full-time into ministry and travel the world, directing and producing stage plays. Natasha dreams of turning some of her plays into movies as well as creating the sound track for Ova Flow Productions, a compilation of original songs written and produced for her stage plays. Through her journey, she has learned the power of genuine, consistent ministry and how the plays can change the lives of many. Ultimately, she hopes to use her experience to craft much more impactful plays and embrace the hurts of humanity. “I plan to share the love of God by ministering the message of hope, peace, healing, restoration, and joy by way of entertainment.” To learn more about Ova Flow Productions, please visit their website.

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38 Louisville - March/April 2022

Joshua O redipe Elite ID Fitness LLC By Terry L. Watson Photos by Rob Lay For many Americans, the Covid 19 pandemic has affected us in many ways. While being forced into organized isolation, some things were added unto us, whether we wanted them or not. This includes weight gain. Possibly, it would have been a lot easier to apply a padlock to our refrigerators and pantries, but that wouldn’t have prevented the consumption of take-out and delivered foods. No matter what preventative measures are involved, the best solution to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to remain physically active. This is the area where Joshua Oredipe excels. The first-generation Nigerian American currently resides in Philadelphia, PA. He is an ISSA-certified personal trainer, Elite ID Fitness Studio owner, and founder of Elite ID Fitness LLC. According to Joshua, Elite ID Fitness LLC is where health is earned, not purchased. Joshua obtained his Bachelors of Science in Business Management and Administration from Pennsylvania State University. He has 11 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry. Within three years, he successfully competed with the National Physique Committee and the All Natural OCB Men’s Physique contest. He shares his purpose is to have a positive influence and remind others to prioritize their health. “I believe it is our responsibility to ensure that we thrive and not just survive and understand that we are the universe experiencing itself,” he says. Joshua says he enjoys “all things” fitness, though weight and strength training is his primary fitness modality. “As a personal trainer, I assist clients with properly defining and executing their fitness goals. Utilizing my knowledge and expertise, I develop custom workouts that combine HITT (high-intensity interval training) with circuit, weight, plyometric, flexibility, and bodyweight training to challenge a wide range of clientele. I can create weight-loss, weight-gain, and nutritional coaching programs and currently offer one-on-one, group, and virtual training sessions. I love to coach others on the proper use of gym equipment and assist them with understanding the benefits of utilizing proper form and exercise execution,” he says. Louisville - March/April 2022


Joshua’s fitness journey began as a child. He was a talented soccer player at the little league levels and continued to excel throughout college. “My mother was always health conscious and cooked our family three square meals daily. In 2004, my dad suffered a stroke and later learned he suffered from a brain tumor. Seeing my father in the hospital for the first time, and watching his recovery process, deeply impacted my family and I. This experience made me conscious of how fragile life is and also pushed me to take responsibility for my health,” he says. In response to what he saw happen with his father, Joshua decided to explore other forms of physical activity beyond soccer and fell in love with weight training. He joined a local gym, and his bodybuilding journey began. As he submerged himself further into bodybuilding, it was only a matter of time before his focus shifted from the weight room to the kitchen. “I learned to source healthier food options, proper portion control, strategic meal timing, and the implementation of natural supplements,” Joshua says. Being naturally skinny with a starting weight of 132 pounds, he was able to increase his overall body weight by 71 pounds within a few years. Family members and friends started to inquire about his transformation, and that’s when he realized his passion in life. Being a fitness instructor feeds something within Joshua. He shares how he loves to serve others and help them tap into their potential. “I love instilling confidence and giving others a sense of achievement that translates to life on many levels. I also love to bring further attention to nutritional choices, mainly because most communities are riddled with poor food choices. Most people don’t truly understand the negative impact these foods have on our lives,” he says. Joshua is inspired by his parents Kim and Femi Oredipe. “They are living examples of good people. Throughout my childhood, they provided valuable lessons, which instilled the qualities necessary to become the man I am today. Their courage, diligence, and love, encourage me to be the best version of myself. Even more, their continued guidance and support have been a Godsend, and I consider myself to be very lucky,” he shares. 610-203-0937

Moving forward, Joshua has plans to scale his brand and bring on additional personal trainers, wellness coaches, and nutritionists that align with his mission. He plans to expand his services beyond strength training and incorporate yoga, meditation, and advanced breathing techniques. He also plans to establish programs to give back to underserved communities through volunteer work and organized fundraisers to promote specific issues. To learn more about Joshua Oredipe and Elite ID Fitness LLC, please visit their website. h

40 Louisville - March/April 2022

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Cutest Baby 42

Wynter Rose The daughter of Christopher and Latisha Louisville - March/April 2022

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Louisville - March/April 2022


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