2 minute read

Okoi Amadiowei Jacob

Strenuous issues such as: 'How much is left in mysavings?WherewillIgetextrafundstosolve the necessary needs of my home? Will my wife understand that I didn't lie to her about my finances? Will tomorrow morning be another decibeldisputebetweenmeandmywifeforher misconception about my financial situation? Where will I get more funds to satisfy the necessaryneedsofmyhome?Whowillhelpme out of these financial frictions? Where will I get enough funds to be feeding my family? Will landlord threaten in the morning? Will I ever be free from pressing financial challenges? These and many more are some unavoidable issues that are rotating round and perhaps even regularlywithintheprismsofafather'smind.

No wise person will undermine the enviable efforts of a feeding father in a married home. That boiling pain in your stomach because of hunger was chased off with money raised from yourfather'sservicestosomeoneinsociety.That tuition fee that was threatening your academic careerwaschasedoffbyfundsraisedfromyour father's services to someone in society Those Christmas costumes that were bought for you were possible due to your father's services to someone in society. That day's fear that was in mama ' s mind when the army robbers were making attempt to break into our home was chased off by bravery of your father who threatened them with supersonic shooting though he had no weapons of war at his disposal.Agoodfatherthereforeislikeaguiding spirit to members of every married home in society.


Itwasthefatherthatwenttotherisingriverfor fishing and brought home some fishes for Mom to prepare that delicious meal you enjoyed last nightyetitwasthemotherwhowasclosetothe souppotinthekitchenthatwascrownedwith sthecreditofcaringforthefamily.Itwas the father who got engaged in basic battlewithrigorousreptilestoraisefunds for you and me in a married home. Fathers are like the rotating elements of a ceiling fan that usually usher in the required comfort to every member of a marriedhome.

Every good father is an epitome of love, careandunitywhosesincereservicesfor survival and success of his home, keep the family together as an independent unitofexistenceinsociety.Howevermost unfortunately, the sacrifices of fathers in family life are underrated by their children thus the credit always goes to themotherswhoareclosertochildrenin family life. Fathers are a bit detached from children due to their engagements in outside duties yet the underlying sources in funding the family are from the fathers. A father is always a father in expression of love and care to all membersofhisGod'sgivenhome.

A father who is the male parent of a married home was offered headship liability by God thus needs to be encouraged by others for him to be successful as the head of such a social unitinsociety.Heshouldberespectedby all in the discharge of his role in family leadership.

The palanquin of every child is his father's shoulder Every embrace, cuddle or a hug carries a lot of assurance.. saying... Don't worry... I am there..

Mom's womb and father's heart are the wonderful places to reside in.. he weaves numerous dreams for the future of his children.. Though stern looking...heart in heart he worries for their well-being. Every penny earned is spent for them..hiding his problems behind an enchanting smile and masking glasses.. Children feel a father is a miser and doesn't want to spare any money.. But they realise why he did so only when he is gone..

There is a sort of unconditional love between a father and a daughter... He tries to lay the world at her feet... And while giving her away he assures and re-assures himself that she will be fine The daughter too after getting married realises father had a number of dreams for her

ItBoys on the other hand grow up complaining but at the same time.. He stands for them... They can confide in him their teenage problems and other situations they are undergoing. A small open heart tete-a-tete works wonders for them. He assures them that they can go ahead... Whenever they turn back.. they can find him standing behind... Then only they understand that he is a wall of trust and security.

So when a father chides or rebukes you for a mistake.. don't be upset.. Behind the chide lies a heart of gold. No riches in the world is it's worth. All worries and sorrows vanish on seeing his ever smiling face. Father is greater than God.

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