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Response and Recovery of Education after Covid-19 Pandemic in the Philippines

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused clashes and significant changes around the world. Education systems have been shocked due to the 2-year closures and emerging recession In the past two years of the pandemic, it brought disruptions to the education system that leads to substantial losses and divergence in learning. Internet connectivity is one of the major problems because of the snaillike connection in different areas in the country. Most learners, parents, and teachers have experienced a lot regarding connectivity during the pandemic Notwithstanding, education continues in whatever situation may arise.

The government, education personnel, and even the teachers were trying to provide learning modality modes in every area, especially in remote places, to fulfill its advocacy "Para sa bata, Para sa Bayan" mandated by the Department of Education


The school has a critical role in ensuring the delivery of essential health services, protection, and psycho-social support to the learners. Reopening schools gives a lot of responsibilities to the school heads, teachers, personnel, and parents. Everyone can help the schools to prepare and provide that support and meet the enormous challenges of the months ahead Learners will need tailored and sustained support from the teachers, parents, and other school personnel to readjust and catch up after the pandemic They need to come up with peer learning, collaboration, and other strategies to enhance their relationships and develop camaraderie and other behavioral problems during the learning process of the learners

The teachers are prepared and supported to address the learning gaps brought on by the pandemic among their students and integrate digital technology into their teaching They need to adapt to the new normal situation of schooling and protect their health in school. They provide quality education and perform different duties and responsibilities for the learners

The crisis has the time to reveal the enormous potential for innovation, resilience, and change in the education system. It needs proper communication, collaborative ideas, and building support for change The government can also help to fund and support and offer incentives to the demand and works, it can also assess the policies aligned with national needs and priorities

Through the help of the government, local government units, a private company, different organizations, and other concerned citizens they will encourage every individual especially front liners, teachers, students, senior citizens, and others to get vaccinated to protect them from the spread of the coronavirus.

The exigency of the education system is to recover brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and promote collaboration, sharing of knowledge, peer teaching, and learning action cells to strengthen the education recovery

The education system in the new normal needs better address the change and find more ways to escalate and disseminate research and innovations

"The pandemic allows us to reflect, reanalyze, reorganize and think about the future"

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