Here are the 18 Canadians who died in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash
President Donald Trump spoke to Abiy Ahmed...Page 16
Amina Ibrahim Odowa, daughter Sofia Abdulkadir
Kosha Vaidya, Prerit Dixit, children Anushka and Ashka Dixit, grandparents
Derick Lwugi
5) Danielle Moore
Micah Messent
á áś áĽá á áłáá¤á áá¨áá ááᥠá¨ááŞáá˝ áĽáááľ áĽáá˛áááá áá áĽáá...áá˝ 8 áááá¨áą
Angela Rehhorn GRAHAM PEEBLES:Displacement and Ethnic
á áááľ áŤáŚáŤáá áἠáŚá áłá´ á˛ááá...áá˝ 14
Peter deMarsh
Jessica Hyba
Darcy Belanger
StĂŠphanie Lacroix
Dawn Tanner
Ameen Ismail Noormohamed
Rubi Pauls
áľááľá áá˝ááľ / SEPTEMBER March 2019 Volume 2018 1: Issue 2
áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March SEPTEMBER 2019 Volume 20181: Issue 2
á¨áľááľá áá˝ááľ áá፠CONTENTS
18 Canadians among 157 killed after Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday
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áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
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áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
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áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
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áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
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áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
áŤáááľááŠá¤ á áŁá á¨ááłááá á áá á áĽá á áŤáłááŤá !! " á¨á¨á á°áŤáŤ á˛áá´áľ :áá ááľááᤠáĽáá áŤáá áłá " ááŹáľ áááŹááĽá¨áá´á á
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President Donald Trump spoke to Abiy Ahmed on the phone
Abdur Rahman Alfa Shaban 16/03 - 00:02 ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Prime Minister received a call from president of the united States, Donald Trump, on Friday; his office confirmed. The exchange between the two centered on events arising from the deadly plane crash of March 10. Trump spoke about the strength of the Ethiopian national carrier and stressed his support for ongoing reforms. The two leaders also committed to deepening relations between the two countries, the PMâs office added. Abiy is the latest African leader to have received a call from the U.S. leader. Others in the same bracket are Kenyaâs Uhuru Kenyatta, Nigeriaâs Muhammadu Buhari and then president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma. Full content of message from PMâs office PM Abiy Ahmed and Donald Trump in a phone call today shared their condolences to the people of both countries for the loss of lives in the fatal Flight 302. President Trump hailed @flyethiopian (Ethiopian Airlines) as a strong institution & af-
áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
firmed provision of technical support where needed. Donald Trump also expressed support for the holistic reforms that have been taking place in Ethiopia over the past months. The two leaders concluded their call with a commitment to strengthen the two countryâs long standing diplomatic relationship. Abiyâs visit to the U.S. meeting VP Mike Pence The highest U.S. official Abiy has met is the vice president Mike Pence last year. Abiy on a tour of the U.S. met with Pence at the White House. At the time, Pence also assured of continued support of Washington for reforms that the PM was undertaking back home. Washington is seen as a key ally of Ethiopia in different aspects of bilateral cooperation, key among which is security cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The last top U.S. official to have visited was then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who visited Addis at a time when tensions were high. He was fired by Trump by the time he completed his planned visit which took him to Kenya and Nigeria.
18 Canadians among 157 killed after Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday capital of Addis Ababa. All the Canadians have been identified. They are: Pius Adesanmi
scholarship and his sudden loss is a tragedy,â said Benoit-Antoine Bacon, Carletonâs president and vice-chancellor. Adesanmi was the winner of the inaugural Penguin Prize for African non-fiction writing in 2010. Amina Ibrahim Odowa, daughter Sofia Abdulkadir
Flowers are placed at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash near the town of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, on March 11, 2019. Eighteen Canadians died in the crash that killed a total of 157. (Tiksa Negeri/Reuters) Friends, family members and colleagues of the 18 Canadians killed in Sunday's Ethiopian Airlines crash are sharing their grief and memories.
The Canadians are among 157 people from 35 countries who died after the Boeing 737 Max 8 plane bound for Nairobi crashed shortly following takeoff from the Ethiopian
Pius Adesanmi was a professor at Carleton University in Ottawa. (Facebook )
Pius Adesanmi, the Nigeria-born director of Carleton Universityâs Institute of African Studies in Ottawa, was also a professor at the Ottawa school.
Amina Ibrahim Odowa, 33, of Edmonton, and her daughter Sofia Abdulkadir, 5, were killed. Odowa was a mother of three. (Submitted by Mohamed Ali)
âPius was a towering figure in African and post-colonial
Edmonton resident Amina Ibrahim Continued on page 22
Tel:- 647-7027528 áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
notice people suffering from cavities and gum diseases and there was little being done to help people with dental issues due to lack of adequate professionals. Moreover, there was little awareness about oral health and how to maintain a healthy oral environment. I speak from experience about Ethiopia and Eritrea. Hence, I started to develop a keen interest in dental field and do my part to help. When I joined dental school, my interest and passion grew even more as dentistry is both DOCTOR PAULOS SEYOUM, DENTIST art and science, meaning I Thank you very much you permit me to interview must apply current scientific and introduce yourself as a Dentist to our audi- guidelines as well as have ence. My name is Teshome Woldeamanuel, I am a great hand skills to create web & offline Magazine publisher. I am going to beautiful artistic smiles which is both challenging direct to the interview. and exciting. Dentistry, when I was 1. TZTA: Can you tell me a little bit accepted as internationally trained dentist in 2015. I 4. TZTA: about yourself? graduated in DDS (Doctor What are your goals as they of Dental Surgery) in 2017. relate to dentistry? Dr. Paulos: I am a Dental Surgeon with I also went, in 2017, to many years of expertise on Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Dr. Paulos: dental field focusing on University (AAU) together My goals are to provide prevention of oral diseases with my instructors from optimal preventive and of Toronto comprehensive care for my and comprehensive care of University to collaborate with the patients from their early stage my patients. Department of Dentistry of life and during adulthood. of AAU, in teaching and This way anyone can benefit 2. TZTA: clinical supervision of dental from ongoing, efficient care, Brief on your educational students. It was a great that is conducive to excellent background! experience. oral health which in turn is conducive to the general Dr. Paulos: 3. TZTA: well-being of the person. I graduated in 2005 from Why did you choose dentist University of Bologna, as a profession? 5. TZTA: Italy in the field of General What types of patients do Dentistry. Then, I continued Dr. Paulos: you treat? my studies in University When I was a child, I used to of Toronto, Faculty of
áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2
Dr. Paulos:
I treat generally all age ranges: children, young adults, senior adults according to their needs. If they need specialist care, I work as a team with reputed specialists to make sure that the personâs needs and wants are met.
6. TZTA: How is your practice changing? Is it growing? Dr. Paulos:
I am currently working in Van Horne Dental Clinic located near Victoria Park Ave and Finch Ave. Our philosophy is to provide a variety of options to meet the unique needs of our patients. We follow the current guidelines and strive to provide the most advanced care for all our patients. We accept new patients and address their chief concerns as well as their overall oral health.
7. TZTA:
Do you actively market or depend on referrals?
Dr. Paulos:
We make sure that everyone is aware of the services we provide. Our communities have now the ease and the option to address their oral health concerns with a professional who have the same cultural backgrounds. In addition to English, I speak also Amharic and Tigrinya. Continued on Page 19
Continued from page 18
8. TZTA: What experience do you have in dental field? Dr. Paulos:
I have worked extensively for more than 6 years in General Dentistry, artificial teeth, baby teeth, root canal treatment to mention few. Optimal oral health is very important for everyone. It boosts confidence and is vital to successful career and social life. Properly aligned and maintained teeth and gums contribute significantly to aesthetics in addition to function. I work incessantly to restore my patientsâ smile which is a font of satisfaction.
9. TZTA: What do you tell for Ethiopians and Eritreans about your career? Dr. Paulos:
Being a dental surgeon is very satisfying and rewarding profession. I highly recommend to those who are planning to go to University to consider this field. We are few in our region and the demand is very high. It may not be easy, but it is worth the sacrifice.
10. TZTA:
Any suggestion which you have not mentioned so far?
Dr. Paulos:
I advise anyone to visit a dental clinic and get a checkup to make sure they have no issues and if there are, to address them sooner than later. It is not advisable
to wait while there are cavities, gum bleeding, or till pain, swelling develops as waiting significantly can pose to risks/ complications and reduces the chances of treatment success. A checkup will help detect âunseenâ issues that otherwise would progress if left undetected.
11. TZTA:
Finally, what is your dental advice for Ethiopians and Eritreans?
Dr. Paulos:
I highly recommend parents to have their kids get a dental visit when their first baby teeth are erupting. This way, the kids will get familiar with dental clinic. Their oral health will be monitored from baby teeth, during transition to adult teeth, and when they have adult teeth as they grow up. Patient education and motivation is part of integral comprehensive care. Hence, patient will be educated how to brush and floss which is generally recommended twice per day; morning and evening (before sleeping). However, brushing and flossing frequency and technique may vary according to the individual specific needs which can be identified when the person has a dental visit and one to one session with the clinician. Early signs of dental diseases such as cavities and gums include but not limited to staining, white/
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grey/brown patches on teeth surfaces, gum bleeding etc. If you notice these signs and you have sensitivity or discomfort or pain, I urge you to visit a dental clinic to get a proper care. It is to be noted that a dental visit also includes oral health screening of other diseases (apart dental cavities or gum inflammation) such as fungal infections, autoimmune conditions, neoplastic/tumor condition and anomalies such as supernumerary teeth. Oral cancer screening is very important because early detection makes significant difference on the prognosis of the disease. Certain conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases etc. affect or are affected by oral environment. So, maintaining a healthy oral environment is not something that is limited just to the mouth because we have to remember more often than less that the mouth is attached to the rest of our body. We can go on for long to elucidate the value of dental visit. But in summary it the first step to assess the personâs oral health and plan accordingly so that the person can benefit maximum with the preventive/treatment measures curtailed to his/ her needs and wants. Such measures include but are not limited to sealant application on teeth with deep grooves that reduce of initiation of dental cavities
on those grooves. Diet education to help reduce the personâs caries risk will be done if there are risky dietary habits. I would like to bust some unfounded myths that are out there about x-rays and fluoride. Dental x-rays are very helpful in aiding us detect diseases/conditions that we cannot see such as inside jaw bones or in between teeth and are very safe. The dental x-ray dose is small compared to medical x-rays and with the invention of digital x-rays, the doses have been reduced even more. And Fluoride is an important mineral that help strengthen teeth to become resistant to cavities. It is found in our public water, tooth pastes and naturally in some food. When Fluoride is taken at the right dosage during formation of teeth it gets incorporated with the tooth structure and offers great resistance to dental cavities. However, if Fluoride is applied topically with tooth pastes or varnishes, rinses etc. it still provides protective role against dental cavities and helps with the remineralization of teeth surfaces. Whenever, anyone has a concern or questions, best bet is to discuss with a professional or to read a reputable research material. We are here to help. TZTA: Thank you
Displacement and Ethnic Conflict in New Ethiopia â CounterPunch
Over 8 million Ethiopians in need of food aid, $1.3bn needed
March 16, 2019
by GRAHAM PEEBLES Fundamental political reforms are underway in Ethiopia, but as the new Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed and his government work to bring about change in the country, historic ethnic divisions have erupted. Dozens of people have been killed, many more injured and over a million people displaced since April 2018 due to rising ethnic violence. The total number of internally displaced persons, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW) exceeds two million, this is a major test for the government, and to date little has been done for people driven from their homes. While other groups have been involved in the clashes, much of the violence has been attributed to men from Oromia. Young men who, Al Jazeera report, have also been accused of looting and destroying property, as well as taking new homes in the capital which had been allocated to other citizens by dint of a ballot Ethnic identity With around 80 tribal groups and a population of 105 million people (growing at an alarming rate of 2.5% per annum), 70% of who are under 30, the demographic make up of Ethiopia is diverse and complex. The Oromo, who are mainly Muslim, constitute the largest ethnic group with 35% of the population spread over a large region of the country; followed by the Amhara (Orthodox Christian) with 27%, and against who the Oromo have
fought numerous wars. Many Ethiopians identify themselves more strongly with their tribal group than their nationality; ethnic clans have their own dialect and traditions, and are deeply attached to specific areas of the country. Tribal identities die hard and, together with stories of past conflicts and injustices, are passed down the centuries from parent to child. In the early 19th Century Oromo monarchies ruled over large parts of central and southern Ethiopia, however for generations since the Oromo have complained of economic, cultural and political marginalization at the hands of governments led by politicians from other ethnic groups; most recently a brutal gang from the Tigray region who formed The Tigray Peopleâs Liberation Front (TPLF), which dominated the ruling EPRDF coalition that ruled from 1991 until April 2018. Under the TPLF regime the Oromo people, like other ethnic groups, including the Amhara and ethnic Somali, were persecuted, falsely arrested, tortured and murdered, women raped. Amnesty International published a report in 2014 entitled, âBecause I Am Oromo: Sweeping Repression in the Oromia Region of Ethiopiaâ, in which they stated âthat thousands of Oromo people were âbeing ruthlessly targeted by the state based solely on their perceived opposition to the governmentâŚdozens of actual or suspected dissenters have been killed.â There is no question that the Oromo were persecuted by the TPLF, but with the exception of people from Tigray, they suppressed the whole country. The danger now is that some Oromo may have revenge in their minds and feel protected by an Oromo Prime minister. Long held Anger One of the first actions undertaken by PM Ahmed was to dismiss all TPLF ministers, and, as Foreign Policy states, to arrest âa number
Read more on page 23
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More than eight million people need food aid in Ethiopia, a 5 percent rise from last year, due to a surge in violence that has triggered mass displacement as well as the lingering effects of past droughts, officials said on Thursday. The crisis has prompted an Ethiopian government appeal for $1.3 billion to provide emergency food and non-food assistance for 8.3 million people. âThe impacts of the climate change-induced droughts of 2016 and before have persisted. Moreover, violence in many parts of the country have added to the burden,â said Mitiku Kassa, Ethiopiaâs commissioner of national disaster risk management. Around 3 million people remain displaced in the Horn of Africa country of 100 million, according to the United Nations, largely due to a spate of ethnic clashes, mostly in the southwest and east, since last year. The outburst of violence has overshadowed reforms initiated in late 2017 with mass
releases of political prisoners that were intended to reduce tensions triggered by anti-government protests in 2015. Abiy Ahmed, who took over as premier in April last year, has also presided over major political and economic changes that have included the pardoning of exiled rebel groups and reconciliation with longtime neighbouring foe Eritrea. Although Ethiopia touts high growth rates, its economy still depends heavily on rain-fed farming, which employs three-quarters of the workforce. Some 7.9 million people were in need of food assistance in 2018 and 5.6 million the year before, requiring over $3 billion in humanitarian aid. Mitiku told reporters Ethiopia planned to spend over $107 million to cover the needs of this yearâs impact from its own coffers. The government spent $342 million last year. REUTERS
Shadow falls over Ethiopia reforms as warnings of crisis go unheeded Posted by: ECADF in News March 14, 2019
Having fled violence, a million Ethiopians now face hunger and disease. Yet Abiy Ahmed seems intent only on their return turn. the prospect of yet another round of premature returns, especially But despite the self-evident since it will coincide with the risks, the government has repeat- start of the national census in edly pushed Gedeo people back April (possibly triggering more into Oromia. When it did so in violence). Involuntary returns June, two months after the first and the âinstrumentalisationâ of wave of displacement in April, humanitarian aid are, of course, violence escalated. Nonetheless, breaches of humanitarian prinin August, the government re- ciples. sumed its efforts, in some cases loading people into buses and Why and under whose authority Despite reports of lynchings, rapes and beheadings, the Ethiopian govtrucks and driving them over such a problematic policy has ernment is trying to force people displaced by conflict to return to their the border. Aid workers say the been pursued is unclear. Ethivillages. Photograph: Maheder Haileselassie Tadese/AFP/Getty Images withdrawal of humanitarian as- opiaâs system of decentralised, (The Guardian) â In southern took place in the south, where an sistance has also been used as ethnically organised federalism Ethiopia, tens of thousands of estimated 800,000 mostly ethnic a way of putting pressure on blurs lines of responsibility. people are enduring what aid Gedeos fled the district of West people to return. In December, Some aid workers, for instance, workers say is a full-blown hu- Guji in Oromia, the countryâs roughly 15,000 Gedeos fled blame the government of Ethimanitarian crisis. But the gov- largest region. This is a higher West Guji once more. opiaâs Southern region, which ernment of the new prime minis- number, and over a shorter perihas a history of restricting huter, Abiy Ahmed, appears not to od of time, than occurred at the Such tactics are still in evidence manitarian access, while others be listening. height of Myanmarâs Rohingya in pockets of Gedeo zone like point right to the top. (The fedcrisis in 2017. Gotiti. In February, aid work- eral government denies that it It is a stain on the record of an ers â speaking on condition of supports involuntary returns or administration that, since Abiyâs The conflict looked, on the sur- anonymity because they fear the withdrawal of humanitarian appointment last April, has been face, like a Malthusian eruption jeopardising their access in other assistance to those in need.) lauded for opening up Ethiopiaâs â in which population outstrips parts of the country â said they political space and making peace food supply. Gedeos and Guji had been forbidden from proAs for Abiy himself, his gravest with neighbouring Eritrea. Last Oromos share some of the coun- viding assistance in the area for sin seems to be one of omission. month, Abiy was nominated for tryâs most densely populated months (though in the past fortHe has not visited camps housa Nobel peace prize. His gov- farmland, and both groups are night some have been given the ing displaced people in Gedeo ernment has also been praised fast growing in number. But green light by the local adminor Guji (or, reportedly, anywhere for passing a new refugee policy gruesome reports of lynchings, istration to discreetly distribute in the country) since he took ofhailed as a model of compassion rapes and beheadings, and of things like blankets). Because fice. He has, rightly, turned away and forward-thinking. Yet the complicity among local offi- food is scarce, malnutrition is from the authoritarianism of his dire situation facing millions of cials, police and militia, makes it common. Aid workers worry predecessors, but has failed to people forced from their homes seem more like organised ethnic about the spread of contagious get to grips with the security criby conflict, and the new regimeâs cleansing than an ordinary tribal diseases, especially when the sis that emerged in its stead. The approach to their plight, has in- clash. rain comes. Most of the wooden more cynical aid workers I spoke vited a more sceptical response shelters lack even plastic sheets to suggested he and those around from some observers. The vast majority of Gedeos â for roofs. him simply want to âeraseâ the who took refuge in Gedeo zone issue of displaced people before One settlement, in the village of of the neighbouring southern re- Last month, the government said it spoils the new administrationâs Gotiti, hosts 20-30,000 ethnic gion â are too scared to return. more than a million displaced international image. Gedeos who have been denied They say they have nothing to people had returned to their vilhumanitarian assistance â above return to: homes were burned en lages. It has since drawn up a two The precedents set by the reall food aid â since last August. masse and crops (mostly coffee) month âaction planâ to return sponse to the Gedeo tragedy stolen or destroyed. In recent almost all of those yet to come are deeply troubling. âWe failed More than a million Ethiopians weeks, displaced people have back. This seems to include even Gedeo-Guji,â said one senior aid were forced from their homes also said they fear rebels from Gedeos who firmly believe it is official. âAnd Iâm afraid we are by ethnic violence in 2018 â the the Oromo Liberation Front, unsafe for them back in Oromia. going to fail again [in Ethiopia], highest number of internally who are active in West Guji and but at an even larger scale.â displaced persons (IDPs) of any allegedly terrorise those who re- Aid workers speak with alarm at country last year. The worst of it
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Continued from page 17 Odowa, 33, and her daughter Sofia Abdulkadir, 5. They were on their way to visit family, a family member told CBC News. Odowaâs brother, Mohamed Ali, described his niece as âthe favourite childâ of everybody in the family. âShe had her own mind, and she always wanted things done the way she liked,â he said. âShe was amazing.â
the non-profit Abeingo Association Canada and founded the Kenyan Community in Calgary group. He leaves behind his wife Gladys Kivia, a domestic violence counsellor with the Calgary Womenâs Emergency Shelter, and three children, ages 17, 19 and 20.
Danielle Moore
conference. (Micah Messent/Facebook) Friends of another young Friends of another young environmentalist, Micah Messent from Vancouver Island, are mourning his death. CBC News spoke to his family, who acknowledged the reports, but said they did not want to comment. Messent was heading to the same UN conference, which he posted about on his Instagram the day before the crash.
Odowa leaves behind two daughters, ages seven and three.
Danielle Moore, who grew up in Toronto but was living in Winnipeg, was on her way to a UN environment conference in Nairobi. (Submitted by Ryan Oliver)
The Peel District School Board in Ontario said two of its students, Anushka, 13, and Ashka Dixit, 14, were among the dead, along with their parents, Kosha Vaidya, 37, and her husband Prerit Dixit, 45. Their grandparents, PannageshVaidya, 73, and Hansini Vaidya, 67, also died in the crash. Brampton, Ont., Mayor Patrick Brown called it âan unbelievably tragic situation for the family.â Derick Lwugi
Jessica Hyba was a communications officer for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. (Facebook)
A spokesperson for the UN High
Danielle Moore, 24, grew up in Toronto and worked in Winnipeg at the charity Canada Learning Code. She was described by family and friends as an activist who raised her voice for Indigenous rights, climate change, food security and the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition. Moore was among a group headed to a United Nations Environment Assembly. She was also a recent Dalhousie University grad. âDanielle was exceptional in every sense,â said Kim Davies, her former research adviser speaking on behalf of the members of Mooreâs former lab at Dalhousie. âShe excelled at her studies, she was a kind and friendly person, and she was deeply devoted to environmental and human rights causes.â
Angela Rehhorn was part of the United Nations Association of Canadaâs delegation to the Nairobi assembly. She was representing the Canada Service Corps Program. (Canadian Wildlife Federation)
The Canadian Wildlife Federation posted on its Facebook page that CWF Canadian Conservation Corps participant Angela Rehhorn was also heading to the UN Environment Assembly. Rehhorn was originally from Orillia, Ont., but was living in St. Andrews, N.B., and working at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre.
Peter deMarsh
Lwugi, who volunteered as an assistant pastor, sat on the board of
Commission for Refugees said Canadian-born Jessica Hyba joined the organization in Iraq in 2013 and had also worked at the organizationâs headquarters in Geneva. She had recently been appointed senior external relations officer based in Mogadishu and was âeager to get back to the field and working with refugees again,â Joung-ah Ghedini-Williams said. âPrior to UNHCR, Jessica had a long and distinguished service with Care Canada, Care International and UNICEF.â Hyba, 43, was from Ottawa, but had lived overseas for years. She leaves behind two daughters, aged nine and 12.
Darcy Belanger
Micah Messent
Derick Lwugi, 53, was an accountant from Calgary and community volunteer. (Facebook via Canadian Press)
Jessica Hyba
Angela Rehhorn
Kosha Vaidya, Prerit Dixit, children Anushka and Ashka Dixit, grandparents
Ashka Dixit, Prerit Dixit, Kosha Vaidya and Anushka Dixit, left, are among the family members killed in the crash. (Pramesh Nandi/Facebook
Continued from page 20
the sudden tragic loss of my beloved brother Peter on the Ethiopian Airlines crash this morning,â his sister, Helen deMarsh, wrote on Facebook. âHe was profoundly dear to me, I looked up to him and I will miss him every day for the rest of my life. Just days ago he met me at the airport with the biggest hug and warmest welcome.â
Peter deMarsh of Taymouth, N.B., was chair of the International Family Forestry Alliance and of the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners. (Family Forest Nepal Facebook page)
Micah Messent of Vancouver Island was also en route to the UN
áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue
Peter deMarsh of Taymouth, N.B., was chair of the International Family Forestry Alliance and of the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners. âOur circle was broken today with
Darcy Belanger was a co-founder of, a non-profit dedicated to a healthy planet. (Roka Studios/ Continued on page 23
Continued from page 23
Ameen Ismail Noormohamed
the Toronto area as one of the victims.
The death of Darcy Belanger was confirmed by, where he was one of its founding members and director of strategic initiatives.
CBC News spoke to a relative of the man who confirmed Noormohamed was on the plane and said the family is in mourning.
Rubi Pauls
He, too, was heading to the UN Environment Assembly.
StĂŠphanie Lacroix
Stephanie Lacroix was also working with the UN Association in Canada and heading to the UN Environment Assembly. (StĂŠphanie Lacroix/Facebook) According to her LinkedIn profile, StĂŠphanie Lacroix was living in Ottawa and working with the United Nations Association in Canada as a project officer with the associationâs Canada Service Corps. She was also a board member of the African Community Fund for Education Canada and previously volunteered with Free the Children. Her family members, including her mother, Sylvie Lamarche Lacroix and her uncle, Gilles Lamarche, posted about their loss on Facebook.
Dawn Tanner
Tanner, 47, is being remembered as a proud mother and selfless teacher who helped students from Six Nations with their homework during her off hours. (Grand Erie District School Board)
Dawn Tanner was a 47-year-old Hamilton-area teacher. Her death was confirmed by the Grand Erie District School Board, in a statement to CBC News.
In an emotional Facebook post, Cody French described his mother as an âextraordinary womanâ and said her family is proud she dedicated her life to helping the vulnerable.
Ameen Ismail Noormohamed was 72 years old. (Naheed Noormohamed/ Facebook) A death announcement posted to a Facebook page affiliated with the Ismaili Muslim community identified Ameen Ismail Noormohamed, 72, with ties to
Countinued from page 20 of top military and intelligence officials â many from the ethnic Tigrayan community on charges of corruption and human rights abuses.â A new (gender equal) cabinet was agreed, predominantly populated by men and women from the same ethnic group as the new PM â Oromia. Oromo people, particularly young Oromo men played a key part in the protest movement that swept across the country from 2015, culminating in the collapse of the previous regime. Now, for the first time, they have an Oromo government. The election of PM Ahmed was met with cries of âwe wonâ from Oromo people; the reaction revealed their feeling that the movement to bring about a change of government was an ethnically centered political uprising, something the rest of the population, many of who were involved in the protest actions would not agree with. The change of government â the Oromo âvictoryâ, seems to have allowed years of anger and resentment to come to the surface, and as Felix Horne of Human Rights Watch makes clear, since the new PM took office, âthe ethno-nationalist narrative is much more dominant than it used to be ⌠a lot of the young Oromoâs are not willing to take âsecond place.â This sense of entitlement is extremely dangerous, it is part of an âOromo Firstâ approach being promoted by certain influential Oromoâs and is a key factor in the recent ethnic clashes. Expectations of what the new government should do for the Oromo community is high: A group of young Oromo men told Reuters what they want: That the rights (including
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Rubi Pauls was travelling to Kenya to meet her grandfather for the first time. (Kenyan Community in Ontario) Nine-month-old Rubi was travelling to Kenya with her family to meet her grandfather for the first time. Her 34-year-old mother, seven-yearold brother, four-year-old sister and 60-year-old grandmother were on the flight with her. Rubi was the only Canadian citizen in the family. Her grandfather, Quindos Karanja, said the family was on its way back to Kenya from Ontario to visit him for Easter.
Source: CBC
land rights as they see them) of Oromoâs are respected, support for poor Oromo families, an end to corruption and unfair land deals, dignity, and more generally, âfreedom and justice, economic opportunity, jobs, democracy and free and fair elections.â In addition the Oromo stake a claim to the capital, Addis Ababa, which occupies an administrative island of autonomy within Oromia land. People from various ethnic groups populate the city, with the largest number, around half being Amhara. It is the capital for the whole country, and should not be associated with any one particular ethnic group. Social unity Under the previous regime a policy of Ethnic Federalism was introduced, the 1994 Constitution divided the country into nine ethnic regions together with two federally administered states: rights to land, employment and higher education was determined by ethnic identity; schools taught in ethnic dialects, tribal loyalties were strengthened, divisions aggravated and national unity, which was already fragile, weakened. Economic disparities between the regions caused ethnic competition and resentment, calls for succession were made by groups in the Ogaden/Somali region and Oromia and hardline ethnic political parties strengthened. The new government and leaders of the main opposition parties â all of which are ethnically rooted, are spouting the rhetoric of unity and reconciliation, this is encouraging but by itself is not enough. The PM needs to take a lead in bringing about a shift in thinking, one that acknowledges differences, celebrates tribal culture and heritage, but also inculcates a sense
of national identity, community tolerance and broad social responsibility. Strong support networks exist within extended families in Ethiopia, but there is a lack of wider social engagement and civic responsibility. The cultivation of and investment in a vibrant civil society to support those in need, whatever their ethnicity, would help to break down ethnic divisions and foster an environment of compassion and tolerance; a collective atmosphere in which neighbors, workmates, students etc. are no longer seen through a prism of ethnicity, but simply as fellow human beings, Ethiopians all. Tribal nationalism is on the rise throughout the world; an ethnically rooted country like Ethiopia is fertile ground for such extremism and all efforts must be made to build unity. Ethnic tensions and the huge number of internally displaced people is the first real test of PM Ahmedâs government; those that have been forced from their homes need to be supported and re-settled as a matter of urgency and measures taken to ensure that ethnic violence is dealt with as a criminal act, whilst introducing methods that encourage social cohesion. Building a united, tolerant country is essential if the new government is to succeed in introducing democracy to Ethiopia and creating peaceful integrated communities. Graham Peebles is a British freelance writer and charity worker. He set up The Create Trust in 2005 and has run education projects in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and India. E: W:
áľááľá áá˝ááľ / March 2019 Volume 1: Issue 2