Huami Magazine St. Louis Sept./Oct. 2023

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ST. LOUIS ® Sept./Oct. 2023 Volume 2 Issue 4
Coach Unwrap Your Wellness
COMPREHENSIVE WEALTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC FINANCIAL PLANNING BUSINESS RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS INSURANCE PROTECTION STRATEGIES COLLEGE PLANNING Cathey L. Williamson President and CEO, Financial Advisor Securit es offered through Registered Representatives of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc , a broker-dealer member FINRA/SIPC Advisory services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc , a Registered Investment Adviser Cambridge and Williamson Financ al Management Group LLC, are not affiliated FINRA is located at www finra org Fixed insurance offered through Williamson Financ al Management Group, LLC © Will amson Financial Management Group All Rights Reserved

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Align Your Assignment With God

There Are No If, Ands, Or Buts About It!

Your assignment is not the assignment of everyone else. Once I learned what those nine words truly meant, my focus on life changed. Of course, I have been told that God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors, but that memo didn’t include details of when the battles would end. Instead of sticking my chest out during my victories and hanging my head during the moments of defeat, I’ve decided to learn from each circumstance, and by doing so, I am prepared for the next battle with each new day.

A Letter from the Editor

What if tomorrow didn’t arrive? All of your plans, hopes and dreams wouldn’t have a street to park on. What if everything that you decided to put off until tomorrow never happened? There would be no reason to save for a rainy day, and you could spare someone the trouble of making promises. What if your last opportunity seemingly expired today? What would you do?

The best advice I have ever given myself is to be satisfied in my attempts to be better. When I first launched Huami Magazine, I was presented with a situation that adversely impacted the quality of my relatively new publication. I was frustrated, but I also knew what had occurred and why it happened. The idea of quitting never came into my mind, even while I sat motionless, staring at the balled-up copy in reference. I didn’t know then, but God was preparing me for something greater.

In November of this year, we will begin our seventeenthanniversary celebration of the birth of Huami Magazine. When I think about all of the layouts, the photo shoots, the interviews, and the distributions that have taken place, all I can say is God has been faithful and continues to keep His promise.

I’ve been told that I often seem like I do too much. Honestly, I feel like I am not doing enough and I’m a firm believer in knowing that God wouldn’t put anything on me that I couldn’t handle. I sometimes wonder how life would be if I chose to sit idle and accept what it presented to me. I have found that to be very boring. In my opinion, opportunity is a blessing that isn’t afforded to everyone. A challenge to me is an adventure. What is the worst that can happen? If I do nothing, I fail, and if I try I don’t, but instead learn something new about myself. Relinquish your pride and in return acquire life.

Had I given up in the beginning, the stories and testimonies of countless individuals may have never been published. Had I given in to the pressure of operating in the unknown, my mother would have never been able to mail magazines to her friends. Had I not decided to pour everything I have in me into producing something my community would celebrate, the hope that others have in God doing a great work for them may not exist.

The best advice ever given to me happened when someone told me to make my tomorrow happen today. In doing so I have pressed my way through doors with a key that only hope provided. I have also learned the difference between what God blesses me with and what life can burden me with as well. I compare it to knowing when to be confident and when to be quiet, because someone may get it confused with being arrogant.

Make you tomorrow happen today, but most importantly make it count. Life is but a whisper and we must put ourselves in a position to hear what it is telling us.

All of my assignments have come with a lot of responsibility. What is more interesting is that the same set of instructions has accompanied them all: to seek God first and operate according to His plans. My assignment is not everyone else’s, and I know everything I desire is connected to how it aligns with God’s plan. Learn your assignment and align it with God. He will handle the rest for you.

4 4 November/December 2014 Want To Advertise? Call (336)340-7844 Editor In Chief Terry L. Watson Alana Allen - Deputy Editor Writers Tonya Dixon Terry L. Watson Alana Allen Jeuron Dove Photographers Perfect Lenz Photography Shaw Photography Group Still Shots Photography Who Shotya Photography Layout E-mail at On The Cover Photo by Shaw Photography Group Terry
L. Watson
Howard Gaither Photography Todd Youngblood Photography Tamara Smith Terry L. Watson Publisher Dorjae McClammey Writer Terry L. Watson Writer Monica Montgomery Writer Marrissa Dick Writer KM Photography Photographer Still Shots Photography Photographer Todd Youngblood Photographer (336)340-7844 Want To Advertise? Call 336-340-7844 Scan The QR Code Above To Visit Our Website Greensboro, NC 2023 All Rights Reserved A Letter From The Editor
Terry L. Watson
St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 Unwrap Your Wellness Coach Melody McClellan SEPT./OCT. 2023 ST. LOUIS CONTENTS 6 On The Cover 28 22 Craig Littles After serving his country, and serving the Memphis Police Department, he has chosen to spend the rest of his life serving youth. Learn more his journey and career. Memphis, TN Nycole L. Johnson Who knows what she will do next? Learn more about how she has excelled in all facets of her life, including business, with the love of God. Indianapolis, IN Also Featured 32 Jelian Steward Learn more about how she has turned a love for food and cooking into a full fledged business. Chicago, IL Contemporary Batik Artist Henry E. Sumpter One Accord Ministries Inc. S. Kaye Lattimer-Ellerbe Astylux Notary Ser vices T. Alexis Byrd 12 18 40 Huami Magazine Cutest Baby Ashton Hairston 39

Coach Unwrap Your Wellness

Americans are among the most morbidly obese globally. Still, we spend more than any country per capita on weight loss gimmicks. Melody McClellan, of St. Louis, MO, is a wife, mother, and former pharmaceutical sales rep, and ten years ago, she would have never imagined herself helping others in physical health and wellness. Today, she can’t imagine doing anything else.

As her clients call her, Coach Melody is an outstanding Health and Wellness with twenty-plus years of experience. “After years as a pharmaceutical sales rep, I realized there is a huge lack of education around nutrition and mental wellness,” Melody explained. “I saw the bags of medication growing, but nobody was actually getting better.”

In October 2013, Unwrap You was born. “I was at a turning point in my life. My kids were older, and I started to feel like I wanted to do something more with my life,” Melody shares. “I studied wellness and nutrition and started trying to show people that there was a better, long-term solution to a healthier way of life. When I started as ‘Coach Melody,’ I thought it was just about helping people lose weight. I quickly learned that there is a lot more to this process. It’s about the individual’s mindset and prevention. You have to consider what people have been through, what mental baggage they carry, and overall be willing to meet people where they are on their wellness journey.”

Melody was born in St. Louis but moved with her mother and brother to Los Angeles when she was ten. The fitness and body image bug didn’t hit her until age sixteen. “I wasn’t the healthiest kid growing up. What I mean is I wasn’t into sports and athletics. I think it was around sixteen that I got into health and nutrition,” Melody admitted. “I started watching what I ate and changing some habits. When I saw the results, it motivated me to continue exploring what a healthier me looked like. Like most people, I tried different fad diets and meal plans. But that’s how things started for me.”

The one thing Melody says she has always loved was sales. As a pharmaceutical sales professional, she gained valuable insights about various cormobidities. “There were a lot of medical options for people who want to get healthier, but as I thought about it, I realized that they weren’t actually getting healthier. They were masking the problem.” Melody found a way to help people holistically live better lives while doing something she enjoyed. She would advocate and teach the world how to create lifestyle change that’s sustainable for optimum health and well-being.


“I was told that your passion is something you would do for free. Marketing and sales are my passion. Now I get to combine that with another love of mine, and it’s a win-win,” Melody explained. “Now I feel like I can effect change, especially for youth and communities who wouldn’t normally have access to the information I’m providing.” Coach Melody has been able to transfer her corporate knowledge and training to empower transformations within corporations, executives, youth, and chronic patients in health systems.

Coach Melody’s health and wellness platform has caught on in a big way. Five years ago, she left her corporate sales position and went full time as a Health and Wellness Transformation Strategist. Make no mistake, this wasn’t just a good idea. Melody wanted to make sure she was adequately prepared to succeed at changing how people viewed their mental health and wellness. “When I started, I wanted to be as informed as possible because you only have one chance to make a good impression. The last thing you want is to be uninformed about the root cause of the illnesses you are trying to prevent,” she shares. “As a pharmaceutical sales rep, you are well-trained on the latest medications and their indications. Having that foundational knowledge of the different disease states have proving beneficial along with obtaining a holistic certification in nutrition and mental wellness.”

One of the things Coach Melody tries to shed light on when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle is there are no quick fixes. “I have learned that drugs don’t make you healthy. They are made to control chronic conditions. What I teach in my program is you can come off many maintenance medications, but it won’t happen with the snap of a finger,” she explained. “One of the key phrases I always use is, ‘You are creating a lifestyle change.’ Exploring those changes and their impact is a big part of what I do. It’s all about helping people change their mindset. All change starts in the mind. It’s hard at first, but the body will follow once you change your thoughts. It’s hard at first, but with the proper education, strategies, and expert to keep you accountable it becomes easier to incorporate lifestyle change that is sustainable.”

Photo provided by Ivy Leatherman

Sometimes, we encounter people who offer advice or support in an area they have only clinical experience in. Coach Melody’s wisdom was gained firsthand. “A big part of why I started focusing on mental and physical wellness was because after I had my children, my body didn’t snap back the way I thought it should have,” Melody shared. “I’ll be honest and say I had difficulty losing the post-pregnancy weight. You see those women who have babies, and boom, they look like nothing happened. It didn’t work like that for me.”

Struggling to figure it out, Melody went on a personal wellness journey. “What I learned as I worked toward a sustainable healthy lifestyle was it was less about diet and exercise and more about portion control, what I was eating when I was eating it, and why,” she explained. “While on my journey, I did participate in a weight loss program, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that their plan wouldn’t work for me.”

When she started the business, she was only working it part-time, but the pressure of being a wife, a mother, a sales rep, and a health and wellness coach started to take its toll. “I want people to know that the program I am prescribing to them is the same one that saved me when I was in a fragile place,” Melody shared. “With home and family life, work, and the part-time business, I became so stressed that my body began to break down. I suffered hair loss, and my skin started breaking out. I wasn’t taking care of myself the way I should have, and my body was reacting. I had to make the decision to put my health first. I had been preparing the business for about five years, so I took my exit when my company offered a voluntary separation which included a severance package.”

It’s been over twenty years since Coach Melody started her personal journey. In that time, she has maintained the weight loss and enjoyed the healthier side of life she offers her clients.

In the beginning, Melody handled individual clients, but as the Unwrap You movement has grown over the years, Coach Melody has found a way to get her message out to a broader audience. “As I explained before, when I started, I thought health and wellness looked like a personal trainer encouraging an unmotivated individual towards a personal goal. But it is so much bigger than that,” Melody explains. “Understanding the body, mind, and spirit aspects of health and wellness made me want to do more to reach people around the world. Before, I would work with one client for one hour. Now, I can reach six hundred people, speaking and improving workplace productivity in that same hour. It is a way to maximize outcomes and impact more people globally. So now I focus on corporate wellness programs, speaking engagements promoting a healthy mindset, and youth wellness and life skills programs.”

Pictured on the opposite page is Coach Melody’s 7th FamFun3K Obesity Walk for Childhood Obesity.

It’s also her signature community giveback.


One of Coach Melody’s programs is the Fam Fun 3K Walk, held annually in September. “September is Childhood Obesity Month, and for the past seven years, I’ve hosted the Fam Fun 3k Walk in Lincoln Park in East St. Louis, Illinois. This event raises funds and awareness of childhood obesity. This is a family fun event, and proceeds go to youth and family-driven charities,” she explained. “It is a great time for a great cause. There are various resources, activities, and fun for everyone. The great part is that we have given over thirty thousand dollars back to the community in the last three years.” In the seven years since the Fam Fun 3k Walk started, it has reached twenty-five states and three continents.

Coach Melody wants to stress that one size does not fit all when creating a successful wellness program. “My goal is to create an experience with every company, organization, youth, or leader I contract with that leads to results. You can’t take the cookie-cutter approach when creating a wellness program,” she says passionately. “It’s important to me as a consultant to know what you are trying to accomplish, how you are trying to get it done, and what financial investment you want to make to see this happen.”

When it’s all said and done, Coach Melody’s goal is to allow everyone to live better. “I pride myself on ensuring everyone has the most amazing experience! If you enjoy the experience, you will keep doing it. A healthy lifestyle increases productivity, makes you feel better, and improves mobility. It is not about a number on a scale. It’s about what’s weighing you down and making small improvements over time that are substantial. For example, walking up a flight of steps without being out of breath, your clothes fit better, which builds confidence and improves your mood. I could go on and on because there are so many benefits to creating a healthier lifestyle.”

As Coach Melody looks toward the future, she sees herself moving toward advocacy in the space of underserved communities. “I have had the opportunity to discuss cultural competence in front of the Illinois Senate and the House of Representatives. My point was that it’s hard to understand what people go through when you haven’t walked a mile in their shoes. My life experiences qualify me to speak to and for people on either side of the line. I was raised by a single mother in areas we now identify as food deserts because the people didn’t have access to grocery stores. I was that struggling college student who had to check the couch for loose change to buy food or gas. Now, I have everything I need and live comfortably, but those experiences make me relatable. My sensitivity to my community positions me to help find a long-term solution to providing nutrition-based education that will allow us to live healthier and more productive lives globally.”

Coach Melody wants people to understand that after years of walking this path, she’s learned that anyone can do it. “I don’t care if you are eight or sixty-eight. Everyone can create a strategic wellness plan to achieve their health and wellness goals. You are never too old to invest in you. Start with loving yourself to life. Are you ready for the Unwrap You Experience” St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 10
Unwrap You With Coach Melody
“A healthy lifestyle increases productivity, makes you feel better, and improves mobility. It is not about a number on a scale. It’s about what’s weighing you down and making small improvements over time that are substantial.”

Artist Visual Arts Studio

Do you remember when you took art classes in elementary school or dabbled in art while at your afterschool program? Do you remember making Play-Doh figures and gluing them onto a paper plate, tracing your fingers to form a turkey figure, and then placing different colored pieces of construction paper on them to resemble feathers? Remember rushing home to present your artwork to your parents so they could hang it on the refrigerator with a magnet? Now, parents, tell the truth and shame the devil. Did you ever look at that artwork and ask, “Now baby, what is this supposed to be?” How about the response didn’t match the picture or, better yet, the picture didn’t resemble you? Nonetheless, your child designed and glued that picture just for you, so you hung it up anyway. Now that many of us are parents and grandparents, we most likely have our children’s or grandchildren’s artwork dawning our refrigerators.

Parents, have you ever asked your child how they came up with that design or what they were thinking about when creating their unique art piece? Art is a conceptual idea. It’s an expression of the imagination in a visual form. Some art forms are more intricate than others, such as Batik art. Let me help you connect with this 2000-year-old type of art.

Do you remember melting crayons onto paper and using that melted, colorful wax to create an abstract image? Without your knowledge, you were in the infancy stages of Batik art. It’s one of those artmaking processes requiring much preparation and skill. Batik means wax painting and is a technique of using wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth. Batik is made by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap. The applied wax resists dyes, allowing the artisan to color selectively by soaking the muslin cloth in one color, removing the wax with boiling water, and repeating that process if multiple colors are desired. This tradition is cultivated in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nigeria. However, the Island of Java, Indonesia, is the most famous country for this type of art. One of the most famous Batik artists lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, and his name is Henry E. Sumpter.

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by Suzzanne Snuggs Photography Mississippi Migration Reseeding the Rainforest Stolen Kiss

Born in Myrtle Beach, SC, Henry is a Contemporary Batik Painting Master. Those who have viewed his artwork believe he is a hybrid of Picasso, DaVinci, and Raphael. They also believe his talent for creating Batik should have propelled him to greatness long ago, except Henry wasn’t ready to grace the world; instead, he chose to remain in his shell. “I’m a very simple sort of guy. And at 77, I’m still naïve. That’s the thing that helps me to create – my naivete.”

So, where exactly does Henry’s inspiration come from? He says, “God gives me visions in my dreams when it’s time for me to create. I’ll give you one example. One night, I heard this voice talking in my room. When I woke up, I thought it was Satan, so I said Satan, get away from me, and I went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, I picked back up on the same dream, and here comes this voice again. So, I said, Hey, Satan, you can’t talk to me! This time, the voice spoke back and said This is not Satan; this is God, so I got up and began painting the vision He was showing me in my dream.”

As Sumpter grew up, he knew he was different from his peers. At an early age, he could hold conversations with his elders, which is one of the reasons his mother dubbed him with the nickname of ‘Fessor short for professor. Henry recalls, “I was a different type of kid on the beach. At seven and eight years old, I wandered everywhere. I would roam almost three or four miles away from home at night just to get on the Air Force base to speak to the airmen/pilots and get all the information I could from them about their travels, thinking I was a kid on base, they would talk to me. Even during that time, it was really dangerous for me to be alone, but I didn’t have any fear or ever thought about anyone hurting me, especially because I had a big white German Shepherd who would accompany me when I sneaked away from home. I feel like that was God protecting and guiding me. He went everywhere with me; I know now it was God. I’m just as curious now as when I was a child. Sometimes, with flashlight pressed against my hand at night, I’m still amazed at the bright blood running through my fingers. I get up daily, look at the sun, and marvel at how photosynthesis makes the flowers grow. I’ve even asked my doctors why I am still that way, and they just say that it’s a part of my DNA.”

Another piece of Henry’s DNA is his ability to draw. As a child, he couldn’t draw anything more than stick figures while his family members were able to surpass him. “I couldn’t always draw. It wasn’t until I started working in the country clubs and cleaning floors, and working in white people’s homes cleaning their floors that I could connect the dots. The folk I worked for never understood why I enjoyed doing the floors, but I did that so I could look at the pictures hanging on the walls. I would be working and looking at the details. Even though they thought I was strange because I received enjoyment while hand polishing their floors, nobody would stop a black man from that type of work, especially since I had the best floors wherever I worked. Nobody knew that I was steadily waxing, studying, and developing my technique. When I was 13 years old, I just woke up one morning and could draw, and that’s how that happened.”

Painting on opposite page: Hidden Treasures St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 14
I get up daily, look at the sun, and marvel at how photosynthesis makes the flowers grow. I’ve even asked my doctors why I am still that way, and they just say that it’s a part of my DNA.”

Sumpter has a rich history of working as a protégé of some of the greatest contemporary drawing artists, such as Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts (Charlie Brown and Snoopy), and Leo Twiggs, a professor at South Carolina State University and Claflin University Alum, and who is also an acclaimed Batik master. Sumpter recalls, “I attended Claflin as a freshman. Professor Twiggs took me over to his place, and I watched him doing this weird stuff with wax and dyes, and I said Sir, who taught you this? He didn’t answer that question; instead, he said Son, you’ll never be able to do this. He said that I wouldn’t have the intellect to do it and that I wouldn’t have the initiative or the desire to do it. He said Batik was beyond me. He should have never said that to me because those words were the impetus that caused me to want to prove him wrong. After that, I began experimenting with the art on my own, and the rest is history. I became enamored with this process; you must understand what the finished painting will look like before you start painting and also understand color.” The process of Batik art is time-consuming. These artists spend countless hours consumed with this craft. Sumpter has attested to working on one piece of art for nine years. Leo is still the best.

One may ask why drawing and painting one picture would take so long. Henry says, “I have some pieces that I’ve worked on for nine or more years perfecting. You see, my artwork is different because I have designed it using a three-D effect. You can see my effect up close, and you can see it just as well far away. For someone working with a hot wax tool, my hand speed is like Mohammad Ali’s. My hand speed is so fast the cameras can’t catch it. This is a time-consuming process where you can lose yourself and lose track of time. The tools needed are a process by itself. First, you have to envision your picture and see the colors. I’ve mastered the capability to make any color on the spectrum to paint. I literally get lost because I become intoxicated with the process from the beginning. I must use the perfect fabric or Muslin, my dyes, brushes, beeswax, hot plate, and pot to melt the wax. I then lay down the fabric, draw my vision, and apply the first wax layer. It’s the wax that provides the resistance. Then, I actually create my own dye colors; then, I have to remove the wax with a hot iron and newspaper. The whole process is very timeconsuming, but to me, the days are more like seconds,” he shares.

During the Vietnam War, Henry was drafted into the US Army, where he was assigned to the material performance branch in a craft shop, perfecting his art. After his tour in the Army, Henry began exhibiting his art and winning recognition. Several of his pieces can be found in New York, Atlanta, and London. Often, people are not recognized as great in their hometowns. However, Henry wants his artistry to stand the test of time long after he is gone. He shares, “I want the world to know that I have worked for over 40 years to create a unique body of work that will be aweinspiring and historical and archival work that will last for about 1,000 years.”

If you want to learn more about Henry E. Sumpter and purchase his works, visit

Henry E. Sumpter 712 Summit Avenue - Greensboro, NC 27405 336-275-6361
Coming and Going Queens h
Hidden Treasures II
opposite page: Red Skies Over Tamara

One Accord Ministries, INC

S. Kaye Latimer-Ellerbe’s mission is to inspire and empower others through practical and spiritual guidance. Her favorite life scripture is 3 John 1:2 (Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers), which is always at the forefront of her mind as she challenges God’s people to live up to their full potential.

Born in South Carolina but now residing in Philadelphia, PA, Kaye is married to Reverend James B. Ellerbe, and together they have four daughters. She holds a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Arts in English, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. Currently, Kaye is pursuing a Master of Science in Information Technology.

Professionally, Kaye owns and manages One Accord Ministries, INC, and On Point Events LLC. One Accord Ministries Inc., a nonprofit organization, is committed to serving the Lord and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truths of God’s word. Their work is done through live drama presentations that consists of dramatization, dance, and spoken word. “Our services are designed to reach the hearts of the lost and encourage Christians toward a closer relationship with Jesus Christ,” Kaye says. “Combining the Gospel with drama helps the audience see, hear, feel, and understand the message like never before, as the word of God comes alive on stage. Our vision is to take these productions to many different churches, conferences, and theaters, and break down religious barriers and speak to the believer’s heart so that people can be healed, delivered, and set free of bondage.”

For the most part, Kaye has always been drawn to the arts. She studied Liturgical Dance under Pastor Kristopher Halsey, founder of the Look & Live Creative Arts Team of Unity Temple Worship Center, Philadelphia, PA, and Minister Carolyn Johnson, founder of Breaking the Barriers Arts Academy, in Pennsauken, NJ. Additionally, she has shared her gift of ministry in dance throughout the United States, Bermuda, and Uganda, Africa, and held many church leadership positions, being ordained to the office of Elder in 2010. At the close of Unity Temple Worship Center, she founded One Accord Ministries Inc.

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Photos Provided by S. Kaye Lattimer-Ellerbe
“Our vision is to take these productions to many different churches, conferences, and theaters, and break down religious barriers and speak to the believer’s heart so that people can be healed, delivered, and set free of bondage.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Kaye decided to follow her passion for decorating and design and started an event design business called On Point Events, LLC. On Point Events was created because of Kaye’s desire never to have anyone look back on their special day and be disappointed by what they see in the pictures. “A picture is worth millions to some and worth nothing to others. Once the moment has been captured in a picture, it can never be changed,” she says. On Point Events’ goal is to take their client’s dreams and make them a reality using decor designs from chairs and table linens, sashes, table runners, and centerpieces. “Our services are for anyone who has a vision for a special event and wants to see it come to life.”

As a Playwright and Director, Kaye says what she loves most is the opportunity to express her artistic vision and ideas through the medium of theater. “My job is to create unique stories, develop compelling characters, and explore diverse themes and emotions that keep the audience engaged and invested in the story,” she said. As an Event Designer and Coordinator, she mostly enjoys creating memorable experiences that reflect her client’s vision and love story. “I want to make sure that every time they think of the day or look at their photos, they experience the same euphoric feeling as they experienced on the actual day.”

Kaye shares that her daughter, Abria Nicole, inspires her to be the best she can be. She says, “Once I found out I was pregnant, I set out to ensure a better life for my daughter. Abria is the reason I have made many choices, stepped outside of my comfort zone, and allowed myself to be stretched in ways I couldn’t even imagine. I’ve done all of this to be the example she could follow as she grows in life. My daughter is a natural-born leader and a go-getter and is making waves in this world.”

Amazingly, Kaye has been able to build her business while working full-time. While doing so, it has been a challenge for her, but still, she has persevered. Kaye is determined, and most of all, she loves serving others in ministry and in business. Looking ahead, Kaye shares her plans for a rebroadcast of the 2023 Production “Already Defeated” which will be held in Philadelphia PA. Her team is also looking for opportunities to bring it to churches in and out of state. Additionally, she has launched a movement called “I’m SICKA Church” which depicts the issue of “church hurt” from all perspectives. There will also be a podcast series launching in the fall prior to the stage production in 2024.

Kaye is also seeking individuals to become a One Accord Ministries Inc. Partner. She says that by doing so, it helps them in so many ways. “It will allow us to cover production expenses and continue traveling the U.S. to preach the gospel. A partnership helps to increase the artistry of drama, helps to create professional scale life-changing videos, and reach people all over the U.S. and abroad,” she says. St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 20
Kaye shares her love of God with her husband, Reverend James B. Ellerbe
21 St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 For more information, please email Kaye at For On Point Events LLC, please email her at For all things Kaye on social media and to join her mailing list, please visit


So many words and adjectives can describe Nycole Johnson. Imaginative, inventive, and servant are appropriate, yet there is more to her story. First and most importantly, she is a lover of God and professes that she wouldn’t be where she is today without God.

The East Chicago, IN, native and current Indianapolis is the youngest of three sisters of her mother’s children and the youngest of seven children of her father’s. Her adult son, Xavyon, is her only child, and the village she relies on for support consists of many family and friends.

At the age of 18, Nycole moved to Indianapolis to attend IUPUI. She initially pursued a degree in communication but was intrigued by the world of Technology and what it had to offer. She would eventually pivot and change her major and become the first African American female to obtain an Associate’s Degree in New Media. Next, she got her Bachelor’s degree in General Studies and would later work for the Indianapolis Urban League as their IT Coordinator. While there, she started an initiative to encourage young minority females to pursue careers in various areas of Technology and entrepreneurship and led high schoolers in programming to assist with closing the digital divide within their communities. To date, she has provided instruction and mentorship to over 300 youth and countless others.

Everything Nycole had accomplished up to then was already impressive. Still, there was more for her to do.

Nycole returned to school and obtained her Masters in Business and Administration, focusing on Leadership Development from Indiana Wesleyan University. She has worked in IT for over 25 years for the profit and nonprofit sectors.

Today, Nycole owns Rose of Sharon All Naturals LLC (ROS), a health and wellness e-commerce store. Rose of Sharon All Naturals is named after her late mother, who pushed Nycole to help make the world a better place. “I learned early on as a child that making a difference in my community was imperative. My mother taught me what it truly meant to give back and stand up for what was right,” she says.

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Her company offers a variety of sea moss and functional mushroom-based products, some being consumable and others intended to be applied to the skin. “My products are designed for individuals seeking alternative methods to experience healthier lifestyles. They are intended for those who seek natural, life-changing results minus the artificial preservatives and colors. They are primarily vegan-based, but the face mask uses raw honey,” Nycole explains.

With Rose of Sharon All Naturals, there is something for everyone. “We have six Sea Moss flavored gels that are a true delight for your taste buds. The flavors are pineapple, strawberry, peach, green apple, not your ordinary lime, and original. Not only are they delicious, but they are packed with the incredible nutritional benefits of sea moss. Sea moss is known to boost immunity, improve digestion, promote healthy skin and nails, and much more,” she says.

Nycole also has four sea moss splash drinks. Made with coconut water and infused with the delightful flavors of strawberry lemon, peach mango, watermelon, and pineapple, these drinks are the perfect way to quench someone’s thirst. Not only do they taste amazing, but they are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals to keep her clients energized throughout the day.

For those looking for a quick and invigorating health shot, Nycole offers pineapple ginger sea moss shots to boost their wellness journey. “These shots are loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and immune-boosting benefits and combine the power of sea moss, fresh cold-pressed ginger, pineapple, lemon, aloe, and coconut water. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a revitalized body,” Nycole says.

The Chaga Tea is a delightful blend that tastes like sweet peach tea and comes in a plain variant, and the Lion’s Mane Lavender Tea with a hint of lavender. This unique blend combines the brain-boosting benefits of lions’ mane mushrooms with lavender’s anti-inflammatory yet calming properties.

With her skincare line, Nycoles offers a sea moss face mask, of which she describes as a powerhouse combination of sea moss, aloe, and raw honey, specifically designed to tackle acne, dry skin, and problem skin. This face mask is a natural and effective solution to achieve clearer and healthier-looking skin.

There is the Sea Moss Body Butter, available in four delightful scents: Baby Powder, Lavender, Mango, and Plain. There is also the ROS’s Pain Kicker cream. This unique formula combines sea moss with essential oils, which aims to relieve minor inflammation and pain.

I learned early on as a child that making a difference in my community was imperative. My mother taught me what it truly meant to give back and stand up for what was right.”

Nycole says the vision for her company came from her stumbling on the ideal while trying to find alternative ways to cope with some issues she was dealing with. These were pre-covid conditions, heavy weight gain, loss of hair, and much physical pain resulting from a car accident in 2013. “I tried many western world medical remedies that did nothing but made me feel worse. Someone recommended sea moss, and I initially hesitated to try it. I eventually accepted the challenge but under one condition: I would have to tolerate the taste easily. I figured out a way to gain the wonderful benefits of sea moss and made sure it was naturally flavored.,” she said. The word quickly spread among Nycole’s family and friends about the transformation of her weight loss and improved health, and requests began to pour in for her sea moss. This is how Rose of Sharon All Naturals was born.

Nycole says what she loves most about her company is seeing the surprising look once someone tries her sea moss for the first time. She also appreciates the feedback and testimonials from her clients.

The journey of an entrepreneur can be very challenging. However, Nycole is a “Solopreneur,” which makes her business experience even more daunting. She shares, ‘I realize I can’t be everything to everybody at all times. I am not an expert in every aspect of what my business needs. Though I do most of it myself, I still have to contract certain aspects of the business needs, such as social media and marketing tasks, finance, and accounting. I also have a few mentors who offer sound advice and valuable resources.”

Funding has also posed a challenge for Nycole with her business. She has relied on her personal funds to build her brand without seeking assistance from any other source. Fortunately, she applied for grants and was awarded one earlier this year. “That funding has been a tremendous blessing and supported my business as sales continue to increase.”

As her future happens for Nycole, she is positioning her brand to be very successful on all stages. She shares, “ROS is steadily gaining momentum and is on track to be a go-to company for wellness needs. We are working hard to improve our brand and product offerings. Currently, we are working on rebranding, styling, launching a new name to trademark, and enhancing products. ROS will be known for its healthy and great-tasting natural sea moss and for being a wellness brand.:

Please visit their website to learn more about Rose of Sharon All Naturals.

Nycole L. Johnson Rose of Sharon All Naturals
1-800-690-7725 h
St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 27

Memphis Shelby Police Activities League “A Little Can Go A Long Way”

Over the years, stories of youth growing up in crime-infested areas have become increasingly common. Craig Littles, a military veteran and former law enforcement officer from North Memphis, Tennessee, has a similar story. But instead of giving in to the pull of the role models in his community, Mr. Littles took a different path with the help of his mother and sports coaches. Grateful for the opportunities and help he was blessed to have, Craig has built a community that helps kids like him find a different path. Today, he is the founder and Executive Director of the Sheriffs and Police Activities Leagues. The Memphis Shelby Police Activity League, or PAL, has been a lifealtering organization for the youth of North Memphis for over thirty years.

In addition to being the founder of the Memphis Shelby County PAL, Craig is the National PAL Vice President. Nationally, PAL serves 1.5 million youth, over three hundred chapters, and seven international chapters. Locally, Memphis PALs serve over two thousand youth annually.

Craig’s passion for being an advocate and resource for the youth in his community comes from a deep sense of gratitude and respect for God and those people he believes God sent to help him beat the odds.

“Growing up in an impoverished neighborhood in Memphis, my role models were gang bangers and dope dealers,” Craig explains. “I started this program thirty years ago to be a better role model than our kids see in the community every day.”

Craig, a single parent to three, now adult children understand the importance of good examples outside and in the home. He and his brother, John Littles were raised by a single mother, Carolyn Willis who made sure they were surrounded by strong male mentors who could give them good guidance and sound advice when needed. “My brother and I are a year apart, and our mother ensured we were always involved in something positive. We were really good at sports, so that’s where we focused our energy,” Craig shares. “It made our mother happy because it kept us busy, in school, and away from influences that would distract us.”

A star athlete, Craig, and a fellow teammate were being heavily recruited to play college football. Going to college and getting a degree, all while doing something you enjoy would be ideal for anyone working to change their circumstances. Craig was no different, but he had to look at the bigger picture.

Provided by Craig Littles

“I wanted to go to college, but I needed to get out of Memphis. One weekend, a teammate and I were scheduled to be picked up for a college visit. We waited, and they never came. The entire weekend passed, they didn’t come, and no one called. We found out later the coach and the staff of the college’s program were fired,” Craig shares.

Feeling like the college option was closed to him, he did what a lot of young men do. He went to the military. “When the college tour fell through, I signed up for the Army as soon as I was able to. College was my first choice, but in the end, I had to get out of my neighborhood. I saw the military as the fast way to do that at the time.”

After four years in the Army, one spent in the Dessert Storm campaign, Craig came home with a purpose. “While in Dessert Storm, I prayed to God. I told him if he got us home safely, I would do whatever He told me to do! I had no idea of what that would be. I didn’t know if I would be a minister, a teacher, or a chef! It didn’t matter. If God got me out of the foxhole and home safely, I would dedicate my life to doing what he directed me to do,” He shares pointedly. “When I returned home, I kept my promise. I went with what I knew and what had worked for me and my brother as children. Sports.”

In 1996, Craig started the first youth sports program. “When I got out of the Army, God led me to start a youth organization. I gathered several of my high school buddies, and we started with twenty-five football players and five cheerleaders and started our youth football cheer program called Memphis Bears Inc.”

Craig returned home in 1991 and joined the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office in the jail division; later, he became a Memphis Police Officer. “Law enforcement felt like a natural progression for me but not for the reasons you may think,” Craig starts to explain. “I’ve always felt the call to help people. For that reason, I find myself drawn to the jobs and situations nobody wants to do.”

In the thirty years since starting their first sports program, Craig and his team have been strategic and hyper-focused on creating programs that benefit the youth and the community. Continuing to draw from his own childhood, Craig wanted to channel the group’s efforts toward mentorship. “Again, growing up without a father in the home, my mother tried to ensure my brother and I were exposed to good male role models. Whether it was our uncles, the pastor, or our coaches. She positioned us in a space where we had positive examples to help shape and mold us into the men we are today. Our coaches held us accountable and gave us goals. Those things kept us out of trouble. That is what we set out to do for the kids in our community. We wanted to give them good role models to emulate because that is what worked for us,” Craig explained.

Because of the overwhelming response to their initial project, new programs and initiatives Trezevant were started. “We started with the twenty-five football players and five cheerleaders, and we immediately saw the positive impact that it made in our community. As a result, the program grew. We started a track program, a summer program, and on the academic side, we have tutoring and homework assistance,” Littles shared with enthusiasm. “There was such a need; students and families were hungry for the opportunities our programs have brought to this community.”

Pictured above: Craig while serving with the Memphis Police Department Pictured Below: Craig with his children (Eldest, YarKeva Nicolé Littles, and twins Morgan Janay Littles, Branson Marcel Littles).

In the years since Craig gathered a few high school buddies to honor his promise to God, they have not had a shortage of support from the community. “We have a strong volunteer base and partners who provide financial support. We have thirty staff members and over two hundred volunteers that span all programs. Our volunteers include the advisors, coaches, tutors, board members, and booster club.”

Because Memphis Shelby PAL is an independent non-profit, the program relies on financial support from sponsors and partners. “We have been so blessed to have so many people and companies who believe in us and what we are doing here,” Craig explains. “The programs that we create are not based on what I think is needed. We listen to the community and create programs based on their needs. Whether the need is nutrition, mentorship, or help with academics. We work to find a partner that helps us meet that need.” Craig shares. “If a parent says they need intervention for their child, we’ve partnered with the Ford Foundation and the juvenile court. In some cases, in lieu of being arrested, those students attend my training. There are a plethora of avenues that we can access to support our families at Littles or no cost to them.”

The success of the programs that MSC PAL has instituted has been evident in the students who graduate from it. “We have students who go on to complete college and trade school successfully. We have students who come back and volunteer, and we’ve had students come back and teach or join the police department in their community,” Craig said with pride. “That is why our program is so successful. We focus on where the need is. For those reasons, the people of the community respect what we do, and we get to see the success stories that make this all worthwhile.”

If you haven’t caught on yet, Craig Littles loves his community and the people that live there. So, it was only fitting that the program be housed at his alma mater. “The best part is that we were able to host the program at our alma mater, Trezevant High School. That’s where it started for us. Now, thirty years later, we are still there and have been blessed to open an after-school program inside of the school. Trezevant High School and Memphis Shelby County Schools donated a wing inside of Trezevant. With a $300,000.000 renovation, Memphis Shelby County PAL was able to start after-school, summer, and extended learning programs,” Craig said proudly.

Over the years, Craig has been recognized for his labor of love. Craig has received numerous awards, such as the Meritorious Community Service Award by former Mayor W. W. Herenton, Outstanding Community Service by former Congressman Harold Ford Jr., River City Gala, Community Man of The Year, and Community Service Award, Memphis Police Department, just to name a few.

Staying true to his original vision to give kids in the North Memphis community something to emulate, make them proud of themselves, and stand a Littles taller, Craig’s current project is to give the local schools a stadium to hold their sports events. “Right now, the schools must leave the area to participate in sporting events. They don’t have a place in their community built for them,” Craig explained. “The Field of Dreams Project is a state-of-the-art sports stadium where local schools can host sporting events and activities,” he shares passionately.



Chef Jelian Steward

Jelian Steward of Chicago, IL, owns Signature Taste by Jelian - Chef Jelian Steward. Her company prides itself on providing excellent personal chef services. Additional services Jelian offers include catering, event and meal planning, private dining experiences, cooking classes, speaking engagements, and live cooking demonstrations. As if her plate wasn’t full, Jelian has found time to author and publish her first book, “A Good Conversation About Life & Food”, released in 2022.

Jelian’s shares she has always cooked since she was young. She had cooked for lounges, parties, company parties, and friends and family but never really thought about making it a career. Yet, life would have other plans. Her journey in business began in 2016 after she was asked to cater a nonprofit cancer awareness event for 150 people. “It was that defining moment I knew I could connect to people with my food. It was at that moment when Signature Taste by Jelian was officially born,” she says.

The products offered by Jelian are very diverse and designed to meet her customers’ needs. They include vegetarian, gluten-free, comfort food, small bites, and more. “I was extremely adamant about not being put into a “cultural box” with my food. I can cook anything, and I love all food, so I love to be challenged with foods from different cultures. And because I am a nurse by trade, I am conscious about what and how I cook. It is not enough for me to only cook; the setup and service of the food are just as important as the taste,” she says.

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Photos Provided by Chef Jelian Steward

Born on the south side of Chicago, Jelian is the only child to her mother and baby girl to her father. She grew up in the Chatham neighborhood, attended Kenwood Academy High School, and graduated in 1998. After high school, she enrolled in Canella Hair College of Design and shared that doing hair was something she’d enjoyed doing since the age of 14. She became pregnant while enrolled in hair school and realized she needed to do more to provide for her unborn son. “I worked and went to school, and after I had my first son, I transitioned into healthcare. I started as a Patient Care Technician at Northwestern Hospital, and soon after giving birth to my second son in June 2002, I became an EMT and began working in the emergency department at Saint Anthony Hospital. I then married my children’s father and, as life would have it, became pregnant with my third son.”

With life moving at full speed for Jelian, her next venture involved enrolling at Wilbur Wright College to obtain a nursing degree. In 2012, she accomplished her goal.

When asked what she loves most about her food, Jelian says she loves the preparation. “Cooking gives me relief; it’s like my way of communicating through my food. I feel like you get to know a little bit of me through my food. The setup is critical but exciting to plan and execute, and my client’s face at the end is everything. As I go down the list, I can say it is how my sons, husband, and team look after completing an event. The satisfaction of being a part of and creating gives them joy. Having my family proud of me is very important to me.”

Jelians shares that her grandmother is who she credits with having the biggest impact on her life. She says, “I learned so much from her. She included life lessons and stories while teaching me how to cook; it was a great way for us to connect. Though she passed in 2010, I continue to use my passion for cooking to connect with her. Comfort food is what we loved to eat together. I cook when I feel sad, need to tell her something, or want to feel her spirit. Often, it is something that she used to cook for me, like fried okra and tomatoes, greens, and hot water cornbread, but when I’m really missing her, I try to show out with some of my recipes like cabbage and collard greens or my braised oxtails.”

A woman of character and integrity, staying true to her values and beliefs is very important to Jelian, and it’s how she runs her business. “I have learned that sometimes people project their fears onto you, especially when you decide to start a business. When they try to talk you into situations where only their benefit is guaranteed, yours is contingent on their word of mouth, followers, or connections. I have to look at why I decided to start Signature Taste by Jelian in the first place. My company is my baby, and I have been able to birth many passions from my gift. I mentor, give back, teach, and connect people through my food and book.”

Jelian believes that everything in life happens for a reason. She also believes that she has more learning and growing to do. “I have learned my worth and what I am capable of. I have catered corporate events and weddings for 200 people, which is the bulk of my business, with a staff of three people. Everything happened without a hitch, yet everything you can think of went wrong behind the scenes. Undeterred, I can return to what is essential and get to work. Food does that for me. Feeding people and communicating with people through my food does that for me,” she says. St. Louis - Sept./Oct. 2023 34

For others on a journey similar to that of Jelian’s, she offers some advice that will help them understand what to expect. She says, “Stay true to your vision and your beliefs. Don’t allow people to put a cap on your creativity and your vision. God gives vision to those who seek it, and if God gave you the vision, He will also provide the blueprint. Stay faithful, stay grounded, and stay true to your vision.”

Moving forward, Chef Jelian plans to continue promoting her book, catering, and filming her show. I miss filming my cooking show. I have episodes on my YouTube Channel, and I am ready to resume filming. I have also started on my second book, which will be the second part of this series. Additionally, I am making self-care a priority and prioritizing my needs and my loved ones.” To learn more about Chef Jelian, please visit her website.

Cooking gives me relief; it’s like my way of communicating through my food. I feel like you get to know a little bit of me through my food.”

Broken Men Foundation

Ellery Lundy is the President and Founder of The Broken Men Foundation. His nonprofit organization is designed to help men deal with trauma from various life situations, whether it be divorce, separation, drug abuse, gun safety, gun prevention, and more.

A native of Richmond, VA, Ellery says that just because someone is broken, it doesn’t mean they should stay broken. “We want to teach men through our program how to take back the community and lead in a positive way. We also want to extend our hands to the youth and raise boys to become men,” Ellery says. “Men have a tendency not to communicate. We act out in different fashions, sometimes resulting in domestic violence, becoming abusive parents, or worse. Men must understand they aren’t alone in this journey, and it is okay to talk about the past and move forward.”

In 2014, the Academy began with only three participants. Since then, its focus has specialized on mentoring young men between the ages of 12-18 and offering a 16-week curriculum covering a variety of topics aimed at better understanding adolescent behavior to allow our mentors to teach problem-solving skills.

Ellery shares his organization is deeply rooted in academic achievement, the establishment of social skills, self-esteem and responsibility, citizenship, and community involvement. “Our ultimate goal is to make young men accountable for their actions, thus enabling them to become productive members of our community.” As of 2023, they have graduated over 500 men.

Ellery has been certified in the Fatherhood Initiative program for fragile families through the Virginia Department of State Social Services and Certified in Crisis Intervention. He has coached various sports in the community, from girl’s basketball to little league football, and has also officiated numerous games from little league, high school, and even semi-pro.

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Photos Provided by Ellery Lundy

The Broken Men Foundation gives back to its community with its outreach program. In September, they conducted a back-to-school supply event. In October, they will conduct a breast cancer walk to raise cancer awareness, and in November, they will conduct a Thanksgiving food drive and give food to families in need. Additionally, they will partner with other organizations in December to give away toys to families.

Ellery shares that what he loves most about his foundation is dealing with the unknown. “When we have young men into our program, we may not always know what they are dealing with. We began by letting our mentees know that we love them. We want them to know that none of us are perfect, and we are all in this thing together,” he says.

Ellery acknowledges his mother, Lydia Lundy, for instilling sound values into him and his siblings. “She always told me as a young man that I was no less than any other man. My mother told me whenever I needed to tell a man something, to look into his eyes and tell it. She taught us to be respectful and confident,” he says.

Of course, Ellery couldn’t do all that he does alone. A stellar group of individuals, such as Steve Clarke, the Executive Director and Vice President of the organization, surrounds him. There is also James Fobbs, Keith Adams, Pastor Calvin Harris, Shawn Hobbs, Troy Mithcell, James Jones, Charles Johnson, Chris McNeil, Ray Smith, Rickey Brown, William Simmons, and Leroy Terry Cain, Jr. Some additional assistance comes by way of Doreen Lundy, Joe Lajoie, and Rachel Fenton.

When asked if he would change anything about his journey with the organization, Ellery says he wishes he would leave his job sooner. “Other than that, there is nothing I would change. I believe we are where we are supposed to be in life. I appreciate every part of the journey,” he says.

Looking ahead, Ellery hopes to take his organization to higher heights. “I want to make our organization bigger than organizations like ours. I want to secure more grants and help our organization to be bigger than the Boys & Girls Club and the YMCA. Those are both great organizations, and we have the opportunity to reach even more young men. I want to secure a building and buses to transport our group to events outside Richmond. I want to ensure they are exposed to the things that will help them continue to succeed.

To learn more about the Broken Men Foundation, please visit their website.

Our ultimate goal is to make young men accountable for their actions, thus enabling them to become productive members of our community.”

Ashton Hairston

The son of Shannon Hairston

Astylux Notary & Courier Services

Hailing from Catawba County, NC, particularly Hickory, NC, T. Alexis Byrd is deeply connected to her roots. However, her upbringing carries a unique twist due to her family’s military background spanning an impressive five generations. Her legacy was further enriched by formative years spent in Germany, a testament to the enduring commitment of her family to serve. Alexis says those diverse experiences have shaped her.

In 2001, Alexis embarked on a new journey with the United States Air Force as a dedicated Logistician. In her role, she gained invaluable skills, exhibited a strong sense of discipline and duty, and enjoyed a career lasting 20 years. Having concluded this illustrious chapter, Alexis now resides alongside her teenage son in Wayne County, NC. Wayne County, she says, has become her cherished home, a place where she is forging a fresh path as an entrepreneur, driven by the values and principles instilled by her family’s rich military history.

Throughout her career, Alexis has had the privilege of shouldering diverse responsibilities within the intricate supply chain process. These roles ranged from offering indispensable customer support to military personnel and civilians to orchestrating management of

issuance, storage, order requests, transportation logistics, inventory upkeep, real-time tracking, security protocols, repairs, and addressing general inquiries regarding an extensive assortment of supplies and invaluable hazardous equipment. Alexis was also entrusted with safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII), reinforcing the importance of data security and privacy. Furthermore, Alexis acquired valuable skill sets that she still utilizes today.

Alexis also holds the distinction of being an Iraq veteran, having undertaken a deployment to the region. This experience bolstered her expertise and honed her ability to navigate complex and challenging situations. Over the course of her Air Force career, she achieved significant academic milestones and earned an Associate’s Degree of Applied Science in Logistics from the Community College of the Air Force. She also attained a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Social & Criminal Justice with Magna Cum Laude honors from the University of Arizona Global Campus, formally Ashford University.

Photos Provided by T. Alexis Byrd

Today, Alexis owns Astylux, LLC, a diverse notary company based in Wayne County. Their services include Notarizations, Mobile Notary Services, Electronic Notarization, In-Person Electronic Notarization (IPEN), I-9 Employment Verification Forms, Efficient Courier Services, Comprehensive Administrative Support, Notary Signing Agent, Witnessing Services, and Apostille Agent Services.

“Our services come to you,” Alexis says. “We utilize our extended knowledge of the federal and state laws, immeasurable customer service skills, leadership, and compassion to ensure essential documents of community patrons are legally authenticated, protected, and transported safely with the utmost confidentiality and care.” Convenience is provided at your doorstep with exceptional Mobile Notary Services. “Our team brings the notarization process to you. Whether it’s your residence, business, or place of employment, we are committed to making notarization hassle-free and accessible,” she says. Astylux was recently aligned with the EscrowTab platform to integrate IPEN Services. “We expertly fuse in-person and electronic processes,” Alexis says, “redefining notarization for enhanced efficiency, real-time updates, and advanced encryption techniques.”

As a Notary Signing Agent, Alexis partners with various Title Companies, Lenders, Borrowers, Sellers, Escrow Officers, Loan Officers, Attorneys, Settlement Agents, Real Estate Agents and various Signing Agencies. “We ensure a seamless process, acting as impartial witnesses and ensuring swift communication with lenders.” Providing Apostille Agent Services ensures her client’s documents are properly authenticated by the Secretary of State for international use. Whether it’s a vital record, legal document, or business agreement, her company navigates the complexities of the apostille process.

So how did Alexis start her company? She says, nearly five years prior to her retirement from the U.S. Air Force, a journey unfolded that would shape her into a business owner. She learned the role of a notary held the potential to greatly enrich and uplift her community. Her vision went beyond the conventional, encompassing the creation of a meticulously tailored mobile notary service to meet the unique needs of Wayne County and its neighboring regions. She emphasizes, “While our services are finely tuned for this specific region, it’s crucial to note that they are designed to benefit everyone, regardless of location or background. We aim to reach a wide, diverse audience, ensuring that quality assistance is accessible to all.”

Drawing on her expertise as a Logistician and her educational background in Social & Criminal Justice, Alexis developed an integrated notary and courier service that aligned with the convenience-driven ethos of the community. She also aimed to create opportunities for employment and mentorship, nurturing local talents in business and notarial domains. She immersed herself in over twenty Small Business Association courses, both in physical and virtual spaces. She served as an Apostille Agent, an I-9 Employment Verification Authorized Representative, a Notary Signing Agent, and even a Courier. Alexis enrolled in the Notary class at Wayne Community College and the Electronic Notary course at Wake Tech Community College. By August 2021, she proudly became a Commissioned Notary. She was then

certified as a Notary Signing Agent in March 2022. She obtained her courier license in June 2022. On February 14, 2022, Astylux LLC was formed. The grand inauguration of Astylux Notary & Courier Services on July 1, 2022, marked the beginning of a significant chapter devoted to redefining notarial and courier services in her community.

Alexis says she appreciates the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to her community. “Every day brings the chance to connect with diverse individuals, expanding my network while keeping stress at bay. The continuous learning, whether it’s about business dynamics, local insights, or new regulations, keeps me engaged and educated. This knowledge is a gift I’m eager to share, allowing me to teach others along the way.”

Alexis appreciates the individuals who have had a significant influence in making her the accomplished woman she is today. One is Reverend James N. Holloway, her grandfather. He pastored while concurrently owning a highly regarded janitorial service in Hickory, NC. Alongside him, she credits her grandmother, Nettie G. Liles-Holloway, who served as a dedicated first lady and a missionary, deeply involved in community outreach.

Alexis also acknowledges the support of her customers. “Each time they reach out, or I arrive at their location, their genuine gratitude and sense of relief leave a lasting impact. Their overwhelmingly positive reviews are uplifting and serve as a driving force, propelling me to push forward and consistently enhance the services I offer,” she says.

Looking ahead, Alexis shares her plans involve a steadfast dedication to continuous learning as a notary and business owner. “ I’m committed to elevating my brand’s presence by acquiring innovative skills, enabling me to effectively engage with a broader audience. In summary, my vision includes a continuous journey of self-improvement, expanding my brand’s influence through innovative skills, and extending my impact beyond local boundaries,” she concludes.

To learn more about Astylux, LLC and the services they offer, please visit their website.

& Courier Services 919-756-3986 h
T. Alexis Byrd Astylux Notary
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